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Southold Transportation Commission
Southold Town Hall Conference Room
May 20, 2019 Meeting
Called to Order at 10:02 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich.
Members Present
Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Police Chief Martin Flatley, Highway Superintendent Vincent
Orlando, Planning Director Heather Lanza, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, Jim Kalin,
Frank Field, Nick Mazzaferro and Jim Baker. Councilman Bill Ruland arrived at 10:57 AM.
Also Present
Rob Hempel – East Marion Community Association
Approval of April 15, 2019 Meeting Minutes
A motion to accept the minutes was made by Jamie Richter, was seconded by Nick Mazzaferro,
and was carried.
East End Transportation Council - Update
This topic will be removed from future agendas.
Public Requests
Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library – Second Request
The Library took exception with the Transportation Commission’s recommendation to deny the
placement of “No Stopping Any Time” signs near the library parking exit. The Commission will
offer to meet with library staff and review traffic concerns. What is the impact of nearby
restaurant patrons and funeral home visitors parked near library parking exit? Police Chief
Flatley will review signage and the current crosswalk.
Old North Road & Horton’s Lane, Southold – Safety Issue
A concerned resident wrote to the Transportation Commission re: a “near head on collision” at
this intersection. The intersection is properly signed. The presence of the “grass triangle” does
make the intersection unique. The incident appeared to be an isolated occurrence.
Reduced speed limit NYS Route 25 Greenport to Orient Point
Letter received from the Oysterponds Association and the East Marion Community Association
re: the proposed reduction of the speed limit. The Commission has previously stated that we
would not be opposed to the reduction to 40mph. The civic groups requested information re:
how far their request has proceeded with the New York State Department of Transportation.
Proposed traffic signal at Route 25 & Oaklawn Avenue, Southold
Discussion that New York State Department of Transportation is no longer proposing installing a
traffic signal at this location. They are now proposing a “raised median”..
Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests
Pike Street Parking Lot and Dean Parking Lot - Rules of Operation – Mattituck
Councilman Ruland reports that the Dean lot will be ready soon. The Pike Street lot will be
repainted soon with colored striping. The striping and signs will indicate the length of parking
permitted. Striping to be red, yellow and white. The Department of Public Works and the Town
Engineer will work on the details.
New Suffolk Parking – Status Update
Jamie Richter reported that there are two (2) traffic study proposals. Awaiting Town Board
Planning Board Requests
Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan – Next Steps and Timing
Heather Lanza reported that there is a grant to make the plan more visually appealing. Heather
will e-mail the plan to all Commission members after the re-design.
Current Transportation Issues - Updates
Southold Bus Shelters – Update
This topic will be removed from future agendas.
Love Lane New Proposed Contract Update – Mattituck
Jamie Richter reported that the NYSDOT may have concerns over the proposed size of the
Founder’s Village, Southold – Status of No Parking Signs
The “No Parking” signs on Young’s Avenue, Southold in front of Founder’s Village have not
been installed. Councilman Ruland informed the Commission that the resolution proposing
same was not approved by the Town Board.
Old Business
Pedestrian Crosswalk Route 25 @ Locust Lane, Southold
No action.
Parking on Lighthouse Road, Southold
No action.
New Business
Traffic Congestion on the North Fork
As reported in the Suffolk Times there was a joint meeting between representatives of the
Southold and Riverhead town boards. The main topic was related to possible grants.
Commission recommendations to the Town Board
Discussion re: lack of communication with the Town Board. Bill Ruland reiterated that he is the
liaison with the Town Board.
Public Comment
Speed Limit Issues - Oysterponds Association
Rob Hempel of the East Marion Community Association requested information on the status of
the speed limit change proposed between Greenport and Orient Point. He also requested
information on the criteria for pedestrian crosswalk
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room
at Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:22 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Kalin
cc: Town Clerk
Town Government Liaison Officer
,���°moo cGy�.
