HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 13038 P 104 • I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l • 111111 IIIII Illll IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: . 12/02/2019 Number of Pages : 4 At: 11 : 03 : 18 AM Receipt Number : 19-0225381 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-12733 LIBER: D00013038 PAGE : 104 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 045 . 01 01 . 00 033 .000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $375, 000 . 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 .00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $125. 00 NO TP-584 $5 .00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $0 . 00 NO RPT $200 . 00 NO Transfer tax $1, 500 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $4, 500 .00 NO Fees Paid $6,395 . 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-12733 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County 11P] RECORDED Number of pages 2019 Dec 02 11:03:18 FIM .JUDITH H. PA_CALE CLERK OF This document Will be public SUFFOLK COUNTY record. Please remove all L 000013038 Social Security Numbers P 104 prior to recording. DT# 19-12731 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 1 FEES Page/Filing FeeMortgage Amt. r 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 SubTotal Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17(County) SubTotal Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. �y�� Held forAppointment Comm.of Ed. S. 00 Transfer Tax Affidavit + + Mansion Tax "�f%�� The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 P family dwelling only. V Sub Total CJ YES orNO Other o /) Grand Total e CJ If N0, see appropriate tax clause on page# of this instrument. C �1 4 Dist.100 19038334 5 Community Preservation Fund 1000 04-901 0100 033000 Real Property P T S Consideration Amount$ S ��— T Agency ax e R VIT A CPF Tax Due $ Verification 29�VOV-t Improved Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address 6 RECORD&RETURNTO: Vacant Land KEVIN FARIA 32-43 91 ST STREET TD � APT 402 TD EAST ELMHURST, NY 11369 TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name DOWNTOWN ABSTRACT CORP www.suffoikcountyny.gov/clerk Title# DAC-8395 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) SAHIN SAGLAMER The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOUTHOLD KEVIN FARIA In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over — augm and Sale Deed,wrW C—t aguaa Grusmr's Acts--lrmhvid"or C'orWmtiun(Singtc Sheet) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDF,ITURF,made the 17th day of October,in the year 2019 BF,TWEEN'Sahin Saglamer.residing at 115 Spring Valley Road,Paramus,N107652 part),of the first part,and Kevin Faria,residing at 32-43 91"Street,Apt 402,East Elmhurst,NY 11369 party of the second part, W1TNF,SSE111,that the party of the fust part,in consideration of ten and other good and Valuable considation dollars paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate,lying and being in the State of New York County of Suffolk See Schedule"A"annexed hereto 000 Said premises being known as 61475 County Road 411,Unit F105,Greenport,NY District 1000 Section 045.01 Block 01.00 Lot 033.000 Being the same premises as described in deed dated 02/05/2019 recorded 02/07/2019 in Liber 13000 Page 67 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises;TO HAVE;ANE)TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improverrlcnt and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using airy pari of the total of the same for any other purpose.The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties'whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRF:SFNCF.OF: Sahin Saglamer ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE. State of New York,County of ss: State of New York,County of ss: !� X19 On the/ / day of in the year before me,the On the day of in the year before me,the undersigned,personally appeared--- ("�. undersigned,personally appeared , personaiiy known to me or proved to me on a basis of personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heishelthey executed the same in hisfherltheir me that he/sheltheV executed the same in hiAerltheir capacity(ies), and that by hisfherltheir signature(s) on the capacity(ics), and that by hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the mdivi (s)acted,ex cu cd the instru�ment. the individual(s)acted,executed the instrument. �4- t' C NOTARY PU13UC 'i NOTARY PUBLIC LISA STABILE ( dWy Publie,State of New Yot7t Reglstretlon No.41 STS275500 QtlalKled In Nassau Court CornmWzW Eores January i 2021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK TAKEN IN NEW YORK ST-TE 9LILTE State of New York.County of ss: State of County of ss: On the day of in the year before me,the On the day of in the year before me, undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said State, personally the undersigned personally appeared personally known to appeared , the subscribing witness to the foregoing me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be instrument,with whom 1 am personally acquainted,who,being the individual(s)whose name(s)is(are)subscribed to the within by me duly sworn,did depose and say that helshe/they reside(s) instrument and acknowledged to me that helshehhey executed in (if the place of residence is in a city,include the street the same in hismer/their capacity(ics), that by his/herltheir and street number if any,thereof);that hclshelthcy know(s) signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person to be the individual described in and who executed the upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the foregoing instrument;that said subscribing witness was present instrument, and that such individual make such appearance and saw said