HomeMy WebLinkAbout217 IJEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordin- ance of the Town of SOuthold Suf- folk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zon- ing Board of Appeals for the Town of Southold, at the Town Clerk's Olllce, MaIn Road, Southold, New York, on September 24, 1959, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), upon ap- plication of Lewis N. Griffin, Bay Avenue, Mattitnck, New York, for a special exception in accordance v,rith the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to use and maintain premises as a public garage. Lo- cation of property: MaUituck, New York, bounded north by Sound Avenue, east by Pacific Street, south by now pr fo-rmerly of Clara Benjamin, and west by now or for- merly of S. B. Hamilton. 7:45 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon ap- plica tiOD of L.ewis N. Griffin, Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to use and maintain premises as a gasoline service sta- tion in conjunction with the public garage. Location of property: Mat- tituck, New York, bOlUlded north by SOlUld Avenue, e,ast by Pacific Street, south by now or fO,nnerly of Clara Benj amin, and west by now or formerly of S. B. Hamilton. 3:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon ap- -,plication of F. J. Rossi, pfoprietor of Duck Point Motel, Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New York, fOf a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article ill, Sec- tion 300, Subsection 11, for permis- sion to erect and maintain a di- rectional advertising sign on the property of Mrs. Hull S. Chew, southeast side Main Road" Laurel, New York. Any person desJrlng to be heard on the above .applications should: appear at the time and place above I specified. DATED: September 10, 1959, I By Order of the SOuthold Town: 'RrHl.rd of Auneals. Its18 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY m' SUFFOLK, 1 ( ss: J . .c5h.-fF"J:f:':.k.'-,..,C"",,.""..0..<c.:'o."'-'......... being duly Sworn, says that ... .KiL...... is Printer and Publisher of the SU]']'OLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has be€'ll published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for .m...t'-I'+:.. weekl\ ::;"::on~l:;t:i::;2:::~,"~~~~"', ""~.. Sworn to before me this .../.8'..:(#"..:... , . ~~ ./.. )q~ day of. .-/4----.---~--::~~k... 19:J_r" J L ...._ _.....nmL..~-,J..~,.?<~. ''-) u.&.-4f!./____"L CORNeLIA c. KEOGH . NOrpd"\Y PUoLlC. ~;t:lte of New York ~'~ 2-2D9:1890 QUJlified i,' Suffolk County 1 1(-1'1',-.1 [-plr,-,,, f\r1Jrch 30, 196 ?town OF SOUTHOLD, N~W YOR~( APPLICATION FOR SPEC AL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NO. ATE...~e.D.~'/~.r l~ 1959 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Name Street and Number .......................................... ............................... Municipality State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE IV SECTION A00 SUBSECTION 9 THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAU~S,E : I wish to erect and maintain a public garage~ with two gasolzne pumps~ on the property which I have purchased on the corner cf Sound Ave~ and Pacific Street, Nattutuck. This property has recentl.v been zoned "B" business with the Pla~naing Board knowing of the intended use. It is proposed to use this public garage for the major overhaul of trucks cars, diesel motors etc. The sale of fuel would be incidental to this operation. The area is substantialy a business and commercial district, being directly on the railroad, with an adjoining "C" district on the opposite side of Pacific St, where a hea~y duty blacksmith shop is operated~ A~otato loading station is operated on the opposite side of the rail road tracks on S/S So~ud Ave~ and a zarge lumber yard on the N/S Sound Ave. The proposed use will not affect any of the area. The building will be a three bay garage of aproximately 50 ft by 60 ft in size with large doors to accomodate the largest trucks. Any further information will be supplied to the Board of Appeals upon reque st. F ~ ~/~ .~ ) ss .......... .__~/~~g~ COUNTY O ) g ~re // JUDITH 'T. BOKEN Rotary Public, State of New Yorl{ No. 52-0344963, Suffolk County x/ F Oi~V~ ZB2 .TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YOR. ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DAT~~P.~~~.~..aa, 19,9 To Appeal No.. 220 Dated SE!ptElmber 9. 19;9 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Mr. IsW1$ 'Oritdh . "J38,Y Avenue . !-!attl~. ~J!:r..r 1:~k Appellant ot a meeting of the Zoning Boord of Appeo,ls on~iW$.'I$epte!llbe~24. 19;9 the oppeol . was considered and the oct ion indicated below was taken on your . ( ) Request. for voriance due to lack of occ~ss to. property (X) Req~est for ~ special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a voriance to the Zoning Ordinance. ( ) 1: SPECiAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it'. was deterhiin;d3hdt a specibl exception .. lH>O" ".. .' .. ( :), be granted ( ).be denied pur~uant to Article,..%V........ Secti~n ..........:..... Subsecti<;>n .9.....,....... pmagroph ..............., of the' Zoning: Ordinance, and the decision of the BUilding Inspector ( . ) ..' . be. reversed ( ) be confirmed'because th$ ~t'iJ;1d:i.ng '. that the pUblic! (l()nv~n1Elnce aDd we.1tai'e and 4usUce 'ldll, be :;l$",ed and., thE! legally esttlb11sb.e<1 o:t J;lerm1tted U$e of nelgb'bOl'hoOtl, Fo~rty wtu not be aubstantiaU;v' 01' "1'manently 1n4Ured and the sPu4.t ottbElQrdlrwICt't -4U be observed, t1lel'eforebe It lmSQI.VFlD ~at, the ap~1cat1()11 be lWanted 1:01' agasolU1e eeJr!11ce station in eon3unction >f1tb the pUb)..tc garage stlbjec:t to the fo.Uow1ngcolldl!. tlons. . 1. No ltta30r l'epD.U "'bIlk Sha1~ tle tle:N01'Il1l'1d in thI;; open. , 2. ~PSt :l.uwlcat~ and other lie'lTlces sha.H;. be,.loQatscl , at !.east f'1fteriin (15') teet ~m th(tline of tl!:G" street or b1gh~. J;>!ghtl'"Ot..,ra:v' .or propwty ;U.ne. ' 3.. 4);1 ~l 011 or $1lnUU aUl;lstanc;0$ SbaJ,l b$ stored at least tU'teen (1~) teet distant frOm _ street or lOt ane. . (COntinued on ~el'se aide.) 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it wos determin~ that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce undue hardship because (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be' shared by afl properties alike in the 'immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use. district 'pecause (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance ond (would) (would not) change the. character of the district because and therefor~, it was further determined that the requested variance. ( ) be granted ( ) be denied ond that the. previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be re,versed. z..ONING BOARD OF APPEALS Judith T. Boken. S.cretQl!t FORIM ZB4 . (Cont1nued tl'om front.) . it. 10 automob~::{ 01' automobile parte, dilllll8J1t1ed 01' damased vehiob. and e 81" 81"tio1es 8hall be stored in the open and no puking ~ vehicles other than those be1n8 serviced eball be perm1 tted except in the case ot weeks vh.1ch ~ towed on the ~em18ol)1 the operator ~ this nrv1ce station shall have three (3) monthS in which to dispose 01' these "."'''Ied vehicles or shall place them indoors. .\ . ~. Signs to be in accordance with Article IV, Section It08 ot the Bu!ldinl Zone Ord1nance ot tM !ovn 01' Southold~. ,. ,\ I,'~ \ (' , \ II 71itS P.M. (E.D.S.'f.),_ upon application ot Jlilwis I. Gr1ftint BaT Avenue,_ Mattituck, Bov xork, tor a speoial exception in l:\ccora- ance with 1:118 ZO"tng O1'dinance, Artio1o IVtSeotion '+00, S.eotton 9, tor permission to use and maintain premses u a suol1ne t881"V1ce 8~t1on in con3unotton v1th the. pubUc carase. Location ot property, Mattltuck, Rev York, bo....ded north by Sound Annua, east by Pac1t1o Street, sOUth by now 01' tormer17 ot Clara Jlen381l1n, and vast by now 01' tOl'QerlT ot 8. B. Hamil ton. c IJEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordin- ance of the Town of Southold, Suf- folk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zon- ing Board of Appeals for the Town of Southold, at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on September 24, 1959, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.l, upon ap- plication of Lewis N. Griffin, Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV Section 400, SubsecUon 9, for pe~mission to use and maintain premises as a public garage. Lo- cation of property: M.attituck, New York bounded north by sound Avenue~ 'east by Pa.cific street, south by now or formerly of Clara Benj amin, and west by now or for- merly of S. B. Hamilton. 7:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon ap- plication .of Lewis N. Griffin, Bay Avenue, Mattitu~k, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV Section 400, Sub.section 9, for pe~mis.sion to use and maintain premises as a gasoline service st~- tion in conjunction with the publIc garage, Location of property: Mat- I tituck, New York, bounded north by sound Avenue, east by Pacific I street, south by now or fopnerly I of Cla.ra Benj amin, and west by now or formerly of S. B. Hamilton.! 3:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon ap-I plication of F. J. Rossi, praprletorl' of Duck Point Motel, Depot Lane, cutchogue, New York, for a special\ exception in accordance with the, Zoning Ordinance, Article III,. Sec- \ tion 300 Subsection 11, for permis- sion to' erect and maintain a di- rectional advertising sign on the property of Mrs. Hull S. Chew, southeast side Main Road" Laurel, New York. Any person desiring to be heard . on the above applications should :.,ppoo.r at the time and place above specltled. DATED: September 10, 1959, By Order of the SOuthold Town Board of Appeals. 1 ts18 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY Q}' SUFFOLK, 1 I ss: J 3<, K..P.- '(r~~""L-... (}:~~'o:-:4..;.c~~... being duly Sworn, S:1YS thntm f~...... IS Prlllter and Publisher of the Sm'~'OLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for .................. .....fr:.l~ .....:. .. ..... nu.. week~ successlv~mmenCing o~ the uu..~t~.:.,-~.. day of .. . ._.m../~'~v.~';~:5;:,-~~:;;:.. u.\...'...u__'..... Sworn to before me this u..!.(f/'!!,'n.:... ; day of. u,4-cx~~.-"e"ff'Y 19.~'1- t , /' . .........:;-:-:-;~~~ ,,/1 &~u "CoGH . '" of N,e'.'J ,':'--'" I'SOC) I~ C:.)"". 'v' I. 1 '-'f~ l' ,t'OWN OF SOUTHOLD, N~v' YORK r ~~ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICAT~ION ,NO~ TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. I, ~'~ ....Le.[$..7...~...~..%~.~ ................................ of BaT. Avenue Name Street and Number ................. ...~...¢...¢. ~&~..C. ~ ~ ........................................ New =Zork Municipality State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ZV SECTION bt00 SUBSECTION 9 THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE th±s special exception is being requested for a service station to be used in conju~uction with our appzzcabzon for publzc garage~ due t? the type of work which we expect to perform. ~ne sale of gasozine and other supplies is necessary to the proper conduct! ~.?. of o¥~ business. A~j~ conditions %Ynich the Board of Appeals decides are necessary to conduct a service station will be 'satisfactory to us. STATE OF NEW.:¥O_Ri<~. ) ) ss .. ~ : ..... " ....-.~ .... COUNTY OF .Eu£folk ) " S~gna~'--~-'""" Sworn to Lhis .,.$..9.~h...da$ of....~.~m.~. .............. 19.~... ......... ......... ~ ) Not~ Public ~a~ Public. S~ate of ~ew No. 52-03~4963. Suffolk ~un~ , .. FORM NO. 1 . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. ExamineL.,..~...:?:-..~.19....~ ! \ ~ , Appraved..... ...'... ............................. 19........Permit Application No. ~ 1-\. No. Z fj J-- G. Disoppravedo/c ..........................r~.........~...~ .....~..~~....~~.\...~~...~.........:{....J..'i...~7 . .........../"'..~............. ............................................. - (Building I spector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Dote. .................. ...s.ep.t.\l,lll~e.r.. .;1,................195.9......... INSTRUCTIONS o. This opplicatian must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing locotion of lot ond of buildings on premises, relationship to odjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is port of this location. c. The work cO'o'ered by this application may not be com menced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue 0 Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit sholl be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificat.e of Occupancy sholl hove been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuanc.e of 0 Building Permit pursuari~ to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or 0 Iterations, or for removal or demolition, as herei.. described.' The. applicant agrees to comply with 011 applicable lows, ord inances ond regulations. I.ewis Griffin .......................................................................