HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuidelines for Urban Erosion & Sediment Control 1991 NEW YORK GUIDELINES FOR URBAN EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL Third Printing-October 1991 URBAN SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE New York State Soil&Water Conservation Committee Agronomy Department,Cornell University Agricultural Engineering Department,Cornell University New York State Department of Environmental Conservation New York State Department of Transportation New York Chapter of Land Improvement Contractors of America O'Brien and Gere Engineers,Inc. USDA-Soil Conservation Service The following individuals were responsible for typing,collating and editing this document: Patricia A.Paul,Public Affairs Specialist,USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY Anthony Esser,Water Quality Coordinator,USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY Patricia A.Hammer,Secretary,Engineering Staff,USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY Karen Radlowski,Secretary,Information Staff,USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY Andy Wright,Engineering Draftsman,USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY William Rounds,Engineering Draftsman,USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY The contents of this publication were prepared by the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the policies or recommendations of other referenced agencies or organizations. The mention of trade names,products or companies does not constitute an endorsement. This manual is intended for periodic update and thus sections may be changed or added as philosophy and practices for erosion and sediment control evolve. Printed By: Empire State Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society P,REFACE . . ....... .............. ...........:........ The parent document "Guidelines for Erosion and Sedi- permanent structural measures for erosion and water con- ment Control in Urban Areas of New York State" was trol,update the discipline vocabulary,incorporate the most originally published by the USDA-Soil Conservation Ser- recent methods and procedures available, and provide vice in 1972 to provide information on minimizing erosion local planners and legislators examples of public ad- and sediment problems on land undergoing urban ministration. The guide was again revised in mid-1991 to development.These guidelines were used by soil and water incorporate general updates, a chapter on calculating conservation districts, planning boards,property owners, runoff, a chapter on bio-engineering,the addition of tem- land developers,contractors and consultants. porary and permanent practices and a site specific example Based upon the experience gained in the use of this docu- demonstrating the planning and design process. ment,a committee was formed in 1978 to update this guide. Although the initial publication was written for internal This committee contained specialists and representatives Service and Soil and Water Conservation District use,the from: need and demand for this information has expanded New York State Soil&Water Conservation Committee throughout the State to other public service agencies and the general public. This document aims to help improve Agronomy Department,Cornell University water quality, reduce sediment damage and associated maintenance costs of road ditches,storms sewers,streams, Agricultural Engineering Department,Cornell University lakes, flood control structures, and improve the value of New York State Department of Environmental on-site detention basins for recreational use. It is dis- Conservation tributed by the Empire State Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society. New York State Department of Transportation This guide can be used to assist local units of government New York Chapter of Land Improvement Contractors in preparing and implementing their soil erosion and sedi- of America ment control programs and in reviewing proposed site O'Brien and Gere Engineers,Inc. development plans; establish or encourage uniformity through standards in applying erosion control techniques; USDA-Soil Conservation Service and help developers and planners to make maximum use of potential development sites by proper management of their natural resources.It is to this end the document was This committee completed their draft document"Sediment created. andErosion Control for Developing Areas"in May 1980. Before this document could be finalized, technological advances and increased demand for natural resource plan- Donald W.Lake,Jr.,P.E. ning due to increased urban pressure on rural areas,caused State Conservation Engineer an additional need for revision and expansion of the tech- nical chapters. USDA-Soil Conservation Service In March 1985,work resumed on the guide to expand the Syracuse,New York standards and specifications to include temporary and i E New York Guidelines for Urban October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control REGISTRATION"-THIRD PRINTING Persons wishing to receive future additions,corrections or related information of the"New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control'may have their names placed on a permanent mailing list being developed from this "request page." Please type or print your name and mailing address,including ZIP code,on this form. Remove this sheet:fold,staple and mail to the Soil Conservation Service.NOTE:A postage stamp is required. TYPE or PRINT NAME: TITLE: AGENCY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE: CHECK ONE , 0 Government Agency Private 0 Soil Conservation Service Engineer 0 Equipment Manufacturing Soil Conservation District Consultant'f 0 Materials Manufacturing 0 Federal a Contractor State Supplier County Other: 0 Municipal COMMENTS: t� i Staple Here Fold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Place Stamp Here USDA-Soil Conservation Service James M. Hanley Federal Building, Room 771 P.O Box 7248 100 S. Clinton Street Syracuse, New York 13261-7248 Attn: Engineering Division Fold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORDER FORM SOINEW YORK GUIDELINES FOR AND WATER URBAN EROSION ANDSEDIMENT CONTROL �f� CONSERVATION � SOCIETY The New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control contains standards and specifications for erosion and sediment control measures commonly used on construction sites. Both vegetative and structural measures (permanent and temporary) are included in the manual. The manual is avaluable tool for planners,engineers,local officials,contractors,and others involved in development activities. Copies can be purchased for $25.00 per copy from some county Soil and Water Conservation Districts or directly from the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Empire State Chapter. Check with your county Soil and Water Conservation District for availability before ordering direct. If ordering direct from SWCS make check payable to 'Empire State Chapter- SWCS." Mail this form with payment to: Empire State Chapter, SWCS P.O. Box 7172 Syracuse, New York 13261-7172 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Copies at$25.00 per copy: Total Amount Enclosed: Name: Address: i Staple Here Fold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Place Stamp Here Empire State Chapter - SWCS P.O. Box 7172 Syracuse, New York 13261-7172 Fold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS SECTION 1 ...............INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 ...............RESOURCE PLANNING IN URBAN AREAS SECTION 3 ...............VEGETATIVE MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SECTION 4 ...............BIO-TECHNIOCAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SECTION 5 ...............STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SECTION 5A.........................STRUCTURAL MEASURES-TEMPORARY SECTION 5B .........................STRUCTURAL MEASURES-PERMANENT SECTION 6 ...............SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN-SITE EXAMPLE SECTION 7 ...............MAINTAINING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SECTION 8 ...............ESTIMATING SEDIMENT YIELDS FOR URBAN CONSTRUCTION AREAS SECTION 9 ...............BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS SECTION 10 ..............ESTIMATING URBAN RUNOFF SECTION 11 .............. APPENDICES APPENDIXA. ........................NY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GUIDELINES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT; NYS DEC TOGS 5.1.10 APPENDIX B ........................HOW TO USE THE UNIVERSAL SOIL LOSS EQUATION IN URBANIZING AREAS APPENDIX C ........................FIELD MEASUREMENT OF RILL EROSION IN TONS PER ACRE APPENDIXI) ........................EXCERPTS FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ORDINANCES APPENDIX E ........................HOW TO READ FERTILIZER LABELS APPENDIX F ........................SAMPLE CHECKLIST FOR REVIEWING EROSION& SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS SECTION 12 ..............GLOSSARY SECTION 13 ..............DIRECTORIES SECTION 13.1 ........................SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE NEW YORK FIELD OFICES SECTION 13.3 ........................COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OFFICES SECTION 13.5 ........................NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION REGIONAL OFFICES SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION CONTENTS Page Purpose .................................................... . .................................1.1 Scopeand Authority.................... ............ . . . . . . . .................. ................1.1 Erosion and Sediment Hazards Associated with Urban Developments ..... ....... ........... ..........1.1 Basic Principles of Erosion and Sediment Control ........ . . . . . . ....... .. ..... .............. .. ......1.2 Section prepared by: Donald W.Lake,Jr.,P.E., State Conservation Engineer, USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY INTRODUCTION Purpose Erosion and Sediment Hazards ! These guidelines provide information on minimizing Associated with Urban Developments erosion and sediment problems on land undergoing urban In the urbanizing process,many people may be adversely development. They show how to use soil,water and plants affected by development on relatively small areas of land. to improve the quality of our environment. These Uncontrolled erosion and sediment from these areas may guidelines were developed by the Soil Conservation Ser- cause considerable economic damage to individuals and vice(SCS)in cooperation with state and local agencies for society in general. Stream pollution and damages to public use by soil and water conservation districts (hereafter facilities and private homes are examples. referred to as districts). These guidelines also may be helpful to planning boards and other government bodies, Hazards associated with urban developments include: property owners, land developers, contractors, consult- 1..a large increase of soil exposed to erosion from wind ants,and others. and water; Scope and Authority 2. increased water runoff, soil movement,sediment ac- cumulation and peak flows caused by: The guidelines apply-to urban lands where housing, in- dustrial, A.institutional, recreational and highway develop- B. a decrease in the area of soil which can absorb ments are occurring or are imminent. They are statewide water because of construction of streets,build- in scope and are somewhat generalized due to variations ings,sidewalks and parking lots; in climate, topography, geology, soils and plant require- ments. Feasible ways to minimize erosion and sedimenta- C. changes in drainage areas caused by grading tion are varied and complex. Alternative methods can be operations,diversions and streets; used to solve a problem. Final decisions on measures to be D. changes in volume and duration of water con- used are made by local people. centrations caused by altering steepness,dis- The SCS,working through districts,has broad authority to tance and surface roughness; help people solve problems of soil, water, and related E.soil compaction by heavy equipment which can resources. There may be times, however, when these reduce the water intake of soils as much as 90 problems or related conditions are referred to outside percent of the original rate; groups for advice or assistance. Any technical assistance F. prolonged exposure of unprotected sites and given by SCS personnel must conform with local policies service areas to poor weather conditions. and procedures as well as standards established by the 3. altering the groundwater regime that may adversely agency. affect drainage systems, slope stability, survival of If authorized by districts,SCS can: existing vegetation-and establishment of new plants; 1. assist local groups or communities in reviewing and 4. exposing subsurface materials that are too rocky,too developing resource plans and evaluating benefits acid,or otherwise unfavorable for establishing plants; and costs of treatment measures; 5. obstructing streamflow with new buildings,dikes and 2. provide technical assistance to installsoil,water and landfills; plant conservation measures before or during con- 6. improper timing and sequence of construction and struction; development activities; 3. give advice on maintenance programs for installed 7. abandonment of sites before completion of construc- measures. tion. October 1991-Third Printing Page 1.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control BASIC PRINCIPLES OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The Erosion and Sedimentation 1. Soil Erodibility-The vulnerability of a soil to erosion is Processes known as erodibility. The soil structure,texture,and per- centage of organic matter influence its erodibility. The The standards, specifications and planning guidelines most erodible soils generally contain high proportions of presented in this document are intended to be utilized silt and very fine sand. The presence of clay or organic when development activities change the natural topog- matter tends to decrease soil erodibility. Clays are sticky raphy and vegetative cover of an area. It is necessary to and tend to bind soil particles together. Organic matter formulate and implement erosion and sediment control helps to maintain stable soil structure(aggregates). plans with urban land development because such develop- 2. Vegetative Cover - Vegetation protects soil from the ment can increase erosion and sediment problems. To erosive forces of raindrop impact and runoff scour in understand how erosion and sediment rates are increased several ways.Vegetation(top growth)shields the soil sur- requires an understanding of the processes themselves. face from raindrop impact while the root mass holds soil Soil erosion is the removal of soil by water,wind, ice, or particles in place. Grass buffer strips can be used to filter gravity.This document deals primarilywith the types of soil sediment from the surface runoff. Grasses also slow the erosion caused by rainfall and surface runoff. Raindrops velocity of runoff, and help maintain the infiltration strike the soil surface at a velocity of approximately 25-30 capacity of a soil. The establishment and maintenance of feet per second and can cause splash erosion. Raindrop vegetation are the most important factors in minimising erosion causes particles of soil to be detached from the soil erosion during development. mass and splash into the air. After the soil particles are 3. Topography - Slope length and steepness greatly in- dislodged,they canbe transported by surface runoff,which fluence both the volume and velocity of surface runoff. results when the soil becomes too saturated to absorb Long slopes deliver more runoff to the base of slopes and falling rain or when the rain falls at an intensity greater than steep slopes increase runoff velocity. Both conditions en- the rate at which the water can enter the soil. Scouring of hance the potential for erosion to occur. the exposed soil surface by runoff can cause further erosion. Runoff can become concentrated into rivulets or 4. Climate - Climate also affects erosion potential in an well defined channels up to several inches deep. This area. Rainfall characteristics such as frequency,intensity, advanced stage is called rill erosion. If rills and grooves and duration directly influence the amount of runoff that- remaid unrepaired, they may develop into gullies when is generated. As the frequency of rainfall increases,water more concentrated runoff flows downslope. has less chance to drain through the soil between storms. The soil will remain saturated for longer periods of time Sediment deposition occurs when the rate of surface flow and stormwater runoff volume may be potentially greater. is insufficient for the transport of soil particles. The Therefore,erosion risks are high where rainfall is frequent, heavier particles, such as sand and gravel, transport less intense,or lengthy. readily than the lighter silt and clay particles. Previously deposited sediment may be suspended by runoff from 5. Season-Seasonal variation in temperature and rainfall another storm and transported farther downslope. In this defines periods of high erosion potential during the year. way, sediment is carried intermittently downstream from A high erosion potential may exist in the spring when the its upland point of origin. surface soil first thaws and the ground underneath remains frozen. A low intensity rainfall may cause substantial Factors That Influence Erosion erosion because the frozen subsoil prevents water infiltra- tion. In addition the erosion potential increases during the The erosion potential of a site is determined by five factors; summer months due to more frequent,high intensity rain- soil erodibility,vegetative cover,topography, climate and fall. season. Although the factors are interrelated as deter- minants of erosion potential,they are discussed separately for easy understanding. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 1.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 2 - RESOURCE PLANNING IN URBAN AREAS CONTENTS PAP List,of Tables List of Figures ResourcePlanning ...... . ......................................................................2.1 LandDevelopment Plans ........................................................................2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan................................................................2.1 Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Controls ..................................................2.2 Predicting Soil Losses ...........................................................................2.3 Estimating Sediment Yield .......................................................................2.3 Planning Assistance ..............................................................................2.3 Erosion and Sediment,Control Ordinances .........................................................2.3 Steps in Selection of Control Measures .............................................................2.4 Planning Flow Charts ............................................................................2.5 Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix .....................................................2.8 References l i Section prepared by: Donald W.Lake,Jr.,P.E., State Conservation Engineer, USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY List of Tables Table Title e� 2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.8 List of Figures BWM T Paae 2.1 Planning Flow Chart-Runoff Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.5 2.2 Planning Flow Chart-Soil Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.6 2.3 Planning Flow Chart-Sediment Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.7 RESOURCE PLANNING IN URBAN AREAS Resource Planning Soil and Water Conservation District offices and will specifically provide the following soils information: Effective solutions to urban erosion and sediment A. descriptions, erodibility, limitations and problems begin with planning.Resource plans can guide capabilities; and control urban growth preventing wasteful and hap- hazard developments. B. engineering properties of soils; Districts and the SCS have technical resource data and C. suitability of the soil as a resource material for information that can serve as a basis for decision making topsoil,gravel,sand highways,dams and levees; by local authorities to fulfill the objectives established by D. site suitability for buildings,roads,winter grading, plans.These objectives may include reserving best agricul- foundations, septic tank disposal fields, sanitary tural areas for cropland;maintaining an economic agricul- land fills, vegetation, reservoirs, dams, artificial tural use; protecting historical, scenic and natural beauty drainage,recreational areas and wildlife develop- areas; providing for open spaces and parks; developing ment. Generalized soils information, also useful attractive residential,institutional and industrial areas;and for some purposes, is usually available in SCS using floodplains and other problem areas for recreation offices. buffer zones and conservation education uses. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Land Development Plans An erosion and sediment-control plan should be prepared for all land development and construction activities when As more specific plans,such as plans for subdivisions,are developed for smaller areas,SCS can furnish more detailed it is determined that soil erosion and sedimentation,if not controlled, may have a significant affect on the environ- information and interpretations.This information will help determinethe suitability of the site for the kind of develop- went. Appendix A,New York State Department of En- went to be made.It will also help in planning and treating vu�onmental Conservation TOGS 5.1.10 provides guidance these lands-to-greatly reduce erosion and sediment for initiating erosion and sediment control plans. problems during construction. A great deal of information must be assimilated to develop an efficient plan to minimize erosion and control sedimen- Certain basic data need to be assembled before adequate talion at a construction site. An erosion and sediment technical information and interpretations can be provided control plan shows the site's existing topography,and how for a subdivision or other type of specific plan.These data and when it will be altered.It also shows the erosion and consist primarily of: sediment control measures that will be used to minimizr. 1.Geography of the Area to be Developed the risk of sediment pollution,and how and when they will Conditions of proposed areas to be developed need be implemented and maintained. The coordination of to be examined early in the planning stages. These erosion and sediment control practices with construction conditions include location, accessibility, present activities is explained on the plan by a phasing schedule. land use,size of proposed tract,topography,drainage The Planning Process pattern, geology, 'hydrology, soils, vegetation and climate. Such information is obtained from on-site The following procedure is recommended to develop a examinations and existing technical reports, maps, plan that will efficiently control erosion and sedimentation records and other documented material usually avail- throughout the site development process. able from local sources. 1.Plan the Development to Fit the Site 2.Study of Soils in the Area to be Developed Assess the physical characteristics of the site to deter- Soils information,interpretations and data are basic mine how it can be developed with the smallest risk to urban land uses.These studies provide an under- of environmental damage.Minimize grading by utiliz- standing of the capabilities and general limitations of ing the existing topography wherever possible. Avoid the site.They point out the feasibility of planned land disturbing wetlands or other environmentally sensi- uses, economic considerations`and conservation re- tive areas. Minimize offsite impacts by maintaining quirements of the site. vegetative buffer strips between disturbed and ad- Soils information such as detailed soil maps and in- jacent areas. terpretation sheets may be available in local SCS and _ October 1991-Third Printing Page 2.1 New York Guidelines for Urban ! Erosion and Sediment Control 2.Determine Limits of Clearing and Grading 2)provisions for erosion and sediment control; Decide exactly which areas must be disturbed in 3) a time schedule of proposed construction ac- order to accommodate the proposed construction. tivity and erosion and sediment control im- Pay special attention to critical areas (e.g. steep plementation;and slopes, highly erodible soils, surface water borders) 4)maintenance phasing. which must be disturbed.Staged clearing and grading should be considered as an alternative to massive Standard symbols are used to facilitate the understanding clearing and grading. and review of plans.The symbols,Figure 4.1 on page 4.3, are designed to be easy to apply to plans by drafting or by 3.Divide the Site into Natural Drainage Areas using stick on materials. They should be bold.and easily Determine how runoff will drain from the site.Con- discernible on the plans.The following scales are recom- sider how erosion and sedimentation can be control- mended for use on erosion and sediment control plans led in each small drainage area before looking at the because they facilitate the plan review process: 1 in. = 20 entire site. Remember, it is more advantageous to ft-,1 in. = 30 ft.,1 in. = 40 ft.,or 1 in. = 50 ft. control erosion at the source and prevent any The contour interval for these plans shall be two feet or problems than to design perimeter controls to trap less.Other scales or contour intervals may be favored for sediment. special types of land disturbance projects. For example, 4.Select Erosion and Sediment Control Practices strip mine plans are often drawn to scales of 1 in. = 200 ft. Erosion and sediment control practices can be or 1 in. = 500 ft. with contour intervals of 5 to 20 feet. divided into vegetative and structural controls.This Consult the appropriate plan review agency prior to fmaliz- handbook should be used for the selection and design ing the selection of plan scale. A sample checklist is con- of vegetative and structural practices.Vegetative and tained in the appendix structural controls are outlined below. Implementation of Erosion and Sediment A.Vegetative Controls-The best way to protect the Controls soil surface and limit erosion is to preserve the existing vegetative groundcover.Where land dis- Effective implementation of erosion and sediment controls turbance is necessary,temporary seeding or mul- requires good construction management.Proper manage- ching should be used on areas which will be ment can reduce the need for maintenance of structural exposed for long periods of time prior toconstruc- controls, regrading of severely eroded areas, and ` tion. Permanent stabilization should be per- reconstruction of controls that-were improperly imple- formed as soon as possible after completion of mented. Good site management results in efficient use of grading.Erosion and sediment control plans must manpower and financial savings. contain provisions for permanent stabilization of Site management for effective implementation of erosion disturbed areas. Seed type, soil amendments, and sediment controls involves the following: seedbed preparation, and mulching should be described on the plans. Selection of permanent 1. Clear only what is required for immediate construc- vegetation should include the following con- tion activity. Large projects should be cleared and sideration for each plant species: graded as construction progresses. Mass clearing 1)establishment requirements; and grading of the entire site should be avoided. 2)adaptability to site condition; Restabilize disturbed areas as soon as possible after 3)aesthetic and natural resource values; construction is completed. Certain section of large 4)maintenance requirements. construction projects may be completed before B.Structural_ Controls-Structural sediment control others and be ready for stabilization before the total project is completed. Waiting until the end of the practices may be necessary when disturbed areas project to commence all site stabilization may leave cannot be promptly stabilized with vegetation. areas exposed for an unnecessarily long duration. Structural practices shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with these guideline 2. Divert offsite runoff from highly erodible soils and standards and specifications. steep slopes and convey to stable areas. An acceptable erosion and sediment control plan 3.Physically mark off limits of land disturbance on the includes:" site with tape,signs,or other methods,so the workers 1)a map of the existing topography and proposed can see areas to be protected. grading; 4. Make"sure that all workers understand the major provisions of the erosion and sediment control plan. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 2.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 5. Designate responsibility for implementing the erosion often have excessive grades that increase erosion and sediment control plan to one individual. hazards and sedimentation. 6. Implement a daily inspection program to determine 2. Construction plans for public utilities should include when erosion and sediment control measures need steps needed to reduce sediment producing hazards maintenance or repair.Pay particular attention to the when pipelines, electric transmission and telephone inspection following rainfall events. lines are installed. Predicting Soil Losses 3.Environmental quality is enhanced when open spaces, parks,recreational areas,ponds,wildlife habitat and Estimates of soil losses can be made for construction sites other areas of public use become integral parts of the by using the Universal Soil Loss Equation.This equation plan. These areas should be well delineated and uses rainfall intensity or erosion index,soil erodibility,and protected from damages that may occur from nearby slope factors in calculating the estimated soil loss. The construction. Selections of such areas should be equation is used to determine sheet and rill erosion losses based upon soils,vegetation,water, topography, ac- on the site. cessibility,wildlife,and aesthetic values. Predictions of soil losses in areas to be developed is directly 4. Integrated surface and storm drainage systems are related to resource planning.The predictions will influence essential parts of any planned development.The plan the degree of planning and treatment required for proper should clearly specify: location and capacities of control of erosion and sediment.Predicted soil losses may diversions and debris basins;paved or other types of also create an awareness among developers,local govern- lined chutes,outlets and waterways;drop inlets;open ment agencies and others of the urgent need to install or closed drains;stream channel protection and bank conservation measures before or concurrent with con- erosion structures. struction. 5.Stabilizing land with plant materials or mulches should be part of a planned development.Retention of exist- Soil losses on a construction site may be predicted for a ing natural vegetation in strategic areas is beneficial whole year,a part of a year or on the basis of"probability" and desirable. storms and magnitudes of single storms.(Refer to Appen- 6 dix Bfor instructions and examples on how the Universal .Installation of the control measures before or as soon Soil Loss Equation is used for this purpose.) as possible during construction will greatly reduce erosion and sediment damages. Estimating Sediment Yield 7. Temporary and/or permanent erosion control measures may be needed. They should also be in- Sediment yield involves both soil erosion on the site and stalled as soon as possible. Provisions for main- the transport mechanism acting to carry the eroded tenance of these measures should be part of the plan material off the site. and enforced. Where sediment yields from a developing area are needed Erosion and Sediment Control for calculation of sediment basin design,etc.,the methods Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations in Section 8 can be used for determining the amount of the eroded material that will leave the site as sediment. Local ordinances or regulations dealing with erosion and sediment controls enhance and implement resource plan- Planning Assistance ning and development in areas that are to be urbanized. The SCS does not,in any way,participate in the enactment Planning assistance maybe available from the county Soil or enforcement of ordinances. This is strictly the respon- sibility of authorized government agencies and officials.At Based upon data and information described above,plan- the request of local-Districts, the SCS can furnish any ning assistance during the development of a plan may available technical information or data that may be useful include the following considerations: to authorized local government agencies when preparing to formulate ordinances or regulations. 1. Planning of streets and lots should relate to site con- ditions. Streets laid out at right angles to contours October 1991-Third Printing Page 2.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STEPS IN THE SELECTION OF CONTROL MEASURES Step 1:Idents Control Method-On any construction site can be taken to solve the problem.Strategies can be used the objective in erosion and sediment control is to prevent individually or in combination.For example, if there is a off-site sedimentation damage. Three basic methods are cut slope to be protected from erosion,the strategies may used to control erosion on construction sites: runoff con- be to protect the ground surface, divert water from the trol, soil stabilization, and sediment control. Controlling slope or shorten it.Any combination of the above can be erosion should be the first line of defense. Where soil used.If no rainfall except that which falls on the slope has properties and topography of the site make the design of the potential to cause erosion and if the slope is relatively sediment trapping facilities impractical,runoff control and short,protecting the soil surface is often all that is required soil stabilization should be used.Controlling erosion is very to solve the problem. effective for small disturbed areas such as single lots or small areas of a development that do not drain to a sedi- Step 4:Identify Control Measure Group-Once required went trapping facility. strategies are identified, the planning matrix leads to the group or groups of control measures that will accomplish Sediment trapping facilities should be used on large one strategy. Control measures within each group have developments where mass grading is planned,where it is similar purpose,scope,application,design,criteria,stand- impossible or impractical to control erosion, and where ard plans,and construction specifications.Therefore,any sediment particles are relatively large.A minimum of cost measure within a group will solve the problem in question. for erosion and sediment control is usually accomplished Step 5: Select Specific Control Measure-The final step in by using a combination of vegetative and structural erosion control and sedimentation control measures. erosion and sediment control planning can be ac- complished by completing final design.This involves adap- Step 2:Identify Problem Areas-Once a method of control tation of any control measure within a group to solve the is selected, potential erosion and sediment control prob- specific erosion and sediment control problem. From lem areas are identified. Areas where erosion is to be descriptions given to the right of each control measure,the controlled will usually fall into categories of slopes,graded one measure which is most economical,practical,efficient, areas or drainage ways. Slopes include graded rights-of- and adaptable to the site can be chosen. way,stockpile areas,and all cut or fill slopes.Graded areas include all stripped areas other than slopes. Drainage Once the specific control measure has been selected, the Plan key symbol given in the matrix can be placed on the ways are areas where concentrations of water flow natural- ly or artificially,and the potential for gully erosion is high. erosion and sediment control site plan to show where Problem areas where sediment is to be controlled fall into control measures will be used.Standardized design,plan, categories of large or small drainage areas.Small areas are and construction specification sheets can then be com- usually 1 acre or less while large areas are larger than 1 Pleted for each control measure.This completes the plan- ning for sedimentation control and soil erosion as part of acre. the total natural resource plan. Step 3: Identify Required Strategy - The third step in erosion and sediment control planning is to follow the planning matrix from the problem area to the strategy that New York Guidelines for Urban Page 2.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 0 EARTH DIKE - PERIMETER DIKE/SWALE --PD— a TEMPORARY SWALE R DIVERSIONS DIVERT WATER BARS --WB-- H RUNOFF DIVERSION —D— co LuDIVERSION ON DRAIN DIVE Lu CONCRETE PAVED CHANNEL P � CONVEY`n RUNOFF GRASSED WATERWAY � GL� ces WATERWAYS �t ~ ROCK LINED WATERWAY RRO n : � o w DRAINAGE- N C ) Z WAYS GRADE STAB. STRUCTtA URE _ INTERCEPT N i C=) r GROUND SUMP PIT z _j WATER ENCLOSED o DRAINAGE SUBSURFACE DRAIN �SD� DC CD n PIPE SLOPE DRAIN �PSD� C J 0 7 c U STABLIZE ROCK OUTLET PROTECTION o OUTLET OUTLETS LEVEL SPREADER M. PAVED FLUMED � G1 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 N % p O n ~ o � pp 0 R � a � cn a c-D a CD CD ^�^ y r) TEMPORARY SEEDING OS 0 PERMANENT SEEDING PS H VEGETATIVE TOPSOILING C3 GRADED PROTECT SOIL w AREAS SURFACE COVER SODDING OS J PROTECTING VEGETATION to O H REC. AREA IMPROVEMENT AI h-I a: O DUNE STABLIZATION DS N a 0 uj °° -� uj NON- MULCHING OM Mo VEGETATIVE N COVER RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTIONCL RS ® IV C3 QC3 cn - H HF RETAINING WALL * CD a cn °C STRUCTURAL LAND GRADING J N STRENGTHEN SURFACE ROUGHENING USLOPES SUBSURFACE 0 C) STREAMBANK PROTECTION O o WATTLING 0 BIO BRUSH MATTING TECHNICAL STREAMBANK PROTECTION H STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 a , b 0 0 H CD a ro CONVEY ROCK DAM 5' LARGE SEDIMENT CHECK DAM (SEE RRAINASEWAYSI AREAS SEDIMENT DEBRIS BASIN BASINS/TRAPS PORTABLE SEDIMENT TANK w ASI O EMBANKMENT SEDIMENT BN Q° � RETAIN FILL/EXCAVATED SEDIMENT TRAPS ui a O H SEDIMENT PIPE OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP U n UQ z STRAW BALE DIKE w SEDIMENT H w SMALL FILTER FILTERS STORM DRAIN INLET FILTER 1111 0 o AREAS SEDIMENT SILT FENCE ..■.. p, w cr— 3 TABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE a MUD AND DUST CONTROLA C DUST CONTROL WATERWAY CROSSING T CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION =CRS- 0 tri CD I r. 0' o a, � STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 C � j. i. (� y p O n ~ p K � , Z Estimated o Practice Primary Puoose Site Characteristics Design Life Associated Practices Gn � o Brush Matting Stabilize soil; Streambank slopes 5-10 years Rock slope protection, a. prevent erosion structural streambank 5 protection,subsurface drain a pCheck Dam Control sediment/ Drainage area <_ 2 Ac. 1 year Lined waterway,rock outlet a y runoff protection pConstruction Road Control sediment All construction routes 2 years Dust control,temporary o 7. Stabilization swales,temporary or — permanent seeding. Debris Basin Capture sediment Maximum drainage Up to 25 years Sediment basin R1 area = 200 acres p N Diversion Intercept and divert Minimum 10 yr.Design Q 10-25 years Permanent seeding,rock runoff outlet protection,level spreader,sediment basin Dune Stabilization Stabilize sand dunes Sand dune reinforcement 5-10 years -- C' Dust Control Stabilize soil Access points, Site specific Stabilized construction CL 0 M construction roads entrance,contruction road 3 Cr stabilization 00 N Earth Dike Control runoff DA<_10 Acres 1 year Sediment trap,rock outlet i protection,storm drain inlet Grade Stabilization Prevent erosion Minimum Design Q = 10+ years Permanent seeding,rock Structure 10 yr.;24 hr. slope protection,structural O streambank protection Grassed Waterway Convey runoff Minimum 10 yr.Design Q Min.10 years Rock outlet protection, vegetated waterways, sediment basin,level spreader O Land Grading Stabilize soil Site specific shaping Permanent Topsoiling,subsurface drain, � seeding c� Level Spreader Discharge runoff 10 year Q; <_30 cfs; 1 year Diversion,grassed waterway, 0 outlet <10% temporary swales �-3 Lined Waterway,(rock Convey runoff Minimum design Q = 10 Min.10 years Rock outlet protection, a materials) yr.24 hr. subsurface drain �d p 5' ao 0 Estimated Practice Primary Purpose Site Characteristics Design Life Associated Practices Mulching Stabilize soil Site specific 1-2 years Permanent seeding, Recreation area improvement Paved Channel, Convey runoff Minimum design Q = 10 Min.10 years Rock outlet protection, b (concrete) yr.24 hr. subsurface drain Paved Flume Convey runoff Minimum design Q = 10 10 years Rock outlet protection OQ yr.24 hr. Perimeter Dike/Swale Divert runoff Drainage area <_5 Ac. 1 year Sediment trap,level spreader, m temporary seeding Pipe Slope Drain Convey runoff Drainage area 55 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection N downslope Portable Sediment Retain sediment 16 times pump discharge 2 years Sediment trap,sediment basin Tank G. 0 is Protecting Vegetation Preserve existing Site specific 1-10 years Recreation area improvement I vegetation CL i Recreation Area Protect areas/soils Site specific Permanent Permanent seeding,mulching, Improvement topsoiling p 3 Retaining Wall Stabilize soil Site specific constraints 10+ years Rock slope protection, p Cc 4 permanent seeding, �7t %.00 subsurface drain Riprap Slope Stabilize soil, Max.1:5 to 1 slope 10 years Lined waterway,rock outlet Protection Prevent erosion stabilization,structural streambank protection x Z Rock Dam Capture sediment Drainage Area 550 Ac. 3 years Debris basin,sediment basin cRock Outlet Protection Prevent erosion Rock varies with pipe 10+ years Diversion,grassed waterway, p' o discharge sediment basin,sediment traps 0 Sediment Basin Capture sediment Drainage Area <_100 Ac. 3 years Rock outlet protection, a. . temporary seeding Sediment Traps I. Pipe Outlet Trap Sediment Drainage Area 55 Ac. 2 years Sediment basin,debris basin M o C., II. Grass Outlet Trap Sediment Drainage area<_5 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection Estimated ° Practice Prima P o�c Site Characteristics Design Life Associated Practices W. 1-< III. Storm Inlet Trap Sediment Drainage area <_3 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection c5. IV. Swale Trap Sediment Drainage area <_2 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection CL 0 V.Stone Outlet Trap Sediment Drainage area <_5 Ac. 2 years Rock outlet protection no CD VI. Riprap Outlet Trap Sediment Drainage area :515 Ac. 2 years Rock outlet protection O `t oC, Seeding,Temporary Stabilize soil Site specific 1-2 years Surface roughening, topsoiling,sodding Seeding,Permanent Stabilize soil Site specific Permanent Surface roughening, M topsoiling,sodding Silt Fence Control sediment 2:1 slopes maximum 50 1 year Strawbale dike N ft.spacing Sodding Stabilize soil Need quick cover, Permanent Inlet protection,topsoiling, aesthetics permanent seeding 13 t Stabilized Construction Control sediment Access points 2 years Filter fence construction road M Entrance stabilization �' N N ( ^ Storm Drain Inlet Protection_ O I. Excavated Trap Sediment Drainage area <_1 Ac. 1 year Sediment traps,storm drain n diversion v II. Filter Fabric Trap Sediment Drainage area <_1 Ac. 6 months Sediment traps,storm drain O diversion III. Stone and Trap Sediment Drainage area<_1 Ac. 6 months Sediment traps,storm drain Block diversion M X IV. Sod Trap Sediment Drainage area _52 Ac. 5-10 years Sediment traps,storm drain ® diversion V. Curb Trap Sediment Drainage area <_1 Ac. 6 months Sediment traps,storm drain diversion Straw Bale Dike Control sediment 2:1 slopes maximum 25 3 months Silt fence ft.spacing a �d 5' ao O 0 0 c°s Estimated Practice Primary Purpose Site Characteristics Design Life Associated Practices "-' Strea_mbank Protection H I. Structural Prevent erosion Minimum 10 yr.design 10 years Rock slope protection Q;velocity >6 fps Z II. Vegetative Prevent erosion Minimum 10 yr.design 10 years Structural streambank Q;velocity <6 fps protection va Subsurface Drain Intercept and Drainage Coefficient-1" 10 years Rock outlet protection,land convey drainage grading retaining wall m water C Sump Pit Control sediment Site specific 6 months Sediment trap,sediment basin N O Surface Roughening Stabilize soil Construction slopes Permanent Temporary seeding,perm. seeding,mulching Temporary Access Waterway Crossi= O. Cr TemporaryAccess Prevent sediment 8 ft.centerline piers 2 years Rock slope protection @gyp fD w Bridge C. W TemporaryAccess Prevent sediment Minimum 12 in.;40 ft. 2 years Structural streambank 3 .a N Culvert length protection O � 3 O TemporaryAccess Prevent sediment Streambanks <4 ft. 1 year Structural streambank 0 r�•r Road protection O CL Temporary Storm Divert runoff On site drainage area 1 year Sediment trap/basmi r+ Drain Diversion >50%total O Temporary Swale Divert runoff Drainage area <_10 acres 1 year Sediment traps,storm drain w inlets,sediment basin,level 3, spreader x Topsoiling Provide growing Poor site soil Permanent Surface roughening, 0 ,.� conditions characteristics temporary seeding, p °�� permanent seeding a, Vegetating Waterways Stabilize soil Site specific Permanent Grassed waterways, �n ci permanent seeding Water Bars Divert runoff Slope areas <100 ft. 2 years Rock outlet protection,level CD CA o width spreader c7 '" p M O Table 2.1 (cont'd) Erosion and Sediment Control Matrix 4 h b •� W 0 a+ a y . r7Y W A � H N a 0 y +� O y 6i Ji C% New York Guidelines for Urban Page 2.12 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Northeastern Illinois Soil and Sedimentation Control Steering Committee. October 1981. Procedures and Standards for Urban Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in Illinois. October 1991-Third Printing Page 2.13 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 3 VEGETATIVE MEASURES �- FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL i CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures Basic Principals Involving Vegetation in Urban Areas ................................................3.1 Critical Area Seedings-Temporary and Permanent ..................................................3.3 RecreationArea Improvement ....................................................................3.5 Establishing turfgrass for lawns,playgrounds,parks,athletic fields,picnic areas. ......................3.5 camping areas,passive recreation areas and similar areas Maintainingturf grass ........................................................................3.6 Establishing trees,shrubs and vines ............................................................3.6 Pruningand thinning ........................................................................3.8 Protecting trees in heavy compaction areas ......................................................3.8 Vegetating Waterways ...........................................................................3.23 Topsoiling .....................................................................................3.29 Mulching ......................................................................................3.31 r Stabilization with Sod ............................................................................3.35 Vegetative Stabilization of Sand and Gravel Pits .....................................................3.37 Protecting Vegetation During Construction .........................................................3.39 Vegetating Sand Dunes and Tidal Banks ...........................................................3.41 References Section Prepared by: Frederick B.Gaffney,Conservation Agronomist USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,New York and John A.Dickerson,Plant Materials Specialist USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,New York List of Tables Table Title Page 3.1 Recreation Turf Grass Seed Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.9 3.2 Characteristics of Turfgrasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.10 3.3 Trees Suitable for Conservation Plantings in New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.14 3.4 Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.21 3.5 Size and Weight of Earth Ball Required to Transplant Wild Stock . . . . . . . . . . . .3.21 3.6 Retardance Factors for Various Grasses and Legumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.25 3.7 Maximum Permissable Velocities for Selected Seed Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.26 3.8 Guide to Mulch Materials, Rates and Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.32 3.9 Mulch Anchoring Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.34 3.10 Vegetative Treatment Potential for Eroding Tidal Shorelines in the Mid-Atlantic States 3.43 List of Figures Figure Title Page 3.1 New Tree Planting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.7 3.2 Rill Maintenance Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.27 3.3 American Beachgrass Information Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.44 3.4 Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation for Dune Building . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.45 3.5 Typical Cross Section Created by a Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation . . .3.45 3.6 Cordgrass Information Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.46 VEGETATIVE MEASURES FOR 'EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, RECREATION, AND AESTHETICS IN URBAN AREAS There are several basic principles that apply to establishing 12.Seed bare soil within 15 days of exposure,unless con- vegetation for any use. struction will begin within 30 days. If construction is 1.Slopes should be stable.If they are too steep,continual suspended, or sections completed, areas should be sloughing will not allow a good stand to become estab- seeded down or mulched immediately. lished. In the following section the Standard and Specifications for Critical Area Planting on page 3.3 should be followed to 2.Excess surface and underground water must be control- stabilize all bare soils except for: (1)waterways, (2) sand led. and gravel pits, (3) sand dunes and tidal banks, and (4) 3.Whenever possible,stockpile and reapply topsoil to the areas that will be closely mowed such as lawns, athletic areas that are to be vegetated. fields,playgrounds,parks,and other recreation areas.For situations 1, 2, and 3, use the subject specification. For 4.Retain and protect trees,shrubs,and other natural plants situation 4, refer to the Standard and Specifications for wherever possible. Recreation Area Improvement on page 3.5. 5.Select species of plants that are adapted to the site and Tree and shrub planting generally does little for erosion for the intended use of the area. When clovers or trefoil control unless densely planted at which time the leaves and are selected,inoculate seed at the time of planting with branches break the impact of rain drops.Overland flow of appropriate inoculum.The inoculum is a bacteria which water under trees and shrubs can still cause erosion,there- lives on roots and converts nitrogen for plant use. fore,grasses and/or legumes should be planted in conjunc- 6.Prepare an adequate seed bed. tion with trees and shrubs. 7.Apply needed lime and fertilizer. Trees and shrubs are generally planted in urban areas for aesthetics, shade, noise reduction, screening,windbreaks 8.Following seeding,firm soil where possible to get good and/or wildlife food and cover. "Trees Suitable for soil seed contact. Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York 9.Mulch to protect germinating plants from drying out and State", Table 3.3 in Standard and Specifications for Recreation Area Improvement on page 3.14 will be helpful to prevent erosion. in selecting species to do the intended job. 10.Protect seeding for one year to allow development of a Directions for planting trees and shrubs are also contained dense sod. in the Standard and Specifications for Recreation Area 11.Use sod,rocks,netting,etc.,in concentrated water flow Improvement on page 3.5. areas. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CRITICAL AREA SEEDINGS Definition Establishing grasses and/or legumes on critical areas. A 2)Permanent Seedines critical area is any disturbed,denuded area. a.Rough or occasionally mowed areas: Purpose lbs/acre lbs[14Wsq.ft Empire birdsfoot 8 0.20 To reduce erosion and sedimentation.All bare areas of soil trefoil'QR contribute to degradation of the local environment by con- Common white 8 0.20 tributing silt or dust.Vegetating bare areas,accompanied clover' with an appropriate water management plan,will resolve PLUS pollution problems. Tall fescue 20 0.45 Cond tions Where Practice Applies PLUS This practice applies to all disturbed areas void of vegeta- Redtop QR 2 0.05 tion except where specific seeding/planting recommenda- Ryegrass 5 0.10 tions exist in other standards and specifications for specific 1 (perennial) uses such as recreation. This practice does not apply to add inoculant immediately prior to seeding. sand dunes(see Standard and Specifiction for Vegetating b. Frequently mowed areas: Refer to Standard and Sand Dunes and Tidal Banks on page 3.41),or to sand and Specification for Recreation Area Improvement gravel pits which will not have topsoil replaced(see Stand- on page 3.5. and and Specification for Vegetative Stabilization of Sand and Gravel Pits on page 3.37). D.Time of Seeding The optimum time for permanent seedings with Criteria legumes(birdsfoot trefoil or clover)is early spring. 1.Surface and subsurface water control practices may be Permanent seedings may be made any time of year if required. properly mulched and adequate moisture is provided. Mid summer is not a good time to seed, but these 2.Planned use of the area must be considered when select- seedings, if construction is complete, will facilitate ing an appropriate seed mix. covering the land. Portions may fail and may need 3.,Site preparation will include: reseeding the following year. Temporary seedings should be made within 24 hours A.Seedbed preparation-scarify if compacted.Remove debris and obstacles such as rocks and stumps. of construction or disturbance.If not,the soil must be scarified prior to seeding. _ B.Soil Amendments 1)Lime to pH of 6.0. E.Method of Seeding 2)Fertilize with 600 lbs.of 5-10-10 or equivalent per Broadcasting, drilling with cultipack type seeder or acre(14 lbs./1000 sq.ft.). hydroseeding are acceptable.Good soil to seed con- tact is the key to successful seedings. C.Seed Mixtures 1)Tem op rarv�Seedinas F.Mulching and Mulch Anchoring a.Ryegrass (annual or perennial) @ 30 lbs. per Mulching is essential to obtain a uniform stand of acre(0.71bs./1000 sq.ft.). plants.See Standard and Specifications for-Mulching b.Certified'Aroostook'winter rye(cereal rye)@ on page 3.31. 100 lbs.per acre(2.51bsJ1000 sq.ft.). Use winter rye if seeding in October/November. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control G.Irrigation Each application must be uniformly applied and 1 to Watering may be essential to establish a new seeding. 2 inches of water should be applied per application Weather conditions and the intended use of the area set up. will dictate when to water.Irrigation is a specialized practice and care needs to be taken not to exceed the application rate/infiltration rate of any given soil. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT - Definition 3.Planting Establishing grasses,legumes,vines,shrubs,trees,or other plants or selectively reducing stand density and trimming Use a cultipacker type seeder if possible. Seed to a depth woody plants to improve an area for recreation. of 1/8 to 1/4 inch.If seed is to be broadcast,cultipack or roll after seeding.If hydroseeded,lime and fertilizer may Purpose be applied through the seeder and rolling is not practical. To increase the attractiveness and usefulness of recreation 4.Mulching areas and to protect the soil and plant resources. Mulch all seedings in accordance with Standard and Conditions Where Practice Applies Specifications for Mulching on page 3.31. 5.Seed Mixtures On any area planned for recreation use,lawns and areas Select seed mixture for site conditions and intended use that will be maintained in a closely mowed condition. from Table 3.1 on page 3.9. Specifications 6.Select Adapted Varieties ESTABLISHING GRASSES(Turfgrass) Select varieties from Table 3.2 on page 3.10, "Charac- The following applies for playgrounds, parks, athletic teristics of Turfgrasses," based on intended use and site fields,camping areas,picnic areas,passive recreation areas conditions. such as lawns and similar areas. When Kentucky bluegrass is used it is desirable to use two 1.Time of Planting or more varieties in the seeding for disease resistance. Fall planting is preferred.Seed after August 15.In the Tall fescue is a coarse grass but is the most resistant grass spring plant until May 15. to foot traffic.Do not mix it with fine textured grasses such as bluegrass and red fescue. If seeding is done between May 15 and August 15, irrigation may be necessary to insure a successful Common ryegrass and redtop which are relatively short seeding. lived species provide quick green cover. Improved lawn cultivars of perennial ryegrass provide excellent quality 2.Site Preparation turf. A.Install needed water and erosion control measures Common white clover(Kent or New York) can be added and bring area to be seeded to desired grades.A to mixtures at the rate of 1 - 2 lbs/acre to help maintain minimum of 4 in.topsoil is required. green color during the dry summer period,however,they B. See Standard and Specification of Topsoiling on will not withstand heavy traffic.Avoid using around swim- page 3.29 ming areas as flowers attract bees which may be stepped C.Prepare seedbed loosening soil to a depth of 4-6 on. inches. 7.Fertilizing-First Year D.Remove all stones over 1 inch in diameter,sticks and foreign matter from the surface. Three to four weeks after germination (spring seedings) apply 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 square feet using a complete E.Lime to pH of 6.5. fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 ratio or as recommended by F. Fertilize as per soil test or apply 850 pounds of soil test results. Summer and early fall seedings,apply as 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre(201bs/1,000 sq.ft.). above unless air-temperatures are above 85°F for extended G.Incorporate lime and fertilizer in top 2-4 inches period. Wait until heat wave is over to fertilize. Late of topsoil. fall/winter seedings,fertilize in spring. H.Smooth and firm the seedbed. r , October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 8.Restrict Use D.Planting Time New seedings should be protected from use for one full Deciduous trees and shrubs: April 1 to June 1 and year to allow development of a dense sod with good root October 15 to December 15. structure. Evergreen trees and shrubs: April 1 to June 1 and MAINTAINING GRASSES September 1 to November 15 1.Maintain a pH of 6.0-7.0. - E.Spacing 2.FertilizeinlateMayto earlyJune as follows with 10-10-10 Plant all trees and shrubs well back from buildings to analysis fertilizer at the rate of 10 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. and allow for planting pits and mature crown size. The repeat in late August if sod density is not adequate.Top following are guides for planning: dress weak sod annually in the spring but at least once every Large trees: 50-60 feet apart . 2 to 3 years. Small trees: 20-30 feet apart Columnar species: 6-8 feet apart 3. Aerate compacted or heavily used areas, like athletic Hedges: 1-4 feet apart fields,annually as soon as soil moisture conditions permit. Shrubs: for clumps,plan spacing Aerate area six to eight times using a spoon or hollow tine so mature shrubs will be type aeration.Do not use solid spike equipment. touching or overlapping by only 1 or 2 feet. 4. Reseed bare and thin areas annually with original F.Site Preparation species. 1) Individual sites for planting seedlings can be ESTABLISHING TREES,SHRUBS,AND VINES prepared by scalping the sod away from a one foot square area where the seedling is to be planted. 1.Planting nursery stock 2)All planting beds shall be cultivated to a depth of A. Select species to serve the intended purpose. See 8 inches and raked to remove sod clumps,weeds,' Table 3.3"Trees Suitable,for Landscape and Conser- stones,and other foreign material exceeding two vation Plantings in New York" on page 3.14 Where inches in diameter. planting of trees is to be done in recreation areas,use G.Planting those species listed in Table 3.4, "Susceptibility of 1) Plants shall be located as shown on plans and/or Tree Species to Compaction"on page 3.21 whenever drawings and where necessary located on the site possible.If the soil on the site is naturallywell drained, by stakes,flags or other means. those species in the "intermediate" group may be 2)The plants shall be set upright in holes as illustrated used.In no case should species having"susceptible" rating be planted or exposed to compaction unless the in Fig.3.1 on page 3.7. soil is clearly"compaction resistant."An example is 3)All plants shall be thoroughly watered on the same the Palmyra gravelly soil. day of planting. Plants that have settled shall be B.Plant materials reset to grade. 1) Plants shall conform to the species,variety, size, H.Wrapping number,and conditions as stated in a conservation Immediately after planting wrap deciduous tree plan or on a plant list shown on landscape draw- trunks from the bottom to the first limb with a 4 inch ings. "American Standard for Nursery Stock" by wide bituminous impregnated,insect resistant tape or American Association of Nurserymen will be used paper manufactured for that purpose. Tie with jute to develop the plant list for landscape drawings (bag strings)at top and bottom. and to check quality of plant materials. I.Mulching 2)Durable,legible labels with the scientific and com- Mulch the disturbed area around individual trees and mon name and cultivar shall be securely attached shrubs with a 4 inch layer of wood chips. Extend a 2 to plants,bundles of seedlings,containers or flats. inch thick layer of mulch over the saucer. Mulch C.Plant Protection planting beds with 2 inches of wood chips. Prior to delivery,the trunk,branches,and foliage of J.Pruning the plants shall be sprayed with non-toxic antidesicant applied according to the manufacturers recommen- After planting, prune to remove injured twigs and dations.Does not apply to state nursery seedlings. branches.Natural habit or shape of the plant should not be changed. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control FIGURE 3.1 New Tree Planting Procedure Figure 2: New Tree Planting Procedure Source: Urban Forest Forum.April/May 1990, VoL 10,No.2,American Forestry Association. Extracted with permission ofAmerican ForestryAssociation. i The Old Way J- it I The new method of tree planting will result in better survival and growth than the old method. Grass competi- tion and soil compaction are two of the most common factors in poor performance. The New Method: Prepare a planting area five times the diameter of the root ball or container. Use a rototiller and/or spades to loosen and mix the soil to a depth of about 12 inches. Organic matter(well decomposed) can be added. Dig a hole in the center to set the tree,so that the root ball will rest on solid ground. Backfill around the root area, pressing the soil but not packing it. Mulch the entire prepared area with 2 to 4 inches of bark,wood chips, decomposed sawdust,or leaves. Reference the article for a full explanation. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Eromon and Sediment Control K.Cleanup and Maintenance B.Remove dead,diseased or dying limbs that may fall. 1) After all work is complete all excess soils, peat C.Do not remove more than one-third of the live crown moss,debris,etc.,shall be removed from the site. of a tree in a year. 2) Water plants two weeks after planting. For two D.Cut limbs flush to the branch bark ridge. years water plants every two weeks during dry E.Use the three cut pruning method on all branches over periods which exceed three weeks without a good 2 inches in diameter:(1)under cut limb 6-12 in.from soaking rain. Shrubs may require 5 to 10 gallons trunk; (2) cut through limb 1-2 in.further out limb: and trees 20 to 30 gallons for each watering. and(3) final cut down and slightly out from in front 3)Remove trunk wrap one year after planting. of branch bark ridge. 2.Transplanting"Wild"Stock 2.Thinning Successful transplanting of wild stock will require heavy A.Remove dead,diseased,dying,poorly anchored trees equipment and considerable labor as a large weight of soil that pose a hazard to recreationists as well as those must be moved with the roots. trees that interfere with intended use. A. Select trees and shrubs with good form and full B.Clear trees from an area 10 feet in diameter around all crowns. ' fireplaces and grills. B.Transplant only when plants are dormant and soil is C.To maintain grass cover in a wooded area thin accord- moist.Wrap soil ball with burlap to prevent soil from ing to formula Dx3(average diameter of,the trunk of separating from roots. overstory trees times three.Answer is in feet which is C.Table 3.5 on page 3.21 shows minimum diameter and the spacing between trees to be left). For example, approximate weight of soil ball that must be moved for trees with average diameter of 6 inches, spacing after thinning should leave trees 18 feet apart on with each size plant. average.Crown cover after thinning should be about D. Plant and maintain as described above for nursey 50 percent. stock. D.Selectively thin as needed to favor those trees that are PRUNING AND THINNING most "resistant" to compaction around their roots. See Table 3.4,"Susceptibility of Tree Species to Com- 1.Pruning paction'on page 3.21.If the soil on the site is naturally A.Remove trees, limbs and limb stubs to the following well drained, those species'in the "intermediate" widths and heights for the intended use. group may also be favored.In no case should species Cleared Width Each Cleared in the"susceptible"group be favored unless they are Side of Trail Tread H6ght on a compaction resistant soil (an example is the Palmyra gravelly soil). TR PROTECTING TREES IN HEAVY COMPACTION TRAILS AREAS Hiking 1 8 Bicycle 2 10 The compaction of soil over the roots of trees and shrubs Motorbike 2 10 by the trampling of recreationists, vehicular traffic, etc., Horse 2 12 reduces oxygen,water,and nutrient uptake by feeder roots. X-Country Ski Total:3-12 121 This weakens and may eventually kill the plants. Table 3.4, Snowmobile Total:6-12 121 rates the"Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction"on PICNIC&CAMPING AREAS page 3.21. Campfire/Grill 10 ft.dia. 15+ Where heavy compaction is anticipated, apply and main- Locations tain a 3 to 4 inch layer of undecayed wood chips or 2 inches Includes allowance for snow depth and snow load on branches. of No.2 washed,crushed gravel. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.8 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.1 Recreation Turf rass Seed Mixtures lbs/1,000 Site-Use �necies(%by wei h 1 sq ft lhs.Lacre 1.Sunny Sites(well,moderately well and somewhat poorly drained soils) a.Athletic fields and similar areas 80%Kentucky bluegrass blend . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4-3.2 105-138 20%perennial ryegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6-0.8 25-37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0-4.0 130-175 (for southern NY) 50%Kentucky bluegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.5-2.0 65-88 50%perennial ryegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.5-2.0 65-87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0-4.0 130-175 100%Tall fescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.4-4.6 150-200 b.General recreation areas and lawns(Medium to high maintenance) 65%Kentucky bluegrass blend . . . . . . . . . . . .2.0-2.6 85-114 20%perennial ryegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6-0.8 26-35 15%fine fescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.4-0.6 19--M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0-4.0 130-175 2. Sunny droughty sites - general recreation areas and lawns, low maintenance (somewhat excessively to excessively drained soils).Excluding Long Island. 65%fine fescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.6-3.3 114-143 15%perennial ryegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6-0.7 26-33 20%Kentucky bluegrass blend . . . . . . . . . . . .0.8-1.0 35-44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.0-5.0 175-220 3.Shady dry sites(well to somewhat poorly drained soils). 65%fine fescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.6-3.3 114-143 15%perennial ryegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6-0.7 26-33 20%Kentucky bluegrass blend . . . . . . . . . . . .0.8-1.0 3544 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.0-5.0 174-220 80%blend of shade-tolerant Kentucky bluegrass . .2.4-3.2 105-138 20%perennial ryegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6_0,$ 25-37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0-4.0 130-175 4.Shady wet sites(somewhat poor to poorly drained soils). 70%rough bluegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.4-2.1 60-91 30%blend of shade-tolerant Kentucky bluegrass . .0.6-0.9 25-39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.0-3.0 85-130 October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.2 Characterististics of Turfgrasses 3 z ,° C7� C7a. C7 WC7C7C7� C7WC7Wa � a. C7WC7 C7 C7C7a �-o O o 00 0 0 00 .a ami � � o � °+�' C7 � � � � C7 � P.' C7 C7 � C7 C7 C7 v� � C7 C7 � a C7 � � G4 �• aai - W a O y e/9 . AU , i t i i i00 0 b 's.. C,, a U C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7C7W C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 .x w � C7C7 C7 C7 C7C7 WC7C7C7C7 C7 C7C7W WWC7C7 z�: z H � b b �—1 co � -l � c�n0l 0404 114 WWWW a ro i a� p cd b ro a p M F a¢� n .� V a, P -•A A - A A A _ co JA � AA AAAA AAAAA � � � AA � � � A 3 �, 3 0 0 a a a .0 a0.0 0 - K boo Cd y'"., ° N U ate+ O N Er M.- o ,,.a o � p ��'� a� >, M Cz 0 0 cd.�4 0 ¢ ¢ < MM MpgUUW WwC7 4,0, 0.' 0; cnE > > Cn < � New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.10 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.2 (cont'd) Characteristics of Turfgrasses a 0 V a 0 0 0w ; o00 w o > ; > a � C7aC7 w C7 ; t7 w a T N 4 y 'L i V � N d U. F U WWI ri e� � o ProPC W b .�G •y e2 U b a� a� ",'a, i�r b• � O O U Q v 3 U w x a E October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.11 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.2 (cont'd) Characterististics of Turfgrasses o 0 U ° � F F c - 0 fn A ^ N .i F C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 c� U- F A . M �- a� en c� M 0 O p w , " O New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.12 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.2 (cont'd) Characteristics of Turfgrasses a 0 y w W > U � F 00 0 CO) �+ ° °0 0 o c C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 0 LD AFI a. > ,� c°n > > N x ~I � � � c7wc7c7 C7C7C7C7 c7 -- F L. � o c �� � C7 C7C7C7C7C7C7 > •a, w pl C7 C7> C7> C7► C7 C7 C7 W C7 W W C7 W W x L- 4) IL aF �l C7WWC7> DC7>�C7 WWWW � C7 � 3 � o � o b ww w wwww Cc ww www w o o o 0 -000 b > q 0 q w 0 d 0 w e w � "o co -d. w o q q QraoaUA AWOa aa: aaa >4 October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.13 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York TREE SIZE: FEATURES:( on 'd) Large Sized Trees M'+)-Trees that exceed this Ho-horizontal branching height at maturity. Na-narrow Medium Sized Tree-, (35'- 75') - Trees in this height range at maturity. - Op-open Small Sized Trees(15'-35'1-Trees relatively low Ov-ovoid/oblong at maturity. Pe-pendulous VAR;(x) = varieties of the species are available Py-pyramidal for various uses. Ro-round FOLIAGE: S-spreading E = evergreen Up-upright c = colorful in fall Wo-wide/open 1 = lustrous;shiny D = deciduous BRK;(x) =bark has interesting characteristics of d = dense color,texture or form. u = unusual leaves FLR;(x) = flowers are colorful and interesting. f = fine textured f= fragrant; s = showy; SITE TOLERANCE: u = unusual shape. cold = hardy in zones 2 and 3 (northeastern FRU;(x) = fruits are interesting and/or edible. mountains) LVS; (x) = leaves have attractive color and/or wet = tolerant of moderately well to somewhat unusual shape. poorly drained soils. USES: dry = tolerant of sandy, gravelly, excessively WIND;(x) = suitable for windbreaks and screen- drained soils. ing- shade = will tolerate some shady sites. SHD;(x) = suitable as lawn shade trees. sea = trees which may tolerate seaside condi- STRT;(x) = trees often selected for street plant- tions. mg• city = trees that withstand usual city conditions. WILD; F/c = trees offering food and cover to wildlife. PEST: F = trees providing food from fruits. F = usually free S = susceptible W/c = trees offering winter cover. FEATURES BARR;(x) = trees which can be used as a barrier Habit = general shape of open grown plants. to some traffic. Bo-broad open(wide) ORN; (x) = trees whose main value is omamen- Co-columnar tal. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.14 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control O A. LARGE SIZED TREES (75 ft.+) ------SITE TOLERANCE------- --------FEATURES------ ----------USES------------- � 1. DECIDUOUS SPECIES HEIGHT VAR FOLIAGE COLD WET DRY SHADE SEA CITY PEST HABIT BRK FLR FRU LVS WIND SHDE STRT WILD BARR ORN M BEECH, EUROPEAN 90' X D,c,d,l Py X X X �- Fagus sylvatica w BIRCH, PAPER 90' D,c X Py X X X (n Betula papyrifera C b BIRCH, RIVER 90' D,c X Py X X sr Betula nigra a' CHERRY, BLACK 90' X D,d,l X X S X X X F X Prunus serotina _, GINKGO 120' D,c,u X F Wo X X X Q Ginkgo biloba GUM, BLACK TUPELO 90' D,c,d,L X X Py X X Nyssa sylvatica 3 HICKORY, PIGNUT 120' D,c X Ro X F X N Carya glabra HICKORY, SHAGBARK 120' X D,c Na/Up X X F X 0 Carya ovata (D E HONEYLOCUST 135' X D,c,u X X F Bo X X Q Gleditsia spp. (D coJAPANESE ZELKOVA 901 D,c Substitute for American Elm Ro X X Q, („) Zelkova serrata 0 W KATSURA TREE 60-1001 D,c,u F Ro X X C � �^ Cercidiphyllum japonicum cc C LINDEN, LITTLE-LEAF 90' X D,d X X Py X X X X N Tilia cordata ;! CL LONDON PLANE TREE 100' D S X X X X Platanus acerifolia MAPLE, NORWAY 90' X D,c X Ro X X X X C 3 Acer platanoides MAPLE, RED 120' X D,c X X Ro X X X X X Acer rubrun z MAPLE, SUGAR 120' X D,c X Ov X X X Acer saccharum rrA o., OAK, WHITE 90' D,c Ro/S X X F X xQuercus alba �+ POPLAR, HYBRID 90' X D varies X X 3 X Populus z CD POPLAR, WHITE 90' X D,c,u X X X S X X X (cD Populus alba c Cy SCD SWEET-GUM 125' X D,c,u X F Py X X X X o Liquidambar styraciflua M R pal. 0 W o � y a G� (D CCD a N c R y C A. LARGE SIZED TREES (75 ft.+) O ------SITE TOLERANCE------- ------FEATURES------- ------------USES------------ � o 2. EVERGREEN SPECIES HEIGHT VAR FOLIAGE COLD WET DRY SHADE SEA CITY PEST HABIT BRK FLR FRU LVS WIND SHDE STRT WILD BARR ORN (D �. CEDAR, EASTERN RED 90' X E,d X X X F Py X X X WC Juniperus virginiana FIR, DOUGLAS 300' X E,d Py X X WC X 3 Pseudotsuga menziesii D. FIR, WHITE 120' X E,c Py X X WC Abies concolor HEMLOCK, CANADA 90' X E,d X Py X WC X Tsuga canadensis Q ro LARCH, EUROPEAN 100' X D,c X Py X X (� Larix decidua Q, (a CD PINE, AUSTRIAN 90' X E X Py X WC X n Pinus nigra C Q, PINE, EASTERN WHITE 100-1501 X E X Ro/Py X WC X C Pinus strobus 7 PINE, JAPANESE BLACK 90' E X S WC X �. Pinus thunbergii L SPRUCE, COLORADO 100' X E,c,d X X S Py X X WC X ,..F Picea pungens SPRUCE, NORWAY 150' X E,d X Py X X WC Picea abies M SPRUCE, SERBIAN 90, E,c,d Py X X WC X ir Picea omorika O SPRUCE, WHITE 90' X E X Py X X WC X 3 oPicea glauca y Z �+ (D C b1 pr cro O 0 M B. MEDIUM SIZED TREES (35'-751) m ------SITE TOLERANCE------- ------FEATURES------- -------------USES----------- 1. DECIDUOUS SPECIES HEIGHT VAR FOLIAGE COLD WET DRY SHADE SEA CITY PEST HABIT BRK FLR FRU LVS WIND SHDE STRT WILD BARR ORN �- ALDER, EUROPEAN 75' D X X Ov Xcrt• bALnus glutinosa w ALDERS 60-75' X D,d X X S Ro X X Q ALnus spp. ASH, FLOWERING 60' D,d Ro X,f X X O Fraxinus ornus ASH, GREEN 60' X D,c,d X Ro X X X r Fraxinus pennsylvanica BIRCH, SWEET 75' D,c X Py X X X X a Betula Lenta CHERRY,, EUROPEAN BIRD 45' X D,u X Op X,f X F Prunus padus CHERRY, PIN 36, D,c,f X X X Op X X X X F X m Prunus pensylvanica It CHERRY, SARGENT 75' X D,c,d Up X X X X F X a63 CD Prunus sargentii CHESTNUT, CHINESE 60' D,c,d,l Ro X F ^ J Castanea moLLissima 7 n CHOKECHERRY, AMUR 45' D,d X Ro X X F X H Prunus maackii Z) CRAB APPLE, SIBERIAN 501 X D,d X S Na X,f X F X v Malus baccata CRIMEAN LINDEN 60' X D,d,L Pe X,f X X O X TiLia euchLora 3 DOGWOOD, FLOWERING 40' X D,c,d,L F No X X,u X X X X Cornus florida N z ELM, SIBERIAN 75' X D,f X Ro/OpF X CD ULmus pumila y HAWTHORN, COCKSPUR 361 X D,d,L X S Ro/S X X X F X X o Crataegus crus-gaLLi H HOLLY, AMERICAN 45' X E,d,u X F Py X X WC X is p Ilex opaca L is: HORNBEAM, AMERICAN 36' X D,c,d X F Ro X X X X X F a. Carpinus caroliniana HORNBEAM, EUROPEAN 60' X D,d Py X X X CD p p Carpinus betulus (� HORNBEAM, HOP 60' D,d F Py X X F X X o Ostrya virginiana M rte-.. Cy• ti ID a (p a' cau B. MEDIUM SIZED TREES (35'-751) (n ------SITE TOLERANCE------- ------FEATURES------- ------------USES------------ p N C 1. DECIDUOUS SPECIES HEIGHT VAR FOLIAGE COLD WET DRY SHADE SEA CITY PEST HABIT BRK FLR FRU LVS WIND SHOE STRT WILD BARR ORN () o 91) cr JAPANESE PAGODA TREE 75' X D X F Ro X X X X X 0 0' Sophora japonica -w ~ LOCUST, BLACK 75' X D X X Ov X O Robinia pseudoacacia MAPLE, STRIPED 36' X D,u X X Op X X X Acer pensylranicum I3 MOUNTAIN-ASH, EUROPEAN 45' X D S S X X X F X Q N Sorbus aucuparia 0 MOUNTAIN-ASH, KOREAN 60' X D,d Py/Ro X X X X X Sorbus alnifolia MULBERRY, WHITE 45' X D,d,u X X Ro X X F � Q' .d Morus alba 7 (D OAK, RED 75' D,d,l X X Ro X X X X F Q (A) GQ C9 Quercus borealis GJ w 1, Na/Ro X X F � OAK, SWAMP WHITE 60 D,d X X O Quercus bicolor 7 O OAK, WILLOW 50' D,f Ro X X ((D Quercus phellos z rt a POPLAR, SIMON 50' X D,d X Na X X v • rr Populus simonii REDBUD, EASTERN 36' X D,c,u Wo X X X Cercis 'canadensis SASSAFRAS 60' D,u So X X X X Sassafras albidum SERVICEBERRY 251-60' D,c X X S S X X X X O Amelanchier spp. a p SORREL TREE 75' D,c,d,l Py X X X X N Oxydendrum arboreum WILLOW, THURLOW WEEPING 40' D,f X S Pe X X Salix elegantissima Z ~ WILLOW, WHITE 75' X D X X Up Colored winter twigs X C Salix alba C .; YELLOW-WOOD, AMERICAN 50' X D,c,d X Ro -'X X X X p Cladr•astis lutea 5' 00 O 0 C M �O �D � N B. MEDIUM SIZED TREES (351-751) tz. ------SITE TOLERANCE------. ------FEATURES------- -------------USES------------ ►d 2. EVERGREEN SPECIES HEIGHT VAR FOLIAGE COLD WET DRY SHADE SEA CITY PEST HABIT BRK FLR FRU LVS WIND SHDE STRT WILD BARR ORN �. cr ARBORVITAE, AMERICAN 60' X E,u X X X X Co X WC X �p 00 Thuja occidentalis 0 FIR, KOREAN 50' E,d Py X X WC X Abies koreana FIR, VEITCH 75' E,e X Py X X WC Abies veitchii Q„ HEMLOCK, CAROLINA 75' E,d X Py/Pe X X WC X y Tsuga caroliniana PINE, JACK 75' E X X So WC Pinus banksiana (D Q PINE, PITCH 75' E X OP WC 3 b Pinus rigida 0 PINE, RED 75' E X X Py X WC w Pinus resinosa 0 PINE, SCOTCH 75' X E X X Op/Py X X WC n Pinus sylvestris y PINE, SWISS STONE 75' E,d X PyS WC X a Pinus cembra p � �. N Cy �. CA CD coO R o 0^ M triz H 0• C� O p � � a co a y c p. C C. SMALL SIZED TREES (151-351) & an'* ------SITE TOLERANCE------- -------FEATURES------- -------------USES----------- fir p 1. DECIDUOUS SPECIES HEIGHT VAR FOLIAGE COLD SITE DRY SHADE SEA CITY PEST HABIT BRK FLR FRU LVS WIND SHDE STRT WILD BARR ORN cr �. BIRCH, GRAY 30' D X X S several X X X Betula populifolia stems 0 BLACKHAW 30, D,c,1 X X X X X F X Viburnum prunifolium CHERRY, CORNELIAN 24, X D,1 F Ro X X X F a Cornus mas _ y CHERRY, SOUR 30' X D X Ro X X F X c) Prunus cerasus CORK TREE, AMUR 30, D X Wo X X X ((DD Phellodendron amurense CRABAPPLES' 15'-30' D X S Ro X's X X F X 3 Malus spp 0- W DOGWOOD,-JAPANESE 20' X D,d,l Ho X's X X X n W Cornus kousa 0 n HAWTHORNS 151-30, X D,d X X S Ro/thorny X X X X F X Crataegus spp (D LABURNUM SCOTCH 30, X D Up X X Laburnum alpinum a ,LILAC, JAPANESE TREE 30, D,coarse X X,u X X Syringa amurensis japonica 3 MAPLE, AMUR 20' X D,c,d, X X Up/Ro X,f X X X X Acer ginnala MAPLE, MOUNTAIN 25' D,coarse X X Ov X X X Acer spicatum 0 MOUNTAIN-ASH, SHOWY 30, X D X S shrubby X X X f7 I r o Sorbus dccora (p NANNYBERRY 30, D,c,1 X X dense/ X X X X F X V;hurnum lentago shrubby 3 RHODODENDRON. ROSEBAY 12'-36, X E X X Ro X X (ZD ~ Rhodc-'endron maximum c RUSSIAN OLIVE 20' D X X S X X,f X X F X c a. Elaeagnus angtistifolia C rd SEA-BUCKTHORN, COMMON 30, X X Ro/o X X X X � • Hippophae rhamnoides r• vo Table 3.4 Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction1 Resistant: Box elder . . . . . . . . . . Acer negundo Willows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salix spp. Green Ash . . . . . . . . . . .Fraxinus pennsylvanica American elm . . . . . . . . . . .Ulmus americana Honey locust . . . . . . . . .Gleditsia triacanthos Red elm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Uhnus rubra Eastern cottonwood . . . . .Populus deltoides Hawthornes . . . . . . . . . . . .Crataegus spp. Swamp white oak . . . . . . .Quercus bicolor Bur oak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Quercus macrocarpa Hophornbeam . . . . . . . .Ostrya virginia Northern white cedar . . . . . . .Thuja occidentalis Intermediate: Red maple . . . . . . . . . . .Acer rubrum Sweetgum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Liquidambar styraciflua Silver maple . . . . . . . . . .Acer saccarinum Norway maple . . . . . . . . . . Acer platanoides Hackberry . . . . . . . . . . .Celtis occidentalis Shagbark hickory . . . . . . . . .Carya ovata Black gum . . . . . . . . . . .Nyssa sylvatica London plane . . . . . . . . . . .Platanus x acerifolia Red oak . . . . . . . . . . . .Quercus rubra Pin oak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Quercus palustris Basswood . . . . . . . . . . .Tilia americana Susceptible: Sugar maple . . . . . . . . . .Acer saccarum Austrian pine . . . . . . . . . . . .Pinus nigra White pine . . . . . . . . . . .Pinus strobus White ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fraxinus americana Blue spruce . . . . . . . . . .Picea pungens Paper birch . . . . . . . . . . . . .Betula paprifera White oak . . . . . . . . . . .Quercus alba Mountain ash . . . . . . . . . . . .Sorbus aucuparia Red pine . . . . . . . . . . . .Pinus resinosa Japanese maple .,. . . . . . . . .Acer palmatum lIf a tree species does not appear on the list,insufficient information is available to rate it for this purpose. Table 3.5 - Size and Weight of Earth Ball Required to Transplant Wild Stock Shade Trees Small Trees&Shrubs (Maple,Ash,Oak,Birch,etc.) (Crabapple,Thornapple,Viburnum,Dogwood,etc.) Minimum Up to 6 ft. Minimum Diameter Weight Height-- Diameter Weight Calipers Ball of Ball 6 ft.and Ball of Ball (Ind O.4 calipers ) 4E4 1/2 14 88 2 12 55 3/4 16 130 3 14 88 1 18 186 4 16 130 1-1/4 20 227 5 18 186 1-1/2 22 302 3/4 18 186 1-3/4 24 390 1 20 227 2 28 621 1-1/2 22 302 3 32 836 1-3/4 24 390 3-1/2 38 1,400 2 28 621 4 42 1,887 2-1/2 32 836 3 38 1,400 1Caliper is a diameter measurement of trees at a height of 6 inches above the ground. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.21 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATING WATERWAYS Definition A.Early spring and late August are best. Waterways are a natural or constructed outlet, shaped or graded.They are vegetated as needed for safe disposal of B. Temporary cover to protect from erosion is recom- runoff water. mended during periods when seedings may fail. 3.Seed Mixtures: Purpose Rate per Rate per To provide for the safe disposal of excess surface water 1,000 sqft.( from construction sites and urban areas without damage Mixtures from erosion. A.Birdsfoot trefoil or 8 0.20 ladino clovers Conditions Where Practice Applies Tall fescue or 20 0.45 smooth bromegrass This standard applies to vegetating waterways and similar Redtop2 -2- om water carrying structures. 30 0.70 or Supplemental measures maybe required with this practice. These may include subsurface drainage to permit the B.Kentucky bluegrass 3 25 0.60 growth of suitable vegetation and to eliminate wet spots,a Creeping Red fescue 20 0.50 section stabilized with asphalt, stone or other suitable Perennial ryegrass 1Q Q.1d2 means, or additional storm drains to handle snowmelt or 55 1.30 storm runoff. s Inoculate with appropriate inoculum immediately prior to seeding.Ladino or common white clover may be Retardance factors for determining waterway dimensions substituted for birdsfoot trefoil and seeded at the are shown in Table 3.6 on page 3.25 and"Maximum Per- same rate. missible Velocities for Selected Grass and Legume Seed 2 Perennial ryegrass may be substituted for the redtop but Mixtures are shown in Table 3.7 on page 3.26. increase seeding rate to 5 lbs/acre(0.1 lb/1,000 sq.ft.). Design Criteria 3 Use this mixture in areas which are mowed frequently. Common white clover may be added if desired and Waterways or outlets shall be protected against erosion by seeded at 81bs/acre(0.21b/1,000 sq.ft.) vegetative means as soon after construction as practical. 4.Seeding. Vegetation must be well established before diversions or other channels are outletted into them. Consideration Select the appropriate seed mixture and apply uniformly should be given to the use of jute matting,excelsior matting, over the area.Rolling or cultipacking across the waterway or sodding of channels to provide erosion protection as is desirable. soon after construction as possible. Waterway centers or crucial areas may be sodded.efer to 1.Liming,fertilizing and seedbed preparation. the Standard and Specification for Stabilization with Sod on page 3.35.Be sure sod is securely anchored using staples A.Lime to pH 6.5. or stakes. B.Apply at least 50 lbs.of N,P,and K per acre(1.0-1.25 5.Mulching. lbs/1,000 sq.ft.). C.Lime and fertilizer shall be mixed thoroughly into the All seeded areas will be mulched.Channels more than 300 seedbed during preparation. feet long and or where the slope is 5 percent or more,must D.Channels,except for paved sections,shall have at least have the mulch securely anchored.Refer to the Standard 4 inches of topsoil. and Specification for Mulching on page 3.31 for details. E.Remove stones and other obstructions that will hinder maintenance. 2.Timing of Seeding. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.23 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 6.Maintenance. If rills develop in the bottom of a waterway,prompt atten- tion is required to avoid the formation of gullies. Either Fertilize, lime and mow as needed to maintain dense hay or straw bales,riprap,excelsior or filter fabric maybe protective vegetative cover. used during the establishment phase.See Figure 3.3,Rill Waterways shall not be used for roadways. Maintenance Measures on page 3.27. Spacing between rill maintenance barriers shall not exceed 100 feet. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.24 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control O 0 C co �o b � CL Retardance Cover Condition n (D In A Reed canarygrass..........0......................... Excellent stand, tall (average 36 inches) Smooth bromegrass................................... Good stand, mowed (average 12 to 15 inches) 0 Tall fescue......................................... Good stand, unmowed (average 18 inches) N B Grass-legume mixture--Timothy, smooth bromegrass, p or orchard grass with birdsfoot trefoil........... Good stand, uncut (average 20 inches) A w Reed canarygrass.................................... Good stand, mowed (average 12 to 15 inches) C CD Tall fescue, with birdsfoot trefoil or ladino clover Good stand, uncut (average 18 inches) Cr O Redtop.............................................. Good stand, headed (15 to 20 inches) N W C Grass-legume mixture--summer (Orchard grass, redtop, Annual ryegrass, and ladino or white clover)..... Good stand, uncut (6 to 8 inches) Kentucky bluegrass.................................. Good stand, headed (6 to 12 inches) Q1 N Red fescue.......................................... Good stand, headed (12 to 18 inches) ((D Grass-legume mixture--fall, spring (Orchard grass, N D redtop, Annual ryegrass, and white or ladino clover........................................... Good stand, uncut (4 to 5 inches) Q. p• ° 3 CD. H co 0 R o f7 `" 0 M o pC O p � a � - CDCD a Gn Permissible Velocity n o Slope 3 °p Cover range 2/ Erosion re— Easily C 0 8"- (percent) sistant soils eroded soils (ft. per sec.) (ft. per sec.) K=0.10 - 0.35 3/ K=0.36 - 0.80 3 0-5 8 6 y Bermudgrass 5-10 7 5 W over 10 6 4 O Cr Kentucky bluegrass 0-5 7 5 O Smooth brome 5-10 6 4 w Tall fescue over 10 5 3 C ACr CO Grass mixtures 2/ 0-5 5 4 Mr N Reed canarygrass 5-10 4 3 N W Redtop O ~ Alfalfa 4/ 0-5 3.5 2.5 Red fescue Sudangrass 5/ 6/ 0-5 3.5 2.5 n rr M 1/ Use velocities exceeding 5 feet per second only where good covers and proper maintenance can be obtained. C. / Do not use on slopes steeper than 10 percent except for vegetated side slopes in combination with a stone, W concrete, or highly resistant vegetative center section. M p 3/ K is the soil erodibility factor used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Consult USDA, SCS Technical Guide for O list of K values for New York soils. a 4/ Do not use on slopes steeper than 5 percent except for vegetated side slopes in combination with a stone, concrete, '+ or highly resistant vegetative center section. 5/ Annuals--use on mild slopes or as temporary protection until permanent covers are established. C s/ Use on slopes steeper than 5 percent is not recommended. H CO a ►d a va Figure 3.2 Rill Maintenance Measures Straw or Ha 4-6 BALES PER BARRIER \� xv f Filter Fabric F� 2 6. 1 Ri ra OV BEDOIN6 \�f Xy 2.5' 1 October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.27 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TOPSOILING Definition Topsoil Materials Spreading a specified quality and quantity of topsoil materials on graded or constructed subsoil areas. 1. Topsoil shall have at least 2 percent by weight of fine textured stable organic material, and no greater than 6 Purpose percent.Muck soil shall not be considered topsoil. To provide acceptable plant cover growing conditions, 2.Topsoil shall have not less than 20 percent fine textured thereby reducing erosion;to reduce irrigation water needs; material(passing the No.200 sieve)and not more than 15 to reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizer application. Percent clay. 3.Topsoil treated with soil sterilants or herbicides shall be Conditions Where Practice Applies so identified to the purchaser. Topsoil is applied to subsoils that are droughty(low avail- 4. Topsoil shall be relatively free of stones over 1 & 1/2 able moisture for plants),stony,slowly permeable,salty or inches diameter,trash,noxious weeds such as nutsedge and extremely acid.It is also used to backfill around shrub and quackgrass, and will have less than 10 percent gravel by tree transplants. volume. Design Criteria 5. Topsoil containing soluble salts greater than 500 ppm shall not be used. 1.Preserve existing topsoil in place,thereby reducing the Application and Grading need for added topsoil. 2.Conserve and stockpile topsoil and friable fine textured 1.Topsoil shall be distributed to a uniform depth over the subsoils that must be stripped from the excavated site and area.It shall not be placed when it is partly frozen,muddy, applied after final grading where vegetation will be estab- or on frozen slopes or over ice, snow, or standing water lished. puddles. 3.Refer to USDA Soil Conservation Service soil surveys or 2. Top§oil placed and graded on slopes steeper than 5 percent shall be promptly fertilized,seeded,mulched and soil interpretation record sheets for further soil texture stabilized by"tracking"with suitable equipment. information. Site Preparation(Where topsoil is to be added) 3.Apply topsoil in the following amounts: 1. As needed install erosion control practices such as Minimum P Site Topsoil diversions, channels, sediment traps and stabilizing Conditions Intended Use Depth measures or maintain if already installed. 1.Deep sand or Mowed lawn 6 in. loamy sand Tall legumes, d 2 in. 2. Complete rough grading and final grade, allowingfor Tall grass,unmowed 1 in. depth of topsoil to be added. 3.Scarify all compact,slowly permeable,medium and fine 2.Deep sandy Mowed lawn 5 in. textured subsoil areas. Scarify at approximately right loam angles to the slope direction in soil areas that are steeper Tall legumes,unmowed 2 in. than 5 percent. Tall grass,unmowed none 4.Remove refuse,woody plant parts,stones over 3 inches in diameter,and other litter. 3.Six inches or Mowed lawn 4 in. more:silt loam, Tall legumes,unmowed 1 in. loam,or silt Tall grass,unmowed 1 in. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.29 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MULCHING Definition B.Slope,grade and smooth the site if conventional equip- Applying plant residues or other suitable materials to the ment is to be used in applying and anchoring the soil surface. mulch. Purpose C. Remove all undesirable stones and other debris depending on anticipated land use. To conserve moisture and modify surface soil temperature D.Compacted or crusted soil surface should be loosened fluctuations; prevent surface compaction or crusting; to at least two inches by disking or other suitable reduce runoff and erosion;control weeds;and help estab- methods. lish plant cover. 2.MULCHING MATERIALS Conditions Where Practice Applies A.Select from attached Table 3.8 on page 3.32 the type of mulch and application rate that will best meet the On soils subject to erosion on which low residue producing need and availability of material. crops,such as grapes,berries and small fruits are grown; B.If needed,select the anchoring method from Table 3.9 on critical areas; and on soils that have a low infiltration on page 3.34 that will best meet the need. rate. C.The best combination for grass/legume establishment Design Criteria is straw(small grain)mulch applied at 2 ton/acre(90 lbs/1,000 sq.ft.)and anchored with wood fiber mulch 1.SITE PREPARATION (hydromulch)at 500-750 lbs./acre(11-171bs./1,000 A.Prior to mulching,install the necessary temporary or sq. ft.). The wood fiber mulch must be applied permanent erosion control(structural)practices and through a hydroseeder immediately after mulching. drainage systems within or adjacent to area to be mulched. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.31 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control c p• O a. 4j Mulch Quality Application Rates Depth of CD a Material Standards per 1000 Sq.Ft. per Acre Application Remarks CD K N c M Sawdust Free from objectionable- 83-500 cu.ft. -- 1-7" Most effective as a mulch around green,or coarse material. ornamentals,small fruits and other o V composted nursery stock.Requires 30-35 lbs.N/ton to prevent N deficiency while decaying a mulch.One cubic foot weighs 251bs (p Wood Chips Green or air-dried 500-9001bs. 10-20 tons 2-7 Has about the same use and application or Shavings Free of objectionable as sawdust,but requires less N/ton coarse material. (10-121bs.).Resistant to wind blowing. Decomposes slowly. 3' Wood Green or airdried 90 lbs. 2 tons -- Decomposes slowly. Subject to some d 0 Excelsior burred wood fibers. (1 bale) wind blowing.Packaged in 80-90 lbs.bales. 1p w N Wood Fiber Made from natural 50 lbs. 2,000 lbs. -- Apply with hydromulcher.No tie down W W Cellulose wood usually with green require.Less erosion control provided than N OD (Partly digested dye and dispersing agent. 2 tons of hay or straw. woodfibers) M N Compost or Well shredded,free of 400-600 lbs. 8-10 tons Use straw manure where erosion control W Manure of excessive coarse is needed.May create problem with weeds. Q materials. Excellent moisture conserver. Resistant to C wind blowing. co O c Cornstalks, Air-dried,shredded 150-300 lbs. 4-6 tons -- Effective for erosion control,relatively y ashredded or into 8"to 12"lengths. slow to decompose.Excellent for mulch chopped on crop fields.Resistant to wind blowing. �o y Gravel,Crushed Washed;Size 2B 9 cu.yds. -- 3" Excellent mulch for short slopes and around Stone or Slag or 3A-11/2". plants and ornamentals.Use 2B where subject a to traffic.(Approximately 2,0001bs./cu.yd.). ro Frequently used over black plastic for better 5' weed control. O Mulch Quality Application Rates Depth of Material Standards per 1000 Sq.Ft. per Acre Application Remarks Hay or Straw Air-dried;free of 90-100 lbs. 2 tons cover about Use straw where mulch is maintained undesirable seeds& 2-3 bales 100-120 bales 90%surface for more than three months. Subject coarse materials to wind blowing unless anchored. Most a, commonly used mulching material.Best micro-environment for germinating seeds. Peat Moss Dried,compressed 200-400 cu.ft. 1/2-1 tons 214" Most effective as a mulch around ornamentals. free of coarse materials Subject to wind blowing unless kept wet. C 100 lbs.bales (6 cu.ft.). Excellent moisture p; holding capacity. O O Jute Twisted Undyed,unbleached 48"x 50 yds.or -- - Use without additional mulch. Tie down Yarn plain weave.Warp 78 48"x 75 yds. as per manufacturers specifications. C ends/yd.,Weft 41 ends/yd, n 60-90 lbs/roll Cr � O W Excelsior Wood Interlocking web of 48"x100"2 sided -- -- Use without additional mulch.Excellent for ,.,, W wFiber Mats excelsior fibers with plastic, seeding establishment. Tie down as per bD U3 photodegradable plastic 48"x 180"1 sided manufacturers specifications. Approximately 5 n netting plastic 721bs/roll for excelsior with plastic on both N 7 sides. Use two sided plastic for centerline .-r of waterways. (D Glass Fiber 1/4"thick,7/16"dia., 72!'x30 yds. -- -- Use without additional mulch.Tie down with N holes on 1"centers, T bars as per manufacturers specifications. 3 56 lb.rolls. G. C Plastic 2-4 mils Variable -- -- Use black for weed control.Effective for y y ,�� moisture conservation and weed control for N psmall fruits and ornamentals. a� a Filter Fabrics Woven or Spun Variable -- -- -- Straw or Photodegradable most are 81 rolls -- Designed to tolerate higher velocity water p r, coconut fiber plastic net on one 6.5 ft.x 83.5 ft. flow,centerlines of waterways.. 60 sq.yds. n ° or combination or two sides. per roll. o, � Table 3.9 Mulch Anchoring Guide Anchoring Method Bind of Mulch to or Material be Anchored How To Apply A.Manual 1.Peg and Twine Hay or straw After mulching,divide areas into blocks approx.1 sq.yd. in size. Drive 4-6 pegs per block to within 2"to 3"of soil surface. Secure mulch to surface by stretching twine between pegs in criss-cross pattern on eachblock.Secure twine around each peg with 2 or more turns. Drive pegs flush with soil where mowing and maintenance is planned. 2. Mulch netting Hay or straw Staple the light-weight paper,jute,wood fiber,or plastic nettings to soil surface according to manufacturer's recommendations. Should be biodegradable. Most products are not suitable for foot traffic. 3. Soil&stones Plastic Plow a single furrow along edge of area to be covered with plastic,fold about 6"of plastic into the furrow and plow furrow slice back over plastic. Use stones to hold plastic down in other places as needed. 4. Cut-in Hay or straw Cut mulch into soil surface with square edged spade. Make cuts in contour rows spaced 18"apart. Most suc- cessful on contour in sandy soils. B.Mechanical 1.Asphalt spray(emulsion) Compost,wood chips, Apply with suitable spray equipment using the following wood shavings,hay rates:asphalt emulsion 0.04 gallons per sq.yd.:on slopes or straw use 200 gal/acre,on level use 150 gal/acre;liquid asphalt: (rapid,medium,or slow setting)0.10 gallons per sq/yd., 400 gal/acre. 2. Wood cellulose Hay or straw Apply with hydroseeder immediately after mulching. Use 750 lbs wood fiber per acre. Some products contain an adhesive material. 3. Pick chain Hay or straw Use on slopes steeper than 3:1. Pull across slopes with suitable power equipment. 4.Mulch anchoring tool Hay or straw, Apply mulch and use pull a mulch anchoring tool over or disk manure/mostly straw mulch.When a disk(smooth)is used,set in straight position and pull across slope with suitable power equipment. Mulch material should be"tucked"into soil surface about 3". 5. Chemical Hay or straw Apply Terra Tack AR 120 lbs/ac in 480 gal. of water (#156/ac.) or Aerospray 70 (60 gal/ac.) according to manufacturer's instructions. Avoid application during rain. A 24 hour curing period and a soil temperature higher than 45°F are required. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.34 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STABILIZATION WITH SOD Definition 1. Prior to sodding, the surface shall be smoothed and Stabilizing silt producing areas by establishing long term cleared of all trash, debris, and of all roots, brush,wire, stands of grass with sod. grade stakes and other objects that would interfere with Purpose planting,fertilizing or maintenance operations. 2.Where the soil is acid or composed of heavy clays,ground To stabilize the soil; reduce damage from sediment and limestone shall be spread at the rate of 100 lbs.per 1,000 runoff to downstream areas;enhance natural beauty. square feet.In all soils 20 lbs.of 5-10-10 or equivalent,per 1,000 square feet shall be uniformly applied and mixed into Conditions Where Practice Applies the top 3 inches of soil with the required lime. On exposed soils that have a potential for causing off site Sod Installation environmental damage where a quick vegetative cover is 1.The operation of laying,tamping and irrigating for any desired.Moisture,either applied or natural,is essential to area sod shall be completed within eight hours. During success. periods of excessively high temperature the soil shall be Design Criteria lightly moistened immediately prior to laying the sod. 1.Sod shall be bluegrass or a bluegrass/red fescue mixture 2.The first row of sod shall be laid in a straight line with subsequent rows placed parallel to and tightly wedged or a perennial ryegrass for average sites. Use tall fescue against each other. Lateral joints shall be staggered to for shady,droughty or otherwise more critical areas.For promote more uniform growth and strength.Insure that variety selection,see Table 3.2 on page 3.11. sod is not stretched or overlapped and that all joints are 2.Sod shall be machine cut at a uniform soil thickness of butted tight in order to prevent voids which would cause 3/4 inch,plus or minus 1/4 inch.Measurement for thickness air drying of the roots.On sloping areas where erosion may shall exclude top growth and thatch. be a problem,sod shall be laid with the long edges parallel -- to the contour and with staggered joints. 3.Standard size sections of sod shall be strong enough to support their own weight and retain their size and shape 3. Secure the sod by tamping and pegging or other ap- when suspended vertically from a firm grasp on the upper proved methods.As sodding is completed in any one sec- 10 percent of the section. tion,the entire area shall be rolled or tamped to insure solid contact of roots with the soil surface. 4.Sod shall be free of weeds and undesirable coarse weedy grasses.Wild native or pasture grass sod shall not be used 4.Sod shall be watered immediately after rolling or tamp- unless specified. ing until the underside of the new sod pad and soil surface below the sod are thoroughly wet. 5.Sod shall not be harvested or transplanted when mois- ture content (excessively dry or wet)may adversely affect Sod Maintenance its survival. 1. In the absence of adequate rainfall, watering shall be 6.Sod shall be harvested,delivered and installed within a performed daily or as often as deemed necessary by the period of 36 hours.Sod not transplanted within this period inspector during the first week and in sufficient quantities shall be inspected and approved by the contracting officer to maintain moist soil to a depth of 4 inches. Watering or his designated representative prior to its installation. should be done during the heat of the day to help prevent wilting.Avoid excessive water during applications. Site Preparation 2.After the first week,sod shall be watered as necessary to Fertilizer and lime application rates shall be determined by maintain adequate moisture and insure establishment. soil tests. Under unusual circumstances where there is insufficient time for a complete soil test and the contracting 3.First mowing should not be attempted until sod is firmly officer agrees,fertilizer and lime materials maybe applied rooted.No more than 1/3 of the grass leaf shall be removed in amounts shown in subsection 2 below. by the initial cutting or subsequent cuttings. Grass height shall be maintained between 2 and 3 inches unless other- October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.35 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control wise specified.Avoid heavy mowing equipment for several weeks to prevent rutting. Additional References 4.Fertilize three to four weeks after sodding, applying 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 sq.ft.Use a complete fertilizer with 1• Guideline Specification ,Soil Preparation and Sod- a 2-1-1 ratio,or as recommended by soil test results. in Z.MD-VA.Pub.#1.Cooperative Extension Ser- vice, University of Maryland-Virginia Polytechnic 5. Weed Control: Target herbicides for weeds present. Institute. Revised 1973. Consult current Cornell Pest Control Recommendations 2. Guideline Specifications for Sodding. American Sod for commercial turfgrass management or consult the local Producers Association,Inc.New Brunswick,N.J. office of Cooperative Extension. 3. Cornell Cultural Recommendations for Commercial 6. Disease Control: Consult the local office of the TurfUass Management. Cornell University, Ithaca, Cooperative Extension. N.Y., 1985. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.36 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION OF SAND AND GRAVEL PITS - Definition B) When the fines fraction is less than 15 percent, the Stabilizing inactive borrow areas with herbaceous,peren- following warm season grass mixture shall be used: vial plants. Certified Seed Purpose PLS*/Acre Species Variety _(jba) 1.To stabilize the soil, preventing wind or water erosion Switchgrass Blackwell,Shelter . 2.0 from causing on-site or offsite damages. or Pathfinder Coastal panicgrass Atlantic 2.0 2.To improve the aesthetic appeal and the ability of the site Big Bluestein Niagara 4.0 to support wildlife. Little Bluestein Aldous or 4.0 Camper Condition Where Practice Applies Sand Lovegrass Nebraska 27 2.0 or Bend Sand and gravel borrow areas which have had: Total mix(PLS/acre) 14.0 lbs. 1.The soil profile replaced to approximate original condi- *Pure Live Seed (PLS) =- (% germination x % tions. purity)/100. 2.Where the soil profile has been removed. Pounds to be seeded = (100 x lbs. of 100% PLS required)/%PLS of commercial seed being used. Design Criteria C)When the fines fraction is 15 percent or greater,one 1.The surface shall be graded with a maximum slope of 15 of the following grass/legume mixture shall be used: percent(8.5 degrees). Live Seed Species Variety per Acreab) 2.Rocks and other debris shall be removed from the site Tall fescue Ky-31 10.0 ' or buried during grading. Redtop Common 2.0 Perennial ryegrass Pennfine 5.0 3. Surface materials shall be sampled and analyzed to Bird-dont trefoil* Empire 8.0 determine: Total mix(lbs.PLS/acre) 25.0 A)Percent fines(particles less than.074 mm-200 mesh *legume in seed mixture needs to be inoculated. sieve). B)pH or C)Phosphorus and potassium availability. Live Seed 4.Lime and fertilizer requirements: Species* Variety per Acre(ll�s.l Flatpea Lathco 10.0 The surface material shall be limed to a pH of 6.0 using Perennial pea* Lancer 2.0 agricultural ground limestone. The lime shall be incor- Crownvetch Penngift/Chemung 10.0 porated into the top 3 inches of surface material. Tall fescue KY-31/Rebel 10.0 Total mix(lbs./acre) 32.0 Fertilizer shall be applied per soil test to achieve *legume in seed mixture needs to be inoculated. moderate levels of available phosphorus (P205) and potassium (K20). In addition, 30 pounds per acre of 6.Planting instructions: nitrogen in a slow release formulation shall be applied. The fertilizer will be incorporated(about 1/4-1/2 inch) A) Planting dates are early spring until May 20. The along with the seed.See subsection F,Planting instruc- birdsfoot trefoil/grass mix may be fall seeded after tions, of this standard. August 15. A temporary cover of 2 bushels of 5.Seeding mixture selection: oats/acre may be planted from August 15 to Septem- ber 15(oats will winter kill). A)Temporary cover may be obtained by seeding oats at B)The legumes shall be inoculated at 4 times the stand- 2 bu/acre. and rate immediately prior to seeding. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.37 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control C)The seed shall be uniformly broadcast mechanically, are planted.When the grass/legume mix is used,4,000 by hydroseeder,or by hand. pounds of grain straw will be used. D)The seed and fertilizer shallbe incorporated by either: F)The mulch shall be anchored by the bulldozer tracking 1) "Tracking"the area with a bulldozer having cleats technique(maybe simultaneous with seed incorpora- at least 1 inch in depth. Operation of the dozer tion) or by a method selected from Standard and shall be perpendicular to the contour and such Specification for Mulching on page 3.31. that the entire area is covered by the tracks. 7.Site protection: 2) Pulling a cultipacker over the entire site with the For the seeding to be successful,vehicles and foot traffic tines set to till no deeper than 1 inch. must be kept off the site for at least 2 years. E)The entire site shall be mulched with 3,000 pounds of small grain straw per acre when warm season grasses New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.38 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROTECTING VEGETATION DURING CONSTRUCTION Definition and shadbush and valuable potential shade trees The protection of trees, shrubs, ground cover and other should be identified and marked for special vegetation from damage by construction equipment. protective treatment as appropriate. Purpose 4)Trees to be cut should be marked on the plans. If timber can be removed for salable products, a To preserve existing vegetation determined to be impor- forester should be consulted for marketing advice. tant for soil erosion control, water quality protection, 5) Trees that may become a hazard to people, per- shade,screening and other values. sonal property,or utilities should be designated to be removed. These include trees subject to Conditions Where Practice Applies windthrow,weak-wooded,disease-prone species, On planned construction sites in wooded areas where and trees with severely damaged root systems. valued vegetation exists and needs to be preserved. 6)The vigor of remaining trees may be improved by a selective thinning. A forester should be con- Design Criteria sulted for implementing this practice. 1.Planning Considerations 2.Measures to Protect Vegetation A.Inventory: A.Limit soil placement over existing tree and shrub roots 1) Property boundaries, topography,vegetation and to a maximum of 3 inches. Soils with loamy texture soils information should be gathered. Identify and good structure should be used. potentially high erosion areas, areas with tree windthrow potential,etc.A vegetative cover type B. Use retaining walls and terraces to protect roots of - map should be made on a copy of a topographic trees and shrubs when grades are lowered.Lowered _ map which shows other natural and manmade grades should start no closer than the dripline of the features.Vegetation that is desirable to preserve tree. For narrow-canopied trees and shrubs,the stem because of its value for screening, shade, critical diameter in inches is converted to feet and doubled, such that a 10 inch tree should be protected to 20 feet. erosion control, endangered species, aesthetics, etc.,should be identified and marked on the map. C.Trenching across tree root systems should be the same 2)Based upon these data,general statements should minimum distance from the trunk,as in"B."Tunnels be prepared about the present condition,poten- under root systems for underground utilities should tial problem areas and unique features of the start 18 inches or deeper below the normal ground property. surface.Tree roots which must be severed should be cut clean.Backfill material to be in contact with the B.Planning: roots should be topsoil or a prepared planting soil 1)After engineering plans(plot maps)are prepared, mixture. another field review should take place and recom- D. Construct sturdy fences, wood or steel barriers, or mendations made as to vegetation to be saved. other protective devices surrounding valuable vegeta- Minor adjustments in location of roads,dwellings tion from construction equipment. and utilities may be needed. Construction on steep slopes,erodible soils,wetlands and streams Place barriers far enough from trees so that tall equip- should be avoided. Clearing limits should be ment such as backhoes and dumptrucks do not con- tact tree branches. delineated. 2) Areas to be seeded and planted should be iden- E. Construction limits should be identified and clearly tified. Remaining vegetation should blend with marked to exclude equipment. the surroundings and/or provide special function F.Avoid spills of oil/gas and other contaminants. such as a filter strip,buffer zone or screen. G. Obstructive and broken branches should be pruned 3)Trees and shrubs of special seasonal interest,such properly.The branch collar on all branches whether as flowering dogwood,red maple,striped maple, living or dead should not be damaged.The 3 or 4 cut October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.39 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control method should be used on all branches larger than underside of the limb, on the outside of the branch two inches at the cut. First cut about one-third the collar,and cut 4 should be from the top and in align- way through the underside of the limb (about 6-12 ment with the 3rd cut. Cut 3 should be 1/4 to 1/3 the inches from the tree thrunk). Then(approximatlely way down the limb. This will prevent the bark from an inch further out) make a second cut through the peeling down the trunk. Do not paint the cut surface. limb from the upper side. When the branch is H. Penalities for damage to valuable trees, shrubs and removed, there is no splintering of the main tree herbaceous plants should be clearly spelled out in the thrunk. Remove the stub. If the branch is larger than contract. 5-6 inches in diameter,use the four cut system. Cuts 1 and 2 remain the same and cut 3 should be from the New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.40 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATING SAND DUNES AND TIDAL BANKS Definition B. Where sand dunes must be reconstructed through sand entrapment and shore conditions allow for sand Establishing and maintaining vegetative cover for coastal deposition,a specialist from Sea Grant or SCS shall shoreline protection. make the determinations of feasibility.Appropriate permits for altering shorelines must be obtained prior Purpose to work beginning. 1. To stabilize frontal sand dunes and provide for sand 2.Building,Planting and Maintaining Coastal Sand Dunes entrapment for dune building where possible and neces- Dune stabilization work must start at least one hundred sary. (100) feet (horizontal distance) from the mean high tide 2.To provide for protection of dune vegetation from foot (MHT)line as a minimum.Whenever feasible,leave room for two or more dune lines, a double layer of protection. traffic and vehicles. Dunes grow toward the sand supply,which is the ocean or 3.To stabilize tidal banks and provide for long term protec- the lake. tion. A.Building the dune: Conditions Where Practice Applies 1)Vegetatively. Where blowing sand is available, a simple, rela- On any coastal shoreline including the Great Lakes,where tively inexpensive and successful method exists for vegetation can be expected to effectively stabilize the site. building dunes.It consists of planting American To determine potential effectiveness,refer to the proce- beachgrass strips parallel to the coastline.As the dure outlined in Table 3.10,"Vegetative Treatment Poten- windblown sand moves off the beach landward-it tial for Eroding Tidal Shorelines in the Mid-Atlantic drops its load of sand,beginning the natural cycle States"on page 3.453 of dune growth. The row closest to the ocean Specifications should be at least 100 feet (horizontal distance) from the MHT line.The plantings will trap most 1.Sand Dunes of the windblown sand, particularly during the growing season when the grass will continue to A. Where stabilization of existing sand dunes and/or grow up through the newly trapped sand. reestablishment of beachgrass is needed. Plant certified 'Cape' American beachgrass ac- t) Certified 'Cape' American beachgrass shall be cording to instructions found in Conservation planted on all frontal dunes. Planting shall be Plant Sheet No.28,Figure 3.3. accomplished by April 30,following the planting recommendations found in Figure 3.3,Page 3.44 2)Sand Fences(Snow Fence Material). "Conservation Plant Sheet No.28". Use of sand fence is effective.It is readily avail- 2) Certified 'Atlantic' coastal panicgrass shall be able. It may be more expensive than building planted on back dunes at 10 pounds, pure live dunes vegetatively,but is less expensive than doing seed,per acre.Plant from March 1 to June 15.See it with machinery.Normally it is also much faster pg. 3.37 to calculate actual pounds of pure live than with vegetation alone. seed. To form a barrier dune,erect the sand fences, a 3) Immediately after planting a sand fence (snow minimum of 100 feet (horizontal distance) from fence)will be built to protect the beachgrass from the MHT line in two(Three or four rows may be vehicle and foot traffic.The fence shall surround used where sufficient land area and sand is avail- the planted area at a distance of 15 feet from the able.)parallel lines 30 or 40 feet apart.The fences planted area.Passageways should be provided to should be roughlyparallel to the water line and yet allow pedestrians to cross the planted area at 300 be as nearly as possible at a right angle to the foot intervals.Boardwalks are desirable.Move the prevailing winds.See Figure 3.5 on page 3.45. opening and boardwalk when beachgrass be- comes weak. Where this is not possible, erect a single line of fence parallel with the sea at least 140 feet from October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.41 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control the MHT line and space 30 foot long perpen- 4)Sand fence plus vegetation- dicular spurs 40 feet apart along the seaward side The combination of these two approaches is more to trap lateral drift. effective than either of two alone.The sand fence As the fences fill with sand,additional sets of fence should be placed as discussed above. Bands of can be placed over those filled until the barrier vegetation should then be planted parallel to the dune has reached a protective height. fence on the landward and seaward side as shown in Figure 3.5 on page 3.45.Each band of vegeta- To widen an old dune,the fencing should be set tion should be about 20 feet wide and placed 10 to seaward at a distance of 15 feet from its base. 15 feet from the sand fence. As the sand fills 3)Materials- between the two fences additional fence can be erected or the area between the fences can be Use standard 4 foot sand(snow)fence.The fence planted as shown in Figure 3.6 on page 3.46.Such should be sound,free of decay,broken wire and a combination can trap most or all the wind blown missing or broken slats. sand crossing the dune area and produce a much Wood posts, for fence support should be black broader based dune than either approach alone. locust, red cedar, white cedar or other wood of 3.Tidal Streams and Estuaries equal life or strength. They do not need to be treated.They should be a minimum of 6 ft.6 in. The procedures to determine the effectiveness potential of ` long and a minimum diameter of 3 inches.Stand- stabilization of tidal streams and estuaries are found in and fence post length is usually 7 ft. - 8 ft. and Table 3.10. should be used where possible. Plants to be used are as follows: Four(4)wire ties should be used to fasten fence A.Certified'Cape'American Beachgrass. to wood posts.Weave fence between posts so that every other post will have fence on ocean side of B.Smooth cordgrass. posts. Tie wires should be no smaller than 12 C.Saltmeadow cordgrass. gauge galvanized wire. Planting instructions are found in Figure 3.7,USDA- Posts are to be set no further than 10 feet apart. SCS Conservation Plant Sheet No.70 on page 3.46. Posts will be set at least 3 feet deep. 4.Additional Reference The bottom of the fence should be set about 3 Best of Beach Vegetation by W. Curtis Sharp. inches into the sand,or a mechanical grader could Reprints from Parks and Recreation Resources, be used to push some sand against the bottom of Volume 1,Nos.1,2,4&5,7&8.Published inJanuary, fence. February,May/June,July/August 1982. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.42 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.10 Vegetative Treatment Potential for Eroding,Tidal Shorelines in the Mid-Atlantic States DIRECTIONS FOR USE 1. Evaluate each of the first four shoreline variables and match the site characteristics of the variable to the appropriate descriptive category. 2. Place the Vegetative Treatment Potential(VTP)assigned for each of the four variables in the right hand column. 3. Obtain the Cumulative Vegetative Treatment Potential for variables 1,2,3&4 by adding the VTP for each. 4. If it is 23 or more,the potential for the site to be stabilized with vegetative is very good and the rest of the table need not be used. If it is below 23,go to step 5. 5. Determine the VTP for shoreline variable 5 through 9 and obtain the cumulative VTP for variables 1-9. 6. Compare the cumulative VTP score with the Vegetative Treatment Potential Scale at the bottom of this page. SHORELINE VARIABLES DIRECTION FOR USE VTP The Vegetative Treatment Potential(VTP) is located in bold type. 1.Fetch: Average distance Less than 0.5 thru 1.4 1.5 thru 3.4 3.5 thru 4.9 over in miles of open water- 0.5 miles miles miles miles 5 milesl measured perpendicular 8 7 4 2 0 tothe shore and 45 degrees ither side of per- pendicular to shore. 2.General shape of Coves Irregular shoreline Headland or straight shoreline for distance of shoreline 200 yards on each side of 8 3 0 planting site. 3. Shoreline orientation: Any less West to South to South to North to General geographic than 1/2 North West East East direction the shoreline mile fetch faces. 5 1 3 2 1 0 4.Boat traffic: Proximiof None 1-10 per More than 10 1-10 per More than site torecreationay& week within per week week within 10 per week commercial boat traffic. 1/2 mi.of within 1/2 mi. 100 yds.of within 100 shore. of shore. shore. yds.of shore. 5 3 2 1 0 Cumulation,Vegetative Treatment Potential for Variables 1,2,3&4 If this score is 23 or above,the potential for the site is very good and the rest of the table need not be used. If it is below 23,go to step 5 below. 5.Width of beach above Greater than 10 ft. 10,ft,thru 7 ft. 6 ft.thru.3 ft. Less than 3 ft. mean high tide in feet 3 2 1 0 6.Potential width2 of More than 20 ft. 20 ft.thru 15 ft. 14 ft.thru 10 ft. Less than 10 ft. Planting area in feet 3 2 1 Do not plant 7.On shore gradient below 8% 8%thru 14% 15%thru 20% Over 20% slope from MLW to toe 6 3 1 0 of bank. 8.Beach Vegetation Vegetation below toe of slope No vegetation below toe of slope 3 0 9.Depth of sand3 at more than 10 in. 10 in.thru 3 in. less than 3 in. mean high tide in inches. 3 1 2 0 Cumulative Vegetative Treatment Potential for Variables 1-9 1. Do not plant. Vegetative Treatment Potential Scale VTP i he s 2. If tidal fluctuation is 25 feet or less,measure from If t , Potential of site to be MLW to toe of bank. If tidal fluctuation is over 25 Between And Stabilized with Vegciation, feet,measure from MW to toe of bank. 40 33 Good 3. Refers to depth of sand deposited by littoral drift over 32 24 Fair the substrata. 23 16 Poor below 16 Do not plant October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.43 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.3 American Beachgrass Information Sheet (Ammophila breviligulata Fern.) Adapted from USDA-SCS Conservation Plant Sheet No.28 2 111: Major use is to stabilize moving sand along the 18"x 18"spacing requires 58,500 cutins per acre, or 1,350 Atlantic Sea coast and Great Lakes region. It is the best culms per 1,000 square feet. species for the initial stabilization of frontal dunes. Beachgrass culms must be planted at least 8" deep. This Useful as an erosion control plant on non-dune areas prevents where soils are very sandy and the site conditions make p 1 a n t s establishment of seeded species very difficult. Also used f r o m on soils high in salinity such as industrial waste needing drying out, vegetative cover. as well as Description American beachgrass is a leafy, spreading, b e i n g ,a j ' blown out ' bunch-type grass with many stems per clump. It may reach by the a height of two to three feet. The seed head is a spike-like panicle,about ten inches long,and appears in late July or wind. A " �! August. Leaves are long and narrow, and may become tiling or I ditching � rolled or folded as it matures. spade is an ~� One outstanding growth characteristic is the strong under- excellent ground stems(rhizomes)that spread beneath the sand and tool for give rise to many new plants. Its vigorous growth enables opening the plant to withstand heavy deposits of sand and grow up the plant- through it. ing hole. r A two man Adaptation: It is native to the mid-Atlantic coastal region c r e w fromMaine to North Carolina,and the Great Lakes region. works best It will grow on island sites, high in sand and/or saline in planting content, provided applications of fertilizers containing on frontal AMERICAN nitrogen are made. dunes and BEACHGRASS Varieties: 'Cape' is the most recent variety and was 1 o o s e developed by the Soil Conservation Service at the Cape sandy areas. The culms and roots must be kept moist May Plant Materials Center,Cape May Court House,N.J. before and during planting. Success of planting will in- 'Hatteras'developed by the Agricultural Experiment Sta- crease if the stock is dormant or has made very little growth. tion in North Carolina is a variety possibly better adapted Fertilizer properly applied is the key to good vigorous to southern climates. growth,as coastal sands are rather infertile. Source: Both are commercially available vegetatively. Fertilize annually in March or April with 30 to 40 pounds Seed not available. of inorganic Nitrogen per acre. 'Establishment: The best time to plant beachgrass is from Management: Once the stand is well established,the rate October 1 to April 30. If properly planted,good survival of fertilizer applied can be reduced by half,or applied only can be expected at any time during this period except when when the stand appears to be weakening. soil is frozen. Summer plantings are not satisfactory. American beachgrass can be planted either by hand or by Pedestrian and vehicular traffic that bends or breaks the mechanical equipment designed for this work. The stems culms will seriously damage the plants and may kill them if of plants called'cuhms'are used for planting stock. Two or traffic is intensive. On frontal dunes, any area devoid of three culms are planted per hole. Space plants 18"by 18" protective cover is subject to blowing and eventual ruin. unless wind erosion is severe, then spacing is reduced to Replanting of beachgrass stands that become open should 12"by 12". Stagger the plantings in alternate rows to pro- be an annual operating procedure. vide maximum erosion control. On very stable areas where Exclude vehicular traffic if possible and provide wind is not a factor,a spacing of 24"x 24"is suitable. An boardwalks for pedestrians. Move boardwalks when beachgrass underneath it begins to weaken. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.44 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.4 Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation for Dune Building VEGETATION 10'-15' 30'-40 ' SAND FENCE—' - VEGETATION ENCE -VEGETATION 20' Figure 3.5 Typical Cross-Section Created by a Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation f1 FENCE --� c VEGETATION NEW INSTALLATION SOME SAND ACCUMULATION f—NEW FENCE ADDITIONAL SAND ACCUMULATION NEW PLANTING COMPLETED DUNE October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.45 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.6 Cordgrass Information Sheet Smooth Cordgrass (_ mina alterniflora ) and Saltmeadow Cordgrass ( artinpatens ) Adapted from USDA-SCS Conservation Plant Sheet No.70 3 Description Smooth cordgrass,along life perennial,is the hold twelve to fifteen spikelets,each two-three inches long. dominant, most productive marsh plant in the regularly Its primary method of spread is by vigorous, hollow flooded intertidal zone along the Atlantic and Gulf coast rhizomes. from Newfoundland to Florida and Texas. Smooth cordgrass grows three to seven feet tall with stems up to 1/2 Saltmeadow cordgrass inch in diameter. The leaves are twelve to twenty inches grows in salt long, taporing to a point. The seedheads, produced in September and October,are ten to twelve inches long and marshes and s a n d y meadows along the At- lantic and Gulf coasts from _---------------------_......_. _ ...._._.; Quebec to Florida and Texas. It oc- cupies the area immediately above the in- tertidal zone. _ Mature plants m �1 are grayish green, usually one to three ' feet tall. The leaf sheath is 1 = rounded;the leaf blade is long and narrow,usually rolled ' inward giving a wiry appearance;the upper side of the leaf is rough. The seed heads produced in October have spikelets that grow almost at right angles to spikelets. Saltmeadow cordgrass reproduces rapidly by long,scally, ..................•••................•.............: slender rhizomes. Both smooth and saltmeadow cordgras- I ses are used by waterfowl as a source of food. Saltmeadow cordgrass is also used by muskrats for housing materials. Uses: Because of their adaptation to brackish water, smooth and saltmeadow cordgrasses occur naturally or can be planted to stabilize eroding shorelines. Planted long the ' shoreline, the cordgrasses absorb the wave energy and collect the sediment brought in by water. As the sediment is dropped, the band of vegetation expands, pushing the mean high tide away from the tow of the bank,thus reduc- ing the potential for continuous erosion as shown on page _ 3.49. Establishment of Shoreline Plantings: Smooth cordgrass ' is planted between the mean low water level and the mean high water level. Saltmeadow cordgrass is planted above New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.46 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Anticipated Results From Vegetative Treatment ERODING BANKERODING BANK 5' MEAN HIGH TIDE --MEAN HIGH TIDE MEAN LOU TIDE L MEAN LOU TIDE —LL EVELOF SUBSTRATA : LEVEL OF SUBSTRATA—� WITHOUT VEBATATIVE '. .; WITHOUT VEGATATION BEFORE VEGETATIVE TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER VEGATATION TREATMENT 15' J MEAN HIGH TIDE _,,,�MEAN LOU TIDE' ORIGINAL SUBSTRATA' LEVEL SEDIMENT TRAPPED BY VEGETATION ANTICIPATED RESULTS FROM VEGETATIVE TREATMENT the smooth cordgrass from mean high water to the toe of the slope. If Recommended Planting Arrangements the distance from the mean high water to the toe of the slope exceeds 10 feet,American beachgrass should ERODING BANK also be planted in the upper part of the slope. See recommended plant- 'PLANT TO SALT MEADOW COROGRASS W/ OR W/0 AMERICAN BEACHGRASS ing arrangements. _ _ MEAN HIGH TIDE Establishment of Plants: There are AMERICAN — — — — three types of plant materials that can BEACHGRASS SALT _ _,,,­-MEAN LOW TIDE MEADOW be used for planting along the COROGRASS SMOOTH COROGRASS shoreline. One type is seedlings (NOT TO EXCEED 26') grown in peat pots. Such plants MUST EXCEED 10' UNLESS should be about 12 inches tall with 3-5 ME IS IN PROTECTED CO E stems per container before they are SITES WITH TIDAL FLUCTUATION IN EXCESS OF 2.5 FEET. large enough for transplanting. The container is planted with the root mass. A second method is to grow the ERODING BANK plants in containers which allow the PLANT TO SALT MEADOW COROGRASS W/ OR W/0 plants with the root mass to slip out AMERICAN BEACHGRASS at the time of planting. Their size, AMERICAN — — _ MEAN HIGH TIDE etc.,are the same as above. The ad- BEACHGRASS SALT MEAN LOW TIDE vantage of this method is that it MEADOW SMOOTH CORDGRASS eliminates the barrier occasionally COROGRASS(NOT TO EXCEED 20') created by the peat pots that may MUST EXCEED 10UNLESS produce a slight turbulence around SITE IS IN PROTECTED COVE the plant and wash it out. SITES WITH TIDAL FLUCTUATION IN EXCESS OF 2.5 FEET OR LESS. October 1991-Third Printing Page3.47 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control A third type is to harvest cuhns from natural or cultivated Plantings should be made between mid spring and July 1. stands which are then planted directly to the shoreline. If The early spring plantings are more hazardous because of the plants are to be taken from natural stands,they should storms and less favorable soil temperatures. Actual dates be growing in sandy substrata. The stands should be open are influenced by location. Late spring plantings are and developing rather than dense and mature. The cuhns preferred. will be ready for digging and transplanting when the top growth is six to ten inches tall. Each cutin should have a Site Suitability: A high percentage of plantings made on well developed root. tidal shorelines fail due to shoreline conditions,storms,etc. Most shoreline conditions can be identified and their Methods one,two and three are equally recommended for likelihood of contributing to success or failure estimated. smooth cordgrass. Methods one and two are recom- They are shown in Table 3.10. Its use is self-explanatory. mended for saltmeadow cordgrass,although method three can be used but performance expectations will be less than While the procedure outlined in Table 3.10 has been tested with the other two methods. against actual plantings,there is no guarantee the outcome of the planting will be as the guideline suggests. For in- When making plantings,place the hills 18 to 36 inches apart stance unexpected storms could completely eliminate the within and between rows. The spacing to be used is in- value of these guidelines and destroy the planting. fluenced by the severity of the site. On sites that have a Man potential of being washed away, the spacing should be Management of Established Plantings_: Plantings should closer. In protected areas where there is little danger from be monitored frequently each year. Plants destroyed or the planting being initially destroyed, the spacing can be Washed out should be replanted as quickly as possible. If wider. The hole made in the substrata should fully accom- plant development and growth is inferior to surrounding natural marshes, fertilize in late May or June-at,low tide modate the plant roots. Be sure to seal the hole by pressing the soil around the roots with your heal. with 300-500 lbs.per acre of 10-10-10 fertilizer. All debris washed onto the plantings should be immediately removed One or two ounces of fertilizer should be placed in the to prevent smothering the plants. bottom of the planting hole or in a separate hole to one side of the plant. If this approach is used, a slow released �� Smooth and saltmeadow cordgrasses are avail- of the as Osmocote,atone ounce per hill is recom- able commercially or can be dug locally from an existing marsh.Because commercial sources are subject to change, mended. An alternate treatment is to broadcast about 500 lbs.of 10-10-10 fertilizer over the planted area at low tide centaur your local USDA Soil Conservation Service office for sources closest to you. about three weeks after planting., This amount is about twelve pounds per 1,000 sq.ft. Putting fertilizer in the hole at planting time and some about six weeks after planting will give the most rapid growth to the new plantings. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 3.48 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control REFERENCES 1. Sharp,W. C., C. R. Belcher and J. Oyler. , undated."Vegetation For Tidal Stabilization in the Mid-Atlantic States". U.S.D.A.,Soil Conservation Service, Northeast Regional Technical Center, Broomall, PA. 2. U.S.D.A.,Soil Conservation Service, undated."American Beachgrass", Conservation Plant Sheet No.28, Northeast Regional Technical Center, Broomall, PA. 3. Sharp,W.C., 1983. "Smooth Cordgrass and Saltmeadow Cordgrass", U.S.D.A.Soil Conservation Service, Construction Plant Sheet No.28, Northeast Regional Technical Center, Broomall, PA. October 1991-Third Printing Page 3.49 New York Guidelines for'Urban Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 4 BIOTECHNICAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - Contents Page List of Figures Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................4.1 Principlesof Biotechnical Slope Protection..................................................................................................................4.1 PlanningConsiderations...................................................................................................................................................4.2 PlantMaterials...................................................................................................................................................................4.2 Wattling...............................................................................................................................................................................4.3 BrushMatting....................................................................................................................................................................45 VegetativeStreambank Protection..................................................................................................................................4.7 References l 1 Section prepared by John A.Dickerson,Plant Materials Specialist USDA Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY and Donald W.Lake,Jr.PE,State Conservation Engineer USDA-SCS,Syracuse,NY List of Figures M& Ew 4.1 Wattling Details 4.4 4.2 Brush Matting Details 4.6 4.3 Brush Layering Method 4.8 4.4 Live Cribwall 4.8 4.5 Live Staking 4.9 4.6 Wattle Deflectors 4.9 I BIOTECHNICAL SLOPE PROTECTION MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Introduction slopes that could be controlled with biotechnical protec- tion measures. The low cost and ease of installation is very Biotechnical slope protection is the specialized use of attractive to units of government and highway departments woody plant materials to stabilize soil. As noted in Section looking to maximize their budget dollars. 1, one of the factors that influences erosion is vegetative cover. The more cover soil has the more protected it is Principles of Biotechnical Slope from the attacking forces of rainfall and runoff. Also work- Protection ing to hold the soil in place is the root mass that vegetation produces. Biotechnical measures generally combine basic Generally a biotechnical slope protection system consists engineering principles with plant science to create a system of both a structural or mechanical element and vegetative of stability for critical areas such as streambanks or road- elements working together to stabilize a site specific con- .side slopes. These systems may combine structural dition. Structural components are employed to allow es- measures,such as those detailed in Section 5,with woody tablishment of vegetative elements while at the same time plants and shrubs to effect a strengthening of the soil providing a level of protection for stability. The vegetative structure and improved vegetative cover to resist surface components are not just landscaping plantings for a struc- erosion. tural project,but perform a functional role in preventing erosion by protecting the surface while also stabilizing soil There are many advantages to biotechnical slope protec- by preventing shallow mass movements. don measures: Woody plant materials (usually dormant shrub willow • they are often less expensive to install branches)are placed into the soil in ways which provide an • they don't require specialized skills to install immediate degree of stability to the slope. As the branches •generally heavy equipment is not required take root and grow, the slope becomes more and more •they are environmentally compatible resistant to failure by shallow mass movements due to: •they provide a natural aesthestic appearance 1. Mechanical reinforcement from the root system •they provide wildlife habitat and cover 2. Soil water depletion through transpiration and inter- •they can be self repairing during and after stress ception. •they use natural/native materials 3. Buttressing and soil arching action from embedded On the other hand there are some disadvantages to these stems. measures: The vegetation also tends to prevent surficial (rainfall) •higher risk due to less control with vegetation com- erosion by: pared to structural practices 1. Binding and restraining soil particles in place •require higher maintenance attention 2. Filtering soil particles from runoff •need an establishment period 3. Intercepting raindrops •more sensitive to seasonal changes 4. Retarding velocity of runoff Biotechnical slope protection is actually an old technology. 5. Maintaining infiltration These techniques have been practiced for centuries in Europe. The Soil Conservation Service used and As the stability improves,native vegetation will volunteer, promoted this technology in the 1940's in Vermont on the helping to blend the site into the surroundings. Winooski River and also in New York on.Buffalo Creek There are many techniques used in biotechnical work. where plant materials(willows)were used in combination Some of the most common are: with rock riprap,concrete slabs,pinned rock,and cellular modules to halt streambank erosion. •wattling These biotechnical approaches are being "rediscovered" •brush layering primarily due to their cost effectiveness over more tradi- •brush matting tional structural measures and for their environmental •live cribwall compatibility, aesthetics and wildlife benefits. There are •live staking many areas in towns and counties in New York that ex- •reed trench terracing perience erosion on streambanks or sloughs on roadside • d �Y-leaplugs &s October 1991-Third Printing Page 4.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and,Sediment•Control •breast-wall staking Plant Materials • check dams for gully control •wattle flow deflectors Plant materials for biotechnical slope protection may be Properly designed structural measures may be necessary obtained in two basic ways. One method is to locate stands to help protect the toe or face of a slope against scour or of appropriate species and obtain easements to harvest erosion from moving water and against mass-moving of materials from these strands for incorporation in the soil. These structures are generally capable of resisting project. Criteria for selecting native species are easy root- much higher lateral earth pressures and higher shear mg;long,straight,flexible whips;and plentiful supply near values than vegetation. They can be natural,such as field the site. stone,rock and timbers;or they can be artificial like con- A second method is to grow and harvest materials from trete,and steel. Some can be a combination like gabions managed production beds that are maintained for com- which are wire baskets containing stone. These can be mercial distribution. This allows selection of cultivars that used as retaining walls,grade stabilization structures and have proven performance records and high survival rates. slope protection. Many of these types of structures can be planted or vegetated with materials to strengthen the sys- The most popular materials in use are the shrub willows. tem. Willows have a tremendous ability to sprout roots and stems when in contact with moist soil. Willows are found Planning Considerations growing in all parts of the world so biotechnical slope protection techniques employ them more than any other There are many facets that need to be considered when group of plants. Two of the tested,proven willow cultivars designing a biotechnical system for a site: in the Northeast are: Method - What is the appropriate method for the par- 'Streamco'purpleosier willow(Salix purpurea) ticular problem encountered? 'Bankers'dwarf willow(Salix cottetii-hybrid) Materials -What type should be selected? How much is 'Streamco' and 'Bankers' willow are both shrubs. needed to do the job? Where can they be obtained? 'Streamco' has an ultimate height of 10-15 feet, while Schedule-When is the best time to maximize the successful 'Bankers'is limited to 6-8 feet. Supplies of both are being rooting or germination of materials? developed by commercial and state nurseries in the North- east. Equipment-Since this process is somewhat labor intensive In addition to willows,redosier dogwood and poplars are it is necessary to make sure the proper type and amount of other groups of plants effective for use in biotechnical tools such as shovels,pick axe,tile spade,hammers etc.are available for proper installation of material. systems. Site characteristics-The need for engineering structures All plant materials should be installed on site within 8 hours will depend on potential hazard,management of site water, of cutting unless provisions for proper storage are made. soil conditions and providing site access. Aesthetics and Materials should be fresh, dormant and non-dessicated follow-up maintenance are also important considerations. when installed. Protection from livestock is mandatory. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 4.2 October 1991-Third Printing )Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATTLING Definition The placement of groups or bundles of twigs, whips, or Contour Interval wither in shallow trenches,on the contour,on either cut or 3.5:1 5' fill slopes. 4:1 6' Purpose 6:1 8' To stabilize slopes by slowing water movement off the See figure 4.1 on page 4.4 for details. slope, increasing infiltration, trapping slope sediments, and increasing soil stability with root system. Construction Specifications Conditions Where Practice Applies 1. Wattles shall be 4 inches minimum in diameter and bundled with tapered ends to an overall length 18 On sloping areas such as road cuts, slumped areas, road inches longer than the stems. fills,gullies,and streambanks,subject to erosion,seepage, 2. Prior to wattling slope shall be smoothed and graded or weathering,which have a low to medium hazard poten- with obstructions removed. Any structural measures tial should slope failure occur. Slopes must be 1:1 or for revetment,drainage or surface water management flatter. will be installed first. Design Criteria 3. Anchor stakes will be placed on the slope at the designed contour interval. Materials-Shall be a native or nursery grown cultivar that 4. Working from the bottom of the slope to the top, is capable of performing the intended function. excavate wattle trench just above stakes. Place wat- tles in trench and anchor with additional stakes Wattles - Shall be made by forming the bundles 6-8 feet long,4 inches minimum in diameter,from stems no more spaced at 18 inches. Cover wattles with soil leaving than 1 inch in diameter. The wattles should be tapered in about 10% exposed to view. Wattles shall be over- each end in a manner that the wattle length is 18 inches lapped 18 inches minimum in the trench. longer than the individual stem length. 5. Soil shall be worked into the wattle and compacted by walking on the wattling being covered. Lap-Wattles should be overlapped at the tapered ends a 6. All disturbed areas should be seeded upon completion minimum of 1.5 feet. of wattling operations. Vertical Spacing - The spacing of the contours for the Maintenance wattles is dependent on the degree of erosion or potential erosion at the site. Factors include slope steepness, soil Regular inspection and maintenance of wattling installa- type,drainage, and existing ground cover. The following tions should be conducted especially during the first year is a general guide to selecting contour interval: of establishment. Loose stakes should be reset and settled fill areas should be brought back to grade. Prompt correc- Siam Contour Interval tions to gullies,sloughs or other evident problems should 1:1 3' be made. 1.5:1 3' 2:1 4' 2.5:1 4' 3:1 5' October 1991-Third Printing Page 4.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.1 Wattling Details wattles 4 inches or more diameter by 6-8 feet long overlap IS" DESIGN TABLE 3-aft. SLOPE 1:1 2: 1 3:1 4:1 6: 1 CONTOUR. INTERVAL 3 4 5 6 8 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. WATTLES SHALL BE 4" MINIMUM DIAMETER AND BUNDLED WITH TAPERED ENDS TO AN OVERALL LENGTH 18 INCHES LONGER THAN THE STEMS. 2. STRUCTURAL MEASURES SUCH AS REVETMENT, DRAINAGE, SURFACE DITCHES WILL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO WATTLING. -SLOPE SHALL BE GRADED AND SMOOTHED WITH OBSTRUCTIONS REMOVED. 3. ANCHOR STAKES WILL BE PLACED ON THE SLOPE AT THE DESIRED CONTOUR INTERVAL. 4. WORKING FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE TO THE TOP, EXCAVATE WATTLE TRENCH JUST ABOVE THE STAKES. TRENCH SHALL BE HALF THE DIAMETER OF THE WATTLES. PLACE WATTLES IN TRENCH ANCHORING WITH ADDITIONAL STAKES AT 18 INCH INTERVALS. LOWER WATTLES WITH SOIL LEAVING ABOUT 10% EXPOSURE. 5. SOIL SHALL BE WORKED INTO THE WATTLES AND COMPACTED BY FOOT TRAFFIC. 6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED UPON COMPLETION OF WATTLING OPERATIONS. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE WATTLING OW SYRACUSE, NEN YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 4.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BRUSH MATTING Definition Materials-The plant materials should be willow or dog- wood brush placed downstream to upstream with stems A mulch or mattress of hardwood brush layed on a slope inclined at approximately 30 degrees with the butt end and fastened down with stakes and wire. placed upstream. Purpose See figure 4.2 on page 4.6 for details. Construction Specifications To protect the soil surface on slopes from erosive forces and act as a mulch for seeding and plant use until they are 1. Prepare slope surface by grading to a uniform,smooth established. surface clear of obstruction. Slopes should be Conditions Where Practice Applies planted before the brush matting is installed. 2. Lay hardwood brush beginning at the downstream end Brush matting is used primarily on streambanks where the of the work. The toe should be installed first. velocity is less than 6 feet per second and excessive runoff 3. The butt end of the brush will be placed upstream and from streamflow has created erosive conditions. This plant materials inclined approximately 30 degrees. practice can resist temporary inundation but not scour or 4. The upstream edge of the mat will be keyed into the undercutting. slope 2 feet. Stakes will be driven throughout the mat on 3 foot centers each way beginning along the toe of Design Criteria the mat. Layer Thickness - The brush shall be a minimum of 12 5. No.9 galvanized wire will be attached to the stakes and inches thick. tightened to secure the mat. Height- The matting shall be placed up the bank to the 6. Slope areas above the matting will be shaped andseeded. point of average high water. The toe of the matting should be located in a rock trench that extends from the normal Maintenance water line to the channel bottom or 2 feet which ever is Scheduled inspections the first year are necessary to make greater. sure the anchoring system is sound.Broken wire or missing Slope-The maximum slope shall be 1.5:1. stakes should be replaced immediately. Any toe material missing should be replaced. Anchoring-The matting shall be anchored on the slope by a grid of 3 foot stakes driven on 3 foot centers each way. No.9 galvanized wire is then tied between the stakes and tightened to secure the mat. The upstream edge of the mat should be keyed into the bank 2 feet. October 1991-Third Printing Page 4.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.2 Brush Matting Details 9 ,ot '`era:ate Average high rater lino Slope not steeper 0 0 �� e. than 1 %=i 1 Brush laid with butts up Drive stokes 2'-6` the slope transverse to centers both •aye ` stream bank Place large rock over end of mat to hold in place Os Normal crater line TYPICAL CROSS - SECTION utts placed upstrealft g and the axis of the ` M brush Inclined opprQ& 30• as Indicated. steel spike may be used to twist � � ``' i • Oche$ tight. �!� '30 �3 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS- . 1. PREPARE SLOPE SURFACE BY GRADING TO A UNIFORM, SMOOTH SURFACE. 2. LAY HARDWOOD BRUSH IN AN UPSTREAM DIRECTION BEGINNING AT THE DOWN— ' STREAM END. THE TOE SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED FIRST. 3. THE BUTT END OF THE BRUSH WILL BE PLACED UPSTREAM AND THE PLANT MATERIALS INCLINED APPROXIMATELY 30 DEGREES. 4. THE UPSTREAM EDGE OF THE MAT WILL BE KEYED INTO THE SLOPE 2 FEET. STAKES WILL BE DRIVEN THROUGHOUT THE MATTING ON 3 FOOT CENTERS EACH WAY BEGINNING ALONG THE TOE OF THE MAT. 5. NO. 9 GALVANIZED WIRE WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE STAKES OVER THE MAT AND TIGHTENED TO SECURE THE MAT. 6. SLOPE AREAS ABOVE THE MAT WILL BE SLOPED AND SEEDED. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BRUSH MATTING B M SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 4.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATIVE STREAMBANK PROTECTION Definition Live Cribwall - This is a combination of vegetation and structural elements generally used along streams where Stabilization of eroding streambanks by the use of designed flowing water is a hazard. Layers of logs are alternated vegetative measures. with long branches protruding out between them. The logs are spiked together and anchored into the bank with Purpose earthfill behind them to create a wall. The live stems help tie the logs together and screen the wall. See figure 4.4 on To protect exposed or eroded streambanks from the page 4.8 erosive forces of flowing water. Live staking-These are large stakes or poles sharpened at Conditions Where Practice Applies the bottom end and forced vertically into the soft earth along the waterline usually about 1 foot apart. Depending Generally applicable where flows are less than 6 feet per on the size of the poles and the composition of the stream- second and the streambottom is not subject to degradation bank, machinery may be required to force them into the and scour. Structural elements may be used at points of ground or to prepare holes for planting. The poles will concentration such as toes to help establish the practice on grow forming a very thick barrier to flow. See figure 4.5 on the streambank. page 4.9 Design Criteria Wattle Flow Deflectors-This describes the use of wattles along the stream or river banks to deflect flow or current Each channel is unique and measures designed for vegeta- away from the streambank. The wattles are placed in a tive streambank protection will depend on soil type,size of trench, staked and backfilled at the appropriate the stream,drainage area,bedload,ice flow potential and downstream orientation. As the willows grow,the vertical availability of plant materials. stems extend the deflector upward improving the flow control during high water. Caution should be exercised Protection measures should carry up the bank slope to the when employing this method since deflecting flow can average high water elevation. If this is not available use the result in the creation of erosion.problems in another loca- 10 year storm to evaluate limits of the protection. tion. See figure 4.6 on page 4.9 Streambank protection should begin at a stable location Brush Matting - This method uses hardwood brush and end at a stable location along the bank. The channel layered along a streambank as a mattress and anchored in bottom should be stable or stabilized prior to installing place with a grid of stakes and wire. The toe below the protective measures. waterline is anchored by rock. This living blanket acts a&a Ensure that all requirements of state law and all permit mulch for seedlings and plantings established in the bank. requirements of local,state and federal agencies are met. It also prevents erosion of sloped surfaces. See Standards and Specifications for Brush Matting on page 4.5 Wattling-This technique uses bundles of branches which are staked into shallow trenches, then covered with soil. Maintenance They are oriented along the contour and are placed in Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical multiple rows to help stabilize a slope. See Standard and constraints of the site, climate conditions and animal Specifications for Wattling on page 4.3 populations, it is necessary to inspect installations fre- Brush Layering-This technique is generally used to stabi- quently. This is especially important during the first year lize slope areas above the flowline of streambanks as well or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or as cut and fill slopes. It involves the use of long branches damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs that are placed with cut ends into the slope on bulldozed or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for terraces. The tops protrude outside the finished slope. A the site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. layer usually includes three layers of brush separated with a thin(3")layer of soil. On this layer a"lift"of 3-5 feet of soil is placed to form the next terrace and so forth. See figure 43 on page 4.8 October 1991-Third Printing Page 4.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.3 Brush Layering Method dormant but live willows and dogwood brush stems .75 to 1.5 inches dia. and 12 to 15 feet long 3-5 ft. II J III compacted fill- II do not pack hard make provision for internal slope drainage as needed to prevent saturation Figure 4.4 Live Cribwall Along Streambank fill soil t/ plant materials timbers \�bankf stream rock New York Guidelines for Urban Page 4.8 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure-4.5 Live Staking Along Waterline willow poles ( I foot apart) stream X111 'I� Figure 4.6 Wattle Flow Deflectors Along Waterline wattle stakes stream TYPICAL SECTION stream wattles FLOW PLAN October 1991-Third Printing Page 4.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control References 1.Gray,Donald H.and A.T.Leiser.1982.Bio hni al Slope Protection and Erosion Control.Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.New York. 2.Dickerson,John A.and D.W.Lake,Jr.1989.ASAE Paper No.892 654.Cost Effective Biotechnical SIO Protection Trials in New York, 3.Dickerson,John A.and M.van der Grinten.1991.ICEA paper Bio ec ni al Slope Protection Systems on Dr;Sols in the Northeast United States, 4.Dickerson,et al.1990.ICEA paper.Obtaining Plant Materials for Biotechnical Work New York Guidelines for Urban Page 4.10 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 5 STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS List of Figures Section 5.........................................................Structural Measures-Introduction GeneralIntroduction ........................................................................5.1 Section5A ........................................................ Structural Measures-Temporary Section5B .........................................................Structural Measures-Permanent References { Section prepared by: Donald W.Lake,Jr.,State Conservation Engineer USDA-SCS,Syracuse,New York } List of Figures rigum Title F= 5.1 List of Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.3 STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IN URBAN AREAS General general, it is advantageous to clear only as much area as Uncontrolled runoff and excess erosion often occurs in necessary to accommodate construction needs.Grade and urban developments,particularly during the construction stabilize large sites in stages whenever possible.Limiting stage.This erosion forms rills add gullies;washes out roads; the amount of disturbed area limits the amount of sediment scours cut and fill areas;fills road ditches, storm drains, that is generated, thus decreasing the amount of main- and streams; and does other damage that is costly to the tenance required on sediment control measures. developers and damaging to land and water users below. Careful inclusion of proven conservation practices in the Sediment generated during the construction of cut and fill development plan can prevent or alleviate much of this slopes can also be minimized through design and grading damage and should be a part of every development plan. techniques.When designing either a cut or fill slope,fac- tors to consider include slope length_and steepness, soil These practices will usually be a combination of vegetative type,and upslope drainage area.In general,it is important and structural measures.They maybe temporary and serve to leave soil surfaces on disturbed slopes in a roughened only during the construction stage or they may be per- condition and to construct a water diversion practice at the manent in nature and become a part of the completed top of slopes.Rough soils surfaces do not erode as readily development. Permanent structural practices should be as smooth soil surfaces. installed as early as possible in the construction stage.This section deals with the more common structural measures Although design and grading techniques can reduce soil that may be used.Adequate designs,plans and specifica- erosion,they cannot eliminate it entirely.Therefore,prac- tions should be prepared for the measures to be used.A tices must be installed to prevent offsite sedimentation. number of measures and specifications are included Even though the specific conditions of each site determine throughout this chapter. The user of this guide should precisely what measures are necessary to control sedimen- determine those elements to be installed to control erosion tation,some general principles apply to the selection and selected from Section 2 and follow the criteria included in placement of sediment control measures. the specifications. 1. Prevent clean water from getting dirty by diverting Introduction runoff from upslope areas away from disturbed areas. Earth dikes, temporary swales, perimeter Structural erosion and sediment control practices have dike/swales, or diversions that outlet in stable areas been classified as either temporary or permanent,accord- can be used in this capacity. ing to how they are used.Temporary structural practices 2.Remove sediment from dirty water before the water are used during construction to prevent offsite sedimenta- leaves the site. The method of sediment removal tion.The length of time that temporary practices are func- depends upon how the water drains from the site. tional varies from project to project, since the sediment Concentrated flow must be diverted to a trapping control strategy may change as construction activity device so that suspended sediment can be deposited. progresses. Permanent structural practices are used to Dikes or swales that outlet into traps or basins can convey surface water runoff to a safe outlet. Permanent accomplish this.A storm drain system may be used to structural practices will remain in place and continue to convey concentrated sediment laden water only if the function after the completion of construction. system empties into a trap or basin. Otherwise, all Regardless of whether the practices are temporary or per- storm drain inlets must be protected so that sediment manent,runoff control measures should be the first items laden water cannot enter the drainage system before constructed when grading begins,and be completely func- being treated to remove the sediment. tio'nal before downslope land disturbance takes 3.Surface runoff draining in sheet flow must be filtered place. Earthen structures such as diversions, dikes, and before the water leaves the site.Straw bale dikes,silt swales should be stabilized before being considered func- fences,or vegetative buffer strips can be used to filter tional. Only after the runoff control structures are opera- sheet flow. tional and sediment control measures are in place,should All practices selected and implemented,must be properly clearing and grading the rest of the construction site begin. maintained in order to remain functional. Sediment ac- While clearing and grading the site, it is important to cumulated in basins and traps must be removed and dis- minimize the amount of sediment that is produced. In October 1991-Third Printing Page 5.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control posed of in a manner that minimizes erosion and sedimen- 3. Protect streams from chemicals, fuel, lubricants, tation. sewage or other pollutants. Other factors should be observed during construction in 4.Avoid disposal of fill in floodplains or drainage ways. order to make erosion and sediment control measures This reduces the capacity of these areas to pass flood more effective in pollution control. flows. 5.Do not locate sanitary facilities over or adjacent to live These are: streams,wells,or springs. 1.Sprinkle or apply dust suppressors.Keep dust down to 6.Locate storage yards and stockpiles where erosion and a tolerable limit on construction sites and haul roads. sediment hazards are slight. Where this is not pos- 2. Use temporary bridges or culverts where fording of sible, apply necessary paving and erosion control streams is objectionable.Avoid borrow areas where practices. pollution from this operation is inevitable. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5.1 List of Symbols STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEI EARTH DIKE TEMPORARY SWALE / WATER BARS - WB— PERIMETER DIKE/SWALE -- PD— PAVED CHANNEL p GRASSED WATERWAY � GL� LINED WATERWAY O RR O STORM DRAIN .DIVERSION —0-0— SUBSURFACE DRAIN :)SD:) DIVERSION --_ p - PIPE SLOPE DRAIN �PSD� SUMP PIT PAVED FLUME LEVEL SPREADER ROCK OUTLET PROTECTION GRADE STABILIZATION STRUCTURE ROCK DAM CHECK DAM ►--► DEBRIS BASIN PORTABLE SEDIMENT TANK EMBANKMENT SEDIMENT BASIN FILL/EXCAVATED SEDIMENT TRAPS October 1991-Third Printing Page 5.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5.1 (cont'd) List of Symbols PIPE OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP ; 0 STRAW BALE DIKE S80 STORM DRAIN INLET FILTER 1111 SILT FENCE ■f411 DUST CONTROL ADC WATERWAY CROSSING :��T CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION = CRS= TEMPORARY SEEDING TS PERMANENT SEEDING PS SODDING OS RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT RAI MULCHING RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION RS DUNE STABLIZATION DS TOPSOILINGFe PROTECTING VEGETATION RETAINING WALLr LAND GRANDING SURFACE ROUGHENING STRUCTURAL STREAMBANK PROTECTION VEGETATIVE STREAMBANK PROTECTION ` S WATTLING BRUSH MATTING New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 5A TEMPORARY STRUCTURAL MEASURES r FOR _ . EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS Page List of Figures EarthDike .....................................................................................5A.1 TemporarySwale ..............................................................................SA3 PerimeterDike/Swale ...........................................................................5A.5 Temporary Storm Drain Diversion .......................... . ...................................5A.7 WaterBar .....................................................................................5A.9 LevelSpreader .............................. . ................................................5A.11 PipeSlope Drain ...............................................................................5A.13 StrawBale Dike ................................................................................5A.17 SiltFence .....................................................................................SA.19 CheckDam ....................................................................................5A.21 RockDam ......................................................................................5A.23 Storm Drain Inlet Protection .....................................................................5A.25 SedimentTrap..................................................................................5A.33 �. Portable Sediment Tank .........................................................................5A.45 SedimentBasin .................................................................................5A.47 StabilizedConstruction Entrance...................................................................5A.73 Construction Road Stabilization...................................................................5A.75 Temporary Access Waterway Crossing .9..........................................................5A.77 DustControl ...................................................................................5A.85 SumpPit.......................................................................................5A.87 Section prepared by: Donald W.Lake,Jr.,State Conservation Engineer USDA-SCS,Syracuse,New York r List of Figures Figure M % 5A.1 Earth Dike Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.2 5A.2 Temporary Swale Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.4 5A.3 Perimeter Dike/Swale Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.6 5A.4 Water Bar Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.10 5A.5 Level Spreader Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.12 5A.6 Pipe Slope Drain-Rigid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.14 5A.7 Pipe Slope Drain-Flexible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.15 5A.8 Straw Bale Dike Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.18 5A.9 Silt Fence Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.20 5A.10 Check Dam Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.22 5A.11 Rock Dam Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.24 5A.12 Excavated Drop Inlet Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.27 5A.13 Filter Fabric Drop Inlet Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.28 5A.14 Stone and Block Drop Inlet Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.29 5A.15 Sod Drop Inlet Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.30 5A.16 Curb Drop Inlet Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.31 5A.17(1) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap:ST-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.36 5A.17(2) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap:ST-I-Construction Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.37 5A.18 Grass Outlet Sediment Trap:ST-II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.38 5A.19 Storm Inlet Sediment Trap:ST-III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.39 5A.20 Swale Sediment Trap:ST-IV . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.40 5A.21 Stone Outlet Sediment Trap:ST-V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.41 5A.22(1) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap:ST-VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.42 5A.22(2) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap:ST-VI-Construction Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.43 5A.23 Optional Sediment Trap Dewatering Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.44 5A.24 Portable Sediment Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.46 5A.25 Sediment Basin I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.55 5A.26 Sediment Basin II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.56 5A.27 Riser Inflow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.57 5A.28 Pipe Flow Chart for"n" = 0.025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.58 5A.29 Pipe Flow Chart for"n" = 0.013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.59 5A.30 Optional Sediment Basin Dewatering Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.60 5A.31(1) Concentric Trash Rack and Asti-Vortex Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.61 5A.31(2) Concentric Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device-Design Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.62 5A.32 Riser Base Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.B63 5A.33(1) Anti-Seep Collar Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.64 5A.33(2) Anti-Seep Collar Design Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.65 5A.34 Anti-Seep Collars Design Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.66 5A.35(1) Design Data for Earth Spillways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.67 5A.35(2) Design Data for Earth Spillways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.68 5A.36 Corrugated Steel Pipe Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A.69 5A.37 Sediment Basin Baffle Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.71 5A.38 Stabilized Construction Entrance Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.74 5A.39 Temporary Access Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.82 5A.40 Temporary Access Culvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .5A.83 5A.41 Temporary Access Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.84 5A.42 Sump Pit Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.88 STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EARTH DIKE Definition A temporary berm or ridge or compacted soil,located in Stabilization such a manner as to channel water to a desired location. Stabilization of the dike shall be completed within 10 days of installation in accordance with the standard and Purpose specifications for seed and straw mulch or straw mulch only if not in seeding season and flow channel shall be stabilized The purpose of an earth dike is to direct runoff to a as per the following criteria: sediment trapping device, thereby reducing the potential for erosion and off site sedimentation.Earth dikes can also Type of Channel Flow Channel be used for diverting clean water away from disturbed Treatment Grade' A < B(5-10 A areas. 1 0.5-3.0% Seed&Straw Seed&Straw Conditions Where Practice Applies Mulch Mulch Earth dikes are often constructed across disturbed areas 2 3.1-5.0% Seed&Straw Seed and coverMulch with Jute or and around construction sites such as graded parking lots Excelsior,Sod, and subdivisions.The dikes shall remain in place until the or lined with disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. 2 in.stone Design Criteria 3 5.1-8.0% Seed and cover Line with 4-8 in. with Jute, or stone or See Figure 5A.1 on page 5A.2 for details Exelsior,Sod Recycled General or line with Concrete 2 in.stone Equivalent2 Dike Ailk B 4 8.1-20% Line with Engineering Drainage Area <5 Ac 5-10 Ac 4-8 in.stone Design Dike Height 18 in. 36 in. or Recycled Concrete Dike Width 24 in. 36 in. Equivalent2 Flow Width 4 ft. 6 ft. t In highly erodible soils,as defined by the local approving agency, refer to the next higher slope grade for type of stabilization. Flow Depth in Channel 8 in. 15 in. 2 Recycled Concrete Equivalent shall be concrete broken into the Side Slopes 2:1 or Flatter 2:1 or Flatter required s17e,and shall contain no steel reinforcement. Outlet Grade 0.5%Min. 0.5%Min. 20%Max. 20%Max. Earth dikes shall have an outlet that functions with a min- imum of erosion. Runoff shall be conveyed to a sediment trapping device For drainage areas larger than 10 acres refer to the Stand- until the drainage area above the dike is adequately stabi- ard and Specification for Diversion on page 5B.1. lized. The on-site location may need to be adjusted to meet field conditions in order to utilize the most suitable outlet. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.1 Earth Dike Details r -1 2:1 SLOPE OR FLATTER 2:1 SLOPE OR\ FLATTER ` A D STABILIZATION AS REQUIRED. ON GRADE LINE STEEP SLOPES EXCAVATE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED FLOW WIDTH AT FLOW DEPTH CROSS SECTION DIKE A DIKE B CUT OR FILL SLOPE 1 NOT TO SCALE (5 AC. OR LES31 15-18Ac.1 A - DIKE HEIGHT 18" 36" B - DIKE WIDTH 24" 36" C - FLOW WIDTH 4' 6' POSITIVE DRAINAGE-GRADE SUFFICIENT TO DRAIN D - FLOW DEPTH B. 15" CUT OR FILL SLOPE-!:V- v v CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL DIKES SHALL BE COMPACTED BY EARTH-MOVING EQUIPMENT. 2. ALL DIKES SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN OUTLET. 3. TOP WIDTH MAY BE WIDER AND SIDE SLOPES BE FLATTER IF DESIRED TO FACILITATE CROSSING BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. I. FIELD LOCATION SHOULD BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED TO UTILIZE A STABILIZED SAFE OUTLET. 5. EARTH DIKES SHALL HAVE AN OUTLET THAT FUNCTIONS WITH A MINIMUM OF EROSION. RUNOFF SHALL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE SUCH AS A SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN WHERE EITHER THE DIKE CHANNEL OR THE DRAINAGE AREA ABOVE THE DIKE ARE NOT ADEQUATELY STABILIZED. 6. STABILIZATION SHALL BE: (A) IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEED AND STRAW MULCH IF NOT IN SEEDING SEASON, (B) FLOW CHANNEL AS PER THE CHART BELOW. FLOW CHANNEL STABILIZATION TYPE OF TYPE OF TREATMENT GRADE DIKE A DIKE B 1 .5-3.0Z SEED AND STRAW MULCH SEED AND STRAW MULCH 2 3.1-5.0% SEED AND STRAW MULCH SEED USING JUTE, OR EXCELSIOR; SOD, 2" STONE 3 5.1-8.OZ SEED WITH JUTE, OR SOD; LINED RIPRAP 4-8" 2" STONE 4 8.1-20% LINED RIP-RAP 4-8" ENGINEERING DESIGN A. STONE TO BE 2 INCH STONE, OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT, IN A LAYER AT LEAST 3 INCHES IN THICKNESS AND BE PRESSED INTO THE SOIL WITH CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. B. RIP-RAP TO BE 4-8 INCHES IN A LAYER AT LEAST 8 INCHES THICKNESS AND PRESSED INTO THE SOIL. C. APPROVED EQUIVALENTS CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE MATERIALS. 7. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND REQUIRED MAINTENANCE MUST BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE EARTH DIKE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION FOR TEMPORARY SWALE Definition A temporary excavated drainage way. Type of Channel Flow Channel Purpose Treatment Grade' A(<5 Acl B(5-10 Aa The purpose of a temporary swale is to prevent runoff from 1 0.5-3.0% Seed&Straw Seed&Straw entering disturbed areas by intercepting and diverting it to Mulch Mulch a stabilized outlet or to intercept sediment laden water and 2 3.1-5.0% Seed&Straw Seed and cover divert it to a sediment trapping device. Mulch with Jute or Conditions Where Practice Applies Excelsior;Sod, or lined with Temporary Swales are constructed: 2 in.stone 1.To divert flows from a disturbed area. 3 5.1-8.0% Seed and cover Line with 4-8 in. 2.Intermittently across disturbed areas to shorten over- with Jute or stone or Recycled land flow distances. Excelsior,Sod Concrete line with 2 in. Equivalent2 3.To direct sediment laden water along the base of slopes stone to a trapping device. 4.To transport offsite flows across disturbed areas such 4 8.1-20% Line with Engineering as rights-of--way. 4-8 in.stone Design or Recycled Swales collecting runoff from disturbed areas shall remain Concrete in place until the disturbed areas are permanently stabi- Equivalent2 lized. Design Criteria 1 In highly erodible soils,as defined by the local approving agency, refer to the next higher slope grade for type of stabilization. See Figure 5A.2 on page 5A.4 for details. a Recycled Concrete Equivalent shall be concrete broken into the Swale A Swale B required size,and shall contain no steel reinforcement. Drainage Area <5 Ac 5-10 Ac Outlet Bottom Width of 4 ft 6 ft Swale shall have an outlet that functions with a minimum Flow Channel of erosion,and dissipates runoff velocity prior to discharge Depth of Flow Channel 1 ft 1 ft off the site. Side Slopes 2:1 or Flatter 2:1 or Flatter Grade 0.5%Min. 0.5%Min. Runoff shall be conveyed to a sediment trapping device 20%Max. 20%Max. such as a sediment trap or sediment basin until the drainage area above the swale is adequately stabilized. For drainage areas larger than 10 acres,refer to the Stand- ard and Specifications"for Waterways on page 5B.11. The on-site location may need to be adjusted to meet field conditions in order to utilize the most suitable outlet con- Stabilization dition. Stabilization of the swale shall be completed within 10 days If swale is used to divert flows from entering a disturbed of installation in accordance with the appropriate standard area,a sediment trapping device may not be needed. and specifications for vegetative stabilization or stabiliza- tion with mulch as determined by the time of year.The flow channel shall be stabilized as per the following criteria: October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.2 Temporary Swale Details 2:1 OR FLATTER ,k Cmin EXISTING GROUND Dmin.LEVEL SWALE A SWALE B CROSS SECTION C I. II D 4 6 FLOW o FLO 0.5/a OR STEEPER,DEPENDENT ON TOPOGRAPHY OUTLET AS REQUIRED SEE ITEM 8 BELOW PLAN VIEW COrISTPoJCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL TEMPORARY SWALES SHALL HAVE UNINTERRUPTED POSITIVE GRADE TO AN OUTLET. 2. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM A DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. 3. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM AN UNDISTURBED AREA SHALL OUTLET DIRECTLY INTO AN UNDIS- TURBED STABILIZED AREA AT NON-EROSIVE VELOCITY, 4. ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS, OBSTRUCTIONS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE SWALE. 5. THE SWALE SHALL BE EXCAVATED OR SHAPED TO LINE, GRADE, AND CROSS SECTION AS REQUIRED TO MEET THE CRITERIA SPECIFIED HEREIN AND BE FREE OF BANK PROJECTIONS OR OTHER IRREGULARITIES WHICH WILL IMPEDE NORMAL FLOW. 6. FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED BY EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT. 7. ALL EARTH REMOVED AND NOT NEEDED ON CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE FUNCTIONING OF THE SWALE. 8. STABILIZATION SHALL BE AS PER THE CHART BELOW; EA CIM E1 STABILIZATION A (5 Ac OR LESS) B (5 Ac - 10 Ac) 1 0.5-3.0% SEED AND STRAW MULCH SEED AND STRAW MULCH 2 3.1-5.0% SEED AND STRAW MULCH SEED USING JUTE OR EXCELSIOR 3 5.1-8.0% SEED WITH JUTE ORINED RIP-RAP 4-8" EXCELSIOR; SOD KECYCL.ED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT- 4 QUIVALENT4 8.1-20% LINED 4,8" RIP-RAP FmINEERED DESIGN 9. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND REQUIRED MAINTENANCE MUST BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK TEMPORARY SWALE I A-2 / B-3 New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERIMETER DIKE/SWALE Def nition Height-18 inches minimum from bottom of Swale to top of dike evenly divided between dike height and A temporary ridge of soil excavated from an adjoining swale depth. swale located along the perimeter of the site or disturbed Bottom width of dike-2 feet minimum. area. Width of swale-2 feet minimum. Purpose Grade-Dependent upon topography,but shall have The purpose of a perimeter dike/swale is to prevent off site positive drainage (sufficient grade to drain) to an storm runoff from entering a disturbed area and to prevent adequate outlet. Maximum allowable grade not to sediment laden storm runoff from leaving the construction exceed 20 percent. site or disturbed area. Stabilization - The disturbed area of the dike and Conditions Where Practice Applies swale shall be stabilized within 10 days of installation, in accordance with the standard and specifications Perimeter dike/swale is constructed to divert flows from for seed and straw mulch or straw mulch only if not in entering a disturbed area,or along tops of slopes to prevent the seeding season. flows from eroding the slope, or along base of slopes to Outlet direct sediment laden flows to a trapping device. The perimeter dike/swale shall remain in place until the 1.Perimeter dike/swale shall have an outlet that functions disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. with a minimum of erosion. 2.Diverted runoff from a protected or stabilized upland Design Criteria area shall outlet directly onto an undisturbed stabi- lized area. See Figure 5A.3 on page 5A.6 for details. 3.Diverted runoff from a disturbed or exposed upland The perimeter dike/swale shall not be constructed outside area shall be conveyed to a sediment trapping device the property lines without obtaining legal easements from such as a sediment trap,sediment basin,or to an area effected adjacent property owners. A design is not re- protected by any of these practices. quired for perimeter dike/swale. The following criteria 4.The on-site location may need to be adjusted to meet shall be used: field conditions in order to utilize the most suitable outlet. Drainage area-Less than 2 acres(for drainage areas larger than 2 acres but less than 10 acres see earth dike; for drainage areas larger than 19 acres, see standard and specifications for diversion). October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.3 Perimeter Dike/Swale Details not to scale Need not be compacted 2'min. Flow C! E a) Existing Ground — c E 0) 2'min. CROSS SECTION Positive drainage. Sent grade to drain. V V V y--y— PLAN VIEW C()<VST UION SPECIFICATIONS 1, ALL PERIMETER DIKFJ949 E SHALL. HAVE UNINTERRUPTED POSITIVE GRADE TO AN OUTLET, 2, DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM A DISTRUBED AREA SHALL. BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, 3, DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM AN UNDISTURBED AREA SHALL OUTLET INTO AN DISTURBED STABILIZED AREA AT NON-EROSION VELOCITY, 4, TFE SHALE SHALL. BE EXCAVATED OR SHAPED TO LINE, GRADE, AND CROSS SECTION AS REQUIRED TO MEET THE CRITERIA SPECIFIED IN THE STANDARD, 5, STABILIZATION OF THE AREA DISTURBED BY THE DIKE AND SWALE SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION FOR SEED AND STRAW MULCH, AND SHALL BE DONE WITHIN IIJI DAYS, 6, PERIODIC INSPECTION AND REQUIRED MAINTENANCE MUST BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT, Max. Drainage Area Limit: 2 Acres U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK PERIMETER DIKE/SWALE --P D--- New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.6 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY STORM DRAIN DIVERSION Definition basin or trap.Earth dike,swale or design diversion is used,depending on the drainage area,to direct flow The redirection of a storm drain line or outfall channel so into a sediment basin or trap.The basin or trap should that it may temporarily discharge into a sediment trapping be constructed to one side of the proposed permanent device. storm drain location whenever possible. 4.Installation of a stormwater management basin early in Purpose the construction sequence. Install temporary measures to allowuse as a sediment basin.Since these To prevent sediment laden water from entering awater- structures are designed to receive storm drain out- course, public or private property through a storm drain falls,diversion should not be necessary. system, or to temporarily provide underground con- veyance of sediment laden water to a sediment trapping device. Completion and Disposition Conditions Where Practice Applies When the areas contributing sediment to the system have been stabilized, procedures can be taken to restore the One of the following practices or procedures shall be used system to its planned use. whenever the off-site drainage area is less than 50 percent of the on-site drainage area to that system. A special The following removal and restoration procedure is exception may be given,at the discretion of the local plan recommended: approval agency, where site conditions make this proce- 1.Flush the storm drain system to remove any accumu- dure impossible. lated sediment. Method of Temporary Diversion 2. Remove the sediment control devices, such as traps, 1. Construction of a sediment trap or basin below a basins,dikes,swales,etc. permanent storm drain outfall. Temporarily divert 3.For sites where an inlet was modified,brick shut the storm flow into the basin or trap constructed below temporary pipe stub and open the permanent outfall permanent outfall channel. pipe. 2.In-line diversion of storm drain at an inlet or manhole, 4. Establish permanent stabilized outfall channel as achieved by installing a pipe stub in the side of a noted on the plans. manhole or inlet and temporarily blocking the per- 5. Restore the area to grades shown on the plan and manent outfall pipe from that structure.A temporary stabilize with vegetative measures. outfall ditch or pipe maybe used to convey storm flow 6. For basins that will be converted to stormwater from the stub to a sediment trap or basin.This method management, remove the accumulated sediment, may be used just above a permanent outfall or prior open the low flow orifice,and seed all disturbed areas to connecting into an existing storm drain system. to permanent vegetation. 3.Delay completion of the permanent storm drain outfall and temporarily divert storm flow into a sediment October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD_ AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER BAR Definition 2. The side slopes shall be 2:1 or flatter;a minimum of A ridge or ridge and channel constructed diagonally across 4:1 where vehicles cross. a sloping road or utility right-of-way that is subject to 3. The base width of the ridge shall be six feet minimum. erosion. 4. The spacing of the water bars shall be as follows: Purpose Slope(%1 Spacing(W <5 125 To.limit the accumulation of erosive volumes of water by 5 to 10 100 diverting surface runoff at predesigned intervals. 