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Base Pole Calculations from Vector Engineers rcvd 2/24/2020
..... .. RECEIVED YEECT'O S FEB 2 4 2020 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS „ Planinung Board for LAURELSTONE BASE POLE at 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK,NY 11952 for ELITE TOWERS RAYCAP I STEALTH(VZ16-01355W-17R4) 0- NES" CO Or cc W ~ 02/21/2020 BY: WELLS HOLMES,P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER NY Firm License#: COA0012807 PROJECT#: U0142-899-191 DATE: February 21,2020 DESIGNED BY YCA;CHECKED BY TPH NOTE: Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC The calculations presented in this package are This Excel workbook contains proprietary intended for a single use at the location indicated information belonging to Vector Structural above,for the client listed above. These calculations Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor shall not be reproduced,reused, "card filed';sold to partially copied or reproduced without the prior a third party,or altered in any way without the written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, written authorization of Vector Structural LLC Engineering,LLC and Raycap I STEALTH. 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,STE 101 Draper,UT 84020 "1 (801)990-1775„ i"(801)990-1776 wuwwwwvw m :w a°sexorn Page 2 of 69 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 ECTORCopyright O 2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC i This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector 'l I nR ^,a Struclural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Design Criteria: Code: Structural design is based on the New York State Building Code,2016 Uniform Code Supplement(2015 IBC) and the TIA-222-G standard. Wind: Basic wind speed= 145 mph(3-second gust)per the ASCE 7-10 standard Risk Category/Structure Class: III Wind exposure: C Topographic category: 1 Crest height: Oft Ice: 0.75"radial ice @ 50 mph basic wind speed(3-second gust)per the TIA-222-G standard Seismic: Seismic importance factor, I = 1.5 Risk Category/Structure Class: III Mapped spectral response accelerations: SS= 0.243g St = 0.073g Site class: D Spectral response coefficients: SDS= 0.259g Sol = 0.117g Seismic design category: B Basic seismic-force-resisting-system: Telecommunication Tower: Steel Pole Response modification factor, R= 1.5 Analysis procedure:Equivalent Lateral Force General Notes: 1 The contractor shall verify dimensions,conditions and elevations before starting work. The engineer shall be notified immediately if any discrepancies are found. 2 The typical notes and details shall apply in all cases unless specifically detailed elsewhere. Where no detail is shown,the construction shall be as shown for other similar work and as required by the building code. 3 These calculations are limited to the structural members shown in these calculations only. The connection of the members shown in these calculations to the existing structure shall be by others,with the exception of those explicitly shown on the drawings. 4 The contractor shall be responsible for compliance with local construction safety orders. Approval of shop drawings by the architect or structural engineer shall not be construed as accepting this responsibility. 5 All structural framing members shall be adequately shored and braced during erection and until full lateral and vertical support is provided by adjoining members. Page oofey JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 ECTOR Cmpy�ht @0000vwvmr�m�unuengin�mno.LLc This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector ���m�u��� n�� � r\ � i rl � � � � o�m� m�� wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission orVector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Steel:Structural 1 All structural steel code checks based on the AISC-LRFD,3rd Edition per the TIA-222-Gstondovd 2All 18'oidod.tapered shaft steel hvhoper ASTM A572GR.O5. U.N.O. 3 The design length of slip splices is equal to 1.67 times the inside width of the base of the upper section. Slip splice length tolerance ioequal ho±10Y6ofthe design slip splice length. 4All steel pipes toheper ASTM A5OOGR. B(42KG|). U.N.{}. 5All steel rectangular tubes(HSS)boboper ASTM A5OOGR. B(40K8|). U.N.O. 0All steel wide flange shapes hoboper ASTM A9O2(5OKG|).U.N.O. 7All other structural steel shapes&plates shall boper ASTM A3O. U.N.O. 8All bolts for stae|-to'nb,o|connections shall boper ASTM F3125GR.A325U.N.D. 9 All bolted connections shall be tightened per the"turn-of-nut"method as defined by AISC. 10 All welding shall be performed by certified welders in accordance with the latest edition of the American Welding Society(A6NG)D1.1 11 All steel surfaces shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and ASTM F2329 standards,thoroughly coated with a zinc-rich primer,or otherwise protected as noted on the structural drawings. Concrete:Foundation / 1 All concrete mixing,placement,forming,and reinforcing installation shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of"Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete",ACI 318-14. Foundation installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of"Standard Specifications for the Construction of Drilled Piers",ACI 336, latest edition 2All concrete shall have aminimum compressive strength of480Opsi at28days. 3 Cement for all concrete shall be Type 11 with 6%(+/-1.5%)entrained air. Maximum aggregate size shall be%". 4Reinforcing steel shall boper ASTM AO15Gr.OO.U.N.O. 5Foundation design iebased upon the project soils report prepared by: Geoteoh: Thomas D. Reilly Report No: 18874 Dobe: 4'Doo'19 Page 4 of 69 i JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 7 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC ECTOR This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or d} I' I U reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE User Forces Ice Thickness[in]: 0.75 Elev. @ Top of Base Pole[ft]: 60.0 Ice Density[pcf]: 56 Elev. @ Bottom of Base Pole [ft]: 1.0 Cylinder Shape: 18-Sided Shape Factor: 0.65 (supercritical) (Refer to CF Values in Table 2-7,TIA-222-G) 1.20 (subcritical) (Applies for CaAc w/Ice per Table 2-7) Diameter[inj Weight Ib CaAc ftp Cylinder Lets ti, ft No Ice /Ice Plates No Ice w/Ice No Ice w/Ice Top Plate 200 588 9.9 21.7 1 10.0 36 39.37 Bulkhead 300 1071 19.8 43.4 2 10.0 36 39.33 Bulkhead 300 1063 19.8 43.3 3 10.0 3=6 =[=3=9-30 Bulkhead 300 1053 19.8 43.2 4 10.0 36 39.26 Bulkhead 300 1043 19.8 43.1 5 10.0 36 39.21 Bottom Plate 200 569 9.9 21.5 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 Page 5 of 69 DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION................................ TYPE ELEVATION ............................... (2)Commander 220-3AN(20 7 ft x 121 Ahead 90 275"Bid,,24 lbs) ............................. ........ ............. (3)Generic Panel 1009(enclased) 85 (2)Sinclair SD314-FlF2P2SNM(9 5 ft x 1154 Bulkhead 60 2 W Dia,10 44 lbs).... ._ -- ---- ................. ........... ..... (3)Generic Panel 100#jonvftx�,od) 75 .. ..... .... ................- (100 lbs) .1.10.7... ........... ................................Bulkhead 70 TopPlate110 --—-------------- ... ....... ........................... - Generic Panel 100flonf.] 165 (3)Generic Panel 100#(unclosed) 105 .......................................... ............ a0korn plate f60 Bulkhead 100 ................................ -1 —-Coax in top section T 60 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 95 ................................ ....... l04)saclm I 0pe .... .......................... MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE 1y'=": _F�_--- GRADE], _ F A572-85 1,65 ks! 80 ksi .................. TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1. Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. 2. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G Standard. 3. Tower designed for a 145 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard, 4. Tower is also designed for a 50 mph basic wind with 0.75 in ice.Ice is considered to increase in thickness with height, 5. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 6. Tower Risk Category III and IV. 7. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 ft 8. TOWER RATING:55.3% NOTE Calculations have been designed for worst case scenario of (3) additional future whip antennas. 60.0 ft in ev ALL REACTIONS ARE FACTORED AXIAL 32329 lb < SHEAR MOMENT 39761b 263277 lb-ft .... .... .............. ........ 15.o ft 50 mph WIND-a7500 in ICE AXIAL o �e 21206 lb �2 SHEARMOMENT 1586916 102377916-ft 1-oft REACTIONS-145 mph WIND ro oE 2.........2- Vector Structural Fngineering, 111C' leLaurel Stone __-111......................... .............. 651 W. Galena Park Blvd., Ste. 101 Pn`Jcrd'U0142-899-191 .... ........ _wn'Y'yulto t 1pus4r)r I L Aped Draper, UT 84020 STEALTH Co Code:TIA-222mG Date:02121/20 scale: n vector Engineers Phone:801-990-1775 NW� ........... ............. Owj Na, FAK 801-99,0-1776 Job Page 6 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 1 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX. 801-990-1776 Tower Input Data The tower is a monopole. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. ASCE 7-10 Wind Data is used. Basic wind speed of 145 mph. Risk Category III and IV. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50°F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear(P-delta)analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads,feed line supports,and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Tapered Pole Section Geometry Section Elevation Section Splice Number Top Bottom Wall Bend Pole Grade Length Length of Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius . t s tit Sideut in to t -._. L1 60.00t1�5.00 45.00 .....�.__ _..�.�83 18 36 _ .�. .... ..._�.__ 0000 42.4800 0.2500 1.0000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L2 15.00-1.00 19.83 18 41.1405 43.9960 0.2500 1.0000 A572-65 w��w, rvrvrv� ,rn.(65 ksi Tapered Pole Properties ., ie_c..... .�..... .-..�; ""` ....aw._1_`_'..�. . 1t Section Tip Dia.. Area r C I/C J !t/�B w w/t 4 m.................. _.. .m�..,m ....aa..........�.. �m� u Ll 36.5168 283674580.4961 12.6913 18.2880 250.4646 9167.0194 14.1 in to ill ut tta ut e2 att ta 6 865 5.8960 23.584 43.0968 33.5095 7550.0117 14.9917 21.5798 349.8641 15109.9579 16.7579 7.0365 28.146 L2 42.5890 32.4466 6854.1090 14.5161 20.8994 327.9578 13717.2368 16.2264 6.8007 27.203 44.6361 34.7125 8392.6561 15.5298 22.3500 375 5109 167 96.3555 17 35957.3033 29.213 Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust Factor Adjust. Weight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle wnw. wd le Elevation Area Thickness Ap Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (perface) Ar Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants mm. in in in ut Laurel Stone 2 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galtna Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust,Factor Adjust. Weight Afult, Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle Elcvation Area Thickness Af Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (perface) Ar Spacing Spacing Spacing L2 15.00-1.00 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area Description Face Allow Exclude Component Placement Total CAAA Weight or Shield Front Typ e Number Leg Torque ft ft2lft py, Calculation 15/8 Coax No", Yes Inside Pole 60.00-1.00 36 No lee 0.00 0.72 1/2"lee 0.00 0.72 Ice 0.00 0.72 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas owcr Tower Face All AF CAAA C4AA Weight Section Elevalim, In Face Out Face 60.00-15.00 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B o»oo 0.000 u»oo 0.000 o»onn C 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000 /166.4000 L2 15.00-1.00 a 0.000 u000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 umm 0.000 o»oon C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 362.9800 Feed Line/Linear.Appurtenances Section Areas -"'With Ice Section Elevation or Thickness Ill Face Out Face lb LI 60.00-15.00 A B 0.000 0.000 0.000 ouoo 0.0000 : ».»«» 0.000 o»on 0.000 )z«o.*oou Lu 15.00-1.00 A >.000 uuoo oouo 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0000 o»oo 0.000 0.000 00000 Job Pag%ge 8 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 3 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 Draper, UT84020 -&Iii-e-nt Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 User Defined Loads Description uo,uvoo vu"" Azimuth W=ig" F, '� WindF°^= °^~" From Angle Centroid Top Plate 110.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 719.0260 9.90 Ice 587.6700 0.0000 0.0000 187.4015 21.70 u,mico xw0000 0.0000 0000n 110.1e6 vyn aonmouu 100.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1409.4846 19.80 Ice 107/z/00 0.0000 00000 367.0189 *s.ao u*miu^ 300.0000 n000u 00000 215.93*6 19.80 omxueuu poon 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1378.5648 19.80 uo 1062o500 ounoo 000no ysu.sox/ 43.29 Service 300.0000 0.0000 000no 211.1976 /p.00 Bulkhead n000 000 00000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 o»noo /34*.8017 /p.xo /uo /os».soon 0.0000 0.0000 aux.vo*o 43.21 oomicr »on0000 0.0000 00000 206.0251 |v.00 aonmouu 70.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice »no.00no 00000 00000 1307.5232 19.80 zov lwoomo 0.0000 0.0000 yox.yu** *3.12 aonxue 300.0000 n0000 00000 zooumo zeno Bottom Plate 60.00 non 0.0000 No Ice 200.0000 000uo ox000 *32.8858 vyo Ice 568J400 0.0000 00000 /63.7344 21.54 Service m00000 000uo 00000 96.9588 vyn Coax intop section 60.00 0.00 00000 No Ice 700.0000 0000n oxoon 0.0000 0.00 uo 700.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 oo» omv/oo 700o000 o»oun o»000 0.0000 0.00 top section pipe oo»o 000 0.0000 No Ice 5/50.0000 n»nun n»000 0.0000 0.00 uo 5/50.0000 o»000 0.0000 0.0000 ouo Service 5150.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 Discrete Tower Loads Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAA.4 CAA.4 Weight or Typ e Ho r-- Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ° ft ft2 '12 & � ~~~ (s)Generic Panel lomv c Nvuu oonoo 105o0 No Ice uoo 0.00 z000000 (onmvxn@ l/2''Ice 000 oon 100»000 I"Ice 000 noo 100.0000 ^^° (3)Generic Panel/me c mouo 0.0000 95.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (eomvovW 1/2''Ice 000 0.00 100.0000 I''Ice oou 0.00 /000noo ~~~ (»)Generic puuelloo# c None n0000 85»0 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (euo|vo,u) 1u''Ice 0.00 000 mo»000 I"Ice 0.00 0.00 /oo.0000 (3)Generic Panel/mm c None oonoo 75.00 No Ice 0.00 000 100o000 1/2"Ice o� o� /��� (enclosed) � � � I"Ice 000 0.00 100.0000 .� tnxTower Job PaS%ge 9 of 69 Laurel Stone 4 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Description Face Offset QffF e Is: Azimuth Placement CAAA Q4A.A we"gla or Type Hoc: Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert fitfil fil fia lb fit ........... ...... .......... (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 65.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (2)Commander 220-3AN C None 0.0000 121.00 No Ice 4.78 4.78 24,0000 (20.7 ft x 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 1/2"Ice 7.79 7.79 65.4539 1"Ice 9.91 9.91 119.9854 (2)Sinclair C None 0.0000 115.40 No Ice 4.43 4.43 10.4400 SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 ft x 1/2"Ice 5.01 5.01 41.9094 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) I"Ice 5.59 5.59 79.6193 (2)8'-0"T-arm.EPA=4 ft'12 C None 0.0000 110.70 No Ice 4.00 4.00 60.0000 (100 lbs) 1/2"Ice 4.66 4.66 80.0000 1"Ice 5.32 5.32 100.0000 ............................. ...... Tower Pressures - No Ice GH=i.ioo ................... Section z Kz q= AG F AF AR Aks Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % A Out c Face Face t ft f ef- t f? f L160.00-15.00 37.62 1.03 52 149.275 A 0,000 149.275 149.275 100.00 0.000 0,000 B 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 L215.00-1.00 7.95 0.85 43 50.881 A 0.000 50.881 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 1 0.0001 50.881 100.00 0.0001 0.000 Tower Pressure - With Ice GH=i.ioo Section z Kz qz tz AG F AF Are Atcg Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % In Out c Face Face t ft ft2 e 12 fF g fie t2 L160.00-15.00 37.621 1.03 6 1.89971 163.523 A 0.000 163.523 163.523 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 163.523 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 163.523 100.00 0.000 0.000 L215.00-1.00 7.95 0.85 5 1.6262 55.314 A 0.000 55.314 55.314 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 55.314 100.00 0.000 0.000 L- I C 0.000 55.3141 100.00 0.000 0.000 Job PM%e 10 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 5 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 LLC 651 W Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX-801-990-1776 Tower Pressure - Service GH i.ioo Section z Kz qz AG F AF A, Arra Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % In Out c Face Face ft_2 f12 t- PSf f12 e ft, T-160.00-15.00 37.62 1.03 8 149.275 A 0.000 149.275 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 L215.00-1.00 1 7.95 0.85 7 50.881 A 1 0.000 50.881 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 1 0.000 50.881 100.001 0.0001 0.000 Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind Normal To Face Section Add Self F e CF qg DF Da 14E F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf lb lb e fj2 lb ptt- Ll 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 52 1 1 149.275 5554.5712 123.43 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 q 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 43 1 1 50.881 1581.1870 112.94 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 214363.92 7135.7582 1 1 1 1 lb-ft, Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind 45 To Face Sect(nn Add sq( F e CF q= DF DR As F w Ctrl. Elevalwwl Weight Weight a Face c Psf 1b lb e _f12 PI Ll 1166.4000 4737,4875 A 1 0.65 52 1 1 149.275 5554,5712 12343 C 60,00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L2 15.00-1 00 362.8800 2265,8578 A 1 0.65 43 1 1 50.881 1581,1870 112.94 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529,2800 7003,3453 OTM 214363.92 71357582 1 lb-ft I I Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind 60 To Face tnxTower Job Pie 11 of 69 Laurel Stone 6 of 23 ...... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. UO142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste, 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycam posano Section Add Self F e CF q= DF DR A, F w Ctrl. Elckvaiaan Weight Weight a Face c psf. t lb lb e t' lb plf L1 1166 4000 4737,4875 A 1 0.65 52 1 1 149.275 5554,5712 123,.43 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0,65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0,65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 3628800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 43 1 @ 50.881 1581.1870 112.94 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight; 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 214363.92 7135.7582 1 lb-ft Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind 90 To Face Section Add Se f F e CF qz DF DR As F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c psf t lb lb e t 16 1 Ll 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 52 1 1 149.275 5554.5712 123.43 C 60.00-15.00 B 1. 