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Top Pole Calculations from Vector Engineers rcvd 2/24/2020
VECTOR . _RECEIV �.._, E n o I n E E R s ( FEB 2 4 2 out-wtd Town STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS If-'lnisiing3alm for LAURELSTONE TOP SECTION at 7055 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK,NY 11952 for ELITE TOWERS RAYCAP I STEALTH(VZ16-01355W-17R4) 05 N , ' U kO,,, C 02/21/2020 BY: WELLS HOLMES,P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER NY Firm License#: COA0012807 PROJECT#: U0142-899-191 DATE: February 21,2020 DESIGNED BY YCA;CHECKED BY TPH NOTE: Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC The calculations presented in this package are This Excel workbook contains proprietary intended for a single use at the location indicated information belonging to Vector Structural above,for the client listed above. These calculations Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor shall not be reproduced,reused, "card filed';sold to partially copied or reproduced without the prior a third party, or altered in any way without the written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, written authorization of Vector Structural LLC. Engineering,LLC and Raycap I STEALTH. 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,STE 101 Draper, UT 84020/"1"'(801)990-1775 III' (801)990-1776 vfww ,v4K se.coiirn vu Page 2 of 37 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC ECTOR This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or 0 I nreproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC, PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Design Criteria: Code: Structural design is based on the New York State Building Code,2016 Uniform Code Supplement(2015 IBC) and the TIA-222-G standard. Wind: Basic wind speed = 145 mph(3-second gust)per the ASCE 7-10 standard Risk Category/Structure Class: III Wind exposure: C Topographic category: 1 Crest height: Oft Ice: 0.75"radial ice @ 50 mph basic wind speed(3-second gust)per the TIA-222-G standard Seismic: Seismic importance factor, I = 1.5 Risk Category/Structure Class: III Mapped spectral response accelerations: SS= 0.243g S, = 0.073g Site class: D Spectral response coefficients: SDs= 0.259g Sol = 0.117g Seismic design category: B Basic seismic-force-resisting-system: Telecommunication Tower: Steel Pole Seismic base shear,V= 1.1 k Seismic response coefficient,Cs=0.124 Response modification factor, R= 1.5 Analysis procedure: Equivalent Lateral Force General Notes: 1 The contractor shall verify dimensions,conditions and elevations before starting work. The engineer shall be notified immediately if any discrepancies are found. 2 The typical notes and details shall apply in all cases unless specifically detailed elsewhere. Where no detail is shown,the construction shall be as shown for other similar work and as required by the building code. 3 These calculations are limited to the structural members shown in these calculations only. The connection of the members shown in these calculations to the existing structure shall be by others,with the exception of those explicitly shown on the drawings. 4 The contractor shall be responsible for compliance with local construction safety orders. Approval of shop drawings by the architect or structural engineer shall not be construed as accepting this responsibility. 5 All structural framing members shall be adequately shored and braced during erection and until full lateral and vertical support is provided by adjoining members. Page umo7 JOB NO.: UO142' 99'191 ECTO ��~� Cv�n�t @o�ovmmna�c���gme�n .uC �� ��w����p��m���u��m�� u�^mm�um*��au�mndma'uo^�mmwwo�n^,v���*��u� � n s� | n � � �� �� ' 00 n�nmw�uo�vmmnnriorwmtte"»mmisumnmw"mratrunmmEnomommg, uc PROJECT: LAUREL STONE ~ Structural Steel: ` 1 All structural steel code checks based on the AISC-LRFD,3rd Edition per the TIA-222-Gstondond 2All steel pipes hmboper ASTIMA5OOGR. B(42KS|). U.N.O. 3All other structural steel shapes&plates shall boper ASTM A3O. U.ND. 4All bolts for n0ee|-to*b,o|connections shall boper ASTM F3125GR.A325U.N.O. 5 All bolted connections shall be tightened per the"turn-of-nut"method as defined by AISC. 6 All welding shall be performed by certified welders in accordance with the latest edition of the American Welding Society(A6NO)D1.1 7 All steel surfaces shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and ASTM F2329 standards,thoroughly coated with a zinc-rich primer,or otherwise protected as noted on the structural drawings. Page 4 of 37 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 d Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC rCTOR This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or tlJ E n G 1 E- E R S reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC, PROJECT: LAUREL STONE User Forces Ice Thickness[in]: 0.75 Elev. @ Top of Base Pole [ft]:1 60.0 Ice Density[pcf]: 56 Elev. @ Bottom of Base Pole [ft]:1 1.0 Cylinder Shape: 18-Sided Shape Factor: 0.65 (supercritical) (Refer to CF Values in Table 2-7,TIA-222-G) 1.20 (subcritical) (Applies for CaAc w/Ice per Table 2-7) Diameter in Wei ht Ibj CaAc fC Cylinder Length ft No Ice w/ Ice Plates No Ice w/Ice No Ice w/ Ice ToP Plate 200 588 1 9.9 21.7 1 10.0 36 39.37 Bulkhead 300 1071 19.8 43.4 2 10.0 36 39.33 Bulkhead 300 1063 19.8 43.3 3 10.0 36 39.30 Bulkhead 300 1053 19.8 43.2 4 10.0 36 39.26 Bulkhead 300 1043 19.8 43.1 5 10.0 36 39.21 Bottom Plate 200 569 9.9 21.5 0 0 0.0 0.0 i 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 L0.0 0.0 Page 5 of 37 DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE E ELEVATION . .......... .................. (2)Commander 2203A(207 ft x 121 100#(enclosed) P Penal 95 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) Bu ......................—-----I — --I _lkh!!ck! 90 .............. (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9 5 ftx 1154 (3)Generic Panel IM!,s 2,38'Dia1044 los) ,(enclosed)— -...........------------- Bulkhead 80 (g)8'-0"T-arrnEPA=4ft-2(100lbs) 1107 ..................................... ......... -—----- (3)Generic Panel 1pi�(T(enclosed) 75 TOP late 110 ......................... —-— ------ Bulkhead 70 (3)Gnmric Nvml t Wl;i(firdmed) 1105 ---- ................................ ..... (3)Genedc,Panel 100#(enclosed) 65 .......................................--------- Bottorn Plat® 60 ............... MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE f YE ru------ A500-42 �LQ j1Q7 [Wksl_ I TOWER DESIGN NOTES I Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. - 110.Oft 2. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G Standard. ---------- - 3. Tower designed for a 145 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard. 4. Tower is also designed for a 50 mph basic wind with 0.75 in ice.Ice is considered to J increase In thickness with height. 5. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 6. Tower Risk Category III and IV. R 7. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 ft 2 x 8. TOWER RATING:61.9% 0- f ............................ 100.Oft- NOTE: Calculations have been designed for worst case scenario of (3) additional future whip antennas. < o .......... .. ........ 80.0 ft ALL REACTIONS ARE FACTORED AXIAL 17571 lb SHEAR MOMENT 2444 Ib 82676 lb-ft 50 mph WIND-0.7500 in ICE AXIAL 10753 lb SHEAR MOMENT 9488 Ib It 313974 lb-ft 60,0 ft REACTIONS-145 mph WIND ............ Vector Structural Engineering,LLC �- Laurel Stone F 651 W. Galena Park Blvd., Ste. 101 aWij6 ...............................--- Draper, LIT 84020 STEALTH Concealment SolulJon4 Drawn wcam ano App'd: ............... & . .. Vector Engineers Phone:801-990-1775 TIA-222-G Dale:02/21L20 Stades.h FAX.801-990-1776 Path. Dwg No Job Paftge 6 of 37 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 1 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FA801-990-1776 ycamposanFAX: Tower Input Data The tower is a monopole. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. ASCE 7-10 Wind Data is used. Basic wind speed of 145 mph. Risk Category III and IV. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50°F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear(P-delta)analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads,feed line supports,and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Pole Section Geometry Section...._.... Elevation Section Pole Pole Socket.�. ,,,,,,.,, ........... ket Length Length Size Grade ft /r fr L1 110.00-100.00 10.00 P10x.36513th A500-42 (42 ksi) L2 100.00-80.00 20.00 P12x.562 13th A500-42 (42 ksi) L3 80.00-60.00 20.00 P12xl.3121361 A500-42 t4 ka Tower ......... ....... sset, Gusset Gusset Grade Adjast.F ctor�.......... rvrvAd'ust. m,rv,-""W-ig",„t, �....W�,�.,�,D-o,",.,.,rv,l.-'e-,--D"-o",-.-1,�MMe��.,.......,., 1'e"Inn—1 � eight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle Elevation Area Thickness Ap Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (per face) Ar Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants t in in in in Ll 0 0 1.08 110.00-100.00 L2 0 0 1.08 100.00-80.00 L3 80.00-60.00 0 0 1.08 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area Job Pagtge 7 of 37 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 2 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. UO142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone. 801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX-801-990-1776 ycamposano ... Description Face Allow Exclude Component Placement g Total .. w C��� Wci lat.