HomeMy WebLinkAboutDescriptions of Letters in box BOX III Section A Letter 1 TO: Angie Place: Essex From: Martha Date: May 28, 1849 TOPICS: Much visiting with all the cousins We had a good sail - Mrs Howelll and Hiram good company Nk H found us a carriage to Aunt Lucy's door - cousins did not recognize Nancy but said I was Mother's image Cousin George away fishing quilted all day at Aunt Lucy's Cousin Maria came home from a visit in Deep River - we went t stay with her Went to see Elizabeth unto the steam boat for New York Pleasant village here - church and academy walked to church but rode home A carriage ride after the afternoon service Mr Champlain and his daughter will voyage to London Dressmaking details Overhight visit to Madison planned_ - by steamboat List of expenses asks family for more money Directions to make a muslin fireboard How does milking and butter making go at home ? Cousin Elizabeth's poll parrot Will bring a gift shawl to Sarah Tuthill from Miss Doane Has no money to bring sister Mary a gift but wishes she had Regards from various relations in Essex BOX III Section A Letter 2 TO:Parents Place: Brooklyn FROM: Martha Date: January 16, 1851 TOPICS: Money spent Father almost angry with her for not writing - but letter came late She was in New YorX and came back late to Brooklyn Stayed *ith the Wiswell's -over night - sinceo dark had fallen and even with street lighting best not to be out alone A dinner party Took the stage to the ferry She had a sick spell Frank and Silas visited - Silas had smallpox at Thanksgiving which he caught from Gilbert Frank has lost his job taking care of his mother-so goes to Orange Co. Gilbert went to his store again with Silas Vist ±k to Williamsburg and by stage to Green Point Young peoples's party- ice cream, oysters, lemknade, cake, candies, fruit PERSONS: Uncle brought letter helped clean the parlour after Aunt Sally Mary L Dinner with Marion and Grace Mrs Wiswell alone at home- Mr Wiswell in Phildaelphia The Birdsall's visitormwas Lydia Case Visits with Nancy and Mrs St John at Uncle's Mrs Petit, Grace and Mary , E. Walters Visit to Miss Reeve Went to Ny to see Nancy and Esther - David not well Tea with Mrs Burnet Mary Lewis goes home Saturday Esther Wells Book as a gift for little Henry George pleased with his corn Aunt pleased with her sausages and apples BOX III Section A Letter 3 TO: Parents Place: Brooklyn From: Martha Date: January 26, 1852 TOPICS: Caroline died suddenly Took one day to travel fron Newburgh to New York because of snow Bad ferry crossing to New York Mr. Wiswell's preaching Preaching by Mr. Prince who had once preached in Cutchogue Angie was visiting a relation inGoshen when she lost a front tooth and had it replaced Shipping chickens-18 died from eating poison Cousin Abraham Conklin gave Angie a set of garters PERSONS: E. Jackson Travel companions to Brooklyn who are all now at Mrs Dolsen's -Mr Weed, Benny and Silas, Edgar Philips and Dilby Amos Griffin, Benjamin King Cousin Martha had a son Sarah Beebee BOX III Section A Letter 4 TO: Angie and Mary Place: New York From• Martha Date: December 24, 1852 TOPICS: Swaying with Nancy Met friands on the train Bought some cake at ? Friends helped her with the luggage c/o Cprwin1°s Express Lawyer Caby (?) Samuel Philips Esq. friend of father's Weather bad as soon as she arrived Evening visitors Purchases of fabrics - but not hats in the rain- dressmaking details Brought Nancy apples Gilbert in Orange Co. BOX III Section A Letter 5 TO: Angie Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: February 3, 1855 TOPICS: Has received Angie's letter and picture Mr Adams wrote to father She is ill- thinks too Many sweet potato4e He took sick horse to Richmond and traded it to the seller for another and took a losss the man says the horse is good and she hopes so - $75.00 are much to a poor minister Horse traders show no mercy Fanny Gaines came home with a school mate Mr Braxton not well No snow yet Tells Angie not -to be pleasure mad Mr Whitaker wrote he was in New York to visit an occulist Correspondence with Mr Wiswell Sorry Mr St. John could not visit via Richmond Thanks to Benny for sending his Paper ( Magazine) she has nothing to send that he would like hopes to receive the Home Journal Letter from Cossin May Glad Silas is better Hopes for goodies from home since they have only soda crackers in the room Love to Cousins and Mr Kimball Has Dr. Furgusson (sp?) come to Virginia Asks Nancy for a stock of sermon paper- wants sheets that contain more Mr Adams goes to Salem to preach BOX III SECTION A Letter 6 TO: Mary Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: February 24, 1855 TOPICS: Received- letters from Mary and Father and hopes that Angie is safely home Letter from an almost forgotten Cousin Cassie Cold and'd�:little snow Went to a lecture at Pole Green Mr Adams has a headache-y cold Glad Southold churches are doing well Going to stay at Dr. Pollard's Mr Adams exchanges pulpit with an old school fxtxxid pastor and will atay with him Visits to congregation Elder Pollard wants a visit from her but it is a 9-10 nile walk Pollard is a friends of Mr. Wise ( the Gov.) and they think of running him for the legislature Dr. Gaines is sad -one of his servants died Young Cephas dying pf typhoid and others are ill = think this is harder for the master than the slave when the master is careful Letter from Mr St. John Letter from Agnie Father should Brite- itis easier with practice - glad he will have a mice carriage Love to many relations A man who ran away to be married must be poor (?) BOX III Section A Letter 7 TO: Mother Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: May 10, 1855 TOPICS: Thanks for the letter - she has been neglecting them Interesting meetings at Salem for several days- the Rev. I. Royal preached 17 conversions including i woman of 80 , Ellen Pollard was 1 She went for some of the time- about a 2 week session-but not all- and stayed at a different house each night except for 2 with Mrs Pollard Dr and Mrs Pollard went to Richmond - the grils came home from Prince Edward on the cars The Adams' are keeping house - she is afraid she will forget her key basket when giving out supplies - thinks the servants like her as a mistress Only time to do Mr Adams sewing - only some of hers till she goes home- hopes to start in mid June Roses are exquisite- peas next week - cherries and strawberries soon but will miss the peaches Wishes she could have some succotash - Mr Adams wants to go fishing with father Mustgo to a wedding before she leaves ' Tell Jacob to get over his- rhumatism so he can g' things to rights. :? ( something about eyes) BOX III Section A Letter 8 jo:^Mother Place: Powhite, Hanover County l From: Martha Date: March 22, 1856 TOPICS: Doing the mending - clothes used up fast in washing and ironing Letter received Speech in the Watchman � newspaper) Letter from Nancy brought unexpectedly from Richmond Surprised at Mabel's daughter George Hobart's death in letter from Mr Whitaker - sorry for the family Visit to a sick friend in Richmond Presbytery meeting Mr Adams holds prayer meetings in different places - seems to be a revival going on does not go often - long rides on these roads fatigue her and back aches ensue some trips are twenty miles round Mr Adams went to Beulah to teach catechism - Bible is prize for good recitation of the shorter catechism Wishes she had her own house - they are boarding not housekeeping Thankds for the blackberries= she has them stewed with crackers for lunch BOX III Section A Letter 9 To• Mary Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: May 12, 1856 TOPICS: Good to have copy of the Watchman It is very warm Lost her overshoes and caught cold Mr Adams says she should have a pocket made for her rubbers Mr Adams in Richmond to see Rev. Read on his way to General Assembly Today is Whitsuntide which is a holiday for the servants who are working the garden plots where they raise things they may sell Hard to find time for sewing - working on a mohair skirt and a lawn dress given to her by Mrs Munford Needs to fix her white dress for an important wedding - can fit new sleeves- dinner next day will be a problem but can manage if it is cool enought for silk Meetings in Salem started in May - County clerk and his wife