HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/2019 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Southold Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room No Work Session Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:20pm Attendees: Chairman Webb, Vice Chairman Surchin, Robert Harper, James Grathwohl, Joe McCarthy and Donald Feiler. Absent: Jamie Garretson. Also present: Town Attorney John Burke and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer. Quorum present. Approval of Minutes: Approval of August 20, 2019 meeting minutes to include: Jamie Garretson, at the request of Chairman Webb, agreed to chair a group to represent the concerns the HPC have with the Town Comprehensive Plan. Motion to approve by Commissioner Harper, 2nd by Commissioner Grathwohl, AYES: Chairman Webb, Vice Chair Surchin, Robert Harper, James Grathwohl, Joe McCarthy and Donald Feiler. Comments from Chairman Webb • Chairman expressed appreciation for all the hard work involved in revising/updating The Historic Preservation Commission brochure. The following distribution plan was agreed to by the commissioners; Tourist Information Posts/ Webb & McCarthy Real Estate Offices/ McCarthy Libraries/ Surchin Historical Societies/ Amy Folk (town historian) Town Offices/ Administrative Assistant Chamber of Commerce/ James Grathwohl • The Chair was in communication with the Local Realtors Association and agreed to do a presentation on Historic Preservation on October 28, 2019 @ A Touch of Venice in Cutchogue, NY (time to be determined). Chairman requested that some of the commissioners participate. • Chairman has been asked to make a presentation regarding the status of funding for the Plum Island Lighthouse at a meeting of The Coalition to Save Plum Island on September 26th, 2019 in Melville, NY. 1 • Chairman and several Commissioners have registered to attend a continuing education program held by the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions: Camp Training, scheduled for October 21, 2019 in Old Westbury. • Maintained communication with all Commissioners and Administrative Assistant on numerous topics. Budget/ YTD Expense Report • HPC annual budget request must be decided on and submitted to the town comp controller for review. A budget committee was established to include Chairman Webb and Commissioner Grathwohl to complete this task. 4:20 pm Public Hearing: Jeffrey Shayne: 20 Vincent Street, Orient, NY, 11957 (SCTM#1000-26.-1-6) • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a proposed roof replacement. Presented by Mr. Shayne, stating that he would like to replace the existing tin roof with an asphalt roof. • Public Comment in support of Mr. Shayne was heard from both Marcia Sheldon and Lawrence Bernstein Commission. • Letter entered into the record from Ellen McNeilly who opposed Mr. Shayne’s request (available as addendum to minutes). Following Mr. Shayne's presentation, and opportunity for public comment Commissioners offered three alternate suggestions: 1. Return the roof in question to its original wood cedar construction. 2. Repair and restore the existing tin roof. 3. Withdraw request at this time. Motion to approve the replacement of the existing tin roof with an asphalt roof as per owners request, Moved by, Anne Surchin, 2nd by Robert Harper, AYES: Joe McCarthy and James Grathwohl, Opposed: Chairman Webb, Robert Harper, Anne Surchin and Donald Feiler. Motion Failed Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued by HPC office. 2 Unfinished Business 1. James Grathwohl proposed moving forward in updating literature about the Historical Homes in the Township of Southold. He agreed to Chair a committee responsible for authoring Volume Two of the Historic Houses of Southold Town. 2. James Grathwohl would like to initiate a series of informational presentations about Historic Preservation at Brecknock Hall. 3. Chairman Webb Commissioner McCarthy will be meeting with the Planning Department to further discuss the Historic Preservation Commissions concerns regarding the proposed Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. - Commissioners will move forward to be scheduled at a Town Board Meeting to discuss the proposed Comprehensive Plan. New Business 1. Commissioner Harper is working to find emergency funds including tax credits that may be available for the repair of Historic Landmarks Home of Margaret Murphy @ 225 Horton Lane, Southold, NY (SCTM# 1000-63.-5-16). 2. Further research found that Brecknock Hall qualifies for a national grant matching program that commissioners will gather more information about. 3. Chairman Webb presented sample photos of a proposed sign noting entrance to the Orient Historic District to be placed on the Main Road at the entrance to the district. Signage will be paid for by members of the local community. Commissioners agreed that the signage similar to Dering Harbor signage would be appropriate. 4. Established budget committee to include Chairman Webb and James Grathwohl to determine the budget figures that the Historical Preservation Commission will request for the 2020 year. 5. Edward Dart of 2355 Main Bayview Road, Southold NY requested the opportunity to address the commission regarding zoning allowances in relation to property usage for Historic Landmarked Properties. -Mr. Dart would like the town to allow him to hold social events for profit on his property that are not permitted in his zone. -He requested the support of the Historic Preservation Commission. -Following his presentation the Commissioners advised Mr. Dart that this issue should first be presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals. -Commissioners also agreed that Mr. Dart's request is out of their jurisdiction because his property is not on the Historic Preservations Landmarks List. 3 Motion to approve appointment of Commissioner Surchin as the HPC representative to the Architectural Review Committee, Moved by Commissioner McCarthy, 2nd by, Commissioner Grathwohl, AYES: Chairman Webb, Vice Chairman Surchin, Joe McCarthy and Donald Feiler. Motion Approved HPC Office will advise the ARC of this appointment effective September 17, 2019. Motion to Adjourn by Commissioner McCarthy, 2nd by Vice Chair Surchin, AYES: Chairman Webb, Vice Chairman Surchin, Joe McCarthy and Donald Feiler. Motion Approved Meeting Adjourned: 6:55 pm. Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 at 4pm. in the Town Hall Annex Recorder: Tracey Dwyer 4