�„ .,a,. or Shield From Tjpe Number Leg Torque ft ft'/ft py, Calculation 1 5/8 Coax C No Yes Inside Pole 105.00-60.00 6 No Ice 0.00 0.72 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.72 1"Ice 0.00 0.72 15/8 Coax C No Yes Inside Pole 95.00-60.00 6 No Ice 0.00 0.72 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.72 1"Ice 0.00 0.72 1 5/8 Coax C No Yes Inside Pole 85.00-60.00 6 No Ice 0.00 0.72 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.72 1"Ice 0.00 0.72 15/8 Coax C No Yes Inside Pole 75.00-60.00 6 No Ice 0.00 0.72 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.72 1"Ice 0.00 0.72 15/8 Coax C No Yes Inside Pole 65.00-60.00 6 No Ice 0.00 0.72 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.72 1"Ice 0.00 0.72 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas � �..... �. .. .� .. .. . ........ ..._----w,ri-� Tower Tower Face AR AF CAAA CAAA Weight Section Elevation In Face Out Face �...., fl ft2___._._ _f _ P� ��� .. ....................... .......lb...................... LI 110.00-100.00 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 21.6000 D 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 L2 100.00-80.00 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 172.8000 D 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 L3 80.00-60.00 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 345.6000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 Feed Line/Linear,ARpurtenances Section Areas - With ice Tower Tower Face Ice AR AF CAAA CAAA Weight Section Elevation or Thiclnaess In Face Out Face ft I ?n?..... ft fig r' fry !b Ll 110.00-100.00 A 2.105 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 21.6000 D 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 L2 100.00-80.00 A 2.073 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 172.8000 D 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 L3 80.00-60.00 A 2.021 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 345.6000 Job Pafftge 8 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 3 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Elevation or Thickness In Face Out Face in 2 lb D 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 Shielding Factor Ka 'eed Line Description Feed Line K. 'cor, 7egmentElev Ice E-= User Defined Loads Description Elevation Offset Azimuth Weight F. F� Wind Force CAAC From Angle Centroid Top Plate 110.00 0.00 0.0000 No lee 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 776.5481 9.90 Ice 587.6700 0.0000 0.0000 202.3937 21.70 Service 200.0000 n0000 0.0000 118y680 vyo Bulkhead /oo.00 0.00 0.0000 No lee »oo.0000 0.0000 0,0000 1522z434 19.80 Ice 1071.3/00 00000 0.0000 svo.000^ 43.36 uermuv zoo»000 0000u 0.0000 233.2093 19.80 Bulkhead 90.00 0.00 0.0000 No lee aoo»onn 0.0000 0.0000 1488.8500 19»0 Ice 1062.8500 0.0000 0.0000 387.0592 ^m.zy Service aoo»000 0.0000 0.0000 228.093* /p.no Bulkhead nn»o 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 300.0000 000no 0.0000 1452.3858 19.80 Ice 1053.5000 00000 0.0000 376.8817 43.21 avmiuu son»000 0000n ou000 222.5071 19.80 auohouu 70o0 o»o o»000 No Ice 300.0000 00000 0.0000 1412.125/ 19.80 uo /043.0300 n»000 0.0000 365.6712 43.12 Service s000000 0000n 000no 216.3391 19.80 Bottom Plate 60.00 0.00 0.0000 No Ice 200.0000 o»000 0.0000 683.5167 yyo mv 568.7400 00000 0.0000 /76.833/ 21.54 Service 200.0000 0.0000 0.0000 104.7155 9.90 Discrete Tower Loads Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAA,4 C,4A,4 Weight or Typ e Ho r-- Adjustment Front Side Leg zutem/ Vert ft ° }, ft2 /t2 m ft (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 I"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (s)Generic Panel}ou# c mvuv 0.0000 95.00 No lee 0.00 0.00 /oo.onoo (enclosed) )/2''Ice oon 0.00 ,000000 `''Ice o»o noo l000000 (s)Generic Panel 1nmY o m^m, 0.0000 85»0 No Ice 000 0.00 l000000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 000 noo 100.0000 tnxTower Job Palfte 9 of 37 Laurel Stone 4 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions B FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano ---------- Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA wtigin or Tjpe Hort Adjustment Front Side L eg Lateral Vert ft fit P fie lb ft ................. . ................ ......1„.... ... ................... Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 75.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 I"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (3)Generic Panel 100# C None 0.0000 65.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (enclosed) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 1"Ice 0.00 0.00 100.0000 (2)Commander 220-3AN C None 0.0000 121.00 No Ice 5.13 5.13 24,0000 (20.7 It x 2.75"Dia,24 lbs) 1/2"Ice 7.79 7.79 65.4539 1"Ice 9.91 9.91 119.9854 (2)Sinclair C None 0.0000 115.40 No Ice 4.43 4.43 10.4400 SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 ft x 1/2"Ice 5.01 5.01 41,8094 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) I"Ice 5,59 5.59 79.6193 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ftA2 C None 0.0000 110.70 No Ice 4.00 4.00 60.0000 (100 lbs) 1/2"Ice 4.66 4.66 80.0000 1"Ice 5,32 5.32 100.0000 Tower Pressures - No Ice GH=i.ioo .......... Section z K7 q, Ac F As AR Afg 1,(,,v C,1,4,1 C,,A,j Elevation a % In Out c Face Face ft ft - 0 ft, its ft2 ft2 ft? LI 105.00 1.279 71 8.958 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0,000 110.00-100.00 B 0,000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 L2 90.00 1.238 68 21.250 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 100.00-80.00 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 L3 80.00-60.00 70.00 1.174 65 21.250 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 1 0.0001 0.000, 1 0.00, 0.000, 0.000, Tower Pressure - With Ice GH=i.ioo Section z Kz qg tz AG F AF AR Al, Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % In Out CFace Face ft ft - Psf in ft fP2 t ---Ltl- ...........ft! ftf LI 105,00 1,279 8 2.1051 12,467 A 0.000 0,000 OMO 0.00 0.000 0,000 Job Pf"e 10 of 37 t er Laurel Stone 5 of 24 Project I Date Vector Structural Engineering, UO142.899.191 LLC. 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section z Kz qs tz AG F AF AR Ac's Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % In Out c Face Face Lt t S IPI ? a t' $"' rt' t' f' 110.00-100.00B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 L2100.00-80.00 90.00 1.238 8 2.0729 28.160 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 L3 80.00-60.00 70.00 1.174 8 2.0214 27,988 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 Tower Pressure - Service GH=1.100 Section _ z Kz qz AO F AF AR Ar,$ Leg CAAA CAAA Elevation a % In Out C Face Face ft I fit Psf 1? e ft' fP 1 Ll 105.00 1.279 11 8.958 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 110.00-100.00 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 L2 90.00 1.238 10 21.250 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 100.00-80.00 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 0.000 0.000 0.00 0,000 0.000 L3 80.00-60.00 70.00 1.174 10 21,250 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 D 1 0.000 0-000.1 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind SI c rim Add Self F e CF qs DF DR AR F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c psf t lb lb e ftz lb plf L1 216000 407.9985 A 0 0.6 71 1 1 0.000 0,0000 000 D 110.00-100.00 B 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 C 0 0.6 1 q 0.000 D 0 0.6 1 11 0.000 L2 172.8000 1475.6735 A 0 0.6 68 1 1 0.000 O0000 0.00 D 100,00-80.00 B 0 0.6 l I 0.000 C 0 0.6 1 11 0.000 D 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 L3 345,6000 3248,4717 A 0 0.6 65 1 1 0.000 00000 0.00 D 80,00-60.00 B 0 0.6 1 l 0.000 C 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 D 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 Sum Weight:1 540.0000 1 5132.1437 1 1 1 OTM 1 0...000 lb-ft 0.0000 tnxTower Job Pf%%e 11 of 37 l Laurel Stone 6 of 24 ............ Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.801-990-1776 ycamposano Tower Forces - No Ice - Wind 45 To Face Section Add Self F e CF q� DF DR AE F w Orl. F1'evatie n Weight Weight a Face C p.sf t lb lb c t Ib l L1 21.6000 407.9985 A 0 0.6 71 1 tl 0.000 0.0000 0„00 D 110.00-100.00 B 0 Ot q q 0.000 C 0 0,6 1 1 0.000 D 0 0,6 1 1 0.000 L2 1728000 1475.,6735 A 0 0.6 68 1 1 0.000 0.0000 OM D 100.00-80.00 B 0 0,6 1 1 0.000 C 0 0.6 1 tl 0.000 D 0 0,6 1 1 0.000 L3 3456000 3248.4717 A 0 0.6 651 q 0.000 0.0000 ODO D 80.00-60.00 B 0 0,6 1 1 0.000 C 0 0,6 1 1 0.000 l 0.000 Sum Wei ht. 540.0000 5132.1437 D O 0.6 1 OTM 0,000 lb-ft 0,0000 Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind Normal To Face r,'e;ias,)ep Add .Self F e CF q= DF DR AE F w Ctrl. hlevathm Weight Weight a Face c psf ft Ib 16 e t Ib 1 Ll 21.6000 738.6108 A 0 1.2 8 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D 110.00-100.00 B 0 1.2 C 1 0.000 C 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 D 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 L2 172,8000 2226,4525 A 0 1.2 8 1 1 0.000 0,0000 0.00 D 100.00-80.00 B 0 1.,2 1 1 0.000 C 0 1,2 1 1 0.000 D 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 L3 345,6000 3978.0766 A 0 1,2 8 1 1 0.000 OMOO 0.00 D 80.00-60.00 B 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 C 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 D 0 1.2 tl 1 0.000 Sum weight: 540.0000 6943,1399 OTM 0..000 lb-ft 0.0000 Tower Forces - With Ice - Wind 45 To Face Section Add Self F e CF q� DF DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Ps t lb lb e ft2 Ib if Ll 21.6000 738.6108 i A 0 1.2 8 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D Job P*.