SCOTT A.RUSSELL Town Hall,53095 Route 25
SUPERVISORti ; P.O.Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971-0959
,jy Fax(631)765-1823
To: Neboysha Brashich, Chairman
Southold Town Transportation Commission
From: Scott A. Russell Sup ervisox
Date: April 23, 2019
Re: Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library
Please see the attached letter from the Mattituck-Laurel Library
appealing the denial of their previous "No Stopping Any Time" signage
request along the south side of Route 25.
The Town Board agrees to have the Transportation Commission revisit
this request and forward its determination to my office.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
cc: Councilman William P. Ruland
Mattituck-Laurel Library
Main Road •P.O. Box 1437, Mattituck, New York 11952-0991
www.mattitucklaurel library.org
April 9, 2019
William Ruland,Councilman
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971-1823
Re:Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library
Dear Councilman Ruland,
! received your letter dated February 20, 2019 denying our request for"No Stopping Any Time" signage
along the south side of Route 25. 1 shared the letter with the Library Board of Trustees at our March
meeting and they requested that I write a follow-up letter and make an appeal against the findings.
The Board and I do not agree with the findings of the Transportation Commission because their
investigation may not have included the same conditions that patrons and staff experience often
enough to raise serious concerns.Just last week, several board members experienced the issue first
hand. Cars were parked immediately adjacent to the west side of our driveway blocking the line sight
and impeding egress for board members, especially those trying to make a left turn.They had to pull out
into the middle of the road (a precarious position), past the vehicle blocking their line of vision, before
they could see oncoming traffic.
This experience contradicts the finding of the Traffic Commission that"if one pulled far enough into the
shoulder of the road,stopped and looked,the line of sight was good and did not impede egress." We
also disagree with the finding of"very occasional parking." In our experience, many people attending
viewing services throughout the year, day or night, prefer to park adjacent to our driveway so they can
hop in their car and continue heading east when they are done.We find the same to be true for some
customers of A Mano's restaurant west of us.
I would like to appeal against the findings of the Traffic Commission because of our concern for the
safety of our patrons, many of whom are driving their children home after an activity and many of
whom are elderly. I invite you and any members of the Transportation Commission to meet at the
library, on a day and time convenient to you,so we can simulate the problem by parking a vehicle or
two just west of the driveway and letting you determine whether or not the sight line is impeded.
We greatly appreciate the time that you and the Transportation Commission have taken in this matter
already.We would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this further.
/ A,
Je y M.Walden, Director
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.. 1--�
RE:Information Request
Vincent Orlando <vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us> 5/31/19 8.15 am W
To BRASHICH, Jamie Richter, Martin Flatley
► 3 attachments View Download
Please see the attached picture of the old North road Young save intersection.
In my opinion,"IF"people drive safely and the correct speed limit,there is plenty of room to
pass each other. I would paint more of the double yellow line back further(Eastward)to
make it clear you can go this way.
Have a nice weekend
Vincent Orlando
Town of Southold
Superintendent of Highways
Vincent orlandoCcDtown southold ny us(mailto:vmcent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us)
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and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipients)
Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws
including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please
contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication
From:BRASHICH[mailto.nrbl(aoptonline net(mailtomrblPoptonline net)1
Sent:Wednesday,May 29,2019 1:54 PM
To:Orlando,Vincent<vincent orlando(antown Southold ny us(mailto:vmcent.orlando(cDtown.southold.ny.usl>;
Richter,Jamie<Jamie RichterPtown.southold.n us(mailtodamie.Richtei-Ptown southold.ny.us)>
Subject:Information Request
Good Afternoon-
As agreed at the last meeting, I need your recommendations for the memorandum to the Town
Board for the following
1 Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library(Bill Ruland has already texted me on this-I
believe Marty you were going to investigate and give me your final decision)
2.Old North Road&Youngs Avenue Safety Concern-Guess all three of you need to come up
with a solution&recommendation
3.Colored Striping on 2 parking lots-Love Lane-Jamie you were to come up with the design as
discussed with BIII and provide this information to us on the Commission prior to the next meeting
Thank you
ATTENTION-This email came from an external source.Do not open attachments or click on links from
unknown senders or unexpected emails
1 of 1 6/15/2019,3:19 PM
I -To +Nne Nvn m'l}tee,
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Address reply to:
251-42 61 n Avenue
Little Neck,NY 11362
May 28,2019
uperviwn of Southolsor Scott Russell Vincent Orlando
Tod Superintendent of Highways
53095 Main Road 275 Peconic Ln
P.O. Box 1179 P.O. Box 178
Southold,N.Y. 11971-0959 Peconic,NY 1]958
Re: Sigsbee Road, Mattituck,NY
Dear Supervisor Russell and Superintendent Orlando:
Attached is a copy of my letter to you dated April 16,2019, following up to determine if
the leaching pool drain was inspected after the significant rainfall of the past few weeks.
