HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix K - Agency CorrespondenceWilliam Bowman Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. 570 Expressway Drive South, Suite 2F Medford, NY 11763 Enclaves Hotel, 56655 Main RoadRe: County: Suffolk Town/City: Southold 926 Nicholas Conrad Information Resources Coordinator New York Natural Heritage Program Sincerely, August 15, 2018 Dear Dr. Bowman: In response to your recent request, we have reviewed the New York Natural Heritage Program database with respect to the above project. We have no records of rare or state-listed animals or plants, or significant natural communities at the project site or in its immediate vicinity. The absence of data does not necessarily mean that rare or state-listed species, significant natural communities, or other significant habitats do not exist on or adjacent to the proposed site. Rather, our files currently do not contain information that indicates their presence. For most sites, comprehensive field surveys have not been conducted. We cannot provide a definitive statement on the presence or absence of all rare or state-listed species or significant natural communities. Depending on the nature of the project and the conditions at the project site, further information from on-site surveys or other resources may be required to fully assess impacts on biological resources. This response applies only to known occurrences of rare or state-listed animals and plants, significant natural communities, and other significant habitats maintained in the Natural Heritage database. Your project may require additional review or permits; for information regarding other permits that may be required under state law for regulated areas or activities (e.g., regulated wetlands), please contact the NYS DEC Region 1 Office, Division of Environmental Permits, at dep.r1@dec.ny.gov. Division for Historic Preservation P.O. Box 189, Waterford, New York 12188-0189 • (518) 237-8643 • www.nysparks.com ANDREW M. CUOMO ERIK KULLESEID Governor Acting Commissioner February 19, 2019 Mr. Charles Vandrei Agency Preservation Officer NYS DEC 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233 Re: DEC The Enclaves 56655 Main Rd, Southold, NY 11971 17PR08152 Dear Mr. Vandrei: Thank you for continuing to consult with of the Division for Historic Preservation of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP). We have reviewed the submitted materials in accordance with the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980 (section 14.09 of the New York Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law). These comments are those of the Division for Historic Preservation and relate only to Historic/Cultural resources. We understand the project will make the following modifications: exterior shutters will be removed; the West Elevation roof parapet will be removed from the project and the interior trim will be retained to the maximum extent possible. Based upon this understanding it is OPHRP’s opinion the proposed project will have No Advesre Impact upon historic resources. If there are substantive changes proposed, consultation with our office should resume. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 518-268-2181. Sincerely, Beth A. Cumming Senior Historic Site Restoration Coordinator e-mail: beth.cumming@parks.ny.gov via e-mail only cc: E. Keenan, A. Giambertone Division for Historic Preservation P.O. Box 189, Waterford, New York 12188-0189 • (518) 237-8643 • www.nysparks.com ANDREW M. CUOMO ROSE HARVEY Governor Commissioner December 28, 2017 Ms. Eileen Keenan Senior Environmental Planner Nelson Pope & Voorhis 572 Walt Whitman Rd Melville, NY 11767 Re: DEC The Enclaves 56655 Main Rd, Southold, NY 11971 17PR08152 Dear Ms. Keenan: Thank you for requesting the comments of the Division for Historic Preservation of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP). We have reviewed the submitted materials in accordance with the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980 (section 14.09 of the New York Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law). These comments are those of the Division for Historic Preservation and relate only to Historic/Cultural resources. They do not include potential environmental impacts to New York State Parkland that may be involved in or near your project. Such impacts must be considered as part of the environmental review of the project pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (New York Environmental Conservation Law Article 8) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR Part 617). We note that 56655 Mains Road (aka Lester Albertson House) is eligible for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places. Attached please find a copy of our Resource Evaluation for your use. We have reviewed the proposed plans provided for The Enclaves. Based upon this review, we understand that the historic house will be retained and developed into a restaurant. In accordance with the State Historic Preservation Act, we review projects in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. We use these Standards to determine if a proposed project is appropriate for an historic property. These Standards are guidelines issued by the National Park Service that guide the decision-making about proposed work or changes to historic properties. The basic concepts are: retain existing historic materials, repair damaged historic materials and replace any materials deteriorated beyond repair (in-kind where possible). Our comments will always be based upon our review of the project in accordance with these Standards. As such, we offer the following comments and request some additional information: 1. Please provide Clear color photographs illustrating all areas to be affected by interior and exterior work. Photos of the general project area should be accompanied by detail images where work is proposed, particularly when a potentially historic feature is planned for replacement or alteration. All photographs should be labeled and keyed to a site or building plan indicating the location and direction of each image. If submitting a large number of photos, we recommend combining them into a single document (Word or PDF format) before uploading. 