were comverted, as was his brother a most unreligious man Dr. Price argued against the revival to no avail - new members extend the parish 6 miles farther- equal to a trip to Riverhead - what would Rev Whitaker think of going so far Wheat is growing well _ corn is up - asparagus and lettuce are the only vegetables yet She will start home July i BOX III Section A Letter 10 To: Angie Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: October 11, 1856 TOPICS: Just come safely home - by sea to Wilmington ( not too sick) , then train to Richmond and own carriage home Letter from Brooklyn - Cousin Silas is ded Mary is going to school Seraphina is better Uncle and Aunt Landon Dress pattern for a friend Ginger snaps should be baked hard to keep - write David to send the box when ready Theodore White took the call to Mendham Mr Adams will stay here until a new post opens up BOX III Section A Letter 11 To: Mother Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: February 9, 1857 TOPICS: -Received her partnts letter Has not been well and feared it to be typhoid fever which has been much in the area this winter Notes deaths in the congregation from it Very deep snow Be;ieves this is a very unhealthy location Who in Southold dug a tunnel in the snow to visit neighbors A neighbor's wedding Expects a large fee for marrying Dr. Gaines Miller's son - wishes more rich people would marrry - a good fee is nice Feels ministry is sluggish Mr A tries to get to church when his horse can get him there Best wishes to a long list of relatives Mr Adams is -going to Richmond Would .ike ( ?) to nurse her instead of all these servants Necer has anything nice fried up to eat BOX III Section A Letter 12 To: Parents Place: Powhite From: Martha Date: March 10, 1857 TOPICS: Visit to King and Queen County at the invitation of Mrs Fauntlez'y they will go with Dr and Mrs Garnett in their carriage as the Adams' horse is sick - a 25 miles trip Had oysterstwice a day the whole stay Tehn they went on to a pulpit exchange Very cold and snow heavy - then milders- read about a bad storm in New York More typhoid fever Pulpit installation of the Rev. J.O. Sloan in New Kent Revivial in Mr Widwell's (sp ?) church - hopes for one here- Sunday school is large and flourishing Sewing on shirts Plowing started and gardens all are sown Mr Overton ( same name as Southold ? same family ) will not live long A young -couple ran off to North Carolina to be married they are Baptists BOX III Section A Letter 13 To: Mother Place: Brooklyn From: Martha Date: November 15, 1857 1- ink 2- pencil continuation TOPICS:Xedious train ride - David did not meet us - Cousin Fanny carried the butter pail and carpet bag and the other bag and walked to the depot house . Cousin Fanny hired a carriage and left me a t Nancy's Nancy was busy in the basement with the basket Nancy is well but has a cought - Martha is not well Fanny went to Mr Beecher's church Had ypur cheese and doughnuts for tes - and chicken for dinner Nancy says thanks for the ale and father for the chickens Nancy can get along if you cannot spare more butter - has a firkin from a friend of David's Can get a 30 lb. tin can made to fill with lard when you kill Rooms will have their stoves fixed tomorrow (2) Thanks from Nancy for the grapes and pears to Aunt Margaret Dressmakinl�notes and plans Please send white white beeaaas for P®ok acid beans PERSONS: Party traveling to Brooklyn : Corou sin Fanny, Mrs Prince, Helen, Cousin Martha Overton, Mrs Ann Hallock In Brooklyn: Jules and Hanry Howell, Mary Kimball, Matilda BOX III Section A Letter 14 To: Father Place: Brooklyn From: Martha Date: December 4, 1857 TOPICS: Martha arrived safely David received 4 bags of potatoes - no turnips- he is pleased but would like turnips Mr. Adams met her at the carsand mother went to see cousin Fanny Hubbard before she left on the night boat Making crullers and mince pies Mr. Adams going to preach in Thompsonville Rev. Ralph Smith is renting a house in Brooklyn- his mother died and there is much business - he is preaching in Sharon, Conn-he goes up each Saturday. He advises Mr. Adams to preach the winter in Thompsonville before accepting the call. I shall go with him if he boards or keeps house - but he will not keep house unless he accepts the wall at once Wants Angie to send her small trunk - list clothes and domestics that she wants sent and that Nancy wants - Express directions Mother wants money sent soon Bunkers and sauages are first rate BOX III Section A Letter 15 To: Angie and Mary Place: From; Martha Date: February 15, 1858 TOPICS: Nancy and David started early Hopes to come to you Thursday Depot says the cars do not run through to Brooklyn but David can find out Aunt Sally from Mount Hope in Brooklyn - shall go to Brooklyn to see her List of visits BOX III Section A Letter 16 To: All at home Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: August 28, 1858 TOPICS: Safe arrival Met Abbie when boarding Slow trip up river with many landings - waited 3 hours at Deep River wharf for a Sunday 'school picnic ( 300 children and adults) crowded in the cabin Put off some at middle Haddam and took on camp meeting folks At 8:30 more children from a picnic boardedcat Weathersfield for Hartford Reached the Allyn House in Hartford 9:30 and had supper andstarted for homenext day at 7:OOAM - Mrs Houston asked usto Breakfast - came home to find many baked things left for us All well in house and garden Things from home traveled well - sorry she did not ask for rye flour since she would like to bake some rye bread Much sickness around- especially cholera - so must be careful of our diet Much indigestion There is a mystery about Julia (?) BOX III Section A Letter 17 To: Angie Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: April 12, 1859 TOPICS" Package came safely Glad she has arrive in Brooklyn- hope you have seen to it eo Mother will not house clean too hard Not t-o strong - in the care of a new servant girl - as soon as she came we had a colporteur who stayed a week Went to a wedding - gives honeymoon itinerary Expected a friend from Wilmington I newly married) to arrive in transit to Boston Sewing society Friday A fast next week Presbytery after that Dressmaking and sewing - wants one day of, a seamstress time surely Going home via Brooklyn soons Calista boards at the Houston's BOX III Section A Letter 18 To: Angie Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: March 25, 1861 TOPICS: Expects Angie to send a pen - thinks she is legible i n pencil- feels she is too ill to use a pen - has cold and sore throat and so does Mr A Very stormy weather can cold Dress making and altering Maggie helps greatly Times are dark and hopes they will be better Mary Houston at home - Agnes and her father keeping house in Hayardsville foe John's wife is with her Mother in New Haven Young people scarce here but hope you will come by boat in May She cannot leave until summer because of hluse cleaning Hopes for visitors from home Letter from Mr Chittenden Death of Judge Parsons Possible trip to Hartford BOX III Section A Letter 19 To: All at home Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: May- 2, 1861 TOPICS: Civil War excitement- a false alarm to misnight that the rebels had tkaen Washington Mr. Adams went out to find the truth -many wentto Springfield - she never knew before how much sheloved the Union Mr Admas put aside his sermon to preach on the need to fly to the country's rescue 30 men have gone to the war Trains all night and day taking soldiersz and arms from Boston and Springfield Better news after church in the afternoon Grand Glee Club concert tomorrow night Everybody feels poor here - carpet factory only works 4 days a week - the stockinette 3/4 time Mr Houston will be postmaster Presbytery meeting Tell father he must raise a flag on the house BOX III Section A Letter 20 To: Nancy Place: Hartford Frpm: Martha Date: February 11, 1863 TOPICS: Does not feel well - shaky hand Visiting in Hartford with Rev. and Mrs. Hall Sat the doctor who thinks her lungs are ok She is taking cod liver oil - iron porter and whiskey as a building regime- she does not like it Doctor's live well with horses and carriages BOX III Section A Letter 21 To: Angie and Mary Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: September 