HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 13010 P 780 1111111 II II Illll IIIII IIIII IIIII VIII VIII VIII IIII Illl 111111 Illll IIIII Illi 1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 05/03/2019 Number of Pages : 4 At: 04 :24 : 45 PM Receipt Number : 19-0087220 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 18-31197 LIBER: D00013010 PAGE : 780 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 075 .00 07 . 00 001. . 004 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $1 ,365, 000 . 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 . 00 NO EA-CTY $5 .00 NO EA-STATE $125 . 00 NO TP-584 $5 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $0 . 00 NO RPT $200 . 00 NO Transfer tax $5,460 . 00 NO Mansion Tax $13, 650 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $24,300 . 00 NO Fees Paid $43, 805 . 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 18-31197 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County A Lt '`1 RECORDED 2419 Nay C3 04:24:45 PM Number of pages L JUDITH H. PPSCALE CLERK. OF SUFFOLK COUNTY This document will be public L D00013010 record.Please remove all P 730 DT# I8-31197 Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee �G Mortgage Amt. 3 Handling 20. 00 1.Basic Tax2. Additional Tax TP-584 5 Sub Total Spec./Assit. Notation S EA-52 17(County) Sub Total or Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX m, Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. �C�CA __"YHeld for Appointment /,, S. 00 Transfer Tax G(.� U �� Comm.of Ed. • Mansion Tax Affidavit _ The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total ✓ YES or NO Other Grand Total S If NO, see appropriate tax clause on ljb� page# of this instrument. cu K I+al ig 4 Dist. �9Q13098 .004 5 Community Preservation Fund 1000 07500 0700 001004 Real Pro!?e, P T S I I Consideration Amount$�OU TaxSercy, Rapp A lCPFTax Due �5' 3� Agency, 02-MAY-1 !!II IIWII Verificatic Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address v RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD 10010 DANIEL PENNESSI,ESQ. TD 207 YRONT ST. GREENPORT,NY 11944 TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.suffolkcbuntyny.gov/clerk Title# 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) MICHAEL.L CROTEAU.PAULA S CROTEAU The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOU'rHOLD 1450 SOUTH HARBOR ROAD,LLC In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over Standard N.Y.B.T.U.,ronn 3002Bargain and Sale Decd;with Covcnaatsagainst Grantors ACIS•individual or Corporation(Single Sheeq CONSULT•YOUR.LAWYF,R BEFORE SIGNING TIJIS JiNSTRUIIENT-TIIIS INSTRUM1IEN1*,SII0UL1) BE USFA BY LAWYERS.ONLY DIST. THISINDENTUREmadethe IAayofApril;two.fhousand.nineteen 1000. BETWEEN MICHAEL L:-CROTEAU"_and PAULA,S:.-CROTEAU,,his wife ; by HARVEY B.ESUND.ER, ESQ:, as Receiver;.pursuant t.to; Supreme Court, Suffolk SEC.. .County Order dated"4/16/2018 under.Indea No.'0043464Gi residing at c/o Margolin - Besunder;L'LP, 105.0 Old Nichols Road,Suite 200.10andia;: New York11749;party.of the 075.00 .first part;,and BLK 145O;SOUTH HARBOR ROAD,LLC.,a.Limited Liability Company,with offices located at 207 Front Street;'Greeinport,NdwY,ork 11944;party of-the second part, .07.00 WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of Ten Dollars and other LOT valuable consideration paid by.the paiV,of the second part,does:hereby grant and release unto the parties.of the second part,the.heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the 001.004 second part forever, SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND;INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed-to the grantor herein by Deed from Fleet Investment'Seivices f/k/a Norstar Trust Company,as.Executor.of the Estate of George J. Wells to Michael.L.Croteau and Paula'S.Croteau,his wife,dated 9/$/1992 and recorded 9/15/1992 in