10 to 20 75 20 to 35 50 Conditions Where Practice Applies , 35 25 Where runoff protection is needed to prevent erosion on 5. The positive grade shall not exceed 2%. A crossing sloping access right-of-ways or either long,narrow sloping angle of approximately 60 degrees is preferred. areas generally less than 100 feet in width. 6. Water bars should have stable outlets, either natural Design Criteria or constructed. Site spacing may need to be adjusted for field conditions to use the most suitable areas for Design computations are not required. water disposal. 1. The design height shall be a minimum of 18 inches See figure 5A.4 on page 5A.10 for details. measured from channel bottom to ridge top. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.4 Water Bar Details lRTHEN RI06E 1 1 1 > SLOPE 6' CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 11 + J a ! \ir id a yi a 1l� \ i+�+ a • HATER \I aay�bayaa ya BAR 8 d � + • y a Y STBLE \lr i y ba J b ��d i a • ! H a+ a+• ��0 y y • - + y b •+a J Y b i i d + �! • ay i • b +aY 1l! a + +a + +aa r ! 1lr \l! i ya • y is i r a + +sayaY — I1� a is a ff 111 ll 1l/ OUTLET Ib d J • r Ili\r 11i lr 11r 1h 11i dr 11! Jr 0 \Ir 1lr d! dr 11i 11i 11i dr dr 11r dr \h CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . INSTALL THE WATER BAR AS SOON AS THE RIGHT OF WAY IS CLEARED AND GRADED . 2. DISK OR STRIP THE SOD FROM THE BASE FOR THE CONSTRUCTED RIDGE BEFORE PLACING FILL. 3 . TRACK THE RIDGE TO COMPACT IT TO THE DESIGN CROSS SECTION. 4. THE OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED ON AN UNDISTURBED AREA . FIELD SPACING WILL BE ADJUSTED TO USE THE MOST STABLE OUTLET AREAS. OUTLET PROTECTION WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN NATURAL AREAS ARE NOT ADEQUATE. 5. VEHICLE CROSSING SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH GRAVEL. EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MULCHED. 6. PERIODICALLY INSPECT WATER BARS FOR EROSION DAMAGE AND SEDIMENT. CHECK OUTLET AREAS AND MAKE REPAIRS AS NEEDED TO RESTORE OPERATION. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE WATER BARS , r Bp SYRACUSE, NEW YORK —y W New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.10 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LEVEL SPREADER Definition A non-erosive outlet for concentrated runoff constructed Mum End to disperse flow uniformly across the a slope. Design Flow Entrance Depth Width Length -- (CES)— Width(ft.) (ft. — (ft-) Purpose 0-10 10 0.5 3 10 10-20 16 0.6 3 20 To convert concentrated flow to sheet flow and release it 20-30 24 0.7 3 30 uniformly over a stabilized area. A transition section 20 feet in length shall be constructed Conditions Where Practice Applies from the width of the diversion or channel to the width of the spreader to ensure uniform outflow. This last transi- Where sediment-free storm runoff can be released in sheet tion section will blend the diversion grade to zero grade at flow down a stabilized slope without causing erosion; the beginning of the spreader. where a level lip can be constructed without filling;where the area below the level lip is uniform with a slope of 10% Construct the level lip in undisturbed soil to a uniform or less and the runoff will not re-concentrate after release; height and zero grade over the length of the spreader. and where no traffic will be allowed over spreader. Protect the lip with an erosion resistant material or mat to prevent erosion and allow vegetation to become estab- Design Criteria lished. The design capacity shall be determined by estimating the The outlet area should be a generally smooth, well peak flow from the 10 year storm. The drainage area shall vegetated area no steeper than 10 percent. be restricted to limit the maximum flows into the spreader See figure 5A.5 on page 5A.12 for details. to 30 cfs. The level spreader shall have the following minimum dimensions: October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.11 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.5 Level Spreader Details WIDTH VARIES 24-3' STAPLE IN PLACE MATTING 20' TRANSITION 6" IN. DEPTH jw 0.5' 3.5' BURIED EDGE U / \ Z S =� 0� � 3 CROSS SECTION z w �Tv NOT TO SCALE OV PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE 0( cfs ) E.W. ( ft ) D( ft ) LENGTH( ft ) 0-10 10 0.5 10 10-20 16 0. 6 20 20-30 24 0. 7 30 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . THE MATTING SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 4FT. WIDE EXTENDING 6 INCHES OVER THE LIP AND BURIED 6 INCHES DEEP IN A VERTICAL TRENCH ON THE LOWER EDGE. THE UPPER EDGE SHOULD BUTT AGAINST SMOOTHLY CUT SOD AND BE SECURELY HELD IN PLACE WITH CLOSELY SPACED HEAVY DUTY WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN LENGTH. 2. ENSURE THAT THE LIP IS LEVEL TO UNIFORMLY SPREAD DISCHARGE. 3. THE LIP SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON UNDISTURBED SOIL NOT FILL. 4. A 20 FOOT TRANSITION SECTION WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THE DIVERSION CHANNEL TO THE SPREADER TO SMOOTHLY BLEND THE DIFFERENT DIMENSION AND GRADES. 5. THE RUNOFF DISCHARGE WILL BE OUTLETED ONTO A STABLIZED VEGETATED SLOPE NOT EXCEEDING 10%. 6. SEED AND MULCH THE DISTURBED AREA IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE LEVEL SPREADER SYRACUSE, NEN YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A:12 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD-AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE SLOPE DRAIN Definition A temporary structure placed from the top of a slope to the shall be installed below the pipe outlet where clean water bottom of a slope. is being discharged into a stabilized area. Purpose Construction Specifications The purpose of the structure is to convey surface runoff 1.The pipe slope drain shall have a slope of 3 percent or down slopes without causing erosion. steeper. 2.The top of the earth dike over the inlet pipe and those Conditions Where Practice Applies dikes carrying water to the pipe shall be at least one (1) foot higher at all points than the top of the inlet Pipe slope drains are used where concentrated flow of pipe. surface runoff must be conveyed down a slope in order to 3.Corrugated metal pipe or equivalent shall be used with prevent erosion. The maximum allowable drainage area watertight connecting bands. shall be 5 acres. 4.A flared end section shall be attached to the inlet end Design Criteria of pipe with a watertight connection. 5.The soil around and under the pipe and end section See Figures 5A.6 and 5A.7 on pages 5A.14 and 5A.15 for shall be hand tamped in 4 in. lifts to the top of the details. earth dike. General 6. Where flexible tubing is used, it shall be the same diameter as the inlet pipe and shall be constructed of Maximum Pipe/Tubing Drainage a durable material with hold down grommets spaced 10 ft.on centers. Uzz Diameter an). Area{Acl -- 7. The flexible tubing shall be securely fastened to the PSD-12 12 0.5 corrugated metal pipe with metal strapping or water- PSD-18 18 1.5 tight connecting collars. PSD-21 21 2.5 8. The flexible tubing shall be securely anchored to the PSD-24 24 3.5 PSD-30 30 5.0 slope by staking at the grommets provided. 9. Where a pipe slope drain outlets into a sediment trapping device,it shall discharge at the riser crest or Inlet weir elevation. 10. A riprap apron shall be used below the pipe outlet The minimum height of the earth dike at the entrance to where clean water is being discharged into a stabilized the pipe slope drain shall be the diameter of the pipe(D) area.See Figures 5A.6 and 5A.7. plus 12 inches. 11. Inspection and any needed maintenance shall be Outlet performed after each storm. The pipe slope drain shall outlet into a sediment trapping device when the drainage area is disturbed.A riprap apron October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.13 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.6 Pipe Slope Drain - Rigid - /Earth Dike Riprap Apron / 8 If 14 D 4 Standard Flared ("Entrance Section �� 4 Minimum Side Slope=2:1 H=D+12" 6D Corrugated Metal Pipe \ 0 9 o�ooav�I7b4 3D+2Diameter (D) Riprap shall consist of 6"diameter stone placed as shown and shall be a minimum 4min. of 12"in thickness. at less than PROFILE RIPRAP APRON PLAN Ifo slope Note: Size designation is; PSD—Pipe Diam. (ex., PSD-12=Pipe Slope Drain with 12" diameter pipe) CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. THE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN SHALL HAVE A SLOPE OF 3% OR STEEPER, 2. TOP OF THE EARTH DIKE OVER THE INLET PIPE AND ALL DIKES CARRYING WATER TO THE PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST ONE FOOT HIGHER THAN THE TOP OF THE PIPE. 3. ADD 0.3 FOOT TO DIKE HEIGHT FOR SETTLEMENT. 4. SOIL AROUND MID UNDER THE SLOPE PIPE SHAH BE HAND TAMPED IN 4 INCH LIFTS. 5. THE PIPE SHALL BE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH WATERTIGHT 12 INCH CONNECTING BANDS OR FLANGE CONNECTIONS. 6. RIP-RAP TO BE 6 INCHES IN A LAYER AT LEAsT121NCHES THICKNESS AND PRESSED INTO THE SO I L. 7. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND REQUIRED MAINTENANCE MUST BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. Maximum Drainage Area : 5 Acres U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN SYMBOL SYRACUSE, NEW YORK PSD New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.14 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.7 Pipe Slope Drain - Flexible Discharge into a (not to scale) stabilized watercourse, NOTE: Size designation is: sediment trapping device, ': :c';Iq<i•�. PSD-Pipe Di am. (ex., PSD-18= or onto a stabilized area. / ;,t .;,,:,•„ 1.,,r�., Pipe Slope Drain with 18” ?=': ,':: ;.'; \�'n1-�•�"yq`'':: { diameter pipe) f, ,U', r`1�m1*f�'>c3.,a1F;_•��:-k•'•'_;v:;d :D �'ii rA �\ �1'! Earth Dike •'.\',113„y, •\,'' '•k''' 'i,I, 1, •il *,:ti.^:i'n.'Y� ,IA:'t':.t�l 4.'4•1e.,'I'j�+h y ',`I`.• '•f'y`�s ,e`_ ,`,, t' �`'t` '\ .4, ,'' `..,:s:J;4p;:.a?:°.� SQj,j;.. , - L;.\�' .r i\.�- •5 . il�, �_- .1�.,1 ^"nw�1�a1•y�.:�: .•\'; •'�„II I �' S. % i `• !, °b °°Yi!�",''`r::,,••r'IIIIIIIIIIIUII��lll ., Ad••'.,'% •,•' ;,_I;, 1'• , `;�',: _`,, '.•;,j w.:P„,F.2•'•: ''III :•'�t�d..y�a.pr% 'ti?�i '�i'\1''��.i;,'ii '' �}•'� 9'` ;�'�• ,-`i` ','f',�t'�,' III tIIIIIIII IIIIIII . e$;:•a°'" ��"r �,{r- -ems• "Cti:;.`,.'; ,��;`��,'`, ;;`�,�'�;;`' �,''` :"•l; '•,:'.-,' IIIt�III .. ' ,k8•����+.��� e•-s�' '�i�':` - ','il'i,�1•`• ''�'� '',•• ,' .i, �`'1'' ,'` III II ��. r ."•I�'v`'•1' •��'.' '''' `''S t',t•t,'A:,�� ,IIIIIII • .•r• ' 5:,11•,•,,,,°,'I�S�' ;��i�,` ••,4 •IIIIIII .v Length as necessary to go thru dike obd Standard flared 22 1/2° pipe Entrance Section ° o6 aP elbow X=D+12" 6D Ompp a ooro v as Watertight _ , °Wo connecting s I� I 6" min. n I� I� cutoff wall I Slope 3% or steeper I o Flexible pipe Riprap shall consist of 6” 11111111111101 PROFILE diameter stone Dlaced as 41_ ' min I shown. Depth of apron shal @ less than 1% slope equal the pipe diameter and riprap shall be a minimum of 12" in thickness. Construction Specifications RIPRAP APRON PLAN 1. The inlet pipe shall have a slope of 3% or steeper. 2. The top of the earth dike over the inlet pipe and those dikes carrying water to the pipe shall be at least l' higher at all points than the top of the inlet pipe. 3. The inlet pipe shall be corrugated metal pipe with watertight connecting bands. 4. The flexible tubing shall be the same diameter as the inlet pipe and shall be constructed of a durable material with hold-down grommets spaced 10' on centers. 5. The flexible tubing shall be securely fastened to the corrugated metal pipe with metal strapping or watertight connecting collars. 6. The flexible tubing shall be securely anchored to the slope by staking at the grommets provided. 7. A riprap apron shall be provided at the outlet. This shall consist of 6" diameter stone placed as shown, 8. The soil around and under the inlet pipe and entrance section shall be hand tamped in 4" lifts to the top of the earth dike. 9. Follow-up inspection and any needed maintenance shall be performed after each storm. * Drainage area'must not exceed 5 acres. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 4 PSD October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.15 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRAW BALE DIKE Definition 4. Length of slope above the straw bale dike does not exceed these limits. A temporary barrier of straw or similar material used to Constructed Percent Slope Length intercept sediment laden runoff from small drainage areas Slope Slope (11— of disturbed soil. 2:1 50 25 Purpose 2-1/2:1 40 50 3:1 33 75 The purpose of a bale dike is to reduce runoff velocity and 3-1/2:1 30 100 p n' 4:1 25 125 effect deposition of the transported sediment load.Straw bale dikes have an estimated design life of three(3)months. Where slope gradient changes through the drainage area, steepness refers to the steepest slope section contributing Conditions Where Practice Applies to the straw bale dike. The straw bale dike is used where: The practice may also be used for a single family lot if the slope is less than 15 percent. The contributing drainage 1.No other practice is feasible. area in this instance shall be less than one acre and the 2.There is no concentration ofwater in a channel or other length of slope above the dike shall be less than 200 feet. drainage way above the barrier. Design Criteria 3.Erosion would occur in the form of sheet erosion. A design is not required.All bales shall be placed on the contour with cut edge of bale adhering to the ground. See Figure 5A.8-on page-5A.18 or details. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.17 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.8 Straw Bale Dike Details FLOW 4C.4 >)r ,�s --4"VERTICAL FACE BEDDING DETAIL DRAINAGE AREA NO MORE THAN 1/4 ac.PER 100 FEET OF STRAW BALE DIKE FOR SLOPES LESS THAN 25% ANGLE FIRST STAKE TOWARD _ 4 �. PREVIOUSLYLAID BALE FLOW _ y.,;- "'-�y, r�!i V BOUND BALES PLACED ON CONTOUR 2 RE-BARS,STEEL PICKETS,OR2k2"STAKES 11/2' T02' IN GROUND,DRIVE STAKES FLUSH lit WITH BALES. F ANCHORING DETAIL CONSTIMION SPECIFICATIONS I. BALES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOE OF A SLOPE OR ON THE CONTOUR AIS IN A ROW WITH ENDS TIGHTLY ABUTTING THE ADJACENT BALES, 2. EACH BALE SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN THE SOIL A MINI10M OF (4) INCHES, AND PLACED SO THE BINDINGS ARE HORIZONTAL. 3. BALES SHALL BE SECUeELY ANCHORED IN PLACE BY EITHER TWO STAKES OR RE-BARS DRIVEN THRUGH OTHE BALE, IHE FIRST STAKE IN EACH BALE S94LL BE DRIVEN TOWARD THE PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE AT AN ANGLE TO FORCE THE BALES TOGETHER. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN FLUSH WITH THE BALE. 4. INSPECTION SHALL BE FREGIENT AND REPAIR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE PROMPTLY AS NEEDED. 5. BALES SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFULNESS SO AS NOT TO BLOCK OR IMPEDE STORM FLOW OR DRAINAGE. U.3 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE STRAW BALE DIKE S SYRACUSE, NEW YORK —SBD— New BBD o New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.18 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SILT FENCE Definition Where ends of filter cloth come together, they shall be overlapped, folded and stapled to prevent sediment A temporary barrier of geotextile fabric(filter cloth)used bypass.See Figure 5A.9 on page 5A.20 for details. to intercept sediment laden runoff from small drainage Criteria for Silt Fence Materials areas of disturbed soil. 1.Silt Fence Fabric:The fabric shall meet the following Purpose specifications unless otherwise approved by the ap- propriate erosion and sediment control plan approval The purpose of a silt fence is to reduce runoff velocity and authority. Such approval shall not constitute effect deposition of transported sediment load.Limits im- statewide acceptance. Statewide acceptability shall posed by ultraviolet stability of the fabric will dictate the depend on in field and/or laboratory observations and maximum period the silt fence may be used. evaluations. Conditions Where Practice Applies Minimum Acceptable A silt fence maybe used subject to the following conditions: Fabric Properties Value Test Method 1.Maximum allowable slope lengths contributing runoff Grab Tensile 90 ASTM D1682 to a silt fence are: Strength(lbs) Slope Maximum Slope Elongation at 50 ASTM D1682 Steepness (Et) Failure(%) 2:1 50 Mullen Burst 3:1 75 Strength(PSI) 190 ASTM D3786 4:1 125 5:1 175 Puncture Strength(lbs) 40 ASTM D751 Flatter than 5:1 200 (modified) 2. Maximum drainage area for overland flow to a silt Slurry Flow Rate 0.3 fence shall not exceed 1/2 acre per 100 feet of fence; (gal/min/so and 3. Erosion would occur in the form of sheet erosion;and Equivalent Opening Size 40-80 US Std Sieve CW-02215 4. There is no concentration of water flowing to the barrier. Ultraviolet Radiation 90 ASTM G-26 Design Criteria Stability(%) Design computations are not required.All silt fences shall 2.Fence Posts(for fabricated units):The length shall be be placed as close to the area as possible, and the area below the fence must be undisturbed or stabilized. a minimum of 36 inches long.Wood posts will be of sound quality hardwood with a minimum cross sec- A detail of the silt fence shall be shown on the plan, and tional area of 3.0 square inches. Steel posts will be contain the following_minimum requirements: standard T and U section weighing not less than 1.00 1.The type,size,and spacing of fence posts. pound per linear foot. 3.Wire Fence (for fabricated units):Wire fencing shall 2.The size of woven wire support fences. be a minimum 14-1/2 gage with a maximum 6 in.mesh 3.The type of filter cloth used. opening,or as approved. 4.The method of anchoring the filter cloth. 4. Prefabricated Units: Envirofence or approved equal 5.The method of fastening the filter cloth to the fencing maybe used in lieu of the above method providing the support. unit is installed per details shown in Figure 5A.9. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.19 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.9 Silt Fence Details WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN 14 V2 GAUGE,MAX.6"MESH IO'MFX C TOC SPACING) 36..MIN FENCE POSTS,DRIVEN MIN 16" INTO GROUND , fx LL zzz ' w -L-L _I, Jell -t ti 8"MIN F�131, PERSPECTIVE VIEW 36" MIN FENCE P0!'T WOVEN WIRE FENCE (14%2 GA.MIN.,MAX. G"MESH SPACING)WITH FILTER CLOTH OVER 2IIN FLOW UNDISTURBED GROUND EMBED FILTER CLOTH MIN.g„INTO GROUND 16"MIN SECTION CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR FABRICATED SILT FENCE i. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS POSTS: STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. TYPE OR 2' HARDWOOD 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE: WOVEN WIRE, 14 1/2 GA. FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION. 6" MAX. MESH OPENING 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER FILTER CLOTH: FILTER X. THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. MIRAFI 100X, STABILINKA T14ON OR APPROVED EQUAL. 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL PREFABRICATED UNIT: GEOFAB, REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SILT FENCE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.20 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECK DAM Definition Spacing: The check dams shall be spaced as necessary in the channel so that the crest of the downstream dam is at Small temporary stone dams constructed across a the elevation of the toe of the upstream dam. drainageway. Stone Size: Use graded stone 2 to 15 inches in size(NYS Purpose -DOT Light Stone Fill meets these requirements). The overflow of the check dams will be stabilized to resist To reduce erosion in a drainage channel by restricting the erosion that might be caused by the check dam. See Figure velocity of flow in the channel. 5A.10 on page 5A.22 for details. Condition Where Practice Applies Maintenance This practice is used as a temporary or emergency measure The check dams should be inspected after each runoff to limit erosion by reducing flow in small open channels event. Correct all damage immediately. If significant that are degrading or subject to erosion; and where per- erosion has occurred between structures a liner of stone or manent stabilization is impractical due to short period of other suitable material should be installed in that portion usefulness and time constraints of construction. of the channel. Design Criteria Remove sediment accumulated behind the dam as needed to allow channel to drain through the stone check dam and Drainage Area: Maximum drainage area above the check prevent large flows from carrying sediment over the dam. dam shall not exceed two(2)acres. Replace stones as needed to maintain the design cross Height: Not greater than 2 feet. Center shall be main- section of the structures. tained 9 inches lower than abutments at natural ground elevation. Side Slopes:Shall be 2:1 or flatter J October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.21 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.10 Check Dam Details SPACING VARIES DEPENDING ON CHANNEL SLOPE A SAME ELEVATION -CREST TOE PROFILE NOT TO SCALE 9" MIN. O OO 0 O0 0 0 MrI-Ni. FILTER FABRIC OOOO 2 OO 2 24" B 1 l 0 0�.`O�1 MAX 0(v\ e SECTION A-A CENTER NOT TO SCALE O O FILTER FABRIC SECTION B-B NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. STONE WILL BE PLACED ON A FILTER FABRIC FOUNDATION TO THE LINES. GRADES AND LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THE PLAN. 2. SET SPACING OF CHECK DAMS TO ASSUME THAT THE ELEVATIONS OF THE CREST OF THE DOWNSTREAM DAM IS AT THE SAME ELEVATION OF THE TOE OF THE UPSTREAM DAM. 3. EXTEND THE STONE A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FEET BEYOND THE DITCH BANKS TO PREVENT CUTTING AROUND THE DAM. 4. PROTECT THE CHANNEL DOWNSTREAM OF THE LOWEST CHECK DAM FROM SCOUR AND EROSION WITH STONE OR LINER AS APPROPRIATE. 5. ENSURE THAT CHANNEL APPURTENANCES SUCH AS CULVERT ENTRANCES BELOW CHECK DAMS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DAMAGE OR BLOCKAGE FROM DISPLACED STONES. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 2 ACRES. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CHECK DAM SYRACUSE. NEW YORK 1 New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.22 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROCK DAM Definition Rock at the abutments should extend at least 2 feet above the spillway and be at least 2 feet thick. These rock abut- A rock embankment located to capture sediment. ments should extend at least one foot above the downstream slope to prevent abutment scour. A rock Purpose apron at least 1.5 feet thick should extend downstream from the toe of the dam a distance equal to the height of To retain sediment on the construction site and prevent the dam to protect the outlet area from scour. sedimentation in off site water bodies. Rock Fill: The rockfill should be well graded, hard, Conditions inhere Practice Applies erosion resistant stone with a minimum d5o size of 9 inches. A"key trench"lined with geotextile filter fabric should be The rock dam may be.used instead of the standard sedi- installed in the soil foundation under the rockfill.The filter ment basin with barrel and riser. The rock dam is fabric must extend from the key trench to the downstream preferred when it is difficult to construct a stable,earthen edge of the apron and abutments to prevent soil movement embankment and rock materials are readily available. The and piping under the dam. site should be accessible for periodic sediment removal. .The upstream face of the dam should be covered with a fine This rock dam should not be located in a live stream. The top of the dam will serve as the overflow outlet. The inside gravel(NYS-DOT#1 washed stone or equal)a minimum of the dam will be faced with smaller stone to reduce the 1 foot thick to reduce the drainage rate. rate.pf seepage so a sediment pool forms during runoff Trapping Efficiency. To obtain maximum trapping ef- events. ficiency, design for a long detention period. Usually a minimum of eight(8)hours before the basin is completely Design Criteria drained. Maximize the length of travel of sediment laden - water from the inlet to the drain. Achieve a surface area Drainage Area: The drainage area for this off stream structure is limited to 50 acres. equal to 0.01 acres per cfs (inflow) based on the 10-year storm. Location: The location of the dam should: See Figure 5A.11 on page 5A.24 for details. - provide a large area to trap sediment - interrupt runoff from disturbed areas Maintenance - be accessible to remove sediment - not interfere with construction activities Check the basin area after each rainfall event. Remove sediment and restore original volume when sediment ac- cumulates to one-half the design volume. Check the struc- Storage Volume: The storage volume behind the dam tore for erosion,piping,and rock displacement after each should be at least 1,800 cubic feet based'on the amount of disturbed area draining to the dam. This volume is significant event and replace immediately. measured one foot below the top of dam. Remove the structure and any sediment immediately after Dam Section: the construction area has been permanently stabilized. All water should be removed from the basin prior to the Top Width 5 feet minimum @ crest removal of the rock dam. Sediment should be placed in designated disposal areas and not allowed to flow into Side Slopes 2:1 upstream slope streams or drainageways during structure removal. 3:1 downstream slope Height 8'max to spillway crest Length of Crest: The crest length should be designed to carry the 10 yr.peak runoff with a flow depth of 1 foot and 1 foot of freeboard. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.23 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.11 Rock Dam Details FLOW C 5=i CREST _ a °� 2 O 3 co 00 O C) oo-oo1.s'm O NYS DOT #1 11 � 11 2 8' MAX. STONE Le = H KEY TRENCH 2' FILTER FABRIC ROCK SIZE = d50 = 9" SECTION A-A A ABUTMENT NOT TO SCALE 2' ABUTMENT 2' CREST (LENGTH VARIES ) 2' A; KEY TRENCH a FILTER FABRIC PROFILE MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA: 50 ACRES NOT To SCALE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . THE AREA UNDER THE ROCK DAM SHALL BE CLEARED AND STRIPPED OF ROOTS AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE RESERVOIR SHALL BE CLEARED AS NEEDED TO FACILITATE SEDIMENT REMOVAL. 2. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM. TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED FROM ABUTMENT TO ABUTMENT ON THE DAM CENTERLINE. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED FROM UPSTREAM EDGE OF KEYTRENCH TO DOWNSTREAM EDGE OF APRON. JOINTS WILL LAP A MINIMUM OF 1 FT. WITH UPSTREAM STRIP ON TOP . 3. CONSTRUCT THE ROCK EMBANKMENT TO THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. ROCK ABUTMENTS SHALL BE MAINTAINED -2 FT. ABOVE THE CREST. 4. THE ROCK DAM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO CLEARING THE BASIN AREA. STABLIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS, EXCEPT THE BASIN AREA , WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING. 5. FENCES AND WARNING SIGNS SHOULD BE PLACED AS APPROPRIATE. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE ROCK DAM SYRACUSE. NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.24 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM DRAIN INLET_ PROTECTION Definition Inspect and clean the excavated basin after every storm. A permeable barrier installed around inlets in the form of Sediment should be removed when 50 percent of the a fence, berm or excavation around an opening, thereby storage volume is achieved. This material should be incor- reducing sediment content of sediment laden water. porated in the site in a stabilized manner. Purpose See details for Excavated Drop Inlet Protection in Figure 5A.12 on page 5A.27. To prevent sediment laden water from entering a storm Type II-Fabric Drop Inlet Protection drain system through inlets. Limit the drainage area to 1 acre per inlet device. Land Conditions Where Practice Applies area slope immediately surrounding this device should not exceed 1 percent. The maximum height of the fabric above This practice shall be used where the drainage area to an the inlet crest shall not exceed 1.5 feet. inlet is disturbed,it is not possible to temporarily divert the storm drain outfall into a trapping device and watertight The top of the barrier should be maintained to allow blocking of inlets is not advisable. It is not to be used in overflow to drop into the drop inlet and not bypass the inlet place of sediment trapping devices. This maybe used in to unprotected lower areas. Support stakes for fabric shall conjunction with storm drain diversion to help prevent be a minimum of 3 feet long, spaced a maximum 3 feet siltation of pipes installed with low slope angle. apart. They should be driven close to the inlet so any overflow drops into the inlet and not on the unprotected Types of Storm Drain Inlet Practices soil. Improved performance and sediment storage volume There are five(5)specific types of storm drain inlet protec- can be obtained by excavating the area. tion practices that vary according to their function, loca- Inspect the fabric barrier after each rain event and make tion,drainage area and availability of materials: repairs as needed. Remove sediment from the pool area I. Excavated Drop Inlet Protection as necessary with care not to undercut or damage the filter fabric. Upon stabilization of the drainage area remove all II. Fabric Drop Inlet Protection :materials and unstable sediment and dispose of properly. III. Stone&Block Drop Inlet Protection Bring the adjacent area of the drop inlet to grade,smooth IV. Sod Drop Inlet Protection and compact and stabilize in the appropriate manner to the site. V. Curb Drop Inlet Protection See Figure 5A.13 for Details for Filter Fabric Drop Inlet Design Criteria Protection on page 5A.28. Drainage Area-The drainage area for storm drain inlets Type III-Stone and Block Drop Inlet Protection should be in accordance with the specific type of inlet used. Limit the drainage area to 1 acre at the drop inlet. The (Type I through Type V). stone barrier should have a minimum height of 1 foot and Type I-Excavated Drop Inlet Protection a maximum height of 2 feet. Do not use mortar. The height Limit the drainage area to the inlet device to 1 acre. Ex- should be limited to prevent excess ponding and bypass cavated side slopes shall be no steeper than 2:1. The flow. minimum depth shall be 1 foot and the maximum depth 2 Recess the first course of blocks at least 2 inches below the feet as measured from the crest of the inlet structure. crest opening of the storm drain for lateral support. Sub- Shape the excavated basin to fit conditions with the longest sequent courses can be supported laterally if needed by dimension oriented toward the longest inflow area to pro- placing a 2x4 inch wood stud through the block openings vide maximum trap efficiency. The capacity of the ex- perpendicular to the course. The bottom row should have cavated basin should be established to contain 900 cubic a few blocks oriented so flow can drain through the block feet per acre of disturbed area. Weep holes,protected by to dewater the basin area. the fabric and stone, should be provided for draining the temporary pool. The.stone should be placed just below the top of the blocks on slopes of 2:1 or flatter. Place hardware cloth or wire October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.25 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control mesh with 1/2 inch openings over all block openings to hold sodden area should not exceed 4:1. (This can be a per- stone in place. manent practice). As an optional design,the concrete blocks maybe omitted During the first 4 weeks,water sod as often as necessary to and the entire structure constructed of stone,ringing the maintain moist soil to a depth of 2 inches. Maintain a grass outlet("doughnut").The stone should be kept at a 3:1 slope height of a least 2 inches with no more than 1/3 the shoot toward the inlet to keep it from being washed into the inlet. height(grass leaf)removed in any mowing.Apply fertilizer A level area 1 foot wide and four inches below the crest will and lime as necessary to maintain the desired growth and further prevent wash. Stone on the slope toward the inlet sod density. should be at least 3 inches in size for stability and 1 inch or smaller away from the inlet to control flow rate. The See figure 5A.15 Details for Sod Drop Inlet Protection on elevation of the top of the stone crest must be maintained Page 5A.30. 6 inches lower than the ground elevation downslope from Type V-Curb Drop Inlet Protection the inlet to insure that all storm flows pass over the stone into the storm drain and not past the structure. Temporary The drainage area should be limited to 1 acre at the drop diking should be used as necessary to prevent bypass flow. inlet. The wire mesh must be of sufficient strength to support the filter fabric and stone with the water fully The barrier should be inspected after each rain event and impounded against it. Stone is to be 2 inches in size and repairs made where needed. Remove sediment as neces- clean. The filter fabric must be of a type approved for this sary to provide for accurate storage volume for subsequent purpose with an equivalent opening size (EOS) of 40-85. rains. Upon stabilization of contributing drainage area The protective structure will be constructed to extend remove all materials and any unstable soil and dispose of beyond the inlet 2 feet in both directions. Assure that properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, storm flow does not bypass the inlet by installing temporary smooth,compact and stabilize in a manner appropriate to dikes directing flow into the inlet. the site. The structure should be inspected after every storm event. See Figure 5A.14 for Details for Stone and Block Drop ,any sediment should be removed and disposed of on the Inlet Protection on page 5A.29. site. Any stone missing should be replaced. Check Type IV-Sod Drop Inlet Protection materials for proper anchorage and secure as necessary. The drainage area should be limited to 2 acres and the See Figure 5A.16 for Details for Curb Drop Inlet Protec- velocity over the sod kept below 5 feet per second. Place tion on page 5A.3L the sod to form a turf mat completely covering the soil surface for a minimum distance of 4 feet from each side of the drop inlet where runoff will enter. The slope of the New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.26 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.12 Excavated Drop Inlet Protection Details 1V \ . ,/ JI Az i EXCAVATED AREA (AS REQUIRED) i r® SIDE SLOPE 211 = 111—Illi!—�� IIIII—_ �—Illll- —_• WEEP HOLES =1111= EXCAVATED DEPTH, —' FOR IIIII=IIIII GRAVEL - SUPPORTED BY MIN. 1' -MAX. 2' 11�11 :T DEWATERING =1I�11=11111 HARDWARE CLOTH TO ALLOW BELOW TOP OF INLET IIII— R 11111=11111 DRAINAGE AND RESTRICT =IIIII . SEDIMENT MOVEMENT. IIS— IIII=11111 IIIII=IIIII=IIIII= CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . CLEAR THE AREA OF ALL DEBRIS THAT WILL HINDER EXCAVATION. 2. GRADE APPROACH TO THE INLET UNIFORMLY AROUND THE BASIN. 3. WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PROTECTED BY GRAVEL. 4. UPON STABLIZATION OF CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA , SEAL WEEP HOLES, FILL BASIN WITH STABLE SOIL TO FINAL ,GRAOE, COMPACT IT PROPERLY AND STABLIZE WITH PERMANENT SEEDING. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 1 ACRE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXCAVATED DROP INLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PROTECTION SYRACUSE. NEW YORK October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.27 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.13 Filter Fabric Drop Inlet Protection Details STAKE 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME --\ TFABRIC 1.5' MAX MIN31 IIII II II—III�I�II I I I I IIII Il � o.o: ll lJ BURIED FABRIC DROP INLET WITH GRATE I I FRAME II I Z S ---- I I I MIN I � �I I GATHER EXCESS AT CORNERS l J CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . FILTER FABRIC SHALL HAVE AN EOS OF 40-85 . BURLAP MAY BE USED FOR SHORT TERM APPLICATIONS. 2. CUT FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINTS. IF JOINTS ARE NEEDED THEY WILL BE OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT STAKE. 3. STAKE MATERIALS WILL BE STANDARD 2" x 4" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET. 4. SPACE STAKES EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE A MINIMUM 18 INCHES DEEP. - SPANS GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRIDGED WITH THE USE OF WIRE MESH BEHIND THE FILTER FABRIC FOR SUPPORT. 5. FABRIC SHALL BE EMBEDDED 1 FOOT MINIMUM BELOW GROUND AND BACKFILLED. IT SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO THE STAKES AND FRAME. 6. A 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME SHALL BE COMPLETED AROUND THE CREST OF THE FABRIC FOR OVER FLOW STABILITY. MAXIMUN DRAINAGE AREA 1 ACRE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FILTER FABRIC DROP INLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK PROTECTION New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.28 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.14 Stone & Block Drop Inlet Protection Details Dewatering Concrete block _ f –'— _ TEMPORARY SEDIMENT – POOL WIRE SCREEN DEWATERING 2.1 slope,gravel filter 1'MIN. 2'MAX. –– ; 16" Vz i=_= .a I I—I III a 2" IIII= I I ••' TEMPORARY SEDIMENT POOL DROP INLET SEDIMENT WITH GRATE STONE & BLOCK DETAIL 1'MIN. 00 –3:1 SLOPE WIRE MESH 2'MAX.2:1 SLOPE- 00 000 0 0 (OPTIONAL) D 8 0 � 1 � - ' $ dao°8 00 FINE GRAVEL _ °• FACE (1'MIN. - THICKNESS) 3n STONE IIII— II . "DOUGHNUT" DETAIL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . LAY ONE BLOCK ON EACH SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE ON ITS SIDE FOR DEWATERING. FOUNDATION SHALL BE 2 INCHES MINIMUM BELOW REST OF INLET AND BLOCKS SHALL BE PLACED AGAINST INLET FOR SUPPORT. 2. HARDWARE CLOTH OR 1/2" WIRE MESH SHALL BE PLACED OVER BLOCK OPENINGS TO SUPPORT STONE. 3. USE CLEAN STONE OR GRAVEL 1/2-3/4 INCH IN DIAMETER PLACED 2 INCHES BELOW THE TOP OF THE BLOCK ON A 2: 1 SLOPE OR FLATTER. 4 . FOR STONE STRUCTURES ONLY , A 1 FOOT THICK LAYER OF THE FILTER STONE WILL BE PLACED AGAINST THE 3 INCH STONE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 1 ACRE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STONE & BLOCK DROP STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION,SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK INLET PROTECTION STRUCTURE Mffj October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.29 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.15 Sod Drop Inlet Protection Details M� � •w'r 4, r ' �_�r.. .► I 41 J. } 4 Four 1 ft wide strips of'sod on each side of the drop inlet CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. BRING THE AREA TO BE SODDED TO FINAL GRADE ELEVATION WITH TOPSOIL. ADD FERTILIZER AND LIME AND INSTALL SOD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRACTICE ON SODDING. 2. LAY ALL SOD STRIPS PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF FLOW. 3. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 4 FEET IN ALL FLOW DIRECTIONS. 4.- SOD STRIPS SHALL- BE STAGGERED SO ADJACENT STRIP ENDS ARE NOT ALIGNED. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 2 ACRES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOD DROP INLET _ STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PROTECTION "�� SYRACUSE, NEW YORK OFE] New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.30 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.16 Curb Drop Inlet Protection Details 2' MINIMUM LENGTH SAND BAG OR OF 2" x 4" ALTERNATE WEIGHT 2" x 4" WEIR 2" STONE FILTER 2" x 4" SPACER CLOTH WIRE MESH 6' MAXIMUM SPACING \ D OF 2" x 4" SPACERS \D D INPIPELET \� TO 2" STONE 2" x 4" ANCHORS D rSDA T' CLOTH J' /\ MESH 2" x 4" WEIR 2" x 4" SPACER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . FILTER FABRIC SHALL HAVE AN EOS OF 40-85. 2. WOODEN FRAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 2" x 4" CONSTRUCTION GRADE LUMBER. 3 . WIRE MESH ACROSS THROAT SHALL BE A CONTINUOUS PIECE 30 INCH MINIMUM WIDTH WITH A LENGTH 4 FEET LONGER THAN THE THROAT. IT SHALL BE SHAPED AND SECURELY NAILED TO A 2" x 4" WEIR. 4. THE WEIR SHALL BE SECURELY NAILED TO 2" x 4" SPACERS 9 INCHES LONG SPACED NO MORE THAN 6 FEET APART. 5. THE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PLACED AGAINST THE INLET AND SECURED BY 2" x 4" -ANCHORS 2 FEET LONG EXTENDING ACROSS THE TOP OF THE INLET AND HELD .IN PLACE BY SANDBAGS OR ALTERNATE WEIGHTS. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 1 ACRE- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CURB GUTTER INLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE -------1 SYRACUSE. NEW YORK PROTECTION STRUCTURE 10 October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.31 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEDIMENT TRAP Definition A temporary sediment control device formed by excava- Trap Cleanout tion and/or embankment to intercept sediment laden Sediment shall be removed and the trap restored to the runoff and to retain the sediment. original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to 1/2 of the design depth of the trap.Sediment removed from Purpose the trap shall be deposited in a protected area and in such a manner that it will not erode. The purpose of the structure is to intercept sediment laden runoff and trap the sediment in order to protect drainage Embankment ways,properties,and right-of-waybelow the sediment trap All embankments for sediment traps shall not exceed five from sedimentation. (5) feet in height as measured at the low point of the Conditions Where Practice Applies original ground along the centerline of the embankment. Embankments shall have a minimum four(4)foot wide top A sediment trap is usually installed in a drainage way,at a and side slopes of 2:1 or flatter.The embankment shall be storm drain inlet, or other points of discharge from a compacted by traversing with equipment while it is being disturbed area. constructed. Sediment traps should not be used to artificially break up The elevation of the top of any dike directing water to any a natural drainage area into smaller sections where a larger sediment trap will equal or exceed the maximum height of device(sediment basin)would be better suited. the outlet structure along the entire length of the trap. Design Criteria Excavation All excavation operations shall be carried out in such a If any of the design criteria presented here cannot be met, manner that erosion and water pollution shall be minimal. see Standard and Specifications for Sediment Basin on Excavated portions of sediment traps shall have 1:1 or page 5A.47. flatter slopes. Drainage Area Outlet The drainage area for sediment traps shall be in accord- The outlet shall be designed,constructed and maintained ance with the specific type of sediment trap used(Type I in such a manner that sediment does not leave the trap and through VI). that erosion at or below the outlet does not occur. Location Sediment traps must outlet onto stabilized(preferably un- Sediment traps shall be located so that they can be installed disturbed)ground,into a watercourse,stabilized channel, prior to grading or filling in the drainage area they are to or into a storm drain system. protect.Traps must not be located any closer than 20 feet nap Details Needed on Erosion and from a proposed building foundation if the trap is to func- tion during building construction.Locate traps to obtain Sediment Control Plans maximum storage benefit from the terrain, for ease of There is no standard symbol for a sediment trap.Each trap cleanout and disposal of the trapped sediment. shall be delineated on the plans in such manner that it will Trap Size not be confused with any other features.Each trap on a plan shall indicate all the information necessary to properly The volume of a sediment trap as measured at the elevation construct and maintain the structure.If the drawings are of the crest of the outlet shall be at least 1800 cubic feet per such that this information cannot be delineated on the acre of drainage area. The volume of a constructed trap drawings, then a table shall be developed. If a table is shall be calculated using standard mathematical proce- developed,then each trap on a plan shall have a number dures. The volume of a natural sediment trap may be and the numbers shall be consecutive. approximated by the equation; Volume (cu. ft.) = 0.4 x surface area(sq.ft.)x maximum depth(ft.). October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.33 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control The following information shall be shown for each trap in side of the square base measurement shall be the riser a summary table form on the plans. diameter plus 24 inches. 1.Trap number Pipe outlet sediment traps shall be limited to a five(5)acres maximum drainage area.Pipe outlet sediment traps may 2.Type of trap r be interchangeable in the field with stone outlet or riprap 3.Drainage area sediment traps provided that these sediment traps are 4.Storage required constructed in accordance with the detail and specifica- 5.Storage provided(if applicable) tions for that trap. 6.Outlet length or pipe sizes Select pipe diameter from the following table: 7.Storage depth below outlet or cleanout elevation Minimum Sizes 8.Embankment height and elevation(if applicable) Barrel 1 Riser 1 Maximum Diameter Diameter Drainage Area Type of Sediment Yaps in in (ac.) There are six(6)specific types of sediment traps which vary 12 15 1 15 18 2 according to their function,location or drainage area. 18 21 3 I.Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap 21 24 4 II.Grass Outlet Sediment Trap 21 27 5 III.Storm Inlet Sediment Trap 1 Barrel diameter may be same size as riser diameter. IV.Swale Sediment Trap See details for Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap ST-I in Figure V.Stone Outlet Sediment Trap 5A.17(1)and 5A.17(2)on pages 5A.36 and 5A.37. VI.Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap 11.Grass Outlet Sediment Trap I.Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap A Grass Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by A Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by excavating the earth to create a holding area.The trap has embankment or excavation. The outlet for the trap is a discharge point over natural existing grass. The outlet through a perforated riser and a pipe through the embank- length (feet)shall be equal to four (4) times the drainage ment.The outlet pipe and riser shall be made of corrugated area (acres) and a minimum length of four (4) feet. The metal.The top of the embankment shall be at least 11/2 outlet shall be free of any restrictions to flow.The outlet lip feet above the crest of the riser.The top 2/3 of the riser shall must remain undisturbed and level.The volume of this trap be perforated with one(1)inch nominal diameter holes or shall be computed at the elevation of the crest of the outlet. slits spaced six(6)inches vertically and horizontally placed Grass outlet sediment traps shall be limited to a five (5) in the concave portion of the corrugated pipe. acre maximum drainage area. No holes or slits will be allowed within six(6)inches of the See Details for Grass Outlet Sediment Trap ST-II in Figure top of the horizontal barrel.All pipe connections shall be 5A.18 on page 5A.38. watertight.The riser shall be wrapped with 1/2 to 1/4 inch III.Storm Inlet Sediment Trap hardware clothwire then wrapped with filter cloth(Mirafi IOOX,Poly Filter GB or a filter cloth with an equivalent A Storm Inlet Sediment Trap consists of a basin formed by sieve size between#40-80) and secured with strapping or excavation on natural ground that discharges through an connecting band at the top and bottom of the cloth. The opening in a storm drain inlet structure.This opening can cloth shall cover an area at least six(6) inches above the either be the inlet opening or a temporary opening made highest hole and six(6)inches below the lowest hole.The by omitting bricks or blocks in the inlet. top of the riser pipe shall not be covered with filter cloth. The riser shall have a base with sufficient weight to prevent A yard drain inlet or an inlet in the median strip of a dual flotation of the riser.Two approved bases are: � highway could use the inlet opening for the tap outlet.The trap should be out of the roadway so as not to interfere with 1.A concrete base 12 in.thick with the riser embedded 9 future compaction or construction.Placing the trap on the in.into the concrete base,or opposite side of the opening and diverting water from the 2.One quarter inch,minimum,thick steel plate attached roadway to the trap is one means of doing this. Storm inlet to the riser by a continuous weld around the circum- sediment traps shall be limited to a three(3)acre maximum ference of the riser to form a watertight connection. drainage area.The volume of this trap is measured at the The plate shall have 2.5 feet of stone,gravel,or earth elevation of the crest of the outlet (invert of the inlet placed on it to prevent flotation.In either case,each opening). New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.34 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control See Details for Storm Inlet Sediment Trap ST-III in Figure shall be through a partially excavated channel lined with 5A.19 on page 5A.39. riprap.This outlet channel shall discharge onto a stabilized area or to a stable watercourse.The riprap outlet sediment IV Swale Sediment Trap trap may be used for drainage areas of up to a maximum of A Swale Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by over 15 acres. excavating a Swale or a drainage ditch. The outlet of the Design Criteria for Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap swale sediment trap is controlled by the invert of the downstream Swale. Swale sediment traps are placed in 1. The total contributing drainage area (disturbed or surface drain ditches just before the runoff water leaves the undisturbed either on or off the developing property) property, enters a watercourse at the end of cut sections, shall not exceed 15 acres. or immediately preceding ditch inlets or stabilized outlets. 2.The storage needs for this trap shall be computed using Often a section of concrete liner is left out to construct the 1800 cubic feet of required storage for each acre of swale trap in that section.Once the contributory drainage drainage area.The storage volume provided can be area is stabilized,the trap may be removed and the swale figured by computing the volume of storage area or ditch reconstructed.The swale sediment trap shall be available behind the outlet structure up to an eleva- used only where no other device is feasible. The swale tion of one(1)foot below the level weir crest. sediment trap shall be limited to a maximum drainage area 3.The maximum height of embankment shall not exceed of two(2)acres.The volume of this trap shall be computed five(5)feet. at the elevation of the invert of the outlet. 4.The elevation of the top of any dike directing water to See Details for Swale Sediment Trap ST-IV in Figure a riprap outlet sediment trap will equal or exceed the 5A.20 on Page 5A.40. minimum elevation of the embankment along the V.Stone Outlet Sediment Trap entire length of this trap. A Stone Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap ST-VI an embankment or excavation. The outlet of this trap is _(for Stone Lined Channel_ over a stone section placed on level ground.The minimum Contributing Depth of Length of length(feet) of the outlet shall be equal to four (4) times Drainage Area Channel(a) Weir(L the drainage area(acres). -(�-) 1 1.5 4.0 Required storage shall be 1,800 cubic feet per acre of 2 1.5 5.0 drainage area. 3 1.5 6.0 4 1.5 10.0 The outlet crest(top of stone in weir section)shall be level, 5 1.5 12.0 at least one(1)foot below top of embankment and no more 6 1.5 14.0 than one(1) foot above ground beneath the outlet.Stone 7 1.5 16.0 used in the outlet shall be small riprap (4 in.x 8 in.).To 8 2.0 10.0 provide more efficient trapping effect,a layer of filter cloth 9 2.0 10.0 should be embedded one (1)foot back into the upstream 10 2.0 12.0 11 2.0 14.0 face of the outlet stone or a one(1)foot thick layer of two 12 2.0 14.0 (2)inch or finer aggregate shall be placed on the upstream 13 2.0 16.0 face of the outlet. 14 2.0 16.0 15 2.0 18.0 Stone Outlet Sediment Traps may be interchangeable in the field with pipe or riprap outlet sediment traps provided they are constructed in accordance with the detail and See Details for Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap ST-VI on specifications for those traps.Stone outlet sediment traps Figure 5A.22 on page 5A.42. shall be limited to a five(5)acre maximum drainage area. See Details for Outlet Sediment Trap ST-V in Figure 5A.21 Optional Dewatering Methods on page 5A.41. Optional dewatering devices may be designed for use with VI.Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap sediment traps.Included are two methods which may be used.See Figure 5A.23 on page 5A.44 for details. A Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by an excavation and embankment.The outlet for this trap October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.35 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.17 (1) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-1 PIPE OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP ST-1 el Excavate if Necessary For Storage Flow Earth Embankment Riser Embedded 9''Into Concrete Outlet Protection ! OR 1/4"Metol Plate Welded All Around 4 mi I I I-fi"min. All Slopes 2:1 or Flatter ��\ Perforated Riser 5 max. 1/4'to 1/2"Hardware Wire Cloth With Fitter Cloth Riprop /% \ Securely Fastened Protection P —1}0. W=Diaof Riser+24" Weld d W �12 . Around 1 Acceptable Watertight Bonds � �" �••i EMBANKMENT SECTION THRU RISER SIZES OF PIPE NEEDED Barrel Diameter Riser Diameter Note Construction Specification should be attached to this detail to complete design. Max. Drainage Area : 5 Acres U.S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PIPE OUTLET STANDARD DRAWING SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SEDIMENT TRAP :"o SYRACUSE NEW YORK ST—I I of New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.36 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.17 (2) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-1 - Construction Specifications CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE OUTLET TRAP : ST-1 1. AREA UNDER EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CLEARED,GRUBBEO AND STRIPPED OF ANY VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. THE POOL AREA SHALL BE CLEARED. 2. THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FREE OF ROOTS OR OTHER WOODY VEGETATION-AS WELL AS OVER-SIZED STONES, ROCKS, ORGANIC MATERIAL, OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE EMBANK- MENT SHALL BE COMPACTED BY TRAVERSING WITH EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED. 3. VOLUME OF SEDIMENT STORAGE SHALL BE 1800 CUBIC FEET PER ACRE OF CONTRIBUTORY DRAINAGE. 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA AND IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. 5. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS NEEDED. 6. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION ARE MINIMIZED. 7. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE REMOVED AND AREA STABILIZED WHEN THE DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. B. ALL FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2:1 OR FLATTER; CUT SLOPES 1:1 OR FLATTER. 9. ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT. 10. THE TOP 2/3 OF THE RISER SHALL BE PERFORATED WITH ONE ( 1 ) INCH DIAMETER HOLES OR SLITS SPACED SIX ( 6) INCHES VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY AND PLACED IN THE CONCAVE PORTION OF PIPE. NO HOLES WILL BE ALLOWED WITHIN SIX ( 6) INCHES OF THE HORIZONTAL BARREL. 11. THE RISER SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH 1/4 TO 1/2 INCH HARDWARE CLOTH WIRE THEN WRAPPED WITH FILTER CLOTH (HAVING AN EQUIVALENT SIEVE SIZE OF 40-80). THE FILTER CLOTH SHALL EXTEND SIX ( 6) INCHES ABOVE THE HIGHEST HOLE AND SIX ( 6) INCHES BELOW THE LOWEST HOLE. WHERE ENDS OF FILTER CLOTH COME TOGETHER, THEY SHALL BE OVER- LAPPED, FOLDED AND STAPLED TO PREVENT BYPASS. 12. STRAPS OR CONNECTING BANDS SHALL BE USED TO HOLD THE FILTER CLOTH AND WIRE FABRIC IN PLACE. THEY SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE CLOTH. 13. FILL MATERIAL AROUND THE PIPE SPILLWAY SHALL BE HAND COMPACTED IN FOUR ( 4) INCH LAYERS. A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) FEET OF HAND COMPACTED BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE PIPE SPILLWAY BEFORE CROSSING IT WITH CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. 14. THE RISER SHALL BE ANCHORED WITH EITHER A CONCRETE BASE OR STEEL PLATE BASE TO PREVENT FLOTATION. FOR CONCRETE BASED THE DEPTH SHALL BE 12 INCHES WITH THE RISER EMBEDDED NINE ( 9) INCHES. A 1/4 INCH MINIMUM THICKNESS STEEL PLATE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE RISER BY A CONTINUOUS WELD AROUND THE BOTTOM TO FORM A WATERTIGHT CONNECTION AND THEN PLACE TWO (2) FEET OF STONE, GRAVEL,OR TAMPED EARTH ON THE PLATER. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PIPE OUTLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SEDIMENT TRAP -- SYRACUSE, NEW YORK ST-1 202 f October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.37 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.18 Grass Outlet Sediment Trap: ST 11 GRASS OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP 3T-11 Dike Flow Flow 'A Must Remain Undisturbed, Level Well Vegetated Flow Dike if Required to Divert Water to Trap Outflow Of Cleaner Water I I 1 I I i Inflow Of Sediment Laden Water d- ILI JL y H Crest Width(Ft) 4x Drainage Area(Acres) SECTION A-A EXCAVATED GRASS OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR ST-II 1. Volume of sediment storage shall be 1800 cubic feet per acre of contributory drainage area. 2. Minimum crest width shall be 4 X Drainage Area. 3. Sediment shall be removed and trap restored to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to 1-2 the design depth of the trap. Removed sediment shall be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. 4. The structure shall be inspected after each rain and repairs made as needed. 5. Construction operations shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and water pollution shall be minimized. 6. The sediment trap shall be removed and area stabilized when the remaining drainage area has been properly stabilized. 7. All cut slopes shall be 1:1 or flatter. Maximum Drainage Area: 5 Acres U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRASS OUTLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SEDIMENT TRAP SYRACUSE, NEW YORK ST-3I New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.38 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.19 Storm Inlet Sediment Trap: ST-111 STORM INLET SEDIMENT TRAP ST-111 Flow Flow 44<. Flow Flow YARD DRAIN As Required min 1:1 or Flatter I'l or Flatter CROSS SECTION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR ST-III 1. Sediment shall be removed and the trap restored to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to 2 the design depth of the trap. Removed sediment shall be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. 2. The volume of sediment storage shalL be 1800 cubic feet per acre of contributory drainage. 3. The structure shall be inspected after each rain and repairs made as needed. 4. Construction operations shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and water pollution shall be minimized. 5. The sediment trap shall be removed and the area stabilized when the constructed drainage area has been properly stabilized. 6. All cut slopes shall be 1:1 or flatter. Maximum Drainage Area: 3 Acres U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STORM INLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SEDIMENT TRAP SYRACUSE, NJEW YORK-- ST—III w9mmi October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.39 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.20 Swale Outlet Sediment Trap: ST IV SEDIMENT TRAP Ditch Invert _Level Bottom Into Uphill Gradient Stabilize +I N l SECTION A-A M SWALE SEDIMENT TRAP Shoulder A `%\ Inlet A SOS— 100, A (Median) D itch +etch miTrap size depends �Sevale Sediment Trap y5�fo10� on required storage. Shoulder M To Remain Stabilized Or Covered With A 6"Lining Of 2"Stone CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR ST—IV 1. The swale sediment trap shall be constructed in accordance with the dimensions provided on the design drawings or sized to provide the minimum storage necessary 1800 cubic feet of storage for each acre of drainage area. 2. Sediment shall be removed and trap restored to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to 2 the design depth of the trap. Removed sediment shall be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. 3. The structure shall be inspected after each rain and repairs made as needed. 4. Construction operations shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and water pollution shall be minimized. 5. The sediment trap shall be removed and area stabilized when the contributory drainage area has been properly stabilized. 6. The swale sediment trap will be properly backfilled and the swale or ditch reconstructed. Maximum Drainage Area: 2 Acres U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SWALE SEDIMENT STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE TRAP— ST= SYRACUSE , NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.40 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.21 Stone Outlet-Sediment Trap: STV STONE OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP YS L=4xD.A. I'Min. f 5' JI 2Stone� I'Max. PROFILE ♦ Small riprop Earth Embankment 4. min FLOW 2 Undisturbed Area —~ Ir weir Creat �1 2"S i —�Small Riprap— (Optianal Filter Cloth Excavate For ReWred Slarape Apron CROSS SECTION A-A OPTION: A ONE FOOTLAYER -OF 2" STONE MAY BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE RIPRAP IN PLACE OF THE EMBEDDED FILTER CLOTH. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR ST-V 1. AREA UNDER EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED AND STRIPPED OF ANY VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. THE POOL AREA SHALL BE CLEARED. 2. THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FREE OF ROOTS AND OTHER WOODY VEGETATION AS WELL AS OVER–SIZED STONES, ROCKS, ORGANIC MATERIAL OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE COMPACTED BY TRAVERSING WITH EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED. 3. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2:1 OR FLATTER. 4. THE STONE USED IN THE OUTLET SHALL BE SMALL RIPRAP 4"-8" ALONG WITH A 1' THICKNESS OF 2" AGGREGATE PLACED ON THE UP–GRADE SIDE ON THE SMALL RIPRAP OR EMBEDDED FILTER CLOTH IN THE RIPRAP. 5. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMEN– SIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE DESIGN DEPTH TO , THE TRAP. 6. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS NEEDED. 7. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION IS MINIMIZED. B. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE AREA STABILIZED WHEN THE DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. Maximum Drainage Area: 5 Acres U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STONE OUTLET SEDIMENT STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE -- SYRACUSE, NEW YORK TRAP — Q ' October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.41 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Fgure 5A.22 (1) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-VI RIPRAP OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP ST-VI TOP OF COMPACTED EMBANKMENT MIN I ABOVE TOP OF STONE LINING MAX 5'ABOVE EXIST. GROUND AT fE TOP OF EMBANKMENT OR EXIST.GROUND LENGTH OF WEIR (b) MAX.2:1 SLOPE (TYR) MAX.DEPTH OF FLOW FREEBOARD EQUALS 1/2 x a DOST.GROUND WEIR CREST TO BE 1/2 x a WEIR CREST BELOW EXISTING GROUND AT fL OF EMBANKMENT FILTER CLOTH STONE THICKNESS= I' STONE SIZE TO BE 4''TO 8" PROFILE 4MIN.TOP WIDTH EXISTING GROUND *_. 2,• 7 'L' /M APRON LENGTH (S�MIN.) 0 :1—L—__ l7 O —O O 4� UNDISTURBED _ U O GR UND Q O MIN.I%FALL—�_ O STORAGE LIMIT- EXCAVATE FOR STORAGE A FILTER CLOTH (EMBEDDED MIN.4"AT UPSTREAM END) CROSS SECTION CHANNEL SIDE FORMED BY COMPACTED EMBANKMENT OR EXCAVATION INTO COMPACTED EMBANKMENT EXISTING GROUND V VI • O ' �0 1�lr . pQ0 QGo� 4 Z,FLARE APRON TO EQUAL 1.5x STONE LINED OUTLET CHANNEL AS PER TABLE ST-VI (CHANNEL MAY BE WEIR LENGTH (b) AT END CURVED TO FIT EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY) MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA=I5ACRES PERSPECTIVE VIEW U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE RIPRAP OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP SYRACUSE, NEW YORK ST I OF 2 � New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.42 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Fg u re 5A.22 (2) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-VI - Construction Specifications CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR RIPRAP OUTLET SEDIMENT TRAP = ST-VI 1. THE AREA UNDER EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED AND STRIPPED OF ANY VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. THE POOL AREA SHALL BE CLEARED. 2. THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FREE OF ROOTS OR OTHER WOODY VEGETATION AS WELL AS OVER—SIZED STONES, ROCKS, ORGANIC MATERIAL OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE COMPACTED BY TRAVERSING WITH EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FIVE ( 5 ) FEET, MEASURED AT CENTERLINE OF EMBANKMENT. 3. ALL FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2: 1 OR FLATTER, CUT SLOPES 1: 1 OR FLATTER. 4. ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF ANY DIKE DIRECTING WATER INTO TRAP MUST EQUAL OR EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT. 5. STORAGE 'AREA PROVIDED SHALL BE FIGURED BY COMPUTING THE VOLUME AVAILABLE BEHIND THE OUTLET CHANNEL UP TO AN ELEVATION OF ONE ( 1 ) FOOT BELOW THE LEVEL WEIR CREST. 6. FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE BOTTOM AND SIDES OF THE OUTLET CHANNEL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF STONE. SECTIONS OF FABRIC MUST OVERLAP AT LEAST ONE ( 1 ) FOOT WITH SECTION NEAREST THE ENTRANCE PLACED ON TOP. FABRIC SHALL BE EMBEDDED AT LEAST SIX ( 6 ) INCHES INTO EXISTING GROUND AT ENTRANCE OF OUTLET CHANNEL. 7. STONE USED IN THE OUTLET CHANNEL SHALL BE FOUR ( 4 ) TO EIGHT ( 8 ) INCHES ( RIPRAP ). TO PROVIDE A FILTERING EFFECT, A LAYER OF FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EMBEDDED ONE ( 1 ) FOOT WITH SECTION NEAREST ENTRANCE PLACED ON TOP. FABRIC SHALL BE EMBEDDED AT LEAST SIX ( 6 ) INCHES INTO EXISTING GROUND AT ENTRANCE OF OUTLET CHANNEL. 8. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA AND IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. 9. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRED AS NEEDED. 10. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION ARE MINIMIZED. 11. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE AREA STABILIZED WHEN DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. 12. DRAINAGE AREA FOR THIS PRACTICE IS LIMITED TO 15 ACRES OR LESS. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RIPRAP OUTLET STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SEDIMENT TRAP --\ SYRACUSE. NEW YORK ST-VI 2of2 October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.43 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.23 Optional Sediment Trap_Dewatering Devices OPTIONAL SEDIMENT TRAP DEWATERING DEVICE-1 WITH 6° PERFORATED RISER TOP OF FILL ANTI—VORTEX DEVICE 2 i__ CAP END UNLESS EQUAL TO OR GREATER 1 _1 THAN ELEV. OF PRIMARY RISER CREST RISER I"PERFORATIONS MINIMUM 6"DIAMETER CMP I I FILTER CLOTH OVER WIRE MESH I ' e e 2"STONE CORE I 6 DIA PIPE : CONTINUOUS BAND BARREL ———— �L•t�.T —RISER BASE ASE PLATS(I/4) SIZE; D+24 PERFORATIONS OR SLITS MUST NOT PERFORATIONS—fi"SPACING HORZ.a VERT. BE MADE ANY LOWER THAN 6LOCATED IN CONCAVE ABOVE TOP OF THE HORIZONTAL OUTFALL BARREL. OPTIONAL SEDIMENT TRAP DEWATERING DEVICE-II -------- STONE OUTLET 8��MIN.DIAMETER PERFORATED SEDIMENT TRAP PIPE WRAPPED WITH FILTER (SEE SHEET 16.12) CLOTH 20� MIN. CAP END OF PIPE 14 12�.MIN. 2"STONE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBO SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE OPTIONAL SEDIMENT TRAP DEWATERING DEVICES SYRACUSE , NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.44 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PORTABLE SEDIMENT TANK Definition Design Criteria A sediment tank is a compartmented tank container ' Location= through which sediment laden water is pumped to trap and retain the sediment. The sediment tank shall be located for ease of clean-out and disposal of the trapped sediment,and to minimize the Purpose interference with construction activities and pedestrian traffic. To trap and retain sediment prior to pumping the water to Tank Size drainageways, adjoining properities, and rights-of-way below the sediment tank site. The following formula should be used in determining the storage volume of the sediment tank; pump discharge Conditions Where Practice Applies (G.P.M.)x 16 = Cubic Foot Storage A sediment tank is to be used on sites where excavations An example of a typical sediment tank is shown on Figure are deep,and space is limited,such as urban construction, 5A.24 on page 5A.46.Other container designs can be used where direct discharge of sediment laden water to stream if the storage volume is adequate and approval is obtained and storm drainage systems is to be avoided. from the local approving agency. i October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.45 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.24 Portable Sediment Tank PORTABLE SEDIMENT TANK 55 GAL. DRUMS, OR SIMILAR, WELDED END TO END ENDS OF BARRELS CUT TO ACT AS BAFFLES (TYP) �A -y BURLAP FILTER CRADLE LEG (TYP.) L 3"DIA. INTAKE FROM SUMP PUMP A 3" DIA.HOSE TO SUITABLE OUTLET 12"(APPROX.) CLEANOUT SLOT _ CUT OUT (INTERIOR WALLS ONLY) APPROX. 3/4 DIA BARREL END TO ex 4"CRADLE ACT AS BAFFLE SECTION A-A cMMICTIGI UES OUT THE SEDIMENT TANK WHEN ONE THIRD (15) FILLED WITH SILT, STEEL DRUMS ARE USED AS AN EXAMPLE DUE TO THEIR READY AVAILABILITY ANY TANKS MAY BE USED, PROVINDING THAT THE VOLUME REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. 3, ALL SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN THE TANK SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE OR AS APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR, U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PORTABLE SEDIMENT TANK SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.46 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEDIMENT BASIN Definition Purpose A temporary barrier or dam constructed across a drainage The purpose of a sediment basin is to intercept sediment way or at other suitable locations to intercept sediment laden runoff and reduce the amount of sediment leaving laden runoff and to trap and retain the sediment. the disturbed area in order to protect drainage ways, properties,and rights-of-way below the sediment basin. Scope Conditions Where Practice Applies This standard applies to the installation of temporary sedi- ment basins on sites where: (a) failure of the structure A sediment basis is appropriate where physical site condi- would not result in loss of life,damage to homes or build- tions or land ownership restrictions preclude the installa- ings, or interruption of use or service of public roads or tion of other erosion control measures to adequately utilities; (b) the drainage area does not exceed 100 acres; control runoff,erosion,and sedimentation.It may be used and(c) the basin is to be removed within 36 months after below construction operations which expose critical areas the beginning of construction of the basin. to soil erosion. The basin shall be maintained until the Permanent (to function more than 36 months) sediment disturbed area is protected against erosion by permanent stabilization. basins, or temporary basins exceeding the classification requirements for class 1 and 2, or structures that tem- Design Criteria porarily function as a sediment basin but are intended for use as a permanent pool shall be classified as permanent Compliance with Laws and Regulations structures and shall conform to criteria appropriate for permanent structures.These structures shall be designed Design and construction shall comply with state and local and constructed to conform to SCS Standard and laws, ordinances,rules and regulations. Specification No.378 for Ponds in the National Handbook Location of Conservation Practices.The total volume of permanent sediment basins shall equal or exceed the capacity require- The sediment basin should be located to obtain the maxi- ments for temporary basins contained herein. mum storage benefit from the terrain and for ease of cleanout of the trapped sediment.It should be located to Standard sediment basin designs can be used for drainage minimize interference with construction activities and con- area of 10 or 20 acres. See Figures 5A.25 and 5A.26 on struction of utilities. Whenever possible, sediment basins pages 5A.55 and 5A.56 for details. should be located so that storm drains may outfall or be Classification of Temporary Sediment diverted into the basin. Do not locate basins in perennial Basins streams. Size of the Basin For the purpose of this standard, temporary sediment The sediment storage volume of the basin, as measured basins are classified as follows: from the bottom of the basin to the elevation of the crest of Class I the principal spillway shall be at least 1,800 cubic feet per Max.Drainage 100 100 acre of distrubed area draining to the basin. This 1,800 Area(acres) cubic feet is equivalent to 1/2 inch of sediment per acre of Max.Heighti 10 15 drainage area. where possible,the entire drainage area is of Dam(ft.) used for this computation, rather than the distrubed area Min.Embankment 8 10 above, to maximize trapping efficiency. Top Width(ft) Sediment basins shall be cleaned out when the volume Embankment 2:1 or 21/2:1 or remaining as described above is reduced by sedimentation Side Slopes Flatter Flatter to 900 cubic feet per acre of drainage area(50 percent full), Anti-Seep Yes Yes except in no case shall the sediment level be permitted to Collar Required build up higher than one foot below the principal spillway 1 Height is measured from the low point of original ground along the crest. At this elevation cleanout shall be performed to centerline of dam to the top of the dam. restore the original design volume to the-sediment basin. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.47 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control The elevation corresponding to the maximum allowable is below the crest of the riser and above the surface sediment level shall be determined and shall be stated in of the trapped sediment; and (2) the sediment the design data as a distance below the top of the riser and itself which will have a high water content to the shall be clearly marked on the riser. point of being"soupy". The basin dimensions necessary to obtain the required 1)Individual dewatering methods maybe dictated basin volume as stated above shall be clearly shown on the by the intended use of the basin,i.e.,sediment, plans to facilitate plan review,construction and inspection. flyash,or other special materials,that are to be trapped and retained within the basin. If a Shape of the Basin dewatering device is needed it shall be in- It is recommended that the designer of a sediment basin cluded in the sediment basin plans submitted strive to incorporate the following features: for approval and shall be installed during con- struction of the basin. 1.Length to width ratio greater than 2:1,where length is Dewatering shall be done in such a manner as to the distance between the inlet and outlet. remove the relatively clean water without 2.A wedge shape with the inlet located at the narrow end. removing any of the sediment that has settled Spillway Design out and without removing any appreciable quan- tities of floating debris.Dewatering sediments Runoff shall be computed by the method outlined in Chap- trapped in a basin are often advantageous to the ter 2, Estimating Runoff, Engineering Field Manual for developer or contractor.Relatively dry material Conservation Practices available in the Soil Conservation can be handled with on-site equipment rather Service offices, Section 10 of this manual, or by TR-55, than the expensive draglines often needed to Urban n ydrolo or Small Watersheds.Runoff computa- handle wet(undewatered)sediments.Usually, tions shall be based upon the worst soil cover conditions the detention pool may be dewatered by a expected to prevail in the contributing drainage area siphon installed on the riser,mechanical pump- during the anticipated effective life of the structure. The ing,and surface or subsurface drains.For combined capacities of the principal and emergency details on these methods of dewatering,see Fig- spillway shall be sufficient to pass the peak rate of runoff ure 5A.30 on page 5A.60. from a ten year frequency storm. 2) Dewatering the sediment is not required but 1.Principal spillway: A spillway consisting of a vertical some local ordinances may require some pipe or box type riser joined(watertight connection) methods to dewater the basin and facilitate the to a pipe (barrel) which shall extend through the cleanout process. One very successful means embankment and outlet beyond the downstream toe of doing this is by use of a dewatering device. of the fill. The minimum capacity of the principal D.Anti-vortex device and trash rack:An anti-vortex spillway shallbe 0.2 cfs per acre of drainage area when device and trash rack shall be securely installed on the water surface is at the emergency spillway crest top of the riser and shall be the concentric type as elevation. For those basins with no emergency shown in Figure 5A.31 on pages 5A.61 and 5A.62. spillway,the principal spillway shall have the capacity to handle the peak flow from a ten year frequency E.Base: The riser shall have a base attached with a rainfall event.The minimum size of the barrel shall be watertight connection and shall have sufficient weight inches in diameter. See Figures 5A.27, 5A.28 and weight to prevent flotation of the riser. Two ap- SA.29 on pages 5A.57,5A.58 and 5A.59 for principal proved bases for risers ten feet or less in height spillway sizes and capacities. are: 1) a concrete base 18 in.thick with the riser embedded 9 in.in the base,and 2)a 1/4 in.mini- A.Crest elevation:When used in combinationwith an mum thickness steel plate attached to the riser by emergency spill way, the crest elevation of the a continuous weld around the circumference of riser shall be a minimum one foot below the eleva- the riser to form a watertight connection. The tion of the control section of the emergency plate shall have 2.5 feet of stone,gravel, or com- spillway. pacted earth placed on it to prevent flotation.In B.Watertight riser and barrel assembly:The riser and either case, each side of the square base shall be all pipe connection shall be completely watertight twice the riser diameter. except for the inlet opening at the top or a For risers greater than ten feet high computations dewatering opening and shall not have any other shall be made to design a base which will prevent holes,leaks,rips or perforations in it. flotation. The minimum factor of safety shall be C. Dewatering the basin: There are two stages of 1.20(Downward forces = 1.20 x upward forces). dewatering the basin:(1)the detention pool which See Figure 5A.32 on page 5A.63 for details. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.48 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control F. Anti-Seep Collars: Anti-seep collars shall be in- 2. Emergency S illn ways: The entire flow area of the stalled around all conduits through earth fills of emergency spillway shall be constructed in undis- impoundment strgctures according to the follow- turbed ground (not fill). The emergency spillway ing criteria: cross-section shall be trapezoidal with a minimum 1)Collars shall be placed to increase the seepage bottom width of eight feet.This spillway channel shall length along the conduit by a minimum of 15 have a straight control section of at least 20 feet in percent of the pipe length located within the length; and a straight outlet section for a minimum saturation zone. distance equal to 25 feet. 2)Collar spacing shall be between 5 and 14 times A.CCagadtNtN The minimum capacity of the emergency the vertical projection of each collar. spillway shall be that required to pass the peak 3)All collars shall be placed within the saturation rate of runoff from the 10 year 24-hour frequency storm,less any reduction due to flow in the pipe zone. spillway.Emergency spillway dimensions may be 4)The assumed normal saturation zone(phreatic determined by using the method described in Fig- line) shall be determined by projecting a line ure 5A.35 on page 5A.67. at a slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical from the B.Velocities:The velocity of flow in the exit channel point where the normal water (riser crest) shall not exceed 5 feet per second for vegetated elevation touches the upstream slope of the fill channels. For channels with erosion protection to a point where this line intersects the invert other than vegetation,velocities shallbe within the of the pipe conduit.All fill located within this non-erosive range for the type of protection used. line maybe assumed as saturated. C. Erosion Protection: Erosion protection shall be When anti-seep collars are used,the equation provided for by vegetation as prescribed in this for revised seepage length becomes: publication or by other suitable means such as 2(N)(P)=1.15(Ls)or N=(0.075)(Ls)/P riprap,asphalt or concrete. Where: Ls = Saturated length is length,in D.Freeboard: Freeboard is the difference between feet,of pipe between riser and the design high water elevation in the emergency intersection of phreatic line and spillway and the top of the settled embankment.If pipe invert. there is no emergency spillway it is the difference between the water surface elevation required to N = number of anti-seep collars. pass the design flow through the pipe and the top P = vertical projection of collar of the settled embankment.Freeboard shall be at least one foot. from pipe,in feet. Embankment Cross-Section 5)All anti-seep collars and their connections shall be watertight. Class 1 Basins:The minimum top width shall be eight feet. The side slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1. See Figure SA.33 on pages 5A.64 and SA.65 for anti-seep collar design and Figure 5A.34 on page Class 2 Basins:The minimum top width shall be ten feet. 5A.66 for construction details. The side slopes shall not be steeper than 21/2:1. G. Outlet: An outlet shall be provided, including a Entrance of Runoff Into Basin means of conveying the discharge in an erosion Points of entrance-of surface runoff into excavated sedi- free manner to an existing stable channel.Where ment basins shall be protected to prevent erosion.Consid- discharge occurs at the property line, drainage erable care should be given to the major points of inflow easements will be obtained in accordance with into basins.In many cases the difference in elevation of the local ordinances.Adequate notes and references inflow and the bottom of the basin is considerable, thus will be shown on the erosion and sediment control creating a potential for severe gullying and sediment plan. generation.Often a riprap drop at major points of inflow Protection against scour at the discharge end of would eliminate gullying and sediment generation. the pipe spillway shall be provided.Measures may include impact basin, riprap, revetment, ex Diversions, grade stabilization structures or other water cavated plunge pools,or other approved methods. control devices shall be installed as necessary to insure See Standard and Specifications for Rock Outlet Vection of runoff and protect points of entry into the. Protection,page 5B.21. basin. Points of entry should be located so as to insure October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.49 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control maximum travel distance of entering runoff to point of exit tionable material. Relatively pervious materials such as (the riser)from the basin. said or gravel (Unified Soil Classes GW, GP, SW& SP) shall not be placed in the embankment.Areas on which fill Disposal is to be placed shall be scarified prior to placement of fill. The sediment basin plans shall indicate the method(s) of The fill material shall contain sufficient moisture so that it disposing of the sediment removed from the basin. The can be formed by hand into a ball without crumbling. If sediment shall be placed in such a manner that it will not water can be squeezed out of a ball,it is too wet for proper erode from the site. The sediment shall not be deposited compaction.Fill material shall be placed six inch to eight downstream from the basin, adjacent to a stream or inch thick continuous layers over the entire length of the floodplain.Disposal sites will be covered by an approved fill. Compaction shall be obtained by routing and hauling sediment control plan. the construction equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of each layer of the fill is traversed by at least one The sediment basis plans shall also show the method of wheel or tread track of the equipment or by the use of a disposing of the sediment basin after the drainage area is compactor. The embankment shall be constructed to an stabilized, and shall include the stabilization of the sedi- elevation 10 percent higher than the design height to allow ment basin site.Water contained within the storage area for settlement. shall be removed from the basin by pumping, cutting the top of the riser, or other appropriate method prior to Pipe Spillway removing or breaching the embankment. Sediment shall The riser shall be securely attached to the barrel or barrel not be allowed to flush into a stream or drainage way. stub by welding the full circumference making a watertight Safety structural connection.The barrel stub must be attached to the riser at the same percent(angle)of grade as the outlet Sediment basins are attractive to children and can be very conduit. The connection between the riser and the riser dangerous.Local ordinances and regulations must be ad- base shall be watertight. All connections between barrel hered to regarding health and safety. The developer or sections must be achieved by approved watertight bank owner shall check with local building officials on applicable assemblies (See Figure 5A.36 on page 5A.69 for details). safety requirements. If fencing of sediment basins is re- The barrel and riser shall be placed on a firm, smooth quired,the location of and type of fence shall be shown on foundation of impervious soil. Pervious materials such as the plans. sand,gravel,or crushed stone shall not be used as backfill around the pipe or anti-seep collars. The fill material Construction Specifications around the pipe spillway shall be placed in four inch layers Site Preparation and compacted under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Areas under the embankment shall be cleared, grubbed, A minimum depth of two feet of hand compacted backfill and stripped of topsoil to remove trees,vegetation,roots shall be placed over the pipe spillwaybefore crossing it with or other objectionable material. In order to facilitate construction equipment. Steel base plates on risers shall cleanout and restoration, the pool area (measured at the have at least 21/2 feet of compacted earth,stone or gravel top of the pipe spillway)will be cleared of all brush,trees, placed over it to prevent flotation. and other objectionable materials. Cutoff-Trench Emergency Spillway A cutoff trench shall be excavated along the centerline of The emergency spillway shall be installed in undisturbed earth fill embankments.The minimum depth shall be two ground. The achievement of planned elevations, grades, feet.The cutoff trench shall extend up both abutments to design width,entrance and exit channel slopes are critical the riser crest elevation.The minimum bottom width shall to the successful operation of the emergency spillway and be four feet, but wide enough to permit operation of ex- must be constructed within a tolerance of +/-0.2. cavation and compaction equipment.The side slopes shall Vegetative Treatment be no steeper than 1:1.Compaction requirements shall be the same as those for embankment. The trench shall be Stabilize the embankment and emergency spillway in ac- dewatered during the backfilling/compaction operations. cordance with the appropriate vegetative standard and specification immediately following construction. In no Embankment case shall the embankment remain unstabilized for more The fill material shall be taken from approved areas shown than seven(7)days. on the plans. It shall be clean mineral soil free of roots, woody vegetation,oversized stones,rocks,or other objec- New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.50 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and Pollution Control When the basin area is to remain open space the pond may Construction operations shall be carried out in such a be pumped dry,graded and back filled. manner that erosion and water pollution will be minimized. Information t0 be Submitted State and local laws shall be complied with concerning pollution abatement. Sediment Basin designs and construction plans submitted Safety for review to a local Soil and Water Conservation District, or other agency shall include the following: State and local requirements shall be met concerning fenc- 1.Specific location of the basin. ing and signs,warning the public of hazards of soft sedi- ment and floodwater. 2.Plan view of the storage basin and emergency spillway, showing existing and proposed contours. Maintenance 3.Cross section of dam,principal spillway and emergency 1. Repair all damages caused by soil erosion and con- spillway and profile of emergency spillway. struction equipment at or before the end of each 4.Details of pipe connections,riser to pipe connections, working day. riser base,anti-seep collars,trash rack cleanout eleva- 2. Sediment shall be removed from the basin when it tion and anti-vortex device. reaches the specified distance below the top of the 5. Runoff calculations for 10 year frequency storm, if riser.This sediment shall be placed in such a manner required. that it will not erode from the site.The sediment shall not be deposited downstream from the embankment, 6.Storage Computation adjacent to a stream or floodplain. A.Total required Final Disposal B.Total available When temporary structures have served their intended C. Level of sediment at which cleanout shall be re- purpose and the contributing drainage area has been quired; to be stated as a distance from the riser properly stabilized, the embankment and resulting sedi- crest to the sediment surface. ment deposits are to be leveled-or otherwise disposed of in 7. Calculations showing design of pipe and emergency accordance with the approved sediment control plan.The spillway. proposed use of a sediment basin site will often dictate final Note:Items 5 through 7 above may be submitted using the disposition of the basis and any sediment contained there- design data sheet on pages 5A.52 through 5A.55. in.If the site is scheduled for future construction,then the basin material and trapped sediments must be removed, safely disposed of, and backfilled with a structural fill. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.51 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN DATA SHEET Computed by Date Checked by Date Project Basin# Location Total Area draining to basin, Acres. BASIN VOLUME DESIGN 1.Min.req'd vol. = 67 cu.yds.x ac.drainage = cu.yds. 2.Vol.of basin = = cu.yds. 3.Excavate cu.yds.to obtain required capacity Min.vol.before cleanout = 27 cu.yds.x Ac.drainage = Cu.yds. Elevation corresponding to scheduled time to clean out Distance below top of riser DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS Runoff 4.Qp(lo) = cfs (EFM,Ch.2,TR-55 or Section 10,attach runoff computation sheet). Pipe Spillway(Qps) 5.Min.pipe spillway cap.,Qps = 0.2 x ac.drainage = cfs Note:If there is no emergency spillway,then req'd Qps = QP = cfs. 6.H = ft.Barrel length = ft. 7.Barrel:Diam. inches;Qps = (Q) x(cor.fac.) = cfs. 8.Riser:Diam. inches;Length ft.;h = ft. 9.Trash Rack:Diam. inches;H = inches. Emergency Spillway Design 10.Emergency Spillway Flow,Qes = Qp-Qps = - = cfs. 11.Width ft.;Hp ft. Entrance channel slope % Exit channel slope % ANTI-SEEP COLLAR DESIGN (If Required) 12.y = ft.;z = :1;pipe slope = %,Ls = ft. Use collars, - inches square;projection = ft. DESIGN ELEVATIONS 13.Riser Crest = Design High Water = Em.Spwy.Crest = Top of loam = New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.52 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN DATA SHEET INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF FORM 1.Minimum required detention volume is 67 cubic yards 6. Determine value of"H" from field conditions;"H" is per acre from each acre of drainage area. Values interval between the centerline of the outlet pipe and larger than 67 cubic yards per acre may be used for the emergency spillway crest or if there is no emer- greater protection. Compute volume using entire gency spillway,to the design high water. drainage area although only part may be disturbed. 7. See Pipe Spillway Design Charts,Figures 5A.28 and 2. The volume of a naturally shaped (no excavation in 5A.29 on pages 5A.58 and 5A.59. basin)basin may be approximated by the formula V 8.See Riser Inflow Curves,Figure 5A.27 on page 5A.57. = (0.4)(A)(d), where V is in cubic feet, A is the 9. See Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device Design, surface area of the basin,in square feet,and d is the Figures 5A.31 on page 5A.61. maximum depth of the basin,in feet.Volume maybe computed from contour information or other suitable 10.Compute Qes by subtracting actual flow carried by the methods. pipe spillway from the total inflow,Op. 3.If volume ofbasin is not adequate for required storage, 11.Use appropriate tables to obtain values of Hp,bottom excavate to obtain the required volume. width,and actual QeS.If no emergency spillway is to 4.The method described in Section 10-TR-55 or the SCS be used,so state,giving reason(s). Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Prac- 12.See Anti-Seep Collar Design. Jim,Chapter 2,are the preferred methods for runoff 13.Fill in design elevations.The emergency spillway crest computation.If rational method is used to compute must be set no closer to riser crest than value of h runoff, obtain appropriate values for "I" and "C", which causes pipe spillway to carry the minimum depending on watershed conditions during develop- required Q. Therefore, the elevation difference Be- ment. tween spillways shall be equal to the value of h,or one 5. Required discharge from pipe spillway equals 0.2 foot, whichever is greater. Design high water is the cfs/ac. times total drainage area. (This is equivalent elevation of the emergency spillway crest plus the to a uniform runoff of 5 in.per 24 hours).The pipe value of Hp,or if there is no emergency spillway,it is shall be designed to carry Qp if site conditions the elevation of the riser crest plus h required to -- preclude installation of an emergency spillway to handle the 10 year storm.Minimum top of dam eleva- protect the structure. tion requires 1.0 ft. 6f freeboard above design high water. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.53 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control PIPE SPILLWAY DESIGN Anti—vortex Device see page 5A•61 EMergency Spillway Crest ater surface (desin) h FpPi ___ p collars Free outlet H r kl�l I pe conduit or barye � L I H = Head on pipe spillway(pipe flow),ft.(centerline of outlet to emergency spillway crest or to design high water if no emergency spillway) h = Head over riser crest,ft. L = Length of pipe in ft. Dp = Diameter of pipe conduit(barrel) Dr = Diameter of riser To use charts for pipe spillway design: -Enter chart,Figures 5A.28 and 5A.29 on pages 5A.58 and 5A.59 with H and required discharge. -Find diameter of pipe conduit that provides equal or greater.discharge -Enter chart,Figure 5A.27 on page 5A.57 with actual pipe discharge.Read across to select smallest riser that provides discharge within weir flow portion of rating curve.Read down to rind corresponding h required. Example: Given:Q(required) = 5.8 cfs,L = 60 ft.,H = 9 ft.to centerline of pipe = Free outlet Find:Pipe size,actual Q and size of riser Q of 12 in.pipe = 6.0 cfs x(correction factor) 1.07 = 6.4 cfs from the Pipe Flow Chart From Riser Inflow Curves(Figure 5A.27 on page 5A.57),smallest riser = 18 in. (@ h = 0.6) New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.54 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.25 Sediment Basin I STANDARD SEDIMENT BASIN CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES 1. Drainage area to the basin is 10 acres or less. 2. An emergency spillway is required. 3. One anti-seep collar shall be used and placed 25 feet from the riser. 4. Watertight bands shall be used. 5. All pipe material shall be of good quality with no holes. 6. Volume of storage computed as 1,800 C.F./acre of drainage area. TRASH RACK 8.0, MIN 1 1 CREST EM SPWY a N /5,� ' 3. '-RISER CREST v _o a t _ C5 -� ad so° $ 15' DIA BARREL - ._l.0 THICK Six S' SQUARE f0.0 r►ItJ 4• 4' CONC .BASE ANTI-SEEP COLLAR tS"•THICK EMERGENCY SPILLWAY- DESIGN '"C QES PEAK QPIFE -S-L) L - I I = 4-I, CFS SIZE = WIDTH 12. FT : HP = 1.2 FT ENTRANCE SLOPE - POSITIVE F A I T S LOPE - 2.8 °/o V = 4-.4 F PS U.S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , STANDARD SEDIMENT STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BASIN Q SYRACUSE, NEW YORK ° October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.55 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.26 Sediment Basin II STANDARD SEDIMENT BASIN II CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES 1. Drainage area to the basin is 20 acres or less. 2. An emergency spillway L required. 3. One anti-seep collar shall be used, and placed 25 feet from the riser. 4. Watertight bands shall be used. 5. All pipe material shall be of good quality with no holes. 6. Volume of storage computed as 1,800 C.F./acre of drainage area. TRASHRACK S.0' MIN -o - -U-) EST EM.SPWY Ki �-- 2 RISER CREST t � d 3 Q 25 �t .o .6 to - 24' DIA BARREL S S SquAP.E 5x5 CONC BASE ANTI-SEEP COLLAP, 10.0' N11N 18" IHtCK EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DEQpSIGN Q ES QPEAK QPIPC 8C� — 3S 53 CFS SIZE : WIDTH 14 F-r He = t.3 FT ENT RANCE SLOPE - POS ITIVE ExIT SLOPE - 3.0of- V = 4.6 FPS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SEDIMENT STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE BASIN Q SYRACUSE, NEW YORK ° New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.56 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.27 Riser Inflow Chart 1000 - -- I ._._ . . . ._ - - - - - -- -•_ 800` - Riser Inflow Curves - - •----- ---I — ---"-- =�- �' -� ` 600 Fill Legend --- -------- - --_ qp 500 3/2 —� « t Weir flaw, Qw=9.739 Dr -------- - ------ 117 400Orifice flow, QD=3.782 DrH 300 �'T— i # ,i l—.��� .•f'• �t f l i 7- 17 200 f } 100 _ a 60 50 , I N 40f 30 t.. Jr t 1 , .»''•'�•' ' ' f -• i 20101 i e + t 1[ e 61 • + 4 31------ly 0.1 02 0`3 04 0'5 0.6 08 10 2.0 3.0 40 5.0 6.0 8.0 10A Head 1n feet, measured from crest of riser October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.57 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.28 Pipe Flog Chart; "n" = 0.025 N O O N O W O n O O r N Q v1 In M O M O Q r 01 0 0 0 0 W r Q rl WIIIIImmmW�p Q O M Q Q N O O M -1 O W Q 10 N r ri t0 O Q co N tp T M W a1 N 10 0 ry M r O M W W ID O O O O O 01 O. T oI C r1 N Q N N 10 r r m W 0. M O O 0- .+.-i N N N M M M Q Q Q I+1 rll M to I . . . . . - In O "'1 O O Q Q rl Q W N M 01 M r 01.-1".a m W to N m 0 a\Q W N t0 tp N M N O C.r ID Q rl 01 �D In D Q .-1r Nr N 1D O Q CD r4 In m U11 CD M tD C1 N Q n aINQr C1 0 000 00.14 C Cn m N N q N in m to r r W W W 01 01 a1 O O O N N rl H N N N N M M M M rl.i r-1.-1 N rl N r-1 rl •-1 N N H.-I rl rl rl ri...I r1 N Q Q Q W Q r m t0 N t0 0.O O O co an N h M r Q r 0 ry M Q In IO 01 h N M O O O O a O M O a' M r C 0 W M O N.�co Q 01 Q W N tD O M t0 O M t0 W .�Q t0 D\ rI Q tD W-� M v7 r C.� O 01 T OI W 01 NM M Q Q Ill tll t0 W r r. r, W m co W M O101C OOOO.-I rl r1.-�rlN �ry,y r♦.-1 ,..I N rl rl rl ri rl ri r1 N rl O r to 4 N O m h N M O W rl � Mm o%D.-4 Q In VI M OtO.I to al N OtD rmmrr DQ MOW r100-000 C01a CC W 19 Q a1r M W N 1DOQ r O M m01 r/0 t0 W ri en Ln r a\ rl MIn r 01 .-/MQ • . m lrl N M M Q Q u1 N N W w tD tD r r r r m W W W W 01 C1 a1 at 01 0 O O q I O W tD Q N O W r 0 N Q1 r - IMM MtD In D MID W 01 tD N1W ll h c) N coC h n W O.-1 N N 01 rN N 01n Nr M W M IrIO 0000010+ TCm W O W M tD W N 1D C M tD .n Q ID r/M IC r1 Q r0 rl M Q 1D a1 rl r 1�N N M M M Q 0 Q N N Ill 1!1 tD O t0 r0 t0 r r r r r r W m m W CO W W rr -0 O 0 N O m t0 N T 1D N IrQ r Q 1D m N W.i M Q In Q M rl W C.-1 h M co M r rl an a1 N N W O ra 0 0 0 0 0 O1 01 01 W W O. W N MM M r O M 1D W.-I M 111 r C rl M Q tD m(n.i N Q N n W Q1.-I N M N . . . . . . • • _ r�.i.rN N M MMMQ Q Q .7-T NN 111171 to N tD mm W 1D 10 IDrr r,r. .�.y.1.r.•1.� E H .J M O h 1A N O W W 0 N W N p - 'MO tD tD M r 0 0 0 m t0 N W Q IIIM r 0 0 N M u1 ID r m 01 O O ,.y.a O O O O 01 T O.Ot m W 11 r Nf1 r O+ ,•L tp.-11D 01N tOQIONM %n%g W Oto 0 rIM Q V1 t0 r CD a, r1N U 1D H.-1 N N N N M M M M M M Q 0 Q Q Q Q 0 1n In 171 1n Ln M N In N tD 1D rl•-1.i.-i rl rl it W d I a w H CO C6 C- ID ;001Q1n U1M 0ln0 Qmr1MV1 rmrnoo .100001 Mr IWv Qr1Do1l1NomtoOorQ a 01Mtn W o N01Dr01 0.iMQ1n 1Drr W o.1 NMQIr1tn %D r. W 010 .i i0000mmmolmm IC r r/•1 rl N N N N(4 N M M M M M M M M Q Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 v 0 Q9) M ri.-1 14fd X A-i W .. t0 K O M i z 0 1DN a,w MO W In en DM (� 0 nINM 1D Ln c4 W N1nm0 14NNN -1 001 m%D Ln M.1m IDM OrQi W r3I "" O O O O 010.O. W W m E+ t ,o N Q tD r 01 O r1 M 0 In 10 r m 01 N 0-N M Q Q 111 tD r r W (nM . . . . . . . U d I rl rl rl rl H N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M ..� rl r/.•1.i CA, N 0. q.0 I a. PC W N a OU CI CD t1 WM " 100 OrvlMClnN m D - to %DrWrtD Ln lento Moto Mm 1n.+rMm Qo no I� �rl0000! al W W m p C Ln r, MQIn%Dr W mo o.+ NMMOQ In ID 1Drr W 0%a% 0 o X Ilil .-I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M y •-1...1.y.••1.-/•-1' O ^ IC 0 d - N N M O fC WW Ma Ma Q H m rl N N 01 tD M O N W H Q In O Q O•Q m M r OQmrN0 .0C NO rW W Q fn r co Q 0 O.i N M m Q Q In Ln fo r r r m W 14 0 0 0 N N rl -1 rl 1.4 rl ri rl rl ri rrl ri ei -i N N N N N 0 0W N N q rl N N rl r1 rl U r- O O O g ❑ w w tD Wco o%r. to 1D M In Ln c4 .Dm +l u vmNaoQorQ.11cNol OO7 W N r•1 W001 h 0 Or-CD tDrl M(710 W N I4 NN N N Ln CDMM V -T n O MIn W 10 Nrl .-100001C0.W W r .7 d 0 1/ N Q Q In 1D r r m m m 01 C1 O O ri •4.y N N N M M M Q Q Q to In In In W . y.O y C) I rl rl.4 .y rl.-1.i.1 •i rl.1 rl.l rl .�.l.�.4 .y..1 rl W U EW HH W-1 OIC tD 10 W rl -m NQ L1 ON W 0 W N In W Orl NNN .-1 O 01r In ..Oj mr4Q 010 0%000 M O to rlr 1J NN r1000O1010.CO W r a 1 M m1D N n N 16 MM tD M NNr ON Nr 01N Q tom ONQ Inr Q1.-IM U A O I'�N M M Q Q Q In In N W 1D ID n r n n h m m W m Ol OI 01 m QI 01 O 0 x y +4 + U : OrD•i.-1r ONNrl 01 IDN m M m N Irl W.iQ W W O.iN MQQ In 1nO QQ r Cen 0IDN as 01N a Q u M N ri. 0 0 M M CD 00 r r d M N I r1 Ill Q1 N Q r 01.�M Q tD m N a1 ; Q 171 16 W 01 O rl M Q VI ID h m 01 O x o Irl.a 4NN NNMMM MMMQQ 0QQQQ anNLnN1n In InNInt0 A U E 0l .01 x v -ia Mmorn D + DOM nrmmm oa mmr 190n1 .- - r Ln rrmr+00C,01rnMWQ o NI MN irloomo CO CO rn [� .z. r.-1 M lD r 01.-1 N Q 1n m r co m O N N M Q V1 m r m 01 01 o r+N M M FzW] •y.�rl.••1 .-I N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M Q Q< Q Q •�rl rl."I+'d r1 H z I r Q W W Q r Q 01 N Q 1n W Q M N9 r In N Qt tD N Q.Ill .-I h N m Q Q\Q O In O N a1 O N N O . . . . . . . • Q N N rl O O 01 1\ W W r r a Ln r 01 O N M Q In O r co 0 0 0 rt r,C4 M M Q u1 In .D O r r W OI C O rl H rl N rl ri N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M .-1 rl rl rl rl.-1 a - Im N N m W N O Q Q C O D• r VI NW Q O .n rl W O N 0.M W N O Q1 M r O Q r r-4 Q r r-1 r N .�M m O N .1 r '4 tC rl Q M N ri O O a1 01 m W r r M Q.tD 10 r m a1 a1 O .-1 rd N rV M M M Q Q In N In m m h r r m m W C. Q 1 rl rl N H N.-I rl .-1 rl rl N rl rl.4 N rl H rl -i rl --1 rl rl rl rl N rl rl r'+ m'O M r M .J In rl L'1 r W r Ln C C .+N N M tC M Q V O L9 O W^ C In C E� Na`W Qa• < ¢ N1DCN toC 'I 1DM s ornrcl rc. Ilnr N .-.0001- W Olr rr a .aN ,4 c4 v' Qvi Ili ul w tOOI,r r r- mm W m a`at C01 C. 0 0000 'In W 1D C aI In O M Q Q M N C O M O1 Q 0 M r -+1n W .a M tD W 0 --I M m a1 In M r O L'1 C tD 01 Q CI O o,N h ..y Q r O M to r CI rl M Q 1D W T IN Q N r W 01 rl N M Q 1D r m 1l1 M N O O 0 1 C W r n m ox I ri ri C-4N N ri M 1•i M M �v v v v v v vi vi Iri Ili ui 1n vi to a 1D 10 ri O C1 N o r N ID a1 rl N M M M M N N O W IO Q N 0 r Q r1 W M N W to M --1 r 10 h 0 0 0 N M M ^' W h T N Q to r W T ri N M Q 117 tD r W 01 al O rl N N M Q 1l1 tD 1D r h m ID Q N r10 O M W W r r lD 100 rl rl N .y N rl N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M `M r W r Q N co Q O lf1 O In O N T M r r1 111 T M 17 O ID O M u: O Q C. Ill W N IDiM Q to 1D r W m a. O O .-I --I N N N M M Q Q Q 1f1 to 1D 1.10 r r r r m I ID v N rr O O 01 W W h r 1 1 D I O O C C O O O O-i r1 .--I .-/ .I .-1 N r.N .1 .-1 .-1 - -1.-1 - C al1n1Drmor1ryMQIC. m'oo coo - 000000 DlrrvQrQM Q l1D r m oO N Q 10 61 T W ~ ~ I.]w New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.58 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control O PIPE FLOW CHARTn 0.013 n FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE INLET rn = Ke + Kb = 1.00 AND 70 FEET OF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. CONDUIT (full flow assumed) Note correction factors for pipe lengths other than 70 feet N diameter of pipe in inches ~ R, in feet 12" 15" 18" 21" 24"_ 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 60" 66" 72" 78" 84" _ 90"264 96" 102" N 1 3.22' 5.44 8.29 11.8 15.9 26.0 38.6 53.8 71.,4 91.5 114 139 167 197 229 302 342 2 4.55 7.69 11.7 16.7 22.5 36.8 54.6 76.0 101 129 161 197 236 278 324 374 427 483 y 3 5.57 9.42 14.4 20.4 27.5 45.0 66.9 93.1 124 159 198 241 289 341 397 458 523 592 y• 4 6.43 10.9 16.6 23.5 31.8 52.0 77.3 108 143 183 228 278 334 394 459 529 604 683 R. 5 7.19 12.2 18.5 26.3 35.5 58.1 86.4 120 160 205 255 311 373 440 513 591 675 764 b • 6 7.88 13.3 20.3 28.8 38.9 63.7 94.6 132 175 224 280 341 409 482 5r2 647 739 837 7 8.51 14.4 21.9 31.1 42.0 68.8 102 142 189 242 302 368 441 521 607 699 798 904 8 9.10 15.4 23.5 33.3 44.9 73.5 109 152 202 259 323 394 472 557 685 748 854 966 9 9.65 16.3 24.9 35.3 47.7 78.0 116 161 214 275 342 416 500 590 688 793 905 1025 10 10.2 17.2 26.2 37.2 50.2 82.2 122 170 226 289 361 440 527 622 725 836 954 1080 11 10.7 18.0 27.5 39.0 52.7 86.2 128 178 237 304 379 462 553 653 761 877 1001 1133 12 11.1 18.9 28.7 40.8 55.0 90.1 134 186 247 317 395 482 578 682 794 916 1045 1184 .0 13 11.6 19.6 29.9 42.4 57.3 93.7 139 194 257 330 411 502 601 710 827 953 1088 1232 14 12.0 20.4 31.0 44.1 59.4 97.3 145 201 267' 342 427 521 624 736 858 989 1129 1278 15 12.5 21.1 32.1 45.6 61.5 101 150 208 277 354 442 539 646 762 888 1024 1169 1323 M 16 12.9 21.8 33.2 47.1 63.5 104 155 215 286 366 457 557 667 787 917 1057 1207 1367 O 17 13.3 22.4 34.2 48.5 65.5 107 159 222 294 377 471 574 688 812 946 1090 1244 1409 0 .n 18 13.7 23.1 35.2 49.9 67.4 110 164 228 303 388 484 591 708 835 973 1121 1280 1450 b 19 14.0 23.7 36.1 51.3 69.2 113 168 234 311 399 497 607 727 858 1000 1152 1315 1489 0 C 20 14.4 24.3 37.1 52.6 71.0 116 173 240 319 409 510 623 746 880 1026 1182 1350 1528 (D (� 21 14.7 24.9 38.0 53.9 72.8 119 177 246 327 419 523 638 764 902 1051 1211 1383 1566 22 15.1 25.5 36.9 55.2 74.5 122 181 252 335 429 535 653 782 923 1076 1240 1415 1603 - > al � 23. 15.4 26.1 39.6 56.5 76.2 125 186 258 342 439 547 668 800 944 1100 1268 1447 1639 - 24 15.8 26.7 40.6 57.7 77.8 127 189 263 350 448 559 682 817 964 1123 1295 1478 1674 25 16.1 27.2 41.5 58.9 79.4 130 193 269 357 458 571 696 834 984 1147 1322 1509 1708 - W 26 16.4 27.7 42.3 60.0 81.0 133 197 274 364 467 582 710 850 1004 1169 1348 1539 1742 27 16.7 28.3 43.1 61.2 82.5 135 201 279 371 476 593 723 8G7 1023 1192 1373 1568 1775 0 28 17.0 28.8 43.9 62.3 84.1 138 204 285 378 484 604 737 883 1041 1214 1399 1597 1808 29 17.3 29.3 44.7 63.4 85.5 140 208 290 384 493 615 750 898 1060 1235 1423 1625 1840 j 30 17.6 29.8 45.4 64.5 87.0 142 212 294 391 501 625 763 913 1078 1256 1448 1653 1871 (a L, 1n feet Correction Factors For Other Pipe Lengths 20 1.30 1.24 1.21 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 30 1.22 1.18 1.15 1.13 1.12 109 1.08 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 �.OZ' 1.02 1.02 0 40 1.15 1.13 1.11 1.10 1.08 1.07 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 En. 50 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 117, 60 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 70 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 MS M 0 C 80 .96 .97 .97 .97 .98 .98 .98 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 C1] a: 90 .93 .94 .94 .95 .95 .96 .97 .97 .98 .98 .98 .98 .98 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 CD 100 .90 .91 .92 .93 .93 .95 .95 .96 .97 .97 .97 .98 .98 .98 .98 .98 .98 .99 120 .84 .86 .87 .89 .90 .91 .93 .94 .94 .95 .96 .96 .96 .97 .97 .97 .97 .98 CCD y 140 .80 .82 .83 .85 .86 .88 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .94 .95 .95 .96 .96 .96 .97 p 160 .76 .78 .80 .82 .83 .86 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .94 .95 .95 .95 .96 n � O p � O � Figure 5A.30 Optional Sediment'Basin Dewatering Methods OPTIONAL SEDIMENT BASIN DEWATERING DEVICE I WITH 6° PERFORATED RISER TOP OF FILL ANTI-VORTEX DEVICE 2 CAP END UNLESS EQUAL TO OR GREATER I — THAN EL OF PRIMARY RISER CREST r-RISER I PERFORATIONS —MINIMUM 6"Dia. CMP I ° FILTER CLOTH OVER WIRE MESH fi"Dia.CMP 2"STONE CORE FCONTINUOUS BAND BARREL I WAX RISER BASE `BASE PLATE(1/4") SIZE:D+24" PERFORATIONS OR SLITS,MUST NOT PERFORATIONS- d'SPACING HORZ.8VERT. BE MADE ANY LOWER THAN 6" LOCATED IN CONCAVE ABOVE TOP OF THE HORIZONTAL OUTFALL BARREL. OPTIONAL SEDIMENT BASIN DEWATERING DEVICE V6" RISER —POND EMBANKMENT /2"DIAMETER ROD OR WELDED TO RISER i i 8"min.DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE WRAPPED WITH FILTER CLOTH 20 min.--' WELD STEEL CAP TO END OF PIPEdE OUTFLOW—�- POND INVERT ' 12'min WELDED OR CEMENTED JOINT 2" STONE (WITH ADAPTER IF NECESSARY) U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE OPTIONAL SEDIMENT BASIN DEWATERING SYRACUSE , NEW YORK DEVICES New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.60 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.31 (1) Concentric Trash Rack and Anti Vortex Device Pressure Relief Holes Top stiffener (if re- 1 1/2" diam. quired) is x x angle welded to top and or- iented perpendicular to O ij O corrugations. r \ ��; Top is gage corrugated A ; \ A O //, O metal or 1/8" steel plate. //% 1 Pressure relief holes may be ommitted,tf ends of corru- r M / O //1 b O gations are left fully open G / when corrugated top is welded to cylinder. u I Cylinder is gage corru- PLAN gated metal pipe or fabricated D= welded from 1/8" steel plate. Tackweld _ all around I Notes: 8" in. 1) The cylinder must be firm y fastened to the top of the riser. 12" spacer_ 2) Support bars are welded to Bar (typical) _ Support ear Size the top of the riser or SAME MATERIAL I (q6 Rebar minimum) attached by straps bolted AS SUPPORT BAR _ Dia to top of riser. RISER SECTION A-A ISOMETRIC CONCENTRIC TRASH RACK AND ANTI-VORTEX DEVICE (not to scale) October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.61 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.31 (2) CONCENTRIC TRASH RACK AND ANTI VORTEX DEVICE DESIGN TABLE Riser Cylinder Thick. Minimum Size Minimun Top MIM-6n) Diam(in.) Sra= Hon. Support r Thickness Stiffener 12 18 16 6 #6 Rebar 16 ga. -- 15 21 16 7 #6 Rebar 16 ga. -- 18 27 16 8 #6 Rebar 16 ga. -- 21 30 16 11 #6 Rebar 16 ga. -- 24 36 16 13 #6 Rebar 14 ga. -- 27 42 16 15 #6 Rebar 14 ga. -- 36 54 14 17 #8 Rebar 12 ga. -- 42 60 14 19 #8 Rebar 12 ga. -- 48 72 12 21 11/4"pipe or 10 ga. -- 11/4x11/4x1/4 angle 54 78 12 25 See 48"Riser 10 ga. -- 60 90 12 29 11/2".pipe or 8 ga. -- 11/2x11/2x1/2 angle 66 96 10 33 2"pipe or 8 ga. 2 x3/16 angle w/stiffener 2x2xl/4 angle 72 102 10 36 ------See 66"Riser----- 21/W 1/2x1/4 angle .78 114 10 39 21/2"pipe or See 72"Riser See 72"Riser 2x2x1/4 angle 84 120 10 42 21/2"pipe or See 72" 21/2x 21/2x21/2x1/4 Riser 21/2x angle 5/16 angle Note:The criteria for sizing the cylinder is that the area between the inside of the cylinder and the outside of the riser is equal to or greater than the area inside the riser.Therefore,the above table is invalid for use with concrete pipe risers. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.62 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.32 Riser Base Details Angle of stub to be shown Angle based on barrel grade /Riser o f/ Borrel � / /`� Drain (optional) C1 T 2�8(min.)Bars placed at L•_ _-J ED right angles and projecting intosides of riser to help anchor Riser to concrete base base width equals 2X diameter of riser RISER BASE DETAIL NOTES.' I. The concrete base shall be poured in such a manner to insure that the concrete fills the bottem of the riser to the invert of the outlet pipe to prevent the riser from breaking away from the base. 2. With aluminum or aluminized pipe,the embedded section must be pointed with zinc chromate or equivalent. 3 Riser baser may be sized as computed using floatation with a factor of safety of l2. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RISER BASE DETAIL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK SEDIMENT BASIN October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.63 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.33 (1) Anti-Seep Collar Design This procedure provides the anti-seep collar dimensions for only temporary sediment basins to increase the seepage length by 15% for various pipe slopes, embankment slopes and riser heights. The first step in designing anti-seep collars is to determine the length of pipe within the saturated zone of the embankment. This can be done graphically or by the following equation, assuming that the upstream slope of the embankment intersects the invert of the pipe at its upstream end. (See embankment-invert intersection on the drawing below: Ls = y (z + 4) 1 + pipe slope 0.25-pipe slope Where: .Ls = length of pipe in the saturated zone (ft.) y = distance in feet from upstream invert of pipe to highest normal water level expected to occur during the life of the structure, usually the top of the riser. z = slope of upstream embankment as a ratio of z ft. horizontal to one ft. vertical. pipe slope = slope of pipe in feet per foot. This procedure is based on the approximation of the phreatic line as shown in the drawing below: Riser Embankment Crest Collar Assumed N \re Y Pro.7ectioLin n Line Embankment Invert Ls Intersection Pipe Diameter New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.64 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.33 (2) Anti-Seep Collar Design Charts I! 10 100, 00or9 Two.C Ila s 8 d 7. x 0 �; ••. 7 N_ L a or 5 N loor 4 a 3 2 COLLAR PROJECTION ,V, FEET 4 5 200 00000 OOF 150 old Jy v� 100 c 2i .( d Of oo- G � O` i 50 r - 01 p E NOTE : This procedure is for a 15%increase 0 in the length of the flow path. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.65 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.34 Anti-Seep,Collar Design Details TYPICAL ANTI-SEEP COLLARS NOT TO SCALE AT LEAST THE LAST TWO CORRUGATIONS ON EACH END MUST BE ANGULAR OR FLANGE 2'min. 2'min. II� II - `�CONTINUOUS WELD `-INSTALL WITH CORRUGATIONS (FULL CIRCUMFERENCE, VERTICAL BOTH SIDES) COLLAR WELDED IN PLACE ON BARREL SECTION I C .� 1.PLATES TO BE PRE-CUT, CONTINUOUS WELD ( ====-a=I Z CLAMPED TOGETHER a (FULL CIRCUMFERENCE _ C PRE-DRILLED aLABELED BOTH SIDES) TO FACILITATE WATER- TIGHT FIELD C A I: AB :I B ASSEMBLY. -.-WELDED FLANGE 0 A 0 �I STAINLESS STEEL NUT aBOLT, I: ---------- - C CONNECTION WITH °MASTIK" �: D I BETWEEN PLATES MULTI-PIECE COLLAR FOR LARGE PIPES USE MASTIK OR EQUIV. BETWEEN PLATE a FLANGE I I II II COLLAR FOR FLANGE JOINT PIPE U.S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANTI—SEEP COLLAR STANDARD SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE DESIGN DETAIL SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.66 October 1991 -Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.35 (1) Design Data for Earth Spillways Earth Spillway Control water Control Section Section Surface X Hp LM el y` 0' 2% or greater—� tion LevelSFI owInlet 00' ay ChanneE Embankment J� PLAN OF EARTH SPILLWAY PROFILE ALONG OF EARTH SPILLWAY z z b CROSS SECTION OF EARTH LEGEND SPILLWAY AT CONTROL SECTION n = Manning's Coefficient of Roughness. Hp = Difference in Elevation between Crest of Earth Spillway at the Control Section and Water Surface in Reservoir, in feet. b = Bottom Width of Earth Spillway at the Control Section, in feet. Q = Total Discharge, in cfs. V = Velocity, in feet per second, that will exist in Channel below Control Section, at Design Q, if constructed to slope (S) that is shown. S = Flattest Slope (S) , in %, allowable for Channel below Control Section. X = Minimum Length of Channel below Control Section, in feet. z = Side Slope Ratio. NOTES: 1) For a given Hp a decrease in the exit slope from S as given in the table decreases spillway discharge-but in- creasing the exit slope from S does not increase discharge. If an exit slope (Se) steeper than S is used, then velocity (Ve) in the exit channel will increase according to the following relationship: V = V1 �0.3 e J 2) Data to right of heavy vertical lines on drawings should be used with caution, as the resulting sections will be either poorly proportioned or have velocities in excess of 6 ft/sec. U. S-. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DESIGN DATA FOR Ref: Engineering SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE EARTH SPILLWAYS Field Manual SYRACUSE, NEW YORK October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.67 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.35 (2) Design Data for Earth Spillways DESIGN DATA FOR EARTH SPILLWAYS SIDE SLOPE 2:1 VEGETATED n=0.040 STAGE SPI.uvarl 9CTTOM WIDTH (b) IN FEET FEET 8 10 12 Ic 16 I6 2G 22 24 26 28 30 32 3a 36 38 40 N��ETIv� 0 6 7 B 10 -7 18 4 20 11 2 24 25 27 28 V 27 27• 27 27' 2 7} 27' 27• 27 272727� 271 27 27 27 27 27 C5 5 39 39 1 391 39 3B 3B1 38 381 3� 3_8 _-3B_ }g _38 38 3B_ 3B 38 x 32 33�31 33 33 3133 -33 33 J'_ -7 35 3J 3 -33 33 33 33 1 8 10 12 1 14 16 IB 1 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 37 39 0 6 3 0f 30 3 C' 3 0 _ 3 0 3 0' 3 O 3 0 3 0 3 0 30 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 S _ 37 37 37 37 36 37 36� 36~ 36 3836 36. 36 36 36 36 36 % 36 Jc }6 36"i6 36-� 37 37 - 37 37 37 1 37 1 37 37 37 37 37 I 1 13 .6 18 20 1 23 23 28 30 ; E3 I 35 38 41 43 44 46 48 v 3 21 32 33 33 33 _31_ 33�. 331 _3.3• 33 _ 33�_3333r_3"3 _ 33 _ 33 33 07 I 5 3 51 35 34 344 'S4 34 34! 3_a 3.4 3_4' 34 34 34434 34 34 f—x 39 40 ~40 40 4; :I i 4 4 1 4 I 4111 4111 i 41 4 1 41 41 41 4 1 1 3 16 1 i9 22 _26 29_ 32_33_y 3B_+"42_ _45_ _g6�4B 5 1 a 0 V 35 35 3�-36 3636' 36r 36 36' 36 36•_ 36' 36 36 36 36 36 OB S 33 33. 33-' 32 32� 3_2+- 32_ 32�"-32' _ 32_ _ 32� 32132 32 32 32 32 x cc 4a 4a 7" 45 fi 43 T-a5 45 a5 "� 45 a5•• a5 45 45 45 45 1 45 0 1 17 20 24 28 32 35 39 a3 a7 SI 53 57 60 64 68 71 75 V 37• 381 38 38 3 3B+ 38� 38 __ 38• 38t 3a 3Bt —38 38 3B 0 9 S 3 21 3 1• 3 1 3: 3 31 3 IT-3� 31__ 3 1. 31 3 1• 3 I 3 I 3 1 3 I 3 1 X 47 I c' 4B 48 a8 48�-4BT a8"' 48 cg x-49 a9 49 1 49 49 49 '49 0 20 1 24 29 33 3B a2_ <� 51 56 61 63 68 _ - 77 1 81 6 0 V 40 40 40� 40 40' 46 40'- 40 40 Z 40�_ 4 _40• 40 40 4 4 *--rt— I S 31 301 3Q 301�9CI 3 30�_ 301 30t"_•301___30 30 30' 36 30 3 3 I 1 1 5 I 52 52 52 52 ' S2 52 52 52 52 52 52 S2 52 0 23 28 34 39 as 49 54 60 65 70 74 79 84 89 95 100 105 1 1 V �42 4242 42 43 a3 43� 43 43 43' 4+ 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 S 297 291 29 29 29 29 29 __ 29x_—_29i_ 2B _28 28 28 28 28 28 28 X 55 55 55 SS 55 ; 55 55 56* 56 56 56 6 56 56 56 56 56 40 45 5 i 58 64 _69 -7 g0 86 a_��__�_ I 4 110 1 16 12 V 44 44 44 44 44 65 45 _45 45 4545' 45 45 45 45 45 45 S 29 29 281 28,2 8 28 28 28 _ 26__ "28�"_ _28•_ 28 _ 2B 28 2 2 2 X 56 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60" 60 60 60 60 60 60 0 32 38 46 53�__5B 65 73 BO @6 9i 99 ' 106 112 119 125 133 140 V 45 46 46 46' 46 46, 47 471 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 1 3 S 2 81 2 8 2 8' 2 71_ 2 7 271 2_7 2 7'I 2 7 _ 2 7i_ 2 7 7 2_7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 x 62 62 62 63 T 63 63 T 63 63363 E3- 63 64 +"64 64 64 64 64 0 37 44 5 1 59 66 74 82 90_ 96 I_03 111 119 127 134 14 I 158 V 47 48 48 4Bt 4B• 46 411 48� _48 _ 49 49' 49 49 49 49 49 49 14 5 2827 27 --277- 27---271 27 28_26 26' 2626 26 26 26 26 26 x 62 663» �2��66;" 67 6?, 67 1 6B 68 68 68 6B 69 C a 1 1 x 1 58_ ' 66 75 BS 92 10• _108_ 116_ 123 1.3_3 142 150 160 169 178 15 V 48• 49' 49y_50. 50. 5C 5C 50� 50 5 --z. 50x_ 5 50 5 S: 51 51 1 5 27' 2i, ?6_26 26^ _20 26,E 26 26*_2_6 _ 26 26 26i 26 2S 2 2 X 69 69 7C 10 71 7 1 7" -""�, r 7. 71 7 t72� 72 72 72 72 72 1 46 56 65 75 84 94 10_4 i 1'2 12' 132 I42 149 158 168 178 187 197 v 50 SI Slr 51 51. 22 `2 _ 52 _52• 52� 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 16 S 26 2 6 26 26' 25_x_ 25. _ 6 _ 2 Sr_ 25i__25•_ 25 25 2 2S 2S 25 2 S X 72 74 74 75 75 76 76 1 76 76 76 Y" 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 0 52 62 1 72 83 ' 94 ' 105 1.15 1.26 1I 35 •_145 156 167 175 187 196 206 217 17 V 52 521 521 53 53' 33 53 SO__54___4 54�54 54 54 54 54 54 26 26 25 25' 251 25 257 25� 2511 25+ 2 5' 25 25 25 2S 25 25 X 76 7e 79 80 -"80-�13,. 1- hoc- so -I so 8o Bo 6o eo 6o eo 58 69 BI 93 104 116 127 138 150 _160 171 162194 4 14 6 3 _t__—+— V 53 54 54 55 55� 55 551 SS_55 SSS _55 561 56 S6 56 56 56 8 — -- -�---,-' _ - -T 5 25 2 5 29 _ 251 _24, 24 _ 24_'_ 24_ 24I - 24-_ 24 24 2 2 24 24 24 x 80 62 83 84 B4—rt-84 1 84 84 1 84 3-84 + 84+84 84 84 84 84 84 0 64 76 88 102x14 127 1 14.E 0352 164 175 IB8_rt201 213 225 235 246 260 v 55 SS 55 56 561 56 57 5T 57 57 5_71_57 57 S 57 57 57 1 9 S 2 5 2 51 2 5 24 2 41 2 4: 2 4 -- 2 4y--LLL- 2 4 24 2 4 24 2 4 2 24 24 2 4 X 84 B5rt66 B7 88 86"Y 98 * BB"�"88 1 88 88 88 Be 1 88 1 BB BB , BB O 7 1 83 97 I l i I_I 125 I.38__ 153 164 178 19 21 2 I 4_ 69 1 283 20 V 56 57'57 57• 58 58 SB 5B�5B�-58 58. 59 59359 59 59' S9 S 2 5 2 4 _2 4�2 41 2 4 2 4' 2 4 2 4� 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 31 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 _"T-_-�— -t- BB 9C 91 9i"�-"91 9 92 92 "1 92 92 "-9" "T92T 92 1 92 92 1 92 0 77 9• 107 122 i 35 149 162 177 1 ,92 20' 220 234 50 I 67 6 I 0 v 57 58 593 59 5,9 59, 59 60? 60* 601 6060 60 60 60 _ 60 60 2 I 5 24 24 24 2x4' 23 23 23' 23_ 23 23I 23 23 23 2 2 2 X 92 93 95 95 9595 55 99-i" 93 9E 9636 6 96 96 96 96 0 1 84 100 1,6 y 131 146" 16.3 ._177_ _194_ _2__10 224 2.38 253 269 _286 3014 330 2 2 V 59 59_ 60t_60 60_ 6161� 61 611_ "61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 24 2 4 242423'__ 2_ 23 23 _ 2 31 2.3' 23 23j 23 2 3 23 23 23 2 3 X 96 9891 9 ' 99? 99 99 99 100 10 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 90 106 124 j 140 _156 175 '93 208 226 243 258 275 292 306 323 341 354 V 60 6 61 6. _621_ 62 02' 62 63 6363 63 6 3 63 63 63 6 3 2 3 -f--- — r"-- S 24 24 23 23 23 23 23' 2'3 22 . 2_r 221 22 _ 22 22 2 22 2 1 0 0 102 10331 b3 103--Oa •oa 10a T 105 1 105 rt 105 105 105 105 1 IGS 1 105 0 99 116 136 152_ 170 1B_9 _206 •224 24 260 275_ 2.94 _312 _327 346 364 378 i---' 2 4 V 6163• 63 6a1 _64' 641 64 _64 64 _64t 64 64 64 64 5 2J 23 23 23� 23� 22.--22�-- 221 227 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2 % 105 IC5 106 '07"i 107�"i08 .OB IOB 108 ,09 109 109 109 I 109 1 109 REFERENCE U. S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RTSC-NE- ENG. Engineering SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE l 10 Field Manual ENGINEERING a WATERSHED PLANNING UNIT UPPER DARBY , PENNSYLVANIA SHEET 4 OF 11 New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.68 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.36 Corrugated Steel Pipe Couplers ``% ;j o *1 000, II 11 11 it 11 !1 I II Side View End View I 1 11 STANDARD TYPE Single piece band with angles. Width 7", 12"and 24" SMOOTH STAB-TYPE CONNECTION 1 s � 1 11 Side View End View �ln TWO-PIECE TYPE 2 piece band with angles 7a Lower half of band may be attached to one pipe section. Widths 12'and 24' NEOPRENEGASKET {a �" Gasketed Band utilizes standard or two- piece bond with iii'x 7'neoprene gasket ,1P �'� �� as shown, II II 11 II - 1 I Note: Under no circumstance will the dimple(univer- 11 •.� �. `J L '.. �, sal) connector be acceptable for use in any sediment Side View End View control or stormwater management structure. ROD AND LUG TYPE Single pre-curved corrugated sheet which laps itself. 4,6,or 8 rods pass around it and are secured by specially designed lugs. Widths 12'and 24' (All connector bands require neoprene gaskets.) October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.69 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Procedure for Determining or Altering Sediment Basin Shape As specified in the Standard and Specification, the pool The required basin shape may be obtained by proper site area at the elevation of crest of the principal spillway shall selection,by excavation or by constructing a baffle in the have a length to width ratio of at least 2.0 to 1.The purpose basin.The purpose of the baffle is to increase the effective of this requirement is to minimize the "short circuiting" flow length from the inflow point to the riser. Baffles shall effect of the sediment laden inflow to the riser and thereby be placed midway between the inflow point and the riser. increase the effectiveness of the sediment basin.The pur- The baffle length shall be as required to provide the mini- pose of this procedure is to prescribe the parameters, mum 2:1 length width ratio.The effective length(Le)shall procedures and methods of determining and modifying the be the shortest distance the water must flow from the inflow shape of the basin. point around the end of the baffle to the outflow point. The length of the flow path (L) is the distance from the Then: point of inflow to the riser (outflow point).The point of We = A/Le and L:W ratio = Le/We inflow is the point that the stream enters the normal pool- (pool level at the riser crest elevation).The pool area(A) is the area of the normal pool.The effective width(We)is Three examples are shown on the following page.Note that found by the equation: for the special case in example C the water is allowed to go We = A/L and L:W ratio = L/We around both ends of the baffle and the effective length,4 = L1 + LZ.Otherwise,the length to width ratio computa- tions are the same as shown above.This special case pro- In the event there is more than one inflow point,any inflow cedure for computing Le is allowable only when the two point which conveys more than 30 percent of the total peak flow paths are equal,i.e.,when LI = L2.'A baffle detail is inflow rate shall meet the length to width ratio criteria. also shown in Figure 5A.37 on page 5A.71. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.70 October 1991-Third_ Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.37 Sediment Basin Baffle Details Examples: Plan Views - not to sca16 A. D L D12 Inflow \ y Riser (outlet) \\\ \Le ti Normal pool Le= Total distance from the point of inflow around the baffle to the riser. B. Normal pool bL Riser IN, q D C. Riser Inflow Normal pool- i Baff e- Le=L1+L2 d /2 Baffle Detail Inflow Sheets of 4'x 8'x 1/2" exterior plywood or equivalent. �6" �--- Riser crest elev. ;; Posts-min. size 4" square or 5" round. Set at least 8' 'c-c 3' into the ground. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.71 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.72 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Definition Light He a� A stabilized pad of aggregate underlain with filter cloth Duty1 Du located at any point where traffic willbe entering or leaving Roads Haul Roads a construction site to or from a public right-of-way,street, Fabric Grade Rough Test alley,sidewalk or parking area. Properties3 Subgrade Graded Method Purpose Grab Tensile 200 220 ASTM D1682 Strength(lbs) The purpose of stabilized construction entrance is to Elongation at 50 60 ASTM D1682 reduce or eliminate the tracking of sediment onto public Failure(%) rights-of-way or streets. Mullen Brust 190 430 ASTM D3786 Conditions Where Practice Applies Strength(lbs) A stabilized construction entrance shall be used at all Puncture 40 125 ASTM D751 points of construction ingress and egress. Strength(lbs) modified Design Criteria Equivalent 40-80 40-80 US Std Sieve Openning Size CW-02215 See Figure 5A.38 on page 5A.74 for details. Aggregate Depth 6 10 -- Aggregate Size:Use 2 in. stone, or reclaimed or recycled (in) concrete equivalent. Thickness:Not less than six(6)inches. 1 Light Duty Road:Area sites that have been graded to subgrade and where most travel would be single axle vehicles and an occasional Width:12 foot minimum but not less than the full width of multi-axle truck.Acceptable materials are Trevira Spunbond 1115, Mirafi 100X,Typar 3401,or equivalent. points where ingress or egress occurs. 24 foot minimum if there is only one access to the site. z Heavy Duty Road:Area sites with only rough grading,and where most travel would be multi-axle vehicles.Acceptable materials are Length:As required,but not less than 50 feet(except on a Trevira Spunbond 1135,Miraft 600X,or equivalent. single residence lot where a 30 foot minimum would apply). 3 Fabrics not meeting these specifications may be used only when design procedure and supporting documentation are supplied to Filter cloth:To be placed over the entire area.to be covered determine aggregate depth and fabric strength. with aggregate.Filter cloth will not be required on a single family residence lot. Piping of surface water under Maintenance entrance shall be provided as required.If piping is impos- sThe entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will ible,amountable berm with 5:1 slopes will be permitted. prevent tracking of sediment onto public rights-of-way or Criteria for Filter Cloth streets.This may require periodic top dressing with addi- tional aggregate.All sediment spilled,dropped,or washed The filter cloth shall be woven or nonwoven fabric consist- onto public rights-of-way must be removed immediately. ing only of continuous chain polymeric filaments or yarns of polyester. The fabric shall be inert to commonly en- When necessary,wheels must be cleaned to remove sedi- countered chemicals,hydro-carbons,mildew,rot resistant, ment prior to entrance onto public rights-of-way. When and conform to the fabric properties as shown: washing is required,it shall be done on an area stabilized with aggregate which drains into an approved sediment trapping device. All sediment shall be prevented from entering storm drains,ditches,or watercourses. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.73 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.38 Stabilized Construction Entrance Details 50' MIN EXISTING 3' S. PAVEMENT •� 6" MIN. •;'.••... �� \\ MOUNTABLE BERM FILTER CLOTH PROFILE f OPTIONAL) 50' MIN. EXISTING Z GROUND ~ E \71 ^� ,:+'4r.• •;•: EXISTING ••• 12' MIN. 12MIN!• PAVEMENT • . Z PLAN VIEW - a CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. STONE SIZE — USE 2" STONE, OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. 2. LENGTH — NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET ( EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY ). 3. THICKNESS — NOT LESS THAN SIX ( 6 ) INCHES. 4. WIDTH — TWELVE ( 12 ) FOOT MINIMUM, BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESS OCCURS. TWENTY—FOUR ( 24 ) FOOT IF SINGLE ENTRANCE TO SITE. 5. FILTER CLOTH — WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE. 6. SURFACE WATER — ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CON— STRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING IS IMPRACTICAL, A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5: 1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. 7. MAINTENANCE — THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS—OF—WAY. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, -DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACTEO ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS—OF—WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 8. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON ANAREA STABILIZED WITH STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. 9. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDEO' MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STABLIZED CONSTRUCTION STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK ENTRANCE New York Guidelines for-Urban Page 5A.74 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Definition Stone surface - Use a 6-inch course of NYS DOT base The stabilization of temporary construction access routes, course or equivalent as specified in NYS-Standards and on-site vehicle transportation routes and construction Specifications for Highways. parking areas. Construction Specifications Purpose 1. Clear and strip roadbed and parking areas of all To control erosion on temporary construction routes and vegetation,roots,and other objectionable material. parking areas. 2. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas as avail- Condition Where Practice Applies able. Keep grades sufficient for drainage but not more than 2 to 3%. All traffic routes and parking areas for temporary use by 3. Provide surface drainage and divert excess runoff construction traffic. to stabilized areas. Design Criteria 4. Maintain cut and fill slopes to 2:1 or flatter and stabi- lize with vegetation as soon as grading is accomplished. Construction roads should be located to reduce erosion potential,minimize impact on existing site resources and 5. Spread 6-inch course of crushed stone evenly over the maintain operations in a safe manner. Highly erosive soils, full width of the road smooth to avoid depressions. wet or rocky areas, and steep slopes should be avoided. 6. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to Roads should be routed where seasonal water tables are prevent offsite sedimentation. deeper than 18 inches. Surface runoff and control should be in accordance with other standards. Maintenance Road Grade-A maximum grade of 12%is recommended, although grades up to 15%are possible for short distances. Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as Road Width- 14 foot minimum for one-way traffic or 24 needed. Check ditches for erosion and sedimentation after foot minimum for two-way traffic rainfall events. Maintain vegetation in a healthy,vigorous condition. Areas producing sediment should be treated Side Slope of Road Embankment-2:1 or flatter immediately. Ditch capacity - On site roadside ditch and culvert capacities shall be the 10 yr.peak runoff. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.75 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS - FOR TEMPORARY ACCESS WATERWAY CROSSING Def nition migration.The construction of any specific crossing A temporary access waterway crossing is a structure placed method as presented in Subsection"Temporary Ac- across a waterway to provide access for construction pur- cess Waterway Crossing Methods", shall not cause a poses for a period of less than one year.Temporary access significant water level difference between the crossings shall not be utilized to maintain traffic for the upstream and downstream water surface elevations. general public. Fish spawning or migration within waterways is from October 1 to April 30 for water classified for trout and Purpose from March 15 to June 15 for other streams. 3.Crossing Alignment:The temporarywaterway crossing The purpose of the temporary access waterway crossing is shall be at right angles to the stream.Where approach to provide safe, environmentally sound access across a conditions dictate,the crossing may vary 15 degrees waterway for construction equipment by establishing min- from a line drawn perpendicular to the centerline of imam standards and specifications for the design, con= the stream at the intended crossing location. struction, maintenance, and removal of the structure. .'Temporary access waterway crossings are necessary to 4. Road Approaches: The centerline of both roadway prevent construction equipment from damaging the water- approaches shall coincide with the crossing alignment way, blocking fish migration, and tracking sediment and centerline for a minimum distance of 50 feet from other pollutants into the waterway. This standard and each bank of the waterway being crossed.If physical specification may represent a channel constriction thus the or right-of-way restraints preclude the 50 feet mini- temporary nature of waterway access crossings must be mum, a shorter distance may be provided. All fill stressed.They should be planned to be in service for the materials associated with the roadway approach shall shortest practical period of time and removed as soon as be limited to a maximum height of 2 feet above the their function is completed. existing flood plain elevation. 5.Surface Water Diverting Structure:A water diverting Conditions Where Practice Applies structure such as a swale shall be constructed(across the roadway on both roadway approaches) 50 feet The following standard and specification for temporary (maximum) on either side of the waterway crossing. access waterway crossings are applicable in non-tidal This will prevent roadway surface runoff from directly waterways. These standard and specifications provide entering the waterway.The 50 feet is measured from designs based on waterway geometry rather than the the top of the waterway bank.Design criteria for this drainage area contributing to the point of crossing. diverting structure shall be in accordance with the The principal consideration for developmetit of the stand- "Standard and Specification"for the individual design and and specifications is concern for erosion and sediment standard of choice.If the roadway approach is con- control. Structural utility and safety must also be con- structed with a reverse grade away from the waterway, sidered when designing temporary access waterway cross- a separate diverting structure is not required. ings to withstand expected loads. 6.Road Width:All crossings shall have one traffic lane. mum The three types of standard temporary access waterway The minimum width shallbe 12 feet with am width mwidth of 20 feet. crossings are bridges,culverts,and fords. 7. Time of Operation:All temporary crossings shall be General Reauirements removed within 14 calendar days after the structure 1. In-Stream Excavation: In-Stream.excavation shall be is no longer needed.Unless prior written approval is limited to only that necessary to allow installation of obtained, all structures shall be removed within one the standard methods as presented in Subsection year from the date of the installation. "Temporary Access Waterway Crossing Methods." 8.Materials 2. Elimination of Fish Migration Barriers: Of the three A.Aggregate,There shall be no earth or soil materials basic methods presented in Subsection"Temporary used for construction within the waterway Chan- Access Waterway Crossing Methods", bridges pose nel.New York State Department of Transporta- the least potential for creating barriers to aquatic tion specifications coarse aggregate designation J No. 4 (3/4" to 4") also referenced as AASHTO October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.77 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control designation No. 1 shall be the minimum accept- Considerations able aggregate size for temporary crossings. 1. Preferred Method. This is the preferred method for Larger aggregates will be allowed. temporary access waterway crossings. Normally, B. Filter Cloth: Filter cloth is a fabric consisting of bridge construction causes the least disturbance to either woven or nonwoven plastic,polypropylene, the waterway bed and banks when compared to the or nylon used to distribute the load,retain fines, other access waterway crossings. allow increased drainage of the aggregate and reduce mixing of the aggregate with the subgrade 2.Most bridges can be quickly removed and reused. soil. Filter cloths such as Mirafi, Typar, Adva 3. Temporary access bridges pose the least chance for Filter,Polyfilter X, or approved equivalent shall interference with fish migration when compared to be used,as required by the specific method. the other temporary access waterway crossings. Temporary Access Waterway Crossing 4.Restrictio c and Permits Apermit from the New York Methods, State department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Regulatory Affairs,Regional Permit Ad- . The following criteria for erosion and sediment control ministrator,will be needed to install and remove tem- shall be considered when selecting a specific temporary porary access culverts in streams with a classification access waterway crossing standard method: of C(T)and higher.Installation and removal may not be permitted during the period of time from the start 1.Site aesthetics: Select a standard design method that of trout spawning until the eggs have hatched.In some will least disrupt the existing terrain of the stream instances, restrictions may also be applied to bass reach. Consider the effort that will be required to spawning waters. restore the area after the temporary crossing is Construction Specifications removed. 2. Site location: Locate the temporary crossing where 1• Restriction: Construction, use, or removal of a tem- there will be the least disturbance to the soils of the porary access bridge will not normally have any time existing waterway banks. When possible locate the of year restrictions since construction,use or removal crossing at a point receiving minimal surface runoff. should not affect the stream or its banks. 3.PPysic_a_l site constraints:The physical constraints of a 2.Bridge Placement:A temporary bridge structure shall site may preclude the selection of one or more of the be constructed at or above bank elevation to prevent standard methods. the entrapment of floating materials and debris. 4. Time of year: The time of year may preclude the 3.Abutments:Abutments shall be placed parallel to and on stable banks. selection of one or more of the standard methods due to fish spawning or migration restrictions. 4.Bridge Span:Bridges shall be constructed to span the 5.Vehicular loads and traffic pa erns:Vehicular loads, entire channel.If the channel width exceeds 8 feet(as traffic patterns,and frequency of crossings should be measured from top-of-bank to top-of-bank) then a considered in choosing a specific method. footing, pier or bridge support may be constructed within the waterway. One additional footing,pier or 6.Maintenance of crossing; The standard methods will bridge support will be permitted for each additional require various amounts of maintenance.The bridge 8 foot width of the channel.However,no footing,pier method should require the least maintenance where- or bridge support will be permitted within the channel as the ford method will probably require more inten- for waterways less than 8 feet wide. sive maintenance. 5. ,trineers: Stringers shall either be logs, sawn timber, 7.Removal of the structure: Ease of removal and sub- prestressed concrete beams, metal beams, or other sequent damage to the waterway should be primary approved materials. factors in considering the choice of a standard method. 6.Deck Material;Decking shall be of sufficient strength to support the anticipated load.All decking members Temporary Access Bridge(Figure 5A.39 on page 5A.82) shall be placed perpendicular to the stringers,butted A temporary access bridge is a structure made of wood, tightly,and securely fastened to the stringers.Deck- metal, or other materials which provides access across a ing materials must be butted tightly to prevent any soil stream or waterway. material tracked onto the bridge from falling into the waterway below. 7.Run Planks(optional):Run planking shall be securely fastened to the length of the span.One run plank shall be provided for each track of the equipment wheels. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.78 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Although run planks are optional,they maybe neces- reinforcing concrete,corrugated metal,or structural plate, sary to properly distribute loads. _ which is used to convey flowing water through the crossing. 8.Curbs or Fenders: Curbs or fenders may be installed Considerations along the outer sides of the deck.Curbs or fenders are . _ an option which will provide additional safety. 1.Temporary culverts are used where a) the channel is 9.Bridge Anchors:Bridges shall be securely anchored at too wide for normal bridge construction, b) an- only one end using steel cable or chain.Anchoring at ticipated loading may prove unsafe for single span only one end will prevent channel obstruction in the bridges,or c)access is not needed from bank to bank. event that floodwaters float the bridge. Acceptable anchors are large trees,large boulders,or driven steel 2.This temporary waterway crossing method is normally anchors.Anchoring shall be sufficient to prevent the preferred over a ford type of crossing, since distur- bridge from floating downstream and possibly caus- bance to the waterway is only during construction and ing an obstruction to the flow. removal of the culvert. 10.Stabilization:All areas disturbed during installation - 3.Temporary culverts can be salvaged and reused. shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of that Construction Specifications disturbance in accordance with the Standard and Specifications for Critical Area Seeding on page 3.3. 1.Restrictio s nd Permits:A permit from the New York Bridge Maintenance Requirements State department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Regulatory Affairs,Regional Permit Ad- 1.Inspection;Periodic inspection shall be performed by ministrator,will be needed to install and remove tem- the user to ensure that the bridge, streambed and porary access culverts in streams with a classification stream banks are maintained and not damaged. of C(T)and higher.Installation and removal may not 2. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be performed, as be permitted during the period of time from the start needed to ensure that the structure compiles with the of trout spawning until the eggs have hatched.In some standard and specifications. This shall include instances, restrictions may also be applied to bass removal and disposal of any trapped sediment or spawning waters. debris.Sediment shall be disposed of outside of the Critical periods are as follows: flood plain and stabilized. Rainbow Trout:Early spring to early summer(March 15-July 1)1 Bridge Removal and Clean-Up Requirements Brook and Brown Trout:Early fall_to late spring(Oct. 1. Removal: When the temporary bridge is no longer 1-June 1)1 needed,all structures including abutments and other 1 bridging materials shall be removed within 14 calen- dar days. In all cases, the bridge materials shall be t Dates cover Statewide application. Locally, the period may be removed within one year of installation. shorter. 2.Final le n- Tp:Final clean-up shall consist of removal 2. .,lv r 4 r .ngtk-All culverts shall be strong enough to of the temporary bridge from the waterway,protec- support their cross sectional area under maximum tion of banks from erosion, and removal of all con- expected loads. struction materials. All removed materials shall be 3. Culvert Size:The size of the culvert pipe shall be the stored outside the waterway flood plain. largest pipe diameter that will fit into the existing 3.Method: Removal of the bridge and clean-up of the channel without major excavation of the waterway area shall be accomplished without construction channel or without major approach fills.If a channel equipment working in the waterway channel. width exceeds 3 feet, additional pipes may be used 4.Final Stabilization:All areas disturbed during removal until the cross sectional area of the pipes is greater shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of that than 60 percent of the cross sectional area of the disturbance in accordance with the Standard and existing channel.The minimum size culvert that may Specifications for Critical Area Seedings on page 3.3. be used is 12 inch diameter pipe. 4.Culvert Length:The culvert(s)shall extend a minimum Temporary Access Culvert(Figure 5A.40 on page 5A.83) of one foot beyond the upstream and downstream toe of the aggregate placed around the culvert.In no case A temporary access culvert is a structure consisting of a shall"the culvert exceed 40 feet in length. section(s) of circular pipe, pipe arches, or oval pipes of October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.79 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 5. Filter Cloth: Filter cloth shall be placed on the 3.Method:Removal of the structure and clean-up of the streambed and streambanks prior to placement of the area shall be accomplished without construction pipe culvert(s) and aggregate. The filter cloth shall equipment working in the waterway channel. cover the streambed and extend a minimum six inches 4.Final Stabilization:All areas disturbed during culvert and a maximum one foot beyond the end of the culvert removal shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of and bedding material.Filter cloth reduces settlement the disturbance in accordance with the Standard for and improves crossing stability. "Critical Area Stabilization with Permanent Seeding." 6.Culvert Placement:The invert elevation of the culvert shall be installed on the natural streambed grade to minimize interference with fish migration(free pas- Tempo�y Access Ford(Figure SA.41 on page SA.84) sage of fish). A temporary access ford is a shallow structure placed in 7. Culvert Protection: The culvert(s) shall be covered the bottom of a waterway over which the water flows while with a minimum of one foot of aggregate.If multiple still allowing traffic to cross the waterway. culverts are used they shall be separated by at least 12 Considerations in.of compacted aggregate fill.At the minimum,the bedding and fill material used in the construction of Temporary fords may be used when the streambanks are the temporary access culvert crossings shall conform less than four(4) feet above the invert of the stream, and with the aggregate requirements cited in the General the streambed is armored with naturally occurring Requirements subsection. bedrock, or can be protected with an aggregate layer in 8.Stabilization:All areas disturbed during culvert instal- conformance with these specifications. lation shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of the Construction Specifications (disturbance in accordance with the Standard for Critical Area Stabilization With Permanent Seed- 1. Restrictions and Permits: A permit from New York ing„ State department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Regulatory Affairs,Regional Permit Ad- Culvert Maintenance Requirements ministrator,will be needed to install,use,and remove 1.Inspection Periodic inspection shall be performed to temporary fords in streams with a classification of ensure that the culverts,streambed,and streambanks C(T)or higher.Installation,use and removal may not are not damaged, and that sediment is not entering be permitted during the period of time from the start the stream or blocking fish passage or migration. of trout spawning until the eggs have hatched.In some 2. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be performed, as instances, restrictions may also be applied to bass needed in a timely manner to ensure that structures spawning waters. are in compliance with this standard and specifica- Current periods are as follows: tion.This shall include removal and disposal of any Rainbow Trout:Early spring to early summer(March trapped sediment or debris. Sediment shall be dis- 15_July 1)1 posed of and stabilized outside the waterway flood ply. Brook and Brown Trout:Early fall to late spring(Oct. Culvert Removal and Clean-Up Requirements 1-June 1)1 1.Removal:When the crossing has served its purpose,all Bass:Late spring to midsummer(May 15-July 30)1 structures including culverts,bedding and filter cloth t Dates cover Statewide application. Locally, the period may be materials shall be removed within 14 calendar days. shorter. In all cases, the culvert materials shall be removed 2.The approaches to the structure shall consist of stone within one year of installation.No structure shall be pads constructed to comply with the aggregate re- removed during the spawning season (March 15 quirements of the General Requirements subsection. through June 15). The entire ford approach (where banks were cut) 2.Final Clean-un:Final clean-up.shall consist of removal shall be covered with filter cloth and protected with of the temporary structure from the waterway, aggregate to a depth of four(4)inches. removal of all construction materials,restoration of original stream channel cross section,and protection 3.Fords shall be prohibited when the stream banks are of the streambanks from erosion.Removed material four(4)feet or more in height above the invert of the shall be stored outside of the waterway flood plain. stream. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.80 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 4.The approach roads at the cutbanks shallbe no steeper 10.Ford Removal and Clean-Up Requirements than 5:1.Spoil material from the banks shall be stored A. Removal When the temporary structure has out of the flood plain and stabilized. served its purpose, excess material used for this S. One layer of filter cloth shall be placed on the structure need not be removed. Care should be streambed,streambanks and road approaches prior taken so that any aggregate left does not create an to placing the bedding material on the stream channel impoundment or restrict fish passage. or approaches.The filter cloth will be a minimum of B. Final Clean-J41: Final clean-up shall consist of six(6) inches and a maximum one foot beyond bed- removal of excess temporary ford materials from ding material. the waterway.All materials shall be stored outside 6. The bedding material shall be coarse aggregate or the waterway flood plain. gabion mattresses filled with coarse aggregate. C.Method: Clean up shall be accomplished without 7. Aggregate used in ford construction shall meet the construction equipment working in the stream minimum requirements of the General Requirements channel. subsection. D.Approach Disposition:The approach slopes of the 8.All fords shall be constructed to minimize the blockage cut banks shall not be backfilled. of stream flow and shall allow free flow over the ford. E.Final Stabilization:All areas disturbed during ford The placing of any material in the waterway bed will removal shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days cause some upstream ponding. The depth of this of that disturbance in accordance with the Stand- ponding will be equivalent to the depth of the material and and Specifications for Critical Area Seeding placed within the stream and therefore should be kept on page 3.3. to a minimum height. However, in no case will the bedding material be placed deeper than 12 inches or NOTE:Any temporary access crossing shall conform to the one-half (1/2) the height of the existing banks technical requirements of this Standard and Specifications whichever is smaller. as well as any specific requirement imposed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 9.Stabilization:All areas disturbed during ford installa- tion shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of that disturbance in accordance with the Standard and Specifications for Critical Area Seeding on page 3.3. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.81 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.39 Temporary Access Bridge TEMPORARY ACCESS BRIDGE \\ \ \- A\1 STEEL CABLE - — - �' ^ — OR CHAIN ACCEPTABLE ANCHOR so 10! 50 SURFACE FLOW DIVERTED BY SWALE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURESTANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE TEMPORARY ACCESS SYRACUSE, NEW YORK BRIDGE T New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.82 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.40 Temporary Access Culvert ` TEMPORARY ACCESS CULVERT AGGREGATE FILL 2-1 jorl- wl FILTER CLOTH �= AGGREGATE FILL AGGREGATE FLL ..`,�; n�[ .•'.:•• +t\��� .• .,:`;1:,; 12110IINIMUM +.{�r+•: !'•,•y+r•r tri L�' .t,. •1:.5�. tL FLTER CLOTH FLTER CLOTH HIGH FLOW AREA HIGH FLOW AREA o- ,c- ' `��2•~'••-`':tie^�,Y)c�;t;ty'.'yi:aS:► �'r;t;,:,,i'i?•�✓'� I'' FLTER CLOTH "K;" %r AGGREGATE FLL FLTER CLOTH t AGGREGATE FLL FLAT BANKS STEEP BANKS HIGH FLOW AREA H03H FLOW AREAS pF F / . AGGREGATE FLL / AGGREGATE FILL w�•,:t ••i. •'. �!'� 'ted)h .ra ••;,t•. l of ' O •.f O f`�r R '"• O;Y O '.,.- LTER CLOTH FILTER CLOTH MULTIPLE PIPES MULTIPLE PIPES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TEMPORARY ACCESS STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK CULVERT 4T•C" October 1991-Third Printing 'Page 5A.83 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.41 Temporary Access Ford TEMPORARY ACCESS FORD 1 c 1 4' MAXIMUM ///l BANK HEIGHT - _ SURFACE FLOW DIVERTED BY SWALE NIN AGGREGATE BED OVER FUER CLOTH AGGREGATE APPROACH 5:1 MAXIMUM,SLOPE ON ROAD SURFACE FLOW DNl1t� Sr SWALE ORKWAL STREAM BANK WATER LEVEL � AGGREGATE ------- ----~'�STREAM BEO FILTER CLOTH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE TEMPORARY ACCESS SYRACUSE, NEW YORK FORD T New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.84 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUST CONTROL Definition The control of dust resulting from land-disturbing ac- Spray adhesives-Examples of spray adhesives for use on tivities. mineral soils are shown in the following table: Water Type of Apply Purpose Material Dilution No?71e Gallons/Acre To prevent surface and air movement of dust from dis- Acrylic polymer 9:1 coarse spray 500 turbed soil surfaces that may cause off-site damage,health hazards,and traffic safety problems. Latex emulsion 12.5:1 fine spray 235 Resin in water 4:1 fine spray 300 Conditions Where Practice Applies Water quality should be considered when materials are On construction roads,access points,and other disturbed selected for dust control. areas subject to surface dust movement and dust blowing Sprinkling-The site may be sprayed until the surface is where off-site damage may occur if dust is not controlled. wet. This is especially effective on haul roads and access Design Criteria routes. Construction operations should be scheduled to minimize Stone used for construction roads is also effective for dust the amount of area disturbed at one time. Buffer areas of control. vegetation should be left where practical. Temporary or Barriers-a fence or similar barrier can control air currents permanent stabilization measures should be installed. No at intervals equal to fifteen times the barrier height. specific design criteria is given;see construction specifica- Preserve existing wind barrier vegetation as much as prac- tions below for common methods of dust control. tical. Construction Specifications Vegetative Cover-For disturbed areas not subject to traf- Maintenance fic;vegetation provides the most practical method of dust control(see section 3). Maintain dust control measures through dry weather periods until all disturbed areas are stabilized. Mulch(including gravel mulch)-Mulch offers a fast effec- tive means of controlling dust. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.85 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUMP PIT Definition A temporary pit which is constructed to trap and filter construction should conform to the general criteria out- water for pumping to a suitable discharge area. lined on Figure 5A.42 on page 5A.88. A perforated vertical standpipe is placed in the center of Purpose the pit to collect filtered water.Water is then pumped from the center of the pipe to a suitable discharge area. To remove excessive water from excavations. Discharge of water pumped from the standpipe should be Conditions Where Practice Applies to a sediment trap, sediment basin or stabilized area.If water from the sump pit will be pumped directly to a storm Sump pits are constructed when water collects during the drain system,filter cloth(Mirafi 100 X,Poly Filter GB or excavation phase of construction. This practice is par- a filter cloth with an equivalent sieve size between 40-80) ticularly useful in urban areas during excavation for build- should be wrapped around the standpipe to ensure clean ing foundations. water discharge. It is recommended that 1/4 to 1/2 inch hardware cloth be wrapped around and secured to the Design Criteria standpipe prior to attaching the filter cloth. This will in- The number of sump pits and their locations shall be crease the rate of water seepage into the standpipe. determined by the contractor.A design is not required but October 1991-Third Printing Page 5A.87 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.42 Sump Pit Details CLEAN WATER DICHARIE 12'-18' O SIDE SLOPE OPTIONAL 12'-14' DIAMETER CORRELATED OR PVC,PIPE PERFORATED O 00 2' AGGREGATE r12 0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 . PIT DIMENSIONS ARE OPTIONAL. 2. THE STANDPIPE SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED BY PERFORATING A 12"-24" DIAMETER CORREGATED OR PVC PIPE. 3. A BASE OF 2" AGGREGATE SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE PIT TO A DEPTH OF 12" . AFTER INSTALLING THE STANDPIPE , THE PIT SURROUNDING THE STANDPIPE SHOULD THEN BE BACKFILLED WITH 2" AGGREGATE. 4. THE STAND PIPE SHOULD EXTEND 12"-18" ABOVE THE LIP OF THE PIT. 5. IF DISCHARGE WILL BE PUMPED DIRECTLY TO A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM , - THE STANDPIPE SHOULD BE WRAPPED WITH FILTERCLOTH BEFORE INSTALLATION. IF DESIRED , 1/4"-1/2" HARDWARE CLOTH MAY BE PLACED AROUND THE STANDPIPE , PRIOR TO ATTACHING THE FILTERCLOTH. THIS WILL INCREASE THE RATE OF WATER SEEPAGE INTO THE PIPE. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SUMP PIT SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5A.88 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 513 PERMANENT STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IN URBAN AREAS CONTENTS Page Diversion ......................................................................................5B.1 GrassedWaterway ..............................................................................5B.11 Lined Waterway or Outlet........................................................................5B.17 Rock Outlet Protection ..........................................................................5B.21 Grade Stabilization Structure .....................................................................5B.29 PavedFlume ...................................................................................5B.31 Structural Streambank Protection .................................................................5B.35 DebrisBasin ...................................................................................5B.39 Subsurface Drain .............................. ..............................................5B.43 LandGrading ..................................................................................5B.49 SurfaceRoughening .............................................................................5B.53 Riprap Slope Protection .........................................................................SB.55 RetainingWalls.......................................................... .....................5B.59 Section prepared by: Donald W.Lake,Jr.,State Conservation Engineer USDA-Soil Conservation Service Syracuse,New York List of Figures Eigurz Ti& PaEe 5B.1 Diversion Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.3 5B.2 ' Parabolic Diversion Design,without freeboard-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.4 5B.3 Parabolic Diversion Design,without freeboard-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.5 5B.4 Parabolic Diversion Design,without freeboard-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.6 5B.5 Parabolic Diversion Design,without freeboard-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.7 5B.6 Parabolic Diversion Design,without freeboard-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.8 5B.7 Parabolic Diversion Design,without freeboard-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.9 5B.8 Typical Waterway Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.13 5B.9 Parabolic Waterway Design Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.14 5B.10 Grassed Waterway Construction Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.15 5B.11 Determining"n"for Riprap Lined Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.19 5B.12 Outlet Protection Design-Minimum Tailwater Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.24 5B.13 Outlet Protection Design-Maximum Tailwater Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.25 5B.14 Riprap Outlet Protection Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.26 5B.15 Riprap Outlet Protection Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.27 5B.16 Riprap Outlet Protection Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.28 5B.17 Examples of Outlet Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.33 5B.18 Paved Flume Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.34 5B.19 Riprap Streambank Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.37 5B.20 Structural Streambank Protection Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.38 5B.21 One Year Debris Basin Sediment Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.42 5B.22 Subsurface Drain Charts-Clay Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.46 5B.23 Subsurface Drain Charts-Corrugated Plastic Drain Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.47 5B.24 Drain Capacity Chart-Corrugated Metal Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.48 5B.25 Typical Section of Serrated Cut Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.51 5B.26 Land Grading Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.52 5B.27 Surface Roughening Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.54 5B.28 Angle of Repose of Riprap Stones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.57 5B.29 Rock Slope Protection Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.57 5B.30 Retaining Wall Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B.61 List of Tables Table Name 5B.1 Diversion Permissable Velocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5B.2 5B.2 Riprap Gradations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5B.36 STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIVERSION Definition runoff expected from a storm frequency consistent with the hazard involved. A drainage way of parabolic or trapezoidal cross-section with a supporting ridge on the lower side that is constructed Cross Section across the slope. The diversion channel shall be parabolic or trapezoidal in Purpose shape.Parabolic Diversion design charts are provided in Figures 513.2 through 513.7 on pages 513.4 to 5B.9. The The purpose of a diversion is to intercept and conveyrunoff diversion shall be designed to have stable side slopes.The to stable outlets at non-erosive velocities. side slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 and shall be flat Conditions Where Practice Applies enough to insure ease of maintenance of the diversion and its protective vegetative cover. Diversions are used where: The ridge shall have a minimum width of four feet at the 1.Runoff from higher areas is or has potential for damag- design water elevation; a minimum of 0.3 of a foot ing properties causing erosion,or interfering with or freeboard and a reasonable settlement factor shall be preventing the establishment of vegetation on lower provided. areas. 2. Surface and/or shallow subsurface flow is damaging Velocity and Grade sloping upland. The permissible velocity for the specified method of 3.The length of slopes needs to be reduced so that soil stabilization will determine the maximum grade.Maximum loss will be reduced to a minimum. permissible velocities of flow for the stated conditions of Diversions are only applicable below stabilized or stabilization shall be as shown in Table 5B.1 on page 513.2 protected areas. Avoid establishment on slopes greater of this standard. than fifteen percent.Diversions should be used with cau- Diversions are not usually applicable below high sediment tion on soils subject to slippage.Construction of diversions producing areas unless land treatment practices or struc- shall be in compliance with state drainage and water laws. tural measures,designed to prevent damaging accumula- tions of sediment in the channels are installed with or Design Criteria before the diversions. Location Outlets Diversion location shall be determined by considering out- Each diversion must have an adequate outlet.The outlet let conditions topography, land use, soil type, length of may be a grassed waterway,vegetated or paved area,grade slope, seep planes (when seepage is a problem), and the stabilization structure, stable watercourse, or subsurface development layout. drain outlet.In all cases the outlet must convey runoff to a point where outflow will not cause damage. Vegetated Capacity outlets shall be installed before diversion construction,if Peak rates of runoff values used in determining the capacity needed,to insure establishment of vegetative cover in the requirements shall be as outlined in Chapter 2,Estimating outlet channel. Runoff,Enineering Field Manual for Conservation Prac- The design elevation of the water surface in the diversion li=s,Section 10 of this manual or by TR-55,Tirban ydrol- shall not be lower than the design elevation of the water ogY for Small Watershedssurface in the outlet at their junction when both are operat- The constructed diversion shall have capacity to carry, as ing at design flow. a minimum,the peak discharge from a ten year frequency Stabilization rainfall event with freeboard of not less than 0.3 of a foot. Diversions shall be stabilized in accordance with the ap- Diversions designed to protect homes, schools,industrial propriate Standard and Specification for Vegetative Prac- buildings, roads, parking lots, and comparable high risk tices(Section 3). areas, and those designed to function in connection with other structures,shall have sufficient capacity to carrypeak Construction Specifications See Figure 5B.1 on page 513.3 for details. October 1991-Third Printing Page 513.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control TABLE 5B.1 DIVERSION MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE DESIGN VELOCITIES Permissible Velocity Feet Per Second Soil Texture Retardance and Cover Channel Vegetation Sand,Silt,Sandy C-Kentucky 31 tall fescue 3.0 loam,silty loam, and Kentucky bluegrass loamy sand (ML,SM,SP,SW) D-Annuals'Small grain 2.5 (rye,oats,barley,millet)Ryegrass Silty clay loam, C-Kentucky 31 tall fescue 4.0 Sandy clay loam and Kentucky bluegrass (ML-CL,SO D-Annuals'Small grain 3.5 (rye,oats,barley,millet)Ryegrass Clay(CL) C-Kentucky 31 tall fescue 5.0 and Kentucky bluegrass D-Annuals'Small grain 4.0 (rye,oats,barley,millet)Ryegrass 'Annuals-Use only as temporary protection until permanent vegetation is established. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 513.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 513.1 Diversion Detail DIVERSION D - b ISM IN. width TRAPEZOIDAL CROSS-SECTION D ' T 2 41 M I N. T width PARABOLIC CROSS-SECTION l Construction Specifications 1. All trees, brush, stumps, obstructions, and other objectionable material shall be removed and disposed of so as not to interfere-with the proper functioning of the diversion. 2. The diversion shall be excavated or shaped to line, grade, and cross section as required to meet the criteria specified herein, and be free of irregularities which will inpede normal flow. 3. Fills shall be compacted as needed to prevent unequal settlement that would cause damage in the completed diversion. 4. All earth removed and not needed in construction shall, be spread or disposed of so that it will not interfere with the functioning of the diversion. 5. Stabilization shall be done according to the appropriate Standard and Specifications for Vegetative Practices. A. For design velocities of less than 3.5 ft. per sec., seeding and mulching may be used for the establishment of the vegetation. It is recommended that, when conditions permit, temporary diversions or other means be used to prevent water from entering the di,.,ersion during the establishment of the vegetation. B. For design velocities of more than 3.5 ft. per sec., the diversion shall be stabilize with sod, with seeding protected by jute or excelsior matting or with seeding and mulching including temporary diversion of water until the vegetation is established. See the Standard and Specifications for Protective Materials. U S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE DIVERSION SYRACUSE, NEW YORK —`D—� October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.3 New York Guidelines-for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 0 0 pp. O CDp � a � a PARABOLIC DIVERSION DESIGN WITHOUT FREEBOARD RETARDANCE- D a c e y GRADE, % - 0. 2 5 c V1 Based on Permissible Velocity of the Soil With Retardance "D" cTop Width,, Depth & V2 Based on Retardance "C" �- Q Vl - 2.0 Vl - 2.5 V1 - 3.0 V1 - 3.5 V1 - h-0 V1 - 4.5 V1 - 5.0 vi - 5.5 V1 - 6.0 cfe T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 i5 D 20 25 10 2.4 1.6 30 ll 2.3 1.7 35 13 2.3 1.7 N O 110 15 2.3 1.8 10 2.7 2.1 3 45- 17 2.2 1.8 12 2.6 2.2 0 50 19 2.2 1.8 13 2.6 2.2 1 6 C CD 55 20 2.2 1.8 14 2.6 2.3 1 N -1 vba 60 22 2.2 1.8 15 2.5 2.3 _ _ - _ _ _ oz. (D 65 24 2.2 1.8 17 2.5 2.3 - D - - _ 7 Ul 70 26 2.2 1.9 18 2.5 2.3 13 3.1 2.7 _ 75 28 2.2 1.9 19 2.5 2.4 13 3.0 2.8 80 29 2.2 1.9 20 2.5 2.4 lit 3.0 2.8 90 33 2.2 1.9 23 2.5 2.4 16 3.0 2.8 100 37 2.2 1.9 25 2.5 2.4 18 3.0 2.9 T - Top width, Retardance "C" r_ 110 40 2.2 1.9 28 2.5 2.4 19 2.9 2.9 D = Flow depth, Retardance "C" "11 120 44 2.2 1.9 30 2.5 2.4 21 2.9 2.9 15 3.6 3.3 130 48 2.2 1.9 33 2.5 2.4 23 2.9 2.9 16 3.6 3.3 Vl - Permissible velocity, Retardance "D" (D 140 51 2.2 1.9 35 2.5 2.4 25 2.9 2.9 18 3.5 3.4 V2 - Velocity, Retardance "C" Cr 150 55 2.2 1.9 37 2.5 2.4 26 2.9 2.9 19 3.5 3.4 p O 160 58 2.2 1.9 40 2.5 2.4 28 2.9 3.0 20 3.5 3.4 T and D are the dimensions required to 0 c 170 62 2.2 1.9 42 2.5 2.4 30 2.9 3.0 21 3.5 3.4 17 4.0 3.8 carry the design flow. Add freeboard and p, 180 66 2.2 1.9 45 2.5 2.4 31 2.9 3.0 22 3.5 3.5 18 4.0 3.8 allowance for settlement as necessary. 190 69 2.2 1.9 47 2.5 2.4 33 2.9 3.0 24 3.5 3.5 19 4.0 3.9 i 200 73 2.2 1.9 50 2.5 2.4 35 2.9 3.0 25 3.4 3.5 19 3.9 3.9 220 80 2.2 1.9 55 2.5 2.4 38 2.9 3.0 27 3.4 3.5 21 3.9 3.9 ' 24o 87 2.2 1.9 60 2.5 2.5 42 2.9 3.0 30 3.4 3.6 23 3.9 4.o 26o 95 2.2 1.9 65 2.5 2.4 45 2.9 3.0 32 3.4 3.5 25 3.9 h.0 20 4.6 4.3 a 280 69 2.5 2.5 49 2.9 3.0 35 3.4 3.6 27 3.9 4.0 21 4.6 14.3 b 300 74 2.5 2.5 52 2.9 3.0 37 3.4 3.6 29-3-8 4.1 22 4.5 4.4 0 A T 0 M 1-- PARABOLIC DIVERSION DESIGN , WITHOUT FREEBOARD RETARDANCE - o e c GRADE, /e - 0.50 a rtiy V1 Based on Permissible Velocity of the Soil With Retardance "D" p Top Width, Depth & V2 Based on Retardance "C" 5' Q o V - 2 V1 . l - 2.5 V1 - 3.0 V1 - 3.5 V1 - 4.0 v � 1 - 4.5 vi - 5.0 Vl - 5.5 V1 - 6.0 � cfs T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 0 15 9 1.6 1.6 20 11 1.6 1.7 25 14 1.6 1.7 9 1.9 2.1 30 17 1.6 1.7 11 1.9 2.2 8 2.2 2.5 35 20 1.6 1.7 12 1.9 2.3 9 2.1 2,6 40 22 1.6 1.7 14 1.8 2.3 11 2.1 2.7 fA 45 25 1.5 1.7 16 1.8 2.3 12 2.0 2.8 0 50 28 1.5 1.7 18 1.8 2.4 13 2.0 2.8 10 2.4 3.2 ro 55 31 1.5 1.7 19 1.8 2.4 15 2.0 2.8 11 2.4 3.3 v -• w 60 33 1.5 1.7 21 1.8 2.4 16 2.0 2.8 11 2.4 3.3 t9 CD 65 36 1.5 1.8 23 1.8 2.4 17 2.0 2.9 12 2.4 3.3 N C 70 39 1.5 1.7 21& 1.8 2.4 18 2.0 2.9 13 2.3 3.4 (0 0 75 42 1.5 1.8 26 1.8 2.4 19 2.0 2.9 14 2.3 3.4 11 2.7 3.7 a Cn 80 44 1.5 1.8 28 1.8 2.4 21 2.0 2.9 15 2.3 3.4 12 2.7 3.8 W 90 50 1.5 1.8 31 1.8 2.4 24 2.0 2.9 17 2.3 3.4 13 2.7 3.8 100 55 1.5 1.8 35 1.8 2.4 26 2.0 2.9 19 2.3 3.5 15 2.6 3.9 12 3.0 4.1 110 61 1.5 1.8 38 1.8 2.4 29 2.0 2.9 21 2.3 3.5 16 2.6 3.9 13 3.0 4.2 120 66 1.5 1.8 42 1.8 2.4 31 2.0 2.9 22 2.3 3.5 18 2.6 3.9 14 2.9 4.3 C 130 72 1.5 1.8 )45 1.8 7.4 34 2.0 2.9 24 2.3 3.5 19 2.6 4.0 15 2.9 4.4 �* 140 77 1.5 1.8 48 1.8 2.4 36 2.0 2.9 26 2.3 3.5 20 2.6 4.0 16 2.9 4.3 150 83 1.5 1.8 52 1.8 2.4 39 2.0 2.9 28 2.3 3.5 22 2.6 4.0 18 2.9 4.4 14 3.3 4.8 (p 1.50 88 1.5 1.8 55 1.9 2.11 41 2.0 2.9 30 2.3 3.5 23 2.6 4.0 19 2.9 4.4 15 3.3 11.8 (D 170 93 1.5 1.8 59 1.8 2.4 44 2.0 2.9 32 2.3 3.6 25 2.6 4.0 20 2.9 4.4 16 3.3 4.9 180 99 1.5 1.8 62 1.8 2.4 G7 2.0 2.9 33 2.3 3.6 26 2.6 4.0 21 2.9 4.5 17 3.3 4.9 190 5$ l.� 2.4 49 2.0 2.9 35 2.3 3.6 28 2.6 )4.0 22 2.9 4.5 18 3.3 5.0 0. 200 69 1.8 2.4 52 2.0 2.9 37 2.3 3.6 29 2.6 4.0 73 2.9 4.5 18 3.3 5.0 15 3.7 5.2 CL °p 220 76 1.8 2.4 57 2.0 2.9 4l 2.3 3.6 32 2.6 4.0 25 2.9 4.5 20 3.2 5.0 17 3.7 5.4 240 82 1.8 7.5 62 2.0 2.9 44 2.3 3.6 45 2.5 h.1 28 2.9 4.5 22 3.7 5.0 18 3.7 5.4 N as5. 260 89 1.8 2.5 67 2.0 2.9 48 2.3 3.6 38 2.6 4.1 30 2.9 4.5 24 3.2 5.1 20 3.6 5.4 CD CD 280 96 1.8 2.5 72 1.0 3.0 52 2.3 3.6 140 2.5 4.1 32 2.8 4.6 26 3.2 5.1 21 3.6 5.5 18 4.1 5.8 pr 300 77 2.0 3.0 55 2.3 3.6 43 2.5 1t.1 35 2.8 4.6 27 3.2 5.2 23 3.6 5.5 19 4.1 5.8 CO CD y R 0 ^ M p Mi 0 pp O p � aC) rE CD o: i C, RETARDANCE - D a C 0 o PARABOLIC DIVERSION DESIGN , WITHOUT FREEBOARD GRADE,% - 0.75 p ciV1 Based on Permissible Velocity of the Soil With Retardance "D" o C Too Width, Depth & V2 Based on Retardance "C" Cr ~ Q Vi - 2.0 Vl - 2.5 Vl - 3.0 V1 - 3.5 V1 - 4.0 V1 - 4.5 vi - 5.0 V1 - 5.5 V1 - 6.0 n cfs T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 15 12 1.3 1.5 7 1.6 2.0 20 16 1.3 1.5 9 1.5 2.2 25 19 1.3 1.5 11 1.5 2.2 8 1.7 2.6 30 23 1.3 1.5 13 1.5 2.2 10 1.7 2.7 P. 1.9 3.0 0 35 27 1.3 1.5 15 1.5 2.3 11 1.7 2.7 9 1.9 3.1 40 31 1.3 1.5 18 1.5 2.3 13 1.7 2.8 10 1.9 3.2 3 -n b 45 35 1.3 1.6 20 1.5 2.3 14 1.7 2.8 11 1.8 3.2 M to UQ 50 38 1.3 1.6 22 1.5 2.3 16 1.6 2.9 13 1.8 3.3 9 ?.2 3.7 N. 55 42 1.3 1.6 24 1.5 2.3 ]8 1.6 2.9 14 l.A 3.3 10 2.1 3.8 0 Gd 6o 46 1.3 1.6 26 1.5 2.3 19 1.6 2.8 15 1.0 3.3 11 2.1 3.9 N 65 50 1.3 1.6 28 1.5 2.3 21 1.6 2.9 16 1.8 3.3 12 2.1 3.R 10 2.1, 4.1 70 53 1.3 1.5 30 1.5 2.3 22 1.6 2.9 17 1.8 3.3 13 2.1 3.8 11 2.4 4.2 W 75 57 1.3 1.6 33 1.5 2.3 24 1.5 2.9 19 1.8 3.3 14 2.1 4.0 11 2.3 4.2 'A 80 61 1.3 1.6 35 1.5 2.3 25 1.6 2.9 20 1.8 3.1, 15 2.1 11.0 12 ?.3 h.3 90 68 1.3 1.6 39 1.5 2.3 28 1.6 ?.9 22 1.8 3.4 1.5 2.1 4.0 13 2.3 4.h 11 2.6 4.6 C 100 76 1.3 1.6 43 1.5 2.3 32 1.6 2.9 25 1.8 3.4 18 2.1 4.0 15 2.3 4.4 12 2.6 4.8 � 11.0 83 1.3 1.6 48 1.5 2.3 35 1.6 2.9 27 1.8 3.11 20 2.0 It.n 16 2.3 It.5 13 2.6 4.8 120 91 1.3 1.6 52 1.5 2.3 38 1.6 2.9 30 1.8 3.4 22 2.1 4.0 18 2.3 4.4 15 2.5 4.8 1? 2.9 5.2 130 98 1.3 1.6 56 1.5 2.4 41 1.6 2.9 32 1.8 3.4 23 2.1 4.0 19 2.2 4.5 16 2.5 4.9 13 2.8 5.3 M 140 6o 1.5 2.4 44 1.6 2.9 34 1.8 3.4 25 2.0 4.1 21 2.3 4.5 17 2.5 4.9 114 2.8 5.3 Cr 150 65 1.5 2.1: 47 1.6 2.9 37 1.8 3.4 27 2.0 It.1 22 2.2 4.5 18 2.5 4.9 15 2.8 5.3 N O 160 69-1.5 2.4 50 1.6 2.9 39 1.8 3.4 29 2.0 4.1 24 2.2 4.5 19 2.5 4.9 16 2.8 5.4 13 3.1 5.8 R 170 73 1.5 2.4 53 1.6 2.9 42 1.8 3.4 30 2.0 4.1 25 2.2 4.5 20 2.5 5.0 17 2.8 5.4 11t 3.1 5.8 p, 180 77 1.5 2.4 56 1.6 2.9 44 1.8 3.4 32 2.0 4.1 27 2.2 h.5 22 2.5 5.0 18 2.8 5.5 15 3.1 5.9 Y 190 82 1.5 2.4 60 1.6 2.9 47 1.8 3.4 34 2.0 4.1 28 2.2 11.6 23 2.5 5.n 19 2.8 5.5 16 3.1 5.9 W 200 86 1.5 2.4 63 1.6 3.0 49 1.8 3.4 36 2.0 4.1 29 2.2 4.5 24 2.5 5.0 20 2.7 5.5 16 3.1 5.9 10 220 94 1.5 2.4 69 1.6-3.0 54 1.8 3.4 39 2.0 4.1 32 2.2 4.6 26 2.5 5.1 22 ?.7 5.5 18 3.1. 5.9 ' 240 .75 1.6 3.0 59 1.8 3.4 43 2.0 4.1 35 2.2 4.6 29 2.5 5.0 24 2.7 5.6 19 3.1 6.0 260 81 1.6 3.0 64 1.8 3.4 46 2.0 4.1 38 2.2 4.6 31 2.5 5.1 26 2.7 5.6 21 3.1 6.1 280 87 1.6 3.0 68 1.8 3.4 50 2.0 14.1 41 2.2 4.6 33 2.5 5.1 27 2.7 5.7 23 3.0 6.1 b 300 93 1.6 3.0 73 1.8 3.5 53 2.0 4.1 44 2.2 4.6 36 2.5 5.1 29 2.7 5.6 24 3.0 6.1 CM P• C� P• , dQ 0 0 CD RETARDANCE- D a C PARABOLIC DIVERSION DESIGN , WITHOUT FREEBOARD GRADE,%- 1.0 a b V1 based on Permissible Velocity of the Soil With Retardance "D" Top Width, Depth & V2 Based on Retardance "C" go Vl - 2.0 Vl - 2.5 V1 - 3.0 V1 - 3.5 V1 - 4.0 V1 - 4.5 vi - 5.0 V1 - 5.5 Vl - 6.0 0 cfs T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D ,V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T ' D V2 0 15 13 1.1 1.5 8 1.3 2.0 0 20 18 1.1 1.5 11 1.3 2.1 6 1.5 2.6 25 2? 1.1 1.5 11, 1.3 2.1 9 1.5 2.6 8 1.6 3.0 C 30 27 1.1 1.5 17 1.3 2.1 11 1.5 2.7 9 ?_.6 3.0 35 31 1.1 1.5 19 1.3 2.2 13 1.5 2.8 111.6 3.1 8 1.8 3.6 N 40 35 1.1 1.5 22 1.3 2.1 15 1.4 2.8 12 1.6 3.1 9 1.8 3.7 45 40 1.1 1.5 25 1.3 2.2 17 1.5 2.8 13 1.6 j.2 10 1.8 3.7 0 50 44 1.1 1.5 28 1.3 2.2 19 1.4 2.8 15 1.6 3.2 11 1.8 3.7 9 2.o 4.2 55 48 1.1 1.5 30 1.3 2.2 20 1.4 2.8 16 1.5 3.3 12 1.8 3.8 10 2.0 4.3 a c m 60 53 1.1 1.5 33 1.3 2.2 22 1.4 2.8 18 1.5 3.3 14 1.7 3.8 10 2.0 4.3 coo 65 57 1.1 1.5 36 1.3 2.2 24 1.4 2.8 19 1.5 3.3 15 1.7 3.8 11 2.0 4.3 9 2.2 4.7 N. 70 61 1.1. 1.5 38 1.3 2.2 26 1.4 2.8 21 1.5 3.3 16 1.7 3.9 12 2.0 4.4 10 2.2 4.7 (0 (D 75 66 1.1 1.5 111 1.3 2.2 28 1.4 2.9 22 1.5 3.3 17 1.7 3.9 13 2.0 4.5 11 2.2 4.7 80 70 1.1 1.5 h4 1.3 2.2 29 1.4 2.9 •24 1.5 3.3 18 1.7 3.9 14 2.0 4.4 11 2.2 4.9 C N100 90 79 1.1 1.5 49 1.3 2.2 33 1.4 2.9 27 1.5 3.3 20 1.7 3.9 15"1.9 4.5 13 2.2 4.9 11 2.4 5.2 87 1.1 1.5 55 1.3 2.2 37 1.4 2.9 29 1.5 3.3 22 1.7 3.9 17 1.9 4.5 lh 2.2 4.9 12 2.4 '5.3 M. 110, 96 1.1 1.5 60 1.3 2.2 40 1.4 2.9 32 1.5 3.3 24 1.7 3.9 19 1.9 4.5 15 2.1 5.0 13 2.4 5.3 11 2.6 5.7 0 120 65 1.3 2.2 44 1.11 2.9 35 1.5 3.3 27 1.7 4.0 20 1.9 4.6 17 2.1 5.0 -14 2.4 5.4 12 2.6 5.7 C 130 71 1.3 2.2 47 1.4 2.9 38 1.5 3.3 29 1.7 4.0 22 1.9 4.6 18 2.1 5.0 15 2.4 5.4 13 2.6 5.8 '* 140 76 1.3 2.2 51 1.4 2.9 41 1.5 3.3 31 1.7 )1.0 24 1.9 4.6 20 2.1 5.0 16 2.3 5.5 14 2.6 5.8 i50 81 1.3 2.2 55 1.4 2.9 44 1.5 3.3 33 1.7 4.0 25 1.Q 4.6 21 2.1 5.1 17 2.4 5.5 15 2.6 5.8 160 - 87 1.3 2.2 58 1.4 2.9 47 1.5 3.3 35 1.7 4.0 27 1.9 4.6 22 2.1 5.1 19 2.3 5.5 16 2.5 6.0 a' 170 92 1.3 2.2 62 1.4 2.9 50 1.5 3.3 38 1.7 4.0 29 1.9 4.6 24 2.1 5.1 20 2.3 5.7 17 2.5 5.9 0 M CD 180 97 1.3 .2.2 65 1.4 2.9 53 1.5 3.4 40 1.7 ►i.0 30 1.9 4.6 25 2.1 5.1 21 2.3 5.6 19 2.5 $.9 0 190 69 1.4 2.9 55 1.5 3.h 42 1.7 4.0 32 1.9 4.6 26 2.1 5.1 22 2.3 5.6 19 2.5 6.0 o• 0 200 72 1.4 2.9 58 1.5 3.4 44 1.7 4.0 34 1.9 4.7 28 2.1 5.1 23 2.3 5.6 20 2.5 6.0 �- p 220 80 1.4 2.9 64 1.5 3.4 48 1.7 4.0 37 1.9 4.6 31 2.1 5.1 25 2.3 5.6 22 2.5 6.1 11a 67 1.4 2.9 70 1.5 3.4 53 1.7 4.0 ho 1.9 4.7 33 2.1 5.1 28 2_.3 5.7 24 2.5 6.1 260 94 1.4 2.9 76 1.5 3.4 57 1.7 l,.0 411 1.9 10 36 2.1 5.1 30 2.3 5.4. 26 2.5 6.1 CDP80 81 1.5 3.4 61 1.7 4.o 47 1.9 h.7 39 2.1 5.1 32 2.3 5.6 28 2.5 5.2 CD300 87 1.5 3.4 66 1.7 4.0 50 1.Q 1►.7 42 1.1 5.1 34 2.3 5.7 30 2.5 6.1 o f7 ~ R a. o 0 - ppb• O A � PARABOLIC DIVERSION DESIGN , WITHOUT FREEBOARD RETARDANCE - o e c p GRADE, /e - 1.5 (� Vl Based on Permissible Velocity of the Soil With Retardance ISD" °p Top Width, Depth Lac V2 Eased on Retardance "C" 0 1 q Vl - 2.0 Vl - 2.5 Vl - 3.0 Vl - 3.5 Vl - 4.0 Vl - 4.5 vi - 5.0 Vl - 5.5 Vl - 6.0 Cr cfe T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 15 17 0.9 1.4 11 1.1 1.9 8 1.2 2.4 n 20 23 0.9 1.4 15 1.0 1.9 10 1.2 2.5 7 1.4 3.0 6 1.5 3.4 Q 25 28 0.9 1.4 19 1.0 1.9 12 1.2 2.6 8 1.4 3.2 7 1.5 3.6 30 34 0.9 1.4 22 1.0 1.9 15 1.2 2.6 10 1.3 3.2 8 1.5 3.6 7 1.6 4.o C 35 40 0.9 1.4 26 1.0 2.0 17 1.1 2.6 12 1.3 3.3 10 1.4 3.7 8 1.6 11.1 y 40 45 0.9 1.4 30 1.0 1.9 20 1.2 2.6 14 1.3 3.3 11 1.4 3.7 9 1.6 4.2 7 l.a 4.6 C 45 51 0.9 1.4 33 1.0 2.0 22 1.1 2.6 15 1.3 3.4 12 1.4 3.8 10 1.5 )1.3 8 1.11 ��.6 50 56 0.9 1.4 37 1.0 2.0 25 1.1 2.7 17 1.3 3.6 14 1.4 3.9 11 1.5 4.3 9 1.A 10 91 55 62 0.9 1.5 111 1.0 2.0 27 1.1 2.6 19 1.3 3.4 15 1.4. 3.9 12 1.5 1i.3 10 1.7 11.9' 8 1.9 5.1 Up 60 67 0.9 1.5 44 1.0 2.0 30 1.1 2.7 20 1.3 3.4 16 1.4 3.9 14 1.5 4.4 31 1.7 4.9 9 1.9 5.2 N• C 65 73 0e9 1.5 48 1.0 2.0 32 1.1 2.7 22 1.3 3.4 18 1.4 3.9 15 1.5 4.11 11 1.7 5.0 10 3.9 5.3 70 78 0.9 1.5 51 1.0 2.0 34 1.1 2.7 24 1.3 3.4 19 1.4 3.9 16 1.5 4.4 12 3..7 4.9 30 1.9 5.It 9 2.1 5.5 v, 00 75 63 0.9 1.5 55 1.0 2.0 37 1.1 2.7 25 1.3 3.4 21 1.4 3.9 17 1.5 1.4 33 1.7 5.o 11 1.9 5.4 S 2.1 5.6 W 80 89 o.9 1.5 59 1.0 2.0 39 1.1 2.7 27 1.3 3.4 22 3A 3.51 3.8 1.5 1.4 14 1.7 5.o 1.2 3.9 5.5 10 2.1 5.8 � • 90 100 0.9 1.5 66 ]..0 2.0 44 1.1 2.7 30 1.3 3.5 25 3.11 3.9 20 1.5 4.4 15 1.7 5.0 13 1.9 5.4 11 9.0 C o 100 73 l.0 2.0 49 1.1 2.7 33 1.3 3.5 27 1-h 3.9 22 1.5 4.5 17 1.7 5.1 15 1.') 5.5 12 P.0 5.0 110 90 1.0 2.o 54 1.1 2.7 37 1.3 3.5 30 3.4 3.9 25 1.5 4.5 11) 1.7 5.1 1'+ 1.9 5.6 1.14 2.0 6.0 O 120 87 l.o 2.0 58 1.1 2.7 40 1.3 3.5 33 1.11 4.0 27 1.5 4.5 21 1.7 5.1 1R 1.9 5.5 15 9.0 '.0 .C-r 130 95 1.0 2.o 63 1.1 2.7 43 1.3 3.5 35 1.4 3.9 29 1.5 h.5 22 1.7 5.1 10 1.9 5.5 15 2.0 6.1 -n 140 68 1.1 2.7 47 1.3 3.5 38 1.4 4.0 31 1.5 4.5 24 1.7 5.2 2n 1-p 5.4 17 2.0 5.1 •+ 150 73 1.1 2.7 50 1.3 3.5 41 1.4 4.0 33 1.5 4.5 26 1.7 5.2 22 1.8 5.6 11 2.^ 5.1 160 78 1.1 2.7 53 1.3 3.5 43 1.4 4.0 36 1.5 4.5 27 1.7 5.2 23 1.8 5.6 20 2.0 6.1 170 82 1.1 2.7 56 1.3 3.5 46 1.4 4.0 38 1.5 4.5 29 1.7 5.2 25 1.8 5.5 21 P.0 6.1 O O 180 87 1.1 2.7 60 1.3 3.5 49 1.4 4.0 40 1.5 4.5" 31 1.7 5.2 26 1.8 5.7 22 2.0 6.1 IM c 190 92 1.1 2.7 63 1.3 3.5 51 1.4 4.0 42 1.5 4.5 33 1.7 5.2 27 1.8 5.7 23 2.0 6.2 per„ 200 97 1.1 2.7 66 1.3 3.5 54 1.4 4.0 44 Le 1t-5 34 1.7 5.2 29 1.8 5.6 24 2.9 6.2 � 220 73 1.3 3.5 59 leo 4.0 49 1.5 4.5 38 1.7 5.2 32 1.8 5.7 27 2.0 6.2 240 79 lea 3.5 65 1.4 4.0 53 1.5 4.5 41 1.7 5.2 35 1.8 5.7 29 2.0 5.2 260 86 1.3 3.5 70 1.4 4.0 57 1.5 4.5 44 1.7 5.2 37 1.6 5.7 32 2.0 6.2 H 280 92 1.3 3.5 75 1.4 4.o 62 1.5 4.5 48 1.7 5.2 40 1.8 5.7 34 2.0 6.2 300 99 1.3 3.5 81 1.4 4.0 66 1.5 4.5 51, 1.7 5.2 43 1.5 5.7 36 2.0 6.2 a �d 6? ao O o o• to M �O F+ PARABOLIC DIVERSION DESIGN WITHOUT FREEBOARD RETARDANCE- D e C GRADE� /0 2.0 V1 Based on Permissible Velocity of the Soil With Retardance "D" Top Width, Depth & V2 based on Retardance "C" Q vl - 2.0 V1 - 2.5 V1 - 3.0 V1 - 3.5 vi - 4.0 V1 - 4.5 vi - 5.0 V1 - 5.5 V1 - 6.0 cfe T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 T D V2 0 O 15 21 0.8 1.3 13 0.9 1.9 9 1.0 2.4 7 1.2 2.9 20 28 0.8 1.3 17 0.9 1.9 12 1.0 2.4 9 1.1 3.0 7 1.3 3.5 5 1.4 3.8 25 35 o.8 1.3 21 0.9 1.9 15 1.o 2.4 11 1.1 3.o 8 1.3 3.7 7 1.4 60 30 41 0.8 1.3 26 0.9 1.9 18 1.0 2.5 13 1.1 3.0 10 1.2 3.7 8 1.3 4.2 7 1.5 4.5 35 48 0.8 1.4 30 0.9 1.9 22 i.n 2,4 15 1.1 3.1 11 1.2 3.8 9 1.3 4.2 8 1.5 4.7 40 55 0.8 1.3 34 0.9 1.9 25 1.0 2.5 18 1.1 3.1 13 1.2 3.8 11 1.3 4.3 9 1.5 4.7 7 1.7 5.0 N 45 62 0.8 1.4 38 0.9 1.9 28 1.0 2.5 20 1.1 3,1 14 1.2 3.8 12 1.3 4.3 10 1.4 4.8 8 1.6 5.2 0 50 68 0.8 1.4 42 0.9 1.9 31 1.0 2.5 22 1.1 3.1 16 1.2 3.9 13 1.3 4.3 11 1.4 4.8 9 1.6 5.3 8 1.7 5.6 55 75 0.8 1.4 46 0.9 1.9 34 1.0 2.5 24 1.1 3.1 17 1.2 3.8 14 1.3 4.3 12 1.4 4.9 10 1.6 5.3 8 1.7 5.8 11 w 60 82 0.8 1.4 51 0.9 1.9 37 1.0 2.5 26 1.1 3.1 19 1.2 3.9 16 1.3 4.4 13 1.4 4.8 11 1.6 5.3 9 1.7 5.7 M U2 65 88 0.8 1.4 55 0.9 1.9 40 1.0 2.5 28 1.1 3.1 21 1.2 3.9 17 1.3 4.4 14 1.4 4.9 11 1.6 5.4 10 1.7 5.7 y. ubd 70 95 0.8 1.4 59 o.9 1.9 43 1.0 2.5 30 1.1 3.1 22 1.2 3.9 18 1.3 4.4 15 1.4 4.9 12 1.6 5.4 10 1.7 5.8 75 63 0.9 1.9 46 1.0 2.5 32 1.1 3:,2 24 1.2 3.9 20 1.3 64 16 1.4 5.0 13 1.6 5.5 11 1.7 5.9 N 80 67 0.9 2.0 48 1.0 2.5 35 1.1 3.1 25 1.2 3.9 21 1.3 4.4 17 1.4 4.9 14 1.6 5.4 12 1.7 6.0 01 j 90 75 0.9 2.0 54 1.0 2.5 39 1.1 3.2 28 1.2 3.9 23 1.3 4.4 19 1.4 4.9 16 1.6 5.5 13 1.7 5.9 100 83 0.9 2.0 60 1.0 2.5 43 1.1 3.2 31 1.2 3.9 26 1.3 4.4 21 1.4 5.0 17 1.6 5.5 15 1.7 6.0 V 110 92 0.9 2.0 66 1.0 2.5 47 1.1 3.2 34 1.2 3.9 28 1.3 4.4 23 1.4 5.0 19 1.5 5.6 16 1.7 6.0 C 120 100 0.9 2.0 72 1.0 2.5 52 1.1 3.2 38 1.2 3.9 31 1.3 4.4 26 1.4 5.0 21 1.5 5.6 18 1.7 6.1 130 78 1.0 2.5 56 1.1 3.2 41 1.2 3.9 34 1.3 4.5 26 1.4 5.0 23 1.5 5.6 19 1.7 6.o .Ci• 140 84 1.0 2.5 6o 1.1 3.2 41t 1.2 )t.0 36 1.3 4.5 30 1.4 5.0 24 1.5 5.6 21 1.7 6.1 150 90 1.0 2.5 64 1.1 3.2 47 1.2 4.0 39 1.3 4.5 32 1.4 5.0 26 1.5 5.6 22 1.7 6.1 (D 160 96 1.0 2.5 69 1.1 3.2 5o 1.2 4.0 41 1.3 It.5 34 1.1, 5.1 28 1.5 5.6 23 1.7 6.1 M 170 73 1.1 3.2 53 1.2 4.0 )t4 1.3 14.5 36 1.4 5.1 29 1.5 5.7 25 1.7 6.1 CD Z180 77 1.1 3.2 56 1.2 4.0 L6 1.3 4.5 38 1.4 5.0 31 1.5 5.7 26 1.7 6.1 O 190 61 1.1 3.2 59 1.2 4.0 49 1.3 4.5 40 1.4 5.0 33 1.5 5.7 28 1.7 6.1 4) 200 85 1.1 3.2 62 1.2 4.0 51 1.3 4.5 42 1.4 5.0 34 1..5 5.7 29 1.7 6.2 CL p ;, 220 91i 1.1 3.2 68 1.2 4.0 56 1.3 1i.5 ),6 1.4 5.1 38 1.5 5.7 32 1.7 6.2 p 240 74 1.2 11.0 61 1.3 h.5 51 1.4 5.1 111 1.5 5.7 35 1.7 6.2� 260 F0 1.2 It.o 66 1..3 4.5 55 1.4 5.1 Its 1.5 5.7 3R 1.7 6.2 280 86 1.2 h.0 71 1.3 4.5 59 1.4 5.1 Its' 1.5 5.7• 1L] 1.7 6.2 300 92 10 )i.0 76 1.3 4.5 63 1.4 5.1 51 1.5 5.7 1,11 1.7 6.2 co o f7 ~ STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRASSED WATERWAY Definition Permissible Velocity 1 A natural or man-made channel of parabolic or trapezoidal Slqm Channel Lining (ft/ cross-section that is below adjacent ground level and is stabilized by suitable vegetation.The flow channel is nor- 0-5%(cont'd) mally wide and shallow and conveys the runoff down the Grass-legume mixture 4 slope. Red fescue 2.5 Redtop Purpose Sericea lespedeza The purpose of a grassed waterway is to convey runoff Annual lespedeza without causing damage by erosion. Small grains Conditions Where Practice Applies 5-10% Reed canarygrass 4 Tall fescue Grass waterways are used where added vegetative protec- Kentucky bluegrass . tion is needed to control erosion resulting from con- Grass-legume mixture 3 centrated runoff. 