HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Sunsets, LLC Michael J. Domino, President �FFU( 0 Town Hall Annex John M. Bredemeyer I11,Vice-President` ��O G�� 54375 Route 25 Glenn Goldsmith o G P.O.Box 1179 vs ze A.Nicholas Krupski Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams A Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: 1 Completed in field by: I1'V Thomas Wolpert of Young & Young on behalf of SOUTHOLD SUNSETS, LLC requests a Pre- Submission Inspection to discuss the re-location of the proposed frame house & deck, proposed roof runoff drainage leaching pool, proposed driveway, and proposed 1,300 gallon OWTS and leaching galleys. Located: 4200 Kenny's Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-4-3 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=4 Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice,of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: "MAIV� LV I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: _ �j� � Agent/Owner: �� Present were: �✓`" J. Bredemeyer /M. Domino v/G. Goldsmith /N. Krupski VG.'Williams Other (I)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABUSH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(J)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(A)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)8 CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, Naw York IIcf01 tel. 651.727.2505 fax. 651.727.0144 / admin®youngengineering.com O� Howard W. Young, Land 5urve or Q /- Thomas 0. Wolpert, Professional Engineer P� Douglas E. Adams, Professlonal Engineer Robert 0. Tast, Archltect / w ) E Robert Stromskl, Architect Vz SITE •..D,DATA 0112(4' 11"'i' 77 / APPROXIMATE LOW WATER MARK /- (SEP. 29,2016) TOTAL AREA = 13,827 5F / MHW�; S * VERTICAL DATUM =NAVD 1988 s`S`Ogy * BASE INFORMATION SHOWN PROVIDED BY OWNER. SEAWARD LIMIT OF SEA GRASS 1 19 icwn MHW 01b Cb FUTURE EXPANSION PROPOSED PROPOSED / / g / / SANITARY SYSTEM LEACHING GALLEYS (3)8.5'x4.75'x4.00' DEEP ( r ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 00 . 4 110 T A n a PROPOSED 1,300 GALLON OWTS PROPOSED 8'DIA.x4' DEEP \\ \ PROPOSED LOCATION FOR HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.NO.45893n 11: ` THOMAS C.WO P T, LEACHING POOL \ \ O '� s LER N.Y.S.P.E.O,808983 \ \\ ZO• �_\Ifj FRAME HOUSE & DECK DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.5.P.E.N0.80897 FOR ROOF RUNOFF EXISTING FRAME SHED TO BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED LOCATION OF EXISTINGG% MAP PREPARED FOR 'C'% X;y�' / EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM TO BE FRAME HOUSE & DECK �'2�0 �p �g ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH �'� �i p� SCDHS STANDARDS SOUTHOLD SUNSETS, LLC f o� s at Southold, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York PROPOSED DRIVEWAY 4Q CONCEPTUAL PLOT PLAN LL '1� \ \\ S0, County Tax Map District 1000 Section 54 Biopic 04 Lot 3 9 9-•` REVISION MAP PREPARED OCT,07,2019 i S� Record of Revisions O DATE 0`7Q N d O J DOO O O DO 0 20 0 10 20 40 60 a Scale: 1" = 20' JOB NO.2019-0129 DWG. 2019_0129_concept 1 OF 1 outhold Sunsets,LLC 4 f 200 Kenny's Road,Southold CTM#: 1000-54-4-3 11/6/19 INA - Y 71 y� �� 'Y j,lrcal.Vis' �- `t •,;,'�'� � .�; F_/X� T/� �,� I )�y��{ KTiiJ f ^ . h�.. .27' t•�/M+ t .�r.• hzr j -: �}�.�Y��,�� � ,� 3 `.7"'^ti. ���; .s�.j'���j �.fa � A �•.. �: � , l£ 'r'� fG -•G-� .:-i„.-/,'�' v"��t•.r`i: .+`'� -e �k'avie�.d.�Str�i�'.