12, 1863 TOPICS: Home letters Aunt Jura's illness Hard sail leaving home- ill and the boat crowded May had the house in order but nothing to eat -glad of the fare brought from homr Invitation to tea with newly weds - young couple have left to live in Newbern, NC Invitation to tea with neighbors whose sister and her husband are residents of New Zealand - natives of Scotland -he made a fortune in New Zealand She is well educated - plays and sings Tey trqvel to Saratoga, Niagara, Chicago- then Washington=Philadelphia- New York and then to Scotland and the continent Visitors often here from New York A sickly time - 4 bells last week and a funeral after each service Sunday Mother is well Fruit is scarce Pies made from apples from home BOX III Section A Letter 22 To• Angie and Mary Place: Thompsonville From• Martha Date: December 291863 TOPICS: Hared to clean house inthe cold but they must improve Mrs Clark sewes the sitting room carpet- hard work Mr. Hall's visit will stop things awhile Mr. Adams exchanged with Mr Murphy of Avon who was in seminary with him= a frind of Mr Whitaker's Thanksgiving Union Service- collection for the wounded and ill soldiers Had a cold meat dinner and mince pie - too busy with carpet to prepare Houston's invited us to chicken supper with children and grandchildren Thanks to Nancyfor the jar of peaches- enjoying the rye flour very much Sorry father forgot the pork - you will have to bring the traveling basket with hominey - sausages - pork and some crackers to eat on the way Request for gloves BOX III Section A Letter 23 To: Mother and Auntie Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: February 8, 1864 TOPICS: Mr A is too ill to preach- the congregation are very kind Gift of a live chicken which lives in a barrell in the cellar- who is to kill it ? she is too squeamish A neighboring minister sent them a nice 14 pund turkey Going to Guilford No letter from home Some letters from friends in Springfield on return home Invited to stay with the St. JohnA in the City Girls ( her sisters) in a hurry to get back to NY - all talk of the great fair in Brooklyn and of beaux PS - a disclaimer - not identified Wants some apples from home- uses hers very carefully BOX III Section A Letter 24 To: Paretns and sisters Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: May 24m, 1864 TOPICS: Mr Adams taken ill on the way home from New York - tells his people he must take a vacation or resign since it is useless to stay *ithout preaching Congregation chose a vacation Left Wilmington - invited to the St. John's since trip was too long for 1 day when going home Had -trouble with her trunk - feared lost but it turned up Taking their meals with the Houstons Thinking of a western trip to the lakes and mountains but lack funds People will misss him but Session is getting a pulpit supply Mr Adams will go to Ne w York with her- then she will go home and he will go on vacation �J BOX III Section A Letter To: Dear ones at home Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Datee November 5, 1864 TOPICS: They are lazy letter writers at home Mr Adams sermon finished - has gone to get something for breakfast She wants ham but has been eating prk instead which is very nice Deacon Cleveland was visiting and enjoyed it because he had been eating so much fish Surprise visit from Mrx+ Chittenden p- took her to the kitchen becuasd there was no fire in the sitting room- she stayed to dinner and Mr Admas built a fire John Houstin sent his horse and carriage and took us for a ride Mr Chittenden is not well and should have a change of air Butter scarce and dear, - no eggs at any price -the hens have dried up as well as the cows There is a little bushel of potatoes from the garden - they look like summer potatoes• this is probably due to the drought If father will send some potatoes with the turnips- mr Admas will pay for the baskets which he can re-sell Do not forget samp, hominy - a little pork - anything edible- we have plenty of beef but would like ham, relish, sausages or anything- I Have some codfish can we trade some ham for coffee with Aunt Phillis or Aunt Jura ? Have made no cake - only cookies - ginger snaps lasted Jane Houston sent a card of gingerbread 3 times and a jar of ginger preserves Mrs Ely sent a nice tomato pickle Drop,in visitors A wedding Please sedd some popcorn and a few little red apples with the n6xt visitor Remarks about colds BOX III Section A Letter 26 To: Friends, Aunt Jura Phillis Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: November 18, 1864 Incomplete with pages missing Topics: Has not been well Mr Adams has done the housework Mrs Houston will do my baking Lists the weeks activities -why did She get sick? Sends out the heavy washing and ironing but does small pieces' List of calls Lots of company List of visits Box of goodies from home Mr Adams went to Hartford Conern about freight delivery -box had apples - thank you. for burning the coffee ( roasiing the beans Butter, chicken, ham and a can of scallops -cooked them to be sure of keeping them altho' they were sweet and fresh BOX III Section A Letter 2f5 TO'' Mary Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: November 15, 1866 TOPICS:Journey home Mr Adams health - betterbut not great Had Mrs. Ira B. Tuthill's company to Lakeland Station and Mary Kimball's the rest of the way Did not accept her invitation to stay the night As I had to pushon to Springfield but missed the train to New Haven so went on to Brooklyn leaving next morning before dawn - a lonely way to 27th St. via City Hall and then changed. to our depot - very rough men about but took train home safely Mr Adams met the 3 o'clock and the Hoge's carriage tok us home BOX III Section A Letter To: Angie Place: Thompsonville From. Martha Date: February 25, 1865 TOPICS: Too sick to acknowledge your letter and money when I wrote to mother Ashamed of my tattered silk wrapper now that I am sitting up - cannot wear a light dress so must get a wrapper madep-- will the old pattern die well or should she invest in new fabric Milk is so scarce - and though cream and whiskey would do her good there is none- thinks she will try an egg 6r wine Mr Hall of Plattsburg came and Mr Adams went to Hartford with him Mr Beigham came to tea Mrs U getting to mld to paint much anymore and too ill Much sickness due to severe winter - Mr A much exposed on sick calls and says he can't take another winter here Mr A went to assist opening of new Presbyterian chapel at Hartford Angie's new escort and gay winter BOX III Section A Letter ZU �. To: Angie Place: From: Martha Date: November 27, 1876 TOPICS: She is at Hog Neck Expects Angie to enjoy her trip to Woodstock Domestic details Family activities The corn is good Making tallow, mince meat, liver sausages, pickles, preserves Father glad Mr Revere elected to Congress Mr A is gone to New York Drove to Nancy's and had tea- she is not too well Guests to tea Not up to going to church Sent Landon lefter to Washington Cleaning emembrances to the cousins A Thanksgiving box for Maggie- made mince and pumpkin pies, donuts BOX III Section A Letter TO Mary Landon ( niece) Place: West Fargs. NYC From: Aunt Martha ( Martha) Date: August 7, 1878 TOPICS'$4rites Mary Landon were with her and imagines a days' activites together Little poem and a drawing on the same sheet BOX III Section A Letter To: Mary Place: Wilmington, Del. From: Martha Date: December 30, 1878 TOPICS:Mary has just had a baby boy Came Saturday to help and found Harry delirious and near death The Chandler family is glad that she can sit eith Mrs Chandler Religious reflections BOX III Section B Letter 1 To: Angie and Mary Place: From: 1- Nancy 2- Martha 3- Martha 4- Bob Short TOPICS: 1 - Girlish nonsense- kittens are snug in the welll room, Mother in rocking chair 2- Is Mary better? Glad to see you in Riverhad but riding on the cars is expensive picking blackberries mother has been spinning all day- very tiring work Society meeting last �w�eea Mr John Brandt's sister Margaret Janetta married a New York merchant Job came last week and father visited him at Dr. Tuthill's Expect good hatching of chickens Potatoes are coming well Dress making 3- Mother not well yesterday Going on the excursion Can you come to Jamesport to meet father or wait till school is out 4- Will