HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/2019
Spring registration begins on Thursday, March 7th of the Suffolk Times. The contracts were
approved at the Feb. 26th Board Meeting. The brochure is scheduled to be delivered on March 5th
and will be an insert in the Suffolk Times on March 7th.
The Recreation Department will be offering two bus trips to both the NY Mets and NY Yankees. The
tickets have been secured and quotes have been requested from several bus companies. Once final
plans are made, the details will be posted on our registration portal.
I attended the Greenport High School job fair that was held on February 5th. Information about
employment opportunities for lifeguards, our Lifeguard Certification Course, and scholarship
opportunities were provided to youth.
In addition to the Kim & John Skinner Scholarship, the East End Seaport Museum has also
generously donated two scholarship opportunities for youth who would like to attend this course. The
deadline for the EESM Lifeguard Certification Scholarship is March 25th.
RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly
bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for
those participants who paid with a credit card.
Janet Douglass
Recreation Supervisor
B Statement E X2019
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21l0112DIg $75,84D 4 021,412019 $76,35B.78, 0 212 W19 $76,75B.78,
02MY2010 7 5,990.84 02hi 2,019 S76,40B,.Ta 002712019 $713,011 3"'Ta
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