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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-98.-3-39 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD co ft Rental Permit Permit No. 0033 Owner Mach3 LLC Occupied as Single Family Dwelling Located at 30 Smith Road Peconic 98-3-39 Address Village S/13/1- Maximum /B/LMaximum Permitted Occupancy 6 Is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Expiration is two (2)years from date of issue. The operator is responsible for arranging for the bi-annual inspection. 4/8/2019 John Jarski Date of Issue Code Enforcement Officer This Notice must be posted by the main entrance at all times �r Town Hall Annex � V" Telephone(631)765-1802 ' 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 +� Southold,NY 11971-0959 f, ` C f BIJIL.DING,DEPARTMENT , -T,-OWN OJFSOUTHOLD r MAR 1 4 2019 1ti .RENTAL_PERM IT_APP_LICATIQN- i -T. Rental Permit Fee.$200;(Applicafiion mustbeSrenewed-everytwp"years) r ; i • 1 Section A. i' Property Information: Rental Property Address: Tax Map Number: 1000 SECTION e BLOCK i i SECTION B., OWNER INFORMATION: T Property Owner Name;, -__ � _ ' rl Property Owner Legal Address: Property Owner Mailing Address: (Cannot be the same as Rental Property,Address) P Telephone Number(s): — `7S-era 7/ -7-Z— Property Owner Email Address:- ids _ Yom` 'C ` -C-4 P�Gq-t 0t� Page 1of4 i r 'V Town Hall Annex ' ' Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road r^ ,j `a� Fax(631)765-9502 t P.O.Box 1179 ;U�• ' ., k Southold,NY 11971-0959 � I BUILDING-DEPARTMENT TOWN OF"SOUTHULD �.p RENTAL PERMIT-APPLICATIOWNSTRUCTIONS' i Rental Permit Fee $200 (Application must be renewed every two years) i ) The items listed below are required to be submitted with the completed application. [/Floor Plans:Detailed floor plans of each Rental Dwelling Unit, please show location s of-all srhoke&carbon monoxide detectors a [certificates of Occupancy and Pre-Certificates of Occupancy: Provide copies of Certificates of Occupancy or Pre-Certificates of Occupancy for each rental dwelling unit i Certification of Code Compliance(form enclosed):Applicant has the option of having a Yenta 1,dwelling unit inspected by the Town of Southold or by an architect, engineer or home inspector of their cliobsing. If the Applicant elects not'to have the rental dwelling unit inspected by the Town,the Applicant must submit a Certification of Code Compliance completed by a NYS licensed architect or NYS licensed engineer or a licensed home inspector who has a valid New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code Certification. V/Re nta1 Permit Fee: $200.00 (Please Note:The Building Department does not accept cash. Payment must be in the form of a Check,Credit Card or Money Order.) r I am submitting a completed ToWn of Southold certification form from a licensed architect, a licensed professional engineer, or a licensed home inspector who has,ii valid New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building,code Certification. • t SECTION H. F DECLARATION: Signature must-be notarized and,MUST'be the owner of the dwelling unit r STATE OF NEW YORK) f COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) _-,certifV.urfder penalty of. era the,following: ' 1. 1 am the owner of the property identified in "Section A"of this application. 1 2. The'property owner's legal'address set forth in "Section B"-of this application is my legal I f address and-I-understand-the Town-will use the-address for service pursuant to_all...... applicable laws and rules. I further acknowledge that I will notify the Town of Southold 3 i Building Department of any changes of address within five-(5)Idays of,,anycchanges.!.-,,-.; thereto. 3. 1 have read and received a copy of Chapter 207 of the'Cod`e;of'thb Town of Southold and i -agreed to-abide by the same. _ .. 4. 1 will notify the Town within five (5) business days s to any change to the information regarding Authorized Agent, Managing Agent, or Site Manager. Property Owner's Name: �"� 1 LS+ Property Owner's Signature: Sworn to before me this' day of Jammu 0!1►OIlq NOTARY PUg{.V W,4T!OR VW VM Off'ci I Not Public Sig to and Original Notary Stamp N0.0106 miw OWNW In Roer1iigm couny Page 4 of 4 � 11?mJL— 1 Town Hall Annex, i Telephone(6 31)765-1802 i 54375 Main Road "" Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 ', Southold,NY 11971-0959 1 :t ',a > J,BUILMING,DEPARTMENT, a ; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � f RENTAL PERMIT APPLICA_T_lON-ADDENDUM Rental D elling Unit Identifier: Requeste \niaxirtium'number'of•persons allowed`to,�,ccupy each.dwelling unit:,. Number of '000ms in Rental Dwelling Unit: Use and Dime',sion`'of`e}ach'room`: U`'` ' s'''`` 1 "}.