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 43 1 1 50.881 1581,1870 112.94 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 214363.92 7135.7582 1 lb-ft Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind Normal To Face Section Add Sel F e CF q= DF. DR As F w Ctrl. Ele,vration Weight Weight a Face C psf t lb lb e ¢t, lb 1 L1 1166 4000 9078„5141 A 1 1.2 6 1 1 163.523 1335.7142 29.68 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 3519,5587 A 1 1.2 5 1 1 55.314 3773389 26.95 C B 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 C 1 12 1 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 12598,072 OTM 51528.263 17110531 9 1 11 11 1 lb-ft Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind 45 To Face Job Pie 12 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 7 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 --- Draper, UT84020 -Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Add Self F e CF q� DF D, A, F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf ft lh lb e f? I lb plf LI 1166.4000 9078.5141 A 1 1.2 6 11 t 163,523 1335.7142 29.68 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 3519.5587 A 1, 1.2 5 1 1 55.314 377.3389 26.95 C B 1 1.2 V 1 55.314 C 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 12598.072 OTM 51528.263 1713,0531 91 1 1 1 1 1 lb-ft I Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind 60 To Face Section Add SeV F e Cr q= DF D,, As F w Ctrl Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf fe Ib lb e lb LI 1166.4000 9078.5141 A 1, 1.2 6 1 1 163.523 1335.7142 29.68 C 60.00-15.00 B G 1.2 1 1 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 3519.5587 A 1 1.2 5 1 1. 55.314 377.3389 26.95 C B p 1.2 1 1. 55.314 C 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 12598.072 OTM 51528.263 1713.0531 1. 9 1 1 1 lb-ft L Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind 90 To Face Section Add SeJ( F e CF q� D, D, A, F w CH. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf ft lb lb e ft2 lb --P-1f LI 1166 4000 9078,5141 A 1 1.2 6 1 d 163.523 1335.7142 29,68 C 60,00-15.00 B t 12 i 1 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 L2 15,00-1,00 362 8800 3519,5597 A I L2 5 1 1 55.314 377.3389 26,95 C B 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 C 1 1,2 1 t 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529,2800 12598.072 OTM 51528.263 1713,0531 1 91 1 lb-ft I L------- Tower Forces - Service - Wind Normal To Face tnxTower Job P4%%e 13 of 69 Laurel Stone 8 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 .............................................. Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 1 ycamposano Section Add SelfF e CF q DF DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf lb lb e ft2 lb If LI 1166.4000 4737.4875 A1 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 1 60.00-15.00 B I 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0,65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265,8578 A 1 0.65 7 t 1 50.881 2412396 17.30 C B 1 0.65 V 11 50.881 C t 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 -LI Tower Forces - Service - Wind 45 To Face Section Aid Self F e CF qz D, DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf A lb lb e ftp lb LI 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1 149,275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 7 1 1 50.881 242.2396 17.30 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C t 0.65 1 1 50.981 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 I I I I lb-ft I Tower Forces - Service - Wind 60 To Face Section Add Self F e CF qr DF A,, F w CH. Elevation Weight t Weight a Face c Psf t lb lb e ft, lb pff L 1 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 1 60.00-15.00 �LB 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 7 1 1 50.881 242.2396 17.30 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 1 1 1 1 1 1 lb-ft I I I I Tower Forces - Service - Wind 90 To Face Job PM%e 14 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 9 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 ......................... - Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 ................... Section Add setir F e CF qY DF DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf ft lb lb e ...... lb1L_ LI 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 I 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 C 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 l 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 7 l 1 50.881 242.2396 17.30 C B 1 0.65 l 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.981 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 lb-ft Force Totals Load Vertical Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overtuming Overtuming X z Moments,M. Moments,M fty lb lb 1h lb-fi Leg Weight 7003.3453 Bracing Weight 0.0000 MINI 11111 Total Member Self-Weight 7003.353 0,000 0.000 ,Total Weight 17671,54053 0.000 0.000 Wind 0 deg-No Ice0.0000 -15868.8980 -1012034.100 0.000 0.000 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 7934.4490 -13742.8698 -876447.240 -506017.050 0.000 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 11221.0054 -11221.0054 715616.175 -715616.175 0,000 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 13742.8688 -7934,4490 506017.050 -876447.240 0.000 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 15868.8980 0.0000 0.000 -1012034.100 0,000 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 13742.8688 7934.4490 506017.050 -876447.240 0,000 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 11221.0054 11221.0054 715616.175 -715616.175 0,000 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 7934.4490 13742.8688 876447.240 -506017.050 OMO Wind 180 deg-No Ice 0.0000 15868.8980 1012034.100 0.000 0,000 Wind 210 deg-No Ice -7934.4490 13742.8688 876447.240 506017.050 0.000 Wind 225 deg-No Ice -11221.0054 11221,0054 715616.175 715616.175 0.000 Wind 240 deg-No Ice -13742.8688 7934 4490 506017.050 876447.240 0,000 Wind 270 deg-No Ice -15868.8980 0,0000 0.000 1012034.100 0'000 Wind 300 deg-No Ice -13742.8688 -7934,440 -506017.050 876447.240 0,000 Wind 315 deg-No Ice -11221.0054 -11221,0054 -715616.175 715616.175 0.000 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 1 --7934.4490 -137418688 -876,447,240 506017,050 0 000 MemberIce 5594.7276 Total Weight Ice 28272-5996 11111 0.000 ox)w JIM Wind 0 deg-Ice d 0.0000 -3975.6079 -258705.535 0,000 0,000 lWind 30 deg-Ice 1987.8039 -3442.9774 -224045.565 -129352.767 0.000 �Wind 45 deg-Ice 2811.1793 -2811.1793 -182932.438 -182932.438 0,000 'Wind 60 deg-Ice 3442,9774 -1987,8039 -129352.767 -224045.565 0 000 Wind 90 deg-Ice 3975.6079 0.0000 0.000 -258705.535 0,000 Wind 120 deg-Ice 3442.9774 1987,8039 129352.767 -224045.565 0 000 Wind 135 deg-Ice 2811.1793 2811.1793 182932.438 -182932.438 0.000 Wind 150 deg-Ice 198748039 34419774 224045.565 -129352.767 (1000 Wind 180 deg-Ice 0,0000 39756079 258705.535 0.000 0-000 Wind 210 deg-Ice -1987.81139 3442,9774 224045.565 129352.767 0,000 Wind 225 deg-Ice -2811.1793 2811.1793 182932.438 182932.438 0 000 Wind 240 deg-Ice .3442,97 74 1987,8039 129352.767 224045.565 0 00 Wind 270 deg-Ice -3975,6079 0.0000 0.000 258705.535 0.000 Wind 300 deg-Ice -3442.9774 -1987,8039 -129352767 224045.565 0.000 Wind 315 deg-Ice -2811.1793 -2811.1793 -182932�438 182932.438 0 000 Wind 330 deg-Ice -19878039 34,1 2,9774 -224045.565 129352.767 0.000 Total Weight 17671.5053 0.000 tnxTower Job Pie 15 of 69 Laurel Stone 10 of 23 WWW_ ..... . . ........ Vector Structural Engineerin , Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, ZIT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Load Vertical Sum of Sum of Suan of Suan of Sum of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overturning Overturning Ji Z Moments,M, Moments,M. Ib lb lb Ib-(t Ib-JP Ib ft Wind 0 deg-Service /j/ %j 0.0000 -2431.1323 -155044.713 0.000 0.000 Wind 30 de Service / 1215.5661 -2105.4223 -134272.661 -77522.357 0.000 Wind 45 deg-Service 1719.0701 -1719.0701 -109633.168 -109633.168 0.000 �� Wind 60 deg-Service �� �i 2105.4223 -1215.5661 -77522.357 -134272.661 0.000 Wind 90 deg-Service �����, 2431.1323 0.0000 0.000 -155044.713 0.000 ,Wind 120 de -Service ,/ / / 2 g �/� �� 105.4223 1215.5661 77522.357 -134272.661 0.000 Wind 135 deg-Service 1719.0701, 1719.0701 1719.0701 109633.168 -109633.168 0.000 Wind 150 deg-Service 1215.5661 2105.4223 134272.661 -77522.357 0.000' Wind 180 deg-Service 0.0000 0.0000 2431.1323 155044.713 0.000 0.000 Wind 210 deg-Service -1215.5661 2105.4223 134272.661 77522.357 0.000 Wind 225 deg-Service -1719.0701 1719.0701 109633.168 109633.168 0.000 Wind 240 de -Service - g � � 2105.4223.. 1215.5661 77522.357 134272.661 0.000 Wind 270 deg-Service -2431.1323 0.0000 0.000 155044.713 0.000 Wind 300 deg-Service -2105.4223 -1215.5661 -77522.357 134272.661 0.000 Wind 315 deg-Service -1215.5661 2105.42701 023 1304272.668 1®�522.35g 0.000 0000 Wind 330 de -Service �, ��i Load Combinations .. . ....._ ..,,,,�.. �... .. dd.-. .._. ........... .mm � .wp .. m.. � mm.. .�-. . ,.���dwd-wdwdwdwdwdwdwdw��d_�...�.�� . Comb. LDescri tion No, 1 Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Iee 3 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 4 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 13 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 15 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 17 0:9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg-No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg-No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 26 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 27 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 28 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 29 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 30 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg-No Ice 31 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg-No Ice 32 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 33 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 34 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 35 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Job PM%e 16 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 11 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 ..... �� . ... ..... .... o.....�.. _._.� »...W,.. m�. e ��e��� .... ... .. �n� .. Comb. Description No. _ .............. ....., .,.,.,.,_ 36 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0Icc+�-- - e+1.0 Temp 37 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 38 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 39 1.2 bead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 40 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 41 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 42 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 43 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 44 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 45 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 46 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 47 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 48 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 49 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 50 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 51 Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 52 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 53 Dead+Wind 45 deg-Service 54 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 55 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 56 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 57 Dead+Wind 135 deg-Service 58 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 59 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 60 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 61 Dead+Wind 225 deg-Service 62 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 63 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 64 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 65 Dead+Wind 315 deg-Service 66 Dead+Wind 330 d� Service . Maximum Member Forces Section Elevation Component � Condition � Gov. .. ...Axialmm. Major Axis MinorAxis No, ft Type Load Moment Moment . ............._ _ ........ ..� _- Comb. Ib Ib ...m..... . Ib . .__.. 1 60-15 Pole Max Tension 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 34 -25865.178 0.000 0.000 2 Max.Mx 10 -16940.860 -729481.43 0.000 6 3 Max.My 2 -16940.860 0.000 729481.433 6 Max.Vy 10 13751.1185 -729481.43 0.000 3 Max.Vx 2 -13751.118 0.000 729481.433 5 Max.Torque 4 -0.000 L2 15-1 Pole Max Tension 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 34 -32328.977 0.000 0.000 6 Max.Mx 10 -21200.999 -1023778.9 0.000 8 12 Max.My 2 -21200.999 0.000 1023778.91 8 2 Max.Vy 10 15875.2504 -1023778.9 0.000 12 Max.Vx 2 -15875.250 0.000 1023778.91 tnxTower Job Pdfte 17 of 69 Laurel Stone 12 of 23 ......... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. UO142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycam posano Section� -t Elevation Component Condition Gov. Axial -.... A,..o.o.�. ..�.w.a Major Axis Minor narAxis NO ft TJTe Load Moment Moment �_m___, Comb.,..n .m_ .lb ... lb-ft lb f ......--- mwe.... . 4 2 Max.Torque 4 -0.001 Maximum Reactions Location� �Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal,X Horizontal,Z... Load Ib lb Ib ..... -- � Comb. Pole Max.Vert ............... 34 32328.9 776 0.0000 0.0000 Max.H. 27 15904.3542 15868.8487 0.0000 Max.H. 3 15904.3542 0.0000 15868.8487 Max.Mx 2 1023778.912 0.0000 15868.8303 Max.M. 10 1023778.912 -15868.8303 0.0000 Max.Torsion 16 0.001 -7934.4154 -13742.8103 Min.Vert 11 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.0000 Min.H. 11 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.0000 Min.Ha 19 15904.3542 0.0000 -15868.8487 Min.Mx 18 -1023778.912 0.0000 -15868.8303 Min.M� 26 -1023778.912 15868.8303 0.0000 Min.Torsion 4 -0.001 -7934.4154 13742.8103 Tower Mast Reaction � �.-... .....�,, m,.m,,W.mm.......... .. � � ,,,,,�.. ....._ ��,. .... ....... Load Vertical Shea x Shea Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M Moment,M lb .m_.................,,,,,� ......... .w .�...�.,... . ...,,,..... lb ...�.e.....lb lb eft Ib-rt Dead Only 17671.5053 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 21205.8056 0.0000 -15868.8303 -1023778.912 0.000 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 15904.3542 0.0000 -15868.8487 -1020795.597 0.000 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 21205.8056 7934.4154 -13742.8103 -886618.555 -511889.471 0.001 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 15904.3542 7934.4246 -13742.8262 -884034.926 -510397.811 0.001 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No 21205.8056 11220.9578 -11220.9578 -723921.025 -723921.025 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No 15904.3542 11220.9707 -11220.9707 -721811.501 -721811.501 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 21205.8056 13742.8103 -7934.4154 -511889.471 -886618.555 -0.001 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 15904.3542 13742.8262 -7934.4246 -510397.811 -884034.926 -0.001 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 21205.8056 15868.8303 0.0000 0.000 -1023778.912 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 15904.3542 15868.8487 0.0000 0.000 -1020795.597 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 21205.8056 13742.8103 7934.4154 511889.471 -886618.555 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 15904.3542 13742.8262 7934.4246 510397.811 -884034.926 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg- 21205.8056 11220.9578 11220.9578 723921.025 -723921.025 0.000 No Ice Job P4F%%e 18 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 13 of 23 -..... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 m �Load Vertical ....,.,�,,,.. Shearr, ww wwwShear, ...Overturning ,..�... Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M Moment,Mg lb t t ... .. lb ._.,... ....a�_ 0...... b-ft 9 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg- 15904.3542 11 20.9707 11220.9707 72 0.9707 H11.501 18..11.501 - 21811.501 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 21205.8056 7934.4154 13742.8103 886618.555 -511889.471 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 15904.3542 7934.4246 13742.8262 884034.926 -510397.811 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 21205.8056 0.0000 15868.8303 1023778.912 0.000 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 15904.3542 0.0000 15868.8487 1020795.597 0.000 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 21205.8056 -7934.4154 13742.8103 886618.555 511889.471 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 15904.3542 -7934.4246 13742.8262 884034.926 510397.811 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg- 21205.8056 -11220.9578 11220.9578 723921.025 723921.025 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg- 15904.3542 -11220.9707 11220.9707 721811.501 721811.501 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 21205.8056 -13742.8103 7934.4154 511889.471 886618.555 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 15904.3542 -13742.8262 7934.4246 510397.811 884034.926 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 21205.8056 -15868.8303 0.0000 0.000 1023778.912 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.0000 0.000 1020795.597 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 21205.8056 -13742.8103 -7934.4154 -511889.471 886618.555 0.001 No Iee 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 15904.3542 -13742.8262 -7934.4246 -510397.811 884034.926 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg- 21205.8056 -11220.9578 -11220.9578 -723921.025 723921.025 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg- 15904.3542 -11220.9707 -11220.9707 -721811.501 721811.501 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 21205.8056 -7934.4154 -13742.8103 -886618.555 511889.471 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 15904.3542 -7934.4246 -13742.8262 -884034.926 510397.811 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 32328.9776 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 32328.9771 0.0000 -3975.6163 -263276.528 0.000 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 32328.9771 1987.8081 -3442.9847 -228004.162 -131638.264 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg+1.0 32328.9771 2811.1852 -2811.1852 -186164.619 -186164.619 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 32328.9771 3442.9847 -1987.8081 -131638.264 -228004.162 -0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 32328.9771 3975.6163 0.0000 0.000 -263276.528 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 32328.9771 3442.9847 1987.8081 131638.264 -228004.162 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 32328.9771 2811.1852 2811.1852 186164.619 -186164.619 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 32328.9771 1987.8081 3442.9847 228004.162 -131638.264 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 32328.9771 0.0000 3975.6163 263276.528 0.000 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 32328.9771 -1987.8081 3442.9847 228004.162 131638.264 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 32328.9771 -2811.1852 2811.1852 186164.619 186164.619 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp tnxTower Job Pft%e 19 of 69 Laurel Stone 14 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 y c a mposano Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M, Moment,M, Ib Ib Ib Ib- ................. ......... ....... - ft lb,f't b 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 32328.9771 -3442.9847 1987,8081 131638.264 228004.162 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 32328.9771 -3975,6163 0.0000 0.000 263276.528 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1,0 Wind 300 32328.9771 -3442.9847 -1987.8081 -131638.264 228004.162 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 32328.9771 -2811.1852 -2811.1852 -186164.619 186164.619 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 32328.9771 -1987.8081 -3442.9847 -228004.162 131638.264 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 17671.5044 0.0000 -2431,0109 -156544.833 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 17671.5044 1215.5055 -2105.3172 -135571.802 -78272.417 0.000 Dead+Wind 45 deg-Service 17671.5044 1718.9843 -1718.9843 -110693.913 -110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 17671.5044 2105,3172 -1215.5055 -78272.417 -135571.802 -0,000 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 17671.5044 2431.0109 0.0000 0.000 -156544.833 0.000 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 17671.5044 2105.3172 1215.5055 78272.417 -135571.802 0.000 Dead+Wind 135 deg-Service 17671.5044 1718.9843 1718.9843 110693.913 -110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 17671.5044 1215.5055 2105.3172 135571.802 -78272.417 -0.000 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 17671.5044 0.0000 2431.0109 156544.833 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 17671.5044 -1215.5055 2105.3172 135571.802 78272.417 0.000 Dead+Wind 225 deg-Service 17671.5044 -1718.9843 1718.9843 110693.913 110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 17671.5044 -2105.3172 1215.5055 78272.417 135571.802 -0.000 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 17671.5044 -2431.0109 0.0000 0.000 156544.833 0.000 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 17671.5044 -2105.3172 -1215.5055 -78272,417 135571.802 0.000 Dead+Wind 315 deg-Service 17671.5044 -1718.9843 -1718.9843 -110693,913 110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 330,dei,Z.Service 17671.5044 -1215,5055 -2105.3172 -135571.902 78272.417 -0.000 Solution Summa!y .......... --------- ............. Suin ofApphed Forces Sum ofReactions Load PX PY PZ PX PY PZ %Error Comb. Ib lb lb lb lb Ib 1 0.0000 -17671.5053 0.0000 0.0000 17671.5053 0.0000 0.000% 2 0,0000 -21205.8064 -15868.8980 0.0000 21205.8056 15868.8303 0.000% 3 0.0000 -15904.3548 -15868.8980 0,0000 15904.3542 15868.8487 0.000% 4 7934.4490 -21205.8064 -13742.8688 -7934.4154 21205.8056 13742.8103 0.000% 5 7934.4490 -15904.3548 -13742.8688 -7934.4246 15904.3542 13742.8262 0.000% 6 11221.0054 -21205.8064 -11221.0054 -11220,9578 21205.8056 11220.9578 0.000% 7 11221.0054 -15904.3548 -11221.0054 -11220.9707 15904.3542 11220.9707 0.000% 8 13742.8688 -21205.8064 -7934.4490 -13742.8103 21205.8056 7934.4154 0.000% 9 13742.8688 -15904.3548 -7934.4490 -13742.8262 15904.3542 7934.4246 0.000% 10 15868,8980 -21205.8064 0.0000 -15868.8303 21205.8056 0.0000 0.000% 11 15868.8980 -15904.3548 0.0000 -15868.8487 15904.3542 0.0000 0.000% 12 13742.8688 -21205.8064 7934.4490 -13742.8103 21205.8056 -7934.4154 0.000% 13 13742.8688 -15904.3548 7934.4490 -13742.8262 15904.3542 -7934.4246 0.000% 14 11221.0054 -21205.8064 11221.0054 -11220.9578 21205.8056 -11220.9578 0.000% 15 11221.0054 -15904.3548 11221,0054 -11220.9707 15904.3542 -11220.9707 0.000% 16 7934.4490 -21205,8064 13742.8688 -7934.4154 21205.8056 -13742.8103 0.000% 17 7934.4490 -15904.3548 13742.8688 -7934.4246 15904.3542 -13742.8262 0.000% 18 0.0000 -21205.8064 15868.8980 0.0000 21205.8056 -15868.8303 0.000% 19 0.0000 -15904.3548 15868.8980 0.0000 15904,3542 -15868.8487 0.000% 20 -7934.4490 -21205.8064 13742.8689 7934.4154 21205,8056 -13742.8103 0.000% 21 -7934.4490 -15904.3548 13742.8688 7934.4246 15904,3542 -137418262 0.000% 22 -11221.0054 -21205.8064 11221.0054 11220.9578 21205.8056 -11220.9578 0.000% 23 -11221.0054 -15904,3548 11221.0054 11220.9707 15904.3542 -11220.9707 0.000% 24 -13742.8688 -21205.8064 7934.4490 13742.8103 21205.8056 -7934,4154 0.000% 25 -13742.8688 -15904,3548 7934.4490 13742.8262 15904.3542 -7934.4246 0.000% 26 -15968,9980 -21205.8064 0.0000 15868.8303 21205.8056 0.0000 0.000% Job Pffte 20 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 15 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 ....... Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano ................. Sum of Applied Forces Sum ofReactions Load PX Py PZ PX Py PZ %Error Comb. lb lb lb lb lb lb 27 -15968.8980 -15904.3548 0.0000 15868.8487 15904.3542 0.0000 0.000% 28 -13742.8688 -21205.8064 -7934.4490 13742.8103 21205.8056 7934.4154 0.000% 29 -13742.8688 -15904.3548 -7934.4490 13742.8262 15904.3542 7934.4246 0,000% 30 -11221.0054 -21205.8064 -11221.0054 11220.9578 21205.8056 11220.9578 0,000% 31 -11221.0054 -15904.3548 -11221.0054 11220.9707 15904.3542 11220.9707 0.000% 32 -7934,4490 -21205.8064 -13742.8689 7934.4154 21205.8056 13742.8103 0.000% 33 -7934.4490 -15904.3548 -13742.8688 7934.4246 15904.3542 13742.8262 0.000% 34 0.0000 -32328,9776 0.0000 0.0000 32328.9776 0.0000 0.000% 35 0.0000 -32328.9776 -3975.6079 0.0000 32329.9771 3975.6163 0.000% 36 1987.8039 -32328.9776 -3442.9774 -1987,8081 32328.9771 3442.9847 0.000% 37 2811.1793 -32328.9776 -2811.1793 -2811.1852 32328.9771 2911.1852 0.000% 38 3442,9774 -32328.9776 -1987.8039 -3442.9847 32328.9771 1987.8081 0.000% 39 3975.6079 -32328.9776 0.0000 -3975.6163 32328.9771 0.0000 0.000% 40 3442.9774 -32328,9776 1987.8039 -3442.9847 32328.9771 -1987.9081 0.000% 41 2811.1793 -32328.9776 2811.1793 -2811.1852 32328.9771 -2811.1852 0.000% 42 1987.8039 -32328.9776 3442.9774 -1987.8081 32328.9771 -3442.9947 0,000% 43 0.0000 -32328.9776 3975.6079 0.0000 32328.9771 -3975.6163 0.000% 44 -1987.8039 -32328.9776 3442.9774 1987.8091 32328.9771 -3442.9847 0.000% 45 -2811.1793 -32328.9776 2811.1793 2811.1852 32328.9771 -2811,1852 0.000% 46 -3442.9774 -32328.9776 1987.8039 3442.9847 32328.9771 -1987.8081 0.000% 47 -3975,6079 -32328.9776 0.0000 3975.6163 32328.9771 0.0000 0.000% 48 -3442.9774 -32328.9776 -1987.8039 3442.9847 32328.9771 1987.8081 0.000% 49 -2811.1793 -32328.9776 -2811,1793 2811.1852 32328.9771 2811.1852 0.000% 50 -1987.8039 -32328.9776 -3442.9774 1987.8081 32328.9771 3442.9847 0.000% 51 0.0000 -17671.5053 -2431.1323 0.0000 17671.5044 2431,0109 0.001% 52 1215.5661 -17671.5053 -2105.4223 -1215.5055 17671.5044 2105.3172 0,001% 53 1719,0701 -17671.5053 -1719.0701 -1718.9843 17671.5044 1718.9843 0.001% 54 2105.4223 -17671.5053 -1215.5661 -2105.3172 17671.5044 1215.5055 0.001% 55 2431.1323 -17671.5053 0.0000 -2431.0109 17671.5044 0.0000 0,001% 56 2105.4223 -17671.5053 1215.5661 -2105.3172 17671.5044 -1215.5055 0.001% 57 1719.0701 -17671.5053 1719.0701 -1718.9843 17671.5044 -1718.9843 0.001% 58 1215.5661 -17671.5053 2105.4223 -1215.5055 17671.5044 -2105.3172 0.001% 59 0.0000 -17671.5053 2431.1323 0.0000 17671.5044 -2431.0109 0.001% 60 -1215.5661 -17671.5053 2105,4223 1215.5055 17671.5044 -2105.3172 0.001% 61 -1719.0701 -17671.5053 1719.0701 1718.9843 17671.5044 -1718.9843 0.001% 62 -2105.4223 -17671.5053 1215.5661 2105.3172 17671.5044 -1215.5055 0.001% 63 -2431.1323 -17671.5053 0.0000 2431.0109 17671.5044 0,0000 0.001% 64 -2105.4223 -17671.5053 -1215.5661 2105.3172 17671.5044 1215.5055 0.001% 65 -1719.0701 -17671.5053 -1719.0701 1718,9843 17671.5044 1718,9943 0.001% 66 -1215.5661 -17671,5053 -2105.4223 1215.5055 17671.5044 2105,3172 0.001% .............. ........--. --- --....... Non-Linear Convergence Results Load Converged? Number Displacement Force Combination of Cvcles Tolerance Tolerance 1 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00000001 2 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 3 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002246 4 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 5 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 6 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 7 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 8 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 9 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 10 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 11 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002246 tnxTower Job Pffte 21 of 69 Laurel Stone 16 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste, 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 Ycam posano 12 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 13 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 14 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 15 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 16 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 17 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 18 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 19 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002246 20 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 21 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 22 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 23 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 24 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 25 Yes 70.00000001 0.00007638 26 Yes 7' 0.00000001 0.00002339 27 Yes 7' 0.00000001 0.00002246 28 Yes 7' 0.00000001 0.00009040 29 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 30 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 31 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 32 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 33 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 34 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00000001 35 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 36 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 37 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 38 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 39 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 40 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 41 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 42 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 43 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 44 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 45 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 46 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 47 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 48 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 49 Yes "1 0.00000001 0.00010913 50 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 51 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 52 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 53 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 54 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 55 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 56 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 57 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 58 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 59 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 60 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 61 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 62 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 63 Yes 61 0.00000001 0.00005350 64 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 65 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 66 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind Job Pf"e 22 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 17 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phase:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 � .......... .....-. ... ..m......ti..................00� ... Section Elevation Har. Gov. Tilt Twist No, Deflection Load ft to Cornh. Ll 60-15 1.527 55 0.2268 0.0000 L2 20.83-1 0.201 55 0.0847 0.0000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twit � wywyw�d�.w �� Elevation � � s.. Radius of Load Curvature ill t t ..... Comb.... �. 121.00 (2)Commander 220-3AN(20.7 ft x 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 115.40 (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 110.70 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ft^2(100 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 Ills) 110.00 Top Plate 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 105.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 100.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 95.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 90.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 85.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 80.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 75.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 70.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 65.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 60.00 Bottom Plate 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind Section Elevation Hon Gov. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ft ill Comb- Ll.......... 60-15 9.984 10 1.4828 ... -_.. ... 0.0000 L2 20.83-1 1.316 10 0.5542 0.0000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Design Wind Elevation�W� A.... ppurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature A Comb. in `" {t 121.00 (2)Commander 220-3AN(20.7 ft x 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 2.75"Dia.,24 Ills) 115.40 (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 110.70 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ft^2(100 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 lbs) 110.00 Top Plate 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 105.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 100.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 95.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 Job P*fte 23 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 18 of 23 1 -- .......... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste 101WWWW 1 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 1 ycamposano -----................ ....... -------- Elevation Appurtenance Gov, Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature .....................---- Colnbin 11 jt -----1-- 90.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 85.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 80.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 75.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0,0000 11944 70.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 65.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 rn 60.00 BottomPlate 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 Compression Checks ..... ..... Pole Design Data ---�..................... .................. ................ eclioll Elevation size L L, KI1r A P. �P- Ratio NO, P. ftft il12 lb Ill ............. ........... ........... LI 60-57.9384 TP42,48x36x0.25 45.00 0.00 0.0 28.6032 -11037.0996 1889940.000 0.006 0 57.9384- 28,8388 -11342.5996 1899120.000 0.006 55.8768 0 55.8768- 29.0743 -11650.5996 1908200.000 0.006 53.8153 0 53.8153- 29.3099 -11961.2998 1917180,000 0.006 51.7537 0 51.7537- 29.5454 -12274.5000 1926050.000 0.006 49.6921 0 49.6921- 29.7810 -12590.4004 1934820.000 0.007 47.6305 0 47.6305- 30.0166 -12909.0000 1943480.000 0.007 45.5689 0 45.5689- 30,2521 -13230.0996 1952040.000 0.007 43.5074 0 43.5074- 30.4877 -13554.0000 1960500.000 0.007 41.4458 0 41.4458- 30.7233 -13880.5000 1968850.000 0.007 39.3842 0 39.3842- 30.9588 -14209.7002 1977090.000 0.007 37.3226 0 37.3226- 31.1944 -14541.5996 1985240.000 0.007 35.2611 0 35.2611- 31.4300 -14876.0996 1993280.000 0.007 33.1995 0 33.1995- 31.6655 -15213.4004 2001210.000 0.008 31.1379 0 31.1379- 31.9011 -15553.5000 2009040.000 0.008 29.0763 0 29.0763- 32.1367 -15896.2002 2016770.000 0.008 27.0147 0 27.0147- 32.3722 -16241.7002 2024390.000 0.008 24.9532 0 24.9532- 32.6078 -16589.9004 2031900.000 0.008 22.8916 0 22.8916- 32.8433 -16940.9004 2039320.000 0,008 20.83 0 20.93-15 33.5095 -9451.5303 2059720.000 0,005 Job Pf"e 24 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 19 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 .......... Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposaAno FAX.-801-990-1776 ............. ....................................................... - ... ... .................................................. Section Elevation Size L L. KI1r A Pu �Pll Ratio No P. ft ft in' lb lb 0 L2 20.83-15 TP43.996x41.14050.25 19.83 0.00 0.0 33.1128 -9252.0596 2047670.000 0.005 0 15-14 33.2270 -18884.6992 2051170.000 0.009 0 14-13 33.3413 -19059.0000 2054640.000 0.009 0 13-12 33.4555 -19233.9004 2058100.000 0.009 0 12-11 33.5698 -19409.5000 2061520.000 0.009 0 11-10 33.6841 -19585.6992 2064920.000 0.009 0 10-9 33.7983 -19762.5996 2068300.000 0.010 0 9-8 33.9126 -19940.0996 2071660.000 0.010 0 8-7 34.0269 -20118.3008 2074980.000 0.010 0 7-6 34.1411 -20297.0996 2078290.000 0.010 0 6-5 34.2554 -20476.5996 2081570.000 0.010 0 5-4 34.3697 -20656.6992 2084820.000 0.010 0 4-3 34.4839 -20837.5000 2088050.000 0.010 0 3-2 34.5982 -21018.9004 2091260.000 0.010 0 2-1 34.7125 -21201.0000 2094440.000 0.010 0 Pole Bending Design 'Data .............. Section Elevation Size M- Om- Ratio M.v OM" Ratio No. M- lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft L1 60-57,9384 TP42.48x36x0.25 301265,833 1402183.333 0.215 0.000 1402183.333 0.000 57.9384- 320648.333 1420683.333 0.226 0.000 1420683.333 0.000 55.8768 55.8768- 340561.667 1439216.667 0.237 0.000 1439216.667 0.000 53.8153 53.8153- 361003.333 1457783.333 0.248 0.000 1457783.333 0.000 51.7537 51.7537- 381971.667 1476375.000 0.259 0.000 1476375.000 0.000 49.6921 49.6921- 403464.167 1495000.000 0.270 0.000 1495000.000 0.000 47.6305 47.6305- 425478.333 1513650.000 0.281 0.000 1513650.000 0.000 45.5689 45.5689- 448012.500 1532333.333 0.292 0.000 1532333.333 0.000 43.5074 43.5074- 471064.167 1551025.000 0.304 0.000 1551025.000 0.000 41.4458 41.4458- 494630.000 1569750.000 0.315 0.000 1569750.000 0.000 39.3842 tnxTower Job Pie 25 of 69 Laurel Stone 20 of 23 ......... . Vector Structural Engineering, Project .......... Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 F Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX-801-990-1776 1 ycamposano ........... ...... ........................-Siz'e'........... M- 11011 Elevation Ratio Al", Ratio No M", M.v lb lb ft 6M.' lb-ft , ft 39.3842- 518708.333 1588483.333 0.327 0.000 1588483.333 0.000 37.3226 37.3226- 543297.500 1607241.667 0.338 0.000 1607241.667 0.000 35.2611 35.2611- 568393.333 1626016.667 0.350 0.000 1626016.667 0.000 33.1995 33.1995- 593994.167 1644800.000 0.361 0.000 1644800.000 0.000 31.1379 31.1379- 620098.333 1663591.667 0.373 0.000 1663591.667 0.000 29.0763 29.0763- 646700.833 1682400.000 0.384 0.000 1682400.000 0.000 27.0147 27.0147- 673800.833 1701208.333 0.396 0.000 1701208.333 0.000 24.9532 24.9532- 701395.833 1720033.333 0.408 0.000 1720033.333 0.000 22.8916 22.8916- 729481.667 1738850.000 0.420 0.000 1738850.000 0.000 20.83 20.83-15 413310.833 1792083.333 0.231 0.000 1792083.333 0.000 L2 20.83-15 TP43.996x41.14050.25 398329.167 1760383.333 0.226 0.000 1760383.333 0.000 15-14 826130.833 1769508.333 0.467 0.000 1769508.333 0.000 14-13 840725.000 1778641.667 0.473 0.000 1778641.667 0.000 13-12 855416.667 1787766.667 0.478 0.000 1787766.667 0.000 12-11 870208.333 1796900.000 0.484 0.000 1796900.000 0.000 11-10 885108.333 1806025.000 0.490 0.000 1806025.000 0.000 10-9 900108.333 1815150.000 0.496 0.000 1815150.000 0.000 9-8 915208.333 1824275.000 0.502 0,000 1824275.000 0.000 8-7 930408.333 1833400.000 0.507 0.000 1833400.000 0.000 7-6 945716.667 1842525.000 0.513 0.000 1842525.000 0.000 6-5 961125.000 1851641.667 0.519 0.000 1851641.667 0.000 5-4 976633.333 1860758.333 0.525 0.000 1860758.333 0.000 4-3 992250.000 1869875.000 0.531 0.000 1869875.000 0.000 3-2 1007958.333 1878991.667 0.536 0.000 1878991.667 0.000 2-1 1023775.000 1888100.000 0.542 0.000 1888100.000 0.000 Pole Shear )esign Data ----iecii-o)-IElevation a t"ion Size Actual V. Ratio Actual OT. Ratio No. V. V. T. T. ft lb lb 4) lb-ft lb ft OL .. . ........ ..... . . ..... L 1 -57.9384 TP42.48x36xO.25 9277.0801 944968.0000 0.010 0.000 2816741.667 0.000 57.9384- 9535.1904 949561.0000 0.010 0.000 2847800.000 0.000 55.8768 55.8768- 9792.2900 954101.0000 0.010 0.000 2884925.000 0.000 53.8153 53.8153- 10048.400 958589.0000 0.010 0.000 2922116.667 0.000 51.7537 4 51.7537- 10303.400 963025.0000 0.011 0.000 2959366.667 0.000 49.6921 4 49.6921- 10557.400 967409.0000 0.011 0.000 2996675.000 0.000 47.6305 4 47.6305- 10810.200 971741.0000 0.011 0.000 3034033.333 0.000 45.5689 2 45.5689- 11062.000 976021.0000 0.011 0.000 3071450.000 0.000 43.5074 0 43.5074- 11312.599 980249.0000 0.012 0.000 3108900.000 0.000 Job P�je 26 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 21 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galeria Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 SectZoaa EZevatlorr Size Actual V„ Ratio Actual 0T„ Ratio No. V Z a T T ftlb lb apV lb-ft -.. .. lb-ft . ... . ... 41.4458 6 41.4458- 11562.000 984424.0000 0.012 0.000 3146400.000 0.000 39.3842 0 39.3842- 11810.200 988547.0000 0.012 0.000 3183941.667 0.000 37.3226 2 37.3226- 12057.299 992619.0000 0.012 0.000 3221508.333 0.000 35.2611 8 35.2611- 12303.099 996638.0000 0.012 0.000 3259108.333 0.000 33.1995 6 33.1995- 12547.700 1000600.0000 0.013 0.000 3296741.667 0.000 31.1379 2 31.1379- 12791.000 1004520.0000 0.013 0.000 3334383.333 0.000 29.0763 0 29.0763- 13033.000 1008380.0000 0.013 0.000 3372058.333 0.000 27.0147 0 27.0147- 13273.799 1012190.0000 0.013 0.000 3409741.667 0.000 24.9532 8 24.9532- 13513.200 1015950.0000 0.013 0.000 3447433.333 0.000 22.8916 2 22.8916- 13751.200 1019660.0000 0.013 0.000 3485133.333 0.000 20.83 2 20.83-15 7532.3501 1029860.0000 0.007 0.000 3591758.333 0.000 L,2 20.83-15 TP43.996x41.14050.25 6922.5601 1023830.0000 0.007 0.000 3528258.333 0.000 15-14 14547.000 1025580.0000 0.014 0.000 3546541.667 0.000 0 14-13 14648.500 1027320.0000 0.014 0.001 3564833.333 0.000 0 13-12 14750.200 1029050.0000 0.014 0.000 3583116.667 0.000 2 12-11 14851.900 1030760.0000 0.014 0.000 3601408.333 0.000 4 11-10 14953.799 1032460.0000 0.014 0.001 3619691.667 0.000 8 10-9 15055.700 1034150.0000 0.015 0.001 3637975.000 0.000 2 9-8 15157.799 1035830.0000 0.015 0.001 3656250.000 0.000 8 8-7 15260.000 1037490.0000 0.015 0.000 3674525.000 0.000 0 7-6 15362.299 1039140.0000 0.015 0.001 3692791.667 0.000 8 6-5 15464.700 1040780.0000 0.015 0.000 3711058.333 0.000 2 5-4 15567.200 1042410.0000 0.015 0.000 3729325.000 0.000 2 4-3 15669.799 1044030.0000 0.015 0.001 3747583.333 0.000 8 3-2 15772.500 1045630.0000 0.015 0.000 3765833.333 0.000 0 2-1 15875.299 1047220.0000 0.015 0.000 3784075.000 0.000 8 Pole Interaction Design Data tnxTower Job Pie 27 of 69 Laurel Stone 22 of 23 ........... .. -........... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galeria Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano ....vveee ..- "-. -"'- ,.. s� ..o..� �. .�__ Elevation Ratio Ratio R atio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. . Grrter-,.�w��.o is No. Pv M M. V T. Stress Stress ft SMI", Hyl 31 � lr T Ratio Ratio Ll 60-57.9384 0.006 0.215 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.221 1.000 4.8.2 57.9384- 0.006 0.226 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.232 1.000 4.8.2 55.8768 55.8768- 0.006 0.237 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.243 1.000 4 8 2 IIS 53.8153 53.8153- 0.006 0.248 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.254 1.000 4.8.2 51.7537 51.7537- 0.006 0.259 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.265 1.000 4 8 2 49.6921 49.6921- 0.007 0.270 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.277 1.000 4 8 2 I 47.6305 47.6305- 0.007 0.281 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.288 1.000 4.8.2 45.5689 45.5689- 0.007 0.292 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.299 1.000 4 8 2 43.5074 43.5074- 0.007 0.304 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.311 1.000 4.8.2 41.4458 41.4458- 0.007 0.315 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.322 1.000 4.8.2 39.3842 39.3842- 0.007 0.327 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.334 1.000 482 37.3226 4.8.2 37.3226- 0.007 0.338 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.346 1.000 4.8.2 U 35.2611 35.2611- 0.007 0.350 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.357 1.000 4.8.2 I� 33.1995 33.1995- 0.008 0.361 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.369 1.000 4 8 2 31.1379 IV 31.1379- 0.008 0.373 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.381 1.000 4.8.2 29.0763 29.0763- 0.008 0.384 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.392 1.000 4.8.2 27.0147 27.0147- 0.008 0.396 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.404 1.000 4.8.2 IIIA 24.9532 24.9532- 0.008 0.408 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.416 1.000 4 8 2 22.8916 22.8916- 0.008 0.420 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.428 1.000 4.8.2 20.83 20.83-15 0.005 0.231 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.235 1.000 4.8.2 'INr L2 20.83-15 0.005 0.226 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.231 1.000 4.8.2 15-14 0.009 0.467 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.476 1.000 4.8.2 14-13 0.009 0.473 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.482 1.000 4.8.2 13-12 0.009 0.478 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.488 1.000 4.8.2 12-11 0.009 0.484 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.494 1.000 4.8.2 11-10 0.009 0.490 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.500 1.000 4.8.2 Job Pie 28 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 23 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 ....... Draper, UT84020 client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 ............ Se,�w-n -ElevalionRatio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Coinb. Allow. Criteria ]VO, P. M- M., V. T. Stress Stress ft t, Cala Ratio Ratio ... ............ 10-9 0.010 0.496 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.506 1.000 4.8.2 9-8 0.010 0.502 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.512 1.000 4.8.2 8-7 0.010 0.507 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.517 1.000 4.8.2 7-6 0.010 0.513 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.523 1.000 4.8.2 6-5 0.010 0.519 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.529 1.000 4.8.2 5-4 0.010 0.525 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.535 1.000 4.8.2 4-3 0.010 0.531 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.541 1.000 4.8.2 3-2 0.010 0.536 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.547 1,000 4.8.2 2-1 0.010 0.542 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.553 1.000 4.8.2 S/ ................... ........ ................................... ....... Section Capaci!y Table -e-c-t-i o-Y i Elevation-, -"'-"--'Component T...1-1. -----Pass No, ftTyp e Element lb lb Capacity Fail .......... Ll 60-15 Pole TP42.48x36x0.25 1 -16940.9004 2039320.00 42.8 Pass 00 L2 15-1 Pole TP43.996x41.1405x0.25 2 -21201.0000 2094440.00 55.3 Pass 00 Summary Pole(L2) 55.3 Pass RATING= 55.3 Pass ..........................-1.1111................. ........... Program Version File://vsefiles/Projects/2019 ProjectsfU0142 Stealth/U0142-899-191 Laurel Stone VZ16-01355W-17(NY,120' basepole)/ENG/BASEPOLE/tower/LaureI Stone,eri tnxTower Job PfUte 29 of 69 Laurel Stone 1 of 23 ......... ........................... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste, 101 1 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions I FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Tower Input Data The tower is a monopole. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. ASCE 7-10 Wind Data is used. Basic wind speed of 145 mph. Risk Category III and IV. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50'F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear(P-delta)analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads,feed line supports,and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Tapered Pole Section Geometry "7icctioW__"' Nm e-7-- to;_ali eid....................."Po1_e_Gra__... de . Length Length of Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius ft 1, t Sides in illill ill Ll 60.00-15.00 45.00 5.83 18 36.0000 42.4800 0.2500 1.0000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L2 15.00-1.00 19.83 18 41.1405 43.9960 0.2500 1.0000 A572-65 ------------------................... ........__......_............ 5!LsL) Tapered Pole Properties Section Tip Dia Area I r C I/C i NQ w WIt ill ill' 6114 ill in 6113 1114 1162 ill Ll 36.51_68 28.3676 45 8-0.�Wf 12.6913 18.2880 250.4646 9167.01-94 -14.18'-65 5.8960 23.584 43.0968 33.5095 7550.0117 14.9917 21.5798 349.8641 15109.9579 16.7579 7.0365 28.146 L2 42.5890 32.4466 6854.1090 14.5161 20.8994 327.9578 13717.2368 16.2264 6.8007 27.203 44.6361 34.7125 8392.6561 15.5298 22,3500375.5109 16796.3555 17.3595 7.3033 29.213 ..........._....... .................. Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust.Factor Adjust. Weight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle Elevation Area Thickness Af Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (per face) A, Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants Job P*We 30 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 2 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust.Factor Adjust. WeightMuft, DoubleAngle Double.Anglc DouhleAngle Elevation Area Thickness Af Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (perface) A, Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals xemunumts in Ll 60.00-15.00 L2 15.00-1.00 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area iu or Shield From TJT" Number Leg Torque ft2fft P�r Calculation 15/8 Coax s Inside Pole 60.00-1.00 36 No Ice 0.00 0.72 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas Section Elevation In Face Out Face LI 60.00-15.00 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C n000 0.000 0.000 0000 1166.4000 Lz /5.00-1.00 A 0000 0.000 0.000 o»oo 0.0000 B 0000 0000 «.»»» «»»» »»»»« C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 362.8800 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas - With Ice umxm"z zmvamx/ or /xmknmo In Face Out Face ft Leg in t� ft2 L 1 60.00-15.00 A 1.900 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 o»oo 0.000 1166.4000 cz 15.00'1o0 A 1.e26 0.000 n000 n»no 0.000 o»000 B ouoo 0.000 0.000 0.000 o»000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 o 362.8800 Tower Job P*fte 31 of 69 Laurel Stone 3 of 23 Lector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. UO142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990.1776 1ycamposano ww_ User Defined Loads �,,... Description Elevation Offset Azimuth Weight F F: Wind Force CAAc Fran Angle Centroid Al .. Vit_. .. lb Ib lb lb ...... Top Plate 11000 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 719.0260 9.90 Ice 587.6700 0.0000 0.0000 187.4015 21.70 Service 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 110.1556 9.90 Bulkhead 100.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1409.4846 19.80 Ice 1071.3100 0.0000 0.0000 367.0189 43.36 Service 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 215.9346 19.80 Bulkhead 90.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1378.5648 19.80 Ice 1062.8500 0.0000 0.0000 358.3881 43.29 Service 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 211.1976 19.80 Bulkhead 80.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1344.8017 19.80 Ice 1053.5000 0.0000 0.0000 348.9646 43.21 Service 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 206.0251 19.80 Bulkhead 70.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1307.5232 19.80 Ice 1043.0300 0.0000 0.0000 338.5844 43.12 Service 300.0000 0.0000 0.0000 200.3140 19.80 Bottom Plate 60.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 632.8858 9.90 Ice 568.7400 0.0000 0.0000 163.7344 21.54 Service 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 96.9588 9.90 Coax in top section 60.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 700.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 Ice 700.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 Service 700.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 top section pipe 60.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 5150.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 Ice 5150.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 Service 5150.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 Discrete Tower Loads ---- Description Face Offset Offsets. Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type 11orz Adjustanent Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft oft ft' ft2 lb ft t sss (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 105.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 sss (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 95.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 sss (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 85.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 sss (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 75.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 sss Job Pie 32 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 4 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. UO142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 Dscrip tion Face O set O fsets: AzirxutlPlacement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Hort Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ft ft' ft-' lb ft _... _.... _ ... e..,,. (.,.- .. ........ _. -_...._. (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 65.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (2)Commander 220-3AN C None 0.0000 121.00 No Ice 4.78 4.78 24.0000 (20.7 ft x 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 1/2"Ice 7.79 7.79 65.4539 1"Ice 9.91 9.91 119.9854 (2)Sinclair C None 0.0000 115.40 No Ice 4.43 4.43 10.4400 SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 ft x 1/2"Ice 5.01 5.01 41.8094 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 1"Ice 5.59 5.59 79.6193 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ft^2 C None 0.0000 110.70 No Ice 4.00 4.00 60.0000 (100 lbs) 1/2"Ice 4.66 4.66 80.0000 1"Ice 5.32 5.32 100.0000 Tower Pressures - No Ice GH=1.100 Section z Kz qz AG F AF Ara Akg Leg CAAA CAAA Llevation a % In Out c Face Face ft ts ft- e f` tz (t' ftp ft' Ll 60.00-15.00 37.62 1.03 52 149.275 A 0.000 149.275 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 B -0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 L215.00-1.00 7.95 0.85 43 50.881 A 0.000 50.881 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 1 0.0001 50.881 1 100.00 0.000 0.000 Tower Pressure - With GH=1.100 Section z Kz q= tz AG F AF Aft Ar"g Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % In Out _7 c Face Face t t S ill [ e t- t- t2 g`t t" LI60,00-15.00 37,62 1,03 6 18997 163.523 A 0.000 163.523 163.523 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 163.523 10000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 163,523 100,00 0.000 0.000, L215,00-1,00 7.95 0.,85 5 1.6262 55.314 A 0.000 55.314 55.314 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 55.314 100.00 0,000 0.000 C 0.000 55.314 100,00 0.000 0.000 ----------- tnxTower Job Pffte 33 of 69 Laurel Stone 5 of 23 ... ....... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 ................ Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Tower Pressure - Service GH=i.ioo Section z Kz q AG F AF AR Al" Leg CAA.4 CAA, Elevation a % In Out c Face Face t ft f!2 L T-160.00-15.00 37,62 1,03 8 149.275 A 0.000 149.275 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 149.275 100.00 0.000 0.000 L2 15.00-1.00 7.95 0,85 7 50.881 A 0.000 50.881 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 50.881 100.00 0.000 0.000 ----------------------------- C 1 0.0001 50.881 1 1 100.00 0.0001 0.0001 Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind Normal To Face Section Add Self F e CF q: DF DR AE F w Ctrl. ITievation Weight Weight " Face lb lb C Psf lb f L1 1166,4000 4737.4875 A 1 0,65 52 1 1 149.275 5554,5712 123,43 C 60,00-15.00 B 1 0,65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0,65 1 1 149.275 L215,00-1.00 362,8800 2265,8578 A 1 0,65 43 1 1 50.881 1581 1870 112,94 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0,65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529,2800 7003,3453 OTM 214363.92 7135,7582 L J I lb-ft 1 Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind 45 To Face Section Add Self F e CF qr DF DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face C Psf ft lb lb e i2 lb Plf Ll 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 52 1 1 149.275 5554.5712 123.43 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 43 1 1 50.881 1581.1870 112.94 C B t 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 214363.92 7135.7582 1 lb-ft Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind 60 To Face Job Pje 34 of 69 e Laurel Stone 6 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, UO142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 LLC. 