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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-04/24/1990TOWN BOARD
Present: Supervisor Scott L. Harris, Councilman George L. Penny IV, Councilwoman
Ruth D. Oliva~ Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen, Councilman Thomas H. Wickham,
Assistar~t Town Attorney Matthew G. Kiernan, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry,
Superintendent of Highways Raymond L. Jacobs (10:00 A.M.), Town Attorney Harvey
A. Arnoff (2:15 P.M.). Absent: Justice Raymond W. Edwards (out-of-town).
9:20 A.M. - Principal Account Clerk John Cushman, Insurance Consultant William F.
Mullen, Jr., and Medical Self-Insurance Administrator-Allen Kaplan,-met with the
Board to discuss offering participants in the health plan on Fishers Island the option
of coming to the mainland for hospital care. Due to the exorbitant costs--almost
double the average--by a New London, .Connecticut hospital, Mr. Kaplan feels it might
worthwhile offing to pay transportation and motel expenses on the mainland if the
FiShers Island participants were willing to come over for hospital treatment. The
Board agreed and asked Mr. Kaplan to work out the technicalities with the Town
Attorneys.---On another subject the 'Board agreed that the Town would go on a
calendar year on 1/1/91 with the deductible to be apportioned.
9:40 A.M. Bill Jones and Pat Newman Valachi, members of the Peconic Count,/
Committee, met with the Board to urge them to adopt a resolution requesting the
State Legislature to autho'rize a feasibility study, similar to the one done for Staten
Island, with respect tO the creation of a new county (see resolution no. 22).
10:05 A.M. - Art Ross (Chairman of the Town's Open Space Committee) met with the
board to report on his recent trip to Southwold, England.
10:30 A.M. - John Stack and Ralph Williams, Chairman and member of the Southold
Town Landmark Preservation Commission, met with the Board to request an
expenditure for the mechanicals for their upcoming book "Houses of Southold; The
First 350 Years" (see resolution no. 23).
11:20 A.M. - For Discussion Items: (1) Progress on the Justice Court building which
is almost ready to be occupied awaiting installation of the telephone lines. (2)
Recommendation. from the Planning Board for a refund to a major subdivision applicant
who .has' withdrawn the applications (see resolution no. 25). (3) Authorization for
Town Clerk to put notice in the newspapers that the Town is accepting applications
for the 1990 Affordable Housing Program (see resolution no. 26). (4) To~vn Board
wishes to create the position of Engineering Inspector - Supervisor will give notice
of same to the CSEA, and create the position at the May 8th meeting.
12:45 P.M. - Recess for lunch.
2:15 P.M. - Work Session reconvened and Board audited vouchers.
2:45 P.M. For Discussion Items continued: (5) Discussed appointing individuals to
the CAC - will hold until May 8th. (6) Supervisor Harris asked the Board to consider
reducing the cost for an applicant to reactivate a building permit. At the present
time the initial permit fee must be paid a second time to reactivate. Board can waive
such a fee, but the individual must submit a written request to the Board. (7)
Discussed inviting Cashin Associates to the May 8th meeting to discuss engaging their
services to con~plete the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. (8) Set date to
interview applicants for the Board of Appeals- beginning at-3:45 P.M., Monday, April
30th. (9) Exl~enditure for mechanicals for "Houses of Southold - First 350 Years"
(see resolution no. 23). (10) Discussed proposed environmental assessment for Robert
D. and Katherine G. Halikias change of zone petition (see resolution no. 30). (11)
Supervisor Harris asked that the Board review the Zoning Code with respect to flying
flags - individuals have been advised they may only fly the American Flag (not the
Town Fiag)'on their property. Will be researched by the Town Attorney. (12)
Councilman Wickham asked the Board to consider hiring two summer interns to work
in the planning and zoning field- no decision was reached on this proposal.
4:25 P.M. - Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session. Vote of 'the Board: Ayes:
All. The Board discussed matters of litigation and personnel.
4 0 0 APRIL 24, 1990
5:20 P.M. - Board concluded audit of the bills.
5:40 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.
A Regular Meeting of the Sot;thold Town Board was held on Tuesday, April
2~, !990, at the Sot; ..... ~ Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, Supervisor
Harris opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M., with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor Scott L. Harris
Councilman George L. Penny IV
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen H. Larsen
Councilman Thomas H. Wickham
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Harvey A. Arnoff
Justice Raymond W. Edwards (out of town)
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: If you remain standing for a minute, please, i'd like
to just say a word on behalf of our Town Historian, who has been ill, and hope-
fully will have a speedy recovery. Thank you. I'd like to welcome you all to
the meeting this evening. At this time, I'd like a motion to approve the audit
of the bills of April 24, 1990.
