HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrane Drawings and Calculations Received 6/24/2020 MOBILE CRANE GENERAL NOTES* AGENCY APPROVALS/PERMITS IF REQUIRED THIS APPLICATION AND DRAWINGS WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL AND/OR PERMIT FROM ONE OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES. 1 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS CRANES AND DERRICK DIVISION IF CRANE PLACEMENT IS WITHIN NYC JURISDICTION AND ANY STATE AND LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES IN NYC REQUIRING IT. MTA NYC TRANSIT IF CRANE PLACEMENT IS WITHIN 200 FT OR ON A TRANSIT STRUCTURE. MTA LIRR,AMTRAK,METRO NORTH IF CRANE PLACEMENT IS ON OR WITHIN BOOM LENGTH+10FT AWAY. NYC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OCMC STREETS DIVISION IF CRANE PLACEMENT IS ON A ROADWAY AND/OR SIDEWALK WITHIN NYC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JURISDICTION. NYS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IF CRANE PLACEMENT IS WITHIN THE NYS RIGHT OF WAY.ON A ROADWAY AND/OR SIDEWALK OF A NY STATE STREET AND WITHIN SOFT OF A NY STATE RIGHT OF WAY. CRANESETUP 1.NO CRANE OPERATIONS TO START UNTIL THE SITE SAFETY PLAN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH LATEST APPROVED CN,OW(LIMITED USE)OR MASTER RIGGER OPERATIONS. 2.DO NOT DELIVER CRANE TO THE SITE BEFORE INSPECTION DATE.CRANE TO BE OPERATED BY A NYC LICENSED CRANE OPERATOR. / 1 3.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CRANE SET UP.ANY ERRORS,OMISSIONS OR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS TO BE REPORTED TO / 1 THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. 4.PONTOONS AND/OR CRIBBING TO BE OF SOUND STRUCTURAL GRADE LUMBER fb=1.2ksi Fv=120psi.PLATES-A.36 STEEL IF REQUIRED AND UNLESS OTHERWISE \ NOTED(UON) / fir'?*• 5.CRANE TO BE MOUNTED LEVEL AND CHECKED PERIODICALLY DURING WORK DAY DUE TO POSSIBLE SETTLING OF SOIL. r�koc co cgyc s` 6.CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY TRAFFIC/PEDESTRIAN CONTROL DEVICES AS REQUIRED BY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND NYSDOT MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES.TRAFFIC/PEDESTRIAN CONTROL DEVICES DEPICTED ON THIS DRAWING IS SCHEMATIC.CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE SITE CONDITIONS AND FURNISH TRAFFIC/PEDESTRIAN CONTROL DEVICES ACCORDINGLY.THE ENGINEER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAFFIC/PEDESTRIAN MAXIMUM GROSS PICK(MGP) NOT TO EXCEED THE FOLLOWING: AND ICONTROL REQU RIECES.ALL D APPI IC BLEIPERMITSTRIAN CONTROL DEVICES MUST COMPLY WITH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS / FLAGGER USED TO r�s'0 ,� 1` INSPECTIONS / COORDINATE CRANE OPERATOR 1.IN NYC CRANES WITH A BOOM AND/OR JIB CONFIGURATION OF 250FT AND LESS REQUIRE A CONTROL INSPECTION TO BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL N. / TO FOLLOW LIRR PROTOCAL THROUGH. As TRAINS PASS THRoucH. ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT. INSPECTION TO BE DOCUMENTED USING NYC DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS CRANES AND DERRICK FORMS TOE AND IOF.A COPY A, ��� �� 1 BOOM(FT)/ RADIUS LOAD RIGGING TOTAL CRANE PICKOF THE l0E FORM TO BE KEPT IN CRANE OPERATORS CAB. / / \ GRADE ADJACENT PROPERTY SEQUENCE FT RAD. LOAD CAPAC. % 2.IN NYC CRANES WITH A BOOM AND/OR JIB CONFIGURATION OF OVER 250FT REQUIRE AN INSPECTION BY NYC DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS CRANES AND DERRICK ?p p / P�� ELi28' ` SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER DIVISION. °' GROVE GMK 3050B FULL OUTRIGGERS AIAX WIND SPEED 22.3MPH A� <} r9 AUTHORITY 3.OUTSIDE OF NYC CRANE TO BE INSPECTED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT REGARDLESS OF CRANE BOOM AND/OR JIB � r; ' CONFIGURATION AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA RULES. oo / �� TAX BLOCK: 06 140.9 BOOM 33(74 ) S,OOOIbs 10001bs 6,000lbs 17,600x.b7= 50 TAX LOT: 35.9 100,100,100,100,100 11,8001bs CRANE OPERATION 1.CRANE OPERATIONS ARE TO BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/ASME B30(LATEST EDITION),APPROPRIATE OSHA RULES,RCNY 3319-01 AND SECTION 3319 "'amass. �. �s RATED LOAD SHALL BE REDUCED BY .67 IN-ORDER TO SATISFY OF THE NYC BUILDING CODE. 10 OUTLINE OF--� ' � " R33' 1 MTA CRITERIA OF 1..S SAFETY FACTOR. 