come to Riverhead when it snows in a day or two if the horses do not stop breathing - sleighing poor for now - Nancy says you must come home - for Martha is going to step off (?) BOX III Section B Letter 2 To: Dear sisters Place: From: Martha Date: August- Monday eve. 9:OOpm TOPICS:Sorry they cannot stay in Riverhead Reflections on improving the mind Visitors are taking a ride - she had a cold and stayed home Making arrangements for a fair or a festival - not enough things to exhibit or sell for a fair Wants to see the Riverhead folks Mrs Wiswell has a new baby daughter BOX III Section B Letter 3 To: Mary and Angie Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: Feb 10 TOPICS: Trip to Cornwall with stop in Brooklyn Invitation from Mrs Ledoux a friend from Brooklyn Tired from a Presbytery visitation - 2 ministers for 4 days - 2 meetings each day Neighbors sent in pies and cakes Nrs Houston has them to tea Please send a bag os sausages she can pick up in Brooklyn Mrs Wiswell haj a son BOX III Section B Letter 4 To: Angie Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: March 2 TOPICS: About her visit to Cornwall Just time to write before prayer meeting It rained and they had a carriage to take them to church and for the tour on Monday Drove through the grounds of the famous Idlewild - Mr. P. Unllis' house- the grounds are open - he likes people to visit the eild ,beautiful, romantid place on the Hudson Went on to Nancy in Brooklyn - Addie' in high spirits tho' not well before we went to Cornwall Dinner at Uncle Osborne Mary Kimball's on Thursday Called on Frank churchs' wife Carrie Mr Adams running about seeing Southern friends- some from Richmond Bought a blue striped foul and silk dress Did not get a new traveling dress- hopes the old one will do Mr Adams got books and a carpet bag Brought the sausage home and glad of it There was a snow storm on arriving home and we were met by a sleigh at the depot Dinner at Mrs Houston's Hoped to do housework but many calls kept her busy - so many pEople came we had to borrow lamps from the neighbors- fires in the three stoves we have up= study=kitchen= sitting room- all rooms thrown open to the garret Mr Houston called us from the hall and made a speech and gave us a purse of $108.00 Mr Adams replied impromptu and the various generations separted to play games- did not bring refreshments thinking it would cause much trouble House still not in order but Mrs McKnight came to help and swept upstairs and some of downsatirs Doen't want to get a girl if she can help it- her sewing suffers - may want Abby for a day or two in Brooklyn - when is Angies going there Could Mary find her a man's sailor collar for travel Trying to make Mr Adams shirts-Helen Griffing is doing some plain sewing Marys plans for Spring and Summer Going to get help during the Presbytery - it is 3rd week of August Sickness- Mrs Frederick Ely lost her 14 mos. son Anxious to hear from Southold- hopes the disease is checked Calista to be in Westfield- her school is out Mother Adams wrote that she is not well Mrs Wiswell's boy is doing well BOX III Section B Letter 5 To: Nancy Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: April 23 Topics:Angie and I have sewed all day on the front chamber carpet Ladies made some for the bedroom The servant gal is good - she lkkes housekeeping Plenty of shad - good bread and butter - excellent succotash A specially prized gift of ivory handled dinner knives and forks and a carving pair froma poor lady and her daughter who work very hard Gardening - peas are up and growing well Do go out with Addie in the wagon to see the folks - do not be lonley Query after mother's health BOX III Section B Letter 6 To: All at home Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: September 26 TOPICS:Mrs wilson, Mrs Woodruff, Jenny and Fanny Houston have just left Mr/ St. John's letter with Mary's note came - glad the money is safe Mother still at the Landon's Felt ill on the boat - but not sea sick - smell of food made her ill all the way to New London from Greenport Invited to tea at the Allyn House by the gentleman who gave us such a handsome present last summer Fried chicken for dinner on the second day home -take breakfast at the hotel Did a little washing Letter from Mr. Ledoux4 arriving with family tommorrow Roasted ( burned) and ground some real coffee Prepared for baking - Mrs Wilson going away gave her 2 splendid loaves' of bread and all the garden vegetables to pick she desires - frined helped make up beds in the house Mr Hamlin of Mattituck arrived on the train I*a Mr Adams met �ut the Ledoux' did not - letter came saying they were detained - disappointing, especially as Mr Ledoux was to have preached Expecting a visitor from Rochester with nurse and child Jimmy happy with Angie's gift of a boat -wonders what else he might get so gave him some apples and cakes from Long Island Our things came nicely Flour is 1512 a barrel, coal 142 per ton - everything is very high Please keep the tumbler I left - it is part of a gift set-gift of Mother Adams Mr Adams liked the chicken and the eggs - please tell Aunt Jura - bunkers not running yet Regards to other Aunts BOX III Section B Letter 7 To: Mary Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: May 26 Topics: Letter arrived - hopes for a visit Mr Adams appointed Commissioner to the General Assembly at Albany Mr Chittenden came - nothing to eat in anuntidy house - but got the butcher to bring some meat and gave him dinner He was an the way to Hartford to meet his wife and go to Mrs Brown's funeral Visit to Neighbors on Wednesday and Firday Had tea for Mr Hall the pulpit supplu- he talked me blind Janet Alexander stayed the night to help - but busy with meals and teaching Sunday school = glad he wanted to leave on the early train Calista will come to stay nights with me and Mrs (?) will come to clean house Jimmy Houston is sick and Jenny has the measles Mrs Houstonhas house guests from Hartfors - she is much fatigues but sends love ( to a long list in Southold) BOX III Section B Letter 8 To: Father Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: August 1 Topics: Learned the boat is running so will be in Greenport next Tuesday night- feared would have to go via New York - prefer the boat Please meet us with i carriage if 2 are not possible Will let you know if the boat plan does not work- otherwise expect us Will bring Mother, Auntie add 3 trunks Mr Harris is the pulpit supply while Mr Adams is ill It is terribly hot - hvave been in the kitchen all day and now it is dinner so must go back again BOX III Section B Letter 9 To: Mother Place: Thompsmnville From: Martha Date: July 9 Topics: Notice the boat will run next week - expect to see you and any you bring- hope father will come Let us know and we will meet you at Hartford-will have to wait an hour or two but the depot is nice and you can get something to eat - take horse and carriage from the boat to the depot Mr and Mrs Bryan expect to go when the boat runs- he will take his horse and carriage and perhaps go to The Neck Jane Houstin has a baby girl Mrs Houston has a visitor from London Aunt Chandler brought me a pretty summer dress Too dry for the garden - potatoes scarce and late- have grown a few peasu'and beans -would like some lard a BOX III Section B Letter 10 To: Mother Place: Thompsonville From: Martha Date: June 28 3/4 of a page torn out Topics: Received the Certificate of Life Membership in the Tract Society from Mrs Chittenden and wrote to acknowledge it Glad you reached home well Mr Adams saw the carriage in Hartford - could not get the whip - and there are no nets in the city ( for fly protevtions) - there was a dreadful storm but it cleared by the time he came back The smith prices the carriage at $300 -hope it is alright The clock is going well Hope Mr Corey is better Can't get butter or eggs -the yams are gone -get the girls to bring some over - it will pay Visit to Springfield Cannot find a dressmaker Excellent strawberries after ylu had gone- Mr Houston gave me enough to preserve Mrs Wilson gave strawberries and raspberries The yeast failed-could find some hops with trouble but not one old potato- thinking of going over for a supply Mr Bryan said it would be alright about the money when James came 1 BOX III Section B