%%e 12 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 7 of 24 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 1 1 Section Add Self IF' e CF q= Dr DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf _(t lb lb e M lb If 110,00-100,00 B 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 C 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 D 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 L2 172.8000 2226,4525 A 0 1.2 8 1 1 0.000 00000 000 D 100.00-80.00 B 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 C 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 D 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 U 3456000 3978.0766 A 0 1.2 8 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0,00 D 80,00-60.00 B 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 C 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 D 0 1.2 1 1 0.000 Sum Weight:_[ 540,00001 6943,1399 -- ------- I --- OTM 0,000 lb-ft 000001 Tower Forces - Service - Wind Normal To Face Section Add sq( F e CF q� DF DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf ft lb lb e ft2 lb X( Ll 21.6000 407.9985 A 0 0.632 11 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D 110.00-100.00 B 0 0.632 1 1 0.000 C 0 0.632 1 1 0.000 D 0 0.632 1 1 0.000 L2 172.8000 1475.6735 A 0 0.6 10 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D 100.00-80.00 B 0 0.6 1 1 0,000 C 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 D 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 U 345.6000 3248.4717 A 0 0.6 10 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D 80.00-60.00 B 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 C 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 D 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 Sum Weight: 540.0000 5132.1437 1 L, ..., I I I-.OTM-I 0.000 lb-ft 1 0.0000 1� Tower Forces - Service - Wind 45 To Face Section Add Self F e CF q= DR DR AE F w Ctrl. Elevation Weight Weight a Face c Psf ft lb lb e ft' lb P1f Ll 21.6000 407,9985 A 0 0.632 11 1 1 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D 110.00-100.00 B 0 0.632 1 t 0.000 C 0 0.632 1 t 0.000 D 0 0.632 1 1 0.000 L2 172.8000 1475.6735 A 0 0.6 10 1 t 0.000 0.0000 0.00 D 100.00-80.00 B 0 0.6 1 1 0,000 C 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 D 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 U 345.6000 3248,4717 A 0 0.6 10 1 1 0.000 0,0000 0.00 D 80.00-60.00 B 0 0.6 1 1 0.000� Job Pie 13 of 37 vvv__W Laurel Stone 8 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LEC UO142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycam posano Section Add Self F e CF q= D, D®i A�, F w Ctrl. la"lacanon Weight Weight a Face c psf t lb lb e 9a' Ifi l Ell 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 0 0.6 1 1 0.000 Sum Weight: 540.0000 5132-1437 OTM 1 0..000 lb-ft 0.0000 Discrete r r GH=1.100 Description Aiming Weight Offset, Offset, z K N, CAAc CAAc Azimuth Front Side 11 Ib ft t_ t Psf ft, tz Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 105.00 1.279 71 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 95.00 1.252 69 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 85.00 1.223 68 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 75.00 1.191 66 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 65.00 1.156 64 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Commander 220-3AN 0.0000 48.0000 0.00 0.00 121.00 1.317 73 10.27 10.27 (20.7 ft x 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) Sinclair 0.0000 20.8800 0.00 0.00 115.40 1.304 72 8.87 8.87 SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.441bs) 8'-0"T-arm FP=4 ftA2 0.0400 120,0000 0.00 0,00 110.70 1.293 71 8.00 I 8.00 (100 lbs) Sum 1688.8800 Wei ht: Discrete A With Ice GH=1.100 Description Aiming Weight Offse t. Offset, z K qa CAAc CAAc 4 Azimuth Front Side ° lbt t t s fry to in Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 105.00 1.279 8 0.00 0.00 2.1051 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 01 00 0.00 95.00 1.252 8 0.00 0.00 2.0841 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 85.00 1.223 8 0.00 0.00 2.0611 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 75.00 1.191 8 0.00 0.00 2,0354 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 65.00 1.156 8 0.00 0.00 2.0065 (enclosed) Commander 220-3 AN 0.0000 600.1510 0.00 0.00 121.08} 1.317 9 29.51 29.51 2.1352 (20.7 ft x 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) Sinclair 0.0000 384.7480 0.00 0.00 11540 1.304 9 13.86 13.86 2.1251 SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) Job P*Z%e 14 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 9 of 24 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by I Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Description Aiming Weight Offset Offset, z K, q CAAC CAAC 4 Azimuth Front Side, o lb ft -ft ft Psf ft2 ft2 in 8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ft^2 0.0000 423.2477 0.00 0.00 110.70 1.293 8 13.59 13.59 2.1162 (100 lbs) Sum 2908.1467 1 Wei�ht. Ed Discrete Appurtenance Pressures - Service GH=i.ioo Description Aiming Weight Offset, Offset, z K� q, CAAc CAAC Azimuth Front Side o lb ft t t sf ft Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 105.00 1.279 11 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 95.00 1.252 11 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) I Generic Panel 1009 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 85.00 1,223 10 0.00 0.00 I(enclosed) I Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 75.00 1.191 10 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Generic Panel 100# 0.0000 300.0000 0.00 0.00 65.00 1.156 J 0.00 0.00 (enclosed) Commander 220-3AN 0.0000 48.0000 0.00 0.00 121.00 1.317 11 10.27 10.271: (20.7 ft x 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) Sinclair 0.0000 20.8800 0.001 0.00 115.40 1.304 11 8.87 8.87 SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ftA2 0.0000 120.0000 0.00 0.00 110.70 1.293 11 8.00 8.00 (100 lbs) Sum 1688.8800 Wei ht: ------------------ Force Totals Load -Vertical Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overturning Overturning X z Moments,M, Moments,M, lb lb lb Ib- lb-t lb-'t? Leg Weight 5112,1411,Vn 0.0000 Bracing Weight NMI Total Member Self-Weight 5132.1437 0.000 0,000 Twal Weight 8961.0237 0.000 0 000 M !Wind 0 deg-No Ice 0.0000 -9489.2719 -308453.468 0,000 0�000 W ind 30 deg-No Ice 4744.1360 -8217.0845 -267128.539 -154226.734 0,000 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 1 6709.2214 -6709.2214 -218109.539 -218101?539 0,000 W i rid 60 deg-No Ice 8217.0845 -4744.1360 -154226.734 -267128.539 0,0010 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 9488.2719 0.0000 0.000 -308453.468 0,000 Wind 120 deg-No Ice a 8217.0845 4744.1360 154226.734 -267129-539 0000 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 6709.2214 6709.2214 218109.539 -218109,539 0,000 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 4744.1360 8217.0845 267128539 -154226.734 0,000 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 0.0000 9488.2719 308453:468 0,000 0.000 'Wind 210 deg-No Ice -4744.1360 8217.0845 267128.539 154226.734 OMO Wind 225 deg-No Ice -6709.2214 6709.2214 218109.539 218109.539 0 000 Wind 240 deg-No Ice it -8217.0845 4744.1360 154226.734 267128.539 0.000 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 9488.2719 0.0000 0.000 308453.4681 0.000 Wind 300 deg-No Ice --8217.0845 -4744.1360, -154226.734 267 9 29.539 0000, tnxTower Job P*Je 15 of 37 Laurel Stone 10 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Load Vertical Sum of Stun of Sum of Sum of Stan of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overturning Overturning X 2 Moments,M. Moments,M 16 I6 ib 0)-r 1 1"ti _21_/f Wind 315 deg-No Ice -6709.2214 -6709.2214 -218109.539 218109.539 11.0E+0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice -4744.1360 -821.7.0845 -267128.539 154226.734 0.000 Member Ice 1$10.9963 "I"OW Weight Ice 157 7R 38670.000 Wind 0 deg-Ice ���� 0.0000�i -2443.5592 -79581.461 0,000 11000 Wind 30 deg-Ice 1221.7796 -2116.1844 -68919.567 -39790.730 0.000 Wind 45 deg-Ice �' 1727.8573 -1727.8573 -56272.590 -56272,590 0.4100, Wind 60 deg-Ice 2116.1844 -1221.7796 -39790.730 -68919.567 0,000 Wind 90 deg.-Ice � �� 2443.5592 0.0000 0.000 -79581.461 0.000 Wind 120 deg-lee 2116.1844 1221.7796 39790.730 -68919567 0.000 Wind 135 deg-Ice 1727.8573 1727.8573 56272.590 -56272 590 0 000 Wind 150 deg-Ice 1221.7796 2116.1844 68919.567 -39790.730 0.000 Wind 180 del;-fee �� 0.0000 2443.5592 79581.461 0,000 0,000 Wind 110 deg-Ice � ' �� � -1221.7796 2116.1844 68919.567 39790.730 0.000 Wind 225 deg-Ice -1727.8573 1727.8573 56272.590 56272.590 0-000 Wind 240 deg-Ice � � -2116.1844 1221.7796 39790.730 68919.567 0.000 Wind 270 deg-Ice -2443.5592 0.0000 0.000 79581.461 0.000 Wind 300 deg-Ice -2116.1844 -1221.7796 -39790.730 68919.567 0 001 Wind 315 deg-Ice -1727.8573 J -1221.7796 -2116.8844 68919.56573 7 39790.730 56272.590 11 Wind 33 .000 41 deg-Ice I"satatA Weight 8961.0237 0.000 0.000 Wind 0 deg-Service 0.0000 -1453.6135 -47255.403 0.000 01000 Wind 30 deg-Service �i 726.8067 -1258.8662 -40924.380 -23627.702 4,1.000 Wind 45 deg-Service 1,f 1027.8599 -1027.8599 -33414.616 -33414.616 0 000 Wind 60 deg-Service � � � 1� 1258.8662 -726.8067 -23627.702 -40924.380 0,000 Wind 90 deg-Service 1453.6135 0.0000 0.000 -47255.403 0.000 Wind 120 deg-Service 1258.8662 726.8067 23627.702 -40924.380 0 000 Wind 135 deg-Service 1i 1027.8599 1027.8599 33414.616 -33414.616 0.4100 Wind 150 deg-Service t 726.8067 1258.8662 40924 380 -23627.702 0 000 Wind 180 deg-Service 0.0000 1453.6135 47255.403 0.000 0,000 Wind 210 deg-Service -726.8067 1258.8662 40024.380 23627.702 0.000 Wind 225 deg-Service -1027.8599 1027.8599 33414.616 33414.616 0.000 Wind 240 deg-Service ) -1258.8662 726.8067 23627.702 40924.380 0.000 Wand 270 deg-Service -1453.6135 0.0000 0 000 47255.403 0 000 Wind 300 deg-Service -1258.8662 -726.8067 -23627.702 40924.380 0,000 Wind 315 deg-Service -1027.8599 -1027.8599 -33414.616 33414.616 0,000 Wind 330 de -Service -7.26,8067 -1258.8662 -40924.38023627.7021 0,000 Load Combinations No. _.,..