-.......................... (Signature of opplicant, or name, if 0 corporation) .. ... .......... ..:!l.~Y...~)("!'!a. ... ~~ ~~~~~,q~.I.. ~.~I~.. :...... ........ ....... .... (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. owner. . ................................................................................................,................................................................................................. . Nome of owner of p'remises......LlmJ.l'l..ClJ::U:f:in.................... ................................................................................................. If applicant is 0 corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ................................................................................................. (Nome and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Mop No: .......xxxx............................. -Lot No: ..XlIX........... Street and Number ::;Jfi../?Qllllrl..AJ1Il,.. .'ills. .fiO.c.i.fic...l2t.... ...IJa.tti.tlWk,... .,'I.Y... ....:.............................................. . Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of pr.emises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing u~e and occupancy.......... ~.C?':.l!.~...~.~.~<?:. ................. ........... ......... ............. ........ .......................................... public garage b. Intended use and occupancy:..............................: .............................................................................;.........:........ 6. 7. Nature of work <Check which !Plicable): New BUilding......1XX.......A<I~n ....................Alteratian .................... Repair ....................Remaval ....................Demolitian............ ........Other Work (Describe) .................... Estimated Cost....J)..:i~MiQ9.........................................Fee .~':),R.............................. . (to be paid an fi.l.i.~~..thi~..~.~.~ii~~ii~~j................... If dwelling, number of dwelling units.......................:.... ....Number of dwelling units On each floor............................ If garage, number of cors............................................ ................................................................ ............................... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, spec ify nature and extent of each type of use..J,l.\l:s.~~;>~............ Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front........ ..................... Rear ............................ Depth ............................ 3. 4. 5. Height ............................Number of Stories ............................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ..............:..:.............. Rear ..................,............. 8. Depth .............................. Height .............................. Number of Stories ................................ Dimensions of entire new construction: Frant........6I...)................. R 60 D h ear .......................:..... ept ...,~.(L.........:....... Height ............................ Number of Stories ...p.~\'-!.................. \. 9. Size of lot: Frant ......148.89.......... Rear ...........26.7........... Depth ...162/..499......... 10. Date of Purchase .......S~p:t....:\.9.59.............................Name of Former Owner .........:r.QI:\.':l....J.....!i'.~\"l.m:A~M..........~...., 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated............(~Ii.I~....bllSjnO.5.6........................................................... . 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning low, ordinance or regulation? ..........~~...........................,....,...... 13. Name of Owner of premises.....~f.1}'!.~..i?..~X'.~::fHl.........Address .....J~:t,~~t~!~~!4;....................Pha~e NO. .................... Name of Architect...........9~r!1~1f..~!M-~W.s...................Address ......il:@!'!~P.R;t':t,....................Phone NO. .................... Name of. Contractor.....lll'll'lill..r.riU.i,t;l;....................Address ........~1I>"':t;t;i.:tilldt..................Phone NO. .................