HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage of Greenport Sidewalks RlESOLUTION 2019859- ,�r ��,� ADOPTED' Doc ID.c"15620 ' ;THIS-IS TO-CERTIFY,THAT THE"FOLLOWIN.G RESOLUTI®N N0.:2019=859,WAS' - - MEETING_REGUL,AR MEETING OF TIDE SOUTHOLD-TOWN BOARD ON' ,OCTOBER 812019:3 ! RESOLVED that the Town Board-of the Town of Southold authorizes and directs the Town ,Supervisor Scott A.,Russell to execute an"`iritermunicipal'agreement with_theyillage of ;Greenport for'tlie repair of sidewalks�in the Village_of Greenport funded by-Commun ty Developrrient-Block'Grants obtained by the'Towri-of Southold from the US Department of Housing_and tAa:nbeveiopment;'subject to-approvat- y--the Towri-Attorney; arid_fund'ed_from, •budget line CD:8660.x:045.016.- ' Elizabeth.A.'Neville' 'id Soufhold_Town Clerk, ! RESULT: ADOPTED[UNANIMOUS], MOVER: WillianiP. Ruland. Couric_il_man_ ; ' SECONDER:Louisa.V. Evans;.Justice_ ATES Diniz o Jr;_Ru1and,'=Doherty;'Ghosio,.tvans,I Rusself �I �I. r 1�6 >r t, d� I, IMA-Town of-Southold and Village of.Greenport 'Sixth Street Sidewalk Repair Inierinuificloaf Agreement, This Agreement("Agreement")Js between the T#Wn:bf Southold(``Town''); arnuni municipal corporation of the State of New,York,-having an office at53095-Route'254-Southold,,New:York- 111971 and the'Village ojrGreenport; tin 0 ew _ _4 municipal corporation of the State of N York-having - having an office at 236 Third Street;Greenpo'rt;New-York 11944. Term of Agreement: Shall be from-the date of'execution through September 4, 2020, Total Cost of Agreement: As provided in this Agreement Whereas, theTown presently in receipt'_ceipt'of-a US Department of Housing and Urban Development(hereinafter"HUD") Community Development Block_Grant,(hereinafter`CD_B'G'7) for various community improvement projects including the repair of'sidewalks; and Whereas,-the Village-would-like to utilize that CDBG for the repair-of sidewalks and their various accoutrements on Sixth-Street with in the boundaries of the Village; and Whereas;-the,Village wish-es-tb-utill'ze DeAl C6ncrete'Corp. for the sidewalk repair work, and Whereas,-the,Town has received authorization from HUD, subject-to the issuance of a HUD release of furi&letter, to use Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000)of the CDBG funds for said Sixth Street'sidewalk inthe repaii' Village of Greenport; � _ :Now; Therefore,in consideration of the mutual provisions And-covenants'liereafter siet-foith; the parties hereto agree as-follows: 1. The Town will contract with DeAl Concrete Corp.,pursuant to the-extension to 0 political subdivisions provisions in DeAl Concrete Corp.'s bid-award from the County-of Suffolk (Cpntract*AD.A:-090519-AI Bid#1 9/027 1 LPWI), to provide the Village with Fifty'Thousand Dollars: ($50,000) 'of'Sidewalk rep"air services on Sixth Street within theboundaries-of the Village, with the ,work contemplated herein to be completed on or be-fore,April--I,.202-0,-and as may otherwise be, agreed by the'T6wn and the Village,. 2. The Town and Village' recognize that the total authorized funding for this projeefis. Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and requires a release of funds le'tier'to be received from HUD prior, to any payment, Any and all work performed in excess of the authorized Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000)must be directly contracted by the Village with the-vendor. The Town shall not be responsible f6r any cost of any repair exceeding the Fifty Thousand Dollar($50,000) CDBG. I The Village shall oversee all operations and provide all requisite direction to DeAl Concrete Corp. while it engages in the contemplated sidewalk repair. The only efforts that the Town -will expend in furtherance of this agreement are the processing of payments to DeAl Concrete Corp. up to the Fifty Thousand Dollar($50,000) CDBG cap for work actually performed. lMA-TO' _Wn__of Sb_uthold and,Village­qf Greenport; biffi-Sir6ef g'-d6walk Repair; ;4�.. Tfie-ihdMdiials'fhait 4mprwd4ed by the-Vilfage-shalf at all times be and remain employees 6f­fhe,Vi,llage, and 6overedby required-and-respectiveall' Village insurancegrid benefit: pIafis,'and have all sala'r'y arid;-other-compensation and Ahef payments-that may az6cru-e_or_be_dii&_'toI them paid to_them'tiy'tlie Village: Tlie individual's sliall`at':all times remain and considered to[be-, employees of ih6,Village._ 15-.- In--considerat'ioft-6f iiiis agfeeiffidndhc Village shall libld'harmless-and indemnlfy_the- ,T ,93yn and-its-emlilQyees-f6r any finji judgment-of a7 court 6"f comp6t6nt jurisdiction jur_ to-the attributable to the negligence of DeAf'Co_n._cr__e'te__Co_ rp.- the-Village br--the officers-or employees of' Within their-scope of 6 diffof thisagreement:g -emfen .- Te Wagrees to hold eitherw,while acting 1 40d hT6h . harmless 4 inderi��if ..--t�e:'-Villag�-and its employees rany an �y f6 jurisdiction to the'ext6nt'attribiftable.to the negligence of the-Town or its officers or 6mjp1bYee_s'while' acting their scope or-capacity ct rig within-th of6§ agr'eement..; _6. 