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the following audited bills be and hereby ordered paid: General
Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $77,394.70; General Fund, Part Town
bills in the amount of $22,100.21; Nutrition Fund bills in the amount of $3,835.77;
Adult Day Care bills in the amount of $100.00; Home Aide Program bills in the
amount of $36.00; SNAP Program bills in the amouht of $45.45; EISEP Program
bills in the amount of $53.00; Highway Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount
of $5,789.14; Highway Fund, Part Town bills in the amount of $7,470.55; Employee
Health Benefit Plan bills in the amount of $30,651.80; Fishers Island Ferry District
bills in the amount of $25,779.11; Southold Wastewater District bills in the amount
of $2,834.39; Fishers Island Sewer District bills in the amount of $358.88; Southold
Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $4,021.28; Fishers Island Ferry District
Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $153.07.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: A motion to approve the minutes of the Town Board meeting
of April 10, 1990.
Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the April 10, 1990, regular Town Board meeting,
be and hereby approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: The next regularly scheduled meeting is going to be Tuesday---
May 8, 1990, at 7:30 P.M.
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meetinc~ of the Southold Town Board will be held
at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, May 8, 1990, at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
1. Board of Town Trustees Report for March, 1990.
2. Justice Edwards Monthly Report for March, 1990.
3. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report for March, 1990.
4. Southold Town Police Department Monthly Report for March,
APRIL 24, 1990
5. La~rence Hea~t~--~re Ad!~i~traIio~ Benefit Analysis Report for
March, 1990.
6. Councilman's Reports.
7. Supervisor's Repo~'L
1. State of Ne~v York, Public Service Commission wilt hold a series of
open hearings for public comment on New York Telephone Company's pending rate
increase application at Albany on Aprit 24, ~990, New York City on May 2, 1990,
Syracuse on May 17, 1990, Hempstead on May 21, 1990, and Buffalo on May 31,
1. 8:00 P.M. proposed "Local Law in Relation to Zoning", amending Chapter
100 (Zoning} Section I00-13.B of the Code of the Town of Southold.
2. 8:02 P.M. proposed "Local Law in Relation to Zoning", amending Chapter
100 (Zoning), Section 100-191 (A) of the Code of the Town of Southold.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: At this time, would anybody like to speak on any resolution,
that we are addressing tonight? (No response.) Hearing none, we'll go into resolu-
1.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
followincj budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1990 Budget for
the transfer of monies from the Park & Playground Account to the Genera Fund
for the additional work at the baseball field at the Laurel Lake Park performed
by Kevin Knobloch:
A2025 Special Recreation Facility $ 2,675.00
A7110.2 Parks, Equipment
$ 2,675.00
-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: If anyone hasn't been up to Laurel Lake, I would highly
suggested that you drive up there, and see the beautiful town park, that the
Town has created, starting last year. Jean Cochran and others worked deligentty.
to get this established, and now this year, we've finally completed it. I think
you'll be quite pleased that the recreation facility, that the Town has established
up there.
2.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1990 Budget for
the transfer of monies from the Park & Playground Account to the Genera'l Fund
for baseball equipment for the North Fork Little League:
A2025 Special Recreation Facility $ 656.00
A7110.2 Parks, Equipment $ 656.00
2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: This money was badly needed for the North Fork Little
League, which had budget cutbacks this year, and they came to us in dire need
of catcher's equipment, and so on, for these Little League players, and the Town
certainly felt that for the safety of our youth, and for the future of Southold,
we should help provide some of this funding beyond what was given to them last
year. The Town Board did so, and I'hope that this will let them continue in
the great tradition of baseball.
3.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following Budget modification to the SNAP Program, April 1, 1989 to March 31,
1990 Budget, to_provide for modifications to Suffolk County contract:
402 ,,,o
To: Personnel (Bookkeeper) $ 60.00
Supplies 666.00
Travel $ 1,800.00
Telephone 150.00
Food 350.00
Fringe 400.00
Participant Income $ 1,974,00
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
4.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris and Town Attorney Harvey A. Arnoff to execute
an Appliction for Federal Assistance, on behalf of the Fishers Island Ferry District,
for the Airport Improvement Program - Obstruction Removal & Lighting project
and preparation of an Airport Property Map for Elizabeth Field, Fishers Island,
New York, all 'n accordance with said application as prepared by Calocerinos
& Spina Engineers, P.C., the Town's consultants for the project.
