HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - April 1917 - Landon Genealogy "It cannot be denied that having sprung from a virtuous and respectable family it is but just to them that a record of their lives and works should be preserved to posterity." LANDON GENEALOGY MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. k University of Minnesota April 1917 college of Law 1904 TO COUSINS : Germane , second to forty-second. The first of this family name, and who are the progenitors of a large majority of the present day descendents , appear in New England in the latter half of the 1600s , there being at least five original immigrants of whom four had families . but the connecting record to later generations though long sought is believed now about to be solved. During the past several years the writer, has collected data and made research of records particularly of generations before 1800 , including all branches of this family name . M a. I take pleasure in stating it is possible to confirm the Litch- field, Conn. record indicating those to first settle there were grandchildren of an ancestor coming to Massachusetts from England be- fore I675, possibly from Herefordshire on border of Wales where this ! family name appears well before 1700 . NATHAN LANDON, of Southold, L. I . , first record 1688, had sons Nathan Jr. and Samuel whose descendents located in New Haven Co . Conn. , Dutchess Co. N.Y. , New Jersey, Penna. and Ohio. JAMES LANDON, Southold , L. I . , mentioned in 1698 census and called in printed :records "second son of Nathan L. " but with which statement I must take issue , " the doubt being only as to the degree of their relationship, and place his parentage in one of the families of original immirrrin* . James ' will , gives the names of 10 children of whom James Jr. , Daniel , David, John, Rachel and Lydia were those who moved into Litchfield, Corn. 1.735/40 There were 60 children born in these families , and those who did not remain scattered into Vermont, New York, Mass . , Ohio and possibly Maryland. Your hearty interest to participate and assist in this labor of love, to erect the monument of a permanent record to those who have passed and to posterity its inspiration, is anticipated. The furnishing of information indicated below early as possible is desired believing none will be unwilling to "do their bit" to make the final record full and complete as possible. FIRST: A statement of lineal descent from most remote ancestor with advices as to old records , letters , documents , deeds , wills or other information of interest on this subject . Any papers loaned will be carefully preserved and returned in due course, SECOND: The name and address of every member of the family on both maternal and paternal sides (excepting those named in the directories of cities over 200 ,000 persons . ) Awaiting the pleasure of your advices , I am, Yours very truly, 2871 Irving Ave. So .