HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 13013 P 937 1111111 IIII Illll I IIII VIII IIIA VIII VIII VIII IIII Illi I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 11 i SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 05/31/2019 Number of Pages: 4 At: 02 :24 :42 PM Receipt Number : 19-0103855 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 18-33730 LIBER: D00013013 PAGE : 937 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 077 .00 01 . 00 021 .000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0 .00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5 .00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5 .00 NO Notation $0 .00 NO Cert.Copies $0 .00 NO RPT $200 .00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $0 .00 NO Fees Paid $395 .00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 18-33730 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County 00 RECORDED 2019 Naw 31 02:24:42 PI-1 Number of pages Ll JUDITH A. PFlSCALE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY This document will be public L D00013013 record. Please remove all P 93 DT#P 18-33730 Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 1 FEES Page/Filing Fee 14 Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.IMTG.TAX Dualal To Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held forAppointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax C� Mansion Tax Affidavit }y®� The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES orNO Other Grand Total /Lj If NO, see appropriate Lax cl use on page it of this i tr ent. 1 4 Dist. # 19015899 1000 07700 0100 021000 000 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Proper PTS Il�l�llglllglConsideration Amount$ Tax Service R CIIVIFf � I�W�Nllepl Agency 30-MAY-1 CPF Tax Due s Verificatior -- — pp � Improved 6 Satisfactions/DischargRICORD&RETURfVTO yOwners Mailing Address yy� � VacantLand � lfL TO --D `' TO 4V41- 6��-)I 1/ TO Mail to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 1 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title k ILLS- 1 k 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page f� This page forms part of the attached v, made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TOf In the TOWN of cg!� / k ' � In the VILLAGE ki or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over 9l CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE,made the 5th day of April 2019 BETWEEN Paul Colapinto and Jamie Colapinto,husband and wife,residing at 11 Sligo Avenue,Huntington,New York 11743 party of the first part,and Jamie Colapinto and Nicholas Mario Colapinto,as co-Trustees of the Paul G.Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust,and Paul G.Colapinto and Nicholas Mario Colapinto,as co-Trustees of the Jamie Eileen Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of ten($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the O O 00 See attached Schedule A i ��• Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed by deed dated February 12,2018 and recorded February 28, O n 2018 in Liber 12952 Page 70 at Suffolk County Recording Office. 0l/ TOGETHER with all right,title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties"when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day an year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Paul Colapinto Jam Colapinto Standard N.Y.B.T.U.Form 8002-Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenant against Grantors Acts—Uniform Acknowledgment Folin 3290 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York,County of Queens ,ss: State of New York,County of Queens ,ss: On the `J11",day of April in the year 2019 On the day of April in the year 2019 , before me,the undersigned,personally appeared before me,the undersigned,personally appeared l�avl Co1ap�-o �.�nd7c�n+�e C-olap•r,t-o , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the indiv(Ip executed the i tstrument. the individual(s)acted,executed the instrument. NOTAIC NOTARY PUBLIC OSEPH M MATTONE JR ry Public,State of New York No.02MA6334442 alNied In Queens County es December 21.201 F.-M-ott'lu It. ---------1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE STATE State of New York,County of ss: State of County of ss: On the day of in the year On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said before me,the undersigned personally appeared State,personally appeared the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument,with whom personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of I am personally acquainted,who,being by me duly swom,did satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is depose and say that he/she/they reside(s)in (if the place (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to of residence is in a city,include the street and street number if me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their any,thereof);that he/she/they knDW(S) capacity(ies), that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s)or the person upon behalf of which to be the individual described in and who executed the the individual(s)acted, executed the instrument, and that such foregoing instrument;that said subscribing witness was present individual make such appearance before the undersigned in the and saw said execute the same; and that said witness at the same time (add the city or political subdivision and the state or country or subscribed his/her/their name(s)as a witness thereto. other place the acknowledgement was taken). NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/CITY: Southold PROPERTY ADDRESS: 135 Birch Avenue TO /0'" Southold,New York 11971 SECTION: 77 BLOCK: I Title No. LOT 21 RETURN BY MAIL TO: DISTRIBUTED BY Joseph M.Mattone,Jr.,Esq. ^ ^ ^ 134-01 20th Avenue,2nd Floor College Point,NY 11356 JUDICIAL TITLE T:800-281-TITLE F:800-FAX-9396 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company L Title Number: PY30391 Page 1 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lots numbered 229 and 230 and the