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Verizon Supplemental RF Report Recvd 2-6-2018
ECEBOVE f J F201b Souttiofd Town Planning Board Supplemental RF Report Proposed Laurel Cellular Facility 7055 Main Road, Laurel, NY 11952 verizonL January 24, 2018 C Squared Systems,LLC 65 Dartmouth Drive stems Auburn,NH 03032 603-644-2800-2800 E-mail: su a c r (Kc ,4uaredsystems.cgm Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 Minimum Height Analysis....................................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 7 4.0 Qualifications and Statement of Certification.......................................................................................................... 7 Table of Figures Figure A—Cellular Coverage -Existing, Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Alternate at 75 feet AGL @—75 dBm............ 3 Figure B—Cellular Coverage - Existing, Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Alternate at 75 feet AGL @—80 dBm............ 4 Figure C—Cellular Coverage - Existing, Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Alternate at 75 feet AGL @—85 dBm............ 5 Figure D—Cellular Coverage - Existing, Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Atlernate at 75 feet AGL @—95 dBm............ 6 C Squared Systems,LLC I January 24,2018 1.0 Executive Surrm ga New York SMSA Limited Partnership dba Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") is a public utility under the laws of the State of New York and it holds six licenses from the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to serve the public within, among other areas, Laurel/Southold,New York. Verizon Wireless' objective is to provide seamless,reliable wireless coverage to its users in accordance with the Wireless Communication and Public Safety Act of 1999.1 Verizon Wireless is providing the following information as a Supplement to the RF Report dated May 4,2016,and in further support of its Special Use Permit Application to the Town of Southold(the"Town")Planning Board in order to construct, operate and maintain a new wireless telecommunications facility at 7055 Main Road,Laurel,NY 11952 (the"Communication Facility"). This Supplemental Report addresses the necessary minimum Antenna height required for the proposed Communication Facility. As demonstrated in this Supplemental Report,the proposed Communication Facility is needed at the proposed height in order to provide reliable coverage to address the existing coverage deficiency in the Laurel/Southold area. 1 United States Code Title 47,Section 615,amended February 13,2003. C Squared Systems,LLC 2 January 24,2018 2.0 Minimum Height Analysis As requested by the Town,Figure A below depicts the existing coverage,proposed coverage with an antenna centerline of 115', and alternate coverage at an antenna height of 75' currently being offered at the-75 dBm level. - ` Laurel Figure A 0 � 7055 Main Road e Laurel,NY 11952 • N40 58 43.29 a ! i, W72 32 48.81 GE:28'AMSL C t q Centerline 115'AGL `� ,�� _ R � •,Q. �,;.. � t Hew `.��. - 6 NOR,HVIL as ark m p - p 0.5 0- 0� t miles 0 4 s 4 ` 6 C3 * Subject Site D )^(" Existing Site a Reliable Proposed Site Coverage •� ® at 75 feet AGL Reliable Existing Coverage 9 A Reliable Proposed Coverage at 115 feet AGI Height Analysis 7055 Main Road MEXAL MATES �. -75 dBm Laurel Laurel,NY 11952 + veri`:On wireless[!DATT .�2nsr2o�7 Figure A—Cellular Coverage-Existing,Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Alternate at 75 feet AGL @—75 dBm C Squared Systems,LLC 3 Januauy 24,2018 As requested by the Town,Figure B below depicts the existing coverage,proposed coverage with an antenna centerline of 115', and alternate coverage at an antenna height of 75' currently being offered at the-80 dBm level. a b s Figure B t c,. Laurel �. 7055 Main Road e ©e r } Laurel,NY 11952 o o d N40 58 43.29 Q —r r W72 32 48.81 i GE:28'AMSL Centerline 115'AGL a Q ,r �y nQ M" i s, O p% f� tit Y-d 1f dC7C7 � � 'V P� O H 7HVLXLF .x. ._ .y 0 0.5 miles 0 b � i m Subject Site kExisting Site V Reliable Proposed Site Coverage at 75 feet AGL Reliable Existing Coverage Reliable Proposed Coverage at 115 feet AGL gin Height Analysis 7055 Main Road x -80 dBm Laurel Laurel,NY 11952 \,._ --—ver/ Qnwireless DATE:12/1512017 Figure B—Cellular Coverage-Existing,Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Alternate at 75 feet AGL @—80 dBm C Squared Systems,LLC 4 January 24,2018 FOX All In M 0� �� �' plollo - ' . As requested by the Town, Figure D below depicts the existing coverage, proposed coverage with an antenna centerline of 115', and alternate coverage at an antenna height of 75'currently being offered at the-95 dBm level. Laurel 01 Figure D 7055 Main Road I autnl,NY 11932 N40 58 43.29 W72 32 48.81 GE:28'AMSL Centerline 115'AGL ' 0 0.5 miles Subject Site ri Existing Site ® Reliable Proposed Site Coverage at 75 feet AGL ' Reliable Fidsting Coverage Reliable Proposed Coverage at 115 feet AGL Hei95 d mLaurel Analysis 7055 Main Road ' I DATE:12/1512017 Laurel,NY 11952 11@l1'il"�"1 wireless Figure D-Cellular Coverage-Existing,Proposed at 115 feet AGL and Alternate at 75 feet AGL @-95 dBm At cellular frequencies,the site at the requested antenna height will provide in-vehicle coverage to 1.9 square miles of area, 598 people,6 businesses and 8.9 miles of roads, including 2.5 miles of main roads. It will also provide in-building coverage to 2.8 square miles of area, 923 people and 11 businesses. As demonstrated by the maps above,at-80/-85,if the centerline height of Verizon Wireless' Antennas were reduced by 40 feet to 75' agl, the