According to some of the residents of Sigsbee road,the flooding was just as bad as it was before
the pool was vacuumed out. Please advise what actions have been taken to address the flooding.
Please also advise whether the rest of Sigsbee Road will be paved, and if so, when we can
expect that to be done. Since no lines have yet been painted on the road, we are hopeful that the
rest of the road will be paved this year, and lines painted when that has been accomplished.
At the meeting of the Association this past Saturday,the problem of speeding cars was a
major concern. As I'm sure you are aware, Peconic Bay Boulevard has become a well traveled
road, leading to many cars speeding in both directions on Sigsbee Road. Last year the electric
"Your Speed Is" sign which was placed in the middle of southbound Sigsbee Road was
somewhat effective in deterring speeding, as was the occasional police presence on Peconic Bay
Boulevard. We respectfully request that you take those measures again this summer.
In addition, we respectfully request that the Town of Southold install stop signs on
Peconic Bay Boulevard at its intersection with Sigsbee Road, so that the intersection has stop
signs in all 4 directions. This will both protect pedestrians and hopefully deter speeders.
Very truly yours,
Linda A. Mule MAY 3 2019
President, Sigsbee Road Civic Association SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE
Address reply to:
251-42 61"Avenue
Little Neck,NY 11362
April 16,2019
Supervisor Scott Russell Vincent Orlando
Town of Southold Superintendent of Highways
53095 Main Road 275 Peconic Ln
P.O. Box 1179 P.O. Box 178
Southold,N.Y. 11971-0959 Peconic,NY 11958
Re: Sigsbee Road,Mattituck,NY-Repaving and drainage
Dear Supervisor Russell and Superintendent Orlando:
In response to the letter from Mr. Orlando dated April 11, 2019,I would like to express
my thanks and the appreciation of the residents of Sigsbee Road for the work done on the
leaching pool drain, and for the promise to follow up with an inspection after the next significant
rainfall to confirm that it is leaching properly. May I assume that if it is not leaching properly,
appropriate action will be taken?
With respect to the resurfacing of the road, Mr. Orlando's letter did not state when the
decision would be made about which lucky Southold Town roads will be resurfaced. When that
decision has been made,please advise me in writing as to whether the other half of Sigsbee Road
will be one of the lucky roads, so that I may advise the members of the association. Thank you
for your prompt attention to this request.
Very truly yours,
Linda A. Mule
President, Sigsbee Road Civic Association
)ptimufn https://mymail.optimum.netlappsuite/#!!&app=io.ox/mail/detail&fol...
Fw: Bay Avenue stop sign he''
Bill Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com> 5/30/19 7:58 pm W
To Neb Braschich
Can we please put this item on the June Agenda, Thank you
William P. Ruland
Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor
Town Councilman
E-mail:rulandfarm(a)-yahoo.com (mailto:rulandfarmayahoo.com)
Phone- C. 631-566-4107; H. 631-298-9159
-----Forwarded Message
From: gallolindav(a-Dverizon net(mailto:gallolindava-verizon.net) <gallolindavaverizon net
To: rulandfarm(cDyahoo com (mailto:rulandfarma-yahoo.com)
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019, 11:38:53 AM EDT
Subject: Bay Avenue stop sign
Dear Mr. Ruland,
Thank you very much for your informative presentation at our latest Mattituck Laurel Civic Association
meeting! Enjoyed it, and learned. Win:win!
