HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-02/25/2019 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �®f S®�r� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ®� ®�® Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) rr22, s� Southold,NY `�s' `zs Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov Coo,, PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES RECEIVED �•�6 February 25, 2019 APR 2 5 2019e-3*ySP" 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 5 t woaclu�& Present were: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman James H. Rich III, Vice-Chairman Martin Sidor, Member Pierce Rafferty, Member (by video conference) Mary Eisenstein, Member Heather Lanza, Planning Director Mark Terry, Assistant Planning Director Brian Cummings, Planner Erica Bufkins, Planner Trainee Chairman Wilcenski: Good afternoon and welcome to the February 25, 2019, Planning Board Special Meeting. BOND DETERMINATIONS Accept Performance Bond: Chairman Wilcenski: Vineyard View—This approved Residential Site Plan is for 50 multiple dwelling units in seven buildings. All units are proposed to be offered for rent at rates set by the federal government for affordability for the next 50 years. The plan includes 14 one-bedroom units, 22 two-bedroom units and 14 three-bedroom units, a 2,649 sq. ft. community center, 104 parking spaces; and various other associated site improvements, on a vacant 17.19-acre parcel of which 10 acres will be preserved as open space (6.3 acres upland and 3.7 acres wetlands), in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District located on the s/s of County Road 48 ±1,600' n/e/o Chapel Lane, Greenport. SCTM#1000-40-3-1 Southold Town Planning Board Page 12 February 25, 2019 James H. Rich III: WHEREAS, this proposed Residential Site Plan is for 50 multiple dwelling units in seven buildings. All units are proposed to be offered for rent at rates set by the federal government for affordability for the next 50 years. The plan includes 14 one-bedroom units, 22 two-bedroom units and 14 three-bedroom units, a 2,649 sq. ft. community center, 104 parking spaces; and various other associated site improvements, on a vacant 17.19-acre parcel of which 10 acres will be preserved as open space (6.3 acres upland and 3.7 acres wetlands), in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District located on the s/s of County Road 48 ±1,600' n/e/o Chapel Lane, Greenport; and WHEREAS, on December 17, 2018, Christopher Dwyer, agent for the applicant, submitted a draft performance guaranty estimate (aka draft bond estimate) for Vineyard View; and WHEREAS on December 17, 2018, the Southold Town Engineering Department reviewed and accepted the draft performance guaranty estimate for Vineyard View in the amount of$223,185.30; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2019, the Planning Board accepted the estimate by resolution; and WHEREAS, on January 15, 2019, the Town Board accepted the estimate by resolution #2019-101; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted the performance guaranty in the form of performance bond in the amount of$223,185.30; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the performance guaranty for the residential site plan, Vineyard View, in the amount of$223,185.30, and recommends same to the Town Board. Mary Eisenstein: Second. Chairman Wilcenski: Motion made by Jim, seconded by Mary. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Opposed? - None. pposed? -None. Motion carries. Chairman Wilcenski: We need a motion for adjournment. 1 Southold Town Planning Board Page 13 February 25, 2019 James H. Rich III: So moved. Martin Sidor: Second. Chairman Wilcenski: Motion made by Jim, seconded by Martin. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Opposed? None. Motion carries. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jessica Michaelis Transcribing Secretary Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman RECEIVED APR 2e5 2019 a 3 .�5� So hold Town Clerk