HomeMy WebLinkAbout245 APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. DATE .~ ~ ~,e. ~.. ~..1..9~9 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF.APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, ($~) Eugene Horzon- A/..Q Wz, lzam ............... G~ai. hwohl..~oam- ~ ' ............................... Nome of Appellant ~r~eet :and Number .................................................................Municipality ~t~-~t~:~i~..- ....... HEREBY~ APPEAL TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS D~j~F~E BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLIC,~TION FOR PE~RM'IT !D .............. D~mb.ez.....9.,..19.~.9.... WHEREBY THE BUILDING DENI~ED ~,.i~ I1 · ~illiam B.~.~ r~arc -ne of ~,¢~i ;'~;'~c~"~'~'~i'~ ...................... of hl Road }{.,% ....................................... and Numk Municipality State and ( ) (~) 1. PROPERTY.. E/..S....Gr.~thwohl..Rd.. &. P~hLL~..ztr~eet .......... !~.A.~!..D~s2 .... Street Use District on Zoning Moo xx~x New S'~fotk, N.Y. Mc Lot No. 2. P DN (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article iII~ section 303 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for ( XX A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (N~) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( Y~uf_ A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that It is proposed to build a one family dwelling 30 ft by 2.Z~t on a lot purchased in early 1957, ='a · ~ ~ot has j ,~ ~ ~ ~ - u~u uno_er ~,u~sq ft in area, but has ample frontage and epoh, the rear line beinE ~ = d ~ . on~y~O ft~ therby reducing area. (Continue on other side) Form ZB1 REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1,'-~-STRICT APPLICATIOIx OF THE ORDINANCE wguld, produce.,UNDUE ]-~RDSHIP because _ The owner ~has three lots adjoining each o~ner wi~n a reslc_ence on ~ne cen~er lot, each lot has frontage of lOOft or more, but are located on a curve in the public highway so t~t the lots are reduced in the rear lines° The 10t was purchased prior to the er~ctment of the zoning ordinance, witch th~ intent~p~ ,,Of using, it as ~ai~ single lot tc build a dwe]l~ug. It would b= an ~ necessary haraship to deny a dwel~ling- on this lot as it has amole fronta ~on a oublic street, the r~quired ~etoack and sideline~ aah be easily met. 2. The hardship created is UNl~U~,ar~d is not shate~J by ~11 properties alike in the immediate vicir~i~y 0~ this p'rbperty and in this use district becaus~e~? ',~,{~ ~o% ±s ~n the iz~s±~e o£ ~, ¢ ~tt~ve at the intersection of two pub!~c streets that m. ea.~ ~'t a sharp angle. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the OrdinanCe &~ WOUL[~ NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because: This is a z4esid~ntia! are~ ,w~ere %here are simila~ dwezzzn~s to the one proposed to be erecte~~' on this lot. th~,.use will be residential, and in no way change or hs~rm the charicter of the neighborhood. STATE OF NEW YORK ) .. ) ss ................................ COUNTY day 6f 19 Sworn to this ..................................... ~ .............................................................. ~ Nota~ Public JUD/T~ ~. ~OKE~ ~ota~ Pubffc, State of New York No. 52-0344963. Suffolk County ~ommlssion ~pir~s ~ar~ ~0~ .... FOI~M NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Fife No. Z 928 ~ . December 9 9.?.... ............. : .................................................... uo~'e .......................................................... 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ........................ ~.e..c..e..m.~.e..r.....?. ........ 19..5..9.... for permit to construct ...~...d:.~..e.~.&.~ ................... at the premises located at .~/..S.....,G..~.&..t.~.~..o..b..Z...~.8....~ ....P..u..b..1.~c S~reet (Dro~o~e¢ name Georg' ^~.) '. ..... .%. ..... : ........... ~ ......................... ~, New Suffolk, Map O.F.Grathwohl Block xxx .................................................................................... Lot ............................................ is :~e-r~~disopproved on the following grounds ........... .Z..~..s.,.~:-~.~.g.~.e.~.%...~.e.~.,.z..~.e.~.:. ........................ J~ii~ling Inspector FOP.~ NO. I TO~ OF SOUTHOL~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ~.~.,. 