4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
5.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
Southold Town Farmland Preservation Committee to encjacje the services of Andrew
Stype, at a total fee of $2,600.00, for the purpose of conducting appraisals of
the following properties:
Constance Terry-Hope Gillispie-Diana Alford
Tax Map ~1000-20-1-2, Main Road, Orient, 20 acres
Dr. Calvin Rasweiler
Tax Map #1000-129-I-1, Laurel Lane, Laurel, 57 acres
Barry Berkman
Tax Map #1000-94-3-3, n/s Oregon Road, Mattituck, 30 acres
Barry Berkman
Tax Map #1000-95-3-3.3. s/s Oregon Road, Mattituck, 38 acres
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
6.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Supervisor Harris,
WHEREAS, Emanuel Kontokosta (Southold Commons) has heretofore applied to the
Southold Town Board for a change of zone from "R:-80" Residential Low-Density
District (2-acre minimum) to "HD" Hamlet Density District on certain prop~ex'ty.
located on the west side of Boisseau Avenue, south of Middle Road, Southold;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares itself
lead acjenc¥ in regard to the State Environmental Qualtity Review Act in the matter
of the petition of Emanuel Kontokosta; and be it further
1. That pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conserva-
tion Law; Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations,
and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Board does hereby
determine that the action proposed is unlisted and is liketl¥ to have a significant
effect on the environment. This determination is issued in full consideration
of the criteria for determination of significance contained in 6 NYCRR Part 617.11,
the Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts I, II, and III, and the following --
specific reasons:
a) The project may result in groundwater contamination in the North Fork
Water Budget area.
b) The project will result in a significant increase in water demand, in
an area where the Greenport Water District is experiencing difficulty
in meeting current and future demand.
c) The project will result in wildlike habitat loss and alteration.
d) The project will utilize more than 10 acres of productive agricultural soil.
e) The project may impact historic and pre-historic resources.
f) The project will impact open space resources.
g) The project will cause an increase in traffic generation.
h) The project is not compatible with land use plans based upon the zoning
maps. In addition, the precedent' setting nature of the project
(cumulative impacts), as well as the need for the project in view of
other "HD" zoning in the Town, must be determined. The Planning Board
APRIL 24, 1990
has presented a recommenc~tio.r~ f~ d~n~i]~[ I~ ~he Town
2. Tt'~e Town Clerk shall file and c~rc~[a,t-e, st~tc[~ ~e[:err~Jnation as required
by the af~O-rement~.onedl ~a~, rules and code.
3. That [he To~n Clerk immediately not~fy the ~pp[[ca~t, Emanuel Kontokosta,
of this determination, and further request said applicant to prepare a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement, all in accordance with said law, rules and code.
tr. in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 and Part 617 NYCRR, the
applicant is required to defray the cost of reviewing the Draft Environmental
Impact Statement, which includes a scopincj session, therefore, the Town Board
determines that a deposit of $2,000.00 shall be paid to the Town Clerk prior to
the date of the scoping session.
6.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
7.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Supervisor Harris,
WHEREAS, Jem Realty Co., by Emanuel Kontokosta, has heretofore applied to
the Southold Town Board for a change of zone on two parcels located at the North
Road, Greenport, from: Parcel 1 - the most southerly 42+ acres from existing
"R-80" Residential Low Density District (2-acre minimum) to "H-D" Hamlet Density
District; Parcel 2 - the most northerly 20_+ acres from "R-80" Residential Low
Density District (2-acre minimum) to "R-40" Residential Low Density District (1-acre
minimum); now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares itself
lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Qualtity Review Act in the matter
of the petition of Jem Realty Co., by Emanuel Kontokosta; and be it further
1. That prusuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conserva-
tion Law; Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations,
and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Board does hereby
determine that the action proposed is unlisted and is likely to have a significant
effect on the environment. This determination is issued in full consideration
of the criteria for determination of significance contained in 6 NYCRR Part 617.11,
the Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts I, II, and III, and the following
specific reasons:
a) The project site contains eroding headlands associated with the Harbor
Hill terminal moraine, a unique physical feature.
b) The project may result in impairment of groundwater resources.
