HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Narrative LGRMIF Narratives LGRMIF Grant Award 2012-2013 Needs-Assessment GIS -1. Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Project Narratives Project Number 0580-11 -1083 Institution Town Of Southold- Ia. Describe records management problem Ia.Describe the specific records management problem the project will address,providing qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem Please also explain why the project is considered a high priority.(10 points) The Town of Southold is located in the northeastern tip of Suffolk County,on the North Fork of Long Island. Southold has a population of approximately 22,858,an annual operating budget of $37,303,248.00, and is responsible for approximately 18,500 parcels,including residential, commercial, agricultural,and exempt properties. The Town was settled in 1640 and has a land area of 53.7 square miles. The Village of Greenport is located within the Town of Southold. The Town also includes Fishers Island which is located approximately twelve(12)miles east of the mainland.Fishers Island is accessible only by water or air with ferry service operating between the Island and New London,Connecticut. Specific Records Management Problems: 1. The lack of a centralized spatial database has resulted in increased time and effort by employees to obtain information necessary to conduct Town and Village business,resulting in diminished productivity and duplicate efforts on job processes. 2. Risk of poor decision making due to incomplete or inaccessible information needed for Town and Village approvals related to applications. 3. The Town and Village cannot currently share spatial data and information or implement computer based mapping information services for the public,such as self-service access to property maps,service requests,assessment and tax information. 4. Time is wasted due to the inability of Town and Village staff to quickly and efficiently access asset related information. 5. The Town and Village are at risk of not complying with the FHA revision of the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MVTCD)requirements for sign retro- reflectivity. 6. The Town and Village are at risk of not complying with the NYS DEC MS4 Storm Water Permits regulations which will require them to conduct and document regular field investigations/inspections in those areas of residential and commercial on-site sanitary systems to detect the presence of ongoing and/or intermittent on-site sanitary discharges. 7. The Town and Village are at risk of not complying with the GASB Statement 34 maintenance and reporting requirements for measurement and reporting of the value and condition of all major infrastructures. 8. The Village of Greenport does not currently have any GIS technologies in place and does not have the required GIS expertise or the available funding to support their own GIS implementation. Qualitative descriptions and Quantitative Data about the Problem: Increased demands at Town Hall and Village Hall for information related to spatial data(e.g.land records,asset records and FOIL requests for all types of information. https://eservices_nysed.govAdgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 2 of 19 According to the United States Census Bureau the Town has seen an increase in population of close to 11%and the Village has seen an increase in population of close to 5%over the past seven (7)years.Due to this increase in population the number of inquiries to Town Hall and Village Hall for information related to spatial data(e.g.,land records, asset records)has increased. This is the largest increase in the Town's population since 1980 and has resulted in increased workload for many Town departments including the Assessor's Office, Accounting Department,Animal Shelter,Building Department,Engineering Inspector,the Highway Department,Human Resource Center,Justice Court,Land Management Coordination,Land Preservation,the Planning Department,Police Department/Bay Constable,Public Works,the Recreation Department, Tax Receiver,Town Clerk,Trustees,Waste Management, and the Zoning Board and Village Departments including Administration/Code Enforcement,Village Clerk, Treasurer,Utilities and Mayor's Office. In addition the Town provides certain services for the Village(e.g.,Police services,Assessment rolls). Town and Village government employees are being asked to provide services to more people each and every year with little to no increase in funding and/or staffing. This increased demand for services has placed increased demands on our government to develop more efficient ways of providing services,thus allowing both the Town and Village to do more with less. In the 2008-2009 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund(LGRMIF)grant cycle,the Town of Southold,the lead agency for this cooperative grant application,received a grant from the LGRMIF for a records management needs assessment related to the management of property records within the Town. This needs assessment was completed in January of 2009 by Dr. William Saffady. In the 2009-10 LGRMIF grant cycle,the Town was awarded a cooperative grant with the Village of Greenport to support the implementation of phase one recommendations made within the records management user needs assessment, specifically the implementation of a property information system called Municit3(m. Future implementation recommendations identified within the records management user needs assessment included the integration of a Geographic Information System(GIS)with the Town's newly acquired Municity TM software and the Town's existing digital imaging system, Laserfiche®. The benefits of integrating GIS with two(2)of the Town's most critical information systems is a logical next step in the Town's records management program. However it represents a limited view of GIS needs within the Town and the Village of Greenport, a cooperative member on this grant as the Town and Village have a number of departments that have needs not covered by Municity and Laserfiche and that would greatly benefit from a GIS. To effectively assess the Town's and Village's GIS needs along with our ability to share services, a cooperative GIS user needs assessment,with the Village of Greenport,would be the most appropriate next step for the Town and Village.The implementation of a GIS,based upon the recommendations made as part of a formal GIS user needs assessment will allow the Town and Village to effectively centralize their spatial data, standardize software technologies, standardize data formats, develop an integration platform for all information systems across the Town and within the Village, and provide the technology framework for access of GTS related data by Town employees,Village employees, and the public.By applying for a cooperative grant with the Village of Greenport,we can accurately assess our ability to effectively share GIS data, services, and technologies between our two municipalities with the ultimate goals of providing more efficient,cost effective services to our constituents.With the difficult economic climate we all face today,the importance of identifying and implementing shared technology solutions is critical to our mission. Over the past ten(10)years,the Town has made significant progress in our records management program which includes laying the groundwork for local GIS resources and capabilities over the past few years. The Town has partnered with County and State agencies for the acquisition of essential GIS layers and developed a number of other Town specific GIS layers(e.g. zoning