`-T^_ z7-` =-Z",�`'f�[,*t�':`-'.'°"'.Y=Sf:c'_'�-:""+ey"_ .. , _ _-. ... —• — 4 ._,..—....,.i-r " c=>��?F,r`; r+-� t --• . ..`�S,i ')C ,•� ,,;(;� li� t'II�{ :F4J Ji�fj�' �jt;�,.til/' •Ib 7'r`ti I" Jt"J. -t' i� 4 1 Rental`Dwelling Unit Identifier: •�' ' ' < - ', Requested maximum number of persons allowed to occupy each dwelling unit.- Number of Rooms in Rental Dwelling Unit:,.-, Use and Dimension of each room;' ' ly- - =-�=L _—a i 1_ >' r�-i�'_; __ _ _ •1 _ _ ' _ rt__�.:?it= `-,m.��—r—.�. � v7 r i Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier: Requested-maximum'number of persons-allowe o occupy each dwelling`unit: Number of Rooms in Rental Dwelling Unit: _ Use and Dimension of each room: e` ", Y i SECTION.F. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: : Number of Rental Dwelling Units on property:. For each Rental Dwelling Unit set forth the Rental Dw,elling,Unit.idgntifiec(for example,, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 or Apt A, B, C);the use of each room in the Rental Dwelling Unit (for example, Kitchen, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Living Room) and the dimensions of each 4 room. For properties with.multiple Rental Dwelling Units use "Rental Permit Application, , Addendum." Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier: 1`1 Mie . Requested Maximum number of persons allowed_to occupy Dwelling Unit Number of rooms in Rental Dwelling Unit: lti ' _ = 9,-1.:'�e. �l. s� .. • i Use and Dimensions_of each room'in Rental Dw= tellingJ Unit:_i" T_h 1_7' 67 �1 f ®�a - - SECTION G. ?� "4P J INSPECTION'- Pursuant NSPECTION:Pursuant to-the Town-Code of the Town,of Southold Chapter 207 (Rental P'ropertie's), a safety-� inspection by Code Enforcement Official is required. If the owner chooses not to have said inspection performed by the Town, a certification from`a NYS licensed architect, a NYS Incensed professional engineer or a home inspector who has a valid New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code Certification is required stating that the property which is the subject of the-rental-permit application is in compliance with all of ihe'p`rovisiohs of the,dode of the Town of Southold,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. ❑ lam requesting a fire safety inspection to be performed by a Code Enforcement Official from the Town of Southold. ; Page 3 of 4 . t Section C. Authorized Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit,if any: Address of Authorized'Agent-(no`'P:O. Boxes),',,-...*.' Mailing Add ss of Authorized Agent: _ -- -- Telephone Num er(s).-, - : _---_-- _-- - - - - - _ Email Address: Section D. 1 Managing Agent Infor ation: Name of AuthorizedAgento welling unit,if any: i Address of Authorized Agent(n P.O. Boxes): 77 _ Mailing Address of Authorized,Agea: Telephone Number Email Address: SECTION E. : 1 SITE MANAGER INFORMATION: (req\frentalproperties containing 8 or more„rental units),,-Name of Managing Agent of dwelling unit �Address of Managing Agent (no P.O.,Boxe _ Mailing Address of Managing Agent: Telephone Number (s):.,.-. Email Address:_ Page 2 of Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 i 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 O Southold,NY 11971-0959 L? [^ BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SO =;OLD RENTAL PROPERTYCERTIFICATION '. ID s s Form to be completed by a NYS licensed architect, NYS licensed engineer or licensed home inspector i Separate form is required for each individual Rental Dwelling Unit 4 Professional seal reQuired.for Architect or EnQineerf licensed Home-inspector must-provide,a_ ca�y�ofi+'vcrl afAlew.*Y,i t`*Sit-,U,-ijff,6r w-,N ii.pi4,ve6)i `6010 itrl't Cdodi-0-irt#fi4atfb)k_ ' Rental Property SCTM Number Rental Property Address:_. IG Owner/Name:-_-- - • Rental DwellingUnit Identifier: 5it�. � •1=�Ge.. � _ � ®1y�. Number&Square footage of each bedroom as depicted in the attached floor plan:# f (i.e. Bedroom#1-100 sq., Bedroom#2-90 sq., etc.) Property Description (Include all improvements indicated on survey) } FULL-L- 41-1- 1 C MAP Ott 4Ze-6 C-- &-'TD<C--4 rZf'- I certify that I have done a physical inspection of the subject rental dwelling unit and find that the unit is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. f 1--Ir�C,�-► Q pIZ�� lew Ivor Print Name and Title „ �����t•������Or On ' aI S11 ignature Hk ✓ L �.