HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/2019 POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 1, 2019 Minutes of September 30, 2019 meeting Present were: Jim Abbott, John Slattery, Joe Conway, Bill Ryan Also attending: Chief Flatley Absent were: Michael Regan, George Lessler, Kevin Foote Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pro by John Slattery o Minutes of the August 26' meeting were approved Old Business • Jim Dinizio, reported by e-mail that he will deliver our 9/17/2019 Accreditation letter(attached)to the Town Board at his first opportunity • Chief Flatley reported on: * Sound Ave traffic * Budget to support Accreditation * 29 ft RIB (grant + 25% from town) * Integration with Suffolk County Dispatch and Records system and associated costs o Hired three POs New Business a No new business came before the committee Next Meeting: o Monday October 28, 201.9 at 4:30 pm Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm Respectfully submitted, John J Slattery Southold Town Board September 17, 2019 53095 Main Rd, Southold, NY 11971 Greetings, This is a Police Advisory Committee (PAC) request for the Town Board to conduct a member vote regarding funding for the Town's participation in the New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. In September of 2016 the PAC initially recommended that our Police Department seek Accreditation by the New York State Law Enforcement Agency. Our initial recommendation was followed up by a presentation to the Town Board, in August of 2017, during which we discussed cost and asked for the establishment of a time line for implementation, The New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Program encompasses four principal goals* 1. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement agencies utilizing existing personnel, equipment and facilities to the extent possible; 2. To promote increased cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies and other agencies of the criminal justice services, 3. To ensure the appropriate training of law enforcement personnel; and 4. To promote public confidence in law enforcement agencies. Our recommendations are supported by our focus on the Police Department's Mission Statement and its goal to "ensure the delivery of quality law enforcement services." We continue to believe that Accreditation will provide an objective means of measuring the quality of those services against established common standards. Among other factors, our recommendations are influenced by our finding that most of the law enforcement organizations within Suffolk County have already been accredited. We are concerned that our current minority status may prove to be an impediment to successful criminal prosecutions in the future. Since August of 2017 we have continued to witness the Accreditation and re-accreditation of other departments within Suffolk County. During this period, we have maintained a productive dialogue with Chief Flatley and Jim Dinizio, our Town Board Liaison, regarding funding and the development of a time line for Southold's participation in the program. Notwithstanding the passage of time, our recommendations, and public comment, we have been unable to move the ball forward. The PAC believes that this is the appropriate time to record your individual support for Accreditation by voting on a resolution that establishes an implementation time line and provides the financial support to move this program forward. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Respectfully, ,,--'John J. Slitfe'fry :!� For the PAC