HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Neville, Elizabeth From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Friday,August 30, 2019 11:33 AM To: 'Docko Office' Subject: Emailing: CEA Reso#762_20190830113222 Attachments: CEA Reso#762_20190830113222.pdf Attached, please find 8/27/2019 Town Board Resolution 2019-762 together with Findings& Determinations approving the Coastal Erosion Appeal Of Donald W.Young. Elizabeth A. Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk, Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer; FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Tel. 631765-1800, Ext. 228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: CEA Reso#762_20190830113222 Note:To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 1 RESOLUTION 2019-762 ADOPTED DOC ID: 15535 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2019-762 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON AUGUST 27,2019: WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees denied the application of Donald W. Young Rev. Trust& Kelly C. Young Rev. Trust to construct a wood pile and timber pier located off East End Road, Fishers Island,NY SCTM#1000-3-2-2, under the Town of Southold Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Law(the "Law") of the Town of Southold pursuant to Section 111-11(c); and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2019,the Applicant submitted an application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold seeking to appeal the determination of the Board of Trustees, or in the alternative, seeking a variance from the requirements of the Law; and WHEREAS, on August 27, 2019, the Town Board conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the instant appeal with an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard and testimony was taken of the Applicant's consultant and other interested parties; and WHEREAS,the application has been reviewed pursuant to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds that the proposed action is classified as a Type II Action and is not subject to review pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations for this action; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby adopt the Findings and Determination dated August 27,2019 granting the application of Donald W. Young Rev. Trust& Kelly C. Young Rev. Trust for a coastal erosion hazard area permit pursuant to 011-20 of the Town of Southold Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Law and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board had determined that this action is consistent with Chapter 268, Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED that this Determination shall not affect or deprive any other agency of its properly asserted jurisdiction, separate and apart from the proceedings under the Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Law considered herein. , Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Resolution 2019-762 Board Meeting of August 27, 2019 RESULT: ADOPTED [4 TO 21 MOVER: Robert Ghosio, Councilman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: William P. Ruland, Jill Doherty, Louisa P. Evans, Scott A. Russell NAYS: James Dinizio Jr, Robert Ghosio Updated: 8/27/2019 4:02 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 2 TOWN BOARD COASTAL EROSION HAZARD BOARD OF REVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -------------------------------------------- In the matter of the Application of DONALD W.YOUNG REV.TRUST & KELLY C.YOUNG REV. TRUST FINDINGS AND Off East End Road DETERMINATION Fishers Island,NY SCTM#1000-3-2-2 -------------------------------------------- FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION Based upon the application, documents contained in the Board's file, site inspections and testimony received at the public hearing held on August 27, 2019, the Town Board finds and determines as follows: ISSUE Keith Neilson PE of Docko Inc. on behalf of Donald W. Young Rev. Trust& Kelly C. Young Rev. Trust has filed an application with the Town Board, as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review(the "Board"), dated July 16, 2019 requesting the following relief- 1. elief:1. A reversal of the Board of Trustees June 19, 2019 determination preventing the issuance of a coastal erosion permit in accordance with Chapter 111 of the Town Code. FACTUAL BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY A. Description of the property and applicants: The property that is the subject of this application is located at Off East End Road, Fishers Island, NY SCTM#1000-3-2-2. The property is currently improved with a single family home, decks and foundation. The property is located in the residential zone. As confirmed by the Board of Trustees, and acknowledged by the applicant, the property where the proposed work is to be performed is located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area as established by New York State in 1991. The applicant submitted an application to the Trustees seeking to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft. wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/-ft fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko, Inc. B. Trustees Procedural History: I. Application The applicant filed an application with the Board of Trustees on March 15, 2018. After subsequent amendments and redrafts of the proposed plans the applicant final plan requested to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft. wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/-ft fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko, Inc. Located: Off East End Road, Fishers Island,NY SCTM#1000-3-2-2. H. Public Hearing: The Trustees held a public hearing on this application on March 20, 2019, May 15, 2019 and June 19, 2019 at which times all those interested were given the opportunity to speak. Keith Neilson PE on behalf of the applicant addressed the Town Trustees' concerns with regards to the application. It was described that the proposed structure would be the dock extending out in to the waters of Fishers Island Sound in the Coastal Erosion Area. III. Trustees Determination and Certificate of Compliance. On June 28, 2019 the Trustees issued a determination stating that the proposed construction fell outside the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees due to the proposed application being located within the designated Coastal Erosion Hazard Area and square footage proposed exceeding 200 square feet, and therefore the Trustees could not issue a permit under the tidal wetlands act denied the application without prejudice, and as such further application would need to be made to the Town Board. IV.The Town Board Proceeding On July 16, 2019,the property owners timely filed an appeal of the Trustee's determination pursuant to Town Code Chapterl 11 with the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review(the Board) seeking the reversal of the Trustees denial. The Board held a duly noticed public hearing on August 27, 2019, at which time all interested parties were given the opportunity to present testimony on the application. Keith Neilson PE of Docko Inc. on behalf of the applicant addressed the Town Board's concerns with regards to the application to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft. wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/-ft fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko, Inc. located off East End Road, Fishers Island,NY 2 SCTM#1000-3-2-2. This initial application being made within the Costal Erosion Act as well as the Tidal Wetlands Act. Members of the public appeared in support and opposition or submitted letters for the file on the application and the record was closed on August 27, 2019. APPEAL OF THE TRUSTEE'S DETERMINATION Pursuant to §111-24 the Town Board is designated as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review and has the authority to "[h]ear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrator in the enforcement of this chapter."See, Town Code §111-24 (B). Furthermore, the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review has the authority to "reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination of the Administrator, including stop or cease-and-desist orders." See, Town Code §111-25. When considering appeals pursuant to §§ 111-24 & 25, the Board is limited to the record on appeal and the arguments made before the Board of Trustees. In this instance, this Board finds, based upon the record before it, that the applicant has supplied the sufficient information regarding the criteria set forth in §111-9(A-C) of the Town Code to support the granting of a Coastal Erosion Management Permit. CONCLUSION Therefore, in the interests of justice and for the reasons set forth herein, this Board grants the appeal of the Applicant pursuant to Chapter 111 of the Town Code to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft. wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/-ft fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko, Inc. located off East End Road, Fishers Island, NY SCTM#1000-3-2-2. Dated: August 27, 2019 3 FISHERS ISLAND SEAGRASS MANAGEMENT COALITION Est. 2017 — Fishers Island, New York Fishers Island Seagrass Management Coalition RECEIVED c/o H.L. Ferguson Museum P.O. Box 554 AUG 2 7 2019 Fishers Island,NY, 06390 To: Southold Town Clerk August 1, 2019 To Whom it may Concern, The Fishers Island Seagrass Management (FISM) Coalition, as a group dedicated to the conservation and protection of seagrass around Fishers Island, would like to offer our assistance throughout the planning and application processes for projects with potential impacts to seagrass habitats such as coastal construction. We can provide information about eelgrass habitats, connect individuals with relevant experts, and offer support for coordinating and conducting eelgrass surveys to the best of our abilities. In 2017,the H.L. Ferguson Museum,the Fishers Island Conservancy, and The Nature Conservancy partnered to convene a community-based seagrass management Coalition. Coalition members represent a variety of stakeholder groups and island entities, including: the Island Community Board, Fishers Island (FI) Ferry District, Fishers Island Development Corporation (FIDCO), Town of Southold, FI Harbor Committee,FI School, Fishers Island Oyster Farm, FI Yacht Club, Hay Harbor and Fishers Island Clubs, commercial and recreational fishermen, landscapers, contracted ferries, and other recreational users of seagrass habitats. All of these groups interact with seagrass habitats around Fishers, and therefore have a vested interest in its stewardship and continued conservation. The Coalition works to promote science- based best management practices, and ultimately aims to develop a seagrass management plan for Fishers Island through a collaborative approach with Federal, State, and Municipal entities, and the Fishers Island community. Since the Coalition's origin, the group has been in contact with a number of experts to fully understand all of the management issues as we embark on establishing monitoring and management programs. As part of our mission to foster the protection and effective management of this resource, as well as to educate the Fishers Island community about our precious seagrass ecosystem, we hope to provide information to individuals planning and permitting coastal construction projects with the intention of promoting best practices on the island, specifically in areas where seagrass habitats may be affected. Conscious design,planning, and construction are imperative to conservation efforts surrounding the Island's precious natural resources, and it is our hope that we can assist with these efforts by offering guidance if desired. Fishers Island is one of the final frontiers for healthy seagrass habitat in Long Island Sound, with nearly 25% of the seagrass in LIS waters surrounding Fishers Island. These meadows serve as vital spawning, nursery and shelter areas for fishes, crustaceans and shellfish as well as foraging grounds for sea turtles, pinnipeds, and