� 6`SZ�REA A yero @�S'O,t, Please place professional se 0” ?11E STAI '��j. � '1�°tom � � �¢�'IV��•-�( 3 °l 3 �O�aOF SOUTyo6 * # TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. IOU 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] F AL / t [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ ] ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] CAULKING REMARKS: ../ r DATE q101 INSPECTOR FRIVATE lz;�E 5 D E N Cl E Q� T RAGE B J ® 42" \ PTD GONGRETE '� &i 6FI SHt�WE _a2 IN NET DA GBGLG �uTD00 ® w GL HT:gO' REr, RO M �R 2 42" �A>� ® ( Air ® FAN F W/LTC O LTG v vLT JO MACHINIST ARCHITECT -� GT COLLAR TI�_ I I „ 502 Piermont Ave, Piermont NY 10968 (212) 355.7171 4 2'-5" 2'-8" 4 P' SD MUD RM/HA L N O 6 WP 6FI n n / - L.GL SEASONAL GOTTAO E M• B LOGATE 'B' LTG OGAT ' LTG (no i �h0� wig 0Ud0®� �I�OwO�) p \ FIELD ViLLI ARCH o I IN FIEL /ARCH } m m L I C HT I NC SYMBOLS FLAT = 6 A p LLL D � , \ OR W 3 -� AA RECE55ED LED DONNLIGHT - JUNO #250-g30NI-WWH ,— 1 U- 4 4 3-2 } Q P x } -� B MINI LED GIMBAL - JUNO #25GA-150NI-WW PAN E w I BRARY' EXHAUST FAN - CEILING MOUNTED r ry TP PENDANT LIGHT FIXTURE - BY OWNER I C� S UJ `ei +j ii Iee M 5EE SPEG'S ac'•"'Y�Htis`�`�' ALL TO 106"A 5D GL GABINET PA LED STRIP LIGHT - 5EE 5PEG'S ' f L � QST G ucL UNDER CABINET LIGHT - 5EE 5PEG'S -,'�-o^'o 0146�O�'@ `�` \ EIR GE u�l� THE St PENDANT ((,HANDELIER) LIGHT FIXTURE - BY OWNER 1 3 4 5 - I II PENDANT MONOPO I NT LIGHT FIXTURE - BY OWNER 4 \ \� TV / �- u UTILITY LIGHT FIXTURE - BY OWNER � TRIM AND SHUTTER BETN DR TRIM AN TERA:)— D = �O LAMP PLUGGED TO HALF SWITCHED p / P — \ s ELECTRICAL OUTLET PICTURE LIGHT - BY OWNER 1�)N I / i BETN 1 DN mIU 12R PAN I REAT RM WALL 5CONCE - BY OWNER -7 ' GI / IGO6'-4" VIF 1 11 LIGHT 5WITGH I ' 2 ___l GFI �»-o LIGHT 5WITGH-DIMMER 110 '03. 12. I'l RENTAL PERMIT APPLfCATION P 1 01. 21. 115 REV15E RCP;M BR 4 BR-I: OUTLET5 4 FAN I Itf)-m LIGHT 5WITGH-DIMMER-5 WAY \ cnld 8 01. 15. 15 UPDATE RCP; LR PENDANT5, FAN;LIB FAN DOOR OPERATED 5WITGH 1 01. 01. 15 UPDATE ROP;BDRMS, BATHS, LR, EXTERIOR. REF KITCHEN ® CEILING EXHAUST FAN ��R B s p O O= �" 6 10. 24. 14 UPDATE GREAT RM PENDANT5 LOCATIONS sD GLG MTD SMOKE DETECTOR 4 01. I8. 14 REVI5ED BATH #1, ADD KIT UGL ABOVE W/D Q GLG MTD COMBINATION SMOKE/GO DETECTOR R 5 5 5 08. 25.. 14 UPDATED RGP WALL MOUNTED EXTERIOR r 5EGURITY LIGHT 40" RZ NOTE: ALL 5WITGHES TO BE DIMMER, EXCEPT FOR FLUORESCENT LAMPS AND OUTLETS I II. 01. 18 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW A TUBA BR #1 ' 1 — ` cv FA" 155UE5 AND REV15105: FLAT CLO ,L-6" ITYLT @ 8,-D° AN 51N DD EQ/ BAT #1 LEQ 40" Rz EQ / 6 F1 AA SD I'-6"L A TL AA s N REFLE� TED 2 -rO coFFER G B'T GA G LINA FLAN \ FI _ I PROVIDE MOTI DE R \ DN 2 1 2 CONSTRUCTION FLAN \ NILE FAM LY DWELL I NO � W I T�# SEASONAL GOTT AC E � NOLO ��M �� �W��L NO JOB No.: DH5. No. DATE: PLAN 06. 00. 14 RGP PLAN 5GALE: A5 NOTED 50ALE: I/4 -I 0 A102 PRAWINO BY: KB -LP ,I c Vr �(W 1. v I GENERAL NOTES: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ��I Y ��� I J I REMOVE ALL INTERIOR WALL5 NOT INDI..ATED � �I� �� f NE. (21 2x6 N=-ADER L� ew(2)2x8 =4o�z TO REMAIN TEMP BRACE EX ROOF AND WALL STRUCTURE Ai 42 DD✓R 2'-I I' AT 6✓ h�N7GW9(TY?) - - �- 2 INSERT NEW STEEL BEAMS IN LINE WITH EX FLOOR FRAMING %b'-T' S-` y T-I' y z'_IO" I REMOVE EX FI 00R FRAYING,INSTALL NEW GONGRETE HAUNCH Ik6 30 1N5 AYANG -IXED §:;OW AW'�ING AKglNG r I 51-AB PER DETAILS,SECURE EXIST;NS BLDG 5TRUGTURE TO NEW 30,190 50 30.150 b0'x T ' 30'150 30°ISG t SLAB PER DETAILS I� IZ ATEEx15T5 LAV 4 5 REMOVE ALL INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD ON 0J2G'9ARN'D2 0 30 SMITH ROAD I WALLS AND CEILINGS VERIFY EX FRAMING INTEoRI t 5TORAGE fn PR ��T�ET BAR I I v -ry 4 REMOVE ALL FLAT GEILIN65 AND CLO FRAMING PEGONIG, NY I Ig58 PiD LOFGFLRE LiiLE- I s9 cL� REG ROOM 5LEEPING QTRS I,L0 vccR =- - = 5157ER NEW 2X8 ROOF FRAMING TO EXI5TIN5 :^f W02 FLOOWN5-PAINirD O . Y-0OO FL00i-W-PAR.TED DELI LNG FRAMING,IN5TA_L NEW 2X8©18"OG COLLAR TIES o _ Q O 30x63 ' 9 96"AFF SECURE TO WALLS W/HURRIGANE H5 TIES Foo=A3OVE i D-02 - xLT'GwALLTO 1 n ' ATTACH TO NEW RIDSE BM W/LRU25 HANGERS,BY51MP50N r�wwALLSTo — s' 13'-c- 70 MACHINIST L GL --- v o NEW GYPSUM BOARD TO BE 1/2"THICK INSTALL '; a6•z66' - ARCHITECT DUROGK AT ALL NET AREAS Mn�RNJ�ALL �'• _r, `t3G5LID825'BARN'DR I O' - L5�O GREEN50ARD IN ALL BATHROOMS AND NET BAR BAGCSPLASH 502 P,.-.i PI.—Nr:0968(212)3ssnn L _I m rc r \ - T ALL WA'-L5 OVER 8 FT TALL SHALL HAVE MID BRIDGING �� 30X80 3o'7!8G' III r: - � 8 EXTERIOR CEDAR CLAPBOARD SIDING TO REMAIN,PATCH AND REPAIR AT ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND DAMAGED AREAS INC, AWWNG AWNING Ay.p.JINS� AYINING , U so b-c" �' 6'-O" �'I5c 5.