HomeMy WebLinkAboutPoplarski, Jeffrey THIS AGREEMENT made this day of November, 2019, between the
TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipality of the State of New York, having its T
principal office at 53095, Main Road (Route 25), P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New O;
York 11971 (the "Town") and (The Instructor): :
Dr:.Jeffrey,Poplarski N'
PO Box 477
Amityville NY 11701
598-7034 C;
1.,, The Town does hereby,agree f to hire the Instructor as an independent Y
contractor, and the Instructor does hereby agreeto provide instructional services
to the Town Efor the progxam(s),hereinafter described, subject to the`terms and'
conditions hereinafter set forth: • ;
2. Thb' 'Instructor' shall provide'•`,instructional -services for 'the following
- - - — --program, to-wit: --
66(fFitn'ess- t
3. The Instructor hereby agrees to commence the rendering of services on
Januaitij"'12, '2020 ="'' acid to'`render instructional services during the
1/12 - 3115
Sundays 8:45 - 10:00 a.m. -
,} Location: S,outfaold, Recreation Center,
�. : . :. ,ivt • �P }No�Class,2/9; 2/1,6:.,
4:`' The Tewin= •agrees' tocompensate'" the instructor for satisfactory
perfor�nance'as•described'-hereiN4,7in the-amount of '65/class'to'be- p'aidin' ;-semi-
monthly installments.
5. !Itfiis, agreed that, the •Instructor shall report :to-'.tKie:-Supervis`or--for,,the.
Recreation Department of the Town. The Instructor shall-determine that-scope
and manner of work to be performed and the hours for which it will be performed.
6. It is agreed that the Instructor-shall,4be,responsible for the establishment of
the program, to assist, with the solicitation of participants therein, and the
completion of all the classe§,plapp etl=for suchprogram.
7. In the event of the temporary+illness, inability of the Instructor to conduct
classes as and when scheduled, or cancellation due to inclement weather, the
Instructor shall immediately notify the Recreation Department. The Instructor will
assist and/or .cooperate with the supervisor to contact all-participants notifying
them of the'elass cancellation and to provide for-makeup classes.'
c -
8. In the event that the enrollment in the program is less than the minimum
enrollment as hereinafter set forth,-the Town shall have the right to terminate this
agreement..;.Ih the event that the Instructor fails or neglects to perform-,such
instructional services in-,accordance with provisions of this agreement, then and
in such event, the Town in the exercise of its discretion shall -have the,right to
terminate this agreement.
9. The minimum and maximum,enrollment of the',class for the program is as
follows: Minimum Enrollment 7 Maximum Enrollment, 20
10. The Instructor agrees to= prepare ;accurate attendance records of all
persons enrolled in the program and -to;.filet the same with the -Recreation
Supervisor within one week after the last class of.the program..
11. The Instructor represents that he or'she is competent by reason of training
and experience to provide the.,instruction-provided Jor in this contract, and will
provide,such services in a competerif arfd professional,manner. The Instructor' ,
represents and`agrees that'he or"she is an ihdeperident contractor and'is solely
responsible for payment,of taxes arising`out`of this e'mpidyment'. The Instructor
agrees that tie or she is an independent con'tractor,and-thafthe Town of Southold
shall not be liable for any taxes or withholding. There shall be'no fringe benefits
associated with this Agreement. There shall-be,,no,health benefits.offered to the
I-nstruetor. There shall be no workers compensation •benefits offered•.to,the_
Instructor. The Instructor is expected.jo, utilize--his/her independent judgment in
fulfilling-his/her Instructor tasks.
1.2,, The; Instructor will-not receive-payrrentrfor any services rendered until this
contract is signed and returned to the town clerk's office prior;to the beginnirfg..of,
said program.
13. The Town of Southold shall, as part '6f1W Instructor's compensation,
cover the individual -Instructor from ciaiiii ,'•for",Uddily" injury, death or property
damage which may arise from the performance, of his/her services under the
Agreement in limits of $1,000,000. and $2,000,000 aggregate -liability for bodily
injury-and property damage. :This coverage does,not inure any,-other benefits
upon the independent contractor. nor-does it alter;or_modify the-Instructor's status
as an independent contractor.
IN,,WITNESS WHEREOF-the parties hereto haveihereunto-set their hands and
seals the•day and year-first above written.
Scott A. Russell,:Supervisor
Instructor Today's Date
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