HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 13041 P 182 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIII IIII IIII llilll 11111 11111 1111 IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 12/20/2019 Number of Pages: 4 At: 04 : 25 : 38 PM Receipt Number : 19-0238878 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-15246 LIBER:• D00013041 PAGE : 182 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 098 . 00 01. 00 011. 002 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0 . 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 . 00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $125 . 00 NO TP-584 $5 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $0 . 00 NO RPT $200 . 00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $0 . 00 NO Fees Paid $395 . 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-15246 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Eo Number of pages RECORDED 201v. Dec 20 04:25:38 PH JUDITH R. PASCALE CLERK OF This document will be public SUFFOLK COIJNTV record.Please remove all L D00013041 Social Security Numbers P 182 prior to recording. DT# 19-15246 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES LD— Mortgage Amt. Page/Filing Fee _ 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 �— Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. �- or EA 52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX ��/}-� Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax — Affidavit + �. Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other Grand Total If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page#(1 of this instru i fn .� 4 Dist, 19040850 1000 09800 0100 011002 1.002 S Community Preservation Fund Real Prop e RPT pr II��IWIIIII� I I Consideration Amount$ Tax Service DTY Agency i9-0EC-1 CPF Tax due S Verificatic Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land David J.DePinto,Esq. TD _ DePinto Law, LLP TD 737 Smithtown Bypass Smithtown,DIY 11787 TD Mail to:Judith A.Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# $ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached Bargain&Sale Deed w/Covenants made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Martin T.Kosmynka The premises herein is situated in Christine D.Kosmynka SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Southold T Christine D.Kosmynka In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchogue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE,made the 81h day of November 2019 BETWEEN MARTIN T.KOSMYNKA and CHRISTINE D.KOSMYNKA 1985 Pine Tree Road,Cutchogue,New York 11935 the party of the first part,and CHRISTINE D.KOSMYNKA 1985 Pine Tree Road,Cutchogue,New York 11935 party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part,in consideration of ten dollars,and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate,lying and being DISTRICT in the See Schedule A attached 1000 SECTION 098.00 BLOCK 01.00 BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises described indeed to the party of the first part dated 2/26/2001 LOT and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 27,2001 in Liber 12104 at Page 412. 011.002 SAID PREMISES being known as and by the street address: 1985 Pine Tree Road,Cutchogue,New York TOGETHER with all right,title and interest,if any,of the parry of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center line thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the parry of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose, The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: MARTIN T.KOSMYNKA CHRISTINE D. SMYNKA LSLI I AN`umolgl!wS ssed C8 umolgl!wS LCL d'7'1`mel olu!daa d}I�IAL�ISO?I'Q�AII LSI2IH� bs�'olu!dad•I•p!AeH of of poo Sq uanlaH pue paoaaH tiloHns NMol NO UNnoo V?INAIVSO)I'Q SNI LSRIH� zoo,I W 10-1 PUB VXNAWSOM'L NIIHVW 001W moola 00'960 N01103S .oN a!lt.L (tuamlpalmou„ae awlel lanpfAlPUlJ0 aaUJo.pue amleafS) S713V S,AOjURJq JSUTU2V 4U-CUaA0a gl!tA paaQ ales Pug Ulewaeg sol IuauiYpa/mnngav aav/d aaym au rCrluna.�au afvle-ayl Puv m,pyns lv9gyvdaayn�.