=° Ic'-0" 30'I�4\ T'-I" s0�s0 4'-Ic" N.W WINDOW AND DOOR TRI. TO MATCH ADJ DWELLING / 154'x36•GONG LANDING A b 22(WI O PEA(PRP) AT (2� WINDOWS(TTP) r 9 ALL NEN WINDOWS ARE SERIES/00,BY ANDERSEN REVISED ISED GO I__AOE PLAN LAN LOW-E4,INSULATED GLAZING,U-VALUE 032(ENERGY STAR),IN TYPES SHON N DRAWINGS,INCLUDING AWNING,DOUBLE HUS, FI WF SCALE I/4" I'-O" {, 1 FIXED,AND FRENCH DOOR INSWING I� 10 MECHANICAL SYSTEM NONE,EXCEPT EXHAUST FAN AT FOWDER RM II PROVID POWD N E AND INSTALL PANASONIC WHISPER SERIES EXHAUST FAN ER ROOM,EXHAUST THROUGH ROOF,SIZE PER ROOM 12 PROVIDE AND INSTALL BARN CELLAR DOOR HARDWARE AT BARN DOOR5,BARNDOORS AND HARDWARE,COMP-,FTE PKC,888-909-6546 13 PROVIDE AND INSTALL OVINIA DOOR HARDWARE AT ALL SWING DOORS „a"""" (INTERIOR),SATIN CHROME,2-3/8"BAGKSET '"oP��SI ARfyn CyH fc 1 TORAGE_ Er IEa�tiof WET BA NEW 2X10 RIDGE BEAM OurOoc ® '� c HTAO REG POJM SLEEPING ROO W/RAFTER HANGERS c 515TER NEW 2"RAFTER5 1 _ w TO EXIST FRAMING qp FAN ® I F S �I I L.GL W LT6 To NVLT s INSTALL WAINSGOTT BOARDS ON EXIST'G L I MJO RAILij I ® ROOF FRAMING. qp ® I I NEW HEADER AT NEW — I ' WINDOW LOCATIONS NEW 2X8 COLLAR TIES 0 4'0 G AND / &'-0"HT AFF MIN REVISED ISE.D t�I��ilp NEW 2X4 TOP PLATES AS REG2UIRED NINDCk4 HEAD SCALE I/4" = I'-O" TO LEVEL ROOF STRUCTURE;INSTALL - HURRICANE GLIPS AT EACH RAFTER NEW WAINSCOT PLYWOOD INTERIOR 5/e'BOLT EXI5T'6 WALL STRUCTURE TO 3 12 14 w 155W FOR BLDG PERMIT REVIEW f NEW SILL PL AND CMU m b'-O"O.G. � 2 II 15 14 159).D FOR z3A REVIEA NEW 2X4 ACO SILL PLATE,TERMITE 1 II OI 14 15aEv FOR REVIEW SHIELD AND FOAM SILL SEAL ON NEW 8"X 4"CMU FILLED SOLID,DOWEL 159)5 AID REVI5101'5 INTO SLAB AT 6'-0"0.0 ^_i- GOTTAOE AGGESSORY, HABITABLE, f 1 NEW POURED 4"THK GONG.SLAB WITH 18" SEASONAL BARRACKS 11=1- EXISTING W/NE3i3x!0...1. I -11 HAUNCHES AT THE PERIMETER ON VAPOR SLEEPING QUARTERS N RAFTER NANFiERS '- I BARRIER ON 3"PERIMATE INGUEN BD ON ROOF m GRAVEL (2)#5 RE-BARS,CONT W/MIN 5" o CLEARANCE INSTALL TEMP STEEL H015T BEAMS PLANS,DETAILS —— — I THROUGH EXISTING BLDG STRUCTURE, — — _ — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —J RAISE STRUCTURE,HAND EXCAVATE FOR FILING SET NEW GONG HAUNCH SLAB,REMOVE ALL ROTTED AND No REVISED ROOF PLAN �� GROSS-SECTION OPTAIL DATE DWS 50ALE I/Z" = I'-O" 06 00 14 5GALE. I/2" I'-G" MA �� A A ' 5GAL- AS NOTED F-7 B' K3-L= i FR NATE RES DENGE EL EO MTR NO 22133016'.5E9 2733016,P5E6 OCT 1973,INSTALLED 30 SMITH ROAD EXIERI PEGONIG, NY 11958 sHorER � , 51N.0 EXISTING I-STORY FRAME COTTAGE I JO MACHINIST O WINW C I DHN OII ARCHITECT NOWORK sox PI=-1 A,n Ple nt NY 10968(M)766-7171 SHOtL--¢GLASS No.E. \ ALL SI.OVC¢E�I.A55 SMALL q'_-, �'_rj" 4E TEM'/SAFETY F 5 I L WIN O � I _ RT SHOiC-R , , 1 L L ° M BRTH NEW POCKET DR-32X68 rJ - c TILE r—FLAT CLO H7=96" QW2.6CAL clsW 3'_2° (V(412x6 COLLAR TIE NEW 2X4416'ec'r1/I/2' I 2B'CTe 1 111,1 GYP BD INT WALL5,TYP +IKK LYLL TO ROOF ABOVE I `� 9 MBR LIBRARY GENERAL NOTES 2 WOOD FLOORING WOOD FLOO¢In0 1 ..ATHEDRAL CL5 CATHEDRAL CLG IB I REMOVE ALL INTERIOR WALL5 NOT INDICATED NEW PR FRENCH 1725- NEW PR FRENCH OR5- NEW WINDOA IN TO REMAIN TEMP BRACE EX ROOF STRUCTURE W'NDOW -56"X 68^ -56'X b8" EXISTING OP'G 2 REMOVE ALL INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD ON WALLS AND CEILING5 VERIFY EX FRAMING INTEGRITY FIN INTERIOR ID I® 4 SISTER NEW 2X8 ROOF ALL FLAT LFRAMIINGS INNGG TOLOX STINT, NEW WINDOW IN — — ,� 3>5252-00 FRAMING,INSTAL NEN R •, G V 5H€! ABOVE 4 110'AFF SECURE TO WALLS D HANGERS, H3 TIES EXISTING OPG LF A30VE T — Bi ATTACH TO RIDGE BM W/LRU28 HANGERS,BYSIMPSON B AF- to cAo,`ETRY n 5 INSTALL NEW BLOWN-IN FOAM INSULATION AT ALL -� ;Fr 4 FI EXTERIOR CAVITIES,NWLLS,ROOF/CLG,FLOOR. _ EXIST6 SPRAY-FOAM=ICYNENE 01-LA551C-PLU5,R=40ANCH - �-0 4-9° FIREPLACE - PER NY5 RESIDENTIAL AND EXISTING BLOC'CODES MINIMUM ALLOWABLE=R pVALUE 30 PER INCH NEW WINDOW IN CLEAN EXI5'T FLUE,IN5ERT NEW N=W WINDOW IN 35"EXT WALL=R-141 VALUE EXISTING OP'G STL STL FLUE LINER POINT EXT %ISTING OP'G 75"ROOF -R-30 VALUE ' _ O9 MASONRY ON CHIMNEY iqF "I5"FLOOR/CRAWL=R-30 VALUE 6 PEW GYPSUM BOARD TO BE 1/2"THICK INSTALL ® ® DUROCK AT ALL WCT AREAS(5HOKE'R.BATHTUB) GREEN50ARD IN ALL BATHROOMS AND KIT BACKSPLASH _I ALL WALLS OVER B FT TALL SHALL HAVE MID BRIDGIMG EXISTING SOLID WOOD COORS 8 EXTERIOR CEDAR SHAKES SIDING TO REMAIN,PATCH TO REN,AIN-INSERT GLAZED LITE AND REPAIR AT ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND DAMAGED AREAS REF E!EVATION9 NEW WINDOW AND DOOR TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING 217NR 2R 9 ALL NEW WINDOW'5 ARE ARLHITECTURAL A-SERIES,BY ANDERSEN EXISTINS MASONRY GREAT RM EXISTING MASONRY AS SHO,INSULATED