2.LIFTED LOAD NOT TO EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS AS PER APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S LOAD CHART AND/OR NYC DOB APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S LOAD CHART IF �'yr�ory'�s FOOTING BELOW \ ��? ,.BOO�AIH �� NO LOAD WILL BE A CRITICAL PICK. REQUIRED. r�s'0' N3.SEE WIND ACTION PLAN FOR WIND RESTRICTIONS. r 4.LOAD CAPACITY OF THE CRANE MAY BE LIMITED BY THE ROPE CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE AS WELL AS BY NUMBER OF PARTS OF LINE.CONSULT WITH AREA OF/AROUND CRANE °�fR ` MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND CRANE VENDOR. OPERATION TO BE CLEARED of ANY MATERIAL. 5.DO NOT LIFT LOADS,INCLUDING THE BOOM/JIB WHILE UNDER LOAD,OVER PEDESTRIANS,WORKERS,ADJACENT BUILDINGS,AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. GRADE ` cot ® EL. 28 6. IF CRANE WILL SWING OVER OCCUPIED BUILDING TOP TWO FLOORS WHERE THE LOAD WILL SWING MUST BE VACANT OR HEAVY DUTY PROTECTION MUST BE 1 PROVIDED. 1&2 STORY < BUILDING TO 7. ROOF OR OVERHEAD PROTECTION REQUIRED OVER ADJOINING BUILDING AND OR PROPERTY AS PER BC3309.10 OR AS REQUIRED BY COMMISSIONER.� ���111 BE VACATED 1 1 8.FLAG PERSON MUST BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND/OR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS TO STOP PEDESTRIANS AND/OR 7055 MAIN ROAD �Il 1 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC WHILE LIFTING MATERIALS OVERHEAD.THE NUMBER OF FLAG PERSON(S)SHOWN ARE A SUGGESTION THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF FLAG PERSON(S) 1 MATTITUC K, NY 11952 �I o o 00 REQUIRED SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY OWNER,CONTRACTOR,DOT,AND OR DOB. PROPOSED CELL TOWER 0 9.DO NOT LIFT LOADS OVER HOIST CARS OR MAST WHEN HOIST IS IN OPERATION OR THE HOIST CARS ARE OCCUIPIED.IF THE HOOK LOAD IS WITHIN 15FT OF THE HOIST TAX BLOCK: 06 r1 A SPECIAL PROTOCOL TO BE PROVIDED AND KEPT ON SITE AND IN OPERATORS CAB. TAX LOT: 35.4 0 10.NO CRANE OR DERRICK SHALL BE OPERATED IN SUCH A LOCATION THAT ANY PART OF THE MACHINE OR OF ITS LOAD SHALL AT ANY TIME COME WITHIN 15FT OF AN ENERGIZED POWER LINE.ALL OVERHEAD POWER LINES TO BE CONSIDERED ENERGIZED. \0 0 0 � O THESE NOTES ARE PROVIDED ASA GUIDE THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIMINISH OR SUPERCEDE ANY APPLICABLE CITY,STATE OR FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 2'± r ` MIN - LIMIT OF ± = 1 ' _ 0 " TRAFFIC LIGHT _ 0 Isf0 �� LAMP POLE EGRESS 004, O2 ` �M A N H 0 L E •':� ® CATCH BASIN = - GRATING �o� P � \ ADJUSTMENT UNLESS A FIRE HYDRANT OT H E F W I S E NOTED . 11=rI-L= BACKFILL S T STORY /1 1\1 Cj TY P DETAIL SCALE: NTS o STANDPIPE RISER CONC. BLOCK //1 11 0 p \� - SIAMESE CONNECTION S H ED / 1 / CRANE CAN BE ROOF PROTECTION 1 STORY BRICK MANHOLES �o-o LADDER & BLOCK BUILDINGS OVERHEAD PROTECTION �rF / R 0 TAT E D 1800 . STAIR TOWER N 0 VAULTS U T HIGH SHED L S WITHIN . INFORMATION SIGNAGE ® SIDEWALK SHED CRANE OPERATING AREA Q PARKING NG MMETER OR MUNI METER TRAFFIC REG. SIGN LOADING DOCK CRIBBING NOTES: TIMBER - N O OVERHEAD WIRES ft A BIKE LANE W/OVERHEAD PROTECTION \ OUTRIGGER WITHIN OPERATING AREA. o BUS LANE - - SHEETING h BRACING OUTRIGGER nI� �" DIRECTION PEDESTRIAN/WORKER „ m m DRIVENCAISSOPILES (SOE) ADJACENT PROPERTY / -a--a--�� PLYWOOD FENCE W/MESH (U.O.N) / �A5 TIMBER TRAFFIC/TRUCK B' HIGH CONST FENCE (U.O.N) TAX BLOCK: 06 TAX LOT: 19.4 DIRECTIONEXISTING ADJACENT PROPERTY \ TIMBER -® UTILITY POLE W/WIRE _ - - TAX BLOCK: 06 ��� 1 / OVERHEAD Q ®eeeEMEMEi \T' PLASTICMANHLE BARRIERw/FENCE - GUARD RAIL 13.9 �U.S' PROPERTY LINE TAX LOT: 36 \ � \ O WIRE. � � � PLASTIC BARRIER O` \ / \ ® JERSEY BARRIER -"'-'� OUTLINE HORIZ NETTING \ / �<zZ 47-O" 7_Off 8Y-0" �,�, I f� TIMBER BARRIERS (MOVABLE) " •• OUTLINE COCOON NETTING / P 'l� \�� 12' MIN GATE U.O.N CHAIN LINK FENCE \ 1. (8)-6"x6"x8'-0" MIN. LONG TIMBERS WITH (4)-6"x6"x4'-0" MIN � v WORKER EGRESS x CROSSING SIDEWALK LONG PLANK ON TOP (SHOWN ABOVE) UNDER EACH OUTRIGGER. C�, ADDITIONAL TIMBER PLANKS TO LEVEL AS REQ'D O MAIL Bax G8 GUARD eooTH I 2 0•3' ® PUBLIC PHONE ® TRAFFIC BOX / 6 TRAFFIC (DRUM) BARRELS �_� PLANTER w/TREE / nl?np� / TRAFFIC CONES v DC --CURB CRANE CAN BE ADJUSTED f5' N / �2� 