�s:. Southold Sunsets,LLC 4200 Kenny's Road,Southold SCTM#: 1000-54-4-3 11/6/19 - i NOTICE C OF SUFFOLK roPerty Tax SeMce Agenc RealoPUNTY y t 14 E� AA(o -4M; 2, 3o Ak 03 V. 4:, 41 Se 14, 4, All ,fie rwy 07 4, No -ow 09 1-U-1 OF SUFFOLK 1) N `CE � �ro Imo I--NO z z:: Jro Nrxroa w E 1 Z — F mu�(MI 064 RealP-Pevty Tax 8—ice Agency y ;� YOUNG &YOUNG Telephone (631) 727-2303 400 Ostrander Avenue Facsimile (631) 727-0144 Riverhead,New York 11901 admin@youngengineering.com HOWARD W. YOUNG,Land Surveyor THOMAS C.WOLPERT,Professional Engineer DOUGLAS ADAMS,Professional Engineer/Professional Geologist VE �,n E ROBERT C. TAST Architect f ROBERT STROMSKI,Architect - 4 2019 October 31, 2019 Via U.S. Mail & Email Southold Town Boar of Trustees Attn: Ms. Elizabeth Cantrell, Senior Clerk Typist Southold Board of Trustees Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: Conceptual Plan SOUTHOLD SUNSETS, LLC 4200 Kenny's Road at Southold, T/0 Southold, NY SCTM No.: 1000-54-04-03 Dear Ms. Cantrell: Kindly schedule this application for a pre-submission site visit with the Trustees for review of our proposal to modify the permit previously issued. We understand that the next field inspection dates are Wednesday November 6, 2019 and Wednesday December 4, 2019. Enclosed are the following items: 1. application fee—our check payable to 'Town of Southold' in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), 2. one (1) original —Southold Town Trustees Acknowledgement Form, 3. one (1) original —Affidavit Form dated October 28, 2019, 4. one (1) original —Authorization Form dated October 28, 2019, Planning Engineering Land Surveying Page 2 of 2 October 31, 2019 5. one (1) original —Applicant/Agent/Representative Transactional Disclosure Form dated October 28, 2019, and 6. two (2) prints— Conceptual Plot Plan (Sheet 1 of 1) dated October 7, 2019 indicating the revised proposed location for the frame house & deck, proposed roof runoff drainage leaching pool, proposed driveway, and proposed 1,300 gallon OWTS and leaching galleys. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact us. E C j V E Very trulyyours, , RIF NOV - 4 2019 Thomas C. Wolpert Southold TownB ardofTrustee TCW/cw Encl. cc. Southold Sunsets, LLC Attn: Mr. Michael Gallagher + encl. + 1 print Michael J.Domino,President O'F S& Town Hall Annex John M.Bred®meyer III,Vice-President ,`4�a 54875 Route 25 179 Glenn Goldsmith �O F.O.Box Southold,New York 11971 A-Nicholas Krupold Telephone(681)765-1892 Greg Williams ^p Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ? • }Y " rte• i., . a 3 _ `� a „ a • `K',4 Er:'y, a; :.: .^.� � -.. n�,_;f i6 •'-ja Chapter 275-8 A:;,"P�esuhmission_con_ ,gn�ce:..,p cant qre e-'Atp ur.,age4.tp"schedute-a;•w' rZ � yffn ``•; . 4t i.:. t.a.F :•.i «`� `. „k°�S+j. voluntary presubmission site;visit#o discussthe:prafppaed=of}eiat ons-with the,Board.- Discussions intthe.fleUaire purely advisory-ond nonbindtng;,:butithisfineeting;ig•iritended:to fa'cifftateacbm6tfri cation-betii5een-tfie appli'oni,- ndi the'-Board.t Ttiere-VAll�tie•a$5© for=ftiis k i corife�e6ce;Wlii�tl"may be',appliecl to aid aplica#loh feefor a iry #�arids permit r�`�ade witlin'six months o ;the site:visit�and.v�ll%ich_app[[catiojinvplves,structures tliatiniere the=sutiJet of'toe' i r= r.• x i site visit N'. . �t fj I HAVE'READ'THE e6RE�OIN6'AND AM AWAFW,0F IT5�CONTENT:_.