Letter 11 To: Nancy Place: Wilmington From: Martha Date: Setptember 27 Topics: Book on letter writing Much visiting here Fears some sad news from home We shill leave Thursday - wish to go via Brooklyn- but cannot stay with the Gaines as they are not home Pleasant ride to Philadelphia - James Adams met the boat- John AdQ-s is our host here Going to New Castle Del. with Mrs Wiswell Write to Richmond, Va. BOX III Section B Ldtter 12 To��,Angie Place: From: Martha Date: Topics:Continuing the letter started to May (Mary) so she will get a letter back and no complaint Would like a letter once a week So sorry about the loss of the horses - we all have pride ro ride behind good ones- angry Bill had to be sold even if Bet had to be - wants to lecture father for feeling ancient and trying to have all the same -(Areal lecture on how to age badly) Jennie Houston went to Norwich for the holidays -sleighing party to Springfield Mr Burbank took Calista (? romance) Agnes is visiting - the Misses Wilson are well -Mrs Wilson gave a splendid supper= for 40 in the afternoon - refreshments for 70 young people in the evening A large fair held in Springfild but itmis too cold "for her to go Mrs Wilson would like some turnip seed to try next year Plans to meet in NY and come back to (Thompsonville ?) Gilbert sent me a hoop skirit after he went back Thanks to Mrs St John for the shawl Odd remark about marriage Mr A went off without warning otherwise we would have had some sausages sent to Brooklyn for us - Mr King sold his pDrk on the hoof $90.00 -no sausages there BOX III Section B Letter 13 To: Angie Place: (NYC) From: M artha Date: (1) Saturday night) 1 pencil (2) Tuesday morning 2 pen 1. Topics:Resting from a tiresome faint Sister Mary was to have come but failed -we rode up town to a beautiful new Jewish synagogue - art galleries and Stewarts ( dept. store) Found Tillie Landon here and wants us to visit next wwhk before she leaves for Florida Tires so writing in pencil as does,not wish to write on Sabbath Mart Houston writes she is coming soon and will go home with me Mr Admas has not been down this week - had a sick spell and could not preach- last Sabbath evening Allie Hoge and Mary here - Allie is going to Washington Mary spent the day with Auntie Halsey Letter from Nancy 2 Topics: Dreasmaking -black skirt -top-sleeves Visit to Mary Dayton -visit from Geroge -Mary - Mr. Malkins Mr Adams arrived Wishes ahe could be with Angie and see all the religious meetings - been to several good meetings in the evening where she is Mr. Whitaker mustbe pleased' George has a new job at 321 B'way with Lewis and Co. David was to atart home yesterday Send the lace pattern to Horton -121 Livingston St. Brooklyn BOX III Section B Letter 14 To: Mary Place: From: Martha Date: Two Notes (10 (2) Topics: (1) Letter received via Mr Whitaker We are all much better thanks to God - Addie much better David left yesterday Mrs. St. John helps wonderfully but is not really well enough herself (2) Will send this by Mr Whitaker -mother started it for the Society - but I have to finish it Meeting of 12 today Mother better - helps with Addie --hope both much better soon We will have your wrapper made soon - finishing mother's callico dress Calisata wrote Angie -Deacon Anderson's son Adam died Aunt Jura rose to the bay with' old Jose last night Regards to Nannie, Miss Tuthill Miss Nelson BOX III Section B Letter 15 To: Fahher and Mother Place: From: Martha Date: Wednesday AM Topics:Continuation letter Mr Adams not well Turkey dinner Sunday -cold pn Monday - chicken yesterday wich was partly prepared Sunday Mary said there were two chickens btt only one appeared in the barrel-- think she made a mistake- not that it was taken out Arrived well not eaten one egg broken- am obliged - had ham or ( ) or Indian cakes for breakfast - excellent for winter Will thank Uncle Austin for the turnips vid thanks for the potatoes Must dress to go to Springfield Angie is painting - very pretty work -she improves every month Hope Nancy and the children are well Wishes Angie could stay and Mary come to Letter to Mrs Chittenden - will miss his letters so much Tell Louisa we had a good supper and breakfast from the scallops BOX III Section B Letter 16 To: Angie and Nancy Place: From: Martha Date: Wednesday PM Topics: 9nding your chemise, jacket and collar in Mr Adams' carpet bag -also trimmings and remnants - also odd keys ( ? to carpet bag and wash stand ?) Please get me some fabric - specs herewith -Mr Admas will give you the money Other want wool -will give them a bunch or two Expect Mr Adams to go to Wilmington for several days - Helen Griffing and Calista will spend the night with me Knit almost a foot of sock for Mr A Mrs Mosely sent % peck of apples and Dr Peace a ham An unknown bachelor minister is coming to stay Sunday and preach Will cut out 6 shirts - finish ironing - poor cOmpany- she is very lonely BOX III Section B Letter 17 To: Father and Mother Place: From: Martha Date: Wednesday AM Topics:Mr Adams went to Somers to preach and spend the night We dressed and went to tea and an evening with several young ladies more like spring than winter sheet torn off Irish Mary left Monday -getting help os very difficult Fire last week was frightening - ;feared to lose the house nad much else but God spared us Hope you are better of your cold Dr Horton is in the habit of giving out pills -I don't like so many Terrible murder in Duffield- aold man killed (?) says self defense BOX III Section B Letter 18 To: torn sheet Place: From: Martha Date: Topics: Mr Adams went to Bridgeport and will go to Southeast ( wn NY State) returning to Rye to an installation and on to NY and home all ne by appointment of the Presbytery - I cannot go as not appointed Would love to run away to Southold- if the cars ran straight I would Wrote Nancy Mr A would be there Must clean house while he is away -it is raining and I must sew Maggie is at school Box III Section B Letter 19 To: Mother and Father Place: From: Martha Date: Topics:Mary and Angie took all the space so this is a new sheet Everyone unwell = list of medical afflictions A missionary whom ise a doctor cured Mary's tooth ache My girl (servant) keeps expecting to leave -thinks she is tired of work Hope she stays even if I do have more than 2 the work to do 175 one night and 100 the next left the house a mess-especially the Carpets - but the money left is very welcome- ( donation Party) Will have to get a new table-sitting room is so large Thank Aunt Margaret for the sausage and dried fruit Sorry Uncle Austin did not come with the girls BOX III Section B Letter 20 To:Mother Place: From: Martha Date: Topics:Tried to start home- left Nancy's to make calls before cominguo to Brooklyn -expected her to meet me here -stay all nights-but she left before I got home I cried - but Aunt and Uncle said I should not go - Aunt will go with me to NY - will leave Tuedday if I can- don't think I don't want to come home Box III Section C Letter 1 To: Martha Place: Peekskill From: Mrs. E. Wiswell Date: August 13,1854 Topics:Glad shie is happy in new relations matrimonial and ministerial Refers to abolitionists - does not like slavery -but admires the Southern gentlemen St. Louis visit -describes a slave market and environs - prices and people Going to Long Island tomorrow Church and parsonage are not yet built Persons:John Booth (?) has traveled Detriot-Troy - Saratoga-Holland Patent in search of a wife- wants a lage dowry -is satisfied in Ny facilities Mr Wiswell BOX III Section C Letter 2 TO: Martha Place: Independence, Iowa From: Martha Date: December 31, 1857 Topics: Moving to new quarters before winter' Nice to hear from dear friends in Southold Was house guest He was ill,now is well- not living on Graham crackers Describes town Persons', Cousin Fanny wht5 lives in Woodstock] Mr Richmond's family BOX III Section D Letter 1 To: Martha Place: From: Her niece Date: Topics: A practice letter BOX III Section E Letter 1 To: Sister Mary Place: Hanover From: Carson Adams Date: March 1, 1855 Topics: Mary has joined the church and her brother-in-law is delighted in much ecclesiastical prose Anxious about Angie - feels she is not in a state of grace BOX III Section E Letter 2 To: Father ( in-law) Place: near Richmond From: Carson Adams Date: February 16, 