10' SLIDING GATE (U.O.N) IN THE NORTH/SOUTH DIRECTION \ FLAGPERSON 20' SLIDING GATE (U.O.N) SITE SAFETY NOTE: c �» SHARED BIKE LANE FOR A CRANE LOCATED ON A PROJECT THAT IS UNDER THE DOB r" TREE »> S 13.2 2` j, SITE SAFETY PROGRAM, THE CRANE SHALL NOT BE OPERATED ' ' Or, UNLESS THERE IS AN APPROVED SITE SAFETY PLAN FOR THIS . - --- PORT 0 SAN e PICK AREA / CONSTRUCTION PHASE. DOT REGUTA77ONS LEGEND CRANE DIMENSIONS cPARKIN. R PA IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE APPROVED CRANE NO PARKING NO PARKING / NOTICE AND THE APPROVED SITE SAFETY PLAN, THE CRANE PLAN O MONDAY-FRIDAY O MONDAY-FRIDAY CRANE CAN BE ADJUSTED f5' SHALL GOVERN FOR CRANE-RELATED ITEMS AND THE SITE SAFETY GROVE GMK 30508 FULL OUTRIGGERS LEFT k RIGHT ARROW LEFT&RIGHT ARROW IN THE EAST DIRECTION E PLAN SHALL GOVERN FOR SAFETY RELATED ITEMS UNRELATED TO / THE CRANE. SITE PLAN ;; R CEIVEQ CRIBBING CAN BE PROPOSED WORK ERECT SCALE: 1 "=30'-0" � / JUN 2 4 2020 ROTATED IN ANY ANGLE CELL TOWER NORTH O R ORIENTATION I I S0utnoldTown NO LOAD TO BE CRITICAL PIC K Planning Board SPECIAL INSPECTION NOT REQ ' D No. REVISIONS BY PROJECT: 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 DRAWING TITLE: MOBILE CRANE INSTALLATION FOR GROVE GMK 3050B PMM CRANES 140.9' MAIN BOOM SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 6/15/2020 M L_ ZE OF PROJECT NO: 2020169 FULL OUTRIGGERS (20.3') CTWT 29,900Ibs * S�PNG M NFA DRAWN BY: AMS ENGINEERING P. C. \� �ti CONSULTING CD.# 4701 , 4871 , 5001 OR 5061 C C�' � p CHK BY: HML DWG NO: z - ��_ti �m265 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SU TE 33 ROCKVILLE CENTRE N . Y . 11570 _r 1_ MC - 001 . 00 TEL: ( 516 ) 208 - 1341 FAX : ( 516 ) 705 - 5132 SAO L CSHEET: COPYRIGHT DESIGN NOT TO BE LENT, COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OP. IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. THIS OFFICE DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DRAWINGS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THIS PROJECT UNLESS THEY BEAR THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OFA PROFESSIONAL BLOCK: 06 LOT: 35.4 CN V �;pnaUrADDMCFILE:ENGItIEER OF THIS OFFICE. THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW PROHIBITS ANY ALTEP.ATIONS TO OR DELETIONS FROM THIS DRAWING, EXCEPT AS MAY BE MADE BY A LICEPJSED PROFESSIONAL ENGIfJEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT WHO WILL BEAR THE RESPONSIBILIT'f FOR SUCH CHAfIGE OR ALTERATION. X:PMRANES 2020169 1 OF 3 v / / %�0 'p \ T� 6 , `X�s�C'`r � ' c0 �Q S 41,r -_-_ _ _ T.O. WHIP ANTENfJA� EL:119'-6"(±147.5') X �A Ix\ A/ EL:110'-O (±1318') FLAGGER USED TO �oJ A CIO ' COORDINATE WITH o CRANE OPERATOR 1 TO FOLLOW LIRR PROTOCAL AS TRAINS PASS THROUGH. GRADE EL:±28' �,`'�, z ,J PIN_A A I Q- O O _T.O. BASE POLE gk II 7 J I � I `x\� O-) �P OUTLINE OF �e,PQ- R33' I , o>>9 FOOTING BELOW ��` 140.9' MAIN ' BOOM o f �Q I f67'-0" / f33' � sro FROM PL ROM CELL TOWERC� ' (LIMIT f=5'-0") / (LIMIT f=5'-0") �-q / AREA OF/AROUND CRANE I I OPERATION TO BE I CLEARED OF ANY MATERIAL. L / / � II / GRADE I AREA OF/AROUND CRANE / �'O EL:±28' I OPERATION TO BE /Ij CLEARED OF ANY MATERIAL. , c I I ccs 1 & 2 STORY GRADE w LIMIT ±=5'-011)— TO EL: 28, GRADE Yi Yi jyi iU r i yiv`y v yJ r..r fir. y., ... i > . �.,,: u., r v :�'r.: r r i'ri' 'rr r r .r ,r r r r. < v„ -- - ✓�11. i i�T r i r lr ?Y. r' r�� r rrr r% ( ) BUILDING TO . �,:l..K.; !. i�� ✓. r Kiri rr,,� .ri.Ti i �i rrY�ir�ri�ilii� i �T.Yi:✓Y,Y� Ty�;rNr y;r y yr EL:0' rr USE \ `i.•... BE VACATED ADDITIONAL — ,' 1 TIMBER OR PLANK TO 1l `� _ B.O. FOOTING r "r r ri, ri:r r r r vi 1 r 1 LEVEL AS REO'D 1 �� �� y✓� y;����{v�� EL:-6'-6"(±21.5') ENLARGED SITE PLAN 001!�P "- ' 11 SECTION A SCALE: 3/32 -1 -0 SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" NORTH RECEDED JUN 2 4 2020 Southold Town Planning Board —N o. REVISIONS BY PROJECT: 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 DRAWING TITLE: MOBILE CRANE INSTALLATION FORGROUE GMK 3050B CRANES ML 140.9' MAIN BOOM SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 6/15/2020 '(E OF PROJECT NO: 20201 69 FULL OUTRIGGERS (20.3') CTWT 29,900lbs * COPN� M NFA DRAWN BY: AMS ENGINEERING P. C. � L CONSULTING CD# 4701 , 4871 , 5001 OR 5061 ti ,� CHK BY: HML C� l0 o rrr ��; m DWG NO: 265 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE 33 ROCKS LLE CENTRE N .Y. 11570 rn 'a 11j�� MC - 002 . 