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294 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD FEBRUARY 6, !990 WORK SESSION Present: Supervisor Scott L. Harris, Justice Raymond W. Edwards, Councilman George L. Penny IV (10:20 A.M.), Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen, Councilman Thomas H. Wickham, Assistant Town Attorney Matthew G.~ Kiernan, Superintendent of Highways Raymond L. Jacobs, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry. 9:10 A.M. Board of Appeals Chairman Gerard Goehringer met with the Board to the ZBA's lead agency coordination request with respect to the application of Gustav~ Wade for access under Section 280-A of the Town Law. Mr. Wade is seeking to building a bridge from East Road in Cutchogue, over Town Trustee property to his island adjacent to Eugene's Creek. It was determined after review of the situation that the coordination should be between the Board of Appeals and Town Trustees. 9:30 A.M. - Charles Voorhis of Cramer, Voorhis & Associates, Environmental ConSultants to the Town Board, met to review cultural resource assessments and surveys. On several occasions the issue of cultural resources has been raised with regard to land use projects and environmental review process, and Mr. Voorhis reviewed his knowledge of the issues and some of the implications which the Town should consider in the review of applications. 9:55 A.M. - John Ba~livi, PBA President, met with the Board to assure' them that the PBA would accept the Lawrence Healthcare "Package 7" benefit plan, which is mirror image or better of the C.S.E.A. Option 7 Plan. 10:05 A.M. Alan Kaplan, Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc., Insurance Consultant William Mullen, Jr., and Principal Account Clerk John Cushman met with the Board to discuss the Benefit Package offered by Lawrence for th.e PBA. As had previously been confirmed by PBA President Baglivi the plan is acceptable - see resolution no. 30 authorizing the Supervisor to execute the agreement. 10:25 A.M. - Walter C. Hazlitt, Executive Director, Suffolk Count*/ Water Authority, and associates David Ross, Deputy Executive Director, and Herbert Koehler, Director of Distribution, and Planning Board member Mark McDonald, met with the Board to update the Town Board on the a.ctivities of the SCWA in Southold Town, such as the acquisition of the Captain Kidd water system for $87,000, and have since spent over $300,000 improving it. Water shed area development plans for well sites, Laurel Lake area they have an interest in, and groundwater protection areas was discussed ast length. 11:40 A.M. - Frederick Ross, ,Chairman of the Open Space Committee, met with the Board to advise them there is a two acre parcel of land on the north side of New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, on MarratOoka Lake, in the estate of Bruce Norris, which Wendy Norris has indicated an interest in transferring the rights to the Town. Mr. Ross said they have an appraisal for $140,000 and would like the Assistant Town Attorney to pursue with Ms. Norris' attorney. 10:50 A.M. Cynthia Kinsella, President, Eastern Lonc. t Island Hospital, and Donald Eisenberg, Administrator, met with the Board. 'Ms. Kinsella explained the background and philosophy. Mr, Eisenberg stated he hopes to put the hospital on a sounder financial footing, and he's optimistic about the future of the hospital. The census a year ago was 35 and is now 75. They requested directional road signs~ to the hospital, and security of the hospital grounds by additional police patrols (the hospital is in the Village of Greenport). 12 Noon - Gall Horton, Chairman of the 350th Anniversary Celebration Committee'~ Educational Project met with the Board to ask their permission to us the Town Hall grounds and close the road in the Town Hall area on June 5th from 1:00 P.M. to', 2:00 P.M. for a mural exhibit by local school students, of which approximately 250 would be brought to the Town Hall for the exhibit and dedication ceremony. The Board will discuss the logistics of .the request and advise Mrs. Horton of their decision in the near future. 12:10 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 1:45 P.M. - The Board met with Steve Foster, an affordable housing recipient, and Re~ine Tuff of Two Bears Builders, Amaqansett, builders of the affordable housing homes, to discuss correction of certain problems with respect to the construction of the Foster home. Mr. Foster advised the Board he did not wish to discuss the FEBRUARY 6, 1990 2 9 matter, as he had recently ,met with-Two Bears and they said they would correct all of the problems to Mr. Foster's satisfaction. Mrs. Tuff concurred, stating they are normal correctable construction items. She said they are about two weeks away from completion and C.O. Mr. Bernard Heinisch, also in attendance, mentioned that his daughter is also having an affordable house constructed and was interested in the outcome of this meeting. 2:~5 P.M. For Discussion Items: (1) Authorization for Town Board members a~d Assistant Town Attorney to attend a conference on SEQRA (see resolution no. 31). (2a.) Policy decision with respect to lateness (see resolution no. 32). (2b) Policy decision with respect to Work/Study Student employees (see resolution no. 33). (3) Fourteen policy decisions to be reconfirmed (see resolution 34.A-N). (4) Correspondence relative to the First Annual Recycling Conference to be held at Liverpool, New York, by the DEC. No one from the Town will attend. (5) Position of Sanitation Inspector - delegated to Code Enforcement Officer (see resolution no. 39). (6) Request from attorneys for the owner of the Carey Tank Farm for additional time to review and analyze the Environmental Assessor Report on the property. Board agreed to hold until February 27th. (7) Installation of a light in the parking 10t adjacent to the Love Lane Shop, Mattituck. Superintendent of Highways Jacobs advised this will be worked out with Henry Raynor, owner of the Raynor-Suter Hardware Store. (8) Request the NYS-DEC to reinstate certain dredging permits for creeks within the Town of Southold (see resolution no. 35). (9) Letter from the NYS-DEC concerning the six month delay granted the Town with respect to the Hallocks Bay Wetlands properties. Councilman Penny and Assistant Town Attorney Kiernan will prepare a letter of response. (I0} App!icat;on from Bouton Services, Fishers ~sland, for a temporary watchman/office tr~iler at the si,re of their recently ~ur~',ed business building [see resolution no~ 3~! - ',~'~) Discussion of usin9 Town letterhead for a Southoid Town Promotion Committee n;aJ[er businesses interested in movin9 to Southold Town. Councilman Penny will discuss this further with the Commerce & Industry Committee. (12) See discussion at 1:45 P.M. with Steve Foster and Regine Tuff of Two Bears Builders. (13) List of individuals who have requested permission to attend the Association of Towns (see resolution no. 37). (14) Expiration of terms of Farmland Committee members Cybulski and Lauer. Board is will to appoint if the members are interested. Town Clerk to contact them for a determination. EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:30 P.M. On motion of Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was Resolved that the Town BoarCl enter into Executive Session. Vote of the Board: Ayes: All. Board discussed personnel matters. 5:15 P.M. - Board reviewed regular meeting resolutions. 5:35 P.M. - Board audited outstanding vouchers. 6:15 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M. A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday, February 6, 1990, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Harris opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M., with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Scott L. Harris Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilman George L. Penny IV Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Assistant Town Attorney Matthew G. Kiernan SUPERVISOR HARRIS: A motion to approve the bills as of February 6, 19907 Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the following audited bills be and hereby ordered paid: General Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $217,102.47; General Fund, Part Town 296 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 bills in the amount of $48,491.00; Nutrition Fund bills in the amount of $1,431.08; Adult Day Care bills in the amount of $100.00; Home Aide Program bills in the amount of $202.80; SNAP Program bills in the amount of $536.07; EISEP Program bills in the amount of $146.80; Highway Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $110700.15; Highway Fund, Part Town bills in the amount of $2,504.62; Agricul- tural Land Development Rights bills in the amount of $2,200.00; Scale II Capital Account bills in the amount of $6,000.00; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount-of $63,000.00; Employee Health Benefit Plan bills in the amount of $1,333.33; E-W Fire Protection District bills in the amount of $12,325.00; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $30,033.66; Fishers Island Sewer District bills in the amount of $300.00; Southold Wastewater District bills in the amount of $3,730.00; Southold Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $3,678.31; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $734.23. __ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Penny~ Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. Nos: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: A motion to approve the minutes of the Town Board meeting of January 18, 1990, and also, minutes of Town Board meeting of January 23.~ Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the January 18, 1990, and January 23, 1990, rec~ular Town Board meetings be and hereby approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen~ Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny~ Justice Edwards, Supervisor Har~ris. 'this resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: The next meeting date will be Tuesday, February 27, 1990, regularly scheduled again at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the next rec~ular meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 7:30 P.M.r Tuesday, February 27, 1990, at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. I. REPORTS. General 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. II. PUBLI~ Annual Report of the Recycling Unit, Suffolk County Department of Services: 1989 Activities, 1990 Plans. Building Department Report for January, 1990. Town Clerk's Report for January, 1990. Southold Town Dog Shelter Report for January, 1990 Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Report for January, 1990 Board of Zoning Appeals Monthly Report for January, 1990. Recreation Department Report for January, 1990. Planning Board Report as of January 31, 1990 Justice Tedeschi Report for January-, 1990 NOTICES. 1. New York Department of Envionmental Conservation, Public Notice of James P. Curren to obtain an off-botton culture of shellfish permit and associated temporary marine area use, near Robins Island in Little Peconic Bay. 2. U.S. Army Corps of Army Engineers, N.Y. District : Reissue Regional General Permit. 3. U.S. Army Corps of Army Engineers, N.Y. District; Application of Edward Deutsch for construction of retaining wall, ramp and float in Southold Bay, Shelter Island Sound, Southold. Comments by February 28, 1990. III. COMMICATIONS None. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 1. 8:00 P.M. on "Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted by Southold Villas, Inc." 2. 8:05 P.M. on "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse". 3. 8:10 P.M. on "A Local Law in Relation to Taxation". V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: This is the public session of our meeting. At this time, .I'd like to start with people out.on the left, that would like to present any views for any resolutions, that we're going to be acting on tonight. Is there anyone who would like to come forth? Please state your name. FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlin,,'from~-:L~au~el, member of the Southold TaxPac. ~1 have a question on item 2 and item 23. I see the purchase of a four wheel vehicle from Oceanside. DO you give the local people an option to bid on these bids, also when you bid out: for vehicles for the Town? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes. These are all done through the bid process. The Police cars are done through State contract. FRANK CARLIN: State contract? In other words, Oceanside wasn't cheaper. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes, it was. Anybody else on the left? Anyone in the center like to address the Town Board on any resolution? JOHN COSTELLO: My name is John Costello from Greenport, and there are two or three things I'll probably have a question on. I believe Mr. Carlin's question on the two items, I'll be curious to know who and how they're paying the bids on the Police cars, and if the local people did bid at~ali. I'd be curious to know that. On item 7, where they have an outboard, curiously I'd like to know who got the bid, and did local outfits bid on it? Further, I'd like to speak on the fees at the Town dump. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: John, do you want to address those one at a time? JOHN COSTELLO: Right now? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes. Absolute~y~ This is the section on that we will be entertain passing tonight, and any question that you have any of these resolutions, this is the time to bring forth any questions. JOHN COSTELLO: I just went through the resolutions a few minutes ago, but I did see those two. One of the big things I have a big concern on is the Town dump fees. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: That will be the public hearing at 8:00 o'clock. JOHN COSTELLO: Okay. Who bid on the automobiles in Southold Town? TOWN CLERK: That is a state contract. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: That's a resolution purchasing 6 Police cars. That is State contract. The State of New York had obtained Iow bidders for all cars. All dealers, at that time,' are asked to participate. The State contract for Police cars comes out of Warnock, New Jersey. He handles all cars for all the State of New York, all Police vehicles. JOHN COSTEI~LO: My question, again, is, did any local people bid on those Police cars? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: The specs, that are available, John, for one particular automoble dealer here, can not be met anymore. They no longer make Police vehicles. So he can't even possibly bid on it. JOHN COSTELLO: You're telling me that no local people bid on this? COUNCILMAN PENNY: We don't know. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: We don't know. It's with the State. That I can't tell you, John. When the State goes out to bid for a Police vehicle, that I can't tell you. JOHN COSTELLO: Is there a maintenance contract on these cars? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: The maintenance is taken care of by 'the Police Department. COUNCILMAN PENNY: Except for warranty. JOHN COSTELLO: Is there a maintenance beyond that? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: of by the department. COUNCILMAN PENNY: the other vehicle? No. Just standard maintenance that will be taken care John, would you like an answer to, I think, it's 23, on JOHN COSTELLO: Number 7, the resolution on the outboard. -SUPERVISOR HARRIS: That, John, is done by a local bidder here. That is through the government contract for outboards. It is the cheapest contract that 298 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 is available to the Town taxpayers. It became available about a year and a half ago. We found out that through the Governor we can purchase, which is through a local deater here. He has a government contract, and we can purchase outboards through him. JOHN COSTELLO: So it was purchased locally? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes, it is. JUSTICE EDWARDS: At quite a savings. JOHN COSTELLO: I like to see the money stay locally, if possible. Number one, these people are paying. They have exorbitant taxes, as it is. COUNCILMAN PENNY: John, here's a copy of the bidders on that other vehicle here. You'll see that there were three bidders, who were within $200.00 of each other, including local bidders. All local bidders. SUF~ERVISOR HARRIS: State your name again, please. FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlin. Being that we give out the bids to local or out-of-town people, is this all through the same process, where we put in bids for our building materials? · Do we go out of town, also, for lumber yards, and things of that sort, or do we just stay local for that? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I'm not familiar with what building materials you're referring FRANK CARLIN: Well, say you added on an extension to the Town Hall there, and need some supplies, lumber supplies, would you only stay local for bids,' or would go outside of town for bids, too, to see which would be cheaper? TOWN CLERK TERRY: It wQuld depend whether it meets the requirements. FRANK CARLIN: If it's over $5,000.00, or below $5,000.007 SUPERVISOR HARRIS: $5,000.00 and under, except for capital expenditures, which would be $7,000.00. FRANK CARLIN: This extension that you put on here, cost more than $5,000.00 SUPERVISOR HARRIS: That was a complete package, that was purchased. That was a complete package, that was purchased. Those are modulars. They weren't stick built, Mr. Carlin. FRANK CARLIN: Okay. Any other building? If you added on to the landfill building? Whatever? Do you give only local people the opportunity to bid on it, or do you also go out of town like you do with the cars? TOWN CLERK TERRY: Mr. Carlin, I do all the bidding for the Town. They're advertised in the Suffolk Times, and the Long Island Traveler, and in Dodge Reports, which gets a large coverage throughout the Island. I just mail them a copy of the legal notice, which the Town Board had deemed should be done. So everybody in the Town of Southold has an opportunity to bid. They're in the local newspapers. FRANK CARLIN: That's not the answer I'm looking for here. Do you let anybody know outside of town? TOWN CLERK TERRY: We don't let anyone know except publishing it in the paper. I do not have a bidder's list, that I mail bids to, because I feel that you can miss somebody that way. Everyone has an equal opportunity. FRANK CARLIN: How did we get this Oceansi'de bid? TOWN CLERK TERRY: They must have read it in the Suffolk Times, the Traveler, or Dodge Reports. That's the first time we've had them bid on anything. FRANK CARLIN: Then who decides finally on the bid, the Board or you? TOWN CLERK TERRY: Yes, the Town Board. FRANK CARLIN: Okay. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Anyone else at this time? State your name for the record, please: WILLIAM PELL: Billy Pell from Greenport. Back on number 2, again, I realize you went to State contract. Is there any way that could go out, draw specs up, FEBRUARY 6, 1990 2 9 9 or take these specs, or draw your own specs, go out to bid, and if the bid came in in excess of the State contract, Peiec~'t~'~ bid, and then go to contract, but at least give the 'local people a chance to bid and then reject it, if they're too high above the State. Keep your money local, where people pay taxes, and your parts, perhaps, would be local for warranty work? Just a thought for the future. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr~ Pell, I think the ultimate savincts is to the taxpayers and,obviously, the most responsible way to do anything is ~hatever the best cost is to the taxpayers, and certainly if anybody can afford the opportunity to bid on something, they .certainly would be given that opportunity. The specs that are set up for police .-cars, obviously now, there are certain companies now that aren't making police packages anymore, so they no longer can bid through that process. WILLIAM PELL: My point was to give them a chance, and then reject it and go to cheapest for the taxpayers' sake. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I certainly would take that suggestion, thank you. Anybody else at this time? V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: At this time, we'li move to resolutions. 1.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9ranters_permission to Public Safety Dispatchers John Raynor and Claude Kumjian to atter~d an Adva~ced Trainin9 Seminar on the "CADD" and "CAPPS" systems for the Police Department computer system, sponsored by Business Records Corporation, at Syracuse, New York, on February 14, 15, 16, 1990, and 'the necessary expenses for travel, meals and lodgin9 shall be a legal charge against the Police Department's 1990 Budget. 1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was decla'red duly ADOPTED. 2.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of-Southold hereby authorizes the purchase of six (6) 1990 Chevrolet Caprice police vehicles from the New York State Contract No. P36828, Control No. NYP, .from Warnock Fleet, East Hanover, New Jersey, at a total cost of $83,712.00 (five (5) vehicles at $13,753.00, and one (1) vehicle with a new "Streethawk" lightbar and siren, necessary wiring and installation at $14,947.00). 2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 3.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to return the $50,000.00 Irrevocable Proposal Bond Letter of Credit submitted by Daneco, Inc. with respect to the Town's Final Request for Proposals for a Solid Waste/Sludge Composting Facility, which program was defeated by the November 7, 1989 referendum of the voters of Southold Town. COUNCILMAN PENNY: So moved with an explanation, that this bond clearly indicates on the back that drafts must be drawn and negotiated not later than March 20, 1989, so technically it already has expired. 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 4.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise a rebid for the removal of scrap metal from the Southold Town Landfill site for the remainder of 1990. 4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 5.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9rants permission to Assessor Robert I. Scott, Jr. to attend a mandatory five-day Orientation Seminar, at Montgomery, New York, on March 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1990, and the necessary expenses for travel, meals, lodging, and registration shall be a legal charge against the Assessor's 1990 Budget. 5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 30O FEBRUARY 6, 1990 6.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that t.he Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9rants permission to Detective Sergeant Joseph Conway, Sr. and Public Safety Dispatcher James Fogarty to attend a BRC User Group meeting, at Harrison, New York, on February 15, 1990, and the use of a Town Vehicle and necessary expense for lunch shall be a legal charge against the Police Department's 1990 Budget. 6.-Vote of the Town Board: A~/es: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I might add that this resolution for those we're ass.embling to,is a new software package, that the Police Department in the Town of Southold had which is state of the arts software, and these people who will be going up to Harrison will be trained on that, and then coming back and training the rest of the dispatchers,and so on,in the Police Department. 7.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Tgwn of Southold hereby authorizes Police Chief H. Daniel Winters to purchase two (2) 150 hp Johnson outboard motors, Model No. J150TXES, from the Federal GSA Contract No. GSOF17715, at a cost of $4,932.00 each (total cost $9,864.00). 7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared,duly ADOPTED. 8.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold~hereby authorizes an advance fee payment in the amount of s565.75 (47 tickets @ $I2.00 -~ $1.75 postage and handling) for tickets to a New York Yankee baseball game, date to be deter- mined; check made payable to New York Yankees, charge to be made to A7320.4, Joint Youth, Contractual Expenses. 8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 9.-Moved by Councilwoman Wickham, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and -- directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an acceptance of the change in Third Party Administrators of the Town of Southold's Self-Insured Employee Health, Benefit Plan, from G.C.G. Risk Management, Inc. to Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc., effective January 1, 1990, all in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the letter from Lawrence Healthcare Administra- tive Services, Inc., dated January 8, 1990. 9.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 10.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Councilman Georqe L. Penny IV and Principal Account Clerk John Cushman to attend a Suffolk County Comptroller's Luncheon, sponsored by National Westminster Bank & Fiscal Advisors, Inc., at the Holiday Inn, L.I. MacArthur Airport, Ronkonkoma, New York, on February 9, 1990, and use a Town vehicle for travel. 10.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 11.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the refund of $524.58 to Oliver Campbell, which sum represents the purchase of sand tickets in 1982, 1984 and 1988 (1982 - 2 - 1 yard tickets @ $1.00 ea. + 7¼% tax= $2.15; 1984 - 4 - 1 yard tickets @ $2.50 ea. + 7¼% tax = $10.73; 1988 - 34 - 4 yard tickets @ $14.00 ea. + 7½% tax = $511.70). 11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, -Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 12.-Moved-by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of obstruction removal and lightincJ at the Fishers Island Airport - Elizabeth Field - a project which 9enerally consists of installation of obstruction lighting, including light units, cable and associated electrical equipment; removal of specified trees within airport property limits; and removal of terrain in the Runway 25 safety area and primary surface, including excavation and disposal, grading and site restoration; all in accordance with the bid specifications prepared by the Town's consulting engineers, Calocerinos & Spina Engineers, P.C., Liverpool, New York. FEBRUARY 6, 1990 3 0 1 JUSTICE EDWARDS: I might add, that'.the money for this project comes out of the FAA sludge fund at Whenever a ~il0t goes in and gets gas, there's X amount of dollars' that go into this kitty for projects like this, at different airports, so the cost of this is very, very minimal to the Town of Southold. 12.-Vote of the Town Board: :&~,es: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 13.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town .-Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following Budget Modification within the 1990 Highway Budget - Whole Town, DA.5142 - Snow Removal, to provide the line item DA.5142.2, Snow Removal, Equipment. 13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilm. an Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 14.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the -[own Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followincj modification to the ,1990 Highway Budget - Whole Town to provide for new line item DA.5142;2, Snow Removal, Equipment, appropriations: From: DA.5142.4 Snow Removal, Contractual Expenses $10,000.00 To: DA.5142.2 Snow Removal, Equipment $10,000.00 14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 15.