HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/2019
SUMMER 2019 RECREATION PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES: Summer programs are filling up
quickly. With growing confidence in the online system, we are seeing more registrations coming
through the website. This is extremely helpful to out-of-town residents and those who work during the
weekday who often found it difficult to come in person to register.
LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION COURSES: Both the Lifeguard Certification Courses and the
Recertification Courses were very successful this year. Combined approximately 50 guards received
their training/recertification for this summer. Margaret Tuttle brought in additional staff to help with the
courses. Weather conditions and scheduling around school finals etc, has been difficult. Further
discussion will take place during the off-season as to how we can improve the courses for the future.
2019 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF: Recommended hires were approved at the June 4th Board
Meeting. Further efforts will be made to secure additional lifeguards to help alleviate anticipated
shortages for August, when many of our summer staff go back to college.
STAFF MEETING: Mandatory staff trainings were held on June 11th and June 18th.
Employees receive their training manuals and daily procedures and expectations are reviewed.
Bryan from Wright Insurance also covered the mandated topics such as Blood-Borne
Pathogens, Workplace Violence and Sun/Tick Safety.
BEACH OPENINGS: The official opening of our beaches occurred on June 22nd and will end on
Monday, September 2nd. In preparation for the season, DPW thoroughly cleaned and painted the
restrooms. The Recreation Department stocked toiletries and replenished the first-aid kits. The
SCDOH also requires documentation such as our Emergency Procedures and Daily Beach Reports.
This paperwork has also been updated and is available at each of the bathing beaches.
BEACH TELEPHONES / VERIZON COMPANY: The beach phones were placed on
temporary suspension during the winter in an effort to save money. They were reactivated
prior to opening day.
SWIM LESSONS: Summer swim lessons will be taking place at both Founders Landing and
Veterans Beach as they have in the past. Only one instructor committed to returning this year so a
second one was sought out and secured. The Recreation Department was also able to negotiate a
reduced rate to use Mattituck Park District for the lessons, so our usage fee to use Veterans Beach
was reduced to $250 this year instead of the $500 fee that was required in 2018.
RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly
bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for
those participants who paid with a credit card.
Janet Douglass
Recreation Supervisor
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