2. Please provide further details on the proposed front door on the South Elevation. This is the historic entrance and should be retained and repaired rather than replaced. 3. We note that many changes are proposed for the East Elevation. Please consider the following: a. The first story window at the rear of the main building, before the ell, should retain its historic appearance, location and size. b. The proposed addition connecting the ell off the main building to the detached one story structure should have a roof line that is differentiated from the historic ell. Perhaps it could be constructed just below the eaves of the original ell roofline c. Please reconsider the proposed change in roofline to the currently detached one story structure. It provides a false sense of history. We would prefer the roofline to remain unchanged. 4. On the proposed West Elevation, we have the same comments regarding the proposed rooflines. We also notice that the ell porch is proposed to be enclosed with glass. We have no concerns with the proposed infill but would like additional information on the impact to the existing historic windows and door. 5. On the interior, please consider making a few changes as possible. The historic interior of this building has very good integrity and we would like to retain as much of this as possible. Once we have the requesting interior photos, we will have a better idea of our specific concerns. Please carefully consider items such as the historic staircase, interior trim, doors, windows and retaining the general layout of the house. 6. We have no archeological concerns or architectural concerns with the proposed new construction. As such, we have no further comments regarding the new building’s construction. At this point, please consider our comments regarding the proposed rehabilitation of the historic house and provide additional details regarding the proposed rehabilitation. We would appreciate the requested information be provided via our Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS) at www.nysparks.com/shpo/online-tools/. Once on the CRIS site, you can log in as a guest and choose "submit" at the very top menu. Next choose "submit new information for an existing project." You will need the project number and your e-mail address. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 518-268-2181. Sincerely, Beth A. Cumming Senior Historic Site Restoration Coordinator e-mail: beth.cumming@parks.ny.gov via e-mail only cc: C. Vandrei – DEC enc: Resource Evaluation P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc. • P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer & Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Ave., Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY • Syracuse, NY • Seattle, WA • Shelton, CT Peer Reviewed Member P.W. GROSSER CONSULTING December 6, 2018      VIA CERTIFIED MAIL – RETURN RECIEPT REQUESTED      Martin Flatley, Chief of Police  Town of Southold Police Department  P.O. Box 911  Southold, NY 11971      Re: Environmental Review   The Enclaves   56655 Route 25   Southold, NY 11971      Dear Chief Flatley:    P.W. Grosser Consulting Inc. is in the process of performing an environmental review for the redevelopment  of a 6.725± acre parcel (“subject property”) located at 56655 Route 25 in the Town of Southold, New York.   Refer to the attached project plans for a site location map.    The proposed action involved the redevelopment of the subject property, which is currently a single‐family  dwelling.  The proposed action specifically consists of:     Clearing and grubbing existing trees and vegetation on the subject property.   Construction of a two‐story hotel with 44 hotel units (each ranging in size from 500 square feet to  540 square feet) and four (4) separate cottages (each with an area of 592± square feet),   Construction of an outdoor in‐ground swimming pool, pool patio and pool cabanas.   Conversion of the existing single‐family dwelling to a 74‐seat, sit‐down restaurant.   Associated surface parking, landscaping, and utility improvements.    Copies of the preliminary project plans are enclosed for your reference.    As part of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process, the applicant is examining potential  relevant environmental issues, including the potential impacts of the proposed development to police  protection, and we would appreciate your assistance in this regard.  Please advise, in writing, or provide the  following:    1. Number of personnel and patrols in the area.  2. Number and type(s) of equipment available.  3. The number and types of calls received in 2017 (or most recent year available).  4. Estimated response time to the subject property.  5. Current police department annual budget.  6. Any other relevant information you believe would assist in the environmental review.  P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc. • P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer & Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue, Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY • Syracuse, NY • Seattle, WA • Shelton, CT 2   Thank you for your assistance in this matter.  