__ 1 Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 3 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 4 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 13 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg-No Ice Job Pie 16 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 11 of 24 ............ ....... Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 ............... Comb Description 15 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg-No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 17 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg-No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg-No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 26 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 27 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 28 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 29 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 30 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg-No Ice 31 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg-No Ice 32 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 33 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 34 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 35 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 36 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 37 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 38 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 39 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 40 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 41 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg+1,0 Ice+1.0 Temp 42 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 43 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 44 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 45 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 46 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 47 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 48 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 49 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 50 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 51 Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 52 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 53 Dead+Wind 45 deg-Service 54 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 55 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 56 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 57 Dead+Wind 135 deg-Service 58 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 59 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 60 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 61 Dead+Wind 225 deg-Service 62 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 63 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 64 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 65 Dead+Wind 315 deg-Service 66 Dead+Wind 330 Rg Maximum Member Forces Section lit Condition Gov. Axial Major Axis MinorAxis ........ ------------ NO Type Load Moment Moment Comb, lb lb-ft lb-f L1 110-100 Pole Max Tension 52 0.0030 0.041 -0.024 tnxTower Job P�je 17 of 37 Laurel Stone 12 of 24 .................................. Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Section-Elevation Component Condition Gov. Axial Major Axis MinorAxis No, ft T)Te Load Moment Moment --.Comb. lb ll�f lb- _ ?............................._fQ Max.Compression 6.000 0.000 Max.Mx 10 -1177.0740 -43046.937 0.000 Max.My 2 -1177.0740 0.000 43046.937 Max.Vy 10 2999.1607 -43046.937 0.000 Max.Vx 2 -2999.1607 0.000 43046.937 Max.Torque 4 -0.000 L2 100-80 Pole Max Tension 1 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 34 -8982.8304 0.000 0.000 Max.Mx 10 -4570.7180 -149634.94 0.000 1 Max.My 2 -4570.7180 0.000 149634.941 Max.Vy 10 6104.1091 -125264.39 0.000 8 Max.Vx 2 -6104.1091 0.000 125264.398 Max.Torque 4 -0.000 U 80-60 Pole Max Tension 1 0,0000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 34 -17570.591 0.000 0.000 4 Max.Mx 10 -10743.345 -313961.84 0.000 8 1 Max.My 2 -10743.345 0.000 313961.841 8 Max.Vy 10 9499.1109 -313961.84 0.000 I Max.Vx 2 -9499.1109 0.000 313961.841 Max.Torque 4 -0.001 ........... ............. Maximum Reactions Location Condition Gov, Vertical Horizontal,X Horizontal,Z Load 1b lb lb ,-Comb. Pole Max.Vert 34 17570.5914 0.0000 0.0000 Max.H. 27 8064.9132 9488.0307 0.0000 Max.H. 3 8064,9132 0,0000 9488.0307 Max.M. 2 313961.841 0.0000 9487.9349 Max.M. 10 313961.841 -9487.9349 0.0000 Max.Torsion 16 0.001 -4744.1249 -8217.0649 Min.Vert 3 8064.9132 0.0000 9488.0307 Min.H. 11 8064.9132 -9488.0307 0.0000 Min.H. 19 8064.9132 0.0000 -9488.0307 Min.M. 18 -313961.841 0.0000 -9487.9349 Min.M. 26 -313961.841 9487.9349 0.0000 Min.Torsion 4 -0.001 -4744.1249 8217.0649 .......... Tower Mast Reaction Summary .................. Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overtuming Torque Combination Moment,M. Moment,M. lb lb lb lb-f1 lb-ft lb-f Dead Only 8961.0237 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 10753.2171 0.0000 -9487.9349 -313961.841 0.000 0.000 Ice Job P*fte 18 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 13 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 . . ........_..Load .................. Load Vertical A.ear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M, Moment,M, lh lb lh lb-Lt IbJt ............... ........ .9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 8064.9132 0.0000 -9488.0307 -312518.550 0.000 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 10753.2277 4744.1249 -8217.0649 -271909.697 -156987.149 0.001 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 8064.9208 4744.1283 -8217.0708 -270656.603 -156263.673 0.001 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No 10753.2277 6709.2056 -6709.2056 -222013.347 -222013.347 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg-No 8064.9208 6709.2104 -6709.2104 -220990.198 -220990.198 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 10753.2277 8217.0649 -4744.1249 -156987.149 -271909.697 -0.001 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 8064.9208 8217.0708 -4744.1283 -156263.673 -270656.603 -0.001 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 10753.2171 9487.9349 0.0000 0.000 -313961.841 0.000 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 8064.9132 9488.0307 0.0000 0.000 -312518.550 0.000 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 10753.2277 8217.0649 4744.1249 156987.149 -271909.697 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 8064.9208 8217.0708 4744,1283 156263.673 -270656.603 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg- 10753.2277 6709.2056 6709.2056 222013.347 -222013.347 0.000 No Ice 0,9 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 deg- 8064.9208 6709.2104 6709.2104 220990.198 -220990.198 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 10753.2277 4744.1249 8217.0649 271909.697 -156987.149 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 8064.9208 4744.1283 8217.0708 270656.603 -156263.673 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 10753.2171 0.0000 9487.9349 313961.941 0.000 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 8064.9132 0.0000 9488.0307 312518.550 0.000 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 10753.2277 -4744.1249 8217.0649 271909.697 156987.149 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 8064.9208 -4744.1283 8217.0708 270656.603 156263.673 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg- 10753.2277 -6709,2056 6709.2056 222013.347 222013.347 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 deg- 8064.9208 -6709.2104 6709.2104 220990.198 220990.198 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 10753.2277 -8217.0649 4744.1249 156987.149 271909.697 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 8064.9208 -8217.0708 4744.1283 156263.673 270656.603 -0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 10753.2171 -9487.9349 0.0000 0.000 313961.841 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 8064.9132 -9488.0307 0.0000 0.000 312518.550 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 10753.2277 -8217.0649 -4744.1249 -156987.149 271909.697 0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 8064.9208 -8217.0708 -4744.1283 -156263.673 270656.603 0.001 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg- 10753.2277 -6709.2056 -6709.2056 -222013.347 222013.347 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 deg- 8064.9208 -6709.2104 -6709.2104 -220990.198 220990.198 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 10753.2277 -4744.1249 -8217,0649 -271909.697 156987.149 -0.001 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 8064.9208 -4744.1283 -8217.0708 -270656.603 156263.673 -0.001 Job P*Rte 19 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 14 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano .......... Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M, Moment,M. lb lb lb lb:Lt___ Cb t 16- No.I ............ ----- -- .