GLAZING,U-VALUE 0IN,C BETTER IN TYPES LANDING AND STEPS A='SHOWN ON DRAWINGS•INCLUDING AYJ.ING,CASEMENT,DCUd_E-HUNG, LANDING AND STEPS WDDD R OORIRS TO REMAIN FIXED,AND FRENCH DOOR IN5HINC' TO REMAIN CATHEDRAL GLC 10 MECHANICAL SYS.M LP GAS DIRECT-VENT CONDENSING BOILER, #NCB-180 BY NAVIEN FOR DOMESTIC HOT WATER AND HEATING WATER, ® TRANE XR13 AC SYSTEM(SEER 145)WITH HORIZONTAL A'R HANDLER 21 LOCATED IN CRAWL SPACE ALL DUCTWORK LOCATED IN CRAWL 5-ACE EW WINDOrl IN PROVIDE REQUIRED FRESH AIR TO SYSTEM ANDA HEAT-RECOVERY G I I XISTING OP' EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR THE CRAWL SPACE AS REOT7 PER CODE - NEW WINDOW IN O �'-� II PROVIDE AND INSTALL PANASONIC WHISPER SERIES EXHAUST FANS EXISTING OP'G KITCHEN IN EACH BATHROOM,EXHAUST THROUGH ROOF,SIZE PER BATHROOM 6'-7" 10'-10" aaysE SING C Q Vi4 DVI O O N ' NEW WINDOW IN G) I EXISTING OP'G DYER NEW 2X4416°OC W/1/2" 3 DRYER VENT 4 FLR 1-2 TO RO50 IRT OF ABOVELS'TYP 2 Ob Ob 14 ISSUED FOR DCB PERMIT ❑ j NEW WI I OW IN 1 Ob 15 14 ISaW FOR REMEA z O �ry 55 O2'r EX15TIi OP'G IVn L+oEm�a+R ;I'-I,3'-O" '-3 BR#I N BOARD MEMBERS rjf S0 Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ��� pl 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 ® Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes #it Office Location: Gerard'P.Goehrinr, G Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Horning �� �� 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneider CQ��(,� Southold,NY 11971 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD dl&d . /l`,56 Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 F E 4 2015 otathold TQ'n C1erk FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF JANUARY 22,2015 ZBA FILE: 6797 NAME OF APPLICANT:Mach3,LLC SCTM#1000-98-3-39 PROPERTY LOCATION•:30 Smith Road(corner Indian Neck Lane),Peconic,NY SEORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board-of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. LWRP DETERMINATION: The relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Subject parcel is a non-conforming 9732.16 S.F. lot located in the R40 zone district. It is improved with a one story frame dwelling and an accessory one story frame building. It has 97.86 feet of frontage on Indian Neck Road, 100.00 feet of frontage on Smith Road, 103.22 feet along the southern property line and 94.10 feet along the western property line as shown on the survey prepared by Kenneth M. Woychuk,LS dated July 30,2014. BASIS OF APPLICATION:Request for reversal of the Building Inspector's determination,based on the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval dated September 4,2014 pursuant to Article III Section 280-13A based upon an application for a Pre-Co for two dwellings on one lot, at; 1)"as built"conversion of accessory storage building into a second dwelling unit. DETERMINATION REQUESTED: The applicant requests a reversal of the Building Inspectors Pre-CO dated 7/31/2014, which determined the existing `barracks' to be a storage building. The applicant states that the accessory structure has historically and continuously been used as seasonal sleeping quarters. JURISDICTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals under Art.XXVI, Section 280-146 A, can hear and decide appeals from and review any order,requirement,decision or determination made by the Building Inspector. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Building Department issued a Pre-CO#37053 dated 7/31/2014 for a seasonal wood frame one family dwelling with carport and accessory storage building with toilet, sinks and outdoor shower. The Town property card labels the accessory storage building as "barracks". The previous owner provided an affidavit stating that since 1972 `when his parents bought the property, both structures where there, and the accessory structure was used as sleeping,quarters. Each had their own electric meter' Additionally, the adjoining property owner provided an affidavit stating, `her parents bought the property in 1959 and the two structures were there and the accessory was , Page 2 of 3—January 22,2015 ZBA#6797—Mach3,LLC SCrM#1000-98-3-39 used as sleeping quarters, continuously and were never changed.' At the hearing the applicant/owner of the subject property indicated that she was renovating and converting the existing seasonal dwelling into a year round dwelling and that she would like to renovate and continue the'use of the accessory structure as seasonal overflow sleeping quarters and/or recreational space for family members, and that the structure would remain unheated and without air conditioning or cooking facilities and maintain the interior '/Z bath, and outside shower. At the hearing, the Board requested electric bills to prove continuous use of the subject seasonal structure as habitable space. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONSFOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held public hearings on this application on November 6, 2014 and December 4,2014 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood,and other evidence,the Zoning_ Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the folIowing,findings: 1. The subject accessory building has existed since prior to zoning. The Southold Town property tax card labels the accessory structure as`barracks'. The owner at the time it was so noted on the property tax card was Walter and Helen Brunie who purchased the property on July 23, 1959. This is when the property first appeared on the tax rolls,since the prior owner(Furst)is not listed on the property card. Eg When the Town Code is silent on a defmition, as-is the case with the term "barracks", the Board, as per §280-4(B), defaults to the definition in Webster's Third Edition Unabridged Dictionary which defines barrack"as follows: 1: a building or set of buildings used especially for lodging soldiers in garrison 2a: a structure resembling a shed or barn that provides temporary housing b: housing characterized by extreme plainness or dreary uniformity—usually used in plural in all senses 3. Personal inspection by the Board confirmed that the subject accessory structure is a shed or barnlike building that is unheated and without air conditioning, and contains a room with beds, a half bath, outdoor shower,and no cooking facilities,thereby supporting the definition of barracks as-communal temporary sleeping quarters. 4. In support of the compelling fact that this structure was listed as"barracks"in the Southold,,'own property tax records, affidavits were submitted by past owners of the subject property stating that their families used the subject accessory structure in conjunction with the principle dwelling for seasonal overflow sleeping by family members on a continuous basis. These affidavits were made by John NapoIitano,the owner who sold the subject property to the applicant,and Joan Raia the daughter of Walter and Helen Brunie who were the owners prior to NapoIitano, from July 23, 1959 to June 30, 1972. No evidence was submitted in the public record to refute these claims. i 5. The subject accessory structure has been used for seasonal communal overflow sleeping exclusively by the owners/occupants of the principle dwelling and has never been rented separately or used by anyone other than the owners/occupants of the principal dwelling. 6. At the hearing, the Board requested electric bills for the past 10 years to prove continuous habitable use of the subject seasonal accessory structure,the assumption being that the bills would show a spike during the warmer months when the structure would have been used. The applicant submitted an E Mail from PSEG summarizing archival electrical usage for the seasonal dwelling and seasonal accessory structure from 2010 through 2014, all of which were very low. In a letter dated December 2, 2014 the Attorney for the applicant explained this billing history as purposeful conservation of energy by the previous owner, who attested to the same in an affidavit dated November 24, 2014. The Board concludes that while this documentation is insufficient to be conclusive, there is insufficient information in the public record to conclude that the use was abandoned. 7. There is no evidence in the record or by inspection of the Members of the Board to indicate that the subject accessory structure has historically been used primarily as a storage building. 8. The subject as built accessory building is 650 sq. ft. and is proposed to be renovated on a new foundation in place and in kind without any enlargement. On or about July 16, 2014, an inspection by Mark Page 3 of 3—January 22,2015 ZBA#6797—Mach3,LLC SUM#1000-98-3-39 Schwartz, Architect, confirmed that although the accessory structure is in poor condition and requires significant leveling of the floor structure, it is structurally sound enough to be salvaged without the need for demolition. The demolition would extinguish its alleged pre-existing non-conforming use as seasonal family sleeping quarters 9. The Board asked the applicant to investigate the feasibility of attaching the accessory structure to the principle dwelling. The Board received a letter dated November 24, 2014 from the