HomeMy WebLinkAbout195 . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK /'4;{;:- rp~ 1:7 APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. DATE .:r),l!.l.\3.......~.J9.~.9..: ---- ( <1 " TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) ... ...I);~W.W.~.J:\..:R,.. r.:r.;iJJ.!<9.~t ................ ....of ... !?i?!?::;~P..~.:rg..~B:!;.~~.~.j;.I'.t.... .......... ........ ............... Name of Appellant Street and Number ........................ .r;;r.!'1imP.R~. .............. ......... ............... ........... Municipality ..N~lmXRr~...... HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON API'L1CATION FOR PERMIT NO..n:Uu:...................... DAT'ED ..........}~!'!..J~~..~~~~............. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO of .Kenneth Trillcatt ........................................................................................ Name of Applicant for permit ( x)t ( ) ( ) ...... .222. .Third..St. ....Greenpor:t~. ...N. Y... .......... ....... .. ...................................... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USEas single building lots PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY....~9.9.~..~~~!':................................C!.:r.~~mp.9.~,...~....I,.........!'A!~. district Street Use District on Zoning Mop ................................................................................. Mop No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Da not quote the Ordinance.) Article 3 Section 303 and Article 10 Section 1000A 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X ) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision af the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ) request far a special permit ( ) request for a variance , and was made in Appeal" No. .........,..........:::..:"......D?ted ......:..................................,............................. REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( X ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that Appellant is owner of a parcel of land fronting 190 feet on the easterly line of TIood Lane and being 100 feet in depth. Appellant has signed a sales binder relative to transf'er-of:-title.':to~'a portion of the property, being 90 feet front- :j..l).g 9n Vlood ~ane. Ilfld 100 feet in depth.-This part of the land adjoind the southerly line \l:ontlnue on at er side) of property now or formerly of Ben Driskell, et al. ~orm ZBt . . REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 01 1. STRicT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP because Although the property has been for sale for several years there have been no takers for the total 190 feet. This is the first opportunity to sell 90 feet although there have been several offers for smaller frontages. 2. The h,arpshiprcreoted is UNIQUE and is not shored by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of tf,ls 'property dnd in this use district beca";se In" the area where the property is . located, subdivision of practically the entire area has been in small. plots , averaging in width from 50 to 60 feet and 100 feet in depth. All of these smaller plots can presently be sold in their existing "sizes. 3. The Variance wauld observe the spirit af the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because It probably would 'enhance the district. The proposal is to sell a plot 90 X 100 thus leaving for future sale a possible 100 X 100 plat. Both plots are larger than the existing plots in the area. ,',' :J" . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF ~~ ) Sworn to thiS....~......:....1..j..~..............day Of.....~........................19 bf "T:~~~""'~'-""""~'. '.: ", ...:......,.::~.'""..:...~~;..~~...:...CORWIN " ll'. LANGT<}N 0" New Yor~ ~'oIary pubhe. ~t.teN' -, "770500 " Ik eo. Ofhe,aI o. ,..., I" t' 5uffo .' Expires March 30, 19..~ COmIlllSSlon . .K~I?Jidt..cid:......" Signture ~I (! .:i:r. 'j:, I'i 'I " h1".uan~ to S..tlon 267 ot tht'fl)'WD x...w .na.tru. 11' oVia1ou ii of tbtlkn.P4ed Bm.ldingZ<me OJ.'dinance ot'the Tovn of Soutb.o14. 1\ . Suftolk County, lie." York, Ii publ1c~(U'ing wUlbe held by tht; !!I ';Qn!ngOoal'd ot'Appeals or the (l,'O-wll of Southold. nt tht1'(!w . II' Clerk. IS Vff-iCo, M61n ;lOaC.. Southold, tf8W!'ct'k,~n' JUly 9, '1959, ':Qn the .tOUowi~g (l,j:'<poa:L$: '. .', .......' .... .' . ;~ . -. - , ., " '1i30 P.N. OI:.D..E..:r.>, uponlq)pi1~a1;ion ot Uat'th'tck ~1nIi. :CMP M:1rle.Qla RQad,'i%tUt1tck. Xev York, .tor Ii #])(\c1aJ, excapt10n (: in fl.c..,orda:t1oe W'1tll th9 Zo~~ Ol'cU.nnnce, ArUcle :Nt Section '+08, , !'Or PtN1..101l to erect .and lt81ntQ1n. tU-rect1onal sign on the, ': ,OU1;luut.t alCleQ! Hdnno&l.d, .outh o1'lIawSu.."'t'olk Avenue, HatUtudlc, I Nfl", York,. on }'11'operty ~f <Tobn' w. .uQl,i.t~her.' . .: . t '. .' . 7,ltOP.M. (H,.D.S.T.), U~li.pplj,4att()1'lot Hr\tt1tuok: Mar1N., i Ii! . Ce.lllPH!n~ol",~o&1, H&tUtuCllr, ,Ke'" .tork, tb:r;o.. .J!~1!lJ. exceptiOD . " in !t.Cc91'dance ,with. the ton~ Ord1n.nce, Artiel. ru, ~ecU:()D,3ClO, . i'i.' SUbSflOt1C)l1 1.1, 'l'c;rperlllb$1on ti;<. eMot ,nqtl ttain~1l~. dit'eotlonal . i~ tIlen onth~. ~utbwel..t:r:lornp;t" or C~pMtneol$ Road atld Nt'!'i Sutton:: ~, Avenue,i<<&tt1tuck, ItlilV tor~, . en. property ot't(fJ.cola tut}'lUJ. . (i :1Ol+"~::~s~~~~;TV:JS;~~;:~;:it~: ~~~~r:: :. .=:~ ll"!.IlOe})t1on tn aMor4anq~ W1tb t~ tQninc -Q:t'4!nanee,Art1cJ.e If t ::! ., Sect1cm !+OO.SubsGot1on 9, tor ;-4;j.'tl1~:-i(m t.o et'Got atl11*'-1ntUn .,11, a pul),l1~ ga:ra~e.nd, 6!UClllne .erv1cc statiQnan tm:I. nQl,'tbeast J QOWl~U" ~f" M.a:1.ttRoadand_ Avenue, Kl\ttituok, }fev York. beurxted Jlnortkl 'by lfal:nRolld. fol4\Jtby lira. i:~ .c. 't;'111$,aouth b;r .J. fl. O.1r1, ' and ~~5t byBa:r A.wllue. . <<hi, ?K.. (B.D.13.'1'.),UJon apPl1cati<mot'Alleyr..e Gqr,n, 2~9 c:*thedr"l Avenue! n.a,P.t.a4,NiJV ~o,t.!. for averiance ;m . a~eOl'dMCl'! with the ~on1n1 Ord~tlO.1 Art 01.. HI, Sect10n ,3V7, fer perllli.t4,on "to. r$d~n north_lr:J' d~ yard on tot no. 67, }tap; of Na5IHI\11l~ii1t Cl~b :i':'o);Klll"ty, tn~~,. G~$t s1d, Naao:aulPo1.rlt ROad, cutchogue, Nft." York. '., - .... . ..... . 'cW.,P.)I.<t..n.e.r .),'I1JlQn .ppl1~aUQn ot t:~ th B.. 'i'111oott~ 2~. 1,'b1rd. Str~!!ttt' "l'ef,\Xlpor't,Ne"'Y:Ol'.:It, tor.. a .&riMee in *<!<l0I:<:l- \ ance withtb.e Zciili:lg Ql'd1rwv~., .Al"t1Ol"U1., eectton 303tsnd Art1eJ.Q X. -SeoUon lOOQA, t'c:;lr ;pe~1lEsion to ted~tll tTO:n~I. and " s.l1 " Ildttgle.1ot, Pl'optJl'V leoated on the east $1de wood LUl&,:: Or.el'J.~rtt N$v YOrk, Md Dounde<ll1Qth b7 B. 'DralceU, east by . E. A. LoOllM$t 'oU't.hl:>y other :l.Widaot tiJe'",plJcan1>, ~'\i'lt.t by "".... T'._& . ..00.... ~. i. .. "'Lf,oAL IOXICE. Notico -etnaeUlnB t ! J' ,I I: 'II !,!i 11,1 liil I" ,:1 ~'I :,11 !'I .1 " I ~I hll Ilil I:!I I!I '!IS .lli' ., III: II ;i 9100 P.M. (!l.D.S.:r.), up(m allplicat10n otIm Sle4Jesld.! and !. " Peter Sledj..k1, Ke.1n Road. .ndl'.jng Street, Green-port and (;1' ent, ;'1 resp'ot1vel1; tor .''Var1an(le in aOQordance With tM Zoning 01'din- "1 an", Al'ticle n~,Sea. t. ion 3. C){)1.8Ub..c.tiph;9. to. l' PltJ'll1slil.10n to .'Ii matntaintwo a'&SCMl_.d:'M't~lil tit .tills In c:lMeoUon 10ritb a ' , ; m.