& -__ 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 17570.5914 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 17570.5893 0.0000 -2443.3702 -82669.317 0.000 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 17570.5893 1221.6852 -2116.0207 -71591732 -41334.665 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 45 deg+1.0 17570.5908 1727.8202 -1727.8202 -58461.002 -58461.002 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 17570.5893 2116.0207 -1221.6852 -41334.665 -71593.732 -0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 17570.5893 2443.3702 0.0000 0.000 -82669.317 0.000 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 17570.5893 2116.0207 1221.6852 41334.665 -71593.732 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 135 17570.5908 1727,8202 1727.8202 58461.002 -58461.002 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 17570.5893 1221.6852 2116.0207 71593.732 -41334.665 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 17570.5893 0.0000 2443.3702 82669.317 0.000 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 17570.5893 -1221.6852 2116.0207 71593.732 41334.665 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 225 17570.5908 -1727.8202 1727.8202 58461.002 58461.002 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 17570.5893 -2116.0207 1221.6852 41334.665 71593.732 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 17570.5893 -2443.3702 0.0000 0.000 82669.317 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 17570.5893 -2116.0207 -1221.6852 -41334.665 71593.732 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 315 17570.5908 -1727.8202 -1727.8202 -58461.002 58461.002 0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 17570.5893 -1221.6852 -2116.0207 -71593.732 41334.665 -0.000 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 8961.0229 0.0000 -1453.4619 -47975.778 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 8961.0211 726.5632 -1258.4442 -41536.965 -23981.382 0.000 Dead+Wind 45 deg-Service 8961.0211 1027.5155 -1027.5155 -33914.793 -33914.793 0.000 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 8961.0211 1258.4442 -726.5632 -23981.382 -41536.965 -0.000 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 8961.0229 1453.4619 0.0000 0.000 -47975.778 0.000 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 8961.0211 1258.4442 726.5632 23981.382 -41536.965 0.000 Dead+Wind 135 deg-Service 8961.0211 1027.5155 1027.5155 33914.793 -33914.793 0.000 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 8961.0211 726.5632 1258.4442 41536.965 -23981.382 -0.000 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 8961.0229 0.0000 1453.4619 47975.778 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 8961.0211 -726.5632 1258.4442 41536.965 23981.382 0.000 Dead+Wind 225 deg-Service 8961.0211 -1027.5155 1027.5155 33914.793 33914.793 0.000 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 8961.0211 -1258.4442 726.5632 23981.382 41536.965 -0.000 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 8961.0229 -1453.4619 0.0000 0.000 47975.778 0.000 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 8961.0211 -1258.4442 -726.5632 -23981.382 41536.965 0.000 Dead+Wind 315 deg-Service 8961.0211 -1027.5155 -1027.5155 -33914.793 33914.793 0.000 Dead+Wind 330 gE&.j§ErvKjce 8961.0211 -726.5632 -1258.4442 -41536.965 23981.382 -0.000 ................... ............-.............. Solution Summary ............... ............................ Sum of Applied Forces Sum of Reactions Load PX PY PZ PX PY PZ %Error Comb. lb lb lb lb lb lb 1 0.0000 -8961.0237 0.0000 0.0000 8961.0237 0.0000 0.000% 2 0.0000 -10753.2284 -9488.2719 0.0000 10753.2171 9487.9349 0.002% Job P�je 20 of 37 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 15 of 24 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX:801-990-1776 ....._............ Sum o A laed Force„ .. .. -- ............... on�..o.........m. a��� � �.......�.�......ww.....�.�m... f pp s Sum of Reactions Load PX PY PZ PX PY PZ %larror Comb, lb_ lb lb lbIb lb 3 0.0000 -8064.9213 -9488.2719 0.0000 8064.9132 �0 9488.0307 0.002% 4 4744.1360 -10753.2284 -8217.0845 -4744.1249 10753.2277 8217.0649 0.000% 5 4744.1360 -8064.9213 -8217.0845 -4744.1283 8064.9208 8217.0708 0.000% 6 6709.2214 -10753.2284 -6709.2214 -6709.2056 10753.2277 6709.2056 0.000% 7 6709.2214 -8064.9213 -6709.2214 -6709.2104 8064.9208 6709.2104 0.000% 8 8217.0845 -10753.2284 -4744.1360 -8217.0649 10753.2277 4744.1249 0.000% 9 8217.0845 -8064.9213 -4744.1360 -8217.0708 8064.9208 4744.1283 0.000% 10 9488.2719 -10753.2284 0.0000 -9487.9349 10753.2171 0.0000 0.002% 11 9488.2719 -8064.9213 0.0000 -9488.0307 8064.9132 0.0000 0.002% 12 8217.0845 -10753.2284 4744.1360 -8217.0649 10753.2277 -4744.1249 0.000% 13 8217.0845 -8064.9213 4744.1360 -8217.0708 8064.9208 -4744.1283 0.000% 14 6709.2214 -10753.2284 6709.2214 -6709.2056 10753.2277 -6709.2056 0.000% 15 6709.2214 -8064.9213 6709.2214 -6709.2104 8064.9208 -6709.2104 0.000% 16 4744.1360 -10753.2284 8217.0845 -4744.1249 10753.2277 -8217.0649 0.000% 17 4744.1360 -8064.9213 8217.0845 -4744.1283 8064.9208 -8217.0708 0.000% 18 0.0000 -10753.2284 9488.2719 0.0000 10753.2171 -9487.9349 0.002% 19 0.0000 -8064.9213 9488.2719 0.0000 8064.9132 -9488.0307 0.002% 20 -4744.1360 -10753.2284 8217.0845 4744.1249 10753.2277 -8217.0649 0.000% 21 -4744.1360 -8064.9213 8217.0845 4744.1283 8064.9208 -8217.0708 0.000% 22 -6709.2214 -10753.2284 6709.2214 6709.2056 10753.2277 -6709.2056 0.000% 23 -6709.2214 -8064.9213 6709.2214 6709.2104 8064.9208 -6709.2104 0.000% 24 -8217.0845 -10753.2284 4744.1360 8217.0649 10753.2277 -4744.1249 0.000% 25 -8217.0845 -8064.9213 4744.1360 8217.0708 8064.9208 -4744.1283 0.000% 26 -9488.2719 -10753.2284 0.0000 9487.9349 10753.2171 0.0000 0.002% 27 -9488.2719 -8064.9213 0.0000 9488.0307 8064.9132 0.0000 0.002% 28 -8217.0845 -10753.2284 -4744.1360 8217.0649 10753.2277 4744.1249 0.000% 29 -8217.0845 -8064.9213 -4744.1360 8217.0708 8064.9208 4744.1283 0.000% 30 -6709.2214 -10753.2284 -6709.2214 6709.2056 10753.2277 6709.2056 0.000% 31 -6709.2214 -8064.9213 -6709.2214 6709.2104 8064.9208 6709.2104 0.000% 32 -4744.1360 -10753.2284 -8217.0845 4744.1249 10753.2277 8217.0649 0.000% 33 -4744.1360 -8064.9213 -8217.0845 4744.1283 8064.9208 8217.0708 0.000% 34 0.0000 -17570.5914 0.0000 0.0000 17570.5914 0.0000 0.000% 35 0.0000 -17570.5914 -2443.5592 0.0000 17570.5893 2443.3702 0.001% 36 1221.7796 -17570.5914 -2116.1844 -1221.6852 17570.5893 2116.0207 0.001% 37 1727.8573 -17570.5914 -1727.8573 -1727.8202 17570.5908 1727.8202 0.000% 38 2116.1844 -17570.5914 -1221.7796 -2116.0207 17570.5893 1221.6852 0.001% 39 2443.5592 -17570.5914 0.0000 -2443.3702 17570.5893 0.0000 0.001% 40 2116.1844 -17570.5914 1221.7796 -2116.0207 17570.5893 -1221.6852 0.001% 41 1727.8573 -17570.5914 1727.8573 -1727.8202 17570.5908 -1727.8202 0.000% 42 1221.7796 -17570.5914 2116.1844 -1221.6852 17570.5893 -2116.0207 0.001% 43 0.0000 -17570.5914 2443.5592 0.0000 17570.5893 -2443.3702 0.001% 44 -1221.7796 -17570.5914 2116.1844 1221.6852 17570.5893 -2116.0207 0.001% 45 -1727.8573 -17570.5914 1727.8573 1727.8202 17570.5908 -1727.8202 0.000% 46 -2116.1844 -17570.5914 1221.7796 2116.0207 17570.5893 -1221.6852 0.001% 47 -2443.5592 -17570.5914 0.0000 2443.3702 17570.5893 0.0000 0.001% 48 -2116.1844 -17570.5914 -1221.7796 2116.0207 17570.5893 1221.6852 0.001% 49 -1727.8573 -17570.5914 -1727.8573 1727.8202 17570.5908 1727.8202 0.000% 50 -1221.7796 -17570.5914 -2116.1844 1221.6852 17570.5893 2116.0207 0.001% 51 0.0000 -8961.0237 -1453.6135 0.0000 8961.0229 1453.4619 0.002% 52 726.8067 -8961.0237 -1258.8662 -726.5632 8961.0211 1258.4442 0.005% 53 1027.8599 -8961.0237 -1027.8599 -1027.5155 8961.0211 1027.5155 0.005% 54 1258.8662 -8961.0237 -726.8067 -1258.4442 8961.0211 726.5632 0.005% 55 1453.6135 -8961.0237 0.0000 -1453.4619 8961.0229 0.0000 0.002% 56 1258.8662 -8961.0237 726.8067 -1258.4442 8961.0211 -726.5632 0.005% 57 1027.8599 -8961.0237 1027.8599 -1027.5155 8961.0211 -1027.5155 0.005% 58 726.8067 -8961.0237 1258.8662 -726.5632 8961.0211 -1258.4442 0.005% 59 0.0000 -8961.0237 1453.6135 0.0000 8961.0229 -1453.4619 0.002% 60 -726.8067 -8961.0237 1258.8662 726.5632 8961.0211 -1258.4442 0.005% 61 -1027.8599 -8961.0237 1027.8599 1027.5155 8961.0211 -1027.5155 0.005% 62 -1258.8662 -8961.0237 726.8067 1258.4442 8961.0211 -726.5632 0.005% 63 -1453.6135 -8961.0237 0.0000 1453.4619 8961.0229 0.0000 0.002% ,. tnxTower Job P*Eh%e 21 of 37 Laurel Stone 16 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano @um ofAppluFomes Sian qfoeactionx Load ar rr pz cr pr oo mEno Coynh- lb lb lb lb lb lb 64 -1258.8662 -8961.0237 -726.8067 1258.4442 8961.0211 726.5632 0.005% 65 -/027u5e9 -8961.0237 -1027.8599 1027.5155 8961.0211 1027.5/55 0.005% 66 -726.8067 -8961.0237 -1258.8662 726.5632 8961.0211 1258.4442 0.005% Non-Linear Convergence Results Load Converged? Number Displacement a,xa Tolerance Tolerance I Yes o 0.0000000/ 0.00000001 z Yeo /1 0.00000001 uu000xuo* o Yes 1/ o»onnono/ 0u0006546 4 rcv /z o.0000000/ 0.00007713 5 Yes )» o»on0000) 0.00006002 a Yes )s 0.00000001 0o0008839 7 Yes 13 0o0000001 o»onoonav x Yes 13 u»000000) 0o0007713 v roo lu 0.00000001 0.00006002 10 Yeo 11 0o0000001 0»00080*4 11 Y*, ll 0.00000001 0.00006546 12 r°o za ou000000/ 0o0007713 zs Yes 13 0.00000001 uu000muuz ' 14 Yes 13 00000uooz 0.00008839 /5 Yee 13 00000000/ 0.00006869 /o Yes ls o.0000000/ 0.00007713 17 Yes 13 0.00000001 0.00006002 )o rva 11 n»onoono/ o.0000ucw^ 19 ren z/ o»000000/ 0»0006546 m xru /z o.00nonno/ 0.000077/3 u/ Yeo 13 o»0000noz 0.00006002 22 roo o 00000000) o»n000mo z» )yo 13 o»0000no) 0.00006869 o* rvo /a 0.00000001 0.000077/3 zc Yes /3 0.00000001 00000000z oo Yu, /1 0.00000001 0o0008094 27 Yes 11 0.00000001 0o0006546 zn Yeo )o 0o0000001 0.00007713 oy Yes 13 u0000000z o.onon«noz so Yeo 13 o.0000000/ 0.00008839 s) Yes 13 0.00000001 0.00006869 yz Yes 13 0o0000001 0.00007713 yu Yeo 13 0o0000001 0.00006002 34 rvo a 0u0000001 o.00000uo/ 35 Yeo 11 0000n000/ 0.000/2273 ya Ye, 11 o.on000no/ n000woov 37 rov o o.000u000/ 0»0005731 un Yes )) u.00000no/ 0o001*689 sv Yeo 11 o.00n0000/ 0o00/2273 40 vou )) o.000000u/ 0»0014689 41 Yeo )z o.0000000/ 0o000573/ 42 Yeo 11 o.000u000/ 0»0014689 43 Yeo /| u.ou000no/ 0.00012273 44 xoo 11 u000nono/ 0.0001*689 *5 rvo o u.ouu0000/ 0.0000573/ 46 xvo 1' u0000000/ o.000)*oxy 47 Ye, // 00000000/ 0»0012273 48 x*o 11 o.000nono/ 0000)*ooy Job Pd�je 22 of 37 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 17 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 49 Yes 12 0.00000001 0.00005731 50 Yes 11 0.00000001 0.00014689 51 Yes 10 0.00000001 0.00005748 52 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 53 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014289 54 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 55 Yes 10 0.00000001 0.00005748 56 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 57 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014289 58 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 59 Yes 10 0.00000001 0.00005748 60 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 61 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014289 62 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 63 Yes 10 0.00000001 0.00005748 64 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014650 65 Yes 9 0.00000001 0.00014289 66 Yes 9 0.000000010.00014650 Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind Section Elevation ov. Tilt Twist NO Deflection Load At- in Comb. Ll 110-100 3.391 51 0.5629 0.0000 L2 100-80 2.282 51 0.4815 0.0000 L3 80-60 0.627 51 0.2675 0.0000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevation .....M.