birds. Seagrass habitats also sustain millions of small invertebrates, stabilize shorelines, reduce wave energy, and sequester twice as much carbon per area as terrestrial forests. It is critical to protect this valuable resource, as well as to encourage responsible use and stewardship of the habitat. Through collaborative efforts between interest groups including the FISM Coalition, municipal agencies, permitting and construction companies, and island residents, we can strive to minimize our impacts on seagrass habitats and protect this precious resource for years to come. We look forward to working with your agency on projects that may impact our seagrass meadows. Sincerely, Members of the Fishers Island Seagrass Management Coalition Elizabeth McCance, HL Ferguson Museum Justine Kibbe, Fishers Island Conservancy Louisa Evans, Town of Southold Mark Terry, Town of Southold Candace Whitman, Island Community Board P.B. Weymouth, FIDCO Bob Tyler, Hay Harbor Club Donald Beck, Fishers Island Club Marj Beck, FI Harbor Committee Carol Giles, FI School Chris Edwards, Commercial Fishing Steve Malinowski, Fishers Island Oyster Farm Chippy DuPont, Pirates Cove Marina David Beckwith, Contracted Ferries Geb Cook, FI Ferry District David Burnham, Landscapers Tracy Brock, Diving Lincoln White, FI Yacht Club Joseph Woolston, Spearfishing John McCall, Recreational Fishing Norklun, Stacey From:Neville, Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, August 27, 2019 10:05 AM To:Burke, John; Doherty, Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Duffy, Bill; Ghosio, Bob; Hagan, Damon; Jim Dinizio; Standish, Lauren; Louisa Evans; Neville, Elizabeth; Noncarrow, Denis; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Silleck, Mary; Tomaszewski, Michelle; William Ruland Cc:Norklun, Stacey Subject:FW: Docks 8/26/19 FYI Elizabeth A. Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk, Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer; FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Tel. 631 765-1800, Ext. 228 Fax 631 765-6145 Cell 631 466-6064 From: Pirates Cove \[mailto:pcminc@fishersisland.net\] Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 5:21 PM To: Russell, Scott Cc: Neville, Elizabeth Subject: Docks 8/26/19 Dear Scott: It came to my attention as a member of the Harbor Committee on Fishers Island, that the Town Board might have determined there should be no more new docks approved for Fishers Island. If this is truly the case, I would like to protest such a random decision. The Harbor Committee was established by the town Board some many years ago for the purpose of supervising activities within 1500 feet of the Island. While specifics of such jurisdiction were never defined in detail, the Committee has been closely working with the Board of Trustees and the DEC regarding moorings, docks and all other water related water dependent activities. The Committee has been successful in maintaining order in an area which would have been over-run with out of state interests. In the matter of a dock proposed by Donald Young on the north shore in Chocomount Cove, the Harbor Committee was fully briefed on the proposal and initially had some concerns over intrusion into our vital sea-grass beds. Once The Committee was informed of the research done by Docko, Inc, the Committee was confident that the proposal had been adjusted to be located in an area where no impact would be felt by the sea-grass beds. There it was felt that all concerns for ecological sensitivities had been addressed. Each and every existing dock and proposed dock have always been deliberated on an individual basis and rightfully never should be considered in a “one size fits all” category. Fishers Island has been and will continue to be place where the entire population works for a common purpose with complete respect for individual desires. Approving docks is a laborious process which takes many years during which the applicant must deal with local, state and federal agencies. Sometimes the applicant must deal with the agencies more than one time. It is my understanding that the Young’s dock has been approved by all of the appropriate agencies after extensive research and modifications to comply with various requirements as they came up. The good faith indicated by the applicant to comply with each and every new requirement, leads me to believe that this proposal is entirely consistent with the uniqueness of Fishers Island. Having been involved with the rebuilding of my families’ dock after Hurricane Bob and having been through the process of building a new dock on a property in the inner cove in West Harbor, I am uniquely aware of the process and also aware of the rationale needed to approve applications for docks. There is no firm criteria which can be applied for 1 such projects. They are very individualistic and each proposal has its own set of circumstances, all of which contribute to the consideration. I understand the Coastal Erosion aspect of the Young’s project, however if there is some method to mitigate an erosion issue, I am fully confident that the applicant and their consultant will be able to address it. Fishers Island is extremely fortunate to have minimum development on its shoreline and on the Island as a whole. I might add that there are many individuals whom are very passionate about keeping the Island that way and are successful. I believe this application has complied with every requirement, responded to each concern by authority and individual alike and has done everything asked of them, resulting in a sensitive project which meets all criteria. I would hope an approval will be forth coming. Thank you for your time and please rest assured that the various committees are doing their very best to make sure that the Town Board is fully informed so that sound decisions can be made with utmost confidence. Chip duPont ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 Norklun, Stacey From:Neville, Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, August 27, 2019 8:25 AM To:Dinizio, James; Doherty, Jill; Evans, Louisa; Ghosio, Bob; Ruland, William; Russell, Scott Cc:Norklun, Stacey; 'Office@docko.com' Subject:Emailing: Donald Young letter re_20190827081803 Attachments:Donald Young letter re_20190827081803.pdf Importance:High Attached, is a letter received from Donald Young regarding his CEA. Elizabeth A. Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk, Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer; FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Tel. 631 765-1800, Ext. 228 Fax 631 765-6145 Cell 631 466-6064 Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Donald Young letter re_20190827081803 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 1 F1di'' 6i'' E�19 1,: 44 R6F1572 569 LUi=;i_0 Ihdi PAGE August 26, 2019 RECEIVED Mr.Scott Russell "g. / "" " Town of Southhold � " Town Supervisor Town HallSouthold Town Clerk PO Sox 1179 q Southold, NY 11971 i Re: Donald Young Variance.Application I' Dear Mr, Russell, Forty-three years ago,as an eight-month-old infant, my wife spent her first summer at Fishers Island In a rental house on Shingle Hill sleeping in a chest of drawers on the floor(because they had no baby crib in the house). She has spent every summer since on the island. Twenty-two years ago, I visited Fishers Island for the first time and fell in love with it. A Few years later, I fell In love again, this time with the woman that would become my wife, at the infamous Pequot Bar and approximately four years ago my wife and I purchased a house at Fishers Island on Chocomount Cove that was originally built in 1926. We have since spent a significant amount of time and money Into renovating and restoring that house. We are active seasonal participants in the community and maintain membership in the Hay Harbor Club, Fishers Island Club., Fishers Island Yacht Club and I am a board member of Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation, We financially support numerous charitable organizations on the island and have always purchased from local stores or hired local people,companies or resources to the extent they are available. We plan to continue to support any and all efforts to maintain Fishers' unique culture and environmental resources. While our family's Forty-three years on island makes us relative newcomers by Fishers Island standards, we love Fishers island more than we can possibly explain, Shortly after buying our home on Fishers Island in October 2015, 1 contacted Keith Nielsen at Do.cko Incorporated and we began the application process for building a dock at the proposed location. It's Important to note that while we were evaluating two different houses to buy on Fishers island,one of the reasons we purchased this particular property is because I learned through some research(Pierce Rafferty later provided photos of the dock) that the original owner of the home, Charles Rafferty, built a rather sizable dock at this exact location in 1926 but It was blown away in one of the hurricanes many years ago. Since first contacting Mr. Nielsen, we have spent an enormous amount of time working to Identify the absolute best place to build this dock in order to minimize the environmental impactand meet the various requirements of all interested parties. Afterfouryears of applications,comments,revisions,changes and modifications,we have now satisfied the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC), Army Corps of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service and EPA the Trustees of the Town of Southold and various other constituencies, most of whom visited the site and confirmed the appropriateness,of this dock with due consideration for the geography anti environmental resources. We have one remaining approval before we can begin construction of the dock within the guidelines set forth by all interested parties. To that end, U would (Idle to explaln why we are buaiddingf they dock. My wife and U have an 8-year-old son narned Chap and'-a -year-old ,son natnrnr d Chase. It U's our hope that tbo'is dock wM provide aro great deal of environmental education and outdoor enjoyment for those, two boys annd our faarrillly over the comp ng years. Chap loves the outer and U"rte, proud to say that he caught his first Striper this sunnnrna r on a top titer purer while fishing on a kayak just off Race Point. He has been castlrtg unsuccessfully Gaff Dur beach thi-'s .suantrrnery but way hope is that he rnaroy catch a fish off our new dock next snur'nrtner.. We both enJoy swinarrnng; Urn front of the house and our Chalk cin narne Just about any rumba, fish or other sea He that he can find.. We have a 197:3 vintage 13-foot Boston Whaler Montauk unalth a 2.5 horsepower Yarrnalha ernglrne,. II look forward to tacking my two boys and tlhelr friends nnuaterskling, and tubing behind our Whaler next summer in Chocorriou.unt Cove if the dock is approved and we.can complete construction before we returrn to ristters island In June next saurrroru er.. We also have a 30-foot Grady While,but my intentions are to&ceop that boat at oau( slip at the Fishers Island Yacbit Club and only dock it at the house when the weather is ideal.We also use the Grady to go Lo o~onnecticrat, Rhode island acrid 1-ong Wand when pa.ubllc aroctess service passage Is not onvennent, Fi naall6y, and most riMportantlyy, II b oiieve in open and honest oieummuunlcarotion onrlhiclh is why l am 'writing;UAs defter. If anybody has any quuestlonsy please do Groot hesitate to call me. l appreciate your attention and considera akin to multi favorably on t(hu.a application, We have configured arid u-dninirrnized the plea°to reach the waters where (boating inripacts, are in accordance mdlth perrnittung; standards, consistent mth the. natural resources in this area which we whole heartteddy support preserving. DonaldW. Ye,')ung 11.3.3 CS AS18 t3eaduntrdu�u u« e r�ae 6�1sr'av�,r.8�Qur,_.