HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 13044 P 268 1111111 Illi VIII IIIA lull VIII VIII 1111111111 IIII IIII l l l l 11!I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 01/16/2020 Number of Pages: 5 At: 12 : 35 : 13 PM Receipt Number : 20-0010252 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-17736 LIBER: D00013044 PAGE : 268 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1001 003 . 01 01 . 00 003 . 000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $975, 000 . 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25 . 00 NO Handling $20 .00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 .00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $125 .00 NO TP--584 $5 . 00 NO Notation $0 .00 NO Cert.Copies $0 . 00 NO RPT $200 .00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $16,500 .00 NO Fees Paid $16, 900 . 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-17736 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County uu RECORDED Number 01 es 20jO Jon 16 12:35:13 PM ;JUDITH-R. PASCALE CLERK OF This document will be public ! SUFFOLK COL44TY record. Please remove ailL D00013044 I. P 258 SOclal Security Numbers DT# 19-17736 prior to recording. Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Racofding f Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page f Filing Fee C Mortgage Amt. 1. $asic Tax Handling 20, 00 2• Additional Tax _ TP-584 _ �7 — Sub Total Notation Spec.lAssit, c' or ' EA-52 17(County) Sub Total J�'W Spec,/Add. EA-5217(State) p1�j TO,T.MTG.TAX R.P.T.S.A. ��Q ��yNly (Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5, 00 Transfer Tax P� 900 i• a Affidavit Yp�, ��h` lyiansion Tax Certified Copy The property covered by this mortgage is — or will be improved by.aaoue or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 5 family dwelling only. Other Sub Total CCS . ;YES or NO Grand Total If NO,see appropriate tax clause on r`J page#j of 's ins men ! 4 Di .�d/ 5e• Cornzxrunity Preservation Fund 19041818 1001 00301 0100 0030o0 Real PropertyI PTS ii ff ff Consideration Amount$ Tax Service R RAK Agency A CPF T Due $ Verification 3�-0EC-1 : Improv d 6 SatisfactionsfDischargesfReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address ! RECORD &RETURN TO: s Vacant d b rTD jl �s 0 I TD lT ! �� � Il �( I• TD a� Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Clompany Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co amp, !NT/CT C' www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 1l r s Suffolk. County Recoftll a & Endorsement Page TMs page forms part of the attached - made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is siituated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YO I' 0 � L ('�„IIIn the�OWN of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE YPED Ok PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. iz-vioa•.iawokk (nver) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY ' o THIS INDENTURE,made the 151 day of November,Two Thousand Nineteen BETWEEN MARTIN KRALL and DENISE KRALL,husband and wife,both residing at 3 Stirling Cove,Greenport,New York 11944 party of the first part,and ROBERT H.SHELLMAN and PNICE L.SHELLMAN, J and LINDSEY A.SHELLMA�esiding at 65 WESTENHOOK TERRACE, SOUTHBURY,CONNECTICUT 06488 *, alt a,S IV%t Q.tlQ.tt�S w' (Li�� e{ Suhui��e5� party of the second part, D WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate, lying and being at SEE SCHEDULE"A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Premises known as:3 Stirling Cove,Greenport,New York 11944 DISTRICT: 1001 SECTION:003.01 BLOCK: 01.00 LOT:003.000 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the grantors herein by deed dated February 16,2012,recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on February 23,2012,in Liber D00012685,Page 666. �I 1TOGETHER with all right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any,way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose.The word"party'shall be construed as if it read"parties"when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duty executed this deed the day and year first above written. M PRESENCE OF: (JC. Witn s MARTIN KRALL EN E KRALL Standard N.Y.B.T.U.Form 8002-Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenant against Grantor's Acts—Uniform Acknowledgment Form 