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Add Self F e CF q DF DR AR F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c psf t lb lb e t lb Plf Ll 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 52 tl 1 149.275 5554.5712 123.43 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1' 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1,00 362.8800 2265,8578 A 1 0.65 43 1 1 50.881 15811870 11294 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 q q 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003,3453 OTM 214363.92 7135.7582 1 lb-ft I Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind Section Add Self F e CF q= DF DR As F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c psf Lt lb lb e _t 16 Pif L1 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 52 1 I 149.275 5554.5712 123.43 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 tl 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 43 li 1 50.881 1581.1870 112.94 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 214363.92 7135.7582 1 lb-ft Tower Forces - With I - Wind Section Add Self F e CF q= DF DR As F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c psf ft lb lb e ft' lb 1( Ll 1166.4000 9078.5141 A tl 1.2 6 1 1 163.523 1335.7142 29.68 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 L2 15.00-1.00 362.8800 3519.5587 A p 1.2 5 1 1 55.314 377.3389 26.95 C B 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 C 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 12598.072 OTM 51528.263 1713.0531 9 lb-ft Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind ------------- tnxTower Job Pffte 35 of 69 Laurel Stone 7 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 1 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano Section Add self F e C1. q� Df, DR AE F w Cirl, Elevation Weight Weight a Face C Psf ft lb -lb e f12 lb LI 1166.4000 9078.5141 A 1 1.2 6 1 1 163.523 1335.7142 29.68 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 1.2 C 7 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1163.523 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 3519.5587 A 1 1.2 5 11 1 55.314 377.3389 26.95 C B 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 C 1 1.2 V 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 12598.072 OTM51528.263 1713.0531 9 lb-ft Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind 60 To Face Section Add Self F e CF q. DF DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf t lb lb e lb p-lr- L 1 1166.4000 9078.5141 A 1 1.2 6 1 1 163.523 1335.7142 29.68 C 600.000-15.00_15.( 0 B 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 C 1 12 1 1 163.523 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 3519,5587 A 1 L2 5 1 1 55.314 377,3389 26.95 C B 1 1-2 1 1 55.314 C 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 12598.072 OTM 51528.263 1713.0531 9 1 lb-ft I I I I Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind 90 To Face Section Add self F e CF q, DI;- DR A, F w Ctrl. Mes'ateoll Weight Weight a Face c Psf It lb lb e t, lb Pif LI 11664000 9078,5141 A 1 1.2 6 1 1 163.523 i 1335,7142 29,68 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 C 1 1.2 1 1 163.523 L215.00-1.00 3618800 3519,5587 A 1 1,2 5 1 1 55,314 3773389 2695 C B 1 1.2 1 1 55.314 C 1 12 1 1 55.314 Sum Weight: 1529,2800 12598,072 OTM 51528.263 1713.0531 9-1 1 lb-ft Tower Forces - Service - Wind Normal To Face Job P�je 36 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 8 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 LLC. 651 W Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client _ Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Add Self F e CF q� DF DR AF F w Ctrl. Fleval a'rn Weight Weight a Face c psf Tt lb lb e t2 lb 1 L1 1166.4000 4737,4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0,.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 065 tl tl 149.275 L215.00-1,00 3628800 22658578 A 1 0,65 7 1 ! 50.881 242.2396 1730 C B 11 0,65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 lb-ft Tower Forces - Service - Wind 45 To Face Section Add Set( F 6 qz F R E e C D D A F w Ctrl l Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf t lb lb e f? 16 --P-If- LI 1 Ll 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 60.00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 b 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 7 1 1 50.881 242.2396 17.30 C B ➢ 0.65 1 i 50.881 11 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 lb-ft Tower Forces - Service - Wind 60 To Face Section Add Self F e CF q: DF DR A F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf t lb lb e t' lb E L1 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 1891 C 60,00-15.00 B 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L2 15.00-1,00 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 71 1 50.88] 242,2396 1730 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529,2800 7003,3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 Ib-ft Tower Forces - Service - tnxTowerJob PM%e 37 of 69 Laurel Stone 9 of 23 ............... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano Section Add Self F C Cr q� DF DR As F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf ..... _Lt lb lb e .. ........ li2 lb py" Ll 1166.4000 4737.4875 A 1 0.65 8 1 1 149.275 850.9663 18.91 C 60.00-15.001 B 11 0.65 1 1 149.275 C 1 0.65 1 1 149.275 L215.00-1.00 1 362.8800 2265.8578 A 1 0.65 7 1 1 50.881 242.2396 17.30 C B 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 C 1 0.65 1 1 50.881 Sum Weight: 1529.2800 7003.3453 OTM 32840.783 1093.2058 _lb-ft I Force Totals Load Vertical Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Suin of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overturning Overtuming X z Moments,M. Moments,M. lb lb 1b lh-fi MM Ib/"t lh.fi Leg Weight 7003.3453 Bracing Weight 0.0000 Total Member Self-Weight 7003.3453 0,000 0.000 ,Total Weight 17671.5053 OV00 0.000 !! Wind 0 deg-No Ice 1 0.0000 -15868.8980 -1012034.100 0.000 0.000 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 7934.4490 -13742,8688 -876447.240 -506017,050 0,000 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 11221.0054 -11221,0054 -715616.175 -715616.175 0,000 i:Wind 60 deg-No Ice 13742.8688 -7934.4490 -506017.050 -876447.240 0000 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 15868.8980 0.0000 0.000 -1012034.100 0,000 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 13742,8688 7934.4490 506017.050 -876447.240 0,000 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 11221,0054 11221.0054 715616.175 -715616.175 0000 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 7934.4490 13742.8688 976447.240 -506017.050 0000 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 0,0000 15868.8980 1012034.100 0.000 0,0,00 Wind 210 deg-No Ice -79344490! 13742.9688 876447.240 506017.050 01000 Wind 225 deg-No Ice -11221,0054 I 11221.0054 715616.175 715616.175 0,0100 Wind 240 deg-No Ice -13742.86881 7934.4490 506017.050 876447240 0,0001 Wind 270 deg-No Ice -15868,8980 0.0000 0.000 1012034.100 0.000, Wind 300 deg-No Ice -13742.8688 -7934.4490 -506017.050 876447240 aoo(�'� Wind 315 deg-No Ice -11221.0054 -11221.0054 -715616.175 715616.175 0,000 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 1 .7934,4490 -13742 8688 -876447.240 506017,050 0,000 Member Ice 5594.7276 Total Weight Ice 28272.5996 JIM '1 0.000 ,1�111111f ff� 0.000 "/ Wind 0 deg-Ice 0,0000 -3975.6079 -258705.535 0,000 0,000 Wind 30 deg-Ice 1987.8039 -3442.9774 -224045.565 -129352.767 0,000 Wind 45 deg-Ice 2811.1793 -2811.1793 -182932.438 -182932.438 0.000 Wind 60 deg-Ice 3442,9774 -1987.8039 -129352.767 -224045.565 0.000 Wind 90 deg-Ice 3975.6079 0.0000 0.000 -258705.535 0.000 W i nd 120 deg-Ice 34419774 1987.8039 129352.767 -224045.565 0-000 Wi nd 135 deg-Ice 2811.1793 2811.1793 182932.438 -192932.438 0.000 Wind 150 deg-Ice 1987.8039 3442.9774 224045.565 -129352.767 0,000 Wind 180 deg-Ice 0.0000 3975.6079 258705.535 0,000 0,000 Wind 210 deg-Ice -1987.8039 3442.9774 224045.565 129352.767 0.000 Wind 225 deg-Ice -2811.1793 2811.1793 182932438 182932.438 0000Wind 240 deg-Ice -3442.9774 1997.8039 129352�767 224045.565 0000 Wind 270 deg-Ice -3975.60790.0000 0.000 258705.535 0.000 Wind 300 deg-Ice -3442.9774 -1987.8039 -129352.767 224045.565 0.000 Whid 315 deg-Ice -2811.1793 -2811.1793 -182932.438 182932.438 0.000 Wind 330 deg-Ice -19878039 34419774 -224045.565 129352.767 0.000 ,Total Weight 17671.5053 0.000 Job Pie 38 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 10 of 23 ..... ...... Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. UO142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.801-990-1776 Load Vertical Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overtuniing Overtuniing X Z Moments,M, Moments,M. Ib lb Ib lb-/l lb-ft Wind 0 deg-Service % /i" 0.0000 -2431.1323 -155044.713 0.000 0.000 %� Wind 30 de Service 1215.5661 -2105.4223 -134272.661 -77522.357 0.000 Wind 45 deg-Service ����� 1719.0701 -1719.0701 -109633.168 -109633.168 0.000 Wind 60 deg-Service 2105.4223 -1215.5661 -77522.357 -134272.661 0.000 Wind 90 deg-Service / 2431.1323 0.0000 0.000 -155044.713 0.000 Wind 120 de -Service 2105.4223 1215.5661 77522.357 -134272.661 0.000' Wind 135 de-Service � ' 1719.0701 1719.0701 109633.168 -109633.168 0.000 Wind 150 de-Service ���� � 1215.5661 2105.4223 134272.661 -77522.357 0.000 Wind 180 de-Service 0.0000 2431.1323 155044.713 0.000 0.000 Wind 210 deg-Service -1215.5661 2105.4223 134272.661 77522.357 0.000 g i Wind 225 deg-Service � � -1719.0701 1719.0701 109633.168 109633.168 0.000 Wind 240 deg-Service i, -2105.4223 1215.5661 77522.357 134272.661 0.000 Wind 270 deg-Service -2431.1323 0.0000 0.000 155044.713 0.000 Wind 300 deg-Service -2105.4223 -1215.5661 -77522.357 134272.661 0.000 Wind 315 deg-Service -1719.0701 _1719.0701 -109633.168 109633.168 0.000 Wind 330 de -Service �! //ll ,� -1215.5661 2105.4223 -134272.661 77522.357 0.000 Load Combinations ........... .. . -.........� ... Comb. Description No. - 1 m. Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 3 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 4 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 13 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 15 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 17 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg-No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg-No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 26 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 27 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 28 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 29 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 30 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg-No Ice 31 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg-No Ice 32 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 33 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 34 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 35 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp tnxTower Job P*gI%e39 of 6 Laurel Stone 11 of 23 ««««««.-.-..- Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste, 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 Ycam Posano Descrn""..ptio... "n i................w,. .w�� ....., ' No. 36 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 37 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 38 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 39 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg..+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 40 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 41 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 42 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 43 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 44 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 45 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 46 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 47 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 48 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 49 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 50 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 51 Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 52 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 53 Dead+Wind 45 deg-Service 54 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 55 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 56 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 57 Dead+Wind 135 deg-Service 58 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 59 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 60 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 61 Dead+Wind 225 deg-Service 62 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 63 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 64 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 65 Dead+Wind 315 deg-Service 66 Dead+Wind 330 dei .Service,. Maximum Member Forces .. ,, . Section Elevation Component Condition Gov. Axial Major Axis Minor Axis No, ft a3pe Load Moment Moment _ _. _ Comb. Ib_ lb f lb f Ll 60-15 Pole Max Tension 1 0.0000 0.0 000 Max.Compression 34 -25865.178 0.000 0.000 2 Max.Mx 10 -16940.860 -729481.43 0.000 6 3 Max.My 2 -16940.860 0.000 729481.433 6 Max.Vy 10 13751.1185 -729481.43 0.000 3 Max.Vx 2 -13751.118 0.000 729481.433 5 Max.Torque 4 -0.000 L2 15-1 Pole Max Tension 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 34 -32328.977 0.000 0.000 6 Max.Mx 10 -21200.999 -1023778.9 0.000 8 12 Max.My 2 -21200.999 0.000 1023778.91 8 2 Max.Vy 10 15875.2504 -1023778.9 0.000 12 Max,VX 2 -15875.250 0.000 1023778.91 Job Pie 40 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 12 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 Section cvaTio_T_Component Condition Gov. Axial Major Axis Minor Axis No, ft 7:ipe Load Moment Moment lh Ib, lb- 4 2 Max.Torque 4 -0.001 ............... Maximum Reactions ------------''I'�,�,,�,�,�,��������'ll""I'll"�l.-,�,�.......... ........... Location Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal,X Horizontal,Z Load lb lb lb ..... Co-inb. Max - PoleMax_........-._ . rt 34 32328.9776 0.0000 0.0000 Max.H. 27 15904.3542 15868.8487 0.0000 Max.H. 3 15904.3542 0.0000 15868.8487 Max.M. 2 1023778.912 0.0000 15868.8303 Max.M. 10 1023778.912 -15868,8303 0.0000 Max.Torsion 16 0.001 -7934.4154 -13742.8103 Min.Vert 11 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.0000 Min.H. 11 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.0000 Min.H. 19 15904.3542 0.0000 -15868.8487 Min.M. 18 -1023778.912 0.0000 -15868.8303 Min.M. 26 -1023778.912 15868.8303 0.0000 Min.Torsion 4 -0.001 -7934.4154 13742.8103 ----------------_ Tower Mast Reaction Summary ............. Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overtuming Overtuming Torque Combination Moment,M, Moment,M. lh lb lb ......_lh.I lb-ft Dead Only 17671.5053 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 21205.8056 0.0000 -15868.8303 -1023778.912 0.000 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 15904.3542 0.0000 -15868.8487 -1020795.597 0.000 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 21205.8056 7934.4154 -13742.9103 -886618.555 -511889.471 0.001 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 15904.3542 7934.4246 -13742.8262 -884034.926 -510397.811 0.001 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No 21205.8056 11220.9578 -11220.9578 -723921.025 -723921.025 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No 15904.3542 11220.9707 -11220.9707 -721811.501 -721811.501 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 21205.8056 13742.8103 -7934.4154 -511889.471 -886618.555 -0.001 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 15904.3542 13742.8262 -7934.4246 -510397.811 -884034.926 -0.001 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 21205.8056 15868.8303 0.0000 0.000 -1023778.912 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 15904.3542 15868.8487 0.0000 0.000 -1020795.597 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 21205.8056 13742.8103 7934.4154 511889.471 -886618.555 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 15904.3542 13742.8262 7934.4246 510397.811 -884034.926 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg- 21205.8056 11220.9578 11220.9578 723921.025 -723921.025 0.000 No Ice MxTower Job Pie 41 of 69 Laurel Stone 13 of 23 .. ...... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano ..-. �.�_o..-,a.,��,m,n....,,,..µ...� ....-,...........,w..w �.