HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/2019 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Work Session: 3:00 p.m. Attendees: Chairperson Webb, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Robert Harper, Jamie Garretson and Joe McCarthy. Also present; Town Attorney Bill Duffy and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer. Quorum present. I. 3:05 pm: Finalization of Fence dimensions to include height description: Jensen - 1800 Village Lane, Orient, NY (SCTM# 1000-24.-2-22) • Additional information was provided to commission of the details of the fence construction. • Motion to approve Jamie Garretson, 2nd by Robert Harper, AYES Approved unanimously. • Certificate of appropriateness will be issued. II. 3:15 p.m.: Pre Hearing Conference: Even Lewis- 2395 Village Lane, Orient, NY (SCTM# 1000-26.-1-12.1) • Shed dimensions have been reduced to 99 square feet (9 x 11). • Garretson suggested a steeper roof to be a 12:6 pitch. • Harper agrees to steeper height and slope of roof line. • Commissioners state that shed location needs to be drawn on survey, plans need to be to scale and that Mr. Lewis needs to resolve any issues with Zoning Board of Appeals. • Public hearing to be set for May 21, 2019. 1 III. Richard Wines of Riverhead Landmarks Preservation: requests support from Historic Preservation Commission to move forward with the effort to designate all of main road the road from route 105 to the laurel railroad trestle eligible to be a National Registered Historic District. -Robert Harper asks if SHPO is supporting the proposal. -Mr. Wines asked for Commission to provide a line of communication between the proposal and the Southold Town Board. -Mr. Wines asked if the Commission recommends any individuals who would be willing to serve on an ad hoc committee to support the proposal. -Commission agrees to help provide information to the community. -State review board hearing is projected for June of 2020. IV. National Park Service Letter: In response to Dr. Klein’s request for a letter to the National Park Service, the town attorney Bill Duffy agrees to represent the Commission at the next Town Board Meeting on April 23, 2019 to see if the Supervisor supports the Commission’s position. V. Handbook Revision -Create a document that identifies how the Commission would like to enhance the handbook. -Reference to be used in handbook modifications will be "Roberts Rules", The Local Landmarker and other departmental guidelines. -Ted Webb, Robert Harper and Joseph McCarthy agree to work on handbook revisions. 2 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room I. Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:00 p.m. Approval of March Minutes: Approval of March 19, 2019 minutes to include Vice Chairperson Surchin and Jamie Garretson’s modifications. nd Motion to Approve by Robert Harper, 2 by Jamie Garretson, AYES: Chairperson Webb, Anne Surchin, Robert |Harper, Jamie Garretson. Abstention: Joe McCarthy. Motion approved. II. Budget/ YTD Expense Report – Recognized an increase in funds due to new financial responsibilities to include engineer report and administrative assistant stipend. III. Chairman's Comments 1. Recognized members of the public. 2. Welcomed newest commission member Joe McCarthy. 3. Mr. Webb comments on the success of his presentation about the History of the Orient Historic District at the Orient Congregational Church. 4. Complimented Robert Harper on a job well done with the window restoration program he recently taught at Brecknock Hall. 4:15 pm: Public Hearing: Judith Woodard and Myrna Burks: 1945 Village Lane, Orient, NY 11957 Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-25.-3-11 • Request to replace 13 windows with Andersen Windows A series 2 over 2. • Mr. Prindle, the contractor for Judith Woodard is representing the owner, Judith Woodard, at hearing. • Commissioners and Mr. Prindle agree on 13 Andersen Windows A series 2 over 2 with spacers. 3 • Ted Webb points out that a financial hardship can be presented to the Town Board. • Motion to approve by Jamie Garretson, 2nd by Anne Surchin, AYES: Jamie Garretson, Anne Surchin, Ted Webb and Robert Harper, Abstention Joe McCarthy. Motion approved. • Certificate of Appropriateness approved to be issued once new manufacturer specifications of windows to include spacers are submitted. 4:35 p.m. -Motion to close hearing by Robert Harper, 2nd by Jamie Garretson, AYES: Robert Harper, Jamie Garretson, Ted Webb, Anne Surchin and Joe McCarthy. Approved Unanimously. IV. Unfinished Business • Request that Administrative Assistant check with town to see what equipment is available for Historical Preservation for power point presentations.  Status of Awards Nominations- Garreston 1. Conservation Award: 1780 Village Lane. 2. Addition (porch) Award: 290 Skippers Lane. 3. Restoration Award: 8485 Main Road, East Marion. 4. Adaptive Award: 13105 Main Road, Mattituck. At this time Jamie Garreston is requesting written information (2-3 paragraphs), a picture, and a drafted letter signed by Chairperson Ted Webb. When documents are prepared a presentation will be set up with the Supervisors office.  Set date to finish handbook updates.  Adjustments to Orient Historic District Map-Garretson Garretson suggests a meeting be set with Town Attorney to see if the HPC has ability to make recommendations as to what Orient Tax Map should be used.  CLG status- Garretson To qualify to obtain CLG status there are some town sensitive issues that need to be brought to the attention of the Southold Town Board. A meeting will be set up with Jamie Garretson and Scott Russell with the legal assistance of Town Attorney Bill Duffy to determine if it is in the best interest of the town for the Historic Preservation Commission to pursue the acquiring of CLG status.  Bulletin Board in Building Department. Administrative assistant will move this forward and contact the appropriate departments to provide a bulletin board for the Historic Preservation Commission in the Town Hall Annex Building. 4  Presentation for the Real Estate Officers. Commissioners feel it would be an advantage for real estate agents to be aware of what properties are landmarked and the responsibilities an owner has within that designation. -Can the property cards obtained at the assessor’s office clearly indicate that a property is landmarked.-Garreston - Brainstormed on ways to get Landmarked information to real estate agencies. 1. Have an open seminar for the public. 2. Do a presentation at one of the regional realtor’s conference meetings. 3. Anne Surchin will try and contact Nick Planamento, a local realtor for any suggestions. - What is the progress of updating the Historic Preservation Commission pamphlet?  Anne Surchin will work with Bob Hanlon to complete new design and information of updated pamphlet. V. New Business Handicapped Ramps at a Landmarked Property. Harper -How can we help fast track handicapped ramps when they are needed for emergency circumstances? - Create a set of plans that will be automatically approved. Garretson -This may be a town code issue more than a commission issue. Webb HPC Sponsored Workshops & Speaking Engagements - At earlier presentation Robert Harper handed out cards asking what topics the community would be interested in learning about. -Brecknock Hall is a venue the commission can use for not-for-profit events. VI. Motion to move into Executive Session by Jamie Garretson nd 2: Robert Harper, AYES: Webb, Garretson, Harper, Surchin and McCarthy. Motion Approved. Executive Session began @ 5:25 pm nd Motion to return to Regular Meeting by Robert Harper, 2by Anne Surchin, AYES: Harper, Surchin, Webb, McCarthy and Garretson. nd VII. Motion to Adjourn by Robert Harper, 2 by Jamie Garretson, AYES: Harper, Garretson, Webb, Surchin and McCarthy. Motion Approved. Meeting Adjourned: 6:20pm st Next Regular Meeting set for: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 @ 4:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Annex Conference Room. Recorder: Tracey Dwyer 5 6