Please feel free to contact me at (631) 589‐6353 with any  questions you may have concerning this request.      Sincerely,        Bryan Grogan, PE  Senior Project Manager  P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc. • P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer & Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Ave., Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY • Syracuse, NY • Seattle, WA • Shelton, CT Peer Reviewed Member P.W. GROSSER CONSULTING December 6, 2018      VIA CERTIFIED MAIL – RETURN RECIEPT REQUESTED      Craig Goldsmith, Chief  Southold Fire Department  P.O. Box 1469  Southold, NY 11971      Re: Environmental Review   The Enclaves   56655 Route 25   Southold, NY 11971      Dear Chief Goldsmith:    P.W. Grosser Consulting Inc. is in the process of performing an environmental review for the redevelopment  of a 6.725± acre parcel (“subject property”) located at 56655 Route 25 in the Town of Southold, New York.   Refer to the attached project plans for a site location map.    The proposed action involved the redevelopment of the subject property, which is currently a single‐family  dwelling.  The proposed action specifically consists of:     Clearing and grubbing existing trees and vegetation on the subject property.   Construction of a two‐story hotel with 44 hotel units (each ranging in size from 500 square feet to  540 square feet) and four (4) separate cottages (each with an area of 592± square feet),   Construction of an outdoor in‐ground swimming pool, pool patio and pool cabanas.   Conversion of the existing single‐family dwelling to a 74‐seat, sit‐down restaurant.   Associated surface parking, landscaping, and utility improvements.    Copies of the preliminary project plans are enclosed for your reference.    As part of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process, the applicant is examining potential  relevant environmental issues, including the potential impacts of the proposed development to fire  protection and emergency medical services (EMS), and we would appreciate your assistance in this regard.   Please advise, in writing, or provide the following:    1. Number of households and non‐residential sites within the service area of the Southold Fire  Department (fire and EMS).  2. Total number of fire and rescue calls responded to in 2017 (or the most recent available year).  3. Total number of EMS calls response to in 2017 (or most recent available year).  4. The number of personnel in the Southold Fire Department, including the number of EMS personnel.  5. The specific EMS services provided by the Southold Fire Department.  P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc. • P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer & Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue, Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY • Syracuse, NY • Seattle, WA • Shelton, CT 2 6. Nearest fire and ambulance station and estimated response time to the subject property (provide  response time from each station if different).  7. Current fire department and ambulance annual budget.  8. Any other relevant information you believe would assist in the environmental review.    Thank you for your assistance in this matter.  Please feel free to contact me at (631) 589‐6353 with any  questions you may have concerning this request.      Sincerely,        Bryan Grogan, PE  Senior Project Manager  SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OAKDALE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM: Kathryn M. Fedun ASLI YUCEL COMPANY: DATE: SCWA 7/10/18 FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: (631)589-8705 5 PHONE NUMBER: SENDER’S REFERENCE NUMBER: (631)589-6353 AVG1801 RE: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: Water Verification Requests Ashley Yucel [ayucel@pwgrosser.com]  URGENT x FOR REVIEW  PLEASE COMMENT  PLEASE REPLY  PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: All requests of this type must be submitted in writing to: (Requests may take up to 14 days to process). Kathryn M. Fedun DISTRICT #1000 4060 Sunrise Highway Main St- AKA- Route 25 Oakdale, NY 11769 The following tabular format must be used: SCTM# House # Street, City Public Water Available? (Y/N) Connected to Public Water? (Y/N) 100-55-6-37.1 Vacant 1070 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES Verify SCTM# 100-63-3-1.1 Vacant 1070 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES NO 2 100-55-6-30 905 905 Maier Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-55-6-29 805 805 Maier Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-55-6-28 675 675 Maier Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-2 700 700 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-27.2 400 400 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES NO 100-63-3-5.3 300 300 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-6 270 270 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-7 200 200 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, NY YES NO 100-63-3-8 55765 55765 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-9 55975 55975 Main road, Southold, NY YES NO 100-63-3-26 56025 56025 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-1 56125 56125 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-28.1 56125 56215 56125 Main road, Southold, NY YES NO 3 100-63-3-12 56275 56275 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-13 56365 56365 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-7 55700 55700 