�m .... .Sd��ar�Ww Overturning Overturning Torque .... Load Vertical Shear, Combination Moment,M Moment,M lb lb lb........ lb-ft ---Ib-fit Ib.Tt 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg- 15904.3542 11220.9707 11220.9707 721811.501 -721811.501 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 21205.8056 7934.4154 13742.8103 886618.555 -511889.471 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 15904.3542 7934.4246 13742.8262 884034.926 -510397.811 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 21205.8056 0.0000 15868.8303 1023778.912 0.000 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 15904.3542 0.0000 15868.8487 1020795.597 0.000 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 21205.8056 -7934.4154 13742.8103 886618.555 511889.471 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 15904.3542 -7934.4246 13742.8262 884034.926 510397.811 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg- 21205.8056 -11220.9578 11220.9578 723921.025 723921.025 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg- 15904.3542 -11220.9707 11220.9707 721811.501 721811.501 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 21205.8056 -13742.8103 7934.4154 511889.471 886618.555 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 15904.3542 -13742.8262 7934.4246 510397.811 884034.926 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 21205.8056 -15868.8303 0.0000 0.000 1023778.912 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.0000 0.000 1020795.597 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 21205.8056 -13742.8103 -7934.4154 -511889.471 886618.555 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 15904.3542 -13742.8262 -7934.4246 -510397.811 884034.926 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg- 21205.8056 -11220.9578 -11220.9578 -723921.025 723921.025 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg- 15904.3542 -11220.9707 -11220.9707 -721811.501 721811.501 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 21205.8056 -7934.4154 -13742.8103 -886618.555 511889.471 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 15904.3542 -7934.4246 -13742.8262 -884034.926 510397.811 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 32328.9776 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 32328.9771 0.0000 -3975.6163 -263276.528 0.000 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 32328.9771 1987.8081 -3442.9847 -228004.162 -131638.264 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg+1.0 32328.9771 2811.1852 -2811.1852 -186164.619 -186164.619 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 32328.9771 3442.9847 -1987.8081 -131638.264 -228004.162 -0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 32328.9771 3975.6163 0.0000 0.000 -263276.528 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 32328.9771 3442.9847 1987.8081 131638.264 -228004.162 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 32328.9771 2811.1852 2811.1852 186164.619 -186164.619 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 32328.9771 1987.8081 3442.9847 228004.162 -131638.264 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 32328.9771 0.0000 3975.6163 263276.528 0.000 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 32328.9771 -1987.8081 3442.9847 228004.162 131638.264 0.000 deg+1.0 Iee+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 32328.9771 -2811.1852 2811.1852 186164.619 186164.619 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Job P�je 42 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 14 of 23 Project Date ]vector Structural Engineering, LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste, 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client _ Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 - ... Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Torque ue Combination Moment,M, Moment,M __ Ib. lb- lbs Iba�t.� ...._. ..2..D........+1.0 Wind 240 32328.977._.. . 34mm.w. _- ead+ 42.9847 1987.8081 131638.264 228004.162 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 32328.9771 -3975.6163 0.0000 0.000 263276.528 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 32328.9771 -3442.9847 -1987.8081 -131638.264 228004.162 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 32328.9771 -2811.1852 -2811.1852 -186164.619 186164.619 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 32328.9771 -1987.8081 -3442.9847 -228004.162 131638.264 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 17671.5044 0.0000 -2431.0109 -156544.833 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 17671.5044 1215.5055 -2105.3172 -135571.802 -78272.417 0.000 Dead+Wind 45 deg-Service 17671.5044 1718.9843 -1718.9843 -110693.913 -110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 17671.5044 2105.3172 -1215.5055 -78272.417 -135571.802 -0.000 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 17671.5044 2431.0109 0.0000 0.000 -156544.833 0.000 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 17671.5044 2105.3172 1215.5055 78272.417 -135571.802 0.000 Dead+Wind 135 deg-Service 17671.5044 1718.9843 1718.9843 110693.913 -110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 17671.5044 1215.5055 2105.3172 135571.802 -78272.417 -0.000 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 17671.5044 0.0000 2431.0109 156544.833 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 17671.5044 -1215.5055 2105.3172 135571.802 78272.417 0.000 Dead+Wind 225 deg-Service 17671.5044 -1718.9843 1718.9843 110693.913 110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 17671.5044 -2105.3172 1215.5055 78272.417 135571.802 -0.000 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 17671.5044 -2431.0109 0.0000 0.000 156544.833 0.000 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 17671.5044 -2105.3172 -1215.5055 -78272.417 135571.802 0.000 Dead+Wind 315 deg-Service 17671.5044 -1718.9843 -1718.9843 -110693.913 110693.913 0.000 Dead+Wind 330 de -Service 17671.5044 -1215.5055 -2105.3172 -135571.802 78272.417 -0.000 Solution Summa Sum of Applied Farces _- � Sum of Reactions Load PX Py PZ PX Py PZ %Error Comb. Ib lb lb Ib lb Ib 1 ...._ o... mm. ........ ............... � .�...�......�.� �., w�w ...... 0000 -17671.5053 0.0000 0.0000 17671.5053 0.0000 0.000% 2 0.0000 -21205.8064 -15868.8980 0.0000 21205.8056 15868.8303 0.000% 3 0.0000 -15904.3548 -15868.8980 0.0000 15904.3542 15868.8487 0.000% 4 7934.4490 -21205.8064 -13742.8688 -7934.4154 21205.8056 13742.8103 0.000% 5 7934.4490 -15904.3548 -13742.8688 -7934.4246 15904.3542 13742.8262 0.000% 6 11221.0054 -21205.8064 -11221.0054 -11220.9578 21205.8056 11220.9578 0.000% 7 11221.0054 -15904.3548 -11221.0054 -11220.9707 15904.3542 11220.9707 0.000% 8 13742.8688 -21205.8064 -7934.4490 -13742.8103 21205.8056 7934.4154 0.000% 9 13742.8688 -15904.3548 -7934.4490 -13742.8262 15904.3542 7934.4246 0.000% 10 15868.8980 -21205.8064 0.0000 -15868.8303 21205.8056 0.0000 0.000% 11 15868.8980 -15904.3548 0.0000 -15868.8487 15904.3542 0.0000 0.000% 12 13742.8688 -21205.8064 7934.4490 -13742.8103 21205.8056 -7934.4154 0.000% 13 13742.8688 -15904.3548 7934.4490 -13742.8262 15904.3542 -7934.4246 0.000% 14 11221.0054 -21205.8064 11221.0054 -11220.9578 21205.8056 -11220.9578 0.000% 15 11221.0054 -15904.3548 11221.0054 -11220.9707 15904.3542 -11220.9707 0.000% 16 7934.4490 -21205.8064 13742.8688 -7934.4154 21205.8056 -13742.8103 0.000% 17 7934.4490 -15904.3548 13742.8688 -7934.4246 15904.3542 -13742.8262 0.000% 18 0.0000 -21205.8064 15868.8980 0.0000 21205.8056 -15868.8303 0.000% 19 0.0000 -15904.3548 15868.8980 0.0000 15904.3542 -15868.8487 0.000% 20 -7934.4490 -21205.8064 13742.8688 7934.4154 21205.8056 -13742.8103 0.000% 21 -7934.4490 -15904.3548 13742.8688 7934.4246 15904.3542 -13742.8262 0.000% 22 -11221.0054 -21205.8064 11221.0054 11220.9578 21205.8056 -11220.9578 0.000% 23 -11221.0054 -15904.3548 11221.0054 11220.9707 15904.3542 -11220.9707 0.000% 24 -13742.8688 -21205.8064 7934.4490 13742.8103 21205.8056 -7934.4154 0.000% 25 -13742.8688 -15904.3548 7934.4490 13742.8262 15904.3542 -7934.4246 0.000% 26 -15868.8980 -21205.8064 0.0000 15868.8303 21205.8056 0.0000 0.000% tnxTower Job Pft%e 43 of 69 Laurel Stone 15 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano SuinofApplied'Forces Stan of Reactions Load PX Py PZ PX Py PZ %Error Comb. lb lb lb lb lb lb f 5 8-6 - 27 -15868.8980 -15904.3548 0.0000 5904.3542 0.0000 0.000% 28 -13742.8688 -21205.8064 -7934.4490 13742.8103 21205.8056 7934.4154 0.000% 29 -13742.8688 -15904.3548 -7934.4490 13742.8262 15904.3542 7934.4246 0.000% 30 -11221.0054 -21205.8064 -11221.0054 11220.9578 21205.8056 11220,9578 0.000% 31 -11221.0054 -15904.3548 -11221.0054 11220.9707 15904.3542 11220.9707 0.000% 32 -7934.4490 -21205.8064 -13742,8688 7934,4154 21205.9056 137419103 0.000% 33 -7934.4490 -15904.3548 -13742,8688 7934,4246 15904.3542 13742.9262 0.000% 34 0,0000 -32328.9776 0.0000 0.0000 32328.9776 0.0000 0.000% 35 0.0000 -32328.9776 -3975.6079 0,0000 32328.9771 3975.6163 0.000% 36 1987.8039 -32328.9776 -3442.9774 -1987.8081 32328.9771 3442.9847 0.000% 37 2811.1793 -32328.9776 -2811.1793 -2811.1852 32328.9771 2811.1852 0.000% 39 3442.9774 -32328.9776 -1997.8039 -3442.9847 32328.9771 1987.8081 0.000% 39 3975.6079 -32328.9776 0.0000 -3975.6163 32328.9771 0.0000 0.000% 40 3442.9774 -32328.9776 1987.8039 -3442.9847 32328.9771 -1987.8081 0.000% 41 2811.1793 -32328.9776 2811.1793 -2811.1852 32328.9771 -2811.1852 0.000% 42 1987.8039 -32328.9776 3442.9774 -1987.8081 32328,9771 -3442.9847 0.000% 43 0.0000 -32328.9776 3975.6079 0.0000 32328,9771 -3975.6163 0.000% 44 -1987.8039 -32328.9776 3442.9774 1987.8081 32328.9771 -3442.9847 0.000% 45 -2811.1793 -32328.9776 2811.1793 2811.1852 32328.9771 -2811.1852 0.000% 46 -3442.9774 -32328.9776 1987,8039 3442.9847 32328.9771 -1987.8081 0.000% 47 -3975,6079 -32328.9776 0.0000 3975.6163 32328.9771 0.0000 0.000% 48 -3442.9774 -32328.9776 -1987.8039 3442.9847 32328.9771 1997.8081 0.000% 49 -2811.1793 -32328,9776 -2811.1793 2811.1852 32328.9771 2811.1852 0.000% 50 -1987.8039 -32328.9776 -3442.9774 1987.8081 32328.9771 3442.9847 0.000% 51 0.0000 -17671.5053 -2431.1323 0.0000 17671,5044 2431.0109 0.001% 52 1215.5661 -17671.5053 -2105.4223 -1215.5055 17671.5044 2105.3172 0.001% 53 1719.0701 -17671.5053 -1719.0701 -1718.9843 17671.5044 1718.9843 0.001% 54 2105.4223 -17671.5053 -1215.5661 -2105.3172 17671.5044 1215.5055 0.001% 55 2431.1323 -17671.5053 0.0000 -2431.0109 17671,5044 0.0000 0.001% 56 2105.4223 -17671.5053 1215.5661 -2105.3172 17671.5044 -1215.5055 0.001% 57 1719.0701 -17671.5053 1719.0701 -1718.9843 17671.5044 -1718.9843 0.001% 58 1215.5661 -17671.5053 2105.4223 -1215,5055 17671.5044 -2105.3172 0.001% 59 0.0000 -17671.5053 2431.1323 0.0000 17671.5044 -2431.0109 0.001% 60 -1215.5661 -17671.5053 2105.4223 1215.5055 17671.5044 -2105.3172 0.001% 61 -1719.0701 -17671.5053 1719.0701 1718.9843 17671.5044 -1718.9843 0.001% 62 -2105.4223 -17671.5053 1215.5661 2105.3172 17671,5044 -1215.5055 0.001% 63 -2431.1323 -17671.5053 0,0000 2431.0109 17671.5044 0.0000 0.001% 64 -2105.4223 -17671.5053 -1215.5661 2105.3172 17671.5044 1215.5055 0.001% 65 -1719.0701 -17671.5053 -1719,0701 1718.9843 17671.5044 1718.9843 0.001% 66 -1215.5661 -17671.5053 -2105.4223 1215.5055 17671.5044 2105,3172 0.001% .................... -----------------.................. - ............... Non-Linear Convergence Results ............ ......-------............ ....... Load Converged? Number Displacement Force Combination of Cvcles Tolerance Tolerance i yes 6 0.00000001 0.00000001 2 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 3 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002246 4 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 5 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 6 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 7 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 8 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 9 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 10 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 11 Yes 7 0,00000001 0.00002246 Job P*%%e 44 of 69 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 16 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 W Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 12 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 13 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 14 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 15 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 16 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 17 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 18 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 19 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002246 20 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 21 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 22 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 23 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00008708 24 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 25 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 26 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002339 27 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00002246 28 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 29 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 30 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010336 31 Yes '7 0.00000001 0.00008708 32 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00009040 33 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00007638 34 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00000001 35 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 36 Yes 70.00000001 0.00010877 37 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 38 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 39 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 40 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 41 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 42 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 43 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 44 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 45 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 46 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 47 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010767 48 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 49 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010913 50 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010877 51 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 52 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 53 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 54 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 55 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 56 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 57 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 58 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 59 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 60 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 61 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 62 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 63 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005350 64 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 65 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005233 66 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00005262 Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind tnxTower Job Pf.%%e 45 of 69 Laurel Stone 17 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions 'FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano ................ evation Ho r--. Gov. Tilt Twist No, Deflection Load III Coinb. L 1 60-15 ----------- 5�27 ....... 0.2268 ........................ 0.0000 L2 20.83-1 0.201 55 0.0847 0.0000 .............. ............... Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind ............ ......... ........................ urtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature -ft . ................. in ft ............. ... 121.00 (2)Commander 220-3AN(20.7 ft x 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 115.40 (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 55 1.527 01268 0.0000 78050 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 110.70 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ftA 2(100 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 lbs) 110.00 Top Plate 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 105.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 100.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 95.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0,2268 0.0000 78050 90.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 85.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 80.00 Bulkhead 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 75.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 70.00 Bulkhead 55 1,527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 65.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 55 1.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 60.00 Bottom Plate 551.527 0.2268 0.0000 78050 .......... Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind ............... SectionHo r--. Gov. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ill Comb 0 Ll 60-15 10 l.ii5 ..................-` .0,06"0 ......... L2 20.83-1 1.316 10 0.5542 0.0000 ............ ....... .......... Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature -..Design Wind ........ ', "'"- .. ........ - p--",,-"""- -......-," --"",---","fl--""-Tilt---------,""-,-,-,-",- --,-f,---,"Elevation ApriaiiceGov. DetioiI TwistRadiuso Load Curvature ft Comb. ._..in! ...... ......... ......................... 121.00 (2)Commander 220-3AN(20.7 ft x 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 115.40 (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 110.70 (2)g'-O"T-arm EPA=4 ftA2(100 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 lbs) 110.00 Top Plate 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 105,00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 100.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 95.00 (3)Generic Panel 100ff(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 Job P*ERe 46 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 18 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 .......... Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature Comb. ill ft -------------- 90.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 85.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 80.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 75.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 70.00 Bulkhead 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 65.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 60.00Bottom Plate 10 9.984 1.4828 0.0000 11944 ................ ............. ............... ................ ..........-........................ ------ Compression Checks Pole Design Data Section Elevation Size L L K 11r 4 P OP Ratio No. P. ft ft ft i,12 ...... ..................... ..................... LI 60-57.9384 TP42.48x36x0.25 45.00 0.00 0.0 29.6032 -11037.0996 1889940.000 0.006 0 57.9384- 28.8388 -11342.5996 1999120.000 0.006 55.8768 0 55.8768- 29.0743 -11650.5996 1908200.000 0.006 53.8153 0 53.9153- 29.3099 -11961.2998 1917180.000 0.006 51.7537 0 51.7537- 29.5454 -12274.5000 1926050.000 0.006 49.6921 0 49.6921- 29.7810 -12590.4004 1934820.000 0.007 47.6305 0 47.6305- 30.0166 -12909.0000 1943480.000 0.007 45.5689 0 45.5689- 30.2521 -13230.0996 1952040.000 0.007 43.5074 0 43.5074- 30.4877 -13554.0000 1960500.000 0.007 41.4458 0 41.4458- 30.7233 -13880.5000 1968850.000 0.007 39.3842 0 39.3842- 30.9588 -14209.7002 1977090.000 0.007 37.3226 0 37.3226- 31.1944 -14541.5996 1985240.000 0.007 35.2611 0 35.2611- 31.4300 -14876.0996 1993280.000 0.007 33.1995 0 33.1995- 31.6655 -15213.4004 2001210.000 0.008 31.1379 0 31.1379- 31.9011 -15553.5000 2009040.000 0.008 29.0763 0 29.0763- 32.1367 -15896.2002 2016770.000 0.008 27.0147 0 27.0147- 32.3722 -16241.7002 2024390.000 0.008 24.9532 0 24.9532- 32.6078 -16589.9004 2031900.000 0.008 22.8916 0 22.8916- 32.8433 -16940.9004 2039320.000 0.008 20.83 0 20.83-15 33.5095 -9451.5303 2059720.000 0.005 Job PgRe 47 of 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 19 of 23 .............................................................. Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 Section �EIeva't`i'Oll Size L L� KI1r A P. �P, Ratio No. P„ fit ft fil lb lb ...................... .... ... .............. .............. ............... 