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether ex isting or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from pro;oerty lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. See filed plans i .' STATE OF NEW YORK ) S S Sf'" '1,- . COUNTY OF ......W."9Ml-..........) ........................................Le>:w.is...Gr.1f.ting............................ being duly sworn, deposes ond says that 'he is the applicant . (Name af individual signing application) . . abave named. He is the......................... ..g.\~(I;\~.:r.~. .\l.9.11!;r.?,\;..tQt'........................ .............................. ...... ................................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said awner or owners, and is duly authorized to per.form or have performed the said work and to make. and file this application; that all statements contained in this appli cation are true ta the best .of his knowledge pn\J belief; and that the work will be pe.rfarmed in the manner set forth in the .application/fjled~her~with.,/ If' '. Sworn ta b~ me this "/'~," '.'" C -)/ Yl.. ..\.. / ':"'? :~[C:A.PJ'~ I' ..,~' ............. .......... day of ........ .... .... .... 19-1>1'...... woW Y. llllWi4S'i~nature of applic'ant). . ~ Notary Public,.State of t'4ew Yor Notary Public, ... ...:z~. .. ......CG'IRr.v.~o 52.034496.3. s= c;~n~9.19.1 / . lDIDm,...ion !'.1<1lIIA" ~. ~'''. --"lT~---'--'~""---~ _....-. .'-'-r--~ LEGAL BOUCK Jfott.. or Bear1ac hnuaat to hoUon 207 ot tu Town Law aM the prcm... fd tb.e ...1-..... JIu11c111ac 100M OJ'IIi"'M of the Tow of h\ltlle14, =f:~ -=~ =k..r~ 1o,=;;a:.~1:: :ft.- t= Cleft" Oft1!ltl M&h .... Io'lltho14. lev York. OIl Septe_.1' .., 1'~9 .. .. nJ.1ovS111 apMalal 1.)0 P.K. (I:.D.S.!.), \lpoD appl1.ai1on .t Levi. I. Gl'l.ttin, _ A"'*-. IIItt1",*, lev York, tor a 'PHial .xoepUoll in ....I'll... v1~ tblt zoatnc QIott""....., Arilel. If, seeUOIl 1tOO, .....u. 9, f. pel'la18doa '" .... &lid .ua'dD ~~... as a C~ ....... teOat1ell fd proJlU'V' *ttttu*t..-:V Yol'ltt_ - IIOI"th __ loll- 1M ......, ..., '" PaoUt. . ".ft. 1lr .... 01' toftm"17 of Clara BeIl3Uir1, ud .at by now or fCll'MJ'17 let I. B. -.tlton. . 1'." 'eK. (I:.D.8.T.), tlJIOIl app:u._u. of IAv1. I. OrUtin, '..,. ATeJWe, Nattltuo1c:. lIev York. for a .,..tal euept10a in ...m.... "s'\b tlle IOIWIa Ortt,..--., ArUe1A IV, ...Uoa !tOO, hlNleetlen 9, rOl' M_balon to .... aDd. ..tDtain PHJd.... as a .uoliM MJ"f1.. .bots.. in OOIl~Uoa with tM pUll. ~.. IMa'1eIIl of JlII'OPR"'T' NatU'\lOIc:,"" YO~J ltoua4e4 noMll .,. .... "'ftmIltt .ut 'b7 har1f1o 8tnet, 1ft1ll b7 now 01' f-17 .r Clal'a In.~uab, ab4 w.t 1Ir7 DOV 01' r......l'17 of s. B. 'It.,.'" ton. . 8100 'eK. (B.D.S.'1'.),_ \lJlOB a"lleation of F. J. Road, 'IPI'OJII'l'''' or ~ Potat JlGtel, Depot Lule,_ cu...... '"' York, f. a 'PH1al .s..,'ion in ....rtu.. vtIl ~ ~f", Ql'cU..MO. ""\111. tII, !!l..'lon 300, SullN.Uotl U. tor pent..1ADtl to eHet .... ~ . 4s.noUoUl 114Ym1lU, .lp OIl tb property of Nn. lIull I. a.v, lO'll1lMut .14. Main fto84, La,,"l, lev DJok. : _ ,... ...11'1n& 1:0 . lIoucl OIl tb ahcmt appllcrattou 11bo\l14 appeal' at ~ t1llle and pIa.. above .pediS-d. iDADD. """1ler 10, 1919, B7 Order ot the SO\ltho14 Tcnm Board or Appeal.. ... ... ... ... . 'Ii PLhSE PUBtlSH O~SEP'rlMRRIO~ 19~?.! AND fORWARD urmAYI'l'I 0' Ptrm.lCATIOI lJMP.all 'fO fD . OJ' uPSAUI % BUImDQ DBPJMMI!:1I'f, TOW,.. CLDIC'S OJ7I<m, MAIN ROAD, SOtl"l'HOW, !IFW nRIC. Copie. ...u.. to tbe roJ..J.ov1>>c OIl ..,teabel' 11, 1"9. !be l\l.t'tolJc 'f~. !be LallI Ialatl4 'rftftlell'-Mattltuk Wa'-~ r" Lev1Il I. Griffin F. J. 10.81 ISOMIOIB IJI91D.D APftWl AT TO -'.ID. r;y ry. '..f '.., .\ r".m September ~, 19~9 Hr. Lewis N. Griffin 1&7 A'Yenue Matt1tuck, lev York Dear Mr. Gr1ffin. your application tor speeD. 1 exception No. 217 vill be oonsidered at 7.30 P.M., !bur.day, September 21+, 19,9, 4elet1na reterence to a ,&soline .en10e station. We .uggest you make a .eparate application cO'Yer1n& the oper- ation ot a ga.oline servioe station in aCldition to the public garage as applle4 tor on applioat1on No. 217. Enclosed herewith are special exoeption tor.., whiob IIlU8t be submitted in duplioate, in the event you wish to su~t them prior to our next meeting on September 10th. Very truly yours, Robert W. Gillispie~ Jr., Chairman, Southold TOwn Board ot Appeals Enolosures