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Southold Transportation Commission
Southold Town Hall Conference Room
August 19, 2019 Meeting
Called to Order at 10:03 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich.
Members Present
Councilman William Ruland, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Planning Director Heather Lanza,
Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, Jim Baker, Jim Kalin, Nick Mazzaferro, and Tom Fox.
Neb reported that he had visited Frank Field at San Simeon.
Also Attending
Rob Hempel – East Marion Community Association.
Approval of July 15, 2019 Meeting Minutes
A motion to accept the minutes was made by Jim Kalin, was seconded by Nick Mazzaferro and
was carried.
Public Requests
Request for 4-Way Stop Sign - Mill Lane & Grand Avenue - Mattituck
Highway Superintendent Orlando’s email of July 30, 2019 suggested discussion of that issue,
as there had been two bicycle accidents and a motor vehicle speeding incident at that
intersection. The matter was tabled pending further investigation of the exact location.
Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests
Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library
The matter has been tabled pending completion of the Mattituck traffic study.
Old North Road & Horton’s Lane, Southold – Safety Issue – Town Board Decision
Neb’s memo June 21, 2019 to the Town Board, with an attached sketch, recommended
extending the existing yellow back line further eastward to make the approach clearer.
Requests for Stop Signs on Peconic Bay Boulevard – Sigsbee Road Civic Association and
Linda Gallo – Town Board Decision
It was recommended that SRCA’s request for 4-way stop signs at the intersection of Peconic
Bay Boulevard and Sigsbee Road should be rejected, as the existing sight lines were found to
be adequate.
Signage at the intersection of Bay Avenue and Peconic Bay Boulevard is subject to code
Crosswalk Request NYS Route 25 between Hobart Road and Town Harbor Lane - Southold
To avoid multiple public hearings, the matter is tabled pending NYSDOT’s report on the findings
of its investigation of that issue.
Bus Shelter – Hamlet of Southold
A shelter will ultimately be installed on SR25 in way of the Town Justice Building (formerly
Capital One.)
Request for Speed Review on Main Bayview Road - Southold
It has been recommended that stop signs on that roadway are not warranted, as sighting
distances are adequate.
Pike Street Parking Lot and Dean Parking Lot – Striping Proposal – Mattituck – Town Board
Striping of the lots is moving forward, with the issue of overnight parking still outstanding.
New Suffolk Parking –Contract Final Report
Jamie Richter reported there had some preliminary feedback from the consultants concerning
data that had been collected to date. Community outreach was also to be completed.
Autumn Traffic Problems – Southold and Riverhead Police Chiefs – Potential Ways to Deliver
Short-Term Fixes
The police chiefs are meeting with NYSDOT representatives today in Hauppauge to discuss
that issue.
Public Commentary: “Bicyclists Are at Fault?”
Two recent letters in the Suffolk Times concerning bicycle safety were discussed. Neb
observed that the original “Seaview Trails” signage covering bike routes in the Town is now very
Executive Session
After the ECMA rep was excused, the Commission was in executive session from 10:33 AM to
10:40 AM for discussions with the Supervisor.
Planning Board Requests
Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan – Public Comments on
the Revised Chapter
Councilman Ruland reported that there had been many comments received from the public on
the chapter, with an apparent awareness of problems. He also suggested that entrepreneurship
by local business interests and support by local Chambers of Commerce would be needed to
address problems effectively. He also advised that the matter would be discussed further with
the Town Board.
Current Transportation Issues - Updates
Love Lane New Proposed Contract Update – Mattituck
Jamie Richter reported NYSDOT is working on the previously suggested larger traffic study.
Old Business
Traffic Study – CR48 and SR25 - Greenport
Nick Mazzaferro reported that NYSDOT surveyors had been operating at that intersection.
Public Comment
East Marion Civic Association – Crosswalk at SR25 at the East Marion Post Office
Heather Lanza that ECMA should contact Suffolk County Parks and Recreation concerning that
It was also noted that NYSDOT is considering a unified speed limit from the intersection of
CR48 and SR25 in Greenport to Orient Point and that the above crosswalk could be addressed
at that time.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 16, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference
room at Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas F. Fox
cc: Town Clerk
Town Government Liaison Officer
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FW:Request for speed limit reduction/warning signage on Eugene's Road and Skunk Lane,Cutchogue
Vincent Orlando <vincent.orlando@town.southold ny us> 3:46 pm p
Hi Neb, Use cursor keys to
If there is room can,we put the below request on for the 16th meeting?
Hope all is well,
Sent:Wednesday,September 11,2019 3:33 PM
To:Orlando,Vincent<vincent Orlando@town southold nes(mallto•vincent orlando@town southold.ny.us)>
Subject:Re:Request for speed limit reduction/warning signage on Eugene's Road and Skunk Lane,Cutchogue
It needs to go to the transportation committee.We are limited at the local level on how low we can go plus,it
would probably require a code anendment and/or sign off from the NYSDOT.Im not sure
Sent from my Venzon,Samsung Galaxy smartphone
From:Adams,Marjorie S.[marjorie adams@dlapipercom(mai Ito.marjorie.adams@dlapiper.com))
Sent:Monday,September 09,20191:26 PM
Subject:[SPAM]-Request for speed limit reduction/warning signage on Eugene's Road and Skunk Lane,Cutchogue
Dear Mr.Orlando
My name is Marjorie Adams. I live on Eugene's Road in Cutchogue. I am writing to you at the suggestion of Greg
Williams,Town of Southold Trustee. I am copying Scott Russell on this email.