Pursuant to our exchange, I am writing to ask the Town of Southold to take a look at the t-intersection of
Peconic Bay Blvd. and Bay Avenue in Mattituck. There is a pedestrian walkway that crosses Peconic Bay
Blvd. at that intersection but only one stop sign for vehicular traffic: that on Peconic Bay Blvd. Since all
walkers from Bay Avenue cross there to access Vets Beach and the playground, I propose adding two stop
signs, one at the south bound corner of Bay Avenue (coming from the Main Road)and one on the north side
(coming from Town of Southold public beach access.) This would bring all vehicular traffic to a stop, giving
opportunity for pedestrians to cross safely, and drivers to put pedestrians first.
I thank you for your consideration of my proposal.
Additionally, while I have you, I would like to say a couple of things:
Regarding the crosswalk on the Main Road at New Suffolk Avenue: perhaps adding a quiver with a couple
of orange flags that people can use to cross will help. This is done in Florida and I have noticed carrying the
flag gives pedestrians more clout, and that drivers respect the flags as symbols of authority.
I have ridden my bicycle many times from Mattituck to Greenport, both on the Main and North Roads. I find
the ride to be quite safe. In Cutchogue and Southold, with its Main Road parking, I have found drivers and
pedestrians to be quite courteous. When in doubt, I ride in the middle of the car lane and have always felt that
auto drivers respect my right to be there. Here's to the North Fork spintl
Thanks for listening!
Linda Gallo
1 of 1 6/15/2019,2:52 PM
Town Hall
P.0.Box 1179
53095 Main Read
Southold,W 11971-0959
September 24, 2017
Ms. Marillyn Gilroy
Marlene Lane Civic Association
P. O. Box 1082
Mattituck, New York 11952
Dear Ms. Gilroy:
As indicated at the Commission's monthly meeting of this date, this letter is the
official response to your July 16th letter regarding your request for roadside signs
along Peconic- Bay Boulevard. As stated, several Commissioners visited the
sites, viewed the flow of traffic, and took pictures and measurements.
Our determination is as follows:
• Request for a three-way stop signs at this location along with a crosswalk is
denied (probably a third request over the years) given that, as stated
previously, sight distance is more than adequate, is not seen as a safety
hazard, and a crosswalk would give a false sense of security.
Given these reasons, the Commission is unable to support your request.
Neboysha R. Brashich
Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell
Town Board
May 29, 2019 � -
Dear Mr.Neb Brashich,
I am writing this letter to you with deep concern,hoping this will bring your attention to fatalities
which have occurred and possible future disasters.
I have lived in the Bayview area of Southold for over 30 years. In that time, I along with other
residents of this area,have had to deal with cars speeding up and down Main Bayview Road.This has
caused great fear for the safety of all who live here.
In September 2016, a man and his dog died,and a woman was critically injured and airlifted to a
hospital,after a head on collision on Main Bayview Road. Recently,a man was walking his dog on Main
Bayview Rd.when a car speeding by ran over and killed the dog. This,along with many accounts from
residents,of being forced off the road while walking, on their bikes, or running is reason for my deep
I have spoken with the Southold Town police regarding this matter,and they have tried to the best of
their ability to help. They have monitored speeds with police units and the automatic speed detector.
People continue to speed,making Main Bayview Rd.a very dangerous road for pedestrians and drivers.
Main Bayview Road is a long road with nothing to inhibit the speed a car is traveling. This fact would
encourage even the most careful driver to speed. I implore you to look at this issue with an objective
view and see it as a problem. I am suggesting stop signs,or speed bumps, be placed along this road.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
JUN - 3 2019 Kim Gibbs
OptimWn Inbox https://mymail.optimum.net/appsuite/#!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=d...