1 For highly erodible soils,permissible velocities should be Design Criteria decreased 25%.An erodibility factor(K)greater than 0.35 would indicate a highly erodible soil.Erodibility factors(K Capacity factors)for New York soils are listed on the Soils 5 forms The minimum capacity shall be that required to confine the available in each SCS office. peak rate of runoff expected from a 10 year frequency Cross Section rainfall event or a higher frequency corresponding to the hazard involved.This requirement for confinement may be The design water surface elevation of a grassed waterway waived on slopes of less than one(1)percent where out-of- receiving water from diversions or other tributary channels bank flow will not cause erosion or property damage. shall be equal to or less than the design water surface Peak rates of runoff values used in determining the capacity elevation in the diversion or other tributary channels. requirements shall be as outlined in Chapter 2,Estimating The top width of parabolic waterways shall not exceed 30 Runoff,Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Prac- feet and the bottom width of trapezoidal waterways shall Jim,Section 10 of this manual or by TR-55,Urban H rol- not exceed 15 feet unless multiple or divided waterways, ogy for Small Watersheds. stone center, or other means are provided to control Where there is base flow, it shall be handled by a stone meandering of low flows. center, subsurface drain, or other suitable means since Structural Measures , sustained wetness usually prevents adequate vegetative cover. The cross-sectional area of the stone center or In cases where grade or erosion problems exist, special subsurface drain size to be provided shall be determined control measures may be needed such as stone centers, by using a flow rate of 0.1 cfs/acre or by actual measurement drop structures, or grade stabilization measures. Where of the maximum base flow. needed, these measures will be supported by adequate Velocity design computations.For typical cross sections of water- ways with riprap sections or stone centers,refer to Figure Maximum permissible velocities (1) of flow shall not ex- 5B:8 on page 5B.13. ceed the values shown: Permissible The design procedures for parabolic and trapezoidal chan- 1 nels are available in the SCS Engineering Field Manual for Velocity Conservation Practices; Figure 5B.9 on page 5B.14 also $ - Channel Lining ( /c l provides a design chart for parabolic waterway. 0-5% Reed canarygrass 5 Tall fescue Kentucky bluegrass October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B11 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Outlets Stabilization Each waterway shall have a stable outlet.The outlet may Waterways shall be stabilized in accordance with the ap- be another waterway, a stabilized open channel, grade propriate vegetative stabilization standard and specifica- stabilization structure, etc. In all cases, the outlet must tions. discharge in such a manner as not to cause erosion.Outlets shall be constructed and stabilized prior to the operation Construction Specifications of the waterway. See Figure 513.10 on page 513.15 for details New York Guidelines for Urban Page 513.12 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 513.8 Typical Waterway Cross Sections. T • is D IA' r• �' to le GRAVEL. BEDDING, OR FILTER CLOTH Waterway with stone center drain. "V" section shaped by motor grader. T t/3 T 40 t0 Ile 1!o G• GRAVEL BEDDING OR FILTER CLOTH Waterway with stone center drain. Rounded section shaped by bulldozer. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.13 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control • No n ,• EN • . /; LIC WATERWAY .: Velocity and Capacity DESIGN 1, • --- p� _ ::i9i2'ee'iei .. Ee:U eeEeei :-:E EEEEEE9E:9'ee5EeE22E2EE9EEEe8eE �iEEew::s:5�;cc:::::::: ._U:: ::ss::3:c.1J:.�1!:i�:C" .+I...C::PS-- ::::. - ::t:: --••• •::i.I...' -5.....L�. :':7 ego i=s;;::- sx -aa•��c',Eer.?e�rs=='s': e5seaieeEeeee'r:::::�::E;,a::::.�-s�ssE•T E=ee °+iee.•!Le:- r .iissrt�s:x:�:rs-Maadee:'ee =e.................e U. 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I _ J r b TRAPEZOIDAL CROSS-SECTION D --- D/ T PARABOLIC CROSS-SECTION Construction Specifications 1. All trees, brush, stumps, obstructions, and other- objectionable material shall be removed and disposed of so as not to interfere with the proper functioning of the waterway. 2. The waterway shall be excavated or shaped to line, grade, and cross section as required to meet the criteria specified herein, and be free of bank projections or other irregularities which will impede normal flow. 3. Fills shall be compacted as needed to prevent unequal-settlement that would cause damage in the complete waterway. 4. All earth removed and not needed in construction shall be spread or disposed of so that it will not interfere with the functioning of the waterway. 5. Stabilization shall be done according to the appropriate Standard and Specifications for Vegetative Practices. A. For design velocities of less than 3.5 ft. per sec., seeding and mulching may be used for the establishment of the vegetation. It is recommended that, when conditions permit, temporary diversions or other means should be used to prevent water from entering the waterway during the establishment of the vegetation. S. For design velocities of more than 3.5 ft. per sec., the waterway shall be stabilized with sod, with seeding protected by jute or excelsior matting or with seeding and mulching including temporary diversion of the water until the vegetation is established C. Structural - Vegetative Protection (1) Subsurface drain for base flow shall be constructed as shown on the Standard Drawing and as specified in the Standard and Specifications for Subsurface Drain. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL - SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE GRASSED WATERWAY y� SYRACUSE, NEW YORK GL. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.15 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LINED WATERWAY OR OUTLET Definition Lined Materials Flagstone 0.022 A waterway or outlet with a lining of concrete, stone, or Riprap Determine from other permanent material.The lined section extends up the Fig.5B.11 on page 5B.19 side slopes to the designed depth. The earth above the Gabion 0.030 permanent lining may be vegetated or otherwise protected. Purpose 2. Riprap and filter (bedding) shall be designed in ac- cordance with criteria set forth in the,National To provide for the disposal of concentrated runoff without Cooperative HighwayResearch ProgramReport 108, damage from erosion or flooding where grassed waterways available from the University Microfilm Internation-, would be inadequate due to high velocities. al, 300 N. Ree Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48016, Publication No. PB-00839; or the Hydraulic En- Scope gineering Circular No.�11, prepared by the U.S. This standard applies to waterways or outlets with linings Bureau of Public Roads, available from Federal of cast-in-place concrete,flagstone mortared in place,rock Highway Administration, 400 7th Street, S.W., riptap, gabions or similar permanent linings. It does not Washington,D.C.20590,HNG-31,or the procedure apply to irrigation ditch and canal linings,grassed water- in the Soil Conservation Service's Engineering Field ways with stone centers or small lined sections to carry Manual,Chapter 16. prolonged low flows, or to reinforced concrete channels. The maximum capacity of the waterway flowing at design Velocity depth shall not exceed 100 cubic feet per second. Conditions Where Practice Applies 1. Maximum design velocity shall be as shown below. Except for short transition sections,flow with a Chan- -- This practice applies where the following or similar condi- nel gradient within the range of 0.7 to 1.3 of this flow's tions exist: critical slope must be avoided unless the channel is straight. Velocities exceeding critical will be L Concentrated runoff is such that a lining is required to restricted to straight reaches. control erosion. 2.Steep grades,wetness,prolonged base flow, seepage, Design Flow Depth Maximum Velocity or piping would cause erosion. 0.0-0.5 X25� 3. The location is such that damage from use by people 0.5-1.0 15 or animals precludes use of vegetated.waterways or Greater than 1.0 10 , outlets. 4.Soils are highly erosive or other soil and climate con- 2.Waterways or outlets with velocities exceeding critical ditions preclude using vegetation. shall discharge into an energy dissipator to reduce 5.High value property or adjacent facilities warrant the velocity to less than critical, or to a velocity the extra cost to contain design runoff in a limited space. downstream soil and vegetative conditions will allow. Design Criteria Cross Section Capacity The cross section shall be triangular, parabolic, or 1. The minimum capacity shall be adequate to carry the trapezoidal. Monolithic concrete or gabions may be rec- peak rate of runoff from a 10 year,24-hour storm.Velocity tangular. shall be computed using Manning's equation with a coeffi- Freeboard cient of roughness"n"as follows: The minimum freeboard for lined waterways or outlets Lined Material "n" shall be 0.25 feet above design high water in areas where Concrete(Type): erosion resistant vegetation cannot be grown adjacent to Trowel Finish 0.015 the paved side slopes.No freeboard is required where good Float Finis 0.019 vegetation can be grown and is maintained. Gunite 0.019 October 1991=Third Printing Page 5B.17 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Side Slope Contraction Joints Steepest permissible side slopes,horizontal to vertical will- Contraction joints in, concrete linings; where required, be as follows: shall be formed transversely to a depth of about one third 1. Non-Reinforced Concrete the thickness of the lining at a uniform spacingin the range Hand-placed,formed concrete of 10 to 15 feet. Height of lining,1.5 ft.or less....................Vertical Rock Riprap or Flagstone Hand placed screened concrete or mortared in-place flagstone Stone used for riprap or gabions shall be dense and hard Height of lining,less than 2 ft........................1 to 1 enough to withstand exposure to air,water, freezing and Height of lining,more than 2 ft......................2 to I thawing.Flagstone shall be flat for ease of placement and 2. Slip form concrete: ' have the strength to resist exposure and breaking. Height of lining,less than 3 ft.........................1 to 1 Cutoff 3. Rock Riprap.......................................................2 to 1 Cutoff walls shall be used at the beginning and ending of 4. Gabions. .........................................................Vertical concrete lining, and for rock riprap lining shall be keyed 5. Pre-cast Concrete Sections..........................Vertical into the channel bottom and at both ends of the lining. Lining Thickness Construction Specifications Minimum lining thickness shall be as follows: 1.The foundation area shall be cleared of trees,stumps, 1.Concrete.................4 in.(In most problem areas,shall be roots, sod, loose rock, or other objectionable 5 in.with welded wire fabric reinforcing.) material. size plus thickness 2 2.Rock Riprap......1.5 x maximum stone .The cross-section shall be excavated to the neat lines of filter or bedding. and grades as shown on the plans. Over-excavated 3.Flagstone.............4 in.including mortar bed. areas shall be backfilled with moist soil compacted to the density of the surrounding material. Related Structures 3.No abrupt deviations from design grade or horizontal alignment shall be permitted. Side inlets, drop structures, and energy dissipators shall meet the hydraulic and structural requirement of the site. 4.Concrete linings shall be placed to the thickness shown on the plans and finished in a workmanlike manner. Filters or Bedding Adequate precautions shall be taken to protect fresh- Filters or bedding to prevent piping,reduce uplift pressure, ly placed concrete from freezing or extremely high and collect water will be used as required-and will be temperatures,to insure proper curing. designed in accordance with sound engineering principles. 5.Filter bedding,and rock riprap shall be placed to line Weep holes and drains will be provided as needed. and grade in the manner specked. Concrete 6.Construction operation shall be done in such'a manner that erosion,air and water pollution will be minimized Concrete used for lining shall be so proportioned that it is and held within legal limits.The completed job shall plastic enough for thorough consolidation and stiff enough present a workmanlike appearance. All disturbed to stay in place on side slopes. A dense product will be areas shall be vegetated or otherwise protected required.A mix that can be certified as suitable to produce against soil erosion. a minimum strength of at least 3,000 pounds per square inch will be required. Cement used shall be Portland Ce- Maintenance ment, Type I, Il, IV, or V. Aggregate used shall have a maximum diameter of 11/2 inches. Pavement or lining should be maintained as built to prevent undermining and deterioration.Trees should be removed Weep holes should be provided in concrete footings and next to pavements,as roots can cause uplift damage. retaining walls to allow free drainage of water.Pipe used _ for weep holes shall be non-corrosive. Vegetation next to pavement should be maintained in good Mortar condition to prevent scouring if the pavement is over- topped.See Standard and Specifications for Critical Area Mortar used for mortared in-place flagstone shall consist Seeding on page 3.3. of a mix of cement, sand, and water with a water/cement ratio of not more than 6 gallons of water per bag of cement. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 513.18 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control • 1 � 11111111�1111111111IIIInI-.■ Em on 1 1111pp1�1��Iin11N1pp1■_„��I;III� lIn IIIIIIIINI��mmm� 111111NI►I Hilllll1�1111■:■ ■l■■■■ 1/1111 111111N�11N�I�Mill 11111=111 1 1111■■■,■11E IVIlllIIIIII Hilllllillll■■■m■■■■■■ H/11111!!!!!I�l11■■1111n111W111N1■1111111■■■m■■■■■■ 11�1111111t11111111111;IIID■■■�■■■■■■■■111111l11lIIInN ■1IIIIIIIIIInn111n111111■■■■■■■■■■ Illllllllln►'ll�111pp►IIO■■m■ENE■NN 1111n1 1 1 ■UNSEEN iii►111111111illllll�ll►!O■w■■■■■■N�N 11111 m■s■SNN iiiii�iiiiiiiii°iiiliiii iiiiiri■iiii�iiiii= ME=■III MI ■OMEN■ 1 111111111111111►11111111\1t!■mO■■■■■■■/1111111 . .io(y/d5o) + 14.01 ■s■0■H 11111111�111111111!1IIIttHV�?N■■■■N■NNN111i111� ■■■■■■N 1111111111111111111;IIIIIOI��■■■■N■N■1/111111 depth of • moss■■■ llnll111!Illlllllll,nn■I►��11■■■■■■■■■■iiiiii! �■■■■■■ 1111111111!IIIt1111111`IIO�!'a■■■■■■■■11111111. ! 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Minimum Tailwater Condition;see Figure 5B.14 on page 513.26 as an example. Scope Apron Size This standard applies to the planning, design, and con- The apron length and width shall be determined from the struction of rock riprap and gabions for protection of curves according to the tailwater conditions: downstream areas. It does not apply to rock lining of Minimum Tailwater-Use Figure SB.12 on page SB.24 channels or streams. Maximum Tailwater-Use Figure 5B.13 on page 5B.25- Conditions Where B.25"ConditionsWhere Practice Applies If the pipe discharges directly into a well defined channel, This practice applies where discharge velocities and ener- the apron shall extend across the channel bottom and up gies at the outlets of culverts, conduits or channels are the channel banks to an elevation one foot above the sufficient to erode the next downstream reach.This applies maximum tailwater depth or to the top of the bank, to: whichever is less. r 1.Culvert outlets of all types. The upstream end of the apron,adjacent to the pipe shall 2.Pipe conduits from all sediment basins,dry storm water have a width two(2)times the diameter of the outlet pipe, ponds,and permanent type ponds. or conform to pipe end section if used. 3.New channels constructed as outlets for culverts and Bottom Grade conduits. The outlet protection apron shall be constructed with no Design Criteria slope along its length.There shall be no overfall at the end of the apron.The elevation of the downstream end of the The design of rock outlet protection depends entirely on apron shall be equal to the elevation of the receiving chan- the location. Pipe outlets at the top of cuts or on slopes nel or adjacent ground. steeper than 10 percent, cannot be protected by rock aprons or riprap sections due to reconcentration of flows Alignment and high velocities encountered after the flow leaves the The outlet protection apron shall be located so that there apron. are no bends in the horizontal alignment. Many counties and state agencies have regulations and Materials design procedures already established for dimensions,type and size of materials,and locations where outlet protection The outlet protection may be done using rock riprap, is required.Where these requirements exist,they shall be grouted riprap or gabions. followed. Riprap shallbe composed of awell graded mixture of stone Tailwater depth size so that 50 percent of the pieces, by weight, shall be larger than the d5o size determined by using the charts.A The depth of tailwater immediately below the pipe outlet well graded mixture as used herein is defined as a mixture must be determined for the design capacity of the pipe.If composed primarily of larger stone sizes but with a suffi- the tailwater depth is less than half the diameter of the cient mixture of other sizes to fill the smaller voids between outlet pipe and the receiving stream is wide enough to the stones.The diameter of the largest stone size in such a / accept divergence of the flow,it shall be classified as a mixture shall be 1.5 times the d5o size. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.21 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Thickness Gabions shall be fabricated in such a manner that the sides,. ends and lid can be assembled at the construction site into The minimum thickness of the riprap layer shall be 1.5 a rectangular basket of the specified sizes. Gabions shall times the maximum stone diameter for dso of 15 inches or be of single unit construction and shall be installed accord- less;and 1.2 times the maximum stone size for dso greater ing to manufacturers recommendations. than 15 inches.The following chart lists some examples: The area on which the gabion is to be installed shall be Minimum graded as shown on the drawings.Foundation conditions Dso dmax Blanket Thickness shall be the same as for placing rock riprap and filter cloth (inches) (inches) (inch shall be placed under all gabions.Where required, a key 4 6 9 may be needed to prevent undermining of the main gabion 6 9 14 structure. 9 14 20 Maintenance 12 18 27 15 22 32 Once a riprap outlet has been installed, the maintenance 18 27 32 needs are very low.It should be inspected after high flows 21 32 38 to see if scour beneath the riprap has occurred, or any 24 .36 43 stones have been dislodged.Repairs should be made im- mediately. Stone Quality Design Procedure Stone for riprap shall consist of field stone or rough un- 1. Investigate the downstream channel to assure that hewn quarry stone.The stone shall be hard and angular and non-erosive velocities can be maintained. of a quality that will not disintegrate on exposure to water 2. Determine the tailwater condition at the outlet to or weathering.The specific gravity of the individual stones establish which curve to use. shall be at least 2.5. 3. Enter the appropriate chart with the depth of flow and Recycled concrete equivalent may be used provided it has discharge velocity to determine the riprap size and a density of at least 150 pounds per cubic foot, and does apron length required.It is noted that references to not have any exposed steel or reinforcing bars. pipe diameters in the charts are based on full flow. For other than full pipe flow,the parameters of depth Filter of flow and velocity must be used. A filter is a layer of material placed between the riprap and 4. Calculate apron width at the downstream end if a the underlying soil surface to prevent soil movement into flared section is to be employed. and through the riprap.Riprap shall have a filter placed Examples under it in all cases. Example 1:Pipe Flow(full)with discharge to unconfined A filter can be of two general forms:A gravel layer ora section. plastic filter cloth.The plastic filter cloth can be woven or non-woven monofilament yarns,and shall meet these base Given:A circular conduit flowing full. requirements: thickness 20-60 mils, grab-strength 90-120 . lbs; and shall conform to ASTM D-1777 and ASTM D- Q = 280 cfs, diam. = 66 in., tailwater (surface) is 2 ft. 1682 above pipe invert(minimum tailwater condition). Gravel filter blanket when used shall be designed by com- Find:Read dso = 1.2 and apron length(La) = 38 ft. paring particle sizes of the overlying material and the base Apron width = diam. + La = 5B.5 + 38 = 43.5 ft. material. Design criteria are available in Standard and Use:dso = 15",dmax= 22",blanket thickness = 32" Specification for Riprap Slope Protection,page 5B.55. Example :Box Flow(partial)with high tailwater Gabions Given:A box conduit discharging under partial flow con- Gabions shall be made of hexagonal triple twist mesh with ditions.A concrete box 5.5 ft.x 10 ft.flowing 5.0 ft.deep, heavily galvanized steel wire.The maximum linear dimen- sion of the mesh opening shall not exceed 41/2 inches and Q = 600 cfs and tailwater surface is 5 ft. above invert the area of the mesh opening shall not exceed 10 square (Max.tailwater condition). inches. Since this is not full pipe flow and does not directly fit the nomograph assumptions, it is necessary to compute the _ New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.22 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control velocity in the conduit and then substitute the depth of flow Calculation of the downstream channel (by Manning's as a diameter to find a discharge equal to full flow for that Equation)indicates a normal depth of 3.1 ft. and normal diameter,in this case 60 inches. velocity of 3.9 fps. Compute velocity: Since the receiving channel is confined,the maximum tail- V = (Q/A) _(600/(5)(10)) = 12 fps water condition controls. Then substituting: Find: discharge using above principles: Q = aLJY x V = 3.14(5 x 12 fps = 236 cfs Q = &43ft)�x 10 fps = 71 cfs 4 4 4 At the intersection of d = 36 in.and Q = 71 cfs,read dso At the intersection of the curve d = 60 in.and Q = 236 = 0.3 ft. cfs,read d5o = 0.4 ft. Reading the d = 36" curve,read apron length(La) = 30 Then reading the d = 60 in.curve,read apron length(Ld) ft- = 40 ft. Since the maximum flow depth in this reach is 3.1 ft.,that Apron width,W = conduit width + (0.04)(La) = 10 + is the minimum depth of riprap to be maintained for the (0.4)(40) = 26 ft. entire length. Example :Open Channel Flow with Discharge to Uncon- Construction Specifications fined Section 1.The subgrade for the filter,riprap or gabion shall be Given: A trapezoidal concrete channel 5 ft.wide with 2:1 prepared to the required lines and grades. Any fill side slopes is flowing 2 ft. deep, Q = 180 cfs (velocity = required in the subgrade shall be compacted to a 10 fps) and the tailwater surface downstream is 0.8 ft. density`of approximately that of the surrounding un- (minimum tailwater condition). disturbed material. Find: Using similar principles as Example 1, compute- 2. The rock or gravel shall conform to the specified equivalent discharge for a 2-foot circular pipe flowing full grading limits when installed respectively in the at 10 feet per second. riprap or filter. Velocity: 3.Filter cloth shall be protected from punching,cutting or tearing. Any damage,other than an occasional Q = 2f 2'x 10 fps = 31.4 cfs small hole shall be repaired by placing another piece 4 of cloth over the damaged part or by completely At intersection of the curve, d = 24 in. and Q = 32 cfs, replacing the cloth.All overlaps whether for repairs read d5o = 0.6 ft. or for joining two pieces of cloth shall be a minimum of one foot. Then reading the d = 24 in.curve,read apron length(La) 4.Stone for the riprap or gabion outlets may be placed 20 ft. Yequipment.b Both shall each be constructed to the Apron width,W = bottom width of channel + La = 5 + full course thickness in one operation and in such a 20 = 25 ft. manner as to avoid displacement of underlying materials.The stone for riprap or gabion outlets shall Example 4:Pipe flow(partial)with discharge to a confined be delivered and placed in a manner that will insure section that it is reasonably homogenous with the smaller Given: A 48 in.pipe is discharging with a depth of 3 ft.,Q stones and spalls filling the voids between the larger = 100 cfs, and discharge velocity of 10 fps (established stones.Riprap shall be placed in a manner to prevent from partial flow analysis)to a confined trapezoidal chan- damage to the filter blanket or filter cloth. Hand nel with a 2 ft.bottom,2:1 side slopes,n = .04,and grade placement will be required to the extent necessary to of 0.6%. prevent damage to the permanent works. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.23 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control _ N \NN_N_ __r I rNrrrr_rrrr \r►.\r_� �-_�rr__rrrrr_rm _r ------- MC \���\� . \rrrr_rrrr�rrm�_rr� •�r�r���rrr�rrr� -----��r���mm��M_wr. =����-fir►_-�����__=_NONE -_ _ --E _-_----- ♦• -- -_-_ Il------- -----_---- -----�__-----_---- - MHO 1-121 •'��ANN -M �Y�•=r_.\_�_______��_�____�_____�- ___N�__�=�==_rrr� NrNrNN_��r�,•rN t►\�_- r�Y Nrrrrrrrrrr-� _� �r_.�r.YrrrNrr Y_rNrNNr � M����Orr\Nrrrrrrrrrrrr\rrr. / .\rr.�r�r rr_rrr� .■■■�H��� � \\OSENSE 00 �\yam\H.q���..H�����\ M■E■■■M■MMMMi V■\\■li■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\. \■■►\N■EN M■■MM■M■■EEM `■\■\\■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEMO► \■\\ nommmmmmm ■■■A■■■■■ ��■►■��■■■■■■■■■■■■ '�■ .. ■■■■■n■■■ ' \a■►■\■■■■u■■■■■nNam r_rrNrrNNNN \.�'�'r__NNrNN__r \r�•r.�� 7�M , rrr�rrrrNNNN .\\1h\r�wrrrNr Nor .��.�E fir•\����: _ • _=--_=__ N=rrNrr�-_ `\ • err r M'.__. • N�M_Nrr �.M\�_NM_Nrr_ �r.�N rr_NNNrNrN 1\�\■�'rr Nrrr NrrrN �� NwrNNrrr � \\•�rrr_NNrrrrrrrr NN�w�r_ �'�wrrr_rNrr_�w_ 7= _ - • � ■.■■■�■■■��■■ 1,1\\■■■�■■��■�■■�■�■■ Yom\ M■■■■■■■■■■ r'■■\■■M■■■EE■■E■■■ MMEMMM■■MME■EA\1wEEM■u■E■■M■■■ \\� M■■■■NOME M■ 111\V■M■■■■ ■■■■■■M■■ • , ■■■■■■■111 ��►■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■ � • YY N_rr_MN-Y . _ rrrrrrrrr��r�rrrr_�rrr_Nr��NN. �r_��rr_r\■r��rrrrHrrNr NI ___-----_____________= M ■_ • • • --N • •1 . 1 • -• n' 1 •1 • •��-----� 42 NEED ■■ Mani_—"�� 1-01—wN■NN■Hgi ��\gin■HH■■M���H■■H■q .�SqN■■■NOME Ni _-- _ OWN-0' - - = a 5 MM ism MCO �MOO N IN WE — ■■■H■■ A■HN■H■\. ■■H■■■■■■ '�■H■►HH■ ■HH■■ C■ M■■■\`M■■■ • ■■■■■ifio • nnuO■■ •' =1i111CNO =Z1111iiEamMCCCCCCCM . - -======--====== -==-'•N -------------- -- ===_====SES-a • •- I- • on.. I • • 1 1 . -• 11- 1 •1 • Figure 513.14 Riprap Outlet Protection Example A ` Profile -- �d" I g Dischar a to I - � --� f Unconfined Section (Flared Outlet) - (Minimum Tailwater Condition r I 3 i 3 W . A La PLAN VIEW ziscLA 6" Min. Existing Stabilized Channel d/2', Pipe D2 TOE WALL 0� Graded Aggrega a Filter or Filter Clloth PROFILE VIEW Rip rap to be embedded in proposed transition section Original Grade 411 - \�6" Min. - Filter Cloth or Graded Aggregate Filter See Rip rap standard & specifications • � i CROSS SECTION A - A New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.26 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 56.15 Riprap Outlet Protection Example Section Vidw / - Discharge to confined channel r section I d I I Plan View La Top of rip rap /,- Top of channel 6" min. downstream channel 0% —�,—� S _y, invert 3.0 M i N Filter Cloth Profile View i.oAor graded aggregate filter S�t�oN Vi est , Minimum depth of rip rap = maximum depth of flow (downstream normal depth or discharge depth, which ever is greater) Slope to vary from 2:1 at pipe outlet to existing channel „ slope at end of apron. 4" 6 Filter cloth or graded aggregate filter Width of bottom to vary from 1/2 pipe diameter at t pipe outlet to existing channel bottom at end of apron Section View October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.27 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 56.16 Riprap Outlet Protection Example # A � g I �- - r- -_ ( Discharge to Semi- i a Confined Section d/Z (Maximum Tailwater d i Condi tion) _1- -- I N 3 B A r-L La I Min. depth = discharge or tailwater depth, whichever is greater. depth dictated by channel section at end of apron 6"min. Oz . Filter cloth or graded aggregate w = d + 0.4La w = d + 0.4La Channel section 4" d/2 I " min. to vary from A-A 1 4" �v to B-B '� I Filter cloth or See rip rap Filter cloth or graded graded aggregate filter standard & aggregate filter specification SECTION B-B (A4 4LpJ of opren) SECTION A-A (Af cnd of culvert) New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.28 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADE STABILIZATION STRUCTURE Definition will be provided to prevent erosion or scour of both ends of the channel lining. A structure to stabilize the grade or to control head cutting 2.Overfall structures of concrete,metal,rock riprap or in natural or artificial channels. other suitable material is used to lower water from one elevation to another. These structures are ap- plicable where it is desirable to drop the watercourse elevation over a very short horizontal distance.Ade- This standard applies to all types of grade stabilization structures.It does not apply to storm sewers or their com- Quate protection will be provided to prevent erosion or scour upstream, downstream and along sides of ponent parts. overfall structures. Structures should be located on Purpose straight sections of channel with a minimum of 100 feet of straight channel each way. Grade stabilization structures are used to reduce or 3.Pipe drops of metal pipe with suitable inlet and outlet prevent excessive erosion by reduction of velocities and structures.The inlet structure may consist of avertical grade in the watercourse or by providing channel linings or section of pipe or similar material,an embankment or structures that can withstand the higher velocities. a combination of both.The outlet structure will pro- vide adequate protection against erosion or scour at Conditions Where Practice Applies the pipe outlet. This practice applies to sites where the capability of earth Capacity and,vegetative measures is exceeded in the safe handling Structures which are designed to operate in conjunction of water at permissible velocities,where excessive grades with other erosion control practices shall have as a min- or overfall conditions are encountered or where water is to mum capacity equal to the bankfull capacity of the channel be lowered structurally from one elevation to another. delivering water to the structures. The minimum design These structures should generally be planned and installed capacity for structures that are not designed to perform in along with or as a part of other conservation practices in conjunction with other practices shall be that required to an overall surface water disposal system. handle the peak rate of flow from a 10 year, 24 hour frequency storm or bankfull, whichever is greater. Peak Design Criteria rates of runoff used in determining the capacity require- ments shall be determined as outlined in Chapter 2, Es- Compliance with Laws and Regulations timating Runoff, Engineering Field Manual for Design and construction shall be in compliance with state Conservation Practices; Section 10 in this manual or by and local laws and regulations. Such compliance is the TR-55,Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, responsibility of the landowner or developer. Set the rest of the structure at an elevation that will stabilize General the grade of the upstream channel. The outlet should be set at an elevation to assure stability. Outlet velocities Designs and specifications shall be prepared for each should be kept within the allowable limits for the receiving structure on an individual job basis depending on its pur- stream. Structural drop spillways need to include a foun- pose,site conditions and the basic criteria of the conserva- dation drainage system to reduce hydrostatic loads. tion practice with which the structure is planned.Typical structures are as follows: Structures which involve the retarding of floodwater or the impoundment of water shall be designed using the criteria 1.Channel linings of concrete,asphalt,half round metal set forth in the guidelines for Ponds or Floodwater Retard- pipe or other suitable lining materials.These linings ing Structures,whichever is applicable. should generally be used where channel velocities exceed safe velocities for vegetated channels due to Construction Specifications increased grade or a change in channel cross section or where durability of vegetative lining is adversely Structures shall be installed according to lines and grades affected by seasonal changes. Adequate protection shown on the plan.The foundation for structures shall be cleared of all undesirable materials prior to the installation October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.29 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control of the structure.Materials used in construction shall be of Locate emergency bypass areas so floods in excess of a permanency commensurate with-die design frequency structural capacity enters the channel far enough and life expectancy of the practice.Earthfill,when used as downstream so as not,to cause damage to the structure. a part of the structure, shall be placed in 4 inch lifts and hand compacted within 2 feet of the structure. Maintenance Seeding, fertilizing and mulching shall conform to the Once properly installed, the maintenance for the grade recommendation specification in Section 3. stabilization structure should be minimal. Inspect the structure periodically and after major storm events. Check Construction operations shall be carried out in such a fill for piping or extreme settlement.Ensure a good vegeta- manner that erosion and air and water pollution will be tive cover. Check the channel for scour or debris and loss minimized. State and local laws concerning pollution of rock from aprons. Repair or replace failing structures abatement shall be complied with. immediately. New York.Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.30 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAVED FLUME Definition Drainage filters - Use a drainage filter with all paved flumes to prevent piping and reduce uplift pressures. Size A small concrete-lined channel to convey water on a rela- of the filter material will be dependent on the soil material tively steep slope. the flume is located in. Purpose Inlet section -Design the inlet to the following minimum dimensions: side walls 2 feet high, length 6 feet, width To,convey concentrated runoff safely down the face of a equal to the flume channel bottom, and side slopes the cut or fill slope without causing erosion. same as the flume channel side slopes. Condition Where Practice Applies Outlet section -Outlets must be protected from erosion. Usually an energy dissipator is used to reduce the high Where concentrated storm runoff must be conveyed down chute velocities to lower non erosive velocities. Rock a cut or fill slope as part of a permanent erosion control riprap should be placed at the end of the dissipator to system. Paved flumes serve as stable outlets for diversions, spread flow evenly to the receiving channel. drainage channels, or natural drainageways that are lo- See figure 5B.17 on page 5B.33 for examples of outlet cated above relatively steep slopes. Paved flumes should structures. be used on slopes of 1:5 to 1 or flatter. Invert-Precast concrete sections may be used in lieu of Design Criteria cast in place concrete. These sections should be designed_ at the joint to be overlapped to prevent displacement Capacity- Minimum capacity should be the 10 year fre- between sections. Joint sealing compound should be used quency storm. Freeboard or enough bypass capacity to prevent migration of soil through a joint. Cutoff walls should be provided to safeguard the structure from peak and anchor lugs should be cast in the appropriate sections r" flows expected for the life of the structure. to accomodate the design criteria. l_ Slope-The slope should not be steeper than 1.5:1(67%). Small Flumes"-Where the drainage area is 10 acres or less Cutoff Walls-Install cutoff walls at the beginning and end the design dimensions for concrete flumes maybe selected from those shown in the following table: of paved flumes. The cutoff should extend a minimum of 18 inches into the soil and across the full width of the flume Drainage Area(Acres) and be 6 inches thick. Cutoff walls should be reinforced ID with#3 reinforcing bars (3/8") placed on a 6 inch grid in the center of the wall. Min Bottom Width 4 8 Anchor Lugs-Space anchor lugs a minimum of 10 feet on Min Inlet Depth(ft) 2 2 centers for the length of the flume. They will extend the width of the flume,extend 1 foot into subsoil,be a minimum Min Channel Depth(ft) 1.3 1.3 of,6 inches thick and reinforced with#3 reinforcing bars Max Channel Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1 placed on a 6 inch grid. Concrete-Minimum strength of design mix shall 3000 psi. Max Side Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1 Concrete thickness shall be a minimum of 6 inches rein- See figure 5B.18 on page 5B.34 for details. forced with #3 reinforcing bars. Mix shall be dense, durable, and stiff enough to stay in place on steep slopes Construction Specifications and sufficiently plastic for consolidation. Concrete mix should include an air-entraining admixture to resist freeze- 1. The subgrade shall be constructed to the lines and thaw cycles. grades shown on the plans. Remove all unsuitable material and replace them if necessary with com- Cross Section-Flumes shall have minimum depth of 1 foot pacted stable fill materials. Shape subgrade to with 1.5:1 side slopes. Bottom widths shall be based on uniform surface. Where concrete is poured directly maximum flow capacity. Chutes will be maintained in a on subsoil maintain it in a moist condition. t straight alignment because of supercritical flow velocities. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.31 New Fork Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 2. On fill slopes the soil adjacent to the chute for a Plumes longer than 50 feet shall have preformed ex- minimum of 5 feet must be well compacted. pansion joints installed. 3. Where drainage filters are placed under the structure 6. Immediately after construction, all disturbed areas the concrete will not be poured on the filter. A plastic will be final graded and seeded. liner, a minimum of 4 mils thick, will be placed to prevent contamination of filter layer. Maintenance 4. Place concrete for the flume to the thickness shown on Inspect flumes after each rainfall until all areas adjoining the plans and finish according to details. Protect the flume are permanently stabilized. Repair all damage freshly poured concrete from extreme temperatures immediately. Inspect outlet and rock riprap to assure (hot or cold)and ensure proper curing. presence and stability. Any missing components should be 5. Form, reinforce, and pour together cutoff walls, immediately replaced. anchor lugs and channel linings. Provide traverse joints to control cracking at 20 foot intervals. Joints can be formed by using a 1/8 inch thick removable template or by sawing to a minimum depth of 1 inch. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 51$.32 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 58.17 EXAMPLES OF OUTLET STRUCTURES Virginia Department of Highways and Colorado State University Transportation Rigid Boundary Basin USBR Type IV Basin St.Anthony Falls Stilling Basin ri � 1 ri I I Contra Costa County, Calif. Straight Drop Spillway Stilling Basin f 0 \ a \ 1 °q11=11111 d c IIII I October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.33 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure,56.18 PAVED FLUME DETAILS Emergency bypass flow77 • "',?'4(i},`:',c`.;%,. jL d Jl YrJ- I - I I DRAINAGE ;MIN BOTTOM MIN CHANNEL MAX SIDE MIN INLET MAX CHANNEL ' AREA ( AC ) WIDTH ( FT ) DEPTH ( FT ) SLOPE ( FT/FT ) DEPTH ( FT ) SLOPE ( FT/FT ) 5 4 1.3 1.5: 1 2 1.5:1 10 8 1.3 1.5:1 2 1.5: 1 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. SUBGRADE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE LINES AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS. REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND REPLACE THEM, IF NECESSARY WITH COMPACTED STABLE FILL MATERIALS. SHAPE SUBGRADE TO UNIFORM SURFACE. WHERE CONCRETE IS POURED DIRECTLY ON SUBSOIL MAINTAIN IT IN A MOIST CONDITION. 2. ON FILL SLOPES THE SOIL ADJACENT TO THE CHUTE FOR A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET MUST BE WELL COMPACTED. 3. WHERE DRAINAGE FILTERS ARE PLACED UNDER THE STRUCTURE THE CONCRETE WILL NOT BE POURED ON THE FILTER. A PLASTIC LINER, MINIMUM 4 MILS THICK, WILL BE PLACED TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF THE FILTER LAYER. 4. PLACE CONCRETE FOR THE FLUME TO THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND FINISH ACCORDING TO DETAILS. PROTECT FRESHLY POURED CONCRETE FROM EXTREME TEMPERATURES ( HOT OR COLD ) AND ENSURE PROPER CURING. 5. FORM, REINFORCE, ,AND POUR TOGETHER CUTOFF WALLS, ANCHOR LUGS AND CHANNEL LININGS. PROVIDE TRAVERSE JOINTS TO CONTROL CRACKING AT 20 FOOT INTERVALS. JOINTS CAN BE FORMED BY USING A 1/8 INCH THICK REMOVABLE TEMPLATE OR BY SAWING TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1 INCH. FLUMES LONGER THAN 50 FEET SHALL HAVE PERFORMED EXPANSION JOINTS INSTALLED. 6. IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION, ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE FINAL GRADED AND SEEDED. 7. MAINTENANCE - INSPECT FLUMES AFTER EACH RAINFALL UNTIL ALL AREAS ADJOINING THE FLUME ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY. INSPECT OUTLET AND ROCK. RIPRAP TO ASSURE PRESENCE AND STABILITY. ANY MISSING -COMPONENTS SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY REPLACED. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PAVED FLUME SYRACUSE, NEW YORK New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.34 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL STREAMBANK PROTECTION Definition Construction Specifications Stabilization of eroding streambanks by the use of designed Riprap - Riprap is the most commonly used material to structural measures. structurally stabilize a streambank. Purpose 1. Bank slope- slopes shall be graded to 2:1 or flatter prior to placing bedding,filter fabric or riprap. To protect exposed or eroded streambanks from the 2. Filter-filters should be placed between the base bank erosive forces of flowing water. - material and the riprap and meet the requirements of Condition Where Practice Applies criteria listed in the Standards and Specifications for pp Riprap Slope Protection,page 5B.55. Generally applicable where flow velocities exceed 6 feet 3. Gradation-The gradation of the riprap is dependent per second or where vegetative streambank protection is on the velocity expected against the bank for the inappropriate. Necessary where excessive runoff or con- design conditions. Once the velocity is known grada- struction activities creates an erosive condition on a tion can be selected from the gradations below. The streambank. riprap should extend 2 feet below the channel bottom and be keyed into the bank both at the upstream end Design Criteria and downstream end of the proposed work or reach. Since each channel is unique, measures for structural See Figure 5B.19 on page 5B.37 for details. streambank should be installed according to a design based on specific site conditions. Gabions - Design and install gabions according to manufacturers recommendations. Since these are rectan- Develop designs according to the following principles: gular,rock-filled wire baskets they,are somewhat flexible _ Make protective measures compatible with other channel in armoring channel bottoms and banks. They can modifications planned or being carried out in the channel withstand significantly higher velocities for the size stone reaches. they contain due to the basket structure. They also stack vertically to act as a retaining wall for constrained areas Use the design velocity of the peak discharge of the 10-year (figure 5B.20). A storm or bankfull discharge,whichever is less. Structural Gabions should not be used in streams that carry a bedload measures should be capable of withstanding greater flows that can abrade the wire causing separation and failure. without serious damage. Ensure that the channel bottom is stable or stabilized by Reinforced Concrete - May be used to armor eroding structural means before installing any permanent bank sections of streambank by constructing walls,bulk heads, protection. or bank linings. Provide positive drainage behind these structures to relieve uplift pressures. Streambank protection should begin at a stable location and end at a stable point along the bank. Grid pavers-Modular concrete units with or without void areas can be used to stabilize streambanks. Units with void Changes in alignment should not be done without a com- areas can allow the establishment of vegetation. These plete analysis of effects on the rest of the stream system for structures may be obtained in a variety of shapes (figure both environmental and stability effects. 5B.20)or they may be formed and poured in place. Main- tain design and installation in accordance with manufac- Provisions should be made to maintain and improve fish turers instructions. and wildlife habitat. Revetment-Structural support or armoring to protect an Ensure that all requirements of state law and all permit embankment from erosion. Riprap and gabions are com- requirements of local,state and federal agencies are met. monly used. Also used is a hollow fabric mattress with cells that receive a concrete mixture,(ie.Fabriform).Anyrevet- ment should be installed to a depth below the anticipated October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.35 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control channel degradation and into the channel bed as necessary All areas disturbed by construction should be stabilized as to provide stability. soon as the structural measures are complete. Modular Pre-Cast Units - Interlocking modular precast Maintenance units of different sizes, shapes, heights and depths have been developed for a wide variety of applications. These Check stabilized streambank sections after every high- serve in the same manner as gabions. They provide ver- water event,and make any needed repairs immediately to ticality in tight areas as well as durability. Many types are prevent any further damage or unraveling of the existing available with textured surfaces. They also act as gravity work. retaining walls. They should be designed and installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations(fig- ure 5B.20). Table 513.2 Riprap Gradations PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT C N � ar Dio D 5o D 85 Moo y N N 1 T u X o i rn J c c J c c J c c J c c v 0 0 z I 1 85 - 5 5 4 50 10 8 100 13 10 150 15 12 II 10 - 17 7 6 170 15 12 340 19 15 500 22 18 III" 24 12 2 46 10 8 460 21 17 920 26 2t 1400 30 24 = 36 14 3 150 15 12 1500 30 25 3000 39 32 4500 47 ,36 Y 48 17 48 370 20 16 3700 42 34 7400 53 43 11,000 60 49 New York"Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.36 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 513.19 RIPRAP STREAMBANK PROTECTION DETAILS EXISTING GROUND LINE LAYER THICKNESS NORMAL WATER FLOW U) l� , II 2 N Z STREAM BED RIPRAP OESIGN' TABLE REACH CLASS THICKNESS LAYER HEIGHT 010 050 D85 D100 FILTER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1: SLOPE SHALL BE GRADED TO 2: 1 OR FLATTER PRIOR TO PLACING FILTER, FILTER FABRIC, OR RIPRAP. 2. RIPRAP WILL BE PLACED TO MAINTAIN A UNIFORM GRADATION. LARGER STONE SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE TOE. 3. ENDS OF THE RIPRAP WILL BE KEYED INTO A STABLE BANK. WHEN TYING INTO OTHER STRUCTURES LARGER RIPRAP CAN BE LAID IN STEPS OR STACKED AS NEEDED TO FIT. LARGER STONES THAN FLOW DESIGN WILL BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. 4., REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE GRADED AND PERMANENTLY SEEDED AND MULCHED. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STANDARD SYMBOL RIPRAP STREAMBANK SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK PROTECTION �0..,.., October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.37 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 56.20 STRUCTURAL STREAMBANK PROTECTION.EXAMPLES Excavation 3'XWX6 Limit gabions a_a• / i Backfill ° Limits=1 a Br gabxlons/ i •x3•x6' / bions 33.xd. - gsions / Bedrock i Gabions -III- Filter cloth Stable(bottom Ilii i 2 blocks wide 6• EST. 120 cy . DUMPED \p•• ROCK RIPRAP Grid Pavers (MEDIUM STONE FILL) 3 1 J .. J EXISTING CHANNEL BOTTOM ,2• r I3 o .. —, ,� EXCAVATION N.lH •' ' LINE BACKFILL 1: 1 •' MATERIAL Pre-Cast Modular Units New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.38 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEBRIS BASIN Definition Design Criteria A barrier or dam constructed across a waterway or at other The capacity of the debris basin to the elevation of the crest suitable locations to form a basin for catching and storing of the principal spillway is to equal the volume of the sediment and other waterbome debris. expected sediment yield from the unprotected portions of the drainage area during the planned useful life of the Scope structure.The minimum volume of sediment in acre feet per year can be determined for,various drainage areas This standard covers the installation of debris basins on under construction from curves on Figure 5B.21 on page sites where: (1)failure of the structure would not result in 5B.42. Values of iso-erodents for a specific area or state loss of life or interruption of use or service of public. canbe obtained from Figure 8.1,"Average AnnualIso-Ero- utilities; (2)the drainage area does not exceed 200 acres; dent Values"on page 8.3. Also, an example of sediment and(3)the water surface area at the crest of the emergency capacity determined by computing an equation is given in spillway does not exceed 5 acres.For the purpose of this Section 6,Guidelines for Estimating Sediment Yields for standard,debris basins are classified according to the fol- Urban Construction Areas. lowing table: Suillwav Design Maximum Maximum Emergency Design Drainage Heightl Spillway Storm Runoff will be computed by the method outlined in Chap- Class Area(Ac). of Dam(ft) Required Frequency ter 2, Estimating Runoff"Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices" or Section 10. Runoff computa- tions should be based upon the soil cover conditions ex- 2 20 10 Yes 10 yrs. pected to prevail during the construction period of the 3 200 20 Yes 25 yrs. development. For Class 2 basins, the combined capacities of the 1 Height is measured from the low point of original principal and emergency spillways willbe sufficient to ground along the centerline of dam to the top of dam pass the peak rate of runoff from a 10 year frequency -for Class 1-and to crest of emergency spillway for storm after adjusting for flood routing (method Classes 2 and 3. shown in SCS Engineering Field Manual may be used). 2 Class 1 basins are to be used only where site condi- tions are such that it is impractical to construct an For Class 3 basins, the combined capacities of-the emergency spillway in undisturbed ground. pipe and emergency spillways will be sufficient to pass the peak rate of runoff from a 25 year frequency Purpose stoma. To provide a permanent or temporary means of trapping Pipe Spillway and storing sediment from eroding areas in order to protect The pipe spillway will consist of a vertical pipe box type properties or stream channels below the installation from riser jointed to a conduit which will extend through the damage by excessive sedimentation and debris. embankment and outlet beyond the downstream toe of the fill.The minimum diameter of the conduit will be 8 inches. Conditions Where Practice Applies The riser will be perforated to provide for a gradual draw- Where physicarconditions or land ownership preclude the down after each storm event. The minimum average treatment of the sediment-source by the installation of capacity of the principal spillway will be sufficient-to dis- charge5 inches ofrunoff from the drainage areain24hours erosion control measures to reduce runoff and erosion.It (0.21 cfs per acre of drainage area).The riser of the prin- may also,be used as a permanent or temporary measure cipal spillway shall be a cross-sectional area at least 1.3 during grading and development of areas above.If it is a times that of the barrel. temporary structure,it may be removed once the develop- ment is complete and the area is permanently protected ( against erosion by vegetative or mechanical means. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.39 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 1. Crest Elevation:The crest elevation of the riser shall 1. Capacity: The minimum capacity of the emergency be at least 3 feet below the crest elevation of the spillway shall be that required to pass the peak rate embankment. of runoff from the design storm, less any reduction 2.Perforated:Metal pipe risers shall be perforated with due to flow in the pipe spillway.Emergency spillway 1-1/2 inch diameter holes spaced 8 inches vertically dimensions can be determined by using the method and 10-12 inches horizontally around the pipe.Box outlined in Chapter 11 of"Engineering Field Manual type risers shall be ported or have some means for for Conservation Practices." complete drainage of the sediment pool within a 5 day 2.Velocities:The maximum allowable velocity-of flow in period following storm inflows. the exit channel shall be 6 feet per second for 3.Anti-vortex device:An anti-vortex device shall be in vegetated channels. For channels with erosion stalled on the top of the riser. protection other than vegetation,velocities shall be in the safe range for the type of protection used. 4. Base: The riser shall have a base attached with a watertight connection.The base shpill have sufficient I Erosion protection:Provide for erosion protection by weight to prevent flotation of the r ser. vegetation or by other suitable means such as rock 5. Trash rack: An approved trash rack shall be firmly riprap,asphalt,concrete,etc. attached to the top of the riser if the pipe spillway 4. Freeboard: Freeboard is the difference between the conveys 25 percent or more of the peak rate or runoff design flow elevation in the emergency spillway and from the design storm. the top of the settled embankment. The minimum 6.Anti-sees collar:Anti-seep collars shall be installed freeboard for Class 2 and Class 3 basins shallbe 1 foot. around the pipe conduit within the normal saturation zone when any of the following conditions exist: Embankment(Earth Fill) A.The settled height of dam exceeds 15 ft. Class 1 basins:The minimum top width shallbe 10 feet,The B.The conduit is of smooth pipe larger than 8 inches upstream slope shall be no steeper than 3:1. The in diameter. downstream slope shall be no steeper than 5:1. C.The conduit is of corrugated metal pipe larger than Class 2 basins:The minimum top width shall be 8 feet.The 12 inches in diameter. combined upstream and downstream side slopes shall not The anti-seep collars and their connections to the be less than 5:1 with neither slope steeper than 2-1/2:1. pipe shall be watertight. The maximum spacing shall be approximately 14 times the minimum Class 3 basins: The minimum top width shall be 10 feet. projection of the collar measured perpendicular Side slopes shall be no steeper than 2-1/2:1. to the pipe. Embankment(other than Earth Fill) 7.Outlet protection:Protection against scour at the dis- Class 1 basins only:The embankment may be constructed -charge end of the pipe spillway shall be provided. of the following materials: Protective measures may include structures of the impact basin type, rock riprap, paving, revetment, 1.Pressure treated timber crib-rock filled. excavation of plunge pool or use of other approved 2.Precast reinforced concrete crib-rock filled. methods. 3.Gabions. When the above material is used for the embankment, a Emergency spillway principal spillway is not required;however,the dam shall Class 2 and 3 basins: An emergency spillway shall be be pervious to allow for drainage during time of low inflow. excavated in undisturbed ground wherever site conditions Basins constructed of the above materials should be used ' only when the sediment to be trapped is coarse grained permit. The emergency spillway cross section shall be material such as GW or GP material (Unified Soil Clas- sification System). Class 1 basins:The embankment may be used as an emer- gency spillway.In these cases,the downstream slope of the Construction Specifications embankment shall be 5:1 or flatter and the embankment must be immediately protected against erosion by means Site Preparation such as sodding, rock riprap, asphalt coating or other Areas under the embankment and any structural works approved methods. shall be cleared, grubbed and the topsoil stripped to remove trees, vegetation, roots, and other objectionable New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.40 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control material.In order to facilitate cleanout and restoration,the the pipe spillway will be placed in 4 inch layers and com- pool area will be cleared of all brush and excess trees. '' pacted to at least the same density as the adjacent embank- Cutoff Trench ment. A cutoff trench shall be excavated along the centerline of Em`ecgency Spillway(Class 2 and 3 basins) dam on earth fill embankments to a depth of at least 1.0 The emergency spillway shall be installed in undisturbed foot into a layer of slowly permeable material.The mini- earth unless specified otherwise in the plan.The lines and mum depth shall be 2 feet.The cutoff trench shall extend grades must conform to those shown on the plans as nearly up both abutments to the riser-crest elevation.The mini- as skillful operation of the excavating equipment will per- mum bottom width shall be 4 feet, but wide enough to mit. permit operation of compaction equipment. The side Embankment(other than Earth Fill) slopes shall be no steeper than 1:1. Compaction require- ments shall be the same as those for embankment. The The rock used to fill cribbing or gabions will be hard and trench shall be kept free from standing water during the durable and of an approved size and gradation. backfilling operations. Erosion and Pollution Control Embankment Construction operations will be carried out in such a man- The'fill material shall be taken from approved designated ner that erosion and water pollution will be minimized. borrow areas.It shall be free of roots,woody vegetation, State and local laws concerning pollution abatement shall oversized stones, rocks or other objectionable material. be complied with. Areas on which fill is to be placed shall be scarified prior to placement of fill.The fill material should contain suffi- Safety cient moisture so that it can be formed into a ball without State requirements shall be met concerning fencing and crumbling.If water can be squeezed out of the ball,it is too signs warning the public of hazards of soft sediment and wet for proper compaction. floodwater. Fill material will be placed in 6 to 9 inch layers and shall be Seeding continuous over the entire length of the fill. Compaction will be obtained by routing the hauling equipment over the Seeding, fertilizing and mulching shall conform to the fill so that the entire surface of the fill is traversed by at least recommendations in Section 3, Vegetative Measures for one track width of the equipment or compaction shall be Erosion and Sediment Control in Urban Areas, of this achieved by the use of a compactor.The embankment shall manual. be constructed to an elevation 10 percent higher than the Final Disposal design height to allow for settlement if compaction is ob- tained with hauling equipment.If compactors are used for In the case of temporary structures, when the intended compaction,the overbuild may be reduced to 5 percent. purpose has been accomplished and the drainage area Pipe Spillway properly stabilized, the embankment and resulting silt deposits are to be leveled or otherwise disposed of in The'riser shall be solidly attached to the barrel and all accordance with the plan. connections shall be watertight.The barrel and riser shall be placed on a firm foundation.The fill material around October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.41 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control mm mmi-M-Mm- — ======= Y.NMS//N�/Nth/\•����//N�00—------ El HH/////\t//////LV/// own /M\/\'o//m\////// ////////NDN///\I/LIUMMIEWWRIM mom WIMOVIallmommm Mamma 1021 WOUNIOM N/////N///�//// ■11N■■■■11N11 1111■■■■��■►�■■■\•�■■■■■\`1111■■■■N11■�V■11N\\■■■11N■11N■■NN11 ■■■■■■mom■■■■■■■■■■■��■.•■N\`■■■■■■.�■■■N■■■ww■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■N■N ■■■■■■NN■■■■■■■■■■■\\■►q■■►1■■■■1111\1111■■■■■N►\NN■�\1111■N■■■■■■N■N • HEN _- Ntfit•/�//�/Y_/W_/�N�Y�.�/N.N/•�Y— /�/N�///ANN//�/NNW/�///HN///1����/M�/////tom//•'N///NW NW O/MON/ / //H////////p///M///N/M//►\p7//\\H//N7//�////H H///M///// Oti N/q/H//�// NNN/NaN////■//N/N/N/N///��/��N���\�►\N���N� 1O���NNNN/ • Ng11■■■■11N MONISM 1111■■■■■N■NN■■N■■NN\\WMA! ■■M1■■MNN■N■■ N■NN■■mom N■■■1111■■NN NN■■N■■NN■■.N��!■■a■■■!•7■R1N■■■■ N//MM/W///N//NN//////NM•`.YNA1/N Ulm H//M///N///H//////////N///M/\\�/•H/�• /////N////N//�/N//////N/N/�/N/Is Va. ///////N/ / / N////// HN//►\��/:N/1�/NNS 1111■■■11111111■■1111NONE N11NN■N N11■N1111�t1N�■1�1111��11 aNq 1111111111■NN■11N11NN■N111111■MUMEMINN11■■11N1111�'f,M'11\INS 111is MR --_--=�i_—��• r—=—� �—�MANN__�___.•�N.._t�.��.tN•�N�•IM� SOME /M/NN/�M//NW W//M////NNN//�MItN N..�(•I��� ■N���� p■11N■�NNNN11��11i1111NNNNi�N�/ N 11N1111N�N N11111111N111111N1111 811111111111111■1111N11■N1111 NN■N■N■NNNN11■■11NN■N■■N11N■■■■11■N 11■N■ . 1. STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUBSURFACE_DRAIN Definition 1.Where sub-surface drainage is to be uniform over an area through a systematic pattern of drains, a A conduit,such as tile,pipe or tubing,installed beneath the drainage coefficient of 1 inch to be removed in 24 ground surface which intercepts, collects,and/or conveys hours shall be used;see Drain Charts,Figures 5B.22 drainage water. through 5B.24 on pages 5B.46 to 5B.48. 2.Where sub-subsurface drainage is to be by a random Purpose interceptor system, a minimum inflow rate of 0.5 cfs A-subsurface drain may serve one or more of the following per 1,000 feet of line shall be used to determine the required capacity.If actual field tests and measure= purposes: ments of flow amounts are available,they may be used 1. Improve the environment for vegetative growth by for determining capacity. regulating the water table and groundwater flow. For_,interceptor subsurface drains on sloping land, 2.Intercept and prevent water movement into a wet area. increase the inflow rate as follows: 3.Relieve artesian pressures. Land Slone Increase Inflow Rate By 4.Remove surface runoff. 2-5 percent 10 percent 5. Provide internal drainage of slopes to improve their 5-12 percent 20 percent stability and reduce erosion. Over 12 percent 30 percent 6.Provide internal drainage behind bulkheads,retaining 3.Additional design capacity must be provided if surface walls,etc. water is allowed to enter the system. 7.Replace existing subsurface drains that are interrupted or destroyed by construction operations. Size of Subsurface Drain 8. Provide subsurface drainage for dry storm water management structures. The size of subsurface drains shall be determined from 9. Improve dewatering of sediment in sediment basins. dram charts found on Figures 5B.22 through 5B.24 on (See Standard and Specification for Sediment Basins s ='Pages 5B-46 to 5B.48. All subsurface drains shall have a on page 5A.47). nominal diameter which equals or exceeds four(4)inches. Conditions Where Practice Applies Depth and Spacing Subsurface drains are used in areas having a high water The minimum depth of cover of subsurface drains shall be table or where subsurface drainage is required. The soil 24 inches where possible. The minimum depth of cover shall have enough depth and permeability to permit instal- may be reduced to 15 inches where it is not possible to lation of an effective system.This standard does not apply attain the 24 inch depth and where the drain is not subject to storm drainage systems or foundation drains. to equipment loading or frost action. Roots from some types of vegetation can plug drains as the drains get closer An outlet for the drainage system shall be available,either to the surface. by gravity flow or by pumping.The outlet shall be adequate The spacing of drain laterals will be dependent on the for the quantity of water to be discharged without causing permeability of the soil, the depth of installation of the damage above or below the point of discharge and shall drains and degree of drainage required.Generally,drains comply with all state and local laws. installed 36 inches deep and spaced 50 feet center-to-cen- Design Criteria ter will be adequate.For more specific information see the New York Drainages Guide The design and installation shall be based on adequate Minimum Velocity and Grade surveys and on-site soils investigations. The *minimum grade for subsurface drains shall be 0.10 ' Required Capacity of Drains percent.Where surface water enters the system a velocity The required capacity shall be determined by one or more of not less than 2 feet per second shall be used to establish of the following: the minimum grades.Provisions shall be made for prevent- October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.43 _ New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control ing debris or sediment from entering the system by means Soft or yielding soils under the drain shall be stabilized of filters or collection and periodic removal of sediment where required and lines protected from settlement by from installed traps. adding gravel or other suitable material to the trench,by Materials for Subsurface Drains placing the conduit on plank or other rigid support,or by using long sections of perforated or watertight pipe with Acceptable subsurface drain materials include perforated, adequate strength to insure satisfactory subsurface drain continuous closed joint conduits of polyethylene plastic, performance. concrete,corrugated metal,asbestos cement,bituminized Use of Heavy Duty Corrugated Plastic Drainage Tubing fiber,polyvinyl chloride and clay tile. The conduit shall meet strength and durability require- Heavy duty corrugated drainage tubing shall be speed where rocky or gravelly soils are expected to be en- countered during installation operations. The quality of Loading tubing will also be specified when cover over this tubing is expected to exceed 24 inches for 4,5,6,or 8 inch tubing. The allowable loads on subsurface drain conduits shall be Larger size tubing designs will be handled on an individual based on the trench and bedding conditions specified for job basis. the job.A factor of safety of not less than 1.5 shall be used in computing the maximum allowable depth of cover for a Auxiliary Structure and Subsurface Drain Protection particular type of conduit. The outlet shall be protected against erosion and under- Envelopes and Envelope Materials mining of the conduit, against damaging periods of sub- mergence and against entry of rodents or other animals Envelopes shall be used around subsurface drains for into the subsurface drain. An animal guard shall be in- proper bedding and to provide better flow into the conduit. stalled on the outlet end of the pipe.A swinging animal Not less than three inches of envelope material shall be guard shall be used if surface water enters the pipe. used for sand/gravel envelopes.Where necessary to im- prove the characteristics of flow of groundwater into the A continuous 10 foot section of corrugated metal,cast iron, conduit,more envelope material may be required. polyvinyl chloride or steel pipe without perforations shall be used at the outlet end of the line and shall outlet 1.0 foot Where county regulations do not allow sand/gravel en- above the normal elevation of low flow in the outlet ditch velopes, but require a special type and size of envelope or above mean high tide in tidal areas. No envelope material,they shall be followed. material shall be used around the 10 foot section of pipe. Envelope material shall be placed to the height of the Two-thirds of the pipe shall be buried in the ditch bank and uppermost seepage strata.Behindbulkheads and retaining the cantilevered section shall extend to a point above the walls,it shall go to within twelve inches of the top of the toe of the ditch side slope.If not possible, the side slope structure.This.standard does not cover the design of filter shall be protected from erosion. materials where needed. Conduits under roadways and embankments shall be Materials used for envelopes shall not contain materials watertight and designed to withstand the expected loads. which will cause an accumulation of sediment in the con- Where surface water is to be admitted to subsurface drains, duit or render the envelope unsuitable for bedding of the inlets shall be designed to exclude debris and prevent conduit. Envelope materials shall consist of either filter sediment from entering the conduit.Lines flowing under cloth or sand/gravel material,which shall pass a 11/2 inch pressure shall be designed to withstand the resulting pres- sieve,90 to 100 percent shall pass a 3/4 inch sieve,and not sures and velocity of flow.Surface waterways shall be used more than 10 percent shall pass a No.60 sieve. where feasible. Filter cloth envelope can be either woven or nonwoven The upper end of each subsurface drain line shall be monofilament yarns and shall have a sieve opening ranging capped with a tight fitting cap of the same material as the from 40 to 80.The envelope shall be placed in such manner conduit or other durable material unless connected to a that once the conduit is installed,it shall completely encase structure. the conduit. The conduit shall be placed and bedded in a sand/gravel Construction Specifications envelope.A minimum of three inches depth of envelope 1. Deformed, warped, or otherwise damaged pipe or materials shall be placed on the bottom of a conventional tubing shall not be used. trench.The conduit shall be placed on this and the trench 2. completelyfilledwitherwelope material to minimum depth All subsurface drains shall be laid to a uniform line and of 3 inches above the conduit. covered with envelope material.The pipe or tubing New York Guidelines for Urban Page 513.44 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control shall be laid with the perforations down and oriented 5.A continuous 10 foot section of corrugated metal,cast symmetrically about the vertical center line.Conhec- iron,polyvinyl chloride or steel pipe without perfora- tions will be made with manufactured functions com- tions shall be used at the outlet end of the line.No parable in strength with the specified pipe or tubing : envelope material shall be used around the 10 foot unless otherwise specified.The method of placement section of pipe.An animal guard shall be installed on and bedding shall be as specified on the drawing. the outlet end of the pipe. 3. Envelope material shall consist of filter cloth or a 6.Earth backfill material shall be placed in the trench in sand/gravel(which shall pass the 11/2 inch sieve,90 such a manner that displacement of the drain will not to 100 percent shall pass 3/4 inch sieve,and not more occur. than 10 percent shall pass the No.60 sieve). 7.Where surface water is entering the system,the pipe 4.The upper end of each subsurface drain line shall be outlet section of the system shall contain a swing type capped with a tight fittings cap of the same material trash and animal guard. as the conduit or other durable material unless con- nected to a structure. M October 1991-Third Printing Page 513.45 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control r - r _ 4 , • - �EnJ E���llii�l��fl1����1���1I�1���!_;tlf�glH t1�1 I �f::e�E��i�;� . . .. 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diversion shall be provided whenever the vertical interval(height)of any 2:1 slope Reshaping of the existing land surface in accordance with exceeds 20 feet;for 3:1 slope it shall be increased to a plan as determined by engineering survey and layout. 30 feet and for 4:1 to 40 feet.Benches shall be located to divide the slope face as equally as possible and shall Purpose convey the water to a stable outlet.Soils,seeps,rock outcrops, etc.,shall also be taken into consideration The purpose of a land grading specification is to provide when designing benches. for erosion control and vegetative establishment on those A. Benches shall be a minimum of six feet wide to areas where the existing land surface is to be reshaped by provide for ease of maintenance. grading according to plan. B.Benches shall be designed with a reverse slope of Design Criteria 6:1 or flatter to the toe of the upper slope and with a minimum of one foot in depth.Bench gradient The grading plan should be based upon the incorporation to the outlet shall be between 2 percent and 3 of building designs and street layouts that fit and utilize percent, unless accompanied by appropriate existing topography and desirable natural surrounding to design and computations. avoid extreme grade modifications.Information submitted C.The flow length within a bench shall not exceed 800 must provide sufficient topographic surveys and soil inves- feet unless accompanied by appropriate design tigations to determine limitations that must be imposed on and computations; see Standard and Specifica- the,grading operation related to slope stability, effect on tions for Diversion on page 5B.1. adjacent properties and drainage patterns, measures for drainage and water removal and vegetative treatment,etc. 4.Surface water shall be diverted from the face of all cut and/or fill slopes by the use of diversions,ditches and Many counties have regulations and design procedures swales or conveyed downslope by the use of a already established for land grading and cut and fill slopes. designed structure,except where: Where these requirement exist,they shall be followed. A.The face of the slope is or shall be stabilized and The plan must show existing and proposed contours of rhe '`. - the face of all graded slopes shall be protected area(s)to be graded.The plan shall also include practices from surface runoff until they are stabilized. for,erosion control, slope stabilization, safe disposal of B. The face of the slope shall not be subject to any runoff water and drainage, such as waterways, lined concentrated flows of surface water such as from ditches, reverse slope benches (include grade and cross natural drainage ways, graded swales, section),grade stabilization structures,retaining walls,and downspouts,etc. surface and subsurface drains.The plan shall also include C.The face of the slope will be protected by special phasing of these practices. The following shall be incor- erosion control materials, sod, gravel, riprap or porated into the plan: other stabilization method. 1.,Provisions,shall be made to safely conduct surface 5.Cut slopes occurring in ripable rock shall be serrated runoff to storm drains,protected outlets or to stable as shown in Figure 5B.25 on page 5B.51. The serra- water courses to insure that surface runoff will not tions shall be made with conventional equipment as damage slopes or other graded areas; see standards the excavation is made.Each step or serration shall and specifications for Grassed Waterway,Diversion, be constructed on the contour and will have steps cut Grade Stabilization Structure. at nominal two foot intervals with nominal three foot 2.Cut and fill slopes that are to be stabilized with grasses horizontal shelves.These steps will vary depending on shall not be steeper than 2:1.when slopes exceed 2:1 the slope ratio or the cut slope.The nominal slope line special design and stabilization consideration are re- is 1-1/2:1. These steps will weather and act to hold quired and shall be adequately shown on the plans. moisture, lime, fertilizer and seed thus producing a (Note: Where the slope is to be mowed the slope much quicker and longer lived vegetative cover and should be no steeper than 3:1 although 4:1 is better slope stabilization. Overland flow shall be preferred because of safety factors related to mowing diverted from the top of all serrated cut slopes and steep slopes.) carried to a suitable outlet. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.49 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 6.Subsurface drainage shallbe provided where,necessary 3. Topsoil required for the establishment of vegetation to intercept seepage that would otherwise adversely shall be stockpiled in amount necessary to complete affect slope stability or create excessively wet site finished grading of all exposed areas. conditions. 4. Areas to be filled shall be cleared, grubbed and 7.Slopes shall not be created so close to property lines as stripped of topsoil to remove trees,vegetation,roots to endanger adjoining properties without adequately or other objectionable material. protecting such properties against sedimentation, 5.Areas which are to be topsoiled shall be scarified to a erosion,slippage,settlement,subsidence or other re- minimum depth of three inches prior to placement of lated damages. topsoil. 8.Fill material shall be free of brush,rubbish,rocks,logs, 6. All fills shall be compacted as required to reduce stumps, building debris, and other objectionable erosion,slippage,settlement,subsidence or other re- material. It should be free of stones over two (2) lated problems. Fill intended to support buildings, inches in diameter where compacted by hand or structures and conduits, etc., shall be compacted in mechanical tampers or over eight (8) inches in accordance with local requirements or codes. diameter where compacted by rollers or other equip- ment.Frozen material shall not be placed in the fill 7•All fill shall be placed and compacted in layers not to exceed 8 inches in thickness. nor shall the fill material be placed on a frozen foun- dation.- 8.Except for approved landfills or nonstructural fills,fill 9.Stockpiles,borrow areas and spoil shall be shown on material shall be free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logs, the plans and shall be subject to the provisions of this stumps, building debris and other objectionable Standard and Specifications. materials that would interfere with or prevent con- 10.All disturbed areas shall be stabilized structurally or struction of satisfactory fills. vegetatively in compliance with the Standard and 9.Frozen material or soft,mucky or highly compressible Specifications for Critical Area Treatment in Section materials shall not be incorporated into fill slopes or 3 structural fills. Construction Specifications 10.Fill shall not be placed on frozen foundation. 11.All benches shall be kept free of sediment during all See Figure 5B.26 on page 5B.52 for details. phases of development. 1.All graded or disturbed areas including slopes shall be 12• Seeps or springs encountered during construction protected during clearing and construction in accord- shall be handled in accordance with the Standard and ance with the erosion and sediment control plan until Specification for Subsurface Drain on page 5B.43 or they are adequately stabilized. other approved methods. 2. All erosion and sediment control practices and 13•All graded areas shall be permanently stabilized im- measures shall be constructed, applied and main- mediately following finished grading. tained in accordance with the sediment control plan 14. Stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoil areas shall be and the"NewYork Guidelines for Urban Erosion and shown on the plans and shall be subject to the Sediment Control." provisions of this Standard and Specifications. New York Guidelines for Urban Page-5B.50 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 513.25 Typical Section of Serrates! Cut Slope Diversion 31 1/~tel ® ` Normal slope line 1fie1 . 7 �`vsoc�� or steeper ZI c o '. Ditch October 1991-Third Printing Page 513.51 . New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 513.26 Landgrading Details LANDGRADING- __ Ditch or Diversion to divert surface flow Bench Grade- 2%-3% 1' min. OR I �'� ti, 6 min. Bench to drain toly N, stable outlet X II T� _ a& ' ''�I IIIIT1�1110111111111�1111i1(11 X 1(�/MAY.) 2 20' SLOPE DETAIL (WITH BENCH) 3 30' 4 40' Construction Specifications 1. All graded or disturbed areas including slopes shall be protected during clearing and construction in accordance with the approved sediment control plan until they are permanently stabilized. 2. All sediment control practices and measures shall be constructed, applied and maintained in accordance with the approved sediment control plan and the "Standards and Spec- ifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in Developing Areas". 3. Topsoil required for the establishment of vegetation shall be stockpiled in amount necessary to complete finished grading of all exposed areas. 4. Areas to be filled shall be cleared, grubbed and stripped of topsoil to remove trees, vegetation, roots or other objectionable material. 5. Areas which are to be topsoiled shall be scarified to a minimum depth of three inches prior to placement of topsoil. 6. All fills shall be compacted as required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, subsidence or other related problems. Fill intended to support buildings, structures and conduits, etc., shall be compacted in accordance with local requirements or codes. 7. All fill to be placed and compacted in layers not to exceed 8 inches in thickness. 8. Except for approved landfills, fill material shall be free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logs, stumps, building debris and other objectionable materials that would interfere with or prevent construction of satisfactory fills. 9. Frozen materials or soft, mucky or highly compressible materials shall not be incorporated into fills. 10. Fill shall not be placed on a frozen foundation. 11. All benches shall be kept free of sediment during all phases of development. 12. Seeps or springs encountered during construction shall be handled in accordance with the Standard and Specifications for Subsurface Drain or other approved method. 13. All graded areas shall be permanently stabilized immediately following finished grading. 14. Stockpiles, borrow areas and spoil areas shall be shown on the plans and shall be subject to the provisions of this Standard and Specifications. US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LANDGRADING STANDARD SYMBOL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE OM SYRACUSE, NEW YORK DETAILS New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.52 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SURFACE ROUGHENING Definition 4. Do not make vertical cuts more than 2 feet in soft materials or 3 feet in rocky materials. Roughening a bare soil surface with horizontal grooves Grooving uses machinery to create a series of ridges and running across the slope, stair-stepping, or tracking with depressions that run across the slope on the contour. construction equipment. Groove using any appropriate implement that can be safely operated on the slope,such as disks,tillers,spring harrows, Purposeoperated the teeth of a front end loader bucket. Do not make the To aid the establishment of vegetative cover from seed,to grooves less than 3 inches deep or more than 15 inches reduce runoff velocity and increase infiltration, and to apart. reduce erosion and provide for trapping of sediment. B. Fill slope.No Mowing Conditions Where Practice Applies 1. Place fill to create slopes with a gradient steeper than 3:1 in lifts 9 inches or less and properly compacted. All construction slopes require surface roughening to Ensure the face of the slope consists of loose,uncom- facilitate stabilization with vegetation, particularly slopes pacted fill 4 to 6 inches deep. Use grooving as steeper than 3:1. described above to roughen the slope,if necessary. 2. Do not blade or scrape the final slope face. Design Criteria C. Cuts/Fills, Mowed Maintenance There are many different methods to achieve a roughened 1. Make mowed slopes no steeper than 3:1. soil surface on a slope. No specific design criteria is re- quired. However,the selection of the appropriate method 2. Roughen these areas to shallow grooves by normal depends on the type of slope. Methods include tracking, tilling, disking, harrowing, or use of cultipacker- grooving and stair-stepping. Steepness, mowing require- ments, a cut or fill slope operation are all factors con- on the contour. sidered in choosing a roughening method. 3. Make grooves at least 1 inch deep and a maximum of _ 10 inches apart. Construction Specifications ' ,4. Excessive roughness is undesirable where mowing is A. Cut slope_No mowing planned. Tracking should be used primarily in sandy soils to avoid 1. Stair-step grade or groove cut slopes with a gradient undue compaction of the soil surface.Tracking is generally steeper than 3:1. (figure 5B.27). not as effective as the other roughening methods described. 2. Use stair-step grading on any erodible material soft (It has been used as a method to track down mulch). enough to be ripped with a bulldozer. Slopes of soft Operate tracked machinery up and down the slope to leave, rock with some soil are particularly suited to stair- horizontal depressions in the soil. Do not back-blade step grading. during the final grading operation. 3. Make the vertical cut distance less than the horizontal distance,and slightly slope the horizontal position of the"step"to the vertical wall. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.53 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 55.27 SURFACE ROUGHENING DETAILS Debris from slope above is caught I VIII by steps. f I I I 2-3 Drainage (depending on material) 4 Greater than vertical — � Cut steps with drainage to the back. Avoid low spots. Stair Stepping Cut Slopes I � I 6-15 " I Groove b cutting furrows along the contour. Irregularities I( 1-3 in the soil surface catch rainwaterI II_� and retain lime,fertilizer, and seed. -1-11 ( I Grooving Slopes New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.54 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and.Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION Definition and should not be considered a retaining wall. Slopes approaching 1.5:1 may require special stability A layer of stone designed to protect and stabilize areas analysis. The inherent stability of the soil must be subject to erosion. satisfactory before riprap is used for surface stabiliza- Purpose tion. 2.Outlet Protection-Design criteria for sizing stone and To protect the soil surface from erosive forces and/or determining dimensions of riprap aprons are improve the stability of soil slopes that are subject to presented in Standards and Specifications for Rock seepage or have poor soil structure. Outlet Protection. Conditions Where Practice Applies 3. Streambank Protection - Design criteria for sizing stone for stability of channel bank are presented in Riprap is used for cut and fill slopes subject to seepage, Standard and Specifications for Structural Stream- erosion, or weathering, particularly where conditions bank Protection. prohibit the establishment of vegetation. Riprap is also Filter Blanket-A filter blanket is a layer of material placed used for channel side slopes and bottoms,stre"ambanks and between the riprap and the underlying soil to prevent soil grade sills, on shorelines subject to erosion, and at inlets movement into or through the riprap. A suitable filter may and outlets to culverts, bridges, slope drains, grade consist of a well-graded gravel or sand-gravel layer or a stabilization structures and storm drains. synthetic filter fabric manufactured for this purpose. The Design Criteria design of a gravel filter blanket is based on the ratio of particle size in the overlying filter material to that of the Gradation-Riprap should be a well-graded mixture with base material in accordance with the criteria below. Mul- 50%by weight larger than the specified design size. The tiple layers may be designed to effect a proper filter if diameter of the largest stone size in such a mixture should necessary. be 1.5 times the d50 size with smaller sizes grading down A gravel filter blanket should have the following relation- to 1 inch. The designer should determine the riprap size ship for a stable design: that will be stable for design conditions. Having deter- mined the stone size,the designer should select the size or d15 filter :55 sizes that equal or exceed that minimum size based on d85 base riprap gradations commercially available in the area. 5 < d15 filter 540 Thickness - The minimum layer thickness should be 1.5 d5o base times the maximum stone diameter,but in no case less than and 6 inches. d5o filter :540 Quality-Stone for riprap should be hard,durable field or d5o base quarry materials. They should be angular and not subject Filter refers to the overlying material while base refers to to breaking down when exposed to water or weathering. the underlying material. These relationship must hold The specific gravity should be at least 2.5. between the base and filter and the filter and riprap to prevent migration of material. In some cases more than Size - The sizes of stones used for riprap protection are one filter may be needed. Each filter layer should be a determined by purpose and specific site conditions: ,,,11111„ of 6 inches thick. 1.Slope Stabilization-Riprap stone for slope stabiliza- A synthetic filter fabric may be used with or in place of tion not subject to flowing water or wave action should gravel filters. The following particle size relationships be sized for the proposed grade. The gradient of the should exist: slope to be stabilized should be less than the natural angle of repose of the stone selected. Angles of 1. Filter fabric covering a base containing 50% or less by repose of riprap stones maybe estimated from figure weight of fine particles(#200 sieve size): 5B.28. a. d85 base(mm) >1 Riprap used for surface stabilization of slopes does not EOS*filter fabric(mm) add significant resistance to sliding or slope failure October 1991;Third Printing Page 513.55 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control b. total open area of filter fabric should not exceed 36% depth.Where more than one layer of filter material is used, spread the layers with minimal mixing. 2. Filter fabric covering other soils: Synthetic filter fabric - Place the cloth directly on the prepared foundation. Overlap the edges by at least 2 feet, a. EOS is no larger than 0.21 mm(#70 sieve size) and space the anchor pins every 3 feet along the overlap. b. total open area of filter fabric should not exceed 10%. Bury the upper and lower ends of the cloth a minimum of *EOS-Equivalent opening size compared to a U.S.stand- 12 inches below ground. Take precautions not to damage and sieve size. the cloth by dropping the riprap. If damage occurs remove the riprap and repair the sheet by adding another layer of No filter fabric should have less than 4%open area or an filter fabric with a minimum overlap of 12 inches around EOS less than U.S.Standard Sieve#100(0.15 mm). The the damaged area. Where large stones are to be place, a permeability of the fabric must be greater than that of the 4 inch layer of fine sand or gravel is recommended to ,soil. The fabric may be made of woven or nonwoven protect the filter cloth. monofilament yarns and should meet the following mini- mum requirements: Stone placement-Placement of the riprap should follow immediately after placement of the filter. Place riprap so' thickness 20-60 mils that it forms a dense, well-graded mass of stone with a grab strength 9044 Is. minimum of voids. The desired distribution of stones throughout the mass may be obtained by selective loading conform to ASTM D-1682 or ASTM D-177 at the quarry and controlled dumping during final place- Filter blankets should always be provided where seepage ment. Place riprap to its full thickness in one operation. is significant or where flow velocity and duration of flow or Do not place riprap by dumping through chutes or other methods that cause segregation of stone sizes. Be careful turbulence may cause underlying soil particles to move not to dislodge the underlying base or filter when placing through the riprap. the stones. Construction Specifications The toe of the riprap should be keyed into a stable founda- tion at its base as shown in figure 5B.29. The toe should be Subgrade Preparation-Prepare the subgrade for riprap excavated to a depth of 2.0 feet. The design thickness of and filter to the required lines and grades shown on the the riprap should extend a minimum of 3 feet horizontally plans. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to a from the slope. The finished slope should be free of pock- density approximating that of the undisturbed material or ets of small stone or clusters of large stones. Hand placing overfill depressions with riprap. Remove brush, trees, may be necessary to achieve proper distribution of stone stumps, and other objectionable material. Cut the sub- sizes to produce a relatively smooth,uniform surface. The grade sufficiently deep so that the finished grade of the finished grade of the riprap should blend with the sur- riprap will be at the elevation of the surrounding area. rounding area. Channels should be excavated sufficiently to allow place- ment of the riprap in a manner such that the finished inside Maintenance dimensions and grade of the riprap meet design specifica- tions. Riprap should be inspected periodically for scour or dis- lodgedSand and gravel filter blanket - Place the filter blanket stones. Control weed and brush growth as needed. immediately after the ground foundation is prepared. For gravel,spread filter stone in a uniform layer to the specified New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.56 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control FIGURE 513.28 ANGLES OF REPOSE OF RIPRAP STONES MEAN STONE SIZE, D501 ft Q X. 43 0 4- 1 1 ROCK .......... .... 