HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-21.-3-15 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BEA VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY 15 PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITI JNAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 110101 CERTAIN AREA5 tel. 631.727.2303 fax. 631.721.0144 NM�r� B admin®youngengineering.com BUFFER/ olm ( pwtq LOT TOTAL AREA OPEN SPACE KAT's COURT EASEMENT BUILDABLE h�}yLONG ISLAND SOUND 1 222,603 SF 152,885 5F 5,488 SF 64,230 5F • N 2 101,806 SF 57,043 SF 3,464 SF 41,299 SF Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor 3 76,726 SF 32,332 5F 5,238 SF 8,853 SF 30,303 5F Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer >, Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer APIPROVE� �Y TOTAL 401,135 SF 242,260 SF 14,190 SF 8,853 SF 135,832 SF Robert G. Tast, Architect 1 W*E w E P�Af �l��,�0 BOAR® Robert stromski, Architect T' TOWN OF SOUTHOLDPERCENT Oi= OPEN SPACE s DATE TOTAL OPEN SPACE=242,260 5F/401,135 SF = 60.4% \ \� m 412-S-1-Z02-3SITEDATA 2Z7o S LIMITS Or OLEARI NG SCHEDULE *TOTAL AREA =9.20880 AC.or 401,135 SF. Qv,Q V ' *ZONING USE DISTRICT = R-40 V I ' LOT LOT 51ZE PERMITTED CLEARING 0 v 0f So'''h0fd I 222,603 5F 15% OR 33,5,10 5F S69-70, 5Q5510 F �' vV Co,�anants&Restrctions q OUT RN BOUL ARD (V 2 1OI,806 5F 2530 OR 25,452 5F I $ LIBER gSP�* 3 76,126 5F 35% OR 26,854 5F (Dwelling) M a p FRAMEN ti `0 GARAGE Z If °N 314C � o - - KAT'S COURT TEST HOLE DATA (Private Road) �j�� r �`��'�n' -OM ° NI ° E " l r•H *OWNER/APPLICANT KATARINA PEDERSON o'� �i ^� M 0 r 03 V 4 •tr,a BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE (Dwelling) 415 hb' °� /°i cv 4'O / r r of= 133 WEST 22nd STREET#100 TIE IN 1 , IN EXCESS OF 250' �ti• N rn�S69° sm. r�EGF TA 0.7 o y o b� DATE:02/01/20190.0' SANITARY SYSTEM �� :, /� ti sTPM r SAN. PLAN RAL OR(4°�y c NEW YORK,N.Y. O S12°23'00"W 70.67 APPROX. LOC. OF EX. 1 OZ �O"' IQ I / UFFER 3 g-C now or formerly PARK SANITARY SYSTEM_ (vacant) 1 o ,-,,.., � >2- IQ"F °'`'' George Kaitery& BROWN � c2 j oN "$ 10 i co S, 215 Q Anthoula Kaitery LOAM 1 ON m oN i �0 1p� �^ �O' S7J�O1 (Dwelling) (OL) f 7I I ��� ����o m *\/�1 j h O r 1.0' KEY MAP /� oo 6�,°0 �ti ; ���. 2112 114 82 sAN�v NO SCALE: 1°=600' r (Dwelling} °32 �� 2°�b2 n TH ��' oo'- a��i so / SILT ti �' 25.5T I �. ` TES 3� ' �'� `o -4\0 w i o o o to. NATURALOR� (ML) *THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE ACCEPTANCE OF �•• \0 �im � Ia ' VEGETATED r30 —_ - 6.0' HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. �{ I I 3 R 0BUFFER OD i e BROWN I "o /"�$ 1 now or former) A DECLARATION OF COVE AND RESTRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE 15'J —40-1 b Z ti 1 1�d N y SILTY Ex.wE� 1 25' L„ ` ( r j�N 1 N O George S.Cambourakis SAND SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN LIBER CP dTEST�- > / / OPEN SPACE 1 eWs o (Dwelling) SM ' tk I WELL�.i o i S `1`1' o r l i' _ _ _ _ ( ) THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED,CANNOT BE ALTERED 01 i 69°1>'q1„ 8456 j r PRESERVATION 1 a= WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD,AND LOTS MUST BE 11 01 ( N s iti so vi F 20111; ; -4� EASEMENT 1 p (� 30.0' SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. m now or formerly M BROWN ST i° d' i Gear a 5.Cambourakis FINE TO M1 11 ° ® //=ti it gR4TNgG T i 212 1 g (Vacant) MEDIUM 1 -+ �-- ° sF F ; / 4r- 1 7p ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION Zo 1 . a SOD i i O MFi�r i / cc, — — — — — — (SP) o j II ! i /&, 1,, 413 1 Q 37.0' "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL ®'� / / //\q g2, NO WATER SYSTEM(S)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY 1 DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH ST11 OIL, now or formerly 1v �1 I . tl � ; 0 1 � ENCOUNTERED Jorge Pardo Living TrustL.l-------------- °RZ 2,, to' / tiSITE 1 .�_ ---e 13°1g�1 /� Ir 3o now or formerly m TO THE SDUFFOLK CDOUNTYRDEOPARTMENT OF HEALLOTS, Q�f N (Dwelling) -�--101.31' �b ,. I / Niki Mangos „ '�> c �._.L.—•----_._._.J / N89057'40"E ,n x�O (Dwelling) STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE. NVQ s� O� TYPICAL PLOT PLAN ---NS 1 s _ _ _ 90 fl N89°57'40"E OPEN SPACE 1 w a. �x 1+,, ' WELL SEAL ,Ly S, -- --130.96 ° �➢o O °".4.0. (J` GAP COVER _ �'S g' r r- r r? SUPPLFOYEY _ _ - �_ c'�iL X6 PRESERVATION o r 0%, ~ LyY \' i w _ — — NATURAL O' T PROPERTY LINE .® <. ?_ OPEN SPACE 1 c' n a�; W FUSED VEGETATED i° PRESERVATION 1 FIN. GRADE BUFFER WELL WELL HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.N0.45893n Q 614b5 !`/ DISCONNECT 5'* EASEMENT °1 _ THOMAS C.WOLPERT,N.Y.S.P.E.NO.61483 A SWITCH - _ _ _ - Z. ..; ; E gINS 589057'40"W 300.00' DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.S.P.E.NO.80897 CONTROL BOX =' WELL n ow or formerly :;. -....r ,; , N 1 a HOUSE HOUSE Carmella LimongeUi& ,.�. a ^t CASING ervasi O p° w PRE55URE (Dwelling) a� alvato G CO1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION s re (SFR) $. (SFR) ! TANK "`"- ( o "=,`,°• - ,” 0 APPROX. LOC. OF EX O o w "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH _ now or formerly 1 SANITARY SYSTEM Z THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,EXCEPT AS " "": „ UNDERGROUND Y o DISCHARGE (t1 Helen Moraitis 1 p SEPTIC SEPTIC a " ' _ _ _ — — FRAME F TANK �' TANK MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.S.TOWN LAW&ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD." TO SERVICE `t, ''` i, COUPLING _ �. (Vacant) O 0 a _ __- N (PITLE55 SHED ' now or formerly FUTURE FUTURE Greg Pepe 5' a' e' 1 EXP. ( 1 EXP. 01 OF NEW M 1 min m;n minim/ �/ "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MAD ` LVvU WIL ADAPTER) now or formerly o (Dwelling) 5'min LEACHING POOLS LEACHING POO 0I _,i::.; 1 Marie Dalli i n._.: L5 R < ",a t, +i ;•; DROP PIPE (Dwelling) 1 (pNelling) COMPLETED AND THAT ALL CO a KUMg _ THUS:■ ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITI �C,�RR Y I* I ROAb AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETA CgiFRE�°f, ;1 `� G) PRESSURE j. _ _ 1 0 �� RELIEF WIRING TO - I 589 57'40 W 464.89' �7s VALVE PUMP p ; l;,t; I ' I I _ _ •LOTS 2&3 WHEN DEVELOP UST INCLUDE I I I ED,M THE USE OF PRESSURE PRE55URE WATER TABLE , I I I I INNOVAYIVE/ALTERNATIVE WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS " W. � `�^ 4$ 93 J 5WITCH ~i' now or formerly I I I now or formerly I GAUGE I y Catherine Pa Jannis, (I/A OWTS)AS PERMITTED UNDER SCHDS ARTICLE 19. HOWARD W.YOUNG, S.L.S.N 45893 r; Paul Misthos&Thalia now or formerly now or former) 1 p� Pappas Misthos I Alvin Horin & I y Jenny Kokleas > ,i; GHEGK VALVE g Beth Dzenkowski + + I (Dwelling) I + Dimitra Andreou (Dwelling) PLANNI!`1G BOARD CERTIFICATION " I IBarbara E.Horin9 (Dwelling) (Dwelling) I (Dwelling) , ) (Dwelling) I �) , + Lot 9 — mn ,mg Lot 2 "9 ,. N , APPROX. I Lot 3 I Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY SUBDIVISION T'YPIGAL WELL DETAIL :;;, I Lac. OF EX- , + I SUBMERSIBLE I THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. I I NTS ;``'' PUMP I I SYSTEM Y O I subdivisidn - "Aquaview Park" Suffolk County File N .5621 PEDERSON I I I I I I I DATE OF APPROVAL STANDARD SUBDIVISION I I I N SS I I I APPROX. LOC, OF EX. I I I Lot 8 I SANITARY SYSTEM I BY "i.• , I I I I CHAIRPERSON(TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) at East Marion, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York SCREEN SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. FINAL PLAT DATE-SEP 2022 'RtYiSt� 021 Block 03 Lot 15Coun+r Tax Map District 1000 Section a ; MAP PREPARED SEP.23,2020 I THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR Q DEVELOPMENT FOR PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION IN THE Record of Revisions SOUTHERN BOULEVARD — TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH A TOTAL OF 3 LOTS WAS APPROVED ON THE REVISION DATE RRL-F.T Ti ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST SCDHS NOIR#2 FEB.14 2022 1 _ ___j_ _ CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF SCDHS NOIA#3 MAR 11 2022 CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO GENERAL OCT 24,2022 . To ICTJO%`' nen APP, 11 2023 THOSE STANDARDS.THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC.13.2022 ��� ��1' 0 �`��«p�i��5L�7E31C f0�ra l,l�)`R 131(o$ SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP IS DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK — --- --- WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE PAGE .3--.�.... Southold Town FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE J Planning Board OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC 0 HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. m _ . WALTER DAWYDIAK,JR.,P.E. 100 0 50 100 200 300 DIRECTOR,DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY eL Scale: 1" = 100' JOB NO. 2018-0095 DWG.2018_0095_final_plat 1 OF 1 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EWSTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)h CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. N 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York IIQOI tel. 631.727.2303 fax. 631.721.0144 admin®youngengineering.com 4 'J 4 4 r 1 � Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer LONG ISLAND SOUND S � ? tt✓rr fi Robert G. Tost, Architect a Robert Stromski, Architect 51 TE DATA f{ TOTAL AREA = q.2088 AC. OR 401,155 5F. ° S * - � APPLICANT - MARK PEDERSON $ KATARINA PEDER50N F I s CURRENT ZONING = R-40 0 1 (Dwelling) N g VERTICAL DATUM = N(5VD 86 ( FRAME N , M S I GARAGE /- 3c� UT R SOUL VARD 4z =— — KAT'S COURT �+ trC tr 0 P1 (Private Road 0 o °� o � _�.y o M N r 10s /3 01; h; c tr z 6 a I l�1b� � Mo O ((� � U• I tr (Dwelling) G 1 SANITARY STEM �h /� O N Co ( LArU pR 4L���r i 1 IN EXCESS OF 150' S APPROX. LOC. OF EX. I ~ 6•g°10, O ► uF TF0 g.��°► now or formerly SANITARY SYSTEM_ (vacanr)I _ i'/ w ° , ���\ 10"F =c 2 George Kaitery& PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION I� S69° 21 �r Anthouln Kaitery '. 11 Y NO w.p I^ �D IQi� N S (Dwelling) ^mA g 1 _. 50 THI5 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS 5UBDIV1510N PLAT HAS BEEN TIE IN 0 S12°23'00"W 70.67' . (, �� 2 I �S i ��. 211Q�\�. 114 Z t" J_ (Dwelling, d32 O� � a! o•�'i w` / ''�� `\ APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF 50UTHOLD. 9� H 25.52 7 /. \ I O14\p W I O / $ O '"Rq� NATURAL OR KEY MAP ,' I � aD o �g `-, �- > PLANTED ��' - l DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY-------------------- VEGETATED �� 0, 000 � � - 1 `Y' .. •, �! �,`.p�•'•� BUFFERrI � (TOWN O F 50ALE: 1"=600' SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) an, \>z� h i O '" w. . 10�. nen o i 2a i 2 Iii d how or formerly E WE . 25' �� N ~j io �1 " George S.Cambourakis 1 / ti W o (Dwelling) Z ' OPEN SPACE \1 ' \ �) �' § j , 69°I�•g1„ 84.g6�.�` etY j FRESERVATION'� - ° N j F 2Q1 J EdSEMENT (� �I (, ; 1 q q I$0, 11 i ,� I 1 - m ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION bti ~ i Ili now or formerly Q George S.Cambourakis onK 1 Z ro'\I 11 0 // jj�ti / /%,• S�NgGFT�// ' 1241 (Vacant) • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(5) AND/OR SEWAGE 1 !P4 „ EDMFi�'r �j /� _ _ _ _ _ _ D15P05AL 5YSTEM(5) FOR THI5 PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME 0 , 11 1 / !” 2 f% l ,� ; ! !4135` 1 Q CERTAIN AREAS OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH --!I•«�Wa -ttmmr 51 TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL / � -` ,! 2 — -- STUDY OF THE SOIL, -wy� ,�t ; 9 / j f 1 �- i / i%RZ / jll�C\ /p^�on°j �' 1 1 H BUFFER/ LOTS, A5 PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK now or formerly �(o LOT TOTAL AREA OPEN SPACE" KAT'S COURT EASEMENT BUILDABLE e Pardo Living Trust p 1 �� �, to•�!] N _ _ DEPARTMENT Or HEALTH SERVICES GONSTRUG IN JOrg (Dwelling) �..o_ __;_�� 1 °�3 ^y.\ o f 30 now or formerly 1 222,603 SF 152,885 SF 5,488 SF 64,230 SF EFFECT A5 OF THI5 DATE. � i T 101.31' / �b3 / \' - - _ I l I L ( ,;, r Niki Mangos M 2 101,806 SF 57,043 SF 3,464 SF 41,299 SF 410 G /0 N89 57'4p E / _ _ Q 1 <K n O (Dwelling) C �sCi, 130.96' / i ',e a, hyo O 3 76,726 SF 32,332 5F 5,238 SF 8,853 SF 30,303 5F �� C' I 90 9 N89°57'40"E OPEN SPACE I I ZX k 11, i L,PRESERVATION, TOTAL 401,135 SF 242,260 SF 14,190 SF 8,853 SF 135,832 5F , ' / O/ { "TUR.AL OR 6 EASEMENT o > ,f OPEN SPACP 2• / 4j 1 PTED HOWARD W. YOUNG N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 455g5n P�2ESE� VATI N / vE�ETATED 1 fi r= <r✓ EASEMENTI J y'� ! _ _ _ _ _ _ PERCENT OF OPEN SPACE THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 61453, ��3 rn P. 3 `"` DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 808g"i '`.t 6 t :' 1 589°57`40"W 300. , now or formerly v eI s I : ;� I �z e ells& (-n r TOTAL OPEN SPACE= 242,260 SF/401,135 SF =60.4% Carmella Limong ~0 1 O 11 rt Salvatore Gervasi 0 0 , "' 1 5URI/EYOR'5 CERTIFICATION c (Dwelling) Off` t � . I I 1 j t / APPROX.LOC. OF EX.O I0 — —_ _ — / I l ; : now or formerly 1 1 SANITARY SYSTEM 'O "1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS 5HOWN ON TH15 PLAT Helen Moraitis t O COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF ml - _ - FRAME I (Vacant) SHED I / ( 0 O now or formerly SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2?S OF a. ormerly / \ ' Greg Pepe LIMITS OF CLEARING SCHEDULE THE N.Y.S. TOWN LAW B ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G OWN now orf / \ (Dwelling) .� L ! 1 OF SOUTHOLD.11 F �r,� $ (Dwelling) 1 Marie 1 LOT 51ZE PERMITTED CLEARING II 1 (>x+ i \ LOT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI5 MAP WA E31 GTU�}.L C9 - - - - - - _ I 222,603 5F SURVEYS COMPLETED _ _ AND AT 1590 OR 33,380 SF MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E T AIjD 1 HE1R:t?� F $89°5p'40°W 464.89` — 2 101,806 5F 25% OR 25,452 5F ARE CORRECTLY 5HOWN AND ALL DIMEN 1CIN L N1Tw6 1 'I I 1 1 I 3 '16,726 SF 35� OR 26,854 SF DETAILS ARE CORRECT." now or formerlyI now or formerly i l P i th C Paul Misthos&Thalia I I Catherine apayanns, �f WOUt./L J' 45 f LEGEND I now or formerly I I I Pappas Misthos 1 Alvin Horing& I now D formerly I Jenny Kakleas& I FQ 893 Beth Dzenkowski I HOWARD W. YOUNG . . .5. L,S. 45883 A N D 1 I (Dwelling) I I Dimitra Andreou (Dwelling) (Dwelling) Barbara E.Horing (Dwelling) ( "�) I EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT ; (Dwelling) I I (Dwelling) I I I Lot 9 WDF =WOOD FENCE APPRDX Lot 2 I Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE I I LOC. OF SANITARY X O I I I RI ISYSTEM O Subdivisidn "Aquaview Park" Suffolk County File Nb5621WIF IRE FENCE I SUBD(YI s ON VLF =VINYL FENCE DI =DRAINAGE INLET RID =ROOF OVER I I I ' I I Lot 8 RECEIVED 5TANDARD 5U5�11/151Oil E SBL =SETBACK LINE � I I I ' SP =STONE PAVEMENT I i i I F- UTILITY POLE JAN 2 6 2023 at East Marion, Town of Southold O =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET I I I CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND 1 So- uthold Town J- - Suffolk County, York ■ = I ( ( 1 A =wooD STAKE SET I I I I I ' � . � - - ' Planning Board ����� ROAD � DRAINAGE P AN A WOOD STAKE FOUND= i I - OO =IRON PIPE FOUNDI i I I 1 I H -LIGHT POLE 1 I I ' County Tax 1`''iap District 1000 Section 21 Block 05 Lot 15 RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND I =BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION DB Ds =DITCH BANK MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION SOUTHERN BOIJLEVAR Record of Revisions REVISION DATE - -- ---3< - - =PROPOSED CONTOUR TOS PLANNING S - — - ,',6 - -- - =EXISTING CONTOUR GENERAL _ P O 2021 OGT. 24,`2022 =TRIBUTARY AREA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 13, 2022 PRE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE LEGEND JAN. 23, 2023 N V O J O O an 100 0 50 100 200 300 0 JOB NO. 2018-OOg5 n. DWG. 2018-0095-final-road-droln I OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTIO!7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE.USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION DF FENCES.(0)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT RE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CFRTIFTCATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 STREET TREES tel. 631.'727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 (9) 'TILIA CORDATA' LITTLELEAF LINDEN admin®youngengineering.com \ TEST HOLE DATA Oil puq 2.5-3 CAL. PLANTED 60 O.C. _ \ 0.01 Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor DARK Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer sogM Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer (OL) 4 Robert G. Tost, Architect •:� 0*1 8 6 snQrn Robert Stromskl, Architect �•42 `� SILT (MI) }' `� tr BROwN S SAND 51 TE DATA Ia tr Vj MOM 60.01 TOTAL AREA = 151.2055 AG. OR 401,155 5F. FINE TO -I/j a a.:. Y MEDIUM �� II 5ANDAPPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON 8 KATARINA PEDERSON <A7S C...OUR7 �' L -� � o atr (5f-) 37.01 CUR ENT ZCNIN& (Frivate. Road)�� �° � � � .N � � O L � � * VERTICAL DATUM - NGVD 88 ,C7 � /1, 10vT N = C7 00AI I PLAN L OR � � = y I DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 4 CALCULATIONS I S V = A R G R = RAINFALL TRIBUTARY (S.F.) HIGH POINT ELEV = 48.65 / �;_. : >. 4 "` \ HIGH POINT STA = 0+14.42 g gp \ G = COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION f PVI 5TA = 0+25 PVI ELEV = 49.00 THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT TH15 5UBPIV1510N PLAT HAS BEEN -6.9355 I �9\S, A� /! \� TRIBUTARY AREA APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. K = 7.2093 LOW POINT ELEV = 38.26 - t , .',.�f g... � " - . - B,�11 .. \ �. A = 44,150 SF 50' VG LOW POINT 5TA = 2+60.58 PVI STA = 2+50 I ! S t � � q r�-38 DATE OF APPROVAL ------__ _____________________ .- ��? CHAIRPERSON r PVI ELEV = 37.90 `" °' 4 0� — ( OWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BDA RCQUIRED VOLUME T �) + 1 .� I 0p / PAVEMENT- 6,655 S.F. x 2/12 x 1.00 = 1,109 G.F. p . tA� i VEGETATION: 37,495 S.F. x 2/12 x 0.10 = 625 G,F. 0 EXISTING K = 7.20939, t L�' 1 nl 1 TOTAL VOLUME REQUIRED = 1,134 G.F. v v v> GRADE � ._,w�--�:R �,� I 710 O Q NATURAL OR 50' VG 8 �+ I 8'O �[ OF ":' PLANTED PROVIDED VOLUME PRROPE5ED ry m p , I ITq k6,(1)PCO '`� VEGETATED USE LEACHING FIELD NO.1 ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION + a I o LS o BUFFER I (7) 8 DIA. x 6 DEEP POOLS = 1,774 G.F ` n m N -4944 v di uj \��-, I o I �P�O • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(5) AND/OR SEWAGE D15FI05AL 5Y5TEM(5) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH I ( STUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL w 2.0� E WELL ° , ", - �PtPT z & ST o °\ ` <s°fe o. 36'00 N ( I DEPARTMENT' OF HEALTH SERVICES CONS Nr IN �r� . 1'i QWE L I \ �: err`/�w} 'Pj OPEN SPACE , EFFECT AS OF THI5 DATE. �P�( C O PRESERVATION � � � 5 ✓� � LU I O Q / ! EASEMENT 0 � w ' , I 4 I ,o•%'�' (,:. ��G'"�� "...r".r ~ it '`' • Q I DATUM ELEV w w THOMAS G. YVO P R �,- ry .- r HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.5. L.5. NO. 45893n L E T, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 61483 ,n 1483 fir' 25.00 ' g I ij O 1 FOR INSPECTION POOLS USE DOUGLA5 E. ADAMS, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 80897 \ I ° / R� ' J CAST IRON FRAME 8 COVER :Q! ON 0 0 n r Mo6 CID 1 N N 0 o T `t 0 o r Do ffl o tCl N 0 0 / �N00 m GO � I 1 �007G OR APPROVED EQUAL. v In Ul I[1 �r N n(() a)(3 o�0 ci m rn Lo C(1 N �f rn w� ^� / aAMP13ELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. � «ojj � /y 6� v 5URVEYOR'S CERT I F I GATI ON 0 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 II f / "1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THI5 PLAT / / COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF OF 50UTHOLDWN LAW 8 ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G C� TOWN ` ' "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI5 MAP cAA� - AG�y.� O N PRIVATE ROAD EXTENSION PROFILE PRIVATE ROAD GRADING 4 DRAINAGE PLAN 0 00000 0 000008 �'' " SURVEYS COMPLETED _ _ AND I L C i DRAINAGE 0 000000 MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E 5T 11,`tHW.R fy %T N � +n PIPE ARE CORRECTLY 5HOWN AND ALL DIMENL7" oI?Etsl HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 501 VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 10' SCALE: 1" = 50' , DETAILS ARE CORRECT." '�, l y a o Ah.sC- �. 96893 J� FOR LC5#1.1 8 SAFE OVERFLOW HOWARD W. YOUNG, 5. L.S. 45893 O A N D 5�� USE CAST IRON FRAME b GRATE PRECAST CONCRETE CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB AS 3407 OR APPROVED EQUAL. MFG. BY SUFFOLK GEMENT OR APPROVED EQUAL. �jUBD I VI S I ON ao PEDER50N LEGEND e - 4GI Ax T' x11" IAN BLOCK �t �! E EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT - I Com' _ STNDRD SUBD 11151 Oil WDF =WOOD FENCE CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE FIN. GRADE 2" COMPACTED JAIL•2 6 2023 at East Marion Town of Southold WIF =WIRE FENCE 50' ROW WEARING COARSE I N PAVEMENT 3/4" STONEBLEND i SURFACE _ _ _ VLF =VINYL FENCE ! = Suffolk County, New York DI =DRAINAGE INLET _I r � \-6ROUT AROUND Planning Board RO =ROOF OVER 25'-O" 25'-O" .o ENTIRE PIPE FINAL ROAD 4 DRA I NAGE DETAILS SBL =SETBACK LINE I o SP =STONE PAVEMENT _ CO o _ 101-01, 7'-O" 8'-O" 81-011 7'-O" 10'-011- - - County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 05 Lot 15 " n DRAIN RING5 AS MPG. a -UTILITY POLE 4 - X 51 PRECAST CONCRETE El =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET I "" '' 'r m Q O MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 ■ =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND ;,```.. :; /; ; O BY SUFFOLK GEMENT D =WOOD STAKE SET I - 4" TOPSOIL OR APPROVED EQUAL. ® =WOOD STAKE FOUND 8 SEED MOUNTABLE;'" j", /\! ' ;f s BELGIAN ; . ' �ti �Do Record of Revisions REVISION DATE • 0p 3" GROWN % <:�. x;;: O =IRON PIPE FOUND /:g .� BLOCK CURB ®�® TOS PLANNINF� SFP- 70, 2021 =LIGHT POLE M4X. I I GENERAL OCT. 24, 2022 RCF =REBAR A CAP FOUND 1/4":I' l/4":I' �4" RECYCLED CONCRETE 1211 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 13, 2022 Q = BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION BASE COURSE 8'-0" LEGEND JAN. 23, 2023 �B BB = DITCH BANK /.•3 ppF !" STABILIZED SOIL BASE 4. 3500 PSI CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS 2'MIN. 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION MgX SAD 8 GRgVON BANK-RUN EL OR COMPACTED GW EL + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION - - - -"- -- =PROPOSED CONTOUR STONE BLEND ROADWAY SECTION STONE BLEND PAVEMENT 5EGTION MOUNTABLE BELE IAN BLOCK CURB LEACHING POOL m -- =EXISTING CONTOUR 100 0 50 100 200 300 =TRIBUTARY AREA NT5 NT5 NT5 NTS PRE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE Scale: As Shown 0. JOB NO. 2018-0095 DWG. 2018_0095_flnal_road_drain 2 OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY UNES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABUSH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION Or FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON STALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION USTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS- (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. %%F U4 50' 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 MIN. N tel. 631.•727.2303 fax. 631.721.0144 �w admin®youngeng(neering.com EXISTING STONE PAVEMENT 2' EXISTING \� S. PAVEMENT 4 �♦ GRouND ' r9 4�t GENERA. POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES STABILIZE L I ZED 4 � CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE NY5DEC GENERAL ' . .,.. <; % ,•% "' :'- Howard W. Yovng, Land Surveyor 5TORMWATER PERMIT, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION z MOUNTABLE BERM t 9: ENTRANCE a, pjp Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEA5URE5 INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED FILTER CLOTH PROFILE (OPTIONAL) W E 0." q8 Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer TO, THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE EMPLOYED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 7J i Iq q •65 �v TEMPORARY Robert G. Tost, Architect I. EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED (BY STOCKPILE AREA Robert Stromski, Architect INSTALLATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCE OR OTHER APPROVED 50' _I �- ;' I t MEANS) AND SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED. MIN. r/n I FRAME 2. CLEARING AND GRADING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 50 AS TO WA5HRACK N z GARAGE CONCRETE V� MINIMIZE THE EXTENT OF EXP05ED AREAS AND THE LENGTH OF (OPTIONAL) SITE DATA TIME THAT AREAS ARE EXPOSED. GRADED AND STRIPPED. S I WASH-OUT AREAS SHALL BE KEPT STABILIZED THROUGH THE USE OFTEMPORARY 0 I TOTAL AREA = q.2055 AG. OR 401 135 5F. ACCORDANCE WITDH SOIL INrREOUIRVATIOEDSE XTURES SHALL BE IN �` : =.`'_v ::> - , :' :,::- 2 AREA -. s MtN: EXISTING — KATS C,40URT - REGOMMENDATIONS. IN AREAS WHERE 501 DISTURBANCE HAS EXISTING - (�,z �1 . ...'., ;>''f;LDAR�-1T,-• ; x =; ':_t ". PAVEMENT a� '... TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, TEMPORARY AND/OR GROUNDAGGfGATg .',. :<,,.•,,*:-: I APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON KATARINA PEDERSON PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND/OR IMPLEMENTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. (Fri\vate, Road) / / 51 LT FENCE - 3. THE LENGTH AND STEEPNESS OF CLEARED SLOPES SHALL BE I I ?, / * CURRENT ZONING R-40 MINIMIZED TO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITIES. RUNOFF SHALL BE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT 1 PLAN r N 40 �' �` I I * VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 DIVERTED AWAY FROM CLEARED SLOPES. TRAPP jN DEVICE-/I EE B''�100AI ge I LAT�RAL op I 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE TRAPPED ON THE 51TE AND NOT '; 7, tF I VFGE�D PERMITTED TO ENTER ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR PUBLIC ROADS ; OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE �' OCKCvRB I BVFF�R rF0 INSTALLED ALONG THE LIMITS OF D15TURBANGE PRIOR TO THE GON NE SIZE ION NOTES IV E START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL j i. STONE 512E-USE 2"STONE,OR A RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. � ?,' a 4 \ \ __ _ LJ CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. - ` - --- 2. LENGTH-NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 30 -,�-� t d. / � q0 AO , \ r- LEGEND FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). d 5. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED 3. THICKNE55-NOT LE55 THAN 6". ' / 1 S I 3 \ JAN '2 6 2023 " TO PREVENT 501L AND L005E DEBRIS FROM BEING TRACKED 4. WIDTH- 12'MINIMUM BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POIN75 WHERE IN6RE55 OR ONTO LOCAL ROADS. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE 3\S EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT EGRESS OCCURS. ' fQ �_____ -_--- 5. FILTER CLOTH-WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLAGINS OF STONE. ' j °'9 40 I SO \ Southold Town MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 6. SURFACE WATER-ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION J, Q) \ \ WDF =WOOD FENCE ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 IMPRACTICAL,A I L�./� „ \ �'lanning Board CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE 6. ALL RUNOFF SHALL BE RETAINED ON-51TE IN ACCORDANCE MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. \ n" WIF =WIRE FENCE 7. MAINTENANCE- THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL GR T ' WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS AND APPROVALS. DRAINAGE INLETS PREVENT TRACKINS OR FLOWIN6 OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RI6HT5-OF-WAY.ALL SEDIMENT ( q)`� VLF =VINYL FENCE INSTALLED ON-51TE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED,OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED Z6--3 38 DI = DRAINAGE INLET IMMEDIATELY. BUILDUP THROUGH THE USE OF APPROPRIATE INLET PROTECTION. 4 O 8. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED EVERY SEVEN(7) i `\, ��. OQ •• � ,_� PO =ROOF OVER CALENDAR DAYS. ( 1 I fry SBL =SETBACK LINE 7. THE FOLLOWING MEANS SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL DUST tF \ SP =STONE PAVEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. WATER-DOWN ACCESS WAYS, NATURAL OR STOCKPILES, AND MATERIAL PRIOR TO LOADING; B. LIMIT ON-SITE ) \ T " UTILITY POLE VEHICULAR SPEEDS TO 5 MPH; G. PROPER-Y COVER TRUCKS STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE i a 8'Ol t OF I PLANTED �' O =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET CARTING L005E MATERIAL AND GONSTRUGTION DEBRIS. NT5 I I A, �>)p VEGETATED I E! =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND OF OOLs I BUFrER ; \ 0 =WOOD STAKE SET 8. SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER EROSON CONTROL MEASURES ` I5n C/D _.-; " I { =WOOD STAKE FOUND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL UPLAND D15TURBED AREAS ARE �j i I I yQP� ' ! OO =IRON PIPE FOUND PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. FOLLOWING PERMANENT \ f =LIGHT POLE STABILIZATION, PAVED AREAS SHALL BE GLEANED OF SOIL AND i rq/V I} l RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND DEBRIS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE GLEANED AND FLUSHED A5 NECESSARY. ' E WELL ° I a \ R,q TF, GFPj�p f I \ =BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION PROPERMAINTENANCE F EROSION G N ME RE 3 SLOPE & S-T- Q \ a \ <sQ�e oVe36 pp Ilil ( I t i \ —DB—DB—- = DITCH BANK 1 ON 9. O O TIROL ASU 5 IS TO I WE L O �'f/Ow �j 'pj OPEN SPACE I 38,50 -PROPOSED ELEVATION <... BE PERFORMED AS INDICATED BY PERIODIC INSPECTION AND AFTER HEAVY OR PROLONGED STORMS. MAINTENANCE MEASURES h \ \ �= 9Y1 I 1 ! + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION - ARE TO INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, GLEANING OF I O I' PRESERVATION - - 3 ---- =PROPOSED CONTOUR CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE ' _ I \ --- "' =EXISTING CONTOUR RECHARGE BASINS, SEDIMENT TRAPS AND DRYWELLS, GLEANING AROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER N AND REPAIR OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS REPAIR OF BERMS AND I EASEMENT --�- =TRIBUTARY AREA OF STOCKPILE I � I I \ II RUNOFF DIVERTER5, AND GLEANING AND REPAIR OF INLET X / I I \ I PBE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE PROTECTION DEVICES. 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY STOCKPILE GRADE n WITH ALL LOCAL REGULATIONS GONCERNIN6 THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AND DEBRIS AND TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS WELL AS SANITARY SEWER AND SEPTIC SYSTEM RE6ULATION5. 11. CONCRETE WASH-OUT OF READY-MIX TRUCKS 15 NOT O / S a PERMITTED AT TH15 SITE. 0- I 9 •� � � � SMF - I - ED ��' l g UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR GON5TR r.,,n0N NOTES ; 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE NEGE55ARY RECORDS OF I.PROTECTION OF STOCKPILES I5 A YEAR-ROUND REQUIREMENT. w CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, PREPARATION OF INSPECTION 2.STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 50 FT. FROM + �/ / SILT FENCE t REPORTS, AND REPORTING RELEASE OF POLLUTANTS TO THE CONCENTRATED STORMwATER FLOWS,AND INLETS. �I r / f ENGINEPR'S CERTIFICATION 01 PROPER AUTHORITIES AS NEGE55ARY TO COMPLY WITH THE AS APPROPRIATE.5.KIND EROSION ONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE USED ON ALL STOCKPILES f j 1-00" I 7 / NY5DEC GENERAL 5TORMWATER PERMIT. THE CONTRACTOR 4.REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE PERIMETER CONTROLS AS NEEDED,OR A5 / / / DIRECTED BT'ENGINEER. ? l SHALL REPORT ANY REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THE 5WPPP / I rn 5.5EDIMENT5 SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION REACH5 NECESSITATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS OR CONSTRUCTION ONE-THIRD(1/3)OF THE BARRIER HEIGHT. o ACTIVITIES TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVISION OF THE 5WPPP oC�o �� �I WHERE APPROPRIATE. , , r „ TEMPORARY STOCKPILE --®� R a �' o �q �� C. b VCS m I I# / i a j I n. I CO I jt I � 0` fir,",,.�'.fl�'+"•�' NC I / / ,+�d�" �. //EAS' d✓ , �a r g' LL 1 .;`_ 1 U � HAY SALE I f / f I -� I OPEN SPACE BERM SAND BAG THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 COMPACTED _ \ ! I r / DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 808°i7� �` 3 BACKFILL WOOD FRAME ' PRESERVATION j I ,�, �,�� SECURELY PLASTIC FASTENED AROUND EASEMENT - WOVEN WIRE FENCE LINER ENTIRE PERIMETER I f / j ITURAL OR f OPEN SPAC , ' P ATaED 5USDIVISION FILTER CLOTH P� ESERVATIQN 1 �, \ ; I < VEE TED 1 EASEI�lIEN BUFFER _ _ _ T SECTION A-A SECTION B-B STANDARD 5U5P 11/151 ON R, I UNDISTURBED DISTURBED LATH AND FLAGGING L I AREA FLOW AREA ON THREE 51DE5 FIR FRAMEOUSH LOGK 1. l / at East Marion, Town of Southold TOP OF BERM gZ S I I M SAND BAG O 1 it ; f • Suffolk County, New York I I I I j I f SECTION STORMYVATER M,4NAGEMENT CONTROL PLAN o FENCE HAY BALE j I Count Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 05 Lot 15 0 8.00 y ° MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 I II PLASTIC I ` 1 Record of Revisions LINER A A B $ i 1 REVISION DATE �Q• t I / \ TOS PLANNING SEP. !20 2921 ' 6ENERAL OCT. 24, 2022 i _ "•t•� -''� - •.�:�- '•�� t _ ,` ' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 13, 2022 - - _ ? f LEGEND JAN. 23 2023 46 c� P51 cD CO ELEVATION "BELOW GRADE" PLAN "ABOVE GRADE" PLAN ... I I 1 50 O 25 50 100 150 SILT FENCE CONCRETE )NA5HOUT _ — — — — — — — . JOB NO. 2018-0095 r NTS NT5 I ! I 1 \ DWG. 2018_0095_ffro I—road—drain 3 OF 3 ,. I OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ®� SQU P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ®�� ��®� Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone:631 765-1938 Southold,NY www.southoldtownny.gov 1, C®UNTI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 25, 2023 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 . Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Final Plat Approval— Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, located on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/-70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion. SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, April 24, 2023: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. WHEREAS, on September 14, 2020, the Planning Board granted a Negative Declaration under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, and granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021, the Planning Board granted Conditional Final Plat Approval on the application; and WHEREAS, on December 21, 2022, the applicant submitted the revised Final Plat with corrections made; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, the applicant submitted the revised Final Road & Drainage Plans for review, and the Town Engineer reviewed and approved the plans; and Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 12 April 25, 2023 WHEREAS, on January 20, 2023, the Town Engineer submitted the Performance Bond Estimate in the amount of$71,952; and WHEREAS, on January 26, 2023, the applicant submitted the required five copies of the Final Road & Drainage plans; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2023, the applicant submitted the Performance Bond in the form of an official bank check from CitiBank, check#116497118, in the amount of $71,952, and the Administration Fee in check#106 in the amount of$4,317.12; and WHEREAS, on March 28, 2023, the Southold Town Board accepted the Performance Bond in the form of an official bank check from CitiBank, check#116497118, in the amount of$71,952; and WHEREAS, on March 28, 2023, the applicant submitted the Park and Playground Fee in the amount of$14,000 on check#108; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2023, the applicant submitted 12 paper copies and 4 mylars of the Final Plat with the approval stamp of the SCDHS, and submitted proof of recording of the covenants; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2023, the Town Highway Superintendent approved the Final Road &Drainage Plans; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2023, at their work session, the Planning Board found that all the conditions of the Conditional Final Plat approval have been met; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Final Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Pederson Standard Subdivision, Final Plat" prepared by Young & Young, dated September 23, 2020, and last revised on December 13, 2022, and including the three-page Final Road & Drainage Plan entitled "Pederson Standard Subdivision, Final Road & Drainage Plan, dated September 23, 2020, and last revised January 23, 2023 and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the maps. Upon endorsement of the Final Plat by the Chairman, the mylars and paper prints must be picked up at this office and the Final Plat filed with the Suffolk County Clerk by the applicant within 62 days of the date of Final Plat Approval, or such approval shall expire. Final Plat Approval shall be determined in accordance with §276 of the New York State Town Law. The Final Plat is void if revised after approval. No changes, erasures, modification(s), or revisions shall be made to any Final Plat after it has been approved by the Planning Board, and such approval has been endorsed in writing on the plat, unless the said plat is first re-submitted to the Planning Board and the Planning Board approves any modifications. In the event that any such Final Plat is filed without complying with this requirement, the same shall be considered null and void, and the Planning Board shall Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 13 April 25, 2023_ institute proceedings to have the Final Plat stricken from the records of the Suffolk County Clerk. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. R ectfully, Donald J. Wi nski Chairman RECEIVED CHARLES R. CUDDY PR I I 3 Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue 66th-ok l oml Riverhead, NY 11901 Planning Board mmm Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 e-mail:charlescuddy c optonline.net April 6, 2023 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Lanza: We are enclosing a certified copy of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions as recorded with the County Clerk on April 3,2023,at Liber D00013195 page 864,as well as,a letter from Katarina Pederson regarding installation of the monument. In addition, enclosed please find four(4)mylars and twelve (12)prints of the final subdivision map endorsed with health department approval. Please arrange to have the map signed by the Chairman so we may file it with the County Clerk. Thank you. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ik Enclosure Katarina Pederson 133 West 22nd Street, Apt. IOD New York, NY 10011 Re: Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 A , This is to confirm that I will have a monument installed at the far southwest corner of the subdivision, where there is a change in direction of the subdivision line. The monument installation will be installed before requesting a building permit for any of the three (3) lots in the subdivision. In the event the monument is not timely installed, I understand a Stop Work Order may be issued. Katarina Pederson Sworn to before me this qday A*�'1##MIMYpd AAd p��y��A of Aorl , 2023. ,,,.. ° t ,q '•.., v trAus � ; Hied in , eskryw , 01 FA6310498,,* EX y CC# : C23-11671 a -�a COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK The Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 04/03/2023 under Liber D00013195 and Page 864 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 04/03/2023 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK V VINCENT PULEO SEAL fl tl m I I��III III��III��III��I�I II�� III�I II�I�I�I�I III I��I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 04/03/2023 Number of Pages: 24 At: 03 :44 :31 PM Receipt Number : 23-0045357 LIBER: D00013195 PAGE : 864 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 021 .00 03.00 015 . 000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $120 .00 NO Handling $20 .00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00, �d,�,�r NO TP-584 $0 . 00 NO Notation $12 . 00 No , Cert.Copies $30 .00 NO RPT $200 . 00 NO Fees Paid $402 .00 � d THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Vincent Puleo County Clerk, Suffolk County o 7 ' , . . RECORDED Number of pages 21= Apr 03 07544:��l R1 CLERK OF This document will be public SUFFOLK COUNTY record. Pleaseremove all P 864 Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Recording/Filing Stamps Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed Mortgage Tax Stamp Page/Filing Fee 0 Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX FN Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. z�(3 Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax Mansion Tax Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is 0 or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other If NO,see appropriate tax clause on Grand Total— cr page# of this instrument. 4 1 Dist. 1000 5051372 1000 02100 0300 015000 5 Community Preservation Fund Agency 003=4 CPF Tax Due $ Verification Improved Sabsfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mafling Address 6 RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue TD Riverhead, NY 11901 TD TD Mail to: Vincent Puleo, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Ti le Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part n[the attached Declaration ofCovenants and Restrictions made by: (SPsmp,TvPsopINSTRUMENT) K=tarina Pederson The premises herein issituated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO |nthe TOWN nf Southold Town of aootuvlo |ntheNLLAGE orHAMLET ufEast Marion BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BETYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DECLARATION made this 07 day of . 2o 3,by Katarina .............. Pederson,presently residing at 33 West 22nd Street,Apartment IOD,New York,New York, 10011,hereinafter referred to as the DECLARANT. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at Circle Drive in the hamlet of East Marion,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, State of New York,more particularly bounded and described in Schedule"A"annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Property);and WHEREAS,the Declarant has made an application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold to subdivide said real property into three building lots as shown on the Subdivision Map entitled"Pederson Standard Subdivision Final Plat"prepared by Young &Young,dated September 23,2020,and last revised on December 13,2022,to be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,and hereinafter referred to as the"Subdivision Map";and WHEREAS,for and in consideration of the granting of said subdivision application shown on the Subdivision Map,and as a condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold Planning Board has required that this Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office;and WHEREAS,the purpose of these covenants is to mitigate environmental and public health,safety and welfare impacts from the subdivision and development of the subject property,and to further the goals of the Town's Comprehensive Plan;and WHEREAS,the Subdivision Map contains a 50' foot-wide right of way that begins at the intersection of Aquaview Avenue,runs over Circle Drive,a private right of way,for approximately 100 feet,and continues on to the subject property where it becomes a private road and cul-de-sac named Kat's Court,which provides a common access of ingress and egress to Aquaview Avenue for the lots on this Subdivision Map, and is more particularly bounded and described in Schedules"B"and"B I";and I--, WHEREAS,the Town Planning Board's subdivision approval includes,in addition to the Subdivision Map,a three-page plan entitled"Pederson Standard Subdivision Final Road&Drainage Plan"prepared by Young&Young,dated September 23,2020,and last revised on December 13,2022,and hereinafter referred to as the"Final Road&Drainage Plan",upon which are stated the specifications for the aforementioned right of way and related storm-water drainage controls and other specific requirements including but not limited to road surface details and street trees;and WHEREAS,the DECLARANTS desire to provide for maintenance and management of the aforementioned right of way;and WfIF,REAS,§278 of New York State Town Law authorizes cluster development of subdivisions for the purpose of preserving the natural and scenic qualities of open lands;and WTIEREAS,Section 240-42H of the Subdivision Code of the Town of Southold requires that Standard Subdivisions of properties seven acres or'more in size be developed as clustered subdivisions and preserve a minimum of 60%of the buildable lands as open space in perpetuity;and WHEREAS,as a condition of approval of this standard subdivision plat and to further the Town's goals of land preservation,the Southold Town Planning Board has found that 60%of buildable lands for the aforementioned property equals 5.5 acres,and that the subdivision map contains 5.6 acres that is designated as open space.The Planning Board has required that these covenants include specific restrictions over that portion of the property,shown on the aforementioned Subdivision Map as"Open Space Preservation Easement"in Lots 1.,2 and 3;and WHEREAS,the DECLARANT has considered the foregoing and has determined that the same will be for the best interests of the DECLARANT and subsequent owners of the Property. NOW,THEREFORE,THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the DECLARANT for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed,does hereby make known,admit,publish,covenant and agree that the Property herein described shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited,to wit: 2 1. No further subdivision There shall be no further subdivision of any of the lots shown on the aforesaid Subdivision Map resulting in additional building lots.In addition,no lot lines shall be modified unless authorized by resolution of the Southold Town Planning Board. 2. Septic systems/wastewater treatment systems Traditional septic systems are not permitted to be used on Lots 2 and 3 as shown on the Subdivision Map,The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system J/A OWTS),as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services'Article 19,or future technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as,or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above,is required for Lots 2 and 3 as shown on the Subdivision Map. 3. Driveway for Lot 3 The driveway for Lot 3 shall be located as far south as feasible and at least 60 feet away from the southern property line of the adjacent lot to the north. 4. Right of Way Access and Maintenance Requirements The owners of Lots 1,2&3 shall share a private right of way as shown on the Subdivision Map and described in more detail on the Final Road&Drainage Plan. The right of way is split into two main parts,one part is an existing private road named Circle Drive,and the second part is the new private road for this subdivision named Kat's Court set forth at Schedules"B"and"B I The said right of way is more particularly bounded and described in Schedules"B" and"BI"and hereinafter referred to as the"Right of Way".Reference to Lot Owners or Lot in this Paragraph 4 shall refer to Lots 1,2 and 3. Each of the aforesaid lots contains a portion of Kat's Court.Circle Drive is a separate tax parcel and serves not only this subdivision,but may also have others that have deeded rights to use it as 3 access.The Right of Way as referred to in this document includes only that area of Circle Drive that is described and shown on the Subdivision Map and Final Road& Drainage Plan. Upon the initial sale of each Lot,an access easement,including the specific maintenance requirements in subparagraphs(a)through(i)below,is required to be filed in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk granting access for that lot over the Right of Way(Kat's Court and Circle Drive)and specifying the maintenance responsibilities for each lot.Proof of filing shall be submitted to the Southold Town Planning Board office. The use of the Right of Way shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The owners of the Lots shall have the joint,equal and mutual right to use, maintain and improve the Fight of Way as shown on the Subdivision Map and Final Road&Drainage Plan for the purpose of ingress and egress to their respective lots to and from Aquaview Avenue. b. The terms"owner,""lot owner"or"lot owners"as used in this Declaration shall be deemed to include any heirs,distributees,successors and assigns of the Declarant and the respective Lot Owners. c. The word"maintenance,"as used in this section,shall be deemed to mean all costs and expenses in connection with the Right of Way as necessary to provide safe and adequate ingress and egress and comply with the approved Final Road&Drainage Plan,,including the maintenance or replacement of the Right of Way;installation of common underground utilities and maintenance and replacement thereof,maintenance of drainage infrastructure serving the Right of Way;snow plowing;sweeping;surfacing and re-surfacing;re-paving or re-gravelling;removal of debris and filling in of holes. d, "Maintenance"shall not include improvements or upgrades to the Right of Way beyond those required by the Final Road&Drainage Plan("Upgrades"). Upgrades may occur only with written approval by the Planning Board,and unanimous consent of all Lot Owners. 4 e. All decisions for the maintenance of the Right of Way shall be made by a majority vote of the Lot Owners.There shall be(1)one vote per subject Lot. Any Lot Owner may initiate a vote on any maintenance or improvement matter by sending a notice by certified mail,return receipt requested,to the other lot owners. Said notice shall contain all information necessary to make an informed decision on the matter.Any lot owner not voting,in writing, affirmatively or negatively within sixty(60)days of the mailing of that notice shall be bound by the decision of those who do vote.A tie vote shall be considered approval of the proposition. E The Right of Way shall always be maintained,at a minimum,to the specifications shown on the Final Road&Drainage Plan,and so as to be passable by ordinary passenger,service and emergency vehicles.This shall include prompt repair of any"potholes"or similar defects which cause the Right of Way to become substandard.The Right of Way will be kept clear of vegetation or other obstructions as required by applicable regulations.Each Lot Owner shall be responsible for any damage to the Right of Way caused by construction or transportation activities and vehicles relating to the improvement of their subject lot in accordance with subparagraph(i)below. & The storm-water drainage systems for the Right of Way,shall always be maintained to function as specified on the Final Road&Drainage Plan. h. In the event one of the Lot Owners fails to pay their proportionate share of maintenance costs within(30)thirty days of notification of charges,such unpaid monies may be collected proportionately from the other Lot Owners. In this event,all Lot Owners having duly paid both their proportionate share of maintenance costs and that of the defaulting Lot Owner shall be deemed the contractor as defined in the New York Lien Law.The Lot of the defaulting Lot Owner shall be subject to applicable liens of the paying Lot Owners.The paying Lot Owners may also commence an action against the defaulting Lot Owner,in a court of appropriate jurisdiction,in order recover the unpaid monies.In any action commenced against a defaulting Lot Owner,there shall be a presumption that the maintenance work for which monies are owed was 5 validly authorized by the majority of the Lot Owners and was competently performed by the contractor who did the work.A defaulting Lot Owner shall be liable for its share of all maintenance costs and expenses,including but not limited to attorney's fees which are incurred by the paying Lot Owners who prevail in recovering the defaulting tot owner's unpaid share of maintenance costs. i. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,each and every Lot Owner shall repair,at his/her sole cost and expense,any damage done to the Right of Way by construction traffic or other implements used in the construction of improvements on the particular lot owner's land.Any failure to make or pay for such repair may be treated by the other Lot Owners as a default in the payment of maintenance costs,in accordance with sub-paragraph(h)above. 5. Drainage Easement on Lot 3 An easement granting access to Lots I &2 to conduct maintenance of the drainage area for the road,as shown on the Final Road&Drainage Plan and Subdivision Map, and described in Schedule C annexed hereto,must be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk. 6. Clearing Restrictions&Timing of Clearing Related to Protected Species Prior to building permits being issued,the following procedures must be followed: a. Northern Long-eared Bats Prior to receiving building permits and prior to any clearing or grading,contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC) Regional Office to determine if a clearing timeframe must be applied for the protection of the Northern Long-Eared Bats that may be present in this area. Provide the NYSDEC written response to the Planning Board and Building Department for our records.At the time this subdivision was approved,the Northern Long-Eared Bat and its habitat were federally listed and protected by the U.S.Endangered Species Act. 6 b. Woodland Box Turtles At the time this subdivision was approved,the Woodland Box Turtle(aka Eastern Box Turtle)was a New York State-listed species of Special Concern.Measures to protect the species from becoming threatened are necessary. These measures must be followed prior to building permits being issued,and during the construction process.The measures are described in the Protocol for Eastern/Woodland Box Turtle Conservation During Construction adopted by and on file with the Southold Town Planning Board. c. Lots 1,2 and 3 are subject to clearing restrictions pursuant to Southold Town Code,as shown on the Subdivision Map. d. Limit of Clearing The permissible limit of clearing is as follows: Lot I maximum clearing is 33,390 square feet Lot 2 maximum clearing is 25,452 square feet Lot 3 maximum clearing is 26,854 square feet e. Existing vegetation shall be preserved in all areas outside the limits of permissible clearing. f. No clearing is permitted in the Open Space Preservation Areas(see Clause above/below) g. Prior to building permits being issued,the clearing limits,and amount of land to be cleared shall be shown on the survey submitted in the building permit application. h. Prior to any clearing or grading,the clearing limits,open space preservation areas and buffers shall be clearly staked on site and certified by a New York State licensed engineer or surveyor as meeting the aforementioned clearing limits, buffers and open space preservation areas shown on the Subdivision Map.Said certification must be submitted for review and approval by the Town Planning Department. i. After clearing and prior to beginning construction,the cleared area must be inspected by a Town official(either Building,Planning or Engineering 7 Department)to confirm the cleared area conforms to the approved clearing restrictions. j. Clearing of trees and vegetation beyond the permitted amount for each lot is not permitted without prior written approval of a revegetation plan from the Planning Board. k. In the event that a lot is cleared beyond the aforementioned permissible limit,the areas must be revegetated according to a plan approved in writing by the Planning Board. 7. Vegetated Buffer,Natural or Planted A 15'wide Natural or Planted Vegetated Buffer shall be maintained along the northern property line of Lot 3 as shown on the Subdivision Map. A 30'wide Natural or Planted Vegetated Buffer shall be maintained along the eastern property line of Lots 2 and 3. The purpose of the Vegetated Buffers is to provide screening of any new development to the adjacent lots,preserve existing trees and allow landscaping with native species. a. Prior to clearing or grading,the limits of the buffers shall be clearly marked with stakes as noted in item 6.h.above. b. Prohibited in the Vegetated Buffer i. The cutting,removal or disturbance of trees greater than 6"dbh. ii. Placement of structures,except as permitted below. iii. Excavation and grading iv. Removal of soil v. Dumping of fill or noxious materials c. Permitted in the Vegetated Buffer 8 i. Removal of diseased,damaged or dead trees.The removal of trees in the vegetated buffer is prohibited,except in the case of disease or damage that causes the tree to be a threat to human safety.A report from an arborist must be submitted to the Planning Board for their review and written approval prior to the removal of the tree(s).Any trees that die or are removed shall be replaced by the landowner within six months with species approved by the Planning Board. ii. Removal of invasive vines and other invasive plant species that threaten to overwhelm native trees and vegetation.Extensive invasive plant removal will require a revegetation plan submitted to and approved by the Planning Board prior to any clearing of any vegetation. iii. Planting of native,drought tolerant vegetation to supplement existing vegetation. iv. Structures and Fences No structures are permitted in the vegetated buffer,except a fence along the property line is permitted. 8. Storm-water Runoff Management a. All stormwater management and drainage controls associated with the Right of Way shall be maintained in working order as shown on the Final Road& Drainage Plan.Maintenance responsibilities for the drainage structures are described in more detail in Section 4 Right of Way Access and Maintenance Requirements of this document b. All stormwater run-off resulting from the development of the lots on the Subdivision Map shall be retained on site and shall be the responsibility of each lot owner. 9. Lighting a. All exterior lights shall comply with Town Code requirements pursuant to Town Code Chapter 172 Lighting,Outdoor,currently or as may be amended 9 10.Utilities a. Utilities,including but not limited to electric,gas,telephone,cable and water, must be located underground, b. Utility Easement for Electric,Cable,Gas and Water Service. Upon the initial sale of each lot,a utility easement over the Right of Way to supply Lots 1,2&3 with utilities must be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk. 11. Street Trees Nine street trees are required to be planted and maintained along the Right of Way as shown on the Final Road&Drainage Plan. Each lot owner is responsible for maintaining the street trees on their lot in good condition and replacing them in case they die or are removed for any reason. No street trees may be removed,except in the case of trees that are dead or diseased and are a safety hazard,and only after submitting an arborist's report to the Planning Board and the Planning Board issuing their approval in writing to remove the tree. Replacement of missing street trees must be done within six months with a species acceptable to the Planning Board. 12.Water Supply Wells a. 'To conserve potable water,all water supply wells on Lots 1,2&3 are limited to a maximum flow rate of 10 gallons per minute. 13.Irrigation,landscaping and fertilizer restrictions: a. The area of installed irrigation system shall be limited to 15%of the total lot area. b. Use smart irrigation control systems to prevent over-watering; c. The use of synthetic fertilizers,herbicides or pesticides is prohibited; d. The use of native,drought-tolerant plants that are on the list approved by the Planning Department are required in landscaping said lots. e. The use of fertilizer products containing nitrogen,phosphorus or potassium is prohibited between November I and April 1. 10 f. Only organic fertilizers where the water soluble nitrogen is no more than 20%of the total nitrogen in the mixture may be utilized on the lots. g. A maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1,000 square feet per year is permitted. h. The use of lawn fertilizer containing phosphorous is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or a soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphor-us. i. Any fertilizer that is spilled on impervious surfaces shall be immediately picked LIP. 14.Underground storage tanks are prohibited,except those with spill,overfill and corrosion protection requirements in place. 1.5.Open Space Preservation Areas Permitted Uses&Restrictions The Open Space Preservation Areas,as shown on the Subdivision Map,consist of a total of 5.6 acres and are located on Lots 1,2,&3 of the Subdivision Map and respectfully described at Schedules"D,"I"E",and"F" The open space was permitted VVI to be split among the three lots rather than all in one large area due to a fifty percent reduction in the yield. The purpose of the Open Space Preservation Areas is the conservation of open land in its natural state including a wildlife sanctuary or similar conservation use.The specific restrictions are as follow: Prohibited a. Vegetation Removal or Disturbance The cutting,removal or disturbance of vegetation,including trees,shrubs,and groundcover,is prohibited,except where necessary to conduct permitted activities,or to remove dead or invasive non-native plants or trees.Any cutting removal or disturbance of vegetation must receive prior written consent of the Southold Town Planning Board.This written consent may be granted only to control or prevent the spread of disease or invasive plant or animal species.The Open Space Preservation Area may be supplemented with native vegetation plantings according to a re-vegetation plan with prior written consent of the Southold Town Planning Board, b. Structures. No buildings or other structures or improvements may be erected or constructed, except a fence on the property line is generally permitted.Clearing for a fence line must avoid and preserve any trees of 6"dbh or larger. c. Excavation,Grading and Removal of Materials,and Mining Excavation,grading,removal of materials and mining are prohibited.Mineral exploitation,and extraction by any method,surface or subsurface,is prohibited. The removal of topsoil.,sand,or other materials shall not take place,nor shall the topography be changed. d. Motorized vehicles.The use of motorized vehicles within the Open Space area is prohibited,including but not limited to recreational vehicles,dirt bikes,and all- terrain vehicles(ATV's). e. Soil Degradation and Water Pollution Any use or activity that causes or is likely to cause soil degradation,compaction or erosion or pollution of any surface or subsurface waters is prohibited. f. Dumping The dumping or accumulation of unsightly or offensive materials including,but not limited to trash,garbage,sawdust,ashes or chemical waste is prohibited. g. Utilities The creation or placement of overhead utility transmission lines and utility poles is prohibited.Underground utilities are permitted, h. Drainage The use of the Open Space for drainage is prohibited except in cases where the drainage area will remain natural,unfenced,and vegetated. i. Other Uses The use of the Open Space for any commercial or industrial purpose is prohibited. Other uses not permitted include paintball,shooting ranges,swimming pools, 12 tennis courts,solar panels,wireless facilities(cell towers),and all uses that are not consistent with the purposes of these covenants. j. Development Rights The use of the acreage of this Open Space for purposes of calculating lot yield on any other property is prohibited.All existing development rights,and any further development rights that may be created through a rezoning of the Open Space Preservation Area,except those required to carry out the permitted uses of and activities on the Open Space,are terminated and extinguished and may not be used or transferred to any other parcels Permitted a. Passive Outdoor Recreation "Passive outdoor recreation",defined as dispersed,noncommercial,nonexclusive, and non-motorized public recreational activities that do not rely on buildings or spectator facilities and have minimal impact on natural resources,is permitted. Such uses include hiking,natural trails,nature observation,picnicking,cross- country skiing,snowshoeing,bird watching,hunting and enjoyment of open space. The within Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the DECLARANT,its successors and assigns,and upon all persons or entities claiming under them,and may not be annulled,waived,changed,modified,terminated, revoked,or amended by the current owner or subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor,following a public hearing. IT any section,subsection,paragraph,clause,phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall,by a Court of competent jurisdiction,be adjudged illegal, unlawful,invalid or held to be unconstitutional,the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole,or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal,unlawful,invalid,or unconstitutional. 13 . . . Schedule A. Legal Description of the Entire Property Schedule B. Legal Description ofaportion ofthe private right ofway Kat'aCourt Schedule B1. Legal Description of a portion of the private right of way Kat's Court Schedule C. Legal Description ofthe Drainage Easement Area Schedule D. Legal Description ufLot 1Open Space Area Schedule E. Legal Description ofLot 2Open Space Area Schedule F. Legal Description ofLot 3Open Space Area 15 SCHEDULE A Pederson Standard Subdivision At East Marion,Town of Southold Suffolk County,New York SCTM No.: 1000-21-3-15 Surveyor's Description ALL those certain plots,pieces or parcels of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate,lying,and being at East Marion,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,bounded and described as follows: Subdivision Perimeter BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive,said point being situate South 12 deg.23 min.00 see.West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence from said point of beginning along land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas&Gus Mantikas,along land now or formerly Comisa.Panos,along land now formerly Anna Melis Bilianis&Nicholas Bilianis,and along land now or formerly George Kaitery& Anthoula Kaitery the following three(3)courses and distances: 1. South 12 deg.23 min.00 see.West 79.33 feet, 2. South 69 deg. 10 min. 10 sec.East 215.00 feet, 3 South 75 deg. 15 min.50 see.East 114.82 feet land now or formerly George S. Cambourakis; RUNNING thence South 10 deg.46 min.00 sec.East along lands now or formerly George S.Cambourakis and along land now or formerly Niki Mangos 396.49 feet to land now or formerly Greg Pepe; RUNNING thence South 89 deg.57 min.40 see.West along land now or formerly Greg Pepe and along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 300.00 feet to a point; RUNNING thence South 10 deg.46 min.00 sec.East along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 196.00 feet to a monument found and Lot 5,Subdivision,"Aquaview Park",Suffolk County File No.5621; RUNNING thence South 89 deg.57 min.40 sec.West along Subdivision,"Aquaview Park"464.89 feet to land now or formerly Marie Dalli; RUNNING thence North 07 deg.05 min.20 sec.West along land now or formerly Marie Dalli,along land now or formerly Carmella Limongelli&Salvatore Gervasi,and along land now or formerly Jorge Pardo Living Trust 471.08 feet to a monument set and the southerly side of Circle Drive; RUNNING thence along the southerly side of Circle Drive the following three(3) courses and distances: 1. On the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 87.73 feet,for a distance of 44.40 feet, 2. North 52 deg.32 mina.00 sec.East 340.00 feet, 3. North 55 deg.15 min.00 sec.East 130.31 feet to the monument found at the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 9.20$$Acres. I SCHEDULE B Kat's Court—being a private road over portions of Subdivision,"Pederson Standard Subdivision"and along a portion of Circle Drive BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive,said point being situate South 12 deg.23 min.00 see.West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence from said point of beginning South 12 deg.23 min.00 sec.West along land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas&Gus Mantikas 79.33 feet to a point; RUNNING thence the following two(2)courses and distances: 1. South 12 deg.23 min.00 sec.West 12.81 feet, 2. On the are of a curve to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet for a distance of 277.15 feet to the southeasterly side of Circle Drive; RUNNING thence North 55 deg. 15 min.00 sec East along the southeasterly side of Circle Drive 130.31 feet to the point or place of Beginning. SCHEDULE BI (continued) Kat's Court—being a private road over a portion of Circle Drive BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive,said point being situate South 12 deg.23 min.00 sec.West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence from said point of begimiing South 55 deg. 15,min.00 sec.West along the southerly side of Circle Drive 73.50 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 12 deg.23 min.00 see.East through and along the westerly side of Circle Drive 131.96 feet to the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence South 69 deg.10 min, 10 sec.East along the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue 50.55 feet to land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas&Gus Mantikas; RUNNING thence South 12 deg.23 min.00 see.West along land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas&Gus Mantikas 70.67 feet to monument found and the point or place of Beginning. SCHEDULE C Drainage Easement over Lot 3 BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue where the same is intersected by the westerly line of land now or formerly of Elizabeth Manfflms and Gus Mantikas,South 12 deg.23 min.00 sec.West a distance of 70.67 feet to a monument; THENCE continuing along said last mentioned land South 12 deg.23 min.00 see.West 92.14 feet to the northerly side of an are of a curve to the right having a radius of 60 feet,a distance of 76.80 feet to the point of Beginning RUNNING thence the following three(3)courses and distances: 1. South 00 deg,02 min.20 see.East 90.00 feet, 2. South 69 deg.17 min.41 see.East 184.56 feet, 3. South 12 deg.54 min.00 see.West 20.19 feet RUNNING thence the following two(2)courses and distances: 1. North 69 deg.17 min,41 see.West 201.11 feet, 2. North 00 deg.02 min.20 see.West 90.50 feet to the point or place of Beginning. RUNNING thence to a point on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 60,00 feet along the southerly terminus of Kat's Court 24.19 feet to the point or place of Beginning.; SCHEDULE D Open Space Conservation Easement over Lot 1 BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found at the northwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Pederson and the southeasterly side of Circle Drive RUNNING thence from said point of beginning on the are of a curve to the left having a radius of 87.73 feet along the southerly side of Circle Drive for a distance of 44.40 feet to a point; RUNNING thence the following three(3)courses and distances: 1. South 07 deg.05 min.20 sec.East 197.41 feet, 2. North 89 deg.57 min.40 see.East 101.31 feet, 3. North 63 deg. 13 min.41 sec.East 100.42 feet; RUNNING thence South 49 deg.25 min.23 see.East 257.94 feet to land now or formerly Helen Moraitis; RUNNING thence South 10 deg.46 min.00 sec.East along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 196.00 feet to a monument found and Lot 5,Subdivision,"Aquaview Park",Suffolk County File No.5621; RUNNING thence South 89 deg.57 min.40 see.West along Subdivision,"Aquaview Park"464.89 feet to land now or formerly Marie Dalli; RUNNING thence North 07 deg.05 min.20 sec.West along land now or formerly Marie Dalli,along land now or formerly Cannella Limongelli&Salvatore Gei vasi,and along land now or formerly Jorge Pardo Living Trust 471.08 feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 152,885 Sq.Ft. SCHEDULE E Open Space Preservation over Lot 2 BEGINNING at a pointy marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive,said point being situate South 12 deg.23 min,00 see.West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence South 55 deg. 15 min.00 see.West 88.90 feet to a point; RUNNING thence the following three(3)courses and distances: 1. South 00 deg.02 min.20 sec.West 209.96 feet; 2. South 20 deg.29 min.14 sec.West 154-19 feet; 3. South 49 deg.25 min.23 see.West 111.22 feet RUNNING thence from said point of Beginning the following two(2)courses and distances: 1. North 89 deg.57 min.40 sec.East I30,96 feet, 2. North 20 deg.29 min. 14 see.East 147.59 feet; RUNNING thence South 69 deg.17 min.41 sec.East 212.41 feet to land now or formerly Niki Mangos; RUNNING thence South 10 deg.46 min.00 sec.East along land now or formerly Niki Mangos 161.31 feet to land now or formerly Greg Pepe; RUNNING thence South 89 deg.57 min.40 sec.West along land now or formerly Greg Pepe and along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 300.00 feet; RUNNING thence North 49 deg.25 min.23 sec.West 146.72 feet to the point of place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 57,043 Sq.Ft. SCHEDULE F Open Space Preservation over Lot 3 BEGINNING at a pointy marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive,said point being situate South 12 deg.23 min.00 see.West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence South 55 deg. 15 min 00 sec.West 58.49 feet; RUNNING thence the following two(2)courses and distances: 1. South 00 deg.02 min.20 sec.East 234.64 feet; 2. South 69 deg.17 min.41 see.East 201.11 feet to the point of Beginning; 3. RUNNING thence the following two(2)courses and distances: 1. North 12 deg.54 min.00 sec.East 175.26 feet to a point, 2. North 17 deg.47 min.00 sec.East 15.02 feet land now or formerly Anna Melis Bilianis&Nicholas Bilianis; RUNNING thence South 75 deg.15 min.50 see,East along land now or formerly Anna Melis Bilianis&Nicholas Bilianis and along land now or formerly George Kaitery&Anthoula Kaitery 114.82 feet to land now or formerly George S.Cambourakis; RUNNING thence South 10 deg.46 min.00 sec.East along lands now or formerly George S.Cambourakis and along land now or formerly Niki Mangos 235.18 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 69 deg. 17 min.41 sec.West 212.41 feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 32,332 Sq.Ft. that a violation of these covenants and restrictions has occurred,the violator,whether it is Declarant,its successors or assigns,or persons or entities claiming under them shall pay either directly or by reimbursement to the Town all reasonable attorney's fees,court costs and other expenses incurred by the Town in connection with any proceedings to enforce the provisions of the covenants and restrictions set forth herein.The failure of the Town of Southold or any of its agencies to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the DECLARANT above named has duly executed this Declaration the day and year first above written. DECLARANT: By: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: On this day of 41144/k--m the year 20-2'before me personally appeared ox.Uk known to or proved to on the basis of satisfactory tr4 evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual,or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ot,r�y Public '6 _7 -1, State of Now York NO.OINU6276196 Qualified in Nassau co nt 14 I'lly Commission Expires MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ' � i, P.O. Box 1179 JAMES H.RICH III Southold, NY 11971 Chairman y OFFICE LOCATION: MIAJEALOUS-DANK Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY IS 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H.SIDOR (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSIU Southold, NY ry Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 4, 2025 Ms. Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision - Overclearing & Revegetation Plan 105 Kat's Court, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15.3 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Ms. Moore: Thank you for sending in the revegetation plan for the property referenced above. We have reviewed the plan and have the following revisions that are required: 1. Use a more diverse planting list. a. See attached list of acceptable native plant species. 2. Show the spacing of plantings as per the attached Native/Natural Buffer Plantings Specifications 3. Make the following notations on the plan: a. Square footage of the area to be revegetated b. The percentage of the disturbed area to be revegetated as compared to the total square footage of the property. 4. Provide all on a detail plan at a scale of 1"=20' (20 scale). Please submit three copies of the plans for our review. Note that the attached document also contains a list of source nurseries for your convenience. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 631-765-1938. Sincerely, Heather Lanza, AICP Town Planning Director cc: Benjamin Johnson, Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE LOCATION: � MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex R" P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY w Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 28, 2025 Ms. Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision - Overclearing & Revegetation Plan 205 & 105 Kat's Court, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15.2 & 15.3 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Ms. Moore: We have received your letter and the plans showing the extent of clearing for lot 15.2 and the revegetation plan for lot 15.3 (originally Lot 3 in the Pederson Standard Subdivision). As you mention, the matter is in court for the reason that the properties were cleared in violation of the covenants, and a foundation dug without permits. A stop work order was issued to ensure the landowner's compliance. The next step is for the Planning Board to review and approve the revegetation plan. Once the plan is approved, they will either require the plantings be done prior to building permits or post a performance bond to guaranty the plantings. Some combination of the two may also be acceptable. We recommend your clients review the covenants for these properties in detail to help them remain in compliance in the future. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the Planning Board Office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, Heather La' ........ .,..,_ Town Planning Director cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Benjamin Johnson, Assistant Town Attorney ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR. MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR � �. TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 'iV � � ��r Fax (631) 765 9015 15 NA md s 11 G I'tS 10 W, S0V iV I f,0P.D S IIrryy J M OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Heather Lanza January 13, 2025 Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department 54375 Main Road �� Southold, New York 11971 RECEIVED Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision . SCTM #: 1000 — 021. — 03 — 15 sol�ti�oic�down Punning Board Dear Ms. Lanza: I am in receipt of the letter sent by Patricia C. Moore to the Southold Town Planning Board dated January 9, 2025 and make the following comments: • The letter includes the statement "However, the Town Engineer strongly recommended to the building department not to issue the building permits until the road was constructed." This statement is factually incorrect. This was not a recommendation, it has been Town policy for decades that building permits for lots in new subdivisions with roads not be issued until the road has been constructed to a point where emergency vehicles can access the lots. In the case of the Pederson subdivision, a three lot subdivision to be served by a stone blend road, this means construction of the road and utilities up to and including the recycled concrete base course. • The letter further states "The road has been constructed to the extent recommended by the Town Engineer." This statement is also factually incorrect. What the Town Engineer's office stated was that no further road construction could continue until the underground utilities (i.e. electric, telephone and cable) were fully installed. During a recent inspection, it was noted that the transformer and the electric meter stands for Lots 2 & 3 have been installed. However, the Town Engineer's office did not have the opportunity to inspect the installation of the underground utility lines. • In order to complete the road to a point where building permits can be issued, the following must be completed: o Install silt fencing as required by the approved road & drainage plans. o Provide the Town Engineer's office with proof of installation of all underground utility lines. This includes the road opening permit required from the Highway Department in order to trench or directional bore the utility lines to the nearest utility pole. a Install the Belgian Block curbing. o Place and compact the recycled concrete base course. Once the above four items have been completed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer, building permits can be obtained for Lots 2 & 3. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer ccw Daniel J. Goodwin, Superintendent of Highways PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 January 9, 2025 By Hand PB, H L tl_ Jim Rich III, Chairman and RECEIVED Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Annex, "'J'A 10,9 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Planning Board RE: Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, Aquaview Avenue, East Marion 1000-21-03-15.3 (Lot 3) -exceeded clearing limit 1000-21-03-15.2 (Lot 2)-did not exceed clearing limit Dear Chairman and Board: The above subdivision was approved with clearing limits. The builder cleared the lots (lot 2 and 3) while he was working on the construction of the access road. Lot 3 exceeded clearing limits, and a restoration plan is herein enclosed for the Board's review and approval. Lot 2 was cleared, and the clearing limits of Lot 2 conforms to the map. A survey of lot 2 showing the conforming clearing is also enclosed. The matter is in court and your prompt review and anticipated cooperation is appreciated. The two lots were cleared in preparation for the start of construction. Building permits were filed and were expected to be issued. However, the Town Engineer strongly recommended to the building department not to issue the building permits until the road was constructed. The road has been constructed to the extent recommended by the Town Engineer. As you know, the improvements are guaranteed by the performance bond. The enclosed revegetation plan includes the portion of the open space to be restored. The open space will be completed and restored as soon as the weather allows. We would request that the balance of the revegetation plan on Lot 3 be planted after the building permit is issued to prevent any damage to newly planted buffers with any irrigation needed. The planting will be completed, inspected by your office as you wish, prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The new houses will be marketed for sale and the completed revegetation plan will be required prior to the sale of the parcel or the issuance of the CO, whichever occurs first. Please place this matter before the Board to review the revegetation plan as soon as possible. We are scheduled to return to court. Vey-:trt-l ours, d L.-Platricia C. Moore Cc: Michael Collins, Town Engineer HIH Group LLC PCM/bp Encls. (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOI TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CEFTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)!CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 114101 tel, 631.727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 odmin@youngengineering.com N Howard N. Young, Land Surveyor Thomas G. Nolpert, Professional Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer �� yr Daniel A. Weaver, Land Surveyor 1100- W ) E SITE DATA ponnnazsocialls AREA = 2.3372 AC *SUBDIVISION-"PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON JUN.01,2023 AS FILE NO.12278. S ; CLEARING DATA gomlga_wwnNc * PERMITTED CLEARING = 25,452 SF °1'(9 ,' q i' i I I * EXISTING CLEARING = 21,812 SF V G� a 7C < "10 � Ul o° w N I q[OR P I m ('-IN o_ ',,\ g70 Nr�o O M �T 0CTgo �v � � R=60.00' If 1 -4— I v \ \ m CZ NO Q` I / 1 WIF ; M o -4 I 1 I pLot I 0 0 p U- CO Peelers Svbcl,- 3 0 0- < °h Stc1 V/S�Oh sI A N: ndQhd b ' I SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION cz o I St, /� I o (/1 ` d/VjsjO��� 1 1 gonnnauodNs ml a- I 1 ' *WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO HIH GROUP LLC, ABSTRACTS INC. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 1 ; C O M PA NY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE'l+l/ITH N I o I 1 THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTS Y;THE NEW YORe ' 20 GRgrNgGF �! OFEN SPACE STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. FgsF �,, r PRESERVATION N 69o,61V �' j EASEMENT 1 g ,4� 20111 ' p� Lot 2 / I HOWARD W.YOUNG,0 .L.S.NO. 5893 Subdivision °`�' "Pederson Standard Subdivision" i 13g2T 1 SURVEY FOR 2 140 I 1, EXISTING HIH GROUP LLC � 1 11 / LINE OF CLEARING 1 LOT 2 "PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION" M i 1�30' at East Marion, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York N RECEIVED /Q IIN N / D OP a EXISTING VEGETATION MAP EJAN 0 9 OPEN SPACE 0 -H thOPEN SPACE S�'��, i PRESERVATION 1 p County Tax Map District 1000 section 21 Block 03 Lot 15.2 Souold Town -----o--„-----------------� EASEMENT v o 3- PRESERVATION 0 LJi 1 F N89 57'40 E 130.96' Z o z o Planning Board EASEMENT a I m o FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED NOV.13,2024 1 a MAP PREPARED NOV.14,2024 m r Record of Revisions aPh 2S 1F 1 � � REVISION DATE LEGEND ;mDw d gonll, %^ °V, VIF =VINYL FENCE SG I WIF =WIRE FENCE o =CHANGE IN DIRECTION 589057`40"W 300.00` a =MONUMENT SET ! now or former) now or formerly III =MONUMENT FOUND y 50 0 25 50 100 150 A =STAKE SET 1 Helen Moraitis Greg Pepe e =STAKE FOUND �1 1 1 Scale: 111 = 50' JOB NO.2023-0136 DWG. 2018_0095_0002_2023_0136_reveg 1 OF 1 () 1 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LTOES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT RECONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADpITDNAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)6 CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York II1q01 r N tel. 651.12-1.2305 fax. 6B1.721.0144 adminmyoungengineering.com REVEGETATION PLANTING SCHEDULE 4�.��� DEG I DUOU5 TREES OTY 5-i-MBOLI BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer N �� � �• 2 N5 NY55A 5LY\/ATICA BLACK TUPELO 5.5" GAL B4B Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer Danlel A. Weaver, Land Surveyor \ B CF CORNUS FLORIDA FLOWERING DOGWOOD 3.5" GAL BsB w E SITE�DATA EVERRGREEN TREES 5 QTY SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT AREA = 76,726 SQ. FT. 20 JV JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA EASTERN RED CEDAR 8'-10' HT. B&B *SUBDIVISION-"PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION"FILED IN THE OFFICE S LONG ISLAND SOUND OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON JUN.01,2023 AS FILE NO.12278. S SHRUBS CLEARING DATA A AV QTY SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT 1 44 AA AMELANCHIER ARBOREA COMMON SERVICESERRY 5 GAL CONT * PERMITTED CLEARING = 26,854 SF 36 VC VACCINIUM CORYMBOSM HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY 5 GAL CONT * EXISTING CLEARING = 38,375 SF 27 KL KALMINA LATIFOLIA MOUNTAIN LAUREL 5 GAL CONT * OVERCLEARED = 11,521 SF * REVEGETATED = 11,578 SF SITE o y TFO Oo � m FNo v o F OUTHER BOULEVARD S O oN O N TIE IN �.A,- �a I Q 512°23'00"W 70.67' L y o poi s / z r KEY MAP �• o °pk 1(MI1fa LM1JOfIa(r4 � � � O SCALE: i"=600' O M M Lij 4)G 3-AA / 1 tr •tr 5-KL I 5-AA to 5-vC L a ' now or formerly RECEIVED / Z S69°10, l / 3 tr George Kaitery & 3-JV a. 10" o r JAN 0 0 ZS D o � 9�101 F l\ Z Anthoula Kaitery _ H 1 O SouthoTd r wn '"i N - o I 00 2 I Planning Board o' it o a- ;; N 5-JV 15OQ 5-VC �FG T �RqC Ar I I NOTES: + O+ U—PLANT CENTER M I (� � / _j 5-AA - "�rF0 OR l'L 5� x s€ REMOVE ALL PLASTIC AND WIRE TAGS. \\ O % \ B FR O I * l Q 5-KL UFF N SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION 8 ` * O + + PLANT ROW \ C) C3i 3-JV �� I v REMOVE ALL NON-DECOMP0515LE CORDS \ / gmraan orintn 00 \ AND BURLAP FROM THE ROOT BALL, IF \\ > I/ / EXISTING l S7J�O15 *WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO H I H GROUP LLC N PRESENT. TYPICAL ON CENTER 5PACIN5 AS �� .� ��� �� lUj�o 21j02,�� 150 6c FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANC. TRACTS INC. * DO NOT GUT BURLAP FROM SIDES O + O LABELED ON PLANTING PLAN C7 1 �i I p� VEGETATION 4�- ti oo" jl C O M PANY'THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPAREDFy-, CCORDi�t110E:, OF THE ROOT BALL. I ��� �� TO REMAIN F 4.8 , i € * SET TOP OF ROOT BALL I" ABOVE PLAN-SHRUB SPACING I v 15Q2, 2 THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPT E-NEW-WAKG •' STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SU5�'f' '`/• J-" '�. \ >" o � FINISHED GRADE W � Iz 3-JV � -� � � ` 'V � .�'� � * REMOVE ALL ACCUMULATED 501L OR IO j�l ty „i C`• r o d PLANT SET AT ORIGINAL ;p Ip _ -�5-AA wrF \ ^, \ MULCH FROM THE ROOT GROWN AREA. o ® 00 O o o PLANTING DEPTH 1 O_ 4 I0 Lot 3 5-VC J- b 1 * REMOVE ALL WIRE BA5KET5 FROM C. I - Subdivision- r ROOT BALL, IF PRESENT swf�we .ynh►�tw. Zw� cau�+�-5" DEEP SHREDDED BARK MULCH IN �� p I 30' Io Pederson Standard �• `. —PLANTING BAGKFILL �.0 Subdivision" ! Gil `t"'W'�..�. ., DECIDUOUS TREE IC 3-JV ,s � t. PROTECTOR WHERE SHRUBS ARE PLANTED IN MASS I io 7-AA 3-JV 1 HOWARD W.YOUNG,N. L.S.N0. 893 •, HOSE PROTEG O EXCAVATE ENTIRE PLANTING BED l $ i' 5-KL EXISTING 2"x2" STAKE (3 WAY) SECTION ' 7-VC EDGE OF WOODS 1 n now or formerly _... I „f - ,, ; 3 JV 7-AA / 5-AA I o° George S. Cambourakis SURVEY FOR 2 STRANDS NO. 12 GALV. PLIABLE TYPICAL MA55 PLANTING LAYOUT s ®® /- w 1 y r� �t STEEL WIRE (TWIST TO TIGHTEN) NT5 �� NS CF CF. / N O 5-KL L _ I %o - O a. <` EVERGREEN TREE oS ^ 1 o HIH GROUP LLC CF 1 I ~N 1 r m !V\ a " MULCH TO BE KEPT AWAY FROM — — — — _ �� NOTES: 2 I Z O LOT 3- - - - PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION TREE TRUNK / 0bb OP I 77 E -�' >r•-..,y, * REMOVE ALL PLASTIC 8 WIRE TAGS / �I,Z' I M \b.adz• ' _ �I SHREDDED BARK MULCH g 3" DEPTH * at East Marion, Town of Southold REMOVE ALL PLASTIC CORDS FROM FF FMF r / 7-JV F 6 1 (5 1 Z Suffolk County, New York r 501E SUAGER TOP W/MULGH TREE BALL, IF PRESENT / $ 1 '9$ N * IN 6ROUPINC75 Cr 5HRUB5, EXCAVATE Nr Nr €€— — AND BAGKFILL ENTIRE SHRUB BED AREA / /V 7-AA 1 0 J ROOT BALL SCARIFY ALL SIDES OF PLANT PIT w/PREPARED BAGKFILL MIXTURES. l �p to 6g°1 '7 m REVEGETATION PLAN a _ e t 7 5-KL 1 PLANTING BAGKFILL MIXTURE O� S c� 4 Q t er vb 1'�1�' N now or formerly tD Q = 3" DEEP SHREDDED BARK MULCH Sin d�Vj '✓ O/ Cn W - — € € l Shev S oh , ii-JV N I cr George S. Cambourakis County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15.3 Il I=I- ...�.. -I �JI -- and I EL _ Z J pF. _ - PLANTING BAGKFILL MIXTURE / S(� / FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED NOV.13,2024 —I — DO NOT EXCAVATE LOWER THAN Q = _ / bdjVjsjohv 11-VC tp MAP PREPARED NOV.14,2024 BALL DI A. BALL DEPTH. I I I I I I I I I= I I I I I I I- / I_ / n Record of Revisions BALL PIA. X 2 -III— I I—I / // 41.352, 21241, 1 � REVISION DATE TYPICAL SHRUB �", PLANTING / LEGEND TYP I GAL TREE PLANTING ��n„�a � I NT5 VIF =VINYL FENCE P q O OPEN I now or formerly NT5 WIF = WIRE FENCE / �S4R P & Niki Mangos F a i 0 =CHANGE IN DIRECTION / FMFN N 1 MONUMENT FOUND T MONUMENT 1 1'� 40 0 20 40 80 120 =STAKE SET A =STAKE FOUND Scale: 1" _ 40' a JOB NO.2023-0135 DWG.2018_0095_0003_2023_0135_reveg 1 OF 1 From: Lanza, Heather St�b'F Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2024 8:56 AM To: Westermann, Caitlin Pat� Cc: Michaelis, Jessica RECEIVED Subject: FW: Pederson Performance Bond Agreement .__w Attachments: Amended Agreement Pederson.pdf ...�..�... Incoming mail: the email and attachment Planning Board From: charlescuddy@optonline.net<charlescuddy@optonline.net> Sent:Wednesday,July 10, 2024 10:50 AM To: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Pederson Performance Bond Agreement In connection with the Pederson Subdivision I understand there is a need for the Pederson's to extend the Performance Bond. I have prepared a proposed Agreement which I assume must be approved by the Town Board. Please advise if any changes are required so that the signed Agreement may be submitted. Thank you. Charles R. Cuddy Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 631-369-8200 631-369-9080 fax rlet Attention: This e-mail contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error; please immediately notify us by telephone at 631-369-8200 or notify us by e-mail at igrVeS U.ddy,( q2tg�n. ..net. Thank you. ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 Amended Agreement 1. Katarina Pederson residing at 133 West 22"d street, Apt. 10D New York,New York,by an agreement dated 2-3-23 undertook and acknowledged an obligation to complete improvements at the Pederson Standard subdivision located at 670 Circle Drive, East Marion,New York, and deposited as and for the Performance Board a bank check in the sum of$71,952. 2. On March 28,2023 the Southold Town Board accepted the Performance Bond check in the sum of$71,952. 3. The Performance Bond Agreement dated February 3,2023 provided the site improvements be completed within eighteen(18)months from that date. 4. Site improvements at the Pederson Standard subdivision will require additional time beyond the eighteen(18)months provided in the Agreement. 5. Katarina Pederson hereby agrees to be bound by extending the time to complete the Pederson Standard Subdivision improvements for an additional one(1)year from the expiration of the 18 month period and herewith incorporates the Agreement dated February 3,2023 as so amended. Dated: .. .�.......... ....._..._ ._�_........_.............._� Katarina Pe_ .......__ .. ...._..� derson Soutl2old To n Planning- \/Vorl Session Aril 24 21 25Pa e2 3:00 p.m. - Executive Session (Advice from Town Attorney) 4:00 p.m. -Applications • iPederson Standard Subdivision SCT 1000-21-3-15 • a_... ect Name e. _.�.�_.�.._. .,_..�. - f Pro . ._ Location: d 670 Circle Drive,m East Marion escription: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 IotsW where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 �.... _._.��°Zoning District Status:_ _ m ...._ ... Conditional Final Plat Aparovad_.w �_ .._ .. ... _ . .. .. . _. Action: _ Review for Final Plat Determination _ achments I, Staff Report,.,..... _... .... _.....�... _ ...1 Lo at on:ame ( Jenkins Consaervation Subdivision SCTM# 1000-102-2-2.6 & 2.7 q C Desch tion: This ,_ utchog4e _... .. _.... alio .__. ". ...w �.._.._ ___.... __..... .._w....... 2800 Deportµ�. p �. proposal is for a Conservation Subdivision of a 17.89-acre parcel into two lots, where Lot 1 is 1.84 acres and contains an existing house and accessory P buildings, and Lot 2 is 16.05 acres and contains a Town drainage easement of 0.28 acres and 15.77 acres of agricultural land. The Town purchased development rights on 15.77 acres of Lot 2 in 2001, and ownership of this V property has not changed since that time. The property is located at 2800 Depot not � �Statuswrvww _ �pPendirCutcho ue in the AC Zona,g ... Lane, g n istX.��. �. .. . __.... ,_.n._,. . ._ ...._..�.. _... ._. _. ...__.. _....... a. � Action.. ....._ �.. __Review for final Plat Determination 8µAttachme.nt.__. w_w taft Report .,...w. _... .... �.._._. ........_.�__.... __ _._ _ ......_ . _._� _.. .._ .. ...._ Nl# 1000-122-6-35.7 Lo atcon Name: Matti Main Road, uck Commercial Campus SCT M#: Description: This site plan application is for the proposed construction of two commercial contractor office and storage buildings at 7„000 sq. ft. and 4,700 sq. ft., off- street parking, ingress/egress driveway„ utilities and other site amenities on 1,83 acres in the General Business ZoningDistnct us _ I Stat ,..... v.. . Action .f Review for Completeness Attachments Staff Report jectame._�N_ Nwerm& Flores Agricultural Storage SCTM# 10 4 1000-55-2-10.3 Bui '10.4 & .. Pro Flo Location: 4845 Description'. 5 CR48 Southold plan application is for the proposed construe ._ w_-- 3 125 s ft. agricultural - p_ This agricultural site tion of a t q, g tural storage building and 4 hoop houses, on a 5-acre a „parcel in the AC Zoning District. Status: New Aafalication w...._..._. ._M�-..._..rv,.......�. ....... _.. . .. ..... ... Review for Comp�eteness., ..w.._.. M. ......... ion ..__ _w. Attachment .... c � s: Staff Report __.�... ._._..._w__M .. _. ...__..... _.._µ. .___.. ._ .,._..... ._.n. . .... ., ............ . ..._� Discussion: ❖ Community Housing Plan Update Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date: April 24, 2023 Prepared By;, Heather Lanza I. Application Information Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-21-3-15 Project Location: on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue Hamlet: East Marion Zoning District: R-40 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: 9.2 # of Lots Proposed: 3 This proposal is for a reduced yield clustered standard subdivision, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, including 3.5 acres of open space, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, including 1.3 acres of open space, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, including 0.8 acres of open space. III. Action to review Conditional Final Plat Conditions — Final Plat Determination A. Evaluation of Conditions from the September 13, 2021 Conditional Final Plat Approval: 1. Revisions to Final Plat and Final Road & Drainage Plan DONE. Town Engineer approval of Road plans. 1/9/2023. a. Rename the Subdivision Map and Final Road & Drainage Plan "Pederson Standard Subdivision" b. One of the two side yards of Lot 2 must be at least 20' in width (currently both are at 15', which is less than the required side yard setback in the R-40 zoning district). c. Provide a 10' separation between all building envelopes and the open space (currently only 5' is shown). Southold Planning Department Staff Report d. Incorporate the Town Engineer's comments on the Final Road & Drainage Plan to the Planning Board's satisfaction. The Town Engineer's comments are as follow: 1) The final drainage design should incorporate a section of curbing, swale or some alternate design element to ensure that stormwater is conveyed into the single catch basin located on Kat's Court. Show the location of and details for this design element. 2) Please note that based on the existing contours, the "safe overflow" from the drainage system will discharge to and collect along the eastern portions of the building envelopes for Lots 2 & 3 in addition to the Open Space Easement area for Lot 2. e. Add concrete monuments to be set at all corners and changes of direction of the lot boundaries. f. Add pipes to be set marking the boundaries of the open space on each lot, including all corners and changes of direction; and g. Nine street trees are required by Town Code for the proposed new road Kat's Court. Identify existing trees proposed in lieu of planting on the Final Road & Drainage Plan Page 2 Details, if any. If existing trees are proposed in lieu of some or all of the required trees, provide their location on a draft Final Road & Drainage Plan Page 2 Details, and a site visit will be scheduled to review whether they are acceptable. In addition, if there are locations that do not have existing trees and planting at that location is not feasible, a payment in lieu of that number of street trees is permitted. h. Ensure the Final Road & Drainage Plans are consistent with the Final Plat in all details. 2. DONE. 60% Open Space Requirement: Provide an additional separate copy of the Final Plat for the purpose of clearly illustrating the areas included in the 60% open space requirement. Please shade those areas. Note that on Lot 3, the buffer between the building envelope and the northern property line, and the drainage area cannot be included in the open space calculation. 3. DONE. The driveway for Lot 3, if illustrated on the final plat, shall be located to the south side of the parcel (farther away from the rear yards of the adjacent homes. This will be included in the covenants. 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 4. DONE.. Provide a draft bond estimate to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required and approved by the Town Engineer, Planning Board and Town Board; 5. DONE. Town Board reso accepting the bond in Feb. 2023 Submit the bond in the amount of the approved estimate, after the estimate has been approved by resolution of the Planning Board & Town Board. The bond must then be reviewed and approved by resolution of both boards prior to Final Plat Approval. 6. DONE. Submit the draft covenants and restrictions, provided by the Planning Department, for final review of any proposed changes and including legal descriptions for all of the schedules listed below. Schedule A. Legal Description of the Entire Property Schedule B. " of the private right of way Kat's Court and legal description of the Circle Drive area that is part of the proposed road for this subdivision Schedule C. " of the Drainage Easement Area Schedule D. " Lot 1 Open Space Area Schedule E. " Lot 2 Open Space Area Schedule F. " Lot 3 Open Space Area 7. DONE. Submitted 4/11/2023. Submit proof of filing for recording the covenants and restrictions with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, after the final draft of the covenants has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. 8. DONE. Submitted 3/28/2023. Pay the Park and Playground Fee of$14,000. 9. DONE. Submitted 2/8/2023. Pay the Administration Fee (6% of the bond amount or $6,000, whichever is greater). 10.DONE. Submitted 4/11/2023. Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); 11.DONE. Submitted 4/11/2023. Submit 12 paper copies and 4 mylars of the Final Plat with the approval stamp of the SCDHS. 12.DONE. Submitted 1/26/2023. Submit five paper copies of the Final Road & Drainage Plans. 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report • Town Highway Superintendent approval received on April 13, 2023 • Town Engineer approval received on January 9, 2023 IV. Items to Consider 1. Consider finding the conditions of Conditional Final Plat Approval met. 2. Consider a Final Plat Approval at today's special meeting. 4 Daniel J. Goodwin Tel. (631) 765-3140 Superintendent Fax (631) 765-1750 Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane • P.O. Box 178 • Peconic, N.Y. 11958-0178 April 13, 2023 Heather Lanza Southold Town Planning Department 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000- 21. -03- 15 Dear Ms. Lanza: I have received and reviewed the above referenced subdivision as requested.As indicated since this subdivision is to remain under the control of an HOA and maintained as a private road in perpetuity I have no objection to the approval of this subdivision. If you have any questions regarding this subdivision, please contact my office. Sincerely, Dalt e6 t/, iqoodloirt Daniel J. Goodwin Superintendent of Highways Cc: Michael M. Collins, P.E.Town Engineer ' E.I CHARLES R. CUDDY MAR 2 8 202" ' Attorney at Law L.- 445 Griffing Avenue �flannin.Ji g Riverhead, NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel: (631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 e-mail:eh riescudd ro tontine.yet March 27, 2023 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed is the park and recreation fee in the sum of $14,000.00 for the Pederson Subdivision. We will have the covenant signed and recorded.Then,we can forward the mylars and prints to be signed by the chairman, as the maps have been signed by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Very truly yours, at,Charles R. Cuddy CRC:dmc Enclosure MAILING ADDRESS OFFICE LOCATION: b . Town Hall Annex �,"� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) rye, Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold,NYS - www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From, Planning Department Date: March 28, 2023 Re: Check — Park & Playground Fee Please deposit the attached check into Park & Playground fees CR.2770.10 Thank you. ................ ....... ... ..._. .. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date& Number _.... ........ ................._........... _ _ ............... Pederson Standard Subdivision 1000-21.-3-15 $14,000.00 3/23/2023 Park & Play round Fee ................. #108 ALP Aft. '_82 108 T163 KATARINA PEDERSON r at! $ 1000 the order o " UDu Citibank NP CITIBANK, .a w � 01013 1.00 2 100008910S x 98 L 7 RESOLUTION 2023-315 ADOPTED DOC ID: 19014 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-315 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 28, 2023: that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the Performance RESOLVED Bond in the form of an official bank check from CitiBank, check #116497118 in the amount of $71,952.00 for the Pederson Standard Subdivision, SCTM#1000-21.-3-15, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Greg Doroski, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 " Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 14, 2023 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Accept Performance Bond Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, located on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, March 13, 2023: WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021 the Planning Board granted Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the application, with subsequent extensions granted; and WHEREAS, one of the conditions was to post a performance bond for the construction of the subdivision road; and WHEREAS, on January 18, 2023, the Town Engineer recommended the Performance Bond Estimate in the amount of$71,952; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2023, the applicant's agent submitted the Performance Bond to the Planning Department in the form of an official bank check from CitiBank, check#116497118 in the amount of$71,952. This check was transmitted to the Town Clerk on February 13, 2023; and Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 12 March 14, 2023 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the recommendation from the Town Engineer for the Performance Bond Estimate; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the Performance Bond in the form of an official bank check from CitiBank, check #116497118 in the amount of$71,952 and recommends same to the Town Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Collins, Town Engineer Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk Michaelis, Jessica From:Michaelis, Jessica Sent:Monday, February 13, 2023 1:14 PM To:Rudder, Lynda Cc:Noncarrow, Denis; Born, Sabrina; Mudd, Jennifer Subject:RE: bond check Importance:High PLEASE keep this check in the safe for now. We have to do a resolution first, once we do the resolution we will send you a copy. Do you normally cash these checks and put them in a deferred revenue? Or do you just hold onto the check? Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Senior Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: JessicaM@southoldtownny.gov From: Rudder, Lynda <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 8:22 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: bond check I received the agreement and bond check for Pederson. The letter ref. to another check for Admin fee payment. Do you have that? Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Prinicpal Account Clerk Southold Town 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 631/765-1800 ext.1210 631/765-6145 Fax 1 CHARLES.R. CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead;NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 a e-niail: harlesatid(l )t4)nlioie.iiei February 8, 2023 E ' "1 E., s 1 F 13 0 9 2023 f Heather Lanza, Planning Director Planning Board Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Lanza: I am enclosing the descriptions for the Declaration of Covenants. These descriptions omit any reference to the subdivision map. The Real Propery Tax Agency will not accept descriptions referencing the map since it has not been filed. Accordingly, we have omitted any reference to the map. Please confirm that we may now proceed to record the Covenants, which I believe is the last item before the map may be signed by the Chairman, although I do not know if every fee has been paid. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC/pc Enclosures Pederson Standard Subdivision At East Marion, Town of Southold Suffolk County,New York SCTM No.: 1000-21-3-15 Surveyor's Description ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying, and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Subdivision Perimeter BEGINNING at a'point marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive, said point being situate South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence from said point of beginning along land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas & Gus Mantikas, along land now or formerly Comisa Panos, along land now formerly Anna Melis Bilianis &Nicholas Bilianis, and along land now or formerly George Kaitery & Anthoula Kaitery the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West 79.33 feet, 2. South 69 deg. 10 min. 10 sec. East 215.00 feet, 3. South 75 deg. 15 min. 50 sec. East 114.82 feet land now or formerly George S. Cambourakis; RUNNING thence South 10 deg. 46 min. 00 sec. East along lands now or formerly George S. Cambourakis and along land now or formerly Niki Mangos 396.49 feet to land now or formerly Greg Pepe; RUNNING thence South 89 deg. 57 min. 40 sec. West along land now or formerly Greg Pepe and along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 300.00 feet to a point; RUNNING thence South 10 deg. 46 min. 00 sec. East along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 196.00 feet to a monument found and Lot 5, Subdivision, "Aquaview Park", Suffolk County File No. 5621; RUNNING thence South 89 deg. 57 min. 40 sec. West along Subdivision, "Aquaview Park" 464.89 feet to land now or formerly Marie Dalli; RUNNING thence North 07 deg. 05 min. 20 sec. West along land now or formerly Marie Dalli, along land now or formerly Cannella Limongelli & Salvatore Gervasi, and along land now or formerly Jorge Pardo Living Trust 471.08 feet to a monument set and the southerly side of Circle Drive; RUNNING thence along the southerly side of Circle Drive the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. On the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 87.73 feet, for a distance of 44.40 feet, 2. North 52 deg. 32 min. 00 sec. East 340.00 feet, 3. North 55 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East 130.31 feet to the monument found at the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 9.2088 Acres. Kat's Court—being a private road over portions of Subdivision, "Pederson Standard Subdivision" and along a portion of Circle Drive BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive, said point being situate South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence from said point of beginning South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West along land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas & Gus Mantikas 79.33 feet to a point; RUNNING thence the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West 12.81 feet, 2. On the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet for a distance of 277.15 feet to the southeasterly side of Circle Drive; RUNNING thence North 55 deg. 15 min. 00 sec East along the southeasterly side of Circle Drive 130.31 feet to the point or place of Beginning. Kat's Court—being a private road over a portion of Circle Drive BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive, said point being situate South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence from said point of beginning South 55 deg. 15, min. 00 sec. West along the southerly side of Circle Drive 73.50 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. East through and along the westerly side of Circle Drive 131.96 feet to the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence South 69 deg. 10 min. 10 sec. East along the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue 5 0.5 5 feet to land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas & Gus Mantikas; RUNNING thence South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West along land now or formerly Elizabeth Mantikas & Gus Mantikas 70.67 feet to monument found and the point or place of Beginning. Drainage Easement over Lot 3 BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue where the same is intersected by the westerly line of land now or formerly of Elizabeth Mantikas and Gus Mantikas, South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West a distance of 70.67 feet to a monument; THENCE continuing along said last mentioned land South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West 92.14 feet to the northerly side of an arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 60 feet, a distance of 76.80 feet to the point of Beginning RUNNING thence the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. South 00 deg. 02 min. 20 sec. East 90.00 feet, 2. South 69 deg. 17 min. 41 sec. East 184.56 feet, 3. South 12 deg. 54 min. 00 sec. West 20.19 feet RUNNING thence the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 69 deg. 17 min. 41 sec. West 201.11 feet, 2. North 00 deg. 02 min. 20 sec. West 90.50 feet to the point or place of Beginning. RUNNING thence to a point on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet along the southerly terminus of Kat's Court 24.19 feet to the point or place of Beginning.; Open Space Conservation Easement over Lot 1 BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument found at the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Pederson and the southeasterly side of Circle Drive RUNNING thence from said point of beginning on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 87.73 feet along the southerly side of Circle Drive for a distance of 44.40 feet to a point; RUNNING thence the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. South 07 deg. 05 min. 20 sec. East 197.41 feet, 2. North 89 deg. 57 min. 40 sec. East 101.31 feet, 3. North 63 deg. 13 min. 41 sec. East 100.42 feet; RUNNING thence South 49 deg. 25 min. 23 sec. East 257.94 feet to land now or formerly Helen Moraitis; RUNNING thence South 10 deg. 46 min. 00 sec. East along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 196.00 feet to a monument found and Lot 5, Subdivision, "Aquaview Park", Suffolk County File No. 5 62 1; RUNNING thence South 89 deg. 57 min. 40 sec. West along Subdivision, "Aquaview Park" 464.89 feet to land now or formerly Marie Dalli; RUNNING thence North 07 deg. 05 min. 20 sec. West along land now or formerly Marie Dalli, along land now or formerly Carmella Limongelli & Salvatore Gervasi, and along land now or formerly Jorge Pardo Living Trust 471.08 feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 152,885 Sq. Ft. Open Space Preservation over Lot 2 BEGINNING at a pointy marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive, said point being situate South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence South 55 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. West 88.90 feet to a point; RUNNING thence the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. South 00 deg. 02 min. 20 sec. West 209.96 feet; 2. South 20 deg. 29 min. 14 sec. West 154..19 feet; 3. South 49 deg. 25 min. 23 sec. West 111.22 feet RUNNING thence from said point of Beginning the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 89 deg. 57 min. 40 sec. East 130.96 feet, 2. North 20 deg. 29 min. 14 sec. East 147.59 feet; RUNNING thence South 69 deg. 17 min. 41 sec. East 212.41 feet to land now or formerly Niki Mangos; RUNNING thence South 10 deg. 46 min. 00 sec. East along land now or formerly Niki Mangos 161.31 feet to land now or formerly Greg Pepe; RUNNING thence South 89 deg. 57 min. 40 sec. West along land now or formerly Greg Pepe and along land now or formerly Helen Moraitis 300.00 feet; RUNNING thence North 49 deg. 25 min. 23 sec. West 146.72 feet to the point of place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 57,043 Sq. Ft. Open Space Preservation over Lot 3 BEGINNING at a pointy marked by a monument found on the southeasterly side of Circle Drive, said point being situate South 12 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West as measured along the easterly side of Circle Drive 70.67 feet from the southerly side of Aquaview Avenue; RUNNING thence South 55 deg. 15 min 00 sec. West 58.49 feet; RUNNING thence the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. South 00 deg. 02 min. 20 sec. East 234.64 feet; 2. South 69 deg. 17 min. 41 sec. East 201.11 feet to the point of Beginning; 3. RUNNING thence the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 12 deg. 54 min. 00 sec. East 175.26 feet to a point; 2. North 17 deg. 47 min. 00 sec. East 15.02 feet land now or formerly Anna Melis Bilianis &Nicholas Bilianis; RUNNING thence South 75 deg. 15 min. 50 sec. East along land now or formerly Anna Melis Bilianis &Nicholas Bilianis and along land now or formerly George Kaitery & Anthoula Kaitery 114.82 feet to land now or formerly George S. Cambourakis; RUNNING thence South 10 deg. 46 min. 00 sec. East along lands now or formerly George S. Cambourakis and along land now or formerly Niki Mangos 235.18 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 69 deg. 17 min. 41 sec. West 212.41 feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 32,332 Sq. Ft. CHARLES R. CUDDY L Attorney at Law ���.��n ° 445 Griffing Avenue V �acuand - Riverhead,NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 a �a� i�:ef� aNsa�r19 .a �onlmwe.��et February 7, 2023 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed is a$71,952 Official check issued by the CitiBank made payable to the Town of Southold together with an Agreement signed by Katarina Pederson before a Notary Public. This is submitted for the Bond Estimate, a copy of which is also enclosed. I would appreciate the Planning board forwarding these documents to the Town Board to permit that Board to adopt a Resolution accepting the Agreement and check. Also, enclosed is a check in the sum of $4,317.12 payable to the Town of Southold as the administration fee payment. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC/ik Enclosure AGREEMENT 1. Katarina Pederson residing at 133 West 22`d Street,Apt 10D,New York,New York, 10011, hereinafter referred to as"Owner",hereby undertakes and acknowledges an obligation and agrees to complete the improvements at the Pederson Standard Subdivision, located at 670 Circle Drive, which is on the southeast side of Circle Drive,+1- 70 feet south of Aquaview Avenue,East Marion, New York,as set forth in the bond estimate of the Town Engineer in the amount of$71,952.00. 2. The Owner agrees to pay for all labor and materials to complete the improvements to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer.The improvements include erosion and sediment controls, stabilized construction entrance,clearing and grubbing,demolition of existing pavement,rough grading,mountable Belgian block curbing,two 8'diameter x 6'deep leaching catch basins,five 8' diameter x 6"deep leaching basin, 15"diameter I-fDPE pipe, fine grading,4"thick RCA Base,3/4" compacted stone blend(2"thick), 11 concrete survey monuments,as-built survey,topsoil and seed,2 street signs and 9 street trees. 3. To assure satisfactory completion of the improvements a bank check in the sum of $71,952.00 payable to the Town of Southold has been deposited with the Southold Town Clerk. Failure of the Owner to complete the improvements within eighteen(18)months from the date of this ,agreement shall permit the Town Board,upon a 30-days written notice to the Owner of a deficiency sent certified mail,return receipt requested,and failure of Owner to cure within that period, to access the sum deposited with the Southold Town Clerk,or part of it,as necessary,to complete the improvements with the balance to be released to the Owner. 4. If the improvements are completed by Owner to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer,and all contractors and subcontractors paid in full,the sum deposited shall be released to Katarina Pederson pursuant to a Resolution of the Town Board. ry � Dated: )'2— Katarina Pederson Above Terms Consented to and Acknowledgment of deposit of$ Town of Southold STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS.: COUNTY OF IJ'y ) On the,2 day of February in the year 2023 before me,the undersigned,personally appeared, KATARINA P'EDERSON,personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity,and that by her sinature on the instrument,the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted,executed the instrument.. 001,0N1 wT F44,`,,,, STATE t� p " i av ssi i I,0Quafified in ' . • �;NOTARY PUBLIC , µ irdiad oN iotai�g«Publicio ty w: eta ' - - 41 EXP1 "" 3.ivI +� SCOTT A. RUSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. . SUPERVISOR ;'y TOWN ENGINEER o i r TOWNOFSOUTHOdF u"Yktk 1 19?I TOWN HALL- 53095 MAIN ROAD 1Tel. (631)-765-1560 Fax (631) x ' 1Ci4,..l.Bialr➢ , dll )" rim d ti !k�i f',m"G El ";4.,,US OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ESTIMATE PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION East Marion,New York,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM#1000-021.-03-15 DATE January 18, 2023 ITEM CIUANTITY UNITS DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 580 L.F. Erosion&Sediment Controls $2.50 $1,450.00 2 L.S. Stabilized Construction Entrance L.S. $750.00 3 0.5 ACRES Clearing&Grubbing $5,000.00 $2,500.00 4 275 S.Y. Demolition of Existing Pavement $8.00 $2,200.00 5 2,420 S.Y. Rough Grading $2.00 $4,840.00 6 867 L.F. Mountable Belgian Bock Curbing $20.00 $17,340.00 7 2 EACH 8' Diameter x 6' Deep Leaching Catch Basin $2,500.00 $5,000.00 8 5 EACH 8' Diameter x 6' Deep Leaching Basin $2,500.00 $12,500.00 9 118 L.F. 15" Diameter HDPE Pipe $24.00 $2,832.00 10 2420 S.Y. Fine Grading $1.50 $3,630.00 11 95 C.Y. RCA Base(4"Thick) $30.00 $2,850.00 12 42 C_Y. 3/4" Compacted Stone Blend (2"Thick) $40.00 $1,680.00 13 11 EACH Concrete Survey Monuments $300.00 $3,300.00 14 L.S. As-Built Survey L.S. $3,000.00 15 1660 S.Y. Topsoil &Seed $3.00 $4,980.00 16 2 EACH Street Signs $200.00 $400.00 17 9 EACH Street Trees $300.002 700.00 BOND ESTIMATE TOTAL= $71,952.00 6%ADMINISTRATIVE FEE= $4,317.12 `^ � �HOLD DCU BdWUP.T3THE dH TO VIEW,� V & W ,r MOL[�OGUMENT4FTO1BE LGHT,T��,�V1EW.,T UE WA3B1BMFKp � •r; bank µ� 116497118 Citibank, N.A. im 311 !V76 10 . 00 I DATE 02/02/21 r <, . Sev 7. Y 1 i '.�, PAY Y °;x'`�"'h ,}°"`��J`# �+ I Y�. �l 1649( �y�. THOUSAND... �l �,l s���i,�'.: I'f t..f i�'�I��J ti�E�...t i 1::.` r r . �.�r r i � DOLLARS**** .i.iO L f !���z`�,�h **�q,� �. � s TO THE x w* y i.. . WN OF .,;U ' 4 {0 L I,.* o,*Paper, ORDER OF Dr w err' tib�nk,h flM��9VNAMEPoI��rF;alfN:r..OUB�IIV 'p,:� �,a ���.. ;: BY� 1.. C.�9 [NF R ._ QnIpO�MraT�f(,Pv0 Fe C'7ir¢..��,i'en�;�,WnC�Eay �> ,:�: ._ PiR,. t;YF1!�E' B� ��� LL6497L180 1:03LLOO 2091: 3876292Lo OFFICE LOCATION: ry �: MAILING ADDRESS Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold,NY fl www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: February 8, 2023 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into Planning Inspection Fees Revenue account 132115.20. Applicant/Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date/No. _... ...................................................................... .......... ........................................... _n ........................._....................... __..... .._... Pederson Subdivision 21-3-15 2/3/23 - #106 $4,317.12 Katarina Pederson JAM 21032 10 6 Aft, KATARINA PEDERSON Pay to the order ofDoflars �^ � tia�^ ' p atlbank® � CITIBANK,N.A. i:0 2 L000089i: 68 74498 L 7 Iii" 0106 CHARLES•R.i CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200;: PO Box 1547 Fax:(63 1)3699080' Riverhead,NY 11901 e- �aihehttrler�rd t!o t° line.net January 25, 2023 Heather Lanza, Planning Directorbf Southold Town Planning Department - PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 _ ._m..m. JANII 12"1 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision . SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Planning own 13®ard Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed please find the following: 1. Four (4) mylar and twelve (12) prints-Final Plat (Sheet 1 of 1) last dated December 13, 2022 bearing the SCDHS stamp of approval dated September 23, 2022, 2.Five(5)prints-Final Road&Drainage Plan(Sheet 1-3 of 3)last dated January 23,2023 amended to indicate a symbol legend on each sheet. Please have the mylar and prints of Final Plat signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board. Thank you. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC/ik �" Enclosure Olt °m �94Po ry SCOTT A. RUSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR �° TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD �� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765-1560 Fax (631) 765—9015 �r x �� ^' �" ��,• �P61�"9_d,�,LV,�,(�.i,I,8i���r��t itil�'m'"hi st;11 C I1,pl�.n.1,� US OFFICE OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � () SONO ESTIMATE IT �utFl = w PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Planning Board East Marion,New York,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM#1000-021.-03-15 DATE January 18, 2023 ITEM QUANTITY UNITS DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 580 L.F. Erosion &Sediment Controls $2.50 $1,450.00 2 L.S. Stabilized Construction Entrance L.S. $750.00 3 0.5 ACRES Clearing&Grubbing $5,000.00 $2,500.00 4 275 S.Y. Demolition of Existing Pavement $8.00 $2,200.00 5 2,420 S.Y. Rough Grading $2.00 $4,840.00 6 867 L.F. Mountable Belgian Bock Curbing $20.00 $17,340.00 7 2 EACH 8' Diameter x 6' Deep Leaching Catch Basin $2,500.00 $5,000.00 8 5 EACH 8' Diameter x 6' Deep Leaching Basin $2,500.00 $12,500.00 9 118 L.F. 15" Diameter HDPE Pipe $24.00 $2,832.00 10 2420 S.Y. Fine Grading $1.50 $3,630.00 11 95 C.Y. RCA Base (4"Thick) $30.00 $2,850.00 12 42 C.Y. 3/4" Compacted Stone Blend (2"Thick) $40.00 $1,680.00 13 11 EACH Concrete Survey Monuments $300.00 $3,300.00 14 L.S. As-Built Survey L.S. $3,000.00 15 1660 S.Y. Topsoil &Seed $3.00 $4,980.00 16 2 EACH Street Signs $200.00 $400.00 17 9 EACH Street Trees $300.00 $2,700.00 BOND ESTIMATE TOTAL= $71,952.00 6%ADMINISTRATIVE FEE= $4,317.12 SCOTT A. RUSSELL '� ��� f n MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR a TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax Tel. (631 -765—1560 (631)-765-9015 N1K°.1._t A1 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Heather Lanza January 9, 2023 Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department --�� � -� 54375 Main Road RECEIVED Southold, New York 11971 - Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision JAN 9 2023 SCTM #: 1000—021. —03— 15 L.,a4k.�p�'�d�� fow'n' m Planning Board Dear Ms. Lanza: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Drawings 1 —3 of the Pederson Standard Subdivision prepared by Thomas C. Wolpert, P.E., dated September 23, 2020, last revised December 13, 2022. Based on my review, the subdivision meets the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Southold Town Code - Stormwater Management. Final approval of the road and drainage plans is subject to the review of the Superintendent of Highways. I have forwarded a copy of this memorandum and a full set of the subdivision plans to his office. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerel , l iohael . Collins, P.E. Town Engineer cc: Daniel J. Goodwin, Superintendent of Highways CHARLES R. CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 �ro�ail:e�a�irsc�a9tlrcr�,tit�raVn� .�e¢ December 21, 2022 S� • L RECEIVED Heather Lanza, Planning Director D E C 2 2 0 Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 1.1971 PianniYig Board RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed please find the following: J. Six (6)prints-Final Plat(Sheet 1 of 1) last dated December 13, 2022; 2. Six (6)prints-Final Plat-Open Space Highlight (Sheet 1 of 1) last dated December 13, 2022; 3. Four-(4)prints.-Final Road& Drainage Plan(Sheet 1-3 of 3) last dated December 13, 2022. Please note that the plans have been revised to remove the open space strip on Lot 3 from the Open Space (Condition42), and to indicate nine (9) proposed street trees. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC/ik Enclosure . CHARLES R. CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 nAaiV: hrls ,�dd r �ao ¢onVir��v.rcut December 21, 2022 "L7�T7 . . W u Michael Collins, P.E. DEC 22 202' Southold Town Engineering Department Smj°aP°oo:d .rr)Vr I n,.. 53095 Main Roadoa.r� ui�uu, PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Mr. Collins: Enclosed are two (2)prints of the Final Road&Drainage Plan(Sheet 1-3 of 3)last dated December 13, 2022 for the above subdivision for your review and final approval. Please confirm the Performance Bond estimate. Thank you. Very truly yours, Charles R. Caddy CRC/ik Enclosure OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex 111M P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ��� � �� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Heather Lanza, Planning Director Date: October 14, 2022 Re: Final Road & Drainage Plan and Bond Estimate for the Pederson Standard Subdivision Application Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Tax Map Number: 1000-21-3-15 Location. Southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Dated: Road Profiles Dated: X Road and Drainage Plans Dated: 9/20/21 X Other: Bond Estimate Dated: 5/31/22 Site Plan Dated: Sidewalk Plan Dated: Project Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District in East Marion. Thank you for your cooperation. (Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Standard Subdivision, Pending, SCTM#1000-21-3-15) OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Sox 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY y Telephone: 631765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 2022 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Extension of Conditional Final Plat Approval Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, located on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, October 3, 2022: WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021 the Planning Board granted Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the application, with expiration set to occur in six months; and WHEREAS, the Conditional Final Plat Approval expired on March 13, 2022; and WHEREAS, at their meeting on April 11, 2022, the Planning Board extended the approval to September 13, 2022; and WHEREAS, the Conditional Final Plat Approval expired on September 13, 2022; and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested more time to meet the conditions of the approval; therefore be it RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby extends the Conditional Final Plat Approval for an additional six months beginning on September 14, 2022 and expiring on March 13, 2023. Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 12 October 4, 2022 The next step to continue towards Final Plat Approval is to meet all conditions stated in the original Conditional Final Plat approval resolution. This extension of the Conditional Final Plat Approval shall expire on March 13 2023, unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman CHARLES R. CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 -��aiiWh �iea��tid ckooalina.nt September 23, 2022 RECEIVED Heather Lanza,Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department out e and PO Box 1179 Planning Board Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Lanza: In order for the Town Engineer to review the data for the Performance Bond you requested the Final Road and Drainage Plan to be dated after the Resolution granting Conditional Final Plat Approval dated September 13,2021.Enclosed are two(2)prints of the Plan dated September 20,2021.Please confirm that the Performance Bond estimates previously submitted will be reviewed by the Town Engineer. Further, this is to advise that the health department has completed its review. Very truly yours, (?'�" 6 Charles R. Cuddy CRC/ik Enclosure CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW f 445 GRIFFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK " Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-8200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charlescuddy@optonline.net September 6, 2022 Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: This matter is still pending health department approval which we expect to receive it shortly. Under this circumstance we ask the Board to extend the Conditional Final Approval Resolution for additional 180 days. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, C414Y L'4V Charles R. Cuddy , CRC/ik Enclosure OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall AnnexP.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ®.��®� S®Ur�®� Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY .q Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov eel PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer ly From: Heather Lanza, Planning Director Nu Date: June 22, 2022 Re: Bond Estimate for the Pederson Standard Subdivision Application Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Tax Map Number: 1000-21-3-15 Location: Southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Dated: Road Profiles Dated: Road and Drainage Plans Dated: X Other: Bond Estimate Dated: 5/31/22 Site Plan Dated: Sidewalk Plan Dated: Project Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District in East Marion. Request: Please find enclosed the Draft Bond Estimate for the Pederson Standard Subdivision. Please advise whether or not the estimate is satisfactory. Thank you for your cooperation. (Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Standard Subdivision, Pending, SCTM#1000-21-3-15) RECEIVE® JUN 2 2 2022 —so ut old Town IVlay 31, 2022 Planning,Board Draft Bond Estimate MARK PEDERSON &KATRINA PEDERSON at East Marion,T/O Southold, New York Based on Final Road & Drainage Plan (Sheets 1-3 of 3) last dated September 23, 2020 prepared by Young&Young Item No. Qty. & Unit Description Unit Cost Total Cost 1 0.5 Ac. Clearing&Grubbing $ 5,000.00 $2,500.00 2 275 S.Y. Demolition & Removal of Existing Pavement 8.00 2,200.00 3 2,420 S.Y. Rough Grading/ Unclassified Excavation 2.00 4,840.00 4 2,420 S.Y. Fine Grading 1.50 3,630.00 5 2 Each 8' Dia.x 6' Deep Leaching Catch Basin 2,500.00 51000.00 6 5 Each S' Dia. x 6' Deep Leaching Pools with Cast Iron Covers 2,500.00 .12,500.00 7 118 L.F. 15" Dia. HDPE Drainage Pipe—Smooth Invert 20.00 2,360.00 8 L.S. Compacted Soil Base—6" L.S. 2,000.00 9 95 C.Y. Compacted Recycled Aggregate Base—4" 30.00 2,850.00 10 42 C.Y. 2"Compacted Wearing Course (3/4"Stone Blend) 40.00 1,680.00 11 8 Each Concrete Survey Monuments 100.00 800.00 12 1,660 S.Y. Topsoil &Seed 3.00 4,980.00 13 L.S. Maintenance & Protection of Traffic L.S. 1,500.00 Draft Bond Estimate Total $46,840.00 6%Administration Fee 2,810.40 Total $49,650.40 OFFICE LOCATION: ;zr ESS: Town Hall Annex , 0r P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 r• (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY leaky Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowxniy.gov 00UNTY, + PLANNING BOA.RD OFFICE TOWN OF SUTOL September 14, 2021 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Conditional Final Plat Approval — Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, located on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, September 13, 2021 WHEREAS, this proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. WHEREAS, on September 14, 2020, the Planning Board granted a Negative Declaration under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, and granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval; and WHEREAS, on March 8, 2021, the applicant's agent submitted the Final Plat application; and WHEREAS, at their work session on May 3, 2021, the Planning Board found the Final Plat application complete, and agreed to waive the Final Plat Public Hearing as the Final Plat was in substantial agreement with the Preliminary Plat; and WHEREAS, at their work session on August 9, 2021, the Planning Board reviewed the Final Plat application, including Town Engineer's comments on the Final Road & Drainage Plan, and a Park & Playground finding; and Pederson rs Standard. Sub ca division P g e 12 September 14. 2021 WHEREAS, as a result of this subdivision, there is the potential for new residents creating an increased demand for recreational facilities in the Town. These factors present a proper case for requiring a park suitably located for recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, due to the location of the proposed lots at the end of a private road, the parcel is unsuitable for the inclusion of a public park, playground or other recreation use; and WHEREAS, Southold Town Code §240-53 G establishes a fee of$7,000 per new lot created to be paid in lieu of providing a park within the subdivision; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021, at their work session, the Planning Board found that this Final Plat application is ready for a determination pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, as described above, hereby finds that the proposed subdivision plat presents a proper case for requiring a park for recreational purposes, but that a suitable park cannot be properly located on such subdivision plat, and that the Planning Board will require a Park and Playground fee of $14,000 in lieu thereof; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Subdivision, Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson,. Final Plat" prepared by Young & Young, dated September 23, 2020„ and including the three-page Final Road & Drainage Plan entitled Mark Pederson and latarina Pederson Final Road & Drainage Plan, dated September 23, 2020, with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. Revisions to Final Plat and Final Road & Drainage Plan a. Rename the Subdivision Map and Final Road & Drainage Plan "Pederson Standard Subdivision" b. One of the two side yards of Lot 2 must be at least 20' in width (currently both are at 15', which is less than the required side yard setback in the R-40 zoning district). c. Provide a 10' separation between all building envelopes and the open space (currently only 5' is shown). Subdivision Page 13 npt rLi er � 02 Pederson Standard ._ d. Incorporate the Town Engineer's comments on the Final Road & Drainage Plan to the Planning Board's satisfaction. The Town Engineer's comments are as follow: 1) The final drainage design should incorporate a section of curbing, swale or some alternate design element to ensure that stormwater is conveyed into the single catch basin located on Kat's Court. Show the location of and details for this design element. 2) Please note that based on the existing contours, the "safe overflow" from the drainage system will discharge to and collect along the eastern portions of the building envelopes for Lots 2 & 3 in addition to the Open Space Easement area for Lot 2. e. Add concrete monuments to be set at all corners and changes of direction of the lot boundaries. f, Add pipes to be set marking the boundaries of the open space on each lot, including all corners and changes of direction; and g. Nine street trees are required by Town Code for the proposed new road Kat's Court. Identify existing trees proposed in lieu of planting on the Final Road & Drainage Plan Page 2 Details, if any. If existing trees are proposed in lieu of some or all of the required trees, provide their location on a draft Final Road & Drainage Plan Page 2 Details, and a site visit will be scheduled to review whether they are acceptable. In addition, if there are locations that do not have existing trees and planting at that location is not feasible, a payment in lieu of that number of street trees is permitted. h. Ensure the Final Road & Drainage Plans are consistent with the Final Plat in all details. 2. 60% Open Space Requirement: Provide an additional separate copy of the Final Plat for the purpose of clearly illustrating the areas included in the 60% open space requirement. Please shade those areas. Note that on Lot 3, the buffer between the building envelope and the northern property line, and the drainage area cannot be included in the open space calculation. 3. The driveway for Lot 3, if illustrated on the final plat, shall be located to the south side of the parcel (farther away from the rear yards of the adjacent homes. This will be included in the covenants. Pederson Standard Subdivision I a g e l 4ep-Lgm��ber 14,_Z021 4. Provide a draft bond estimate to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required and approved by the Town Engineer, Planning Board and Town Board; 5. Submit the bond in the amount of the approved estimate, after the estimate has been approved by resolution of the Planning Board & Town Board. The bond must then be reviewed and approved by resolution of both boards prior to Final Plat Approval. 6. Submit the draft covenants and restrictions, provided by the Planning Department, for final review of any proposed changes and including legal descriptions for all of the schedules listed below. Schedule A. Legal Description of the Entire Property Schedule B. " of the private right of way Kat's Court and legal description of the Circle Drive area that is part of the proposed road for this subdivision Schedule C. " of the Drainage Easement Area Schedule D. " Lot 1 Open Space Area Schedule E. " Lot 2 Open Space Area Schedule F. " Lot 3 Open Space Area 7. Submit proof of filing for recording the covenants and restrictions with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, after the final draft of the covenants has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. 8. Pay the Park and Playground Fee of$14,000. 9. Pay the Administration Fee (6% of the bond amount or $6,000, whichever is greater). 10.Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); 11.Submit 12 paper copies and 4 mylars of the Final Plat with the approval stamp of the SCDHS. 12.Submit five paper copies of the Final Road & Drainage Plans. The next step to continue towards approval is to meet all conditions stated above. Pederson Strrd!ar ..._ Subdivision I.1 a g e 15 Se p tg rnber_j 4, 2 0;L1 Conditional Final Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1933, Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman OFFICE LOCATION: .. MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �„ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �� �� a Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 12, 2022 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Extension of Conditional Final Plat Approval Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, located on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion. SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, April 11, 2022: WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021 the Planning Board granted Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the application, with expiration set to occur in six months; and WHEREAS, the Conditional Final Plat Approval expired on March 13, 2022; and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested more time to meet the conditions of the approval; therefore be it RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby extends the Conditional Final Plat Approval for an additional six months beginning on March 13, 2022 and expiring on September 13, 2022. The next step to continue towards Final Plat Approval is to meet all conditions stated in the original Conditional Final Plat approval resolution. This extension of the Conditional Final Plat Approval shall expire on September 13, 2022, unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board. Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 12 April 1 , 2922 If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman CHARLES R.CUDDY � - R-ECE'IVEIII 'rk,' () 83 2[122 4.45 GIRJ[]FIPu RO.Boy 1547 PAX� (631)369 9080 �.av m n:au.a�Fl NY 1.1.901, )� nnn ila chit ir�escnucicl @op EonnLie.,irnek March 2, 2022 Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: In connection with a Conditional Final Approval Resolution granted on September 14, 2021, for a 3-lot subdivision of Mark and Katarina Pederson, we respectfully request a 180-day extension of approval granted. The applicant is still in the process of obtaining final approval from the health department. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy ,.,. CRC/ik Enclosure -F CHARLES R.CUDDY t a� ATT ORNEY AT LAW 445 GRIFFING AVENUE RIVERIEAD,KEWYORKI I TEL: (631)369-5200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)36t9-9080 RiverheaJ,NY 11901 E-mail- charlescuddy@optonline.net March 2,2022 Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-I5 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: In connection with a Conditional Final Approval Resolution granted on September 14,2021,for a 3-lot subdivision of Mark and Katarina Pederson,we respectfully request a 180-day extension of approval granted. The applicant is still in the process of obtaining final approval from the health department. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy 'ell CRC/ik Enclosure Southold Town Plannin Board Worl Session Au ust 2021 - Pa e 2 „e -w,. .... ., � �` ubd11 ivision � SCTM#: � 1000-21-3-15 Proation. 6 Circle Drive and S Lo Project Name: � Pederson Stand .. sal is. East Marion Description: This propo S - for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 , lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: C onditional Preliminary Plat Approval Action: hments: } ppli Att St.. Report cation Review, a Dr ft C&R's f. Southeast side of Winthropenue,intersectingTM . - o .. w 0-9-10-10 Pro'ect Name: Walsh Park Standard Subdivision S : C 100 Location: p with Equestrian Avenue, Fishers Island Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 3.82-acre parcel into three lots, where Lot 1 is .59 acres and contains two residential dwellings and a sewer easement, Lot 2 is 2.16 acres and contains a sewer and water easement and Lot 3 is 1.08 acres and contains two residential dwellings, a right of way and water easement. ..._.. . --- - ----- — — Status: New Application t Action: I Review for Completeness Attachments: . Staff Report ,.... Discussion: ❖ Planning Board Monthly Report DRAFT: July 2021 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date: August 9, 2021 Prepared By: Heather Lanza I. Application Information Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-21-3-15 Project Location: on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue Hamlet: East Marion Zoning District: R-40 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: 9.2 # of Lots Proposed: 3 This proposal is for a reduced yield clustered standard subdivision, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, including 3.5 acres of open space, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, including 1.3 acres of open space, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, including 0.8 acres of open space. III. Action to review • Final Plat Application Review o Park & Playground Finding o Town Engineer Comments o Items remaining to be completed prior to Final Plat Approval • Draft Covenants & Restrictions IV. History March 12, 2019 Sketch Plan Application submitted August 5, 2019 Conditional Sketch Plan Approval granted September 14, 2020 Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval granted March 8, 2021 Final Plat Application submitted May 3, 2021 Final Plat Application completeness review at work session May 3, 2021 Agreement to waive Final Plat public hearing Southold Planning Department Staff Report V. Evaluation of Final Plat Application A. Park & Playground Finding This subject property presents a case for providing a park— there are two new house lots being created which will increase the Town's population and demand on public recreational amenities. The subject property, however, is not a suitable location for a public park due to its location. It is located on a private road with no access to the public. Also, it is wooded and the open space is best left wooded. Hiking trails are not possible due to the relatively small size of the woodlands, and the lack of connectivity to other woodlands or public space. Therefore this subdivision presents a case where it is appropriate to require the Park & Playground Fee be paid in lieu of providing parkland. B. Town Engineer Comments on Final Road & Drainage Plan 1. The final drainage design should incorporate a section of curbing, swale or some alternate design element to ensure that stormwater is conveyed into the single catch basin located on Kat's Court. Show the location of and details for this design element. 2. Please note that based on the existing contours, the "safe overflow" from the drainage system will discharge to and collect along the eastern portions of the building envelopes for Lots 2 & 3 in addition to the Open Space Easement area for Lot 2. C. Items remaining to be completed These can be completed either prior to Conditional Final Plat Approval or as conditions of Conditional Final Plat Approval. 1. Revisions to Final Plat & Final Road & Drainage Plan a. Rename the Subdivision Map and Final Road & Drainage Plan "Pederson Standard Subdivision" b. The buffer along the north side of the building envelope of Lot 3 appears to be included as open space and that is not permitted. Remove that area from the open space. c. One of the two side yards of Lot 2 must be at least 20' in width (currently both are at 15', which is less than the required side yard setback in the R- 40 zoning district). 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report d. Provide a 10' separation between all building envelopes and the open space (currently only 5' is shown). e. Change the notation: "Open Space Preservation Easement" to "Open Space Preservation Area". The word "easement" must be changed because no easements will be created. Instead these areas will be preserved through covenants. f. Incorporate the Town Engineer's comments on the Final Road & Drainage Plan to the Planning Board's satisfaction. g. Add concrete monuments to all changes of direction, including locations for the open space on each lot (see attached diagram), and all corners of the lot boundaries. h. Add street trees as required by Town Code to the proposed road. Identify existing trees proposed in lieu of planting on the Final Plat, if any. If existing trees are proposed, provide their location on a draft Final Plat and a site visit will be scheduled to review them. i. Ensure the Final Road & Drainage Plans are consistent with the Final Plat in all details. 