-oduo$ .t$fld, iCortt$tde NQ1"~ UOo,d. {&'t1tft.~7Al,- o-;;:podte Queenll . ,i LaMon theP1'OlU"tfotLeo$l.~~.'lti.i.: .', .1' ..' .... I ',... -' . ;,1 . 9&1; 1>.14. (~..~..r..T.'~)'.uPQn$.pp;t.l#atl'O. :l'ef! :ao;t't SO-.l1ott,l,. . I.' HCel1n.\9 An13U1t.. - :t8he1"4 Island,' llew' ;Cork., to%>.' a vax-ianoe1n ~I .Clc0r4~. w1~b, tneZon1n6ordlnance. ;'.IU'ti<lIe- III, .fMotion 300, ' 'i SUbsectioll.? 'tor PerQ(I$l.o.Pto.~dl,1.Cen. on.t,.&l"/1 set.b. ack 1'.q~-: ,i mentlJand mu.2.d.p,t>iVat$- gar..~. on lJ"gperty ~UMed no~th, by, ; ii' Madel1ne AV$.ltWt,ea.st by'W..' Jr.. .ta'fi(t. ~PJWt' 9.llth by 'W. E. Land. " :: COlllpal1.Y, and west bj'Creaoent. AVl;luna. P1tiMl'aXdanc1, new "torlc H ;; Any perl10n deairing to be he$X'(l On th~applioQtiom 'Muld "a.p,pear at th~ t:be a~plece &bQve s~ci:"'1od.' . '. '., '. i:;~ 'iii "4f,"' * * .., ' , :~ . . . j . - .' .' . . . :' PLBASf. ?UllT.:ma (l~~~, J-u'LX- 3,.1959, AlID FO!IWAUn AFI"lDAVn OF. P'UllLICATION DIl1j~JjIATEi.110 tHE:aoA..'iD Oll' Al-'l'EA,B c1CJB\1!LrIfIG 1.~NSP.EC'l'cn. XOWNCI;EBXIS Ol"ICE. &INID.m, 50U'l'ROLP, lBW YORK. ~ .. .' '., ...." lfb"~'~~09~~'~'~~/~',' , I ~/ . . June /11959 Howard ,Terry, Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y . Dear, Sir; I am representing a Mr. Kenneth Trillcptt who owns a lot on Wood Lane Greenport., This lot is 190ft on wood lane and 100 ft deep. We wish to sell the southerly 90ft of this lot and retain the northerly 100 ft; making lots of 100 ft x 100 ft and a lot 100 ft x 90ft. , This area is primarily an area of fifty by 100 ft lots. We would appreciate your approval in the mater of the sale of this lot of 90ft frontage by 100ft deep. UlGAL NOTICE r ' . Notke of HearJnC : Pursuant to Beetlon 267 of the. Town Law and the provlsloll8 of' the Amended BuUdIng Zone Ordln-, ance of the Town of SOuthold, S11f- ' folk County, New York, public:' l1ear1np will be held by the ZOn- ,Ing Boaed of ~s of the Town.; of Scuthold. at the Town Clerk's i, Office, MaIn Road, 8outhold, New j York on July 9, 1959, on the fOI'/, lowing appeals: '1 I 7:30 P. lot (l!lD.8.T.l, upon ap- p!leatlon of Mattltuck MarIna,' Camp J.fineola Road, Mattltuek, i ! New York, for a speclal exception' ; In acoordil.nee with the ZOning Or- ,dInance, Article IV, Beetlen 408, for' .permjsBlon to ereet and maintain a , directional o!!gn on the sout.hw~t! 'corner ot Camp MIneola Road and ' New Suffolk Avenue, Mattltuck,: New York, on property of John W. ' Boutcher. ,: I 7:40 P. M. (II!lDS.T.l, upon ap'l' ,p!leatlon ot Mattltuck Marina, {Camp Mlneola Road, Mattltuck, : New York, tor a special exception I : In accoroauce with the ZOning Or~! ,dlnance, Artlcle m, Beetlon 300" Buboectlon 11, tor pennlssion to er- : ect and maintain a dlreetlonal sign : on the southWeBt comer ot Camp : Mlneola" Road and New Su!folk!, Av~ue:>Mattltuck, New York, on:, property of Malcolm Tuthill. 