HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/2019 1 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Southold Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Work Session: 3:00 pm Pre submission hearing for Coyne property at 50705 Rte. 25, Southold, NY SCTM# 1000-70.-1-7.1 -Architect Joseph Pagac represented the Coyne property. -Commissioner’s Recommendations: 1. Andersen A Series Clad windows with divided light muntins. 2. Cedar roof on porch. 3. Stone platform on grade at front door to replace wood. -Public Hearing for Coyne property to be set for December 17, 2019 meeting. 2 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Southold Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:00pm Attendees: Chairman Webb, Vice Chairman Surchin, Robert Harper, Jamie Garretson, Joe McCarthy and Mariella Ostroski. Also present: Town Attorney John Burke and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer. Quorum present. Approval of Minutes: Approval of September 17, 2019 meeting minutes. Motion to approve by Commissioner McCarthy, 2nd by Commissioner Garretson, AYES: Chairman Webb, Vice Chair Surchin, Robert Harper, Jamie Garretson, Joe McCarthy and Mariella Ostroski. Comments from Chairman Webb • Chairman recognized the resignations of Commissioner Donald Feiler and Commissioner James Grathwohl. • Chairman welcomed the newly appointed Historic Preservation Commissioner Mariella Ostroski / Resolution No. 2019-898 adopted at the regular meeting of the Southold Town Board on October 22, 2019. • Chairman discussed the progress of Town Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Webb and Commissioner McCarthy attended a meeting with Mark Terry and Heather Lanza of the Planning Department and successfully identified areas of concern. • Chairman expressed appreciation for those who attended the continuing education program held by the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions on October 21st, 2019. Budget/ YTD Expense Report • Chairman Webb requested a budget update to see if the annual budget requests have been approved. Administrative Assistant will have both the budget request result and year to date budget available at next scheduled meeting. 3 4:15 pm Public Hearing: Andrew Vogelman/ represented by George Simms 385 Oyster Ponds Lane, Orient, NY, 11957 (SCTM#1000-25.-1-6) • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for an as built fence. • Resolved that the request for a certificate of appropriateness was not necessary due to the information presented by George Simms that the fence was a replacement in-kind. Motion to approve that the commission has determined that the fence is a replacement in-kind and therefore is not subject to Historic Preservation Commission approval for a Certificate of Appropriateness by, Robert Harper, 2nd by, Jamie Garretson, AYES: Anne Surchin, Robert Harper, Joe McCarthy, Jamie Garretson and Mariella Ostroski. Recused: Chairman Webb. Motion approved. 4:45 pm: Administrative Permit Request Harper Residence @ 2600 New Suffolk Ave., Mattituck, NY Request Withdrawn Unfinished Business 1. Diane Smith withdrew the request to landmark her home. This, once again, brought to light the need for the Town of Southold to research possible incentives for homeowners to landmark their property. 2. Create a new inventory of architectural resources of homes in our historic districts/ Robert Harper. 3. Create a mailing list to send a cover letter accompanied with the HPC brochure to homes that are potential landmark properties. 4. All Commissioners will try to identify and recruit one property to be landmarked for the 2020 year. 5. New HPC brochures have been distributed amongst the community as designated. 4 New Business 1. Commissioners created a 2020 Commission Goals document. (Attached as an addendum to minutes). Motion to approve the 2020 Commission Goals that were drafted on November 17, 2019, Moved by, Commissioner Harper, 2nd by, Commissioner McCarthy, AYES: Chairman Webb, Vice Chair Surchin, Robert Harper, Jamie Garretson, Joe McCarthy and Mariella Ostroski. Motion Approved Unanimously 2. Update the HPC bulletin board in the building department/ Administrative Assistant. Motion to Adjourn by Commissioner McCarthy, 2nd by Robert Harper, AYES: Chairman Webb, Vice Chairman Surchin, Robert Harper, Joe McCarthy, Jamie Garretson and Mariella Ostroski. Motion Approved Meeting Adjourned: 5:20 pm. Recorder: Tracey Dwyer, Administrative Assistant Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, December 17th, 2019 at 4pm. in the Town Hall Annex