HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2019 2019 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF: This year, more so than in years past, we were able to keep all six of our bathing beaches open until the third week of August. At that point, due to limited staff availability, we had to close one beach. In 2018 we were down to only four lifeguards at this time. Heading into September 2019 we have eight guards but do anticipate additional closures for the upcoming holiday weekend. Staff assignments will focus on our main bathing beaches including Town Beach, New Suffolk, Gull Pond and Goose Creek. FALL BROCHURE & PROGRAMS: The Fall Brochure was an insert in the August 8th edition of the Suffolk Times. Popular classes like Aerobics and Tai Chi sold out opening day. New classes that were added to the fall line-up include Little Scholars Toddler Time, Herbs for the Holidays and our first fall Line Dancing. Our previous Youth Basketball instructors were unavailable this season. New instructors were identified and hired. We look forward to a revitalized and even better program this fall. REGISTRATION WEBSITE UPDATE: We are approaching our one year mark using the new mobile friendly registration portal. The system is very user friendly on the front end and user confidence is building. This is an entirely new system for not only the Town, but for the company that we contract with. As such, there are a few kinks on the back end that the Recreation Department staff is working out with the company to further improve the system to meet our needs. 2020 BUDGET REQUEST: Detailed estimates of the anticipated 2020 expenditures and revenues was reviewed and submitted to the Town Clerk. RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for those participants who paid with a credit card. Sincerely, Janet Douglass Recreation Supervisor BN'B vook S ta te m en t En YLng OW012019 Bo .�OVTHLWI TEMM P190-3 or Af A ecatmdfiluntw.XXXXWXM47 Now Public Fuiinidlls�,X,X,XXX,X.564'7 (c,,ontiiirmum�lil� bectrink Credits acnijwtlnue,O Date Dcscd�djon AmauM,, Ml W201 9 MOM STLMT 3930,M19,38-912 $296,00 GAVEMMI 9 FORTE 2.27553 SFC43011,0908.2 5 IN)D 00 Q&1112019 FORTE,2.27,55,53 SFOWIMEEED 5,925,00 OrAVEMADI 9 FORTE 2.27553 I,a:a ao WIV201 9 MOM STLMT 3,930,M19,38-912 S2,20,00 G,Pd,1 4"2 fi, 9 FORTE2.27553 $168500 Wl ITOI 9 BKCD STLNI'T 3830VA1938,912 5,210,00 OrRil 512019 FORTE 2.271553 SFICA814AFM 5 56D 00 MW201 9 FORTE.22,7553 19, $a90,100 G-Bil 4,,QAfjl 9 BKCO3 STILhAT MMOM-1919912 $14D 00 WISV201 9 FORTE,227,5553 500,108 QMJ2,010201 9 FORTE 2.27553 S,r,CAal9,,2 1405 %2PIC100 QW2,W20 19 FORTE.227,553 SFOWNSid AGBF $3,10,100 0(,FJ2,r.lt2AfA 9 FOR` E2.2"7553 Sr(,CAS17,,A7D6irj, WD 00 QW.2"V201 9 MOM STLMT 3,930,M19,38-912 S"125,00 Q(,PJ2 I Alifil 9 FORTE 2.27553 SFCA18,20,91r,17C 1151 ,91 00 0&22120 19 BKCD STLNI'T 3830VA1938,912 $55,100 QMJ221201 9 FORTE 2.271553 Sr(,CA8,2Pl,,QWA'V? $571500 QW.23420 19 FORTE.22,755,53 9f,049, 22.6"IC110 $405-00 08,12&2019 BKCO3 STILhAT MMOM-1919912 V.5500 QW.M201 9 FORTE,2.27 3 S,,rC,oDd23,,.2:BS3B $115,100 00J27,1201 9 FORTE 2.271553 516500 ffit.2TV201 9 FORTE.22,7553SF(M,14424,450,MB, $2,35,00 G,PJ 2 T�2 fil 9 FORTE 2.27553 S',,r(,'CA826,,OEDEIID, 5,44DOO req W.M20 19 BKCO STLM'T 99300MSM,912 $2,45,100 OMMIJIMI 9 FORTE2.27553 553500 FAM296P20 19 BKCD TLMT 3930,YA19,M,'912 16ID'ice Ndnt2fil 9 FORT E 2275 5 3 1 ID529r.100 rJ&,'3(W2fj 19 MCD STLMT 9 FORTE 2.27553 $43500 CNINerCrediss 'Dwis DmmsdOou Am'Quad, QMW201 9 INTEREST A7 Ofiffl, % 52-69 EilectroMt Deblts W121201 9 TSY'S)I"RAN�FIfRS-r'',,3930098°19.36912 SOUTHOLDTOWN REILREMN DISCOUNT R,9.31 ball y iftailanices nak Amiawr DAM Ammumix Bilk Amou O&A.1,I Qvr 9 S4,?16,7 i B 11AV'FV2.bT)-J V!At,"I 1N�it,015 OW2.".1;-Mm RA, OAMIAI,fll $412'N'Llift law"i4iQui I'M l` IN as 09,12L&NIlle I.Afi cjjwXl,Ndsj,19 1,12 421 115 11AUT&Q.Cl VJ $74,)Olrll M OW2."Nsi,19 M0,661 116 OWN&J,114 $419A31.101 OW116,12blig 174,381 18 01,12MM't 0 $Al1i,13116 0&A;?lQY9,9 'TA O"ll C.),1 1Bl S76,52,11 65 lcma,2.q2yj,19 sa,R"61?,1'RIS $48,146.IS OW20M210,19 11116,4311 a5l, 08,11=3 It a $82,164.514, ftyllq2 `11; w dlDAV2,iAdbrig 77"0 11"M 1182,146.06 Item Dees To—WA to r tanks.Ierl Totaii Totd O rer=l nifl, Fees So 0,01 VII 00 Tolijl Ratuirined liami Fear So 0,01 VII 00 .................................................................................................. ..........................................................................11.........................................................................