RE:Information Request
Jamie Richter <iamie.richter@town southold ny.us> 5/30/19 8:27 am P
To BRASHICH, Vincent Orlando Copy William Ruland, Martin Flatley
► Q 2 attachments View Download
REMEMBER that weal]need to review these plans but this is a start
As far as Old North Road I think that some striping could fix the problem
If you need me to get a price to do it in Thermoplastic lust let me know.
I will leave the library issue with Marty
James A. Richter
James A.Richter,R.A.
Stormwater Manager
Office of the Engineer
Town of Southold,New York
Stormwater Management Control Plan Website:
http-//www southoldtownny gov/index.aspx?rdd=l 95(http://www southoldtownny gov/index aspx9nid=195)
Office: 631-765-1560
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information It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s) Unauthorized interception,review,use or disclosure is
prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act If you are not the
intended recipient,please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication
Sent:Wednesday,May 29,2019 1:54 PM
Subject:Information Request
Good Afternoon-
As agreed at the last meeting, I need your recommendations for the memorandum to the Town
Board for the following:
1.Traffic Safety Concern at Mattltuck-Laurel Library(Bill Ruland has already texted me on this-I
believe Marty you were going to investigate and give me your final decision)
2.Old North Road&Youngs Avenue Safety Concern-Guess all three of you need to come up
with a solution&recommendation
3.Colored Striping on 2 parking lots-Love Lane-Jamie you were to come up with the design as
discussed with Bill and provide this Information to us on the Commission prior to the next meeting
Thank you
ATTENTION This email came from an external source.Do not open attachments or click on links from
unknown senders or unexpected emails.
1 of 1 6/15/2019,3:11 PM
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Dptimum Inbox https://mymail.optirnum_netlappsuite/#!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=d...
RE:Information Request
Vincent Orlando <vincent.orlando@town southold.ny.us> 5/31119 8:15 am Q
To BRASHICH, Jamie Richter, Martin Flatley
► % 3 attachments View Download
Please see the attached picture of the old North road Young save intersection.
In my opinion,"IF"people drive safely and the correct speed limit,there is plenty of room to
pass each other. I would paint more of the double yellow line back further(Eastward)to
make it clear you can go this way.
Have a nice weekend
Vincent Orlando
Town of Southold
Superintendent of Highways
Office 631-765-3140
vincent orlando@town southold ny.us(mailto:vzncent.oTlando@town.southol&ny.us)
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and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s)
Unauthorized Interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws
including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the Intended recipient, please
contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication.
From:BRASHICH[mailto,nrblPoptonline net(mailto•nrblCCDoptonline netjl
Sent:Wednesday,May 29,20191:54 PM
To:Orlando,Vincent<vincent orlandoOtown southold.ny.us(mailto:vincent.orlandoCeptown.southold.ny.0 >;
Richter,Jamie 4amie Richter(@town southold.ny.us(mailtoJamie.RichterCDtown.southold.ny.usj>
Subject:Information Request
Good Afternoon-
As agreed at the last meeting, I need your recommendations for the memorandum to the Town
Board for the following
1 Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library(Bill Ruland has already texted me on this-I
believe Marty you were going to investigate and give me your final decision)
2 Old North Road&Youngs Avenue Safety Concern-Guess all three of you need to come up
with-a solution&recommendation
3 Colored Striping on 2 parking lots-Love Lane-Jamie you were to come up with the design as
discussed with Bill and provide this Information to us on the Commission prior to the next meeting
Thank you
ATTENTION-This email came from an external source Do not open attachments or click on links from
unknown senders or unexpected emails.
1 of 1 6/15/2019,3:13 PM
Dptimum Re—New Suffolk Annual Meeting Printout https://mymail.optimum.net/appsuite/v=7.8.4-49.2019U222.Ujl11�/p...