�e� i v b Neville, Elizabeth From: Tomaszewski, Michelle Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2019 9:09 AM To: Ruland,William; Louisa Evans;Jill Doherty- Forward;Jim Dinizio-Forward; Bob Ghosio; Russell, Scott; Duffy, Bill; Neville, Elizabeth Cc: Rudder, Lynda; Doroski, Bonnie Subject: Correspondence: Coastal Erosion Appeal-Young Attachments: Coastal Erosion Appeal-Young.pdf Good morning, Please see the attached correspondence received regarding the Donald W.Young Rev.Trust& Kelly C.Young Rev.Trust Coastal Erosion Appeal. Thank you, Michelle Michelle L.Tomaszewski' Secretarial Assistant s Southold Town Supervisbr's Office'`` Phone: 631-765-1889 Fax: 631-765-1823 f Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Coastal Erosion Appeal-Young.pdf Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. i a KCE➢VE® AUG 2 2V2019019 Southold Town clerk RECEIVED CHARLES R.CUDDY AUG 2 z 2019 ATTORNEY AT LAW Southold Town Clerk 445 GRIFFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK �'Iai__irT _r dcliess; TEL: (631)369-8200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail. chirlescuddy@optonline.net August 21, 2019 f]D IE Supervisor Scott Russell Members of the SUPERVISOR'S MICE Southold Town Board TOM OESOUTH0L G POC, Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Donald W.Young Rev.Trust& Felly C.Young Rev. Trust Off East End Road,Fishers Island SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 Dear Mr. Supervisor and Board Members: Keith Neilson has asked me to assist him in connection with a requested variance in a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area at Fishers Island. As you are aware,Mr.Neilson has completed extensive engineering work to design a dock which will not intrude into the sensitive eel grass area adjacent to the Young residence. The dock application has been approved by the Army Corps of Engineers,the Department of State of New York and the Southold Town Trustees. Thus, at the federal, state and local level, reviewing agencies,which certainly were aware of its location, approved the dock. In this connection, it was surprising to learn that a majority of the Town Board members determined that this was a"non-essential" structure. There is nothing in Chapter 111 (Coastal Erosion Hazard Area)and there is nothing in the Purpose provision at Section 111-4 or in the Findings provision at Section 111-5 that relates to an essential or non-essential structure. This dock is reasonably necessary to enjoyment of the Young premises,just as a pool or tennis court would be. Located on a body of water without reasonable access to a boat denies the use and full enjoyment of waterfront property,particularly where there is no threat to navigation by others. There is no prohibition on dock constiuction in Chapter 111 of the Town Code. In its carefully considered SEQRA Negative Declaration,the Town Trustees noted: "Scope: The proposed dock is comparable to docks on neighboring properties in an area where docks historically are used for commercial and recreational purposes". (See attached Environmental Declaration of Significance) Supervisor Scott Russell Members of the Southold Town Board August 21,2019 Page 2 As indicated,there is no distinction between existing and proposed docks. In fact,the SEQRA determination precisely corresponds to Town Code Section 111-9 Issuance of a Permit in that the proposed activity is"reasonable and necessary", "it is not likely to cause a measurable increase in erosion''and it"minimizes adverse effects on natural protected features" (Chapter 111-9 A, B and Q. The construction of the proposed dock will not have any impact on protected water features or other natural resources, and does not pose a danger to any other facility. This Board's arbitrary determination ignores that pursuant to the definition of"Unregulated Activity"a dock"removed in the fall of each year"may be constructed without a variance. The engineering exists for that removable dock. It can be appropriately constructed. However,in the long term, a permanent structure is preferable. Mr.Neilson's record for dock construction is unparalleled, and I submit it is in error to deny a variance,particularly where it meets the code's requirement, has been approved by other reviewing agencies, and may be constructed as a removable dock. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC/pc Enc. Michael J.Domino,President 5o Town Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer III,Vice-President �4 ''' s lam, 54375 Route 25 >z P.O.Bog 1179 Glenn Goldsmith 'F Southold;New York 11971 A Nicholas Krupski Aq, ' Telephone(631)765-1892 Greg Williams y Fax(631)765-6641 bay 1 s s BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 21, 2019 Keith B. Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 ; Mystic, CT 06355 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT NYCCR PART 617 DONALD W.YOUNG REV. TRUST& KELLY C.YOUNG REV. TRUST OFF EAST END ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 Dear Mr. Neilson: The Southold Town Board of Trustees adopted the following Resolution at a meeting held-on�UCl•ednesday,T(Ularch 20, 2019: � • , DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Docko, Inc. on behalf of DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST & KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST requests a Wetland Permit to construct a ±160 linear foot long by 4 foot wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including railings on both sides, water, and electrical utilities of which ±132 linear feet of the pier to be waterward of the Apparent High Water Line; install an 8'x20' floating dock supported by four (4) piles with associated 3.5'x24' hinged access ramp off of seaward most end of fixed pier; and install-three tie-off piles. Located: Off East End Road, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board of Trustees are familiar with this project having visited the site on February 28, 2019, and having considered the plans for this proposed project submitted by Docko Inc. dated May 30, 2017, showing the proposed dock and water depths at the Trustee's March 18, 2019 work session; and, WHEREAS, on March 20, 2019 the Southold Town Board of Trustees declared itself Lead Agency pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, Page 1 of 2 L •'9 Jia •i WHEREAS, on March 20, 2019 the Southold Town Board of Trustees classified the application as an unlisted action pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, WHEREAS, in reviewing project plans submitted by Docko, Inc. dated May 30, 2017 and water depths it has been determined by the Board of Trustees that all potentially significant environmental concerns have been addressed as noted herein: Navigation: The proposed dock meets standards and does not extend beyond , 1/3 across the water body. Depths for the dock terminus are within Town Trustees, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and United States Army Corps. of Engineers guidelines and there is no recognized Federal/New York State/Town navigation channel in the immediate vicinity of the proposed structure. ® Scope: The proposed dock is comparable to docks on neighboring properties in an area where docks historically are used for commercial and recreational purposds: a- Scope in relation to the riparian rights of shellfishers: The plan allows a standard ramp to float design that will not impede access for those seeking shellfish and crustacea in season. ® Scope in relation to view sheds: The seaward end of the proposed dock will not extend appreciably beyond existing docks. As such the perspective will not be discernibly different from the existing view. Environmental upkeep: The dock design projects a usual lifespan of 30 years, with limited pile replacement so as to minimize disturbance of the bottom. THEREFORE, according to the foregoing, the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve and Authorize the preparation of a Notice of Negative Declaration pursuant to SEQRA for the aforementioned project. Very truly yours; Michael J. Domino, President Board of Trustees Page 2 of 2 Neville, Elizabeth From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 2:35 PM To: Burke,John; Doherty,Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Duffy, Bill; Ghosio, Bob; Hagan, Damon;Jim Dinizio; Standish, Lauren; Louisa Evans; Neville, Elizabeth; Noncarrow, Denis; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Silleck, Mary;Tomaszewski, Michelle;William Ruland Cc: Norklun, Stacey; 'Docko Office' Subject: FW: Letter to Supervisor Russell Attachments: img-190826141600.pdf Attached, please find letter received today from Keith Neilson concerning the Coastal Erosion Appeal of Donald W. Young. Elizabeth A. Neville,MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 From: Docko Office [mailto:Office@docko.com] Sent:.Monday, August 26; 2019 2:29 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth Subject: Letter to Supervisor Russell Good afternoon Ms. Neville, Keith asked that I send the attached letter to your attention. Thanks and have a great day!! Christina Lopes Docko Inc. 14 Holmes St Mystic CT 06355 Tel (860) 572-8939 Fax (860) 572 7569 Office(Wocko.com ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. -, . .. . ..:. - .. I al My 6 �" aft t r7 7 3; �, W„ �,, ; 70 J-7 7717 1 �� � � ,�� '6 �i &dilot h( �' `; 69 , . VIN, 11 P4,01 °" � wq � l Ulf ow Witt) t 77 10 � JftCt � '� � wMCI& "J v Mo o a, tna. Serving the waterfront community since 1987 P.O.Box 421,Mystic,CT 06355(860)572-8939 Fax:(860)572-7569,email:officeQdocko.com 19 QA 4� U V R2 Mr.Scott Russell,Supervisor , Town of Southold AUG 2 2 2019 D, Town Hall PO Box 1179 SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE Southold,NY 11971 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Re:Donald Young Variance Application Dear Mr.Russell, I appreciated the opportunity to make our presentation for the variance on behalf of Mr. Donald Young, who seeks to install a dock requiring considerations under the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Management Program,Chapter 111 of the Town Law and a variance. One continent that you made concerned me and I think was not fair. Your concern was to the effect of Fishers Island being overrun with docks and those who have docks can keep them,but future docks would not be considered for approval under the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Management Program. I have conducted a brief aerial photograph survey of Fishers Island and have considered its entire perimeter and locations where docks have been built. We have done a considerable amount of work for and on these docks over the last 25 years and have first-hand experience at every one of these sites. Some of these docks (two dozen or so) have been repaired or rebuilt as a result of Hurricane Bob in 1992. All of them have withstood the climatic conditions to which they have been exposed over the last 25+years, most of them with little or no damage even from"Hurricane Sandy". Roughly two thirds of the docks are in Darby's Cove, Pirate's Cove, along Hedge St. inner West Harbor, Silver Eel Cove and Hay Harbor.These docks are not within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone,so they do not require a variance. There is a total of about 40 docks within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone,all but two of which are on the north shore.The north shore of Fishers Island has an overall length of 55,000 linear feet more or less. These 40 docks, along 55,000 linear feet, represent an average dock interval of 1,375 feet. I know that many of the docks are closer together than this and a 500-foot interval seems more appropriate based on my experience and examination of the attached photograph but clearly these dock facilities are not crowded or interfering with one another or navigation in general.Boat docking facilities on Fishers Island serve more than recreational boating because they also provide direct transportation access to the main land when charters and scheduled ferry service do not. There are areas where there are more docks and other areas where there are fewer docks,so the interval is not regular. But having said this,a dock every 500 feet is not overdevelopment;the houses along the Fishers Island sound coastline are about that far apart,consistent