HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/2019 Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall Conference Room June 17, 2019 Meeting Called to Order at 10:04 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich. Members Present Councilman Bill Ruland, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Police Chief Martin Flatley, Highway Superintendent Vincent Orlando, Planner Brian Cummings, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, Jim Kalin, Frank Field, Nick Mazzaferro, Jim Baker and Tom Fox. Also Present Rob Hempel – East Marion Community Association Approval of May 20, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to accept the minutes was made by Jim Baker, was seconded by Trustee Phillips, and was carried. Public Requests Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library – Second Request Neb observed that occasional large crowds at the funeral home across SR25, as well as at nearby restaurants, impact access and egress at the Library’s parking lot. Chief Flatley will investigate the situation and report. Councilman Ruland reported that the Library may increase on-site parking, which would be subject to NYSDOT approval concerning access and egress issues. Old North Road & Horton’s Lane, Southold – Safety Issue Although that intersection is properly signed, a plan drawing was submitted proposing a “soft island”, restriping and trimming bushes to alleviate traffic safety issues. Neb will send a memo to the Town Board. Two Requests for Stop Signs on Peconic Bay Boulevard – Sigsbee Road Civic Association and Linda Gallo SRCA’s letter of May 28, 2019 requested the installation of 4-way stop signs at the intersection of PBB and Sigsbee Road. Councilman Ruland, Highway Superintendent Orlando and Neb all inspected that location and found the sight lines to be adequate, with no need for additional signage. Linda Gallo has requested the installation of two stop signs at the intersection of PBB and Bay Avenue, due to the presence of a pedestrian walkway there. Councilman Ruland considered the matter worthy of further discussion, while Ned suggested that all-way stop signs should be considered. Chief Flatley will investigate the situation and report. Request for Speed Review on Main Bayview Road - Southold A concerned local resident expressed concern about excessive speed on that roadway and has suggested the installation of stop signs and/or speed bumps. Superintendent Orlando and Tom Fox both live near that roadway and observed that the presence of deer, particularly at its intersection with Cedar Drive and eastward, are major safety considerations and that motorists should proceed with caution at all times. Moreover, speed bumps are never warranted for consideration and the current signage is adequate. Neb will send a memo to the Town Board. 1 Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests Pike Street Parking Lot and Dean Parking Lot – Striping Proposal – Mattituck Drawings for both lots with suggestions for color-coded striping for various time limits were provided for consideration. Enforcement will be carried out by traffic control officers, after appropriate regulations have been adopted. The matter is subject to further discussion and the Department of Public Works and the Town Engineer will work on the details. New Suffolk Parking –Contract Update & Timing Councilman Ruland reported that the Town Board has appropriated money for AKRF Consultants to proceed. Final approval, subject to 24 hour reconfirmation, is expected at the June 18, 2019 Town Board meeting and the report is also expected to be submitted by the end of summer 2019. Jim Baker suggested that a cross section of the New Suffolk community should be contacted for local input. Planning Board Requests Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan –Chapter Re-write and Timing The rewrite of the T&I Chapter should be completed soon, with copies to be emailed to the Commission. Current Transportation Issues - Updates Love Lane New Proposed Contract Update – Mattituck Jamie Richter reported that matter is under review by NYSDOT, which may have concerns over the proposed size of the roundabout. Transportation Discussions with Riverhead Officials Although there may be further discussions with the Town of Riverhead, Supervisor Russell wants a plan of action, without further study. Among the items suggested for any discussions are: Seasonal issues – pumpkin picking in the fall and the Lavender Farm in the summer. The Village of Greenport should be included in those discussions. The suspension of North Fork Trolley Shuttle service and possible replacements. The “last mile” distribution of LIRR passengers to their destinations. It was also noted that: The Village of Greenport and the North Ferry are currently reviewing the ferry traffic situation. The new Lavender Farm venue in Calverton will not produce blooms for some time. There was adequate shuttle bus service from off-site parking venues to the Mattituck Strawberry Festival. Hampton Jitney has instituted winery tours from NYC to the East End. Communication with the Town Board re Decisions Reached Councilman Ruland encouraged members of Town Commissions and Committees to attend Town Board work sessions and he will note Town Board decisions for the Commission’s information. 