41 - I r_fk 1.2 pj- kjt4DED w 39 0 a- w 37 L.L 0 35 w Q 33 315 8 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 MEAN STONE SIZE, D50, MM FIGURE 513.29 TYPICAL RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION DETAIL T 6" Gravel filter(or filter cloth) min all-WIT-qu-11H A 2. F, (IT, ITS III min " ij il%': I L October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.57 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RETAINING WALLS Definition provided behind retaining walls that are placed in cohesive soils. Drains should be graded or protected by filters so A structural wall constructed and located to prevent soil soil material will not move through the drainfill. movement. Load systems-Several different loads or combination of Purpose loads need to be considered when designing a retaining wall. The minimum load is the level backfill that the wall To retain soil in place and prevent slope failures and is being constructed to retain. Its unit weight will vary movement of material down steep slopes. depending on its composition. Conditions Where Practice Applies Additional loads such as line loads, surcharge loads or slope fills will add to make the composite design load A retaining wall may be used where site constraints won't system for the wall. allow,slope shaping and seeding to stabilize an area. Slope Construction Specifications areas that demonstrate seepage problems or experience erosive conditions at the toe can utilize retaining walls to Concrete Walls help stabilize these areas. Retaining walls can be built from mortared block or stone, cast-in-place concrete, railroad 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines ties,gabions,and more recently,precast concrete modular and grades shown on the drawings and removing all units that form a gravity retaining wall(see figure 513.30). objectionable material. These precast units allow for ease and quickness of instal- 2. Subgrade will be compacted and kept moist at least 2 lation while their granular backfill provides drainage. hours prior to placement of concrete. Selection of materials and type of wall should be based on 3. Steel reinforcing will be in accordance with the hazard potential, load conditions, soil parameters, schedule on the drawings and kept free of rust,scale groundwater conditions,site constraints and aesthetics. or dirt. Design Criteria 4. Exposed edges will be chamfered 3/4 inches. The design of any retaining wall structure must address the 5. Drainfill will meet the gradations shown on the draw- aspects of foundation bearing capacity,sliding, overturn- rags. ing, drainage and loading systems. These are complex 6. Weep holes will be provided as drain outlets as shown systems and all but the smallest retaining walls should be on the drawings. designed by a licensed engineer. 7. Concrete will be poured and cured in accordance with Bearing Capacity - A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 ACI specifications. should be maintained as the ratio of the ultimate bearing Precast Units capacity to the designed unit loading. Spread footers and 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines other methods may be used to meet factor requirements. and grades shown on the drawings. Sliding-A minimum factor of 2.0 should be maintained 2. Subgrade will be compacted and trimmed to receive against sliding. This factor is usually reduced to 1.5 when the leveling beam. passive pressures on the front of the wall are ignored. 3. Precast units will be placed in accordance with the Overturning-A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 should be manufacturers recommendation. used as the ratio of the resisting moment(that which tends 4..Granular fill placed in the precast bins shall be placed to keep the wall in place)to the overturning moment. in 3-foot lifts,leveled off and compacted with a plate Drainage-Unless adequate provisions are made to control vibrator. both surface and groundwater behind the retaining wall,a Gabions substantial increase in active pressures tending to slide or 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines overturn the wall will result. When backfill is sloped down and grades shown on the drawings. to a retaining wall surface drainage should be provided. Drainage systems with adequate outlets should be October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.59 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 2. Subgrade will be compacted and leveled to receive Maintenance first layer of gabions. The first row will be keyed into the existing grade at the toe,a minimum of 1.5 feet. Once in place a retaining wall should require little main- 3. Gabions will be placed according to the manufacturers tenance. They should be inspected annually for signs of recommendations. tipping, clogged drains or soil subsidence. If such condi- 4. They will be filled with stone or crushed rock from 4 tions exist they should be corrected immediately. to 8 inches in diameter. 5. In corrosive environments, gabion wire should be coated with PVC. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 5B.60 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control FIGURE 513.30 RETAINING WALL EXAMPLES SIP", fly b Y � TbP OF i-6�{ BACKFILL 7777777777i t = C11a 5(7 12" x 0 4-6 0 .. _ .• ; RLLANuuIR I 0 o r i M U #4(712" f3 3'-211 '' co sasr FILL UNDEFAMIN 4" 4 tp 4 @ 12" 4° FILTER 21T d UNDERDRAIN �(�F�iN� - - _ IF 'D a 31 Cast In Place Concrete - IEVEL,N6� sEtr� Kw t 6RANUlAR FILL - 6.11 UNDERDRAIN IF REdD OFr'Ai13URF�II FLMC •' UNDERDRAIN FILTER 2=d Precast Units �-•{ 745 . I I 3" Existing Lawn 7*p041hBh/( Earth X3-X8 Backf112/.Limit 9 " ablone Limits !S Limit of B. / Excavation ![ /E dl -x3'x6 ^ i. Stream gab ions / i COYJ}. JO/NI Bottom j 5 2E /2" 8" 5=2" TYPICAL CROSS SECTION Gabions Mortared Block October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.61 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control References 1.Schwab,O.,et.al.1955.Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. Glenn John Wiley&Sons,Inc.New York. 2.Erosion And Sediment Control Planning And Design Manual.1988.North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. 3.Soil Conservation Service,USDA. 1979.Engineering Field Manual.Washington,DC. 4.Soil Conservation Service,USDA.October 1977.National Handbook of Conservation Practices.Washington,DC. October 1991-Third Printing Page 5B.63 New York Guidelines for Urban" Erosion and Sediment Control Section 6 Example Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Contents Page Introduction...............................................................................................................................................................................6.1 Narrative................................................................................................................................................................................... 6.2 Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices......................................................................................................6.3 ConstructionSchedule............................................................................................................................................................ 6.6 MaintenancePlan.................................................................................................................................................................... 6.7 VicinityMap ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6.7 SiteTopographic Map-Exhibit 1......................................................................................................................................... 6.8 SiteDevelopment Map-Exhibit 2........................................................................................................................................ 6.9 SiteErosion and Sediment Control Plan-Exhibit 3......................................................................................................... 6.10 Drawingsand Specifications................................................................................................................................................ 6.11 VegetativePlan...................................................................................................................................................................... 6.30 This section adapted from North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual,North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission by Donald W.Lake,Jr.,P.E. State Conservation Engineer,USDA-Soil Conservation Service, Syracuse,New York Example Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Introduction What follows is an example erosion and sedimentation control plan based on one from the files of the State of North Carolina. The site is located in the Piedmont region. The plan was modified to demonstrate the application of a variety of erosion and sedimentation control practices. This example plan was developed in detail for instructive purposes. The specific number of maps,practices,drawings, specifications,and calculations required depends on the size and complexity of the development. The designer should select the most practical and effective practices to control erosion and prevent sediment from leaving the site. The plan should be organized and presented in a clear, concise manner. Sufficient design and background information should be included to facilitate review by erosion control personnel. Construction details should be precise and clear for use by an experienced general contractor. An acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan must contain: 1. brief narrative 2. construction schedule 3. maintenance plan 4. vicinity map 5. site topo map 6. site development plan 7.erosion and sedimentation control plan drawing 8. detail drawings and specifications 9. vegetative plan Although this example is from North Carolina, its organization, analysis and detail are appropriate in all locations. The original content of the example was retained for continuity. Regarding practices selected,refer to the flow charts in Section 2 to correlate with the control groups. In the example,the temporary diversion equate to New York's earth dike. Supporting calculations for these practices are not included to maintain the size of this publication. However, the criteria in each of the practice standards in the appropriate sections,will guide the user in their design. October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Narrative Project Description I The purpose of the project is to construct two large commercial buildings with associated paved roads and parking area. Another building will be added in the future. Approximately 6 acres will be disturbed during this construction period. The site is 11.1 acres located in Granville County, 2 miles north of Deal, NC, off Terri Road (see Vicinity Map). Site Description The site has rolling topography with slopes generally 4 to 6%. Slopes steepen to 10 to 20%in the northwest portion of the property where a small,healed-over gully serves as the principal drainageway for the site. The site is now covered with volunteer heavy, woody vegetation, predominately pines, 15 to 20 ft high. There is no evidence of significant erosion under present site conditions. The old drainage gully indicates severe erosion potential and receives flow from 5 acres of woods off-site. There is one large oak tree,located in the western central portion of the property, and a buffer area,fronting Terri Road,that will be protected during construction. Adjacent Property Land use in the vicinity is commercial/industrial. The land immediately to the west and south has been developed for industrial use. Areas to the north and east are undeveloped and heavily wooded,primarily in volunteer pine. Hocutt Creek,the off-site outlet for runoff discharge,is presently a well-stabilized,gently flowing perennial stream. Sediment control measures will be taken to prevent damage to Hocutt Creek. Approximately 5 acres of wooded area to the east contribute runoff into the construction area. Soils The soil in the project area is mapped as Creedmoor sandy loam in B and C slope classes. Creedmoor soils are considered moderately well to somewhat poorly drained with permeability rates greater than 6 inches/hour at the surface but less than 0.1 inches/hour in the subsoil. The subsurface is pale brownstone loam, 6 inches thick. The subsoil consists of a pale brown and brownish yellow sandy clay loam ranging from light gray clay, 36 inches thick. Below 36 inches is a layer of fine sandy loam to 77 inches. The soil erodibility factor(K value)ranges from 0.20 at the surface to 0.37 in the subsoil. Due to the soil permeability of the subsoil that will be exposed during grading, a surface wetness problem with high runoff is anticipated following significant rainfall events. No groundwater problem is expected. The tight clay in the subsoil will make vegetation difficult to establish. A small amount of topsoil exists on-site and will be stockpiled for use in landscaping. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices 1. Sediment Basin: A sediment basin will be constructed in the northwest comer of the property. Allwater from disturbed areas, about 6 acres,will be directed to the basin before leaving the site. (Note: The undisturbed areas to the east and north could have been diverted,but this was not proposed because it would have required clearing to the property line to build the diversion and the required outlet structure.)See pages 6.11-6.13 for details. 2. Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: A temporary gravel construction entrance will be installed near the northwest comer of the property. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash vehicle tires at this location. The entrance will be graded so that runoff water will be directed to an inlet protection structure and away from the steep fill area to the north. See page 6.13 for specifications. 3. Temporary Block and Gravel Drop Inlet Protection: A temporary block and gravel drop inlet protection will be installed at the drop inlet located on the south side of the construction entrance. Runoff from the device will be directed into the sediment basin. (Note: The presence of this device reduces the sediment load on the sediment basin and provides sediment protection for the pipe. In addition, sediment removal at this point is more convenient than from the basin.) See page 6.14 for specifications. 4. Temporary Diversion: Temporary diversions will be constructed above the 3:1 cut slopes south of Buildings A and B to prevent surface runoff from eroding these banks. (Note: Sediment-free water may be diverted away from the project sediment basin.) A temporary diversion will be constructed near the middle of the disturbed area to break up this long,potentially erosive slope should the grading operation be temporarily discontinued. A temporary diversion dike will be constructed along the top edge of the fill slope at the end of each day during the filling operation to protect the fill slope. This temporary diversion will outlet to the existing undisturbed channel near the north edge of the construction site and/or to the temporary inlet protection device at the construction entrance as the fill elevation increases. See page 6.15 for specifications. 5. Level Spreader. A level spreader will serve as the outlet for the diversion east of Building A and south of Building B. The area below the spreader is relatively smooth and heavily vegetated with a slope of approximately 4%. See page 6.16 for specifications. 6. Tree Preservation and Protection: A minimum 2.0 ft.high protective fence will be erected around a large oak tree at the dripline to prevent damage during construction. Sediment fence materials may be used for this purpose. See page 6.17 for specifications. 7. Land Grading: Heavy grading will be required on approximately 6 acres. The flatter slope after grading will reduce the overall erosion potential of the site. The buildings will be located on the higher cut areas, and the access road and open landscaped areas will be located on fill areas. See pages 6.17-6.18 for specifications. All cut slopes will be 3:1 or flatter to avoid instability due to wetness, provide fill material, give an open area around the buildings, and allow vegetated slopes to be mowed. Cut slopes will be fine graded immediately after rough grading;the surface will be disked and vegetated according to the Vegetation Plan(pages 6.30-6.32). Fill slopes will be 2:1 with fill depths as much as 12 to 15 ft. Fill will be placed in layers not to exceed 9 inches in depth and compacted. (Note:Fills of this depth should have detailed compaction specifications in the general construction contract. These specifications are not part of the erosion and sedimentation control plan.) The fill slope in the north portion of the property is the most vulnerable area to erosion on the site. Fill slopes will be 2:1 with fill depths as much as 12 to 15 ft. Fill will be placed in layers not to exceed 9 inches in depth and compacted. October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control (Note: Fills of this depth should have detailed compaction specifications in the general construction contract. These specifications are not part of the erosion and sedimentation control plan.) The fill slope in the north portion of the property is the most vulnerable area to erosion on the site. Temporary diversions will be maintained at the top of this fill slope at all times,and the filling operation will be graded to prevent overflow to the north. Filling will be done as a continuous operation until final grade is reached. The paved road located on the fill will be sloped to the south and will function as a permanent diversion. The area adjacent to the roads and parking area will be graded to conduct runoff to the road culverts. Runoff water from the buildings will be guttered to the vegetated channels. The finished slope face to the north will not be back-bladed. The top 2 to 6 inches will be left in a loose and roughened condition. Plantings will be protected with mulch,as specified in the Vegetation Plan. A minimum 15-ft undisturbed buffer zone will be maintained around the perimeter of the disturbed area. (NOTE: This will reduce water and wind erosion,help contain sediment,reduce dust,and reduce final landscaping costs.) 8. Temporary Sediment Trap: A small sediment trap will be constructed at the intersection of the existing road ditch and channel number 3 to protect the road ditch. Approximately 2 acres of disturbed area will drain into this trap. See pages 6.19-6.20 for specifications. 9. Sediment Fence: A sediment fence will be constructed around the topsoil stockpile and along the channel berm adjacent to the deep cut area as necessary to prevent sediment from entering the channels. See pages 6.20-6.21 for specifications. 10. Sod Drop Inlet Protection: Permanent sod drop inlet protection will replace the temporary block and gravel structure when the contributing drainage area has been permanently seeded and mulched. See pages 6.21-6.22 for specifications. 11. Grass-Lined Channel: Grass-lined channels with temporary straw-net liners will be constructed around Buildings A and B to collect and convey site water to the project's sediment basin. See pages 6.22-6.24 for specifications. Should the disturbed areas adjoining the channels not be stabilized at the time the channels are vegetated, a sediment fence will be installed adjacent to the channel to prevent channel siltation. 12. Riprap-Lined and Paved Channels: A riprap channel will be constructed in the old gully along the north side of the property starting in the northwest corner after all other construction is complete. This channel will replace the old gully as the principal outlet from the site. See pages 6.25-6.26 for specifications. 13. Construction Road Stabilization: As soon as final grade is reached on the entrance road, the subgrade will be sloped to drain to the south and stabilized with a 6-inch course of NC DOT standard ABC stone. The parking area and its entrance road will also be stabilized with ABC stone to prevent erosion and dust during the construction of the buildings prior to paving. See pages 6.26-6.27 for specifications. 14. Outlet Stabilization Structure: A riprap apron will be located at the outlet of the three culverts to prevent scour. See pages 6.27-6.28 for specifications. 15. Surface Roughening: The 3:1 cut slopes will be lightly roughened by disking just prior to vegetating, and the surface 4 to 6 inches of the 2:1 fill slopes will be left in a loose condition and grooved on the contour. See page 6.29 for specifications. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 16. Surface stabilization: will be accomplished with vegetation and mulch as specified in the vegetation plan. One large oak tree southwest of Building A and a buffer area between the parking lot and Terri Road will be preserved. Roadway and parking lot base courses will be installed as soon as finished grade is reached. 17. Dust control: is not expected to be a problem due to the small area of exposure, the undisturbed perimeter of trees around the site, and the relatively short time of exposure (not to exceed 9 months). Should excessive dust be generated,it will be controlled by sprinkling. October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Schedule 1. Obtain plan approval and other applicable permits. 2. Flag the work limits and mark the oak tree and buffer area for protection. 3. Hold preconstruction conference at least one week prior to starting construction. 4. Install sediment basin as the first construction activity. 5. Install storm drain with block and gravel inlet protection at construction entrance/exit. 6.Install temporary gravel construction entrance/exit. 7. Construct temporary diversions above proposed building sites. Install level spreader and sediment trap and vegetate disturbed areas. 8. Complete site clearing except for the old gully channel in the northwest portion of the site. This area will be cleared during last construction phase for the installation of the riprap liner. 9. Clear waste disposal area in the northeast comer of property,only as needed. 10. Rough grade site,stockpile topsoil,construct channels,install culverts and outlet protection,and install sediment fence as needed. Maintain diversions along top of fill slope daily. NOTE:A temporary diversion will be constructed across the middle of the graded area to reduce slope length and the bare areas mulched should grading be discontinued fort more than 3 weeks. 11. Finish the slopes around buildings as soon as rough grading is complete. Leave the surface slightly roughened and vegetate and mulch immediately. 12. Complete final grading for roads and parking and stabilize with gravel. 13. Complete final grading for buildings. 14. Complete final grading of grounds,topsoil critical areas,and permanently vegetate,landscape,and mulch. 15. Install riprap outlet channel and extend riprap to the pipe outlet under entrance road. 16. All erosion and sediment control practices will be inspected weekly and after rainfall events. Needed repairs will be made immediately. 17.After the site is stabilized,remove all temporary measures and install permanent vegetation on the disturbed areas. 18.Estimated time before final stabilization--9 months. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control - Maintenance Plan L 1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff-producing rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all practices as designed. 2. The sediment basin will be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 2.0 ft below the top of the riser. Gravel will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains properly. 3. Sediment will be removed from the sediment trap and block and gravel inlet protection device when storage capacity has been approximately 50%filled. Gravel will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains properly. 4. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes about 0.5 ft deep at the fence. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. 5. All seeded areas will be fertilized,reseeded asnecessary,and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous,dense vegetative cover. Vicinity Map Deal S81106 Taylor a� 0 o 00G ~ Terri Rd. 0�o� r October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control f"Cw ' ` I o ® SITE TGPOGRAPHIC AG ,� z t t o% m \ / I m MAP _ • ` ! 0 W t \ \ 1` WIcA \ �� j / _ _ Natural Contour Cr _ \ \ ajr CP jop La CP (P Ap coo �• \ �__ _ \•'� i�` \p \ �a N _ _sa. _ _ _ _ _ -�� _ - - - - —--— Property Boundary NZ `746 ��_`\ ._..._ . • �__=�_— _ •�% � - r 7-- ]—. —--•---------- i�/ 1 /rJ // •� `36 i � r r J J 352 � itl fr� fr .-r- //_p, //fir /// ,� _ ``3 II `••`' GrO At 366 3,,re 368• ` Ivr J ��� ✓/ /✓ / 360 / 1 `r' —' I I J r I / ///✓ ///-rr-rr i '// r-----r-- ---I low r----------374-1 • � / // � � ---376 I� — -378—I 001 9 . /�JJJrr----_376 374 — .0" 31 / // / / i / // // /' —37 �I I / ' /' /' 21' // / —// .00 .01 0 1-01 ' J I 711 , 379'^�\ I le �� rco \` /// \\ EXHIBIT 1 t t New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.8 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SITE DEVELOPMENT ."00ca � ao `` ; m PLAN to I� a. �\ �� j j il!!_ -- - - - Natural Contour \ a- \ cis N sa' \ _`.�-- - - rt - - - -__ / I !' , ---- -- Finished Grade IN `74e; �•\`'�" `���-` 1?�� - ♦\ `�` ����`� `�� �♦\ �-� Vi — - - - Property Boundary `4g�F�♦\♦ \♦` ���,.` � � �` ��~---- ♦ �� ` \.�_ . `�— ____��'� �.\ � - f \ � Project Development 01 \tel`` �. j �` \,.\ i Limits of Grading r / 1 350 Uti 1 lty __�+ ''Qf �� '/// i�rr //� I// / `'rr `1`3 II`.i` •`•' B I d g Bi 36 FIN FL = 369. 5 i4 66 370 1 368ell I I __ -' �-372 ` �_ _ .� rte' ��" B,I/d g f �� -- � Z FI� FL = 69. 5 I /—_374 '--- / I - 1 ' ---376 -378 -_--378. l 4.0 3 / •"���, � � � .r 19 00 01 N. le.00, __----- 001, I �o`b n n`l` t: r �♦�_ /�/ �� EXHIBIT 2 C 03 C!) cl eq October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control i SEDIMENT & EROSION ->e CONTROL PLAN ao • ` 1 t \ d \` ` W \ _ _ �, _ _ _,� — - E — Natural Contour sip � w �� �� mac!' � _ _ _ � - — - - 'r -_ --____—�/ / / 1 Finished Grade c,' _dam - �� - -�— �- _-�----��---��.� -�_� I I° 34Bd' •• -�--r - --�-_� �.� - -� o\ �����` �\\ �` '�.\ i WASTE 'VI ---- Property Boundary AREA Project Development 25 34$6��� Limits of Grading = tip -rr 0 ' �� /�' \•� I Vegetation Specification Area #3 d-11bi I It g B 8 FTD Temporary Diversion �� � s�ub � --- � �-^ �/� /' �/ 366 d��� j 3 e ° �� // FIN FL - 369. 5 18i4 Sediment Fence . s / 370 I Level Spreader Temporary Fabric 3610 �6� ol// j // r�-- ---- ,--372` ° I I I Inlet Protection CHANNEL N0.2 I' e /� B I 4/g . A - j I Temporary Block & • �/ ��'� To �` " .I.I I I. Gravel Inlet F I N /L = 36 . 5 J �' -—- _- ----—— — Protection elel �o Sediment Basin i / r -------376 I [r� .01.01,® 'o, �� Temporary Sediment Trap LIJoo II / J / Z / R Riprap Channel // _=--376tH�--- _ Tree Preservation CHANNEL NO. s- �// //�(� f /� r�— 374—,—rti /ice _37 �GL Grass Channel with GL // , /�' // °, Temporary Liner I I - TD T TD TD — f-� �/ // // ��I' Construction --_— / Entrance/Exit Outlet Stabilization Structure I TTopsolling ITSD I Temp. Slope Drain e ,� �` ��� \� EXHIBCb IT 3 Page 6.10 October 1991-Third Printing New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control lo.quoD auounpaS PULPuOlsolg uegsn ioj souqapm0 iljoX marl TT'9 a$ed Sulluud Pi?rIZ-166T=ag0130 I Il I � o'e IF= 5'•b�bfi -'I� W�dd do dol •,IC 1 1vr�-r,las wo �II►�_ {•— ,o oz� =11 1 I ,yz•N�w l yaN0.7 3n-29aA I r _ 5'2i fc � 11-A 0' - �7n"S1•�NVFY> 11X3 -.10 -L3;u zs =x �sasly 43N0OWV X171+11.,Z 717411- „BI r•13AV�J y nb/1fv amm Noddy 'J��1(io d'PZi d1}� �daa ,o•z `.+17r+3xU- zo aNna>sa aawn�t atA NOuvb Loll-lj)gv•7PYO7 r - ,o l5S ---- voxloa $ ra 'li OS=Fi1Y9ANI f• 111 1 1— o v � �l =l ,5't• X ,4' 5'zifo �3 1iy��o7 d-334-11Nb y— SOH .1/ 0'2 J.wM-1'tles �L= JIB dW9.,It � S'li•4'-19 G»�yoG3�1Yl,o 1 �� b�S1}j 5.4'" wa5ad��i 0 8� a3'illSri Nlsdg 1N�W��S �� S N01-I '->1 .j1'>3dS -INV sLJNlMn�6- -11'4'y:5 4 Z /ti P d �• Z o , G- Lu Z p qw J W Z 1 m Ja LU td � � � 1- M S Y 4 y N L � �Z ,n ILI � o � z (A � � 0.• W Z z 4 A Q WW dq z( 6� x W - d J �- F IL ij vlll � w p Z � `� �zz" z ? 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AR D Qa e 00 USE i7.O.T. --%=,5-7 WASH 8P 512>Nl✓ yaAJ�L rc ae No G 05rr- TkAN Thr MESS+ W rRE OF K� Qt.►J.E AT t p 6-r OW- V Z• ,-K Ox tTS 5cp_r- jµ FL&cp ovepw6Ow eAfjA MOVY01"N Fow foR VKAIV,0� - - - - - - - -- VLAGG Z -60M"BS Cr- tttr-Ae. • �tcwr►c t►r...�•f �-tlll:• I �3��tvs-rRut�oly SPsc-lFlcc.-rlot.ts I, -LAY CONCRETE T%-ex s, oN FIRM , --^00rH FouNDATION EXC.A\SATtED 3" BELoW STbftfA DRAIN 7oP . T L&Le gLOLKS ACiA►NST 'DRAIn INLET FOK LATERAL- ,5,UPP CRT,. 2. FLAI-E AT I.6A-5r ONE GoNGRt3►E tLccx Ch ITS SIDE. IN EA:x E50 Ta'h IZDvr OF �oc.Krj . 3, f>t c V. W l RF Me-M W tTA %z" OU ER ALL. r-X-0Uc 6PE-N INC1S oSEp Ftx� �INAGtB, �{. U',Z--- P-0.-r. X 57 WASttED -.mmm "TC V�DW RA.-rE GIST ALLow V>FAINAGIE- . PtAC-E. 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STi�MPS F�dM 'DIVERSIaN ��NCPfTt t7N , �. �',oNS'ftCtX'r RIDy E Tb �t)t_I_ 'DIMENSIONS 5ii'4wN — J�,ypW 10�jo Pbt� 3, GDM?P-'r F,19r,$ T*f W14EEI_5 OF C.oNSTROC-MON EQt)1PN��NT, -T1kAT -r-t E -MP of -ni-- of k T�SIyN f�RA�P� OR Ftt(ttER Kr A-t- y �f. `:��A Pd�l� N\V�GH IMN�E�IA'fEl..`( AcF'fER CpP1yr(�t�GTtON 'SEE October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.15 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 57. •n1. • ,�IY� AYE•� \�V O � I ..1,ylY 1...•.. ✓'•. •^� \�� /\ +,•`FII._ �� F•`- T e�,o' M,M1MVM �1 J! ��� ENTi�ANGE w�D'rN 'S1'PPLF9 �6.1 got ,11 u Ri-u_ I ��nt q-�6_ ►1�1[ll_ tt� - t 3 1 bLoPE n%aXw►ur1 OF SPREAD6Pl �- 8VWE0 G90S5 '5VC--f10N �S�Gotv�tK'rioni SPr�iF�c.P'C1ot�s I. �tBHPt,I1�5s l tri► , .1.0 P'r Wu , SHovt.� �xTENv 6 " ovFcc. �E LSV EL L 1 P' &AD $E $( 1 ED 6" t7EV-P AT' -i}1e L4�W 5P- OP61 M . 2. ENSUP.E -TAT 1lilF- l_t7l 15 L-F-VF-L_ -%CWC%46V r ff"`, UEN l'Tl}. "jj-1E NOT ON L.L. 6oN,iiRLG1" A 'fRD�NSIT►Dt`4 �j GTIoN QOM 'TNS "D1VEI�S�ON -Tb 5t -r H L_Y To ANT,> TvA" Cf 11j Sp1c�9Er�, �. INW1Ev�arEl-�( AF�cC CON-.rrF-0C- z>" ) A-Fme>Pf-t A•TeLY .5e�v-p A�rvD Mt�,LH �Tti EI�lT1R� �►`�T02S>=D ASR�� OF -T}1 =, 5.*R E fETp�-�IVE New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.16 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control tom• TK�E q�R�seRvl�TI ot\( � -�pT�t,-T-I o N �' 4f J0 I pF�1P L►N6 I � r l 2.p' �IaMGTER NOTE ; 6IMENT YcENC-a MATY-5-RIAL MAY -te USEQ -Tb. T50%LD 'AZiVE �AKE`� �I�iML`� INTp C�RpvND—fcT' Li�cST I c." 7 L_L�N� G'I KA►17 I N C� (. 1'INI514E,D LAND SJEzFAC.ES WILI- 15E GIRADED ArS t>40W N ON SITE v�VELoP�ENr —PLAN, W 1LI-. e e. 3: I OIe T=-AiTyr-m {b2 MA1NT=t%ANGE. MWIWC AND V�CAX IHecNEO PaZ VEGtE 1-D.11VC �S'TP..BLISttMENT, �j, "flkE I+Icj* 1=1uL St-D?F- ON "'(}4E NC2T}} WILL_ HO• 'DE `5reePOM, -VW" Z: 1 A:NV exvGIttENCD Bim( GIROOV INGI AA.CSOfi 17WV- '5I- a. -4, �[7P5d1V WILL $E. F�VE9 F-2Ot\ ARE446 -Tb 15f:—r O�IZA MV ABVD 19L-F-t> 1'r WILL. 81r StOc-K�It_ED IN t-�c.P.�T'ioN'S �+iOW�a . P►ta.Efl WILL CLE%A-r=:n AND GiRU�Ev>, �. ill - W IU- BE- R-D�I;o I N Iver `(b E�,?ccEED 9" N Lt> GOP'�'PPLT'EO Ari 'RMCt 0ml-5V %N -V}t�• - GtFICb.TIOIvS �r- THe- . �d�L�P►'1�NT PLd.N �T�oT ?� �Po�T OP SeG►M6NT• C�Nr�o� PLAN. October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.17 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control IoAuoo auaunpas pug uoisoig $uqu!Jd PULL-1661=2go3aO 81'9 a$gd uggin io;sauRapmO xso)L maN ' CL31"013h�/t a,NV � �� hN1dNt�G�C+�s aL " Nl QL a�a' �j 4T-'-*`d �a3�f1S'd34�! "loZL1..Nv�� Nv15c�3 drl'd ..1-NSW td3S �.a*dZiod4�!_ �L "!fid '.J.3'"1..1C►J ,mac� "i"�Nhl'd-k�7 -a7NV oa o77d NI alazl-,14,t-is 'Sa -n I M r ��t a�a� �� a3��?� ��'d �ae�j '1�oN►� � N� � 'gl • ��N �t+L � �o-s hNv-1 3H1. an �t'a�la. cu. ` �t a3eycu�+a -aktl- --iv :a dales 31441_ � �H c� vc+alysrly� -n►M, Nvts��n+a :lbyavdw a ` a N1.LNe-xia �-It odW- nLLNn No!,. -'W-ndo SO<;M4% LRlC2 'T yQ 3t401 -3.g -nirA 47N1-Mld dW %9NI-LLC17 ' '9-2 V 4Ma1s 57%1- NO Mortem-.aVSIr-7 S.N3A3 QL 3XJ'IS -1-113 _ 3no�'Q S�3WLl_ T`d 1'St d vtvyv> r 39. -nitA Not�3nta �f '�I 'b7tV+Q'd?5'I`J dNd �jN1�T7 dN'Q'1 D1. �101?!d, s�,dQ'1s J.Ci7 3/�� Q3.-1"l�d1SNl 3S `t"I1M SNo�S�3/�IQ 'ZI �• 41VH 2 11 S-ISWKVJ<' 01- 4Sala anN'd esaSj.LC\&q N 1 awl-'73�'b7 ta T t M W aa6:k ' N nNONs 44 T`►+'d?!d QL d'+3a'dal'J dN�O I : N'dkF,L --S-aa-a i aN aq Aal5 343 TIM S'PS-,*d d�r'dc %JNIN+Ord'0 <nwv t . 01 --L-IotjoaOL- M4 t.4 _LN W.Jo-1 JAa4d lV0 NM�i-moi r+V a da�15. "�Q. `1'11M ���i3�C�S �JN171�i'Q3 dt3'd d'db� •b :2<1- -ION --Ilm TLA v ' -Vl l=am yd CMI;0 -G-4 -WN -l"lll� -I��'3iadW '3�15S��W�7 �'1}t�71�1 1�as \2:10 "I` V-SaLvw "azo4>:i L 8 I EMFOKMr Y SEDIMENT TRAM �jEOIN1ENT fbo� EI-. g6rJ S^ 5.O• 'yI �JES >�IMtNf 1 o I.3' U-vINour _ 80 �— JrAKe Ar —'I —— 4RoUr�p El.3b4 3 I I c57 WA-,Ittp 3-1 b:l 4A' LEAN-yCotiC nvuCoN V Ira vs ti o / 5-°'�o•+h 10.0'W106 Q i// o v ���oo ROCO OtfGH EL, 7b�y.o t� /} 61-. 365 O FIL•K'R FAERILJ ctJ�SS D' ETtDiinN GOV11loL 'JfbN� - LR09S SEGT►ON 21"MIN x �FILtER Fa»ea� NoIrURAL. B �RoJNo o ems. 3cc.5 1.5' 4.0' �.Z I �1vE sl.ov� D D? C�jf 2 I OR F/1�A'ffER 1.1 SIVE 51-0QE --3.0'-+� IyATURAL. Gpza)NO .�or�� S�TioN (S.) �.ONSTRVGTIoI� �TE�-IPIG-4'Tlolys I. Gl��rfi ` GIRU� A11D 6TfC1P �i� Ac1C�, Vf�L�t� "S1kE- EM�.NZ{jhE.NT�• OF ALL vECjETAT1oN ANS 1�001- MAN7 2. GL-eNg i=DND 4,,eA nvn-&W Et->✓YL�TION 3_ USS FILL MATERIAL �'E� OF- Rpo-rs I wocc�Y VEyETA"i'I oN ANS O'RCgA,NIL AWVT K . 'FIU- IN LIFTS NST -TO F-?CCEED 9" Liv N�C1-}tN�. GoMPAIc-"r `�'. GONSTKa7�T" •�Alr� hND ST?�NE STrlt_Lw��( -Tb -p►N\�Ns�aNS � SLOPES AMP, N , t�NSURe- -fVrNT - J• T- S-P►LLWA,' ST 1'5 LrovEL_ AND PT I.S' SEL CW -T-f}E '(bP OF TH•E- T>ArM AT ALL. :FWAT-S. 6 . SrbNE �S�D �roK SP1LLWc.Y —GLA&5 (je)1` f-.f2py loN GoNl�FZO L_ �jTb N�. October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.19 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control 7 4SFrONL AV IN5117r-- SPILLWAY FAGS TO GONT—iRDL T>KalN— AC1r-- -- -p. o T. --W- 57 WASttE o S-s'ohtt� 8. vuTL-tD -t:;T-oIVE ovT-L-r--T ew L-ne>N -1'O %,"=-Cjr--TATERC> rDA� plTe-tt ON zETko GfRA.T>E. W Cr!-t -Top, C1r- S1-tbtVi= L.V- T- w►TI} 150tTOrA of DF=DsLN �. f:NSuKr-- TVkAT- -'i}�• TOP OF -r4r- SAM AT A`LL YOINTS IS 0.5 % ABove- NDrTl7�Al.. SL)RROVNDINGI Gl�iOl)ND. IO• �TA►�ILIz- -1"t}� M13ANKMNT ANO Al-1. TPIA-4Tt1K1E5ED Aftr--A p�oVl=. ->��� fliMENcT' YooL_. 5�tawu 1N -TNV-- VFrj�TA'T10N =�h1ll ' ••': =ill lC 111�1I� CL1MPAcfED FILL bdfiR TO'fc OC FABR�L OJt�C-p 0.0" DEEP, (Q.) CONST" L)r—TION SQECIFIGATIONS I. GONSrRUG'r ai L.Dw Sipe OF -fOP501L SToGKPIL� 'RO i�R�VENT 5�D1r' NT �icON� P�EINGI k[ASF3ED 1N'110 7H� Df INA,GE S`(SrE A . FEND Tb EAMM14D A r,0VND AFFRoX- IMATEL`f 70070 OF -11AIE d! O"r 1L.E . 2. Loc�.� Pa�f� �o�1�5I_oPe. of F4f�R1L. 'tb H61..'P 5�pf oRT �c�n�t�-, New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.20 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 3. vog"Y -Tbr-- of ��,•,� PcpPRox(r.c�rELY a1' viaeP 'z vRevEw- uU��R�urnroc� �}. y�l}i�EN JOINTS OtRE N�L���'( � �1ELJRt:U( �AS•C'EN -Tltt= �A�FZ1C- � Dc SuP'PORT YO`3� W tTl} OVEK LAP Ta �T�}E N�Xr 'IrD�3T•. S IL'fEK VDe> tc- To NYLON POL`fa,1-sg 'PRaPYLENE oR Yc.tzN W IT}} F-XTRA trMe C-�-T44 — 570 L$ LIN. I N. (NVN IrAorA) AN9 W" A. FLOW RN'Ti: G'F AT Lr-�S-r D•3 ( �ArL. 1 F-r7- MIN U-T-V-- . T::A59IC. �oULD GDNTp,IN VL1rAVIOLF-T FAY INH18►TOf�S ANS 6. PD,T -ro 55-- -4" -pNr-- WMR A MI14\0M01,\ Lx---NGTik or- 4' F=ee-T-, t4011-= : 1f' W4�44 C-0r *LDMr7 AVIoIN INC1 An--- Nor DrP"00.T'Ei-Y �FrA$I L'IZeD GoN�RyG'f�D A `�PINIENT' '1=£Ne-E S}+aULD $tom l-GGT7 ON -Me 4*ANNs4- $ERIK To PREv*-=m'r -9�pi -torr FROM �N'i�RINGI 'TAe GF}ANNV-=L 5Y"7TSN`. -PAS j3_=N6.F-- SV4-WL-v '�j� INSTD.LL.�D AS SF+o1NN AP,�V� ALONGI �}>= �NT1R'1c U, 5bn;� PROF 1 NL eT' •PiZoT .-('I oto �'>~EK -T� GnNT�3uT'lN(1 'D�1NAC�$ ARED. }TD,S �N �RMAr-"° r;�t`frL`� ��e�( z�p� 'TFC '�I•of�K AND GRAV$L. WILL. SE �IrWVPA l>ND' �'G-iCNWd�1ENT �� I,AIv �iDUNp -j-t•!E 'ORD? IN�,-�-, M•/• 4V Fouts I-Focr Y41V'r-- oj1K%p5. OV TALL Mtpcee 5ov pnl F�.G 1i SIDE OF -THE PROP %N-Sr October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.21 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control (10•� �N sT'�uG'T"t Olv SPC-IC tFt G Ar0 N 5i I. �aI.E SOIIr. St)RFA� "ro 8EZE14i� GI ROUND CRUST � L��i,.y�. >0RFA•G1= UNIFo2M AAV WATER, t..1 6,tirLlf, 2, LAY -60V> IN A 1'4-f MRN AS 5HdWR Wnl 'nT1C1P5 1j50-rrEr,> -nolgr-LY Ac b.INS-r EgGH OTHeFZ. 3. 8OTrtNC-i —ANCjL-ED ENDS ?:,( G01-1 IN61 MUST 8e- tv�IZVM=P c0RR14TLY. '�. gou- Soc> To PROVIDE. FIRM SOIL CON-MLT. IfCRIGLA-TF UNTI L SOIL 15 WM-r TO AHOUT -1II 13E LOW TH= SOD. 6. KEEP SOp r-otsv ON?1L SoD - &<eS '(F�PORARY LINER j 5?(�AIrJ MUI�H HF,I..o ' IN PI-AGS. WITH PLA61rIG OK JUTe N6TTINLir if I It I ROLL OUT STRIPS aF NEi'fltly ParsA�►-�L II rO 7HE DFM:;rION OF V:t.CW d�ll II SII d AW-VIM KEATLNy JOIN STRIPS OY 8 IN A b" I'MINfGH ANG{ORINGI AND OVERLAPPINe, New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.22 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control ��. (,�RA`�S- LINE'D �FTANN�I_S ��f7NT.� �'F-r•1Pa�Y Dr�a�tslo►.1 DIKPs '1"O P(CofELT t UT �✓I.OrE q $Loft. .a A 9 e EI••369.5 3:I Sloe sw.as t=oR rMowlNy '•d•:. 4• So' 3F�1•o 3c0•o �— 36B.c 30'� lS.O T`{PIGD:� GROSS SF1TIoN � A1-L GFIANN6L5 (IX-M ANP TOP WI9PI; WILL \IPItf VPIWP ON GIICOVND EL1^VA•�IOK 380 370 360 -- 350 0+00 t + 00 z+-oo b+00 I I Lt1_VeR1'-e:z CAAm4met-Wz INYElCi' CONFLUBPK'E 'PRo1=1t^� — G�ANNEL� 1 CHANNEL �l G4►gNNF� 3 yRo�vE Z% RADE %07. 1•�NyTH � 360' L>=N4'rN X150' . $ElgINNM� G�O� 1- 's"�9.6 BI r,it4w G% r4RAVe ELEYA'f10N = 362.0 Ac>-ouTLET-INVEti7 of cuLv>=Rr Z —C4jLvr=6tr It1Iv6Rr uHVEr- T�RRI ROAD CFIANNEL_ �Z t:.liAtJN'GL_ �-} C�tRAt7E 1•T5°7o 6pAD7e �I�IyTii 230' L-6NOIT41 160' 15V<MNINC, 61RAv6 6L 362.7 (3Et�ityr+n.+cZ yw.oE. fit.. ' �b`1.A -AT IN'r6K6F1T1oN W/6KNt.►NEL GHgtYNEI- OOSYOM October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.23 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control (11.) GoN5TRUc-TI0N SPi✓GIFIGAT�oNS I. gXGAVPSE. -T►-t>= CVANNF-L At-LD 5ttb%F=- 1T -Ti::, AM r-VF-N GfZ��S-S�cLT10N A5 SVtowN • WIC MN 5TAKINGI INDICA-rE A O-Z' OVF-ftGJT ARCGND TRe G}1 MeL- TemMaT-eJ v--OK SLLTINCj AN'C> i!>ULKINC•t. 2. Cj*ZAD>G r,IL AWAY SAM -ttANNEL 5o -T1-KL'T /tiAr '�. A�Pt-Y LlN1E PrAIMLIZF�R A-NO 5MeD lb -Mr-- 04ANNEL A.Np ADSOIN - 1N61 AftEAs W rn>r -T1tE VezqBrATION T L-AN , . 5'KeAt> GrRA.W MJVGH AT -Mr-- MATE OF loo LB/ 1oo0 PTZ . S, HOLD MULCH III -F� tVY`nEDIATI=LY AFI- fM 5PReADIN61 Wrrf4 A FL.ASFnr- NfiTrINCI I95-rJNLL4-'-D A5 6140 /N . LPsYINc� "TRS NE'r fRon -lam ToP Dl= 'MVE 17 SMeAJA SID O� TWE G1ji�Nn1EL. AND LxROLL. IT -Down! So-r- -7. oT7. SuR`( -TVW- VP5LDM 'F-NV AND �TPs'Pt.E �TF " N��' -t-zVE2`S - IZ.'% AI:-K055 -Tree 'lap �Np� E4E2.`f 3 fr. AQ00riO ?{-lE Aviv) `4C.4cG65 �l't4e NET ho �TNrDrT Ti'1�. �fiw lS 118� �l�s�l-j' A ►tvsT -50IL , A0WEVe Ncr S-RETG*-i I:Hr- r4I=TT'lNy WHEN �APLINf.I - - 8, Ka-M14C1 %?5 15 r00L.D 3E Jo►MEP -Tccjs-rwaF, ALONG �T} -jl'DI.s. vvni.4r A 3" OVBRLA,p A,ND �7'D,�l-Efl TOC��T'F}�R , q. -r 0 ...101N FJNP6 OF sTl�►PS 1NS� T' -THS- NEvJ t�.i NST IN A -nM-NC* AS WITtt ()P9L0'PS aNa ANa oVl=iZLAtP IT IS" WM4 -VAT-- MV-VIOU5L%f LAID UPPER RpLt -1-ORN uNDER G" o'F �� �8"• OVEQLQ?P ATPD STAR. �V�RY 12" A„GRo� T}!E �N� New York Guidelines for Urban Page,6.24 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 12. :R•?KNF G�}AINN 1- 11 04E9-ExCA ATS 30"ARDVMV ~ 6.0' III C-"At+NroL X-6S4T,oN To ALLow —III fDR STONE. 'fHtC.KtvES$ �SYNrHtTIG FIVTEfL FASRIG- 'rYPILAL GRosS 5>~GTioN "iEt'�PoRAR`( 'RdEPstoN I°lo Slroc+E _ �:1 FILL SLOP N 117 ' I O� �— l0' 9W-ffA ALLOWS ROOM FO/t trDfL PW64VMEwT, 44NDUNJ i +50 .i 1J(1 RItRD.P D,r10 (�WINYENANC.6 - -TY-P I Gal- 6:Fo-�5-t? sV G-rl ON C�fRA 0.060 I.p-tqcrvA `160' i o RIPRAQ - d 5o = 12" d"j, = Mo" t - n stOnE h11GKNrcSS Z7" 3,10 OvrLET tecrlol`1 1Z•0' w >;XIS/TINY �Ravt: 2:t S�flE St�PfcS / _ 3 a 9,o' t,>cep � 360 or Gt�ANN>L ctw+aE ur � 3o • O +Do t + 00 2 + 00 9+00 4 +00 4r6o � � GHANN>=L 'PROFILIr October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.25 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control (IZ.� CorSTR��TION SPE�tFI�ATLoLvS (j) CLB�►2 MtE -Foot-tD ATION OF ^LL- `-fI2EE5 t STUMPS At�D ROcsi'S Z. -xj A\IATE. `iHE -5cyr1-0t,^% 1kND SLDES dF -T{{E G-t1P.NNEI- 3�" IOW GRp,DE A- o\- LL -FbINrS "1"o ALLOW F69 THe 7L4.�SMFNT � RIP RAP AS SHowN IN -'11-tV- -T JP CAL g, INSTALL_ 'EXTPA S'fRF�1c�T}4 �fl�T�iz FABRIC ON TFta -COT-'oM AMD S1DE5 oP ZHE- GtiAivAF-L. :FoUNX>N' 1oN , �LAC1NGj lVte. JPST�EAi^ �t�R1G OdB2 -Tvif-= FAzec- W rM AT FAST A OV612L 1P CN AL-L JOINTS . ' hm fiN5r-IG IS TO -Be SSGJ'?-eLY {QLD IN �LPCr-- W LTR METAL PINS. 'PLpf-E RIPfZGtP EVENLY -VO -TOE LINES A•ND 6eAvet— SI-towt4 ON -q►6 -pPAw Wrg5 j�Nv> S-vpcyED IN 71-4E FirL0. R1PRA?' To gF. 'QLAG'ED "F'OLLDWINGi -qke IN5vA.LL-A--noN or 71AI-E IFILTv--R FABRIC- . S, �►�AcP ?0 MST SPC-L-i P 1 G AT►O N FEZ �D.O.T. GLASS 2 i�(�(2A� 6. VEGt�TATE ALL �ISTJRI�E� A2.EAS �OLLoWLNC,L SpEGIFI�TIoNs 6k�OWN IN -tF@E VEC�ETATI�� i�AN, 1 Imo, GonLsT .0C:rLON -ZOAD14 �S'AP>ll.1ZA-t'toN 90,O' I l .a' AW ou-RJCI CIROONP ZLOM ( '(o LAyDhCAt'E� -M '%lR6GT RowoFF To '8t,ouc ANp r-+�P•4VEL 'p2OP INttnT, Sore ON HCWtT+# FbS. SSPE 'f'o �joVfl+ ( • ;jt/ C'f0 PR6J6Wt� QV61eFLCl,d of 6�� 1.5 ��pE FILL S4OPE� T`(PiGA� X- SEGT oN �rC�(ZAty C.� RoAG (-M9K, Ro. Easr -T- I� O AW'h NoevK OF 31L1Gf 8 -M 36 PAJE<7 VeNto ID 2t4pRAP T�'PIGD�I X-- jEC.700N �N(1zAt�£ Q.OPp (FRah C44AKR L.- TO Fast- eNA Or, New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.26 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 13, GON9r. RR STA'81 L I ZATc Cw C GON r•) 41 f4.O' o��o tJ.VC1r'E -fo WES'� lsfo aF 8 AGS-F�is Reap ro Qa2wNc1 o2ec. C�RowNFp� 'PPRKIN� D�2eD. TYPICAL_ GIzOSS —SEG"rloN AGG�SS '{�0�� (i3� C�'►�s-�2tk�loN SprcGt�1G�.-L1otJS I, GI-F-Per- ROAD '$V AND 'PWY N-"C AQELIS Cr- ALL. qff-o:�ETA-n N Ro�TS AND 0rrttkE(Z 0�1�c r l oN�t8�� Tr�T�y214L 2. F"VtDV- 50RF4c.v-, ✓'. V-AD 6" a-OURS£ cF 'RO.T. "ASC." €JENL--< NRiP "me nu_ W tvTl+ OF 'KDAi> AND P4R1GN6 AMc A AND —n-{ �"o AVo1D y�p��ssloniS . ALL- AA.A 5 AP-1 v I N INGt i Z>A C7$ N.NU PAItK t N y 46 500N AS C I N y t S GoMKST-r-. I N A�GoR PA�Nc E w lr w —qt�p 19: ��l-ET `.�'A�ll-.►zA-r'(oN ��Jc-Tt)R�S OUTLET ?RCTaC-TION f=OR GJLdEF,-r Ai-- 1 (FoR Rk??Ap PRoTE.:T1oty USE GESS A 02 GL.n,SS 0 BRO,sVoN CAVttleo% STDNe-) A - A 5' 1- 6.5 pLgG�v I$�1- W" 'Itt�'COP �v9aM� E� -, Fil.OR1E+fc38 � AS �f�ROJNDING� LDUV9 Su�cFp LE No ovER.r-u i. 5��ridN 6k-A' it =U1�-111= _ S►�ov�D �x�sT, = 'ro MI, — L \F«f�R FCORICr October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.27 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control OOTI-F---r 'PROVE TION AOR GJLVERT 2 (L►uv- 61-tl m%r-L. "fd ToP OF ' DW6 POR A VV6T v1 of tz.0' 90WNSTRV-=DM. U5V- Gt�rSS 8 �Rostoty caNrRc� STort� . Zj� - 3014° _- _ 'y/SLI.-�F�ED FDrdR1C. GHar.�NE1.-� PL AtN ON A-A' NUI A=jo 'I"o 8a ?Lluec L-F- - WITH -ME -1DF SueFw-= OF KtMzAP Af �ANtC 0-L-6 T10rt ASF '51ygS ANS TSDM� OF GFIANNEL . I'IO "4NNEL c,voKva.u- a� R�S�KI�'tloN to GHfl.NNsi- �RD55- 5&c-Ytoi.i StiW�p PactST. CON tTKOCGTIDN 1?GIF ILAr10W5 1. �XGAVA.TE. �EL.oW GN�uvNEL.. �Tf-�T" hN� WIDEN GHAIVN�L '1a -T4� K�4��REfl faPRDYP 'T}}IGKN�SS FOR F�Ft APRON . �OtvDArTlola To 25E car -ro Alvo Sr^o oft Ev, f=lL-Tr--K 15M-I-om AND 51�ES o� PREPAfZ�O Fo0NDD•T)ON • Au- -D%NT5 TO OVERLAP Cr MINIIAOM OF= 1.0 '. 3. F-X RRGISE G-A-KM IN R►PKA•P ?LA-4-MKS-K1- To AVOID DQMA[1E To IFILTrtZ F451RIL . �}. Fuxe-L FKIPKAF CN zero en-FAP>✓ 'roP OF RI�RAP To �E I.BVEI- WCS"I} r--K%->T1Ne1 001LST NO AT- iz-VDS. S iIPRAr- TO BE v1AKDI ,AN61 )LAI;� y WALL. G-IIRA,DV> GLAyS $ f--- R05-,%0N GON'TZ O L- SC'O Nr-- . 6, IrvAe01AT--Ly AFTER GZX'LSTft04:n6N STA�ILIZi^ ALL PISTUR�� ARCS W iTt' VElj1=TATl0Irl A6 54DW N (N VELE T4-rIVE. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.28 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control AF.— :2: 1 Ati 6L.OPM PLACE FILL IN UrT's NaT- -M EXC-MCD 9" AND GxMPA41-. 2, VfFhVE •FAGS OF FILL SLOPE 1-00'6E AA> 0NC0KRA4--Mp 6�� bEEP VO (RIOT BAGK IN F`INAL GI KAPINC.j. -3.6tROOYf-:z ON GONTbV�--GIRpOUBS APPRDX. 3" pFZE-P -t- I?_" APAV!ZT, I. G1ROoVE $Y �IS�1N� To E�JEI�I Sv2FAC.E FDCt J"�INTc—NAN4-E- 8Y MOW lNl1, 2, 6,R00VE5 AerROK. V, - 2" veEQ ANV> ID" APART, _ 3. VEGIBTDaT� l►`^M�-�I�a-T��-Y' �T� �Is��H� . � v�a-ra- October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.29 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control VEGETATIVE PLAN Seedbed Preparation SP_ SP-1 Fill slopes 3:1 or steeper to be seeded with a hydraulic seeder (permanent seedings) 1) Leave the last 4-6 inches of fill loose and uncompacted, allowing rocks, roots, large clods and other debris to remain on �he slope. 2) Roughen slope faces by making grooves 2-3 inches deep, perpendicular to the slope. 3) Spread lime evenly over slopes at rates recommended by soil tests. SP-2 Fill slopes 3:1 or steeper (temporary seedings) 1) Leave a loose, uncompacted surface. Remove large clods, rocks, and debris which might hold netting above the surface. 2) Spread lime and fertilizer evenly at rates recommended by soil tests. 3) Incorporate amendments by roughening or grooving soil surface on the contour. SP-3 High-maintenance turf 1) Remove rocks and debris that could interfere with tillage and the production of a uniform seedbed. 2) Apply lime and fertilizer at rates recommended by soil tests; spread ' evenly and incorporate to a depth of 2-4" with a farm disk or chisel plow. 3) Loosen the subgrade immediately prior to spreading topsoil by disking or scarifying to a depth of at least 2 inches. 4) Spread topsoil to a depth of 2-4 inches and cultipack. 5) Disk or harrow and rake to produce a uniform and well-pulverized surface. 6) Loosen surface just prior to applying seed. SP-4 Gentle or flat slopes where topsoil is not used. 1) Remove rocks and debris. 2) Apply lime and fertilizer at rates recommended by soil tests; spread evenly and incorporate into the top 6" with a disk, chisel plow, or rotary tiller. 3) Break up large clods and rake into a loose, uniform seedbed. 4) Rake to loosen surface just prior to applying seed. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 6.30 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Seedinct Methods SM SM-1 Fill slopes steeper than 3:1 (permanent seedings) Use hydraulic seeding equipment to apply seed and fertilizer, a wood fiber mulch at 45 lb/1,000 ft2, and mulch tackifer. SM-2 Gentle to flat slopes or temporary seedings 1) Broadcast seed at the recommended rate with a cyclone seeder, drop spreader, or cultipacker seeder. 2) Rake seed into the soil and lightly pack to establish good contact. Mulch (MU) MU-1 Steep slopes (3:1 or greater) In mid-summer, late fall or winter, apply 100 lb/1,000 ft grain straw, cover with netting and staple to the slope. In spring or early fall use 45 lb/1,000 ft wood fiber in a hydroseeder slurry. MU-2 High-maintenance vegetation and temporary seedings Apply 90 lb/1,000 ft (4000 lb/acre) grain straw and tack with 0.1 gal/yd2 asphalt (11 gal/1,000 ft2) . MU-3 Grass-lined. channels Install excelsior mat in the channel, extend up the channel banks to the highest calculated depth of flow, and secure according to manu- facturer's specifications. On channel shoulders, apply 100 lb/1,000 ft grain straw and anchor with 0.1 gal/yd2 (11 gal/1,000 ft2) asphalt. Maintenance (MA) MA-1 Refertilize in fate winter or early spring the following year. Mow as desired. MA-2 Keep mowed to a height of 2-4 inches. Fertilize with 40 lb/acre (1 lb/1,000 ft2) nitrogen in winter and again the following fall. MA-3 Inspect and repair mulch and lining. Refertilize in late winter of the following year with 150 lb/acre 10-10-10 (3.5- lb/1,000 ft2) . Mow regu- larly to a height of 3-4 inches. - MA-4 Topdress with 10-10-10 fertilizer if growth is not fully adequate. MA-5 Topdress with 50 lb/acre (1 lb/ 1,000 ft2) nitrogen in March. If cover is needed through the following summer, overseed with 50 lb/acre Kobe lespedeza. October 1991-Third Printing Page 6.31 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control E �. TABLE 1: VEGETATIVE PLAN1 p a C �. Seeding Mixture Seedbed Are 3 Permanent Temporary Prepara- Seeding Mainte- No. - Description -- Season ---------lb/ac --------lb/ac- tion----- Method Mulch nance Notes co ---- ------------ -------- -------- ------ ------- ------ -------- ------------- �, Steep slopes Spring or , Tall fescue 100 Permanent mixture also p o, 1 ( 3:1); low fall Kobe lespedeza 10 SP-1 SM-1 MA-1 used for low-maint. cI maintenance Bahiagrass 25 MU-1 areas (4). Overseed O V R e rain 40 winter plantings of rye Summer German millet 40 with Kooe, iespedeza in SP-2 SM-2 MA-5 March if grading is not Winter Rye grain 120complete. 2 High-maint- Spring Rye grain 120 Tall fescue can be enance turf Kobe lespedeza 50 MA-4 seeded in spring - Summer German millet 40 increase rate to 250 SP-3 SM-2 MU-2 lb/ac. Temp. seeding Fall Tall fescue blend 200 MA-2 for fall is the same as for winter. Winter Rye grain 120MA-5 ------ ------------------------ ------------------------------7------------ -------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------ co 3 Grassed Fall — Tall fescue 200 w channels with Spring Rye grain 40 SP-4 SM-2 MU-3 MA-3 N side slopes Summer Tall fescue 200 3:1 German millet 10 4 Low- Spring or Tall fescue 100 For temporary seeding maintenance Fall Kobe lespedeza 10 MA-1 in spring or fall see areas Bahiagrass 25 5 below. Rye grain 40 SP-4 SM-2 MU-2 Summer Tall fescue 100 Use these specs for Kobe lespedeza 10 temporary diversions Bermudagrass 15 MA-5 O German millet 10 � Winter Rye grain 120 K o ------ -------------- --------- --------------------- --------------------- --------- ------- ------ -------- ------------ co 5 Areas requir- Spring Rye grain 120 Treat temporary ing cover for Kobe lespedeza 50 MA-4 diversion as low- less than 1 Summer German millet 40 SP-4 SM-2 MU-2 maintenance, permanent year ,area 4) Fall b Rye grain 120 MA-5 topsoil stockWinter Kobe lespedeza 50- piles here ----- -------------- --------- ------------------------------------------ --------- ------- ------ ---------[Include ------------- b l Column entries for seedbed preparation, seeding method, mulch, and maintenance refer to Attachment 1 . 2 ' 3 Arba numbers are designated on map. 5' Spring (Feb. 1 - Apr. 15), Summer (Apr. 15 - Aug. 20), Fall (Aug. 20 - Oct. 25), �o Winter (Oct. 25 - Jan.). SECTION 7 MAINTAINING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CONTENTS Page Maintaining Vegetative Measures .................................................................7.1 Maintaining Structural Measures ..................................................................7.2 SedimentBasins ................................................................................7.2 Diversions ......:..................................................................:...........7.2 GradeStabilization Structures ....................................................................7.2 Lined Waterway or Outlet........................................................................7.2 TrafficControl .................................................................................7.2 Pollution Control During Construction .............................................................7.2 Prepared by. Donald W.Lake,Jr.,P.E.,State Conservation Engineer USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY I � MAINTAINING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Maintaining Vegetative Measures depends upon the land category and its intended use.On l improved areas few or no weeds or undesirable brush Maintaining vegetation for soil protection or other uses is should be tolerated.This tolerance may become propor- nee,ied to keep the system functioning. Proper main- tionately greater as land category declines.Drainageways tenance defers or prevents impairment of plant cover.It is are subject to rapid infestation of weeds and woody plants. usually less costly to carry on a maintenance program than These should be eradicated or cut back since they often it is to make repairs after prolonged neglect. reduce drainageway efficiency.Control of weeds or brush is accomplished by using herbicides,mechanical methods, Maintenance should occur on a regular basis, consistent soil sterilants and,perhaps,selective removal by hand. with favorable plant growth,soil and climatic conditions. This involves regular seasonal work for mowing,fertilizing, Pest and disease control requirements are usually more liming, watering, pruning, fire controls, weed and pest intensive on improved areas.Most insects,such as grubs, control, reseeding and timely repairs. It also requires army worms,beetles and ants,feed on grass roots, stems prompt removal of debris,protection of vegetation from and leaves and may cause considerable damage in a short unintended uses or traffic and special attention to critical period of time if not controlled early.Rodents,such as field areas.Well maintained vegetation provides a comfortable mice,moles,and woodchucks,may damage vegetation and margin of reserve that will carry through emergencies.A create hazards by burrowing and throwing up mounds on preventive maintenance program anticipates requirements earthen structures. Insects and rodents should be kept and accomplishes work when it can be done with the least under reasonable control. effort and expense. Diseases of herbaceous and woody plants are usually of The degree of preventive maintenance depends upon the minor importance where adapted species have been used category of vegetation and land:improved,semi-improved and reasonably good management is practiced.Trees that and unimproved grounds. Greater maintenance is re- have been destroyed by disease or seriously damaged by quired for improved grounds than unimproved grounds. insects should be removed.Removal of such trees is essen- Regardless of the category, vegetative cover requires a tial because diseases and insect infestations will likely certain degree of management or the desired function of spread to other plants. the vegetation will be defeated. Dry vegetation constitutes a fire hazard. The taller the Mowing is a recurring practice and its intensity depends vegetation,the greater the hazard.Herbaceous vegetation upon the function of the ground cover.On improved areas, on improved ground may be less subject to serious fire such as lawns, certain recreation fields and picnic areas, since it is kept well mowed and probablywell watered.Tree mowing will be frequent.On semi-improved areas,mowing and shrub areas on improved ground also undergo fairly will be less frequent. On unimproved areas,mowing may intensive management. Debris, such as fallen trees and occur once every three years as required to eliminate in- branches,is usually removed without undue delay and litter vading woody vegetation. is occasionally cleared away. These practices reduce fire hazards considerably.On unimproved grounds,vegetation The application of fertilizer will follow a like pattern. On is usually allowed to grow tall. Mowing and removing improved areas,fertilizer amounts should be in sufficient residue on occasion may help prevent fires in such areas. quantities to keep cover healthy and vigorous without over In g moral,grass fires in New York State are not critical. stimulation of growth.On semi-improved grounds,the rate Judicious care,consistent with land category and purpose of fertilizer application is usually about 1/2 the rate applied of vegetation usually will help prevent fires. on improved areas. Unimproved'areas should receive limited fertilizer applications as required to produce Temporary seedings should be inspected every 30 days. enough growth to prevent undue erosion. Areas damaged should be reseeded and remulched. Lime should be applied to maintain the desired level of soil Protective coverings and their anchoring methods should reaction. On improved grounds, amounts of lime may be be inspected to determine whether or not the cover is in applied to maintain the optimum pH range.On semi-im- place at the proper density and properly anchored.Where proved and unimproved areas,the pH may be maintained commercially available netting of either paper and plastic at a lower level than optimum. or jute mesh is applied, check for damage by vandalism, fire or loss of anchoring.All areas should be inspected to Weeds and brush frequently invade grass cover as a direct determine if rilling is occurring beneath the protective result of inadequate maintenance. Amount of weeds or cover.Where this is occurring,the area should be regraded brush that can be tolerated in any protective planting and recovered. October 1991-Third Printing Page 7.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Maintainipj Structural Measures ment or other obstructions.If the channels are lined, the linings should be checked for structural integrity.Cracking, Structural measures must be maintained to be effective.In spalling,or other physical deterioration of the lining must general,these measures must be periodically inspected to be repaired.Inlets and outlets are to be checked to insure insure structural integrity, detect vandalism damage, and that they remain adequate,show no sign of erosion or floss for cleaning and repair whenever necessary.During con- of structural integrity. struction, all structures should be inspected weekly and Grade Stabilization Structures after every rain.After construction,inspections should be made at least semi-annually and after every heavy rain. Temporary structural measures of reducing velocities in- An improperly applied control measure,or one that is not clude barriers of hay or straw bales, brush or brush and properly maintained,invites failure and can create more fabric, and fabric and fence. Permanent check dams of damage than if no measures had been taken.One excellent timber,timber and stone,concrete or sheet piling are also time to check on the performance of all project control utilized.In all instances it is important that the structure: measures is during a rainstorm.The experience gained by (1)maintain its integrity,(2)is not by passed by an erosion this type of inspection is valuable to both the contractor channel, and (3) does not develop excessive scour at its and the project inspection team. base or excess sediment at its top. A comprehensive program should be outlined for the use Lined Waterway or Outlet of those who have maintenance responsibility. Main- Channel linings other than vegetation must be inspected tenance items should include,but not be limited to,those for undermining, cracking, spalling, plugging of weep shown for each of the following measures. holes,and channel obstructions.Inlets and outlets should Sediment Basins be inspected for scour and obstructions. Lining of channel sidewalls and floor by stone,concrete or The most obvious maintenance required for these struc- fabric are common stabilization practices. Temporary tures is the requirement for periodic cleanout. Cleanout channels may be lined by fabric or plastic which should be may be done' after one foot of silt is deposited or, in properly anchored.Check anchoring and inspect the fabric instances where proper hydraulics can be maintained, as or plastic for tears. Permanent linings must be inspected much as 50 percent of capacity may be filled before for integrity,protection replaced where necessary and the cleanout is necessary. channel cleared of debris and obstructions.Inlet and outlet Temporary pool outlets constructed of filter fabric covered areas should be checked for scour. stone should be inspected for tears in the fabric or clogging Traffic Control of the filter cloth with silt or debris.Silt can be removed from woveL filter cloth with a stiff brush. Where markers or fencing are utilized for traffic control, Embankments must be inspected for cracks, excessive inspect periodically to insure that they are properly placed, and functioning properly.Traffic must be kept off all struc- seepage, rodents and undesirable vegetative growth. The tural Erosion control measures at all times.Where traffic principal and emergency spillways must be cleaned of must cross a structural measure, a crossing should be obstructions and inspected for structural integrity. The constructed. outlets below the spillways must be inspected for erosion and obstructions to flow removed. Pollution Control During Construction Diversions and Channels Inspect to insure that dust control measures are utilized, where necessary. All maintenance work on equipment The various types of temporary and permanent diversions should be done in a safe area.Maintenance items such as and channels perform similar functions and must be main- cans,boxes, and cartridges should be stored in a suitable tained to insure that they perform satisfactorily.The char- building.Following use,all such items should be disposed nel cross-section must be inspected to insure that the side of in a safe manner and at a suitable site. slopes remain stable. Check for points of scour, rodent holes, and breaches. The channel bottom must be in- spected for erosion or excessive scour,deposition of sedi- New York Guidelines for Urban Page 7.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 8 GUIDELINES FOR ESTIMATING SEDIMENT YIELDS FOR URBAN CONSTRUCTION AREAS CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Approximate Equation for Sediment Yields.........................................................8.1 Iso-Erodent Map ...............................................................................8.3 Conversion Curve(lbs./cu.ft.to tons/ac.ft.) .........................................................8.4 References Prepared by: Donald W.Lake,Jr.,P.E.,State Conservation Engineer USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY List of Tables Table Title 8.1 Iso-Erodent Value Correction Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.1 List of Figures Figure Title Pace 8.1 Average Iso-Erodent Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 8.2 Soil Weight Conservation Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 GUIDELINES FOR ESTIMATING SEDIMENT YIELDS FOR URBAN CONSTRUCTION AREAS 1.An approximation of the quantities of sediment yield A = uncontrolled drainage area under construction resulting from uncontrolled urban construction ac- expressed in square miles. tivities can be made by use of an equation.The values thus obtained can be useful in estimating the sediment C = iso-erodent correction factor. capacity requirements needed for desilting basins or Example: sediment traps. Given:Drainage area of a site under construction equals 2.The equation does not provide for quantities of sedi- 0.5 square miles (320 acres). For areas within the ment contributed through bedload movement. range of iso-erodent value 100,the correction for use Volumes of bedload sediment are assumed to be in equation is 0.76(see Table 6.1) equal to the quantity of suspended sediment carried Equation is: through the structure outlet; therefore, the trap ef- q 15 ficiency of the structure is not computed. V = ((CxA)/1320)x(222,000/A)0'7 3. The results obtained by use of the equation may be = ((0.76 x 0.5)/1320)x(222,000/0.5)0.715 applied generally in New York State only after an 0.715 1089 0.000288 x 8 10,89 adjustment is made to reflect the variation in rainfall = 0.000288 x , 00) and erosion potential of soils within the region. = To accomplish this, iso-erodent values for various = 3.14 acre-feet areas are obtained from Figure 8-11. Correction The present form of the equation is designed for use within values to be used in the equation for different iso-ero- the general area of New York State.One of the factors in dent values are given in Table 8.1. this equation is limited to a range of conditions generally Also,the average value of 60 pounds per cubic foot of predominating in this area and another factor is limited to a specific condition. submerged sediment is used in converting tons to acre feet for sediment storage design purposes(60 pounds The factors referred to are"C"and"1320"in the portion of per cubic foot equals 1320 tons per acre foot). the equation represented by the term(CA/1320). The factor"1320"represents tons per acre foot of sediment Table 8-1 having an average dry weight of 60 pounds per cubic foot. Figure 8.2,page 8.4 is useful in determining the appropriate Iso-Erodent Correction Factor tons per acre foot factor for use in the equation according Value Used in Equation to various dry unit weights of sediments. 300 1.56 For example in an area where the average dry weight of 250 1.47 sediments is 50 pounds per cubic foot,the factor used in 200 1.34 the equation would be 1080 tons per acre foot. 150 1.12 125 0.94 The following sources of information and data were used 100 0.76 in analyzing sediment yield from urban construction areas. 75 0.57 The data include yields from housing developments, in- dustrial and commercial sites, and highway construction 4.The equation was derived from a limited amount of areas: data obtained by short term measurements. There- SCS Sedimentation Survey of Wilde Lake,Columbia, fore,it is considered to be of a tentative nature and Maryland, unpublished. (Form SCS-34, Reservoir subject to change. Sedimentation Survey,on file at NTC,SCS,Chester, The equation relates sediment yield to the area under Pennsylvania.) construction as follows: Dawdy, David R. Knowledge of Sedimentation in V = ((C x A)/1320)x(222,000/A)0.715 Urban Environments, Journal of the Hydraulics Division,ASCE,Volume 93,No.HY-6,Proc.Paper Where:V = acre feet,required sediment storage per 5595,November 1967,pp.235-245. year. October 1991-Third Printing, • Page 8.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Wolman,M. Gordon. Problems Posed by Sediment struction,Scott Run Basin,Fairfax County,Virginia, Derived from Construction Activities in Maryland, 1961-1964,USGA Water Supply Paper 1591-E,1969. Report to the Maryland Water Pollution Control Commission,Annapolis,Maryland,January 1964. Guy,H.P.,Ferguson,G.E.Sediment in Small Reser- voirs Due to Urbanization,Journal of the Hydraulics ) Davis, W.J. and Yorke, T.H. Sedimentation and Division,ASCE,Volume 88,No.HY-2,Proc.Paper Hydrology in Rock Creek and Anancostia River 3070,March 1962,pp.27-37. Basins, Montgomery County, Compilation of Basic Data 1965-1967 and Previous Years, Maryland, Leopold,Luna B. Hydrology for Urban Land Plan- USGS-Water Resources Division,July 1969. ning - A Guidebook on the Hydrologic Effects of Urban Land Use, USGS Circular 554, 1968. FIG- Vice,R.B.,Guy,H.P.,and Ferguson,G.E.Sediment URE 6.2 Soil Weight Consersion Chart Movement in an Area of Suburban Highway Con- . � J 1 New York Guidelines for Urban Page 8.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control FIGURE 8.1 Average Annual Iso-Erodent Values FRANKLIN CLINTON 6P �P ESSEX SoP "IE" �E N VALUES 75 osw 100 o�'E�or 2 A OAA wA nv£ a _ OMDNDAG ' ER/ GENESEE � 1'25 ONTAq/O Q wVON/NG , O YATES n �n MAD/SON b� LSO CAWGA CHENAN-0 J 2 O E SCHUY. 7DMPK/N 200 C4MARAUGUS ALLEGANY SMUPEN CHEM. 770GA BROOM£ J October 1991-Third Printing Page 8.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control =ter$- - � � $ __ $$ Ram $ ■ �c=� e_g��=s=s-_ mgsgsss= c_cssr-sig � e - us �RE_ --==a-=--= aNIS ME �� _s= ■= S-E�=x=x-_� =s_x�=- - -aM ■xx-_-- =_x=----_�xx-x-=-- xa�= s =rsx�x x_ x�xxxx--- _-- x��-_=�_- s _s�xxaxxx_x�=axx S=ESSE==-_$ =_=-� ES?Ex=xs$ ?_- $ ---__�$s$ooc -_ M M__3o NN- F _= -�-ax=_r =-- -s- -- - Vii= ��N- �Ci�_riN--- 3--� N-�-�SC��■$-CN-��_-CCC'3S_�-S�C■N■C= -Zi3��Q�j.�� NUM _ _r-�N_N- N�-N---��Nw� --T._C_�-.��_�2NN_q -w--H---N-�NtNNM_t�HNN.I.� �tN-t N�yt�N--MNN NtNttNttNtttttN=--tNN==-�--=t=tNX-= NwMt--tt=NN=NN. 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M= M t� s tMONtttt _ t -HIE -t ttttE- t tttt0 - --no -�_���-� - �� --Y:t ---aN - -N-. . -.- R ■ -W■N-■n-■Rq■N : ■-■:C C:: ■ j:no Mom WKSMIN -■■Y-N-■N-■■ ■■■-■N■■■N■-N■--:=■- q-NNR■ N-■- NMom--q- M■■■--- ■ ■■■■N ■-■■MR --R-N -NRR■■■■■■�■ ■■HMSN ■ SSS-■S:■�■ ■MINA■■■■-■ ■M■AM, ■RA,MR■MMM■■■ ■„■•R■■ :��■■::::p:, ■■■, IMA■ ■■AMM■AA N■AMM ■NAM■ ,■■,■ ■■ ■■EMMMEMEM■■ ■■■MI■,NUMMand AM■■ NAslimME ,MMMMMNMMM MM■■ ■„■„■ ■ 0 EM III N■■■■EN■■ ■MEMM■ ■■■A: ■■■■ _ MM■■■■■■N■■■■ AAAA■■■ ■p MH on References _ 1.Wischmeier,W.H.and D.D.Smith.Dec.1978.Predicting Rai` all Erosion Losses-A Guide To Conservation Elm- aijzg, Agriculutral Handbook No.537,Science and Education Administration,USDA,Washington,D.0 , 1 October 1991-Third Printing Page 8.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control New York Guidelines for Urban Page 8.6 Q--tober 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 9 BENEFIT-COST GUIDELINES CONTENTS Page Analyzing Benefits and Costs .....................................................................9.1 AscribingEffects to Treatment Measures...........................................................9.1 PricingTreatment Measures and Benefits ..........................................................9.1 Period of Analysis and Evaluation .................................................................9.2 Appraisalof Damages and Treatment Costs ........................................................9.2 Treatment Measures ............................................................................9.2 Benefit-Cost Analysis ............................................................................9.2 Prepared by: Economics Section of the Resource Planning Staff, USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY BENEFIT-COST GUIDELINES Analyzing Benefits and Costs Period of Analysis and Evaluation Benefit-Cost Analysis is a technique to determine whether The period of analysis in years should equal the economic the measure will result in more benefits than it will cost. life (need for a measure) or the physical life of treatment measures,whichever is less.The benefits considered over For the purposes of making a benefit-cost analysis,the time the evaluation period include those accruing over the period associated with erosion and sedimentation is con- period. sidered to extend from the first disturbance of the land up to the time of establishing effective erosion control. The annual costs of permanent measures chargeable to the evaluation period include the amortized installation costs Ascribing Effects to treatment Measures and the future annual operation,maintenance and replace- ment costs necessary to provide the benefits over the The generally acceptedbasis for attributing effects of treat- evaluation period.The amortization rate should be based ment measures on a comparable basis is the "with" and of prevailing local interest rates at the time of installation. "without"approach.The approach compares the expected difference in damages between what is expected if no Appraisal of Damages and Tkeatment controls are used and what is expected if a measure is Costs installed. The total difference in expected damage is the estimated benefit of the measure. Many people are affected by the damages resulting from erosion and sedimentation. Also, many persons are Sediment damages may be related to (1) deposition of benefited by its prevention,reduction or mitigation. eroded materials on flood plains, in channels, reservoirs, residences, utilities and other properties that require the Costs will be incurred to:(1)install treatment measures;or removal and disposition of materials,and the repairing of (2)correct damages;or(3)a combination of the two. damaged facilities and(2)swamping damage which adver- sely affects existing features or limits potential improve- ' eatment Measures ment of land caused by a rise in the ground water table or - -�, Treatment measures on developing sites are frequently by impairing surface drainage. temporary-generally lasting only one or two construction Sediment resulting from construction sites could be seasons.Benefits and costs for temporary measures can be deposited along a stream and cause individual landowners compared directly using current prices. to pay for its removal. Sediment could also destroy aes- thetic values of a stream(clean water vs muddy water)and Permanent measures are planned to trap sediment and adversely impact on stream fisheriesand micro-organisms. control erosion and runoff during and beyond the con- struction period.The prevention of sediment damages can In municipal and industrial uses where water is pumped be accomplished by either or both of two methods: directly from a river or reservoir, slugs of sediment as- sociated with excessive rainfall may pose severe water 1.Stabilizing sediment source areas by applying conser- quality problems.Turbidity may be increased,necessitat- vation erosion control measures. ing increased treatment which raises the cost of operations. 2. Trapping.sediment before it leaves the construction Sediment may also be deposited in storm drains,reducing area. their ability to control flooding. This increases flood Some of the potential benefits from preventing damage and requires the cleanout of sediment from the downstream sediment transport and deposition include: storm drain systems. 1.Prevention or reduction in cost of removal and disposi- Pricing'treatment Measures and Benefits tion of sediment from properties. Prices applied should reflect values expected to prevail at 2.Prevention or reduction in damage to property. the time of occurrence.Current prices are used for instal- 3.Prevention of water quality impairment. lation costs of treatment measures.Projected normalized Some permanent measures may be retained to provide . prices(based on past prices and trends)should be used for long-term benefits. estimating future values (benefits, operations and main- tenance costs and replacement costs)for permanent type For example, a sediment basin may be cleaned out after construction is finished and utilized for aesthetics,recrea- i measures only. tion orfish. October 1991-Third Printing Page 9.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Benefits and costs for permanent measures need to be a.Construction..........$1,500 converted by discounting and amortizing to average annual b.Maintenance..........$1,000 figures for comparison. c.Restoration.............$500 Benefit-Cost Ana sis .7 Total Cost(C).........$5,000 A simple equation for determining the benefits of control- The"without treatment"condition reveals damages in the ling sediment is: form of costs to remove sediment.Benefit(costs saved)are B = (SxY)-[C + (SxY)(1.00-P)] derived by subtracting the sediment removal costs under the"with treatment'condition. Where:B = Benefits in dollars. 1.Without treatment condition S = Cubic yards of sediment expected to move off the 8,000 cu.yd.(S)x$2.00/cu.yd.(Y) _ $16,000(SxY) site if no control measures are applied. 2.With treatment condition Y = Cost in dollars per yard to recover and dispose a.Costs(C)described above =..........$5,000 of sediment that has moved off the site. will control 7,200 cu.yd.(SxP)of the sediment C = Estimated cost of temporary measures to be installed. b.Removal costs for remaining 800 cu.yd. P = Estimated effectiveness of proposed measures 800 x$2.00 = .........................................$1,600 expressed as a decimal. c.Total = $6,600 3.Benefits Example $16,000-$6,600 =.................................$9,400(B) This example illustrates the methodology of a benefit-cost analysis. Using the formula directly, the computations show the Given: A construction site of 78 acres, which without same results: erosion control measures will yield about 5 acre feet or B = (SxY)-[c + (SxY)(1.00-P)] 8,000 cubic yards of sediment(S)to the lower end of the site.There is a channel with several culverts located below B = ($8,000 x 2.00)-[($5,000 + (8,000x2.00)(1.00-0.90)J the site and it is assumed all the sediment would be B = ($16,000)-($5,000 + 1,600) deposited in it. It would be necessary to remove all the B = ($16,000)-($6,600) additional sediment in order to maintain the capacity of the channel and avoid increased hazard to flooding.The cost B = $9,400 of removing and disposing the sediment is estimated at In this example,the more economical approach would be $2.00 per cubic yard(Y). to install treatment measures rather than correct damages With temporary erosion control measures, including a at a later date.A third alternative would be"do nothing" which would result in a higher flood damage hazard that sediment basin,in place during the one year construction would need evaluation under a more sophisticated analyti- period,sediment delivered to the channel will be reduced calmodel. Also, in this simple example, water quality 90 percent (P). The cost of the measures would be as issues were not included although society in general, follows, (no amortization is required since costs and places a value on such issues. benefits are incurred in a similar one year period): 1.Land grading measures....................$2,000 2.Temporary sediment basin...............$3,000 New York Guidelines for Urban Page 9.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control - Sf- References 1.Soil Conservation Service,USDA.Oct.1977:National Handbook for Conservation Practices,U.S.Government 1 Printing Office,Washington,D.C. 2.Soil Conservation Service,USDA.July 1984. Engineering Field Manual of Conservation Practices,4th Printing, U.S.Government Printing Office,Washington,D.C. 3.Soil Conservation Service,USDA.June 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds.Technical Release 55, Second Edition,U.S.Government Printing Office,Washington,D.C. 4.Soil Conservation Service,USDA.Sept.1987.Drainage Guide for New York State;Syracuse,N.Y. r . October 1991-Third Printing Page 9.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 10 ESTIMATING URBAN RUNOFF CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Introduction...................................................................................10.1 FactorsAffecting Runoff........................................................................10.1 Rainfall ...................................................................................10.1 Antecedent Moisture Condition ..............................................................10.1 WatershedArea ...........................................................................10.1 Soils ......................................................................................10.1 SurfaceCover .............................................................................10.1 TimeParameters ...........................................................................10.1 Storagein the Watershed ....................................................................10.1 Methodsof Determining Runoff .................................................................10.2 RationalMethod ............................................................................10.2 SCSTR-20 Computer Program...............................................................10.2 SCS TR-55 Tabular Method .................................................................10.2 SCS TR-55 Graphical Peak Discharge Method .................................................10.2 EstimatingRunoff .............................................................................103 SCS Runoff Curve Number Method...........................................................103 Factors Considered in Determining Runoff Curve Numbers ......................................1OS RunoffDetermination ......................................................................10.11 Limitations ................................................................................10.11 Examples .................................................................................10.12 Timeof Concentration and Travel Time ...........................................................10.18 Factors Affecting Time of Concentration and Travel Time .......................................10.18 Computation of Travel Time and Time of Concentration .........................................10.18 Limitations ................................................................................10.19 Example ..................................................................................10.21 Graphical Peak Discharge Method ...............................................................10.24 PeakDischarge Computation ................................................................10.24 Limitations ................................................................................10.25 Example ..................................................................................10.25 Exhibit 10.1:Rainfall Maps for New York State(24 Hour] ...........................................1030 Exhibit 10.2:SCS Hydrologic Soil Groups-New York........................:......................1033 References _ 1 Section prepared by: Dana C.Chapman,P.E.,Assistant State Conservation Engineer, USDA-Soil Conservation Service,Syracuse,NY List of Tables Table 10.1 Blank Page-Left SideRunoff Depth for Selected CN's and Rainfall Amounts ...........10.3 10.2a Runoff Curve Numbers for Urban Areas ...........................................10.7 10.2b Runoff Curve Numbers for Agricultural Lands .....................................10.8 10.2c Runoff Curve Numbers for Other Agricultural Lands ................................10.9 10.3 Roughness Coefficients .........................................................10.19 10.4 la Values for Runoff Curve Numbers ..............................................10.24 10.5 Adjustment Factor(Fp) .........................................................10.25 r t' 1 List of Figures 10.1 Solution to Runoff Equation ......................................................10.4 10.2 Flow Chart for Selecting Runoff Curve Numbers.....................................10.6 10.3 Composite CN with Connected Impervious Area ....................................10.10 10.4 Composite CN with Unconnected Impervious Areas and Total Impervious Areas Less Than 30% ............................................10.11 10.5 Worksheet 2:Runoff Curve Number and Runoff.....................................10.13 10.6 Worksheet 2:Runoff Curve Number and Runoff(Example 1) .........................10.14 10.7 Worksheet 2:Runoff Curve Number and Runoff(Example 2) .........................10.15 10.8 Worksheet 2:Runoff Curve Number and Runoff(Example 3) .........................10.16 10.9 Worksheet 2:Runoff Curve Number and Runoff(Example 4) .........................10.17 10.10 Average Velocities for Estimating Travel Time for Shallow Concentrated Flow...........10.20 10.11 Worksheet 3:Time of Concentration(Tc)or Travel Time(Tt) .........................10.22 10.12 Worksheet 3:Time of Concentration(Tc)or Travel Time(Tt)(Example 5) ..............10.23 10.13 Variation of Ia/P for P and CN ....................................................10.24 10.14 Worksheet 4-.Graphical Peak Discharge ............................................10.26 10.15 Worksheet 4:Graphical Peak Discharge(Example 6) ................................10.27 10.16 Unit Peak Discharge(qu)for SCS Type II Rainfall Distribution........................10.28 10.17 Unit Peak Discharge(qu)for SCS Type III Rainfall Distribution .......................10.29 ESTIMATING URBAN RUNOFF INTRODUCTION clay produce a higher rate of runoff than do coarse-tex The increased amount of erosion occurring with the con- tured soils such as sand. Sites having clay soils may require version of rural land to urban greatly depends on the the construction of more elaborate drainage systems than amount of runoff that occurs.This section addresses what sites having sandy soils. Exhibit 10.2 contains a list of soils influences runoff and how the volume and rate of runoff is found in New York State and their respective hydrologic determined. The method and most of the material is soil group. reprinted from Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds', TR-55,Soil Conservation Service,June 1986. Surface Cover FACTORS AFFEC HNG RUNOFF The type of cover and its condition affects runoff volume through its influence on the infiltration rate of the soil. Rainfall Fallow land yields more runoff than forested or grass land for a given soil type. Precipitation, whether it occurs as rain or snow, is the potential source of water that may run off the surface of The foliage and its litter maintain the soil's infiltration small watersheds. The extent of the storm and the distribu- potential by preventing the sealing of the soil surface from tion of rainfall during the storm are two major factors which the impact of the raindrops. Some of the raindrops are affect the peak rate of runoff. maintained on the surface of the foliage,increasing their chance of being evaporated back to the atmosphere. Some The storm distribution can be thought of as a measure of of the intercepted moisture is so long draining from the how the rate of rainfall(intensity)varies within a given time plant down to the soil that it is withheld from the initial interval. For example,in a given 24-hour period,a certain period of runoff. Foliage also transpires moisture into the amount of precipitation may have been measured. How- atmosphere thereby creating a moisture deficiency in the ever,this precipitation may have occurred over the entire soil which must be replaced by rainfall before runoff oc- 24-hour period or in just one hour. These two situations curs. Vegetation,including ground litter,forms numerous represent two entirely different storm distributions. barriers along the path of the water flowing over the surface The size of the storm is often described by the length of of the land which slows the water down and reduces its time over which precipitation occurs,the total amount of peak rate of runoff. precipitation occurring and how often this same storm Covering areas with impervious material reduces surface might be expected to occur(frequency). Thus a 10-year, storage and infiltration and thus increases the amount of 24 hour storm can be thought of as a storm producing the runoff. amount of rain in 24 hours with a 10%chance of occurrence in a year. One day (24 hour) rainfall maps are listed as lime Parameters Exhibit 10.1 at the end of this section for 2,5,10,25,50 and Time is the parameter that is used to distribute the runoff 100 year frequencies. into a hydrograph. The time is based on the velocities of Antecedent Moisture Condition flow through segments of the watershed. The slope of the land in the watershed is a major factor in determining the The runoff from a given storm is affected by,the existing velocity. Two major parameters are time of concentration soil moisture content resulting from the amount of (T,:)and travel time of flow through the segments(Tt). precipitation occurring during the preceding five days(an- tecedent moisture condition). Storage in the Watershed Watershed Area On very flat surfaces where ponding or swampy areas occur throughout the watershed, a considerable amount of the The watershed area or area draining water to the point of surface runoff may be retained in temporary storage,thus interest is usually determined from a topographic map or reducing the rate at which runoff will occur. Storage areas scaled areal photograph accompanied by a field review maybe created to reduce the rate of runoff in an urbanizing locating manmade features that have diverted the flow of area. These can be effective sediment traps as well as flood water. detention structures if left permanently in the watershed. Soils In general,the higher the rate of infiltration,the lower the quantity of stormwater runoff. Fine-textured soils such as October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.1 New,York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control METHODS OF DETERMINING RUNOFF Many different methods of computing runoff have been length,runoff curve number and average watershed slope. developed. Some of the methods and limitations of each Chapter 2 procedures are applicable to drainage areas that are listed below. range from 1 to 2000 acres. Tables, figures, exhibits and 1. The Rational Method establishes an empirical formula, worksheets are included for a quick and reliable way to Q=CiA,for computing peak rates of runoff that is com- estimate peak discharge and runoff for a range of rainfall monly used in urban areas. "Q"is the peak runoff rate in amounts,soil types,land use and cover conditions. cfs, "C" is a runoff coefficient, "i" is the average rainfall 4. The SCS-TR-55 tabular method is an approximation of intensity in in./hr.and"A"is the drainage area in acres. It the more detailed SCS-TR-20 method. The tabular is useful for estimating runoff on relatively small areas such method can be used for watersheds where hydrographs are as roof tops,parking lots,or others.According to Practices needed to measure non-homogeneous runoff, i.e., the in Detention of Urban Stormwater2, American Public watershed is divided into subareas. It is especially ap- Works Association Special Report#43,"use of the ration- plicable for measuring the effects of changed land use in a al equation should be limited to drainage areas of less than part of a watershed. It can also be used to determine the 20 acres." However,some practitioners totally deplore use effects of structures and combinations of structures, in- of the Rational Method even on the smallest of drainage cluding channel modifications, at different locations in a areas. The most serious drawback of the Rational Method watershed. The tabular method should not be used when is that it gives only peak discharge and provides no infor- large changes in the curve number occur among subareas mation on the time distribution of the storm runoff. Fur- within a watershed and when runoff volumes are less than thermore the choice of"C"and Time of Concentration"Tc' about 1.5 inches for curve numbers less than 60. when choosing"i"in the Rational Method is more an art of For most watershed conditions,however,this procedure is judgment than a precise account of the antecedent mois- ture or a real distribution of rainfall intensity'. Modifica- adequate to determine the effects of urbanization on peak tions of the Rational Method have similar limitations. rates of discharge for subareas with "T�' less than two hours. 2. Computer Program for Prpiect Formulation- HydrolQgy,4 SCS-TR-20, utilizes hydrologic soil-cover 5. The SCS-TR-55 Graphical Peak Discharge Method complexes to determine runoff volumes and unit calculates peak discharge from hydrograph analyses using hydrographs to determine peak rates of discharge. Factors TR-20 Computer Program for Project Formulation. This included in the method are 24-hour rainfall amount,a given method demonstrates a procedure for estimating depth rainfall distribution, runoff curve numbers, time of con- and peak rates of runoff from small watersheds. The centration,travel time,and drainage area. This procedure watershed must be hydrologically homogeneous, that is probably should not be used for drainage areas more than land use, soils, and cover are distributed uniformly 20 square miles. It is very useful for large drainage basins throughout the watershed. The time of concentration for especially when there are a series of structures or several the watershed is estimated using the computed flow tributaries to be studied. velocities for the sheet flow,shallow concentrated flow and channel flow. These values may range from 0.1 to 10 hours. 3. The SCS Engineering Field Manual, Chapter 2 proce- This method was selected for inclusion in this manual to dures for determining peak discharge, is valid for small use in designing erosion and sediment control measures. rural watersheds. The time of concentration for the non- urbanized area is estimated using a formula based on flow New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control ESTIMATING RUNOFF SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER cover parameters. Through studies of many small agricul- METHOD turdtwatersheds,Ia was found to be approximated by the following empirical equation: The SCS Runoff Curve Number(CN)method is described Ia = 0.2S [Eq.10.2] in detail in Nation Engineering eering Handbook - Chapter 45, (NEH-4). The SCS runoff equation is By removing Ia as an independent parameter, this ap- proximation allows use of a combination of S and P to Q = (P-Ia)2 [Eq.10.11 produce a unique runoff amount. Substituting equation (P-Ia)+S 10.2 into equation 10.1 gives where Q = (P-0.2S)2 [Eq.10.3] Q = runoff(in), (P+0.8S) P = rainfall(in), S is related to the soil and cover conditions of the watershed S = potential maximum retention after runoff through the CN. CN has a range of 0 to 100,and S is related to CN by begins(in),and 0 Ia = initial abstraction(in). S = 100 00 -10 [Eq.10.4] CN Initial abstraction(Ia) is all losses before runoff begins.It includes water retained in surface depressions,water inter- Figure 10.1 on Page 10.4 and Table 10.1 on Page 10.3 solve cepted by vegetation, evaporation, and infiltration. Ia is equations 10.3 and 10.4 for a range of CN's and rainfall. highly variable but generally is correlated with soil and Table 10.1 Runoff Depth for Selected CN's and Rainfall Amounts (Reprinted from:210-VI-TR-55, Second ed.,June 1986) Runoff Depth for Curve Number(CN)of- 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 98 Rainfall (aches) 1.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.17 0.32 0.56 0.79 1.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.15 0.27 0.46 0.74 0.99 1.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.13 0.24 0.39 0.61 0.92 1.18 1.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.11 0.20 0.34 0.52 0.76 1.11 1.38 1.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.03 0.09 0.17 0.29 0.44 0.65 0.93 1.29 1.58 2.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.24 0.38 0.56 0.80 1.09 1.48 1.77 2.5 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.30 0.46 0.65 0.89 1.18 1.53 1.96 2.27 3.0 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.19 033 0.51 0.71 0.96 1.25 1.59 1.98 2.45 2.77 3.5 0.02 0.08 0.20 0.35 0.53 0.75 1.01 1.30 1.64 2.02 2.46 2.94 3.27 4.0 0.06 0.18 0.33 0.53 0.76 1.03 1.33 1.67 2.04 2.46 2.92 3.43 3.77 4.5 0.14 0.30 0.50 0.74 1.02 1.33 1.67 2.05 2.46 2.91 3.40 3.92 4.26 5.0 0.24 0.44 0.69 0.98 1.30 1.65 2.04 2.45 2.89 3.37 3.88 4.42 4.76 6.0 0.50 0.80 1.14 1.52 1.92 2.35 2.81 3.28 3.78 4.30 4.85 5.41 5.76 7.0 0.84 1.24 1.68 2.12 2.60 3.10 3.62 4.15 4.69 5.25 5.82 6.41 6.76 8.0 1.25 1.74 2.25 2.78 3.33 3.89 4.46 5.04 5.63 6.21 6.81 7.40 7.76 9.0 1.71 2.29 2.88 3.49 4.10 4.72 5.33 5.95 6.57 7.18 7.79 8.40 8.76 10.0 2.23 2.89 3.56 4.23 4.90 5.57 6.22 6.88 7.52 8.16 9.78 9.40 9.76 11.0 -2.78 3.52 4.26 5.00 5.72 6.43 7.13 7.82 8.48 9.13 9.77 10.39 10.76 12.0 3.38 4.19 5.00 5.79 6.56 7.32 8.05 8.76 9.45 10.11 10.76 11.39 11.76 13.0 4.00 4.89 5.76 6.61 7.42 8.21 8.98 9.71 10.42 11.10 11.76 12.39 12.76 14.0 4.65 5.62 6.55 7.44 8.30 9.12 9.91 10.67 11.39 12.08 12.75 13.39 13.76 15.0 5.33 6.36 7.35 8.29 9.19 10.04 10.85 11.63 12.37 13.07 13.74 14.39 14.76 lInterpolate the values shown to runoff depths for CN's or rainfall not shown. October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control • rri • • • • :\�■\\■■\�■■■\\■■■►\�■■►\■■■►\■■■■■�NOON■NOON■ ■■\\■\`\■\\■\\■\\■■\■■►\■■\�■�■■\�■■■■NOON■ ■■\■■\■■\■■\\■\`\■\\■\■ ���■■►\■■►\NOON■■■ ■►�■■►��■►■■�■■►�■■►\■■\ �,\ ■\■\\■►\■�\NOON■■ ►�■■►�■■�■■►�■■\■■\■\� • \■\\■►\■\\■\1■\\NOON■ ■►■■►■■�■■�■\\■\\ � \\■\�■\\■\�■\\■1\NOON■• ■■►■■►�■■�■■\■\\ �\\■\�■■\■\\■,\■\1■\'NOON■ ■■■►■■►�■■�■■\■ \■\�■\■�\■\\■\■\\■\NOON NOON►■■►�■■�■\\ �• . ■\\■►\■\\■\�■\\■►\■\11\11■■■ NOON■\�■■►�■■� .