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was (a) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby terminates their agreement with Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell~ P.C., authorized by resolution no. 30 on March 8, 1988, with respect to their preparation of a Part 360 applica- · tion, pursuant to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's requirements, and conducting a Hydrogeologic Field Investigation for expansion of the Cutchogue Landfill (H2M's proposal for this project was dated January 18, 1988). 15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Penny, Justice (a) Edwards, Supervisor Harris. Nos: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 15.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was (b) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an Agreement for Consultincj Services between the Town of Southold and Dvirka and Bartilucci, Consultinq Fnc~ineers, at a cost not to exceed $287,000.00 for the following: Solid Waste Management Planning Services and Generic Environmental Impact Statement at an estimated cost of $142,000.00; Yard Waste Composting Report at an estimated cost of $8,000,00; Transfer Station Plans, Engineering and Permitting at an estimated cost of $65,000.00; Hydrogeologic Investigation and report at an estimated cost of $72,000.00; all in accordance with the Consulting Services Agreement. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I might add, that this is the contract for the firm, that at our last meeting, we authorized. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Just to be consistent, I'm going to vote no, but this in no way reflects the qualifications of Dvirka and Bartilucci. JUSTICE EDWARDS: Just add in here, it's the first time I've seen one of these engineering firms like this, that considered Fishers Island, so I will vote yes' on it. 15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Penny, Justice (b) Edwards, Supervisor Harris. No: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva. -This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 16.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for resurfacincj Town Roads on Fishe~.s Island with slurry seal - 25,000 square yards, more or less, as may be needed, all in accordance with the bid specifications. 16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 17.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded'by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the $50,000.00 Letter of Guarantee submitted by Henry Arbeen¥ as a bond for roads and improvements in his subdivision at Kenny's Road, Southold, all in accordance with the Town Board,s resolution of February 7, 1989 approving the amount of 302 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 $48,262.00 for the bond, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers. 17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 18.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followinc~ budcjet modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1989 Budqet to cover overdrawn budget lines, transfer to Composting Capital Account for the Hawkins, Delafield & Wood corrected November, 1989 billing which is presently being held: To: Appropriations A1010.4 Town Board, C.E. $7,000.00 Al110.1 Justices, P.S. 250.00 AIl10.4 Justices, C.E. 500.00 A1220.1 Supervisor, P.S. 200.00 -A1220.4 Supervisor, C.E. 300.00 A1310.4 Accounting ~, Finance, C.E. 500.00 A1620.1 Building & Grounds, P.S. 300.00 A1620.4 Building & Grounds, C.E. 11,000.00 A3310.4 Traffic Control, C.E. 700.00 A7110.4 Parks, C.E. 200.00 A7180.4 Beaches, C.E. 200;00 A8160.L~ Refuse & Garbage, C.E. 26,000.00 A9050.8 Unemployment Insurance 200.00 A9060.8 Hospital & Medica~ Insurance 300.00 A9901.9 i Transfers to Other Funds 9,583.66** Revenues A599 Appropriated Fund Balance $57,233.66 18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:. Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 19.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followincj budcjet modification to the General Fund - Part Town 1989 Budget to provide for overdrawn budget lines: To~ B3120.1 B3120.4 B3130.4 B3610.1 From: B1910.4 B1990.4 B3120.2 B3130.1 B3157.1 B3157.4 B3620.2 B3620.4 B8010.1 B9030.8 Police, P.S. $ 25,000.00 Police, C.E. 7,000.00 Bay Constable, C.E. 4,000.00 Safety Inspection, P.S. 50.00 Insurance, C.E. Contingent Police, Equipment Bay Constable, P.S. Juvenile Aide Bureau, P.S. Juvenile Aide Bureau, C.E. Safety Inspection, Equipment Safety Inspection, C.E. Zoning, P.S. Social Security $ 3,000.00 1,405 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 4,000 00 6,000 00 7,000 00 5,000 00 1,645 00 3,0O0 00 19.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: At this time, we'll go into a public hearing. Could have a motion to recess, please? Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time, 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of holding a public hearing. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. Meeting reconvened at 9:00 P.M. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Is there anyone on the Town Board, who would like to respond to the last public hearing that we just closed, any statement that was made? COUNCILMAN PENNY: I'd just like to comment in regard to Southold being a follower of other towns. Southold Town is probably going to be the only town on the east end this year, that is not charging the same fee for garbage. The FEBRUARY 6, 1990 3 0 other towns have already gone ahead, and this is being passed on to the carters. There is a $45.00 a ton recycling fee in. Southampton going in right now, just due to the fact that they are collecting their recycling material co-mingled and they're passing it on to somebody else to do this. We, in conjunction with our carters here, have worked out as/stem whereas there will be no increase that is going to be passed on to-the residents of the town. We hope that for the duration of this year, or I would hope that for the duration of this year, because I can't speak for the Board:; this could change at any time, that we can continue this, and probably be the-only town on Long Island that is not charging a fee for the disposal of garbage. Heaven knows, that when we come up with a solution and we cross the deadline of December 18, 1990, that is going to change, but this town has been working very hard to .keep everything as Iow as possible. Unfortunately, obviously, there's people that aren't going to agree with that, and I'm not here to argue; but we have not been a follower. I think we've been a leader. We've probably been the most conservative town in the particular area. As far as my comments on where that money is going, that was in response to a question that was raised as to what is the possible uses of this money, and can it be into a dedicated fudd? One of the uses that we have for this money, although it is not in a dedicated fund because constraints of budgeting prevent us from doing this, is to pay this $287,000.00 bill, which we're about to incur. Unfortunately, this particular money was not fully appropriated in the last year's budget. One of the reasons that I voted against the budget is because there were a Iot of things that weren't addressed in that budget. True, we can save $500,000.00 this year, but already we're $500,000.00 behind, se we're at a break even point. We were hoping on having a greater cushion going into this ye. ar from last year's funds, but the nature of the bookkeeping, which was recommended to us for whatever reason the year bef~re, was that we carry $500,000.00 of consulting fees as a capital asset. I did not'find out about that until mid- year or late year, so we were operating for the most of last year four to five hundred thousand dollars in the hole, because this money was put in a capital account. I~t was drawn out and left us a negative balance in a capital account. I completely disagree with this type of financing , and I would hope that the Town never ventures in that direction again. So at that point in November, when I was quoted, that was probably a day before or around the same time that we all of a sudden got hit with a $500,000.00 bill. We had to repay this money into the budget. So there's been a lot of things that have happened in the last year, and rather to quote people and take things out of context, I'll be very happy to talk with anybody at any time, and I'm sure any member of the Town Board will, really than carry on a public debate on this. I'm available 24 hours a day. Just call me. If you call too late at night and you get my wife, then God bless you. EDWARD SIEGMANN: You know George has a habit of having his say, and then says, hey, call me, I don't want to get into a debate about something. George, you caused us, the taxpayer, more damm money in the last few years, and what I'm referring to is especially the last one, you know you sat on this Board. You want action from this Board all the time, these conversation were going on about garbage. What do we do with it? You waited until the last minute and came out with your objections to everything that this Board spent, close to $600,000.00 on last year. If you were so opposed to all these things, that you're always opposed to, I can't understand why we don't hear about them earlier. Why do we always wait until the last minute. You would have that 200 and some odd thousand dollars to spend today, if you hadn't spent the $600,000.00 last year and the year before with all the consultants. If you were to have come out early and said, hey, this stuff is no good. That it shouldn't be accepted by the public, but you waited until the last minute to do it, that you could use it for politics. Who the hell is kidding who? This is why you waited until that time. This is )vhy is costing the public the money that it's got to cost them. I hope you would learn somewhere along the line, you know don't always sit back like you weren't' there when it happened, that everybody else did these things, like this thing you're .talking about, about the bookkeeping. If you didn't know the bookkeeping wasn't being done right, then you weren't doing your job by looking into it to it to see that it was being done right. For once level with us. Don't try to blame everything on everybody else, and you're the good guy. If you want some more examples of what you cost us, what you cost the town, I can give them to you, and go right down the line. You know on the Carrproblem, you take great pride in today, in fact you stopped me out in the ha I one day, and asked me, don't I appreciate the fact the things you do. If you go back and look at the Carrproblem, that we had, if you'd have voted at the time the vote came up here, that you make that two acre zoning instead of leaving it HD the way it was, the way we had three votes on the Board, that was willing to vote that way. If you had voted as a fourth vote, that Carr problem would have been settled, but no, you wouldn't go along with that, and now you've got a law suit on your hands from up at the other area, where the switch was made for Carr to change the properties. You never would have had to get into the argument about changing those properties, and you wouldn't be paying legal fees today for the fact that those people are taking you to court. You got into a argument about the animal shelter, when you came into office, where the work was being done b~/.people that worked for the Town, and you insisted it be given 30{ FEBRUARY 6, 1990 out for a bid, which caused the town people extra money. They were doing the work on the civic center down there. It was the senior citizen center, at that time, you put a stop to the work, and said it's got to be gone out for bid. You didn't want town people doing it, which cost us extra money. I can go :down the list of the things, that you've done and cost extra money, and one of the most ridiculous one, the argument over the Town furniture, which cost us money in court, because you had fight whether you could bring the town furniture up out of the cellar, and put it in the office.- These are the things I'm talking about. So if you didn't work in that way, you would be saving us money, but the way you do it, it always cost the town extra money. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Siegmann, I let .you speak, though it wasn't in reference to the public hearing. We did close that sectio~ of the public hearing, and I ~ just want you to know, I did' let you say what you had on your mind. EDWARD SIEGMANN: I wouldn't have said anything at all, Mr. Chairman, except~'-- that George had to add his thoughts to it, and I'm answering the things that George said. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Siegmann, Mr. Penny was answering a question, that was presented during the public hearing on the landfill fee increase, and that's what he was responding to. Thank you. Ellen, do you have something.- you'd like to 'add in reference to that? COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Only specifically, to the public hearing. The feeling that I'm getting from listening to the various comments tonight, when we intia[]y put the one cent charge in, it was the recommendation of the Town Board that we go to a charge for dumping garbage in the Town of Southold. An overall charge to raise, perhaps, our landfill permits, and our beach stickers, that are issued simutaneously to, say a $10.00 fee, because we needed the revenue for the landfill, because we knew we would facing many high upcoming costs. It was my feeling, at the time, Ruth's..It was up for discussion, but the thing that the majority could agree on was impose the dump fees for, and to leave household garbage out of it. From the public hearing tonight, I got two clear impressions, One, is that-we're at a point where we really can't single out a single group, and ask them to absorb the tax burdens of the entire town. It's t'he entire town's problem. The second portion is that from the deliberations that the Town Super- visors have been having together from the east end with the DEC, it seems that if we banning C & D debris from the landfill after December 18, we can have it there by law, if we have a double lined landfill. But in order to have a double lined approved, you have to have a resource recovery system in place. That's what the law says. So it's really giving a double whammy to one particular group of people, and if I was a member of that group, that they decided that mothers with children, for instance, had to pay $.75 more in the grocery store for a gallon of milk, because we have to have more cows, I wouldn't think that was right. I would be very upset, so I'll be really..l think it should be looked at more thoroughly. I think it's the whole town's problem. We should incoporate the whole town, and thank you for your comments. 