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Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall Annex Board Room April 15, 2019 Meeting Called to Order at 10:02 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich. Members Present Councilman Bill Ruland, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Police Chief Martin Flatley, Highway Superintendent Vincent Orlando, Planning Department Planner Brian Cummings, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, Jim Kalin, Frank Field, Nick Mazzaferro, Jim Baker, and Tom Fox. Also Present Jessica Frankel – Oysterponds Association. John Betsch - Kenney’s-McCabe’s Beach Civic Association Approval of March 11, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to accept the minutes was made by Trustee Phillips, was seconded by Frank Field and was carried. East End Transportation Council - Update There was no EETC meeting. Appointment of a Chair is still outstanding. Public Requests No Parking without Permit Request, Lighthouse Road - Southold Superintendent Orlando related that the Highway Department had removed garbage found along that roadway. Chief Flatley reported that a review of the Town Code had found that proper signage was already in place. It was also suggested that the Town Board should consider extending permit-only-parking from Soundview Avenue to the Lighthouse. Proposal to Riverhead Town and Southold Town to Buy or Lease Land for Parking to Reduce Traffic Congestion A concerned resident wrote to both Supervisors with above the suggestion, as well a proposal for shuttle trolley and/or bus from that parking venue to local vineyards and farms. Neb observed that the towns were not likely to buy land for any such proposal. He also noted that local wineries had already sponsored seasonal shuttle services and that other options as Uber and Hampton Jitney might also be considered. Councilman Ruland noted that the LIRR had greatly improved seasonal weekend service and also suggested the court’s parking lots adjacent to the Riverhead railroad station might be also utilized. Tom Fox suggested that a transit center in the vicinity of Edwards Avenue in Calverton might provide a solution to the traffic congestion issue, as the LIRR, Hampton Jitney and LIE Exit 71 are all in close proximity to each other. Pedestrian Crosswalk on SR25 between Hobart Road and Town Harbor Road - Southold Concerned local residents made the above request as a traffic safety issue. Specifically, due to better sight lines for pedestrian safety, the crosswalk should be placed at Cottage Place or Locust Lane. Jamie Richter noted that NYSDOT places crosswalks only at useful designated locations and it was suggested that a better location would be just east of Locust Lane in way of 711. Chief Flatley will investigate and the matter will subsequently be referred to NYSDOT for assessment. 1 Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests Pike Street Parking Lot & Dean Parking Lot Rules of Operation – Mattituck The matter remains tabled pending further review and discussion. New Suffolk Parking Jamie Richter reported that the Engineering Department had sent Requests for Proposals to three prospective consultant firms and that only two bids had been received. Those bids ranged from $15,000 to $18,000, basis one to two days for the work. However, as at least three bids are required, the Town Controller will advise if the two received would be workable. In any case, public input should be sought by the successful bidder. Jim Baker suggested that, as required by Town Code, parallel parking should be implemented st on 1 street in way of Legends and Cases and Superintendent Orlando advised that right of ways had been delineated at that location. Councilman Ruland suggested that designated loading and discharging zones and times should be considered. Planning Board Requests Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan – Next Steps and Timing (Tabled) The Town Board is reviewing the Town Comprehensive Plan, with public hearings to follow. The completed Plan will also be available on line. CR48 between Moores Lane & Chapel Lane – Status of the Commission’s Three Recommendations Councilman Ruland advised that the Town Board had discussed the Commission’s memo of February 12 concerning the adjustment of S92 bus service between those roadways. Bike lanes and “Share the Road” signage, as well as pedestrian safety measures should also be considered. The issue of a fixed speed limit of 40MPH between the end of the four-lane portion of CR48 in Southold and Orient Point is subject to determination by NYSDOT and SCDPW. He will report on the status of those recommendations. Jim Kalin advised that Suffolk County Transit had safety concerns about rerouting the S92 between Moores Lane and Chapel Lane due to the narrow shoulders on the westbound side of CR 48 in way of the Vineyard View development site. Trustee Phillips expressed concern about bicycle path safety issues on Moores Lane. Current Transportation Issues - Updates Southold