-,.,4 f ' J, L� ' U A W - 4 2019 Southold Town Bar of Tr sto i Board of Trustees Application x E AFFIDAVIT i BEINGDULYSWORN i DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SEIE IS THE APPLICANT FOR"TATE ABOVE DESCRIBED I'ERbff—jL(S)AND` EL&T ALL S'TATEMEN'TS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE'TRUE TO THE BEST OF$ffS/H.ER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND TEIAT ALL WORK g�I�LL BE DONE q'T'�H�gEg�T��lI���/.'N�4ER SET FOR' °'�gt�I'[�'dpTMS $� OF $APPLICATION AND AS S�gA131Y�,��AB�vG'�'�AP��3`Lf RO'{'�te�s BY 14.1 .E S YID�L.7�HOLD TOWN�7r��e991�,tA.A�t.fr.s I�LL7�F�7�'pTR S IL.tl:/h`S. �Ty,H+�ttg+.�L]��PP�LICA.�®�$Vr�Ag;GREU�ByO �tO�L ��('� �*HE TOg',�'��gd$O�,FS}O,�271�5ffi�OLDAgND'A�'HE 1 �1 S BOARD OF TRVS 31..['E8 HA.1�YL�'&,.01F'uh'i S AND FREE K'ROLSA ANY t�11VD 13&.rL DAry.'Y�'tL:ES AND CLAIMS ARISING SER 09 9Y VMTUE OF SAID PEWNIff(S),IF GRANTED. LT COMPLETING'T S APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S)OR REPRESENTATn7E,S,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION AD-VISOR-17 COUNCIL,TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT T PREMISES IN CONJTJ'NC�'ION�$�' `�'��S AI'PI,I�;A'I'ION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPEMON. I FVRT.HER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENT&R ONTO M'PROPERT]f AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE CONOLV---NCE WITH ANY C NDMON OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL Ed ROS�Sµ�pI-� p�,py� O�NPERMIT ISSUMICY THE BO OF TRUSTEES DURING'T "T GEEM y i Signature of Property Ownet � sigbature of Property Owner SWORN TO BEFORE lvffi THIS 2 9 DAY OF_ U c,�- 20 i ei r Notary Public Darlene Pozarycki Notary Public State of New York Na: 01 P05641596 Qualified in Queens County Commission Expires _Michael J.Domino,President � ��s����� Town Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer III,Vice-President 54375 Route 25 P.Q.Box 1179 Glenn GoldsmithSouthold,New York 11971 A-Nicholas Krupski k a "'K, Telephone(631)765-1892 Greg Williams ® �� Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOiJTHOLD Chapter 275-8 A. "Presubmission conference. Applicants are encouraged t®schedule a voluntary presubmission site visit to discuss the proposed operations with the eioard. Discussions in the.field are purely advisory and nonbinding, but this meeting is intended to facilitate communication between the applicant and the Board. There will be a$50.for this conference,which may be applied to an application fee for a wetlands permit made within six months of the site visit and which application involves structures that were the subject of the site visit." 1 HAVE READ THE FOREGOING ARID AM AWARE OF ITS CONTENT: �bLl�idt.^�L L6�C�f� - NOV 4 2019 Southold TaNn Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) ,old 5un5d-s, owners of the property identified as SOTM#1000- 04 — in the town of New fork,hereby authorizes n: 7-h O,wros C. Wo40eV� P to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s)from the Southold Town Board of tees for this property. Property Owners Signature Property Owner's Signage SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 2 DAY OF ,20 1� Notary Public Darlene Pozarycki Notary Public State,,of,New York No: 01 P05041,596. ,a i Qualified in Queans 6�unty< ( 123 Commission Expires - ' { APMICAi`!5/ALtiJ"i,+l 6 T/R5'.t`R R2S..VXTArs • lrc I'crbvn oE:�au�ia�i`s f£oc�s tf pt �to � aonFljas Vis£Int a ngit Is,rho ioWn officers and ctnnloY Z h �ra� s this#o�rn i tp o�_��'rde intor it ii r vultic.can 31�rt tltc to eif' i e nf�ctc o-tcrc st diad it tei takA 4slezzte �ctl�n�'�s nn �a_ry{o z&'void sanao. _ . (Last name,flist ammo, piddle:initial,unless yda OV 4pplyingin tlzc name of ' somCone slid;ur other entity,s`n9cla as ar compnhy.If so4 indite t3tc.nilter person's or company's ware.) 1 , j NAME OF APP$dt~A'I4jN:•(Ghee