20.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followin~t budget modification to the Hic.~hway Fund - Whole Town 1989 Budget to cover overdrawn budget line: .. To: DA5142.1 Snow Removal, Personal Services $ 4,000.00 From: DA5142.4 Snow Remova , Contractual Expenses $ 4,000.00 20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 21 .-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following budget modification to the Highway Fund - Part Town 1989 Budqet to cover overdrawn budget line: To: DB9055.8 CSEA Benefit Fund $ 200.00 From: DB9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance $ 200.00 21.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 22.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of .the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bid for the sale of two (2) 1986 150 HP Mercury Outboard Motors, at a minimum bid of $1,000.00; engines may be viewed on February 18 & 19, 1990, between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. 22.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris.' This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. FEBRUARY 6, 1990 3 23.-Moved I~y Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Ed~,ards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of th6"T6~i~ of Southold ~.'ereby acc~ts the bid of Ocean Lea-GMC Sales Coro , Oce~nside, New York, for -ur~,~v~n~ the Town Bay Constable with one {1) GMC, Model TV10516, four-wheel drive~ehicle, all in accordance with the bid specifications, except for the following acceptable exceptions: (1) Engine is to be 35? cubic inch. Ocean Lea offers a 350 cubic inch V8 engine with electronic fuel injection. (2) Front Bench seat to b~ clot. h, color tan. Ocean Lea offers front bucket seats, vinyl, color saddle tan. 23.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 24.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to accept the bid and enter into a contract, with Drew Oil Corp., the only bidder, for furnishing diesel fuel for the vessels Race Point and Munnatawket for calendar year ~990, at a price of $.05 per gallon over the posted rack price at Texaco, inc., Providence, Rhode Island terminal, said price guaranteed to be fixed for the ~uration of i990, $.01 per gallon 10 days DOI discount, net. 30. 24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 25 .-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was P, ESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby _a.~p0ints ~r~. Ahman as a Commissioner of the Fishers ]sland Ferry District, February 6, 1990, to fill the unexpired term of Raymond F. Doyen to August 14, 1990, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District. 25.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 26.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ~rants permission to the Villacje Commons Health & Racquet Club to hold their third annual North Fork Run and Ride Biathlon, beginning at 8:00 A.M., May 12, 1990, using the following Town Roads: New Suffolk Road, New Suffolk Avenue, Grathwohl Road, Depot Lane, Horton Lane, Soundview Road, Kenny's Road, Mill Road, Bridge Lane, Oregon Road, provided they secure and file with the Town Clerk a Certifi- cate of Insurance for at least one million dollars liability insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional 'nsured. 26.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 27.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the application of Frank J. McBride for rengwal of his farm Worker trailer located on the north side of Oregon Road, Cutchogue, which permit expires on February 9, 1990, be and hereby is c~ranted for a six (6) month period. 27.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 28.-Moved-by Councilman Penny, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followincj budcjet modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1989 Budc~et for a transfer to the Scale Capital Account to cover H2M Group billing of January 3, 1990 for additional services pursuant to proposal dated November 28, 1989 (Scale bond proceeds have already been used up) : To: Appropriations A9901.9 Transfers to other Funds $ 6,000.00 Revenues A599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 6,000.00 28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. No: Councilman Penny. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 29.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followinc~ pay schedule for referees for the Southold Town Men's Basketball League, sponsored by the Southold Town Recreation Department: $30.00 per game -,2 games per week for 8 weeks = $480.00 29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 30.-Moved by Counci~oman Oliva, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was RESOLVED t~ the Town Board of the Tqwn of Southold hereby authorizes and directs StJpervi~sor Scott L. Harris to execute an agreement between Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc. and the Town of Southold whereby Lawrence will provide the Southold Town Police Benevolent Association with a' benefit package equal or better than the C.S.E.A. Option 7 Plan at a total cost of $12,766.00 (claims, administration, etc.) for the period January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990. 30~.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 31 .-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes all Town Board members and Assistant Town Attorney Kiernar. to attend a conference entitled, "Understandinq the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act", hosted by the Center for Management Analysis/Long Island Ur~iversity at C.W.Post Campus, Bro0kville, New York, on Wednesday, February 14, 1990, from 8:30 A.M to 5:30 P.M., and the $40.00 admission charge (includes conference, working papers, continental breakfast, and luncheon) per person, and a Town vehicle for travel, shall be a legal charge against the Town Board's and Town Attorney's 1990 Budget. 31.-Vote of the To~vn Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman ©liva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~ 32.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Justice Edwards, it ~as RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the followincj POLICY WITH RESPECT TO LATENESS: When an employee is absent without authorization for any length of time, no matter how de minimis, and .where the relevant department head determines that there is no satisfactory excuse or legitimate explanation, the employee shall not be compensated for such period of lateness, and a corresponding deduction shall be made against the pay period during which the absence occurs; said determination shall be reduced to writing by the department head. 32.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 33.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy, which has been-praCticed in the past, that Work/Study Students are excluded from the C.S.E.A. Contract, and shall not be entitled to benefits, or receive credit for time worked for the Town of Southold. 33.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. -SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Over the course of the years, the Town has adopted policies such as those we have just adopted by resolution. What we are doing on the resolution is affirming those policy decisions, that were made, which numbers too many to read tonight. If anybody is interested in any of those policies, they are on record with the Town Clerk. 34.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded Councilman Penny, it was A. RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby REAFFIRMS THEIR FOLLOWING POLICY DECISIONS: POLICY WITH RESPECT TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on June 6, 1989: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold recognizes the necessity for an adequate water supply system to the residents of the Town; and WHEREAS, there presently exists a mixture of water supply to wit: Village of Greenport Water Franchis Area, Suffolk County Water Authority in Captain Kidd Area, individual satellite areas being extablished by developers and property owners and/or proposed expansion of the Riverhead water district into the west end of the Town; and WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Southold recognizes the need for an efficient centralized water system and that the present diverse and uncoordi- nated water system is not in the best interest of the public health, safety and well being of the people of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS, the Town Board met with officials of the Suffolk County Water Authority on May 24, 1989 and discussed the concerns of the Town Board as stated in this resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares in that the sole authority for implementation of any water supply system in the Town of Southold ourside of the Village of Greenport Franchise Area, is vested in the Suffolk County Water Authority; and FEBRUARY 6, 1990 3 0 7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no project, site plan or subdivision application requiring a water supply system be approved by any agency in the Town until that water suppl~ system is approved by the Suffolk County Water Authority; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that~all water supply systems will confirm pursuant to the rules, regulation and direction of the Suffolk County Water Authority; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby goes on record as supporti~ng the attached resolution from the Suffolk County Water Authority which is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. SOUTHOLD WATER SUPPLY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the majority of the Town of Southold is within the Authority's author- ized service area; and WHEREAS, the North Fo~k has a fragile and limited water supply which is under increasing development pressure; and WHEREAS, contrary to the Authority's mission, builders have constructed poor. ly- sited, local water supply systems to serve these developments; and WHEREAS, the Authority's existing system in the Mattituck Inlet area requires additon supply sources; and WHEREAS, the North Fork would be well served by a Comprehensive Watershed Protect and Integrated Water Supply Plan which can be best provided by a coopera- tive effort between the Suffolk County Water Authority and the Town; and WHEREAS,-the Authority has identified 125 acres, north of Laurel Lake as a prime water supply area for both the Mattituck Inlet and Village areas; and WHEREAS, the Authority supports the proposal, which is consistent with the .Authority Core Watershed Corridor Protection Plan, currently being considered by the Special Groundwater Protection Area Advisory Com;~ittee to extend the Central Suffoik SGPA to the east to include, at a minimum, the Laurel La]<e Area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Authority request the Town of Southold consider imposing a moratorium on all development activities in the Laurel Lake area, which area will be more specifically defined by the Authority for a period of six (6) months pending the adoption of a Comprehensive Watershed Protection and Water Supply Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Authority challenge both Suffolk County and the Town of Southold to join efforts to acquire this area for Watershed Protection and Supply; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Authority request the Town enact ordinances requiring new developments to be coordinated with and able to be integrated into the Authority's system at such time as the Authority has adequate supply and distribu- tion facilities. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO EMPLOYMENT ADVANCEMENT B This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on May 23, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reaffirms its Labor Management Policy regarding employment advancement within the Civil Service system: 1. Any employee may request a desk audit as provided by Civil Service. 2. If an emp~loyee passes a higher test, with the recommendation of the department head, the Town Board will consider the new position. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO SALARY GUIDELINES C This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on September 1, 1987, and reaffirmed on January 10, 19S9: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reaffirms their policy with respect to SALARY GUIDELINES for part-time employees: A year-round part-time employee shall be hired at the following rates: Clerk $6.00 per hour 34.-- Clerk-Typist Stenographer Justice Court Clerk Account Clerk $6.50 per hour $7.25 per hour $7.25 per hour $8.00 per hour Custodial Worker $6.25 per hour After twelve (12) months of employment, a per hour percentage increase shall be given in proportion to the CSEA contract. Seasonal part-time employees and Work Study emplyees shall be hired at $5.00 per hour. After 12 months of employment, a fifty (50¢) cent per hour increase shall be given. These salary guidelines shall be reviewed once a year. POLICY WITH RESPECT TO DISPLAY OF INFORMATIONAL MATERIAL D..This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on June 16, 1987: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts the policy that no informational material from outside organizations or persons shall be displayed in the Southold Town Hall. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES E. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on March 24, 1987: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Tdwn of Southold hereby establishes the policy that they will not authorize Bond Anticipation Notes in amounts less than $50,000.00. 3O8 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO PRIVATE DREDGING PROJECTS F. This resoltuion reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on December 30, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reaffirms their previous policy not to contribute Town funds to private dredging projects. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO HIRING EMPLOYEES G. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on April 22, 1986, amended on August 22, 1986 and August 26, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes a policy that henceforth the Town Board shall require advertisments and interviews for hiring of all Town en~ployees on either a part-time or full-time basis, and be it further RESOLVED that resumes for interviewed applicants shall be kept in an active file in the Office of the Town Clerk for a period of not more than six (6) months' ~ from the date an appointment is made for a specific position, should a like position become available, and be it further RESOLVED that Commissioner of Public Works Raymond L. Jacobs shall be permitted to maintain a permanently active file for the purpose of hiring Attendants at the Sout. hold Town Landfill Site, AND Chief of Police H. Daniel Winters shall be per- mitted to maintain a permanently active file for the purpose of hiring School Crossing Guards, and be it further RESOLVED that rehiring of seasonal employees shall not be subject to the afore- said policy. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO TOWN BOARD MEETINGS H. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on June 3, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby extablishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board meetings the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in r'elation to a§enda r~soiu- tions prior to their enactment; and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO BID SPECIFICATIONS I. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on May 20, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to issue, free of charge, plans and specifications for bids, upon the request of Dodge Reports, Melville, New York, or any other interested bid service, and to mail same if requested. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO TOWN BOARD WORK SESSIONS __ J. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on May 20, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy that henceforth Town personnel shall have priority to address the Town Board Work Sessions, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO RECREATION CENTER K. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on January 8, 1985 and reaffirmed on April 22, 1986: .RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reaffirms their . policy to permit only not-for-profit groups to use the Recreation Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO MEETING WITH PETITIONERS L. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on January 3, 1985 and reaffirmed on April 22, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold refuses to meet with petitioners to discuss proposals which will ultimately come before the Town Board for a public hearing and subsequent decision. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO BOARD OR COMMITTEE REAPPOINTMENTS M. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on March 11, 1986, and reaffirmed on April 22, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold establish the policy that when reappointments are considered for vacancies which occur on a board or committee of the Town, if the incumbent who is to be appointed~ and the Town Board members all agree to the reappointment, then resumes shall not be sought. 34.- POLICY WITH RESPECT TO 7:30 P.M. TOWN BOARD MEETINGS N. This resolution reaffirms the Town Board's policy adopted on April 8, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the following policy: Henceforth all Regular Town Board Meetings shall be held at 7:30 P.M. 34.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen,. Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 35.-Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Supervisor Harris, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Regula- tory Affairs, Recjion I Office, to reinstate~ in an expeditious manner, the Suffolk County Department of Public Works dredging permits, expired on 12/31/89, for the following tributaries within the Town of Southold for a minimum of two (2) years: James Creek, Deep Hole Creek, Goose Creek, Gull Pond Inlet, Goldsmiths Inlet, Cedar Beach Inlet, Wunneweta Pond, Mud Creek. FEBRUARY ,, 19.0 3 0 9 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha~ ~he!Town Board hereby requests issuance of a permit pending since 1987 on the maintenance dredqing of Corey Creek; all of the afore-referenced waterways offer public recreation and navigational access. 3$.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Pe.n~ny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly A~PTED. 36.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the application of Bouton Services for location of a watchman/office trailer on their property located on the west side of Central Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period. 36.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 37.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of SouthOld hereby authorizes the following individuals to attend the Association of Towns 1990 Annual Meetin~ on February 18, 19, 20, 21, 1990, at New York City: Supervisor Scott L. Harris Councilman Thomas H. Wickham Justice Raymond W. Edwards Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Assistant Town Attorney Matthew G. Kiernan Assessor F~obert l~ Scott, Jr. Receive'r of Taxes George R. Sullivan Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi Justice William H. Price, Jr. Historian Antonia Booth Board of Appeals member Serge Doyen, Jr. Confidential Secretary' to the Supervisor Ann Marie Soito Justice Court Clerk Christine Stulsky Justice Court Clerk Barbara Andrade Principal Account Clerk John Cushman (day trip) Recreation Director Kenneth Reeves (day trip) Board of ApPeals Chairman Gerard Goehringer (day trip) Board of Appeals member James Dinizio (day trip) Board of Appeals Clerk Typist Doreen Ferwerda (day trip) 37.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was dec, lared duly ADOPTED. 38.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates the position of Data Control Supervisor, sets a salary of $27,000.00 per annum for same, and authorizes and directs the Supervisor to request a Suffolk County Department of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles List for said position. 38.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 39.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Justice Edwards, WHEREAS, the Code Enforcement Officer, whose duties are to enforce the Code of the Town of Southold, and. the duties of Sanitation Inspector fall within t.he purview of Code Enforcement Officer; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Code Enforcement Officer be directed to undertake the inspection of septic systems as described in the existing statutory code. 39.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 40.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by'Justice Edwards, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold has heretofore established the Kenney's Beach Shoreline Erosion Control Committee to conduct such studies and investigations of the shoreline erosion along Long Island Sound between Duck Pond Point and Horton's Point, particularly the shoreline area in the vicinity of Kenney's Beach which has,experienced the most severe erosion damage in recent : years; and WHEREAS, said Committee has recommended that the Town apply to the Flood Protection Bureau of the New York 'State Department of Environmental Conservation for New York State funding of a study of the methods to alleviate erosion occurring along the shoreline of Long Island Sound in the area between Duck Pond Point on the west and Horton's. Point on the east; and WHEREAS, the Town has applied to the New York State Deparment of Environmental Conservation for New York State funding of a study of erosion problems and recommendations for alleviating such problems in the aforementioned area; and ' 310 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 WHEREAS, a field inspection of the shoreline of 'Long Island Sound between Duck Pond Point and Horton's Point was conducted by the New York State Department of Environmental ConservatiOn on January 6, ~987; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Erosion Reconnaisance Study was received by the Town of Southold on June 4, 1987.i which reconnaissance report outlines certain problems and recommends a detailed Study that would document historical erosion problems and identify and analyze possible structural and non-structural solutions; which study would be initiated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, upon the assurances that the Town will reimburse the State for 30% of the study costs, at-which time the Department will prepare a budget request for the necessary funds and upon receipt of approval of those funds will prepare a detailed Request for Proposal (RPF); and __ WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, by Resolution No. 8, dated June 16, 1987, requested the New York State Department of Environmental Conser~ tion to proceed with the preparation of a budget request for the necessary funds for the preparation of a detailed Request For Proposals to determine the feasibility of reducing or arresting erosion through the construction of erosion protection structures and/or other appropriate measures; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, by Resolution No. 40, dated October 24, 1989, gave the New York State Department of Environmental Conserva- tion assurance that they will reimburse the State 30% of the Study costs; and WHEREAS, certain properties owned by the County of Suffolk fall with the geogra- phical locations of this study area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town of Southold hereby requests the Suffolk County Legislature to participate in lundin9 for this Study by paying 21% of the proposed study costs of $50,000, as outlined in the reconnaissance report; and be it luther RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to Suffolk County Executive Patrick G. Halpin, Presiding Officer of the Suffolk County Legislature Donald R. Blydenburgh, and Suffolk County Legislator Michael J. Caracciolo. 40.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN PENNY: I would just like to explain that this is basically a repeat of something we've done before. We've been waiting close to three years for the State to come in with their funding, and unfortunately the County had put this money in their Budget in, I believe, it was 1988, under capital projects, and unfortunately that Budget has gone by the wayside, so we're reapplying for the County funding on this, in hopes of getting it again. 41.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the follwoinc~ 1989 budqet modification to the Fishers Island Sewer District to cover overdrawn budget lines: To: Appropriations: SS2.8160.4 Refuse & Garbage, Contractual Expenses $ 500.00 Revenues: SS2.5990 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 500.00 41 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 42.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliv~, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1989 Budget to cover overdrawn line items: To: Appropriations A1620.4 Buildings & Grounds, Contractual Expenses $ 1,000.00 A8160.4 Refuse & Garbage, Contractual Expenses 5,000.00 Revenues A599 Appropriated Fund Balance 42. -Vote Coun This $ 6,000.00 of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, cilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 43.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following 1989 Budqet modification to the General Fund - Part Town to provide for overdrawn budget lines: To: B3157.4 Juvenile Aide Bureau, Contractual Expenses $ 500.00 B9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance 400.00 From: B8010.1 Zoning, Personal Services $ 900.00 43.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. :.FEBRUARY 6, 1990 3 1 !1 BE IT ENACTED I. Chapter 85 follows: 1. 44.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seocnded by Councilman Penny, WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law No. 1 - 1990 was introduced at a meeting of this Board held on the 23rd day of January, 1990; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by this Board on the 6th day of February, 1990, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Local law No. 1 - 1990 be enacted as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 1 - 1990 A Local Law in Relation to Taxation by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: (Taxation) of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as Section 85-2.A is amended to read as follows: A. if the income of the owner or the combined income of the owners of the property for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of making application for exemption exceeds the sum of twelve thousand six hundred dollars ($12,600.00). "Income -- tax year" shall mean the twelve month period for which the owner or owners filed a personal income tax return or, if no return is filed, the calendar year. Where title is vested in either the husband or the wife, their combined income may not exceed such sum. Such income shall include social security and re. tire- ment benefits; interest; dividends; total 9ain from the saie or exchange of a capital asset, which may be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital assett in the same income tax year; net rental income; salary or earnings; and the net income from self-employment, but not including a return of capital, gifts or inheritances. In computing net rental income and net income from self employment, no depreciation deduction shall be allowed for the exhaustion, wear and tear of real or personal property held for the production of income. I1. This Local law shall take effect upon it illin9 with the Secretary of State. 