Bus Shelters – Update Further discussion of this issue will be subject to any new developments. Love Lane New Proposed Contract Update - Mattituck Jamie Richter reported that NYSDOT Albany is reviewing the traffic study proposals. Peconic Water Taxi Proposal Further discussion of this issue will be subject to any new developments. Old Business Commercial Dumpsters - Dean Street Parking Lot - Mattituck While that lot is being reconfigured, the Town Board is discussing suitable locations for three dumpsters and one waste oil barrel at the lot. 2 Lavender Farm – East Marion Trustee Phillips noted the Planning Board has not yet reported concerning access and egress from the venue’s parking lot. She also reported that the Lavender Farm’s Calverton site would not be producing blooms for several more years. Public Comment Speed Limit Issues - Oysterponds Association Jessica Frankel reported that the OPA’s correspondence with NYSDOT concerning the issue of speed limit changes on SR25 has received a case number. She also advised that OPA will contact NYSDOT for a situation report, with copies to NYS and SC legislators, as well as to the Commission. S92 Schedule Change Oysterponds Association Ms. Frankel also noted that SCT has changed schedules and has eliminated the 4:00 PM bus, which is of concern to OPA and other nearby residents. Jim Kalin will investigate and report. New Business None. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town Hall. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fox cc: Town Clerk Town Government Liaison Officer 3 A�r,f U, 4atq 76 +1ne Com rri iiia e, -A� neaY hemo d on >ilteor7 fro"fro" +.wrroo, b- w<<te ' 4hLS ��' � you. 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""t j seM +"..tw • .-.�. ~ y�."'._�.ryrf��ad•y�„++°r ' �.:' otdd Tram,Vporjjn C®r.11fl ectee a-le R�� i C 1 Jdtr qAO' ' _ �x 1f79 ,�',' • �S FFO � CSG Yui SCOTT A.RUSSELL ^'a �- Town Hall,53095 Route 25 SUPERVISOR y cJ P.O.Box 1179 • t Southold,New York 11971-0959 g� ®� Fax(631)765-1823 Telephone(631)765-1889 a-o eln4jt cr y/LT�j 9 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Neboysha Brashich, Chairman Southold Town Transportation Commission From: Scott A. Russell, Superviso xi Date: April 23, 2019 Re: Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library Please see the attached letter from the Mattituck-Laurel Library appealing the denial of their previous "No Stopping Any Time" signage request along the south side of Route 25. The Town Board agrees to have the Transportation Commission revisit this request and forward its determination to my office. Thank you for your attention to this matter. cc: Councilman William P. Ruland Mattituck-Laurel Library Main Road •P.O. Box 1437, Mattituck, New York 11952-0991 www.mattitucklaurelUrary.org April 9, 2019 William Ruland,Councilman Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-1823 Re:Traffic Safety Concern at Mattituck-Laurel Library Dear Councilman Ruland, I received your letter dated February 20,2019 denying our request for"No Stopping Any Time"signage along the south side'of Route 25. 1 shared the letter with the Library Board of Trustees at our March meeting and they requested that I write a follow-up letter and make an appeal against the findings.- The Board and I do rot agree with the findings of the Transportation Commission because their investigation may not have included the same conditions that patrons and staff experience often enough to raise serious concerns.Just last week,several board members experienced the issue first hand. Cars were parked immediately adjacent to the west side of our driveway blocking the line sight and impeding egressifor board members, especially those trying to make a left turn.They had to pull out into the middle of the road (a precarious position), past the vehicle blocking their line of vision, before they could see oncoming traffic. This experience contradicts the finding of the Traffic Commission that"if one pulled far enough into the shoulder of the road;stopped and looked,the line of sight was good and did not impede egress." We also disagree with the finding of"very occasional parking." In our, experience, many people attending viewing services throughout the year,day or night, prefer to park adjacent to our driveway so they can hop in their car and continue heading east when they are done.We find the same to be true for some customers of A Mano's restaurant west of us. I I would like to appeal against the findings of the Traffic Commission because of our concern for the safety of our patrons, many of whom are driving their children home after an activity and many of whom are elderly. I invite you and any members of the Transportation Commission to meet at the library, on a day and time convenient to you,so we can simulate the problem by parking a vehicle or two just west of the driveway and letting you determine whether or not the sight line is impeded. We greatly appreciate the time that you and the Transportation Commission have taken in this matter already.We