00 TEL: 516 208 - 141 FAX : ( 516 ) 705 - 5132 541 Sip s.L CADD FILE: SHEET: COPYRIGHT DESIGN NOT TO BE LENT, COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PPIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. THIS OFFICE DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DRAWINGS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THIS PROJECT UNLESS THEY BEAR THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF A PROFESSIONAL BLOCK: 06 LOT: 35.4 CN ENGIIJEER OF THIS OFFICE. THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW PROHIBITS ANY ALTERATIONS TO OR DELETIONS FROM THIS DRAWIfJG, EXCEPT AS MAY BE MADE BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ElIGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT WHO WILL BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH CHANGE OR ALTERATION. X:PMMCRANES 2020169 2 OF 3 GROVE GMK 3050B WIND ACTION (STORAGE) PLAN �o 140.9' MAIN BOOM / / / / T/ m l/ h no / / T o / O O O 0 PROCEDURE 1: WHEN WIND SPEED IS PREDICTED TO BE O 22.3 MPH CEASE ALL OPERATIONS, 22.3 MPH-26.7 MPH SLEW SUPERSTRUCTURE PROCEDURE 2: SO THAT THE MAIN CREATES AS LITTLE WIND RESISTANCE AS POSSIBLE. WHEN WIND SPEED IS PREDICTED TO BE ABOVE 26.7 MPH RETRACT MAIN BOOM' FULLY, 26.8 MPH-45 MPH SLEW SUPERSTRUCTURE 00 o SO THAT THE MAIN CREATES AS LITTLE WIND RESISTANCE AS POSSIBLE. 0 PROCEDURE 3: WHEN MORE THAN 45 MPH, OUT OF SERVICE AT NIGHT, CRANE UNATTENDED & STORM R ECEIVED CONDITION FULLY RETRACT THE MAIN BOOM, & LOWER DOWN.CRANE TO REMAIN AT OPERATING AREA WITH PROPER DOT PERMITS IF APPLICABLE.FOLLOW MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND DOT REQUIREMENTS IF APPLICABLE. No. REVISIONS BY PROJECT: 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 GROVE GMK 3050B DRAWING TITLE: MOBILE CRANE INSTALLATION FOR PMM CRANES SEAL & SIGNATURE: DATE: 6/15/2020 IVIL 140.9 CONSULTINGMAIN BOOM TE OFPROJECT NO: 2020169 --- --- E I EERING P. C. FULL OUTRIGGERS (20.3') CTWT 29,900lbs � SENG 444. DRAWN BY: AMS HLfNG N LOYE CD# 4701 , 4871 , 5001 OR 5061 \� z__ �a o CHK BY: HML m l rn DWG NO: ��;r 265 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE 33 ROCKVILLE CENTRE N .Y. 11570 m �� d MC 003 . 00 TEL: 516 208 - 1341 FAX : 516 705 - 5132 °�SS4, ON CADD FILE: SHEET: COPYRIGHT DESIGN NOT TO BE LENT, COPIED OR REPRODUCED III WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PPIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. THIS OFFICE DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DRAWINGS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THIS PROJECT UNLESS THEY BEAR THE SIGPJATURE AND SEAL OF A PROFESSIONAL BLOCK: 06 LOT: 35.4 ENGINEER OF THIS OFFICE. THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATIOIJ LAW PROHIBITS ANY ALTERATIOIJS TO OR DELETIONS FROM THIS DRAWING, EXCEPT AS MAY BE MADE BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL EIIGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT WHO WILL BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH CHANGE OR ALTERATIOII. C.N# X:PMMCRANES 2020169 3 OF 3 HM Loke Consulting JOS Engineering, P.C. SHEETNO. m , OF ML 265 Sunrise C ntre, NY 115703 Q CALCULATED BY M� DATE 2 2 (516) 208-1341 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ; I �`7y N fl 1 1 Y 1 z......... �.... .� e ®I 9 2. .......... ..... ._ S ...... .. - ,.., ,� ...... ,....., ,,, ,., _.__ ....... _...... r Id(I , .n. „m e r 24 0— Ix , I ; , p "•j q I r K 1 � , I � I m.,,, .� ,.: • ._. ,. w • r I . t 1 t ! , i i � I 1 I r f -., _..... Q7 o G! At �0 i p p + 14 1 L i I p i I 1 1 f 1 I I 1 t I I I 1 l canmMr�nea p�,m w.ai�nc��v.w.n U I Outrigger Pad Load Calculator Crane setup crane model: GMK3060 configuration: MB ident number: 3257400 outrigger base: 22.39x20.34ft standard: 85% LMB-code: slew range: 0 to 360° superstructure-angle: 0° S 0% max 17.6 ki act 0 ki Side view Top view(incl.ground bearing pressures) 0.34 ft BR-max:32.1klb BL-max:31.8klb BR-act:18.1klb BL-act:18.1klb ' rt ✓� 100 efo ( �'�I 1it0% 140.8 ft 110.17 ft 10.17 it MI NI 10.17 10,17 ft %��'if�%��'rm',, 29.9 kip N FR-act:25klb FL-act:25klb 25 ft FR-max:26.6k1b FL-max:26.8klb 0.34 f Load charts/load