southwest one- half(112) of Lot number 228 on a certain map entitled "Map of Goose Bay Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on November 13, 1934, as Map No. 1176, which said lots and part of lot when taken together as one parcel are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Birch Avenue, distant 107.20 feet northeasterly as measured along said northwesterly side of Birch Avenue from the corner formed by the intersection of said northwesterly side of Birch Avenue with the northeasterly side of Hickory Avenue, and from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE North 44 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds West 120.0 feet; THENCE North 45 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds East 35.24 feet; THENCE North 49 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds East 25.24 feet; THENCE South 40 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East 120.0 feet to the northwesterly side of Birch Avenue; THENCE along the northwesterly side of Birch Avenue the following two courses and distances: (1) South 49 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West 20.47 feet; and (2) South 45 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds West 30.47 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Subject to all covenants, easements and restrictions of record, if any, affecting said premises; District 1000, Section 077.00, Block 01.00 and Lot 021.000 Suffolk County Tax Map Wli UOUNTY USE ONLY �.�f �p New York State Department Of C1•SWIS Code I /I �I.�I�I U' r I Taxation and Finance C2.Date Deed Recorded I '�, r, IR I Office of Real Property Tax Services • 30 '�°^ RP-5217-PDF C3.Book C4.Pape Real Properly Transfer Report(BM 0) PROPERTY INFORMATION ' I.Property 135 Birch Avenue Location •STREET NUN@ER 'STREET NAM Southold 119'11 •CmoR TOM MAGE -ZIP CODE 2.Buyer Paul G. Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust Name •LAST RAue edrAR,• rwaT rules Jamie Eileen Colapinto Irrevocable Living gust LAST I&MMOCIAPANY FRar NAYS 3.Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing If other than buyer address(at bottom of farm) LASTNAUEC01PAW FIRST NAME Address STREET PARKER AM NN& CITY OR TOWN STATE LP CODE 4.Indicate the number of Assessment1 ❑Pad a,a Parcel (Only N Part of a Persil)Check as they apply: percale reals transferred on the dead a of Percale OR ❑ 4A.Planning Board with Subdivision Aulhoriry Exists • A.Deed x OR 0•1 2 40.Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer Property •FRONT FESI •"Ism -ACRES site 4C.Parcel Approved far Subdivision with Map Provided Colapinto Paul 6.Seiler .LAST MANMOWANY FReTRAMS Nemo ColapinLO Jami.e LAST NANLICOlE'MY FM6T HANE '7.Select the description which most accurately describes the Cheek the boxes below se they apply: use of the property at the tinm of sats: S.Ownership Type is Cmdommrum El A.One Family Resldentli d 9.New Construction an a Vacant Land 10A.Property Located within an Agricultural District 100.Buyer received a disclosure notice Indicating that the property is In an ❑ Agricultural District SALE INFORMATION1 15.Cheek one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A.Sale Between Relatives M Former R@latives 11.Sale Contract Data B.Sale between Related Companies or Partners in Business. C.One of the Buyers is also a Seller 04/05/2019 D.Buyer or Sellar is Government Agency or Lending Instleat on 12.Dant of SalslTrsnatsr E.Deed Type not warranty or Bargain and Sale(Specify Below) F.Sala of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest(Specify Below) '13.Full Sale Price 0.00 G.Significant Change In Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates H.Sole of Business is Induded in Sale Price (Full Sale Price s the total amount pard for tib property Including personal property. I.Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price(Specify Below) This payment may be In the form of cash.other property or goods.or the assumption Of J.None mortgages or other obligations.)Please round to the nearest whale dollar amount. Comment(@)an Condition: 14.Indicate the value of personal •00 property Included In the sole ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect the latest Fina)Assessment Rol)and Tax Bill 16.Year of Assessment Rall from which Information token(YY) 18 '17.Total Assessed Value 4,500 '18.Property Class 210 _ •19.School District Name Southold '20.Tax Map Idmgfler(s)moll Identlfler(s)(If more than four.attach sheat with additional Identmens)) 1000/077.00/01.00/021.000 CERTIFICATION 1 Certify That all ot N Itsof InfmmatlGn ordered on this form aro true and wriest(to the has[of my knowledge and ballet)and 1 understand that the making of any willful false s f I sraln subject ms to the.provision afW^anal Isw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. SELLER SIGNATURE BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION SIGNATURE_ ___ (D*W L-ftMO n tar Sri b W.NOW If buy&IS LLC.•ooely.assoorlork GOWNIen.joiN Stook—perry.estate w ,/ arntyDM le not an aWRdMI MRV W hMr V.Owl a n@nr ane ov4M Wamwion of an MaAnwagWrYaW f./+�,A�_�� _ K Ica pMly who con wwr question raeraep she aaiWar must be ordered Typomw print clearly.) r 8E W 1J'�P"`^ TE 1 r BUYFJ231GNATURE Colapinto Paul a TART-"" FIRSTNAM _I �j{.� g14;1 1347'AREA 582-0�'!0 •MEI1 L'ODE -rELEPl101'E NILt�Rff•SieSGah BUYER BK3M DATE 11 Sligo Avenue '6TREET WOM:R 'STREET NMI Y Huntington NY 11743 � Sar OP rONN •STAR •aPCODE I BUYERS ATTORNEY • I I I ' Matcore, Jr. Joseph M. IU"T Num rslsr NAME I II ' f7'_8) 353-8880 r oil MEA CODE TILLER7arE sasl:R IE.-M MM) I I L 13o/3 Addendum to Form RP-5217 Buyer Name Jamie Eileen Colapinto,as co-Trustee of Paul G. Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust Nicholas Mario Colapinto.as co-Trustee of Paul G. Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust Paul G.Colapinto,as co-Trustee of Jamie Eileen Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust Nicholas Mario Colapinto.as co-Trustee of Jamie Eileen Colapinto Irrevocable Living Trust