execute the same;and that said witness at before the undersigned in the (add the city or political the same time subscribed his/her/their name(s) as a witness subdivision and the state or country or other place the thereto acknowledgement was taken). NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC Bargain & Sale Deed COUNTY:Suffolk With Covenants TOIVNICITY:Greenport PROPERTY ADDRESS:31475 County Road 48,Unit E105 Sabin Saglamer SECTION:043.01 TQ - Kevin Feria BLACK:Ot-00 LOT:033.000 Title No. DAC-8395 RETURIN BY MAIL TO: DISTRIBUTED BY I� W(6— JUDICIAL T1ITL fGJUDICL -7 T:800-281-TITLE F;800-FAXM96 4qT T C� ti 9 Downtown Abstract Corp. Title Number: DAC-8395 Page 1 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of real property, situate, lying and being a part of a Condominium at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Resort Motel Unit No. E105 (per deed; Building E, Unit 1051M pursuant to Sched. B to Declaration), together with a 1.47% undivided interest in the Common Elements of the Condominium hereinafter described as the same is defined in the Declaration of Condominium hereinafter referred to. The real property above described is a Resort Motel Unit shown on the plans of a Condominium prepared and certified by Charles Thomas, Architect and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 08115!2008, as Map No. 400 as defined in the Declaration of Condominium entitled Cliffside Resort Condominium made by Tedaldi at Tidemark, Inc., under Article 9-B of the New York Real Property Law dated 0811112008 and recorded in the Office of the of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 08/15/2008 in Liber 12561 pg 793, which said unit is also designated and described as Tax Lot 033.000 in Block 01.00, Section 045.01, District 1000 on the Tax Map of the County of Suffolk Real Property Tax Service Agency. The Land upon which the Unit in the Building is located is described in the Declaration. 1 FUR(AUNTY USE ONLY Now York State Departtnent of C1.awls Code if'f, ,�jt�go 9 i Taxation and Finance C3.Date Deed Recorded oZ- QI Office of Real Property Tax Services RP-5217-PDF CS.Book C4.Page D Real Property Transfer Report(8110) PROPERTY INFORMATION I.Property 6!475 County Road 48, Unit. 7105 Location 'STREET NUMBER •STREET NAME Greenport. 7'544 •CITY OR TOUNI VILLAGE 'ZIP CODE 2.Buyer h'a r 1 a Kevin Name •vlsr NAMxoDMnANr r AST NAME ,AST NAAM VCCCWP FIRST RAM: I 3.Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address(at bottom of form) LAST„µEKppA,r FIRST NAME Address I STREET NUMe1L•RAD NAME CITY OR TOWN STATE ARCODE 4.Indicate the number of Assessment 1 ❑Pan of a Parcel (Only N Part of a Parcel)Chock as they apply: po Roll reels transferred on the dead t d Parcels OR ra ❑ 4A.Planning Board tuSubdivision Authority A Dred x OR 0-00 40.Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer Property •l PONT FEET 'DEPTH 'ACRES Size 4C.Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided Sag I a1:LCt Sabin B.sellar •LAST NAMLJCOMPANY FAST NALE Name LAST44MEMMWMY I IRSTNAME "r.Select the description which most accurately describes the Check the boxes below as they appy: use of the property at the time of sale: B.Ownership Type Is Condominium C.Allarunntll a.New Construction on a Vocald Land ❑ 10A.Property Located within an Agricultuml District 708.Buyer received a disclosure notice Indicating that the property Is In an El District SALE INFORMATION LLS.Check one or more of than conditions as applicable to transfer: A.Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives 11.Sale Contract Date 08/20/2019 B.Sale between Related Companies or Partners In Business. C.One of the Buyers is also a Seller 10/17/2019 D.Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution '12.Date of SakdTrensfer E Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale(Specify Below) F.Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest(Specify Below) 113.Full Sole Price 375,000.00 G.Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates H.Sale of Business Is Included in Sale Price (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. I.Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price(Specify Below) This payment may be in the hum of cash,other property or goods,or the assumption of J.None mortgages or other obligations.)Phase round to thu rwarval whole dollar amount bd Comment(s)on Condition: 14.Indicate the value of personal 0 ,00 properly included In the sale ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 14 Year of Assessment Roll from which Information taken(YY) 19 '17.Total Assessed Value 2,7 50 '18.Property Class 4 1 1 - C '18.School District Name IC-Greenport '20.Tax Map Identiaer(myRDlt IdernMer(s)(If more than four,attach sheet with additional IdentMer(s)) 1000-046.01-C1.013-033.000 CERTIFICATION I Gently that all of On Items of Information entered on this form are true and correct(to the best of cry knowledge and be(ieQ and I understand that the making of any willful false atonement of material fact heroin subject me to the.pfovivions of doe penal.law.reletive to the making and filing of false Instruments. SELLER ER SIGNATURE BUYER-CONTACT INFORMATION _ _—'——__ _ _ (Enter mtama:l n tar the buff.NOW.It buyer Is LLC.mdoy.association,Gdp W1110M.lam atoa Ixxnpany.mats or coaly that a rot on indviduol agent or td clary.then a Tome and contact.don.Taken or an mdwdiatresponslbte /0 parry who can answer quaallona regard ng the transfer must be ercred.Type or print sleedy.) STL OA11. i Fd r•i d Kt:v'_n ATURE •LAST NAMe FIRST WANE , i 16 5j(P a - 035D 'MEA CODE 'TELEPHOENUaBER1E1 Bea1p1e1 rLltgMNAnM DATE 1Or III-NO 'STREET NUMBER-- `` -STREETWAAE m.fllb tYOR TOM •s7ME zle coOE` 13l1YER'3 AT DRNEY. !'a r:a Jos eph LAST NAME nIRST NAME (516) 228-2350 MLA CODE TEHEMMENUYEER(E.amaaet) i 1