1857 Topics:Tired from preaching 2 sermons to large congregations and a 20 mile ride yesterday First congregation since second Sunday in January the winter is so hard- the worst known here - for 2-3 weeks could only get out on horseback Many deaths from freezing throughout the state - people not prepared as in the North Snow gone now and it is 72° Suppoase the railroad is open on Long Island and theycan send things to market Prices should be good for prok and for potatos if they are not frosen If you can get a high price for ( old charlie) (?) should let him go Martha not well- now better- she cries for mother when she gets a little sick- being sick in other people's houses is not easy - better in a house of our hown Farms are getting ready to plow and so on Suppose Buchanan will go into office in a week or 2 -would like to go to the inauguration if he could spare the time and money Hopes he can set things right for the Republicans about at the end of their rope- perhaps they will give up and do something more particular People blame them for the insurrection among the servants throughout the country this winter Suppose you and mother are lonely with the girls in New York this winter 8OX III ' Section E Letter 3 To ' Father and Mother Place: Thompsonville From: Carson Adams Date: July 29, 1859 Topics:Expect to leave New York for Liverpool Wednesday and be gone 4 moths and see; as much of Europe as money will permit Have thought about. it for a month but just made up my mind on Friday - going because of health - mostly bad throat which is getting worse- Must do' something or be laid aside from the pulpit and will do anything not to be laid aside from the pulpit Martha will make the usual annual visit Time and money do not allow for a visit to you Sailing' on the ship Elllen Austin pier 4N ( north river ?) i BOX III Section E Letter 4 To: Mother and wife Place: Edinburg, Scotland From: Carson Adams: Date: Septembeu 20, 1859 Topics: Has written before but had no news- would like a letter and expects to find one at return to Glasgow Health better and expects more improvment Voyage of 25 days at sea- will return on a steamer Vist to Mrs Houston's sister at Dumfries - travel descriptions and a mention of Robert Burns - visit to Kilmarnock where his Scots congregation emigrated -going on to the highlands - Rob Roy country- train to Stirling Full tourist discription etc. thoughts on Knox St. Giles, covenanter stories Description of church service James must be home from New Orleans now BOX III Section E Letter 5 To: Father and mother ( in law) Place: Thompsonville From• Carson Adams Date: March 8, 1864 Topics: Martha heen unwell since the 2 girls left - had the doctor everday- now better -nothing wrong but ,general weakness and bad stomac- - no servant so cooked own mealx - the neighbors very kind A nurse now with us Martha will go to Wilmington as aoon as she is able - he has bean sick himself Glad shurch did so well by Mr Whitaker - a good donation Looking for a small farm to get cheap for cash -says he will turn to raising potatoes and be out of doors if his dyspepsia is no better Hopes Nancy and children are well - with two Martha Adams on the Neck one must be called Patty ( an old name for Martha) i BOX III Section E Letter 6 To: Wife Place: Madison, Wis. From: Carson Adams Date: June 29, 1864 Topics:Came on from an uncomfortable time in Chicago - it has a bad smell It is very hot - if no rain the farmers will have no crops - tell your father to raise all the corn he can the prices will be good He likes Madison Comments on a local church Going to St. Paul by boat Please send all Presbyterian publications to him in St. Paul Wishes she could be with him but knows they cannot afford it BOX III Section E Letter 7 To: Mother ( in law ) Place: Thompsonville From: Carson Adams Date: October 9, 1865 Topics: Wishes they could visit but the whole winter program changed - people here and Presbyterains do not want them to leave - so will stay a little longer We will keep house on a different plan - salary raised to $1,000 and the increase will cover the cost of a servant Going on to Guilford and then to New York and on to Wilmington Sorry Nancy could not vist BOX III Sectinn E Letter 8 To: Wife Place: Thompsonville From: Carson Adams Date: October 11, 1882 Topics: At John Houston's -describes a wedding in great detail d BOX IV Section F Letter 4 To: Mary Landon ( Mary Dayton's dau.) Place: Brooklyn From: Libbie April 29 Topics:Thanks for the flowers which her father brought to the Library- so many she could give some to friends Spring is coming in the city -the sparrows have driven all the other birds away Rennie, Charles and Elmer are going to Speonk for the summer and will grow big and strong Hopes her little brother does not have the measles because if he has she cannot see the Decoration Day Parade or March on Anniversary Day ( a Brooklyn Sunday School custom) ' E� BOX IV Section F Letter 5 To: (J) Dear Sisters ( pencil) Place: (r) Father (pen) Date: May 16, 1852 From: Mary To: Dear Girls From: Mother ( pen) (3)Postcript Topics: Glad to get your letter yesterday -spent most of a rainy day reading by (1) the fire Aunt Betsy says Angeline should pay particular attention to writing Silas expedts to go to Orange Co.-Mother looking for a Bible for him saw a very handsome English one at a book store which will put his name on it for a shilling-bought it and gave it to him at Uncle 0's -he was very ,pleased it was his first - sorry we cold not get the slippers ready yet (2) some young men teasing hbout Angie's beaux Will 's Ly a little after mother goes home -would like some money sent her (3) All about the girls' hats Rain ,had kept her from going to New York about Nancy's carpet Invitation from the Griffing's in Jersey City Domestic notes about home Angie musn't fuss Wants some fish shipped on ice to keep sweet ,Uncle 0's folks would like them - we have stayed far longer then I expected because of Nancy's' dissapointment ( miscarriage ?) BOX IV Horton Misc. 1 To: Cousin A - probably Angie Place: Albany From: -writer is female Date: December 3, 1849 Topics: Glad to have a letter - puzzled to get when A so provoked when no letter from came Boarding at 666 Broadway with the Young family -only boarder beside us is Mr Young's clerk Description of trip from Southold -mer Mr Dayton and sister Mr Foster's family at Riverhead Raining in Brooklyn- waited iz hour on train before taking ferry Took cab to the steamer wharf for the ADMIRAL -excellent supper-frolic in the cabin with the chambermaid who chased us alaround - an all night doings Enjoyed view of the Hudson in the morning - a great high water freshet and they had to go ashore via another steamer ISAAC NEWTON -the whard was under water Alabny a nasty place Hired a carriage and dined at the AMERICAN HOUSE - Mr Foster and Mr Tuthill went to find a boarding place with little Josh - Connie ,Maggie and Mrs Dayton arranged their's ahead-her hostess,Mrs Diamond said she would take ---- for $2.00 a week inc. washing but ---- stayed only until Monday Church on Sunday Mrs Foster took us to school Monday - scared of all the faces and wished to be at home Registered the first day -then a week of exams -separate enterance -ladies on Lodge St. , gents on Howard St. A description of the building and its rooms and their uses Chronicle of study a nd the school day They also go to singing school Last Sunday George, Mrs Dayton and I went to the Catholic Church to see their curious worship -in the afternoon to hear Dr Sprague -a handsome organ and good singing She is angry at someone in Southold (? cad) Will go to Troy for Christas and New Year A is in her church choir Roast turkey for Thanksgiving dinner Asks them to send some gingerbread BOX IV Horton Misc. 2 To: Dear Friend Place: From: Mary A Date: July 20, 1852 Topics: Answering a letter-she is at school B een to the beach only once so far but had a splendid time Mr Diamond called Went to Huntington 1,, Hungtington July 3 -5 There was a fair here July 5-6 My aunt sick Taking language lessons She is too serious but finds she can laugh a plenty She cailaot make a long visit to Poft Jefferson and Huntington as she hoped Are you going to school A friend expects to go to Miller Place Academy next winter and wants me to go too y