graphs Disclaimer The Outrigger Pad Load calculations produced by this software are not a substitute for Radius Load Height ft kip ft adherence to all load chart requirements and safe crane operating practices and 25 17.6 148.29 limitations.Always confirm that the lifted load and the actual crane configuration are 30 17.6 147.01 35 17.6 145.53 approved by the applicable load chart In addition,the accuracy of the Outrigger Pad 40 16.4 143.85 45 15.2 141.96 Load calculations Is entirely dependent upon the user Inputting proper 50 14.2 139.85 dataflnformation.If inaccurate data Is Input,the Outrigger Pad Load calculations will 55 13 137.5 60 11.8 134.9 not be accurate. 65 10.6 132.05 70 9.6 128.91 75 9 125.47 Design of ground support sufficient to withstand calculated loads Is within the sole 80 8 121.69 85 7.2 117.55 responsibility of the user of this software and/or the Site Supervisor(see ASME 90 6.4 112.99 95 5.8 107.96 630.5-2007 5J. Reliance upon inaccurate calculations and/or improper 100 5 102.39 ground support could lead to tip over(and potentially result In death,serious bodily 105 4.4 96.15 110 3.8 89.1 Injury, damage to the crane and/or damage to other property). If you have any 115 3.4 80.99 120 3 71,39 questions as to whother the datafinformation you are inputting Into the software Is accurate,please contact Product Marketing. created with Manitowoc Outrigger Pad Load Calculator,ver.:1.3.5-20200427 CRANI MAX® eanitowocl Canitowoc" Outrigger Pad Load Calculator Crane setup crane model: GMK3060 configuration: MB ident number: 3257400 outrigger base: 22.39x20.34ft standard: 85% LMB-code: slew range: 0 to 360° superstructure-angle: 0° 0% max 17.,E ki act 0 ki Side view Top view(incl.ground bearing pressures) 20.34 f BR-max:30k1b BL-max:29.8kib ra BR-act:19.4kib BL-act:19.4kib 14O.Hft, 10.17 ft 10.17 ft 74.4-1 100% 10o eye -°-------L- 10.17 ft i ,. 10.17 ft 29.9 kip 1° FR-act:23.8klb FL-act:23.8klb " FR-max:25k1b FL-max:25.2k1b 20.34't' Load charts/load graphs Disclaimer The Outrigger Pad Load calculations produced by this software are not a substitute for Radius Load Height ft kip ft adherence to all load chart requirements and safe crane operating practices and 25 17.6 148.29 limitations.Always confirm that the lifted load and the actual crane configuration are 30 17.6 147.01 35 17.6 145.53 approved by the applicable load chart In addition,the accuracy of the Outrigger Pad 40 16.4 143.85 45 15.2 141.96 Load calculations Is entirely dependent upon the user Inputting proper 50 14.2 139.85 datarnformatlon.if inaccurate data is Input,the Outrigger Pad Load calculations will 55 13 137.5 60 11.8 134.9 not be accurate. 65 10.6 132.05 70 9.6 128.91 75 9 125.47 Design of ground support sufficient to withstand calculated loads Is within the sole 80 8 121.69 85 7.2 117.55 responsibility of the user of this software and/or the Site Supervisor(see ASME 90 6.4 112.99 95 5.8 107.96 B30.5-2007 5- Reliance upon Inaccurate calculations and/or Improper 100 5 102.39 ground support could lead to tip over(and potentially result in death,serious bodily 105 4.4 96.15 110 3.8 89.1 Injury, damage to the crane and/or damage to other property). If you have any 115 3.4 80.99 120 3 71,39 questions as to whether the data/information you are Inputting into the software Is accurate,please contact Product Marketing. created with Manitowoc Outrigger Pad Load Calculator,ver.:1.3.5-20200427 C RAN I IMAX® Canaowoc' Outrigger Pad Load Calculator Crane setup crane model: GMK3060 configuration: MB ident number: 3257400 outrigger base: 22.39x20.34ft standard: 85% LMB-code: slew range: 0 to 360° superstructure-angle: 0° 34.1% max l7» ki act 6 kl Side view Top view(incl.ground bearing pressures) 20.34 ft BR-max:28.2kib BL-max:28.1klb BR-act:23.3kib BL-act:23.3klb J 100 e7� 100°/a 140.8 ft 10.17 ft 10.17 ft 77.8° 100 9a 100°% -- - 10.17 ft 10.17 ft 29.9 kip FR-act:22.8kib FL-act:22.8k1b 25 ft FR-max:23.4k[b FL-max:23.5kib 20.34 Load charts/load graphs Disclaimer The Outrigger Pad Load calculations produced by this software are not a substitute for Radius Load Height ft kip ft adherence to all load chart requirements and safe crane operating practices and 25 17.6 148.29 limitations.Always confirm that the lifted load and the actual crane configuration are 30 17.6 147.01 35 17.6 145.53 approved by the applicable load chart In addition,the accuracy of the Outrigger Pad 40 16.4 143.85 45 15.2 141.96 Load calculations Is entirely dependent upon the user Inputting proper 50 14.2 139.85 datalinformatlon.If inaccurate data is input,the Outrigger Pad Load calculations will 55 13 137.5 60 11.8 134.9 not be accurate. 