HomeMy WebLinkAboutZablotny, Kerry THIS-AGREEMENT made this day of November, 2019, between the
TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipality of the State of- New York, having its `T'
principal office at 53095 Main Road (Route 25), P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New
York 11971 (the-"Town") and (The Instructor):
Kerri Zablotny N
1385 Jasmine Lane
-Southold NY 11971 C
1. The Town does hereby agree to hire the Instructor as an indepencle`nt p
contractor, and the Instructor does hereby agree to provide instructional-services
to the Town for,the program(s) hereinafter described, subject to the terms and .y'
conditions hereinafter set forth. ,
2. The Instructor shall provide instructional services for the following
- ---pr'og'ram,to wit:
Little Scholars Club
3. The Instructor hereby.`aIgrees to "commence the rendering ,of services on
February 25, 2020= and to render instructional services during the
following time period:
2/25 — 3/31
12:30;p, ,2:30. p.m.'
Location: Peconic,-Lane Community Center.
4'. The= Town agrees to� 'compensate the instructor for satisfactory
performance as described herein in the amount of 30/hour to be paid;in semi-
monthly installments.
5. It is agreed that the I Instructor shall report to -the, Supervisor for 4he
Recreation Department of the Town. The Instructor shall determine that scope
and manner of work to be performed and the hours for which it will be performed.
6. It is agreed that the Instructor shall be responsible for the establishment of
the program, to assist;with the solicitation- of participants therein, and the
completion of all the classes,pIannedd`for' sudh'program.
7. In the event of the temporary illness, inability of the Instructor to conduct
classes as and when scheduled, or cancellation due to inclement weather, the
Instructor shall immediately notify the Recreation Department. The Instructor will
assist and/or cooperate with the supervisor to contact all participants notifying
them of the class cancellation and to provide for makeup classes.
8. In the event that the enrollment in the program is less than the minimum
enrollment as hereinafter set'forth, the Town shall have the rig ht,to�terminate this
agreement. In the event -that the Instructor fails or neglects to perform such
instructional services in accordance with provisions of this agreement, then and
in such event, the Town in the exercise of its discretion shall have the right to
terminate this agreement.
9. The minimum and maximum enrollment of the class for the program-is.as
follows: Minimum Enrollment 6 Maximum Enrollment , . �8
10. The Instructor agrees -to prepare accurate attendance records, of -all
persons enrolled in the program and to file the same with the Recreation
Supervisor within one week after-the last class,of the program.
11: The Instructor represents_that he or she,is,competent by reason of training
and experience to provide the instruction provided for in this contract, and will
provide such services in a competent and professional manner. The Instructor
represents and agrees that he or she;is an independent contractor and is solely
responsible for payment of taxes arising out_of this eiiployment. TheAdstructor
agrees that he or she is an independent contractor and that the Town'of Southold
shall not be liable for a'ny taxes or withhol'dirig.' There shall be,no'fringe benefits
associated with this Agreement. There shall be no health benefits`offered to the
Instructor. There shall, be no workers compensation benefits offered,7to the
Instructor. The Instructor is expected to utilize his/her independent judgment in
fulfilling his/her instructor tasks.. - f,
12. T,he'Instructor will not receive payment,for;,any,,services,rendered until this
contract is,signed and ret6med,to the,town clerk's office;prior tof the beginning of
said program.
13. The Town of Southold shall, ,as;rp�art- of the Instructor's compensation,
cover the individual Instructor from,claims'for bodily injury, death or property
damage which may arise from the performance--of his/her services under the
Agreement in limits of $1,000,000.-!and'$2;OOO;OOO-aggregate liability for bodily
injury and property damage. This coverage does not inure any other benefits
upon the independent contractor nor does,,it-alter or modify the Instructor's status
as an independent contractor.,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and
seals the day and year first above written.
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
I ructor Today's Date
Business Name (if applicable) Federal ID Number (if applicable)