7:4!j"'P m. (EDS.T,l, upon ape plltirtlon ot HOl'lliCe E. Kyser, 504,. He~ad Avenue, Weat Hemp- stead, New York, tor a speclaI ex~ .'ceptlon In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,' Article IV, 'Beetlon 400, SUbsection 9; tor per-., ,rnl&1on to erect and maintain a I 'publlc garage and gasoline serv1ee.' )statlon on the, northeast corner ot., Maln Road and Bay Avenue, Mat- tltuck, New York, bounded north. by Main Road, east by Mrs.' E. C,' Wells, south by J. J. Klein and west by Bay Avenue. i 8:15P. M. (ED.B.TJ, upon ap-j ,plication ot Alleyne Gogen, 229 Cathedral Avenue, Hempstead, New,1 York, tor a variance In accordance I with the Zoning Ordinance, Artl" cle m, Section 307, tor penni&sion to redw:e northerly side yard on Lot No. 67, Map ot Nassaul Point Property, Inc., east side Nassaul.1 Point Road Clltchogue, New YOrk.,' . 8:45 P. M. (ED,S.T,) upon ap- plication at Kenneth R. Trlllcott, 222 Third Street, Greenpor,t, .New York1 for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article m, section 303, and Article X, Section loo0A, tor perm!&slon to reduce frontage and sell as a single lot, property located .on the east side Wood Lane, Greenport, New ,I York, and bounded north by B, DrIskell, east by E. A. Loomes, south by other lands of the appll-I "ant, and west by Wood Lane. I I ,9:00 P. M. E,D.B,T.), upon ap- .plication of Leo Sled] eSkl, and Pet. I' er Sledjeskl, -Main Road and King Street, Greenport and Orient, re- spectively, for a vartance In ac- I cordance with the Zoning Ordln- I ance, Article m, Section 300, Sub, ; section 9, for permission to maln- I taln two seasonal advertising signs ,In connection with a produce . stand, north side North Road (Hloute 27Al-,-opposlte-QueeM_Lane. on the property of Leo Sledj esk!. 9:15 P. M, (ED,S.T.), upon ap- .plication of Bret Scagllottl, Made- line Avenue, FIshers Island, New York, for a variance In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, arti- cle m, Section 300, Subsection 7,' for permission to reduce front yard setback requirements and build prl- , va te garage On property bounded! north by Madeline Avenue, east by W. E. Land Company, south by W.! E. Land Company, and west by Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island,,, I New York. .1 Any person d8Blrlng to be heard" ! on the above applications should' I' appear at the time and place above epecltled. I By Order ot the lSouthold Town 'Board at Appeals. 11lJ~ . STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 f ss: j ..",,,..J:.r.,,,,,,i,~,,,,,~,,,,,,,. being duly Sworn, says that "" "-f?.&"",,, is Printer a.nd Publisher of the SUl!'l!'OLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for '" """,,, """""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' week~ successIvely commencing on the "''''''''''''~'''''''''''' """'n. day of " ",,,.~ "'''''''",,,,'''.... 19.~"". , "'-"'\:~"""..."'''''_.,,'''~''''' Sworn to before me this .,"'~"A,l:........ ~ day of ...."'", '"~'''''''(ff?h'''h,,''' 19,[f" to. ~ 4' ''''_''''''''''~'~''f'''''"?"~""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,, ",,,,,,,,,,,,, '. CORNELIA C, KEOGH NOTARY PUBLIC, Slale of New York No, 02,2093890 . Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 30. 1961 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, No ¥. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ..A~ ~ 195 Date ~T~e 23 1959 To PLEASE TAKE NQTICE that your app!ication dated ........... : ..... ,. ..... for permit t~ ............................ '-.-...'"' ~t the, .prem, ses oceted · .0~¢.. ~m~.A%~.... ............................ StreetO~a~ Map ~ ........................................ Block ......................................... Lot ~ disapproved on the followi ng grounds. ........ ~e~.j~.'~' ,~.g..~..~%.~ ~... ~:g~.3~. ~..~,,.~..~,.~g~g.~¢~ ....