with zoning and at least by that standard,the 500- foot interval would have to be considered appropriate. In addition, most of these docks have reached a water depth of four feet,in accordance with DEC permitting standards in some cases more so,the impact on resources from,sediment disturbance and resuspension is not considered to be adverse or significant. Water quality impacts are minimal°with this 4 foot water depth. i I believe that-indicating that no more new.docks will be allowed on Fishers Island.is not fair to the public w who desire to own•waterfront property and enjoy waterfront property for water-dependent uses, including ; ,boating. Granted, there are locafions that,are not suitable for dock construction, mostly along the south shore,but Mr.Young's property is suitable for a dock.In fact there was a dock at this site in the early part of the.last'century.Some comment was made about the unnecessary dock length,but a length an&alignment 1. have been dictated by the shoreline character and permitting criteria of NY DOS,The Town of Trustees, the NYDEC and the US, Army Corps of Engineers, and we have met those standards. We have gone to extraordinary efforts to document eel grass at this proposed dock site for the past'3 years while we have been undertaking this permit-process and found=the results to be consistent with,results from our original, survey, Attached for the record are copies'of the photographs we took on Monday August 12,2019 which we handed`out at the variance hearing. We have endeavored to work with the existing site characteristics at Mr.Young's property and designed a dock in an area where the impact=upon environmental resources from building the structure will be inconsequential and,minimal in terms of boating access to and from the site as confirmed by the photos we 1 took on Monday August 12,2019`and which wefurnished to you at the.hearing.The of the suitability of-a permanent structure'since the pier.area required to reach navigable water exceeds 200 SF, we addressed Y fully. Granted, a removable dock could be built at this'site without a _variance since it would not.be , considered a regulated structure.-Our opinion is, however, that a tough, fixed,wood pile and timber pier would be the most ecologically sound and,,appropriate structure for this water dependent use. The configuration of°the proposed dock is necessary,to:conform to the permitting standards of four other agencies and we have actively;participated in that.process for.several,years,now. Even in our.recent conversations•with the•Seagrass-'Coalition,,we havebeen,advised that they support Best Management Practices for the resource which we have abided by specifically,.F The fact that we have:received permits from The Town,the USACOE,`and;the NY Department of State attests°to this. g I respectfully:request that you reconsider your position and grant this variance request. r °• f Very'Truly Yours, 21 Docko,Inc. ° Keith B.Neilson,P.E. KBN:cl CC: Mr..Donald Young File: 17-03-2822 DONALD YOUNG Swim Mng Rc k V 1 Young F c. ,-re,: a o �s�� d ,; CF Esho;i Island, WIIO; Rock \� k V2 C=OUSI: �Slc:';d Fishers Island �Flshers Island,-"—" X �. . . . . . . . . .. . y . . k ", .d��: AT' cox .�' "4.` 4 ° �"t ,.�'`.P�' "`:°(^ �•' }a� � „� p`$ .a� -*�`•, �,s � + 7 � 1 i' , n '�. ,� y*rs �t. &. ;fie nn. 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' �- •- a � ��� S. .. tip .•r _ _ y ,111 � j 4•\ .\ a# .,x ti L s a '.1 r �• a ^r 7 .+e� f� 'R+"r"�r � j � j, .f f � r/• d �Ii�'.j�`t �fr�t��: ,rN-4 �( s,�. fit, r� � •y,.,. •�'t �' '• y _f AV t�'rt t •. 1 '. t iia 1 �Kr'Er�Yr ,,iw�.;.,�aY.�'It t , t y ` ,}��4 , 1 + d w s r A •tifi yy s ALV V ti EA yh c + 4 lc 4•� ;, :11 � /; 777 �imINN ' �• v Xr 1 1 16. • Vit. � • _ w .7• Wil. v `I- �t r� - :�.`�V �a' � 9.t. •it r ! � 4 L,y • x w ,y =a A- • vY. �. ,✓ Via. � _ �c. ,i .,�y� Alf '*ir r _. V'•. r - -��� ��;, Wit:• -- ' ``� a.` '�` � �` + y ....,� - �__,.,,ter, .r- '4M1,�,•�� '}, � . 'TIA CHARLES R.CUDDY ,A,r'r0RNE,'Y AT 11-AW 445GRIFFING AVENIJE RIVERHEAD,Nf NV YORK TE L� (631). 69 S- X) 1F 0, Box. 1.547 rAX: (631)'0 9080 Rverliearl,NY 11901. 1.] mJ August 21, 2019 U� 77 IT, v,ti4 IINI Supervisor Scott Russell Members of the S U I i: V Southold Town Board R)VO[V CF PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Donald W. Young Rev. Trust& Kelly C.Young Rev. Trust Off East End Road,Fishers Island SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 Dear Mr. Supervisor and Board Members: Keith Neilson has asked me to assist him in connection with a requested variance in a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area at Fishers Island. As you are aware, Mr.Neilson has completed extensive engineering work to design a dock which will not intrude into the sensitive eel grass area adjacent to the Young residence. The dock application has been approved by the Army Corps of Engineers,the Department of State of New York and the Southold Town Trustees. Thus, at the federal, state and local level, reviewing agencies, which certainly were aware of its location, approved the dock. In this connection, it was surprising to learn that a majority of the Town Board members determined that this was a"non-essential" structure. There is nothing in Chapter 111 (Coastal Erosion Hazard Area) and there is nothing in the Purpose provision at Section 111-4 or in the Findings provision at Section 111-5 that relates to an essential or non-essential structure. This dock is reasonably necessary to enjoyment of the Young premises,just as a pool or tennis court would be. Located on a body of water without reasonable access to a boat denies the use and full enjoyment of waterfront property,particularly where there is no threat to navigation by others. There is no prohibition on dock construction in Chapter 111 of the Town Code. In its carefully considered SEQRA Negative Declaration,the Town Trustees noted: "Scope: The proposed dock is comparable to docks on neighboring properties in an area where docks historically are used for commercial and recreational purposes". (See attached Environmental Declaration of Significance) Supervisor Scott Russell Members of the Southold Town Board August 21,2019 Page 2 As indicated, there is no distinction between existing and proposed docks. In fact, the SEQRA determination precisely corresponds to Town Code Section 111-9 Issuance of a Permit in that the propost;d activity AS "reasonable and necessary", "it is not likely to cause a measurable increase in erosion" and it"minimizes adverse effects on natural protected features" (Chapter 111-9 A, B and Q. The construction of the proposed dock will not have any impact on protected water features or other natural resources, and does not pose a danger to any other facility. This Board's arbitrary determination ignores that pursuant to the definition of"Unregulated Activity" a dock"removed in the fall of each year"may be constructed without a variance. The engineering exists for that removable dock. It can be appropriately constructed. However, in the long term, a permanent structure is preferable. Mr.Neilson's record for dock construction is unparalleled, and I submit it is in error to deny a variance,particularly where it meets the code's requirement, has been approved by other reviewing agencies, and may be constructed as a removable dock. Very truly yours, Cli, rlcs R. CUdd n CRC/pc Enc, Rudder, Lynda From: Martin Finnegan <mfinnegan@suffolklaw.com> Sent: Tuesday,August 13, 2019 7:52 AM RECEIVED To: Neville, Elizabeth Cc: Rudder, Lynda;Anna Schweitzer Subject: Young Coastal Erosion Appeal AUG 1 3 2019 Southold Town Clerk Dear Supervisor Russell and Members of the Town Board: This office represents neighboring landowners, Nick Noyes and Jeremy Bogert who are unable to attend today's hearing. , Our clients share in the concerns raised by Chic Voorhis of Nelson, Pope and Voorhis and urge the Town Board to consider the impacts that the proposed dock will have on the eel grass beds in Chocomount Cove. If the Board is inclined to grant relief from the restrictions of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Law and allow the dock,the alternative configuration proposed by Mr.Voorhis should be required to mitigate the apparent impacts. We respectfully request that the record of this proceeding be left open for two weeks for the submission of additional written comment. Thank you for your consideration. Martin D. Finnegan, Esq. Twomey, Latham,Shea, Kelley, Dubin &Quartararo, LLP 33 West Second Street, P.O. Box 9398, Riverhead, NY 11901 T 631.727.2180 x 265 mfinnegan@suffolklaw.com www.suffolklaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are not an intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e- mail in error, please notify the sender and permanently delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately.You should not retain, copy or use this e-mail or any attachment for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any other person.Thank you. ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not",open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 8 wa '' NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CONSULTING www nelsonpopevoorFhls com RECEIVE® August 12, 2019 AUG 1 2 2019 Scott A. Russell, Supervisor and Members of the Town Board c/o Elizabeth Neville, Town Cleric Southold Town Clerk 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Re: Donald Young Dock Application Chocomount Cove, Fishers Island NPV No. 18276 Dear Supervisor and Members of the Board: It is my understanding that you are currently reviewing the above referenced application for a variance from the Coastal Erosion Hazard Law which prohibits development in the nearshore area. This letter is provided in opposition to the proposed dock installation referenced above. This opposition is based on concern for protection of eelgrass present in Chocomount Cove,Fishers Island, NY based on the presence of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the Cove and the availability of alternative length, design and orientation of the proposed dock to minimize adverse impacts to eelgrass as compared to the currently proposed installation. It should be noted that eelgrass is critical to the marine ecosystem and has been diminishing as a result of various environmental and anthropogenic stresses. Significant eelgrass has been mapped in Chocomount Cove and this area represents some of the healthiest and most significant presence of eelgrass along the Long Island Sound/Fishers Island Sound estuarine waters, New York State and lower New England. There is documented concern for the protection of eelgrass in New York State. According to the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) website, the Seagrass Protection Act of 2012 prioritizes the designation of Seagrass Management Areas and developing Management Plans in consultation with local governments and stakeholders.) The utmost care and concern must be exercised to properly inventory eelgrass beds and ensure management and protection of the species. Furthermore, if permitted, the proposed dock of Donald Young will be located within the Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat designated as critical and irreplaceable habitat within New York State. Fishers Island Beaches, Pine Islands and the Shallows have been identified as having the most extensive series of beds of this submerged aquatic vegetation along the New York State shore of Long Island Sound.Z Seagrass meadows are highly productive ecosystems that provide refuge, food resources, and nursery grounds for a number of commercially and recreationally harvested species3. For this reason the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers seagrass meadows I https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/110813.html 2https://www.dos.ny.gov/opd/programs/consistency/Habitats/Longlsland/Fishers_Island_B eaches_Pine_Islands_Sha llows.pdf 3 Habitat Value Of Natural Versus Recently Transplanted Eelgrass,Zostera Marina,For The Bay Scalwp, Argopecten Irradians:https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/spo/FishBull/871/smith.pdf CORPORATE