site would provide in-vehicle coverage to only 0.8 square miles of area,231 people, 3 businesses and 3.7 miles of roads,including 1.7 miles of main roads. It will also only provide in-building coverage to 1.7 square miles of area, 541 people and 9 businesses. Loss of new in-vehicle coverage would amount to 56% of area coverage, 61% of population coverage, and 58% of road coverage. Loss of new in- building coverage would amount to 41%of area coverage and 41%of population coverage. C Squared Systems,LLC 6 January 24,2018 3.0 Summary The location and the minimum Antenna height proposed were chosen to meet Verizon Wireless' coverage objectives, clear the local obstructions,accommodate collocation and minimize the aesthetic impact to the community. As depicted by the enclosed maps,the proposed Verizon Wireless Communication Facility,with an Antenna centerline height of 115 feet 5 inches, is at the minimum height required to provide the much needed coverage for the Laurel/Southold area, along with effective connectivity to the rest of Verizon Wireless' existing network. Our analysis confirms that the Communication Facility will remedy the existing service deficiency gap to provide reliable wireless coverage for the Laurel/Southold coverage objective. As the coverage statistics demonstrate, without this site, at the height proposed, significant gaps in service will exist(and remain)within this area of Laurel/Southold;reducing the height of the tower(and corresponding Antennas)would also significantly impact the ability of other wireless service providers to collocate on the tower below Verizon Wireless. Therefore based upon the foregoing,the site should be favorably considered by the Town and the application should be granted in all respects. 4.0 Qualifications and Statement of Certifi_catioil I am a Radio Frequency Engineer for C Squared Systems,LLC,which has been retained by Verizon Wireless. I have extensive experience in the design and testing of Verizon Wireless'communication facilities as part of its federally licensed network in New York. For example, I have participated in the design and performance of the Verizon Wireless' network in New York, participated in engineering efforts to provide a quality system build-out, evaluated zoning provisions applicable to wireless communication facilities in various communities, testified before local zoning boards in zoning hearings,prepared search areas for new installations,participated in drive tests and reviewed drive test results,participated in site visits,prepared RF designs for proposed installations,reviewed plans and prepared RF packages for zoning hearings,tested and evaluated new sites, and located and corrected system performance problem areas. I have been involved in Verizon Wireless' design of the proposed Communication Facility at the above site. I have personally visited the area,reviewed coverage data for the proposed installation,and reviewed RF coverage information for Verizon Wireless' existing sites. I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements in this report are true and accurate. / Januaiy 24,2018 rr` Date Martin J.Lavin C Squared Systems,LLC % to before me this day f 2018. N T VtOBLIC C Squared Systems,LLC 7 January 24,2018 74SYste ms SUMMARY: Over thirty years of experience in the RF and wireless communications industry. EXPERIENCE: C Squared Systems,LLC 2008-Present Senior RF Engineer • Zoning Hearing Support • Advanced Wireless Services RF System Design • Wireless Broadband Access Systems Engineering • Drive Test Services ■ Intermodulation Studies ■ RF Exposure Studies U.S. Cellular,Bedford,NH 2002-2008 Senior RF Engineer • West Virginia/Maryland/Pennsylvania CDMA System Design and Optimization • CDMA Capacity Planning and New Site Builds • Subject Matter Expert for E-911,Public Safety Interference Issues,Collocation, and Technology Transitions Independent Wireless One(Sprint Network Affiliate),Londonderry,NH 2000-2002 Senior RF Engineer • CDMA System Buildout in New Hampshire and Vermont • Organized Field Office • RF System Design and Site Selection Point of Contact with Site Acquisition and Construction • Capacity Planning • System Performance Nextel,Reston,VA 1999-2000 Senior Manager—Technology Development • New Feature Development for the Motorola MEN system • Corporate RF Engineering Standards • Evaluation of international and domestic spectrum acquisition opportunities C Squared Systems,LLC 8 January 24,2018 USI,Chantilly,VA 1999 Program Manager • Software development projects in Europe and U.S., including budget and schedule responsibility. • Direct client contact for requirements gathering and proposal writing. LCC International,McLean,VA 1991-1998 Manager of Engineering • Domestic and International Cellular&PCS System Design and Buildout • Nationwide GSM Network Buildouts of Australia and New Zealand • FCC PCS Pioneer's Preference • Strategic Planning for LCC Initial Public Offering • Responsible for RF Design and Site Selection for Los Angeles MTA • Wrote network equipment RFP for two PCS MTAs • Software Product Manager for Cel1CAD,ANET, and MetroNET • Managed Drive Test Services, including all Timesheet and Expense Approval Carl T.Jones Corporation/SAIC,Springfield,VA 1987-1991 EMC/EMI Engineer • Test and Measurement consulting for FCC compliance • Broadcast(AM-FM-TV)consulting EDUCATION: University of New Hampshire—Whittemore School of Business and Economics Master of Business Administration Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Bachelor of Science,Electrical Engineering C Squared Systems,LLC 9 January 24,2018