\ \\■\■■�■\\■►\■\■\\\\\\■■■ ■■ ENE asNo ENE ■■ ■■■■■ ■■►�■�\■\\\\■\�■\�■►\\�■►\\\i\II■ ■■ ONES■■ ■■►�S\\■\\\\■\■►\■►\■►\\\1\\1\I■ ME ■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■�■\\■\■\\\\\\\■1\\\�\I\,■ S■ NOON■■ ►■■�■\\�►�■\�\\\`O►\\\►\11111 ■■ ■■NEOME N■ ■►■tom■\\■►\■\�S\�■►\\\►\\`\'\'ll ■■ •• NOON■■■■■■■►■■�■\\\\S\\\\`■\1\\11111' ■■ � ■■■■■NOON■■■■►■S\■\\\\\\\�S\►�1\►\\I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►■\\■\`\\\\�■\\�\`\`\1►1 ■■ � ' N��N■■■■■■■■■■■►�■\\■\`■\`■►�\\\►\\Il ■■ 0■■■■■■■N■■■E■■■►■■\■000S.1OWLILIX ■■ NOON■■■■■■■■■■■■■►■�\■►�■\\\\►\;I'll ■■No NOON■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►�■\\E\\\\►\,I'll ■■ NOON■E■■NEE■■■■■■■■�■■■■►■\\\\►\►\1\\1 ■■ . NOON■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►■\\\�\\'11' ■O ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►■\�\�\\1►\' ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■►■\�►`1\ � • 1 FACTORS CONSIDERED IN Treatment ESTMATING RUNOFF CURVE Treatment is a cover type modifier (used only in Table NUMBERS 10.2b on Page 10.8) to describe the management of cul- tivated agricultural lands. It includes mechanical prac- The major factors that determine CN are the hydrologic tices,such as contouring and terracing, and management soil group (HSG), cover type,treatment,hydrologic con- practices,such as crop rotations and reduced or no tillage. dition,and antecedent runoff condition(ARC). Another factor considered is whether impervious areas outlet Hydrologic Condition directly to the drainage system(connected)or whether the Hydrologic condition indicates the effects of cover type flow spreads over pervious areas before entering the and treatment on infiltration and runoff and is generally drainage system(unconnected). Figure 10.2 on Page 10.6 estimated from density of plant and residue cover on is provided to aid in selecting the appropriate figure or sample areas. Good hydrologic condition indicates that table for determining curve numbers. the soil usually has a low runoff potential for that specific CN's in Tables 10.2a, 10.2b and 10.2c on Pages 10.7, 10.8 hydrologic soil group, cover type, and treatment. Some and 10.9 respectively represent average antecedent runoff factors to consider in estimating the effect of cover on condition for urban, cultivated agricultural,other agricul- infiltration and runoff are (a) canopy or density of lawns, tural, and and and semiarid rangeland uses. Tables 10.2 crops,or other vegetative areas;(b)amount of year-round starting on Page 10.7 assume impervious areas are directly cover; (c) amount of grass or close-seeded legumes in connected. The following sections explain how to deter- rotations; (d)percent of residue cover;and(e) degree of mine CN's and how to modify them for urban conditions. surface roughness. Hydrologic soil groups Antecedent Runoff Condition Infiltration rates of soils vary widely and are affected by The index of runoff potential before a storm event is the subsurface permeability as well as surface intake rates. antecedent runoff condition(ARC). ARC is an attempt to Soils are classified into four HSG's(A,B,C and D)accord- account for the variation in CN at a site from storm to ing to their minimum infiltration rate,which is obtained for storm. CN for the average ARC at a site is the median bare soil after prolonged wetting. Exhibit 10.2 on page value as taken from sample rainfall and runoff data. The 10.33 of this manual defines the four groups and provides CMs in Tables 10.2 starting on page 10.7 are for the average a list of most of the soils in New York State and their group ARC,which is primarily used for design applications. See classification. The soils in the area of interest may be the SCS NEH-4 and Rallison and Miller6 for more detailed identified from a county soil survey report,which can be discussion of storm-to-storm variation and a demonstra- obtained from local SCS offices or soil and water conser- tion of upper and lower enveloping curves. vation district offices,see Section 13. Urban Impervious Area Modifications Most urban areas are only partially covered by impervious Several factors,such as the percentage of impervious area surfaces; the soil remains an important factor in runoff and the means of conveying runoff from impervious areas estimates. Urbanization has a greater effect on runoff in to the drainage system,should be considered in computing watersheds with soils having high infiltration rates (sands CN for urban areas.For example,do the impervious areas and gravels)than in watersheds predominantly of silts and connect directly to the drainage system, or do they outlet clays,which generally have low infiltration rates. onto lawns or other pervious areas where infiltration can Any disturbance of a soil profile can significantly change occur? its infiltration characteristics. With urbanization, native Connected Impervious Areas soil profiles may be mixed or removed or fill material from other areas maybe introduced. Therefore,a methodbased An impervious area is considered connected if runoff from on soil texture is given in Exhibit 10.2 for determining the it flows directly into the drainage system. It is also con- HSG classification for disturbed soils. sidered connected if runoff from it occurs as concentrated shallow flow that runs over a pervious area and then into a Cover Type drainage system. Tables 10.2 starting on Page 10.7 address most cover types Urban CMs,Table 10.2a on page 10.7,were developed for such as vegetation, bare soil, and impervious surfaces. typical land use relationships based on specific assumed There are a number of methods for determining cover type. percentages of impervious area. These CN values were The most common are field reconnaissance, aerial developed on the assumptions that(a)pervious urban photographs,and land use maps. October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control FIGURE 10.2 Flow Chart for Selecting the Appropriate Figure or Table for Determining Runoff Curve Numbers j (Reprinted from: 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed.,June 1986) START No Unconnected impervious area? Yes No Impervious Yes area < 30%? Table 10.2 No Determine Determine assumptions pervious pervious apply? CN CN (table 10.2 ) (table 10.2 ) Yes Determine Determine Determine composite composite composite CN CN CN (table 10.2) ( figure 10.3 ) (figure 10.4 ) 1 0 END New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 10.2a - Runoff Curve Numbers for Urban Areas1 (Reprinted from: 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) i Curve numbers for Cover Description hydrologic soil group Average percen Cover type and hydrologic condition impervious area 2 A B C D Fully developed urban areas(vegetation established) Open space(lawns,parks,golf courses,cemeteries,etc)3: Poor condition(grass cover < 50%)....................................... 68 79 86 89 Fair condition(grass cover 50%to 75%)................................ 49 69 79 84 Good condition(grass cover > 75%).................................... 39 61 74 80 Impervious areas Paved:parking lots,roofs,driveways,etc.(excluding right-of-way]............................................................................... 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads: Paved:curbs and storm sewers(excluding right of way)....... 98 98 98 98 Paved;open ditches(including right-of-way)......................... 83 89 92 98 Gravel(including right-of-way)................................................ 76 85 89 91 Dirt(including right-of-way)..................................................... 72 82 87 89 Western desert urban areas: Natural desert landscape(pervious areas only)4.................... 63 77 85 88 Artificial desert landscaping(impervious weed barrier, desert shrub with a 1 to 2 inch sand or gravel mulch and basin boarders).................................................................... 96 96 96 96 Urban districts: Commercial and business........................................................85 89 92 94 95 Industrial...................................................................................72 81 88 91 93 Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre or less(town houses].................................................65 77 85 90 92 1/4 acre.......................................................................................38 61 75 83 87 1/3 acre.......................................................................................30 57 72 81 86 1/2 acre.......................................................................................25 54 70 80 85 1 acre..........................................................................................20 51 68 79 84 2 acres........................................................................................12 46 65 77 82 Developing urban areas Newly graded areas(pervious areas only, novegetation).5............................................................................ 77 86 91 94 Idle lands(CN's are determined using cover types similar to those in Table 10.2c). 1Average runoff condition and Ia =0.2S 21he average percent impervious area shown was used to develop composite CN's. Other assumptions are as follows:impervious areas are directly connected to the drainage system,impervious areas have a CN of 98,and pervious area are considered equivalent to open space in goo_d hydrologic condition. CN's for other combinations of conditions may be computed using Figure 8.3 or 8.4. 3CN's shown are equivalent to those of pasture.Composite CN's may be computed for other combinations of open space cover type. 4Composite CN's for natural desert landscaping should be computed using Figure 8.3 or 8.4 based on the impervious area percentage(CN= 98) and the pervious area CN. The pervious area CN's are assumed equivalent to desert shrub in poor hydrologic condition. SComposite CN's to use for the design of temporary measures during grading and construction should be computed using figure 8.3 or 8.4 based on the degree of development(impervious area percentage)and the CN's for newly graded pervious areas. i October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Table 10.2b - Runoff Curve Numbers for Cultivated Agricultural Lands (Reprinted from: 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed.,June 1986) Curve numbers for Cover description hydrologic soil group- Hydrologic Cover type Treatment2 conditioW A B C D Fallow Bare soil -- 77 86 91 94 Crop residue cover(CR) Poor 76 85 90 93 Good 74 83 88 90 Row crops Straight row(SR) Poor 72 81 88 91 Good 67 78 85 89 SR + CR Poor 71 80 87 90 Good 64 75 82 85 Contoured(C) Poor 70 79 84 88 Good 65 75 82 86 C + CR Poor 69 78 83 87 Good 64 74 81 85 Contoured&terraced(C&T) Poor 66 74 80 82 Good 62 71 78 81 C&T + CR Poor 65 73 79 81 Good 61 70 77 80 Small grain SR Poor 65 76 84 88 Good 63 75 83 87 SR + CR Poor 64 75 83 86 Good 60 72 80 84 C Poor 63 74 82 85 Good 61 73 81 84 C + CR Poor 62 73 81 84 Good 60 72 80 83 C&T Poor 61 72 79 82 Good 59 70 78 81 _ C&T + CR Poor 60 71 78 81 Good 58 69 77 80 Close-seeded or SR Poor 66 77 85 89 broadcast legumes Good 58 72 81 85 or rotation C Poor 64 75 83 85 meadow Good 55 69 78 83 C&T Poor 63 73 80 83 Good 51 67 76 80 'Average runoff condition,and Ia=0.2S. ZCrop residue cover applies only if residue is on at least 5%of the surface throughout the year. 3Hydrologic condition is based on combination of factors that affect infiltration and runoff,including(a)density and canopy of vegetative areas, (b)amount of year-round cover,(c)amount of grass or close-seeded legumes in rotation,(d)perceht of residue cover on the land surface (good-209o'),and(e)degree of surface roughness. Poor. Factors impair infiltration and tend to increase runoff. Good: Factors encourage average and better than average infiltration and tend to decrease runoff. New York Guidelines,for Urban Page 10.8 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 10.2c - Runoff Curve Numbers for Other Agricultural Lands (Reprinted from: 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) Curve numbers for Cover description hydrologic soil group- Hydrologic Cover type condition A B C D Pasture,grassland,or range-continous Poor 68 79 86 89 forage for grazing.2 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow-continous grass,protected from 30 58 71 78 grazing and generally mowed for hay. Brush--brush--weed--grass mixture Poor 48 67 77 83 with brush the major element3 Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 304 48 65 73 Woods-grass combination(orchard Poor 57 73 82 86 or tree farm)5 Fair 43 65 76 82 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods Poor 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 30 55 73 77 Farmsteads-buildings,lanes,driveways, -- 59 74 82 86 and surrounding lots. 'Average runoff condition,and L=0.2S. 2Poor. <50%ground cover or heavily grazed with no mulch. Fair: 50 to 75%ground cover and not heavily grazed. Good: >75%ground cover and lightly or only occasionally grazed.. 3Poor. <50%ground cover. Fair. 50 to 75%ground cover. Good > 75%ground cover. 4Actual curve number is less than 30;use CN=30 for runoff computations. _ SCN's shown were computed for areas with 50%woods and 50%grass(pasture)cover. Other combinations of conditions may be computed,from the CN's for woods and pasture. 6Poor. Forest litter,small trees,and brush'are destroyed by heavy grazing or regular burning. Fair. Woods are gazed but not burned,and some forest-litter covers the soil. Good Woods are protected from grazing,and litter and brush adequately cover the soil. October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control areas are equivalent to pasture in good hydrologic condi- Unconnected Impervious Areas tion and (b) impervious areas have a CN of 98 and are directly connected to the drainage system. Some assumed Runoff from these area is spread over a pervious area as percentages of impervious area are shown in Table 10.2a sheet flow.To determine CN when all or part of the imper- on page 10.7. vious area is not directly connected to the drainage system, (1) use Figure 10.4 on page 10.11 if total impervious area If all of the impervious area is directly connected to the is less than 30 percent or(2)use Figure 10.3 on page 10.10 drainage system, but the impervious area percentages or if the total impervious area is equal to or greater than 30 the pervious land use assumptions in Table 10.2a on page percent,because the absorptive capacity of the remaining 10.7 are not applicable, use Figure 10.3 on page 10.10 to pervious areas will not significantly affect runoff. compute a composite CN. For example, Table 10.2a on page 10.7 gives a CN of 70 fora 1/2-acre lot in hydrologic When impervious area is less than 30 percent, obtain the soil group B,with an assumed impervious area of 25 per- composite CN by entering the right half of Figure 10.4 on cent. However, if the lot has 20 percent impervious area Page 10.11 with the percentage of total impervious area and and a pervious area CN of 61,the composite CN obtained the ratio of total unconnected impervious area to total impervious area. Then move left to the appropriate per- from Figure 10.3 on page 10.10 is 68. The CN difference between 70 and 68 reflects the difference in percent imper- vious vious CN and read down to find the composite CN. For example,for a 1/2-acre lot with 20 percent total impervious area. area(75 percent of which is unconnected)and a pervious CN of 61,the composite CN from Figure 10.4 on page 10.11 is 66. If all of the impervious area is connected,the result- ing CN(from Figure 10.3 on page 10.10)would be 68. Figure 10.3 Composite CN with Connected Impervious Area (Reprinted from: 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed.,June 1986) \ 100 Pervious C?1=90 90 80 z 80 �0 U d 6 70 50 0 o p0 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Connected impervious area, New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.10 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.4 Composite CN with Unconnected Impervious Areas and Total Impervious Areas less than 30% (Reprinted from: 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) ----- 0.0 -o O __--- 0— %P __ 0.5 '> - - a 90 80 70 60 50 1.0 a .E U r a) rts C O O I- U C _ v 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 Composite CN Total impervious area, % Runoff Determination ized as 0.2S based on data from agricultural water- sheds (S is the potential maximum retention after When CN and the amount of rainfall have been determined runoff begins). This approximation can be espe- for the watershed, determine runoff by using Figure 10.1 cially important in an urban application because on page 10.4,Table 10.1 on page 10.3,or equations 10.3 and the combination of impervious areas with pervious 10.4. The runoff is usually rounded to the nearest areas can imply a significant initial loss that may not hundredth of an inch. take place. The opposite effect, a greater initial loss,can occur if the impervious areas have surface Limitations depressions that store some runoff. To use a relationship other than Ia = 0.2S, one must • Curve numbers describe average conditions that redevelop equation 10.3,Figure 10.1 on page 10.4, are useful for design purposes. If the rainfall event Table 10.1 on page 10.3 and Tables 10.2 on pages used is a historical storm, the modeling accuracy 10.7 to 10.9 by using the original rainfall-runoff decreases. data to establish new S or CN relationships for each •Use the runoff curve number equation with caution cover and hydrologic soil group. when recreating specific features of an actual • Runoff from snowmelt or rain or frozen ground storm. The equation does not contain an expres- cannot be estimated using these procedures. sion for time and,therefore, does not account for rainfall duration or intensity. • The CN procedure is less accurate when runoff is less than 0.5 inch. As a good check, use another •The user should understand the assumption procedure to determine runoff. reflected in the initial abstraction term (Ia) and should ascertain that the assumption applies to the • The SCS runoff procedures apply only to direct situation. Ia,which consists of interception,initial surface runoff: do not overlook large sources of infiltration, surface depression storage, subsurface flow or high ground water levels that j evapotranspiration,and other factors,was general- contribute to runoff. These conditions are often related to HSG A soils and forest areas that have October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.11 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control been assigned relatively low CN's in Tables 10.2 on Example 2 page 10.7 to 10.9. Good judgment and experience based on stream gage records are needed to adjust Seventy percent(175 acres)of the watershed,consisting of CMs as conditions warrant. all the Tioga soil and 100 acres of the Mardin soil, is 1/2-acre residential lots with lawns in good hydrologic •When the weighted CN is less than 40,use another condition. The rest of the watershed is scattered open procedure to determine runoff. space in good hydrologic condition. See Figure 10.7 on page 10.15. Examples Example 3 Four examples illustrate the procedure for computing This example is the same as example 2, except that the runoff curve number (CN) and runoff (Q) in inches. 1/2-acre lots have a total impervious area of 35 percent. Worksheet 2, Figure 10.5 on page 10.13, is provided to For these lots,the pervious area is lawns in good hydrologic assist TR-55 users. Figures 10.6 through Figure 10.9 on condition. Since the impervious area percentage differs pages 10.14 through 10.17 respectively represent the use of from the percentage assumed in Table 10.2,use Figure 10.3 Worksheet 2 for each example. All four examples are on page 10.10 to compute CN. See Figure 10.8 on page based on the same watershed and the same storm event. 10.16. The watershed covers 250 acres in Broome County,New Example 4 York. Seventy percent(175 acres)is a Mardin soil,which is in hydrologic soil group C. Thirty percent(75 acres)is This example is also based on example 2, except that 50 a Tioga soil,which is in group B. The event is a 25 year percent of the impervious area associated with the 1/2 acre frequency,24-hour storm with a total rainfall of 5.5 inches. lots on the Mardin soil is "unconnected,"that is,it is not directly connected to the drainage system. For these lots, Cover type and conditions in the watershed are different the pervious area CN(lawn,good condition)is 74 and the for each example. The examples,therefore,illustrate how impervious area is 25 percent. Use Figure 10.4 on page to compute CN and Q for various situations of proposed, 10.11 to compute the CN for these lots. CN's for the planned,or present development. 1/2-acre lots on Tioga soil and the open space on Mardin Example 1 soil are the same as those in example 2. See Figure 10.9 on The present cover type is pasture in good hydrologic con- page 10.17. dition. See Figure 10.6 on page 10.14 for Worksheet 2 information. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.12 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.5 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff (Reprinted from 210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed.,June 1986) Project By Date Location Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name Cover description CN 1/ Area Product and m .0 U Iof hydrologic (cover type, treatment, and C� c�! Ili CN x area group hydrologic condition; 0 0 0 ❑acres percent impervious; ^' - ❑m12 unconnected/connected impervious ) ,W ❑ Exhibit 10.2 area ratio) m H H 1/ Use only one ON source per line. Totals - CN (weighted) _ total product _ Use CN - total area ; 2. Runoff Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 'Frequency .............................. yr Rainfall, P (24-hour) in Runoff, -Qin (Use P and CN with table 10.1, fig. 10.1, or eqs. 10.3 and 10.4.) October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.13 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.6 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Worksheet 2 for Example 1 Project By P,11-1 Z- Date Location n YY\e CC"'--"Y\ W Aly, Checked at, Date Circle one: resent Developed 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name Cover description CN 1/ Area Product and .0 Q of hydrologic (cover type, treatment, and r N N CN x area group hydrologic condition; 0 0 0 Adacres percent impervious; -4 ❑mi2 unconnected/connected impervious ,4 -4 ,A [I Exhibit 10.2 area ratio) m H H 1930 la.-e j P�>d cone-'/�oY� 76 S/D'� 1/ Use only one ON source per line. Totals - 70 1-6) CN (weighted) = total product =7010 , 70- Use CN = total area ; 2. Runoff Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 Frequency ................ yr , v Rainfall, P (24-hour) .................. in o � Runoff, Q .............................. in (Use P and CN with table 10.1, fig. 10.1, or eqs. 10.3 and 10.4.) J New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.14 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.7 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Worksheet 2 for Example 2 Project _ �/C�✓�h/� s�C✓es By pW Date A 9� Location r04f71e Coun �� , //y Checked Date A / Circle one: Present loped 75 Acre-s �CS/dPnT/8f 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name Cover description CN 1/ Area Product and of hydrologic (cover type, treatment, and N ci CN x area group hydrologic condition; 0 0 0 acres percent impervious; �' �]m12 unconnected/connected impervious ,� .4 .4 ❑ Exhibit 10.2 area ratio) H H // 25`0//ntY/oas l/ m aere ��S and Cu�c�1ior2 ?� 75 5'2 Sd I �� /�pPv'✓`/sous a✓dire CC Z dc re 16 cri7`ioh �6 /� gQ0 ��'✓�"/r�ICJ Open sage 9,0,0j Ca7n d'Jion 7 S s SSd 1/ Use only one CN source per line. Totals - CN (weighted) = total product AN = 752 Use CN = �s total area 2. Runoff Storm til Storm #2 Storm #3' Frequency yr 2 r Rainfall, P (24-hour) .................. in � rr Runoff, Q .............................. in (Use P and CN with table 10.1, fig. 10.1, i or eqs. 10.3 and 10.4.) October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.15 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.8 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff �1 / ��WJorksheet 2 for Example 3 Project lleamw! f7ciee5 By Date /D / 9/ Location E9 0-46 l2 (fn (.(f7& IVY/ Checked Date 40/ Circle one: Present velo e 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name Cover description CN 1/ Area Product and of hydrologic (cover type, treatment, and N N N CN x area group hydrologic condition; 0 8 8 ['acres percent impervious; '� .. mit unconnected/connected impervious ,°Ji ,� ❑ Exhibit 10.2 area ratio) Cd H J/d/u5 / P D Oc+/C,,d`7`IDYt 7� 's SSS O J / /'!L602:2-ZnI6 0loos p2 �cre o s ds o /QU 8Z0O d/O►h Cin cG' d!t/� 7111 75- Ss sd 1/ Use only one CN source per line. Totals - CN (weighted) = total product 13!L0-6= 7 7 Z Use CN = / 7 total area 7-SO ; 2. Runoff Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 Frequency .............................. yr 5 ,r n Rainfall, P (24-hour) .................. in S Runoff, Q ......9....................... in Z. 6.3 a (Use P and CN with table 10.1, fig. 10.1, or eqs. 10.3 and 10.4.) New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.16 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.9 Worksheet 2: Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Worksheet 2 for Example 4 Project ee l✓Ph/z 1-7C✓es By PW t- Date Location pj/'OG/w (fnutl zti/ /x Y Checked Date /d T Circle one: Presen Develo ed 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name Cover description CN 1/ Area Product and co p Q of hydrologic (cover type, treatment, and _ cam N N CN x area group hydrologic condition; 0 0 acres percent impervious; .� Rmi.2u impervious ,A 1-44) ,A [I% Exhibit 10.2 area ratio) HF-4 I H 25� CO/1/! //'l9Pei'✓/o yS �/,3 i oad cep7dik-10 70 75 S Z5 11 2s�o;i C �r►,�•v��o/ IMCCOnrb� p Jim► �C /Z i9cYe /obi oDd ea, Jjpl 78 l 70 � O aj e S � C�Iv�' , 7y 75 S S56 1/ Use only one CN source per line. Totals CN (weighted) = total product ZSO6 C{, Use CN = total area , 2. Runoff Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 Frequency .............................. yr -- Rainfall, P (24-hour) .................. in SQ Runoff, Q .............................. in 2 3 7 •r (Use P and CN with table 10.1, fig. 10.1, or eqs. 10.3 and 10.4.) October 1991-Third Printing - Page 10.17 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Time of Concentration and Travel Time Travel time(Tt)is the time it takes water to travel from one Travel time(Tt)is the ratio of flow length to flow velocity: location to another in a watershed. Tt is a component of L time of concentration(Tc)which is the time for runoff to Tt = [Eq.10-41 travel from the hydraulically most distant point of the 3600 V watershed to a point of interest within the watershed. Tc where is computed by summing all the travel times for consecutive components of the drainage conveyance system. Tt = travel time(hr), Tc influences the shape and the peak of the runoff L = flow length(ft), hydrograph. Urbanization usually decreases Tc, thereby increasing the peak discharge. But Tc can be increased as V = average velocity(ft/s),and aresult of(a)pondingbehind small or inadequate drainage 3600 = conversion factor from seconds to hours systems,including storm drain inlets and road culverts,or Time of concentration(Tc)is the sum of Tt values for the (b)reduction of land slope through grading. various consecutive flow segments: Factors Affecting Time of Concentration Tc = Tt1 + Tt2 +...Ttm [Eq.10-5] and navel Time where Surface Roughness Tc = time of concentration(hr)and One of the most significant effects of urban development m = number of flow segments. on flow velocity is less retardance to flow. That is, un- Sheet Flow developed areas with very slow and shallow overland flow through vegetation become modified by urban develop- Sheet flow is flow over plane surfaces. It usually occurs in ment: the flow is then delivered to streets, gutters, and the headwater of streams. With sheet flow, the friction storm sewers that transport runoff downstream more value (Manning's n) is an effective roughness coefficient rapidly. Travel time through the watershed is generally that includes the effect of raindrop impact;drag over the decreased. plane surface; obstacles such as litter, crop ridges, and ; Channel Shape And Flow Patterns rocks;and erosion and transportation of sediment. These - n values are for very shallow flow depths of about 0.1 foot In small non-urban watersheds, much of the travel time or so. Table 10.3 on page 10.19 gives Manning's n values results from overland flow in upstream areas. Typically, for sheet flow for various surface conditions. urbanization reduces overland flow lengths by conveying For sheet flow of less than 300 feet, use Manning's storm runoff into a channel as soon as possible. Since kinematic solutiones to compute Tt: channel design have efficient hydraulic characteristics, runoff flow velocity increases and travel time decreases. 0.007(nL)0.8 Slope Tt = (P2)0s SOA [Eq.10.6] Slopes may be increased or decreased by urbanization, where depending on the extent of site grading or the extent to Tt = travel time(hr), which storm sewers and street ditches are used in the design of the water management system. Slope will tend to n = Manning's roughness coefficient, increase when channels are straightened and decrease Table 10.3 on page 10.19 when overland flow is directed through storm sewers, L = flow length(ft), street gutters,and diversions. P2 = 2 year,24 hour rainfall(in),and Computation of navel Time and Time of Concentration s = slope of hydraulic grade line (land slope,f(/ft). Water moves through a watershed as sheet flow, shallow This simplified form of Manning's kinematic solution is concentrated flow, open channel flow, or some combina- based on the following: tion of these. The type that occurs is a function of the (1)shallow steady uniform flow, conveyance system and is best determined by field inspec- tion. _ New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.18 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 10.3-Roughness coefficients Mannings equation is Mannin 's n for sheet flow 1.49 r213 si/2 Surface description ni V = n [Eq-10.7] Smooth surfaces(concrete,asphalt,gravel, where or bare soil) .................................0.011 Fallow(no residue) .............................0.05 V = average velocity(ft/sec), Cultivated soils: r = hydraulic radius(ft)and is equal to a/pw, Residue cover<20% ..........................0.06 Residue cover>20% ..........................0.17 a = cross sectional flow area(ft2), Grass: pw = wetted perimeter(ft), Shortgrass prase .............................0.15 Dense grasses2 ................................0.24 s = slope of the hydraulic grade line Bermudagrass ................................0.41 Range(natural) ...............................0.13 (channel slope,ft/ft),and woods:3 n = Mannings roughness coefficient for Light underbrush..............................0.40 open channel flow. Dense underbrush.............................0.80 Manning's"n"values for open channel flow can be obtained ( e0)lues are a composite of information compiled by Engman from standard textbooks . After average velocity is com- Zfnctues ecies such as wee iglove ,blue ss,buffalo puted using equation 10.7,Tt for the channel segment can F lue�rama grass,and Tat, gra&s m be estimated using equation 10.4. 3nens9lectin ns'der cover t a hglp of about O.l t. This is the only partgbtie p ant cover t�iat wn o struct sheet ow. Reservoirs or Lakes Sometimes it is necessary to estimate the velocity of flow (2)constant intensity of rainfall excess(that part of a rain through a reservoir or lake at the outlet of a watershed to available for runoff), determine travel time. This travel time is normally very (3)rainfall duration of 24 hours,and small and can be assumed as zero. (4)minor effect of infiltration on travel time. Limitations Rainfall depth can be obtained from Exhibit 10.1 at the end of this chapter. a Mannings kinematic solution should not be used Shallow Concentrated Flow for sheet flow longer than 300 feet. Equation 10.6 was developed for use with the four standard rain- After a maximum of 300 feet,sheet flow usually becomes fall intensity-duration relationships. shallow concentrated flow. The average velocity for this 9 In watersheds with storm sewers,carefully identify flow can be determined from Figure 10.10 on page 10.20, in which average velocity is a function of watercourse slope the appropriate hydraulic flow path to estimate T�. and type of channel. Tillage can affect the direction of Storm sewers generally handle only a small portion shallow concentrated flow. Flow may not always be direct- of a large event. The rest of the peak flow travels ly down the watershed slope if tillage runs across the slope. by streets,lawns,and so on,to the outlet. Consult a standard hydraulics textbook to determine After determining average velocity in Figure 10.10 on page average velocity in pipes for either pressure or 10.20, use equation 10.4 to estimate travel time for the nonpressure flow. shallow concentrated flow segment. a The minimum Te used is 0.1 hour. Open Channels •A culvert or bridge can act as a reservoir outlet if Open channels are assumed to begin where surveyed cross there is significant storage behind it. The proce- section information has been obtained,where channels are dures in TR-55 can be used to determine the peak visible on aerial photographs,or where blue lines(indicat- flow upstream of the culvert. Detailed storage ing streams) appear on United States Geological Survey routing procedures should be used to determine (USGS) quadrangle sheets. Mannings equation or water the outlet through the culvert. surface profile information can be used to estimate average a Figure 10.11 on page 10.22 provides Worksheet 3 flow velocity. Average flow velocity is usually determined for calculating Time of Concentration (Tc) or for bank-full elevation. travel time(Tt). October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.19 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control • 1 1 • ��������.■0.000 0000.��......■■������ ��������■■0000■0000.��■.■■■■■■■������ ��������■■0000■0000.��■.■■■■■■.������ ��mmma■■■■■■■■MNeill■■■■■■E■r,l-i■ ==M ��mmm■■■■■■■■■esmile■■MEMO■■I■WI�mmm SIONMEMENEI■■m■■■■■■I••l11■■ON■■OFA■•II M■■MM mmmm■■■■■■■■■■1.11111 NONE■■LA 11 Immmm■ ==mom■■■■■■■■1111111■■■■■■1111'm���■ ==■■■■■■■1milli 11111 moon NFA 111!,mmom■ ■m■■■MESON milli 11111mono I./111,1=MONO MM■■■■■ ■11111111111■■■o111I,11■■■■■ 0000001�■11111111111■■11i 11►,111■MENS ■■■■■■■■111111111111■■FA11/,1111■■■■■ ■■■■■�IIII111111111111.11 X11111■■■■■ ■■■■11111111111IIIII I,11�11111!■■■■1 �=0•mm■i■o■■■■■■■■■I 1■M I■■■■■M■�Am �� � rmm■■■■■■m■■■■■r Al new,ME ME■■■■����� ■ =mmmM■■■■■■■■N••'d11//■■■■■■■•■■■m■■mo ■■■M■■MONM■■■■■■■■N■►III WAS!■■■■■■■■■ M=M= ===M■■■■■■■■■■I/AIIII/■■■Noon 11mtmu■. 1. ■EMENEW■■■■■■■■■11AIIII*AMEN■■1111MMMM1 =■m■■■■■■1 111PA1 111/`A ON Noon 1111 mmm■■ ==m■■MESON 111'd Illi(■■Novell NIMMMM■ wwWA MOM MO..■■I.■■■r I■■•ME,ME ON on,No �������■■■�I■■■�:■■�■1■■■■.■■Mono�W W Z= �������■■■I■■II■mmol■■■■moon■■����� ��■■��■i■■■I,■■■'Immilli■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ mmm �������■■I■■11■■0111:■■MEMO soon��mmm �_��■■■■/■■I,■1111111■■■■■■■111.����■• ==mom■■1•i■■11■■111111111111101 on 1111 mmmo■ MMMM■■NI■1'1111111111 ON on logo 11==mom m■o ■r,, ■m■■111111=OMEN ■■■ /. 1111l11111m■■■1111!1■■■■■ OEM II1111111111■■■1111111■■■N■ 00 ,• 1111111111111■■11111111■■■■■ ■■ I illlllllllllll■11111.1111■■■■■ ■�■�11/111111111111111111111111■■■■1 �■�,■�■■■■11111111111■t■■111111 0000■ ■�►����■■�■�����!�����■■■�������0000■ ■I,�I�■�■■■11111111111■■■1111111■0t■■ ■ri��■■■■■���iii hili n n���i ii 0000■ /SII■11111111111IIIII111111 II11■■■■1. Example Segment AB:Sheet flow;dense grass;slope(s) = 0.01 ft/ft; and length(L) = 100 ft. Example 5 Segment BC: Shallow concentrated flow, unpaved; s = The sketch below shows a watershed in Broome County, - ' 0.01 ft/ft;and L = 1400 ft. New York. The problem is to compute Tc at the outlet of Segment CD:Channel flow;Manning's n = .05;flow area the watershed(point D). The 2-year 24-hour rainfall depth (a) = 27 ft2;wetted perimeter (pw) = 28.2 is 2.8 inches. ft;s = 0.005 ft/ft;and L = 7300 ft. All three points occur from the hydraulically most distant See Figure 10.12 on page 10.23 for the computations made point(A)to the point of interest(D). To compute Tc,first on worksheet 3 for Example 5. determine Tt for each segment from the following informa- tion: A -- . CD D 100 ft. 1,400 ft. 7,30 not to scale October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.21 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.11 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) (Reprinted from:210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed.,June 1986) Project By Date Location Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed Circle one: Tc Tt through subarea NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments. Sheet flow (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID 1. Surface description (table 10.3)........... 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 10.3). 3. Flow length, L (total L < 300 ft) .......... ft 4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 .................. in 5. Land slope, s ........................... ft/ft 6. T - 0.007 (W 0.8 Compute T + t P 0.5 '0.4 P t ...... hr 2 Shallow concentrated flow Segment ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) ..... 8. Flow length, L ............................. ft 9. Watercourse slope, s ....................... ft/ft 10. Average velocity, V(figure 10.10)......... ft/s 11. Tt a 3600 V Compute Tt ...... hr + Channel flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ............... ft 13. Wetted perimeter, pw ft 14. Hydraulic radius, r - a Compute r ....... ft P w 15. Channel slope, a ........................... ft/ft 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n .............. 2/3 1/2 17. V - 1.49 r s n Compute V ....... ft/s 18. Flow length, L ............................. ft 19. Tt 3600 V Compute Tt .,,,,, hr + 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) ....... hr E Il New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.22 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.12 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Worksheet 3 for Example 5 Project Le Yen/i/ /7C✓es By PL. Date /-11-191 Location 8fp6MC COuw T� Checkedlere— Date Q 11191 Circle one: Present <Elope Circle one: QD Tt through subarea NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments. Sheet flow (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID �vrse 1. Surface description (table 10.3)........... rnsS 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 10.3). 0,Zq 3. Flow length, L (total L < 300 ft) .......... ft 00 4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 / .3 in . �o 5. Land slope, s .............................. ft/ft 6. Tt - 0.07 (n )4.8 Compute Tt ...... hr �.JO + �•3� P0 2 50s Shallow concentrated flow Segment ID C 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) ..... ad B. Flow length, L ............................. ft y00 9. Watercourse slope, s ....................... ft/ft �•d 10. Average velocity, V(figure 10.10)......... ft/, �`p` 11. Tt - 3600 V Compute Tt ...... hr d,z + Channel flow Segment ID C.D 12. Cross sectional flow area, a 2 13. Wetted perimeter, pw ft ZB.Z 14. Hydraulic radius, r - a Compute r ....... ft QRS7 P w 15. Channel slope, a ........................... ft/ft 0-005 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.0:5 1.49 r2/3 a1/2 17. V - Compute V ....... ft/s n Z.OS 18. Flow length, L ............................. ft 7360 p Q 19. Tt - 3600 V Compute Tt ...... hr Q + - �• I 1 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) ....... hr J�J October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.23 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Graphical Peak Discharge Method Figure 10.13 -Variation of Ia/P for P and CN The Graphical method was developed from hydrograph analyses using TR-20,"Computer Program 1.0- for .ofor Project Formulation-Hydrology". The peak dis- charge equation used is: .8 qp = quAmQFp [Eq.10.8] where .6 qp = peak discharge(cfs); 0=40 qu = unit peak discharge(csm/in); 4 50 60 Am = drainage area(mi); .2 70 Q = runoff(in);and 90 ao Fp = pond and swamp adjustment factor, o 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 The input requirements for the Graphical method are Rainfall (P), inches as follows: (1)Te(11), (2)drainage area(mi), (3)appropriate rainfall distribution(I,IA,II,or III), (4)24-hour rainfall(in),and Table 10.4-la Values for Runoff Curve Numbers (5)CN. Curve Ia Curve Ia If pond and swamp areas are spread throughout the water- shed and are not considered in the Tc com number _l4- number �- utatio 40 3.000 70 0.817 P � an 41 2.878 71 0.817 adjustment for pond and swamp areas is also needed. 42 2.762 72 0.778 43 2.651 73 0.740 442545 74 0.703 Peak Discharge Computation 45 2.444 75 0.667 46 2.348 76 0.632 For a selected rainfall frequency,the 24-hour rainfall P 47 2.211 77 0.597 ( ) 48 2.167 78 0S64 is obtained from Exhibit 10.1 at the end of this chapter. 49 2.082 79 0.532 CN and total runoff(Q)for the watershed were computed so 2.000 so 0.500 earlier. The CN is used to determine the initial abstraction 51 1.922 81 0.469 52' 1.846 82 0.439 (Ia)from Table 10.4 on page 10.24. Ia/P is then computed. 53 1.774 83 0.410 54 1.704 84 0.381 If the computed Ia/P ratio is outside the range shown in 55 1.637 85 0.353 56 1.571 86 0.326 Figures 10.16 and 10.17 on pages 10.28 and 10.29 respec- 57 1.509 87 0.299 tively for the rainfall distribution of interest,then the limit- 58 1.448 88 0.273 59 1.390 89 0.247 ing value should be used. If the ratio falls between the 60 1.333 90 0.222 limiting values, use linear interpolation. Figure 10.13 on 61 1.279 91 0.198 page 10.24 illustrates the sensitivity of Ia/P to CN and P. 62 1.226 92 0.174 63 1.175 93 0.151 64 1.125 94 0.128 Peak discharge per square mile per inch of runoff(qu) is 65 1.077 95 0.105 obtained from Figures 10.16 and 10.17 by using Tc,rainfall 66 1.030 96 0.083 distribution a and Ia/P ratio. The and and swam 67 0.985 97 0.062 type, P P 68 0.941 98 0.041 adjustment factor is obtained from Table 10.5 on page 69 0.899 10.25 (rounded to the nearest Table value). Use Worksheet 4,Figure 10.14 on page 10.26,to aid in comput- ing the peak discharge using the Graphical method. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.24 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Table 10.5-Adjustment factor(Fp) for pond •The method cannot perform valley or reservoir and swamp areas that are spread throughout routing. the watershed •The Fp factor can be applied only for ponds or Percentage of pond swamps that are not in the Tc flow path. and swamp areas Fp •Accuracy of peak discharge estimated by this 0.0 1.00 method will be reduced if Ia/P values are used that 0.2 0.97 are outside the range given in Figures 10.16 and 1.0 0.87 10.17. The limiting Ia/P values are recommended 3.0 0.75 for use. 5.0 0.72 •This method should only be used if the weighted CN is greater than 40. Limitations •When this method is used to develop estimates of peak discharge for both present and developed •The Graphical method provides a determination conditions of a watershed,use the same procedure of peak discharge only.If a hydrograph is needed for estimating Tc. or watershed subdivision is required, use the •Tc values with this method may range from 0.1 to Tabular Hydrograph method in Technical Release 10 hours. #55. Use TR-20 if the watershed is very complex or a higher degree of accuracy is required. Example, •The watershed must be hydrologically Example 6 homogeneous, that is, describable by one CN. Land use,soils,and cover are distributed uniformly Compute the 25-year peak discharge for the 250-acre throughout the watershed. watershed described in examples 2 and 5. Figure 10.15 on •The watershed may have only one main stream or, page 10.27 shows how Worksheet 4 is used to compute qp if more than one, the branches must have nearly as 248 cfs. equal Ti's. October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.25 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.14 Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge (Reprinted from:210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed.,June 1966) Project By Date Location Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed 1. Data: Drainage area .......... m = m12 (acres/640) Runoff curve number .... CN = (From worksheet 2) Time of concentration .. Tc = hr (From worksheet 3) Rainfall distribution type - (I, IA, II, III) Pond and swamp areas spread throughout watershed ...... = percent of Am ( acres or mit covered) Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 2. Frequency ............................... yr 3. Rainfall, P (24-hour) ................... in 4. Initial abstraction, I ................. in (Use CN with table 10.4.) 5. Compute Ia/P ...................0........ 6. Unit peak discharge, qu ................. cam/in (Use Tc and Ia/P with Figure 10.16) 7. Runoff, Q ............................... in (From worksheet 2). 8. Pond and swamp adjustment factor, Fp .... (Use percent pond and swamp area with table 10.5. Factor is 1.0 for zero percent pond and swamp area.) 9. Peak discharge, q ...................... cfs (Where qp = q mQFp) New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.26 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 10.15 Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge Worksheet 4 for temple 6 Project Xle.-? n 1-7C re 5 ByJW 1, Date /0 91 Location i'aaw%e Cot+.v.4- /-j—aT Checked Date O 91 Circle one: Presentevelope 1. Data: Drainage area .......... A. = C), 3CI m12 (acres/640) Runoff curve number .... CN = 7,5_ (From worksheet 2) Time of concentration .. Tc = /. $3 hr (From worksheet 3) Rainfall distribution type - �_ (I, IA, II, III) Pond and swamp areas spread throughout watershed ...... _ - percent of m ( -' acres or mit covered) Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 2. Frequency ................................ yr ZS 3. Rainfall, P (24-hour) ................... in 4. Initial abstraction, I ................. in (Use CN with table 10.4.) 5. Compute Ia/P ............................ 6. Unit peak discharge, q u ................. cam/in Cp (Use Tc and Ia/P with Figure 10.16) 7. Runoff, Q ............................... in (From worksheet 2). 8. Pond and swamp adjustment factor, F ... p - (Use percent pond and swamp area with table 10.5. Factor is 1.0 for zero percent pond and swamp area.) 9. Peak discharge, q ...................... cfs Z y O (Where qp = quAmQFp) October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.27 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control ■■■■■■SMS ZaMEM ■MMEME■■C■■■UMOMam■■■■■■��.��,. ■■■■■■■■,MMMMMW.��■■MMM■■■■M■■■MM■■■■■■/IM//'I NONE■■■■0101,NEEMWOMEN■■mmm SOMME■■■mm■■■■■I.MI/.- m .• ■■■■■■0100101 NEEM MEMO■■■■■SOMME■■■■■■■■■L■Lz/.'/I■ 0101 0101 0101.■■1010 NEEM EMI■■■■10M■0101■■■0101■01■0101■I.��/i%.'I■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■MII■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■LI %�/l,.■■ 1■■■■■■■■■■0101■■■■■■1■■■■■■■■■IFMFV.ZFA ■■ 11 soon MORE mom=M■■■■o■■■■■■■Mm 21 F'/,f1f fAe■■ 111■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■It■■■■■■■II►.%/./%I■■■ 111 ■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■11■■■■■■I����/III■■■■ 11111■■■0101 0101 0101 0101■■■1111■I�I�%'/�11 I�0101 0101 1111111 ■■■■■■11■■■11111►.��'/,%1►11►111■■■ II 111111�■0101 0101 1111■IIID 1/�%/.�1 X1111111 ■■MEMO■■MISS=== .EM11010M■■FMMFWdFAFA■FLM■NOME 1010 NEON NOME■■MINE==ME■■■Valor,/IFIL■I,■■■NOME■■ Noon■■■■■■'■■■■■■■■■Fld■r,I rII.m►IW A■l■■■■■■■ 1�■■■■■■■■■■`■■■■■■LI■�%//ILEI/II■■■�■■■■ 111■■■■■■■0101■■■■■/�1��/iI�I�I111■■■■■■■ - 1111■�0101 0101 0101 0101■■■I■�/i111�1■11■1111 0101 0101 0101 111111 ■■■■■■■1!I■/R�I�IG■I■■11111■■■■■ 111111 0101 0101 0101 0101 11■I/.1►IIIA 1��■■1111111■0101 II 1111111■0101 0101 11�%/.X11111111■111111111/ II11111111■■SII%►/%I�11►111111111111111. 0101 0101 0101 0101�������.�•��:���■■���■■■���0101 MUM 0101�� ■■■■■■■■memnmmwErAIi■►I II■■/,■■■■MMM■■■■■■■■cc ■■■■■■■■loolmw.�I/II/01M■■�IEE01■0101M■■■■■■■■0100 •• 0101 0101 0101■0 0101 NE-I EMIL/L■I/■II■■I,■■E■01010110 0101 0101 0101■0 01011 NOME NOME MISS NE/I/.II II01'I10 FAMOM■■101010.■■■■■■■■1010 ■■■■■■■■■■LMIIIMFI■IA■■'I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■OMEN • 1111 MONO■■--j,I,L■►I■■FI 1■■■■■■■■■111120 0101:■■ 111■■■■■■II■IIIIII,■■I■It■■■■■■■■111■■■■■■■ • 11.11■■■ ■ I � A •I■11■■■■0■■■111■■■■M■■ , 111111 . 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I •I11111�■■■■11111■■■■■ 1■ • I • •I •�■ •/111111■■■■111111■■■■ ■■ RE..,AMAE.►...,1........11.........1 ■ �W-,LMIi■■II■■NEEM■■■■■■■■■NOME■■ ■ •II/IIN/■11■■FI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■NOME■■ ■■ ■I/IIII■I■I:M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■E■■■ ■■►IIT■SII■■11■■111■■■■■■■.11.1■■■■■■■ ■�.�III/I�■/I■��■■11111■■■■■11111■■■■■ 111�/.III■/�111■■■111111■■■■1111111■■■ Illlll■I■I�1'11■■11111111■■111111111■ • •• •• • ' 8 W 1 • • • i • •. Exhibit 1 A.1 New York Rainfall Maps for Different Rainfall Frequencies Q1 2-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL (INCHES) p N 5�v W E L A K E O N T A R I O 2.3 S LAKE ERIE .® 3.0 REFERENCE TP-49 3.3 MARCH 1985 v 1�F.P 3.0 P 3-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL (INCHES) N AGF' P W E L A K E 0 N T R I 0 S 3.3 LAKE ERIE 4.9 REFERENCE TP-40 MARCH 1990 4.8 New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.30 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Exhibit 10.1 (cont'd) New York Rainfall Maps for Different Rainfall Frequencies i SPP 10-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL (INCHES) F,P1 N 3.2 �&� �G �p yq• W E 3.4 L A K E O N A R I 0 S LAKE ER g 9• 0 9• REFERENCE TP-48 MARCH 1988 O _ ,PP 23-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL (INCHES) P1 N 41 u E L A K E O N A R I D S 00 000 LAKE ERI 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.8 4.8 REFERENCE TP-49 MARCH 1988 3.0 D October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.31 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Exhibit 10.1 (cont'd) New York Rainfall Maps for Different Rainfall Frequencies 38-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL (INCHES) JSP Q1 N 4.0 G P� 4.2 4.4 L A K 0 N T A R 1 0 S 4.4 LAKE 4.3 4.6 4.8 3.8 � REFERENCE TP-46 3.3 MARCH 1966 6.0 D yF,P 186-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL (INCHES) Q1 N P W E 4.4 4.6 L A K E O N T A R I O 5 LAKE 4.8 3.8 8. REFERENCE TP-49 3.3 MARCH 1966 0.8 7.8 D New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.32 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Exhibit 10.2 SCS Hydrologic Soil Groups - New York Soils are classified into hydrologic ly well to well drained soils with may no longer apply. In these cir- soil groups (HSG's) to indicate the moderately fine to moderately cumstances, use the following to minimum rate of infiltration ob- coarse textures. determine HSG according to the tained for bare soil after prolonged texture of the new surface soil, These soils have a moderate rate of wetting. The HSG's;which are A,B, provided that significant compac- C, and D; are one element used in water transmission(0.15-0.30 in/hr). tion has not occurredlo: determining runoff curve numbers. Group C soils have low infiltration The infiltration rate is the rate at rates when thoroughly wetted and HSG Soil textures which water enters the soil at the soil consist chiefly of soils with a layer A Sand,loamy sand, surface. It is controlled by surface that impedes downward movement or sandy loam conditions. HSG also indicates the of water and soils with moderately transmission rate-the rate at which fine to fine texture. These soils have B Silt loam or loam a low rate of water transmission the water moves within the soil. This C Sandy clay loam rate is controlled by the soil profile. (0.05-0.15 in/hr). Approximate numerical ranges for Group D soils have high runoff D Clay loam,silty clay transmission rates shown in the HSG potential. They have very low in- loam,sandy clay, definitions were first published by filtration rates when thoroughly silty clay,or clay Musgrave. The four groups are wetted and consist chiefly-of clay defined by SCS soil scientists as fol- soils with a high swelling potential, Drainage and Group D Soils lows: soils with a high permanent water Some soils in the list are in group D table soils with a claypan or clay because of a Group A soils have low runoff poten- high water table that tial and high infiltration rates even layer at or near the surface,and shal- creates a drainage problem. Once when thoroughly wetted. They con- low soils over nearly impervious these soils are effectively drained, sist chiefly of deep,well to excessive- material. These soils have a very low they are placed in a different group. ly drained sands or gravels and have rate of water transmission (0-0.5 For example,Adrian soil is classified a high rate of water transmission in/hr). as A/D. This indi rotes that the (greater than 0.30 in/hr). Disturbed Soil Profiles drained Adrian soil is,in group A and the undrained soil is in group D. Group B soils have moderate in- As a result of urbanization,the soil filtration rates when thoroughly profile may be considerably altered wetted and consist chiefly of and the listed group classification moderately deep to deep,moderate- October 1991-Third Printing -Page 10.33 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control SOIL SERIES USED IN NEW YORK AND THEIR HYDROLOGIC GROUPS ADAMS ..............A BRINI ERTON ....... D CRARY ..............C ADJIDAUMO ........D BROADLABIN ....... C CROGHAN...........B ADRIAN .............A/D BROCKPORT ........ D DALTON.............C AGWAM .............B BUCKLAND ......... D DANLE .............. C ALBRIGHTS .........C BURDETT ........... C DANNEMORA .......D ALDEN ..............D BURNHAM .......... D DARIEN .............C ALLAGASH ..........B BUSTI ............... C DAWSON ............A/D ALLARD .............B BUXTON ............ C DEERFIELD .........B ALLIS ................D CAMBRIDGE ........ C DEFORD.............C ALTMAR ............B CAMII,LUS ..........B DEKALB .............C ALTON ..............A CAMRODEN ........ C DEPEYSTER .........C AMBOY..............C CANAAN ............ C DERB ................C AMENIA .............B CANADICE .......... D DIXMONT ...........C ANGOLA ............C CANANDAIGUA..... D DORA ...............B/D APPLETON ..........0 CANASERAGA ...... C DOVER ..............B AQUENTS ...........D CANEADEA ......... D DUANE ..............B AQUEPTS .............. CANFIELD .......... C DUNI IRK............B AQUOLLS ............. CANTON ............B DUTCHESS ..........B ARKPORT ...........B CARBONDALE ......A/D 'EDWARDS ...........B/D ARNOT ..............C/D CARLISLE...........A/D EELWEIR.............C ASHVILLE ...........D CARROLLTON ...... C ELKA ................0 ATHERTON..........B/D CARVER ............ A ELMRIDGE ..........C ATKINS ..............D CASTILE ............ B ELMWOOD ..........0 ATSION ..............C/D CATHRO ............ A/D ELNORA.............B AU GRES ............B CAVODE ............ C EMPEYVILLE ........0 AURELIE ............D CAYUGA ............ C ENFIELD ............B AURORA ............0 CAZENOVIA ........B ENSLEY .............B/D BARB OUR ........:..B CHADAKOIN ........ B ERIE....... , ........C ? BARCELONA ........C CHAGRIN ........... B ERNEST .............C BARRE ..............D CHARLTON .........B ESSEX ...............0 BASH ................C CHATFIELD ......... B FAHEY ..............B BASHER .............B CHAUMONT ........ D FARMINGTON .......C BATH ................C CHAUTAUQUA ..... C FARNHAM...........B BECKET .............C CHEEKTOWAGA .... D FLACKVILLE ........C BECRAFT ............B CHENANGO ......... A FLUVAQUENTS...... - BELGRADE ..........B CHESHIRE .......... B FONDA ..............D BENSON .............D CHIPPENY .......... D FREDON.............0 BERKSHIRE .........B CHIPPEWA .......... D FREETOWN..........D BERNARDSTON .....C CHOCORUA......... D FREMONT ...........C BERRYLAND ........B/D CHURCHVILLE ..... D FREWSBURG ........C BESEMAN ...........A/D CLAVERACK........ C GALEN ..............B BICE .................B CLYMER ............ B GALOO ..............C/D BIDDEFORD .........D COHOCTAH ......... B/D GALWAY ............B BIRDSALL ...........D COLLAMER ......... C GEORGIA ...........C BLASDELL...........A COLONIE ........... A GETZVILLE .........D BOMBAY ............B COLOSSE............ A GILPIN ..............0 BONAPARTE ........A COLTON ............A GLOUCESTER .......A BONO................D CONESUS ........... B GLOVER.............C/D BOOTS ...............A/D CONSTABLE ........A GRANBY ............A/D BRACEVILLE ........0 COOK ............... D GREENE .............B BRAYTON ...........0 COSAD .............. C GREENWOOD .......A/D BRIDGEHAMTON....B COVEYTOWN ....... C GRENVILLE .........B BRIGGS ..............A COVINGTON ........ D GROTON ............A r' New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.34 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control SOIL SERIES USED IN NEW YORK AND THEIR HYDROLOGIC GROUPS GUFF................D LANGFORD ..........0 MUNSON ............D GUFFIN .............D LANSING ............B MUNUSCONG .......B/D GULF................B/D LEICESTER ..........0 MUSKELLUNGE .....D HAIGHTS ............B LEWBEACH..........0 MUSKINGUM........C HALCOTT ...........C/D LIMA ................B NASSAU .............C HALSEY .. . .........C/D I IMERICK ...........0 NAUMBURG ........C HAMLIN.............B L1NIXr TGO ..........B NEHASNE ...........B HANNAWA ..........D LIVINGSTON.........D NELLIS ..............B HARTLAND .........B LOBDELL ............B NEVERSINK .........D HAVEN..............B LOCKPORT ..........D NEWSTEAD .........C HAWKSNEST ........C/D LONDONBERRY .....CID NIAGARA ...........C HEMPSTEAD ........B LORSTOWN ..........0 NICHOLVILLE.......C HENRIETTA .........B/D LOWVILLE...........B NORWICH ...........D HERK INIER..........B LOXELY .............A/D NUNDA .............C HERMON............A LUPTON .............A/D OAKVILLE ..........A HEUVELTON ........C LYMAN ..............C/D OCCUM .............B HILTON .............B LYME ................0 OCHREPTS HINCKLEY ..........A LYONS ...............D ODESSA .............D HINESBURG.........C MACOMB ............B ONDAWA ...........B HOGANSBURG ......B MACOMBER .........0 ONOVILLE ..........C HOLDERTON........B MADAMLIN..........D ONTARIO ...........B HOLLIS ..............C/D MADRID .............B ONTEORA ...........C HOLYOKE ...........C/D MALONE ............0 OOUAGA............C HOMER .............B MANAHAWKIN ......D ORPARK ............C HONEOYE...........B MANHEIM ...........0 ORTHENTS HOOSIC .............,A MANLIUS ............0 OSSIPEE .............D HORNELL ...........D MAPLECREST........B OTISVILLE ..........A HOWARD ...........A MARCY ..............D OVID ................C HUDSON ............C MARDIN .............0 PALATINE...........B HUNAOUEPTS MAR] A .......:....0 PALMS ..............A/D HYDRAOUENTS MARLOW ....:.......0 PALMYRA...........B ILION ...............D MARTISCO . .........B/D PANTON.............D INSULA .............D _ MASSENA............0 PATCHIN ............D IPSWICH..............D MATOON ............D PAWCATUCK........D IRA..................C MATUNUCK .........D PAWLING ...........B IVORY ..............C MEDIFIBRISTS PAXTON...........:.C JOLIET ..............D MEDIHEMISTS PERU..... .........C JUNIUS ..............C MEDISAPRISTS PHELPS ...:.........B , KALURAH..........`.B MELROSE."...........0 PHILO ...............B KANONA .............D MENLO ..............D PINCKNEY ..........C KARS ................A MERRIMAC .......... PITS KEARSARGE ........B MIDDLEBURY .......B PITTSFIELD .........B KENDAIA ...........C IVIILLSITE ............B PITTSTOWN .........C KINGSBURY .........D MINELOA ...........A PLAINFIELD.........A KINSMAN............C IAINO ................0 PLYMOUTH .........A KINZUA .............B MINOA...............0 PODUNK ............B KINCKERBOCKER ...A MOHAWK............B POMTON ............B LACKAWANNA ......C MANARDA...........D POOTATUCK ........B LAGROSS............A MANGAUP ...........0 POPE ................B LAIRDSVILLE .......D MANTAUK ...........0 POTSDAM ...........C LAKEMONT .........D MORRIS .............0 PSAMIViENTS LAMSON ............B/D MOSHERVILLE ......0 PUNSIT ..............C LANESBORO ........C MUCK ...............D PYRITIFS ............B October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.35 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control SOIL SERIES USED-IN NEW YORK AND THEIR,HYDROLOGIC GROUPS QUETICO ............D STISSING ............ C VOLUSIA ............0 RAQUETTE ..........B STOCKBRIDGE ...... C WADDINGTON ......A RAYNE ..............B STOCKHOLM........ C WAKELAND .........0 RAYNHAM ..........0 STOWE .............. C WAKEVILLE .........B RAYPOL .............C SUCCESS ............ A WALLACE ...........B RED HOOK ..........C SUDBURY........... B WALLINGTON ........C RED WATER .........C SUN ................. D WALLKILL...........C/D REMSEN.............D SUNAPEE ........... B WAPOLE ............C RHINEBECK .........D SUNCOOL ...........A WAMPSVILLE .......B RICKER..............A SUNY ...............D WAPPINGER .........B RIDGEBURY.........C SURPLUS............ C WAREHAM ..........C RIFLE ...............A/D SUTTON............. B WARNERS ...........0 RIGA ................D SWANTON .......... C/D WASSAIC ............B RINGLING ...........D SWARTSWOOD ...... C - WATCHAUG .........B RIPPOWAM ..........C SWORMVILLE....... C WAUBEK ............B RIVERHEAD.........B TACONIC ........... C/D WAYLAND ...........C/D ROCK OUTCROP.....D TAWAS ..............A/D WEAVER ............C ROMULUS ...........D TEEL................ B WEGATCHIE ........D RUMNEY ............C TIOGA .............. B WELLSBORO ........C RUSE ................D TOQUERVILLE .....D WESTBURY..........0 SACO ................D TOR................. D WESTLAND ..........B/D SALMON.............B TORULL ............ D WETHERSFIELD .....C SAPRISTS ............A/D TOERVILLE ......... B WHARTON ..........C SAUGATUCK ........0 TRESTLE ............ B WHATELY ...........D SCANTIC.............D TROUT RIVER ...... A VaIITMAN ...........D SCABORO ...........D TUGHQ.L ...........D WILLETTE ...........A/D SCHOHARIE .........C TULLER............. D WILLIAMSON ........C -- SCHROON ...........B TUNBRIDGE ........ C WILLOWEMOC ......0 1 SCHUYLER ..........B TUNKHANNOCK ....A WILPOINT ............D,. SCIO .................B UDIFLUVENTS ...... B WINDSOR............A SCITUATE ...........0 UDIPSAMMENTS WINOOSKI ...........B SCRIBA ..............C UDORTHENTS ......A WOODBRIDGE ......C SEARSPORT .........D UNADILLA.......... B WOODLAWN ........B SEBAGO .............D URBANLAND WOODSTOCK ........D SHAKER .............C VALOIS ............. B WOOSTER`C SKERRY .............C VARICK ............. D WORDEN ............C SLOAN...............B/D VARYSBURG........B WORTH..............C SODUS...............C VENANGO .......... C WURTSBORO ........C ST.ALBENS ..........B VERGENNES ........ C WYALUSING.........D STAFFORD. ..........C VLY ................. C YALESVILLE ........C New York Guidelines for Urban Page 10.36 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control References 1.USDA,Soil Conservation Service,Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,Technical Release 55,Second Edition. U.S.Government Printing Office,Washington,D.C.,June 1986. 2.Practices in Detention of Urban Stormwater. American Public Works Association,Special Report#43. 3.US Environmental Protection Agency,Urban Stormwater Runoff.,1976. 4.USDA Soil Conservation Service,Computer Program for Project Formulation-Hydrology.SCS Technical Release 20,Washington,D.C.,1983. 5.USDA Soil Conservation Service,National Engineering Handbook,Section 4,Hydrology,Washington,D.C.,1985. 6.Ralliston,R.E.and N.Miller,Past,Present,and Future SCS Runoff Procedure,In V.P.Singh(ed.)Rainfall-Runoff Relationships:Proceedings,International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling.Mississippi State Univer- sity,1981. 7.Rawls,W.J.,A Shalaby,and R.H.McCuen,Evaluation of Methods for Determining Urban Runoff Curve Numbers, Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,24(6),1981. 8.Overton,D.E.and M.E.Meadows,Storm Water Modeling,Academic Press,New York,N.Y.,1976. 9. Chow,V.T.,Open Channel Hydraulics,McGraw Hill Book Company,Inc.,Nrew York,N.Y.,1959. 10. Linsley,R.K.,M.A.Kohler,and J.H.L.Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineers..2nd Edition,McGraw-Hill,New York,N.Y.,1975. October 1991-Third Printing Page 10.37 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 APPENDICES CONTENTS AppendixA .................. NYS DEC Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for New Development Appendix B ...........................How to Use the Universal Soil Loss Equation in Urbanizing Areas Appendix C ......................................Field Measurement of Rill Erosion in Tons Per Acre Appendix D .................................. Excerpts from Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinances Appendix E ..........................................................How to Read Fertilizer Labels AppendixF ...............................Sample Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review Checklist LIST OF TABLES Table Title B.1 Factors for Converting Soil Losses from Tons to Cubic Yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B.5 B.2 EI Values of Certain Key Cities in the NY Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B.6 B.3 Approximated K Values For Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B.7 B.4 Slope Effect Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B.13 B.5 Guide to Classification of Vegetal Covers in Waterways and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B:14 Channels as to Degree of Retardness LIST OF FIGURES Eat Title Page B.1 Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index-New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.3 B.2 Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index-Long Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.4 B.3 Soil Erodibility Nomograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.12 Appendix A NYS DEC Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for New Development New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Am 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 Iowa Thomas C.Jorling Commissioner April 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Regional Water Engineers, Bureau Directors, Section Chiefs FROM: Salvatore Pagano-Director, Division of Water SUBJECT: Division of Water Technical and Operational Guidance Series (5.1.10) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GUIDELINES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT (Originator. Philip M. DeGaetano) I. PURPOSE To provide soil erosion and sediment control guidelines to regional water staff involved In the review of land development projects. These guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the Stormwater Management Guidelines (TOGS 5.1.8) in reviewing proposed development projects. 11. DISCUSSION Sediment in runoff from construction sites can have a significant effect on the quality of downstream waters. It is of such concern that it has been highlighted as a source category to be addressed by the EPA regulations on stormwater management. It is also Identified as a significant source category in the State Nonpoint Source Assessment Report. The potential effects of increased sediment are varied: 'Sediment may destroy fish habitat through blanketing of fish spawning and feeding areas and elimination of certain food organisms, directly impact fish through gill abrasion and fin rot, and reduce sunlight penetration, thereby impairing photosynthesis of aquatic plants. Suspended sediment decreases recreational values, reduces fishery habitat, adds to the mechanical wear of water supply pumps and distribution systems, and adds to treatment costs for water supplies. Nutrients and toxic substances i attached to sediment particles are transported to waterbodies and may October 1991-Third Printing Page A.1 New Fork Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control enter aquatic food chains, cause fish toxicity problems,contribute to algal blooms, impairs recreational uses, and degrade the water as a drinking water source.' The following guidelines are designed for consideration by both government officials and project sponsors in the preparation and review of erosion and sediment control plans for a land development project. If implemented properly,the guidelines herein will assist in achieving the following water and natural resource management objectives. ♦ reduce the erosion potential from a development or construction project; ♦ decrease nonpoint source pollution and water quality degradation; ♦ maintain stream channels for their biological functions, as well as for drainage, through reduced sediment deposition. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently adopted stormwater management regulations which will be implemented through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES). Consequently,the N.Y.State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPDES)program may be used in this state to implement the new federal regulations. The regulations contain provisions which require control of erosion from certain land development projects. However,the federal stormwater management program is not fully operational at this time. Until the stormwater permit system is operational,it would be appropriate to use the authority of the State Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA)to apply the erosion and sediment control guidelines which make up this TOGS for all land development projects and construction activities when it is determined that ' soil erosion and sedimentation is a relevant area of environmental concern or when it is determined that soil erosion and sedimentation, If not controlled, may have a significant effect on the environment. Upon such determination, an erosion and sediment control plan should be prepared. The following are examples of projects where'soll erosion and sedimentation are common relevant areas of environmental concern. 1. land clearing or land grading projects involving five or more acres; 2. residential development consisting of five or more dwelling units, unless each dwelling unit Is on a lot of two or more acres; 3. industrial and/or commercial projects which result in an impervious surface of one or more acres; 4. site preparation on slopes which exceed 11/2 ft.of vertical rise to 10 ft.of horizontal distance (or site preparation in areas of severe erosion potential where such areas have been mapped); 5. site preparation within 100 ft. of-a wetland; 6. site preparation within 100 ft. of any watercourse; 7. excavating or filing which exceeds a total of 100 cu. yds.'of.material within any parcel or any contiguous parcels. Nonpoint Source Management Program. January, 1990. New York Guidelines for Urban Page A.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Pursuant to the consistency requirements of the New York State Nonpoint Source Management Program as authorized under Section 319 of the Federal Clean Water Act of 1987, and pursuant to Presidential Executive Order 12372 requiring intergovernmental review of federal programs,the erosion and sediment control guidelines herein should be applied to all eligible federal agencies which either undertake development projects in the State or assist development projects through funding. III. GUIDANCE Itis the policy of the Division of Water that an erosion and sediment control plan be prepared for all projects for which soil erosion and sedimentation has been Identified as a relevant area of environmental concern,-or, for which if it is not controlled, it may have a significant effect on the environment. 'The plan should be prepared and submitted as part of the SEOR process. The attached guidelines were developed to aid persons In preparing and reviewing erosion and .sediment control plans. They provide guidance on sound management practices, but are not fixed and inflexible rules to be applied in reviewing erosion control plans without considering the particular facts and circumstances of a particular project. It should be noted that some communities may have duly adopted erosion control requirements, and that they should be consulted and complied with. In the absence of such requirements,Regional Water staff are encouraged to consult the management practices described in this guidance where appropriate r to encourage their use by county and local.agencies and by developers and consultants involved In preparing and reviewing development plans and proposed projects. To the fullest extent practicable, Regional Water staff should seek the assistance of County Soil and Water Conservation District sta'f during the review of erosion and sediment control plans. -A Salvatore Pagano Director, Division of Water Attachment cc: Dr. Banks Mr. Campbell Ms. Chrimes Mr. Bruening Regional Engineers for Envir. Quality October 1991-Third Printing Page A.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GUIDELINES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT A. Existing vegetation on a project site should be retained and protected as much as possible to minimize soil loss on a project site and to minimize erosion control costs. B. Sediment control practices/measures, where necessary, should be designed to protect the natural character of rivers, streams, lakes, coastal waters or other waterbodies on-site and minimize erosion and sedimentation off-site from the start of land disturbance activities to establishment of permanent stabilization. 1. The off-site impacts of erosion and sedimentation related to land clearing, grading and construction activities should not be any greater during and following land disturbance activities than under pre-development conditions. 2. Pursuant to Part 700 et seg. of Title 6, Chapter X of NYCRR: a. toxic and other deleterious substances shall not be discharged in amounts that will adversely affect the taste, color or odor thereof, or impair the waters of the state for their best (classified),usages, b. suspended, colloidal and settleable solids shall not be discharged in amounts that causes substantial visible contrast to natural conditions, or causes deposition or impairs the waters for their best (classed) usages. This means that stream reaches on-site and downstream of construction areas should not have substantial visible contrast relative to color, taste, odor,turbidity and sediment deposition from the reaches upstream of the construction area. Impacts such as these which result from construction or developmental activities are a violation of Part 700 water quality standards and may be subject to enforcement actions. C. Erosion and sediment control measures should be constructed in accordance with an erosion and sediment control plan. The plan should: 1. describe the temporary and permanent structural and vegetative measures that will be used to control erosion and sedimentation for each stage of the project from land clearing to the finished stage. 2. provide a map showing the location of erosion and sediment control measures. 3. provide dimensional details of proposed erosion and sediment control facilities as well as calculations used in the siting and sizing sediment basins. (Guidance for performing calculations can be obtained in the reference cited in Section E.8.) 4. identify temporary erosion and sediment control facilities which will be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities. 5. provide an implementation schedule for staging temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control facilities. ; New York Guidelines`for Urban Page A.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control 6. provide a maintenance schedule for soil erosion and sediment control facilities and describe maintenance activities to be performed. D. Erosion and sediment control measures should be constructed prior to beginning any other land disturbances. The devices should not be removed until the disturbed land areas are stabilized. E. Specify guidance. 1. -Exposure Restrictions: No more than 5 acres of unprotected soil should be exposed at any one time. Previous earthwork should be stabilized In accord with approved design standards and specifications referenced in Section E.8 before additional area is exposed. (Site factors including topography, soil erosion potential, proximity to wetlands and water courses may require limiting the amount of raw earth that can be exposed at any one time to less than 5 acres.) 2. Grading: Perimeter grading should blend with adjoining properties. 3. Vegetative Protection: Where protection of trees and/or other vegetation is required,the location of the site to be protected should be shown on the erosion control plan. The method of protecting vegetation during construction should conform to the design criteria referenced in Section E.B. 4. Drainage control. a. Surface runoff that is relath>eiy clean and sediment free should be diverted or otherwise prevented from flowing through areas of construction activity on the project site. This will greatly reduce sediment loading in surface runoff. b. A fill associated with an approved temporary sediment control structure or permanent stormwater management structure,should not be created which causes water to pond off-site on adjacent property, without first having obtained ownership or permanent easement for such use from the owner of the off-site or adjacent property. c. - Natural drainage channels should not be altered or relocated without the proper approvals. Pursuant to Article 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law, a protected stream and the bed and banks thereof should not be altered or relocated without the approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation. 2 d. Runoff from any land disturbing activity should not be discharged or have the potential to be discharged off-site or into storm drains or into watercourses unless such discharge is directed through a properly designed, installed and maintained structure,such as a sediment trap,to retain sediment on-site. Accumulated sediment should be removed when 60%of the storage capacity of the sediment retention structure is filled with sediment. e. For finished grading, adequate gradients should be provided so as to prevent water from standing on the surface of lawns for more than 24 hours after the end of a rainfall, except.in a swale flow area which may drain as long as 48 hours after the end of rainfall. 2 A natural drainage channel refers to a swale,water course in a gully, or a protected or unprotectd stream. Natural drainage channels should not be altered or relocated on adjacent properties without first having obtained ownership or a permanent easement for the altered or relocated drainage channel from the owner of the off-site or adjacent property. October 1991-Third Printing Page A.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control f. Permanent swales or other points of concentrated water flow should be stabilized with sod, rip-rap, paving, or covered with a approved erosion control matting as provided for in the design criteria referenced in Section E.B. g. Surface flows over cut and fill slopes should be controlled as provided for in the design criteria for vegetating waterways referenced in Section E.S. 5. Timing. a. Except as noted below, all sites should be seeded and stabilized with erosion control materials, such as straw mulch, jute mesh, or excelsior within 15 days of final grading. If construction has been suspended, or sections completed, areas should be seeded immediately and stabilized with erosion control materials. Maintenance should be performed as necessary to ensure continued stabilization. 1. For active construction areas such as borrow or stockpile areas,roadway improvements, and areas within 50 ft. of a building under construction, a perimeter sediment control system consisting, for example, of silt fencing or hay bales, should be installed and maintained to contain soil. ii. On cut side of roads,ditches should be stabilized immediately with rock rip-rap or other non-erodible liners, or where appropriate, vegetative measures such as sod. When seeding Is approved, an anchor mulch should be used and soil should be limed and fertilized in accord with recommendations referenced in Section E.B. iii. Permanent seeding should optimally be undertaken in the spring from March 21 through May 20, and in late summer and early fall from August 25 to October 15. During the peak summer months and in the fall after October 15 when seeding is found to be impracticable, an appropriate mulch should be applied. Permanent seeding may be undertaken during summer if plans provide for adequate watering of the seedbed. Iv. All slopes steeper than 3:1 (h:v), as well as basin or trap embankments, and perimeter dikes should, upon completion, be Immediately stabilized with sod, seed and anchored straw mulch,or other approved stabilization measures. Areas outside of the perimeter sediment control system should not be disturbed. Maintenance should be performed as necessary to ensure continued stabilization. b. Temporary sediment trapping devices should be removed within thirty (30) calendar days following establishment of permanent stabilization in all contributory drainage araes. Stormwater management structures used temporarily for sediment control should be converted to the permanent configuration within this time period as well. 6. Stream protection. a. The bed and banks of all on-site and off-site streams that may be impacted by land clearing, grading, and construction activities should be protected to prevent stream, river, lake or coastal sedimentation,streambank erosion, stream enlargement and degradation or loss of New York Guidelines for Urban Page A.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 fisheries habitat. Measures for protecting the bed and/or banks of a stream may Include,for example, gabion baskets, rip-rap, log cribbing, and vegetative measures. 3 b. Where temporary work roads or haul roads cross stream channels, adequate waterway openings must be constructed using spans, culverts, washed rock backfill or other acceptable, clean methods that will ensure that road construction and use do not result in turbidity and sediment downstream. All stream crossing activities and appurtenances shall be in compliance with a permit issued pursuant to Article 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law, where applicable, and should be carried out in conformance with guidelines in DEC'S Stream Corridor Management manual. 4 7. Maintenance. a. An erosion control plan for a project site should identify maintenance requirements for erosion and sediment control practices utilized, and it should provide a maintenance schedule. All erosion and sediment control measures should be inspected periodically and -= maintained in conformance with the schedule so as to ensure they remain in effective operating condition until such times as they are removed. b. All points of construction ingress and egress should be protected to prevent the deposition of materials onto traversed public thoroughfare(s) either by installing and maintaining a stabilized construction entrance,or by washing all vehicle wheels in a safe disposal area. All materials deposited onto public thoroughfare(s) should be removed immediately. Proper precautions should be taken to ensure that materials deposited onto public thoroughfares are removed so that they do not enter catch basins, storm sewers, or combined sewers. c. Accumulated sediment should be removed when 60%of the storage capacity of the retention structure is filled with sediment. 8. Design specifications. Designs, standards and specifications for controlling erosion and sedimentation are found in the following publication and should be identified and shown in the erosion control plan: Empire State Chapter,Soil&Water Conservation Society,New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, Syracuse. March 1988. 3 Whenever possible,vegetative streambank stabilization practices are recommended over structural practices such as rip-rap and gabion linings which may unnecessarily alter the existing stream ecosystem. 4 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 'Stream Corridor Management: A Basic Reference Manual,'Albany, 1986. October 1991-Third Printing Page A.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX B HOW TO USE THE UNIVERSAL SOIL LOSS EQUATION IN URBANIZING AREAS -� To predict soil losses on construction sites,the equation L is the slope length factor used is: S is the slope gradient factor A = R or(EI)x KLS These two factors are closely interrelated and have Where: been computed into one combinedvalueknown as the A is the computed soil loss per acre in tons.This quantity IS value.These combined values are shown in Table may be converted to cubic yards by using conversion B.4. Two other factors in the Universal Equation, factors shown in Table B.1. namely P and C, are not used on urbanized lands R is the rainfall intensity factor which is a measure of the though they are used on agricultural lands. These factors are concerned mostly with contouring, con- erosiveforce of rainfall.EI is also used as a designs- tour strip-cropping, crop rotations, stages of crop tion of rainfall intensity.R refers to the average an- growth, tillage and harvesting methods which have nual rainfall erosion index.The EI factor is the rainfall little or no relation to urbanized lands. erosion index for a part of a year,"probability'storm or for the magnitude of a single storm.The R value The Universal Soil Loss Equation is designed to estimate for urban areas is the same as that assigned to work soil losses by sheet erosion only.Construction sites are also units for agricultural lands.This value should be used subject to rill and gully erosion.The losses from rilling and in predicting annual soil losses on construction sites. gullying are in addition to losses from sheet erosion and, Table B.2 contains EI values of key cities in the New therefore,must betaken into account for determining total York area for soil loss probabilities other than the losses on a given site. average annual losses.These may be used to further One method of measuring rill erosion is by using the Alutin characterize soil loss hazards. For example, in Rill Erosion Method.This procedure is fairly accurate up Syracuse, New York, the annual average R value is to losses of 100 tons per acre. Greater losses than this 100.Table B.2 shows that the value of R will equal or generally fall into the category of gullying and these are exceed 129 in 20% of the years.This is 129 x 100 or computed by measuring the cut area in cubic yards. (See 1.29 times the average value. Appendix C for estimating soil losses by rilling.) Soil losses from individual storms may also be com- A major difference between the above mentioned methods puted.For example, Table B.2 shows that a 10 year of computing soil losses is that the Universal Soil Loss rain in Syracuse has an erosion index of 61 or more. Equation can be used for estimating soil losses before and This means that the soil losses from this one storm after they occur,while losses from rilling and gullying can may be 61% of the soil losses occurring during an be computed only after the erosion occurs. entire average year. The following are examples showing how the Universal Soil K is the soil erodibility factor. In construction work, B Loss Equation is used for estimating soil losses: and C soil horizons are mostly involved. Lists of K factors for A,B, and C horizons are shown in Table Assume Syracuse,New York,as the locale of a construc- B.3.(This table includes only representative soils and tion site. The disturbed site is 50 acres in size, with an their K values. For more complete listings of soils, average gradient of 8%and an average slope length of 500 contact the local SCS office.) feet.The soil is a Schoharie silt loam with a K value of 0.28 Limited research data show that infiltration rates and in both the B and C horizons.(The K value is obtained from erosion losses from compacted' fills do not differ Table B.3.)The LS value is 2.2 and is obtained from Table greatly from those on"cuts,"when slopes and surface B.4. materials are the same.Loose fills may lose less soil 1.Compute soil losses from this unprotected surface for and water than compacted fills. Since research has a 12 month period. The average annual rainfall not yet determined the rates of soil loss on loose fills, erosion index(R)is 100. the same K values that are used for B and C horizons on cuts or compacted fills maybe used for loose fills. 'Compaction in this section of the guidelines refers to that which occurs from normal grading and hauling operations. October 1991-Third Printing Page B.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control A= RKLS = 100 x 0.28 x 2.2 x 50 acres =3,080 tons A = EI x KLS = 61x0.28 x 2.2 x 50 acres = or 2,679 cubic yards.(Latter computation obtained by approximately 1,879 tons or about 1,635 cubic yards. using conversion factor of 0.87 shown in Table B.1.) 7.Compute soil losses from the expected magnitude of a 2.Compute soil losses from this unprotected surface for single storm that may occur once in 20 years. The EI a 3 month period(June,July,August).The EI value value of this storm is 65.(Obtained from Table B.2.) for this period is 59.This value is obtained as follows: A = EI x KLS = 65 x 0.28 x 2.2 x 50 acres = Refer to the erosion index distribution curve ap- approximately 2,002 tons or about 1,742 cubic yards. plicable to Syracuse,New York,Figure B.1.The EI reading for June 1 is 17%and for September 1 is 76%. The percent of average annual index for this period is Slope Length Q and Gradient(S) 76%-17%or 59%.Since the annual erosion index for this location is 100,the EI value for the 3 month period Slope length is defined as the distance from the point of is 59%of 100 or 59. origin of overland flow to either of the following. (1) the point where the slope decreases to the extent that sig- A = (EI) KLS = 59 x 0.28 x 2.2 x 50 acres = nificant deposition begins or (2) the point where runoff approximately 1,817 tons or 1,581 cubic yards. enters a well defined channel.Field slopes are often either 3. Compute soil losses for the 1 year out of 5 when the convex(steepening substantially toward the lower end)or rainfall intensity (R) will increase from the average concave(flattening toward the lower end).When the lower annual R of 100 to an R of 129. (Latter value from end of the slope is steeper than the upper end,the gradient Table B.2.) of the steeper segment should be used with the overall slope length to enter the slope effect chart(Table B.4).On A = RKI.S or 129 x 0.28 x 2.2 x 50 acres = ap- a concave slope,deposition may occur on the lower end of proximately 3,973 tons or 3,456 cubic yards. the field such as in a deep depression or channel.In such 4.Compute soil losses for the 1 year out of 20 when the cases,the appropriate length and gradient are those of that rainfall intensity (R) will increase from the normal segment of the slope that is above the channel or point of average annual value of 100 to an annual value of 197. deposition. (Latter value from Table B.2.) NOTE: Sediment yields are difficult to relate quantita- A = REM = 197 x 0.28 x 2.2 x 50 acres = ap- tively to soil losses from a given construction site. proximately 6,068 tons or about 5,279 cubic yards. Sediment yield is commonly expressed by Dr = (S+/Se)x 100.S+ is total sediment passing a measur- 5.Compute soil losses from the expected magnitude of a ing station,Se is loss estimated by the Universal Soil single storm that may occur once in 5 years.The EI Loss Equation or other means and Dr is the sediment value of this storm is 38.(Obtained from Table B2.2.) yield ratio in percentage.Research is sparse on this A = EI x KLS = 38 x 0.28 x,2.2 x 50 acres = problem,but sediment yield rates range mostly from approximately 1,166 tons or about 1,014 cubic yards. 10 to 70 percent,depending upon topographic char- 6.Compute soil losses from the expected magnitude of a acteristics and size of drainage areas. single storm that may occur once in 10 years.The EI Refer to Sections 5 and 8 for procedures in computing value of this storm is 61.(Obtained from Table B.2.) sediment storage capacities of debris basins. New York Guidelines for Urban Page B.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 ' Figure B.1 Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index- New York 100- w �M 0 z 80 o O E c + z , 40 O 1- w 20 V K W ll 1# 111a VI 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 1/1 DATE New York State except Long Island i October 1991-Third Printing Page B.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control Figure B.2 Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index- Long Island 100 i 80 w 60 Fi-- I , z ' Z 40 U- t I U +1 —�— _ w 20 w I � 0 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 1/1 DATE New York Guidelines for Urban Page BA October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control section 11 Table .B.1 Factors for Converting Soil Losses (Air-Dry) from Tons (T) to Cubic Yards (Cu. Yds.) Sands,loamy sands ) Sandy loam )-Multiply soil losses in T by 0.70(105)1 Fine sandy loam ) Loams,sandy clay loams ) Sandy clay )-Multiply soil losses in T by 0.87(85) Silt loam ) Silty clay loam,silty clay ) Clay loam )-Multiply soil losses in T by 1.06(70) Clay ) 1 The number in parentheses is the air-dry weight of the soil per cubic foot. The conversion factors were calculated from these air-dry weights. October 1991-Third Printing Page B.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control Table 13.2 EI Values of Certain Key Cities in the New York Areal EI Values at 20%and 5%Probability Levels Expected Magnitude of a Single Storm Probability= EI Value Normally Exceeded Once in- Location Mffit 5YL*-* 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years New York Albany 114 159 38 47 56 Binghamton 106 146 36 47 58 Buffalo 96 139 36 49 61 Geneva 106 152 -- -- -- Marcellus 112 167 38 49 62 Rochester 101 151 38 54 75 Salamanca 106 157 32 40 49 Syracuse 129 197 38 61 65 Pennsylvania Erie 181 331 Scranton 140 188 44 53 63 Vermont Burlington 114 178 35 47 58 Connecticut2 New Haven 222 310 73 96 122 New Jersey Atlantic City 229 311 -- -- -- Marlbora 354 343 -- -- -- Trenton 216 308 -- -- -- *Once each five years **Once each twenty years 1 From Agricultural Handbook No.537. 2 For additional cities,refer to Agricultural Handbook 537. New York Guidelines for Urban Page B.6- October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control section 11 Table 13.3 Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York Depositional Unit, Erodibility Class&K Values Family Textural Class K Values 3,4 and Representative Series HladzanII IMIU2 lass $fig@ Norm I.Glacial Till SANDY SKELETAL Glouster A sl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B&C vglcs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 SANDY w/PAN Essex A sl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B gls Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 Cx glcs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 COARSE LOAMY w/PAN Empey%ille A stl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B stsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 Bx vstsl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C vstsl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 Mardin A ch sit Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B ch sil-1 Medium 0.240.32 0.28 Bx&C v ch 1 Medium 0.24032 0.28 Paxton A fsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B gfsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 Cx gfsl High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Crary A sil Medium 0.24032 0.28 B vfsl High 037-0.49 0.43 IIBx,Cx,C st fsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 COARSE LOAMY wBt Madrid A fsl Medium 0.24032 0.28 Bt gfsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 C gfsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 COARSE LOAM,20 to 40"over BEDROCK Lordstown A ch sil Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B ch sil High 037-0.49 0.43 C v ch 1 Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 R Siltstone or sandstone bedrock FINE LOAMY wBt 20 to 40"below surface. Ontario A 1 Medium 0.24-0.32 0.28 Bt gl Medium 0.24032 0.28 C gl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 October 1991-Third Printing Page 13.