OFFICE HUDSON VALLEY OFFICE 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD,MELVILLE, NY 1 1747-2189 156 Route 69, Suite C6,SUFFERN, NY 10901 PHONE (631)427-5665 • FAx (631)427-5620 PHONE (845)368-1472 • FAx (B45)368-1572 Donald Young Dock Application Chocomount Cove,Fishers Island,NY Supplemental Information for Pending Agency Reviews as essential fish habitat(EFH). Moreover,seagrass beds are further classified by NOAA as Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) as the serve major ecological functions, are sensitive to decline and stress from development and are rare habitats4. The coastal waters of New York have lost extensive areas of eelgrass habitat in past years. Reports indicate that seagrass habitat has been reduced from approximately 200,000 acres in the 1930 to approximately 21,000 acres as of 20095. Loss of seagrass habitat has been attributed to multiple stressors including changes in landscape6. Change in land use, including the addition of hardened structures such as docks can potentially impact established seagrass beds leading to further decline. Numerous scientific studies indicate urban structures including docks may affect or change the biological, chemical and physical parameters of the benthos78. As eelgrass beds are particularly sensitive to alterations in water quality parameters including temperature, salinity, light penetration, organic matter concentration, and the presence of pollutants9 the construction of a structure has the potential to greatly impact submerged aquatic vegetation. The New York State Department of State has designated Fishers Island Beaches, Shallows and Pine Islands as Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat which contain the most extensive series of beds of this submerged aquatic vegetation along the New York State shore of Long Island Sound. The State recognizes this habitat as critical and irreplaceable while acknowledging that the construction of shoreline structures, such as docks, in areas not previously disturbed by development may result in the loss of productive areas. The proposed dock of Donald Young may adversely impact important eelgrass beds. As a result, the project should be rejected, or reconsidered with respect to design. It is important for the Town Board to consider an alternate location as a shorter dock path to deep enough water (and better North- South orientation). A logical option would be to decrease the area of the pier installation needed to achieve deeper water. A decreased structure size would reduce the physical impact of scouring related to installation and presence of pilings, and deeper water that would reduce impact of boat operations (i.e., propeller damage and/or physical contact). Attached is a suggested alternate location for the dock(see Attachment 1). This location, besides being much less intrusive to the inner cove, has the following advantages, which I would think would be important to the Town Board in order to minimize adverse impacts: • The pier would truly be in a north/south in orientation, and does not "dogleg" oddly to the northwest; this would create less structure and would provide better sun exposure for the eel grass growth below the thru-flow deck. 4 https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/habitat-conservation/essential-fish-habitat#essential-fish-habitat-mapper 6 Final Report of the New York State Seagrass Task Force:Recommendations to the New York State Governor and Legislature.December 2009 6https://www.conservati o ngateway.org/ConservationPractices/Marine/Hab itatP rotectionandRestoration/P ages/South ern-New-England-and-New-Yorlc-S eagrass-Res earch-Initiative.aspx Airoldi et al.2005.An ecological perspective on the development and design of low-crested and other hard coastal defence structures. Coastal Engineering 52:1073-1087. 8 Fonseca MS et al. (2000)Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration: How much is enough and why?Ecol Engin 15:227-237. 9https://www.dos ny.gov/opd/programs/consistency/Habitats/Longlsland/Fishers_Island_Beaches_Pme_Islands_Sha llows.pdf Page 2 14AT Donald Young Dock Application Chocomount Cove,Fishers Island,NY Supplemental Information for Pending Agency Reviews • The pier would be shorter and would reach deep water sooner; this reduces physical impact of installation and presence of pilings. The pier can also access deeper water than the currently proposed pier,which would reduce boat use impacts. • The pier would be in keeping in design and orientation other docks in the area. I believe the applicant's representative continues to maintain that the proposed pier is positioned over a small spot that does not have as much eel grass; however, this is not necessarily true. The request for an independent in-water survey to confirm eel grass occurrence in this location is reiterated herein. Please consider this information in your deliberations on the pending permit, and if a permit is to be issued, please require that the alternative orientation be used to reduce impact to SAV. Thank you and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, NELSON,POPE&VOORHIS,LLC Charles J. Voorhis, CEP, AICP Managing Partner cc: Martin D. Finnegan, Esq., Twomey Latham Page 3 ,11 Donald Young Dock Application Chocomount Cove,Fishers Island,NY Comment Letter on Pending Agency Reviews ATTACHMENTS Donald Young Dock Application Chocomount Cove,Fishers Island,NY Supplemental Information for Pending Agency Reviews Attachment 1 Alternative Pier Orientation Fishers Island, New York Suggestion for better location., Current planned �a location L Aw e s pn m a a� i, a - y m E a Screen shot from Google � Maps image taken 5/13/19 _ f w s r t'I H1= 5 i✓4 - 50UNI 1 � -� i PLAY - r 2019 s` 6VDDOCKEL3-tb o 5nEFS K t RAILS , yis A Gvw<a-5—'wr NEW SiJDi=(TYP7 ,'-NFW4A-Ff kMPIER Wffi CRATE DECK Y2�3tkT` 3� _ L5D 607TOM t-A` BOTTOM_ M1 NEWSL-GTT and WATFlltlTiLiTlES — f (LA^ATIONf'lAY1/ _ EELGRASS LIMIT OF N, — — ® NI=IVPJERS{IPFXIRT j RAL5 * 4 BOULDER SPAZI� m `` �' ?3 T A OF 00 f•`� �` �j 'i s f Q t `�'+1 "Oi4 SPAMIN — -r f 31 y t �' \PATEN9! PATENSDEEDED ��`��. " �fE1MHWl �t ► F f DUNE p{2pF>rR1YUNE >! APPAR9Jf HIGH k CRASS 3 WATER UN-E i r _ SUPFYJRTED AER kiih PARS o NOTE: ALL IN-WATER WORK RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PIER, �tfi2gt: � PHRASMRAMP AND FLOAT WILL TAKE PLACE OUTSIDE pFPROX-lA v?'' i �i OF THE EEL GRASS GROWING SEASON FROM pROPEfrFY uIVF � ; qNA� APRIL 15 TO OCTOBER 31 IN ANY GIVEN EP YuI�YEAR, THIS CONDITION IS NECESSARY TO ` 4 RJ i AVOID IMPACTS,TO EEL GRASS LOCATED IN a,.t THE FISHERS ISLAND BEACH AREA. AND TO COMPLY WITH COASTAL POLICY 6.2 OF THEPROPIERTY ppPRp)4MATEt1JCATIDNO Or-NOYE5 OF NY CAM ACT NH N EXLSMG PAH TO t3EALH n� MUSEUM Nr- ; Michael J.Domino,President ° � Town Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer III,Vice-President 54375 Route 25 Glenn GoldsmithP.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski Telephone(631)765-1892 Greg Williams " Fax(631)765-6641 OWN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 21, 2019 Keith B. Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT NYCCR PART 617 DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST & KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST OFF EAST END ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 Dear Mr. Neilson: SoutholdThe r Trustees t II i Resolution meeting - el n Wednesday,._ Marc DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Docko, Inc. on behalf of DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST & KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST requests a Wetland Permit.to construct a ±160 linear foot long by 4 foot wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including railings on both sides, water, and electrical utilities of which ±132 linear feet of the pier to be waterWard of the Apparent High Water Line; install an 8'x20' floating dock supported by four (4) piles with associated 3.5'x24' hinged access ramp off of seaward most end of fixed pier; and install three tie-off piles. Located: Off East End Road, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 S.E.Q.R,A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board of Trustees are familiar with this project having visited the site on February 28, 2019, and having considered the plans for this proposed project submitted by Docko Inc. dated May 30, 2017, showing the proposed dock and water depths at the Trustee's March 18, 2019 work session; and, WHEREAS, on March 20, 2019 the Southold Town Board of Trustees declared itself Lead Agency pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2019 the Southold Town Board of Trustees classified the application as an unlisted action pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, WHEREAS, in reviewing project plans submitted by Docko, Inc. dated May 30, 2017 and water depths it has been determined by the Board of Trustees that all potentially significant environmental concerns have been addressed as noted herein: Navigation: The proposed dock meets standards and does not extend beyond 1%3 across the water body. Depths for the dock terminus are within Town Trustees, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and United States Army Corps. of Engineers guidelines and there is no recognized Federal/New York State/Town navigation channel in the immediate vicinity of the proposed structure. Scope: The proposed dock is comparable to docks on neighboring properties in an area where docks historically are used for commercial and recreational purNos0s. Scope in relation to the riparian rights of shellfishers: The plan allows a standard ramp to float design that will not impede access for those seeking shellfish and crustacea in season. Scope in relation to view sheds: The seaward end of the proposed dock will not extend appreciably beyond existing docks. As such the perspective will not be discernibly different from the existing view. Environmental upkeep: The dock design projects a usual lifespan of 30 years, with limited pile replacement so as to minimize disturbance of the bottom. THEREFORE, according to the foregoing, the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve and Authorize the preparation of a Notice of Negative Declaration pursuant to SEQRA for the aforementioned project. Very truly yours, Michael J. Domino, President Board of Trustees Page 2 of Docko, Inc. Serving the waterfront community since 1987 P.O.Box 421,Mystic,CT 06355(860)572=8939 Fax:(860)572-7569,email:office@docko.com � J' ivE.CEIVED Ms. Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk JUL � ���� Town of Southold ; Southold Town Justice 53095 Rte. 25 Southold Town Klerk Southold,NY 11971 Re: Donald Young Property, Fishers Island Coastal Erosion Appeal Application Dear Ms.Neville: On behalf of Mr. Donald Young, we enclose herewith a Coastal Erosion Appeal application package for the dock construction project at his home in Fishers Island Sound on Fishers Island,NY.' I trust that you will fmd this application package complete and acceptable;please let me know if the need for further information arises. Very truly yours, DOCKO, INC. h Keith B.Neilson,P.E. KBN: kb ? Enclosure CC: Mr. Donald Young File: 17-03-2822 YOUNG TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR APPEAL TO THE COASTAL EROSION HAZARD BOARD OF REVIEW DATE: July 15, 2019 Fee: $250.00 NAME OF APPLICANT: Donald Young ADDRESS: Private Property off East End Road, Fishers Island,NY 06390 DATE OF DECISION APPEALED FROM: June 19 2019 SPECIFIC CHAPTER/SECTION INVOLVED: Chapter III THE ALLEGED ERRORS IN THE DETERMINATION ARE: INTERPRETATION THAT IS CLAIMED TO BE CORRECT: RELIEF SOUGHT: Allow construction of a permanent, non-movable wood timber pier of greater than 200 SF in Fishers Island Sound. *COPY OF THE ENTIRE BOARD OF TRUSTEE FILE INCLUDING ANY RELEVANT MAPS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPEAL SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Town of Southold P O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT Date: 07/16/19 Receipt#: 257956 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Application For Appeal Young $250.00 Total Paid: $250.