2. Provide a single copy of the Final Plat with the open space shaded to illustrate the areas being counted as the required 60% open space 3. A draft bond estimate to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required and approved by the Town Engineer, Planning Board and Town Board; 4. Submit the bond in the amount of the approved estimate, after the estimate has been approved by resolution of the Planning Board & Town Board 5. Submit the draft covenants and restrictions, provided by the Planning Department, for final review of any proposed changes and including legal descriptions for all of the schedules listed below. Schedule A. Legal Description of the Entire Property Schedule B. " of the private right of way Kat's Court and legal description of the Circle Drive area that is part of the proposed road for this subdivision 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Schedule C. " of the Drainage Easement Area Schedule D. " Lot 1 Open Space Area Schedule E. " Lot 2 Open Space Area Schedule F. " Lot 3 Open Space Area 6. File and submit proof of filing of the covenants and restrictions after the final draft has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. 7. Payment of the Park and Playground Fee and 8. Payment of the Administration Fee (6% of the bond amount or $6,000, whichever is greater). 9. Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); 10.Submit 12 paper copies and 4 mylars of the Final Plat with the approval stamp of the SCDHS. 11.Submit five paper copies of the Final Road & Drainage Plans. 4 SCOTT A. RUSSELL ��'� "� "��u�� MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD -' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631) 765—1560 Fax. (631) 765 9015 maul I ' rr" �,' ¢ � ('01J4�J'�,�a'�laJ4��� '���liwk�ru�.�6+�l� lr, OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Heather Lanza May 5, 2021 Southold Town Planning Department .". 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 , II' I VR Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM #: 1000—21. —03— 15 MA`s 0 2021 L Dear Ms. Lanza: ,�'k� krb�tii� �r [yu:W� uu ar'oNr'g Board As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Final Road & Drainage Plan, the Final Road & Drainage Details and the Stormwater Management Control Plan for the Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson Subdivision. These drawings were prepared by Thomas C. Wolpert, P.E., and are dated September 23, 2020. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address all of the following: 1. The final drainage design should incorporate a section of curbing, swale or some alternate design element to ensure that stormwater is conveyed into the single catch basin located on Kat's Court. Show the location of and details for this design element. 2. Please note that based on the existing contours, the "safe overflow" from the drainage system will discharge to and collect along the eastern portions of the building envelopes for Lots 2 & 3 in addition to the Open Space Easement area for Lot 2. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office.. Sincerely,44�,,,�I CA� Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer cc: Vincent Orlando, Superintendent of Highways OFFICE LOCATION: I MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex rif so , P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov cou fm PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Heather Lanza, AICP, Town Planning Director Date: May 4, 2021 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision Application: Pederson Standard Subdivision Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 Location: Southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion. Type of Application: X Final Road & Drainage Plan for a Standard Subdivision (Dated: _9/23/2021 Road is proposed to be private. Draft Bond Estimate not yet received from applicant. Project Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5,1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District in East Marion. Thank you for your cooperation. Encl. — 2 sets of the Final Road & Drainage Plan Southold Town Plannin Board Work Session — Ma 3 2021 — Pa e 2 Captain Red's Marine Sales SCTM# Project Name: P 1000-122-6-12 _ _ _ Location: 9605 Route 25, Mattituck Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 3,680 sq. ft. metal building (ZBA file #7014) for storage (no basement) where there exists a 1 —story 1,168 sq. ft. office building for boat sales, storage, parking and display with 8 parking stalls on a General Business (B) and R-40 split zoned parcel totaling 1.6 acres. Approved 9.. Status � Action: Extension Request Attackmenis'.' _­ Staff Report Project Name: East End Tick & Mosquito Pest Control 1 SCTM#: 1000-97-3-2 Location: 36570 Route 25, +420' s/w/o of Skunk Lane & Main Road, Cutchogue Description:_ _ This site plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing building to a single family dwelling with an attached business office with six (6) parking, iness (LB) Zoning District. stalls on 0.25 acres in the Limited Bus „ .... Status: Approved Action, Extension Request Attachments: Staff Report ..... Name: Premium Wine Group Amended 3 SCTM#: 1000-121-6-1 Project _ _ ... _ Locations 35 Cox Neck Road, Cutcho gue ...... Description: This amended site plan is for the construction of a 1,860 sq. ft. building for office and storage to will connect two existing buildings on site; and, the construction of a 4,402 sq. ft. detached accessory storage building with loading dock and the construction of twelve land banked parking stalls where there exists two buildings totaling 20,585 sq. ft. on a 3.563- " acre parcel in the LB Zone, Status: New Application _ Action; Review for Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#:I­I 1000-21-3-15 Location: 670 Circle Drive, Fast Marion Description; This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Action: Final Plat Application Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date: May 3, 2021 Prepared By: Heather Lanza I. Application Information Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-21-3-15 Project Location: on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue Hamlet: East Marion Zoning District: R-40 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: 9.2 # of Lots Proposed: 3 This proposal is for a reduced yield clustered standard subdivision, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, including 3.5 acres of open space, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, including 1.3 acres of open space, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, including 0.8 acres of open space. IIId'. Action to review Final Plat Application Completeness IV. History March 12, 2019 Sketch Plan Application submitted August 5, 2019 Conditional Sketch Plan Approval granted September 14, 2020 Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval granted March 8, 2021 Final Plat Application submitted Southold Planning Department Staff Report V. Analysis A. FINAL PLAT COMPLETENESS .............. ............................................................. REQUIRED SUBMITTED ............ Final Plat Application Form Yes .......... Final Plat Flat Fee Yes Standard and Conservation Subdivisions • $500 12 paper copies of Final Plat in.."' �� .... ...� � .. ���..��-.. _.�,,,_.������������ ......... cluding all required Yes information pursuant to §240-21 ............. ................................ ........... 4 Mylar copies of Final Plat To be submitted at Conditional Final Plat 5 copies of Final Road & Drainage Plan Yes • Approval from Town Engineer required ...........___ ............ ..... Draft copies of all required legal documents: To be provided by Planning Staff • Covenants and Restrictions 11111,11-.......................... ................. 2 copies of cost estimate of public improvements No ...............­1111­11­ 1-11­11 . ............. .................. .................................................................. All conditions of Conditional Preliminary Plat met ................ Set Final Hearing/Review for substantial agreement Request to waive public hearing, Final Plat in substantial agreement with Preliminary Plat ----—-----------.............................. ------- ...... B. Evaluation of Final Plat Application With the Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval: 1. Submission of a Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240-20 of the Southold Town Code, and meeting all conditions of this Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval. 2. Revisions to Final Plat and/or Final Road and Drainage Plan: a. Rename the Subdivision "Standard Subdivision for Pederson Final Plat"; Staff: Not complete b. Indicate in a note that Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems are required for Lots 2 and 3; Staff: Complete 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report c. Indicate the square footage of the drainage area for the road. Re-label this area "Road Drainage Area". The drainage area, as designed, must not be counted towards the open space requirement; Staff: Not complete d. Relabel "Open Space Easement Area" to "Open Space Preservation Area", Staff: Not complete — The word "easement" must be changed because no easements will be created. Instead these areas will be preserved through covenants. e. Provide metes and bounds for the open space areas and the road's drainage area, Staff: Complete f. Illustrate a 15' natural or planted vegetated buffer to the Planning Board's satisfaction on the north side of Lot 3, Staff: Complete g. Illustrate a 30' natural or planted vegetated buffer to the Planning Board's satisfaction on the east side of Lots 2 and 3; Staff: Complete h. Provide road and drainage specifications to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer and the Town Fire Marshall; Staff: To be determined i, The driveway for Lot 3, if illustrated on the final plat, shall be located to the south side of the parcel (farther away from the rear yards of the adjacent homes; Staff: To be included in covenants j. Indicate a Fire well in the location designated by the East Marion Fire District; Staff: Complete k. Fulfill the street tree requirement pursuant to Town Code §161-44 Street trees to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. An estimated 9 street trees are required. Identify any existing trees adjacent to the proposed road that may be acceptable in lieu of planting a new tree; Staff: Not complete Southold Planning Department Staff Report 3. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions (a template will be provided by the Planning Department) including but not limited to the following clauses.- a. lauses:a. Street trees and details for their maintenance b. Irrigation and Landscaping.- i. andscaping:i. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping; ii. Area of irrigation should be limited to 15% of the lot area; iii. Require rain sensors to promote responsible irrigation methods; iv. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture; v. Require a maximum of 1 Ib. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year; vi. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 st and April 1 st; vii. The use of phosphorus containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. c. Clearing restrictions from Southold Town Code. d. Timing of tree clearing: Contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Office at (631) 444-0306 to determine possible occurrence of the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and discuss regulations pertaining to the species for clearing trees. e. Road and Drainage Maintenance requirements that all costs be shared among the three lot owners with additional details. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report f. The preservation of the 60% Open Space will be included in the Covenants and Restrictions to preserve the open space as woodlands and natural habitat as indicated in the SEQRA assessment and the LWRP Consistency Review: i. Conservation of open land in its natural state. Clearing of woodland generally prohibited, except as necessary to clear trails or remove invasive species; ii. Game preserve, wildlife sanctuary, or other similar conservation use. 4. A draft bond estimate to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer; Staff: Not complete 5. Approval of the Final Road & Drainage Plan by the Town Engineer, Fire Marshall and Town Highway Superintendent Staff: To be determined. 6. Prior to Final Plat Approval, the following will be required: a. Fulfillment of the Park and Playground Fee and the Administration Fee will be required prior to Final Plat Approval. A finding on the Park and Playground Fee requirement will be made on the application during review of the Final Plat application; b. Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); c. Filing covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) that protect the environment, public safety, quality of life and community character to the satisfaction of the Planning Board will be required to be filed. Draft C&R's will be provided to the applicant during the Final Plat application review. d. Posting the bond to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer; e. Payment of the Administration Fee equal to 6% of the bond amount. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report VI. Items to Consider 1. Consider finding the Final Plat application complete with a Draft Bond Estimate for the road improvements to be submitted during the review process, and the other minor items to be done as conditions of the Conditional Final Plat Approval; 2. Consider waiving the Public Hearing on the Final Plat as it is substantially in agreement with the Preliminary Plat, 3. Begin review of the Final Plat Application. 4. Refer the Final Road & Drainage Plan to the Town Engineer 6 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date September 14, 2020 Prepared By: Heather Lanza I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 Status: Conditional Sketch Plan Approval II. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. III: ACTION TO REVIEW Circle Drive Site Inspection —view staked right of way SEQRA Assessment Conditions of Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval IV: ANALYSIS • Circle Drive Site Inspection — view staked right of way See attached Site Inspection Report • SEQRA: See Negative Declaration and SEQRA Assessment in the Public Meeting Packet. • Proposed Conditions of Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Conditions for the Preliminary Plat resolution: 1. Submission of a Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240- 20 of the Southold Town Code, and meeting all conditions of this Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval. 2. Revisions to Final Plat and/or Final Road and Drainage Plan: a. Rename the Subdivision "Standard Subdivision for Pederson Final Plat", Southold Planning Department Staff Report b. Indicate in a note that Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems are required for Lots 2 and 3; c. Indicate the square footage of the drainage area for the road. Re-label this area "Road Drainage Area". The drainage area, as designed, must not be counted towards the open space requirement; d. Relabel "Open Space Easement Area" to "Open Space Preservation Area", e. Provide metes and bounds for the open space areas and the road's drainage area; f. Illustrate a 15' natural or planted vegetated buffer to the Planning Board's satisfaction on the north side of Lot 3; g. Illustrate a 30' natural or planted vegetated buffer to the Planning Board's satisfaction on the east side of Lots 2 and 3; h. Provide road and drainage specifications to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer and the Town Fire Marshall; i. The driveway for Lot 3, if illustrated on the final plat, shall be located to the south side of the parcel (farther away from the rear yards of the adjacent homes; j. Indicate a Fire well in the location designated by the East Marion Fire District; k. Fulfill the street tree requirement pursuant to Town Code §161-44 Street trees to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. An estimated 9 street trees are required. Identify any existing trees adjacent to the proposed road that may be acceptable in lieu of planting a new tree; 3. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions (a template will be provided by the Planning Department) including but not limited to the following clauses: a. Street trees and details for their maintenance b. Irrigation and Landscaping: i. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping; Southold Planning Department Staff Report ii. Area of irrigation should be limited to 15% of the lot area; iii. Require rain sensors to promote responsible irrigation methods; iv. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture; v. Require a maximum of 1 Ib. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year; vi. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1st and April 1st; vii. The use of phosphorus containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. c. Clearing restrictions from Southold Town Code. d. Timing of tree clearing: Contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Office at (631) 444-0306 to determine possible occurrence of the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and discuss regulations pertaining to the species for clearing trees. e. Road and Drainage Maintenance requirements that all costs be shared among the three lot owners with additional details. f. The preservation of the 60% Open Space will be included in the Covenants and Restrictions to preserve the open space as woodlands and natural habitat as indicated in the SEQRA assessment and the LWRP Consistency Review: i. Conservation of open land in its natural state. Clearing of woodland generally prohibited, except as necessary to clear trails or remove invasive species; ii. Game preserve, wildlife sanctuary, or other similar conservation use. Southold Planning Department Staff Report 4. A draft bond estimate to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer; 5. Approval of the Final Road & Drainage Plan by the Town Engineer, Fire Marshall and Town Highway Superintendent 6. Prior to Final Plat Approval, the following will be required; a. Fulfillment of the Park and Playground Fee and the Administration Fee will be required prior to Final Plat Approval. A finding on the Park and Playground Fee requirement will be made on the application during review of the Final Plat application; b. Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); c. Filing covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) that protect the environment, public safety, quality of life and community character to the satisfaction of the Planning Board will be required to be filed. Draft C&R's will be provided to the applicant during the Final Plat application review. d. Posting the bond to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer; e. Payment of the Administration Fee equal to 6% of the bond amount. Items to Consider 1. A Negative Declaration at tonight's meeting. 2. A Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval at tonight's meeting 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Planning Board Site Inspection Record Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Date: September 9, 2020 Attending: Heather Lanza Purpose of site visit: To view the right of way stakes, and determine whether the new right of way would interfere with an existing garage on the adjacent property. Notes: The proposed right of way and roadway were staked. We observed that the proposed new road will not interfere with the existing garage on the adjacent property, or any other buildings in the vicinity. 5 OFFICE CATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall AnnexP.O. Box 1179 Soot 54375 State Route 25Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ONC n� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOL September 15, 2020 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval — Pederson Standard Subdivision 670 Circle Drive, located on the southeast side of Circle Drive, +/- 70' south of Aquaview Avenue, East Marion. SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2020: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. WHEREAS, on August 5, 2019, the Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plan Approval, including waivers to allow the open space to be included in more than one lot in accordance with their policy to allow design flexibility for significant yield reduction. Yield was reduced 62% in this proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, on October 24, 2019, the applicant's agent submitted the Preliminary Plat application; and WHEREAS, at their work session on November 18, 2019, the Planning Board found the Preliminary Plat application complete, and permitted both side yards to be a minimum of 15' in accordance with their policy to allow design flexibility for significant yield reduction. Yield was reduced 62% in this proposed subdivision; and Pederson_Standard Subdivision Page 12 September 2020 WHEREAS, on November 22, 2019, pursuant 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the Planning Board coordinated with all involved and interested agencies; and WHEREAS, on November 22, 2019, the application was referred to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), Suffolk County Planning Commission, and all other involved and interested agencies; and WHEREAS, at their public meeting on December 2, 2019, the Planning Board set the Preliminary Plat Public Hearing and determined that the action is an Unlisted Action under SEQRA; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated December 19, 2019, the East Marion Fire District responded that a fire well would be required, including a map showing the location; and WHEREAS; in a letter dated December 20, 2019, the Suffolk County Planning Commission responded that this matter should be considered for local determination and has no objection to Southold Town claiming Lead Agency; and WHEREAS, on Monday, January 13, 2020, the public hearing was held, and, due to a noticing error, was held open until the following public meeting on February10, 2020, when the hearing was closed; and WHEREAS, in a memo dated January 30, 2020, the LWRP coordinator responded that this application was found consistent with the policies of Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and WHEREAS, in a memo dated February 18, 2020, the Town Engineer responded with a list of comments; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2020, the Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Coordinator reviewed this application, and has recommended the proposed project be found consistent with the policies of the Southold Town LWRP with recommendations to be implemented; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, on July 20, 2020, at their work session, the Planning Board reviewed the Public Hearing comments and the comments returned from the applicable and involved agencies, and all comments were incorporated into the application to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2020, at their work session, the Planning Board found that this Preliminary Plat application is ready for a determination pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land; therefore be it Pederson Standard Subdivision P a 9 e 13 September 1 „_2020 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold LWRP; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, hereby makes a determination of non-significance for the proposed action and grants a Negative Declaration; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Subdivision, Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson, Preliminary Plat" prepared by Young & Young, dated August 20, 2019, last revised October 14, 2019, including Page 2 entitled "Preliminary Road & Drainage Plan", with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. Submission of a Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240- 20 of the Southold Town Code, and meeting all conditions of this Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval. 2. Revisions to Final Plat and/or Final Road and Drainage Plan- a. Rename the Subdivision "Standard Subdivision for Pederson Final Plat"; b. Indicate in a note that Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems are required for Lots 2 and 3; c. Indicate the square footage of the drainage area for the road. Re-label this area "Road Drainage Area". The drainage area, as designed, must not be counted towards the open space requirement; d. Relabel "Open Space Easement Area" to "Open Space Preservation Area"; e. Provide metes and bounds for the open space areas and the road's drainage area; f. Illustrate a 15' natural or planted vegetated buffer to the Planning Board's satisfaction on the north side of Lot 3; g. Illustrate a 30' natural or planted vegetated buffer to the Planning Board's satisfaction on the east side of Lots 2 and 3; Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 14 September 15, 2020 h. Provide road and drainage specifications to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer and the Town Fire Marshall; i. The driveway for Lot 3, if illustrated on the final plat, shall be located to the south side of the parcel (farther away from the rear yards of the adjacent homes; j. Indicate a Fire well in the location designated by the East Marion Fire District; k. Fulfill the street tree requirement pursuant to Town Code §161-44 Street trees to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. An estimated 9 street trees are required. Identify any existing trees adjacent to the proposed road that may be acceptable in lieu of planting a new tree; 3. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions (a template will be provided by the Planning Department) including but not limited to the following clauses: a. Street trees and details for their maintenance b. Irrigation and Landscaping: i. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping; ii. Area of irrigation should be limited to 15% of the lot area; iii. Require rain sensors to promote responsible irrigation methods; iv. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture; v. Require a maximum of 1 Ib. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year; vi. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 st and April 1 st; vii. The use of phosphorus containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Pederson Standard Subdivision, Pa c e 15 September_15 2020. .. �. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. c. Clearing restrictions from Southold Town Code. d. Timing of tree clearing: Contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Office at (631) 444-0306 to determine possible occurrence of the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and discuss regulations pertaining to the species for clearing trees. e. Road and Drainage Maintenance requirements that all costs be shared among the three lot owners with additional details. f. The preservation of the 60% Open Space will be included in the Covenants and Restrictions to preserve the open space as woodlands and natural habitat as indicated in the SEQRA assessment and the LWRP Consistency Review: i. Conservation of open land in its natural state. Clearing of woodland generally prohibited, except as necessary to clear trails or remove invasive species; ii. Game preserve, wildlife sanctuary, or other similar conservation use. 4. A draft bond estimate to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer; 5. Approval of the Final Road & Drainage Plan by the Town Engineer, Fire Marshall and Town Highway Superintendent 6. Prior to Final Plat Approval, the following will be required,- a. equired,a. Fulfillment of the Park and Playground Fee and the Administration Fee will be required prior to Final Plat Approval. A finding on the Park and Playground Fee requirement will be made on the application during review of the Final Plat application; b. Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); Pederson Standard Subdivision Page p 6 September 15, 2020 c. Filing covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) that protect the environment, public safety, quality of life and community character to the satisfaction of the Planning Board will be required to be filed. Draft C&R's will be provided to the applicant during the Final Plat application review. d. Posting the bond to guarantee the installation of the road and drainage and any other associated infrastructure improvements as required by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer; e. Payment of the Administration Fee equal to 6% of the bond amount. The next step to continue towards approval is to meet all conditions stated above, and to submit a complete Final Plat Application. Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully bac Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — September 14 2020 — Paces Prosect Name: Lebkuecher Standard Subdivision SCTM #. 1000-125.-2-2.2 Location. 3475 Aldrich Lane & 935 Franklinville Rd, Laurel e.. Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 35.79-acre parcel into two lots, where Lot 1 is 3.66 acres with an existing residential structure and Lot 2 is 32.13 acres with greenhouses in active farm use, in the R-80 and HB Zoning Districts. w _ Status _ Pending Action Update on process Attachments: Staff Report ject . 0 Pro9ect-Name._ ,. _ Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM# 1 00 21 -3-15 Location: 670 Circle Drive, East Marion Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. Status: ; Pending _ Action _. Review Site Visit & Conditions for Preliminary Plat z.., m Attachments: I Staff Report Project Name. George L. Penny Inc. Contractors Yard SCTM#: 1000-53-2-27.2 Amended Location: 67480 Route 25, Greenport ...... Description: This amended site plan is for a proposed contractors yard including eight (8) existing buildings totaling 24,634 sq. ft. on 2.68 acres in the LI Zoning . District. Status _ Pending ........ Action. Update Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Eastern Long Island SCTM#: 1000-40-3-5 Kampground Amended Location: j 64500 CR 48, Greenport Description: This amended site plan is to replace 33 existing tent sites with the proposed construction of 20 seasonal cabins at 450 sq. ft. each and a 600 sq. ft. pavilion as part of an existing campground on 23.32 acres in the RR Zoning District, Greenport. Status: Pending Action: Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report From: Easton, James Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 11:27 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: RE: Referralm �cd�r5ov1 . G ll rl Good morning Jess pC+i �lln- �3oq The road specs look good, we can consider this road a driveway serving 3 buildings and therefore the 16'road ID width is acceptable. Due to the current working conditions Bob has not been coming in to the office. If you could CC me on any future emails sent to Bob I will be able to help get responses back to your office promptly. Have a good day, Janes Easton Fire Marshal, Town of Southold „ r � tdd kin ('Itttr (tjta,lclC�,tierilly °ti�tiw; (W) 631-765-1802 PILI!1,11EGED AND CON IDENTIAL COMA 1UNIC11 TION C ONfIDEN7ML IT N777CE This elecer orzic rrrcail trcrrasrraissr'orr is irrterrded only for the trse of elle r`radrti-r'darcrl or° entay to ivhich it is addr essed and ruga contain cogfiderrtial information belora€;ytrag to the sender ii,hich is /protected h privilege, If;you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby not r`ed that arra°discloszar(: rolxvrrr,, distrihtrtior7, or the taking cif un))action hi rehancc on this contents ref this irifor nasion is sir-ictlY pr•ohibitc d. If'Yotr hcrve received this transmission in error,please not) lj'Che sender trnmiedrately 4iy e--inarl and delete the ori final rrtessage. From: Michaelis, Jessica <jessicam@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 10:54 AM To: Easton,James<jamese@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Referral Good Morning James, We didn't receive a response from Bob on the attached referral. When you get a chance, would you please review the road specs and get back to us. TI-lank you. If the attached map isn't clear, follow the link below (page 2) I�CCrr 9 fi ..a,:'?()4((i,+,c LpiwPJ,l a4k lt��i"9( C.9'',y Thank�-ou, Jessica Michaelis, Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 5 375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Bo-N 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: y. Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — July 20, 2020 — Page 2 Project Name: Vineyard View SC TM#: 1000-40-3-1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................. Location: 62600 CR 48, Greenport ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Description: This approved Residential Site Plan is for 50 multiple dwelling units in seven buildings. All units are proposed to be offered for rent at rates set by the federal government for affordability for the next 50 years. The plan includes 14 one-bedroom units, 22 two-bedroom units and 14 three- bedroom units, a 2,769 sq. ft. community center, 102 parking spaces, and various other associated site improvements, on a vacant 17.19-acre parcel of which 9.91 acres will be preserved as open space (5.98 acres upland and 3.93 acres wetlands), in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District located on the s/s of County Road 48 ±1,600' n/e/o Chapel Lane, Greenport. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Status: Approved with Conditions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Action: Review for CO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Attachments: Staff Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project Name: Pindar Storage Building SC TM#: 1000-85-2-9.2 :.............................................................................................................................................................................................................:.......................................................:................................................................................... ..................................................................: Location: 39935 Route 25, Peconic g Descri tion: This Agricultural Site Plan is for the relocation and construction of a 1- p story 3,259 sq. ft. building for agricultural equipment storage and no basement, located on 70.4 acres in the AC Zoning District where there is 7,151 sq. ft. of existing buildings. Status: Approved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Action: Review for CO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Attachments: Staff Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project Name: Strong's Storage Buildings SCTM# 1000-106-6-13.4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Location: 3430 Mill Road, Mattituck ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Description: This site plan is for the proposed construction of two (2) buildings for boat storage, one at 52,500 sq. ft. and the other at 49,000 sq. ft., located on 32.6 acres in the MII and R-80 Zoning Districts where there are 69,245 sq. ft. of existing boatyard buildings. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Status: Pending ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Action: SEQRA Assessment Attachments: Staff Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-21-3-15 ....................................................................................................................:.............................................................................................................................................................................................................:.......................................................:....................................................................................................................................................: Location: 670 Circle Drive East Marion ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Status: Conditional Sketch Plan Approval ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Action: Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date July 20, 2020 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 II. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. III: ACTION TO REVIEW Referral Review Draft SEQRA Report Circle Drive Inspection IV: ANALYSIS On May 6, 2019, the Planning Board granted a Conditional Sketch Plan Approval On November 18, 2019, the Planning Board found that all conditions of the Conditional Sketch Plan Approval had been satisfied and therefore found the Preliminary Plat application complete. On November 22, 2019, the Preliminary Plat application was referred to all involved and interested agencies. The following comments were submitted to the Planning Department. Ordinance Inspector and Fire Marshal • No pending violations at this time. Suffolk County Planning Commission • Considered a matter for local determination. Suffolk County Department of Health Services • The department has not yet received an application for this proposal. • An application will be made by the applicant upon a determination under SEQRA. Southold Planning Department Staff Report NOTE: Approval from the SCDHS will be required prior to a Final Plat Approval. East Marion Fire Commission • The Board of Fire Commissioners has recommended one fire well be installed as shown on the provided marked map (see below). N 0 49 MAUTARY ..