65 10.6 132.05 70 9.6 128.91 75 9 125.47 Design of ground support sufficient to withstand calculated loads Is within the sole 80 8 121.69 85 7.2 117.55 responsibility of the user of this software and/or the Site Supervisor(see ASME 90 6.4 112.99 95 5.8 107.96 830.5-2007 Reliance upon Inaccurate calculations and/or Improper 100 5 102.39 ground support could lead to tip over(and potentially result in death,serious bodily 105 4.4 96.15 110 3.8 89.1 Injury, damage to the crane and/or damage to other property). If you have any 115 3.4 80.99 120 3 71.39 questions as to whether the datalinformation you are inputting Into the software is accurate,please contact Product Marketing. created with Manitowoc Outrigger Pad Load Calculator,ver.:1.3.5-20200427 C RANI MAX® eanitowoc canffowOC' Outrigger Pad Load Calculator Crane setup crane model: GMK3060 configuration: MB ident number: 3257400 outrigger base: 22.39x20.34ft standard: 85% LMB-code: slew range: 0 to 360° superstructure-angle: 0° S 34.1% max fjylllact 6kt Side view Top view(incl.ground bearing pressures) 20.34 It BR-max:25.9kib BL-max:25.9kib T BR-act:25.6k1b BL-act:25.6k1b r°e I 140.8 ft10.17 ft 10„17 ft --------- 10.17 ft � 10.17 ft 29.9 kip ! ? � FR-act-20.6kib FL-act:20.6klb a 33ftj FR-max:2l.lklb FL-max:21.7k1b CP,34 t" Load charts/load graphs Disclaimer The Outrigger Pad Load calculations produced by this software are not a substitute for Radius Load Height ft kip ft adherence to all load chart requirements and safe crane operating practices and 25 17.6 148.29 limitations.Always confirm that the lifted load and the actual crane configuration are 30 17.6 147.01 35 17.6 145.53 approved by the applicable load chart.In addition,the accuracy of the Outrigger Pad 40 16.4 143.85 45 15.2 141.96 Load calculations Is entirely dependent upon the user Inputting proper 50 14.2 139.85 datarrnformation.if Inaccurate data Is input,the Outrigger Pad Load calculations will 55 13 137.5 60 11.8 134.9 not be accurate. 65 10.6 132.05 70 9.6 128.91 75 9 125.47 Design of ground support sufficient to withstand calculated loads Is within the sole 80 8 121.69 85 7.2 117.55 responsibility of the user of this software and/or the Site Supervisor(see ASME 90 6.4 112.99 95 5.8 107.96 B30.5-2007 5- Reliance upon Inaccurate calculations and/or Improper 100 5 102.39 ground support could lead to lip over(and potentially result in death,serious bodily 105 4.4 96.15 110 3.8 89.1 injury, damage to the crane and/or damage to other property). If you have any 115 3.4 80.99 120 3 71.39 questions as to whether the detarrnformation you are inputting into the software is accurate,please contact Product Marketing. created with Manitowoc Outrigger Pad Load Calculator,ver.:1.3.5-20200427 C RANI MAX® lanitowoc Grove Product Guide ASME 830.5 Imperial 85% , r 7r 71 n P Features • 9,7 m—43 m(32 ft-141 ft)six-section • 265 kW(355 hp)Tier4i Mercedes OM501LA full power boom six-cylinderturbo-charged diesel engine. • Patented TWIN-LOCK- boom pinning system Zf=,AS Tronic transmission • 8,7 m—15 m • MEGATRAK'"" independent hydro-pneumatic(28.5 ft—49.2 ft) bi-fold lattice suspension swingaway, hydraulic luffing or manual offset • 13 600 I<g (29,983 Ib)counterweight with hydraulic • New Manitowoc Crane Control System removal system • New carrier cab Specif ications ........... ONE= controlled from each side of carrier and the superstructure cab. Electronic crane level indicators. *Optional hook blocks Engine Possible load Mercedes-Benz OM 501 LA six cylinder,water cooled, Lifting WeParts of with the turbo-charged,with 265 kW(355 bhp) at 1800 rpm. capacity Sheaves ight line crane* Max.torque 1850 Nm (1365 ft/Ib) at 1300 rpm. 63 t 600 kg GO t Compression and exhaust brakes. (69 USE) 5 (1322 lb) 2-10111' (65 USE*) Engine emissions:EUROMOT/EPA/CARB (off road) 40 t 3 400 kg 35 t Tier 4i (44 USE) (880 lb) 2-7 (38 USE) 16 r 250 kg 15 t Fuel tank capacity (17.6 USE) i (551 lb) 1-3 (16.5 USO (5.5USt) H/B 100 kg 5 r(220 b) 1 (5.5 USE) 300 L(79 gallons). �Requires.... . . ........