HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 13002 P 548 1111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 11111 IIIII VIII VIII IIII IIII 111111 IIIII 11111 IIlI IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 02/28/2019 Number of Pages: 4 At: 11 :58 : 15 AM Receipt Number : 19-0041699 TRANSFER TAX 'NUMBER: 18-24756 LIBER: D00013002 PAGE : 548 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 110 . 00 08 . 00 015 . 000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0 . 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5. 00 NO EA-STATE $125. 00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $0 .00 NO RPT $200 . 00 NO Transfer tax $0 .00 NO Comm.Pres $0 . 00 NO Fees Paid $395. 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 18-24756 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County ; FSubmit by E mail Print Form Number of pages RECORDED 2019 Feb 28 11:58:15 AM UDITH A. PASCALE This document will be public CLERK OF record.Please remove all SUFFOLK DO0 171002V L D�3i:�O13002 Social Security Numbers P 540 prior to recording. DT# 18-24756 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 1 FEES Page/Filing Fee /l� Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. Gj)9 EA 52 17(County) Sub Total or Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. LLr Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. S. 00 Transfer Tax Mansion Tax Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other Grand Total if N0, see appropriate tax clause on page ofthis i trume n. 4 Dist. 1i 19005907 loon 110o0 o80o ois000 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Property P T S Consideration Amount$ 0.00 Tax Se R VIT 0.00 I�IIII�II��I� Agency 22-FEB-1 1111111 1111 UUUUWWWW CPF Tax Due $ Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD&RETURN TO: 4acantLand ANNE MARIE GOODALE,ESQ. TD C Twomey Latham et al PO Box 9398 TD Riverhead,NY 11901-9398 TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached QUITCLAIM DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) BRUCE HOTCHKISS and CHERYL HOTCHKISS The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO IntheTOWNof SOUTHOLD JENNIFER L.RAYNOR,Trustee In the VILLAGE orHAMLETof NEW SUFFOLK BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over NO CONSIDERATION Quitclaim Deed This Indenture,made the 30h day of January,Two Thousand and Nineteen, BETWEEN BRUCE HOTCHKISS and CHERYL HOTCHKISS, both residing at 5030 New Suffolk Road,New Suffolk,New York 11956, party of the first part,and JENNIFER L.RAYNOR,residing at 135 Sunrise Avenue,Riverhead,New York 11901,as Trustee of both the BRUCE M.HOTCHKISS IRREVOCABLE TRUST,_ u/a/d 1/30/2019, and the CHERYL J. HOTCHKISS IRREVOCABLE TRUST, u/a/d 1/30/2019,each to a fifty(50%)percent interest in said premises, party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of Ten Dollars and TAX MAP other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant DESIGNATION and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever,all of the party of the first part's interest in Dist.: 1000 Sec.: 110.00 SEE SCHEDULE"A"ATTACHED. Blk.: 08.00 Lot: 015.000 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated December 12, 1996, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on December 18, 1996, in Liber 11806 Page 784,and by deed dated October 7th, 2009, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on October 15th,2009,in Liber D00012603 Page 202. This property is known as 5030 New Suffolk Road,New Suffolk,New York 11956. Together with all right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, And the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. And the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. In Witness Whereof,the party of the first part has duly executed this Deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: 4 .00 BRUCE HOTCHKISS L.S. CHERA HOTCHKISS STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)ss.: On the 30th day of January, in the year 2019, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared BRUCE HOTCHKISS, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. irk NotarP blic ANNE MARIE GOODALE NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK NO.02GO5063886 o STATE OF NEW YORK) COMMISSION LIFIED EXP RES JULY COUNTY SUFFOLK 9.2 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)ss.: On the 30th day of January, in the year 2019, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared CHERYL HOTCHKISS, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. � �lJ� Notary ublic ANNE MARIE GOODALE NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK NO.02GO5063886 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 29.20 QUITCLAIM DEED DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 110.00 BRUCE HOTCHKISS and BLOCK: 08.00 CHERYL HOTCHKISS LOT: 015.000 TO COUNTY OR TOWN:Southold JENNIFER L.RAYNOR,as Trustee of both TAX BILLING ADDRESS: PO Box 617 the BRUCE M.HOTCHKISS IRREVOCABLE New Suffolk,NY 11956 TRUST,u/a/d 1/30/2019,and the CHERYL J. HOTCHKISS IRREVOCABLE TRUST,u/a/d RETURN BY MAIL TO: 1/30/2019,each to a fifty(50%)percent