c) The project will result in a significant increase in water demand, in
an areawhere the Greenport Water District is experiencing difficulty
in meeting current and future estimated demand.
d) The proposed action will cause substantial erosion.
e) The project will result in wildlife habitat loss and alteration.
f) The project will irreversibly utilize more than 10 acres of productive
agricultural soil.
g) The project may impact cultural resources.
h) The project will impact open space resources.
i) The project will cause increase in traffic generation.
j) The project is not compatible with land use plans based upon the zoning
maps. In addition, the precedent setting nature of the project (cumulative
impacts), as well as the need for the project in view of other "HD"
zoning in the Town, must be determined. The Planning Board has
recommended denial
2. The Town Clerk shall file and circulate such determination as required
by the aforementioned law, rules and code.
3. That the Town Clerk immediately notify the applicant, Jem Realty Co.
of this determination, and further request said applicant to prepare a Draft Environ-
mental Impact Statement, all in accordance with said law, rules and code.
4. In accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 and Part 617 NYCRR, the
applicant is required to defray the cost of reviewing the Draft Environmental
Impact Statement, which includes a scoping session, therefore, the Town Board
determines that a deposit of $2,000.00 shall be paid to the Town Clerk prior to
the date of the scoping session.
7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
8.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and
accepts the $430,690.00 Irrevocable Letter of Credit submitted by Donald Bracken
and Diane Carroll as a bond for roads and improvements in the "Cedarfields at
Greenport" major subdivision, all in accordance with the Town Board's resolution
no. 31 of April 10, 1990, approving the amount of the bond, as recommended
by the Southold Town Planning Board a'nd Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting.
-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Suoervisor Ha~-ris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
9.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, secood-ecJ by Supervisor Harris,
~HEREA$, Robert D. and k'~' ;r~;~e G. Halikias has heretofore applied to the
Southold Town Board for ~ .:,,~ange of zone from "A-C" Agricultural-Conservation
District to ~'B'~' General Business District on certain property located at the north
side NYS Route 25, east of Cox Lane, Cutchogue; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares itself
leact agency in regard to the State Environmental Qualtiy Review Act in the matter
of the petition of Robert D. and Katherine G. Halikias; and be it
1. That pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conserva-
tion Law; Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations,
and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Board does hereby
determine that the action proposed is unlisted and will not have a significant
effect on the environment. This determination is issued in full consideration
of the criteria for determination of significance contained in 6 NYCRR Part 617.11.
In addition, a Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts I, II and Ill, has been
prepared by the Town, and has been fully considered by the Town Board in
the preparation of this determination. This Negative Declaration is issued in
compliance with Part 617.8(e){1)(ii), and in full consideration of the documentation
and other relevant information provided. The following specific reasons are offered
in support of this determination:
a) The Town Board of the Town of Southold has considered the environmental
and planning issues associated with the site, and finds that an environmental
impact statement would not add significant additional information to the decision-
making process.
b) Alternative uses and mitigation measures have been identified which
would minimize potential impacts. One or both of .these measures will be incorporated
into the proposed project to achieve the comprehensive planning efforts of the
c) The impacts identified are of local and not regional consequence, and
are relatively minor impacts when considering magnitude of the project. ~
9.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
10.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute a budget modification to the Brief
Respite agreement between the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Department
for the Aging, for the period July 1, 1989 through June 30., 1990, which modification
results in a zero change.
10.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham., Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
11 .-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1990 Budget to
provide for a transfer to the North Fork Animal Welfare League for the purchase
of a vehicle:
To: A3510.4 Control of Dogs, Contractual Expenses $ 5,500.00
From: A1990.4 Contingent, Contractual Expenses $ 5,500.00
11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: The Town Board, and especially myself, l'm a head of
the dog pound, was please to be able to provide this funding to the North Fork
Animal We fare League. Their vehicle was on it's last legs, and it certainly was
in dire need of being replaced. The North Fork Animal Welfare League, as you
know, is half funded by the Town, and half by private contributions, and being
that they were short of money, I was glad we could make this loan to them. Hope-
fully, at some point, the Welfare League will be back in the black, again, were
they could help the Town in the future. This is badly needed, and the monies
that are being given to them is for a purchase of a vehicle, which Superintendent
of Highways Ray Jacobs found for them, and they're very grateful, and I just
want you all to know that the dog control will continue in the Town.