0 L2 20.83-15 TP43.996x41.1405x0.25 19.83 0.00 0.0 33.1128 -9252.0596 2047670.000 0.005 0 15-14 33.2270 -18884.6992 2051170.000 0.009 0 14-13 33.3413 -19059.0000 2054640.000 0.009 0 13-12 33.4555 -19233.9004 2058100.000 0.009 0 12-11 33.5698 -19409.5000 2061520.000 0.009 0 11-10 33.6841 -19585.6992 2064920.000 0.009 0 10-9 33.7983 -19762.5996 2068300.000 0.010 0 9-8 33.9126 -19940.0996 2071660.000 0.010 0 8-7 34.0269 -20118.3008 2074980.000 0.010 0 7-6 34.1411 -20297.0996 2078290.'000 0.010 0 6-5 34.2554 -20476.5996 2081570.000 0.010 0 5-4 34.3697 -20656.6992 2084820.000 0.010 0 4-3 34.4839 -20837.5000 2088050.000 0.010 0 3-2 34.5982 -21018.9004 2091260.000 0.010 0 2-1 34.7125 -21201.0000 2094440.000 0.010 0 Pole Bending Design Data I Size W . M- om- Ratio M. OMIv Ratio -on le�',`a;7,0"," No, M- M., ft lbft lb ft 6M., lb ft lbft LI 60-57.9384 TP42.48x36x0.25 301265.833 1402183.333 0.215 0.000 46'2-5i.136 0.000 57.9384- 320648.333 1420683.333 0.226 0.000 1420683.333 0.000 55.9768 55.8768- 340561.667 1439216.667 0.237 0.000 1439216.667 0.000 53.8153 53.9153- 361003.333 1457783.333 0.248 0.000 1457783.333 0.000 51.7537 51.7537- 381971.667 1476375.000 0.259 0.000 1476375.000 0.000 49.6921 49.6921- 403464.167 1495000.000 0.270 0.000 1495000.000 0.000 47.6305 47.6305- 425478.333 1513650.000 0.281 0.000 1513650.000 0.000 45.5689 45.5689- 448012.500 1532333.333 0.292 0.000 1532333.333 0.000 43.5074 43.5074- 471064.167 1551025.000 0.304 0.000 1551025.000 0.000 41.4458 41.4458- 494630.000 1569750.000 0.315 0.000 1569750.000 0.000 39.3842 Job P*%%e 48 f 69 tnxTower Laurel Stone 20 of 23 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste, 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 ........ ................................................................................................................ Section Elevation size M- Ratio M- Ratio NO MI. M. ft lb-ft lbftOMI., lb-ft lbftom- ............... .....------ "-" -------------------"","-., ....... 39.3842- 518708.333 1588483.333 0.327 0.000 1588483.333 0.000 37.3226 37.3226- 543297.500 1607241.667 0.338 0.000 1607241.667 0.000 35.2611 35.2611- 568393.333 1626016.667 0.350 0.000 1626016.667 0.000 33.1995 33.1995- 593994.167 1644800.000 0.361 0.000 1644800.000 0.000 31.1379 31.1379- 620098.333 1663591.667 0.373 0.000 1663591.667 0.000 29.0763 29.0763- 646700.833 1682400.000 0.384 0.000 1682400.000 0.000 27.0147 27.0147- 673800.833 1701208.333 0.396 0.000 1701208.333 0.000 24.9532 24.9532- 701395.833 1720033.333 0.408 0.000 1720033.333 0.000 22.8916 22.8916- 729481.667 1738850.000 0.420 0.000 1738850.000 0.000 20.83 20.83-15 413310.833 1792083.333 0.231 0.000 1792083.333 0.000 L2 20.83-15 TP43.996x41.1405x0.25 398329.167 1760383.333 0.226 0.000 1760383,333 0.000 15-14 826130.833 1769508.333 0.467 0.000 1769508.333 0.000 14-13 840725.000 1778641.667 0.473 0,000 1778641.667 0.000 13-12 855416.667 1787766.667 0.478 0.000 1787766.667 0.000 12-11 870208.333 1796900.000 0.484 0.000 1796900.000 0.000 11-10 885108.333 1806025.000 0.490 0.000 1806025.000 0.000 10-9 900108.333 1815150.000 0.496 0.000 1815150.000 0.000 9-8 915208.333 1824275.000 0.502 0.000 1824275.000 0.000 8-7 930408.333 1833400.000 0.507 0.000 1833400.000 0.000 7-6 945716.667 1842525.000 0.513 0.000 1842525.000 0.000 6-5 961125.000 1851641.667 0.519 0.000 1851641.667 0.000 5-4 976633.333 1860758.333 0.525 0.000 1860758.333 0,000 4-3 992250.000 1869875.000 0.531 0.000 1869875.000 0.000 3-2 1007958.333 1878991.667 0.536 0.000 1978991.667 0.000 2-1 1023775.000 1888100.000 0.542 0.000 1888100.000 0.000 ............ Pole Shear Design Data Section Elevation Size Actual V„ Ratio Actual �T Ratio No. V. V. T. L ft lb lb lbftlb-ft OT. L1 60-57.9384 TP42.48060.25 9277.0801 944968.0000 0.010 0.000 2810741.667 0.000 57.9384- 9535.1904 949561.0000 0.010 0.000 2847800.000 0.000 55.8768 55.8768- 9792.2900 954101.0000 0,010 0.000 2884925.000 0.000 53.8153 53.8153- 10048.400 958589.0000 0.010 0.000 2922116,667 0.000 51.7537 4 51.7537- 10303.400 963025.0000 0.011 0.000 2959366.667 0.000 49.6921 4 49.6921- 10557.400 967409.0000 0.011 0.000 2996675.000 0.000 47.6305 4 47.6305- 10810.200 971741.0000 0.011 0.000 3034033.333 0.000 45.5689 2 45.5689- 11062.000 976021.0000 0.011 0.000 3071450.000 0.000 43.5074 0 43.5074- 11312.599 980249.0000 0.012 0.000 3108900.000 0.000 tnxTower Job PM%e 49 of 69 Laurel Stone 21 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 ............- � Sect1011 Elevation Size Actual V. Ratio Actual �Tll Ratio No. K V. T. T. rt lb lb Ivry lb- fit (b T. 41.4458 6 41.4458- 11562.000 984424.0000 0.012 0.000 3146400,000 0.000 39.3842 0 39.3842- 11810.200 988547.0000 0.012 0.000 3183941.667 0.000 37.3226 2 37,3226- 12057.299 992619.0000 0.012 0.000 3221508.333 0.000 35.2611 8 35.2611- 12303.099 996638.0000 0.012 0.000 3259108.333 0.000 33.1995 6 33.1995- 12547.700 1000600.0000 0.013 0.000 3296741.667 0.000 31.1379 2 31.1379- 12791.000 1004520.0000 0,013 0.000 3334383.333 0.000 29.0763 0 29.0763- 13033.000 1008380.0000 0,013 0.000 3372058.333 0.000 27.0147 0 27.0147- 13273.799 1012190.0000 0.013 0.000 3409741.667 0.000 24.9532 8 24,9532- 13513.200 1015950.0000 0.013 0.000 3447433.333 0.000 22.8916 2 22.8916- 13751.200 1019660.0000 0.013 0.000 3485133.333 0.000 20.83 2 20.83-15 7532.3501 1029860.0000 0.007 0,000 3591758.333 0.000 L2 20.83-15 TP43.996x41.14050.25 6922.5601 1023830.0000 0.007 0.000 3528259.333 0.000 15-14 14547,000 1025580.0000 0.014 0.000 3546541.667 0.000 0 14-13 14649.500 1027320.0000 0.014 0.001 3564833.333 0.000 0 13-12 14750.200 1029050.0000 0.014 0.000 3583116.667 0.000 2 12-11 14851.900 1030760.0000 0.014 0.000 3601408.333 0.000 4 11-10 14953.799 1032460.0000 0.014 0.001 3619691.667 0.000 8 10-9 15055.700 1034150.0000 0.015 0,001 3637975.000 0.000 2 9-8 15157.799 1035930.0000 0.015 0.001 3656250.000 0.000 8 8-7 15260.000 1037490.0000 0.015 0.000 3674525.000 0.000 0 7-6 15362.299 1039140.0000 0.015 0.001 3692791.667 0.000 8 6-5 15464.700 1040780.0000 0.015 0.000 3711058.333 0.000 2 5-4 15567.200 1042410.0000 0.015 0,000 3729325.000 0.000 2 4-3 15669.799 1044030.0000 0.015 0.001 3747583.333 0.000 8 3-2 15772.500 1045630.0000 0.015 0.000 3765833.333 0.000 0 2-1 15875.299 1047220.0000 0.015 0.000 3784075.000 0.000 8 ............................ .................... Pole Interaction Design Data Job P*je 50 of 69 tnxTower W Laurel Stone 22 of 23 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.801-990-1776 Section Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio R � � atro Comb, Allow. Criteria No. Pu M M. V. T Stress Stress t " _ Ratio Ratio f 1„ dM - lhl�, � . _. -._.L1 .,-.,60�..57.9384 �0.006 0.215 0.000 0.010 ......:e ,W 0.000 0.221 1.000 4.81 57.9384- 0.006 0.226 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.232 1.000 4.8.2 55.8768 55.8768- 0.006 0.237 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.243 1.000 4.8.2 53.8153 53,9153- 0.006 0.248 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.254 1.000 4.8.2 51.7537 51.7537- 0.006 0.259 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.265 1.000 4.8.2 49.6921 49.6921- 0.007 0.270 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.277 1.000 4.8.2 47.6305 47.6305- 0.007 0.281 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.288 1.000 4.8.2 45.5689 45.5689- 0.007 0.292 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.299 1.000 4.8.2 43.5074 43.5074- 0.007 0.304 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.311 1.000 4,8.2 41.4458 41.4458- 0.007 0.315 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.322 1.000 4X2 39.3842 39.3842- 0.007 0.327 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.334 1.000 4.8.2 37.3226 37,3226- 0.007 0.338 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.346 1.000 4.8,2 35.2611 35.2611- 0.007 0.350 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.357 1.000 4.8,2 33.1995 33.1995- 0.008 0.361 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.369 1.000 4.8.2 31.1379 31.1379- 0.008 0.373 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.381 1.000 4.8.2 29.0763 29.0763- 0.008 0.384 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.392 1.000 4.8.2 27.0147 27.0147- 0.008 0.396 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.404 1.000 4.8.2 24.9532 24.9532- 0.008 0.408 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.416 1.000 4.8.2 22.8916 22.8916- 0.008 0.420 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.428 1.000 4.8.2 20.83 20.83-15 0.005 0.231 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.235 1.000 4.8.2 L2 20.83-15 0.005 0.226 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.231 1.000 4.8.2 15-14 0.009 0.467 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.476 1.000 4.8.2 14-13 0.009 0.473 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.482 1.000 4,8,2 13-12 0.009 0.478 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.488 1.000 4.8.2 12-11 0.009 0.484 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.494 1.000 4.8.2 11-10 0.009 0.490 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.500 1.000 4X2 2 tnxTower Job Pdfje 51 of 69 Laurel Stone 23 of 23 ......_........ _ Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142-899-191 14:52:35 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Wvvvvv wawa Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 1 ycamposano .SC?CtLOYY Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio -C"'-o;; Allow. Criteria No. Pu M-x li ., K T Stress Stress 1t 1' 04" - /til rk 451 Ratio Ratio __........�....... ----- .. .... __,.... 10-9 0.010 0.496 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.506 1.000 4.8.2 9-8 0.010 0.502 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.512 1.000 4.8.2 8-7 0.010 0.507 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.517 1.000 4.8.2 7-6 0.010 0.513 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.523 1.000 4.8.2 6-5 0.010 0.519 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.529 1.000 4.8.2 5-4 0.010 0.525 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.535 1.000 4.8.2 4-3 0.010 0.531 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.541 1.000 4.8.2 3-2 0.010 0.536 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.547 1.000 4.8.2 2-1 0.010 0.542 0.000 0.015 0.000 0.553 1.000 4.8.2 Section Capacity .................. riririririri �� ..,....... ... .... .............� �,,,,, .mo...� - .._... _„_....�. Section Elevation Component Sire Critical P oF'�,rt„,„v. % Pass No. ft Typre Element lh li', Capacity Fail Ll 60-15 _. Pole TP42.48x36x0.25 -....1 . 16940.9004 2039320.00 42.8 Pass 00 L2 15-1 Pole TP43.996x41.1405x0.25 2 -21201.0000 2094440.00 55.3 Pass 00 Summary Pole(L2) 55.3 Pass TING= 55.3 Pass Program Version File://vsefiles/Projects/2019 Projects/U0142 Stealth/U0142-899-191 Laurel Stone VZ16-01355W-17(NY,120° basepole)/ENG/BASEPOLE/tower/Laurel Stone.eri TIA-222-G - Service -60 mph Maximum Values Page 52 of 69 Deflection (in) Tilt (deg) Twist(deg) 0 0 2 1.5 :05 (6.1 0,'15 0.2 0.25 0 0 0.1 ..05 (Arm 1 1_ i.. .�� .�_-- __i_r� - -� . ��...__�.M�r,,�,� etlll 18VI 6G11 tllll 9811 I l i I 18 1 I 9V01 11111 1VIf 611f 9Vfl 1 1 1 1 I Y l l 6h91 IIRV ICff 6111 VII 11 I I I l k l 19tl1 11911 Itlll 9111 9GI1 f f l f I f 6 1 1961 A d o- ( SII 9 1 1 1 6611 I S I I I I u 1 � � 1 6 tl i 1 1 9 9 1 9 1 1 9 l I l tl tl l I I I f I I I 9 I IIVI IIUV lull I111 4V11 I I I A 1 f P I IIUV I � Itl 1111 '101 I@II I I I I l I � � II99 IIIN 1111 ( � �� 9ull I I I I I I � � I ( tlV II [ 9 IIII 1ll� l 1911 I I f I I I S l r � 118V IIIV 1111 I9 1 lNII I I 1 I I I A l 119V [ 119 1111 IVII flVll I I I I I l fl 0 - � � I I I II l C C ➢ I I [ I 1 9 U f IDI f I I I I I f II � � III & 01I V I I [ l III 8611 I I I ( I I q e < � � Intl 0 1 1 9 C ( � I IBI 1811 f I I I C I 9 6 � 1119 011 ( I I V I uVl tl9 ( I I f I I 6 19 9 � � � _ � � 11111 9911 llVll 1911 1911 I I I f C I 9 9 ' '; 1111 9111 lftl4 1991 f0 { l I I f i ( 19 6 ' � , GI II G61I 6199 1981 tl6ll I I I I 1 I V u 0 6 1 1 0 9 1 1 6 1 9 1 0 9 1 1 9 l l I I I I Y f d 9 $ OII I 0 9 11 V I V O fONI 1811 I I f I 6 I A A 9911 9il VIV 9VY 911 I l 9 6 9kfl V6fI VI9d 1661 iNII ( l 9 � � 0911 oOfl 9 tl6 1691 1011 I I I I P I 0 6 9911 0911 IVV 1991 1 I L 0 u 0911 8911 91 & 6 68d 4lf f 9 V � � � � 0911 19111 190 IVVI '1911 I I 1 1 I I V 9 0 9 P I I & G I S f6 ( 9 9 [ N 9 I I l l I 1 I 1 4 ( I 4 6 " � 01111 IPWIi0180 19111 fOPI I I V I I I 0 e a � � � 4h@I 1691 6199 1901 1981 I I J 1 1 1 9 9 1961 f9pl 0189 IVil4 ( efl � I I B A I I 4 V � � � foul i19 ur99 1901 loll � i i u I l i n 9 [ 961 IEBI 0@fl4 1906 IPII I I B i 1 1 9 9 ' � � � I9ilI 1111 � Vt1 1991 1d1I I ! 6 ; I I e 9 � � � � 1981 IRiI & 94u 19u1 1911 I I 4 9 I I 9 II � l9Bl I { BI 9 6 9 9 ItlOI fel l I I 9 8 ! I e 9 " II41 141 V9IY 1991 lull 1 7 ➢ E f 1 9 V � 19 & I 1161 OV. IB 1469 ICIf I � I 8 I f 6 6 1181 19@ � 4CI1 1991 1111 9 9 1 8 A B Y ! II91 II9f J u g II IUVI IIII A U I � [ I � l � � IICI: iICI tltllo 1991 olll 8 9 I C I o l 1 fl9 Iltll pV89 1901 II I I � V I � 10 Y I � � � � IEe�I 1161 ➢ 6 ( 9 1601 9111 X 4 1 6 1 9 l l ' � I I 11691 Vtl99 1961 011 1 6 d II C 10 f I � � ' III IIVI VVl9 1911 VIII U V II l I 0 1 f � IIVI IB91 0 € iC 1611 6Y11 V 9 V f 9@ l I I � ilf IIVI 9V9V 1911 011 1 l Y I X V I I 1161 I ( BI 9189 1611 61111 6 6 1 1 p P l l �, �1C1 1891 IiPEV 1611 6V1 [ l I I I 9 R I I IB & I I I VI NI90 1911 dIII I 9 I I I U l w I LU L. .1 t,tri 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 G.25 0 0,05 0.1 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC 6'T Laurel Stone 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101Drawn b,�,STEALTH���°" ss ►9► Draper, UT 84020 sae'TIA 222-222 aolautlon Date 02/21/20 o+.;flni vector engineers Phone:801-990-1775 ..,.,_._ Path: FAQ 801-990-1776o" "° Page 53 of 69 ` JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 ECTORCopyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering, LLC This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector E n G n r"I E Il= IIS 3 Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE °k Label: Ports at 58 ft A.G.L. w• Geornetry Input Pole Diameter 36.36 in Pole Thickness 0.25 in Pole Yield Strength 65 ksiw Effective Reinforcing Rims? No Rim Yield Strength 50 ksi .......... #of Ports 3 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Azimuth (°) 0 120 240 Height(in) 12 12 12 Width (in) 6 6 6 Depth (in) 4 4 4 Thickness(in) 0.75 0.75 0.75 Projection (in) 0.5 0.5 0.5 Port Weight(lbs) 77 !Composite Section Properties Original wPorts A 28 24 in2 Ixx 4623 3874 in4 lyy 4623 3874 in4 Smin 254 207 in3 Port Check Pole unity at port location from tower model: 23% (optional) Rim Fy Reduction: 100% (rims not considered in section properties) Result: 28% Page 54 of 69 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 ' ECT Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC IThis Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector I � " � � Structural Engineering,LLC and maybe neither wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE PortDesign: ....mm..............................................m................... ...................................................._. Label: Ports at 8 ft A.G.L. Geometry Input Pole Diameter 43.14 in " Pole Thickness 0.25 in , Pole Yield Strength 65 ksi Effective Reinforcing Rims? Yes Rim Yield Strength 65 ksi """"""" _....................................... #of Ports 3 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Azimuth (°) 0 120 240 Height(in) 25.5 25.5 25.5 Width (in) 10.5 10.5 10.5 Depth (in) 4 4 4 Thickness(in) 0.75 0.75 0.75 Projection (in) 0.5 0.5 0.5 Port Weight(lbs) 126 Composite Section Properties rl m wPorts A 34 44 int Ixx 7747 9753 in4 lyy 7747 9753 in4 Smin 359 442 in3 Port Check Pole unity at port location from tower model: 52% (optional) Rim Fy Reduction: 100% Result: 43% Page 55 of 69 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 � ECTORCopyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering, LLC This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector V I G 11 V I F, F. IR S ' Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Port Design: — Label: Ports at 4 ft A.G.L. Geometry In AA Pole Diameter 43.72 in Pole Thickness 0.25 in Pole Yield Strength 65 ksi ' Effective Reinforcing Rims? Yes Rim Yield Strength 65 ksi �ddd w..m.....�m.m .........m............ #of Ports 3 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Azimuth (°) 0 120 240 Height(in) 25.5 25.5 25.5 Width (in) 10.5 10.5 10.5 Depth (in) 4 4 4 Thickness (in) 0.75 0.75 0.75 Projection (in) 0.5 0.5 0.5 Port Weight (lbs) 126 Comite Section Properties Original wports A 34 44 int Ixx 8063 10125 in4 lyy 8063 10125 in4 Smin 369 453 in3 Port Check Pole unity at port location from tower model: 55% (optional) Rim Fy Reduction: 100% Result: 45% Page 56 of 69 Stiffened or Unstiffened, Ungrouted, Circular Base Plate - Any Rod Material TIA Rev G Site Data Reactions Project#: U0142-899-191 Mu: 1024 ft-kips Site Name: Laurel Stone Axial, Pu: 32.3 kips Shear,Vu: 15.9 kips Pole Manufacturer: Other Anchor Rod Data If No stiffeners,Criteria: AISC LRFD -Onty Applcable to Unstiffened Cases Qty: 8 Diam: 2.25 in Rod Material: A615-J Anchor Rod Results Ri id Strength (Fu): 100 ksi Max Rod (Cu+Vu/r): 127.3 Kips AISC LRFD Yield (Fy): 75 ksi Allowable Axial, (D*Fu*Anet: 260.0 Kips cp*Tn Bolt Circle: 51.5 in Anchor Rod Stress Ratio: 49.0% Pass Plate Data Diam:' 57.5 in Base Plate Results Flexural Check Ri id Thick: 2 in Base Plate Stress: 23.1 ksi AISC LRFD Grade: 50 ksi Allowable Plate Stress: 45.0 ksi cp'Ly— Single-Rod ySin le-Rod B-eff: 17.26 In Base Plate Stress Ratio: 51.4% Pass Y.L.Length:. 20.00 Stiffener Data(Weldingat both sides) n/a Config: 0 * Stiffener Results Weld Type: Fillet Horizontal Weld : n/a Groove Depth: 0.25 <-- Disregard Vertical Weld: n/a Groove Angle: 45 <--Disregard Plate Flex+Shear,fb/Fb+(fv/Fv)^2: n/a Fillet H.Weld: 0.25 in Plate Tension+Shear,fUFt+(fv/Fv)^2: n/a Fillet V.Weld: 0.3125 in Plate Comp. (AISC Bracket): n/a Width: 5 in Height: 18 in Pole Results Thick: 0.75 in Pole Punching Shear Check: n/a Notch: 0.5 in Grade: 36 ksi Weld str.: 70 ksi Note:images below are for illustration only and may not reflect actual bolt quantity,etc. Pole Data Diam: 43.996 in Thick: 0.25 in ° Grade: 65 ksi ; #of Sides: 18 "0"IF Round Cl Fu 80 ksi Reinf.Fillet Weld 0.25 "0" If None' "" " 0 " NO.,, VII *0=none,1 =every bolt,2=every 2 bolts,3=2 per bolt " Note:for complete joint penetration groove welds the groove depth must be exactly 1/2 the stiffener thickness for calculation purposes CClplate 1.2-Circular Base G 1.2, Effective October 26, 2009 Analysis Date:2/21/2020 Page 57 of 69 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural IY ECTOR II "D II® E d -9Engineering,LLC,and maybe neither wholly nor partially copied orreproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Anchorage Embedment Design TWIN TOP �awe. R OD (per ACI 318-14) _�°' .... Vertical Bar Size#of Vertical Bars: : #8 1 /.... 