3290 SHMIUMU30Nn 3uLL do OHVO9)HOA M3N d0 WHOA UHVONVIS 301340 DNIOH0338 do 3Sn Hod 30VdS SIH13A83S38 bb6 t t AN'liodue-E) [89 x09'O'd'198JIS luoJd M NVW113HS'V A3SUNIl Pue 'OS3'H31(131d INVE)HOW NVW119HS"I 30INVf T NVW113HS'H IIA3801:1 :ol ujnlaH V pj000H 01 llVtl>l 35INSU PUe IIVHk NIIHVW bb6l l AN'uodu9aa0'ano0 6uiIJI1S£,'SSaappe laaJIS AN'86e1pA uoduaaj0'ploy►nog;o umol:A1Nf100/NM01 000'£00 '101 oN 811!1 00'10 > 019 10'£00 :N0111103S S1OV S,HOINVH'J ISNIVEM 1NVN3A00 Hll M Loot :131H1SIO a33Q 3lVS ONV NIVDHVB (►uaw6palmowloe Sure►lenpinlpui 10 001110 pue ampu6is) (ueMe►sem luaw6pelmouNoe eq1 eoeId ieglo io Ailuno0 jo alelS egl laasul pue) (uoISlAlpgns leo9!lod jeglo io AA0 eqlyasui) U! eql uI peubsiepun eqj eao;eq eoueaeedde Lions spew lenpiAipul Lions legl pue'luewnilsul aql palnoaxa 'Pape(s)lenpiAipui eql golLim Io;legeq uodn Limed eqj ao'(s)jenpinlpul aql'luawnilsul aql uo(s)ain►eu61s meLilpaLi/sILi Aq IE4l pue'(sal)Alloedeo m9gl/aeq/siq ul ewes eLil palnoaxa Aagl/aqs/eq 1e4l aw of pe6pelmouMoe pue luawnilsui uipm eqj of paquosgns (aju)sI (s)aweu esogm(s)IanplAlpul aql eq of 83u9P!A9 Aaope;slles 10 919eq aLil uo aw 01 Penoad ao aw of umouN Alleumad paaeadde Alleuosiad'peu6isiepun eql'aw ajo;aq '6►OZ AeM aql uI ;o Alp eqj v0 :ss ;o(AJlunoo u6laio3 jo'Arol!jjal'eigwnlo0 to loulsl4 jo)alajS 31V1S HHOA M3N 30151!10 30VW SI 1N311YOU31MONHOV 3H1 N3HM A1NO a3S11 39 Ol OZ'oE7dag sai►dxg uolsslwtuo3 ;",o .C7uno3`I1o33nS u!pag9en0 69Z508h(1810'oN jj0A maNlo alels bllgnd,UeloK n►! ,A SNAng-q 3S1N3p �j'_VA� SCA,,.au (►uaw6palmou3loe 6w5ful lenp!AipuY10 ao!I10 pue am)eubis) (Iv9w6p9jmou43e 6uplel Ienp!Aip ;o aolyo p e in)fu6is) -luawnilsul eg1 palnoaxa'pepe(s)jenplAlpul eqj 4olgm;o lle4ag uodn uosiad eql jo'(s)jenplAlpw eqj'Iuawrulsui •Iuewnilsui aql palnoaxa'peloe slenp!Alpui aql Lio. ;o IIegeq 041 uo (s)9an►eu6ls naglpaLi/sig Aq IM41 pue '(saI)A►ioedeo uodn uosied eglao'slenpinlpul egl'luawnalsul eql uo se leu6ls nagipa4/slq uI awes aql palnoaxa Aagl/ays/aq legl aw jiegl Aq leLil pue'salpoedeo ji9gl uI awes aq►palnoaxa Aegl legj o►pa6palmoujoe pue luawn0►sw ulglim ag1 of paquosgns(aje) aw o► pa6pajmou�oe pue luewnilsul utgl;m 04)o)paquosgns si (s)aweu asogm(s)IenplAlpul aql aq 01 aouaplAa Ai01oe;SIBS aje saweu asogm slenp!Aipui aql aq 01 aouaplAa Aloloe;SIMS Io SISeq ag) vo aw o) panaad jo aw of umou� ApeuosAad ;0 SISeq aq► u0 aw 01 panoid io aw o► umou� Apeuosjad TIVEIN 3SIN30 Pue 11VHN NIIHVW pejuedde Alleumad'pau6lsiopun eqj'aw ejo;aq pajeadde Alleumad'peu6isjapun eqj'aw alolaq 6tOZ jeeA eqj ui ;o Aep 1941 u0 6 LOZ jeaA aql w JagwanoN Io Aep Ist a44uO :SS 10 Alunoo'MJ0A maN 10 ale►S :SS �Iopng;o AlunoO'MJ0A maN 10,9161S 31V1S NHOA M3N NI 30VW SI 1N3010031MONHOV 3H1 N3HM A1NO U3SIl 38 Ol FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. 7404-006391 SCHEDULE A (continued) ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being known as Unit No. 3, Building H, Boat Slip 38 as shown on Condominium Plan entitled, "Map of Stirling Cove Condominium"filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on 02/07/1985 as Map Number 106, together with an undivided 2.201% interest in common in the common elements of the Condominium described in the Declaration of Condominium entitled, "Stirling Cove Condominium"recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Uber 9731 Page 65. The premises on which said condominium has been created is situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and Incorporated Village of Greenport, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of Central Avenue, said point being located 667.21 feet Easterly as measured along the Northerly side of Central Avenue from the intersection thereof with the Easterly side of Carpenter Street; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Kenneth R. Bowden and land now or formerly of Giorgi, the following four courses and distances: 1. North 14 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds West 115.78 feet; 2. South 73 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West 57.90 feet; 3. North 14 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West 20 feet; 4. South 74 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds West 12.54 feet to land or formerly of Jean A. and Gabriel F. Zilla; THENCE along said land, the following two courses and distances: 1. North 