+n fun r�asu� aql u!pauS!srapun aql alojaq aoueleadde gans apew!enp!A!pu!gans)eql pue`wawn.11sw aql palnaaxa`palae(s)!enp!A!pu! 3q1 g3!gm 3o 31egaq uodn uos.iad uauuapalmou�ac aupel lenpwpw fo aay�o pue amluuals) aql to'(S)!enp!A!pw aql`luawnllsui aql uo(s)a.mleu3!s.naglpaq/s!q ,Cq wql pup `(sa!)Sl!3ede3 rayl/.iag/s!q u! awes oql palnaaxa ,Cag1/aqs/aq legl ow of paSpa!mora!3e put luawnllsu! u!gl!m aql of pagla3sgns(a.le)st(s)aweu asogm(s)!enp!A!pu!aql aq of 93uap!Aa -luawn.0su! f0olacjs!1es}o s!seq oql uo aw 01 panoad.ro ow of umoul Cpeuosaad aql palnaaxa`paloe(s)jenp!A!pu!aqi ga!gm,{o 31egoq uodn uoslad aql.to`(s)!enp!A!pu!ag1 yuawn.11sui aql uo(s)alnleO!s vagi/aaq/s!q pa.readde�I!euosjad'pou3ls.rapun ay1`aw a1ojoq Cq legl pue `(sa!)k!3ede3 naglpaq/sig u! awes aql palnaaxa 6102 lea C aql u! 3o,Cep aql up ,Cagl/ags/oq leq)aw of p0Rpa!m0ui!3e Pup luawrulsu!u!q)!m 341 01 I paquosgns(ale)s!(s)saweu asogm(s)!enp!A!pu!aql aq 01 33u3p!A3 (4nedi0jwn{y as VVUJAwd'XII—a0'ajejo yj/.N anuaA 846/d-00) /11013e3spas jo s!seq aql uo ow of pano.td io aw o1 umoR,C!!euosaad pamadde�!!euoslad`pau5!sjapunagl`awwojoq (aleaj/xjao juaur6081M0-YoyI-auaeJ uBiavo,f jo ajeig jo inpj 6102 aea,C aql u! 3o,Cep oql up 'A WO 31W.L9 MMOA MHN :ss wiw:ins do A1Nnoo'MHOA M3N d0 31V1S 30/91170 aSn MO-4 mmol LN3PNJ037MoNxoV zzoZ'6.-:sn6ny sojidx3 uolssiwwo A,,unoo�Icgn9 ui pagpen0 99bLtr0930Z0'nN fpoA IeeN M ele:g'a lgnd/JEto O1NIde0'P OIAVO (ma(dp0lm0u>lae amjel lenpiAipm jo aeg3o pue 2m)ew9is) (ryauApalmo"u 8uf)lel tenp!Al uyo a puemleuais) luawn.rlsu! 'luawntlsu! aql palnaaxa'pain(s)!enp!A!pu! oql g3!gm 3o 31egaq uodn uostad aql palnaaxa Edaql g3!gm-}o 31egoq uodn uosrad oql.ro'(s)!enp!A!pu!aql`luawntlstu aql uo(s)amleu3!s nagl/1aq/s!q aql ao'(s)!enp!A!put aq1`luawnalsu!aq1 uo(s)alnwu8!s t!3g1/jaq/s!q ,Cq 1eg1 pup `(so!)Rl!wde3 nagl/ioq/s!q u! awes aql palnaaxa ,Cq legl pup `(sa!),Cl!3edu3 .r!ag1/jaq/s!q ui awes aql palnaaxa ,Cagl/ags/aq legl aw of paOpa!mou>m pup watun-lsul u!gl!m aql of Aagl/ags/aq 1eg1 aw of pApa!moui!3e Pup luawrulsul u!gl!m aql of paqu3sgns(ale)s!(s)soweu osogm(s)!enp!A!pu!aql aq 01 33u3p!Ao paq!i3sgns(aae)s!(s)saweu asogm(s)!enp!A!pu!aq1 oq 01 a3uap!Aa AlololRjs!les jo s!seq aql uo aw of panold ao ow of umoux,C!!euosiad C.roppjsues jo S!seq oql uo aw 01 panold 10 aw of umoul Allnuos.cad `V)INAWSOA'U3NILSINHOPup VMNAWSOH'I NIIIUVW pajeadde,COeuosiad`paud!saapun oql'aw auojaq pa.readde,Cpeuosaad`pauO!siapun ay`aw ajojoq 6IOZ iea,C aq1 u! jo,Cep 3q1 up 6102 laa,C 341 u! .ragwaAON Jo.Cep ,,g agl up VSS 10 A1Nnoo'XHOA M3N d0 31V1S SS mioddns d0 A1Nn00'vmOA M3N d0 31VIS SCHEDULE A Legal Description SCTM#: 1000-098.00-01.00-011.002 1985 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue, New York ALL that certain piece or parcel of real property, with the improvements therein contained, situated and being at East Cutchogue,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lots 21-A and part of 22 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Nassau Farms" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 28, 1935 as Map No. 1179, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Pine Tree Road distant 83.72 feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Redwood Road with the easterly side of Pine Tree Road, said point also being where the division line between Lot 21 and 21A intersects the easterly side of Pine Tree Road; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning along the easterly side of Pine Tree Road, North 28 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds West 53.10 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE thru Lot 22 along land now or formerly of Fishlinger, North 74 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds East 248.00 feet to a point on the westerly side of Little Creek; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Little Creek along a tie line, South 28 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds East 82.04 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE along the division line between Lot 21 and 21A, South 80 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West 256.00 feet to a point on the easterly side of Pine Tree Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. • INSTRUCTIONS(RP-5217-PDF-iNS).www orps.statemy.