^P ,L 19 0 4 0 5
12.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes an
advance fee payment in the amount of $20.00 (check made payable to "Suffolk
County Senior Citizens Advisory Board") to permit Recreation Director Kenneth
Reeves to attend the "All About Aging" conference on Monday, May 14, 1990;
said charge to be made to A7020.4. Recreation Administration.
12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
13.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs the Town Clerk to advertise for summer Playground Instructors, at a
salary of $8.00 per hour, 14 hours per week; said charge to be made to A7020.4,
Recreation Administration, Contractual Expenses.
13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
14.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an agreement between the County
of Suffolk and the Town of Southold, as a Consortium Municpality, for a budget
allocation of $120,000.00 received by the County from the U. S. Department of
Agriculture Farmers Home Administration under the 1989 Housing Preservation
Grant Program, for undertaking the rehabilitation of single family residential
property owned by Iow and moderate income persons in designated rural areas.
14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
15.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an agreement between the County
of Suffolk Department for the Aging and the Town of Southold, for the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for the term of April 1, 1990 through March
31, 1991, at a total agreement amount not to exceed $31,509.00, all in accordance
with the approval of the Town Attorney.
15.-of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
16.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby increases the
.hourly rate of pay of Herschel Rich, Part-time Van .Driver, from $5.90 per hour
to $7.00 per hour, for 20 hours per week, effective April 9, 1990; said salary
to be paid through the Nutrition Program budget.
16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
17.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the application of George A. McCarthy for renewa of his sinc~le
family house trailer permit, for trailer located on private road (1900 Any Street),
off the south side of Main Road, Laurel, New York, which permit expires on
May 10, 1990, be and hereby is cjranted for a six (6) month period.
17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
18.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1990 Budqet to
provide for overdrawn Insurance line item:
To: A1910.4 Insurance, Contractual Expenses $ 2,500.00
From: A1990.4 Contingent, Contractual Expenses $ 2,500.00
18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
4 0 6 ^..,L 2..
19.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Leo
W. Tillinghast as a part-time Gate Attendant for the Landfill, effective immediately,
at a salary of $6.00 per hour.
19.-Vote of the Tewn Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
20.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Penny', it was
RESOLVED that purxuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law,
State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR Part 617.10, and Chapter
44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold
Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unlisted action, has
determined that there will be no siqnificant effect on the environment.
DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Amendment of Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code
of the Town of Southold by amending Section 100-281A. The project has been
determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because an Environ-
mental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Board
has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the enwronment ~s ~ke y to
occur should the project be implemented as planned.
20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larse:l,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
21.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Wickham,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold
a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning" (amending
Section 100-281A); now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed
to transmit this proposed Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board and
the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with the Code of the
Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Charter. Said proposed Local Law reads
as follows, to wit:
A Local Law in Relation to Zoning
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
1. Section 100-281 A. is hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Applications. Every Application for a building
permit shall contain the following information and
be accompanied by the required fee and a plot plan
drawn to scale and signed by the person responsible
for such drawing. If no such plot plan is available,
a survey is required, prepared by a licensed engineer
or land surveyor. In addition, plans and specifications
shall be filed with the Building Permit Application to
enable the Building Inspector to examine such plans to
ascertain if the proposed builidng will comply with
applicable building construction, housiing and fire codes.
Il. This Local Law shall become effective upon it filing with the Secretary of
21.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: At this time, we'll move into our public hearings. I ask
for a motion to recess.
Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be call at this time, 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of
holding a public hearing.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Meetinq reconvened at 9:20 P.M.
22.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilman Wickham,
WHEREAS, the Towns of East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton,
and Southold have long expressed interest in the formation of a separate County.
as evidenced by an advisory 1968 referendum overwhelming approving a new county.