Bill Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com> 6/6/19 7:42 am
Re: New Suffolk Annual Meeting
To opajim <opajim@opton line.net>• BRASHICH <nrb1@optonline.net>
Good morning gentlemen, On tuesday the town board put in place the funding for the New
Suffolk traffic study project. We were unable to get the resolution on in time for the evening
meeting to award the contract to AKRF. The award and the authorization for the Supervisor to
sign the contract will be on June 18. Will keep you posted, Regards, WPR
William P. Ruland
Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor
Town Councilman
Phone- C. 631-566-4107; H. 631-298-9159
On Wednesday, June 5, 2019, 06:25:16 PM EDT, BRASHICH <nrb1 _optonline.net>wrote.
Hi Jim -
Nothing has been decided, pending the forthcoming study. Engineering got 2 proposals but Controller is asking for
3-do not know whether the Town Bord will be satisfied with 2 received. Maybe Bill knows more about this.
On June 5, 2019 at 5:16 PM opajim < opaiimCaD-optonline.net>wrote:
Bill, Neb
j I will be attending our hamlet's civic association annual meeting on Saturday. I am sure to be asked what the
status of transportation'issues in New Suffolk.
f First thing comes to mind is parking and First St across from Legends.
{ Second will be a so-called"parking study."
Would you please fill me in on the latest on these, so I will be able to be responsive at the meeting?
I'm certain people will also ask about the use of the boat ramp, beach use, speeding, etc. but these are the
j "regular' concerns that I hear every year and that the town continues to struggle with.As is customary, I will
inform them that the transportation commission is an advisory body to the town board, and citizens with
concerns are welcome at both meetings.
1 of 1 6/6/2019, 10:13 AN
Dptiinign Re_Transportation Printout https://mymail.optimum.net/appsuite/v=7.8.4-49.20190404.000001/p...
Bill Ruland<rulandfarm@yahoo.com> 6/10/19 6:49 pm
Re: Transportation
To nrb1@optonline.net<nrb1@optonline.net> .Jamie Richter<jamie.richter@town.southold.ny.us>
This is the third such meeting, Scott Denis and myself have attended previous meetings.
plan on attending as I have had discussions with the Riverhead Supervisor and
Councilwoman Giglio
William P. Ruland
Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor
Town Councilman
E-mail:rulandfarm c(D.yahoo.com
Phone- C..631-566-4107; H. 631-298-9159
On Monday, June 10, 2019, 02:23:27 PM EDT, Richter, Jamie<Jamie.Richterla)town.southold.ny.us>wrote:
Neb & Bill
I saw this invite to a meeting with Riverhead Town regarding Transportation.
I also copied Bill because he is our liaison to the Transportation Commission.
I am sending this to both of you because it is the first I have seen anything about this meeting.
I am reasonably sure that this is a Town Board level meeting but I do not know who has been notified about it.
Nor do I know who Scott and/or the Board will want to attend this meeting.
I know we have a Commission Meeting on the 17th and that this might be discussed then.
Just letting you both know that Riverhead is apparently reaching out about traffic issues.
James A. Richter
James A. Richter,R.A.
Stormwater Manager
Office of the Engineer
1 of 2 6/12/2019, 12:30 PM
t _
LAURA JENS-SMITH,TOWN SUPERVISOR 200 Howell Avenue,Riverhead,NY 11901
May 30,2019
JUN 10 2019
Dear Community Stakeholder,
Planning Board
The Town of Riverhead is reconvening the North Fork Traffic Task Force in order to
build on the progress made at our previous meeting, and find workable solutions going
forward. Many great ideas came out of our November meeting that the Town of
Riverhead will be implementing for this coming season,and we are hoping to capitalize
on our momentum.
The Town is inviting stakeholders ranging from the farming community, the business
community,and federal,state and local agencies to have this important conversation
about an issue that faces our residents.