2 Old Business Annual Fishers Island Town Board Meeting, August 7, 2019 Representatives of the Commission are invited to attend that meeting, with RSVP’s due not later than July 19, 2019. Mattituck - Laurel Civic Association Meeting Update Councilman Ruland provided a transportation update to the meeting, covering past, current and future developments. There was a large crowd in attendance with productive discussions. Long Island Sound Maritime Highway Tom Fox provided a New York Times article on the previously reported start-up service for moving agricultural and related products across that waterway. Stop Sign on Great Pond Way – Southold Councilman Ruland will review the Town Board’s action on this matter for further discussion. Public Comment Request for Crosswalk on SR25 at the East Marion Post Office - East Marion Civic Association It was suggested to Rob Hempel that EMCA should contact NYSDOT for information on the criteria for pedestrian crosswalk at that location. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 15, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town Hall. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fox cc: Town Clerk Town Government Liaison Officer 3 SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT Request for Stop Signs on Peconic Bay Boulevard DATE: June 21, 2019 During the past two monthly meetings, the Commission has been discussing two requests for stop signs along The Peconic Bay Boulevard which are attached - one raised by the Sigsbee Road Civic Association in a letter dated May 28, 2019 and the other in an e-mail to Deputy Supervisor William P. Ruland sent by Ms. Linda Gallo on May 30, 2019. After careful review, the fallowing decisions were reached: • In the first instance, we recommend that the Town Board not approve this request for a stop sign since the sighting distance is more than adequate and is not seen as a safety issue. • In the second instance, we recommend that the Town Board approve the placement of a stop sign on the right south side of Bay Avenue due to possible safety issues with the nearby crosswalk on Peconic Bay Boulevard. SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ° Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971.0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: Request for Stop Signs & Speed Bumps DATE: June 21, 2019 During the resent monthly meeting on June 17th, the Commission reviewed the suggestion made by Ms. Kim Gibbs in her letter (copy attached) dated May 29, 2019 to have stop signs and/or speed bumps placed along the Main Bayview Road in Southold due to perceived speeding issues. After careful review and contributions by two Commissioners who actually live along this road, we recommend that the Town Board inform Ms. Gibbs that stops signs are not warranted given that the sighting distance is more than adequate and that speed bumps are not allowed on Town roads. SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971.0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT Traffic Safety Concerns at Mattituck-Laurel Library DATE: June 24, 2019 During the past two meetings, the Commission discussed the April 9, 2019 attached letter from the Mattituck-Laurel Library appealing the Town's denial of their previous "No Stopping Any Time" signage request along the south side of Rote 25. The decision reached was to request Commissioner and Town Chief of Police to stage the area as per the Library's request due to traffic safety concerns. He informed us as to the following: I visited the Mattituck Library on June 21 and set up a car parked on the south shoulder just to the west of the library's driveway. I then pulled into their parking lot and attempted to exit with the nose of my car right up to the white painted line of the eastbound shoulder of Rt. 25. The pictures attached show the line of vision that I had looking to the west. If there is just this one car, then you can see traffic approaching. However, if the whole shoulder contained parking cars, it would be difficult to see. Obviously NYSDOT will be making the determination of whether they should restrict parking in this area, but I think it would warrant a "No Parking Zone" for a short distance in both directions along the eastbound shoulder of RT. 25. It is noted that most of the visitors park in their parking lot to the rear of the library and their entrance is to the rear of the building. NYSDOT should also replace the street sign in front of the library as it is faded white and one cannot make out what is should read." We concur with these findings and recommend that the Town Board reach out to the NYSDOT to share these findings and seek their determination as to the Library's renewed request. SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971.0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT Old North Road & Young's Avenue, Southold DATE: June 21 , 2019 During the past two monthly meetings, the Commission discussed the safety issue on the Old North Road and Young's Avenue raised in Ms. Peggy Murphy's letter of April 26, 2019. The resolution reached is to extend the yellow back line further eastward to make the approach clearer as per attached sketch. The Commission recommends