Liber 11538;Paize 57. SAID;PREMISES.ARE KNOWN AS: 1450.South Harbor Road,Southold,New York TOGETHER with all right,title and-interest,if any,of'the party of the.first part'in and to My streets and roads,abutting the..above described•premises,to the center lines.thereof; TOGETHER withthe appurtenances and.a]I the estate and rights of the party.ofthe first part in and to:said premises;TO-HAVE AND TO HOLD.the premises herein granted unto the patty of thesecond part,the heirs or,successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever: AND the panty of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or. suffered anythingwhereby the said.premi"ses have been encumbered in any way.wh atever, except as,aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,incompliance-with Seedon.13 of the-Lien Law,covenants that the partyof the,first will receive the consideration for this convi:yance and will hold the right to receive such:consideration as,a,trust fund to be applied fiirst,for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvementand,A0 applythe same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "partyshall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,-the party ofthe first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. INN'PRESENCR OF: 4'W le, Atp A— A�AR BESUNDER,.as Receiver STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: .COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the&-I day'of April,in the year 2019;before ine,the undersigned personally ,appeared.HARVEY BESUNDER,.personally known"to,met or proved to.me on the'basis of satisfactory-evidence to be the individuals'whose names r�e Subscribed to the wit^hi.p�,,instrument g. . .. capacity, y-l�eE~g n and acknowled ed'to:rrte that+,She executed thesatne in•ficr ca aci and that b st natui`e:o the instrumenfthe'indrvidual.,,orthe person on behalf of-whieh•the:individual.acted,executed the instrument: C= A rZ�� '$ibmature,,and`Office of individual taking acknowled9tW6 A.RONSIEK 5u5,ii-1 A NOTARY PUBLIC.State of New York No.0$R06183379 Oualilied in Nassau County Commission Expires March 10,20'V BARGAIN AND SALE DEED with Covenant Against Grantor's Acts RETURNBY MAIL TO Michael L,Croteap and Paula S. Croteau,his wife,by Harvey-Besunder, as Receiver Daniel Qennessi,Esq. 207 Front Street TO Greenport,New York 11944 1450 South.Harbor Road,LLC .Y 4 '4� stewart titio Title Number- 7116454 SCHEDULE A—DESCRIPTION ALL.that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,situate;lying and being in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New.York;known.and designated as Lot Number 2 on a certain map entitled,"Map of Subdivision prepared for Estate o..Geoige.Jewett.Wells;,Timothy Wells andChristopherMiceli"and filed'in,the Office.of the'Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 28, 1990as 1V1ap Numbei 9025,being more particularly bounded'and described as fbRows; BEGINNING at a,point on the westerly side of South Harbor'Road„distantaIj623.26 feet southerly from the Main Road; RUNNING THENCE along the Westerly side;of S6dth.Harbor;Road,South 9`degrees 38 minutes ii0 seconds:'East,483.11 feet; 'THENCE'-South 73 d6gfees 43'minutes 00 seconds.West,a102.70 feet; THENCE;North 9 degrees 38,minutes 50 seconds West;529.66 feet; THENCCNoAh SO degrees-2l ininutes 10.seconds East,,400.feet to,the westerly'aide of.South.hlaibor Road.to the point.or place of;BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING QNLYa TOG FTHER with all right,title and'inierest,of the party of the first part;of,in and to any streets and roads abutting theabove:described premises to the.center lines thereof: Schedule A Description(Page l of 1)- • iNsTRucriONS(SIP-6217-PDF w -11431:ww .arps.alale.rryus 'FOR COUNTY USE ONLY New York State Department of C1.SMS Code Lf. Taxation and Finance C2.Date Deetf Recorded / Office o1 Real.Property Tax Services