applicantlowner, who is an architect, estimating the scope of work and cost differential between repairing and retaining the existing accessory structure and connecting it as conditioned code compliant space, concluding that attaching the two structures is not financially or structurally feasible. BOARD DETERMINATION Based upon the findings of fact cited herein,The Board of Appeals determines that: .1. The subject accessory structure does not constitute a second dwelling on the subject property and- shall not be leased as such. 2.The subject accessory structure qualifies for a Pre-CO as "barracks"which,in accordance with the above,allows temporary housing exclusively for overflow seasonal occupancy by the occupants of the principal dwelling only,with no heating/cooling,cooking facilities,nor indoor shower facilities. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors, the motion was offered by Member Weisman(Chairperson),seconded by Member Horning,and duly carried to reverse the Building Inspector's denial of a Pre-CO for the subject accessory structure, and to permit the applicant to apply for a corrected Pre-CO for an accessory structure with seasonal barracks sleeping quarters Vote of the Board: Ayes:Members Weisman(Chairperson),Schneider, Horning. (Nays:Member Dante). (Absent was Member Goehringer).This Resolution was duly adopted(3-1). Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson Approved for filing /111`7 /2015 S.0 T.M. NO. DISTRICT. 1000 SECTION:98 BLOCK:3 LOT(S):39 r, I �, �!9$ fog I� !!L OCT —1 2015 L CISAIS 338 ntgc neer -- t-lrl.Pf,glhl'mr, VACANT ca3 'p' +150'— U P U P. \ INDIAN (50') NECK ROADr - - - - �'�,`` EDGE OF PAVEMENT I 0 t � 1 I 97.86' ; ` N 76"04'00" E �Z EL 14.5, EL 14.2 I —' -- MON 12 5' EL 14.5 O I U P 0 9'E O O I 2 0'S SEASONAL SLEEPING QUARTERS WITH NO CONC. I KITCHEN, srooP EL 14.5 LOT 1 W LP m I Q w O O N i J 19- IM -. 35• LP,GAB Vz sty DWELLING BLDG. 32.5' 46 5' O ® U o n LP 03 W/PUBLIC WATER wBATH S.T. 0(0 OUTDOOR M FFL 15.6150' 3 40 SHOWER 275. I M p a =cy C 0 6 21.5' STOOP 3 W V EXISTING WATER SERVICE– w V M 1 O .4 cr z EL 15.0 5.1 11.9 11 Y EL 14.5I 0= I 33.4' TI � 0I'W WOOD 48.8' ►1..��II F W DEC 1STY FIRM DWELLING W I W 30 ^I I L, 0_ :r:ret a F.FLN 15 8 PEA GRAVEL a. WELL LINE PARKING AREA I F�•G�� : p WOOD p g 17.2' 3.1 32 2' In STOOP ELEV. 14.5 �2 _ BAY '=10.2' O CELLAR " it EL 14.4 p I OL LOAM 0 4' rn ENT, m o WOOD ..t STOOP I On UI SILTY vi I SM SAND 2.7' -MON EL 15.1 i U P 6'S CKADELEC. I MEDIUM - D S S 103.22' METER I I - - SW cosE p S 79"37'00" W 0.7'S 1 SAND 10.9' I LOT 3 --'-•'- 1 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPART�iENT OF HEALTH SERVICES I DWELLING APPROVAUOFCONS RUCTEDWORKSFOR W/PUBLIC WATER ASINGLE FAMILYIRESIDENCEAND 150' t —EL 0.5 IiC'C637o>SI&ZHPING( qn 16ts3 wlrM N e Ft,rm1�gH WATER IN ®-- SIN MEDIUM Dat® ' Q1 �61� H.S.Ref-mo-w--15--1"T 70 COARSE The sewage d�rrsal and water suppty f0duues at this I=tlon have berm SAND Inspected and/or corded by thS Dapartrnant or other a86nd8s and found to —17' ba seustactory FORTQTAL UM OF Ld IaEDR00MS OCT 21, 2014 Yit/tel K.WOYCHUK LS Waiter J.Hil'bari.P.E., office Of Wastewater Maetagenternt REVISED WATER LINE LOC. 09-28-15 FINAL SURVEY 07-15-15 AREA.9,732.16 S.F. OR 0.22 ACRES ELEVATION DATUM NAVD88 ------------------------- UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA77ON LAW COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE 777LE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INS77TUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION, GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR TO GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCES, AOD1770AIAL STRUCTURES OR AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS EASEMENTS AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUC'TUR£S RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE TIME OF SURVEY SURVEY OF. LOT 1 CERTIFIED TO- MACH3 LLC; MAP OF: INDIAN NECK PARK ADVOCATES ABSTRACT, INC.; (. FILED: MAY 27, 1913 AS #551 STEWART TITLE INSURANE COMPANY' I SITUATED AT PECONIC TOWN OF: SOUTHOLD KENNETH M WOYCHUK LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK r Professional Land Surveying and Design P.O. Boa 153 Aquebogue, New York 11931 FILE N 14-117 SCALE- 1"-2D' DATE-JULY 30, 2014 PHONE(831)298-1588 FAX(631)298-1588 N.Y.S. LISC. NO. 050882 ,00tntamtne the rccerde or Robert 1 Reneeeoy h Kenneth M eoychuk �rr Fptt Town of Southold Annex 7/31/2014 54375 Main Road = Southold,New York 11971 �try�nrt41 PRE EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 37053 Date: 7/31/2014 THIS CERTIFIES that the structure(s)located at: 30 Smith Rd,Peconic SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 98.