and wetlands)that are currently used for inquiries and analyses but are not integrated with the Town's digital image records available on Laserfiche or other department's systems. Such integration https://eservices.nysed.govAdgrants)PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 3 of 19 would provide significant efficiency benefits by improving record retrieval and allowing for more detailed planning analyses. A GIS user needs assessment will effectively assess current GIS technologies in place as well as the GIS integration needs of other critical software applications within the Town and Village and provide recommendations for the most appropriate GIS technologies to implement. • Highway Department,Public Works and Human Services have different needs that cannot be met by the implementation of Municity for their ongoing operations and workflow. While the Town is currently implementing Municity to handle day to day functions for parcel based land management approvals and workflow several departments(e.g.Highway,Public Works and Human Services)have different needs that cannot be met by Municity for their ongoing operations and workflow. These departments are still handling much of their day to day work with only minimal basic computer assistance such as word processing and still handle many tasks(e.g.work orders)by hand on paper. This has resulted in inefficiencies due to the inability of Town Departments to effectively share interdepartmental resources. Many of the assets including physical infrastructure and property information necessary for everyday Town business are maintained and stored in the Department that created them and only available as paper records; therefore it is often necessary for Town officials to contact multiple Departments to complete a task which could be more efficiently completed if the data were to reside digitally in a centralized database. • Increased Maintenance and Reporting due to new mandated NYS DEC MS4 Storm Water Permit that will be very difficult to manage under current conditions. The Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport are municipalities within New York State that are permitted to operate a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems or more commonly referred to as MS4.The permit is issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(DEC)whose authority to issue these permits comes directly from the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)as the result of the federal Clean Water Act. The MS4 consists of a storm water infrastructure such as streets,catch basins,culverts, ditches, swales and pipes that convey storm water throughout both municipalities. The current MS4 Storm Water permit that both the Town and Village must comply with contains a series of requirements related to mapping, maintaining,enhancing and documenting the MS4 in relation to improving the water quality of water bodies within the Town and Village. In addition a yearly report summarizing these activities is required. Currently all records concerning the maintenance of the Town and Village MS4s(e.g.repair orders,maintenance logs)are paper records only since neither the Town nor Village has a computer system to handle any of this work. The use of GIS technologies will assist both the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport to more effectively manage their MS4 and to comply with these New York State and Federal requirements. In addition the use of GIS data and technology will allow the Town and Village to more proactively identify and remediate storm water runoff issues and therefore improve water quality. The GIS user needs assessment will address MS4 requirements and provide recommendations on how to effectively utilize GIS to support the Town's and Village's regulatory mandates. . Increased maintenance and reporting due to recent revisions to 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD establishing minimum retro-reflectivity levels that must be maintained for traffic signs.Both the Town and Village have a significant number of traffic signs that must be evaluated. It has also come to the attention of both the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport that modifications to the second revision of the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)introduces new language(shown below)establishing minimum retro-reflectivity levels that must be maintained for traffic signs.Both the Town and Village have a significant number of https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=nary 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 4 of 19 traffic signs that must be evaluated. By January 2012 agencies must establish and implement a sign assessment or management method to maintain minimum levels of sign retro-reflectivity. By January 2015 agencies must replace regulatory,warning, and ground-mounted guide signs (except street name)that are identified using the assessment or management methods as failing to meet the established minimum levels. By January 2018 agencies must replace street name signs and overhead guide signs that are identified using the assessment or management methods as failing to meet the established minimum levels. Both the Town and Village have a significant number of traffic signs that must be evaluated and GIS technology,including GPS location based technology, can be extremely cost effective in developing a inventory of traffic signs that require evaluation and possible replacement. Given the timeframe established by the Federal Highway Administration(FHA), our GIS user needs assessment will address this issue and include recommendations to comply with these federal requirements within a timely fashion. ® GASB Statement 34 requires the measurement and reporting of the value and condition of all major infrastructures including roads,pavement,curbs,trees, sidewalks,drainage,and street lights annually.These financial reports and statements are subject to verification by audit. In addition to FHA regulation changes, The Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB) has mandated requirements on local governments. GASB is a national independent organization that establishes standards for the preparation of financial reports and statements by local and state governments. GASB Statement 34 requires the measurement and reporting of the value and condition of all major infrastructures including roads,pavement, curbs,trees, sidewalks, drainage, and street lights annually. These financial reports and statements are subject to verification by audit. Therefore,the data used to generate the reports needs to be accurate, easily retrieved and regularly updated. The compilation of accurate information about the thousands of items that comprise such infrastructure is a time consuming and expensive effort that can be greatly enhanced with improved data collection and GIS. GIS technologies can be used to support the collection of and maintenance of infrastructure and other asset related data. This will allow the Town and Village to leverage future funds expended on GIS technologies to support compliance with GASB Statement 34 regulations. As the Town currently is utilizing or has plans to utilize technologies that are very common to local municipalities in New York(specifically Laserfiche®,MunicityTM, New York State Real Property System(RPS), and ESRI),this cooperative GIS user needs assessment will serve as a model for other Townships within New York to successfully assess and implement shared records management technologies cost effectively.In addition this cooperative grant will provide us with