WHEREAS, the rationale for the creation of a new county, including home rule
authority, a different economic and social base, and a desire to streamline govern-
ment, are as relevant today as 'n 1968, and
4 0 7
WHEREAS, the East End contributes nearly 25% of the general fund real property
tax revenue to Suffolk County and a high proportion of sales tax revenue per
capita from its 8% of Suffolk's population, and
WHEREAS, if Peconic County were created, out of 57 counties in New York State
outside of New York City, it would be 19th in population and 6th in assessed
value, and
WHEREAS, the major legal obstacle to the creation of Peconic County has been
a state constitutional requirement requiring a newly created County to have a
population sufficient to entitle it to a member of the State Assembly, and
WHEREAS, the most recent LILCO population survey indicates that the proposed
Peconic County has a population which would consitutionally entitle it to a member
of the State Assembly, and
WHEREAS, said population must be confirmed in the 1990 federal census, and
WHEREAS, upon conpletion of the federal census, it is desirous that the electorate
of the five East End towns have the opportunity to decide the fate of Peconic
County for themselves, and
WHEREAS, said decision must be an informed one based on an objective, indepen-
dent and factual analysis of the feasibility of a new county, and
WHEREAS, the State of New York, with responsibility for the creation of new
political subdivisions is the proper entity for the preparation of such a feasibility
study, and
WHEREAS, in the case of Staten Island the State Legislature by its fiscal committees
did prepare a feasibility study before schedulin9 a referendum for a new city
this year, now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that this body hereby requests its state legislative representatives
to take all necessary steps to have prepared or caused to be prepared a feasibility
study for a new county in a form similar to that prepared for Staten Island,
and, be it further,
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Assemblyman John
Behan and Joseph Sawicki, and State Senator Kenneth LaValle.
22.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
23.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes an
expenditure not to exceed $4,000.00 for the design, typesetting, camera-ready
mechanicals, etc. by Hungerford Creative Services with respect to the preparation
of the book, "Houses of Southold; The First 350 Years" which has been developed
by the Southold Town Landmark Preservation Commission.
23,-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
24.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an acjreement between E.W.G. Glass
Recovery & Recycle Corp. for the sale and removal of glass from the Southold
Town Landfill Site: E.W.G. will pay the Town the following: $20.00 per ton for
Flint Glass, less $5.00 per ton trucking; $25.00 per ton for Amber Glass, less
$5.00 per ton trucking; $13.00 per ton for Green Glass, less $5.00 per ton for
trucking; all in accordance with the agreement as approved by the Town Attorney.
24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
25.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes a
refund of $8,200.00 to McNulty-Spiess, attorney for the applicant for proposed
major subdivisions of the Kaloski Farm, which sum represents the filing fee of
$4,900.00 for major subdivision no. 25, and $3,300.00 for major subdivision no.
26, whereas the applicant has withdrawn both applications and the Planning Board
advises that their 'office has only expended approximately 3-4 hours on initial
review and design layout of the aforementioned proposed dubdivisions.
25.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
26.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Wickham it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and .
directs the Town Clerk to place a display advertisement in The Long Island
Traveler-Watchman and The Suffolk Times notifying the public that the Town
of Southold is accepting applications for the 1990 Southold Town Affordable Housing
Program; said advertisement to be subject to the approval of the Town Attorney,
26.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, .Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
27.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, ON April 10, 1990 there was presented to the Town Board of the Town.
of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning"
(amending Section 100-$6[D); and
WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law was referred to the Southold Town Planning
Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations
and reports; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 8, 1990,
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a
public hearing on said proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit:
A Local Law in Relation to Zoning
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended
as follows:
1. Article ¥, Section 100-56(D) (Affordable Housing District) is amended
as follows:
D. Eligibility. In each AHD, the sale or lease of dwelling units
and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families, who
have not had any ownership interest in any residence for the past
3 years, shall be allocated on a priority basis, in the following order:
(1) To eligible applicants who have resided and have had
primary full time employment of either spouse, if applicable,
within the Town of Southold for a period of at least one
year at the time of their application.
(2) To eligible applicants who have either resided
or have had primary full time employment of either
spouse, if applicable, with the Town of Southold for
a period of at least one year at time of the application.
(3) To all other eligible applicants.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
27.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Supervisor Harris,
WHEREAS, on April 10, 1990 there was presented to the Town Board of the Town
of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoninq"
(amending Section 100-284); and
WHEREAS, said proposed Lcoal Law was referred to the Southold Town Planning
Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations
and reports; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:02 P.M., Tuesday, May 8, 1990,
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a
public hearing on said proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit:
A Local Law in Relation to Zoning
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southoid is hereby amended
as follows:
1. Article XXVIII, Section 100-284 (Certificates of Occupancy) is
amended by changing the lettering of subsection "1" to subsection
"H" and by deleting; in its entirety, sub-subsection (1)(e) of
that subsection.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: It takes the fees, deleted C of Os, but we left the fee ~--'
in, so we're amending it to remove the fee now, because you can't get a C of O .
for vacant land. ~
28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
29.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute a Contract Budget Modification
Request for the SNAP Proqram between the Suffolk County Department for the
Aging and the Town, for the period April 1, 1989 through March 31, 1990, which
budget modification results in a zero net change.