-3-39 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the requirements for a built prior to APRIL 9, 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER Z- 37053 dated 7/31/2014 was issued and conforms to all the requriements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: seasonal wood frame one family dwelling with carport and accessory storage building with toilet sinks and outdoor shower.* The certificate is issued to Napolitano,John&Napolitano, Lorraine (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORT. A'�4rfzed ignat ^ BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .HOUSING CODE INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: 30 Smith Rd,Peconic SUFF.CO.TAX MAP NO.: 98.-3-39 SUBDIVISION: NAME OF OWNER(S): Napolitano,John&Lorraine OCCUPANCY: ADMITTED BY: Richard Abatelli SOURCE OF REQUEST: Napolitano,John&Napolitano,Lorraine DATE: 7/31/2014 DWELLING: #STORIES: 1 #EXITS: 3 FOUNDATION: Wood Piers CELLAR: CRAWL SPACE: BATHROOM(S): 1 TOILET ROOM(S): UTILITY ROOM(S): PORCH TYPE: DECK TYPE: PATIO TYPE: BREEZEWAY: FIREPLACE: I GARAGE: DOMESTIC HOTWATER: Yes TYPE HEATER: Electric AIR CONDITIONING: TYPE HEAT: None WARM AIR: HOT WATER: #BEDROOMS: 3 #KITCHENS: 1 BASEMENT TYPE: OTHER: ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: GARAGE,TYPE OF CONST: STORAGE,TYPE OF CONST: 3 rooms with sinks,toilet,outdoor SWIMMING POOL: GUEST,TYPE OF CONST: OTHER: VIOLATIONS: REMARKS: INSPECTED BY: GARYF DATE OF INSPECTION: 7/30/20I4 TIME START: 10:00am END: 10:45am C c �� FFOL'tea Town of Southold 10/2/2015 P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Rd dl �a�i Southold,New York 11971 yes CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 37808 Date: 10/2/2015 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATION Location of Property: 30 Smith Rd,Peconic SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 98.-3-39 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 2/25/2015 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 39582 dated 3/12/2015 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: i - 'alterations to an existing seasonal cottage with no kitchen and outdoor shower only as applied for per ZBA#6797, dated 1/22/2015. The certificate is issued to Mach3 LLC of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-15-0017 10/1/2015 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 39582 9/24/2015 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED Cutchogue East Plu 8/11/2015 14a, tl nze ignath re /Pd J0 MACHNIST ARCHITECT March 14, 2019 Town of Southold Building Department Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 Southold,N.Y. 11971-0959 MAR 19 2�11� Re: Rental Property Certification Submission 30 Smith Road 98-3-39 '�: '`= - Peconic,New York 11958 z � To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find: • Application for Rental Property Certification for 30 Smith Road, Peconic,N.Y. • SCTM#: 473889 Single Family Residence with Seasonal Cottage • C of O for Single Family Dwelling& Seasonal Cottage with no kitchen and outdoor shower only • Floor/Reflected Ceiling Plans indicating smoke and carbon monoxide detector locations • Notarized Property Owner Declaration, Jo Machinist • Architect Certification, Jo T. Machinist • Survey fyi Please feel free to contact me(917-763-7200 cell) if you have questions or require any further information,thank you. Bes , L /f� .s. I have enclosed aself-addressed envelope for a return copy of the Permit. Jo T. Machinist A.I.A. C: 917 763 7200 P: 212 355 7171 J l TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PERTY RECORD - CARD �- m OWNER STREET 5D VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT w11 -, . . I i - - -JAM-G. 4ZZ1,,m.* 11�C1 0�r G Du3�° S r � 7,7 RES. -2,1 D SEAS. @ VL. - FARM comm. I IND. I CB. I MISC I Est. Mkt. Value Co LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS -.u. 0 U) Lo rre cr1 Lo ad,9 0 O I U if 5 - 1'fA!}r`� o to a v G a o 3 f/ �.. 1 r e? r' r) f ��o 4:3 0 0 �t-°I4C� f o[3ti li 3- ! 4 .1a 4 Co AGE BUILDING CONDITION Std I ��12?�� ItZ o f1tY1 + 0610 NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FRONTAGE 6N WATER Form Acre Value Per Acre Value FRONTAGE ON ROAD ,D Tillable 1 BULKHEAD DOCK it Tillable 2LD _ 'm Tillable 3 Lo Woodland TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Swampland MAR 19 2019 m Y NI . , Brushlond m m douse Plat m m m Total .em. Z, — — . f a■■■!ice■■�!i'i I■ .! ■■ -■■ 1 1 Ell " - Interlor Finish ■■ N ■ • ��' e —