an implementation plan that will enable the Town to extend shared GIS related data, services, and applications to special districts within the Town borders, such as fire districts,road improvement districts, sewer districts,water districts, and park districts. This project is a high priority for the following reasons: The number of business operations that require spatially enabling(e.g. ad-hoc map creation) Town and Village records have increased dramatically within the past few years. • Increased regulatory demands from the DEC,FHA and GASB have forced the Town and Village to pursue GIS inventories and condition assessment of municipal assets. • Developing a cooperative GIS shared services model with the Village of Greenport will https://eservices_nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 5 of 19 increase our ability to communicate effectively with the Village,reduce operating costs for the Village, and improve overall services to Town and Village residents. • It supports the evaluation of consolidated services among the Town and Village. • A GIS user needs assessment is the next logical step in our records management program and it will yield results that will continue to improve our overall program and continue to improve services provided to our constituents. Ib.Identify records involved Ib.Identify the specific records that will be involved,and any previous grant-funded projects related to these records and this project(5 points) The records involved include all Town-wide and Village-wide spatial records.However,the following record sets are deemed to be high priority as there is a greater interest in mapping them: Property Information • Parcels • Public Safety Emergency Preparedness(evacuation routes, special needs residents data) Human Services(transportation routes, case management, day care, etc.) • Real Property Information • Tax Information • Land Use • Transportation(streets, signs, etc.) • Building and Codes • Storm water infrastructure(catch basins, culverts, recharge basins,maintenance records, etc.) Water and Wastewater(service requests,billing, etc.) • Zoning Boundaries • Neighborhood Demographics The Town and Village,as part of their 2009-10 LGRMIF grant award will be implementing a property information system that involves the following records: • MU-1 Schedule [847]—Real property history data file contained in taxation/assessment data system. MU-1 Schedule [657]—Building/property history data file contained in building/property history system • MU-1 Schedule [663]—planning action data file • MU-1 Schedule [665]—zoning action data file Ic.Explain why funding is essential Ic.Explain why funding from this program is essential to accomplishing the project.For example, explain why you need funding if you've previously received funding for a similar project. (5 points) In a municipal environment with ever tightening budgets,neither the Town nor the Village have the financial or technical resources necessary for the development and implementation of a GIS on their own. Both the Town and Village understand it is necessary to conduct a thorough GIS user needs assessment prepared by GIS professionals in order to implement a successful GIS. The end product will be a well-designed and comprehensive plan completed by experts in the field that will leverage industry and technology best practices. Once the recommendations are implemented,the Town and Village will have a model that can be shared with the State for local government shared GIS services that other local municipalities can adopt in the future. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 6 of 19 The Town has been awarded a LGRMIF grant in the 2008-9 grant cycle for a records management user needs assessment,which is similar to this project, however,this assessment did not focus on GIS for the Town and Village,it focused on property records as defined in our grant application for the 2008-9 cycle. The recommendations in our records management user needs assessment for GIS were limited in scope and did not address the entire GIS needs of the Town or include any needs of the Village. For these reasons,we feel it is necessary to complete a user needs assessment that addresses all Town and Village GIS needs. This GIS user needs assessment will leverage information and recommendations from the previously created records management needs assessment and provide recommendations and an implementation plan that will provide a Town-Village collaborative GIS focus. Ha.Intended results/anticipated benefits Ila.ldentify each intended result(specific products,time and cost savings,or services),and describe the anticipated benefits.(5 points) The overall intended result of this project will be a comprehensive GIS user needs assessment tailored to Town and Village records management needs and business processes that will serve as a road map for the Town and Village to follow in order to develop and implement a robust enterprise GIS that is integrated with current Town and Village systems and builds on past records management projects. The specific results of this project will be to improve the Town's and Village's records management program with regards to creating,storing,updating, retrieving,transferring and sharing spatial data. This improvement will yield better operational efficiencies, more effective decision making, increased collaboration among Town departments, and increased inter-municipal sharing between the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport.The Town,as the lead agency for this cooperative grant,will hire a GIS consulting firm to conduct our GIS user needs assessment.The GIS user needs assessment will be developed following the NYS Archives, Geographic Information System Development Guides (publication#GIS 03). The GIS user needs assessment will have the following intended results and anticipated benefits. . Conduct Interviews with Town and Village Departments.Through departmental interviews with twenty(20)departments in the Town of Southold;Assessor's Office, Accounting Department,Animal Shelter, Building Department, Engineering Inspector, Highway Department, Human Resource Center,Justice Court,Land Management Coordination, Land Preservation, Planning Department, Police Department/Bay Constable, Public Works Department, Recreation Department,Tax Receiver,Town Clerk,Trustees (waterways),Solid Waste Management,Zoning Board and the Supervisor's Office.And five (5) departments in the Village of Greenport;Village Administration/Code Enforcement, Clerk's Office,Treasurer, Utilities,and the Mayor's Office,a GIS consulting firm will evaluate existing and potential GIS applications,computer hardware,software,databases, and department personnel resources in both the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport. The GIS consulting firm will evaluate the following: o The roles and responsibilities of the departments in order to better understand the Town's and Village's daily workflow and identify ways GIS could be used to support and enhance these https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 7 of 19 activities o GIS applications that can assist Town and Village departments in performing their work more efficiently and effectively o Data records that are used in departmental tasks and data records that could be used by Town and Village departments in the future o Maintenance procedures for existing data records and data records that are recommended by the consultant o Opportunities where spatial data can be shared between the Town and Village o Opportunities where maintenance responsibilities of spatial data