14 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West 82.55 feet; 2. South 75 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West 11.25 feet to the Easterly side of Dudlam Place; THENCE along the Easterly side of Dudlarn Place, and land or formerly of Oceanic Oyster Corp., North 17 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds West 82.55 feet; THENCE still along land now or formerly of Oceanic Oyster Corp. and through the waters of Packett's Basin, the following four courses and distances: 1. North 73 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East 136 feet; 2. North 76 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East 95.85 feet; 3. North 80 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds East 62 feet; 4. North 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 138.44 feet to the waters of Greenport Harbor; THENCE through and along the waters of Greenport Harbor, the following twenty-three courses and distances: 1. South 59 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 14.18 feet; 2. South 59 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 142.27 feet; 3. North 30 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East 15.99 feet; 4. South 59 degrees 15 minutes 26 seconds East 11.51 feet; 5. South 14 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 11.63 feet; 6. South 04 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 126.69,feet; 7. North 85 degrees 51 minutes 49 seconds East 2 feet; 8. South 04 degrees 68 minutes 11 seconds East 25.75 feet; 9. South 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East 120.91 feet; 10. South 14 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 46.50 feet; 11. North 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East 74.60 feet; 12. North 34 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East 38.04 feet; 13. South 77 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds East 250 feet; 14. South 12 degrees 1 minute 50 seconds West 60 feet; 15. North 77 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds West 228.41 feet; 16. South 14 degrees 16 minutes 21 seconds East 25.77 feet; 17. South 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West 106 feet; AMERICAN Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. ELAND nTLE Ail 1 IAT10N The use of this Form(or any derivative thereof)is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Owner's Policy(06117/2006) Printed: 10.29.19 @ 11:30 AM NY-FT-FRVH-01030.431004-S PS-27306-1-19-7404-006391 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. 7404-006391 SCHEDULE A (continued) 18. South 14 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 152.43 feet; 19. North 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East 10.50 feet; 20. South 14 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 18.01 feet; 21. South 30 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West 6.01 feet; 22. South 30 degrees 44 minutes 27 seconds West 120.51 feet; 23. South 45 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds West 15.63 feet; THENCE still through the waters of Greenport Harbor and along the Easterly side of Bay Avenue, North 56 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds West 118.82 feet to the Northerly side of Bay Avenue; THENCE along the road line, South 74 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West 19.52 feet to land now or formerly of Rackett; THENCE along said land, the following two courses and distances: 1. North 25 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East 25 feet; 2. North 16 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West 114.50 feet to land now or formerly of Joseph and Lee Pupahl; THENCE along said land, the following three courses and distances: 1. North 7 4 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds East 17 .65 feet; 2. North 06 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds West 24.68 feet; 3. North 14 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 89.03 feet to the Southerly side of Central Avenue; THENCE along the Southerly, Easterly and Northerly sides of Central Avenue, the following three courses and distances: 1. North 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East 156 feet; 2. North 50 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West 61.11 