interest ANNE MARIE GOODALE,Esq. in said premises Twomey,Latham et al P.O.Box 9398 Riverhead,NY 11901-9398 Page 2 of 2 Pages db SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION All that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of New Suffolk Lane,said point being 150.24 feet northerly from the Intersection of the northerly line of Oak Road and the westerly line of New Suffolk Lane,said point being at the southeasterly corner of the premises herein 'described adjoining land now or formerly of Byron Horton; RUNNING THENCE in a westerly direction along said land now or formerly of Byron Horton 139.04 feet to land now or formerly of Gaffga;RUNNING THENCE.In a northerly direction along said land now or formerly of Gaffga 50 feet to land now or formerly of Porters; RUNNING THENCE in an easterly direction 136.30 feet along said land of Porters to the westerly line of New Suffoik Lane; RUNNING THENCE southerly along the westerly line of New Suffolk Lane 50.08 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. INSTRUCTIONS(RP-5217-PDF-INS):www.orps.statemy.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Now York State Departinent of Ct.SVVIS Code I�,�,`�$, JqQ I Taxation and Finance C2.Date Deed Recorded I Z/ 23/ ! 1 I Office of Real Property Tax Services taw Q RP-5217-PDF Z C4.Page (J C9.Book Real Properly Transfer Report(BMO) PROPERTY INFORMATION f.Propery 'yC30 NEW SUFFOIK RC Location •61 vul www.v •eTfst rUrE SOUT:10:D NEW SUk'I:'O:.K ;1g36 •cr•ort assn yr 1A31 •m rmt 2.Buyer RAYNOR as :YUS:e. .JF.NNI=1•;R :. Name •Wi WIMEIty/PAdv F199T,IAY' 1 An'NAMI x:o4PMl F0116T MME , 2.Tax Indrale where future 1 a■Hills am to be sent Billing 0other than buyer addresk(st bottom or form) w:xAMlax•rr4wr •.R9-+AM= Address STRCr.T mmBER An41 L[ME WyONTam arATS LPCOaE 4.Indluta era number of Aeeoeemord 1 e of Panels OR ElPart of a Parcel (Only S Part of a Parcel)Cheek as they appy: Roll parcels transferred on the dead 4A.Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists S.Deed X OR 0.19 4B.Subdivision Approval was Requlrod for Transh r Property FPONn•EET r.1 Pnl -AMM o ❑ Size 4C.Pascal Approved ter Subdmalon with Map Pravlaea 170^.CFF'iss 3RU F. -.Beller •,AST NMrr"." -,4e:— Name HOTCHKISS CHERYi JL9'LAUMM.VNY •RSTNAME •7.Select the description which most accurately describes the Check the boxes hot=as they appy: use of the property at the time of sale: a.Ownership Type is Condominium ❑ A.One ram)ly Residential a.New Construction on a Vacant Land ❑ 10A.Property Located within an Agricultural Dane 100.Buyer received a disdow,ro notice Indicating that the property Is 1n an ❑ Agriculture!District SALE INFORMATION IS.Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A Salo Between Relatives or ranter Relatives 11.Salo Contract Data 0.Sale between Roluled Companies or Partners in Business /Js C.Ono o1 ms Buyers Is also a Seller '12.Deb of SaNlfrensfer -" t D.Buyer or Sellar 1s Government Agency or Lending Inslilubon C.Dead Type not yyarraay or Bargain and Sale(Specify Below) F Sale of fractional or Lass Nan Fee Interval(Specify Below) •1].Full Sale Price ,00 O.Significant Change 1n Property Between Taxable Slalus and Sale Dates H.Sale of Business is Included in Salo Price (Full Sola Prim is are total amount pad for that property including personal property. I.Other Unusual Factors Affecting Solo Prim(Specify Below) This payment may be In rho form o1 cash•other property or goods,or tie assumption at J.Nom mortgages or other obligations J Please round to the nearest whole doter amount. 'Comment(-)on Condition: 14.Indicate the value of personal Qsitcla-m; t::,s`x to trsl.-Purs;ur.L tc rota Do D` property Included In the sale -00 eaunsel tral. reLa1TIS grntr'S tax exnpLre :n urp--y ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16.Year of Assessment Rog from which Information taken(YY) 18 117.Total Assessed Value 4,600 •18.Property Claes -11!) - •19.School District Name NEW SUFEY}T_{ SCII 473RI5 •20.Tax Map IaentiOer(syRoll Identifier(s)(If more than four,&tech sheat wrA additional ldenMrls)) 1000-1:L1.00-UB.CU-C15.CJU CERTIFICATION I Certlly that all of the items of Information entered on this form an we and correct(m the best or my knoseedge and bollM and I understand that the making or any willful false stat&7talmotortmifmcthomlnaubjwtmetothe nrovNlans of the renal law relative to the making and filing at fides Ins BUYER CONTACjJHAGZINEPEMATION 0/19 [Enver Namaan for cies buyer Now:Iltxrys a LLC,eooay.neawawn,Lclponalion Ivb[rmG aw'ctalY.ewe or wary era a na err vnowida l peri orttdLOLry.awn■name altl ramatl)r'omuvon err a k16ndWympOFLPa Bkhdie HDtChkiS eery rrw ran Ne+wr elnuanr raawxw ace uenWr mist be sissies Typaerprimelaly) 40� Chj'r'§T 0Achkiss oATE I:1!YNO:t as ^:']•:R Jonni_ar L BUYER SIGNATURE •JeT A'AeE "'al NMF 1/30/19 (63 1) 777-11.3 •A4-A rA:1F '11'11+I,:lra.M-r1a.411.•ea9nel -a•E4"'x p111C ennifer Raynor, Trustee ?0 Sox 617 •a-IR Lr ml4111R •91R1I THUN' S New Sll"ole NY 1:956 •C-0 -0w•• TAIL VPCa111 BUYER'S ATTORNEY CdC.O7ALE ANNE MAI-Tr. IJisi INFAM 'Ra-SAVE I (631) 777-2180 t AREACeoE -Eut o+.-L..r+ER:Fi somm1 1 I I I