HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/2018 RECEIVED SEP 6 2019 Southold Town Clerk -a•E•.y .til. Fishers Island Harbor Committee PO Box 39, FI, NY 06390 Friday, October 5, 2018 4:30PM Community Center MINUTES Fall 2018 meeting 1. Meeting started at 4:35 pm. 2. Those in attendance; Elby Burr Chair, Geb Cook, Mike Posey, Chippy duPont, Tom Patterson, Louisa Evans. By phone Leslie Goss. 3. Minutes from the May 25th meeting were approved, with one correction. 4. Bay Patrol members for 2018, Bill Wall, Peter Wall and Lincoln White had a reasonably quite season. The town own dock managed by the Harbor Committee had its usually offenders. The town dock sign says 2 hours FI residents or Southold residents. We got half a day, all day and overnight offenders from a bunch of boats. We also had a number of off island boats picking up vacant moorings belonging to island owners. This problem however has been slowing down more in recent years. 5. FALL MOORING REPORT a. I have received paperwork for 77 moorings and collected $10,465. $8940 was 2018 monies and $1525 prior years. b. 2 moorings released, Lisa Glendon and Anders Barsk. c. Need reminder letter to Real Estate firms that moorings don't transfer with the house. Elby to send a letter. d. New mooring request: David Harris-approved 6. Commuter boats coming into West Harbor. Each boat has made arrangements for docking, but George Main would still like approval to use the Town Dock on an emergency basis. No response from the town as to approval of use. s 11. Three new dock requests have been forwarded from the Town for Burnham, Franklin, and Goss. 12. ELECTION: a. After many years Elby Burr has decided to step down as Chairman of the A Harbor Committee. b. Geb Cook was nominated by Chippy DuPont and seconded by Steve Malinowski, to succeed Elby. Geb Cook was approved unamiously. 13. We are still seeking member representation from multiple groups within the Fishers Island community. Aaron Lusker was suggested and will be asked by Elby to join the committee. Leslie Goss, Jeb Cook and Marj Beck are working on this. 14. Meeting adjourned at 5:45pm