✓'""" "'"", �,dk6f' u, l .. „G�y �f�,ry A " m y ��tiJ' 4"Y r rj 40 f ✓ ` 1 1 �' ti w r� LCR#11 6RA -3E3 - ... 34.L70 1 I .. Town Engineer 1. The proposed 7.60% road grade over -163' of Kat's Court is too steep for a stone blend road. The road must either be paved or reconfigured to a gentler grade. 2. Revise the "Stone Blend Pavement Section" to note that New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Specification RCA will be used to construct the 4' compacted base course. 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 3. The final drainage design should incorporate a section of curbing, swale or some alternate design element to ensure that stormwater is conveyed into the single catch basin located on Kat's Court. 4. The proposed drainage easement is only 15' in width. According to the Town Highway Specifications, drainage easements must be a minimum of 20' in width. 5. 1 recommend that all leaching pools not equipped with an open grate be provided with solid cast iron clean out covers to grade to facilitate future maintenance. 6. Please note that based on the existing contours, the "safe overflow" from the drainage system will discharge to and collect along the eastern portions of the building envelopes for Lots 2 & 3 in addition to the Open Space Easement area for Lot 2. 7. Concrete monuments, four inches by four inches by 30 inches, shall be shown at all changes of alignment, at points of curvature and tangency and at 100 feet along curves. These monuments, together with the beginning and ending of all roads, shall be shown on both sides of the highway. 8. Concrete monuments, four inches by four inches by 30 inches, shall be shown marking the boundaries of the drainage easement. 9. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediments controls including, but not limited to, the constriction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas. LWRP The proposed action was found consistent with the policies of LWRP provided that the following is considered and required to further and/or meet the policies of LWRP: Policy 3: Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. Section E 1. Clearing limits will be required thereby preserving existing vegetation and reducing the area of turf, irrigation and application of fertilizers and pesticides on each lot; 2. It is recommended that existing trees or groups of trees that occur adjacent to the proposed right of way (Kat's Court) are identified and mapped to account for required street trees; 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 3. The lots to the north of the parcel are improved with single family residences and the rear yards face the side yard of proposed Lot 3. It is recommended that the Board consider preserving the trees along the shared property boundaries to maintain the quality of life for residents by creating a vegetated buffer. Section K. 1. It is recommended that the Board apply the dark sky lighting requirements to preserve the night sky in the area pursuant to §240-46 Lighting. Policy 5: Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. o The lots are not proposed to be connected to public water and potable water supply will be supplied from private wells. To protect the water quality of the sole source aquifer and mitigate cumulative nitrogen loading impacts, the installation of a I/A OWTS on Lots 2 & 3 is recommended. It is expected that an existing sanitary system is located and functioning on the improved Lot 1; o To further Policies 5.4 and 5.5, it is recommended that the Best Management Practices (BMP's) be required through a covenant and restriction and applied to each lot: ■ Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping; ■ Area of irrigation should be limited to 15% of the lot area; ■ Require rain sensors to promote responsible irrigation methods; ■ Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture; ■ Require a maximum of 1 Ib. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year; ■ Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1St and April 1St; ■ The use of phosphorus containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. Policy 6: Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report The NYSDEC Environmental Mapper was consulted and the parcel is located within a rare plants and animals environmental designated area. The parcel area is in the vicinity of"bats listed as endangered or threatened". It is recommended the applicant contact Ms. Michelle Gibbons at the NYSDEC Regional Office at (631) 444-0306 to determine possible occurrence and discuss regulations pertaining to the species. Public Hearing Comments (summarized) 1. Traffic will be passing the front yard and side yard of the adjacently located . 2. parcel belonging to the Milano family during construction and once the parcel is developed. 3. The current conditions of the Circle Drive access are poor due to construction. There is a garage on the Milano lot located closely to the property line and traffic from construction has made it difficult to access the garage. 4. Propose that the owners of the subdivision plant native tree and shrubs along the entirety of the property line where it abuts the Milano lot and along the entirety of the access where it abuts the Milano lot. 5. Indigenous wildlife will be destroyed as a result of construction. 6. The survey does not show an existing structure on the Milano lot. This will need to be assessed and added to the subdivision map, depending on its location. 7. The disrepair of Circle Drive will not feasibly accommodate an increase in traffic to access the Pederson lots. 8. Will the entirety of the road be improved? What will happen to existing vegetation? On July 10, 2020, the agent submitted deeds to the planning department indicating that the Pederson's had bought Circle Drive. STAFF: In order to properly assess the current conditions of Circle Drive, it is recommended that the applicant stake out the proposed right of way access starting at Aquaview Drive. The road area within the right of way should also be staked to show its location in context with adjacent properties. Once the area is staked, a site visit should be scheduled with the Planning Board prior to drafting conditions of a Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval. The approximate locations for stakes can be seen in the image provided on the following page. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report a� w,. P 1 M rT,gaT r A R1eu µ „ � � ",^s � rl°Jf " Vl w � Off CPA Tf,93K,.47(l ° xm a wrya °. u ""¢rl C➢ 0 Y FXrt�k � �P,I,nd,AS � y�, 1 i t,�4rMwerttMrme;! d P]f���l I ;'7 Items to Consider 1. Does the Board accept the comments of the LWRP Coordinator and find this application consistent with the policies of LWRP? 2. Does the Board accept the comments from the agencies in which the application was referred to? 3. Does the Planning Board agree to require the applicant to stake out the proposed right of way and road and nearby boundaries of the Circle Drive parcel and set up a site visit to assess the existing conditions prior to drafting conditions of a Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval? 6 From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Thursday,July 09, 2020 9:39 AM " !m Ms Eb . To: Michaelis, Jessica E Cc: Bufkins, Erica Subject: FW: Pederson subdivision -East Marion AJ!, 1 2020,' Attachments: File0005.PDF Parnnuirng Boaird Incoming mail From: Charles Cuddy [ma ilto:CharlesCuddy@Optonline.Net] Sent: Monday, April 06, 2020 1:33 PM To: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Pederson subdivision -East Marion Heather, This is to advise that Mark Pederson has now completed the purchase of Circle Drive, East Marion. A copy of the deed is attached. Charles R. Cuddy Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 631-369-8200 631-369-9080 fax charl„escudqy@optonlwin,e.net ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected eails. : —IlNvpN mid 4Mu Deed,wlTh Commalu agahollm Gia I 11a011's A;is iidiviSikal cir Coiilpoi WaFii„Slnp I e.Sh*m,:) CUMULI YOUR fAWW R BEFOW 510MG 4r1 fl,5i INS FRUMEN if-Iii ill S I INS I RUMCNT SHOW J BF USkD BY LAWYUSS ONLY, THIS INDENTURE made the 2'1-�-day of Arlk in the year 2-91 z cazca BETWEEN GARRISON M.BROWN Rcsifiig m 22,83 Mrwan 11MllL-e,1:asltvfllc VA 22347 party of the firm pay t,and I VIM0�+E tN 6 7 0 Ci r 1. o E,,,i F, residing at: 133 West 22nd Street, Apt. 100, NY, NY 10011 party offfic,second part„ WITNE,`iSIA'111,6m Itgta.pany of are firm part,hn Co�rS'(neMrOrl Of OM",001�00($1 00) doflar paW by rinc I or am Second pant, does hereby grant and IeIedse Suflo the pirty of the second part, 0 c heirs or succcmors and assigns of tfw frarky of die sccotjcG pally fbirever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO BEING THE SAME PREMISES CONVEYED TO THE GRANTOR HEREIN BY DEED DATED 11/4/1980 AND RECORDED ON 12/9/1980 IN LIBER 8923 PAGE 579. wilh "n I!t,Ihl" title�md il,ani•' of thr F's'r-iy of thr, ll�r'M parl 2n maid rf,�) 'ruin tit,.its"Hid I x1as pinmvse'� to rhe fines 0wn,,c&, -]()('JETl-fElZ, %vilh the 'Ind gall «md rik"Ihl,ll me,pall of ldaa fir"i Tl,ot in Ind to�s(dd 1'0 p 1A�,'E 01D TO I lOLD ft jlcrcjn pi'llllud LmIt" Jrc Dally oi"Ow ,,zcoild pam, hv lvij'r or'mcL'5,m" to w"Jgj)"' tnrth�." pjxill�y ufflic ,k�ccmd parl fw4vv"n A,ND thr 10 1 flW, l'irst I"lmr� 111a t flhc Purty ul 0w' I'ir;r pm[li w I dojw�or 111%'0141" iii rh'app dw 0rxalllfl:vl-d in aIlyM i n"-dwuv'.I"cxcql e1�'0'orv's'lid' %'N alive -wfl L�'Nv, clwar�,ilajlts thM lhc ji,,,ry of tht! Fk,st pall"vitj il'Ic cop. Idci-^tirt"n7 I'v] lhi ";tiovv"mice, ;n vvdl !r1old lh) da 6111 Cr ac o + uL;h � mirlv4mjou tt lrlg`t('11MI E0 bV raa sir l fir t fOr flhMIJ`70�(',dl7a,"ill"g,th",co [of flh iii"311,0VTFIlt"m rd� 111c (hu J-,',yvnmG of fll' 'Zosl T'A'1111, 1111 st 01 ffie M11 Of 0% U]1112 I"'T jIjjQ-j d how1,word .hn,11 ba 'unsmwa Iif it whcvlrvur ol llnrs nj&nnlre'ro qun z:a' IN fVi'l.'NIhSr�ify11111i"l9,',,Of,',¢hc party ocrhe rhstpalthas duiy exCCUlled this deed die dry airdria arfirst above w0tcn, .................. (WfWSON BROWN A/711 .......------- .............. .. .......... . ................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE V'I r5;".10. State of New York,Couvily of SS: OniihcS`l-dayof cueraletu: On the dayof in Lhcycav-2M,beftne nit,the undersigned, undersigned,parborrittly appeared m I pcv,sonoWynpipeared GARRISON BROWN personally known to gine os piusetci to Irne on[be basis of Persovvilly known Us=Ol'Ploved to)lm on the ha sis ofFafisractovy Qvidclp iW 19 t"."11V ni evideece so be[he individmb(s)whose napirre(s)is(are)5ubscribed ro rr Ibc ssiflnn in"furitem andackmw,k.%k,;uj 4)I1 oiit the wrthin 4is'Nuirivent vvind ackgicmricdgcd to rvic�hm helshelialey °,iVnc in hj-Oiur/htk, micl flicl executed fhe sarric in lik/her/their capacvvy(ics),aind ffim by ul {rile"in$Nmllcrlt,the tl IIX b rY B4t ti 1 or On the insmmcni,the int Ir ,ir i 4,ala ale Ole jitmon upon lx�lmlr,yr [Iji.1, gio(gi,e y ) person i3port behaif of%yNcis ffic indiviciu,ni(sl0g, iniSIIIH]i invirument- 41 T0,900 NOTARY"'& S PUBLIC ti REG N 32SI31 ACKP40WLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCII STATE TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE,Co -A &aveofNewYoi[kunty�)f �I ivv�l to *Siatoof VA 'counnyof , s&� *(Or Bnsca uDigiric¢of Cofuinbna, Tmhory, Possession or Foreign On the. day of in lix ytiarr , before me, ific Cou'vVY) oindeii sig vied,a Notaily Pubfic in and forsaid Stwkrc,personlviiPy Ippeared ,vile subsciiib;irvg s0ilness to bic forepfiig iris"unicilir, with whain I ain POe0flieflF11%iru'd pc6sunafly acquainved,who,being fly me dull y sworn,(W deposeand tz-0 l A Br)), say drav 11cisonally known ei me cm poved to uric on the basis of sinusfictioy ev4tervice to be die ffidrvklurflQs)Whosc nanie(s)vs(mc)subscv 6ccl to (pr 0m,1�4x drsivide,,ic,is lin I Cuy,IxtTkide flori-,ileoard sioco i irmny,,0xicon; the within insfrumerva in acknowledged vo live that hcfsjwcfthcy inial hUshsAltey kslow(s) execlQud the sanne in Ns(hcJifi&cliptcury(jes), bleat by hi,/hei/theh I signiture(s)On the inqiro-ullitint,dip rndiw,iduiikl(s)or tile person upon to b,t dle inchikhial drsciritxxv liar and who cxccuu'd p.hc til guing the 4idiVidLKI(S)Werj,exeCiAcd dre insigulnem,and hisi[iuimcnt„d"slit slkl „Ina„picscW and saw siod that such[ricirvidual make suveh appearance before the undersigned in exco1w[hic sailinc;vind kies�itkl)%:lnci�i m ale smile ii-re the it,,,,, tLcio (adad d1ihec cackyliiy oowr pofli.Jcn�subntdh'iwi(Ar IMi o11i',Vrtc air C��jijvrjv-jry nj[rvjrej Bargain and Sale Deed plce1ullies mken) With ("civenants 40 wALa«,oarra S!�CNON 1,1, vils"'i vi HUX,X 03 00 JW Title No. 7404-007430 00 BR(3WN 10 . ......... RETURN BY IMAJL TO; 13l RIHM:25A IS 'ky "Imp H .......... FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TITLE NO. 7404-007430 SCHEDULE A-1 (Description mfthe Land) For Tax Map |D ` ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ai\mm|e. Xyl - d bei - at East Marion, in the Town Of Southold, County uf Suffolk and State ofNew York, bounded and described fo|hwm: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of AqUaview Avenue, 364.34 feet easterly along said line from its intersection with the easterly line of Rocky Point Road; Running thence along said southerly line ofAquoviewAvenue, two coumem� (1) North 77degrees 13minutes 5Oseconds East 26.12feet; thence (2) South 83degrees 1Dminutes 1Oseconds East 24.O2feet toland ofGemee; Thence along said land and along land ofothers, six courses: ' (1) South,2degrees VOminutes East 349.45feet; thence (2) Souffi 16 degrees 08 minutes East 55.0 feet; thence (^) easterly c"/ Fin irregular curve rmthe left about 15Ofeet toapoint which isNorth d7degrees J5minutes East 1427O feet from the last described �rd; thence � (4) Norfl-i52degrees 32minutesEast 230.Ofeet; thence (5) Norh55degrees 15m/nuteaEast 112.Ofeet; thanoe (6) North 12 degrees 23 rn7nutes East 58,45 feet to the southerly line of said Aquaview Avenue; Thence along said southerly line South 69 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East 50.55 feet toland now orformerly of Nuza/uk� ' Thence along said land mfNozamk. South 12degrees 23minutes West 7O.47feet toland ofDavies; Thence along said land ofDavies, 2courses: (1) South 55degrees 15minutes West i3D.85feet; thence (2) South 52degrees 82minutes West 340.Ofae1� . Thence continuing along said land ,fDavies and along`land ofothers, two courses: (1)westerly onucurve tothe having aradius ofD7.7Ofeet edistance of170J3fes{ thence (2) North 2 degrees OO minutes West 2107.03 feet tothe point of be0|nn�ng, ' THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED under this commitment will insure the title to such buildings and improvements on the premises which bylaw constitute real property. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: Together with all the right, bU* and interest of the party of the first partof in and to the land lying m Ne street in 8�* of and adjoining said premises. ' END OFSCHEDULE A - _-- From: Susan Milano <smilano@urban-expo.com> mYrmm„ Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 9:27 AM _„IIbII To: Lanza, Heather Subject: [SPAM] - Reference : Pending Sub division Pederson ,VAI„ 0 0 20 L. ��,4r�utriold `Town PIairnning Board HiHeather, _w......... ......._.........._. ........ _.._. Thank-you for taking your time to meet with my brother,Timothy and myself on Thursday in your Southold office. We never received any notification of the hearing that took place in January and February, so we did not attend. We are co-owners of the property directly in the front of Pederson property. We are devastated of the proposal of the potential sub division. Here are our concerns:. The car traffic that will be passing in front and the side of my property-we had to endure during the construction for over a year now, I can't even imagine what this will be like for years to come. The noise level will be elevated, no more bucolic days! propose that the owners of the subdivision will have to plant native Trees, scrubs and plants all along the Milano property line, on their side, and the entrance drive way side of the property.These planting will need to be planted and maintained by the Pederson 's. The drive way into the property has destroyed by present day construction,this has made driving to my garage a hazard.We have made many attempts to the Pederson family to address this constant problem , it was fixed once but it needs to be addressed more frequently during the construction. Thank you for all of your considerations. Regards, Susan Milano 140 Harvard Ave Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-343-8135 qno� a 0 •p b High Confidentiality Notice: Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this message. If you are u Timothy Milano u Phone# 631.495.6733 6740 Booth Street Apt#L3 K 0" 2, 2[S,20 � Forest Hills NY 11375 Rare d ng Boas -d February29th 2020 .�.�...._,,.,.....,..�.�._..��.�._..�..�..... m.....w..,,..._....�e. Dear Ms. Heather M. Lanza, I greatly appreciated your time and efforts that you spent with my sister and myself, explaining the Peterson's subdivision. As per your request, I am submitting this letter to the Building Board for their review. Dear Board Members, My name is Timothy Milano. I am a co-owner of the property at 780 Aquaview Avenue. I am responding to you regarding the Peterson's subdivision. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the board meetings, because I was never notified. As per Ms. Heather M. Lanza,this is my only opportunity to voice my concerns and opinions regarding the Peterson's subdivision. Below, I have listed my concerns and objections. • The indigenous wildlife will be permanently destroyed due to the constructions. • The survey map that I was shown by Ms. Lanza is inaccurate because a structure in my property was not present and the indicated road width of right of way was not accurate and deceptive. • The right of way,which is named Circle Drive, is in disrepair because of Peterson's neglect and avoidance of their responsibility. • The most important factor is the current road, Circle Drive,which runs approx. fifteen feet from my garage, was never designed or intended to accommodate the amount of proposed traffic. In conclusions, the Peterson's subdivision will create undo noise and affect my bundle of rights as a property owner. I feel confident that you will take the necessary steps to deny the subdivision. I have taken the liberty of furnishing my contact information in the event you need any further information. I will greatly appreciate being advised of your decision, so in the event I can take necessary legal actions. Sincerely, Timothy Milano SCOTT A. RUSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD u� N TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax I 9015 Tel (631)-765-1560 91V il18� i:!,GN ? 4,M. ��W NI01 91 I Y fk tl,,u "JY OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C.T S II 9 020 Erica Bufkins February . 2.0.20 e Southold Town Planning Department 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-21. -03- 15 Dear Ms. Bufkins, As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Preliminary Plat for the Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson Subdivision and the Preliminary Road & Drainage Plat for the Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson Subdivision. Both of these drawings were prepared by Howard, W. Young, L.S., and both are dated August 20, 2019, last revised on October 14, 2019. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that addresses all of the following: 1. The proposed 7.60% road grade over-163' of Kat's Court is too steep for a stone blend road. The road must either be paved or reconfigured to a gentler grade. 2. Revise the "Stone Blend Pavement Section" to note that New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Specification RCA will be used to construct the 4" compacted base course. 3. The final drainage design should incorporate a section of curbing, swale or some alternate design element to ensure that stormwater is conveyed into the single catch basin located on Kat's Court. 4. The proposed drainage easement is only 15' in width. According to the Town Highway Specifications, drainage easements must be a minimum of 20' in width. 5. 1 recommend that all leaching pools not equipped with an open grate be provided with solid cast iron clean out covers to grade to facilitate future maintenance. 6. Please note that based on the existing contours, the "safe overflow" from the drainage system will discharge to and collect along the eastern portions of the building envelopes for Lots 2 & 3 in addition to the Open Space Easement area for Lot 2. 7. Concrete monuments, four inches by four inches by 30 inches, shall be shown at all changes of alignment, at points of curvature and tangency and at 100 feet along curves. These monuments, together with the beginning and ending of all roads, shall be shown on both sides of the highway. 8. Concrete monuments, four inches by four inches by 30 inches, shall be shown marking the boundaries of the drainage easement. 9. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediment controls including, but not limited to, the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer cc: Vincent Orlando, Superintendent of Highways OFFICE LOCATION: ,w MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex " P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � � Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) "rya Southold, NYk Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov �s' '* PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 11, 2019 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Public Hearing — Pederson Standard Subdivision South of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, February 10, 2020 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman RECEIVED CHARLES R.CUDDY ... .... .. ATTORNEY AT LAS FEB O 7 2020 445 GRIFFING AVENUE ......_.........__... RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK soutrioid ['ov.("l Planning Board TEL: (631)369- P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charlescuddy@optonline.net February 6, 2020 Planning Board Southold Town PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc. & Pederson Subdivision Enclosed please find an Affidavits of Mailing aiid Posting along with the green/white receipts and the gz°een signature cards for the hearing scheduled for February 10, 2020 for the above matters. Very truly yours, Charles R. Ceddy CRC:ik Enclosures AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING serve notice that I personally posted the property known as This is to p Y sort _e r. a 't ;Marion NY (670 Circle Dr. East MArion, NY) by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on 112T 20 Charles R. Cuddy Your Name (print) -, q Signature 445 Griffin Avenue, Iver "ead, NY 11901 {I Address . II Date Notary Public IWONA,A d cry ryr 'rr k f!c� , yM York Cory]dG�[��c��N �� Fb rw�to 'r�pa y �q PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED I RECEIPTS RETURNGREEN I T : 12:00 noon Fri. 2/7/20 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#s: 1000- 121-3-15 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, February 10, 2020, 6:00 pm. i co are s co r%- 171— Ln I L M Hl, r 3901 0901 m $3.55 r Ta7 flod P5@1 UFMW,od MN Foo �,O m 'oo S j .�.. .......'07 07 co 4 cc s M MW2 I , m) ON— "Jd�PO" 'N ,r M Sorvican alk WZ� jmt,�� . $ �loiixin Rowlipt 01810*41PY) loo 4 911'C —Tx-E7 ory $ oe, I[]llwwn wWolipt Qllmkopy) 'e", mduirin HwK,,94A(Woobu97110) r r=l F]j[wum F�scdljjpt(OadmMO) $ C3 $ C3 C3 ]Cejjqqm�Mgq 11faMctod D9111111wory $ ��(�j C:3 F Slgiriistum�lwpllimd $ M $ r„auddarl M n—Ayia r400vic,ted $ -2 t, ILI” $0.55 C3 $0.55 Er Er C3 t6-L—qjp6staqa Ond �95 C3 I postanem arid F9 ga arl� 5 m ddR ....... CO e & Fxg co dew r-1 s V, Tax Q� C3 Srraoran 'Apt No.,or P C3 S'�V Wnue 17� ................. ............. ............... ....................... S ossa 11791 {7 1P*."m mi mwnen° CD 2 0 0 > a) (D Q) m p —0 0 a 0 2 E z El 11 D 11 00ji16 cc CC ;0 r, cc 2� ra.D: 0 m m 3: if cc E E c r U) E 1 00❑ E3 0 0 (D 0011 0 Em 0 E 2 (_D Z > 2. oc m W CL C6 oc cm 4) (1)LLI C) ER 2;ci 9 V� 03 8 00. :N 00.2 rq Cd d CE) ywmd C6 110 0 0 1010 0 [10[11113 r%- CE) r kbl rl-- %- Ln Lr) rq CO a) U') r-q A CD a) U) m 0) U m co 6 C\l co % rn la M = CO ca ez a,0,���" 0) 0 E ca 'r- 9 C, a) E I I r=l 9 T 0 :F Cl) M co CO M :CC Ln 0 0,0 46:0 -2 'd A pq 0) Cf) M 0) 0) 1 M PZI � -I mmm co M cdW caE co 0 ril m C3 0) kCL (D H 11, 1-4 tn 18 Er C- Ea Q) [r ) —�B =1 a — a EO -H Ild -0 , C3 CM chiir-- LO m a, ., , 'P'- z 'a-6 0 0 C4 U) Z M a) -0 C\l .3 N g E E -It V14 C:) ED 8 ro- co r- CO P4 C14 0 'qt CD rq cc,) G) S2 A,a S2 •rj 4j ommo CD -0 �a a) E r 0 .1 z I E OD 0 :; -3 cdi0o (D bo u w :2 co a) CO >%4 cr) C� =� p r. � Lo C)) z r 'a CD z -W LO 4) E —:F; c-) a -2 07 cd 4-) u 0 MMEMEM E cd of .,I MEMSM r_ ca 0 0 E 90 .2 0 r Z5 p 4j 0 C: 0 ow -0 44 p U� P-4 cn NC4 a. ..... rtNIII L^ m ITriffiedMail as ire 3 K,a t co 45 07 m t YM »q�Ca„o roe's ash I ehmiruuAwd t�haftttc¢rol ) m ' rl Q IWcs moi Boralllg»tt�(a�l�ur„°0.muvdc) t V}�,I �9 _ 'o p�rP34Ys�s,a� w y C3 � uun�a�uru ttareuuamud,w��uu��� d t uau�u o. ok 0 � YV Dgpin wur�u�'ua�aPoi!¢flcw�cd I ell sair F Vz r d� O Par9 v&�%arort� �W� �” � i ^ m 95 r � .__ —...�.... . _ tt" ........WW_W� cc a+Hrt a r— 07T.,p3'P6Rvv6enue j 1 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex rvk P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ` Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 P Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair P d 01 "1 2,020i Town of Southold Planning Board Souffiolu Tom,ii Board From: Mark Terry,AICP g—.- Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date: January 30, 2020 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Pederson SCTM# 1000-21-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots,where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres,Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP below listed policies provided that the following is considered and required to further and/or meet the policies: Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The proposed action is to subdivide a 9.2 acre parcel into 3 three residential lots in the Residential 40 (R-40) zoning district located in the hamlet of East Marion. The total parcel yield has been reduced from 5 to 3 potential lots. The surrounding character of the area is residential neighborhood. The parcels to the east,west, north and south are vacant or improved with single family residences. The use does not conflict with the Residential 40 zoning district or community character, makes beneficial use of infrastructure and minimizes adverse effects of development through the reduction in yield. 1 Policy 2.2. Protect and preserve archaeological resources. A. Conduct a cultural resource investigation when an action is proposed on an archaeological site,fossil bed, or in an area identified for potential archaeological sensitivity on the archaeological resources inventory maps prepared by the New York State Department of Education. 1. Conduct a site survey to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources in the project's potential impact area. The New York Department of State Cultural Resource Information System(CRIS)was consulted to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources on the property. The property is not located within an identified Archeological Sensitive Area. The Town ArcGIS also did not identify the area as within an Archeo-sensitive Area. The property(existing structure) is SPLIA listed and currently undergoing renovation. A cultural resource investigation is not recommended. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. E. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: Clearing limits will be required thereby preserving existing vegetation and reducing the area of turf, irrigation and application of fertilizers and pesticides on each lot. It is recommended that existing trees or group of trees that occur adjacent to the proposed right of way(Kat's Court) are identified and mapped to account for required street trees. The lots to the north of the parcel are improved with single family residences and the rear yards face the side yard of proposed Lot 3. It is recommended that the Board consider preserving the trees along the shared property boundaries to maintain the quality of life for residents by creating a vegetated buffer. K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. 3. Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landscapes including: a. introduction of intrusive artificial light sources It is recommended that the Board apply dark sky lighting requirements to preserve the night sky in the area pursuant to § 240-46. Lighting. Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. 2 The property is not located within a mapped FEMA flood zone. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. Adverse impacts to groundwater and eventually surface waters quality may occur as a result of the cumulative effects from residential development and increased disposal of sanitary wastewater an application of fertilizers and pesticides over time. The lots are not proposed to be connected to public water and potable water supply will be supplied from private wells. To protect the water quality of the sole source aquifer and mitigate cumulative nitrogen loading impacts,the installation of a I/A OWTS on Lots 2 and 3 is recommended. It is expected that an existing sanitary system is located and functioning on the improved Lot 1. To further LWRP policies 5.4 and 5.5 and protect the ground water and surface waters of Southold, it is recommended that the Board require the following best management practices in a Covenant and Restriction applied to each residential lot: a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Area of irrigation should be limited to 15 percent of the lot area. c. Require rain sensors to promote responsible irrigation methods. d. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. e. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. f. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November I"and April ls` g. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem. The NYSDEC Environmental Mapper was consulted and the parcel is located within a rare plants and animals environmental designated area. The parcel area is in the vicinity of"bats listed as endangered or threatened". This refers to the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis). The Town of Southold is a confirmed summer occurrence area. It is recommended that the applicant contact Ms. Michelle Gibbons at the NYSDEC Regional Office 631-444-0306 to determine possible occurrence and discuss regulations pertaining to the species. This project requires tree removal to convert forest habitat to another land use. According the NYSDEC, there are requirements for the protection of the NLEB that must be followed unless a permit is obtained from the Department. Policy 12.1. Protect agricultural lands from conversion to other land uses. The NY Department of Agriculture and Markets has created a Land Classification System based on soils that are used in the Agricultural Assessment Program pursuant to Article 25-AA of the Agriculture and Markets Law. 3 The on-site soil group is Carver and Plymouth Sandy Loam 0-3 percent slopes and is not a designated prime agricultural or a soil of statewide importance. Soils or slopes characteristics on the parcel will not impede development. Please contact me at(631) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above. Cc: Erica Bufkins, Planner 4 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �" y9 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY �` y Telephone:631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov w ou y PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 14, 2019 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Public Hearing — Pederson Standard Subdivision South of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, January 13, 2020 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was held open because it was not properly noticed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, k �O Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman TYPESET: Tue Dec 31 11:50:16 EST 2019 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that,pursuant to Section 276 and Article XXIV of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board,at the Town Hall,Main Road,Southold,New York and via video conference in the Fishers Island Com- munity Center,Hound Lane, Fishers Island, New York,on the 13th day of January,2020 on the question of the following: 6:01 p.m.Proposed Site Plan for Oregon Stor- age Warehouses, located at 11900 Oregon Road, Cutchogue, Southold Town, Suffolk County,NY.SCTM#1000-83.-3-5.3 6.02 palm.Proposed Standard Subdivision for Katarina Pederson, located at 670 Crcie (Drive,East Mation„Southold Town,Suffor k County,NY,SCIi"M#1000-21....3...1.5 6:03 p,m.Proposed Resubdivision for James & Diane Baker, located at 1143 Peninsula Road,Fishers Island,Southold Town,Suffolk County,NY.SCTM#1000-10.-5-10&12.3 6:04 p,m, Proposed Site Plan for Fishers Is- land Airport Hangar,located at Whistler Ave- nue,Fishers Island,Southold Town,Suffolk County,NY.SCTM#1000-12.-1-18 6:05 p.m.Proposed Site Plan for George L. Penny Inc.Amended,located at 67480 Route 25, Greenport, Southold Town, Suffolk County,NY.SCTM#1000-53-2-27.2 Dated: 12/17/19 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J.Wilcenski Chairman 2431530 #0002431530 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS:. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Kimberly Gersic of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of T 1L Sl i.F QL �l.Y.:."1 ML _..,a weekly newspaper,published at Mattituck,in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks(s),successfully commencing on Q /Q2l2°0.20 Fir rrac ipal Clerk Sworn to before me this_...m._ .... day of aCt NOTARY P@bIBLAC-SIATT; OF NEW YORK No,01V061050,50 OuaHfied Baru 500(r;ouy ltv My Cm�xxd:asoP•ExpNrc: ane, ey01,20 From: Michaelis,Jessica Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 1:15 PM To: 'CharlesCuddy@Optonline.Net' Subject: Pederson Hearing Attachments: Pederson 2-10-20.doc; Pederson 2020210.doc Good Afternoon, The Pederson hearing was held open as there were three adjacent property owners that were not notified of the hearing. There were mistakes with their mailing addresses. 1000-21-3-27.1 should be 169-48 24"Ave.,Whiteston, NY 11357 1000-21-3-13 should be 6 Cambria Road, Syosset, NY 11791 1000-22-1-2.1 should be 167-18 71"Ave., Flushing,NY 11365 Attached please find the revised notice that should be send to these three property owners. Also attached is the revised sign insert. You can cut off the bottom portion that says the date and time of the hearing and use packing tape to tape it to the existing signs. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: 1(wssic,,iNI(�i.�southoldto,�vii.ti%,-,v Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property, Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Standard Subdivision; 2. That the properties which are the subject of the application are located adjacent to your property and are described as follows: SCTM#1000-21-3-15; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-40 Zoning District; 4. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2"d FI., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownn civ; 2. Click on Town Records/Weblink icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Standard Subdivisions", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Je sic l southoldtownngpy; 6. That a Public Hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday FebruarV 10 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall l at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Katarina Pederson Date: 1/15/2020 Submission ffithout a Cover Letter 1 Sender_ llN� 1�� �� 213,2 13 CyIw\es Cid d� .. ........... . f OMI P�armhig Board Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - Date: \ 1 of ac) Comments: ° (Y1GZ��►n� �ecr�i+�s ° q'ree� Ca�c�lS OFFICE LOCATION: NIAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex e ' SO P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ou T1 y� PLAN'NING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: March 8, 2021 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Payment is for the Subdivision referenced below whose Final Plat application has not yet been accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number Pederson. Standard Subdivision 21.-3-15 $500.00 2/25/2021 #182 AP KATARINA PEDERSON 1-108/210 182 DATE "5 � $ 560.OD n ` HSBC L'6. " Advance ':0 2 100 10881:69 70 S S 4a Si1. 0 18 2 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as I e Dr. East, Marione NY (670 Circle Dr. East MArion, NY) by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on December 30, 2019 1 have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on January 3, 2020 Charles R. Cuddy Your Name (print) Signature 445 Griffing Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901 Address January 10 2020 Date Notary Public Notary IP° fljl'6c, of II`kmYorf N ), 01 K 81386 QiLualiuiE,d 'urn SG.sfifoHk Goii.rrrly `�'mnr�iiis form IL.xpMres Marc[) mob 0.'L� PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon Fri., 1/10/20 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#s: 1000- 121-3-15 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, January 13 2020,. 