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#5642 $250.00 Neilson, Keith Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Neilson, Keith Docko, Inc Po Box 421 14 Holmes Street Clerk ID: LYNDAR Internal ID.Young °' �4 %�AiF36 w,./�4{ r t4,,"x�r.Wt•aF�Aa.t5 .6C,T flP a,Ue. tL<Y.Orrrck,,.iz 4>,.Saa-aJ,.i_,..�..,ts.+Y'....,.�s.s,..+a.tat.....en.rQur.,,.•-..:I ta..r„x...,,...se=.'�Y=+6':L' ��`�,. �' = n ....w: vxNwt RtumniiUaLHa�s�A.Yx.�.etK+�u�tn•....wn0.-.^.w�+:w,e_ - -� _ _ _ ..e _ - "__ . 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CF po PATENS AMARIE rT /�A�'. ! ,aid jt «# NEW 4-F1' _ckFFVRW PM%A XALS IN==`VA ."#Okk,MATEO:TO 'ME QONSTWCT16N `t3F'THE',fP00 SEP' PiM .e WiLI: OKE PCAM OUTSIDE 0F'TiiE,.EEL, Gid.GP 4 (iP swoii ,F,t�Ot�,AFRI.,1,5..10 PROGEAi1'LINE � ,fir' %,t' f3CTpBi;R.�1.. IN !'i ,GN�d, �i All: THIS � PROPF7z1Y UNE G TO' EEL I, .,PiiMC T ,AVt ii :;-I1 P a, GIS L&ATIM IN lHt. Fis"ps 1 151 Rr'46 SEACN ; 409.T(Y tdi?LY'WCM; •a N/F PROi�ERTY .GO*AI.,'F'OLIGY'S�2 { THE" NY,CAS,ACI t� TttIC7 `i`J . OF NOYES e4rr'C 0A*tO NH L y; MusEUM iNc RaouEcr., NEW'FIER ~: ao 40" WEVlS�9-11-u DEG LOCA11014 MHWS BLAND-TOWN of 50LM-M J . PER ELEVATION SLFFOLK CdJMY.NEW YOWL WA116 WAY: F&3t5191.AW SOUND � E REVISED 3-218 DW DATA MAY W.2017 � 'o u *: N= APPLrAW DODO D YOLRd* Mme, s REVISM 4-3_19 DEC , PIER t GRATE D�JG AcEw S� iT 2 OP 3 o :_ - ,) ' WASID 6-11-19 NOTE D�C�:�, INC. „� G Kieft SL Nva+,PE t �o srs DWC 17-03-2822 EMAL �a'h H 1r.st�4 Gako'.^a o%37; 019 331•'�'-` Ywa?-rJocti:E.��.� 1 - JUN 2 7 2019 NOM TV ,P,TEAREA 4A-FT NEW T SZW F .E OF WNTAM-5,6# :,qn pj wkh RA#.5 a,v Mm gLag-kFTNom/azcnzc aw WATFR r <UI�1 CTS p X.A7XW MAY VARY} �k"d���: A�A.�cyy,,ii'��yy!rr!��&yya.✓, � �..f'7-1/�WY�L/�� 1. -Ate'. �� 0.0 -7 cz- t " M FEW , � /¢ �Atl-.IM-WA Ef; S dAk RELAATUD To,THE E�lVL7 VI�V�_ MAS'o imp,5�d'IHE"�"r?t` `Sj'�.(/� [,�f �f.JnT{� rp!^ vSE15 0 it i�.. AXE PLAtt OUTSIDE OF ME000 �'�t i✓1`s.��'{M'��s vw!.V. G ASIS,GROWIMP',WSON,FR APRIL,,,15 T�1 �. o is r As T .....,.. ... OCT `•< Err co*fm MV 4-FrWDI,FILESJ*OK BD DWKEL RALS !��w17' OECIC EC. gPPR24-LATE f.Cts' " AW&35m MV23 5PART14A NIA! j PATENS ELA-FTASOVEDock,oy0l, LOCATION MAYV PRpi~IL� �0 20 �o o �o �A+�ARE I3 ,0N AWARE W LOW WATER . < pRQlEGT: NEW FIFER °*• � DEG-t7 LOCATION: FISHERS GLAND-TOWN Of SOUn-iC 117 -:< I E�F1E1 7 OW ��COagTY-Nr--W YORK _ ��D•�t 4 PM S..EVADEC WATERWAY- MA 30.XV 1 ' 14 K n, ApMJCA`IT DONALD YOLW, REMSED -32L)-,scotA,. • s+ r NOTE AC-eNT. SHEEP 3 oF 3 r X43-19 NY DEG ,o(oc<Q, INC. elf6-TT�9 3*1C KeM'B,NeMa4 PE RevsmCHANC-sE "SW 572WW ,SAX 860 57l 75W owe " �'��ESI718��� EMAN.; dodcomm qtr+`P •slxn.C,,l[Lc iY G 3'iC':'33'i , You-+y✓r.Gl 7F� DONALD YOUNG COASTAL EROSION APPEAL FISHERS ISLAND SOUND,FISHERS ISLAND NY July 15, 2019 Introduction: The Young family property is located along the north shore of Fisher's Island in waters of Fishers Island Sound. The structure is to be a fixed wood pile supported wood timber pier. It has been decided that the pier would be constructed in the footprint of a pier which existed at this location prior to the Hurricane of 1938., and permits were applied for to the State of New York, both Department of State and Department of Environmental Conservation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Town of Southold. Permits have been issued by the Department of State and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and copies are attached for your review. In addition,the Town of Southold Board of Trustees has approved the Tidal Wetlands Permit for the construction of this dock facility. Each one of these permits has acknowledged the occasional exposure of this site to adverse sea conditions and the susceptibility of the Fishers Island shoreline to erosive and damaging forces. The respective agencies have accepted the pier design as adequate and appropriate considering these factors. Variance Request: The dock facility is defined as a structure in Chapter 111 of the Town of Southold Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas.The area of the dock facility exceeds 200 SF in order to meet the regulatory and policy requirements of the State, federal and local permit agencies and, therefore, this dock construction activity is not"unregulated" and must conform to the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area, factors for consideration notably,being removable. A variance to Chapter 111 is respectfully requested because of the nature of the project and the demonstrated history of other docks in this area, the structural stability and effectiveness of this dock facility required for the climatic and sea conditions which are experienced at this site. Since the pier exceeds 200 SF it must be removable by code. This requirement for a "removable" structure is contrary to proper facility design and construction and would be detrimental to the environment and resource conservation. Article 34 of the New York State Environmental Conversation Law, which is the basis for the establishment of the Town of Southold Coastal Erosion Hazard Program has been reviewed in the preparation of this document. Proiect Impacts: The construction scope of work and method to be utilized in this project are specifically to protect the structure against damage from waves and to preserve existing coastal features, as well as coastal resources, specifically eel grass which grows around the pier but not in the area of the pier head. Access and staging considerations are also compatible with these two goals. The barge to conduct work will be relatively light in draft,approxifnately two to three feet.The water depth will allow the barge to approach within 50 feet of shore,which is the reach of the crane. The barge will not contact the bottom during any portion of the construction, and the barge will be relocated at higher tides to remain clear of the existing eel grass beds in and around the project site. There is no removal of soil in the proposed, scope of work, and there is no alteration of the shoreline is proposed. Most of Fisher's Island's waters are recognized as valuable fish habitat. This design has, endeavored to occupy the same exact footprint as the pier that existed at this site prior to the Hurricane of 38', as shown in the attached photos. The driven piles will maintain waterflow and circulation, as it compared to the cribs of old. Existing tidal wetlands at the shoreline will be unaffected by construction and usage of the pier and only minimally by the actual physical impact of the pile driving: The pier height is being established at about 8 feet above mean low water, for most of the length of the pier which has a north-south alignment which will allow sunlight to enter from,the east or west side of the pier during most of the day. In addition,the"Thruflow" decking utilized as the walking surface is perforated as to allow an effectively 60%of sunlight to reach the water column and bottom sediments beneath the pier, based by studies utilized by the NYSDEC during the approval process of"Thruflow"decking. This project will result in no loss of waters as defined in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Permit Number 3, under which this project has been received by the U.S. Army and the project was approved. This reconstruction process represents minimum encroachment into the navigational waters of the State and waters deep enough to minimize bottom impacts due to shading and propeller drive systems. The most significant concern with the project came from the New York DEC. At first there was a strong preference by the owner to have a floating dock but all three permitting agencies preferred a fixed pier to the floating dock option. There are only minimal known remains the old dock(crib framing and the field of stone used for fill) or artifacts of archaeological significance. The shoreline of Fishers Island Sound has been eroding for decades based on the number of rocks in the shallow inter-tidal zone and sub-tidal zone, the shoreline historically was out further as much as a hundred feet or more to what is now the north edge of the tidal wetlands vegetation. There are no known endangered species in the project area. Compliance with Existing Standards: This construction project has been determined to be compliant with new policies related to the preservation and enhancement of eel grass beds, as indicated by the review by the Army Corps of Engineers, who's consultation normally includes the National Marine Fishery Services (NMFS). The pier will be pile supported,with piles in bents or pairs,at 10-foot intervals."Thruflow"(slotted plastic) decking will be used for the full length of the pier. This decking will have two benefits; allow sunlight to pass through the decking and into the water column and by providing relief from hydrostatic (wave) forces to maximize pier resilience and minimize wave uplift forces which generally damage piers. Embedded stone in the benthos is to remain, as requested by the DEC. This will maintain existing benthic habitat as is. Structural Considerations: In accordance with the policies of the National Marine Fisheries Service, piles will be 12 inches in diameter at the point of contact with the water, and no larger. It is anticipated that these piles will be 12-inch Class B pressure treated southern yellow pine. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation conducted an extensive study in 2000 and determined that such, piles are recognized as essential to the long-term structural stability of marine structures and has indicated that the environmental impacts of such treated piles are minimal and consistent with DEC environmental policy. The structure will be fastened together with double 3/ inch bolts at each pile bent split cap and cross brace, each of which will be 4x10 timbers. The decking will be supported with 3 x 10 stringers at 16-inch centers as required by the decking. The outside stringer will be bolted to the piles. Decking will be screwed down with two screws per stringer. With regard to structural integrity, the 12-inch piles will be driven to a depth of 10 to 15 feet of embedment, with a bearing capacity of 20 tons, and a pull-out resistance of 10 tons for each pile. The deck elevation will keep the bulk of the structure above the wave zone for standard conditions of high tide, plus one-foot storm surge, plus three-foot waves. In cases of severe coastal storms and hurricanes,there are more significant(three foot) surge tides and the deck will be below most of the wave energy. The strength of each bolted connection of timbers to the pile is in excess of a ton. Therefore, the total uplift force exerted on the decking and the framing should be well within the capacity of each of the bolted connections. The longstanding nature of nearby structures (Firestone Boat House, Roosevelt dock, Spurtle and Charpentier existing docks)and their survival through notable coastal storms since the 1950s,including Hurricane Donna in 1965,The Blizzard of 78',Hurricane Gloria in 1985, Hurricane Bob and the Halloween Storm (Perfect Storm) in 1992, Hurricane Floyd in 1999, Hurricane Irene in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and five nor'easters in March/April of 2018 give testament to the appropriateness of historic dock building standards. Turbidity will be minimal. The bottom sediments are sandy gravel with stone and rock and the area of contact of the piles is approximately 3/4 of a square foot per pile. This results in a bottom sediment impact area of less than 50 square feet for this structure based on pile contact. Chapter 111 requires that a dock facility over 200 SF be removable. In order to make a dock removable it must be built of fairly lightweight materials with minimal embedment which can be removed seasonally or in advance of danger, and yet firmly founded and fastened so as to provide stable support even considering berthing forces and incessant rhythmic loading due to wind and wave. Such conditions can be accommodated in protected bays and estuaries such as Gardner's Bay, Long Beach Bay and Orient Harbor. Long Island Sound and Fishers Island Sound,however, are