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control Table B.3 (cont'd) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils_on Construction Sites in New York Depositional Unit, Erodibility Class&K Values Family Textural Class K Values314 and Representative Series Horizo lcg11rcZ -OM Raw Norm I.Glacial Till(condi) Cazenovia A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Bt sicl High 0.37-0.49 0.43 C gsil Medium 0.240.32 0.28 Nunda Ap ch sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 B2 ch sil High 0.37-0.49 0.49 IIB2t gcl Medium 0.24032 0.28 HC 91 Medium 0.24032 0.28 FINE Hornell A sil Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B sic High 037-0.49 0.43 C sh sic Medium 0.240.32 0.28 R Shale bedrock 20 to 40°below surface. Remsen A sicl High 037-0.49 0.43 Bt c Medium 0.240.32 0.28 C c High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Churchville A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Bt sic Medium 0.24032 0.28 IIC gl Medium 0.24032 0.28 COARSE LOAMY,NO PAN' Charlton A fsl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B fsl High 037-0.49 0.43 C gfsl Medium 0.24032 0.28 Nellis A 1 Medium 0.24032 0.28 B 1 High 0.37-0.49 0.43 C gl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 Pittsfield A 1 Medium 0.24032 0.28 B gfsl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C gfsl High 0.37-0.49 0.43 COARSE LOAMY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Canton A fsl . Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B fsl Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 IIC vgls Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 COARSE SILTY w/PAN Canaseraga A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 B sil Very High 0.55-0.78 0.46 I1Bx&C ch High 037-0.49 0.43 New York Guidelines for Urban Page B.8 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 Table B.3 (cont'd) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York Depositional Unit, Erodibility Class&K Values Family Textural Class K Values3,4 and Representative Series HoIJZ4II1 lass Ra= Norm I.Glacial Till(condi) LOAMY SKELETAL Manlius A sh Medium 0.24032 0.28 B vsh sil Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C fract d Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 shales w/silty fines R Shale bedrock 20 to 40"below surface. FINE LOAMY w/PAN Volusia A ch sil Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 Bx ch sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 C vch 1 Medium 0.240.32 0.28 FINE LOAMY,NO PAN Kendaia A sil Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B gsil Medium 0.240.32 0.28 C - gl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 II.Glacial Outwash and Water Worked Morainic Deposits SANDY SKELETAL Hinckley A is Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B gls Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C vgs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 SANDY Colonie A Ifs Medium 0.24-0.32 0.28 B fs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C fs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 LOAMY SKELETAL Chenango A _ gl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B vgl . Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C gls Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 FINE LOAMY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Palmyra A gl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B gl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 HC g&s Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 LOAMY SKELETAL/CLAYEY Varysburg A gl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 132t V91 Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 - II132t sic Medum 0.240.32 0.28 IIC layered High 0.37-0.49 0.43 sic,sil sicl October 1991-Third Printing Page B.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control Table B.3 (cont'd) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York Depositional Unit, Erodibility Class&K Values Family Textural Class K Values3,4 and R presentative Series Mori IIl � ICS Ra= Norm II.Glacial Outwash and Water Worked Morainic Deposits (condi) COARSE LOAMY Riverhead A sl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 B sl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C s w/ Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 thin layers of g COARSE LOAMY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Haven A 1 High 0.37-0.49 0.43 B 1 High 0.37-0.49 0.43 IIC gs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 III.Lacustrine or Stream Terrace Deposits COARSE SILTY - Unadilla A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 B sil Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 C sil Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 COARSE SILTY w/FRAGIPAN Williamson A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Bx sil Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 C sil Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 COARSE SILTY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Allard A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 B sil Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 HC vgls Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 FINE SILTY wBt Collamer A sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Bt sil High 0.37-0.49 0.43 C Layers Very High 0.55-0.78 0.64 of sl,vfs FINE Schoharie A sicl High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Bt sic Medum 0.24-0.32 0.28 C sic High 0.37-0.49 0.43 VERY FINE Vergennes A c High 0.37-0.49 0.43 Bt c Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C c Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 New York Guidelines for Urban Page B.10 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 Table 13.3 (cont'd) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York Depositional Unit, Erodibility Class&K Values Family Textural Class K Values3,4 and Renresen a ive Series Horiz IIl Thur Lim $age Norm III.Lacustrine or Stream Terrace Deposits(condi) SANDY o/CLAYEY Claverack A lfs Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B Ifs Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 IIC sic High 0.37-0.49 0.43 COARSE LOAMY o/CLAYEY Elmwood A fsl Medium 0.240.32 0.28 B sl Low 0.10-0.20 0.17 C sicl High 0.37-0.49 0.43 1 The thickest B and C horizons in the official series descriptions were used in making the K value determinations. 2 Soil texture abbreviations: gravel..................................g fine sandy loam.............fsl sandy clay loam.........scl very coarse sand...............vcos very fine sandy loam.....vfsl stony clay loam..........stcl coarsesand........................cos gravelly sandy loam.......gs silty clay......................sic sand....................................s loam................................I clay..............................c finesand............................fs gravelly loam.................gl channery.....................ch very fine sand....................vfs stony loam.......................stl shaly............................sh loamy coarse sand............lcos silt...................................si very channery............vch loamysand.........................Is silt loam..........................sil very shaly....................vsh loamyfine sand.................lfs clay loam........................cl sandy loam.................sl silty clay loam....................sicl 3 K values of the A horizons were taken from"K and T Factors of Soil Series Mapped in the Northeast Region!',January 1970,USDA,SCS. 4 K values of the fine earth fraction of the B and C horizons were determined by using the"Soil Erodibility Nomograph", W.H.Wishmeier,ARS-SWC,Purdue University,2-1-71. (See Figure B.3.)The K values for the fine earth fraction were then adjusted for coarse fragment content and bulk density based on the following criteria: 15 to 35 percent coarse fragments; decrease K value 1/3. Greater than 35 percent coarse fragments; decrease K value 1/2. Bulk density greater than 2g/cc or 1251bs./cu.ft.;decrease K value 1/10. October 1991-Third Printing Page B.11 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control tAz 0 p. O a. 0 /A .70 *I-very fine granular a \ / 2-fine granular / ry 3-med. or"coarse granular p 1090 .60 4-blocky, platy, or massive CD co \ %OM=0 / / / p 20 \ I 27,1 .50 Y * SOIL STRUCTURE ° 3/00, 4 `$ /// \ / / o 30 70 Of / 405 c `�� �\ \ / /� o // / � ai 40 ` ... __.... .... ...........................30 --- / / C U. >. 50 y 2Q .707 ,/ / Cr 'TI ID It W / \ ' / =,(G A. 4 bd 60 .10 .60 / Z fD �. 40 / / / / 0 W + N to ............ . 30 80 PERCENT SAND \` p .40., ;>x6/ 4 / PERMEABILITY �■ (0.10-2.Omm) \ 125p //0 \ . 0 90 >-.30 ---- / 0 m 6-very'slow / 5- Slow I ~ 100 0 .20 4- slow to mod. rtouKE: With appropriate data, enter stilt at left end proceed to points representing W // // 3- moderate 7the soil's f sand (0.10-2.o sail. S organic letter, structure, and permeability, in that sequence. J / 2-mod, to rapid Interpolate between plotted curves. The dotted lint illustrates procedure for a soil having: O .IO / / I-rapid ti+vft 65%, send 5%, ON 2.6=, structure 2, perenabillty 4. Solution: K■ 0.31. N ro O W. M. WISCH EIER ARS-SMC PUMM UNIV. 2-1-71 O A IT coo LS Value Slope Length % Slope(s) in Feet _ (L) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 50 100 10 .1 .1 .2 .3 .4 .6 .7 .9 1.1 1.3 2.0 2.7 3.6 4.6 6.9 25.7 a b 15 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .7 .9 1.1 1.4 1.6 2.4 3.3 4.4 5.6 8.4 31.5 riq' 20 .1 .2 .3 .4 .6 .8 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.8 3.8 5.0 6.4 9.7 36.4 25 .1 .2 .3 .5 .7 .9 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.1 3.1 4.3 5.6 7.2 10.9 40.7 30 .1 .2 .4 .5 .8 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.3 3.4 4.7 6.1 7.9 11.9 44.6 35 .1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.1 1.4 1.7' 2.1 2.5 3.7 5.1 6.7 8.5 12.9 40 .2 .3 .4 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.9 5.4 7.1 9.1 13.8 CD C CO 50 .2 .3 .5 .7 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.4 6.0 8.0 10.2 15.4 60 .2 .3 .5 .8 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 4.8 6.6 8.7cr 11.2 16.9 � O 1 100 .2 .4 .7 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.5 4.2 6.2 8.5 11.3 14.4 21.8 y 1 200 .3 .6 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.6 3.3 4.0 5.0 5.9 8.7 13.1 15.9 20.4 Ob Q 300 .4 .7 1.2' 1.7 2.4 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.9 7.3F13.8 0.7 14.8 19.5 24.9 fD 400 .4 .8 1.4 2.0 2.8 3.6 4.7 5.0 6.0 8.42.4 17.1 22.6 500 .5 .9 1.5 2.2 3.1 4.1 5.2 6.4 7.6 9.4 19.1 25.2 Z 600 .5 1.0 1.7 2.4 3.4 4.5 5.7 7.0 8.3 10.3 15.1 20.9 800 .6 1.2 1.9 2.8 3.9 5.1 6.7 8.1 9.6 11.9 17.5 24.1 p 0 -_ - - 1000 .7 1.3 2.1 3.14 4.4 5.8 7.4 9.1 10.8 13.3 19.5 CA CD CD (LS) - V L X (.76 + .538 - .07682) R o C7 '" p A Table B.5 Guide to Classification of Vegetal Covers in - Waterways and Channels as to Degree of Retardness Retardance and Cover sued Condition and Height Retardance A Reed canarygrass Excellent Tall(Average 36") Tall fescue Excellent Tall(Average 36") Smooth bromegrass Excellent Tall(Average 36") Switchgrass Excellent Tall(Average 36") Retardance B Alfalfa Good Uncut(Average 11"tall) Tall fescue Good Average(20"tall) Smooth bromegrass Good Average(20"tall) Switchgrass Good Average(20"tall) Red fescue Good Uncut(Average 16"tall) Kentucky bluegrass Good Uncut(Average 16"tall) Redtop Good Average(22"tall) Retardance C — 'r Kentucky bluegrass Good Headed(6 to 12") Grass-legume mixture Good Uncut(6 to 8") (orchardgrass,ryegrass and birdsfoot trefoil) Red fescue Good Headed(6 to 12") Retardance D Kentucky bluegrass Good Cut to 2.5" Grass-legume mixture Good Uncut,4" Red fescue Good Cut to 25 Retardance is the degree of resistance to flow by vegetation.Retardance"A"is high,while retardance New York Guidelines for Urban Page B.14 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 APPENDIX C FIELD MEASUREMENT OF RILL EROSION IN TONS PER ACRE The method explained below for measuring rill erosion in Step 1--Pace off or measure a lineal distance of 42 or 84 tons per acre is known as the Alutin Rill Erosion Method. feet across the slope. This procedure accounts for 80 percent of lysimeter Step 2--Measure in inches the width and depth of each measures that involve losses of 5 to 100 tons per acre. rill along the chosen distance. Losses greater than 100 tons per acre are usually beyond the realm of rilling Step 3--Multiply each width and depth reading to obtain the area in square inches. The basic formula used in this calculation is: Step 4 -- Add all products of readings along chosen Tons Per Acre Soil Loss = sum of cross section of rills in distance. square inches along a measured lineal distance of 14.0 feet Step 5 -- Divide this sum by 3 if a 42 foot distance was across the slope. selected and by 6 if 84 feet was chosen.The result is The procedure for field measuring rill erosion that is tons of soil loss per acre. generally accepted is as follows: EXAMPLE: Width(in.)x Depth(in.) = Are�yqu r .inches 3 3 9 2 3 6 3 6 18 4 6 24 3 5 15 5 6 30 102 For a chosen distance of 42 feet,the soil loss in tons per acre = 102/3 = 34. October 1991-Third Printing Page C.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX D EXCERPTS FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ORDINANCES NEW YORK,ROCKLAND COUNTS Resolution Concerning Site Drainage Erosion and Sedimentation RESOLUTION No. 414 -RESOLUTION CONCERN- 3. During the construction phase consultive technical ING SITE DRAINAGE EROSION AND SEDIMEN-' assistance will be furnished,if necessary,by the Plan- TATION ning Board or its duly authorized representative of WHEREAS,There have been several inquiries concerning the Soil and Water Conservation District. the appropriateness of the further clarification and The Planning Board or its duly authorized repre- guidelines in the establishment of grades, contours, sentative shall enforce compliance with the approved drainage and ground cover concerning developments with plans• in the Town of Orangetown;and 4. The Planning Board or its duly authorized repre- WHEREAS,The Rockland County Soil and Water Con- sentative shall make a continuing review and evalua- servation District has recommended certain standards and tion of the methods used and the overall effectiveness guidelines be adopted by the various municipalities within of the drainage and erosion and sedimentation con- the County of Rockland;and trol program. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 21-7 of the Land The following control measures should be used for Development Regulations of the Town of orangetown and effective control of drainage and erosion and sedi- other related sections,the Planning Board has jurisdiction ment: over the review of all plans,plats and control over the plans a.The smallest practical area of land should be ex- for xfor the development of subdivisions;and posed at any one time during construction. WHEREAS,It is the desire of the Town Board to provide b. When land is exposed during construction, the further guidelines to the Planning Board for the review of exposure should be kept to the shortest practical subdivisions,now,there fore be it period of time. RESOLVED,That the Planning Board adopt the following "c. Where necessary, temporary vegetation and/or guidelines in the review of all subdivisions submitted to it mulching should be used to protect areas exposed for consideration: during construction. d.Sediment basins(debris basins,desilting basins,or 1. Three (3) sets of plans for the control of drainage, silt traps) should be installed and maintained to erosion and sedimentation shall be submitted to the remove sediment from runoff waters and protect Planning Board,or its duly authorized representative, land undergoing change. at the time the final drawings or construction plans e. Provisions should be made to effectively accom- are submitted.These plans shall bear the approval of modate the increased runoff caused by changed the Soil and Water Conservation District that the soil and surface conditions during and after con- proposed measures to provide drainage and erosion struction. and sedimentation control are adequate. 2.Measures to provide the control of drainage, erosion f. The permanent final vegetation and structures and sedimentation shall be described and provided should be installed as soon as practical in the construction. for in the construction plans and the estimated cost of accomplishing said measures shall be included in g• The development plan should be fitted to the the performance bond.In addition,thereto,the land- topography and soils so as to create the least owner shall be required to provide a cash escrow erosion potential. guarantee to be held by the Town) in an amount h. Wherever feasible, natural vegetation should be determined by the Planning Board or its duly retained and protected,and be it authorized representative, which would insure the RESOLVED Further,That the Office of Building,Zoning Town that emergency measures could be taken by the and Planning Administration and Enforcement shall be Town at the landowner's expense due to the noncon- responsible for the inspection and enforcement of any formance or negligence of the landowner in his con- decisions rendered by the Planning Board in connection struction program. with these guidelines. October 1991-Third Printing Page D.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control NEW YORK,TOWN OF PARMA:Subdivision Regulations SECTION 404. Drainage System, Flood Hazards and anticipated or computed water levels of storm sewers, Erosion Control streams,channels,flood plains,detention basins and A.Drainage Systems swales. Adequate and comprehensive drainage systems shall Particular attention shall be paid to development in be provided to convey the storm water runoff the vicinity of West Creek and its flood plain;and no originating within and outside the subdivision in ac- alteration of the existing characteristics of this area cordance with the natural direction of runoff for the shall take place without the specific approval of the total upland watershed area affecting the subdivision. Town Engineer as to the adequacy of the protective Such drainage systems shall have sufficient capacity measures taken, if any, and the effects of such to accommodate the potential future runoff based development on upstream and downstream reaches upon the probable land use and ultimate develop- of the watercourse and adjacent properties. ment of the total watershed area upland of the sub- C.Erosion Control division. In order to ensure that the land can be developed In general, the preservation of natural watercourses without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or is preferable to the construction of drainage channels, other menace, the Planning Board shall require the and wherever practicable such natural watercourses developer to follow certain erosion control practices should be preserved.Attention is called to the pos- as it deems necessary.Both the Planning Board and sibilities of using easements for natural watercourses the developer shall consult with the Town Engineer, to satisfy the open space requirements of "average as required,and the Town Engineer shall determine density"developments under the Zoning Ordinance. whether or not the required procedures are being put Storm sewers and subdivision drainage facilities shall into practice.Such procedures may include: be based upon a design flow with a minimum return 1.Exposing the smallest practical area of land at any interval of 10 years.The design of natural watercourse one time during development. channels shall depend upon the drainage are accord- ing to the following table. 2.Provision of temporary vegetation and/or mulching DESIGN RETURN INTERVALS FOR to protect critical areas NATURAL WATERCOURSES 3.Provision of adequate drainage facilities to accom- modate effectively the increased runoff caused by Drainage Area Recurrence Interval changed soil and surface conditions during and Above 20 square miles 100 years after development. 4.Fitting of the development plan to the topography Between 4 and 20 square miles 50 years and soils so as to minimize the erosion potential. Less than 4 square miles 25 years 5. Retention and protection of natural vegetation wherever possible. B.Flood Hazard Prevention 6. Installation of permanent final vegetation and Flood hazard prevention shall include the control of structures as soon as practicable. soil erosion of land surface and drainage channels and 7. Provision of adequate protective measures when the prevention of inundation and excessive ground slopes in excess of 10%are graded;and minimiz- water seepage by comprehensive site grading and the establishment of adequate elevations of buildings, ing such steep grading. building openings and roadways above the observed, MARYLAND,MONTGOMERY COUNTY:Sediment Control Ordinance (Amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance,Chapter 104, (i) Sediment Control (adopted 6/27/67). The sp- as Codified in 1965 Montgomery County (Maryland) proval of all preliminary plans and extensions of Code,Adopted April 21, 1957.) previously approved plans shall include A new subsection is added to Section 104-24 Preliminary provisions for erosion and sediment control, in accordance with the Montgomery County Sedi- Subdivision Plan - Approval Procedure to be known as went Control Program, adopted by the County Section 104-24(i)as follows: Council,June 29, 1965. New York Guidelines for Urban Page D.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 (1) The Board,in its consideration of each preliminary the conditions specified under Section 4,the Board plan or extension of previously approved plan, shall may revoke the approval of the preliminary plan or condition its approval upon the execution by the sub- extension of previously approved plan. divider of erosion and 'sediment control measures to Amend Article 1,Section 23-2,General Requirements(of be specified by the Board after receiving recommen- subdivision plans),by the addition of a new paragraph to dations from the Montgomery Soil Conservation Dis- be known as 23-2(1)to read as follows: trict. (2) One copy of each approved preliminary plan or ex- (1)Erosion nd Se imen nn rol Measures tension of previously approved plan shall be referred Adequate controls of erosion and sediment control 'to the Montgomery Soil Conservation District for methods shall be provided prior to any clearing,grad- review and recommendations as to adequate erosion ing or construction. and sediment control measures to prevent damage to Amend Section 23-8, Preliminary Plats -Preparation,by other properties. the addition of a new paragraph to be known as 23-8(g)to (3) The installation and maintenance of the specified read as follows:(Preliminary plats shall include a) erosion and sediment control measures shall be ac- complished in accordance with the procedures for (g) Statement that erosion and sediment control Public Works Agreement as specified in Section 104 methods shall be provided prior to any clearing, 26(g)and in accordance with standards and specifica- grading or construction. tions on file with the Montgomery Soil Conservation Amend Article 2 of Chapter 23 by the addition of a new District. paragraph to Section 23-12,Final Plats-Approval,to be (4)Permits for clearing and grading prior to the recor- known as 23-12(c) to read as follows: (Plats shall be ap- dation of plats shall be obtained from the Department proved only it) of Public Works subject to the granting of temporary (c)Plans and specifications for the control of erosion easements and other conditions deemed necessaryby and sedimentation, if such controls are deemed the Department in order to inspect and enforce the necessary,have been submitted and approved by performance of the specified erosion and sediment the Director of Public Works or his agent. This control measures provided for in subsection (1) approval shall be concurrent with the approval of above. the aforesaid plans and specifications andbecome (5) In the event the subdivision proceeds to clear and a part thereof. grade prior to recording of plats,without satisfying MARYLAND-STATE-WIDE HOUSE BILL NO. 1151(1970): Sediment Control Section 3.And be it further enacted,the new Sections 105 erosion control plans by the Department of Natural through 110 inclusive be and-they are hereby added to Resources. Article 96A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 106: (A)Before land is cleared,graded, transported or Edition, 1961 Replacement Volume and 1969 Cumulative Supplement), title"Water Resources,' to follow immedi- otherwise disturbed for purposes including,but not limited to the construction of buildings,the mining of ately after Section 104 therefore and to be under the new subtitle"Sediment Control"and to read as follows: minerals, the development of golf courses and the construction of roads and streets by any private per- 105: The General Assembly of the State of Maryland son, partnership, corporation, municipal corpora- hereby determines and finds that the lands and waters tion, county or state agency within the State of comprising the watersheds of the State are great natural Maryland, the proposed earth change shall first be assets and resources;that as a result of erosion and sedi- submitted to and approved by the appropriate Soil ment deposition on lands and in waters within the water- Conservation District.Land clearing,soil movement sheds of the State, said waters are being polluted and and construction shall be carried out in accordance despoiled to such a degree that fish,marine life and recrea- with the written recommendations of the said Soil tional use of the waters are being adversely affected. In Conservation Districts regarding the control of order to protect the natural resources of the State, the erosion and siltation and the elimination of pollution. Secretary of Natural Resources is directed to adopt criteria (B) In Prince George's and Montgomery Counties,the and procedures to be used by the counties and the local Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission shall, Soil Conservation Districts to implement soil and shore after consultation with and advice of the Soil Conser- erosion control programs. Such procedures may provide vation Districts of the two counties and the Depart- for the review and approval of major grading,sediment and October 1991-Third Printing Page D.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control ment of Natural Resources, prepare and adopt vation District and the developer certifies that all land regulations for erosion-and siltation control require- clearing, construction and development will be done ments for utility construction,with the regulations to pursuant to the said plan.Criteria for sediment con- be adopted and enforced as are other regulations of trol and for referral of an applicant to the appropriate the Commission pursuant to the authority conferred Soil Conservation District and the Department of upon it by other laws.The provisions of this subsec- Natural Resources. The county agency responsible tion shall not apply until erosion and siltation control for on-site inspection and enforcement of the requirements for utility construction have been ap- provisions of this subheading shall make a final in- proved by the Soil Conservation Districts in each spection and forward its report to the appropriate county. Soil Conservation District.Notice of violation of the (C)The Department of Natural Resources shall assist the provisions of this subtitle shall be filed with the Soil Conservation Districts in the preparation of a Department of Natural Resources as well as with the unified sediment control program and in the im- appropriate county agency. plementation of said program pursuant to this sub- (B) Each county shall adopt grading and building or- title.Furthermore,nothing in this subtitle shall affect dinances, or portion thereof,which are necessary to the responsibilities of the Department of Water carry out the provisions of this subtitle.The Depart- Resources under Article 96A of the Annotated Code ment of Natural Resources and the appropriate Soil of Maryland (1964 Replacement Volume and 1969 Conservation District shall assist the several counties Supplement). in the development of such ordinances or necessary (D) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the portions thereof. The provisions of this subsection Department of Natural Resources shall review and shall be carried out prior to March 1, 1971.Prior to approve all land clearing, soil movement and con- March 1, 1971, established ordinances and proce- struction activity undertaken by any agency of the dures shall be used by the counties to carry out the State government. provisions of this subtitle. 107: The provisions of this subtitle shall not apply to 109: Any violation of this subheading shall be deemed a agricultural land management practices, the construction misdemeanor,and the person,partnership or corporation of agricultural structures or to the construction of single who is found guilty of such violation shall be subject to a family residences and/or their accessory buildings on lots fine not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) or one of two acres or more. Regardless of planning, zoning or year's imprisonment for each and every violation. Any subdivision controls, no permits shall be issued by any agency whose approval is required under this subheading county or municipality for grading or for the construction or any person in interest may seek an injunction against any of any building,other than those matters exempted above, person, partnership or corporation, whether public or unless such grading or construction is in accordance with private,violating or threatening violation of any provisions plans approved as provided in this subtitle. of this subheading. 108: (A)The counties and municipalities shall have the 110: For the purposes of this subheading, the Bureau of power and authority to issue grading and building Public Works or similar municipal agency is empowered permits as otherwise provided by law.No grading or and directed to act in the place of the appropriate Soil building permits shall be issued until the developer Conservation District in municipalities which are not submits a grading and sediment control plan designed within a Soil Conservation District. by a professional engineer registered in the State of Maryland,approved by the appropriate Soil Conser- MARYLAND,PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY.Procedure for Incorporating Erosion and Sediment Control in Subdivision Plans Under this sediment control program, the following pro- Planning Board regarding erosion and sediment control cedures are provided to assist landowners,developers and measures. engineers in the inclusion of required erosion and sediment control measures in the planning and construction of sub- Preliminary Subdivision Plan Stage divisions. Under existing procedures,developers submit plans to the Prior to preparation and submission of a preliminary plan, Prince George's County Planning Board. The Planning but after completion of the topographic survey,a developer Board staff,then on the basis of size,topography,erosion may seek technical assistance from staff members of the hazards and other factors relating to sedimentation,deter- Soil Conservation District or the Prince George's County mines which plans will be submitted to the Soil Conserva- New York Guidelines for Urban Page D.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control section 11 tion District for review of erosion and sediment control as part of the proposed work,together with a map showing measures.It so indicates on the copies referred to other the drainage area of land tributary to the site and calculated agencies.Soil Conservation District technical assistance in runoff from the area served by all drains. developing needed erosion and sediment control measures will be furnished on request at this stage. Section 2207.0 Soils Report -� The Building Official shall,if load bearing fill is proposed, After all reviews are completed,the planning staff submits the plan to the Prince George's County Planning Board and may otherwise require a soils investigation to correlate with recommendations, including any sediment control surface and subsurface conditions with the proposed grad- requirements deemed necessary.The Board may give con- mg plan.The results of the investigation shall be presented ditional approval of the plan,subject to the requirements in a report by a Soil Engineer which shall include but need being carried out by the developer. not be limited to: data regarding the nature, distribution and supporting ability of existing soils and rock on the site, Construction Stage conclusions and recommendations for grading require- ments and erosion control,including recommendations to Consultive technical assistance in establishing the planned insure stable soil conditions and ground water control as erosion and sediment control measures is furnished by the applicable. The Building Official may require such sup- Soil Conservation District on request of the builders, plemental reports and date as he deems necessary.Recom- developers and their engineers, consistent with current mendations included in such reports and approved by the operating policies and available resources at the time the Building Official shall be incorporated in the grading plan work is to be done. or specifications. Article 22:Grading and Erosion.Control to the Section 2212.0 Conditions of Approval Building Code In granting any permit pursuant to this article,the Building Section 2200.0 Purpose Official may impose such conditions as may be reasonably necessary to prevent creation of nuisance or unreasonable The purpose of this article is to safeguard life,limb,proper- hazard to persons or to public or private property. Such ty and public welfare by establishing minimum require- conditions may include but need not be limited to:(1)The ments for grading, drainage and erosion control of land granting (or securing from others) and recordation in within Prince George's County,Maryland,and to establish County Land Records, easements for drainage facilities, procedures by which these requirements are to be ad- including the acceptance of their discharge on the property ministered and enforced. of others and for the maintenance of slopes or antierosion Section 2205.0 Application facilities. A written application in form prescribed by the Building (2)Adequate control of dust by watering or other control Official shall be required for each permit. Plans and methods acceptable to the Building Official and in confor- specifications shall be submitted with each application for mance with applicable air pollution ordinances. a grading permit, unless specifically not required by the (3) Improvement of any existing grading, ground surface Building Official. or drainage conditions on the site to meet the standards (11) Site development plan showing elevations, dimen- required under this article for new grading,drainage and sions,location,extent and the slope of all proposed grad- erosion control. ing, load bearing fill, buildings, parking areas, and Section 2214.0 Responsibility of Permittee driveways;all clearly indicated. Notwithstanding,other conditions or provisions of the per- (12) The area in square yards of the total site minus that mit,or the minimum standards set forth in this article,the area to remain undisturbed and currently having an effec- Permittee is responsible for the prevention of damage to tive erosion resistant ground cover or surface. the adjacent property.No person shall grade on land in any (13) The planned area of the development, or of each manner,or so close to the property line as to endanger or subdivision thereof, the development sequence of such damage any adjoining public street,sidewalk,alley or any subdivision and the time of exposure of each area prior to other public or private property without supporting and completion of effective temporary and/or permanent protecting such property from settling,cracking,erosion, erosion and sediment control measures. sediment or other damage or personal injury which might result. (14) Adequate plans of all drainage provisions,retaining walls, cribbing, planting, antierosion devices or other protective devices to be constructed in connection with or October 1991-Third Printing Page D.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control Section 2220.2 Inspection property, made soil tests and that in his opinion such After commencing initial grading operation,the Permittee steeper slopes will safely support the proposed fill. shall request inspections at the following stages in the 2229.5-All trees in areas of grade change shall be removed development of the site,or of each subdivision thereof. unless protected with suitable tree wells. (1)Upon completion of stripping,the stockpiling of topsoil Section 2237.0 Drainage and disposal of all unsuitable material;but prior to begin- ning any other preparation of the ground. The following provisions apply to a conveyance and dis- posal of stormwater runoff. (2)Upon completion of preparation of ground to receive 22371-All drainage facilities shall be designed to convey fill,but prior to beginning any placement. surface water in such a manner to prevent detrimental (3)Upon completion of rough grading,but prior to placing erosion,overflow or ponding to the nearest practical street, top soil, permanent drainage or other site development storm drain or other watercourse in accordance with such improvements and ground covers. applicable design criteria, standards and procedures as (4)Upon completion of final grading;permanent drainage contained herein or otherwise required by the Prince and erosion control facilities,including established ground Georges County Public Works Department and by the covers and planting;and all other work of the permit. Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. Section 2225.0 Maintenance 2237.2-The ponding of water shall not be permitted above cut or fill slopes or on drainage terraces,nor shall water be In implementation of the Sediment Control Program for impounded on adjacent property. Adequate drainage Prince George's County,as adopted by the Board of Coun- facilities shall be provided to prevent such ponding. ty Commissioners on June 20, 1967,all grading plans and 2237.3-Erosion Control-The Permittee and the Owner specifications accompanying grading and/or combined shall make adequate provisions to prevent any surface grading and building permits shall include provisions for waters from materially damaging the face of any excavation both interim (temporary) and ultimate (permanent) or fill.All slopes shall be temporarily and/or permanently erosion and sediment control. protected from surface water runoff from above by inter- 2228.1 - The design, installation and maintenance of ceptor and diversion berms,swales,brow or berm ditches erosion and sediment control measures shall be ac- and shall be sodded, seeded and/or planted; unless upon complished in accordance with guide standards adopted the recommendation of the Prince George's Soil Conser- by Prince George's County Soil Conservation District on vation District,the Building Official determines such treat- file with the Prince George's County Department of In- ment is unnecessary and specifically waives this spections and Permits. requirement. 2228.2-All graded surfaces,with particular emphasis on 2237.5 Facilities and,Imp rov m n s-All drainage terraces, the face of all cut and fill slopes, shall be seeded,sodded interceptor and diversion berms,swales and brow or berm and/or planted or otherwise protected from erosion as ditches-shall be designed and constructed and, when re- soon as practicable; and shall be watered, tended and quired,shall be piped or paved or otherwise improved to maintained until growth is well established at time of com- the satisfaction of the Building Official.Drainage discharg- pletion and final inspection. ing into natural watercourses may require that such natural ground be protected from erosion by an adequate amount Section 2229.0 Preparation of Ground of riprap or other measures. 2229.3-Natural and/or existing slopes exceeding five (5) 2237.6 Drainage Terraces-Cut and fill slopes in excess of horizontal to one (1) vertical shall be benched or con- thirty(30)feet but not more than sixty(60)feet in vertical tinuously stepped into competent materials prior to plac- heights shall be terraced at approximate mid-height.Ter- ing all classes of fill. races in slopes with a vertical height greater than sixty(60) 2229.4-Fills toeing out on natural slopes steeper than four feet shall be made at equal vertical intervals not more than (4)horizontal to one(1)vertical shall not be made unless thirty(30)feet apart.Drainage terraces shall be a minimum approved by the Building Official after receipt of a report of five(5)feet wide with a minimum invert gradient of one by a Soil Engineer certifying that he has investigated the percent(1%)if sodded or one half percent(1/2%)if paved; and must convey water to a safe disposal area. New York Guidelines for Urban Page D.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 APPENDIX E HOW TO READ FERTILIZER LABELS FERTILIZER GRADE 5-10-5 MEANS 5% - 10% - 5% NITROGEN - PHOSPHORUS - POTASH (N) - (P205) - (K20) Q Fe�rl`i1ER 5� 10-15 PANT FOOD r OR 2lbs. - 41bs. - 21bs. N/40 Ib. bag - P205/40 Ib. bag - K20/40 Ib. bag October 1991-Third Printing Page E.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX F i Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District 1425 Old Country Road, Building J -Plainview, NY 11803-Phone (516)454-0900 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST LEGEND FOR REVIEW IST. AS = ALTERNATIVES SUGGESTED ® = ADEQUATE JEC =INCOMPLETE $ = REQUESTED,NOT SUBMITTED = NOT APPLICABLT`l� = NOT CHECKED PROJECT NAME: SITE LOCATION: APPLICANT'S NAME&ADDRESS: THE DISTRICT HAS REVIEWED THE SUBJECT PROPOSAL AND SUGGESTS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BE REVISED TO PROVIDE THE PROPER SOIL EROSION,SEDIMENT,AND STORMWATER CONTROLS CONSISTENT WITH THE SUBJECT TOPOGRAPHY. TECHNICAL REVIEW SUPPLIED BY THE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PLANS-GENERAL 1.Scope of plan clearly delineated and noted in title block 2.Vicinity map with scale and north arrow. 3.Legend,scales,north arrow for plan view. 4.Existing and proposed topography shown,contours labeled and spot elevations at critical areas. 5.Typical designs on plan review drawings shown for necessary diversion berms,interceptor drains and outlets,level spreaders,storm drain inlet protectors,grassed waterways,etc. 6.Limit of 100 year floodplain delineated on plan. 7.Existing and proposed improvements and utilities. 8.The total disturbed area delineated on site plan: a.Indicate the total acreage to be paved,roofed,sodded,seeded,etc. b.Delineate all areas to be stabilized vegetatively by seeding,sodding,or ground covers. c.Greenbelt areas are clearly delineated. 9.Standard General Notes. 10. Scale. 11.Sequence of operations. 12.Stock pile area designated or referenced. 13.Property boundaries indicated,and easements as needed. 14.Street profiles. 15.Composite drainage area map for plans requiring more than one sheet,with sediment control measures shown in their approximate locations. October 1991-Third Printing Page F.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control SOILS INFORMATION 16.Detailed soils Map attached or overlaid on plan map with interpretations. 17.Deep soil pit logs attached and exact location shown on plan map for all proposed dry and diffusion wells, and septic systems. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST-Page 2 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 18.Permanent Dikes(perimeter,diversion,interceptor) a.Practice meets purpose and design criteria. b.Positive drainage is maintained,and contributing drainage area shown c.Outlet to sediment trapping device or onto stable outlet d.Points of vehicular crossings shown and stabilized(mountable berm). e.Standard detail and construction specifications 19.Temporary Swales(interceptor,perimeter). a.Practice meets purpose and design criteria. b.Contributing drainage area shown. c.Channel grade exceeding %slope properly stabilized. d.Adequate outlet or discharge condition. e.Provisions for traffic crossing shown on plan. L Standard detail and construction specifications 20.Traps(Rip-rap,earth,pipe,and storm inlet). a.Practice meets purpose and design criteria b.Contributing drainage area delineated on plan. c.Trap sized by largest drainage area(existing or developed)to trap. d.Type and size of outlet structure. e.Outlet conditions. f.Plan view of trap and storage area(drawn to scale with bottom dimensioned �.Volume calculations. h.Bottom,crest and clean-out(at 50%trap efficiency)elevations. i.Standard detail and construction specifications 21.Straw Bale Dike and Silt Fence a.Meets purpose and design criteria b.Controlled slope less than 100 feet c.Drainage area less than 1 acre per 100 feet of dike or fence.(for sheet erosion only) d.Standard detail and construction specifications 22.Grade Stabilization Structure(flume,pipe,slope drain,etc.) a.Meets purpose and design criteria b.Pipe drain size noted c.Contributing drainage area shown d.Standard detail and construction specifications 23.Permanent Structural Practices or Sediment Control Measures Exceeding the Design Criteria of the Standard detail. a.Practice meets purpose and design b.Drainage area map c.Runoff calculations d.Calculations for size,velocity,and Q e.Standard detail with dimensions and construction specifications 24.Provisions for protecting cut and fill slopes from surface runoff New York Guidelines for Urban Page F.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control Section 11 25.Site Grading a.Maximum created slope of 2 foot horiz.to 1 foot vert. b.Slopes requiring regular maintenance will be no steeper than 3 foot deep. c.Details of cut and fill slopes shown EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST-Page 3 26.Seeding Specification and Notes a.Seedbed Preparation b.Permanent seeding(mix and rate)-includes method of application. C.Temporary seeding(mix and rates)-includes method of application d.Mulching(includes anchoring method) e.Sod(type and installation) f.Fertilizer(amount and type) g.Lime(amount and type) h.Seeding dates(temporary and Permanent-to cover entire year). 27.Storm inlets adequately protected(detail required) 28.Stabilized construction entrances shown on plan(detail required) 29.Provisions for sediment and erosion control of areas disturbed for storm drain and utility construction. 30.Storm Drainage a.Drainage area map and computations b.Plan and profile indicating pipe size,type,slope,Q,structures,and inlet(type),top and invert., elevations c.Proposed outlet protection dimensions and computations. d.Constructed outfall ditch or swale cross-section and flow computations for depth and velocity - - e.Profile of outfall sufficient to show natural gradient of accepting channel or conduit. f.Outlet protection of 0%slope for minimum required distance 31.Riprap and Gabions a.Median stone size and minimum depth of treated section shown on plan. b.Riprap placed upon approved filter cloth c.Cross-section detail of treated areas 32.Permit notification from other agencies 33.Storm Water Management referred to: Date: Nassau County DPW Town of City of Village 34.Sediment Basin or Recharge Basin a.Seedbed preparation,seeding rate and method of application,and mulch details included. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Plans reviewed by: Date Reviewed: October 1991-Third Printing Page F.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Section 11 Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 12 GLOSSARY The list of terms that follows is representative of those used by soil conservationists,soil scientists,engineers,developers, contractors,planners,etc.The terms are in common use in conservation matters. ' ACCESS ROAD - A road or vehicular travel way con- B-HORIZON-The intermediate layer of clays and oxides structed to provide needed access. in a soil below the A-horizon; also called the zone of ACRE-FOOT-The volume of water that will cover 1 acre accumulation. to a depth of 1 foot. BENCH MARK (economics) - Data for a specific time AESTHETIC VALUE-The increase in value of a property period that is used as a base for comparative purposes with derived from such intangible factors as its inherent attrac- comparable data. tiveness,its access to attractive views,or its general appeal (engineering) -A point of reference in elevation to the sense of beauty of the owner or purchaser. suiveys. A-HORIZON-The organic material and leached minerals BERM-A shelf that breaks the continuity of a slope. in the uppermost layer of soil. BLIND-Placement of loose soil around a file or conduit AMORTIZATION-To repay a debt in a sequence of equal to prevent damage or misalignment when the trench is payments.Part of each payment is used to pay the interest backfilled.Allows water to flow more freely to the tile. due at the time it is made,and the balance is applied to the BLIND DRAIN-A type of drain consisting of an excavated reduction of the principal. trench refilled with pervious materials,such as coarse sand, ANGLE OF REPOSE-Angle between the horizontal and gravel or crushed stone,where water percolates through the maximum slope that a soil assumes through natural the voids and flows toward an outlet.Often referred to as processes. a French drain because of its initial development and ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION(AMC)-The widespread use in France. degree of wetness of a watershed at the beginning of a BLIND INLET-Inlet to a drain in which entrance of water storm. is by percolation rather than open flow channels. APRON - A floor or lining to protect a surface from BRUSH LAYERING-The embedment of green branches erosion; for example, the pavement below chutes, of shrub or tree species, perpendicular to the slope, on spillways,or at the toes of dams. successive horizontal rows or contours. ASSESSED VALUE - The value placed on property for BRUSH-MATTING - A mulch of hardwood brush fas- taxation purposes. tened down with stakes and wire. ASSOCIATED COSTS-A term commonly used in water cfs. - Abbreviation for cubic feet per second. A unit of resource development projects. These costs include the water flow. value of goods and services needed over and above project CAPITAL RECOVERY PERIOD - The period of time costs to make the immediate products or services of a required for the net returns from an outlay of capital to project available for use or sale. equal the investment. BASE FLOW- The stream discharge from groundwater CAPITALIZED COST-The first cost of an asset plus the runoff. present value of all renewals expected within the planning BEDDING-The process of laying a drain or other conduit horizon. in its trench and tamping earth around the conduit to form its bed.The manner of bedding maybe specified to con- CHANNEL-A natural stream that conveys water;a ditch form to the earth load and conduit strength. or channel excavated for the flow of water. BEDLOAD-The sediment that moves by sliding,rolling, CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT-The improvement of the or bounding on or very near the streambed; sediment flow characteristics of a channel by clearing, excavation, moved mainly by tractive or gravitational forces or both, realignment,lining,or other means in order to increase its but at velocities less than the surrounding flow. capacity.Sometimes used to connote channel stabilization. October 1991-Third Printing Page 12.1 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control CHANNEL STABILIZATION- Erosion prevention and open channels for which the specific energy (sum of the stabilization of velocity distribution in a channel using depth and velocity head) is a minimum for a given dis- jetties,drops,revetments,vegetation,and other measures. charge. COMPACTION - To unite firmly; the act or process of CROSS-SECTION - A drawing that shows the features becoming compact, usually applied in geology to the that would be exposed by a vertical cut through a man- changing of loose sediments into hard, firm rock. With made or natural structure. respect to construction work with soils,engineering com- paction is any process by which the soil grains are rear- CROWN(forestry) -The upper part of a tree, including the branches and foliage. ranged to decrease void space and bring them into closer contact with one another,thereby increasing the weight of CUBIC FOOT PER SECOND-Rate of fluid flow at which solid material per cubic foot. 1 cubic foot of fluid passes a measuring point in 1 second. CONDUIT-Any channel intended for the conveyance of (Abbr.cfs.)(Syn.Second-foot;CUSEC.)See cfs. water,whether open or closed. CUT-Portion of land surface or area from which earth has CONIFER - A tree belonging to the order Coniferae, been removed or will be removed by excavation;the depth usually evergreen,with cones and needle-shaped or scale- below original ground surface to excavated surface. like leaves and producing wood known commercially as CUT-AND-FILL-Process of earth moving by excavating "soft wood." part of an area and using the excavated material for ad- CONSERVATION - The protection, improvement, and jacent embankment or fill areas. use of natural resources according to principles that will CUTOFF - 1. Wall, collar, or other structure, such as a assure their highest economic or social benefits. trench,filled with relatively impervious material intended CONSERVATION DISTRICT - A public organization to reduce seepage of water through porous strata. created under state enabling law as a special purpose 2.In river hydraulics,the new and shorter channel district to develop and carry out a program of soil,water, formed either naturally or artificially when a and related resource conservation,use, and development stream cuts through the neck of a band. within its boundaries,usually a subdivision of state govern- ment with a local governing body and always with limited DEBRIS DAM-A barrier built across a stream channel to authorities.Often called a soil conservation district or a soil retain rock,sand,gravel,silt,or other material. and water conservation district. DEBRIS GUARD - Screen or grate at the intake of a CONTOUR- 1. An imaginary line on the surface of the channel, drainage, or pump structure for the purpose of earth connecting points of the same elevation. stopping debris. 2.A line drawn on a map connecting points of the DECIDUOUS PLANT -A plant that sheds all its leaves same elevation. every year at a certain season. CONTOUR INTERVAL - The vertical distance between DEGRADATION- To wear down by erosion, especially contour lines. through stream action. CONTOUR MAP - A map that shows the shape of the DEPOSIT- Material left in a new position by a natural surface features of the ground by the use of contours. transporting agent,such as water,wind,ice,or gravity,or by the activity of man. CONTOUR WATTLING - The packing of lengths of bundles of twigs or whips into a continuous length partially DESIGN STANDARDS - Standards of construction buried across a slope at regular contour intervals and governing the size,shape,and relationship of spaces in any supported on the downhill slide by stakes. structure which will control soil erosion and sedimentation. CREST - 1. The top of a dam, dike, spillway, or weir, DESIGN STORM-A given rainfall amount,areal distribu- frequently restricted to the overflow portion. tion, and time distribution, used to estimate runoff. The rainfall amount is for a given frequency(25-year,50-year, 2.The summit of a wave or peak of a flood. etc.). CRITICAL SITE-A sediment producing,highly erodible,, DESILTING AREA -An area of grass, shrubs, or other or severely eroded area or site. vegetation used for inducing deposition of silt and other CRITICAL VELOCITY - Velocity at which a given dis- debris from flowing water, located above a stock tank, charge changes from tranquil to rapid flow;that velocity in Pond, field, or other area needing protection from sedi- ment accumulation. See Filter Strip. New York Guidelines for Urban Page-12.2 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control DETENTION DAM-A dam constructed for the purpose DROP STRUCTURE-A structure for dropping water to of temporary storage of streamflow or surface runoff_and a lower level and dissipating its surplus energy; a fall.A for releasing the stored water at controlled rates. drop may be vertical or inclined. DIRE-An embankment to confine or control water,espe- EFFLUENT- 1.The discharge or outflow of water from ,1 cially one built along the banks of a river to prevent over- ground or subsurface storage. flow of lowlands;a levee. 2.The fluids discharged from domestic,industrial, DISCHARGE - Rate of flow, specifically fluid flow, a and municipal waste collection systems or treat- volume of fluid passing a point per unit time, commonly ment facilities. expressed as cubic feet per second,million gallons per day, EROSION- 1. The wearing away of the land surface by gallons per minutes,or cubic meters per second. running water,wind,ice,or other geological agents,includ- DISCHARGE FORMULA (hydraulics) - A formula to ing such processes as gravitational creep. calculate rate of flow of fluid in a conduit or through an 2.Detachment and movement of soil or rock frag- opening.For steady flow discharge,Q = AV,wherein Q ments by water,wind,ice,or gravity. The follow- is rate of flow,A is cross sectional area, and V is mean velocity.Common units are cubic feet per second,square wterms are used to describe different types of a feet, and feet per second, respectively. To calculate the water erosion: mean velocity,V,for uniform flow in pipes or open chan- a. GULLY EROSION - The erosion process nels,see Manning's formula. whereby water accumulates in narrow channels DIVERSION- Channel constructed across the slope for and,over short periods,removes the soil from this the purpose of intercepting surface runoff; changing the narrow area to considerable depths,ranging from accustomed course of all or part of a stream.See Terrace. 1 to 2 feet to as much as 75 to 100 feet. DIVERSION TERRACE -Diversions,which differ from b.RILL EROSION-An erosion process in which terraces in that they consist of individually designed chan- numerous small channels only several inches-deep nels across a hillside,may be used to protect bottomland are formed; occurs mainly on recently cultivated from hillside runoff or may be needed above a terrace soils.See Rill. system for protection against runoff from an un-terraced c. SHEET EROSION- The removal of a fairly- area. They may also divert water out of active gullies, uniform layer of soil from the land surface by protect farm buildings from runoff,reduce the number of runoff water. waterways, and are sometimes used in connection with strip cropping to shorten the length of slope so that the EUTROPHICATION-A means of aging of lakes whereby_ strips can effectively control erosion.See Terrace. aquatic plants are abundant and waters are deficient in oxygen.The process is usually accelerated by enrichment DRAINAGE - The removal of excess surface water or of waters with surface runoff containing nitrogen and phos-- groundwater hosgroundwater from land by means of surface or subsurface phorus. drains. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION(ET)-Plant transpiration plus. DRAINAGE AREA-The area draining into a stream at a evaporation from the soil. Difficult to determine separate- given point. The area may be of different sizes for surface ly,therefore used as a unit for study. runoff, subsurface flow and base flow, but generally the surface runoff area is used as the drainage area. See FALLOW- Cropland kept free of vegetation during the watershed. growing season. May be a normal part of the cropping system for weed control, water conservation, soil con- DRAINAGE DISTRICT - A cooperative, self-governing ditioning,etc. public corporation created under state law to finance, construct,operate,and maintain a drainage system involv- FILTER STRIP - Strip of permanent vegetation above ing a group of land holding. ponds, diversion terraces,and other structures to retard flow of runoff water, causing deposition of transported DROP-INLET SPILLWAY- Overfall structure in which material, thereby reducing sediment flow. See Desilting the water drops through a vertical riser connected to a Area. discharge conduit. FINISHED GRADE-The final grade or,elevation of the DROP SPILLWAY-Overfall structure in which the water ground surface conforming to the approved grading plan. drops over a vertical wall onto an apron at a lower eleva- tion. ' October 1991-Third Printing Page 12.3 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control FLOOD FRINGE-That portion of the floodplain subject GRAVEL FILTER - Graded sand and gravel aggregate only to shallow inundation and low velocity flow of flood- ' placed around a drain or well screen to prevent the move- water. ment of fine materials from the aquifer into the drain or FLOODPLAIN-A level surface of stratified alluvium on well. either side of a stream which is built up by silt and sand GULLY - A channel or miniature valley cut by con- carried out of the main channel and submerged during centrated runoff but through which water commonly flows times of flood. only during and immediately after heavy rains or during the FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT - The wise use of melting of snow. A gully may be dendritic or branching or floodplain so as to reduce human suffering and property it may be linear,rather long,narrow,and of uniform width. The distinction between gully and rill is one of depth.A damage resulting from floods and to lessen the need for gay is sufficiently deep that it would not be obliterated by expensive flood control structures,such as dams and reser- normal tillage operation,whereas a rill is of lesser depth voirs. and would be smoothed by ordinary farm tillage. FLOODWAY-That portion of the floodplain required to HARDPAN-A hardened soil layer in the lower A or in the store and discharge floodwaters without causing significant B horizon caused by cementation of soil particles with damaging or potentially damaging increases in flood organic matter or with materials such as silica, heights and velocities. sesquioxides, or calcium carbonate. The hardness does FREEBOARD(hydraulics)-Vertical distance between the not change appreciably with changes in moisture content, maximumwater surface elevation anticipated in design and and pieces of the hard layer do not slake in water. the top of restraining banks or structures provided to HIGHWAY EROSION CONTROL-The prevention and prevent overtopping because of unforeseen condition. control of erosion in ditches, at cross drain, and on fills FREQUENCY-An expression or measure of how often a and road banks within a highway right-of-way. Includes hydrologic event of given size or magnitude should,on the vegetative practices and structural practices. average,be equaled or exceeded. For example,a 50-year HOOD INLET-Entrance to a closed conduit that has been frequency flood should be equaled or exceeded in size,on shaped to induce full flow at minimum water surface eleva- the average,only once in 50 years. In drought or deficiency tion. studies it usually defines how many years will, on the average,be equal to or less than a given size or magnitude. HORIZONS,MINERAL SOIL- FUNCTIONAL PLAN-A plan for one element or closely A horizon are surface layers. related elements of a comprehensive plan, for example, B horizon are subsoil horizon 1;They are designated as transportation,recreation,and open spaces.Such plans,of follows: necessity, should be closely related to the land use plan. Plansthat fall short of considering all elements of a com- B alone indicates some residual transformation or prehensive plan may be considered as functional plans. change in place,such as color. n Thus, resource conservation and development plans and Bt indicates accumulations of translocated clay. Bx watershed project plans should be considered as functional indicates a B horizon with fragipan characteristics ply such as firmness,brittleness and high density. GABION-A galvanized wire basket filled with stone used C horizon are substrata layer 1;they consist of mineral for structural purposes. When fastened together used as material like or unlike the material from which the A retaining walls, revetments, slope protection and similar & B horizon have formed and have been little af- structures. fected by soil forming process.They are designated GRADE STABILIZATION STRUCTURE - A structure as follows: for the purpose of stabilizing the grade of a gully or other C alone indicates material like the material from watercourse, thereby preventing further head-cutting or which the A&B horizon have formed. lowering of the channel grade. a indicates a C horizon of material like that of the A GRASSED WATERWAY-A natural or constructed water- & B horizons but has the firm, brittle and dense way,usually broad and shallow,covered with erosion resis- characteristics of a fragipan. tant grasses,used to conduct surface water from cropland. 1 Roman numerals are prefixed to the appropriate GRAVEL ENVELOPE-Selected aggregate placed around horizon designation such as IIB,Ilbt,IIBx,and HC the screened pipe section of well casing or a subsurface or IICS when it is necessary to number a series of drain to facilitate the entry of water into the well or drain. layers of unlike or contrasting material from the sur- New York Guidelines for Urban Page 12.4 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control face downward.Claverack is an example in which the INOCULATION(OF SEEDS)-The addition of nitrogen A&B horizons have formed in sand and the under- fixing bacteria(inoculant)to legume seeds or to the soil in lying material is contrasting silty clay that is indicated which the seeds are to be planted;the bacteria take free as a IIC horizon. nitrogen from the air and make it available to the seeds. HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE-In a closed conduit,a line INTERCEPTION - Precipitation retained on plant or joining the elevations to which water could stand inrisers plant residue surfaces and finally absorbed,evaporated,or or vertical pipes connected to the conduit at their lower sublimated.That which flows down the plant to the ground end and open at their upper end.In open channel flow,the is called"steamflow"and not counted as true interception. hydraulic grade line is the free water surface. INTERMITTENT STREAM -A stream or portion of a HYDROGRAPH - A graph showing variation in stage stream that flows only in direct response to precipitation. (depth)or discharge of a stream of water over a period of It receives little or no water from springs and no long term time. continued supply from melting snow or other sources.It is HYDROLOGIC SOIL COVER COMPLEX-A combina- dry for a large part of the year, ordinarily more than 3 tion of a hydrologic soil group and a type of cover. months. . HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP-A group of soils having ISO-ERODENT VALUE-A term used to correlate areas the same runoff potential under similar storm and cover of equally erosive average anniial rainfall. conditions. LANDSCAPE-All the natural features,such as fields,hills, HYDROLOGY - The science that deals with the occur- forests,water,etc.,that distinguish one part of the earth's rence and behavior of water in the atmosphere, on the surface from another part,usually that portion of land or ground and under the ground. Rainfall intensities,rainfall territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, interception by trees, effects of crop rotation on runoff, including all of its natural characteristics. floods,droughts and the flow of springs and wells,are some LIME,AGRICULTURAL-A soil amendment consisting of the topics studied by a hydrologist. principally of calcium carbonate but including magnesium HYDROSEEDING-The dissemination of seed hydrauli- carbonate and perhaps other materials, used to furnish cally in a water medium;mulch,lime,and fertilizer can be calcium and magnesium as essential elements for the incorporated into the sprayed mixture. growth of plants and to neutralize soil acidity. IMPERVIOUS SOIL-A soil through which water,air,or LINING - A protective covering over all or part of the - roots cannot penetrate.No soil is impervious to water and perimeter of a reservoir or a conduit to prevent seepage air all the time. losses,withstand pressure,resist erosion,and reduce fric- tion or otherwise improve conditions of flow. IMPOUNDMENT- Generally, an artificial collection or storage of water,as a reservoir,pit,dugout,sump,etc.See LIVE STAKING-Securing vegetative cover for control of Reservoir. erosion and shallow sliding by means of willow or poplar cuttings that root easily and grow rapidly under certain INDUSTRIAL PARK -A tract of land, the control and conditions. administration of which are vested in a single body,suitable for industrial use because of location,topography,proper MANNING'S FORMULA(hydraulics) -A formula used zoning,availability of utilities,and accessibility to transpor- to predict the velocity of water flow in an open channel or tation. pipeline: INFILTRATION-Rainfall minus interception, evapora- V = ((1.486)(r")(s112))/n tion,and surface runoff. The part of rainfall that enters the where: soil. = INFILTRATION RATE-A soil characteristic determining V=the mean velocity of flow in feet per second;rthe hydraulic radius; or describing the maximum rate at which water can enter the soil under specified conditions,including the presence s = the slope of the energy gradient or for assumed of an excess of water.See Infiltration Velocity. uniform flow the slope of the channel in feet per foot; and INITIAL ABSTRACTION(Ie)-When considering surface runoff, IIa is all the rainfall before runoff begins. When n = the roughness coefficient or retardance factor of considering direct runoff, Ia consists of interception, the channel lining. evaporation and the soil-water storage that must be ex- hausted before direct runoff may begin. October 1991-Third Printing Page 12.5 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control MUCK SOIL - 1. An organic soil in which the organic PEAK FLOW-The maximum instantaneous flow of water matter is well decomposed(USA usage). from a given storm condition at a specific location. 2.A soil containing 20 to 50 percent organic mat- PEAT - Dark brown residual material produced by the ter. partial decomposition and disintegration of plants that MULCH-A natural or artificial layer of plant residue or grow in wet places. other materials,such as sand or paper,on the soil surface. PERMEABILITY - The quality of a soil horizon that NETTING-Plastic,paper,or cotton material used to hold enables water or air-to move through it. Terms used to mulch on the soil surface. describe permeability are as follows: very slow, slow, moderately slow,moderate,moderately rapid,rapid,and OUTLET-Point of water disposal from a stream, river, very rapid. lake,tidewater,or artificial drain. pH-A numerical measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a PARTICLE SIZE CLASSES FOR FAMILY GROUP- soil;neutral soil has a pH of 7; all pH values below 7 are INGS (as used in the Soil Classification System of the acid,and all above 7 are alkaline. National Cooperative Soil Survey in the United States) - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-A zoning classifica- Various particle size classes are applied to arbitrary con- tion permitting flexibility of site design by combining build- trol sections that vary according to the depth of the soil, ifig types and uses in ways that would be prohibited by presence or absence of argillic horizons,depth toparalithic traditional zoning standards. or lithic contacts, fragipans, horizons. No single set of particle size classes is appropriate as a family grouping for PLAT OF SURVEY-A scaled drawing identifying a parcel all kinds of soil. The classification tabulated below of real estate,prepared by a registered surveyor,including provides a choice of several particle size classes. a legal description of the property and the dimensions of 1.Sandy-Skeletal-More than 35 percent,by volume, the physical improvements. coarser than 2 millimeters,with enough fines to fill RAINFALL INTENSITY-The rate at which rain is falling interstices larger than 1 millimeter; fraction less at any given instant,usually expressed in inches per hour. than 2 millimeters is as defined for the sandy class. RETARDANCE (vegetation) - The characteristic of the 2.Loamy-Skeletal-More than 35 percent,byvolume, vegetative lining of a channel that tends to restrict and coarser than 2 millimeters,with enough fines to fill impede flow relative to a perfectly smooth channel. interstices larger than 1 millimeter; fraction less than 2 millimeters is as defined for loamy classes. RETENTION-The amount of precipitation on a drainage 3. Sandy- Sands, except very fine sand, and loamy area that does.not escape as runoff. It is the difference sands,except loamy very fine sand. between total precipitation and total runoff. 4a.Coarse-Loamy-With less than 18 percent clay and RETURN FLOW-That portion-of the water diverted from more than 15 percent coarser than very fine sand a stream which finds its way back to the stream channel (including coarse fragments up to 7.5 cen- either as surface or underground flow. timeters). REVETMENT-Facing of stone or other material,either b.Fine-Loamy-With more than 18 percent clay but permanent or temporary,placed along the edge of a stream less than 35 percent clay and more than 15 percent to stabilize the bank and to protect it from the erosive coarser than very fine sand(including coarse frag- action of the stream. ments up to 7.5 centimeters). ' c. Coarse-Silty- With less than 18 percent clay and RIPARIAN RIGHTS-The rights of an owner whose land less than 15 percent coarser than very fine sand abuts water. They differ from state to state and often (including coarse fragments up to 7.5 cen- depend on whether the water is a river,lake,or ocean.See Water Rights. timeters). d.Fine-Silty-With more than 18 percent clay and less RIPRAP - Broken rock, cobbles; or boulders placed on than-35 percent clay and less than 15 percent earth surfaces,such as the face of a dam�or the bank of a coarser than very fine sand(including coarse frag- stream,for protection against the action of water(waves); ments up to 7.5 centimeters). also applied to brush or pole mattresses, or brush and Sa.Fine-With more than 35 percent clay but less than stone,or other similar materials used for soil erosion con- 60 percent clay. trol. b.Very-Fine-With more than 60 percent clay. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 12.6 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control RUNOFF-That portion of the precipitation on a drainage no definite line between herbs and shrubs or between area that is discharged from the area in stream channels. shrubs and trees;all possible intergradations occur. Types include surface runoff, groundwater runoff, or seepage. SIDE SLOPES(engineering)-The slope of the sides of a canal,dam, or embankment. It is customary to name the RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER(CN)-A parameter combin- horizontal distance first,as 0.5 to 1,or frequently,1-1/2:1, ing the effects of soils,watershed characteristics and land meaning a horizontal distance of 1.5 feet to 1 foot vertical. use. This parameter represents the hydrologic soil cover complex of the watershed. SITE ANALYSIS -Evaluation of the qualities and draw backs of a site by comparison with those aspects of other SCALPING-Removal of sod or other vegetation in spots comparable sites. or strips. SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SCARIFY-To abrade,scratch,or modify the surface;for PLAN- A plan which fully indicates the necessary land example,to scratch the impervious seed coat of hard seed protection and structural measures,including a schedule or to break the surface of the soil with a narrow-bladed of the timing of their installation, which will effectively implement. minimize soil erosion and sediment yields. SEDIMENT - Solid material, both mineral-and organic, SOIL STRUCTURE - The arrangement of primary soil that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been particles into compound particles or clusters that are moved from its site of origin by air,water,gravity, or ice separated from adjoining aggregates and have properties and has come to rest on the earth's surface either above or unlike those of an equal mass of unaggregated soil par- below sea level. ticles. The principal forms of soil structure are: platy SEDIMENT BASIN-A basin or pond designed to store a (laminated), prismatic(vertical axis of aggregates longer calculated amount of sediment being transported on the than horizontal), columnar (prisms with rounded tops), blocky(angular or subangular), and granular. Structure- site. less soils are:(1)single grain(each grain byitself,asindune 'SEDIMENT DISCHARGE - The quantity of sediment, sand), or (2) massive (the particles adhering together measured in dry weight or by volume,transported through without any regular cleavage, as in many claypans,and a stream cross-section in a given time.Sediment discharge hardpans). consists of both suspended load and bedload. SOIL SURVEY-Survey showing soil type and composi= SEEDBED - The soil prepared by natural or artificial tion. means to promote the germination of seed and the growth SOIL TEXTURE-The relative proportions of the various- of seedlings. soil separates in a soil as described by the classes of soil SEEPAGE-1.Water escaping through or emerging from texture shown in Figure 1. The textural classes may be the ground along an extensive line or surface as contrasted modified by the addition of suitable adjectives when:coarse:• with a spring where the water emerges from a localized fragments are present in substantial amounts;for example, spot. gravelly silt loam. (For other modifications, see coarse fragments.)Sand,loamy sand;and sandy loam are further- 2.The process by which water percolates through subdivided on the basis of the proportions of the various the soil. sand separates present. 3. (percolation) The slow movement of gravita- SPILLWAY-An open or closed channel,or both,used to tional water through the soil. convey excess water from a reservoir. It may contain gates, SETTLING BASIN-An enlargement in the channel of a either manually or automatically controlled,to regulate the stream to permit the settling of debris carried in suspen- discharge of excess water. sion. SPOIL - Soil or rock material excavated from a canal, SHRINK-SWELL POTENTIAL-The susceptibility of soil basin,or similar construction. to volume change due to loss or gain in moisture content. STAGE (hydraulics) - The variable water surface or the SHRUB-A woody perennial plant differing from a peren- water surface elevation above any chosen datum.See Gage nial herb by its more woody stems and from a tree by its Height;Gaging Station. low stature and habit of branching from the base.There is October 1991-Third Printing Page 12.7 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control STATE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION COM- TIME OF CONCENTRATION-Time required for water MITTEE,COMMISSION,OR BOARD-The state agency to flow from the most remote point of a watershed, in a established by state soil conservation district enabling hydraulic sense,to the outlet. legislation to assist with the administration of the TIMING SCHEDULE-A construction progress schedule provisions of the state soil conservation districts law.The official title may vary from the above as new or amended showing the proposed dates of commencement and com- state laws are made. pletion of each of the various subdivisions of work as shown and called for in the approved plans and specifications. STILLING BASIN-An open structure or excavation at the TOPOGRAPHIC MAP - A schematic drawing of foot of an overfall, chute, drop, or spillway to reduce the energy of the descending stream. prominent landforms indicated by conventional symbols such as hachures or contour lines. STREAMBANKS - The usual boundaries, not the flood boundaries,of a stream channel. Right and left banks are TOPSOIL- The uppermost layers of soil containing or- ganic material and suited for plant survival and growth. named facing downstream. STRATA CAPACITY-The maximum amount of material TRAP EFFICIENCY-The capability of a reservoir to trap a stream is able to transport. sediment. STREAM LOAD-Quantity of solid and dissolved material TRAVEL TIME - The time for water to travel from one carried by a stream. See Sediment Load. location to another in a watershed. A travel time is part of a component of time of concentration(Tc). STORMWATER MANAGEMENT-Runoff water safely conveyed or temporarily stored and released at an allow- TRIBUTARY-Secondary or branch of a stream,drain,or able rate to minimize erosion and flooding. other channel that contributes flow to the primary or main channel. STRIPPING-Denuding vacant or untouched land of its present vegetative cover and topsoil. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM(engineer- ing)-A classification system based on the identification of SUBGRADE-The soil prepared and compacted to sup- soils according to their particle size, gradation,plasticity port a structure or a pavement system. index,and liquid limit. SUBSOIL-The B horizons of soils with distinct profiles. UNIT HYDROGRAPH-A discharge hydrograph coming In soils with weak profile development,the subsoil can be from one inch of direct runoff distributed uniformly over defined as the soil below the plowed soil(or its equivalent the watershed, with the direct runoff generated at a t of surface soil),in which roots normally grow.Although a uniform rate during the given storm duration.A watershed common term,it cannot be defined accurately. may have 1-hour,2-hour,etc.unit hydrographs. SUMP-Pit,tank,or reservoir in which water is collected WATER QUALITY STANDARDS - Minimum require- for withdrawal or stored. ments of purity of water for various uses;for example,water for agricultural use in irrigation systems should not exceed SUSPENDED LOAD-The fine sediment kept in suspen- specific levels of sodium bicarbonates,pH,total_dissolved sion in a stream because the settling velocity is lower than salts,etc. ` the upward velocity of the current. WATER RIGHTS - The legal rights to the use of water. SWALE -A linear, but flattish depression in the ground They consist of riparian rights and those acquired by ap- surface which conveys drainage water but offers no impedi- propriation and prescription. Riparian rights are those ment to traffic,as do ditches or gutters. rights to use and control water by virtue of ownership of TERRACE -An embankment or combination of an em- the bank or banks.Appropriated rights are those acquired bankment and channel constructed across a slope to con- by an individual to the exclusive use of water,based strictly trol erosion by diverting or storing surface runoff instead on priority of appropriation and application of the water of permitting it to flow uninterrupted down the slope: to beneficial use and without limitation of the place of use Terraces or terrace systems may be classified by their to riparian land.Prescribed rights are those to which legal alignment,gradient, outlet, and cross-section.Alignment title is acquired by long possession and use without protest is parallel or non-parallel.Gradient maybe level,uniformly of other parties. . , graded,or variably graded.Grade is often incorporated to WATERSHED-The area contributing direct runoff to a permit paralleling the terraces.Outlets may be soil infiltra- stream. Usually it is assumed that base flow in the stream tion only, vegetated waterways, tile outlets, or combina- also comes from the same area. However, the ground tions of these.Cross-sections may be narrow base,broad water watershed may be larger or smaller. base,bench,steep backslope,flat channel,or channel. New York Guidelines for Urban Page 12.8 October 1991-Third Printing Erosion and Sediment Control WATER TABLE-The upper surface of groundwater or certain circumstances.This power traditionally resides in that level below which the soil is saturated with water;locus the state,and the power to regulate land uses by zoning is of points in soil water at which the hydraulic pressure is usually delegated to minor units of government, such as equal to atmospheric pressure. towns, municipalities, and counties, through an enabling WATERWAY-A natural course or constructed channel act that specifies powers granted and the conditions under which these are to be exercised. for the flow of water. ZONING ORDINANCE-The exercise of police power for WATTLE-A group or bundle of twigs,whips or withes. the purpose of carrying out the land use plan of an area.It WEEP-HOLES(engineering)-Openings left in retaining may also include regulations to effect control of the size walls, aprons, linings, or foundations to permit drainage and height of buildings, population density, and use of and reduce pressure. buildings,for example,residential,commercial, industrial, etc. ZONING (rural) - A means by which governmental authority is used to promote the proper use of land under October 1991-Third Printing Page 12.9 New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 13 DIRECTORIES CONTENTS Section 13.1 Directory of USDA-Soil Conservation Service Offices Section 13.2 Directory of County Soil and Water Conservation District Offices Section 13.3 Directory of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Offices 1 New York Soil Conservation Service Field Office Listing COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PMNE Albany RD#2,Martin Road,Voorheesville,12186 518-765-3560 Allegany Ag Service Center,RD#2,Belmont St.,Belmont,14813 716-268-7831 Broome 4-H Center,840 Front Street,Binghamton,13905 607-773-2691 Cattaraugus RR#2,Box 16B,Parkside Drive,Ellicottville,14731 716-699-2326 Cayuga 248 Grant Avenue,Auburn,13021 315-252-5832 Chautauqua Frank W.Bratt Ag Center,RD#2,Turner Road,Jamestown,14701 716-664-2351 Chemung 209 North Main Street,Horseheads,14845 607-739-2009 Chenango 99 North Broad Street,Norwich,13815 607-3344632 Clinton RFD#6,Box 16A,Rt.22,Plattsburg,12901 518-561-7373 Columbia 337 Fairview Avenue,Hudson,12534 518-828-4386 Cortland 100 Grange Place,Room 205,Cortland,13045 607-756-5991 Delaware 129 North Street,Walton,13856 607-865-7161 Dutchess/Putnam/ Westchester Farm&Home Center,Rt.44,P.O.Box 37,Millbrook,12545 914677-3194 - Erie 21 S.Grove Street,East Aurora,14052 716-652-8480 Essex 125 Pleasant Street,Box 1139 J,Westport,12993 518-962-8225 Franklin Agricultural Service Center,RFD 3,Box 7B,Malone,12953 518-483-4061 Fulton Hales Mills Road,Box 239,Johnstown,12095 518-762-0079 Genesee USDA Center,,166 Washington Avenue,Batavia,14020 716-343-2362 Greene HC#3,Box 907,Cairo,12413-9502 518-622-3620 Hamilton Hamilton Co.Courthouse,Lake Pleasant,12108 518-548-3991 Herkimer 113 George Street,Herkimer,13350 315-866-2651 Jefferson RD#6,Box 376B,Rices Road,Watertown,13601 315-782-2671 Lewis P.O.Box 113,Lowville,13367 315-376-6122 Livingston 129 Main Street,Leicester,14481 716-382-3214 Madison Farm&Home Center,Eaton St.,Box 189,Morrisville,13408 315-6843181 Monroe 249 Highland Avenue,Rochester,14620 716-473-2120 Montgomery 567 Route 5S,Fultonville,12072 518-853-4015 Nassau 1425 Old Country Rd.,Bldg.J,Plainview,11803 516-4541579 Niagara 4487 Lake Avenue,Lockport,14094 716-4344949 Oneida RR#1,Box 126-C,Second St.,Oriskany,13424 315-736-3334 Onondaga 4876 Onondaga Road,Syracuse,13215 315-469-5034 Ontario Farm&Home Center,482 N.Main Street,Canandaigua,14424 716-394-1341 Orange/ Rockland 33 Fulton Street,Middletown,10940 914-343-1873 Orleans 446 West Avenue,Albion,14411 716-589-5959 Oswego 2 Erie Street,Oswego,13126 315-343-0040 Otsego Library Building,22 Main Street,Cooperstown,13326 607-547-8337 Rensselaer 1701 Seventh Avenue,Old Health Bldg.,Troy,12180-3496 518-270-2797 St.Lawrence 3 Commerce Lane,Canton,13617 315-386-2975 Saratoga 50 West High Street,Municipal Center,Ballston Spa,12020 518-885-6900 Schenectady 192 Hetcheltown Road,Scotia,12302 518-399-6980 Schoharie Ag Headquarters,41 South Grand Street,Cobleskill,12043 518-234-4092 Schuyler Rural Urban Center,208 Broadway,Box 326,Montour Falls,14865 607-535-9650 Seneca Academy Square,12 North Park Street,Seneca Falls,13148 315-568-4366 Steuben Steuben Co.Office Bldg.,3 Pulteney Square East,Bath,14810 607-776-9631 COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PHQNE Suffolk Riverhead Co.Center,300 Center Drive,Room E16,Riverhead,11901-3398 516-727-2315 Sullivan 69 Femdale-Loomis Road,Liberty,12754 914-292-6552 Tioga 56 Main Street,Room 313,Owego,13827 607-687-2240 Tompkins Comers Community Center,903 Hanshaw Road,Ithaca,14850 607-257-3820 . Ulster 380 Washington Avenue,Kingston,12401 914-338-4764 Warren 122 Main.Street,Warrensburg,12885 518-623-3119 Washington Moss Street,RD#1,Box 15-C,Hudson Falls,12839 518-747-2154 Wayne 8340 Ridge Road,RR#2,Sodus,14551 315-483-6958 Wyoming 31 Duncan St., Warsaw,14569 - 716-786-5070 Yates 110 Court St.,Room 105,Penn Yan,14527 315-536-6233 1 1 New York Soil & Water Conservation District Office Listing COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION MONE Albany RD#2,Martin Road,Voorheesville,x.186 518-765-3560 Allegany Ag Service Center,RD#2,Belmont St.,Belmont,14813 716-268-7831 Broome 4-H Center,840 Front Street,Binghamton,13905 607-7249268 Cattaraugus RR#2,Box 16B,Parkside Drive,Ellicottville,14731 716-69-2326- Cayuga 16-69-2326Cayuga 248 Grant Avenue,Auburn,13021 315-"52-4171 Chautauqua Frank W.Bratt Ag Center,RD#2,Turner Road,Jamestown,14701 716116642351 Chemung 209 North Main Street,Horseheads,14845 607 739-2009 Chenango 99 North Broad Street,Norwich,13815 60 -3344632 Clinton RFD#6,Box 16A,Rt.22,Plattsburg,12901 51 -561-7373 Columbia 337 Fairview Avenue,Hudson,12534 518-828-4386 Cortland 100 Grange Place,Room 205,Cortland,13045 607-756-5991 Delaware 129 North Street,Walton,13856 607-865-7161 Dutchess Farm&Home Center,Rt.44,P.O.Box 37,Millbrook,12545 914677-3194 Erie 21 S.Grove Street,East Aurora,14052 716-652-8480 Essex 125 Pleasant Street,Box 1139 J,Westport,12993 518-962-8225 Franklin Agricultural Service Center,RFD 3,Box 7B,Malone,12953 518-483-4061 Fulton Hales Mills Road,Box 239,Johnstown,12095 518-762=0079 Genesee USDA Center,166 Washington Avenue,Batavia,14020 716-343-2362 Greene HC#3,Box 907,Cairo,12413-9502 518-62T-362W-- Hamilton 18-62T 36-20-- Hamilton Hamilton Co.Courthouse,Lake Pleasant,12108 518-548-3991 Herkimer 113 George Street,Herkimer,13350 315-866 2651_�, Jefferson RD#6,Box 376B,Rices Road,Watertown,13601 315-782-2671:: Lewis P.O.Box 113,Lowville,13367 315-376-6122:., Livingston 129 Main Street,Leicester,14481 716-382-3214— Madison Farm&Home Center,Eaton St.,Box 189,Morrisville,13408 315-6843181 Monroe 249 Highland Avenue,Rochester,14620 716-473-21M Montgomery 567 Route 5S,Fultonville,12072 518-8534015'-- Nassau 1425 Old Country Rd.,Bldg.J,Plainview,11803 516-4541579 Niagara 4487 Lake Avenue,Lockport,14094 716-434:49-49"- Oneida RR#1,Box 126-C,Second St.,Oriskany,13424 315-736-3334 Onondaga 4876 Onondaga Road,Syracuse,13215 315-469-5034 Ontario Farm&Home Center,482 N.Main Street,Canandaigua,14424 716-394-1341.--", Orange 33 Fulton Street,Middletown,10940 914343-1873 Orleans 446 West Avenue,Albion,14411 716-589-5959 Oswego 2 Erie Street,Oswego,13126 315-343-0040 Otsego Library Building,22 Main Street,Cooperstown,13326 607-547-8337 Putnam Putnam County Offices,Myrtle Avenue,P.O.Box 212,Mahopac Falls,10542 914628-1630 Rensselaer 1701 Seventh Avenue,Old Health Bldg.,Troy,12180-3496 518-270-2797 Rockland 23 North Hempstead Road,New City,10956 914638-5084 St.Lawrence 3 Commerce Lane,Canton,13617 315-386-2975 Saratoga 50 West High Street,Municipal Center,Ballston Spa,12020 518-885-6900 Schenectady 192 Hetcheltown Road,Scotia,12302 518-399-6980 Schoharie Ag Headquarters,41 South Grand Street,Cobleskill,12043 518-234-4092 Schuyler Rural Urban Center,208 Broadway,Box 326,Montour Falls,14865 607-535-9650 Seneca Academy Square,12 North Park Street,Seneca Falls,13148 315-568-4366 Steuben Steuben Co.Office Bldg.,3 Pulteney Square East,Bath,14810 607-776-9631 COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PHONEi Suffolk Riverhead Co.Center,300 Center Drive,Room E16,Riverhead,11901-3398 516-727-2315 Sullivan 69 Femdale-Loomis Road,Liberty,12754 914-292-6552 Tioga 56 Main Street,Room 313,Owego,13827 607-687-2240 Tompkins Comers Community Center,903 Hanshaw Road,Ithaca,14850 607-257-3820 Ulster 380 Washington Avenue,Kingston,12401 914-338-4764 Warren 122 Main Street,Warrensburg,12885 518-623-3119 Washington Moss Street,RD#1,Box 15-C,Hudson Falls,12839 518-747-2154 Wayne 8340 Ridge Road,RR#2,Sodus,14551 315-483-6958 Westchester 214 Central Avenue,White Plains,10606 914-682-3080 Wyoming 31 Duncan St., Warsaw,14569 716-786-5070 Yates 110 Court St.,Room 105,Penn Yan,14527 315-536-6233 REGION 8 Slate 011ice Building 317 Washington Street LEGEND Watertown,N Y. 13601 Regional Headquarters (315)785.2513 • Sub-Offices SUB-OFFICES 30 Court Street Canton,N.Y 13617 CLINTON (315)386.4546 ST.LAWRENCE FRANKLIN REGION 5 Z Stale Office Building Route 86 207 Genesee Street JEFFERSON _ •- Ray Brook,NY 12977 ` REGION 9 Utica,N.Y 13501 -r (518)891-1370 SUB-OFFICES 600 Delaware Avenue (315)793.2555 IJ 0 Buffalo,N.Y 14202 LEWIS 220 "NRD 3,Box 22A,Route 812 Box 220 (716)847.4590 Lowvllle,NY 13367 ^J ESSEX Hudson Street Extension SUB-OFFICES (315)376.3521 �+ Warrensburg,N.Y 12885 (� 215 South Work Street 225 N.Main Street V Q �� (518)623.3671 P* Falconer, N Y. 14733 Herkimer,NY 13350 / per' Main Street Extension P* (716)665.6111 (315)793.2566 ONEIDA ���~ WARREN Northville,N Y. 12134 128 South Street ( t iP (518)863.4545 0 Olean,NY 14760 (716)372.0645 CENTRAL OFFICE V OSWEGO t 50 wolf Road (D � FULTON Sr�A 3 Albany,N.Y. 12233-0001 ,A O MONROE WAYNE C NIAGARA -� (9� REGION 4 0 GENESEE Z t, 31 NONDAG 2176 Gullderland Ave. rr* O ONTARIO U U� MADISON Schenectady, N Y. 12306 ERIE t . 2 7 20 -._—"- pNTGOMER j 518 382-0680 0 1 y t S /D~o J ( ) o y 0 3 0 p�r, J 1 rYAiES +�� �Q�\�y pQ ���� OTSEGO p�rP� rN� Q�2 SUB-OFFICES ute Jefferson Road 9 8 �J G SG'1 1� Stamford,N.Y. 12167 (607)652.7364 /�• O �J�G TIOGA BROOME r GP��NE PO Box 430 ,+ STE BEN (CIAUTAUQUAICATTARAUGUS ALLEGANY G0� DELWI,{1E c� Catskill,N.Y. 12414 y (518)943.4030 or 943.4394 REGION 7 REGION 8 615 Erie Blvd W. ULSTER REGION 3 6274 E.Avon-Lima Road Syracuse,NY 13204 �y 21 South Putt Corners Road Avon, N Y 14414 Syracuse, use, 00 3 t New 2Paltz,55 5 N Y. 12561 0 tiv (914)255.5453 (716)226.2466 SUB-OFFICES SULLIVAN pJ PO Box 1169, Fisher Ave `~ - SUB-OFFICE y SUB-OFFICE Cortland,NY 13045 pUTNAM 202 Mamaroneck Ave. 115 Liberty Street (607)753.3095 ORANGE - White Plains,N.Y. 10601 Bath, NY 14810 Route 11 rry, (914)761.6660 (607)776.2165 Kirkwood,N Y 13795 C1OyaK 180 Clemans Ctr Parkway (607)773-7717 C Elmira,NY 14901 REGION 2 (607)734.6289 Route 80 Hunters Point Plaza Sherburne,N Y 13460 47.40 21st Street (607)674.2611 Long Island City,NY 11101 �e JFpO�K (718)482.4900 11\-Alt I _� REGION 1 SUNY Campus Building 40 Stony Brook, N Y. 11794 (516)751 7900