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Southold Transportation Commission
Southold Town Hall Conference Room
December 16, 2019 Meeting
Called to Order at 10:00 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich.
Members Present
Councilman William Ruland, Police Chief Martin Flatley, Town Engineers Jamie Richter and Michael Collins,
Planner Brian Cummings, Highway Superintendent Vincent Orlando, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips,
Jim Baker, Nick Mazzaferro, Vice Chairman James Kalin and Tom Fox.
Also Attending
Frank Castellano – New Suffolk Civic Association.
Jessica Frankel – East Marion Community Association.
Approval of November 18, 2019 Meeting Minutes
A motion to accept the minutes was made by Jim Baker, was seconded by Trustee Phillips and was carried.
Public Requests
NYSDOT Response re Crosswalk Request on NYS Route 25 between Hobart Road and Town Harbor Lane -
As previously reported, NYSDOT advised that “the installation of a crosswalk at this location would not be
appropriate at this time”.
Update re Request for Speed Limit Reduction/Warning Signage on Eugenes Road & Skunk Lane - Cutchogue
As NYSDOT has expressed no objection to lowering the speed limit from 35mph to 30 mph on Eugenes Road
& Skunk Lane, Councilman Ruland recommended that a memo from the Commission to the Town Board be
submitted about the scheduling of a public hearing concerning that issue.
Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests
Pike & Dean Parking Lots - Town Board Decision - Mattituck
Power for the lighting at the Dean Lot is to be installed.
Parking Study - New Suffolk (See Below)
Jamie Richter advised that the Town Board would review the consultants’ report to date. Jim Baker and Mr.
Castellano of NSCA reported that they had telephone interviews with the consultants.
No U-Turns on Love Lane – Mattituck
The Town Board approved legislation for the placement of appropriate signage forbidding U-turns on Love
Lane over its length from NYS Route 25 to CR 48. The Highway Department will make the installations.
Planning Board Requests
Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan –Town Approval Update
The Town Board continues reviewing the plan and is considering the appointment of a committee to monitor its
Current Transportation Issues - Updates
Love Lane New Contract Update – Mattituck
Jamie Richter reported that the consultants had completed their study and it appears that a 100 foot
roundabout may be feasible, although no comment has yet been received from NYSDOT.
Funding for the project is an issue and the Town will seek TIGER and Downtown Revitalization grants, subject
to any plan being “shovel ready.” Local NYS legislators have expressed support for the project.
In response to Ms. Frankel of EMCA’s query, Jaimie Richter advised that the grant request would be written in-
house or by a contracted writer.
Old Business
Bus Shelters
Nothing new to report.
New Business
Request for Turtle Crossing Signs – Cutchogue & Mattituck
The Supervisor has received requests for the placement of “Turtle Crossing” signage at three locations in
those two hamlets. The Commission recommends that the Town Board should proceed with this matter.
Subject to the Board’s approval, as well as those of NYSDOT and SCDPW (as necessary), the Highway will
install appropriate signage.
Railroad Crossing – Factory Avenue - Mattituck
Jamie Richter suggested that discussions be held with LIRR concerning pedestrian safety and the sidewalk
project for that roadway.
Request for Speed Limit Review on NYS Route 25 and Speed Bumps on Indian Neck Lane - Peconic
NYSDOT has sole jurisdiction over speed limits on Route 25 and the Town will not install speed bumps on
Indian Neck Lane.
Public Comment
Possible Cessation of S92 Bus Service - East Marion & Orient
Ms. Frankel of EMCA noted the prospect of elimination of service to those hamlets and was advised to contact
SCT and SC Legislator Krupski in that regard.
Crosswalk Request - East Marion Post Office
Ms. Frankel also noted with regret that NYSDOT has determined that a crosswalk at the East Marion Post
Office is not warranted.
Parking Study - New Suffolk
Mr. Castellano of NSCA sought an update on the status of the traffic study covering New Suffolk. Michael
Collins reported that the Town Board would review the consultants’ revised draft report The Final Study will be
available for public review before a public hearing is scheduled in early 2020.
Fond Farewells
Neb noted the departures of Councilman Ruland and Jamie Richter from the Commission. We noted their
gracious comments and we wished them well in the future. A hearty round of applause followed.
(Having been nicknamed the “Scribe” by Councilman Ruland and always alert to Jamie’s tender corrections of
the minutes over the years, I assert a point of personal privilege and wish them both a seaman’s farewell -
“Fair winds and following seas!”)
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 13, 2020 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town
The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas F. Fox
cc: Town Clerk
Town Government Liaison Officer
Town Hall
P.0.Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold,W 11971-0959
TO: Supervisor Scott Russell
Town Board
FROM: Neboy sha R. Brashich Chairman
SUBJECT- Speed Reduction/Warning Signage
DATE: December 17, 2019
The request for Speed Limit Reduction/Warning Signage on Eugene
Road & Skunk Lane, Cutchogue was reviewed by the Commission at
our monthly meeting on December 16tH
It is our understanding that, in a letter to the Town Board, the NYS
Department of Transportation had no objection to this change.
Therefore, we recommend that the speed limit be lowered to 30 MPH
and warning signage be effected on this roadway.
Town Hall
P.0.Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold,W 11971-0959
TO: Supervisor Scott Russell
Town Board
FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairmani.U✓F--
SUBJECT- Request for Turtle Crossing Signs
DATE: December 17, 2019
The Commission reviewed the request from the Peconic Community
School Middle Primary students to have turtle crossing signs erected
at three (3) locations along Route 25 in Cutchogue and Mattituck at
our monthly meeting on December 16tH
We support this request and recommend that the Town Board pass it
to the NYS Department of Transportation for action.