not mentioned in Section 111-5 A, and see forces to be reckoned with. Piles for support and their bracing elements are essential components for these more severe exposures. These piles can be pulled up by significant storm driven waves and so they must be driven deep and therefore they must be tough enough to handle the driving forces of installation, the resistances for deformation, and resistance to pulling out.These very attributes make removal infeasible.Even if it was feasible, repetitive pile driving and extraction would decrease the support capability of the sediments and render the structure more likely to be damaged.In order to make the pier less susceptible to damage in severe storm conditions of the surge tide and waves, the pier height will be kept as low as practical and permittable so that these worst case storm conditions will have their most damaging energy over the top of the pier rather than striking the pier directly. To have to make this pier removable would not be environmentally, physically or economically appropriate; this is the hardship created by Chapter 111. A pre-construction notice will be issued in accordance with each of the respective permits. It is anticipated that work will be avoided between March 1 st and June 30th of each year,in accordance with standard permitting conditions. This project conforms to all existing agency terms and conditions for construction and maintenance of a dock facility structure. It also accommodates stated preferences of permitting agencies, including the NY DEC,NY DOS, USACE and the Town Trustees. Summary, The emphasis of Chapter 111 is to regulate development activities and to implement standards which will help to minimize and prevent damage to natural protective physical site features as well as manmade structures from coastal flooding and erosion and to protect natural resources and human lives. Adjacent dock facilities have withstood the test of time and,in the case of the Firestone Boat House and Roosevelt dock, pre-existed this chapter by 35 years. The Young pier faces into the most frequent climatic forces and will continue to do so. The pier will have attributes which will help to maintain environmental quality in general,and specifically to minimize adverse impact potential for eel grass.Three regulatory agencies,including the Town Trustees,have issued permits for this pier construction project acknowledging structure attributes required for the stressful site and sea conditions while preserving and protecting the environmental resources at the site and how the resources will benefit from the design features and materials specified for use in the construction. We have prepared the variance request based on the factors for consideration in section 111-9: A: The pier construction project is reasonable and necessary for boating access beyond the inter tidal field of boulders. The structure will be suitably stout and environmentally appropriate in view of current resource protection standards. B: The structure will not cause a measurable increase in erosion at the Young property or at adjacent properties. C: The features of increased height of the approach ramp, initial pier height and use of "Thruflow" decking will maintain environmental and habitat quality in accordance with current State, Federal and Town standards for approval. The use of open grate decking and piles for support will maintain light transmissivity to the bottom sediments and will also maintain water flow and circulation. The decking will not focus rainfall runoff in a manner which might induce erosion. It is agreed by the permitting agencies that these features will not significantly degrade or adversely impact the environment and habitat quality of the Sound. This project complies with the provisions of the US Army Corps of Engineers,NY DEC, and NY DOS programmatic standards as well as the requirements of the Town's Tidal Wetlands Law. The dock structure is larger than 200 SF but will not be any larger than necessary. In order to be in compliance with the codified regulations and recommend best management practices in these site conditions the structure cannot be removeable. A variance to the provisions of Chapter 111 is respectfully requested so that the Coastal Erosion Permit can be issued for this project by the Town of Trustees. No public funds will be expended in the course of completing this project. Respectfully Submitted, Docko, Inc. Keith B.Neilson, P.E. Michael J.Domino,PresidentTown Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer III,Vice-President '` 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith r Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski Telephone(631)765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 C�U BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 28, 2019 Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST& KELLY C.YOUNG REV. TRUST OFF EAST END ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM#1000-3-2-2 Dear Mr. Neilson:, The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Docko, Inc. on behalf of DONALD W.YOUNG REV. TRUST& KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, application dated October 1, 2018, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed applications be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and specifically Inconsistent with the following coastal policies: Policy 4.1 - Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards, Policy 6:3—Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands, arid, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on March 20, 2019, May 15, 2019 and June 19, 2019, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the proposed structure, as applied for, is located in a nearshore area as per Definitions in Chapter 111 Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas of the Town Code and governed by Section 111-11 C. All development is prohibited in nearshore areas unless specifically provided for by this chapter, and as per Chapter 111-6 Definitions - Unregulated Activity—docks, piers, wharves or structures built on floats, columns, open timber piles or other similar open work supports with a top surface area less than 200 square feet or which are removed in the fall of each year, and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that for foregoing reasons, and because the proposed action is located entirely within the coastal erosion hazard area and in a nearshore area, and because the.proposed action is not permitted in such areas pursuant to Chapter 111 of the Town Code, that the Trustees deem the proposed project to be impermissible under Chapter 111, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons, the Board of Trustees DENIES WITHOUT PREJUDICE the Coastal Erosion Permit application of DONALD W.YOUNG REV. TRUST& KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft. wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/- ft fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., received on June 27, 2019 and stamped approved on June 28, 2019. This determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Ve X ,-truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, Vice-President Board of Trustees DH/dd Michael J.Domino,President OF 5 Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 John M.Bredemeyer III,Vice-President P.O.Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith "' Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski -:. ,,' Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES June 28, 2019 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST & KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST OFF EAST END ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 Dear Mr. Neilson: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Docko, Inc., on behalf of DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST & KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated October 1, 2018, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application March 20, 2019, May 15, 2019 and June 19, 2019, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, 2 WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has furthered Policies of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the greatest extent possible through the imposition of the following Best Management Practice requirements by the applicant's submission of revised plans for a pier only with thru-flow decking; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that for the mitigating factors and based upon the Best Management Practice requirement imposed above, the Board of Trustees deems the action to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees APPROVE the application of DONALD W. YOUNG REV. TRUST & KELLY C. YOUNG REV. TRUST to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft. wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/ft fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., received on June 27, 2019 and stamped approved on June 28, 2019. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit, is approved. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, n;titJ,,B�redemeyer Vice-President, Board of Trustees DH/dd • �'��'� `*, �r�Ya Su.i. x,.1 ieur.P:adYFi� 37 nk4.^Fzlad'"�. ,�c�" �,..' }... k.r�'.03. ••o.q ,1ww s.Vy�'� •,'. ., ;�'"„':�..' •,�,x>' .m ;-,wa a'., � T” °'� •�:4;g � >'S�.,,; �'s :�"" '{ Y�'T'r�'1`T';LY"j�•EW�}i;Cx'.iTl^FiKi«t'+�'�°IOY. �3:17i�"Y<')i4ki�o?,'�[ .•Yi;.i''kP'„tFlY.:eY z.Ct'{4++Se ni'�.j•.�'YnMrzp.�.t:S••�xc!wSc !ft'lVh'..,� �.. "Stj'f', [�a�. +T!Il y.�.xY'�$'� 3'1?� �i z�0'1'Q';v' I,aSs� S "ZE.Ni^J,rrn .£E ! fl c3F; an r.q�myii" ::ianr. BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES : �- SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I PERMIT NO.9474 DATE: :?kA19":10,19, ISSUED TO: DONALD W.YOUNG R.EV..TRUST & KELLY C.YOUNG REV.TRUST PROPERTY ADDRESS: OFF EAST'END RO D,,:1'ISHERS°ISLAND- SCTM# 1000-3-2-2 ` " AUTHORIZATION ��• 3! Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in a i accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on June 19;'2fk19, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of S,250,0 paid by:bcinald W,,: R&,6 Trust and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of J . Trustees authorizes and permits the following: 1<3 Wetland Permit to construct a 200+/-ft.x4ft.wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including three tie-off piles with tide slides, rails, grate decking and water/electric utilities, of which . 172+/-ft is waterward of the apparent High Water Line. The 200+/-ft is including the 28+/-ft i 5 ' fixed ramp; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Docko,Inc.,received on June 27,2019 and stamped approved on June 28,2019. r; p 1N WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, ` and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the 281h day of June,2019. $ , � s� �'� '�R/ 'moi"'. ._ � � �E.� e�.t�' ✓ '' i&� � I S e ice'�f •�` ���y �' t s I 1� C r.�.d�:43L:n",'..N.:L'...z•.•<<d1t�*.1(fJk�`bk..`5,�.�.M.�c31.'•SA>'•s`a�',n1'ix+%�:uA45i�.i&'"�+.�xu`C�tficf<zA'^`LP%Ytiv�'4h`y�E4� "'S:S�.^, •a�i rlrl •• ,«..,...: v.0_._ _ -. .„,..—w. ..-- ..<... ..,,..........e..... � :.:�f.. < �a;Ycc•,a>„`�xatata;rt\ti:5�"de:te'«a2's:xds'c5saa�.,Y3:,:.x=rxffo�'.�:.�a.4on;s�mz ^r'z�.�,"au4'teak�k3'�J � . � of . •.r• ,,»..fir „��,>.'. _ , ,�'�;: � "�._;.z" :�"Cs�=a' .:� ^, '�'� '�;:, >r� , .g= tet• «.,, -��;; •'L �q, a ��� YS F c� .•..-. ,�e j:�v•«„`a+" 'ti 'f'�'> YY; •p V� � ar� .,,xs '+ �:r,:. � , -` �37tx: "�,:`�'" �,�..>'�",.�s._°,..f�..'e�r�s%` ,"�`•.�az x2g z;�,. .m"'v"' in,�, ,�afv,"`' ^�;;, �,,, _ •�:_'" - fir, � d.r.Fv, r �.w;,,,''�°katw':,:`.•..^ .,,—.4sou .f � Y. _ ��;,�# �'�,. .•::� � +^- a '^.+.:....�• � ..e .......-.»'gym°.,Y, + � "`"^moi„y..�y'"'`� ",..,”'^; =;•�,N^" ,. "`ertv�., ,,..�'.." `".`..