I ask that you join us on Tuesday June 25th at 6:00 PM in Riverhead Town Hall to
continue our discussion.Please bring your ideas to this summit,so that we can continue
to incorporate them into a larger plan of action
Please RSVP by Tuesday June 18th to either 631-727-3200 ext.654 or email us at
supervisorQtownof riverheadny.gov.
Thank you for your assistance as we work together to find solutions to this problem.
Best regards,
Laura Jens-Smith
Town Supervisor
Town of Riverhead
SCOTT A.RUSSELL Stff OJI(=� Town Hall,53095 Route 25
SUPERVISOR ' S ���? P.O.Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971-
�,} Telephone(631)765-1889
To: Southold Town Committee/Commission Chair(s)
From: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Qp
Date: June 11, 2019
Re: Annual Fishers Island Town Board Meeting-August 7, 2019
The Annual Southold Town Board Fishers Island Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
August 7, 2019. This meeting is an excellent opportunity for the residents of Fishers Island to
meet and speak to their representatives on a federal, state, county and town level.We invite
you, as the committee chair, to join us for this meeting and ask that you come prepared to
respond to questions that may arise pertaining to your committee.
On August 7t', the Fishers Island Ferry must depart at 10:00 a.m. sharp from the Plum Island
Ferry Dock, 40550 Main Road in Orient, arriving on Fishers Island at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Lunch will be served from approximately 12:00-1:15,followed by the Town Board Meeting at
1:30 in the school gymnasium. The F.I. Ferry will depart Fishers Island at 2:30, returning to
Orient Point at approximately 4:00 p.m. Dress is casual.
As in past years, the Department of Homeland Security procedures must be followed in order
for us to use the Plum Island Animal Disease Center(PIADC) docking property:
• Each person's full name and country of citizenship must be provided to my office when you
RSVP and we will compile a check-in list. Those not on the list will be denied access to
the boat.
• All visitors entering the PIADC parking lot must be prepared to show government-issued
identification with photograph (e.g. driver's license).
• Attendees should plan to arrive early for the check-in process at the security gate. The ferry
cannot wait and will leave the dock promptly at 10:00 a.m.
• Except in an official capacity, no weapons are allowed.
• Packages, briefcases and other containers in your immediate possession are subject to
• Please make every effort to carpool with Town employees if possible.
Please RSVP as soon as possible but no later than Friday, July 19th. Unfortunately, we
cannot accommodate late requests. Due to space limitations and regulations, if you cannot
attend, you may designate one representative to attend in your place. If more than one member
is requesting to attend for Town business purposes, please contact our office and they can be
placed on a waiting list.
Please feel free to contact my office if you should have any questions. We hope you can join us.
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Building a Maritime Highway Across
the Long Island Sound
Owners of one of the first hybrid cargo vessels ever built hope to
develop a shipping route from Connecticut to Long Island, easing truck
traffic on congested roadways.
By Ira Breskin
May 31, 2019
[What you need to know to start the day: Get New York Today in your inbox.]
Anyone who has driven on I-95 through Connecticut or on the Long Island Expressway
has experienced the heavy traffic and congestion.What if there were a way to reduce
delays by diverting cargo and transporting it by boat across the Long Island Sound — a
sort of marine highway—instead?
Robert Kunkel, a retired marine engineer,is trying to do just that.
He will soon start a freight ferry service, called-Harbor Harvest, which is named for an
artisanal grocery store and cafe in Norwalk, Conn.,that he has run with his wife,
Marilyn, since 2015.
The concept is simple.An environmentally friendly boat will haul locally made products
and other cargo between Norwalk and Huntington, N.Y., on Long Island.At both
locations, Harbor Harvest warehouses will store the goods and serve as pickup points.
Besides carrying its own freight for resale, Harbor Harvest will also transport goods for
other companies, perhaps even small packages.
This service, to begin in a couple of weeks, will be cheaper, quicker and greener than
trucking, according to Mr. Kunkel.