I believe that the current 35 miles per hour speed limit on Eugene's Road and Skunk Lane in Cutchogue creates a
highly dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclists. I believe that the speed limit should be reduced to 30 miles
per hour. In addition,I believe that signage should be installed warning vehicular traffic that they are sharing the
road with pedestrians and cyclists.
I am an avid and highly experienced cyclist and I also frequently walk with friends who also live on Eugene's Road. On
numerous occasions,all of us have been frightened by cars hurtling down Eugene's Road and Skunk Lane. In fact,in
late July,I had a very serious incident with an F-150 truck which resulted in my being thrown off my bike and getting
hurt almost right in front of my own home. This incident was subject of a police report,as an officer responded to
the scene of the accident. Essentially,an F-150 came speeding around the curve on Eugene's Road(by his own
admission,going 40 miles per hour)and almost hit me when I was going across the road to turn left into my
driveway As an experienced cyclist,I was able to keep control of my bike for a few seconds which probably saved me
from more serious injury. Still,the F-150 was about two feet from my left shoulder when I swerved out of the way
The truck's skid marks are still visible on the road at the intersection of Eugene's and Beebe Drive.
Last week,another F-150 came very close to me as I was riding on Eugene's Road near Skunk Lane. in that area,the
pavement is severely broken up and it is Impossible to ride all the way to the side of the road. (That is another
problem—that area is seriously In need of road repair. I saw some work on the other end of Eugene's Road last week,
so perhaps that Issue Is being addressed. But If It is not,it should be.)
I note that there are several roads with similar characteristics to Eugene's Road(all are residential through streets)
that have a 30 miles per hour speed limit. For example,the speed limit on Pequash Avenue is 30 miles per hour as is
all of Nassau Point Road. Eugene's Road and Skunk Lane are both residential streets and in that respect are no
different from Pequash Avenue and Nassau Point Road. People driving on Eugene's Road are frequently going to and
from Nassau Point via Skunk Lane,so the road is highly trafficked,yet these roads are all residential. It Is extremely
dangerous to have cars travelling at 35 miles per hour on residential streets. I am very worried that I or someone else
is going to get seriously hurt,or worse
I am requesting that the Southold Highway Department reduce the speed limit on Eugene's Road and
Skunk Lane to 30 miles per hour. I also am requesting that signage be installed,along the lines of"Drive
1 of 1 9/11/2019, 10:48 PM
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Trans meeting
Vincent Orlando <vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny us> 7/30/19 4:11 pm P
Hi Neb,
Can you be so kind as to add to the next Transportation meeting agenda as discussion of
making Mill lane and Grand ave in Mattituck from a two way stop sign to a four way stop
sign. Seems there have been two bicycle accident there and one speeding around the
corner of Grand ave,a lost control and took out a telephone pole and fire hydrant.
Thx u!
Vincent Orlando
Town of Southold
Superintendent of Highways
vincent orlandoatown southold ny us(mailto vincent.orlando@town.southol&ny.us)
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1 of 1 7/31/2019, 11:53 AN
PO Box 625,East Marion,New York 11939
www emca us o info@emca.us
September 4,2019
Suffolk County Real Estate Division
100 Veterans Memorial Hwy#2
Hauppauge, New York 11788
Suffolk County Department of Parks
200 Main Street
West Sayville, New York 11796
Dear Madam or Sir:
East Marion is the smallest hamlet in Southold Town as well as the most densely populated one. It is the
only hamlet that has only one east-west road. The East Marion Community Association (EMCA) has
been involved with Southold Town's comprehensive planning process since its inception in 2010. Traffic
safety was noted as a top concern by East Marion residents both at our meetings and in our survey.
EMCA and the Orient Association (OA) have successfully petitioned New York State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT)to determine the feasibility of a consistent speed limit on Route 25 from the
blinking light in Greenport east to the ferry departure in Orient Point. Currently there are seven speed
limit changes in that eight mile stretch of Route 25.
In addition to the consistent speed limit, EMCA sees a need for a marked crosswalk on Route 25 in the
vicinity of the East Marion Post Office. Our one east-west route is shared by residents,workers,tourists,
lavender farm visitors and ferry traffic. Located within less than a half-mile of such a marked crosswalk
would be our hamlet's only store,the post office,the firehouse, a church, a hotel,the lavender farm and
a farm stand. With no significant off-road parking in that area,vehicles park on both sides of the road
and pedestrians queue-up waiting for a break in the flow of traffic in order to cross. We understand that
research shows marked crosswalks slow traffic and make drivers aware of pedestrian traffic.
The two community associations have also jointly requested that NYSDOT determine the feasibility of
installing a marked crosswalk in East Marion. As we understand it there is a requirement for certain '
'infrastructure' at each termination of a marked crosswalk. That requirement seems to be satisfied by a
sidewalk and curb cut. Currently there is such infrastructure on the north, but not the south,side of
Route 25 in the relevant area.
Suffolk County Real Estate Division .
Suffolk County Department of Parks
September 3, 2019
Page 2
It appears that Suffolk County owns parcel 1000—31.-7-7 on the south side of Route 25, also known as
8740 Route 25.This parcel is in the relevant area for a marked crosswalk. We are inquiring whether
Suffolk County would consent to the installation of the minimum necessary infrastructure on parcel
1000—31.-7-7 were the NYSDOT to determine that a marked cross walk would be feasible there.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
04 N'Z'�
Anne Murray
President, East Marion Community Association
cc: Southold Town Supervisor Scott Russell
Neboysha Brashich, Southold Transportation Commission
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