HomeMy WebLinkAboutOut North East LLC Michael J.Domino,President ��0f SOUTy® Town Hall Annex John M. Bredemeyer III,Vice-President ,�O l0 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski • Telephone (631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �COU O Fax(631) 765-6641 � NT`1,�� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: r y/ Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line/silt boom/silt curtain 1St day of construction '/ constructed Project complete, compliance inspection. .� SITE-v1 5Lr INSPECTED BY: N KraSV�: COMMENTS: ` r _5MCkk-e5Vr kvu welkA 1'-Jp f%- (o 5 k9t er. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: U CREEK No =M'14 Lo 16, \TPIc 115 D 16 4 -7 .0 V�- BROADWATERS COVE X TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I 12 (531 3N.) 14N.) ON-) 2 Z7NC) 4 fi e M11 "k, 42 A HAYWATER COVE 3 ,q 0 -9, e IN L NOTICE oWbya COUNTY OF SUFFOLK K tat10—OF SOUTHOLD SECTION NO E (21) E —E- Real Property Tax Service Agency Y G ------- — m 104 yam_ A P DSTRIM NO 1000 PROPERTY AMP COVE CO4s 3y' N 836 48°' E. 6o�e b MAY 7 2019 s L'PLANO \ 1 o � (ALANO 4J -� 0 FooE a6 WEnAws 16 W E T L A N D S - 00 to �@ r�tcs `1 FLAG POLE N LAPLAM [T LOT .25.3 LO, 25 2 . LOT 254 ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY 4 A WOLATION- /'` OF SECTMH T208 OF=YOM(YORK STATE EOUCATIWY LAW. EXCEPT AS PER SECTION p2pg 5111 (2.ALL CFATiICATIONs pipe � •. HEREON ARE VALID FOR'ICS NAP AND COPES THEREOF ONLY P IF SAID NAP OR COPES g R THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR L—E J WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEALS HEREON. `~' tZ°Z"O°!`J E'AE(eI 8) 4 2oNE�L1IJE 1METLANbS BOUNDARY BY R. FOX ar' AUG. 2010 6 OZONE X- 6 Z ^� 10 CL 14ra 9fi 9 g Lim a -14 , tOD ,F `'V� ��� MZONE X z AREA — 37,626 sq.ft. t , ro t0 tip tines 18 %L pwt ' , ` a FLOOD ZONES FROM FIRM o aSS�� ti 5 7 41 ` le 38103C164G ZONE ~� ` r� la°v D..x V R- GJ SURVEY OF LOT 253 20 — �; aQ` AMENDED MAP 'A'OF NASSAU POINT, NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES, INC." / FILED AUG, 16, 1922 FILE NO 156 0 AT NASSAU POINT cti°F 'y0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �- c� SU�FOLK COUNTY, N.Y. * 1000 - 104 - 09 - 03 SCALE I"= 50' OCT. 23 2009 AVG.24,2010(WNlandG boundary) 49618 N"-18,2010(FOUNDAT'ON) PECONIC S (6311 765 -5020 FA 31t 765 - 1797 P. O. BOJ(9'09 I p 7 p 1230 TRAVELER STREET ELEVATIONS R CONTOURSiARE REFERENCED 8 / -288 SOUTHOLD N.Y. 11971 TO NGVD. MAY 72019 ZONE XEXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEMD •r( TO BE REMOVED PER ZONES-� '��`�•"""`��-"""" SCHDS REQUIREMENTS 16 14 12 10 g LINE 6 LINE 4 ' 20 is UTIL. 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S-2 r RESOLUTION OF OUT NORTH EAST LLC The undersigned, consisting all members and Managers of Out North East LLC (the "Company") a Limited Liability Company formed under the laws of The State of New York,do hereby certify: At a meeting,of the above Company, duly called and held this day at which all managers and members were present and acted throughout,the following Resolution was adopted and has not been modified or rescinded: RESOLVED, that the Company hereby authorizes and consents to the sale of the Real Property known as 20 Bulson Road, Rockvile Centre,New York 11570(the"Property") pursuant to the Contract of Sale (the"Contract''), dated April____,201 3 between the Company, as Seller,-and Richard and Erica Doolittle as Purchaser,,for the Purchase Price of$1,185,000; RESOLVED,that the Contract is hereby ratified by the Company; RESOLVED, that the Contract is amended to show the proper spelling of the purchaser as"Erika Doolittle'. RESOLVED,that the Company hereby authorizes Scott G. Goldfinger or Ronald D. Degen as Authorized Agent to execute any and all documents necessary or desirable in order to effectuate the Sale of the Property; RESOLVED, that the above named Authorized Agents of,the Company be, and are authorized, empowered, and directed,for and on behalf of the Company,to enter into, execute and deliver such instrwnents and documents'and perform such acts to effectuate the transaction contemplated by the Contract; -- - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereto affixed his hand a's of the day of July 2013. FACSIMILE or PDF copies of the Resolution and signatures shall be deemed to be originals. } Maure n F. Dowling, ( Thomas M. Dowl' n,'Member Administrative Manager \ nomas M. Dow 'ng. The Thomas M. Dowling 2011 Investment Manager Dynasty Trust, Member By:Maureen F. Dowling,Trustee .f DiSalvo, Diane From: Bridget Elkin <bridgetelkin@danielgale.