"We want to bring back regional waterborne transportation at a reasonable cost to areas
that want locally produced food," said Mr. Kunkel,who also operates a ship design and
construction management firm.
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Taylor O'Brien,a Harbor Harvest boat captain. James Estrin/The New York Times
The culinary cargo will range from Connecticut beef to Long Island craft beer and wine.
The project is poised to receive $1.8 million in federal grant money. But whether the
green effort will be economically viable is another question, said Brent Dibner, president
of Dibner Maritime Associates LLC in Brookline, Mass., a marine industry management
consulting firm.
"There has been a long trail of good intentions that have fallen on the sword of economic
reality," Mr. Dibner said.
The New York City Economic Development Corporation has also shown interest in the
marine highway concept. Its Freight NYC initiative has proposed building a$25 million
marine terminal on the East River for suppliers serving the Hunts Point Produce Market
in the Bronx, said Andrew Genn, the senior vice president of ports and terminals for the
"We support marine highway investments so far as they can reduce highway congestion
in New York City," Mr. Genn said.
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Harbor Harvest is fundamentally different from most earlier,federally backed water
transport efforts that focused on delivering large loads housed in shipping containers,
and failed, Mr. Kunkel said. Harbor Harvest will transport small quantities of goods,
much of it perishable,in a new $2.8 million, 65-foot aluminum catamaran.
Named Captain Ben Moore,the boat will be able to cross the sound in about 45 minutes,
Mr. Kunkel said, adding that it would take a truck at least twice that long to drive
between the same points.
A two-member crew will operate the Captain Ben Moore, which is believed to be among
the first hybrid cargo vessels built in the United States. The boat's electric hybrid engine
will run on batteries. Shore-side power units,located on piers near each of the Harbor
Harvest warehouses,will recharge the boat's batteries between trips.
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Harbor Harvest's boat,named Captain Ben Moore,will be able to cross the sound in about 45
minutes. James Estrin/The New York Times
Mr. Kunkel said he was committed to running the service for at least 24 months. But he
expects it to generate a profit before that.
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To make that happen,in addition to reselling goods through its retail centers, Harbor
Harvest will act as an intermediary for other shipping companies like the North-Carolina
based Old Dominion Freight Line,which will send its trucks to Connecticut and Long
Island to pick up goods once they have crossed the sound.
Some local companies, such as Fossil Farms, a natural meat company in Boonton, N.J.,
are planning to use Harbor Harvest as a distributor to expand its market.
Larry Penner, a transportation historian and a former program manager for the Federal
Transit Administration, called the project "intriguing and worthwhile" because it did not
involve building a tunnel or a bridge across Long Island Sound. "It could pay big
dividends," he said.
A grant from the Transportation Department's Maritime Administration should help
defray the cost of building a second, sister boat and buying loading equipment, Mr.
Kunkel said. (Those receiving marine highway grants are obligated to use the funds to
expand services,not to cover start-up costs.)
Derecktor Shipyards,
Hudson Mamaroneck
Garvies Huntington
W. 125th Hunts Point
St. Point
NASSAU Atlantic Ocean
Red Hook
By The New York Times
It is possible that the second Harbor Harvest boat will deliver goods,to Hunts Point, or
the new ferry terminal and boat basin at Garvies Point in Glen Cove, N.Y., Mr. Kunkel
said. He has also received queries about providing service between Norwalk and 125th
Street in Manhattan, or to Red Hook in Brooklyn.
If successful, the shipping initiative could be the beginning of a bolder movement to
reduce congestion and pollution, said Mark H. Buzby, administrator of the United States
Maritime Administration,which has been instrumental in identifying new water routes
and providing start-up capital to efforts like Harbor Harvest.
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"America's inland waterways can and should again be a national economic asset and an
integrated part of the nation's broader transportation system," Mr. Buzby said.
A version of this article appears in print on June 2,2019,on Page MB7 of the New York edition with the headline: Building a
Maritime Highway Across the Sound
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