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-8 55750 55750 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-9 115 115 Hobart road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-10.3 175 175 Hobart road, Southold, NY YES NO 100-62-3-10.2 285 285 Hobart road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-10.1 45 aka 495 Hobart 45 Korn road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-11 40 aka 55980 Rte 25 40 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-12 120 120 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES NO 100-62-3-13 160 160 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-14 220 220 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-15 300 300 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-16 440 440 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 4 100-62-3-22.5 45-265 45 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES Need on-site business or owners name 100-62-3-18 315 315 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-17 385 385 Cottage Pl. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-22.2 56340 56340 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-24.1 160 Parking lot 160 Locust Ln, Southold, NY YES NO 100-62-3-25 465 465 Korn road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-26 340 340 Locust Ln. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-3.1 600 600 Korn road, Southold, NY YES Verify SCTM# 100-62-3-37 56480 56480 Rt 25, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-36 165 165 Locust Ln. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-38 56600 56600 Main road, Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-35 295 295 Locust Ln. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-34 385 385 Locust Ln. Southold, NY YES YES 100-62-3-39 YES YES 100-62-3-33 555 555 Locust Ln. Southold, NY YES YES 5 100-62-3-4 390 390 Town harbor Ln. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-4-1 56850 56850 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-4-2 57020 57020 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES NO 100-63-4-6 275 275 Town Harbor, Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-4-5.5 57190 57190 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-21.5 57225 57225 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-21.3 57455 57455 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-19.1 57125 57125 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-18.1 56995 56995 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-17.2 56815 56815 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-16 56755 56755 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-17.4 56861 56861 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES 100-63-3-17.3 56863 56863 Main Rd. Southold, NY YES YES This is your completed water verification request based on the information you have provided. Please review the highlighted parcels for correction/updates. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc • P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer & Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue, Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY • Syracuse, NY • Seattle, WA Peer Reviewed Member P.W. GROSSER CONSULTING   December 6, 2018    Suffolk County Water Authority  4060 Sunrise Highway  Oakdale, NY 11769    Attn.: Lisa Cetta, Manager New Service   Re: Water Availability Letter for The Enclaves Southold, NY 11782 SCTM#: 100-63-3-15 Dear Ms. Cetta: PW Grosser Consulting (PWGC) has been retained by the owner of the property to design the proposed water and sanitary system for the proposed project. The proposed project consists of a forty (40) unit hotel with four (4) detached cottages and a separate seventy four (74) seat restaurant. According to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) standards the proposed sanitary flows for the project can be calculated as shown in Table 1 below: Table 1: Calculated Sanitary Design Flow Chart Use Area (SF) Seats Units Sanitary Flow Rate (gpd/seat, gpd/unit) Sanitary Flow (GPD) Restaurant -- 74 -- 30.00 2,220.00 Hotel 20,186.38 -- 40 150.00 6,000.00 Cottage 2,677.6 -- 4 150.00 600.00 Total 8,820.00 Based upon the above table the total sanitary flow is 8,820 gallons per day (gpd). Based upon a 12 hour use of the property this equates to an average domestic water flow rate of 12.25 gpm. Based upon industry standards the peak domestic water usage demand ranges between two and three times the average flow. Using the average flow of 12.25 gpm, this would equate to a peak flow range of 24.5 to 36.75 gpm. The proposed development will utilize on-site irrigation wells to meet the irrigation demand. With respect to the fire service demand for the proposed development, PWGC reviewed the 2015 International Fire Code. According to the Fire Code, the fire system demand is determined based upon the type of construction, building size and the presence of an automatic fire sprinkler system. The proposed buildings will be type IIB and type IV construction and will be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system. The buildings range in size from 670 to 20,000 square feet, which equates to a fire flow demand of 1,500 gpm. P.W. Grosser Consulting • 630 Johnson Avenue, Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY • Seattle, WA • Greensboro, NC 2 To be conservative, we are hereby requesting water service to support the peak demand of 36.75 gpm for the domestic supply and 1,500 gpm for the fire suppression system. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me.     Very truly yours,  P.W. Grosser Consulting Inc.        Bryan Grogan, P.E. Senior Project Manager