Minutes of January 27, 2020 meeting
Present were: Jim Abbott, John Slattery, Bill Ryan, George Lessler, Joseph Conway
Also, attending: Chief Flatley, Jim Dinizio
Absent were: Kevin Foote, Mike Regan
Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by John Slattery
* Minutes of the November 25, 2019 meeting were approved
Old Business
• Jim Dinizio, Chief Flatley and John Slattery took the committee through the
Town's process that will move lel) accreditation forward. The conversation was
formed around the attached January 16, 2020 letter to the Town Board
New Business
0 No new business was discussed
Next Meeting:
0 Monday February 24, 2020
Meeting was adjourned at 5:14 pm
Respectfully submitted,
John J Slattery
The Police Advisory Committee (PAC) recommends that the Town of Southold formally
seek the
Accreditation department
State Law
w ment . .► .
Board Further, it Is our recommendation th t
rmal Resolution of the Town
:.support, of this initiative, be made « . ,
- This request is a follow on to our letter
Of e. .. . (attached) and our
participation in the Board"s work session on October 22, 2019, during which a majority of
the Board Members verbally expressed their support to
move forward with Accreditation.
AccreditationBy way of background, the PAC has examined the
supports• MMIram's four principal
I - To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement agencies utilizing
existing personnel, equipment and facilities to the extent possible;
2. To promote increased cooperation and coordination ayl g lawenforcement
and other agencies of criminal justice services;
3. To ensure the appropriate training of law enforcement personnel; and
4. To promote public confidence in law enforcement agencies.
MANPOWER CONSIDERATIONS: After investigation and
de..we determined
that there is little evinc... � � x w MVS.. •
• • al MM � � � it ♦ ql � ♦ w 11
FUNDING: It has been extremely difficult to identify and quantify hard costs that are
associated with the application process. Working with Chief Flatley, we have costs Of $150,000 that include office supplies, travel, identified ancillary
•temporary office space.
the application Process is planned to $150,000 .. calendarace over portions of three (3)
.w • r r
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Calendar year 2022$50,000
e have reviewed the 2020 budget for the police de artment aid Jill
MANAGEMENT: We have found that all of the applicants we contacted had appointed a
program manager (sergeant orabove) to manage the application process and interface with th -
NYS Division of Criminal Justice during and after the application. Chief Flatley has followed th'
practice with the promotion of Richard Perkins to the position of lieutenant. At this time the PA'
is not clear on Lt. Perkins tasking relative to Accreditation,
PROCESS: Given that the PAC is recommending an extended time line for the application
process, we also recommend that the Town Board (Police Commissioners) meet with the Chi
or the program manager on a monthly basis. The focus of these monthly meetings will be to e
report on and discuss progress against the list of 109 standards as outlined in the Accreditatio
Program Standards and Compliance Verification Manual. To that end, a Program Manager Lo
Sheet (attached) is available and will be a useful tool for monthly progress reviews.
For your convenience we have appended several web sites that speak to the subject of
accreditation in New York State
ine Accreditation
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