�._._ ...,... ..._._ additional boom nose sheave Transmission *Optional equipment ZF,AS Tronic, 12 speeds forward,2 reverse. • Windspeed indicator Drive/steer • Worklights mounted on base section if, • Aircraft warning lights • Hook blocks/headache ball 6x4x6 • Retractable cab foot walk • Additional spotlight on superstructure cab • Radio/CD player for superstructure cab Axles • Air conditioning—combined system for both cabs • Additional strobe light for superstructure 1st axle line—steer(optional drive) • Working range limiter 2nd axle line—drive/steer • Wireless remote control for all crane functions (Hetronic) 3rd axle line—drive/steer(connects for all wheel steer) • Automatic centralized lubrication for superstructure Drive axles with planetary hub reduction and center • 360° positive swing lock mounted gearing. Inter-axle and cross axle differential locks. Suspension Chassis Grove's exclusive MEGATRAK7 suspension. Independent hydro-pneumatic system acting on all Box type,torsion resistant frame is fabricated from wheels with hydraulic lockout.Suspension can be high strength steel. raised 170 mm (6.7 in) or lowered 130 mm(5.1 in)both longitudinally and transversely.Features an Outrigger system automatic leveling system for highway travel. Four hydraulic single stage outrigger beams with �„� Tires vertical cylinders and outrigger pads, 500 mm(19.7 in) square. Outriggers can be set in 3 positions: 6 tires,445/95 R25 (16.00 R25);vehicle width 2.75 m Full 6,2 m (20.3 ft) (9.0 ft) Partial 4,4 m (14.4 ft) Retracted 2,3 m(7.6 ft) Independent horizontal and vertical movement Grove G M K3060 *Denotes optional equipment 5 Dimensions 11407 m m(37.4') 10 895 mm(35.7") 9600 mm(31.51 3320 mm(10;9") 294 mm(1.0) o E N � E ea v N E 85 mm(01) 1475 mm 1250 mm 1135 mm 1985 mm(6.51 (4.81 (4.11 2790 mm(92) 650 mm(5,4°) (37) 6825 mm(22.41 8685 mm(28.5'") 1, L410MMOS) 6825 mm MAI t 4235 mm(13.9") 2590 mm(8.5') co 9 e ( r .: e ion E E E E E ID .. s Slewing pivot ray Asa 0 Qj 4> �f 5 7 nr'4 4015 mm('13.2') 2810 mm(9.2°) Grove GMI(3060 Transport proposal_ 11407 mm(37.0 10 8'95 pA�m(35.x) 9600 mnl(31.5') 9' i 294 mm 3':120 ralm 10. I.0')' r4 E E LJ 1`' N s�. �w 85 rri�m (s'T '14.00-3658 mm 02.0') 1475 aTpm T250 m 18'S0'mm 1135 perm 16.0020.5-3718 mm 02.2') 1965 mm(6,4") 4.6 4.1' 2790 rnrn(9.2') (5,:4") (3.7',) 6825 mm(22.4") 8685 mm(28.5") 41 Ir 410 mm 0.31 : • • • • Basic Weights-kg(lb) Axial Axles 2 and 3 Total Mercedes power,28.5-49.2'hydraul&coffsets'wMAill?awaylccdrrphng brackets and hose reel.16,00R25 tares,8m4x6 drfive steer„2nd 11517 (25.391) 23 957 (52,815) 35474 (7$206) w cra(cooder"oaatrier pads auxiliary hoist,6600 kg(14,55D 1b) i 1 coucaaerwtalght uxedtarsu,trenstrwcauredriver and tanks(atlled.. - Addltlonxs 6x4drrvedsta=er,. 139 _ (748) 360 ( 4) .. leactracdrly lane retarder 0 stowaa " 70 268 ( 18'7 (4 ) 65 _ (375) wheel azs xcc saet9pprrp vurtla stowage11 lig (3 ) _ 4n4 49aa=_ 5 ( 4 _ a r1 . 1a , to� etstru¢s�+,e Vii- [--- 620 (1368) (MA tltro kg(221 } as ervrnaetarpsl brA. p _ ) 6 (3651)._ LOA fa1T 20a1ilkgz400d(�),courst(rtea Yat sl"wdar..lana ca1_tosu arslraac¢are 12,27 (-2741 g _ _ 040 (22513) _ 1 2lhtM0 k 4,ry0t} g — .P_ _Ir 4) 3297 (?2b8),. 37d1 (4564) ld1CVOkp('2.tl;0 Er cra'etakemrvreacdlfltsi.aboncarrier deck(base gpla_8e) _ 1042.' _ (7.2'97) -2 (-4) 1Q'13t1 (�93) _.... �G )couin(rsa aglth stla(3 rn tlrrpe( ,tk 2074 ., , (s5M, _. 4 [ ) 2070 substitutions „fR2 dress X588)265 94 3.98 (877) Cw9 0 i 188 X484) 2F12 (622) Reovals f Rem Hose reel(or hyd utlC c s nrlr gavvay 0 k 26 11. (2�3) — _ g 6) 55 022) G5 (143) lOm1aa17 b (nose)t)hyrdraulic,swir auva/ (-4 128 9) 134 MLO -885 (12 oomY) w, ._ .... (?�3') 68 O5)). -60 (132) _ _,. 3 70 (159) lggrroa )roplt 97 214) 25 65)_ _ (§4�� i los � (238 _ �o (154),.... THIS CHART IS ONLYA GUIDEAND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO OPERATE THE CRANE. 