44.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Before we go into closing remarks, is there anybody from the audience, that would like to address this Board on any matter? CHARLES ZAHRA: Charles Zahra from Mattituck. Once again, I'm before this Board, requests on a letter of October 16, 1989 to be exact. Anyone? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Charlie, I'd like to just address that quickly, that we have an Assistant Town Attorney Matt Kiernan, and I think at one time it was told to _you, that are waiting until we have a Town Attorney on board. Until that time, we're not trying to hold up your request. It's just that we would appreciate your in this area, and we should have one on board very soon. CHARLES ZAHRA: I can't go along with that, Scott. First, of all, the date is October 16, 1989. Mr. Schondebare was quite capable of answering it. For one reason or another, he did not. The Town also hires outside counsel.- Do you think this is such a serious matter hire outside counsel. This is four months. You've hired outside counsel to fight me on otheP matters. Why should this be any different? Mr. Kiernan is quite capable of handling it. Is he not? If he's not, fine. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: He's more than capable, Mr. Zahra..At the direction of the Town Board, he's been asked to wait until we do have a Town Attorney on board. At this time, Mr. Schondebare has-not been a hold over. Mr Schonde- bare has resigned from the Board, as the Town Attorney, and right now, we're in the process of selecting a new Town Attorney. That's all I can tell you at this time. CHARLES ZAHRA: Okay, then I'll take it one step further. Two meetings prior to this one, George called down in Mr. Kiernan's office. Did you not? COUNCILMAN PENNY: I spoke to you in Mr. Kiernan's office, and yes, we told exactly what was happening. CHARLES ZAHRA: Who was present? COUNCILMAN PENNY: I'm not here to play games with anybody, Charles. '3 12 F..RUARV CHARLES ZAHRA: I'm not playing games. [ just asked you a question. COUNCILMAN PENNY: You asked me a question, and if you want to hinder my response, I suggest that we do this somewhere else than inside the public forum here. CHARLES ZAHRA: I want to do it right here now. Do you want to do it for the newspapers? You were.present. Judge Edwards was present. Mr. Kiernan was present. Am I wrong, Mr. Kiernan? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: No. I was there. CHARLES ZAHRA: Was these two other gentleman there? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: ! believe George was there. Edwards, I'm not sure about. Judge JUDGE EDWARDS: I think I was there. CHARLES ZAHRA: Thank you. You made me privy to a letter from the Building Departement. Did you not? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: ] don't remember everything that went on. orl, Charlie, that was many weeks ago. I can't recall everything that went CHARLES ZAHRA: I was privy to a letter from the Building Department. Are you denying that you have received a letter from the Building Department? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: Charlie, I'll tell you, this situation. I'm the only attorney down there. I am doing two jobs. CHARLES ZAHRA: Answer the question. ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: I can't answer the question, I have to give you a background of what is going on. CHARLES ZAHRA: You can not answer me, whether or not you made me privy to a letter? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: I don't remember. CHARLES ZAHRA: You can not answer me the question, as to whether or not the Building Department sent you an inner office memorandum? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Zahra, I would respectfully request that if you would like to carry on this questioning interrogation, you could certainly could do so after .... CHARLES ZAHRA: I want a answer to a question. ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: Charlie, I have not worked on your letter, mostly because there are thirty other things I'm working on right n.ow, and quite frankly, ~n my opinion, your letter does not take precedence over these other things. There are some more important things going on in Town, which require my attention now, and I believe when the Town Attorney is appointed, which I think the Board intends to do either some time this week, or early next week, that that matter will be referred to him for action. CHARLES ZAHRA: Mr. Chairman, are you telling me that I'm not entitled to an answer to my question? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes, sir. You are entitled to an answer. CHARLES ZAHRA: Could I get an answer to a few questions from Mr. Kiernan? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Please realize, at this point .... CHARLES ZAHRA: I want a yes or no answer right now. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I don't think he's prepared at this time to respond to that. Mr. Kiernan, are you prepared to respond to that, at this time? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: To which question? FEBRUARY '6, 1990 313 SUPERVISOR HARRIS: To the letter. CHARLES ZAHRA: Whether or not, there was an inter-office letter sent from the Building Department regarding this matter, and whether or not you made~ me privy to it. ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: I don't remember that. CHARLES ZAHRA: You don't remember that? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: No. CHARLES ZAHRA: Okay. You heard it here. SUPERVIOSR HARRIS: Thank you, Mr. Zahra. FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlin. Southold TaxPac. I have put together six suggestions here of my own thoughts, food for thought for the Board, of my own opinion. I'll go through them as quick as possible. Number 1. Salary increases for town employees, elected officials, and police department should not exceed the rate of inflation. I recommend that. I believe, Mr. Chairman, on your Suffolk Life campaign questionaire, you took a C on that one. You were opposed to that one. On the Suffolk question there, you took a C on that on~ You was opposed that question. You opposed it, right? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I think it was a hundred question questionaire, Mr. Carlin. FRANK CARLIN: I know, and the rest of the colleagues all the B, which showed they were in favor of. Okay, b.ecause I want to get back to that. Number 2. Town employees including highway department should not be allowed to take town cars or trucks home at the taxpayer's expense unless it it for official business. Now, I don't know if they do or not, but I feel that this should be the rule. This a rule. I don't know if they do or not. I think it should be a rule. I'm going to give you a copy of this. Number 3. Town employees should be required to work a 40 hour week. Again, I'm not saying they don't, but it should be a rule. Number 4. Taxpayers of Southold town should receive their tax bills no later than December 1. I recieve mine on December 20th, December 27th. That's no time. You know, with the computer system you've got now, there's no reason why people shouldn't have those tax bills December 1 in their house. Gave them a chance to digest their medicine, and maybe plan, if they have any money left over, to buy their children some Christmas gifts. There's no reason why we can't have them by December 1. I can see years ago, when you didn't have the computer systems you have now. You have a computer system now. There's no reason why we shouldn't have them by December 1. I get mine on December 20th. Maybe some other people get it later. Not too much time. Number 5. I don't know if this is right, but when I came here one morning, it was closed. Building-Inspectors' window in Town Hall should be open at 8:00 o'clock instead of 9:00. I come here one morning, it was closed at 8:30. I don't know if it still is, if it opens at 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock. Nine o'clock. That reminds me of bankers' hours. People want to come in at 8:00 o'clock to see somebody in the Building Inspector's office. W'hen you open at 9:00 o'clock, it reminds me of a bank. I don't know if that one morning it was closed, but I think I seen a sign on there, that we open at 9:00 o'clock. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Carlin, on that one point, Town Hall hours are nine to five by CSEA contract. Building inspectors, of which there are five, have contract hours from 8:30 to 4:30. That does not presuppose that the window is open though,at 8:30. FRANK CARLIN: It's open at 8:30? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: No, it opens at 9 o'clock. FRANK CARLIN: Nine o'clock. It reminds me of Dolly Parton, nine to five. Okay. The last one, the town should reduce the amount of outside consultaots. Now, I'll speak on that in great detail at a future Board meeting. There's a lot to be spoken about on it. You should be cutting down on consultants. You spend too. much money and you end up half the time not even using them. All that money wasted, but 1'11 speak on that in the future meeting in more detail. Let me go back quickly, I know it's late, to item number 1, salary increases. Now I want to jump from town, state and county. Now Suffolk County's Police Department, they're the highest paid in the nation. A lot of schoolteachers are the highest paid in the nation. New York State's average salary for schoolteachers is $36,000.00 a year. Average. New Jersey is one of them with $32,000.00, and nationwide is $29,000.00. Now, again, using the rule of thumb by rate of inflation 3 1 4 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 by the rate of inflation going back to that 4.5%, this shouldn't be happening. Now go back to the little red ischoolhouse in Laurel there, I'll give you an example. We're finishing up a contract :there, teachers' contract there in Laurel school, and we're going to start ,a new one this year, and I hate to look at what it's going to be. The last two years, it was 29%. That's almost 10% every year for school teachers. I'm not saying nobody is entitled to a raise. I'm not saying that. But how much? We must use a guideline, and I think the inflation rate is the guideline. Now getting back, again, to the question there is, you just passed a Town employee's contract, right? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes:. FRANK CARLIN: You raised it 5.5%, right? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes, that's what was contracted. FRANK CARLIN: That's over 4.5%. Now, I know you opposed that, but yet your colleagues when I questioned them where for the 4.5%, and then the next year 6%, right? You don't even know what the inflation rate is going to be. It might even be Iow. That's a good guideline. I know in Grummans, in Grummans, if you're ever employed by Grummans between 15 and 18 months he waits, and he get a 5%. I feel that should be the guideline. There's no reason why people should take...I remember Town Board..l've got records home to show you Town Board raises. In fact, I stood here five years ago, and I proved to the Town Board, the Town Board was taking 12%, 15% raises. I proved it to them one night here. We had elected officials, the rest of us wasn't here, it was another building. 1979 to 1985, when I was speaking here. I proved that he took $14,000.00 in this town, in that amount of years. They couldn't believe it. People were behind me. They said, Oh my God, oh my God. That was it. 4.5 should be the rule of thumb. As far as the consultant goes, I'm going to speak on that in great detail. I'm going right down the line, on different programs, and what ever, and prove to you on that. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Thank you, Mr. Carlin. Is there anybody else in the audience at this time, that would like to address the audience. Yes? WILLIAM PELL: Just a couple of points I'd like to bring up tonight, to satisfy in my own mind, if I could? First of all, I'd like to address the Town Attorney, and why did he say you were going to have a Town Attorney aboard, he thought? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: We hope as soon as possible. I've been promised one for a long time. WILLIAM PELL: What was said, a week or two? ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY KIERNAN: We hope. WILLIAM PELL: The next meeting scheduled is three weeks away. Are you going to have a special meeting for that? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: If that's what it takes. Yes. WILLIAM PELL: The next meeting is the 27th, so there will be a special m.eeting prior to that. You anticipate one. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I hope so. Yes. WILLIAM PELL: Thank you. Where are we on the Justice Court out back? Out back, when did it arrive, last fall? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I'II be glad to turn that over, This morning, I think we came to a satisfactory conclusion with what is happening with the building in the back, and George or Matt, either one, certainly had four people this morning working with Mr. Laducca, who came out, who is the general contractor, and all the problems, the punch list, the shop drawings that had error on them,. are all going to be corrected. Hopefully by sometime in .the first or second week of March, all these problems will be put away, and we will at that time hope that the Justices will be able to move into that building. WILLIAM PELL: When did they arrive, Scott? How long ago? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: September. October. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: August. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: It's been quite a few months, I know that WILLIAM PELL: I believe? Eight months? EEBRIJARY 6, 1990 3 1 5 How much have we paid? So far, we hold $17,000., SUPERVISOR HARRIS: We held back $17,000.00. WILLIAM PELL: How much have we paid so far? COUNCILMAN PENNY: The contract was about $110,000.00 WILLIAM PELL: We paid approximately $90,000.00? $90,000.00 we paid, and in eight months we can't use the building? Taxpayers are losing interest on that money. It will effect your interest account at the end of the year. Eight months is a long time. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Bill, this is some of the problems that I inherited. I hope you realize that. WILLIAM PELL: I realize that, Scott, but I realize the Board has to deal with ~- SUPERVISOR HARRIS: We are correcting them as soon as we can. WILLIAM PELL: So it's been eight months. Okay, thank you. Anything new on .the Gu!l :Pond bulkhead? You appointed someu,,e to do it? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes. We had plans come in today, which we looked over at the Town Board, and Ellen, would you like to respond to that for Mr. Pell? COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: The plans came from New York State Park and Recreation and Preservation. They had a s'et of the original plans and specs. Ray Jacobs was here. He took them back to the Highway Department, although they're on official file in the Town Clerk's Office. Tom Samuels has offered to draw the bid specifications up for the Town. WILLIAM PELL: I know Tom did. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: That's it. We've got the plans. That's about as far as we've gotten so far. The original plans. WILLIAM PELL: One other point, two other points, really, I started on one before, I've given a lot of thought to, even though we buy cars, your car, police cars, whatever cars, off of the State contract, have to think about going to bid. Take the State specs, and go to bid and say, or equal. See if somebody local could come up with something equal or perhaps within reasonable price, and keep the money within the township. Just a thought. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Pell, I've written down your suggestion as previously stated. WILLIAM PELL: Thank you. I'd like to go back to the minutes of, perhaps,January 9th, more or less to the 23rd,- the last meeting. I'd asked about the position in the Assessor's Office? You had answered me by saying, it's the position that was asked for. I went back trying to find the paper trail, when it was asked for. I went to the Supervisors, to the Assessors, excuse me, budget that' was turned into the Town Clerk's, September 1. There was no request in there for additional staff. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Pell, I'm sorry to inform you, that there was a document that was provided by the Chairman of the Board of Assessors to this Board, which we followed up with, asking for that position. WILLIAM PELL: When? I have here, received September 1 by the Town Clerk, and it's not in this request for the budget. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: It was not a budget request. It was in the postion, as I said, and it had been eliminated and dropped out of the budget. This 'is not a new position, a new person. This is just a new position. It's done as a policy of this Board. Those employees, which like to further themselves, as far as education goes, and those whb would like to take civil service test to better themselves with salary, that is a policy of this Board, and that is what has happened in the Board of Assessors. WILLIAM PELL: Now you've answered my question. You have somebody on staff, who has taken this test, passed it, and qualified for this position? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes, sir. 3 1 6 .EBRUAR 6, WILLIAM PELL: Might I ask, what her position is now? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Assessment clerk. WILLIAM PELL: What work does she do under Civil Service? clerk under Civil Service, you already have the position. If she is an assessment SUPERVISOR HARRIS: We're asking for assessment assistant, what was asked for. WILLIAM PELL: But my question to you is, what work is she doing now? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: She's doing work well outside of the clerk's work in the Assessor's Office. WILLIAM PELL: (tape change) clerk typist, she's working out of classification. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: That is why she took the test, and that's why the Town Board is c~onsidering the recommendation. WILLIAM PELL: Does she do clerk-typist work, or do you plan to replace her with another clerk-typist? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Not to my knowledge., no. WILLIAM PELL: In my mind, from sitting up there when I did, I can't see how you can have somebody doing clerk-typist work here, according to Civil Service. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Pell, you know full well that there are many people in this Town who are working well outside of the title that is presented by Civil Service, and that is why, and that is how they better themselves in this town. That's the only opportunity that they have to do so. WILLIAM PELL: Back to the point I'm trying to make, Mr. Supervisor. They're hired under Civil Service to do clerk-typist work, and they're doing some otl~er work, then they're hiring workers out of their classification, aren't .you? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Which they are allowed to do 30%. WILLIAM PELL: Is she only working 30% outside of her classification? SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Pell, I don't know what the running debate is on this. There is nothing to be clear about. This's a position, that has been asked for. Tile Town has responded. Civil Service list has been asked for, and the person will be screened, and asked through civil service rules and regula- tions. WILLIAM PELL: I agree, but I can not see how you can sit up there, and be chief office of this town, and know somebody's doing only 30% here, and 70% there. It just don't jive in my thinking, back and forth as being clearly defined under civil service law. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Mr. Pell, unfortunately, I'm glad that you brought this to light. Many individuals in this town, certainly work well beyond the capacity of the title they're in. Thank God, they do, because otherwise there wouldn't be half the work get done in this town, that gets done. Thank you for your comments. Anybody else in the audience? (No response.) At this time, we did the Councilman's ~eports today at the work session, however the Task Force Chairman Tom Wickham, and a element of the Task Force, the recycling, Ruth Oliva h~s asked to speak at this time. Tom, I'll let you take the floor to tell the people where we are with the Task Force, and what's being done up to date. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Thank you, Scott. I'II just take a few minutes to recap very briefly, the work of the Waste Management in the last two weeks. First of all, l'd like to bring you up to date on the regional initiative. That is the efforts of the five east end towns to work together, to try to come up with some logic of where we're going together. There was a press conference on the subject. last Wednesday, and t'11 just summarize, briefly, the ten points, which the five east end towns have agreed to work at together. Point number one, al five towns have agreed in principal to put together a mandatory recycling program aiming at a 25% reduction by December of this year, in the DEC specified waste stream of each town. Two, each-town will put an applications to be. submitted for yard waste composting facilities by June of this year. Three, each town would prepare it's own invironmental and economical analysis of materials transport by 10f31 of this year. Four, and I might mention, Rich, that it spoke of environmental and economic analysis of materials transport. Four. C&D waste would be eliminated FEBRUARY 6, 1990 317 from unlined landfill waste stream by December 18 of this year. Solid waste management plans would be complete with full SEQRA review of all alternatives by October 1. Permit applications for the operation of the stock facilities would filed with the DEC by April 1. Number seven. Seven is in regard to the Brookhaven Option, and I'm going to come back to that in a minute, and give a little more detail. Eight. Working with the East End Recycling Association, the east end towns will permit to participate with a regional material recovery facility by the end of the year. Nine. Towns will complete the full SEQRA review for each phase of this program before implementation. Ten. Public participation, including further development of this program through combined information meetings for all east end towns, and individual presentations will be made for each town, citizen feedback. Those are the ten points, that in principle, the five towns have agreed to undertake. To put this long term program in place with a sound financial footing, it will be neccessary for the state, New York State, to make some short term adjustments, so that taxpayer revenues are not used to cover short hauling and disposal fees. implementation, therefor, of this above ten point program depends upon the ability of the east end towns to continue to utilize their existing landfill facilities for those portions of the Waste stream not eliminated by the above measures throuoh July 1, 1992. That is to say, for doing those ten things, that the five towns h~ve agreed to explore, and to work towards, we are askinc~ for an 18 month extension of the December 1990 closure. We understand that the Commissioner .is, the regional director, is looking at this, and there wiI! be further negotiations between us and him. I'd like to turn now to what we're calling the Brookhaven option, to be sure that there is understand" ~- part of the public, and no confusion on this issue. Brookhaven is in the process of going to bid on a new system of facilities in Brookhaven Town to take care of it's garbage. Their facilities will include a MI RF for recycling, a composting facility, and a waste to energy plant. That waste to energy plant will most probably be an incinerator. Brookhaven will be asking the towns, including Southold, in a written letter, do you wish 'to participate in our facility? We expect to get that letter any day now, and we'll be expected to respond to that, with a letter of interest in principe. Not a committment, but simply an expression of interest. Whether in principal we may wish to participate, and if so, with how much waste? We rather expect to get that letter any day now, and we do expect to say, yes, we may be interested at such and such a rate. We're riqht now, trying to sharpen our penc'ils, estabish the minimium possible rate, becaus~ obviously there will be a cost associated with that. Brookhaven will then take these fic~ures from Southold, from Riverhead, from whatever towns participate togethe~ with their own, add the all up, and then go to bid, asking vendors to give price quotations based on those figures. When the figures come back to them, they in turn will get back to us, and say okay, these are the prices. If Souti~old wishes to partici- pate, this will be the fee that we'll have to charge for it, and these will be the various understandings. That will probably come in September or October, and at that time Town of Southold will be asked to fish or cut bait. At that time, we'll have to make a commitment. We don't have to make a commitment prior to that time, and I'm not in any way predicting how I, or the Task Force, or the Board will go when that time comes. This is an option, that we are exploring seriously, and it will be made available to the Town to take a decision probably in October. We had a resolution, tonight, on engagin9 the services of Dvirka & Bartilucci. We have negotiated a contract. At no cost to the Town, we have had excellent professional help. on the Task Force, helping to negotiate this contract. I think it's an excellent contract, and although I wish we could have done it without it, I feel we have to have had that kind of help from a reputable firm to 9et us through all of these requirements. Illegal dumpin9, which was r~ferred to tonight by several people, and I think it's a increasin9 concern, and the Task Force is taxin9 this as it's next order of business. There are fines out there. Stated fines, I believe it's $1,000.00 for people who are caught. What I'd like to say is, anybody in the Town, who can find somebody doing illegal dumping, just get. the license plate number and tell the Police. We're 9oin9 to ha,ce to be very serious about this, and really go after them. We don't want Southold to be just a dumpin9 ground. I want to make just one comment about the proposed increase from one cent to two cents a pound. Ladies and gentleman, the Town of Southold, and the citizens of this town, are 9oin9 to pay a great deal of money for the dump sooner or later. These costs are just the beginnin9. It's goin9 to cost close to a million dollar an acre to line the landfill, the way the DEC regulations require it. The costs are going to be very substantial.. Everyb6dy should understand that, right at the outset. These steps, that are being proposed. now, are only the very beginning, and are only small steps. To comply with this New York law, if it stays on the books, and we have no reason to think it won't, will be extremely expensive. Everybody should understand that. Recycling, I'II turn to Ruth, to ~omment on that. She's chairman of the Recycling Committee. I would just' in conclusion say, that our next meeting of the .Task Force is at 7:30 P.M., next Tuesday. Normally it's Mondays. We welcome observers. Observers, who are more than observers, but contribute to those meetings. They have made real contributions, and we Welcome anybody who wishes to participate, professionally, make professiona contributions. We don't need political type discussions. We 318 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 do need sincere people from the Town, who want to contribute their professional, or knowledge expertise, to solve a serious problem. Mr. Chairman, that concludes my report. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: to the audience. Ruth,would you want your report, and then I'll go back COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Just in connection with recycling, I was at a New York State Legislative conference on solid waste management, and the opening speakers were all these so-called big wigs from upstate. Hinchy. Mel Miller. Senator Owen Johnson. Tom JorJing who's commissioner of DEC, and they all came out and said we've got bad news. We're creating more garbage. What are we going to do about it? We sending more of our garbage out of state. Although we're closing our landfills down, we're sending it out of state. What disappointed me, from all of them, there was no real positive suggestions from any of them. We're creating more garbage. Then Why aren't they initiating laws to somehow lessen the packaging. Put, perhaps, deposits on batteries, on tires, or what have you. How can we help fund you to help you with your problems. There are many small town, not here, just here on Long Island, but upstate New York. I was really very disappointed. Somehow we are all expected to solve everything with no help or direction from them whatsoever. I was really very disappointed in their remarks. As far as our own recycling, I think it's coming along. We will have voluntary recycling for on the curbside by March 1st. Our carters have been extremely cooperative, and I really do thank them. I'm working on a flier, that will be given to the carters. I hope very explicit directions on what people, should do, and not do with their garbage, and they should have tha~ within the next week. 'they, also, want labe!s for their cans, and I hope we can get those as expenditously as possible. The education committee is working with the schools. The schools have been most cooperative, and they have sent representatives here to hear the program, and we have Rob Arner with the E2RA, and some members of our committee, that have worked very hard with Rob, and the schools, to really develop a good program, because I think one of the best ways to reach everyone in town with recycling, is through our children. They understand, I think, better than we do. So I think everything is going along very nicely on that. Thank you, Scott. I just want to make one other comment, if I may. The reason ! voted no, I should have really yes, maybe, perhaps on the audit, is I don't want to try to be critical, but I saw in the morning, there was the bill for your car. I have no objection to your car. You're entitled to the car, but we were never informed, or we passed a resolution to approve getting that car, and I iust feel a little badly that we were not informed, that it was taken out of '89 funds, and I was not really aware of it, and that we had to go to New Jersey to pick up the car, and again, this was before you took office in 1990, and no question I wouldn't even change my vote to a yes, but I would like to just be informed when these things are going on, because you have said that you are for open government and what have you. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: That was a 6-0 vote at that time two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, the resolution about the car and so on. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Then I missed it. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Yes? EDWARD SIE{~MANI~ : I have two questions in reference to the extension. Number one, I'm glad to see that it's happening, that there will an extension. I read the newspaper now, on two different dates about when Brookhaven would liave their plant on line. One says 1993. The other ne~vspaper says 1995. Does anyone have any idea, that if this thing went through, is there a target date where Brook- haven would have their plant ready? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: First of all, I think 1995 is the earliest, but,l haven't read the papers that carefully, but I would say it would take atleast five years. Second thing I'd like to say, I would not want to give the impression, that we have negotiated an extension. We're working on it. We hope it will develop, but it is far too early to say that we have that extension. EDWARD SIEGMANN: One thing that concerns me, we're talking about an eighteen month extension. If it would only be ready in 1995, let's say that everything goes the way you plan. You give an answer at the end of this year, that you're going to go into what Brookhaven wants, and they go ahead to have it built. What happens between the time that that 18 months expires and 1995, if that's the date that it would be ready, because we see how the DEC acted with us before, saying this is that, this is it, that's the way it's going to be. Would there be a door left open, that if they were in the process of building the plant at that time, that 18 months won't be cast in stone? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I'can't answer that question accurately, in fact I'm not even sure, if we're going to get the eighteen months. The door,~ that would FEBRUARY 6, 1990 3 I 9 be left open though, at the end, is to enable to landfill our garbage in a lined land cell. That could be built within that 18 month period, so that's the door that would be open, and it would not involve trucking long distances and so on. EDWARD SIEGMANN: Well, that's what I was concerned about. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: There are many options, by the way, and I don't want to leave the impression, that the town is only looking at this Brookhaven thing. There are many different possibilities, and the answer to your question is there are at least four or five options, that need to be evaluated to find the least cost solution. RICHARD CAGGIANO: I just want to say, I haven't been able to participate in any these waste management things myself because I'm already committed to some of the other things I do, but I understand you're doing a heck of a iob leading that, and I'd like to congratulate you on that type of job you're doing. I do have a question on, can you define what materials transport is? What are you talking about? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: There's the likelihood that this town will want to transfer some of it's materials to Riverhead, possibly to Brookhaven, maybe to Southampton to be a transfer material, both the recyclable materials, possibly the compostahle materials, and. maybe a whole range of different materials, also, the C & D material. We are not legally able under the DEC regulations, again, to just do that having an official facility built to specification by which we can do it. It has to be a concrete floor. There has a structure, a roof over it, There has to be weighing scales and so on. We may be able to modify some of what we have there, but is the material transfer facility. RICHARD CAGGIANO: I didn't understand the word facility. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: It's a transfer station, is the term that's usually given. RICHARD CAGGIANO: That's not the way I understood it, and Ed,l guess, brought up the other question I had, if you were asking for an extension through '92 and the possibility of the Brookhaven thing not being done until '95, what do you do with the space in there? You already addressed that. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Is there anyone else? WILLIAM PELL: The only thing I'd like to ask Tom is, when it comes time to fish or cut bait, you go with BroOkhaven or will you have other alternatives that we can conSider at that time, so we won't have all our eggs in one basket, and you answered it for me. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Is there any other comments from the audience? (No response.) Anybody else on the Town Board? Ray? JUSTICE EDWARDS: I'd like to add a few comments here. Another one on Fishers Island is Thomas Wall referred 'to Fishers Island. They're in the process now of disbanding the garbage district, that which is over there, which the taxpayers pay into. People of Southold do not contribute to our garbage district on Fishers Island. They're going to disband that district and the Town of Southold will have to take care of our refuse problems on Fishers Island. We have been paying 8% of the cost of Cutchogue, I mean of the landfill at Cutchogue, for the past probably six years, eight years, and getting no use from it at all. So now, it's going to be put into Southold's pocket. It's going to be their control. Now we .have started already.. We've got the engineering done on simple recycling bins, three of them, like We have up at the landfill area, and we've located a company in Connecticut, that Will come over and drop two roll off containers for number one, glass and number two, tin cans. Nothing has been addressed in plastic, yet, and when one of these bins, these roll offs fill up, they will come over, they'll have a place to dump an empty one, and take the full one back to Connecticut. ~.'¥e're starting a recycling on Fishers Island by the first of April. The plans are already dp*awn up on that, and I believe the garbage district will be going ahead to put this in place, and the garbage district is going to pay for it, because now the Town of Southold can not contribute any funds to our district on the island. One other thing, Walsh Park, our affordable housing project on Fishers Island is underway and I expect within a month four of the homes will be ready for occupancy. We started out by buying 26 acres for $450,000.00. The monies of which, were contri- buted by people on Fishers Island, and since than, after seco'nd and third appeal, they,ve come up with another $550,000.00 for the intra-structures. That's putting in the water lines, the cul-de-sac, the telephones, and the power and so forth. 3 2 0 FEBRUARY 6, 1990 These people will be moving into these homes for approximately $80,000.00. It's a home on a one acre. There's twelve of them in the 26 acres. There's a lot of green belt left around it. There's four people that have been accepted by the program, and after they're completed, I imagine there will be four or six more before the end of the year, people that will be getting in. Then l'm glad to see, also, this new engineering firm. AS I said earlier, the first time I went through one of the engineering firms, where they definately mentioned Fishers Island, and the way it looks now, I gave some information to Mr. Wickham to check on a hauler or a carter in the Connecticut area, and it will probably be to the Town's advantage, when they take over our refuse problem on the island to haul the garbage to one of the areas in Connecticut Or Rhode Island, and not have to bring it accross the two boats over here to Orient, and wherever it's going from there. So that is probably the best option, is to take it off the island. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Thank you. George? COUNCILMAN PENNY: I just wanted to make a comment. Accusations, or charges, or other things came up tonight, and in the 'spirit of the message, which I tried to deliver last week, that the election is over. Let's put the campaign stuff behind us. I really choose not ~o comment on that type of comment in this public forum. 1'11 be very happy to address any member of the press, because I'm sure that they want to hear what I have to say. However, in the spirit of working together with the Town Board, and asking that people forget their differences. The campaign is over. Let's get on with the business, that we have =t hand, and ! would just like to close with that. Thank you. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: As far as my no vote tonight, on the Town bills, as Ruth briefly stated that before Scott took office, evidently the car was purchased. There was never a Town Board resolution authorizing the purchase of the car. Is that correct? COUNCILMAN PENNY: No. It was passed unanimously the last week in December. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: the Supervisor's Office. It was a 6-0 vote in December, addressing the vehicle for COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: As far as Dvirka and Bartilucci, the reason that I voted no, is because at the time I had serious considerations on the directions, that they were leading and we'll probably need hydrological studies, and I still have some very grave reservations with that. If they decide to change course on it, it would be exactly in accordance with the intial recommendations that were made to us by H2M, and that's all I have to say. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HARRIS: Okay, being the lateness of the hour, someone like to make a motion? Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board meeting be and hereby is adiournd at 10:05 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Wickham, Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoma Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. Judith T. Terry ~/uuu~ Southold Town Clerl~