that the Town Board approve this change. SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: Dean's & Pike's Parking Lots DATE: June 21, 2019 During the past few meetings, the Commission has been discussing the most appropriate approach to controlling the parking in the two parking lots; The attached concept, developed by Jamie Richter and Jeff Standish, is the favored approach to this situation. Some additional tweaking is required regarding striping and signage which should be completed shortly. In the meantime, the Commission recommends that the Town Board approve the final plan once presented. iVEWYORIC [Department of ANDREW M.GoUOMor STATE 6F jPPORTUNrrY_ Transportation MARIE THERESE DOMINGUEZ Acting Commissioner JOSEPH T.BROWN,PX-- Regional Director June 6,2019 LSC[EU V E i Mr.William P.Ruland JUN 2010., Deputy Supervisor Town of Southold SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE i Town Hall,53095 Route 25 TOMIOFSOuTHOD l P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 i Crosswalk Request NYS Route 25 between Hobart Road and Town Harbor Lane Southold Case No.199210SE Tag No. 19-0241 Dear Mr Ruland: In response to your May 21,2019 letter to Joseph Brown,Regional Director,we have scheduled an investigation on NYS Route 25 between Hobart Road and Town Harbor Lane in Southold and will notify you of our findings at the conclusion of our study.Your request will be responded to as promptly as possible. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Sincerely, M.T.VIJAYENDRAN,P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer MTV:mm 199210SE 50 Wolf Road,Albany,NY 12232 1 wvrw dot ny gov Cummings, Brian A. From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Friday,July 12, 2019 3:56 PM To: Everyone-1 Subject: Southold Comprehensive Plan is now online! Everyone, Very exciting news! On behalf of Supervisor Scott Russell, the Southold Town Board, and the Southold Planning Board, we are pleased to present the complete Southold Town Comprehensive Plan—fully edited and with formatting and graphic design to make it easier to read. The plan is now available online! Click on the link below to see the plan. The plan is available for download either in its entirety or chapter by chapter. http://www.southoldtownny.gov/123/Comprehensive-Plan Paper copies of the plan will be available beginning late next week at the Town Clerk's office, Town Planning office, and all five libraries (Mattituck Laurel, Cutchogue New Suffolk, Southold, Floyd Memorial (Greenport), and Fishers Island). Public Comment: There will be two opportunities for the public to comment on the plan prior to adoption. 1. Planning Board public hearing: Monday,July 29. 6:00pm. Southold Town Hall - flus hearing can be considered the first in a series of informational meetings about the plan. - the format will include a presentation about the plan and the process, and a questions &answer period - public comment will be recorded, however all public comments submitted at this hearing will be given to the Town Board to consider along with comments from that hearing. 2. Town Board public hearing Date and tune to be announced— tentatively planned for late summer/early fall 2019 Written comment can be submitted to the Town at any time prior to the Town Board public hearing. All comments will be considered by the Town Board prior to adoption of die plan. In addition to the public hearings, there will be informational meetings held by the Town Board this August at various locations and tunes. The purpose of these meetings is to help the public prepare for the public hearings by providing information about the plan and the process and answering questions. Dates to be announced soon. Please feel free to write or call with any questions! And please forward this information to anyone who might be interested. We would be very appreciative if you could share this information with your membership. Thank you. Best regards, Heather Lanza,AICP June 11, 2019 Neboysha Brasich Southold Transportation Commission Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Mr. Brasich, Enclosed please find a copy of the letter I recently received from M. T. Vijayendran. I had hoped for a bit more insight into what his team is doing in reference to our local traffic issues; however, I am happy to, at the least, have an acknowledgement from Mr. Vijayendran. Sincerely, 40, 'L 0Jessica Frankel Chair, Traffic Committee c/o Orient Association PO Box 282 Orient, NY 11957 Email: frankelj480@gmail.com IIMYORKDepartment of ANDREW M. CUOMO E OE Governor ORTUNITY_ Transportation ® �3 fyiARlE Ti I-IERESE®OMINGUEZ Acting Commissioner JOSEPH T.BROWN,P.E. Regional Director May 31, 2019 Ms. Jessica Frankel Chair, Traffic Committee c/o OrientAssociation P.O. 282 Orient, NY 11957 Dear Ms. Frankel: Thank you for your letter to Regional Director Joseph Brown dated April 22, 2019. We will review this information you shared as part of our study. We anticipate completing our study at this location by the Summer of 2019 and will notify you of our findings shortly thereafter. Thank you for your interest in this traffic safety matter. Sincerely, M.T. VIJAYENDRAN, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer MTV:sme 189351 TC 50 Wolf Road,Albany, NY 12232 1 www.dot ny.gov