all that apply) „ Tax grievance --- - building Trustee Variance Coastal krosion Change of Zone - - Mooring Approval ol:plat Plannittg Exemption from plat or official map --- Other (If"Other'•,nWo the activity.) Do you persoinally(or through your company.spouse, ;ib7'sng,parent,or cirilcl)iravo a relationship with away officer or employee, or tide`£own of Southe_,ld') "11c;elionsl4o includes by Lala©d,rrioiaiok'e,or littem�oss tntWresL"Idt mess intcr�nltl-mc'A 'business, iiacl uc9isrg a p inership,in avlaicla the to�xn o#l'i�:er br crnploy-.�ltas even a partlat ownership of(oremployrcaent by) ccspdrati®n in which the town officer or crrtploy a oeims more than Stile ofthe s,•rares. t YES NO Tryon answered"`lEV,corrtplete the irsl%rr€e ofthis forma ah d dae and sign where mdlo4W, hlarrne o£person er"nployed by the Town of Southold `13tde br position of that person •- DcScrlbe the rnlatibosbip between yourself(the 8pplica5rtlsgenVroprcsentative)rand the twin officer or exnlrloyeb.Either'check the appropriuto line A)through D)and/or&scrib w the space pro�icicd. The town officer or cmpldyee or his or h sl Usc,sibling,P"t,or child is(cheat till siat apply): A)tlrts owftr of grcater than 5%of the sh=s of the corporate'stock of fire appliopt (Wlk n the applicant is a cz*ration); l3)tie at orlbertefioial 6wiler of any interest in a non-corpuratc cnthy(WhZtr the* applicant is:rot a corporation); 53ratrt;or. C} an otfi=,director,partnei°,or employee of the app the actual applicOL DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this d ay o(��1c'� � 0 19 Form TS I � 73y � MLCAA&12_'J�;�u�a��-✓Clc� G �I�I FwIY�� -- -- APPLIC.N"'T/AGF,T-'T/RIMP SF-NtATNE SSA ONAL 1DISCLOSM POS �csuthald's t^ods�c f�titi -tztd�"►b,ts can�lii�i�,.aEint���34r�'1�°art o�iownofFicc�an �mnMv�.�dpursa.� form ti':cS>`i + Gible conflicts ofterest.and aiw�t t+a taRe�`lheteVcr ari.t5. n= w i®avai S.tita0. ' �OLiRNgE. 'n,rnt�fCIt�n� (Last Time,fat nme,tduddle frutial,nttltss yea apa Opp,3�iag ui the urine of sommone elle or other entity,bush as g company.If s%iodic �thi ther Person's or Company's nam) W"OF APPLICA116N:.(dw&a ibatt apply.) 1 + Taxgrlevar!ce building TMted varlartco'- — Coastal Erosion f Change of Zone Approval orplat M0O}dng Eycrnption from plat or official map Planning (1f-Oaft",narlte the activity.) I?o you pstro?sally for f3lrou�ls year couspariy,spattso,cfb7€np,pR�'ohitc�hnva a rclatianahi�s with airy oiHcer or employ of llso'T of§WIkg(dI %0611095111e,Ifi ib�r obr�empl -- itsaTifdi» ki pbrtn�rshi{ ifl�ttioia tlsn in which the tomo aEi'M or tmployce owns mora than 51%otthe draft& NO ifyolr ans%vered"YW,eompleee the balance 6fd6 fbtdt and dms and sign tvhoen ladle"- ' ! Nhrrre of p mpn efnployed by the Towns 11tie br position of that person i?escribe the r cMooAlp batv=yourwif(the applir hW4jjttt/tap'srseritetive)and:ttto tovrn of(iceir t}r, ttf)'9e 13it drehv'c .' the appropriate line A)tlsrooglr,D);a --or 4E situ+r!:ilsa spam proJiE[cci.The town officer or empldyee or his or her Spouse,,sibling,parent,or child Is(Chink all fat apply). A)the ownsr of greater Pharr 5°10 of the shaves of the torpotata Stock oithe elspllcprst - (when the aapppplicant is a corporation), ( the B)the legal or lsenelleial awiser;bf opy interest in a non corporate_0titj applicant is not a wtpmdonX Ilcart C)an officer,dirtctbr,parptt�,or employee of fire app 4 or 17)the actusl applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RE,ATIOPISHIP Subusitted this day of Signature Pritat't~tatne �ocr�c[cP ,�un5a•!� . L•t-G - .+ r:orrrr TS 1 g.,44 G%A