aeon Tw' RP-3217-PDF p.Book q/ d C4.Page I I r�0 IU I Real Properly transfer Repoli((110) PROPERTY INFORMATION 1•P-PHV 1450 South Harbor Road Location •PprlT r4awep •arNEet■aw SOUTHOLD 11971 •cnr dR raw w.aME •aaada[ 2.Buyer -145d South Harbor Road LLC— Name •w-Nu¢4•.arswrr FwsT IMlO: I WnN.WLealaNr qre:NAwF 7.Tax hd•cete whom lutury Tax BBs am to be aeM Oiling wafter than buyer eddmss(el bottom of mane WTw Mampww Fwn MOM Address arRFEraws wtowlwE CNY of Tone 4dr[ iPeow C ladlaste the number of Assessment 1 PW d a PareN (ony If Pert of a PareN)Check as they appy: Rall Parcels trasehmtl an the don e d Petrde OR 4A.Planning Board with Subdtvisbn Aulhorily Ewa e.Dud X OR 4.65 41L Subdidslon AppmvW ws Roqulmd for Trarigor ❑ Prepare! •FRMFEET •hepar •4018 She 4C.Parcel A for sutdlvision wilt Map Provided SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED LSellir -Lwm1wecomrwT Faa1N••- Name Wr WeeicoflWr Mw low 9.Saint the description which asset acereetoy describes the Cheek the boxes below,as they appy: use dere property atthe thine of eek: S.Owrmshy Type is Condominhun ❑ A.One f=amily Residential IL New Co olnicaon on a Vacant Land ❑ 10A.Property Located within an Agricultural Dario ❑ 1111.Buyer mceivad a disdomm notice indic0no that the property to In an ❑ Ayrkulbml District SALE INFORMATION 16.Cheek one or more of then condition as applicable to transfer, A.Sale Bo-a n Relatives or Former Resolves 11.Sale Contract Deb 64/15/2019 B.Sale bitumen Relamd Compotes or Pednars in Business C.Cud the Buyers to aln o Seller 04/18/2019 D.Buyer or Sager is Gawermm wAgency or Lending Inshbdion •12 Dew o[lblertrsmferE.Dead Type not Yvamoroy or Bargain ars SW((penin!Betav) F.Sala d Frm not or Lass than Fee IntersY(Specify SNawr) •19.Full este Price 1,365,000.00 Q.SrgNk M Change in Prdpvny Between Tmxeae Status and Sore Dotes N.Sale of Business le Included In Salo Pose I (Fist Bela nt is the toted amount pard.o the property er goo a parmnN preritil 1.Omer unusual Factors Alledr o Selo Price(Specify Below) This payment dtey be In the fah d cash.cher property or goodie,ar the aewmq:m ofj.tion mortgages or other obligations.)Plesss mund to'Ifto nearest wrrob doyor amount. Cornmengy on Condition: 14•Indicate the value or personal 0•00 property Included In the sols ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect the latest Final Aseessnatnt Roll and Tax Bill 1S:Year of Assssnnem Rett from which Information taked(Y77 )8 •17.Total Anoned Value 11,300 •18.Property Claes 210 _ •1e.school District Name 05-SOLITHOLD •90.Tom Nap I landfleltsyRoll ldseeer(s)(ffmam than four,Beach sheet with additional ldemMedslf 1900-075.OD-07,00-001.004 CERTIFICATION I Cordy flim!ad of the Ibrhs of Intordwtton ordered on lade form ars Inas end correct(to the bed mknowledge best y and bslleQ and I understand that the making d any willful like stpxmvnt at matedal fact se et herein subject me to the ererdelmia of thnal few Idlethq to the making and Ming of bels Instruments. 166LER SIGNATURN BUYER-CONTACT INFORMATION omtrcwaflwnmmanniraMdAeNaawg.Nnetdar[dderwsiYawg.ammiamiss mhwahor4laiR alwaaF�PwM.esixw �mnraq nnhvmasw al wmrtwiauewespmaeb polo who cop us—itimodatempenfre are awdernwt he wbrse.Trager palm dewtr.l aFIIEA 1114E re 1450 South Harbor Road LLC_ •urarN.re mm�ure ® (914) 587.-7861 •4aF400Q •rlep,«6Nunww,owwm ewntlona E Ws r 207 Front Street �• •e'R[yTNnNwEa •wafer hyima n 1 Greenport NY 11944 r -mlonrdw 'ArAW -me= r n BUYER'S ATTORNEY j I Pennessi Daniel I WT eAK ran NAME n (914) 582-7861 ARFAae08 7ELEP.M uNERrri ersewn I�I I I aS fo j1 L r341�, ,o 70 SCHEDULE A—GRANTOR INFORMATION MICHAEL L.CROTEAU and PAULA S.CROTEAU,his wife,by HARVEY BE,SUNDER, El SQ.,as Receiver,pursuant to.Supreme Court;Suffolk County Order dated 4/162018 under Index No.004346-i6,residing at do Margolin Besunder, LLP, 1050 Old Nichols Road, Suite i 200,Island*,New York1'1749 I r' r'