9 Grove G M K3060 The individual crane's load chart,operating instructions and other instructional plates must be read and understood prior to operating the crane. Lifting capacity charts acc.to 85% (lbs/ft) Remarks Secure rigging mode (park position) Move the truck crane into the park position if: - The permissible wind speed is exceeded during the hoisting work. - The crane is put out of service. Park positions are optimised positions in which the crane can withstand a particularly high wind speed. In special cases, however, such wind speeds no longer allow the park position to be established, since to do this the device would have to drive through areas in which the wind speed could no longer be withstood. Care must therefore be taken to ensure that these park positions are reached early enough. We know that in some applications, the specified park position cannot be established or only with substantial effort. In such cases, the operator must ensure that, in conjunction with the anticipated meteorological conditions, all required measures for securing the crane are met, such as: - Involving an approved inspector, - Establishing a rigging mode that approaches the specified park position as closely as possible(where necessary, in consultation with Manitowoc CraneCare), - Taking precautions to ensure that qualified personnel can react immediately should unexpected dangers arise(emergency service, supervision). The park positions for the various operating modes are described below: Park position for main boom operation Windspeeds > 20 m/s 65 ft/s • Set down the load. • Fully retract the main boom. • Slew the superstructure to the front or to the rear. • Set down the main boom. Wind speed s >V0+ 2m/s 6.5f " • Set down the load. • Position the boom at a steep angle. • Retract the main boom until reaching a configuration that does not exceed the maximum permissible wind speed. V <Wind seeds < /0+ 2 m/s (6.5 ft/s)_ • Set down the load. • Position the boom at a steep angle. • Slew the superstructure so that the main boom offers as little wind resistance as possible. GMK 30506i 3 259 031 en 1 -19 Canitowoc 7 Grove GMK Outrigger pressure table GMK 30508 The outrigger pressure table of the GMK 3060i applies for calculation of the outrigger pressures for the GMK 3050B. Note on outrigger pressures Calculate the outrigger pressures using the formula provided in the outrig- ger pressure table.Always use the value given in the outrigger pressure table for the safe working load, even if this is above the maximum lifting capacity of the GMK 30508. Tables that apply for calculation of outrigger pressures have identification numbers without an index, e.g. 3 257 400. Note on lifting capacities Only the lifting capacity tables enclosed with delivery apply for the lifting capacities of the GMK 3050B.Tables that apply for the lifting capacities have identification numbers with the index A, e. g. 3 257 400A. Go to Contents list s N tV O Additional pages GMK 30508 3 113 206 en 1 Main boom Lifting capacity charts acc.to 85% (lbs/ft) 3 257 400A Crane with 29 900 lbs(13.6 t)counterweight Outrigger base-length 22.4 ft - width 20.4 ft Main boom-fixed length in ft 94.5 99.6 111.4 117.4 122.1 128.5 131.9 140.9 Tel. sec. 1 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.47 1.00 1.00 Tel. sec. II 0.00 0.49 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tel. sec. III 1.00 0.51 0.51 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tel. sec. IV 1.00 0.53 0.53 1.00 0.53 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tel. sec..V 1.00 0.55 0.55 1.00 1 0.55 1 1.00 1 0.55 1 1.00 Slewing 360° range Radius in feet Lifting capacities in 1000 lbs 15.0 27.8 42.0 20.0 23.8 36.8 32.6 24.2 26.2 18.6 20.8 25.0 21.0 32.0 29.2 21.8 25.6 18.6 20.8 17.6 30.0 18.2 27.2 25.8 19.2 23.6 18.6 20.8 17.6 35.0 16.2 23.4 22.2 17.4 21.2 17.8 19.2 17.6 40.0 14.8 20.8 19.8 15.8 19.2 16.4 17.8 16.4 45.0 13.2 18.4 17.6 14.2 17.0 15.0 16.4 15.2 50.0 11.8 16.4 15.6 12.6 15.2 13.6 15.0 14.2 55.0 10.6 14.8 14.0 11.4 13.6 12.4 13.4 13.0 60.0 9.4 12.8 12.6 10.2 12.0 11.0 12.0 11.8 65.0 8.8 11.4 11.0 9.0 10.6 9.8 10.4 10.6 70.0 8.0 9.8 9.6 8.4 9.6 9.2 9.6 9.6 75.0 7.4 8.6 8.6 7.8 8.6 8.6 8.8 9.0 80.0 7.4 7.4 7.2 7.6 7.8 7.8 8.0 85.0 6.4 6.4 6.6 6.6 7.4 7.0 7.2 90.0 5.6 6.2 5.8 7.0 6.2 6.4 95.0 4.8 5.8 5.0 6.2 5.4 5.8 100.0 5.4 4.4 5.6 4.6 5.0 105.0 5.0 4.0 4.4 110.0 4.4 3.6 3.8 115.0 3.0 3.4 120.0 3.0 RCL code 1700 Max.permitted 12 m/s 10 m/s windspeed 12 m/s 11 m/s 10 m/s 9 m/s 2-20 3 259 125A en GMK 305013i