I BOX IV Horton Misc. 3 To: Dear Friend ( Nancy ?) Place: Thompsonville From: Calista Date: April 10, 1859 Topics: Little new here - but writer procrastinates on correspondence Mr Manly brought his wife here and I called Warren and Mary married but -did not make a weddingthey went to Niagara Falls and will have a wedding party at her brother's I have not seen Mrs Adams lately Charles ill but recovering -he and Ellen Wilson stood up at the wedding I am boarding at Mr Houston's Mr Burton's people moved out of the village Writer has a sore throat Miss Douglas comes a s usual -I have been to few rehersals Do you and Mary intend a summer visit ? Ada must have grown to a pretty age by now Who is the new doctor? BOX IV Horton Misc. 4 To• Friend• Place: Piskyburg (?) From: Eliza Mandon Date: May 5,1867 Topics: Her mother died unexpectedly of dystentry The two girls are getting married Osborne Horton is "Uncle" to her Reflexions on mortatlity and religion A revival in Middletown A preacher from Chicago came to the Baptist church Temperance movement, and cburch and sabbath school attendance growing BOX IV Horton Misc. TO: Louisa From: Mary Topics: Enclosing note with letter to parents Thinks Louiaa's illness is from too much strong coffee and tea Writer does not drink coffee anymore Angie will be gling home Tipoo - her bird-is going well Inquires about a list of annimals etc. BOX IV Horton Misc. 6 To: torn sheet Date: Sabbath morn From: Mrs Silas Horton- probably Topics: Could not get the letter to the office My cold a little better Had to go to get victuals as the men could not live on soda crackers Cousin Lydia ill�-Jos Ireland calls it prima donna throat Mr Mulford to be buried to day Cannot go to the funeral -it is too wetr Many thoughts on religion BOX IV Section C Letter 1 To: Friend Mary Place: New York From: George L. Dayton Date: September '-'7*, 1864 Topics: Sends her his z,icture"shadow" A lovely day after a bad East storm and a huge cloud of musquitoes Abbie and Mr Heath are now on the Island Elijah came to tea Saturday evening Have not heard from the "school marms" Mary Halsey and Miss Humphrey Have you had the pic-nic Boating trip in Speonk cancelled by rain Look forward to a letter BOX IV Section C Letter 2 To: Dear Mary Place: New York City From: George Dayton ( w. envelope Date: June 22, 1865 Topics: Delayed writing because of the heat Angie is growing cotton Mr St. John is home but the ohters ( 2 girls) have gone to New Haven Miss Sarah ( St John) said they are going to Niagra Elijah goes home for the 4th-George cannot leave Do not know if the Perkins have gone back to Riverhead Many released rebel prisoners are in the city- they have suffered severly - a North Carolina man said they had the 16-60- they say they were well whipped - don't seem to mind -have sold goods to men from several places -they all say the same Saw Mary Halsey There is now a cooling shower BOX IV Section C Letter 3 To: Dear Mary Place: New York City From: George Date: October 10, 1865 Topics: Mary's letter The Riverhead paper article Qa bogus' mavrjAges Story seems to have started with Hubbard Cleveland - would he stoop to that ? Romantic paragraph -he is close to proposing BOX IV Section C Letter 4 To: Mary Place: Brooklyn From: George ( w. evelope) Date: January 4, 1866 Topics:Received a newspaper today- 33 years old-written in stage coach days Looking for a letter from her - seems so long since she was here Heard Mr Robinson preach -morning and afternoon services - gives text Went to Bethel Music School Christmas for infant class Heard Mr Beecher on New Years Eve -sermon precis John and I called on Mary Halsey,Miss Kimball and Miss Sprague and several church people including Mr Bell - Superintendent of Mr Beecher's school Moving their store to 401 Broadway Hopes to visit the Island in 2 weeks BOX IV Section C Letter 5 To: Mary Place: Brooklyn From: George w. envelope Date: March 1, 1866 not stamped Topics: Receives letters from Mary and her parents- had one from Angie last week Closed the store Washington's Birthday afternoon and took it to Hoboken Someone has been tampering with the mail -will have to consult the Post Office-missing letter directed without disguise-disguised ones arrive- hopes she can discovef the snooper- thinks they can use the Hermitage Post Office and by pass Southold Mr William Vail comes to the store- said they had a pleasant donation Do the chandeliers please the Society? Met Angie at the St John's and she directed this envelope BOX IV Section C Letter 6 To: Mary Place: From: George Date: May 7, 1866 Topics: Sent a gift of two bonnets and a bunch of flowers by express is c/o your fatherbut not ribbons as unsure of preference- they are tiny but the latest fashion Will exchange them for hats if you have alreayd gotten some Expect to visit next weeks BOX IV Section C Letter 7 To: Mary Place: Brooklyn From: George w. envelope Date: May 17, 1866 Topics•• Hopes she will be visiting soon He stayed at Hermitage during his visit- took the morning trin back and met Mr and Mrs Reeve on it Called at Uncle Osborne's to see if she had uome but they were all out Met Mr St John in Wall Street-will go to the country when is wife is better BOX IV kSection C Letter 8 To: Mary Place: Brooklyn From: George Date. May 31, 1866 Topics:She will be there soon Describes a stroll by the River on Brooklyn Heights Met Mr Reeve who met Mary a James Slip and took her to the cars Saw David at the store Mrs Overton is going to Orange County Flags at half mast for the death of General Scott -' will close the store tomorrow afternoon and visit either Central Park or Greenwood BOX IV Section C Letter 9 To: Mary Place: Brooklyn - From: George Date: July 5, 1866 w. envelope Topics: About her visit -wants to see her badly His ,trip - a switching accident to the train at Mineola - 2 hours late in toto-because of this all the passengers descended on'a local grocery store to pass the time near Hunters Point Good view of the New,York fireworks Rockdts at City Hall and Union Square - it was too damp to celebrate last night BOX IV Section C Letter 10 To: Mary Place: Brooklyn From: George Date: August 6,1866 Topics: A letter from her started July 26 but actually written August 2 Elijah has returned Tillie went to the Island Expects to 'go to Hermitage on Saturday BOX IV Section C Letter 11 TO: Mary Place: Brooklyn From: George Date:August w22,1866 W. envelope Topics: Arrived Tuesday morning' Called at Elijah's store and heard of Uncle Osborne's death Went to the funeral where I met Mr Adams Purchased the cotton and will send itby Mr Heath who goes to West Hampton and then Hermitage Enquiring at local boarding houses for accomodation -plans for their wedded life - difficulties of sharing a house with a friend Let him know her plans for the ceremony BOX IV Section C Letter 12 To: Mary Place, New York From: George Date: September 25, 1866 Topics: Arrangemnts for the ceremony Mr Whittaker with Mr Adams to assist Difficulty with a brother-in-lawto be a parson re protocol John has not been well enough tohelp in business till yesterday Buying kid gloves for the wedding party She will come to finish off He had removed to Clinton Ave. thinks it is better than Lawrence St. BOX IV Section C Letter 13 To: Mary Place: New York From: Georege Date: October 16, 1866 Topics:Regrets learning the sad fate of Goldie (?) Sending her velvets, gloves and sewing silk and the dress goods to be dyed will be ready ( list of dry goods next) Took remnants of quality at Arnold Constable Took tea with John who is better Saw Mr Reeve who will ship the sugar he had forgotten Elijah bot well, and had not been to the store Schedule changes on the LIRR Thinks they might take the Husdon River cars at 4:00 to Albany and see the River -it will be dark if we use the boat -more travel details BOX IV Section C Letter 14 To: Angie Place: From: George Date: April 16, 1867 Topics:Went to rehersals at Mr Pearson's church and saw Philander and Katy Davis Mother Day wrote the buttons ok for the dress Looking to see father-hope he will come to the store first -easier to find than the house Spring in Mr Blackwell's yard-hears it has not got to the Island d BOX IV Section C Letter 15 To: Mary Place: New York From: George Date: Septemner 7, 1868 Topics: Writes to tell her she