19~ Application No ......... ~ .......... ~. ~hi must ~ ~.lo~ol~ {illod in by ~p~rit~ or in ink ond .submitted in ~liCo~o to ~e Buildin~ I nspo~or. b. ~ot plon showin0 loc~tion of lot ~nd of buHdin0s on premises, relationship to ~djoininfi ~remises or public streets or ore,s, ~nd ~i~n~ o d~iled doscr[¢tion of I~out o{ property must 'be dr~wn on ~o d~orom ~h[ch is p~rt of this c. The worl( covered by this ~pp][c~tion m~y not be commenced before issuance of BuildinO Permit. d. Upon ~pprovol o{ this ~pplic~tion~ tho Buildinfl Inspector will issuo ~ Buildino Permit to the opplic~nt. Such permit sholl be ~ept on the premise~ ow,iloblo for inspection throughout tho progress o{ tho work. e. ~o buildin0 sholl be occupied or used in whole or in port {or ~ny purpose wh~tover until ~ Certificate o{ sholl h~vo been 0r~nted by the Buildin~ Inspector. APPklCATIO~ IS H[RfiBY ~ADE to tho Buildin0 Dep~rtment for the issuonco of a Buildin0 Permit pursuont to tho Buildin~ Zone Ordinonce of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun~ ~ew York, ~nd other opplicoble k~ws, Ordinances or Regulations, for tho construction of buildings, odditions or ~lteroHons, or {or remov~ or demolition, os herein described. The opplicont o~rees to compl~ with ~11 ~pplic~ble laws, ordinances ~nd (Siflnoture of opplic~nt, or nome, i{ o corporation) ..... ........... ............ (Addres~ of opplic~nt) State whether applic~n~~hitect, *n,ine,r, 0Cheryl controctor, electrici,n, plumber or bui der If epplicent is e cor~rete; signature of duly euthorize~ officer. (N~me ~nd title of corporate officer) ]. L~etio~of I~ndon which proposed workw be done ~ No' ~ ' : I~t~ ~ 2. State existing use and o~upan~ of premiss and ~tended use and ~cupancy of proposed construction: 3. Nature of work (check whic~-~t~plicable): New Building ~ ~ ' ' n ............. .................... ~..=d,tJon .................... Alteratio ....... Repair .................... Removal .................... Demolition .................... Other Work (Describe) .................... 4. Estimated Cost ~-~-.~- ~ 0 Fee~ ! ~)...~.?. ................. ......... ;' ............................................... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units .................. :....' ...Number of.dwel mg units on each floor .................................. If garage, number of cars ...................................... ' .......... '.: ........................................................................................... 6. If bu.siness, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ................................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .............. ........... ....... Rear ................................ Depth ................................Height ................................Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ...... .~......O.. .............. Rear .........~ ........... Depth .... ~..~.....~ ............... Height ............................Number of Stories ..... ~ ......... 9. Size of lot: Front ...... ./...~ .......... Rear ........~.~.....~, ............. Depth / ~ 10. Date of Purchase ........................................................Name of 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ......... t2.~ Do~es proposed construction 9iolate any zoning la_w, o~rdinance or regulation? 13. Name of Owner of premises.....~.....~.......~.~....~ddress Name of Architect ........................................... ......... Address, ......................................... Phone NO. Name of Contractor ..... ~ i~.Addres~ ..../?.~~~..... Phone NO?~,.~~. ................ /-- ~LOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate oil set,back dimensions f~om property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. STATEOF NEW~T"9~JC,.~) S S ........ ' ...... ,.,..~~.. ,.~..,,.being duly sworn: deposes and says that he is the applicant .... ( N aide ,o~.¥i/udividuo j . ~ign'm~~.~ . .. obove named. He is the ...................................................... ~~-i ..... : ...... .................................................................................... (Contractor, ogent, corporote officer, etc.) of soid owner or owners, ond is duly authorized tO perform or hove performed the said work ond to make ond file ~his ogplico~ion; tho~ all sto~ements conta ned n ~his applicotion a~e true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set fdfth in 'the' app cat on filed therewith. ' IUDITH T. 80~cN ~ota~, P~btic, State of Ne~, York . Sworn to before me this ~ No. 52-0344963, Suf{olk Coun~9O/~ ~ ~ ~ ................ , .............. Notary Public,