29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
APR,L 1990 4 0 9
WHEREAS, Robe~t-"D~,
,petitioned the Town Board' c~]~he
property located on the north Si~:t~ o~ ~q~i~ Ro~d~ (~¥'S Route ZS)~ east of Cox
Lane, Cutchogue, New York, from "A-CTM Agric.~l~tural C~s, ervmtion District to
"B" General Business District; said property bounded and described as follows
ALL THAT CERTA/N PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL of vacant land, lying and being
al, C~cho~e, Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York,
bounded and d~escribed as follows:
BEGINNING ai¢ a point on the northerly line of Main Road at the southerly corner
of land now or formerly of Z. RysKo which point is also the easterly corner of
the parcel herein described;
RUNNING thence along the said northerly line of Main Road South 43° 44' 40" West
250.00 feet to land of Dickson;
RUNNING thence along said last mentioned land North 42° 24' 00" West 273.07 feet
to land of Traube;
RUNNING thence along said last mentioned land North 43° 15' 10" East 246.85
feet to the said land of Z. Rysko;
RUNNING thence along said last mentioned land South 43° 05' 20" East 275.00
feet to the said northerly line of Main Road at the point of BEGINNING; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department
of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the aforesaid
petition; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 22, 1990,
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southotd, New York, as time and place for a
public hearin9 on the aforesaid petition of Robert D. and KatherineG. Halikias
for change of zone, at which time any person desiring to .be heard should appear
at the time and place above so specified; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed
to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspapers pursuant
to the requirements of law.
30.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Suoervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
31 .-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Penny,
WHEREAS, the Long Island Landfill Law is not consistent with the 280 Groundwater
Study, the 1986 Long Island Groundwater Plan, or provisions of SEQRA and other
State law dealing with the protection of groundwater; and
WHEREAS, there appear to be at most only one town on Long Island that can
meet the December 1990 deadline in all respects, thus there is evidence that the
three year extension sought in one of the bills is justified; and
WHEREAS, the original intent behind the Long Island Landfill Law was there would
be a regional waste plan or plans for Long Island which the towns could organize
their efforts around, but that plan was never put in place; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold supports New York
State pending Assembly and Senate bills seeking a three-year extension of the
December 1990 deadline, and Senate Bill No. 7735/Assembly Bill No. 10681 permitting
landfilling of municpa solid waste in double-lined land cells, following aggressive
waste reduction and recycling programs; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Supervisor shall communicate and meet with appropriate people,
including representatives of other Long Island towns, with a view to making an
effective presentation of the Town's position.
31.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
32.-Moved by Councilman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute a Contract Budqet Modification
Request for the EISEP Proqram between the Suffolk County Department for the
Aging and the Town, for the period April 1, 1989 through March 31, 1990, which
budget modification results in a zero net change.
32.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
33.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law No. 8 - 1990 was introduced at a meeting of
this Board held on the 27th day of March, 1990; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by this Board on the 24th day of
April, 1990, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to
be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED ~At Local ~w No. 8 - 1990 be enacted as fo~{o~,,~: '- LOCAL LAW NO. 8 ~--~90
A Locall, Law in ?.~;at/on to Zoninq
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Eourd of the Town of So~thold as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zonmg~ bf the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
~. Section 100-13.B. is hereby amended to read as follows:
- -- DWELLING, O~E-F-AMILY -- A detached building containing onel
(1) dwelling unit only consistin9 of a minimum livin9 area of 85~0
square feet.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filin9 with the Secretary of State.
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I just want to be clear on what we're voting on. What
I understand is before us, is a vote on the proposed amendment, which requires
850 square feet minimum only for single family residences, and I further understand
that the liveable area term will be rewritten to be consistent with how the Code
now reads. Is that right?
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: The language will be consistent.
33.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Is there any Councilman reports? Ellen do you have
anything to say? '
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Just that I've been to the usual meetings.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: We're been recycling, garbaging, Code Committee,
Commerce and Industry Committee. We're all keeping very busy.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: Obviously, by the amount of people came here tonight,
I don't have to mention the fact that we've had several Legislative Committee meetinc'
It's unfortunate that we're being admonished or chastised for something that was
put up before us by the Planninq Board. But, unfortunately or fortunately, what-
ever the case may be, to make il~ an amendment to the Town Code, it has to pass
through the Town Board. The buck stops with us. We took the heat for some-
body else today.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Councilman Wickham?