1hevilla2e-6-f Qrpenpoitaqpe carry appropriate Insurance-coverage fr6iii.61afifis-of, bodil �s to &-Ei oi�foperty_odffi age that may afise-ftom,the of services und6rthis- y injury, ea per ormance agribbinefit in limits-..df 0,006,000-and s l,000,-,o66-aggregate,liability for injury arid;property I I , �Jjpry_an Yrope y 'a additi6-4 insurance-shall damage:, Tiv,'Towir-shall b-e�namced s n. insured'-and a:certificate-of insurance-ilia e -providedtO­the_Office'6fih Town Clerk hours of execution of this Agreement: 7. 1-08 expresslyagreed that if of vision-of this-Agreement;, agr pro application thereof to any person or citcu'mstance,shall be field invalid or unehfor6e'able to any extent,,the remainderofthis Agreement; o-r-the-ap-Ii f stick application o or provision t6_.p_erson§or_circuirist�dh6esi btlier-thanthos�b as to which-it is,held invalid or,u"hctff6ro6abl'e,-shall-not,he affected-tIierebyan.'&_ ' every other term-arid,provisiowof this Agreement 'shall be valid and s-fia"ll be enforced-to-Ifi"e-fullest` extent permitted by b- I ,aw. ,9,. :Itis-expressly agreedd-that ifilsAgmementreD rese6-fhe entire agreement of the parties,,, that all-Previous-un-d6rgtandin2s are merged in this Agreement'. Nomodification of thisAgreeffient, '§hdll be valid unless wriften'in the forM of an-Ahiendmeftt aifd executed by both patties., In Witness have executed this A-greement'as of the fateit'date, ' written below.. Town 6f So -old Villa Greenport Hon! Scott A. Russell 4,H0n,-2eeofge'W. HubbA, Jr., 5uperyisor, Mayor Date 2, :IMA Town,of Southold'-an-dNillage of Greenport, sixth-SIr6et Sidewalk-R6Diir ,STATE QF,NEW YORK;;COUNTY OF,SUFFOtK__ ' s ,Oif iho- A4yof_bctob-,5r,'in' -the yeaf'2-01-95 before-me,-the undersigned,personall�-appearjzd_ - George_ Hubbard;-Jr; -, I - ' ' "d - ' ' _Tgq)AL, Hobbard,-Jr,�Mayor_gf tkqVillagp f Greenport, me or prove to me I _Q_ persqrjall�'kiiown_tq_- a-sig of siti-s'fac'to'ry- evidence whose - b__ to-the-within, on the b i ence to be ffi�individual Who - - - " - "subscribed 'instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she the executed the same in his/her/their-capacity(ies), 'd that b�his ��iuie(s) on the instrument- Ve on,behalf-of an 'his/her'/their signatures rument. the'indi id�al(O or the iip which fhe-"'ind viduql(s)'acfed] executed the instrumentinstrument_7 ,..and'o-ffic&6f--j�6iso-n�-taki i r tur2-ledgernent JEANMARIE ODDON Notary Public.State of Now York No.010D6251'238 Qualified Jp Suffolk County Commission Expires November 14,201 STATE_OFNEW_YORK, COUNTY_ OF.SUFFOI ss On the day--o- 'in the year 2019, b-df6-re-fne-��iheundersigned;per§oiiaiiy appedttd ScottA. Russell, Supervisor of the-Town of Southold,-personally_'__ ' - ,known to- _me or proved-i6-me on the basis-of satisfaciory evidence tobeThe ihdividual whose Iname is-subscribed 6 the Withiji instrument and A&kff6,wl6dg&d-f6-fh-e-that-lid/she the tiie-same in hi's- r capacity(ids); signaffir6(s) on t -&-instmmentj the iifdi_V`id-aal(s)'-or-the- Uld lfi�f bY hi�/Iidr/their gerson,upon hfh the individual(s) acied,! executed-the-instrument:LL "_ hP - Vii-n—afu're. ioff ce,ofp6isofi taking-the Acknowledgement MARY L.SILLECK Notary Public, State of New York No. 01S14984608 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires July 29' to?6al 3, Contract Detail Page 1 of 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVEN BELLONE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DARNELL TYSON,P.E. ERIC M. HOFMEISTER ACTING COMMISSIONER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER NOTICE OF CONTRACT ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT(ADA)ANNUAL COMMODITY CODE: 91361 CONTRACT: IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT#: ADA-090519-A1 INITIATING DEPT: DPW OPENING DATE: 07-26-2019 1490 PERIOD OF CONTRACT: 09-05-2019 THROUGH 09-04-2020 BID#: 19/0271LPWI VENDOR: DEAL CONCRETE CORP PO BOX 2038 ST.JAMES NY 11780 VENDOR ID: VC0039398 CONTACT: PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: ADDITIONAL VENDORS: CLICK HERE DETAIL PAGE: CLICK HERE ATTACHMENT: DELIVERY: FOB-DESTINATION POLITICAL THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE FOR USE BY OTHER MUNICIPALITIES SUBDIVISIONS: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION MARYELLEN MILLWATER CONTACT PURCHASING AGENT: 631-852-5214 09-05-2019 SUFFOLK COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER (631)852-5196 335 YAPHANK AVENUE YAPHANK,N.Y. 11980 FAX(631)852-5221 Return to Contract List I I Return to Search Page For technical assistance or technical comments CLICK HERE https://dpw.suffolkcountyny.gov/contractsearch/ContractDetail.aspx 10/30/2019 o � v RECEIVED► NOV 1 9 2019 Office of the Town Attorney , Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Mary Silleck Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: November 18, 2019 Subject: Intermunicipal Agreement between Town of Southold and Village of Greenport (repair sidewalks in the Village of Greenport) With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement together with the Resolution. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /ms Enclosures cc: Accounting