^,�,L,�.....Y../' �^�\"..,......, "�V ,'�°,F "'� TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Permittee Qbnald W Youitg-1 6V-.,Trust and'I�etl!Q-*� 7ini9"Agy.:I'rustr re4dri�1ra,�aff' East End Road.,Fishdtg Island.New York,as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to'the following: 1 That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages,or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation performed pursuant to this permit,and the,said Permittee will,at his or her own expense,defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties,and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto,to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. 2,; That this Permit is valid for a period of 24 months,which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved,but should circumstances warrant,request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3.1 That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved,to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board-or its agents,and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 51 That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation,the said Permittee will be required,.upon due notice,to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the completion of the work authorized. 91 That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required supplemental to this permit,which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. 10, No right to trespass or interfere with riparian rights. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. a W4 lN1 41 1 I.MD.."S{3E,3ND, cab- �1,���"�P;�r' awe>•:�.. � .. s£� ��� �, ° .b, ,�°°� ; � •:�`� "` �$ ,Vi;µ:; "T ~. "% Lc7C��.TlG71V t"1Af� FMF62ENCE _ u )•""° a.a%�'°4 iY..., l f� ♦•iY.a<E'S'e"rp'•i°k£J$ai KyYp'g E�MpL�iY���+ i ;';•pyS:' `� +.' - ....�. _. 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'r' yea.-�s,: +ey+E »sy ,€,4'!'R1a a•: �•% »,j+i y. `"n .n."Y�S.�rF}',�` gip,`=• .t'.`r'°. ��`l.'e•`. q" ,f a�N��. •:J'�t,1.F"ar.>' �'EJ e'�, s e "gaa4' 'pS.is4E "° 'l�E,ne°.:f.eyra6�.. } rt P•y,,q'' s e".,••w,,5, r z,lg £E X' ,�,' �L ''r•>•,#;a<,`q"'"T•�e >• i.�`•`•� ...8' r"}L:1 X11 ,E}. {i4"� +F"�X� v„1jk r F�� x'�y•'�` .•h'`! +w a.' .>,tE. 3� ,R"; ..,5 .ea?'"„ E "x r�•:..,',r i°. j">..as<, y. 41GCi�i9RMA ? N.£31tLf"�ft SEIZ inTS)MAY—leelok : L'.. o.AD 10NNG PRDPERr 'OWNERS: n� WE5T EAST NCHOLAS B.$TALBOTT NOYES H L FERGL SON MUSEUM W. JUN 2 7 2019 do ANN NOYES ATTR PERCr--RAFFMY MRSCrOR 103 CODUDGE ROAD PO BOX 54 CONCORD°MA 01742 P—c iEFLS ISLAND,NY 053990 �filSlit3',6a Id`tdf# PF20JE[.T NEW PIER gEViSED g-T1_Tr DEG L�T� FISHEI; L -TQVvi�l of s01miOLD { t PROJECT DESAFS7ffON GUFFCLKCGUNTY Y ORK WA•TE3ZWAY FEHE3;9 ELAND SOUND I REVISED 10.3x7 DEC DATE MAY 30.2OU ;,fl.0 CA DOCKS N AREA APRZ.A T DONALD YDUNG ' REVISED 4-3-19 1^ ' PROUEGT DESCRlPnON AGENT 5F IEET 1 OF 3 INC- C ,Keith B.Ndbark PE :Bu t FA{X'860 5T17569 DWG V-03-7871 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ON,E COMMERCE PLATA ANDREW M, CUOMO 99'WASHIMGTO i N Al iNU'k POVER14PR ALBANY,NY 1223'1-0001 WWW.DO$,NY.G0V- R Q'S t A NA, $X'D 0 SECRETARY OF STATE Mr; Keith Neilsdh 'Febru6r��21,'2018 Dockq, inc. PO Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 Re: F-2017o.0781 U.S. Army Corps of'Engineers/New'York,District Permit.ApplicafiqP—Youngl`roperty Dock alUiIJ timber pier;ramp, float, and tip-off piles. Off'East End,Road Fishers Island,Town of Sopthold, Suffolk County Condiflonal C-oitictfirrevee with Co nsistenev Cgirtirleati0i Dear Mr-. Neilson: The Department of-State (DOS)has completed.its review of the consistency certification and data and -inf6rmation fbr-the above referenced proceeding in accordance With the federal Coastal Zone'Management'A'd (CZMA). Pursuant to IS CFR§§ 930.4 and 9A*62,DOS conditionallyconctifs)with the'consisterc Y certification for the project under,theeipplicAble,policies of the New York'State Co ' Management(CMP). astal Mgement Program The siting of such projects within the New York,.State Coastal area.requires due,consideration he giveh to applicable New`York State Coastal Policies. The avoidance and,mi'mimization measures proposed by the applicant And the conditions enumerated herein,wl the ensure-that ih project can prNeed in.A,manner that 1sTu lv consistent.With the enforceable policies of the CMP. 1. STAT . VTORYFRAMEWORKYOR CONSISTENCY REVIEW The Coastal Zone Management Act-(CZMA)authorizes a coastal state to review,federal agency activities in ori outside,ofthe coastal zone affecting.any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal'zone for their consistency with the,enfotce , 'able,policies the state's approved Coastal Management Program (CMP). . Under,this regulatory AamewQrk,for federal authoritative actions;the state coastal agenqy'cAn concur with, conditionally concur with; or lobieict,anapplicant's consistency certification for a,project. in this matter, DOS:has conditionally concurred with the certification. This project is located within the,Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization PrOgtarn(LWRP)-boundary'so the federal consistency review will be completed using the coastal policies ofthhi local program, Withih.30 d4y5,of receipt of the conditional concurrence-Pursuant to 1.5 CFR §§ 930.4 and 930.62, the applicant must amend its federal application(s)to include the State-'s conditions. The Federal agency or the applicant shall immediately notify the DOS if the conditions-are'not acceptable. If the condition set forth in Section V is mei,the federal agencies-earl proceed to make decisions ori amended applications that,ificorporatp, the condition. If application is not'ameaded,or'dither,the Federal agency or-the applicant notifies DOS that the conditions are not accepted, the-conditional concurrence will bd'c6fisid6Tqd-an objection.. f:Q11E ff yo '( 1, 11 1partnieftt sTA�F OF � Dt Qp O�TUWJTY, of'StAtd It Me conditional concurrence is considered to be an objection, then pursuant-to 15 CFR §930.63(p), the applicant has the,opportunity to appeal the objection to the US Secretary of Commerce within 30 days after receipt of the conditional concurrence. In,order to grant an override,request, the Secretary rnustflnd that the. activity is consistent with the objectives or purpose's of the Coastal.Zone Management Act,or is necessary in the,interest of national security. A copy,of the request and supporting information must be sent to the New York State Coastal Management'Progfam andthe federal permitting or licensing ici e� ng agency.The Secretary,may collect, fees from you for adn�ini8tering and.processing Your request. 11. 9UBJECT OF THE REVIEW Donald Young,is proposing to,construct 1.50'fodt by 4 Biot wide fixed wood pile and,timber pier including rallsand water/electric utilities'at his:property on East End Road(Tax,Map Ib 10.001-2=2)'on, Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold Suffolk,County.'In addition.Mr. Young proposes to install an 8,foot by 20.-foot float with access ramp and three tie-dffpiles at the waterw' #' d- 'end,of the-proposed pier, The stated -purpose of the proposed strueture is to provide,for recreational boating.The project-would occur within the boundary of the Fisherg Island Beaches, Pine.Islan4s,and,Shallows Significant-Coasthi Fish and Wildlife Habitat(SCF I& APPLICATIONS FOR I=VLATORVAPPROVALS On August 21,, 2017,the Department of State,received Mr. Young's Federal Consistency Assessment Form (FCAF), consistency certification and certain supporting information regardin 1he Project-a copy of Which was'filqd concurrently vitti their, J6itft,Application to both the New,York State Department of Environmentlal,,'Con5e.r-vatiloln (I)E%hfid,ik United Stat6s Army Corps Of Engineers"(ACRE). On September. IS, 2011, DOS,,*.as provided with,a' 6" "pleted'Essd#tiaj Fish HabitaiAss�qssrA6nt,.Woiksheet, as required by om ACOE, as well as modified site plans making,minor.changing to the length-and,hei I ght of the proposed pile, supported pier to minimize impact to eel grass beds,in the vicinity of the proposed structure. IV. COASTAL POLICY ANALYSIS Tom of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Policy 62',-Prolect and restore�,Slgnfflcant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitais, The project would occur within the Fishers Island Beaches, Pine Islands and Shallow's SCFWH. The location and design offlid,proposed structure and tk.modifications,to,the initials,plans reduced some-of the potential impacts to known eel grass beds.However there still remains potential for the SCFWH to be impacted during-the construction of the structure. In particular,colgrass beds play an important ecological role.in the habitat a§,docum erited in the habitat narrative: The 2002 U.S. Fish&Wildlife Service,eelgrasg-(Zosterd marina)survey for Eastenitong�Island Sound, Connecticut;and-New York has documented. moderate to I heavy densities of this.submerged aquatic species-within much,of the marine.shallows areas along the north shore of Fishers Island. Eelgrass beds range atdepths from-4.5 to 14 feet at mean low water;about 194 acres of beds have been documented and mapped. Eelgrass meadows providecritical habitat for a great diversity of aquatic species, including numerous finfishi,shellfish, and crustacean species, These,eelgrasg ' meadows represent the only substantive populations of this specks along the New York State shoreline portion of Long.,Island Sound. Historically,eeigtass beds were documented along,the south,short of Fishers Island as Well as within some of islAft&s^coves and harbors. According to the survey results, these sites no longer support eelgrass beds. See.F ishers.•Island Beaches,Pine Islands and Shallows 8CFWH ii&rative at p,3. http-://www.dos,.ny.gpv/opd/pt!)gr4ms/dotisistency/Ha.bitats-/Longlslati'd/Fishets Island_Beaches Pine islands ShalloWs.pof "_t4,VA1%191 A XAxv 40L"UL,3 cul"'%J11(U1VVV0 01-1' VVII 11allaUVU 4MM5 LJUUKN THUY DC detrimental to eelgrags beds because df'shading,and review ofany proposed new docks in tW,habitat arta should be conducted with,potential impacts to eel grassfully considered."2Injap 11 applying the required habitat impairment testi a-d'etermination Ofconsistencywith this polifcy shall be that thd proposed project shall not be, undertaken,if'such detion,would destroy the habitat,or significantly, impair the viability of a habitat.3; CONDITONS As described in the applicant's ACOS application for MA §4,04/Rivers and Harbors 0 permits, the project with the proposed modification so,forthin the September 18, 2017 correspondence would not be. consistent enfaceable,coastal policy 6.2�in the Town of'Southold LWRP,. DOS has developed aconditiorr that, if adopted,by the.-applicant,pursuant to 15 CFR, 930'4,would allow the project to be I found consistent;This condition-is-that: All 16-water work'related to the construction of the proposed structural'will take place outside of the eel' 8 season from, t 15 to,October 34 in any given year. This grass-growing sp� Q condition,is necessary to avoid impacts to eel grass located in the Fishers',i§land Beaches, Pine Islands and Shallows.SCFWli and"to avoid a finding of inconsistency with coastal policy 6.2. As proposed,the structure for the Ydung"sptoperty 'lslikbly-toh-aveqdveiisoeffects,onCqast;tl'Polfe.y -6.2 of the,Town of Southold LWR-P-. The SQFWH requirements,. Vvhdri combined with the condition set forth above as appliedsp&ifically*to this proposedprcjec' for-q.findingof"consisten6y" i are necessary. with coastal policy 6x'2.:The applicant's 4ccqpt6nd6-of ilie,above condition,and,modification of the ACO'8 application to include this-condition,will ftifther rninimite-tiny potential'impacts to eel grass beds in vicinity of the proposed; -project'l. VL CONCLUSION The project is found consistent with the-ehforceable policies contained-Within the New York State Coastal Management Plan subject,to�the con' d'ition identified in this document, Should the presented-d c"' ' notbeacceptable, this�condltidnAl concurrence shall be treated-as an objection as the proposed activity,would not be consistent with the Town of,Southold * ' - Lomtibn Waterfront Revitalization Program Policy 6.2. 6$nq4el S C ' e4geor,v L.,CJ ry L.,Capobianco Office of Planning,Development and CommiAnity infrastrutture GLC/dn etc: COE/New'York District,Lisa (NA.Orudii ski I M N40117-01018-EME) NYSD9C/fkegio -4738-04558) � I Rodger Evans(i TdLvn of Southold LWRP-Mark Terry, 2 Id' at 4., -1 Id.ai 5',