feet; 3. South 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West 94.93 feet to a 10 foot right of way; THENCE.along right of way, the following three courses and distances: 1. North 15 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds West 117 .39 feet; 2. South 73 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West 10 feet; 3. South 15 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds East 117 .04 feet to the Northerly side of Central Avenue; THENCE along said road line, South 75 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds West 36.97 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. END OF SCHEDULE A AMERICAN Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. LAND TITII ASSOCIATSON The use of this Form(or any derivative thereof)is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA owners Policy(0611712006) Printed: 10.29.19 @ 11:30 AM NY-FT-FRVH-01030.431004-SPS-27306-1-19-7404-M391 INSTRUCTIONS(RP-5277-PDF-INS):www.orps.slato.nyL FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Now York Stets DeparlRroM of Cl.amcee. 1 41, 7 3. S Q I Taxation and Finance CL Data Dead Raeor vied I O // /oZ O I Office of Real Properly Tax Servioes °� •- RP-5217-PDF CL Book O 9.7 C4.Pegs 1y3 Real Property Tnndw Report(8118) PROPERTY INFORMATION 1•aeaMgl 3 STIRLING COVE L.ewaen •aTNEEr WNBei •erREEi xAm SOUTHOLD GREENPORT 11944 .CnYOR ldml VLUM .apcoce •Buyer SHELLMAN, ROBERT H. SHELLMAN, JANICE L. Nom •LAST r4mE NPMY RRIT-W SHELLMAN LINDSEY A. rear NAmrxmmpwr FM KALE 7.Tae Indrrau wade barye Tax ally are to be 9erit Biting N eenrMm buyer addmw(m'---, d Tana) LAST R4 ECCPaw FRIT NAVE Addfw STREETWAMMAMWM- OTYmrwm WATE zwcom 4.hdkde On mmrbu of A=mnm l 1 e d Pol Car ❑Pad d a Pend Pr N Part of a Parcel)Cheek as they appy. ❑ Roll Places;trmmewred an the dead 4A.PWmrg Board wkh&AWAskn Armsay ELdm 5.0wd X OR 0.10 46.8ubdrddm Appeal was Re9dLed far Transfer ❑ RoPary •FRGNTFEET •dtnx •Aoaea 8h 4C.Parcel Approved for SubdlMelm with Map Pmridad ❑ KRALL MARTIN a.Sellar .L,HANECOMPAW FMW P Mw Nsnt9 KRALL DENISE LAST xawxotwAW MUT MIE R.Sdmdt w dwedptlon whkh rrrad aceuetey daecdba gw Chock the how below me they apply: w dProperly d swr the operOn em of he 8.OereNmrl p Type Is Omdydan G.Apartment A New Caabudlan on a Vmcmt Land ❑ IDA.Pmpany Located witHn an AgdmmnP Dianna ❑ 108.Buyer nerved a disclosure notice bdkelkq cut the property is in an ❑ AgdalWW Dioldcl SALE INFORMATION 1RCbmka ormmoefd wcmudlll mmopplkam000tram/ar A.Sols®elrwen Relse m or Fames Rakene 11.8019 Contract cab 10/09/2019 B.Side bdween Rddw Cos porde.ar Pa ban o Burner.. C.One olthe�S ie atw a Sdw 11/01/2019 D.Bumor sellar lewnm. mq GodApar Ipad g IrdrWtlmt IL Dab d 8019Phamfkr E.Dad Type Sot WandLq or Bwgdn and Sal(Specify Balm) F.Selo d Fredlerrd or Las than fee lmerew(Specify Bator) 113.Pail Sale Price 975,000.00 G.sgnwcara Change in Property Belewen Tillable Mom and Sole Dolor H.Sole d Budnw Is Included in Sale Pdw (FJI Sole Pike is Nu triol amodd paid for the propary indudkp paredLd papdty. I.Other Ummuml Faders Aaadtrrg Sole Pdea(Speciy Blow) THs payrmrd mey be k the lam d e ah.oUw propmy orgoods,m the asungaon d 1 Ndu nalgogw or dhaf dAgrrdmw.)Pluses rand Is tin nnmW whole dderammint. cwnmomm op Car4alon: 14.lndkaletlushredpnemW 0.00 propuy Included In the ads ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Doh should failed Iia label Final AmaimmeM Roll and TORT iL YwrofAs smnM Roll from which Irrlorrrrellon bkwyYYI 19 '17.Tape Assessed Value 2,849 •76.Properly Cle99 411 _ •1e.School District None GREENPORT 'la.Tax Yep kbfMr*)MW ldwtlfler(s)of man times tour.attach alyd with Wakeful ul hkngW s) 1001-003.01-01.00-003.000 CERTIFI TION I Certly ihataB duly Nares dhLbrmaem m dole ism are trw eorrae!bo Su bst d my leLowNdSa and bellel)and I urddmhnd 8ratdu making d any wllNul fate dmdsrblhe! fotlm odkytreleWemdnlooking moolM"dfMwInstill s. dMkrft WM Now ifkfwb UA 'h.ara ision i ' iMsw*mmpwe.e w er wrabtlm■Am m bw mm apse m rmdw.aan•mane surd mmwa Wmns mn UlanmewmYNa7pOSawa nr 114 alblma pomaanumquo rra ewbesidesRrWlbeRtMw typew eswy.) WJIMelaxxwE MTE 3- ,e ,e//"m- L.'f'Tox (/ X03 S4 7 -7n-7 DATE G Terra. �- •wREET-Uw •SUNNIMrae Ct t9& rte/ GRSEMMr S ,R 1>g a6. svroRfwm '&TATE •ZPCDM FIEDLER, ESQ. MORGANT LAST NAF. Fwsr NAME (631) 333-2095 AREACOME TELEMCW macre ph.EM" r r