for the Village can be managed by the Town • Identify and recommend GIS applications to be developed for each Town and Village department.The proposed GIS user needs assessment will focus on identifying the potential GIS functions and needs of twenty(20)departments in the Town of Southold; Assessor's Office,Accounting Department,Animal Shelter, Building Department, Engineering Inspector,Highway Department,Human Resource Center,Justice Court, Land Management Coordination,Land Preservation, Planning Department, Public Works Department, Police Department/Bay Constable, Recreation Department,Tax Receiver, Town Clerk,Trustees(waterways),Solid Waste Management,Zoning Board and the Supervisor's Office.And five(5)departments in the Village of Greenport;Village Administration/Code Enforcement,Clerk's Office,Treasurer, Utilities,and the Mayor's Office.The consultant's findings and reports will benefit potential users who are unfamiliar with GIS by informing them about the value and functions of GIS applications relative to their department's needs.The list of potential GIS applications to be developed will be prioritized and included within the implementation plan as a short term or long term solution for the Town and/or Village. • Examine and document the workflow processes and determine GIS activities/functions for Town and Village departments.The GIS user needs assessment represents an opportunity to introduce fundamental change into the way the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport conducts its business.The GIS user needs assessment will develop strategies and recommendations intended to integrate GIS into the daily routines of the twenty(20)department in the Town listed above and five(5)department in the Village above.The consultant will identify techniques to streamline the workflow processes within Town departments as well as in workflow processes that involve both the Town and Village through the use of GIS technologies. Departmental efficiencies will greatly benefit from the consultant's in-depth research because future GIS implementations would be fully aligned with Town and Village departmental missions and staff would be supportive and enthusiastic about adopting updated records management practices. • Develop a master list of spatial data to integrate GIS data on an enterprise level.The Town of Southold has made significant progress in acquiring,collecting,and developing GIS data layers, however,it has not been organized in a consolidated fashion to facilitate data sharing and data maintenance.The development and documentation of a master list of spatial data as well as the organization of spatial data in a consolidated environment will provide the Town and Village with a centralized database of critical data that will increase efficiencies,enhance decision making, reduce costs,and improve services. • Develop a conceptual enterprise system design for enterprise GIS.The development of a conceptual enterprise system design will include hardware and software specifications, https://eservices.nysed.govAdgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRM F Narratives Page 8 of 19 physical system configurations, network configuration as well as a conceptual database design based upon the applications identified and a master spatial data list generated during the GIS user needs assessment.Given that we are proposing a cooperative grant with the Village of Greenport,it will be essential for the consulting firm to develop a GIS enterprise framework that will allow for interoperability among Town applications as well as facilitate shared access to GIS data and services for the Village.We anticipate this enterprise system design to be capable of being extended to special districts within the Town of Southold(e.g.,fire districts, park districts).The result of this design will allow the Town,Village, and eventually special districts to consider consolidation of services related to spatial data. . Develop an Implementation plan for an enterprise GIS.An Implementation Plan that includes the steps needed to implement the conceptual enterprise system design will be developed by the consulting firm.This will include both short and long-term implementation needs of the Town and Village pertaining to the Town's organizational structure, hardware,software,data acquisition,application development,staffing and training needs.Ongoing maintenance and support will be included in this report and all related cost estimates will be contained in the implementation plan. . Final Presentation to Town and Village.The project will be concluded with the development of a final presentation to the Town and Village highlighting the findings and recommendations of the GIS user needs assessment.The presentation will be geared for the Town Board,Town Supervisor,Village Trustees,and Village Mayor and will highlight the benefits of the overall plan as well the costs for implementation. It is assumed that recommendations will be presented to secure funding for GIS implementations using funds from future LGRMIF grant cycles.The final presentation from the consultant team will occur on-site at the Town.Town and Village Subject Matter Experts(SME)will have a chance to ask questions and request clarifications from the team. Upon completion of the presentation,the Town and Village will receive all reports and presentations both in hard copy and their native formats,and as pdf s from the consultant team. . Establish GIS best management practices.While the Town has made progress in acquiring data, best management practices for GIS data and services have not been defined.The consultant's role would be to define and reinforce the responsibilities for data creation, management,and maintenance.The consultant's expertise with previous needs assessments and knowledge of best management practices would'be instrumental to the administration of GIS in the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. Hb.Contribution to development of records management program lib. Describe in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records management program. (5 points) The Town of Southold has made significant progress with our records management program over the past ten(10)years, however,spatial records and GIS technologies has not been addressed.The development of a GIS user needs assessment and the eventual implementation of a GIS enterprise system will further enhance our records management program by linking location data to our existing electronic records and digital images.It is commonly stated that almost 90%of the information used and processed by municipal government is location based, therefore,the development of a GIS is essential to our overall records management plan. The https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppSeivlet?i=naff 2/9/2010 LGRM]F Narratives Page 9 of 19 proposed project will include the development of a plan to properly organize spatial data which can be managed by industry-standard GIS software and accessed through existing records management systems within the Town and Village.Our goal will be to develop a GIS that enables all Town and Village staff to access,create,share,and distribute digital geographic information efficiently. Eventually,our GIS will be extended to provide valuable spatial data to constituents through the Internet. By conducting this GIS Needs Assessment,the Town's intention is to look at the records management problem from an enterprise perspective that will facilitate shared services and encourage consolidation of services. Ills.Detailed outline/timetable for project a. Provide a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable that shows when each phase of the project will be completed,demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed,and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2011.