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY New York State Deparlment of C1,studs code � S � Taxation and Finance C2.Data Dead Recorded I12 / �/ ((QTI Office of Real Property Tax Services i °�^ Yr' RP-5217-PDF C9.Book . C4.Page Real Property Transfer Report(81`110) I PROPERTY INFORMATION I.Property 198=1 Fine Tree Road Location .STN-F r%miwo •STOFFr NWF Southold Cutchogue •C•T'.OR TO0. —E E •li•CA:N 2.Buyer Kosmvnica Chris-lr.e 1. Name •usr nwLCdwarr I mita'WL _0.5•NLNLICOMPAM 'P5:NWF S.Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sem Billing if other than buyer address(ol boMm of form) LAW NA•I LOMPA Y r r+sr n W! Address SlubakM 4btl•ANJ 0.Ay6 C."Wrnwr. 5-.TE air sous 4.Indicate the number of AsummeM I_ (Only R Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: Roll parcels transferred an the deed e at parcels OR ❑Part of a Pared 4A.Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists Loved \ (JR 0.3 t 4B.Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer ❑ Property •+xr:rrr• •OEP'F 4:Rss Etre 4C.Parol Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided ❑ Kcstcynka Mart'n T. 6.Seller ..AS'NAWCdunAW FWST NANO Name K3sii:yrika Chr_SL'_iie D. 1S'NA4FA:C4•'.111f CPSr NUr_ 'T.Select the description which most accurately describes the Check the boxes below as they apply: use of the prop"at the ams of sale: B.Ownership Type Is Condominium F1A.One I'arnily Resirlcntial 9.New Construction on s vacant land F1 tOA.properly Located within an Agricultural District 100.Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the properly is In an ❑ Agricultural District SALE INFORMATION 15.C sck one or more of those conditions as applicable to transfer: A'Sole Between Relatives or Former Relatives 71.Sale Contract Date �^ B.Sale between Related Companies or Partners in Bunnies. C One of the Buyers is also a Salter '12.Data of SaNlTnmfor �l D.Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution E Deed Type not warranty or Bargain and Sole(Specify Below) F Sale of Fractions!or Lou than Fee Interest(Specify BSIOsq •1;1.Full Sole Pride -.0o G.Signf Brit Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates 1 Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal r .Sated nusrmes i c ors diffIncluded to Sale Prim This payment may be in the farm d cash.other property or goods,or the assumption of t Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sole Prix(Spectty,Below) mortgages or alter obligations.F Pream round ro dre newest whole doaer amount J Noris 'Comment's)on Condition: 14.Indicate the value of personal 0 (ID property Included hrthe sak Irt.ra-rami•; tra:ts!ec ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16.Year of Assessment Roll from which Information token(YY) 19 117.Taal Assessed value •1&Property Class 2.0 •1e.School District Nems c - Mattitt.rk CSD i •20.ha Map Iderdtfler(syRoll ldestitbr(s)(If more than four,attach shout with additional idemdfler(a)) iJLill-C:-8.W-01.00-0002 CERTIFICATION I Certify that all of tied ibme of Information entered an this form are true and correct(to the best of my knowledge and ballet)and I understand Brat the making of any willful tales olatsmontof mate. I fact heroin subject me to theyLgyHlOna d mtoensl law reladvo to the making and Sling of blsa Instrmams. SELLER RE BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION (Enter rnhmwdm far re buyer Nom'It buwr m LC sociry.imucisten,mnmmaen love stock mmpe5y.astato or rMy atel kit rel an iWiridual Bora r:hdnory.man a name and mkrtact vea madon of an rnwkdusvmspensisre / party who can answrgxsaons regarding the sansfor must be Type For print clearly.) ]ATE K l5:aytmka Chr_sL)ne D. BUYER SIGNATURE •L.ET-WE H4bi nAML kilt{,:n1` .k Lm•�.T. r..NF.=:�F.'•l..rr.� ?ire '_'ree Road 'STREET NJRF_N 'ST •ra4E ,A;tchoque NY 1193 •P.Ir dm•'OW1Y 'STATE ':•�•k%la r BUYER'S ATTORNEY UeFinto David J. ll JSTNWC rrra:Naw (63:) 219-8203 M.A CCD. -EIFP"%Fr..yLRc4CL•JT XQn m 11 a