would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this further. t Sincerely. efil d1� Jeff y M.Walden, Director NEtAiY�RK ®e ar�li���at ®� d�ftt®REW i�.G IIOIVIo STATE OF OPPORTUNlrrY. Transportation JOSEPH T.BROWN,P.E. Regional Director W v►� April 16, 2019 Chief Martin Flatley Southold Police Department 41405 Route 25 P.O. Box 911 Peconic, NY 11958 APR 2 3 2019 t SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE Dear Chief Flatley: TOWN OF SOUTI1OI.D Thank you for your valuable contribution at the January 4, 2019 field meeting with Town Supervisor Scott Russell and the New York State Department of Transportation engineers. You emphasized that there is no documented history of accidents at the subject location involving pedestrians, vehicles, or both, and that you can provide written information of this accident history for several years. In addition, you stated that you will designate a police patrolman during the school's start and dismissal hours and your Department's preference would be to enlarge the median gore area and reduce both the eastbound and westbound shoulders on NYS Route 25, instead of a new traffic signal to direct traffic and pedestrians at this location. My engineers at the New York State Department of Transportation are moving forward with the design for installing a raised median with a pedestrian refuge island as an alternative to the traffic signal. Your assigned police patrolman will be able to stand in the median to direct the traffic. We will circulate the plans for your, the Town, and the School Board's review and comment when they are completed. Please send me the accident history to complete this process. M.T. Vijayendran, P.E. New York State Department of Transportation 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Thank you for your interest and cooperation in this traffic safety matter. Sincerely, Original Signed By M.T. VIJAYENDRAN M.T. VIJAYENDRAN, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer cc: `/Supervisor Scott Russell, Town of Southold Honorable Sarah S. Anker, Suffolk County Legislature Southold School District MTV:RR:mm 169324TC 50 Wolf Road,Albany, NY 12232 1 www dot.ny gov SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: Pedestrian Crosswalk Request on NY Rt. 25 DATE: April 17, 2019 We received a letter dated April 9, 2019 from Southold residents requesting a pedestrian crosswalk between Hobart Road and Town Harbor, preferably Cottage Place or Locust Lane, given safety concerns. This was reviewed by the Commission and we recommend that this request be forwarded to the NYS Department of Transportation for their action since the location is on a state highway — Joseph T. Brown, Regional Director, NYS Department of Transportation, 250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, NY 11988. As an aside, we believe the proper site for a possible crosswalk would be east of Locust Lane on the corner by 7-Eleven. SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: Parking Issue on Lighthouse Road Request DATE: April 17, 2019 We received a request from the Ken ney's/McCabe's Beach' Civic Association for a change to Chapter 1-89-2-(A)-(19) regarding the Parking by Permit on Lighthouse Road, given continuous parking problems in this area. The present code states: f 189-2-A-19, Lighthouse Road, Long Island Sound, Southold, on, both sides from the terminus south for a distance of 650 feet. [Amended 5-14-1996 by L.L. No. 6-1996] The association is, requesting that, instead of 650 feet, the "No Parking 'without Permit" be extended to Soundview Avenue. This would considerably help easing their current problems and give Traffic Control the ability to ticket. This was discussed by the Commission during our two recent monthly meetings. The Commission hereby recommends that the Town Board approve this request. SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION ";;.._; .;., COMMISSION Town Hall P'0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM- Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: North Fork Traffic Congestion DATE: April 17, 2019 We received a letter dated 3/18/2029 from Attorney Michael X. Hartofelis addressed to Supervisors Laura Jens-Smith and Scott A. Russel for review and comments. Essentially, he is suggesting that the two towns lease/buy land in Riverhead and provide shuttle service in order to reduce traffic congestion that has plagued the North Fork. This was discussed extensively by the Commission during our monthly April 15 meeting. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any advice regarding this long-standing issue which the Commission has faced over the years. Change will come but it will be in incremental steps as the two towns continue to wrestle with this problem. We feel, however, that this falls within the purview of the private sector with local government encouragement - given that the benefits accrue to local businesses. A recent example is the introduction of two North Fork winery tours offered by Hampton Jitney starting from Manhattan.