--APpurtenance Gov. N Deflecv�...�. .,,.. . .......�,,,-.��.wis't--- .iu"-s'„f�, tiorr Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature t Comb. to t .... r.-. ,.-_, .. ..... _........,�. 121.00 (2)Commander 220-3AN(20.7 ft x 51 3.391 0.5629 0.0000 14387 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 115.40 (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 51 3.391 0.5629 0.0000 14387 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 110.70 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ft^2(100 51 3.391 0.5629 0.0000 14387 lbs) 110.00 Top Plate 51 3.391 0.5629 0.0000 14387 105.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 51 2.826 0.5235 0.0000 14387 100.00 Bulkhead 51 2.282 0.4815 0.0000 7487 95.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 51 1.778 0.4349 0.0000 5687 90.00 Bulkhead 51 1.327 0.3834 0.0000 4703 85.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 51 0.940 0.3275 0.0000 4009 80.00 Bulkhead 51 0.627 0.2675 0.0000 3728 75.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 51 0.395 0.2039 0.0000 4658 70.00 Bulkhead 51 0.228 0.1375 0.0000 6986 65.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 51 0.103 0.0692 0.0000 13972 60.00 Bottom Plate 0 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 13972 Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind 6 r Job Pfi�e 23 of 37 Laurel Stone 18 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste 101 Draper, UT84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX:801-990-1776 ycamposano Section Elevation Floes. Gov, � Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ait Conab. .Ll 110-100 -. 22.182 W -2 3.6823 ..,..A_...,....... 0.0000.. .. .., L2 100-80 14.933 2 3.1511 0.0000 L3 80-60 4.106 10 1.7508 0.0000 ------ Critical I i i - i n Wind oa.. , ..... . . �� Elevatio'a Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature ft Coinb. in ft 121.00 (2)Commander 220-3AN.. x _ 2 22.11.. 2 ..... ... _ _.. _ u_ . (20.7 ft x 82 3.6823 0.0000 2220 2.75"Dia.,24 lbs) 115.40 (2)Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM(9.5 2 22.182 3.6823 0.0000 2220 ft x 2.38"Dia,10.44 lbs) 110.70 (2)8'-0"T-arm EPA=4 ft^2(100 2 22.182 3.6823 0.0000 2220 lbs) 110.00 Top Plate 2 22.182 3.6823 0.0000 2220 105.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 2 18.489 3.4252 0.0000 2220 100.00 Bulkhead 2 14.933 3.1511 0.0000 1154 95.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 2 11.637 2.8461 0.0000 875 90.00 Bulkhead 10 8.686 2.5094 0.0000 722 85.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 2 6.151 2.1435 0.0000 614 80.00 Bulkhead 10 4.106 1.7508 0.0000 571 75.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 10 2.588 1.3344 0.0000 712 70.00 Bulkhead 6 1.491 0.8998 0.0000 1068 65.00 (3)Generic Panel 100#(enclosed) 6 0.675 0.4529 0.0000 2136 60.00 Bottom Plate 0 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 2136 Compression Pole Design Data ...® ..................�_...� Section Elevation St_e L Lv KI1r A P„ opRatio No P. ft ft ft i112 lb lb Ll 110--f0 P10x.365 13th 10.00 0.00 0.0 11.1020 -329.7200 419654.0000 0.001 109-109 11.1020 -382.7500 419654.0000 0.001 108-107 11.1020 -436.0720 419654.0000 0.001 107-106 11.1020 -489.6880 419654.0000 0.001 106-105 11.1020 -543.5980 419654.0000 0.001 105-104 11.1020 -957.1480 419654.0000 0.002 104-103 11.1020 -1011.6700 419654.0000 0.002 103-102 11.1020 -1066.5000 419654.0000 0.003 102-101 11.1020 -1121.6300 419654.0000 0.003 101-100 11.1020 -1177.0601 419654.0000 0.003 L2 100-99 P12x.562 13th 20.00 0.00 0.0 20.0771 -1555.0200 758915.0000 0.002 99-98 20.0771 -1656.6400 758915.0000 0.002 98-97 20.0771 -1758.5400 758915.0000 0.002 97-96 20.0771 -1860.7200 758915.0000 0.002 96-95 20.0771 -1963.1801 758915.0000 0.003 Job PM%e 24 of 37 tnxTower Laurel Stone 19 of 24 Project Date Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Elevation an-- --- - ...... Size �www� �,.�,....�W.. ......���� ��a. a......... a.A.�.,..,. � ,,,...._. L L. KIIr A Pa OP„ Ratio No, P. ft ft ft in' I6 l6 op 95-94 20.0771 -2425.4500 758915.0000 0.003 94-93 20.0771 -2528.4900 758915.0000 0.003 93-92 20.0771 -2631.8201 758915.0000 0.003 92-91 20.0771 -2735.4299 758915.0000 0.004 91-90 20.0771 -2839.3201 758915.0000 0.004 90-89 20.0771 -3235.1299 758915.0000 0.004 89-88 20.0771 -3341.5701 758915.0000 0.004 88-87 20.0771 -3448.5000 758915.0000 0.005 87-86 20.0771 -3555.9299 758915.0000 0.005 86-85 20.0771 -3663.8601 758915.0000 0.005 85-84 20.0771 -4132.0098 758915.0000 0.005 84-83 20.0771 -4240.9502 758915.0000 0.006 83-82 20.0771 -4350.3799 758915.0000 0.006 82-81 20.0771 -4460.2900 758915.0000 0.006 81-80 20.0771 -4570.7002 758915.0000 0.006 L3 80-79 P12xl.312 13th 20.00 0.00 0.0 44.1967 -5111.4702 1670640.000 0.003 0 79-78 44.1967 -5334.9600 1670640.000 0.003 0 78-77 44.1967 -5558.8301 1670640.000 0.003 0 77-76 44.1967 -5783.0898 1670640.000 0.003 0 76-75 44.1967 -6007.7402 1670640.000 0.004 0 75-74 44.1967 -6592.6699 1670640.000 0.004 0 74-73 44.1967 -6818.0898 1670640.000 0.004 0 73-72 44.1967 -7043.8999 1670640.000 0.004 0 72-71 44.1967 -7270.1001 1670640.000 0.004 0 71-70 44.1967 -7496.6602 1670640.000 0.004 0 70-69 44.1967 -8059.1802 1670640.000 0.005 0 69-68 44.1967 -8288.7900 1670640.000 0.005 0 69-67 44.1967 -8518.9199 1670640.000 0.005 0 67-66 44.1967 -8749.5703 1670640.000 0.005 0 66-65 44.1967 -8980.7305 1670640.000 0.005 0 65-64 44.1967 -9572.3896 1670640.000 0.006 0 64-63 44.1967 -9804.5703 1670640.000 0.006 0 63-62 44.1967 -10037.2002 1670640.000 0.006 0 62-61 44.1967 -10270.4004 1670640.000 0.006 0 61-60 44.1967 -10504.0996 1670640.000 0.006 0 Pole Bending Design Data tnxTower Job P*M%e 25 of 37 Laurel Stone 20 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycamposano 7Seotiojl.............E-levation' Size M- Ratio M- Ratio NO. .. L lb-ft UP JI-P.M- M., fi lb-ft lb-ft - iLllt.......... - LI 110-109 P10x.365 13th 16226.500 115927.500 0.140 0.000 115927.500 0.000 109-108 19184.250 115927.500 0.165 0.000 115927.500 0.000 108-107 22145.083 115927.500 0.191 0.000 115927.500 0.000 107-106 25109.750 115927.500 0.217 0.000 115927.500 0.000 106-105 28075.167 115927.500 0.242 0.000 115927.500 0.000 105-104 31065.917 115927.500 0.268 0.000 115927.500 0.000 104-103 34058.833 115927.500 0.294 0.000 115927.500 0.000 103-102 37053.667 115927.500 0.320 0.000 115927.500 0.000 102-101 40050.083 115927.500 0.345 0.000 115927.500 0.000 101-100 43047.917 115927.500 0.371 0.000 115927.500 0.000 L2 100-99 P12x.562 13th 47588.583 246296.667 0.193 0.000 246296.667 0.000 99-98 52133.500 246296.667 0.212 0.000 246296.667 0.000 98-97 56682.500 246296.667 0.230 0.000 246296.667 0.000 97-96 61235.500 246296.667 0.249 0.000 246296.667 0.000 96-95 65792.167 246296.667 0.267 0.000 246296.667 0.000 95-94 70370.500 246296.667 0.286 0.000 246296.667 0.000 94-93 74951.500 246296.667 0.304 0.000 246296.667 0.000 93-92 79535.000 246296.667 0.323 0.000 246296.667 0.000 92-91 84120.833 246296.667 0.342 0.000 246296.667 0.000 91-90 88707.500 246296.667 0.360 0.000 246296.667 0.000 90-89 94800.000 246296.667 0.385 0.000 246296.667 0.000 89-88 100892.500 246296.667 0.410 0.000 246296.667 0.000 88-87 106985.000 246296.667 0.434 0.000 246296.667 0.000 87-86 113076.667 246296.667 0.459 0.000 246296.667 0.000 86-85 119166.667 246296.667 0.484 0.000 246296.667 0.000 85-84 125269.167 246296.667 0.509 0.000 246296.667 0.000 84-83 131368.333 246296.667 0.533 0.000 246296.667 0.000 83-82 137464.167 246296.667 0.558 0.000 246296.667 0.000 82-81 143555.000 246296.667 0.583 0.000 246296.667 0.000 81-80 149640.833 246296.667 0.608 0.000 246296.667 0.000 U 80-79 P12x1.312 13th 157197.500 512,952.500 0106 0000 517859 500 0 00 79-78 164735.000 512852.500 0.321 0.000 512852.500 0.000 78-77 172282.500 512852.500 0.336 0.000 512852.500 0.000 77-76 179829.167 512852.500 0.351 0.000 512852.500 0.000 76-75 187375.000 512852.500 0.365 0.000 512852.500 0.000 75-74 194927.500 512852.500 0.380 0.000 512852.500 0.000 74-73 202475.833 512852.500 0.395 0.000 512852.500 0.000 73-72 210020.833 512852.500 0.410 0.000 512852.500 0.000 72-71 217560.000 512852.500 0.424 0.000 512852.500 0.000 71-70 225092.500 512852.500 0.439 0.000 512852.500 0.000 70-69 234035.833 512852.500 0.456 0.000 512852.500 0.000 69-68 242970.000 512852.500 0.474 0.000 512852.500 0.000 68-67 251894.167 512852.500 0.491 0.000 512852.500 0.000 67-66 260806.667 512852.500 0.509 0.000 512852.500 0.000 66-65 269705.833 512852.500 0.526 0.000 512852.500 0.000 65-64 278595.000 512852.500 0.543 0.000 512852.500 0.000 64-63 287467.500 512852.500 0.561 0.000 512852.500 0.000 63-62 296322.500 512852.500 0.578 0.000 512852.500 0.000 62-61 305158.333 512852.500 0.595 0.000 512852.500 0.000 61-60 313974.167 512852.500 0.612 0.000 512852.500 0.000 Pole Shear Design Data Job Pie 26 of 37 nx . er Laurel Stone 21 of 24 Project Date rector Structural Engineering, LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W. Galena Park Blvd.,Ste 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 . VII Seotior� oso. Elevation . ... �� ...................Actualri............W Ratio ,,,,�,�....,.... ... Actual OT„ Ratio No. i. V T T ftlb lb s. _. lb-ft lb ft $T. .