(15 points) If this grant application is approved,the Town and Village will hire Bowne Management Systems (Bowne),a local GIS consulting firm to complete the GIS user needs assessment. The Town and Village needs to hire a professional GIS consulting firm because it does not have the expertise or staff resources to complete a project of this magnitude in-house. Bowne responded to a Request for Quote(RFQ)submitted on January 27,2010.As per the LGRMIF requirements for the 2010- 11 grant cycle,quotes from three(3)GIS vendor are not required if the selected vendor has a New York State Office of General Services(OGS). Bowne is an authorized vendor under contract number CMS696A of the Consulting/IT Services Group. In conversations and email communications with Ann Marie Przybyla and Geof Huth of the New York State Department of Education,they both confirmed three(3)GIS vendor quotes were not required,however, suggested that we include Bowne's response to our RFQ. Bowne's response to our RFQ is attached to our grant application along with the Town's RFQ. The following tasks will be executed by Bowne,working with Town and Village staff: Information Collection: In order to prepare the Town and Village interviews, Bowne will lead a kick-off meeting with the Town and Village stakeholders to establish points of contact,evaluate the defined scope, identify Subject Matter Experts(within Town and Village)and discuss major components of municipal GIS. Bowne is expected to deliver an educational seminar.Also,all schedules will be defined and procedures will be discussed. All participating departments'Subject Matter Experts(SME)will be interviewed by the Bowne either individually or in a group setting. Bowne will obtain and collect the information described in the Intended Results Section Il.a.of this grant application. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=marr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 10 of 19 Deliverable: The Section of the GIS user needs assessment report including a master data list, required resources, and prioritized potential applications and GIS functions that could be utilized for each department within the Town and Village.In addition,all interview sessions will be documented and included as an attachment to the overall report. Prepare Conceptual System Design: Bowne will develop the conceptual system design.As described in Section II.a,Bowne will develop this Section including hardware and software recommendations, physical system configuration(computers, network requirements,etc.)recommendations as well as a conceptual database design based on the applications identified, and a master data list generated during the information collection task. Deliverable: Conceptual system design section of the GIS user needs assessment report. Prepare Implementation Plan: Bowne will produce an Implementation Plan including the steps needed to implement the conceptual GIS design.Short and long-term implementation needs of the Town and Village will be included pertaining to the Town's organizational structure, hardware,software,data acquisition,application development,staffing and training needs.Ongoing maintenance and support will be included in this report. Finally,all related cost estimates will be contained in the implementation plan. Deliverable: Implementation plan section of the GIS user needs assessment report. Final Presentation to Town and Village: The project will be concluded with the development of a final presentation to the Town and Village highlighting the findings and recommendations of the GIS user needs assessment.The presentation will be geared for the Town Board,Town Supervisor,Village Trustees,and Village Mayor and will highlight the benefits of the overall plan as well the costs for implementation. It is assumed that recommendations will be presented to secure funding for GIS implementations using funds from future LGRMIF grant cycles.The final presentation from Bowne will occur on- site at the Town.Town and Village Subject Matter Experts(SME)will have a chance to ask questions and request clarifications from the team. Deliverable: Final presentation of GIS user needs assessment to Town and Village. Upon completion of the presentation,the Town and Village will receive all reports and presentations https://eservices.nysed.govAdgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 11 of 19 both in hard copy and their native formats,and as pdfs from Bowne. The Town and Village will submit all required project reports and copies of the final GIS user needs assessment report to NYS Archives,which will conclude the project. The Town and Village are confident that the proposed project is of manageable scope,that it can be completed on schedule,and that it will realize the anticipated benefits outlined within the is grant application.The following schedule presents a reasonable timetable for successful completion of the proposed project before June 30,2011. July 1,2010—July 30,2010— The Project Director will receive notification from the State Education Department of Grant Award. August 1,2010—August 15,2010- The Town and Village will execute a contract with Bowne Management Systems to complete the GIS user needs assessment. August 15, 2010 -August 31, 2010—The Town,Village,and Bowne Management Systems will prepare for and conduct the GIS user needs assessment kick-off meeting at the Town of Southold. September 1,2010—September 15,2010—Bowne Management Systems will conduct interviews with(twenty)Town of Southold departments and five(5)Village of Greenport departments. September 15—September 30,2010 -Bowne Management Systems will complete the analysis section of the GIS user needs assessment report, compile and attach interview minutes/notes as an attachment to the report.The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport will review these sections of the report and provide feedback and/or comments to Bowne Management Systems on corrections/edits required. Bowne Management Systems will incorporate the Town and Village feedback into the document and provide back to the Town and Village. October 1,-October 30,2010—Bowne Management Systems will complete the conceptual system design section of the GIS user needs assessment report.The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport will review these sections of the report and provide feedback and/or comments to Bowne Management Systems on corrections/edits required. Bowne Management Systems will incorporate the Town and Village feedback into the document and provide back to the Town and Village. November 1,2010—November 15,2010-Bowne Management Systems will complete the https://eservices.nysed.govAdgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 12 of 19 implementation plan section of the GIS user needs assessment report.The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport will review these sections of the report and provide feedback and/or comments to Bowne Management Systems on corrections/edits required.Bowne Management Systems will incorporate the Town and Village feedback into the document and provide back to the Town and Village. November 15,2010- December 15,2010 -Bowne Management Systems will prepare and present the final findings to the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport. Upon completion of the presentation,the Town and the Village will receive all