will be met at the Manor (?) Thursday if not stormy -lists alternatives Been terribly stormy Sent off MreAdams' package John's family moved to a new brownstone -he hasn't had the stair carpet all down yet - they went to church and Mr Thatcher preached- he is from the West and preached at Allen St. in New York Mr Wells' family ok except for Marie who has breathing trouble Hopes his mother ( in-law) will visit BOX IV Section C Letter 16 To• Angie Place: Clinton Avenue From• (1) Mary Date: June 7,1869 (2) George Topics: Bought the things she wanted but could not ship them by Saturday 1 Mary Thorne and I went to New York and visited Day and Horton -Mary was washing corsetsGilbert was there and by surprise -David - glad to hear from home Letter from Mattie ( Martha) says you do .not write as you should lad all'well at home Addie Ledyard sews for Mrs Pearson so my work is late Looks forward to seeing Nannie- please send list of clothes to me Likes her hat - Angie should send hers for refurbishing 2 They are moving the store and office to 359 Broadway -very confused - so cannot get her trimming Would like to have her picture framed and sent for $5.00 but Mr Perkins thinks it must be $5.50 - will be ready when Nannie goes home -he will meet her at Janes Slip if she will take the afternoon train Hopes Uncle and Auntie will come and that Mrs Horton is better l BOX IV Section C Letter 19 To: Dear Wifey Place: New York From: George Date: June 25, 1874 Topics:All about the weather Will bring cover -for the wagon ( baby carriage) to protect baby Visit from Mr Lewis and Ozzy The Eagle repprted Libbies composition- thinks the reporter took it down as she spoke Charlie went to Tarrytown - will only go weekends as Hattie gets acquainted Wants her to remake his summer undershirt and get new when it is not so hot Pricing baby shoes, nut meg and cologne- will go for Angie's buckle Wants a letter from her Hopes Addie did not have the' fever Cousin T thought BOX IV Section C Letter 20 To: Father and Mother ( in-law) Place: From: George Date: Topics:Hopes for a visit from them now it is pleaster Angie and Emma St. John came to the store today Angie went to Mrs Mulford at Flushing and will return to us for a visit Aletter came from Martha BOX IV Section D Letter 1 To: Mary Place From: W.C. I. Hall DAt4e: Topics: Thank you note from her tacher for a gift BOX IV Section D Letter 2 To: Sister Mary Place: From: Date: Topics: Wrote to say I am coming on the Saturday eve ing train - did not expect to have company - so do not suppose you will have a baggage wagon List of people and hwere they will stay Very hot Uncle 0 says I look well Nothing bettered by going to Walton Comment about a wheat fire in the Brooklyn paper BOX IV • Section D Lettr 3 To: Mary Place: Greenport From: Cas Date: March 20, 1852 Topics:Wants to arrange a visit before she leaves Greenport for goobut has -no time -hopes Mary will come to her -cannot go West without seeing you Thought the Franklinville Exhibition last week was poor BOX IV Section D Letter 4 TO "Little" Mary Place: Southold From: Hubbard Date: December 19,1859 TOPICS: No letter came to him Father purchased the patent for Quwens bd a washing and;:faringing machine and is traveling CIL Books he is reading Sining school -class of 50 and more and G.B. Reeve wanted 30 Charly Case of 16 for him Exam at the Institute Friday May Christmas be merry Angie is in Connecticut - is it Thompsonville Mr Adams has returned Sarah Mariella Conklin married Mr Webb ( Weed ?) at Cutchogue Methodist Church Elma an d Walter married Mr Jackson has gone and takne Sarah with him "Normal" Clark has come ( ? normal school teacher) BOX IV Section D Letter 5 To: Mary Place: Walton From: Sister - Date: June 11, 1862 Topics:Watchman article Dearth of correspondence due to house cleaning season Any cheese made yet Riding horses - Trump and Popcorn Sewing society Wishes for her green - silk A feast of strawberries at home Went to Episcopal, Church as - a wild flower walk Tea at Mrs Christ Mother went to Greenport Visit to Mrs Christmas Jack visits his mother in Independenced Love to Mr Whitaker's family Mr and Mrs Wickham BOX IV Section D Letter 6 To;Mary Place: New York (1) Thompsonville (2) From: Philip (Philizz) (1) Date: March 2,1864 (1) Mollie (2) Date: March 8, 1864 (2) Topics:Thought you had left the land of steady habits and hard cider but 1 found you had no-tearrived-at 80 Clark St. Sorry I cannot escort the Misses Horton to the Sanitary Fair 2 She has opened the first letter to wrtie hers Martha ( your sister) in bed for a week but now better - Mrs Mcready is her nurse Going to Hartford thia afternoon to hear Henry Ward B ( eecher) A round of goose parties ( ? equivalent of hen) when Mrs HArbison here Hope you had an escort to the fair - much private humor- Encloses a carte de visite photo for Angie- comes home Saturday BOX IV Section D Letter 7 To: Mary Place: From: Nathaniel Date: February 7, 1866 Topics: Can you "grant my request " on either Thursday or Friday evening Please signify as before and oblige No complimentary opening or close BOX IV Section D Letter 8 Place: Thompsonville D From: Mary L Houston Date: November 10,1866 Topics: Sorry she cluld not come to the wedding but hopes it is not too late for congratulations Is writing to Angie who will need all the consolation her friends can give her ( ?) 6 t , BOX IV Section D Letter 9 To: Mary Place: Brobklyn From: Sister Lizzie Date: July 1, 1883 Topics:Has not written as often asshe thought of Mary Libbie saw a newspaper with a "birth" suppose that is why you sent, it Libbie busy at the library and sewing at home -vacatiom on the coast of Maine in August "Little" George is going to Speonk and thento you she supposes' She does not feel well in hot weather so took a sailing trip to Staten Island -John has not been well this summer with a sore throat She reads in.the 'Prk'-, so good for people who must summer here -she is ,reading Shakespeare Has' she read DUTY yet ,How are your father and Angie' o , BOX IV Section D Letter 10 To: Mary Place: 210 East 18 st. New York From: SarahE. Hyde Date: December 13, 1885 Topics: Letter of condolence -death of sister Martha - obituary in the Post Last meeting with Martha in her room at 23rd St. Father (Hyde) and Flo BOX IV Section D Letter 11 To: Mary Place; Norfolk From: Helen Heard' Date: January 13, 1886 Topics: Mrs Horton wished her to write and say that Josie was failing fast and she may ,die any nnment ROX IV Section D Letter 12 To: Cousin Mary, Place: Oreint From: Matilda Date: February 26,1899 Topics: Meant to write soonerand thank you for that lovely visit at Robins Hollow-housekeeping took her time and being deaf does not help All the duties that Christmas brings and then Thankyou notes Mother not well-when she came home -then called the doctor and has been stuck in her room fof several weeks -glad she was well during the Blizzard Alan went to Brooklyn and did not come home -until last week Gerte did not cross the Sound to New Haven-weather too bad Thoguhs about death in the family REmarks about changes in the Robins Hollow house BOX IV Section F Letter 1 To: Dear Mother and Father Place: Brooklyn From: 1-Mary 2- Angie 3- Mary 4= George Date: November 8, 1870 Topics: George wrote of our safe arrival -she should have written sooner 1 Enclosing a letter from Martha Celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary yesterday evening ( guest list) Grandma Pearson coming home this week Will be coming home soon but will let Angie decide when '-she has gone to ride with Lizzie 2 Sorryshe has not written - she has been to the dentist very often News of Aunt Debbie's death from Mr Neath - suppose Aunt Wells has gone down Took tea with George's sister 3 Election has been quiet here in Neyw York Will take the morning train to Hermitage 4 Read Mary's letter on the ferry and saw she forgot to enclose Marth's but believe Martha is well BOX IV Section F Letter 2 To: Cousin Mary Place: From: Nanie Wickham Date; Dec 5 Topics: Opens with travel directions and chat jokes about Thanksgiving Sewing Society meeting Went to Mr Wickham's store and had a rdde with Sturat General chat about neighbors BOX',IV Section F Letter 3 To: Mary Place: From: Maggie Batligste Date: Topics: Condolences on death of brother-in-law Mr Adams