�.lm... 10-109 0-109 10x.365 13th 2956.6399 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 109-108 2959.7300 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 108-107 2962.7200 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 107-106 2965.5901 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 106-105 2968.3301 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 105-104 2992.6499 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 104-103 2994.7200 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 103-102 2996.5601 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 102-101 2998.1799 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 101-100 2999.5500 209827.0000 0.014 0.000 176474.167 0.000 L2 100-99 P12x.562 13th 4543.7798 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 99-98 4548.1299 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 98-97 4552.2500 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 97-96 4556.1099 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 96-95 4559.7100 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 95-94 4581.3501 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 94-93 4584.0200 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 93-92 4586.3301 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 92-91 4588.2900 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 91-90 4589.8501 379457.0000 0.012 0.000 371474.167 0.000 90-89 6094.7402 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 89-88 6095.0601 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 88-87 6094.8301 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 87-86 6094.0498 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 86-85 6092.6802 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 85-84 6104.6001 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 84-83 6101.3799 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 83-82 6097.4800 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 82-81 6092.8501 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 81-80 6087.4702 379457.0000 0.016 0.000 371474.167 0.000 L3 80-79 P12x1.312 13th 7549.7900 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 79-78 7550.6499 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 78-77 7550.7598 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 77-76 7550.1001 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 76-75 7548.6299 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 75-74 7555.0601 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 74-73 7551.3999 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 73-72 7546.8198 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 72-71 7541.2598 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 71-70 7534.7202 835318.0000 0.009 0.000 733911.667 0.000 70-69 8945.2598 835318.0000 0.011 0.000 733911.667 0.000 69-68 8936.0098 835318.0000 0.011 0.000 733911.667 0.000 68-67 8925.5596 835318.0000 0.011 0.000 733911.667 0.000 67-66 8913.8701 835318.0000 0.011 0.000 733911.667 0.000 66-65 8900.8896 835318.0000 0.011 0.000 733911.667 0.000 65-64 8889.7598 835318.0000 0.011 0.001 733911.667 0.000 64-63 8873.4199 835318.0000 0.011 0.001 733911.667 0.000 63-62 8855.6504 835318.0000 0.011 0.001 733911.667 0.000 62-61 8836.4102 835318.0000 0.011 0.001 733911.667 0.000 61-60 8815.6602 835318.0000 0.011 0.001 733911.667 0.000 Pole Interaction Des tnxTower Job Pie 27 of 37 Laurel Stone 22 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions FAX.-801-990-1776 ycam posano s..... _...__ .� ..�..... ___ ....... ection Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. Criteria No. P. M Mw V. T Stress Stress It 1'ae d1up hAI" 1 ilT, �R Ratio Raho ....... ......m m... ._ _ ^ . v, 4 ... m,.. .. _ �,....m. _ Ll 110-109 0.001 0.140 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.141 1.000 4.8.2 V 109-108 0.001 0.165 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.167 1.000 4.8.2 108-107 0.001 0.191 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.192 1.000 4.8.2 107-106 0.001 0.217 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.218 1.000 4.8.2 106-105 0.001 0.242 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.244 1,000 4.8.2 105-104 0.002 0.268 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.270 1.000 4.8.2 104-103 0.002 0.294 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.296 1.000 4.8.2 103-102 0.003 0.320 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.322 1.000 4.8,2 102-101 0.003 0.345 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.348 1.000 4.8.2 101-100 0.003 0.371 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.374 1.000 4.8.2 L2 100-99 0.002 0.193 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.195 1.000 4.8.2 99-98 0.002 0.212 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.214 1.000 4.8.2 98-97 0.002 0.230 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.233 1.000 4.8.2 97-96 0.002 0.249 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.251 1.000 4X2 2 96-95 0.003 0.267 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.270 1.000 4.8.2 95-94 0.003 0.286 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.289 1.000 4.8.2 94-93 0.003 0.304 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.308 1.000 4.8.2 93-92 0.003 0.323 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.327 1.000 4.8.2 92-91 0.004 0.342 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.345 1.000 4.8.2 91-90 0.004 0.360 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.364 1.000 4.8.2 90-89 0.004 0.385 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.389 1.000 4.8.2 89-89 0.004 0.410 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.414 1.000 4.8.2 88-87 0.005 0.434 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.439 1.000 4.8.2 87-86 0.005 0.459 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.464 1.000 4.8.2 86-85 0.005 0.484 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.489 1.000 4.8.2 85-84 0.005 0.509 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.514 1.000 4.8.2 Job Pie 28 of 37 tnxTowerLaurel Stone 23 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101 Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phase:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. Criteria No. P. M M- V T Stress Stress 1 Ratio Ratio 84 tg + � ....... .. .. 3 0.006 0.533 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.539 1.000 4.8.2 1 83-82 0.006 0.558 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.564 1.000 4.8.26/ 82-81 0.006 0.583 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.589 1.000 4.8.2 81-80 0.006 0.608 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.614 1.000 4.8.2 U 80-79 0.003 0.306 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.310 1.000 4.8.2 79-78 0.003 0.321 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.324 1.000 4.8.2 78-77 0.003 0.336 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.339 1.000 4.8.2 77-76 0.003 0.351 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.354 1.000 4.8.2 76-75 0.004 0.365 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.369 1.000 4.8.2 75-74 0.004 0.380 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.384 1.000 4.8.2 74-73 0.004 0.395 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.399 1.000 4.8.2 73-72 0.004 0.410 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.414 1.000 4.8.2 72-71 0.004 0.424 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.429 1.000 4.8.2 71-70 0.004 0.439 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.443 1.000 4.8.2 70-69 0.005 0.456 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.461 1.000 4.8.2 69-68 0.005 0.474 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.479 1.000 4.8.2 68-67 0.005 0.491 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.496 1.000 4.8.2 67-66 0.005 0.509 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.514 1.000 4.8.2 66-65 0.005 0.526 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.531 1.000 4.8.2 65-64 0.006 0.543 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.549 1.000 4.8.2 64-63 0.006 0.561 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.567 1.000 4.8.2 1110/ 63-62 0.006 0.578 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.584 1.000 4.8.2 62-61 0.006 0.595 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.601 1.000 4.8.2 61-60 0.006 0.612 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.619 1.000 4.8.2 tnxTower Job P*fte 29 of 37 Laurel Stone 24 of 24 Vector Structural Engineering, Project Date LLC. U0142.899.191 16:13:46 02/21/20 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste.101 .................. Draper, UT 84020 Client Designed by Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concealment Solutions ycamposano FAX.-801-990-1776 Section Capacity Table .............. ............. �ct i 0,, Flevati.0""11 Component Size Critical P OP.11— % Pass NO fit Type Element lb lh Capacity Fail Ll 110-100 Pole P10x.365 13th 1 -1177.0601 419654.000 37.4 Pass 0 L2 100-80 Pole P12x.562 13th 2 -4570.7002 758915.000 61.4 Pass 0 W 80-60 Pole P12x1.312 13th 3 -10504.0996 1670640.00 61.9 Pass 00 Summary Pole(L3) 61.9 Pass RATING= 61.9 Pass ............ Program Version File://vsefiles/Projects/2019 Projects/U0142 StealtIvU0142-899-191 Laurel Stone VZ16-01355W-17(NY,1201 basepole)/ENG/TOP SECTION/TNX top section/Laurel Stone.eri -VX -Vz - Mx - Mz Page 30 of 37 Global Mast Shear(lb) Global Mast Moment (lb-ft) '1g Jg k dr SMOOO ------........... ... 1 DO @. MOM I j C 0 > UJI --- ................ 0 5000 10000 500000 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. Laurel Stone I-- ------ .... 651 W.Galena Park Blvd., Ste. 101 jprwW"tU0142 899 orleri App'd' Draper, UT 84020 Vector Engineers Phone:801-990-1775 STEALTH Concea�rnent SoluOun 22-G 1131"02121/20 N 19 -1 Owg No. FAX 801-990-1776 Path, TIA-222-G -Service -60 mph Maximum Values Page 31 of 37 Deflection (in) Tilt (deg) Twist (deg) 05 1 0 0,05 01 1'p 0t.1 ....................................................................... .............. '0 OD F-T-1-J- ""IF" 10()w" C 0 > LU Sri,M .......F. ... .......... -------------------------- ----------i----------L A---L 1 50 010 0 5 0 0.5 1 0 005 01 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. Laurel Stone 651 W. Galena Park Blvd., Ste. 101 U0142.899.191 Draper, UT 84020 Client STEALTH Concealment Solutionrawn by:yl��mposanc��� Vector Engineers Phone:801-990-177Cbda:TIA-222-G Dale:02/21/20FAX:801-990-1776P ;'J�W Page 32 of 37 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 VECTCopyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC'OR This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or E n G I n E E R S reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Bolted Annular Plates @ 100' AGL : - UPPER PIPE Plate Fy(ksi)l 36 i t— MATING PLATE l 6 I C Upper Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 10.75 Upper Pipe Thickness tj (in) 0.365 t Lower Pipe Thickness t2(in) 0.562 44 1r'-'BULKHEAD PLATE Lower Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 12.75 (WHERE OCCURS) Moment @ Splice M° (kip-ft) 43.1 ti , ....-,w � �...LOWER PIPE Compression @ Splice P„ (kips) 3.3 Shear @ Splice V„ (kips) 3.0 Bolt Design —PLATE I.D. Bolt Circle Diameter BC (in) 15.75 �. ��— PLATE O.D. Number of Bolts, n 6 T°/ Bolt(kips) 21.9 Vu/ Bolt(kips) 0.5 Bolt Designation A325 Bolt Diameter(in) 1 .a °,�,_ B.C. �Tn (kips) 53.0 OVn (kips) 28.3 2Mu T — Combined Tension and Shear' 0.41 41% u Plate Designl MuCrb — rel Upper Plate Hole Radius, rp (in) 5.4375 t = Lower Plate Hole Radius, rp (in) 6.4375 0Fyrprb Bolt Circle Radius, re (in) 7.87 ; 5 Plate OD (in) 18.5. � Opiate 0.9 Req'd Upper Plate Thickness, t(in) 1.50 40% 7,7171 Req'd Lower Plate Thickness, t(in) 1.25 38% Welds Fillet Weld Size F (in) 4/16 Weld Strength, OR, (k/in) 8.4 ° ` Weld Stress, R„ (k/in) 2.9 35% ' Page 33 of 37 << JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC ECTOR This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector V" Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or *01i E n G I n E E R S reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Gusset Calculation @ 100' AGL: Pipe Steel Grade ASTM A500 Gr. B (42 KSI Gusset Plate Fy(ksi)l 36 Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 10.75 0.5" Pipe Thickness (in) 0.365 h Moment @ Splice M„ (kip-ft) 43 Axial @ Splice P„ (kips) 3.3 Shear @ Splice V„ (kips)' 3.0 Bearing Plate Information 10.5" Bearing Plate Connected to Pipe? Yes Bolt Circle BC (in) 15.75 7 Bolt Diameter(in) 1 Plate O.D. (in) 18.5 Plate Thickness (in) 1.50 Weld Size Around O.D. of Pipe (in) 0.25 " 1 1— Gusset Design L— 3.5" Gusset Quantity 6 GUSSET NOT TO SCALE Gusset Thickness (in) 0.5 91% of Max Gusset Height(in) 10.5 Gusset Width (in) 3.5" Gusset Notch Vert. (in) 1 Gusset Notch Horiz. (in) 1 Gusset Loading Fit Checks Pr/Gusset(kips) 14.3 Washer to Pipe Weld Gap (in) 1.25 e (in): 2.7 Washer to Gusset Weld Gap (in) 2.38 Gusset CaDacity Checks Gusset Welds Gusset to Pipe Thickness Check Okay Vert. Weld Size (in) 1/4 15% Flexural Yielding Check 9% Okay Horiz. Weld Size (in) 5/16 41% Shear Yielding Check 18% Okay Gusset Buckling Check 33% Okay Pipe Wall Plastification Check N/A Okay Combined Tension & Shear Check 37% Okay Page 34 of 37 °� JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC ECTOR This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector ` Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or E n G I n E E R S reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Bolted Annular Plates @ 80' AGL: �r UPPER PIPE Plate Fy(ksi) _ 36 MATING PLATE Upper Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 12.75 i Upper Pipe Thickness tj (in) 0.562.. Lower Pipe Thickness t2(in) 1.312 BULKHEAD PLATE Lower Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 12.75 �� (WHERE OCCURS) Moment @Splice M„ (kip-ft) 150.0 Compression @ Splice P„ (kips) 9.0 LOWER PIPE Shear @ Splice V„ (kips) 6.1 Bolt Design PLATE I.D. Bolt Circle Diameter BC (in) 17 f ,�� PLATE O.D. Number of Bolts, n 6 T„/Bolt(kips) 70.6 V„/ Bolt(kips) 1.0 Bolt Designation A325 Bolt Diameter(in) 1 1/2 .._ — B.C. OTn (kips) 119.3 Vki n (kips) 63.6 7, _ 2Mu Combined Tension and Shear 0.59 59% u nrb "late Design Mu(rb - rP) Upper Plate Hole Radius, rp (in) 6.4375 t = q�Fyr�rb Lower Plate Hole Radius, rp (in) 6.4375 Bolt Circle Radius, rb (in) 8.5 ,..._ "F ,. Plate OD (in) 22 Opiate0.9 ++ Req'd Upper Plate Thickness, t(in) 2.00 52/0 Re d Lower Plate Thickness, t in /o 2.25 55 o Welds Fillet Weld Size F (in) 6/16 A Weld Strength, ORn (k/in) 12.5 "y-4--- Weld Stress, R„ (k/in) 7.2 57% F F Page 35 of 37 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector ECTOR Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or mi1i � E n G I n E E R S reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Gusset Calculation @ 80' AGL: Pipe Steel Grade ASTM A500 Gr. B '42 KSI Gusset Plate Fy (ksi)l 36 Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 12.75 0.5" Pipe Thickness (in) 0.562 Moment @ Splice Mu (kip-ft) 150 Axial @ Splice P„ (kips) 9.0 Shear @ Splice V„ (kips) 6.1 Bearing Plate Inf0rmation Bearing Plate Connected to Pipe? Yes 13.511 Bolt Circle BC (in) 17 Bolt Diameter(in) 1 1/2 Plate O.D. (in) 22 Plate Thickness (in) 2.00 Weld Size Around O.D. of Pipe (in) 0.375 Gusset Designi 4.375° Gusset Quantity 6 GUSSET NOT TO SCALE Gusset Thickness (in) 0.75 89% of Max Gusset Height(in) 13.5 Gusset Width (in) 4.375 Gusset Notch Vert. (in) 1 Gusset Notch Horiz. (in) 1 Gusset Loading Fit Checks Pr/Gusset(kips) 44.5 Washer to Pipe Weld Gap (in) 0.25 e (in): 3.3 Washer to Gusset Weld Gap (in) 1.88 Gusset Cavacily Checks Gusset Welds Gusset to Pipe Thickness Check Okay Vert. Weld Size(in) 3/8 24% Flexural Yielding Check 13% Okay Horiz.Weld Size (in) 1/2 63% Shear Yielding Check 27% Okay Gusset Buckling Check 52% Okay Pipe Wall Plastification Check N/A Okay Combined Tension &Shear Check 59% Okay Page 36 of 37 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC ECTORThis Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering, p i LLC,and may be nether wholly nor partially copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of Vector Structural Engineering,LLC. PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Bolted Spoked Plates: Reactions Moment @ Splice M„(kip-ft) 314.0 �,� Axial @ Splice P„(kips) 17.6 /Z' Shear @ Splice V„(kips) 9.5 Upper Pine d D,V Upper Pipe Outer Dia.(in) 12.75 ' •• Upper Pipe Thickness,t2(ire) 1.312 Monopole Flat-Flat, D(in) 36 Monopole Thickness,t1 (in) 0.25Bp .C. Bolt Design w Bolt Circle Diameter BC(in) 24 Number of Bolts/Spokes, n 6 T„@ Pipe Edge 197.0 T /Bolt kis 104.7 7. tt. V„/Bolt(kips) 1.6th Bolt Designation A325 or A193 Gr. B7 Bolt Diameter(in) 1.75 �Tn(kips)FEE!E 2f F7, u i �--..Upper Pipe �Un(kips) Combined Tension and Shear 0.64 64% lU'pger Spooked Plate — Upper Plate Plate Fy(ksi) 50.0 Plate Thickness,T1 (in)' 3.75 ,. W, Spoke Width,w(in), 5.5 distance,a1 (in) 18.38 a1 b1 distance, b1 (in) _ 5.63 ..... .. Plate Moment M (kip—in 605.3 Mp(kip-in) 870 70/ f .._....... :, Lower poked Plate a2 b2 Plate F ksi 50 Plate F„(ksi) 65.0 F Plate Thickness,T2(in) 3.75 Spoke Width,w(in) 5.5 Span of Spoked Plate(in) 35.50 distance,a2(in) 29.75 Lower Plate distance, b2(in) 5.75 t1 f1 Plate Moment Mu(kip-in) 423.7 Edge Reaction(kip) 73.7 Tuba— b) Pub OM,(kip-in) 621 68% Mu a + b + n Upper Plate Weld Upper Fillet Weld Size,f2(in) 10/16' Lower Fillet Weld Size,f3(in) 10/16 Weld Strength,oRn(k/in) 41.8 Weld Stress, Ru(k/in) 30.0 72% Lower Plate Weld Side&Underneath Fillet Size,f1 (in) 6/16 Fillet Length(in) _ 13 Top Groove Weld Depth,g(in) 6/16 Weld Strength(kips) 151.9 49% Page 37 of 37 JOB NO.: U0142-899-191 i�:R Copyright©2020 Vector Structural Engineering,LLC This Excel workbook contains proprietary information belonging to Vector Structural Engineering,LLC,and may be neither wholly nor partially copied or E VPEM ""'r mrmmmmli mmmm:iim:n a i n E E R S reproduced without the poor written permission of Vector Structural Engineering, LLC PROJECT: LAUREL STONE Gusset Calculation: Pipe Steel Grade ASTM A500 Gr. B 42 KSI Gusset Plate Fy(ksi)l 36 Pipe Outer Diameter(in) 12 75 0.5" Pipe Thickness (in) 1.312 h Moment @ Splice Mu (kip-ft) 314 Axial @ Splice P„ (kips) 17.6 Shear @ Splice V„ (kips) 9.5 Bearin, plate Infor ation: Bearing Plate Connected to Pipe's Yes 12" Bolt Circle BC (in) 24 Bolt Diameter(in) 1 3/4 Plate O.D. (in) 21 Plate Thickness (in) 3.75 Weld Size Around O.D. of Pipe (in) 0.625 1„ Gusset Design 1 3.875" Gusset Quantity 12 GUSSET NOT TO SCALE Gusset Thickness (in) 0.75 38% of Max russet Height(in) 12 Gusset Width (in) 3.875 Gusset Notch Vert. (in)l 1 Gusset Notch Horiz. (in)l 1 Gusset Loading, Fit Checks Pr/Gusset(kips) 43.7 Washer to Pipe Weld Gap (in) 3.38 e (in): 2.9 Washer to Gusset Weld Gap (in) 0.61 Gusset Capacity Checks Gusset Welds Gusset to Pipe Thickness Check Okay Vert.Weld Size (in) 3/8 27% Flexural Yielding Check 15% Okay Horiz. Weld Size (in) 1/2 70% Shear Yielding Check 30% Okay Gusset Buckling Check 59% Okay Pipe Wall Plastification Check N/A Okay Combined Tension &Shear Check 68% Okay