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 2:54 PM To: DiSalvo, Diane Subject: Fwd: 1200 Broadwaters Trustee Site Visit Consent Hi Diane, Please see below. Thank you! Bridget Elkin Real Estate Salesperson Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty u 114 Main Street MAY 7 2019 Greenport,NY 11944 51-6.330.6086-c elf -- ----- 631.477.0013 office Begin forwarded message: From: tom dowling<tomspersonalmailkjzmail.com> Date: May 6, 2019 at 4:08:22 PM EDT To: Bridget Elkin<bridizetelkingdanielgale.com> 'Cc: "DiSalvo, Diane" <diane.disalvo@.town.southold.Liy.us>, "mfdowling&yahoo.com" <mfdowling@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: 1200 Broadwaters Trustee Site Visit Consent Hi Diane &Bridget, Please accept this e-mail as a supplement to our recent letter giving permission for Bridget Elkin , d-/-or Efic Eri c Elkin to represent us meeting with Town of Southold representatives at our home at 1200 Broadwaters Rd, Cutchogue. The house is held in an LLC called"Out North East, LLC". Maureen is the Manager and I am the member. Attached see a sample resolution(for an unrelated real estate transaction) which demonstrates "who's who"wit Out North East. It was the only one i had handy. I have a call into the guy who manages the paperwork to get a copy of the formation doc in case needed. Thanks, Tom Dowling I.ScanWay 6 201,9 at 14,.43-xdf,, On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:00 Bridget Elkin<bridgetelkingdanielgale.com>wrote: Hi Tom and Maureen, jIn addition to consent, please see Diane's request below for proof of ownership to the "Out North East" LLC. Bridget Elkin Company Wide Top 10 Producer Gold Circle of Excellence Real Estate Salesperson Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty 3 114 Main Street Greenport,NY 11944 516.330.6086 cell 631.477.0013 office On May 6, 2019, at 10:56 AM, DiSalvo, Diane<diane.disalvogtown.southold.nyus>wrote: FYI Our Town records indicate that"Out North East" is the record property owner. Would need to see proof that Dowlings are the "new" owners. Diane From: Bridget Elkin [mailto:brid9etelkin C)danielgale.com] Sent: Monday, May 06, 2019 10:39 AM To: DiSalvo, Diane; Maureen Dowling; tom dowling E Subject: 1200 Broadwaters Trustee Site Visit Consent Hi Maureen and Tom, I I am copying Diane DiSalvo from Southold town here. Diane is working to schedule our trustee site visit and to finalize the appointment she needs you to ! respond back to this email stating that you consent to Eric and I meeting with the trustee on your behalf. Thank you! 2 DiSalvo, Diane From: Bridget Elkin <bridgetelkin@danielgale.com> Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2019 6:25 PM To: DiSalvo, Diane Cc: epelkin@gmail.com Subject: Trustee Site Visit Request Attachments: 1200 Broadwaters Trustee Visit.pdf, 1200 Broadwaters Surveys.pdf Hi Diane, Hope all is well. I am submitting the attached letter on behalf of my clients who reside at 1200 Broadwaters in Cutchogue. They would like to schedule a trustee site visit at their property to determine if a pool can be added. Surveys also attached. Cheers, Bridget Elkin MAY m 7 2019 Company Wide Top 10 Producer 2018 Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty c. 516.330.6086 o. 631.477.0013 - - -- - - 114 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Notice:Daniel Gale SothebyA€TMS International Realty does not make requests for wire transfers via email;nor does the firm attempt to obtain confidential information through email including bank account numbers,credit card details,social security numbers,or other similar personal data. If you receive an email that appears to be from our company and requests that you wire funds or reveal confidential information,email fraud may be involved.Please do not respond to the message,and contact us immediately at:fraudalerts@danielgale.com or 800.942.5334. ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. i April zg,ao�9 Thomas Board of Trustees Dowling Town of Southold 54375 Main Road PO Box 1179 j Southold,New York i f MaureenDear Trustees: ®o ' w /I ) Please accept this letter as a request for a site visit to our property at 1200 �/�/ Broadwaters Road,Cutchogue for the purpose of evaluating the feasibility of installing a swimming pool on°the property. You have our permission to visit the property at your convenience. i - f Thank you very much. I [ 3 MAY 7 2019 Sincerely, F ehomasDowling I ` (I I I ' Maureen Dowling x f E ' Out South East,LLC 1200 Broadwaters Road i Cutchogue,New York I 917-208-0101 j tmdowling@yahoo.com