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I would like to make a very brief report on the Waste
Managment front. Last week at this time, you recall, there was a public information
meeting in Peconic, and it was a modest crowd, that' had, I thouqht, some very
useful content and suggestions, that we'll be taking up at a future meeting. This
week we had a Waste Manaqement Task Force meeting in which we have begun
shifting our focus somewhat. Up until now, we had been looking primarily at
technologal and economic solutions to our waste management problem. We've been
exploring different solutions in that regard. In all cases, we're really looking
at the least cost solution for the Town, one, of course, that would be environmentally
safe and satifactory to the DEC. We have to view that a lot of the problem is
not simply a technologal problem, but is basically in a question of interpretation
of the regulations, and the regulat'ions are sufficiently broad, that they can be
interpreted in different ways. In recent months, members of the New York State
Legislature, themselves, have begun raising questions whether the law should
be modified, and specifically modified in ways that would help the smaller towns,
here on Long Island, namely the East End Towns. There are now three bills before ~
the Legislature, which would do, as far as Southold Town is concerned, two importar
things. One of them would be to extend the deadline by three years. That is
from this December until three years hence. The second bill is rather different
in nature. Those of you, who were at the public information meeting last Tuesday
will recall, that the hierarchy of waste management is first to reduce the waste
that comes into the dump, and we think we can reduce it by 50%. Secondly, to
recycle, and we think we can recycle twenty to twenty-five percent of the materials.
Third, would be a resource recovery option, such as composting, or incineration,
or distillation, and the residual that comes out of that, would be landfilled. The
bill, that has been raised in the Legislature, is whether towns like Southold could
go directly from the reduction, recycling phases, directly to landfilling without
having to send muncipal solid waste into a compost or incinerator. There appears
to me major cost saving to the Town, if in fact this were legal. I want to emphasis
that in supporting this proposed legislation, the Town is not trying to circumvent
or avoid the requirements of the law, rather we are adding our voice to those
APRIL 24, 1990
legislator, who feel that a less cO~ti~b:l~:'i6h of this nature is in the interest
of Southold Town, 'and other towns out here. I might add, that there are a number
of towns out here, we met with Shelter Island, and we will be meetin9 with others
who share this point of view. I'd like to just add, that the Planninq and Zoninq
Committee has also had an active period in the last two weeks, and the key issue,
that we're taking up, at the present time, is affordable housin9, We are not Iookin9
at the specific and (tape change) broadly, and coming up with conceptual models
of how an affordable housin9 program, that really meets the Town's long term
needs, to be developed, and I'll just mention breifly, some of the ideas that we're
trying to consider. One of them, is to see that the affordable housing ~nits are
distributed adequately throughout the Town, and not just clustered in one particular
hamlet or center. Secondly, that they have a long term committment to affordable
housing, and not something that in a relatively short period of years, could be
turned over into profits, and then 90 into the full cost of housin9. Thirdly,
a criteria that we've adopted is to try and find a model or mechanism for
affordable housing by which people who graduate from the ranks of needyness,
and become revelantly well-off can be upwardly mobile out of this scheme into
regular housing, so that other people comin9 up from the bottom will qualify for
those houses. Fourthly, we've considerin9 ways in which affordable housing could
be done, here in the Town, which would not require public water. As you've
all heard, at the moment almost all affordable housin9 are schemes require public
water. And, lastly, there are people here in the Town, who have some very inter-
esting ideas about much less costly house construction, compared with the construction
technics of have been proposed in the existing affordable housing, and we think
this is very important, and needs to be intergrated. These are the questions
that the Committee is looking at, at the present time. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: At this time, I'd like to take comments from the audience.
Is there anybody who would like to address the Town Board on any matter, that
they feel is important to them, or important to the residents of Southold Town?
N0w is the time to do so.
NANCY SAWASTYNOWICZ: I have one little thing. Right now, I'm going to write
a letter to the Building Department about the wrecking industry, that's going
down on Depot Lane. They've been summoned already, but I would like the Board
to be aware of this. This man is wrecking cars with a payloader on the property,
and it has to be contaminating the area, and they've been summoned by the Building
Department, and they will be going to court, but I think it's pretty important
issue, and I would like to Board to be aware of it. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Nancy, this Town Board is aware of that activity, and
what has occurred through the Building Department, and it is in the court system
as you say. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Hearing no one else,
do I hear a motion to close?
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
' T. Terry~/
Southold Town Clerk