reports and presentations both in hard copy and their native formats,and as pdf s from Bowne. January 15,2011-The Town and Village will submit all required project reports and copies of the Final GIS user needs assessment report to NYS Archives,which will conclude the project. IIIb.Requirements of relevant project category Ill.b.Address each of the requirements of the relevant project category and subcategory. Records Focus:The Town's goal is to develop a GIS that enables all Town Departments and Village Department staff to access,create,share,and distribute digital geographic records efficiently based on the proposed GIS user needs assessment. If funded,this project will greatly improve records management practices at the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport and enable shared services to be implemented and possibly extended to other special districts within the Town. Adherence to Archives'Standards and Guidelines:The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport will follow the GIS development process described in State Archives Publication #GIS03, Local Government GIS Development Guides. Increased Capacity:A GIS user needs assessment will provide the Town and Village with a conceptual system design and implementation plan for a GIS system.The development of a GIS system that will enable the Town and Village the ability to access,create,share,and distribute digital geographic records.This will greatly enhance our current capacity to manage records within both municipalities as well as provide us with the ability to more easily share information among the municipalities. Intent and Ability to Maintain:Upon the completion of the GIS user needs assessment,the Town and Village will implement recommendations for GIS best management practices.This will include a GIS Steering Committee that will be responsible for implementing the recommendations put forth in the GIS user needs assessment and establishing and maintain GIS policies and procedures.The GIS Steering Committee will also be responsible for review and maintenance of the GIS user needs assessment implementation plan and phases are completed. https://eservices.nysed.govAdgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=nary 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 13 of 19 Supporting Documentation:The Town and Village will include all supporting documentation necessary to justify the need and costs associated with successfully implementing this project. This includes the records management user needs assessment conducted in the 2008-9 grant cycle,the Town's Request for Quotes(RFQ),and Bowne Management Systems RFQ response. Maintenance of Technology:The Town and Village are requesting funding for preparing a GIS user needs assessment study.Therefore,there will be no GIS technology implementation as a result of this grant funding. However,once the Town and Village do pursue implementing GIS as a result of the GIS user needs assessment,in the next grant cycle,the Town and Village will fully accept the maintenance and upgrade costs for all the hardware and software requirements.The Town understands that New York State Archives is providing funding for initial needs of the municipalities and the Town and Village do not intend to solely rely on the funding from the New York State Archives in maintaining technology. Source Code:The Town and Village are requesting funding for preparing a GIS user needs assessment study.Therefore,currently,there will be no source code to document or place in escrow. Category: Geographic Information Systems Local Government GIS Development Guide:Town of Southold and Village of Greenport will follow the GIS development process described in State Archives Publication#GIS03, Local Government GIS Development Guides. Fully explain why your government needs GIS and specific GIS applications:The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport need a solid,easy-to-use,GIS technology that allows all Town and Village staff to access,create, share,and distribute digital geographic information efficiently. The implementation of a GIS will properly organized spatial data which can be managed by industry-standard GIS software and accessed through existing records management systems within the Town and Village.A GIS will enable all Town and Village staff to access,create,share, and distribute digital geographic information more efficiently and effectively.And eventually,our GIS will be extended to provide valuable spatial data to constituents through the Internet. By conducting this GIS user needs assessment,the Town's intention is to look at the records management problem from an enterprise perspective and facilitate share services and encourage consolidation of services. Imaging Component: Imaging is not a component of this grant application. https://cservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 14 of 19 IIIc.Responsible parties and qualifications Ill.c. Explain who will be responsible for performing each project activity,Including project management.Indicate the qualifications of key project staff(including consultants and vendors)in terms of education,training,and experience. As the lead agency for this cooperative grant application,the Town of Southold will be responsible for project management.The Project Director will be the project manager who will be Bowne's point of contact at the Town and who will oversee Bowne's work for compliance with the guidelines of the project application. Bowne will be the primary party responsible for the completion of this project. The Town and Village will support the project by providing staff and monetary resources necessary for the timely completion of all tasks related to each GIS user needs assessment deliverable. Resources provided by the Town and Village will include responses to inquiries necessary for the timely completion of project deliverable and project oversight to ensure timely completion of each grant deliverable and final report preparation. Bowne has demonstrated exceptional qualifications necessary to successfully undertake the GIS user needs assessment project and produce a final assessment report that will provide the Town and Village with a blueprint for moving forward with a GIS implementation. Consultant qualifications necessary for the successful completion of a GIS user needs assessment include: Previous familiarity and experience conducting municipal GIS Needs Assessments in New York State. Experience in GIS Conceptual Design and Implementation. • Documented references and supporting information to substantiate the ability and knowledge to undertake a project of this magnitude. The Town's Data Processing unit will be involved in the data collection process and report development process throughout the project. It is expected that the Town's Data Processing unit will be heavily involved in reviewing and commenting on sections of the GIS user needs assessment report. The Town's Supervisor,Mr. Scott Russell,is identified as the Chief Administrative Officer and the government leader for this project. Resumes of Town staff have been included for review as attachment to this LG-NA form. Qualifications Bowne's key staff are included in their respective proposals. IVa.Contributions demonstrated IV.a.Demonstrate contributions to this project. (5 points) staffing: https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 15 of 19 1. The Town will contribute salary/benefits/time for the Town Clerk, RMO to provide the following: 1. Project Management and coordination. 2. Staff time and input from RMO as project director. 