26 Concrete Compressive Strength: 4000 psi Pier Diameter: 6 ft f Pier Depth: 3.5 ft Top of Pier Elevation: 6 in i Concrete Volume 4.2 yd3 Side Concrete Cover: 4 in y Top Concrete Cover: 3 in Bolt Circle Diameter: 51.5 in Horizontal Tie Size: #4 #of Anchor Rods: 8 Anchor Rod Diameter: 2.25 in VERT rac._uwr-. — yft(bar location factor): 1.0 Table We(epoxy coating factor): 1.0 Table ^"'` .. yfs(bar size factor): 1.0(Table `" � UOL,G,RGa_LD0, A,(concrete type factor): 1.0 Table FER rJIAMETEPk Vertical Bar Diameter: 1.0 in Horizontal Tie Diameter: 0.5 in Min. Cir Dist. Btw Anchor&Vert: E435.21 .6'in Req'd Lap Length: 7.0 in (Section Min. Required Embedment Depth: wwww_� Required Lap Length + Max distance between Transverse Reinforcement Design anchor and rod + 0.5*13ar diameter+ (see IBC Sections 1810. and 1810. 0.5*Anchor diameter+Top cover Seismic DesignSite tCg ss: D t rid }Y. Irlfa �t��l° kG�l lf�-4` tl k ,il,.,jl' Type of Transverse Reinforcement: Spiral s Transverse fyt: 60 ksi Seismic Hooks Required? No )Jw- Tie Size OK? Yes Spacing at Top of Pier: 16 in ENV[ Spacing at Bottom of Pier: 16 _j in Total Pier LengthIi ft Top Pier Length: ft Bottom Pier Length: ft n„ ».. A�T'6iJir 41drc�sl ----— ......... ........................... ........... .........._....................... ._..... I<>1 z x i h f •,I;;;I,Yjj Results for LC 2, D . ... _..._ ....... Vector Structural En9 Ineerl SK- 1 ______ ycamposano Laurel Stone Feb 21, 2020 at 3:17 PM _._ ... ........... U0142-899-191 Laurel Stone rt3 ........... ................................................................ ................................ ------------------ ................ ... ................................................................................................................................................ ---—-------- Results for LC 2, D .................... .................- .................... Voctor Structural Engineeri... SK-2 -- -—- ---------- - ycamposano Laurel Stone Feb 21, 2020 at 3:17 PM U0142-899-191 Laurel Stonexl:3 -.11,11,........................... .................. .......... Pa e 60 of 6�9 . ......... ................................ ......................................................................... ----------------- ............. 21, I Results for LC 2, D Vector Structural En g. SK- 3 ............... ................. .... ....... ycamposano Laurel Stone Feb 21, 2020 at 3:17 PM ........................ ............I U0142-899-191Laurel Stonexl:3 ............. .......................... ................. ................... Page 61 of 69 Pedestal: R31) N22 Shape: CRND72 Tension Bar Fy: 60 ksi Stress Block: Rectangular Material: Conc4000NW Shear Bar Fy: 60 ksi Design Rule: Typical Height: 48 in Pedestal Cover: 4 in Design Code: ACI 318-14 Location:. (0 , 0)ft Rebar Set: ASTM A615 72 in �. J E r -------- #4@16 in 4 V, 26#8 — r ....... .............. . ...... M Design Results ..............-- Shear Check Results (Envelope) Along xx Vcx 610.193 k Vsx 98.666 k Vux 15.869 k Vuxo Vnx .03 Gov LC 37 Along zz Vcz 610.193 k Vsz 98.666 k Vuz 15.869 k Vuzo Vnz .03 Gov LC 33 Shear Ties #4 @ 16 in Bending Check Results Unity Check .385 Phi .9 Parme Beta .65 Pu 0 k Mux 0 k-ft Muz -1075.51 k-ft Pn 0 k Mnx NA Mnz 3107.518 k-ft Gov LC 34 Mnox NA Mnoz NA Long. Bars 26#8 % Steel .502 Compression Development Length for Longitudinal Bars Lrequired 18.974 in Lprovided 30 in Lreq./Lpro. .632 Punching Shear Check Results Punching Shear Values Unity Check .114 Vuy 6.286 k Total Stress .022 ksi Location INTERIOR Mux -777.331 k-ft f6vny .19 ksi Gov LC 35 Muz 777.331 k-ft Punching Shear Geometries Effective depth 32.5 in L1 along zz 89.049 in Polar Moment Ixx 1.581e+7 in^4 Gamma xx .4 L2 along xx 89.049 in Polar Moment Izz 1.581e+7 in^4 Gamma zz .4 RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\Laurel Stone.rt3] Page 1 Page 62 of 69 Company : Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:18 PM Job Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: Model Name Laurel Stone Strip: DS2 Max Top bar Spac.: 12 in Stress Block: Rectangular Material: Conc4000NW Min Top bar Spac.: 6 in Rebar Orientation: 90 Strip Width: 144 in Max Bot bar Spac.: 12 in Rebar Spacing Inc: 1 in Total Cuts: 50 Min Bot bar Spac.: 6 in Design Rule: Typical Enveloped Shear/Bendiggl_Mp!p !l i gram§�........... . 18.783 at 9.306 ft Vzk ..;q -95.589 at 9.694 ft .....__ w ---------- ——......... ..... 484.531 at,�9.306 ft Mz ��������mm���P � f U ��YPtl1p�tiui k-ft -506.463 at 9.694 ft -A ACI 318-14 Code Check Top Bending Check 0.331 Bot Bending Check 0.346 1 Way Shear Check 0.215 Gov Mu Top 484.531 k-ft Gov Mu Bot -506.463 k-ft Gov Vu 95.589 k phi*Mn Top 1464.493 k-ft phi*Mn Bot 1464.493 k-ft phi*Vn 443.984 k Governing Cut DS2-X25 Governing Cut DS2-X26 Governing Cut DS2-X26 Governing LC 43 Governing LC 37 Governing LC 37 Tension Bar Fy 60 ksi Concrete Weight .145 k/ft^3 Top Cover 3 in Shear Bar Fy 60 ksi X 1 Bottom Cover 3 in F'c 4 ksi E_Concrete 3644 ksi Flex. Rebar Set ASTM A615 Rho Bot Prvd 0.00218 Rho Top Prvd 0.00218 Prvd Bot Bar Spac. #8@12in Prvd Top Bar Spac. #8@12in Bending Steel Reqd/Prod, Units: in^2) Top Top Bot Bot Rho Rho Rho Cut Label As Reqd As Prvd As Reqd As Prvd Regd(T/S) Reqd(Flex) Prvd(Gross) DS2-X25 3.334 10.21 .499 10.21 0.00180 0.00180 0.00394 DS2-X26 NA 10.21 3.486 10.21 0.00180 0.00180 0.00394 RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\Laurel Stone.rt3] Page 1 Page 63 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:18 PM Job Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: Model Name Laurel Stone Strip: DS2 Max Top bar Spac.: 12 in Stress Block: Rectangular Material: Conc4000NW Min Top bar Spac.: 6 in Rebar Orientation: 90 Strip Width: 144 in Max Bot bar Spac.: 12 in Rebar Spacing Inc: 1 in Total Cuts: 50 Min Bot bar Spac.: 6 in Design Rule: Typical noel pq, l S)t url a finq„_ %rn rat cli c r t t .,�_._ 18.783 at 9.306 ft Vzw . _. M ,.........�wwwm. � ... .... ._.._ k ,..... -95.589 at 9.694 ft ...._. 484.531 at 9.306 ft ........_ ............. � .. __......... . ................W Mz v -506.463 at 9.694 ft ACI 318-14 Code Check Top Bending Check 0.331 Bot Bending Check 0.346 1 Way Shear Check 0.215 Gov Mu Top 484.531 k-ft Gov Mu Bot -506.463 k-ft Gov Vu 95.589 k phi*Mn Top 1464.493 k-ft phi*Mn Bot 1464.493 k-ft phi*Vn 443.984 k Governing Cut DS2-X25 Governing Cut DS2-X26 Governing Cut DS2-X26 Governing LC 43 Governing LC 37 Governing LC 37 Tension Bar Fy 60 ksi Concrete Weight .145 k/ft^3 Top Cover 3 in Shear Bar Fy 60 ksi a, 1 Bottom Cover 3 in F'c 4 ksi E_Concrete 3644 ksi Flex. Rebar Set ASTM A615 Rho Bot Prvd 0.00218 Rho Top Prvd 0.00218 Prvd Bot Bar Spac. #8@12in Prvd Top Bar Spac. #8@12in Bending Steel Reqd/Prod, Units: in^2) Top Top Bot Bot Rho Rho Rho Cut Label As Reqd As Prvd As Reqd As Prvd Regd(T/S) Reqd(Flex) Prvd(Gross) DS2-X25 3.334 10.21 .499 10.21 0.00180 0.00180 0.00394 DS2-X26 NA 10.21 3.486 10.21 0.00180 0.00180 0.00394 RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\Laurel Stone.rt3] Page 1 Page 64 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:19 PM IIIRISA Job Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: Model Name Laurel Stone Global l Model Settings....., ............-.- ............... ............ .......... Display Sections for Member Calcs 5 'Mii-iiiiernal Sections'fo-r"M—em�-b-4 a1cs 100 .................... .......... Mesh 12 -Max Iterations ................. 10 ...... �Merge Tolerance (in) .12 Solver ars q Coefficient—ofFrictio n —.3 Spej�cp�erated .......... No, of Shear Regions, 4 ....... Shear i Ince n) 4 g:_q_ �gj� gie�- -L Mn 1 Bar Dia Spacinq for Beams?—.—. No _qiptimize ings for OTM Slidi!M?— No ........... Parme Beta Factor .65 Pile Safety Factor oncrete Stress Block Rectangular Concrete Rebar Set ASTM A615 C..... on-c-re-fe-—Code ACI 318-14 jffSteel FiIe Code None 3rd: LRFD Wood Pile Code None Concrete Properties Lbel E[k-sji J. ........... —N-4 T rrn \1E., L,ambd 60 60 ie �6 1 .15 145 3 1Conc3aoQQNLW 31 6 1 72 Conc3500N 3409 _1 4.�2 15 .6 .145 3,5 3 .15 _Conc4OQQriW 3644 1584 .6 -145 4 1 60 60 11 75 4 m.Conc3000LYV 208' ......907 , 15 6 60----. 60._ _Conc35Q,QLW 2252 979 .15 6 .75 60 69- 1�c4000L406 1047 .15 w. 6 Q .11 4 75 ggeneral. Lpbel Max Bendi Maxho.a ...... T p,,Qg.vp ax .........0 -rD.nl Bo rn Averl"inj .................T. -- ............. J............ ..........j . --ga,-,,.... ...... .......... 3 ................. 3 Slab Rebar Parameters Label TQp Bar Bott am 5a B -Max B,o _in Bot Bar S...Spai�,jn ..pfigas f,M x Top Bar$,_M .9 in Reb�ar 0 Force 1, ':]�tjce To -R-ar_S_Mj,ixTQp 1 6 L.-I E,TYpIQ --- ............... 12 .1 6 1 .o 'an Pedestal/Pile Rebar Parameterj Label Bar Shear Tie ....................... Bar Govip I #8 4 .......... ypical n. Point Loads and Moments_ Gat 1: QQ -IONJ - Magnitude —-------------- .......... D N22 ....... ........ -10.886 2 YY .... .......................... .................. . ....... EF` Point Loads and Moments Cat 15 : Q ............ La ............. ..... 4el QjcqcjIon .......... ......... R3DN22 Y 11.123 __--- _ Point Loads and Moments (Cat 16 : OLI) Label Direction Magnitude[k,k-ft] RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 ...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\Laurel Stone.rt3] Page 1 Page 65 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering,LLC, Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:19 PM 111RISAJob Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: Modal Narne Laurel Stone Point Loads and Moments Cat 16 : OLI) (Continued) Label- Direction ............. —R3D---N--2" .2..........- - ------- x .. -- 7.934 .....------- .............. 2-T...............—" R3D N221 z -13.743 'T' R3b-Q2'- mx -876.448 ------------------ ............ L R3D N22 ......... mz -506.017 Point Loads and MomentsGat 17 : OL21 ............... Directip"ri......... ......... 1. R3D N22 x 11.221 ................... -R3D N22 z 11.221 ................ ......j ................. ................... 1"..-....---"—------- 3rcm R3D N22 -_ mx -715.616 ................. - --—------------------------------------- R3D ............ .......-- -715.616 Point Loads and Moments (Cat 18 : 00) ............. -----1pbol................. mcflon —--- --- .............................. ................ ..............Mag-pitude[k_k-fQ R3D N22 x_ 13.743 '---R3D RZ2 -7.934 3 '-�M N22 mx -506.017 Z .............. R3D N22 mz -876.448 Point Loads and Moments (Cat 19 : OL41 ...... Labp .......... - .... ...................................... Direction R3D N22 .........— R3D N22 z 11.221 R3D�2"2`---'' mx 715.616 R3D N22 .w................ MZ -715.616 ............. Point Loads and Moments Cat 20 : OL5) ............ .............. .............. .......Magnitudef-U--ft........ ................. R3D N22 --Rmx -258.706 R K�N22 Point Loads and Moments (Cat 21 0101 Lphpl ..... ----------- Agr�itLdej �Itj R3D N22 x 1.988 R3DN22, ...... ------- z -3.443 3 R3D N22 mx -224.046 R3D N22 mz 129.352 Point Loads and Moments (Cat 22 : OL7 Label R3D N22 2.811 R3_DN 2 -2.811 R3D. N� 2 -�x - i. 32 ---------------------------M .......... N22 IM -182.932 Point Loads and Moments Cat 23 : OL8) .............. Dare giga ...................... Mgude k-ft 1 R3D N22 x Ai.443 R3D-N22 ---------- -1..988 3 R3D N22 m x -129.352 4--- --.-R3D N22 -224.046 .............. RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 ...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\LaureI Stone.rt3] Page 2 Page 66 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering, LLC, Feb 21,2020 Designer ycarnposano 3:19 PM 111RISA Job Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: 11%1, �1�� � Model Name Laurel Stone Point Loads and Moments, Label Di epUon ............. .... .. ............... .......... T=7..... .......... x 3.976 R3D N22 Mz -258.706 Point Loads and Moments Cat 25.:-OL 101 --------------- ---- - ................ Ma NtUde�Wfl, ..................... ................. ........ n. 3Q Mz ------------------- ........... R31D N22 x 2.81.1 2 RM N22 .................... 3 R3D Mx 182.932 �NZ. .... ----------- ------------ -- --------- ------------- ... ------- Point Loada and Mooren#s (Cat 29 : WLX) Drec ....... ................ R3D N22 z -15.869....... L 2, 10 12.034 Point Loads and Moments (Cat 31 : WLZ) .........._jjr�ction ....... . .................................... ...Mnoijudetk 15.869 M .............--R3D Qz-- ............--x Mz -10124 1 2 D N22 Area L2,2ds...LCat 1 : DL Label .......... ............... Peak M g"s AL1 ...............111$B5---------1111--11-j............... ............ Slabs Label Thickness[i.0 cal-A)ds Angleld- Anplysis Offset Material _1jr - j] 18 ....... --- .......... 0 .............X----.-L-CQn94 � wL...... 0 0 Load Combinations L4� l --SoMct ,mice A., SF C4,,Ea,-.1-Qa-Fe,-Qj,,,, Fp.,.Ca..Fa,,.Ca,,Ea.,,Qp.,,Fa,. a Fa...Q -Fa-Ca-FA,,; I Service Yes D )�es 3 _P+L6Y�.(�d- e q .6 A D+0.6W(30.. Yes 1.5 DL .6 5 --,,6W.(45.. Yes 1:5 DL I OL2 �6 es ._Yes 1.5 DL 1-2 -Ye.5 7 q+O-q 0- es Yes �1.5 DL I WLZ 6 �.M i3.... ..Yes Yes L l OLA -6 9 0.6D+0 6W Yes Yes 1.1 DL .6 6" 10 0.6D+0.6W 'Yes 1.1 DU 6 OL11] Q 11 0.6D+0.6W Yes Ye 1-i bL1 .6 OL2[ .6 Yes EYes 12 0.6D+0.6W Yes �-e 1.1 DL 6 OU ........... Y 3 Yes Yes 1 Yes"T 1.1 DL .6 WL2 6 I Yes Yes .6 15 16 Service-Ice 17 D+0.7DI Yes Yes 1.5 DL 1 j�L 7 18 D+0.7Di+0.7.. Yes Yes 1-5 D -1 IL -7 OL5 J ----------- 19 D+0.7lDi+O.L�, es 1.51 DL 1 1 L _7 61-6-.7 _Y---Y!ps 20 D+0.7Di+0.7. Yes Yes 1.5 DL_1 -L- I 2L7 7 ' IL .7 L__I 21 D+0.7Di+0.7. Yes Yes _ IL �7 OL8 7 ............ 22 D+0.7Di+0.7. ��1*5 D L IL 11 OL9 I .. -yRa-YQ5-,- -11-1.1L --- 2 D+0.71 i+0.7.. 11.5-b-L F-i" .1 1 3 Yes Yes -- 7- 2L, 7 . v-- Yes 1.1 DL IPL5�--T. L-24 0.61D+n 7ni+ I TH, ......... RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 \...\...\...\ENG\BASEP0LE\tower\Laure1 Stone.rQ Page 3 Page 67 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:19 PM IIIRISA fob Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: . ,"( 11"� Model Name Laurel Stone Load Combinations (Continuedj Label So[ve Servnc SF Ca TaCa Ca. Fa F a CaF�q, Ca. "'A J i -'' Yes- Yes 'I 6U.6 IL 7 �01.6 47 �6 �0.61D+O.M+:-Fy�j -Yes D IL .7 �OlLi DL 7 27 0.6D+0.7Di+.., Yes Yes -TOT8- 2 0.6D+0.7Di+.., DL� .6 IL 7 .87 8 ---YeE�--Yqs�--11-11 DLA & IL 29 0.6D+0.7Di+.,...-Yes Yes 1.1 -DL .6 IL Y OL. �7 30 3 IIAD T 32 Is 1.4 33 1.2D+1 OW Yes 34 DL 1.2 Yes ................. DL 1.2 OLI 1 35 Yes DL 1,2 OL2 .......... _3,61.2D+1.OW(.1-Yes- DL 1.2 OL3 1 Vw .Ow Vw 1 Yes 37 s DL 1�2 WLZ 3 1.2D+1.OW -7- 8 ----yes- DL 1.2 OL4 1 0.9D+1.OW yes DL m9 w... 39 ....................... 40 ��ID+ -Ow C. Yes QL 41 0.9D+1.,OW(.. YesDL �9 OL2 1 .......... ........... -- . (T--Yes 43 +1.OW DL OLS I 4DYes DL LEH44 0 +I.OW ,S ----- 46 5 Strength-Ice 7 1.2D+0.2Di Yes DL 1.2' IL 2 1.2D+Di+Wi.. yes 48 1 DL 1,2, 6�L 5 Yes.._ D i.2' IL 1 OL6 1 49 N1 �+D 1+'Wi Yes DL t2 ILIKOL7 1 50 .26;b" I 51L -4 OL8 _11.2D+Di+Wi Yes DL i.2 IL � 1 52 �11.21D;biWW.. OL9 Yes DL 1.2 ,1.2D+Di+Wi,, Yes niL 11.2 IL 1 OL 1 53 54 0.91D+Di+Wi mm Yes 9 L 1 OL5 I 55 0.9D+Di+Wi,, Yes.--- DC .9 -1.IL 1 OL6 56 1 :0.9D+Di+Wies .. Y Q -9 IL 57 0.9D+Di+Wi- -Yes DL ,9 IL I OL8 1 OL9 5-6 6.6 Di+V K IL 59 0-9 6;61 ..... Yes DL J 9,J],L , I OL., 1 DesLgn Skies Label 3ebarAng1p sign Q ul�," ........... DSI �fio .......... 1111........................... ................................ 21 DS2 90 J[p T ,,M Pj No,of Des Design Rulp F-4 ......................... .......... ical .................. 50 -..yp .............................. Pedestals/Posts Label Sh Ang�dmW Heig UYout Shear -T peftstpj Lawpl ET I..1 3,3 ��c4000NW Use Desi Rut���se gn Rule Q_NZ2.1 Pedlijtq T Ical-'-'F--- 0 Strip ReinLorcing ,qt U-C-T C-1 p LC To Bars GovqmIn LC Bo 5,9 rniti. UC.Shear L91 in IDS l-'X25 DS1- �j 3 D§i].... 325 7-36.........i W 8"'O12 i 393 3 #8 12 ..It -- 43 �T S2-X251 L-2-LD-S L 331 .3 4� 37 #8@1 �n D L .?96J 215 1 37 Pedestals/Posts Punchin Shear Values I. .......... LIC OomIC Lacalioa, VW[kl-- Muzjk-fj M Total Stress EttiToyls-i .......... id �22 . A 14 ..........-3 TERIOR 3. -777.331 1 .022 L .19 RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 ...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\LaureI StoneA3] Page 4 Page 68 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:19 PM IIIRISAJob Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: NI 1,. L " Model Narne Laurel Stone Slab Overturning,SafetFactors (BZ Combinationj-------------------- LC 1_15'11'PiO...... Angle[g[epgj Mo--xxtk--__ __MPtzz I MW........... 2 S§ _0 3032.448 0 3032'.448 9.999+ 9M9+ 3 .............0 - I� .4�1 2 . .......... 7_67-3.87 0 0 30"32' -4.5_ 9.999+ 3 4 S1 0 583.589 3032.448 336.935 3032.448 5.196 9 r�w .......... 76.498 3032.448 476.498 3032448 6.364 5 0 4 .36 5 6 S1 0 3316.935 3032.448 583.589 3032.448 __9_ 5.1.96- 6 7 sf 0 0 3032.4481 673 87 6 9.999+ 4.5 7 8 S1 0 032. 48 476.498 3032.448 6.364 6.364 IT AMA��, 8 9 SI 0 673,87 1819 4G 9 1819.469 2.7 9.999+ 9 10 S1 0 583.589 1819.4691 336-935 181_9A69"_ 3-118 5.4 10 S1 0 .498 1819.469 476.498 1819,469 3.818 3.818 11 476 3.118 11 12 S1 0 3�36IR35 11819,46.9-, 583,51,89 1819.469 _5A ...................13 0 673.87 1819.469 9.999+ V 2.7 1314 S1 0 _ 476 498 1819.469 476A98 1819.469 3,818 3.818 "1-7-- SI 0 3106.417 0 3106.417 1 9,999+ 9.999+ 9.999+ 9.999+ 15 18 1 0 200,574 3106.417 , 0.- - 1 SI 0 173.703 31NA17] 100,287 3106.417 . mm 9.999+ 9.999+ T 20 S"i 0 141.827 3106.417 141.827 3106.417 9.999+ 9.999+ 18 21 S1 0 100.287 3106 41.7 1.73703 3106.417 9999+ 9.999+ 19 22 SI 0 0 3106,417 200.574 3106.417 9.999+ 9,999+ 23 0 20 141,827 3106.417 141,827 3106.417 9.999+ 9.999-+ 21 24 S1 "- 0 200.574 1893,438 0 1893.438 9.44 9.999+ 2-5 7S1 0 1731103 100.287 1893.438 9.999+ 23 26 SI 0 141.827 1893.438 141.827 1893.438 9.999+ 9.999+ 24 2-7 S1 0 100.287 1893.438 173.703 1893.438 9.999+ 9.999+ 25 _28 S1 0 0 18KAZ�j 200.574 1893., 9�999+ 9.44 26 �9 �� 0 _J_,�_1.827 i,1893.438 1 141.827 1893.438 9.999+_____ 9.69 Slab SlidingSafet Factors B Combination) .je xx ----VawzzN_ Vr-zz[Kl.,, ........ 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S1w. 0 25 28 0 59"793 9�999+ 9.999+ 26 29 9, S1 59.793 f.968 59,793 -999± RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 [ ..A... ...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\LaureI StoneA3] Page 5 Page 69 of 69 Company Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. Feb 21,2020 Designer ycamposano 3:19 PM Job Number U0142-899-191 Checked By: IIIIRISA ModeIName Laurel Stone EnKelol2e Slab Soil Pressures Label ..... ... UC LC Soil Pressune Ik WO )�ktt� ,,irjng[ksQ ........... . ................ 8 pwp� " -- '- L 1 S1 M9 ------ --------—........... ... .............................. — . ..............L................ t657 2 ..... .... .... ...... .. ........... RISAFoundation Version 11.0.2 ...\ENG\BASEPOLE\tower\LaureI Stone.rt3] Page 6