3. Provide documents, reference research materials that the vendor will need in order to write the need assessment. 4. Organize schedules and department meetings and whatever is necessary in order to meet the vendor's needs. 1. The Town will contribute salary/benefits/time for the Land Management Coordination Department to provide assistance and support n the following areas: 1. Land use departments' information,data and procedures. 2. Spatial data inventory and needs. 3. MS4 mapping and reporting requirements 4. Asset/infrastructure mapping and reporting requirements. 1. The Town will contribute salary/benefits/time for the IT Department to provide the following: 1. Existing server and PC specifications. 2. Existing network topology. 3. Assistance and support and whatever else is necessary in order to meet the vendors needs. Supplies&Equipment:The Town will provide supplies needed for this project,(e.g.file folders, labels,storage boxes, use of computers, printers ) needed for this project. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/Pfi,ntAppServlet?i=nwT 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 16 of 19 Spate: The Town will provide space and meeting rooms in which to conduct all GIS related meetings with staff and Town Board. IV&Program Maintenance IV. b.Describe how this project and records management In general will be maintained over the long term. The Supervisor has pledged funding to support further education and training for the GIS Coordinator in the future. The Southold Town Board is very supportive of this needs assessment and the projected future application for a Geographical Information System. They have always been very supportive of all records management project and technology projects that have been implemented. If this grant for the needs assessment is granted and the future planned grant for a GIS is also successful the Town Board pledge to provide whatever is necessary in the way of staff,budget, and implement it in the very best manner possible. I have witnessed this to be their consistent policy over the years, regardless of any changes in elected offices. Maintenance and periodic upgrades for all records systems hardware and software is provided for in the town budget,as well as daily and weekly back-up tapes of the network and servers and off storage of back-up tapes. Provides salary and benefits for full-time records management assistant and salary for one part- time data entry clerk and several high school interns in records management office. Provides all needed equipment and supplies for records management for the inactive storage facility,digital imaging system,and Archive Writer. Supplies and equipment: The Town will continue to provide all supplies and equipment necessary to support the Records Management Department. Space: The Town will continue to maintain space for Records Management Office and the Vault storage for inactive records,including the maintenance the HVAC systems in both rooms. Training&Education: Supports and encourages RMO attendance at NYS Archives workshops and educational training at NYALGRO, NYSTCA, NYSAOT,Annual Conferences, IIMC Municipal Clerk Institute Education and Training at Cornell University on an annual basis. Participation as President of L.I. Nassau/Suffolk Town Clerk's Association,and Director for LI District#1 in NYSTCA. All of the workshops,educational training sessions and annual conferences include records management courses. https://eservices.nysed-gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=parr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 17 of 19 Professional Salaries A needs assessment is the first and most important step in implementing a successful GIS within any local government.It will serve as the roadmap solving our problems,managing and maintaining our infrastructures and for the planning and development of a GIS that will meet the requirements of the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport. It will provide the technical details to create the GIS,the management tasks required to ensure successful development of the GIS, and the policy issues that should be considered for the effective use of the GIS. The project activities are the services in the project. Our County of Suffolk does not lead a regional cooperative effort on GIS,like Nassau County wherein Towns and Villages do not need to conduct their own need assessments because the Nassau County Needs Assessment covers them. The Town and the Village do not have the in-house expertise to research,plan, and develop a GIS on their own. Therefore,it is necessary and justified to contract for these consulting services on a professional level. However,the members of our Town Project Team,our GIS Coordinator and RMO will actively participate in the planning,management, supervision, and development efforts in order to ensure the most beneficial end product possible. The Town of Southold did develop an RFQ Request for Quotes, a copy of which is attached to this application. Our preferred vendor Bowne Management Systems,Inc.is an industry leader with extensive experience in providing successful GIS applications and related services for local governments. The Town of Southold will contract with Bowne Management Systems,Inc.to develop a GIS User Needs Assessment, Conceptual System Design and Implementation Plan for a Cooperative GIS Project between the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. Bowne is a New York State Archives approved vendor and New York State Office of Govemment Services NYS OGS state contract provider of Consulting Services under Contract#CMS696A. The consulting firm's relevant experience and qualifications are in their Proposal on pages 6 & 7. Their company profile is on page 25 of their Proposal. Project Team resumes of Scott Mastellon,Project Director, Richard Messiana,Programmer Analyst, and Joseph Jones, Senior GIS Analyst,are included in Resumes Attachment. The number of consultant hours listed are necessary and justified given the number of town departments(20)and village departments(5)and the extent of the services to be provided by Bowne Management which include the kick-off meeting, information collection from Town and Village departments and the Town's Information Technology Department and persons responsible for running the information technologies of the Town,Dataset Analysis, Conceptual Design for the GIS, and Implementation Plan. The needs assessment will be complete and thorough in that it will focus on the Town's and Village's GIS goals and objectives, a GIS management and organization model,and opportunities for future grant funding. Support Staff Salaries Equipment Minor Remodeling https.//eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 18 of 19 Purchased Services A needs assessment is the first and most important step in implementing a successful GIS within any local government.It will serve as the roadmap solving our problems,managing and maintaining our infrastructures and for the planning and development of a GTS that will meet the requirements of the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport. It will provide the technical detaiils to create the GIS,the management tasks required to ensure successful development of the GIS, and the policy issues that should be considered for the effective use of the GIS. Our County of Suffolk does not lead a regional cooperative effort on GIS, like Nassau County wherein Towns and Villages do not need to conduct their own need assessments because the Nassau County Needs Assessment covers them. The Town and the Village do not have the in- house expertise to research,plan, and develop a GIS on their own. Therefore,it is necessary and justified to contract for these consulting services on a professional level. However,the members of our Town Project Team,our GIS Coordinator and RMO will actively participate in the planning,management,supervision, and development efforts in order to ensure the most beneficial end product possible. The Town of Southold did develop and distribute their own RFQ Request for Quotes, a copy of which is attached to this application. Three(3)quotes are attached, although our preferred vendor is on the state contract. Our preferred vendor Bowne Management Systems, Inc. is an industry leader with extensive experience in providing successful GIS applications and related services for local governments. The Town of Southold will contract with Bowne Management Systems,Inc.to develop a GIS User Needs Assessment, Conceptual System Design and Implementation Plan for a Cooperative GIS Project between the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. Bowne is a New York State Archives approved vendor and New York State Office of Government Services NYS OGS state contract provider of Consulting Services under Contract#CMS696A. The consulting firm's relevant experience and qualifications are in their Proposal on pages 6&7. Their company profile is on page 25 of their Proposal Project Team resumes of Scott Mastellon,Project Director; Richard Messiana, Programmer Analyst; and Joseph Jones, Senior GIS Analyst,begin on page 27 through 41. The number of consultant hours listed are necessary and justified given the number of town departments(20)and village departments(5)and the extent of the services to be provided by Bowne Management which include the kick-off meeting,information collection from Town and Village departments and the Town's Information Technology Department and persons responsible for running the information technologies of the Town,Dataset Analysis, Conceptual Design for the GIS,Implementation Plan. The needs assessment will be complete and thorough in that it will focus on the Town's and Village's GIS goals and objectives, a GIS management and organization model, and opportunities for future grant funding. Our goal is to end up with a needs assessment that will then allow us to proceed with implementing a project. The project activities are the services in the project. Purchased Services-BOCES Supplies and Materials Travel https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 2/9/2010 LGRMIF Narratives Page 19 of 19 Employee Benefits https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrantsAPrintAppS'erv]et?i=nary 2/9/2010 Llriunm insnumonal Auututizatrurr - -- -- _ - a�v • va a Er fly� Archives Panne h :ip Irust I Office of Cultural Education I Online Catalog-1I Home NEW YORK Home Home Initial Application Forms: Post trent Award Fomes: Hein --------- ------- ----- i CflaGdist---- --------------- - - -- -- ----- ----_ Mr-D ' CfledcGst - ----�J Institutional Authorization LGRIVIIF Grant Project Project Number.0580-11-1083 Certification and Approval The following signatures certify that the local government agrees to the conditions outlined in Appendix A and Appendix A-1 G. I hereby certify that i am either the applieant's Grief Administrative Officer or the Records Management Officer (RMOJ and that the information contained in the application is,to the best of our knowledge.complete and accurate.I further certify,to the beat of my knowledge,that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable state laws and regulations,application guidelines and instructions,and that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project.I understand that the application constitutes an offer and,if accepted by the Now York State Education Department or renegotiated to acceptance. will form a binding agreement I also understand that immediate written notice will be provided to the grants program office if at any . I learn that its certification was erroneous when submitted,or has become erroneous by reason of changed ' ces. CHIEF AD OFFICER 1111 fl Signature Date Scott A Russell, Supervisor, Town of Southold Print Name and Title of CAO RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER(RMO) 211110 Signature Date Elizabrth A. Neville Town Clerk RMO Town of Southold 631 765-1800 Print Name and Title of RMO Phone Instructions The Authorization Form mud be printed,completed,and signed in blue ink.Please mail the completed form to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center. Albany,NY 12230 View PDF version of Instidttional Authorization Form Cultural Education Center,Albany.New York 12230.Phone:(5 19)474-6926 https://esavices.nysed.govAdgrantsAgApplicant.do?i=auth&M7--Ig 1/31/2010 ++�a�a•ua vw1►a1auT®rL&W4UWUL — - rage 101 1 Archives I'aftership Trust I Moe of Cultural Education I Online Catalog i Search I Home NEW YORK 35' STATE: ARCH IV Es Home H_omen Initial Application Forms: Post Grant Award Forms: Hely Chrdclist Cheddist• ---------- -- ------------- - Coopprative agLement form hal LGRMIF Grant Cooperative Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution: Town Of Southold Project Number: 0580-11-1093 I hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the wdent described in the attached application.All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are,or will be,made available for on-site examination. Participating Local Government Institution: Date: 1129110 Signed: Cbief Admini native Officer pdnt Nom: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor butractione The Cooperative Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project.Then scan the signed form(s)and upload the form(s)to your application as an attacbment.Attach the form as a document/attachmeat to your grant application.Please put"Co Agreement"as the description for your attachment. View PDF version of Cooperative Agreement Form *For applicants who do not have access to a scanner,please fax the document to(518)486-1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany,NY 12230 Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone:(518)474.6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgranteAg4plicant.do?i=coopagtee&m=lg 1130/2010 aivavaaa vwrvagMtvtaaawauvt4a -- -- ----- - --- -- - rUsc 1 Ul 1 --- LEM Archives Pafterft Trust I Mee of Cultural Education I Online Catft Search Dome Z. Home QIRRMIF Initial AHomepplication Forms: Post Grant Award Forms: Help Checklist rChadd'ist � ------ Cao Cooperative aeaeement form help LGRMIF Grant Cooperative Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution: Town Of Southold Project Numbec: 0580-11-1083 1 hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application.All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are,or will be,made available for km-site examination. Participating Local Government Institution Mi Date: Signed: Chief Administrative Officer Print Name: David Myck. Mayor- Yi-! lege of Gre^rort Inatruetbna The Cooperative Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project.Thea scan the signed form(s)and upload the form(s)to your application as an attachment.Attach the form as a document/attachment to your grant application.Please put"Co Agreement"as the description for your attachment. View PDF version of Cooperative Agreement Form *For applicants who do not have access to a scanner,please fax the document to(518)486-1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany,NY 12230 Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone:(518)474-6926 hqsJ/eseM=.nysed.gov/ldg=uAg4plicantdo?i=coopagme&M-7ig uAg4plicant.do?i=coopagme&m=1g 1/30/2010