5:02 .m, SCTM#1000-22-1-8 Donald Dzenkowski Peggy L. Dzenkowski PO Box 181 East Marion,NY 11939 SCTM#1000-22-1-7 Jerry Sohn Eba Sohn 3212 S Bentley Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034 SCTM#1000-22-1-6 Greg Pepe 127 St Marks Ln. Islip,NY 11751-4135 SCTM#1000-22-1-5 Niki Mangos 800 Park Ave. Apt. 3803 Fort Lee,NJ 07024 SCTM#1000-22-1-3 & 4 George S. Cambourakis PO Box 2121 Greenport,NY 11944 SCTM#1000-22-1-2.1 Kaitery Family Trust 157-18 71St Avenue Flushing,NY 11365 SCTM#1000-21-3-29 Beth Dzenkowski 625 Southern Blvd. East Marion,NY 11939 SCTM#1000-21-3-28 Alvin Horing Barbara E. Horing 505 Southern Blvd. East Marion,NY 11939 SCTM#1000-21-3-27.1 Paul Misthos Thalia P. Misthos 159-48 24th Avenue Whitestone,NY 11357 SCTM#1000-21-3-26.1 AR Dzenkowski Family Trust 4510 Rocky Point Rd. East Marion,NY 11939 SCTM#1000-21-3-25 Rose A. Caputo Lil Dominquez 45 Second Avenue New York,NY 10003 SCTM#1000-21-3-24 Konstantino Mastorakis Contessa Mastorakis 137 58' St. Brooklyn,NY 11220 SCTM#1000-21-3-23 Carmella Limongelli Salvatore Gerrasi 106 Franklin St., FL. 4th New York,NY 10013 SCTM#1000-21-3-18 James Mardikos Irrev. Trust 55 Fort Hill Cir. Staten Island,NY 10301 SCTM#1000-21-3-17 William A. Gerosa Alexandra G. Hobbs 19 Tioga Ln. Pleasantville,NY 10570 SCTM#1000-21-3-16 Jorge Pardo Living Trust 5305 Alhambra Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90032 SCTM#1000-21-3-14 Anna Melis Bilianis Nicholas Bilianis 6 Lambria Rd. Syosset,NY 11791 SCTM#1000-21-3-13 George Melis Frances Melis Attn: Anna Melis Bilianis 6 Lambria Rd. Syosset,NY 11791 SCTM#1000-21-3-12 Connie Panos 29 Crescent Dr. Searingtown,NY 11507 SCTM#1000-21-3-11 Elizabeth Mantikas Guz Mantikas 10 Andover Ct. Manhasset,NY 11030 SCTM#1000-21-3-10 Susan J. Milano Timothy J. Milano 780 Aquaview Ave. East Marion,NY 11939 SCTM#1000-21-3-9 Crawford JC & DK Family Trust 13300 Indian Rocks Rd. #1503 Largo, FL 33774 SCTM#1000-21-3-7 & 8 Vincent C. Gerosa Vincent M. Gerosa 100 Hilton Ave. 405 Garden City, 11530 Adjacent Property Owners for Pederson Subdivision SCTM# 1000-21-3-15 /1. 1000-21-3-.29 -T3,­DF-enu /24. 1000-.22-1-7 ,,/2. 1.000-21-3...28 V/25. 1000-22--l.-8 -F't D. 3. 1000-21-3-27.1 --?'A ,/4. 1.000-21-3-26.1 7 5. 1.000-21-3-25 _ f�-COI FkA-*0 A 1000-21"5 4 K$C' MOS-k-Dra\,,tS ,/7. 1000-21-1.23 L- mor\ e-k@ /8. 1000-21-3-1.6 ---Pacdko -30r? L 1,000-2117 & . %r%(Xz, c J c) Ciecy .10. 1000-21&...8 Lo+al,,Pr� -Assoc, Al. 1000-21-3-7 - Vince. <2 ria ,/12. 1000.-21..3..8 Al 1000-21-3-9 Ord 3C dbCV ,/14., 1000-21-3-10 v/15. 1000-21-341 16. 1000-21-3-12 C 17. 1000-21-3-13 A'F rq0 iS. 18. 1000-21-3-14 --A ` FV -&jjQnlS 19. 1000-22-1-2.1 /M 1.000-22-1-3 \/21. 1000-22-1-4 /22. 1000-22-1-5 r(q V21 1000-22-1-6 µ CA z x in M M rum -I- iIii C3 ago= 7`�, VM C3 MAR EA� I EA� iA, CO ru co cc ru .3.50 M co $ 7,1: M Extra ii, --,7f�8 llz�»"4, F M GelfflRMurn RFW0S D "pi(ek�dwft) T-STL rc. LUC V",PDrAMMC C3 F. ed MuM �—rcipd DMNwy $$ HL—IrI. I C�enjjfW ll 10twoWevy S---$JjfjG— ]-Q*mgnah.pro RequNixi C3 $— C3 Adult Sgntuire Requimd $ fluluft.Swinatum Restvkled tWh airy$ Lp M 1;b E.:]Aduft S�Apnwro Rostykted DoNvogY$ -ala, C3 NOSM9T C3 Ir M fQ3 C3 'I ( "Sq'f!�" 190 geiind Ptwo C3 Tois P swigoan 2 $ W9.0.5 M r6.85 c '7 -—------------- rq co .13 v I To ,B�tYhP�enkowskj errg6 16`�A� ........... ....... ....... rq Alvin & Barbara Horing C3d��rrt L&X17 Blvd o4t� r arn RIV � A- - . � , --- r coty f . ............... .............. .................. st Marion rjNY 11939 on, East MArion, NY 11939 a) C a 00 m > = 00 0 D 0 CLE 0 < 16 }Z 6-a -6 >2z > MM U a 0 0 E AL a r 0 (13 00 T LD'S V 0 11 0 2 0'2 0=t W cc .0 o 29, OR 0 .0 9 i:�.9) E .92 IL M:18 co 0 d: a) IM M:0 co c,3 a: E 000 11 11 El 0 D 0 El U 110 0 D EM EM 9 2 � ................ zi%", f,T > 4, ❑ D (D= 3 -t3 cc 0 H I m rL cc > + c cam.. cif 2 2 0 0 0 0. 4 X Ed SID 09H I i C-i 0 11111111[11 M r- C6 0 o o o o o .❑............- ,I- ru jr C3 = a) a) (n C> LO ID C3 CD (3 0 Lf) C co LD 0 > ru C, C co cp I�D 2 ru CD C13 CD 0 - CIS C) �t E M C� a) >o E c) 43 9 a) o CI) 5 00 : , a) CD M CII CD -q 9 ;F3 ON co 0 0-0 OC CY) M CID rq c) U') 0-0 -Z 111MIM , M 12 CD M 0 - 0.- ON 0) M Z 1-4 C6 Cu -'d E -:.5 "o '10 -, E 0 �d 1-4 r- M Z s, M co --I CID -8 - Z— It LID cu a) 0 C3 Lo w 0 pq N p pq -0 C\j ir E :5 8 N � C%J C3 ;S r ce) CM 0 c') IZ 0'6 .2 0 04 M 0 P CSJ bo W. C\I co a) - -0!L- M r4 04 M -5 E E a) (1) o 0 r-I C) 't �'; a) 0 M co 0 00 M o*j ki o Z P 'E. -A Q) 4J P 0 4J P 0) --, T, 0 -0 'D co Ce) P 0 to Z M CO rl-- I CL pi�w r4 Cd V) 4J E o 4-J 0 0 0 Lo 0 c 0 R > p Ln M 0 IL co 0 a) C14 co L 0 'CL 9) o I Cd C) Cd LE pq ID w PCI V) po C/) IN CL 0 a in r a IL mm lau m Ir r=I IW IHI $ Q M co m 3.50 j i nj ------ co lXtl 11 F" $3.5 CO M ll Wum NxWp�ohadwIpy) F- -N Rli NoMpt(had.jjpy) ........ rl A r. r-q I Return RaW�A:(Walimill1c) Postiinrok ,7 Iq ]Aduft 1.9gimium rigyaly S__ C3 (WOfied MA Romblded reUvory $ 141V C3 N. Rduimi ReadIrrd.(viloctimnW) $ ark • r]CkirMad MOU Rai Diallyary I C3 %0 ]Aduft Ugiriatum rj�MUJJVreK� $ ,I I H 6 Aglwtum RoquhW C3 A,'WIR SlIginative FIqlabikled Plo,my$ C3 ....... $0.55 e Er $ $0.55 Ir M -V— —--------- m $6.35 TV.v m burr bra R ................................ cO ................... ................... r-q �i`WDzenkowski Family Trust C3 C3 ....... sae. iy ....................................... r w 357Fest MArion, NY 11939 iAl MIM VIII -=-- ME== m00 S as "ami ) - --G: _0 2 I< 00 00,03 0 ='R" C� 0 S Ho Ir IL M: Ima) 11 E3 11 ❑ C3 El 0 E.0 Q. vd t: L xad ,] cc Z.W� -ag ID UI 0 A2 031 o D 1113111 rq _r C3 a) CE)ru LID 4-J c) rij = p- a > CL r CO cp Q) ca M a) 0 E--I ce) I ON co .2 C, 9 C.2 fS co a C3 0-0 4 1-4 1� C11 6��O 11" CO C`j 0 P4 —1 (3) -i' M to 0 ca . 0 C3 CO 4J z I V) .0 P-4 M A Co CU a) a) "1 ;1-4 Er LO cq ,hd P4 - CO M CM cam o rn 04 m C E E E �Z a) hd -H 0 o ro 'a ki g rn 0) r. o cd �10 M C3 M r%- 00 C) (D Q) P4 o) E U) q E — c 2 --1 0) m E 0 o �C: 0 .2 Ln w -0 U) C4 �u` ...0 m wtii i� mm fad wm, i ium wll� p C3 BRP cEl ,vrE ..�w.w� l C3 BRPI NEW C3 r� ll { CwrxC'!'d aaf Qms iut1 aK; w tl ' r:_ l Jr,,, j4 fry 7t �I; _'..w:..' r i17 co CO 0901 mntraaarvrczi oda tunziti ss7r { u ` 1 �ua�r� rte 7 ; p ,Iwuvmi u�ausI�trQ ua9 rowV Postal Car hl"c url � 3" of fC d rnr +a C�� siddldaa�amua�Wu� tllgP9 r, ��ara�d ➢d�w� ,n� ,xtinur . 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O C Ttle l S �� #2a Ya, O fa W,err R A it�d�, w F P ��ra. iP PJB., �rreq�aP�a rrJ d� O a t NY 10013 P)tSM , Newaor os aeles7 CA 90032 ti M ............... rum r=1 == 111,10 '00 NO 'Blil m 1:3 CE) 'J' ni OuirtifRod MO Nvi,$3 COffled MWI F6�j .50 CO S 3. 901 CO 7 07 m m rra-S 171,v I-ca 3!&K-F eo�� wNlIllpt(hwd E0 a Scrvicro&F RuMn ReCOO(ham ReWrin ReWipt(hwdmpy) $ 4 ftuim Raceujpt¢ellwlyuft) ll:wugn�:�"pt�09G*onlld) $ C3 iia GeOffled Mah Reshldad DWWevy $ m'( C3 A 11--ileire lIGm�ff6OMal�Resti�ic�odll)elllveiiy $ C3 Ngmguim RequIlved $ $ DA4A cNirlAlum RpOrkARid N: Weiry$ Spatuve Requhud 1-3 �Aduft, -3 2020 C3 E.- $ JAN kkIft 8 17 ..................... C3 $0.55 1 posta" C3 Er $0.55 '0,0 Ir U12Q, C3 tai poslage I ................ E3 —FYcj5 m 16.85 m CO TO ...................... co SWO To Connie Panos rqVincent C. Gerosa & Vincent M. Gerosa r-q ' C3 -9W6b?-diWyK'ff6-,,-Ur ....................................................... 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A.. ., + t a;�;,na m �• rectum+�mmm.m.. „,a r... ^u�, - �:�� . a �'m S�- %Dk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . .. R,"E-CEIVE-D J4",1 0 8 2020 own STEVEN BELLONE NnNng Board SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE -•- - — DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES JAMES L.TOMARKEN, MD, MPH, MBA, MSW Commissioner December 27, 2019 Town of Southold Planning Board Erica Bufkins, Planner P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision Rocky Point Road, East Marion SCTM# 1000—21 —03 — 15 Dear Ms. Bufkins, The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS; "Department") has received your letter dated November 22, 2019 concerning the above referenced application. The Department has no objection to the Town of Southold assuming lead agency status. Based on a review of the subject coordination, the Department offers the following comments. However, the Department wishes to reserve its right to provide more detailed information within the comment period(s) established for this action. These comments should not be construed as an implicit SCDHS approval or rejection of the project. All applications are reviewed thoroughly with respect to Suffolk County Sanitary Code concerns by appropriate departmental personnel when SCDHS applications are submitted. 1. SANITARY CODE A. Article VI Ayiication Status. The Department has not received a subdivision application for the above referenced project, as required by Article VI of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. The project sponsor should submit an application that meets Article VI density requirements to our agency's Office of Wastewater Management at the earliest possible date so that a complete technical assessment of this proposal can be undertaken. ,�wMM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY—Office of Ecology 360 Yaphank Avenue, Suite 213,Yaphank NY 11980(631)852-5750 Fax(631) 852-5812 Public Health B. SCDHS Jurisdiction The SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the final density and use, and the design of the sewage disposal and water supply systems. The applicant, therefore, should not undertake the project without Health Department approval. Density, design and flow specifications, location, subsurface soil conditions, and complete site plan details are essential to the review of this project. These considerations are reviewed completely at the time of SCDHS application. Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at 631-852-5750. Sincerely, �1yla Priolo Senior Environmental Analyst Office of Ecology EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT Board of Fire Commissioners PO Box 131 Main Road East Marion, NY 11939 f: (631) 477-0163 • Fax (631) 477-8310 Email: EMFDistrict@optonline.net Lk December 19, 2019 RECEIVE® Erica Bufkins, Planner Planning Board DEC 2 3 2019 Town of Southold L— PO PO Box 1179 Sou`hold iowii Southold NY 11971 Planning Board Re: Subdivision Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Dear Ms. Bufkins, The Board of Fire Commissioners has reviewed the submitted subdivision plan with the chiefs of the East Marion Fire Department and are recommending one fire well be installed as designated on the copy of the may enclosed with this letter. Thank you for your cooperation. Ver truly yours, Walter Gaipa Secretary/Treasurer Encl: Copy of map with fire well location P. S. In addition, since our chairman changes yearly addressing our mail to the Board of Fire Commissioners is sufficient. r i 1 �r���bd aslwa / r , 'Of / cS500 E2 .0 10001�'Zozjs. ^� ri R o uj LL 00,02 3 co F W q 4i• ' V1 Q Q � ..� �— m TA OFFICE LOCATION: � MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex rif so P.O.P.O. Box 1179 543"75 State Route 25 ,y'�w ,�+ w Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov . rou ti ' ]PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Stormwater Manager From: Mark Terry, Assistant Planning Director Date: December 5, 2019 Re: Proposed Standard 'Subdivision for Harold R. Reeve and Sons Application Name: Standard Subdivision for Harold R. Reeve and Sons Tax Mafia Number: 1000- 149-1-5 Location The property is located on the n/s/o County Road 48, approximately 190, w/o Wickham Avenue, in Mattltuck. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: X Final Subdivision Map Dated: 8/28/19 Read Profiles Dated: x Final Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: 8/28/19 Other Dated: Site Plan Dated: Revised Site Plan Dated: Grading and Drainage Pians Dated: Other (AS BUILT) Dated: Project Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.1 acre split-zoned parcel into 4 lots where Lot 1 equals 1 acre inclusive of 0.95 acres of. unbuildable land, Lot 2 equals 1 acre inclusive of 9.05 acres of unbuildable land', Lot 3 equals 1 acre inclusive of 0.04 acres of unbuildable land located in the R-40 Zoning District and Lot 4 equals 1.8 acres located in both the R-40 and B Zoning Districts. A 9.3 acre proposed private road, Creek View Lane, is located on the northeast side of the subdivision off of Wickham Avenue. This proposal includes a Change of Zone Application where the zoning on Lot 4 is proposed to change from the R-40 and B Zoning Districts to the LB Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: 22 MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 www.southoldtowiiny.gov u PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN of SOUTHOLD December 3, 2019 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq, P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: SEQRA Classification & Set Hearing — Pederson Standard Subdivision South of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, East Marion SCTM##1000-21.-3-15 .Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a Public Meeting held on Monday, December 2, 2019: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2019, the applicant submitted a Sketch Plan application and fee; and WHEREAS, on May 6, 2019, the Planning Board required that the applicant submit a plan corrected for the right of way specifications and revised to remove the notation for a common driveway on Lot 3; and WHEREAS, on July 3, 2019, the Sketch Plan application was rendered complete due to the clarification of the common driveway specifications shown on Sketch Plan AA by the agent; and WHEREAS, on July 8, 2019, the Planning Board granted a Conditional Sketch Plan Approval upon the application; and Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 2 December 3, 2019 WHEREAS, On October 24, 2019, the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat application a fee in the amount of $1,000; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2019, the Planning Board found the Preliminary Plat application complete at their work session; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2019, the Planning Board found that all of the conditions of Conditional Sketch Plan Approval were fulfilled; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action as it does not meet any of the thresholds of a Type I Action, nor does it meet any of the criteria on the Type 11 list of actions; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is an Unlisted Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, January 13, 2020, at 6:02 p.m. for a Public Hearing upon the map entitled "Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson Preliminary Plat", prepared by Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor, dated August 20, 2019, last revised October 14, 2019. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Plannipq_goard Office Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Pontin along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receip cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, Januar y 10, 2020., The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearingj closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, �- blac Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. Southold Town Planning Board Notice jq_Aqja! t Pro ert Dwners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Standard Subdivision; 2. That the properties which are the subject of the application are located adjacent to your property and are described as follows: SCTM#1 000-21-3-15; 3, That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-40 Zoning District, 4. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot I is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Plairfning D'epartment located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rfe. 25, Southold (2nd Fl., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www,southoldtown�i.y.gov, 2. Click on Town Riecords[Weblink icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on ""Applications", then "Standard Subdivisions", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Jessica M,@SOL.,Ithold town ny.go r 6. That a Public Hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 16:02 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold-, that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name.- Katarina Pederson Date: 12/3/19 Adjacent Property Owners for Pederson Subdivision SCTM# 1000-21-3-15 1. 1000-21-3-29 24. 1000-22-1-7 2. 1000-21-3-28 25. 1000-22-1-8 3. 1000-21-3-27.1 4. 1000-21-3-26.1 5. 1000-21-3-25 6. 1000-21-5-24 7. 1000-21-3-23 8, 1000-21-3-16 9. 1000-21-5-17 10. 1000-21-5-18 11. 1000-21-3-7 12. 1000-21-3-8 13. 1000-21-3-9 14. 1000-21-3-10 15. 1000-21-3-11 16. 1000-21-3-12 17. 1000-21-3-13 18. 1000-21-3-14 19. 1000-22-1-2.1 20. 1000-22-1-3 21. 1000-22-1-4 22. 1000-22-1-5 23. 1000-22-1-6 n -- -- o� n 111 L � u \ t 1 s� p ✓rlrvr ,� i i i 1 �,.. . � " I r , ¢c�erSon _ � ✓r H r y �ir � � � r��'+� � ;' � � �.:� /y°✓�%�air7t/)yJ FtJ�; „✓ ,gt siryi T+� + dl`� III`"i'�' � `�r � � , V I (� �"`� l � +;,,, � "b �bCd1Vl$1 � a�'�% r�'1�r�''�li ��. 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COUNTY OF SUFFOLK C ._ R A6 L II 021 7g p °:.I �, .. rl}},a\t J,HG n,, N 1< Ada ,AY,'a � Jv21„ani 7"aU �, uwu➢!r 1 , r, e � , ONG o sem,'_m "` �� rn _ c N' z rn ,a pan �L I) A c n `xw xm M r ^ �,e ^ i � csN s=..zwrxa ei ou wsu vxK bh (A y rw C �R COUNTY OF SSFFOLK9-y 022 x AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 1/10/20 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#s: 1000- 121-3-15 Date of Public Hearing: Monda Januar 13 2020 6:02 .m. Town of Southold PCICodebookfor Windows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003] Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition i•s complete, the board or commission revicwIng the sairie shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thmeon. Notice relating to a public licarina on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitions r responsibility for hosting ng and mail Mg notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or conitnission, shalt also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by flicTown, which shall be prominently displayed on the prernises facing each public or private street wl-uch the property involved in the application or petition, abuts,giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The,sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days inunediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant,petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the'propcity included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property, nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant,petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public,hearing. OFFICE LOCATION: MAULING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 'W, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " rt Southold, NY � ��'� Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov e� � ` .q PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Lester Baylinson, Ordinance Inspector Robert Fisher, Fire Marshal From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District in East Marion. Thank you for your cooperation. � NOV 27 Pl r� k� � I3G�;�, (i (' PP g .S.. d In LaserFiche: Planning, Applications, Standard Subdivisions, Pending, n SCT ..._ 21.-3-15) PO-ST OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex � �� � � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 i "�" " � `�' Southold NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) p o t � Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Lester Baylinson, Ordinance Inspector Robert Fisher, Fire Marshal From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District in East Marion. Thank you for your cooperation. (In LaserFiche: Planning, Applications, Standard Subdivisions, Pending, SCTM#1000- 21.-3-15) OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall AnnexP.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � � 7,, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Stormwater Manager Cc: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision Application: Pederson Standard Subdivision Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 Location: Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: 10/14/19) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 10/14/19) Other (Dated: ) Site Plan (Dated: Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: Project Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District in East Marion. Additional Comments: Please respond to this request by Janua 1 2020. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,° '� '� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 'ry s Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 r www.southoldtownny.gov J"' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Request for Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision Located: Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion. SCTM#: 1000-21.-3-15 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. Thank you for your cooperation. Please res and by January 1 2020. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex � o ° P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) 4u r, �, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY wwwsoutholdtownny.gov '� �,ls�"fir PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 22, 2019 Mr. George Marsich East Marion Fire District P.O. Box 131 East Marion, NY 11939 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Dear Mr. Marsich: The enclosed Subdivision Application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, 'Siv/ Erica Bufkins Planner Encls.: Subdivision Application Subdivision Plat OFFICE LOCATION: aM MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ' ' Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 1 www.southoldtownny.gov j3 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Department of Health Services From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision • Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 • SEQR Lead Agency Request • Coordinated Review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination November 22, 2019 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Address: Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion Tax Map #: 1000-21.-3-15 Requested Action: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R- 40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Erica Bufkins, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 OFFICE LOCATION: u �, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � � " � , ,. Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � Tele hone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY P www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission —Andrew Freleng, Chief Planner From: Erica Bufkins, Planner eyo Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision • Request for Comments pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code • Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements from the Suffolk County Planning Commission that the Southold Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 November 22, 2019 Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Address: Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, East Marion Tax Map #: 1000-21.-3-15 Requested Action: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R- 40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Erica Bufkins Planner Southold Town Planning Board (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Subdivision Application Form • Subdivision Plat • SCPC Referral Submission Cover Sheet 2 Appendix A - County Referral For Appendix A—Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook OF 0 0 0 0 0 ® • • Municipality: Southold Town Hamlet: Southold Local Case Number: District: 1000 Section: 21 Flock: 3 Lot: 15 Local Meeting Date: Application/Action Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Public Hearing: �No Refprru7� exp T e of Referral; SEQRA Action: _! Draft EIS Positive Declaration lannnng Board or Commisiorae __ r EAF Final EIS Negative Declaration Zoning Board of AtrpI Expansion Lead Agency Findings Town Board/Village Board of Modification Draft Scope Trustees Brief description of application or proposed action: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. Type of Action Please check appropriate box below if action is located within the Suffolk County Pine Barrens Zone, within one mile of a nuclear power plant or airport or within 500 feet of: A municipal boundary; The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state,or federal park or other recreation area; The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state road; An existing or proposed county drainage channel line; The Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water, • The boundary of county, state,or federally owned land held or to be held for governmental use; • The boundary of a farm located in an agricultural district. Comprehensive Plan (Adoption or Amendment) Subdivision Zoning Ordinance or Map (Adoption or Amendment) Use Variance Code Amendment Area Variance Official Map Special Use Permit/Exception/Conditional Use Moratorium Site Plan Note:The above represents a summary of the required actions subject to referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission The provisions of GML and Laws of Suffolk County must be used to verify which actions are subject to referral and the related procedural requirements. Additional Application Information Action Previously Referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Yes No (If yes, Date ) Adjacent Municipality Notified (see NYS GML 239 nn) Yes No N/A Located Within Long Island Pine Barrens Zone Yes No Workforce/Affordable Housing Yes No N/A Energy Efficiency Yes No N/A • Zoning Board of Appeals Approval Yes No N/A Suffolk County Department of Health Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State Dept.of Environmental Conservation Approval/Comments Yes No N/A • New York State/Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Approval/Comments Yes No N/A Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6,Groundwater Management Zone- I ll III pV V VI VII VIII Contact Information Municipality: Southold Town Hamlet: East Marion Contact Name:Erica Bufkins, Planner Department/Agency:Planning Deparirnent Phone Number:(631)765-1938 Email Address:ericab@southoldtownny gov Applicant: Mark&Katarina Pederson Contact Name:Charles Cuddy, Esq. OFFICE LOCATION: , x; MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex °" P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 " � xSouthold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 p www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Water Authority From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Pederson Standard Subdivision • Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 • SEQR Lead Agency Request • Coordinated Review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination November 22, 2019 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision Address: Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, in East Marion. Tax Map #: 1000-21.-3-15 Requested Action: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R- 40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Erica Bufkins, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 OFFICE LOCATION: w MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25D" �� u Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk cc: Town Attorney From: Erica Bufkins, Planner 11':�D Date: November 22, 2019 Re: Pederson Standard Subdivision -- SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Located 500' south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, a private road +/- 400' east of Rocky Point Road, in East Marion. The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and a determination of jurisdiction, if applicable. This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. Thank you for your cooperation. To View in Laser Fiche:Planning Dept.;Applications; Standard Subdivision; Pending; 1000-21.-3-15 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, November 18, 2019 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 3:00 p.m. Executive Session — Advice from Town Attorney 4:00 p.m. Applications Project Name. r Tuthill Conservation Subdivision SCTM# 1000-17.-4-16, 17.-6-14.2, 18.-J . _ J ( 3-30.3, 18.-6 17.3, 18.-6-18.1 Location: j 21505 Rt. 25, 21070 Rt. 25, 26975 Rt. 25, 7685 Narrow River Rd., 8070 Narrow River Rd., Orient Description. SCTM#1000-117-4-16n1000-17-6-14.2,11000-18-3-30.3 and 1000-181-6- proposal parcels 17.3 (total area=112 acres) into 17 residential lots, with 94 acres to be preserved. This project proposes the transfer of yield pursuant to §240- ..e. d 42 G of the Southold Town Code. i. Status: Pending Action: i Conditions of Sketch Plan Approval Attachments. Staff Report Project Name: Peconic Bay Yacht Club b G ®- ` SCTM#. 1000-56-7-2 P Amended oute 25, Greenport Location: Description: ['64300 This Site Plan is for a proposed 662 sq. ft. dining room r addition to be built over an existing deck, on a site where there exists an ° j 8,989 sq. ft. restaurant, 50 slip marina with dockmaster building, parking areas and site drainage on 3.27 acres; adjacent to a boat yard with 71 parking stalls on a 4.74 acre parcel (56.-7-4.1) both in the M-II Zoning j District. Status: New Application Action: Completeness t (,..A,ttachments; ''Staff Report Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-21-3-15 Location: 670 Circle Drive, East Marion Description: ; This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: Pending Action: Preliminary Plat Completeness Attachments: 1 Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date November 18, 2019 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 II. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. III: ACTION TO REVIEW Preliminary Plat Completeness SEQRA Classification IV: ANALYSIS On July 22, 2019, the Planning Board found the Sketch Plan application complete. The Board agreed to allow the open space to be split among each lot due to the significant reduction in yield. On October 24, 2019, the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat application and fee in the amount of $1,000. On MaV 6 2019, the Plannincl Board ciranted a Conditional Sketch Plan Approval„upon Sketch Plan AA with the following conditions: 1. Submit a Preliminary Plat application, fee, and map inclusive of proposed clearing limits, and the front yard and side yard setbacks corrected for the R-40 Zoning District requirements on Lots 2 and 3. • STAFF: The front yard setback was increased to 50' to comply with the Town Code requirements for the R-40 Zoning District, but the minimum side yard setback must be increased to a combined 35' on Lots 2 & 3. o Currently, the combined side yard measures 30' in width. The side yard setback between Lots 2 & 3 should be increased to meet the minimum combined side yard of 35'. 2. Provide metes and bounds on the common driveway easement area. • STAFF: The Preliminary Plat contains a second page that shows a detail of the common driveway, providing an accurate description. Southold Planning Department Staff Report V: DESIGN The Preliminary Plat shows the buildin envelo a setbacks open space easement area utility/drainage easement area and road ownership split between the three potential lot owners. • The standard subdivision calculations for open space and developable area were reviewed for correctness. Minimum Open She 9.2 acres x 60% = 5.52 acres or 240,451.2 sq. ft. • Proposed Open Space = 5.55 acres or 241,835 sq. ft., REQUIREMENT MET Maximum Development Area 9.2 acres x 40% = 3.68 acres or 160,300.8 sq. ft. • Proposed Development Area = 3.65 acres or 159,300 sq. ft., REQUIREMENT MET VI: SEQRA Pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, the proposed action is,an Unlisted Action under SEQRA, as it does not meet any of the thresholds of a Type I Action, nor does it meet any of the criteria on the Type II list of actions. • Does the Board agree with classifying this application as an Unlisted Action under SEQRA? NOTE: A Draft Performance Bond is required to be coordinated with the Town Engineer upon receipt of a Final Plat application. VII: COMPLETENESS • Refer to the completeness table on the next page. o A letter of Water Availability from the SCWA is required to be submitted prior to Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval. Public Hearing • If the Planning Board finds that the Preliminary Plat application is complete, the SEQRA can be classified and the Public Hearing can be set at the December 2, 2019, for a hearing on January 13, 2020. 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report PRELIMINARY PLAT COMPLETENESS REQUIRED .. SUBMITTED .......NOTES -�. .......w. -. .. _..... ...�..._._. _..... Cover Letter Yes -------------------------- Preliminary Plat Application Form Yes Preliminary P I a t F � ee Yes $1,000 submitted • Application Fee: $1,000 Completed LWRP Form Yes Six (6)copies f the Preliminary Plat Yes Technical Map Requirements Pursuant to Yes Road and Drainage Plan §240-17 All existing and proposed improvements p ments Yes Location of all utilities existing . ,� and Yess Utility/Drainage Easement shown proposed Complete Environmental Assessment Forms Y...e..r...� .... .....�.�_-.--_... ...-. _-__-�_--...�--, .... ....� es Twelve .�._.._.. -m ..�_ -wmw........... �.....-..- w ..... ................... Copies of the Preliminary Road and Yes Preliminary R & D Plan submitted Drainage Plans Letter of Water Availability from SCWA NO Will be required as a conditi................� ... on of Conditional Preliminary Plat Draft Performance Guarantee Estimate NO Will be required upon submission of Final Plat All Existing Easements or C&R's Access Easement Shown All Conditions of Conditional Sketch Plan Partial Will the Board require the side.......mm.... met yard setback to be increased? a CHARLES R.CUDDYATTORNEY AI'LAW 446C'R]FFI1 GAVE1' U R>[V]GRIIIP.,AD,NEN\7 YCJR]fG Naf --hunk'-).g Board ).A.ai v`ng Ad res; T3]3..,: (6 31))'359...8.2.1X) Riverlwad,NY 11.901 October 23, 2019 E rnJ: cliarlesctAd y@opi.orriG;ne,net Ms. Erica Bufkins, Town Planner Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Bufkins: With reference to the above subdivision, we are enclosing a Preliminary Plat application along with a check in the sum of$1000.00 representing a preliminary application fee. Also, enclosed please find twelve (12)prints of the preliminary plat. Please proceed with review of this subdivision. Thank you. Very truly yours, 02'u'l L/11111 : Charles R. Cuddy CRC/ik Enclosure OFFICE LOCATION: ,, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,, P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 G2 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov NV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 6, 2019 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Conditional Sketch Approval — Pederson Standard Subdivision South of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, August 5, 2019: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2019, the applicant submitted a Sketch Plan application and fee; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 2019, the Planning Board required the applicant to submitted a full sized Yield Plan and proof of access over Circle Drive; WHEREAS, on April 12, 2019, the applicant submitted the proof of access over Circle Drive; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the applicant submitted a full sized Yield Plan for the application; and WHEREAS, on May 6, 2019, the Planning Board reviewed the Yield Plan, and found that the access shown on the map labelled "Sketch Plan for Mark & Katarina Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 12 August 6, 2019 Pederson" did not meet the minimum requirements of§161 Highway Specifications of the Town Code for the proposed access; and WHEREAS, on May 6, 2019, the Planning Board required that the applicant submit a plan corrected for the right of way specifications and revised to remove the notation for a common driveway on Lot 3; and WHEREAS, on July 3, 2019, the agent contacted planning staff to discuss the corrected right of way specifications and to show planning staff that the second iteration of the Sketch Plan that was submitted with the application, "Sketch Plan AA for Mark and Katarina Pederson", shows the correct right of way specifications; and WHEREAS, on July 3, 2019, the Sketch Plan application was rendered complete due to the clarification of the common driveway of Sketch Plan AA by the agent; and WHEREAS, this application proposes irregular lot lines to achieve the subdivision of land; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Code §240-45 Lots, "Side lines of lots shall be at right angles to straight streets, and radial to curved streets"; and WHEREAS, the applicant has proposed to split the open space among the three lots instead of providing one, contiguous open space parcel as required through Town Code §240-42 Authority and purpose (D); and WHEREAS, pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions, the Planning Board has the ability to waive certain provisions of the subdivision code, if they are not requisite in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare; and WHEREAS, this application proposes a yield reduction of 62% of the permitted lot yield; and WHEREAS, given the significance and reduction in lot yield, the irregularity of the lot lines and the split open space contained within each individual lot will not be requisite in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare; therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby waives the following subdivision requirements; 1. §240-45 Lots for regularity in the configuration of lot lines; 2. §240-42 Authority and purpose (D) for a contiguous open space as required for clustered subdivision; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Conditional Sketch Plan Approval on the map entitled "Sketch Plan AA for Mark & Katarina Pederson," Pederson Standard Subdivision Page 13 August 601 prepared by Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor, dated October 31, 2018, and last revised January 30, 2019, with the following conditions: 1. Submit a Preliminary Plat application, fee, and map inclusive of proposed clearing limits, and the front yard and side yard setbacks corrected for the R-40 Zoning District requirements on Lots 2 and 3; 2. Provide metes and bounds on the common driveway easement area. The next step to continue towards approval is to meet all conditions stated above, and to submit a Preliminary Plat Application and Fee. Sketch Plan Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �� sr P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 r* (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) '' Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov CO(JNV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 25, 2019 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re; Proposed Pederson Standard Subdivision South of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, East Marion SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their July 22, 2019 work session for completeness of the Sketch Plan application. As per the design and specifications shown on the plan entitled "Sketch Plan AA for Mark & Katarina Pederson," this application was rendered complete. A determination on the Sketch Plan will be made at the Public Meeting scheduled for August 5, 2019. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the Planning Board Office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, Erica Bufkins Planner Trainee WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, July 22, 2019 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 3:30 p.m. Executive Session — Advice from Town Attorney 4:00 p.m. Applications . .... � ", -.-. Pro ect Na 301 Hound 1000-12-1 7 1 j Location: ound Lane Fishers Name- Hound Lane es Restaurant e®. � Island y Description: g 2,815 sq u tion: r building into arestauhant on the first conversion p p lp p _ersion of an existing ft. first floor, the construction of a 2,329 sq. ft. second story addition for two apartments (ZBA file #7237), twenty-six parking spaces and an existing 280 sq. ft. accessory building to remain i for dry stora al on . acres in e Status; Pendia g B Zoning District. a Action, Referral Review .., . ..... AttachmentsA ( Staff Report 1 Location. 4180 New Suffolk Avenue, on t Project named n i SCTM#: 1000-115-10-1 he corner of Marratooka Road and New c Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck De ..a _. _ .. scription. This proposal is a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 14.9 acre parcel j { into seven lots where Lot 1 equals 0.8 acres; Lot 2 equals 0.9 acres; Lot 4 j 3 equals 1.11 acres; Lot 4 equals 0.71 acres; Lot 5 equals 0.66 acres; Lot 6 equals 0.7 acres; Lot 7 equals 9.5 acres inclusive of 8.72 acres of Open Space, located in the R-80 Zoning District. This property includes a;' proposed road totaling 0.54 acres. tional Action: F�aldiPlat Completeness,,,",a Pp / royal . .. I I Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-21-3-15 Location: 670 Circle Drive, East Marion Description This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: Pending Action: Review Conditions of Sketch Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date July 22, 2019 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 (Sketch Plan) Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 II. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. III: ACTION TO REVIEW Conditions of Sketch Plan Approval IV: ANALYSIS On March 12, 2019, the applicant submitted a Standard Subdivision application and fee in the amount of $2,500. On April 8, 2019, the Planning Board required the applicant to submitted a full sized Yield Plan and proof of access over Circle Drive to make the application complete. On April 12, 2019, the applicant submitted the proof of access over Circle Drive. On April 23, 2019, the applicant submitted a full sized Yield Plan for the application. On May 6, 2019, the Planning Board review the Yield Plan, and found that the access shown on the map labelled "Sketch Plan for Mark & Katarina Pederson" did not meet the minimum requirements of §161 Highway Specifications of the Town Code for the proposed access. The Planning Board required that the applicant submit a plan corrected for the right of way specifications and revised to remove the notation for a common driveway on Lot 3. On July 3, 2019, the agent contacted planning staff to discuss the corrected right of way specifications. The second Sketch Plan that was submitted with the application, "Sketch Plan AA for Mark and Katarina Pederson", shows the correct right of way specifications, as clarified by the agent. Southold Planning Department Staff Report Thea lication was therefore rendered com tete for the desi n_pro Deed in Sketch Plan AA. • The Yield Plan shows a maximum yield of 8 lots on this parcel. The subject parcel is a total of 9.2 acres in the R-40 Zoning District. • The Sketch Plan proposes to subdivide the parcel into 3 lots, which reduces the maximum yield on the pa.rcel�by 62% Lot Design The lot lines shown on Lot 2 are slightly irregular, and are therefore not in conformance with the requirements of the Town Code §240-45 Lots, which states "Side lines of lots shall be at right angles to straight streets, and radial to curved streets". Open Space Requirement: The open space required is 60% of the buildable land, Open Space_Reguired: 9.2 acres of buildable land x 0.6 = 5.52 acres Oen Space Provided: 5.55 acres The open space requirement is met, however the open space is shown as being split among the lots. Generally, pursuant to Town Code 240-42 D, the open space is required to be contiguous and all in one parcel. Significantly Reduced Yield and Proposed Concessions: • The Planning Board has the ability to waive certain provisions of the subdivision code, if they are not requisite in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare through §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions. • In the past the Planning Board has given concessions and been more flexible with lot design and the location of the open space where significant reductions in yield are proposed (generally >50% reduction). In this case, where the yield is reduced by 62%, the Planning Board may consider waiving the requirements of §240-45 Lots and allow the irregularity of the lot line on Lot 2, and the splitting of the open space among the lots. The applicant proposes to cluster the residential units near the front of the parcel with a cul-de-sac access from the private road Circle Drive. The applicant has deeded access over this private road. Metes and bounds for the driveway easement are required for submission. Southold Planning Department Staff Report The setbacks for the building envelo es on Lots 1 2 and 3 must meet the minimum re uirements in the R-40 Zonin District as described below. • Front yard: 50' • Combined side yards: 35' • Minimum side yard: 15' • Rear yard: 50' Currently, the front yard setbacks are shown at 40' on Lots 1, 2 and 3. The total side yard setbacks on Lots 2 and 3 do not meet the minimum of a combined 35'. This must be corrected on the Preliminary Plat. According to Town Code §240 Article V Sketch Plat Review, this application has met all of the requirements for Sketch Plan. V: Items to Consider 1. Will the Board consider waiving the requirements of §240-45 Lots and allowing the irregularity of the lot line on Lot 2 given the significant reduction in yield? 2. Will the Board consider allowing the open space to be split among the three lots? 3. Does the Board find that this application has fulfilled all the Town Code requirements for a Sketch Plan application? 4. Does the Board find that the application is prepared for a Conditional Sketch Plan Approval to include the condition below? a. Submit a Preliminary Plat application, fee, and map inclusive of proposed clearing limits, and the front yard and side yard setbacks corrected for the R-40 Zoning District requirements on Lots 2 and 3. b. Provide metes and bounds on the common driveway easement area. Southold Town Planninq Board Work Session — May 6 2019 — Pa e 2 Pro w. ... . Project name Y SCTM#, 1000-86-1-15 Location: 6 4195 Route , , Vineyard",­­­- 2511132 +/- west of Peconic Lane & NYS Route . . 25,Peconic Description: This Site Plan is for the re-location and re-construction of a 3,259s. . steel storage building from Pindar Vineyards to 4195 Rt. 25 in Peconic, f. land also owned and operated by Pindar Vineyards. Building is 82'6" x f 39'6" with a height of 164" and proposed for farm equipment storage. Semi circle buildin _will be set back approximately 600 ft north of Rt 25. h ._g _ S Status: Approved m ,. 1 Action Review Approval Extension Request mm m "'m _ Attachments Staff Report ... ocation ame 6Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-21-3-15 Project . ....... a m.. 70 Circle Drive, East Marion Description; This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, 1 in the R-40 Zoning District Status: New Application ( Action. f Review for Sketch Plan Com p leten ess Attachments: E Staff Report Project name 260 Hortons Lane Resubdivision SCTM#° 1000-61.-1-3.1 Location: 260Hortons Lane, Southold Description:. I TCs resubdivision 0 61 1-9 3 to l proposes to transfer 0.07 acres (3,240 sq. ft ) from S SCTM#1000 61.-1 3.1. As a result of this resubdivision, Lot 9.3 will decrease in size from 2.53 acres to 2.46 acres and Lot 3.1 will increase in size from 0.48 acres to 0.55 acres in the HB Status: Zoning District. New Application Action; Completeness Attachments Staff Report .. Discussion: ❖ Request for Comments to ZBA re: 905 9th Street, LLC Subdivision SCTM#1000-48-2-29, Greenport (DUE May 30) — draft comments ❖ Request for Comments to ZBA re: Harun Sinha Subdivision SCTM#1000-48-1-23, Greenport (DUE June 26) — draft comments ❖ Local Law in relation to an amendment to Chapter 280, Zoning, in connection with Agricultural Processing in the Town of Southold . (Town Board Hearing May 7, 2019) ❖ Local Law in relation to an amendment to Chapter 280, Zoning, in connection with definitions. (Town Board Hearing May 21, 2019) ❖ Draft Monthly Report for April Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date May 6, 2019 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 (Sketch Plan) Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 II. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. III: ACTION TO REVIEW Sketch Plan Completeness IV: ANALYSIS On March 12, 2019, the applicant submitted a Standard Subdivision application and fee in the amount of$2,500. The Yield Plan submitted during pre-submission meetings with the applicant shows a maximum yield of 8 lots on this parcel. This plan appears to meet the Town Code requirements in the R-40 Zoning District, but a full sized Yield Plan will be required for submission. The Sketch Plan application was reviewed by the Planning Board at their work session on April 8, 2019. The Planning Board requested that the applicant submit a full sized Yield Plan for their review. The applicant proposes to use Circle Drive, a private road, as the access for this proposal. The Board also requested the applicant provide materials proving the applicants access over this private road. On April 23, 2019, the applicant submitted a full sized Yield Plan as shown, On April 20, 2019, the applicant submitted title insurance for both Aquaview Drive and Circle Drive, which proved access. The map submitted on March 12,_2019, proposed the followiD_q dimecj s 11 - Southold Planning Department Staff Report TOWN CODE REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-40 ZONING DISTRICT Pederson Standard Subdivision Proposal .. REQUIRED LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 Lot Size: 40,000 sq. ft. 222,603 sq. ft. 101,807 sq. ft. 76,726 sq. ft. Lot Depth: 175;.. ._ 575' 414' 414' Lot Width: 150' -250' -230' -200' Open Space Area Per.... ... 6852 8�85csq area 55.8%$0�of area � Lot q. ft. 32,098 sq. ft. ° 2 a 41.8% of Lot 3 area � a.. . .. ..... -'-6-9,7-18sq. ft. 44,955..s._...__._ ._... N.... sq. ft. 44,628 sq. ft. Developable Area Per Lot 31.3% of Lot 1 area 44.2% of Lot 2 area 58.2% of Lot 3 area { pen Space Re..� q.uarernnt Total Area: 401,136 sq. ft. (401,136/241,835) X 100 Minimum 60% Total Lot Area Open Space Area: 241,835 sq. ft. = 60.3% -� . .... �.... Develo able Am'ea Re uirement Total Area: 401,136 sq. ft. (401,136/159,301) X 100 Minimum 40%o Total Lot Area Open Space Area: 159,301 sq. ft. = 39.7% �... . w ......... Cul-de-sac ROW radius: 50' Proposed Cul-de-sac shows a ROW radius of 60' Curb radius: 44' _ R qht of VWVa Proposed ROW Width. 40' ROW Width: 25' Proposed Road Width: 16' Road Width: 16' The applicant should consider a 25' flag to access Lot 2. Access to Lots 1 & 3 can be achieved bV exiting the cul-de-sac onto each lot. Items to Consider 1. Does the Planning Board agree with finding the Sketch Plan application complete upon submission of the following? a. Revise the size of the flag to access Lot 2 to 25' in width and remove the notation for a common driveway on Lot 3. 2 From: Bufkins, Erica 4 Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 9:08 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica; Palmeri, Allison Subject: FW: Pederson Proof of Access RECEIVED Attachments: D00042619-04262019114634.pdf r,I._. For incorning marl , U.liartipg Town n � rDBoard From: Charles Cuddy [Msp_to hl rlesOuddyl0 0pfc?n6ii.r e l et;] Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 11:46 AM To: Bufkins, Erica Subject: RE: Pederson Proof of Access T here has been concern expressed over the Pedersons" access over Circle Drive and Aquaview Avenue, They have tulle insurance which 'insures access over h:sothn Circle Drive and Aq uaview Avenue (Fidelity National Title Ilrnsurarnce Services I...I....C. Title ff 106092. in addition, I have attached a chain of title corning forward from 1950 to the present. Fhe rights of way in theses deeds are contained and conveyed through the together clause in the deed from Nancy Milano to Katerina Pederson, "Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said prer-nisei." I believe this is sufficient to put his question to rest. Chanrlr-,a Ilf Cuddy At.t:r:)r110y at I anted 4h41) t;iirlffil[-ify Avenue &vc,rl icad, 1^,k-,Ar "tR:erk 11.901. 6,f 1 ::)) 8200 a N.'�...'i 1�� >� �u�1.9r(�a�uttt,i'ul�ra�.a.r Atl:(:rit:iorn: _t llhi a le rhrnW c,rota lin;r, pirur/O egEA arnd r o nflderit.ianll Ir ifor -naratir:Qu i ii-iternded of—ally Ifor thE) naa•Qe ofthe lndii°vidr.u<ai(s) rnaarrued aalno°uur,, if yr:Qu.o aarrn not the initerorted ur,ur;iliaurant of flds e rnriaQill,, tllnir; a!!!rrrnpn oyee oii agent. un'w,rprurur,4h ile For delivering ll,�is to the irn�erndr.r1 you aarr:� hr.QieMby rnotllrhed thaat aairn�y disslerrniiirnanatioi n (:rr r,aalrnyirrtt Of this rs--rrna it is EltriP,Cly IpiroVi if you have received Phis e-rriaiO in eirroir please irrnrlraly nnu.at'if°y us Ilby at a331 369--8200 rain nctFfy nus Ihny le rrnawa[II at i Iair w na�rh:y rr o��l i:rarnlnnr ricI Fhaan k You ... . From: Bufkins, Erica [!In Jt'ra uthioldtown ru rav] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 12:09 PM To: Cha rlesCuddv(@Cptonline.Net ..... .._ ......... Subject: Pederson Proof of Access Hey Charles, a I plan to bring the Pederson Standard Subdivision application to work session on April 8th for Sketch Plan completeness. Do you have any documentation that clearly lays out the applicant's access over Circle Drive? Give me a call with any questions. Best, Erica Bufkins Planner Trainee Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: rraBsoutholdio�rarti 2 ,K�'�.� tk�, ,}� � { �ryijp"�'�}�,�eL>ttiiF�tL�3n^G•w.00���,, ��r'Fn i �� F -, ?'9tAN)�e•4 �, a� � a '� . is �,-< r � W'n lx9iegr.Fb�13a 4 �co�,lPav! .� _ pr7N4� +F f�i i`x `� f ! I y �tiM�#"x }� [.�� �1}•ar�'I'�,�,'�1 '$ttlte 4 I� � r f 1{� G u _ NA�t'Sf d►rk 5,4 +J � i +:F c S s r "{ I 8Ba•d�f;` Y C e�S 3'"�. 4' a ecoP ed 04 01.6 % fall �, •iidifN p iftki 1F of 4ctaber ofE (/ t1+ClCO :l R ZGbPi ' r I arld m'rrt$at, t, r yiler7r/ ° e k q�yl3 r � f '$ 0x,73 residixlg;`at Dasa Marian in flee To oar 3outh4ld, C u1x EBNA �. and tete, vP,NOTf 'York, ZpA - I Of t re j6rst parta --� r w� ✓"3 7��.�� y "ANN$4 I -,spr G, Y t, 'I'o�aii,a $outks Ida 7v "� �+ esI3tT�yr [al [ia86 p� ; ! Go�3 t3�;jQ EA �9� - , g { , t , {r R r n a { r LK�r }s d a 1. - ILe�F i$��Qt"`I" z x a b �� �� �ebeG�lh�Ckattlr 'Far,�� 6�xz9t�pdCtt, � " it 00,?r�1�y tis•-r m� •� �r f��� �§ �`-5 �.^ - � �'x ,q,� ;tl ! f>, r 7J o$170ri:x C`+2 �5���&YF�.QS60R�9 �6�'gry lrrta '�r A. n7� Rlu �tq ed:4ipoeq, Y p, i ere tiJ s2x�&r1s4E8k� tq t � doI3 r8e dn�l Jra�'t,�4 1 li ,,' tr �3a7ncl assay;s Cdr yer:all , 8! �u '�j'y u4ia�.;yixk6��d� 8 Y tela ;& �rO li, i�Ce{ a, a , Gid ' ` r'ea ',lnd$ �s`Isufsd: k `- "' -, sa }p ds�vol C eT lBipF 5A :a v I i c . e+�d{��y� �" �Ets r A - +k'� .:� p St S.. }d4,. r2e�i �a.°r i' �* xi a ,L r r;*I rr Y i BF. � liG t O TII'';jzI7`ekle- v6'gt6Y1g�#:h(``. pig der dor be F dfY6#.� d3'®�� x A 3 _ gm s 'T# ��{ aeQ ; aQut]ei^ly a]ag aai;: y�ga erlrlineffr 7�NY s qac w1 t}� iie.4 oY� r1y lino F df `JC da3+� wk A �et}a® runrii r+ttsa� r is t IIr�401 5 0 °• 4F71 Eztllul :4 1i`yr st$r Y�aria aqf C arkstkl if l?0 . � �� est°, oxd lir leas, doe a la aha l�S�,iner,mr 4� g i ` eX t s s ani `�� sttidFnor 3� lirne�nA e fir rac1hende taJot�g fir" t�ta tiVe'y(Q } tF q f3� r.sout est r aortler f AY T 't'18., � a Cl!y t c e1�1 ^� f s t o n,rl Q5.r Wf.+`•1 M+�!P ITa �i r Yrs y€y tkisx}�ae a�on&�said ]and of G ?�3, + •;fit' t y 7 i3 n$�3e YiaA$ a3'id;a�g�itesn ane huRdxeclth3 ($88 :i §dt, Yuen e',alo a i's aid�arid of Ogri] J 15POWIi`,s• $2P 54E 0 lli Y wodh g$rr l gienaeca i �� aridl,sXt rtWO pn$ sundradths (238 2�}"iee t au i. i 13p,'345� 10'T Q 'e hundred fftg7$A) aong�$id �arid4o 3exri13 N 'e1x a landK 610"LA$ggr4,rs5V Roe `al� 9Y d' �ITeB Qthtttjdrod�th3.t�t$ ope.'jinw ls4en ode � 9 1 sfs '" s�� e�r=satkister3y�aDxrJaer'�Fq 'g 'id 7afd'ko . t.r H end ` aid } e�aa�ih{matl& ►aqf a,�r3 vats, 'oa ;]cr�awn rv!(X3 €ral U3,rc,.gDi � tYrt� , + th`®nCa :on a curve to he�16ft 010the ssauthB 1gr axe of laid �irC38 Drive ttiout ale hu??cired s �ctj� t 170 £eet;' thsn a xiortieasterly a3oy �sout�ieast-,rly,line or said;-Circle Drive aoaut; our,hundred'seven5g 470} �'�� }:£set to the¢weatarlp Of`Lot 4J, thenoe S _12ae4 23? W _along4yot about .s veneg.=five ,d7g� feet to a:io�rit`.one h dififtg ( 50 ,Seot �'sou�harg from the a.outherlg line;of sai.t�;Aqua iew Avanus, meas. $d a1nn :'sai d,tti®s.terly,;11ne 'o£ Lot 49 r %huehr par 71e1.;to aeid;:,sou :liraQ of Agtia�iepr Avenue S'. 69 , 10:. 11 E two . UA ;t ( 15} teat. t}ience; defleat3n a little to the.'.1 eft:,and r ing 'southeas$ar$ about r: R J}� two.hundred. ten [27�?} feat to a point one 2iun ed an (1�Og�ieFs tossaiil � from:sa.id'w.esteri/.line'..of Cedc D.ive,; measur d at .rigli t c westel.l line-from`the point of. l�eginningles t 8saidRwester]yllneeo£r�� d, thenoe easterly ori said lino at righU:ang Cedar rSve one liundrad ton (1l0) feet to tile oint of beginning. Conta�nirlg 13..4 acres, mgrs ar lass t, A. i0GE1', R YJI'SR. a right of lineAofathe premises,116 ver sa. 1a drfrom $�h eRd a�sa�d 4; k A ad3oin the. northerly northarlg Iiile of said Aquaview Avenue.. vrith a right. of way aver .said ftftg ('50,) foot private road y ALSO, a t1 along the s herlg �Hocky Point Road` to•Cedar, Uriva1and;running p . Y emises line of tne. pr 3 !❑I�)y � 8y r:;�� �.jy - -. Vii. ALSO, with a right f way'running'with the,land:hereby desar beA over. 'a strip o.f.land l in6 betwoen the'northerly:lira of-Aquaview Avenue { and :T;bng Island Sound, more part.ioularly dasaribad.as Pallovvrs BI;G NISING at.the 90U. f sitar c`brner`oP land.of Alexander`l,ehrmaz5 ar rtinniig thence westsrl along slaSd aortherJ g;line.,:of Aquavi ew Avenue ��� Portlfive I4S) feat t land aP 8te art; thence along saSd;land �T Ste srt 3T. 7,0 10t °lOn t5rb huxidre s' tyre$t� more omit, to T, ng Is]grid Satind, hbiiae easterly;along se id LonB,;Zsl'a is xg d"st, ti�'j = Ey ' �'Pifts�=nixie {59),Peet, ara�r`or!le.ss�t thence along'sa'Sd}liand hbretoYba r ,� two hUndre'd�eigix'ty*f'�(2ga��.4�e {A, �- . F ; Pea�,i more or lass,' t theoitit, oPFbegSxixli�ng { Thbcaegoing desbr.ip `oii5freraaeording to surveys and map made by F s,1 i Otto`�YP' �s► 'PuS+]'b '�G eAtSt., Neto �Orlt ' a k.jr t + i �` ':I Thi�3}a'onvayarica is s{1 �e � o ��'o1�owSxk�,� F f kr:• � 111 + �ti+s -t } s t i I B�i.9 .�t 5i traYlts�sor' 4�ark�dl3o�kl�jsaitdk�°�� ffFfi °r=�doift�aidghk biatsarbe. reobad�ore� oxr "s$ic� remaxp�. f p ! "' tot others aus hdld€€bets, rs alb b eP 1,0 ¢ TMI, (�y al Oqri' { ' "A 1 i t ii t 41 xi ah�rfl z,r 7}$�t ✓i Kia a a >+� t r IjWr. t ��L�t 44-Fs1 {?l y d t, l �.t } F 7 m6t ht rl f r r[ ` rl- �� _ ,i` J}Y �^+J S +y !1 r 1'. � �'� �'-' S �d�}� –'{t-0" �'.;y �{. Y!'. !"�� d 9 �ti=.F x, l� �..�ae7 y¢ dy+ 'fix 40, r" { t �� s� 7 � � �i�' r• � t-.�ii ��C ip �f;f Oxy �€�S �;i� x}i i�+{f "�3f lJ�t y�i }* srsl - x ',Fs� 1 �'Fr1 � �k;��- ! �'�,'k - n�tr •, r�t �.. �r � b� 7k pg a F� v 1_, � ln; s f 0 ':. Ii3'5 .$; y .. jy N#c��+'. •l +� +.- ���� Fn r u 14�„ tts4'ti! eo gm #' �sJP$ 7: c 1 { $ r t�:4f �5�� '° x-.1�J �S " ',lAtY"' �i Y��'41PSd.] +T 3Lx�� ''! ���i• �' :S S�M +7 �5 SKk ���5-: ,, �R - 'k +i 3 t- u- t 5et 'te s�+ . pP ° ri. � ,+ r[ Fri °k° r sx ft[ +r y�; Ear +UTat rrd tx �Z•Y i•v, + �F�{ t 1k�'t vn e'. � aq 1+ {�'�M1^yU1 �}� <xi,��«k ,.€�� ,,,y_ � wa �-.; w Y - :;'�Y � E�^ i f.x '� ! - it°L } IPI r�+ i�J(r•G c � �r J t 4k w... aM1 CrS '6'a d - -: §r, ' t r r >•r 'Y �{ -x '� .F '•. IP c 0 4 _9 �� fa 37pL.' +k E t i'^Fiy k �,S 1 S =ri�: AoF�! mR� I . i r t a R M ','ogi thea;ua#It alae appurtenances�artc,tt tlte'e fate arar ri6lats qr tlt p�r3,y+ tAB f T$t[Flllr�tr�a7LC�,t`a R ill lJr&TiEL3'es, ;'' 4 �! ' z To have and.to hold the pry rudses ]1 rebj prat ted unto the part y of the aecanr�part, her heirs ; and asslps forever , } r P 4 ' satd,party of the firg;t part: ' n rt+7�+cil; a Covenants as follows' 7+laat t+4lfl �70rty f tho first'part is - r fte 3 ',aft'ixetl oas�d pleniasea lrr y'e r+sr?tpTe,and ;.has ;ood ridltt to oor+�e�tiie aarn6, ars �? �_ Setauda: rhot they party of tlae 80cnrat part Shall 17.006 en�+o tlae aaad 1hirItattlaesaul,pryTraaaesaifreerronarl� uml�raneesr " �' i i .. `� except as`'hnroinbefnr'e 'stated 9. FourtL, Tlaat the part 9 of the lima ;F )qrt trill exet-UtO or procure arr.l]IrartheT i`. r - r rr+ecesahrl/uasururrta of tlte;_title t'o.aarTl prerrtraes' ' i _ w'":r;• FittFy,2)aataaidrp&rtp df the firs ti part I t 5R .t Yt z ?, �'Z � r R '''�It(!��fUTeVe7"�9Ctd11t tla.�l taC:l�tQ 8daC� JrB7TlLSEB - -• - - �i r 1� $ tx Sixth,+That, r.ri 'aTrkpliaTace avi;la'.�"ee hH I.iera Laav tlpQ rTrarator u>adl Ui. �r cecae t7ae corasitZerdtlrin;jor this eonuBguTaoe ars .rurTl.hold tlt.e.rialtt tv recea{�esuclt,. t eprraaderiitioii as•a`trust frrard'to..be applied first f r the'p:ntpose'of'pd�OPI theiaost.rJf the i►rapaQvenaenat and will apply the range:Jlrs to.the,payine .t of tlie:.coak of t]ae t ��"�'anprpvem:erirt before uatr:$;artp part of the�total the,aanaeforatiyot{ser purpose , r witnegg Whereof, the part of the rlra, part laa„13 3aereunfto sgt ' k3ex+` � ; 4n},� fliQnd and:aeal,:: >the.daJ`.an year ftrst;ubbve ivraite{a; Flnlrrsenre of if,A { # d 'A.. L 5 S t 1 ! A F73 „- F s�f i }: §v s•Tr tF i7j}.�{ kS- t � ��.: t�} • r ._�ii � �. a I � -- r i ��X r�,: j ; i'�t � � i€ r �x a '� r k °j �i ,"!On�ha8� F �]•�$ � 6day 1)� 6'�Oi;?Qk � T v;.��.. f`i a iCv nt�(fof Suf'f 3k a Fg6'' .1Vanete9T Wd rad and'. bgfore me, tlae aubacnber persoaallg appeared: ' fit i )3ROWN i t � }oto»a�pePsoTaally�raawra.ar�d 1vT' . ."to.,nae to be.t to same person ' described ledgad : s' auhv. exECYcted the. wathira Instrumon't, and she ac>uno rJled;ed oto nae that" s lae executed the 40-. i ,Notary Public OL�! a'y T'1Ili'T,� Y � „ �,y�-0 SGT ��� RECORDED F 10j3fa ' f `NiLIiAN�. FRY rlei4 cV S+�Frlk�"� u' �1 ' Z- - - 7 7Bldltlj5 pr9■r[q[G4 v tO YiGi 3 f1",17 ttf;A r +F081[iiL 71 Xt X01 Ot,etty tin perm+11 '.,t Rlel&H'" t2t W4)isp IhJll� VR t ` ^` a i•Y at �1w,1.Qt'3Pi9 e:-eeL.@atnkr,7w»A.6bw ell raves ti. - ,d YT - rJBC In11Er .NL7t&teoii $uhdred.¢ es twentg third day of Ctg+thte® 0.0l A1Vs?A HODCIPIS residing at Graonprr°t, Suffolk Gouxrtg, :Neto S 7Cork, I . IpF `+ party of the ftrst�pcLTG Wnd �'reat Neck; LnB x3land, ?I � ` residing at.8 Surney L a, Nevi #rrk� ar;d Mfik [..V� ',neoidin at GjS'�a$' igV k 1�nd, 21aw 7Cork, t}� i I ' 1 y part i s o the.eccond.pont, i � �, j�bo d'ai Lw T. IWAh that the .I part g of the fdrat part,'to oonsadrattY Zn rsf {` c�Q rk"'- � 7uz�TfrLl mane Qf�. es Un ted Slute9, and, ,>VA1Lta1eFolnSicd:+ i Lia E # Pa `tI/ art 185 '0411theaBQCo�YC ]Jart,l : , � r`. �o hare5y. rant and releweuntq the pat j6 El af�the second part, IIS than t hairs`r # a►Ld asedns forever,at '5 Cthab contain.plots, pieoe orSa At�,'l sdt aitua�E, lying 'atLd b;' rxg at $ast Mpriar; in tIt.he �ntgn of G ' b undsd 'anal de`sctil�8d; as Yo '14ws i' BQuthalr�, Su£f91k Caunty;:NeR Yo k, fi Ane of;.Cedar.pri a distant. E ; g GTN3310 at. a point on .the vlea eroy'. s i SoutYx`10° .00 brie hundred isi ty-five (166);faet:::froim bhec corn r 2a} k '' f f63rtad by tha itLtersection of the sou erly line of: Aangviow Avenue an � + ` r thence alongEthe westOrly lie i{ ��.F the westerly' line:o£ Cedes Drive run ixL� �! f of Cedar give Sotth 10°: !East five hu 4G' 00'sndred'.eig}�ty-eight and �y . ^£nrty�iGur jbse hundredth's (588:44} f'e t to the norherl ]ine o£ tine 1 the northerly line of 'sadffifty r`1 fifty Soot right of nay, thence elorsZ; t I - 3" South.89d 57! 40 + st nine hundred twentg eight and n . fioot right of way. t, thence North 1 05' 20" West I £brtyrssven one hundredths 1528 4"7) f;, three 'hundr.Qd eit;krty eirht and:tkLi^tsix .one hundicedth8.(388:36) feet, 1 - i thEnce South. 82° 54' 4i?" 'gest two h dred thirty and twenty-nine oYre-hurulr�ths (238[29) feet to the s theast corT. ner .°f land now or { r former .of $srrill;itrianon 1401, l3 46,101, West one pundred fifty (l 5b foet, to a monument at the nort east born of land now or.,for y thence PFortYi 77 l� 50'r Eat one:hundred: thirty of Dowd; one and.:elav n o s one-hundredths (1,1.11:) feet to.'a mo vment set in the westerly line of frd is r Circle Rr.ivt3; thence along the south rly line of Ci cle Drive on the q _ • E I i' j iBEn36. tJ 'AGS 13 0' �, . arc of a curve bearing t .the left and having a radius'0 @ighty sevenid and seventy three ane=h dredthS ('87 73},.feet a diatenaa of,one i - y hundrediseventy. and seve ty-thr@@ ane ltundredt}�s (170 7 ) telt, tb#ric9 �i .._ i� al�onb tl e southerly lin@ of p3rcle;Driv6North 5Z° 32!' 00 East thx'@e "'• ; hurldradl'k forty.'(;3 0} e@t th6noe oonti.nuing along the € ? + of, Ci rd e Dri ve Nart r 55 15"N" fast one hundY. red ihir ty'aid sixty i .� 4 4,t1s Gna-hund@dtha �t 7. 0 B5 ,- } snce South:l2 23'f0b rest -' Is r*ifxl ff 5' 1� e y. , a-. 1 se-vacid fi �y t eegone hu$sii�r ed ) xeet� �t ncBa bhty ri f ( L 69° lo', I0o--huh ed (�15) f@et to�anLrohpi @3 £ T 1; ; tzena@ 'Sout1 75° 1�'#'.S0" Eastq two°1ztindrel tensn3 sxtysfx on@Nhuna ed h8 t , Slz✓ u, o ax f 3x'�!}S LiF$' - '+irk r B c 1�Q@@t w r y y. &at,{oh�idr�s x 71 [ N,$-id:y;'FY r "s,(:Z1O f@B' ,,y+,thdno�e}P.O F 000; F(,( V ., fr } s1.i uvi- tt . #�� ' I ! o hw Qin or p a B }j �s # , 1 4 F lx 1 t! t � �r �'OGRI NI�Ff a nigh 4 9 irc a v �rkl@a t.hi4rasm@y # M` Q.l,T I 1:, 1 1 -t } ad�oinsl th@ northerly it e `ofithe premisear acid`15rom each en o gi " no to A u$vi w,Avenue'.1 # �,rt northe .' Y , k of & dyer �+id,fi Y'aatkr7cp'sfl 1c1#'x'iaS�_� rr'z i 5 i ALSO with a right: Y I , 3 r {ss t�, ! t s d pin oti P6�tta k partly #Tong the soub-rdA y line of said jr�@rtd sa r{ frYF 4t} s a� s -t�}46d D,'LVe Cr a ?> a of a 'r n1 aitYi the land h@reby 6dnvey111R, £Quer ` } >..y a, �,{T 4 +h'r Fs { P �° �RrL0�,with a,righ$ ay -j P.I.f c'�( a atria o f land dying b@ wee (tha-no nth rly �l� e o j; 9 w IMI; ff k 31 a {, Flt ded � 'ls�..�-'a r o �yelrnd toursd,m @'� axticularly,bunc ;c�?arid{decotiir u SEGIx1Nl�NG a� the s°uthw@aterl corner ofti�7,and,i4� I+ehrmany'anfl,,r Ina, r , f a ) t no herl dine or Aquaview Avenuo ftx`t9-five tE1q.A Weatarly Q1ong 3` .I €j s Iq 57�� I Al" e@ii�� Rik. o 10��1$ �rYlekat t d xred S3hCtyF � A+�s Fs s h, + rtzs_d a�� f Y� s I< �}F1 jI f ! ' sen a ess3ti@r]y ULOng1 saidj "WA-15irT'ala a1�nd? i }t9 1 Ih( r 1431 r1 '3zsrnd L�ound,4 Is=' f 1 S s i 73 y t � �' ,,L ` J.�a ,. 1 t a 9 :i- al:on# sad d lana ° -, L -r._ r. sa t� r le's6'* thence {B r •7 !! nz, a + +xt'00"f7aa t! oyy��hun d, ight� '<(a$0}fit@e ; �or�* r 3eSe # `r � StF s f� �, a Sp `Ps µ a ifsi 'Cr,€k =F}'SC' 1� gIl r 1 , �'l :4 i si h ',� �, t;z `Ee Z S 4 � �1 �1 ' �js.�:l r-' ltf�7'ICOv@llai'tt$"�$ndrt r�BI'a.C{j' tl s� P` ' S a�nanas:,is rr� 1�$ a is ser ay als , din t xJixulq $oiY#ar d t9d OtR�18 x � t i + a' ` r }',t�`+ �$�r}yA,v '2s "' -f s e yT3' rl i''' e k.. R 4'' : �v ..e sS17µa'�P eo � f Br@with ¢n ;,a to ( da ;r p i M $i � K s.bs del S7 r f V r Y kewis@ Sub ect t9 tB folloWing. 4,R 11� # � a " ' 'd'. v t !CaY@iiari' } { 1CC@ rc,( ,pa tieSkof f tlb� $ o ',ti` # ' ,�> t1it andr. @` aro 0 � i1�j8t{911817I'Ce � 0`2'f'Ji:.h �9@L'��`i�71N�@�•� a4Br one art 5't (1� ae ` r f ;an s t3 nb 1 v�itii rt �}i `s a ty PAtt� 6 r r aurve f Caroler3�re a t:> i. ?s195Tt This :aavenant an ,agr em@tib ehalZ be� inddn 4fi � drta ver Ghe°ssond 'd'art' �t�d tl�e i° successors :inoption"sha`S b@ =? sxercSse( liS notilyirig . lie Parties of the second p+art,or ,their sAkceesso s rr b r istered:mail ;• 3 in int�roSt, in writiis yT a ab0'Ve- dBsclr'lb9 •pry iseSi�aanireRfed,82�6 Q��frvxa�tdna�Al, r { p ami �lascr���a3n dads itl a f P wFr iYY a Qr. } J; • II 1 N 3a sakrya '+!s 'T ,� t •ate "SE 4 }:It� L 1 4r a�.: 3 riF 't�� .rr s4. r F It ` 4ra'x - a �unth the appurtenanoes anti the estate artd rr hts of the 5. part; of� the drat part tm;and t4s38aad Tremas I the prenuses he ein.granted unto the Parties i hair. Heirs and:,asatens forever ; 7, of the secolad part, , mw al + t jj y said party of the first part } a cover+ant 4s fgllowa 1 `: � That' saia� party of.tha fir,st p rt s .•, E s ;seized of saul.:pre»aases an fee>sanzple, an has 'goad;right t8 conv tha:satme, It ��`'"�, o the second part shad.quietly enjoy tha i l ;9YipUW.': ,That tha p4rt mny "F ^ That the Part Y of the just rt urill exeoute:or prociure ,' h < fr4rther necessary assayranee of the title to suad ai t of the f1 5t p t i ;, r1 ;`lritat Baud 9 = 4 W+rrl f Q 1 ✓ $i► ,tli8 tZtlB`t08a,4w71 er�2• 8' .£ ? r r s {e --t' '�" st +k t'z b�►-� .TJccyt the grantor will receive w onsaderation for flus canoe arEc a:�k a xd;wilb old tha<right to..rgC ape s,u4la consuier n as a;trust fund��o bei Alaed':: a ��f•for t1i "purpose of pa rng the;:cost of lee a vement lie o e�u8r g a yapolliPd ,�� F { a r t o tine costo th t??z f € �+ lr� y 8a the tots loaf Pal n for an other purpose i " I E r a i h6.8ame - y A t j is t i tai L +A 4 [ y, 4V01��D'Y'� ncl seam the date_ yacrf:`.9Eart has tten s. her k 2L .0L Of r •�q## t' 1t {. � ' i 3 v Z! w [ T I� 3 [ ..--:-.t L1ltlillti tit' STIFF OLR is 1Qn this twenty-th d day of December Nineteen Hundred'and 1fSty three before me,the subscriber,personally appeared 'ry to me personally known a d„TGnown.l.>Eovme to he the name person„ dasciabed�c ,t tin art :who executedt4 thtrrtstriirnt; nd� "acknorfiled , Eu r�ee that b�eeut dl the carne r kr [€ S r/ MDi6RY Newmg :Ye 4;� 1t# }4 R i r ;7iut1<s0�-1Y`55 �ScLt ry IPuhZSC� 3uffo1k a4int ' i F 1 y a as € COCTN��Ox� $UF'r�L1f � ' ' x x , .Ori iar 23rQ da of Decetnber, Y�,heteen I3undx+edi d I ,- 9 1 I fr SSti 14 e }J n g�'1e; ttie >bacrSiieri era,6BA. 2y s pearad ilL i 4 �1 j 7 r.t �a�m . �_a fizp f�d�VnI., me.rtn be t11er safe `Faa s. n r]#� r Flo 4 to @ �xaoYfa7l ltxso�un; :i ; { es rbed �kXghcteh o eau��+���d iia oyith�n�Iri'gbrumeYt andkhedJackhgel; ' A ' -oto met21a'G•�xe� 851eCYzted tYie 'y9ltle �; r- i r I tl ' y t � Y .Il°rc s•€ h 4,x>!" S� '1 a 1s fie{li}��k�4�3, 1 I Nola y I$u ic, cguffolk Cour MN I' J EtcMANN I r 3 d, STATE,6r AM "ORIC 7: NUTd 0.fiiate'oEslwYedF n' 4 1 ee!f4*rl$arl 1 ' 3 3 a t C OUN OF N1i55AU Gmmladu�' Y r ry r On oecer�4er, tiineteex► undrarJabdr ., fifty tlirr3�;bsore-;ine, tkie sugsarbexr personally appeaz5ss�:MAFl1{ LE z f , �i to m�.':persbnall�kAown azid`kllowr► ttp�ghte;$d 3berath9 sameerson t` lie ti nx -,i'W i mITttt7 � �n Inst # �a : she p ekndwledge y: tjia't he exSated the sateyi�} !! �t 7'r �'� # I. } fE a� k �I f ' at t L7;1t �' t `^< r t t tS Ir tr y,i z 1y 3 iY: " - 1� I i" 1 S E , 1 c a-.t V� i"ir -t �A1r�ks HewM 'i Y -w t II 3 'gpl,Ili �FifY { r ,� t{4A'i�r� r ,� � sM .� �u + ,:� 5 � � r � � � i � ,�� t* ;a I o Cw�I G!]'Sa � s E` i �•' 1 B1id• Ull F } 4 ra i f --, 'k t 'k.'tj t a t '•�1 y 1 tvi, € j 1 y p.� t 4r .. U a� d � � + _ QRBE .;, A,g 'i' parr 1' �� s Tl ��i b�[1L 1i YL�i I4•'� 1 t 1-erF � �; �vy�i��S{�.� �� h'�; � �}i',' �' •�'' , {'y�,a�•; ss} i� ,} y }Sr yK� sS) Y ^..F-•.� St -k''11 ,e , r� � �� I �4: /iii A- I s e 9 1 '� 5 /�� :t!l��yT�^` "•7 �t F �,1 W 3b L}'AY ,r ,> a �t s_, f �r r 11♦` y - , t, s L�` .i'LLIA N:tati11Fe1" R Y t r 1,45 4' {; �� r3�dR5Jzli I ri trF lel�[i>��fa�i -�4i U ;:,t- MA q s � � '! k x [pk!�_ 1 �4y� t't7t� a �`� y M }les r j{- 1y ] i � � � 1� ,k r 1 r tt YaT -] yYa r3 i r4tir tl x:" i l,ed s }P vi .�fq[ F st < I a t r Wv t;1Yx�L RL x k .Y ( E.I rl•V�^1 Ci i i S „r 1F �' 0 }I 1['� Y Q'-�r • - ' 7'F��a � '� --z H i m '° m �.• (� - - � a 4 Iw W." �' I y z z to ¢ 1 0 uff .�1�• rte -c 1 7K �... '� 1 �c s ! r a 4 a F'w '�}.."1 € i$1-�_yd � yi.r •5 �' .x{N '� ",-'- xF f+.�: �y }.-. r' -`%bargain M4 Snle_ne-d.Wlthoul Covenant as >ts G anlw(Ynd dLq - . tl, � t1trix , made the , i-�"I' day of. AeCBIpbB#' f ninetan'hundredand'.fif,ty-t ea betwecn_CyrilS. Frown, rSa.iding -at $ Surrey L s.; Great Neck, Nassau, County, 'New `fork, r and Mary Wolf, I residmgiat 6 Old'Ydill Roa . {Treat Neck,.Nassau County, .New York, owtUg6f the first part axed }Aquaview Realty Corpor tion, having its principal place of bus at Room L43, 6Q East 4 NeW York d .Streot, ,.New xork; x. I ti party of the second part . J,r3+ �� trnps �tk�, that the part i a of the first part in constderatian of pae Dopar lawful is + , # x of'fhe I ,; pmt t ', r + money bf the�Jaiced States, an& then vafnable`cansiderahon paid.by the f? y , �. 1l""k becond,part do hereby grant and.rcicase,ttnto--the partg,. of the'sewnd park , and assigns forever, successors Q.(I :that certain plot piece j 11¢ It yw its with the buildin ;and rnsprovements;thereon erected-;srtuate lying and or.parcel of land, l � rN 3rfew or r, s . , X�!at East Marion, wn`of Southold,> guf fbZk County, i.I T deseri�bed 8 follows f boun1ded a:itd M : " BEdINN1NC3 at a:,poi ton+the westerly 1ine,oP Cedar.Drive 't o 6tQ ",_t ast 165 feat ifrol;the corner farttted by t , distant .south 16 4fs the' 7nterseatian of t ®outherly line of Aquaview''Aveaue:,atr�d ,�. the:vfestsrly line ;of a'aar I}riive, running theme along the °�?; � r, �1ti , ,' 1 `wes,teriy.l ine of':Cada iDri�a.south 1086 Oo" nit'.588.x} fest�6�4f 1 's the gortlierly dine of the Ditty foot right'oP way,°: griaea � 5 '�� the'riortl'ierlydine of.saidttfty foot right:of way''Sauth 89a5t0 �t k3 the ae North.7405+z0" west:388 36 feet,: ther,6e,t ' West.1192Ei-47 fent, ��. s i South 82°54,40 [Nest'.: feet to,>the Sbt7i heastsaorner 'of laps i � •f formerly or �e riZl; theme North i3-�15 10 ,Wsat 15Q ' of 1s d no+l�nr Sormarl�1 p 3 �+ ta,a':jmonument ab;the ortheast'';anrner. f `S Do�rd3 thetstse North 77 "--0,50', Easy 13Y;11 feet toy a tnonwnent sex R fihe xestarly 13ne f :Ciz'iale,Iirivar thence' along:theva�ttthery� k+ a>% yt ? lina:loi' Circle Drive n ztha afeatf a;;diataiicagaP 17Q 73 etstt` r q q i 1_ -Aavirig-a radius o �? 73 thence along the ,8tiut erly;:lina of.Cirala" Drive.LSorth 52°32Y Qp"t t East 31�OTaet, :theme continuing along the' souther3y 13n�i of Ciro�e cD>"iva Notlx 55.1StQQ'$•East 13Q 65 Peet, t„enoe'd$outh �, ” ;�. "tl { r.`° Ito isnfir'otn Pip�, ;'35s3en eettlsenae sgiith 690 uth5'50 o71ZQt1Qa East;215 feetik�� 4a n„. ,Ea§k 21f.6.6tfet:itiais <x, n place bftegintsi5n 'k` o t 0 fest 14 deet td the points;pr'< K TogheRJhpa x2ght oP wad o9er`sa�dssCircle k�rive xheetha4r#; rptr ,i,'. It of the+ rremif3ea,Yasidr#'rtitdr r1t, z a borne+ad�oas 'thai'.:n9rt er]yl ,- r } end +f coRIA.northerly Tine to AqumviemrAveriue. Also pi.h a r t6f a � '+ l aP trey over said. ift xfoat,atrip 'f land rut�ningpartly:along emises frgmEfRobky�p9lnty.Raada�to the sou-pno7rx h li do of saldt ln'.. yy/j j `th t e'�Y.aniA 'C t- - b�1 y t af�kw8 7�-LY"*}llg} * x. +>t Ced �Driv.e.Ik Alsb .ri b e i 9 i� � �anC ��i31 �se'twean a no e over strip I ' zalan 5o►ttld more prtrticul 3Y, � � 11xi6Cof+Aquavle+k4Aven angr bbun$eddescribe& as fllowa ,Nz 1NK TSG At.<the athv}F�at g laitc�r) 9W. Ytd �far(s zn c4HFa slang:the iti7rthgrl y line 'af Atltta 1F + ut7ft ng tfiektce taestar y poenue �k5..�eet len of Stewart,' thene along said lan rd of r 3ttiw�trt North 7°10'10 F,Weat 260 feat-more oF,(1esa;to 1♦oeet a 'F Sound? tT el3ae easterl ,`algng :said song �siand fiatxno-0 �t wr a I or l esfalohg'$aid,lapd,of 48hrman.."PiAh,} 10 4 p8.0 to indrb oil .legs-to tavint or 'p3+sc ofA�7utr to,Ct1rE(: 9uTg6y rm rrtS'8 0�1';,�'; `i{�1i",i„' ""• I 1 .,�>�BaE'c� to 8t1y at a c4Fa T61Qt8 txst aP +n?U, i I I i 1 44 t nU._1}r ry -S `� 1 F ?l �f; :' 31_ s lit o-+7YR ajkv �q ro- �a kt Kc tm s v €r t { g®br �, 4ar+rdnar iRnx I ' ' r `a a agaame tar d`�B�aBAm ttt�a hof r Cor "ix anq 4's L �a �pP, �- � �; r }r 5Fk1� `'�°� + ` rr ";SII.BJECT to ;building,zone. re.s.tr. ctions :and reguYations, if any, ' I, off'k�he muniCi-PH ity Issuing 3ur�adi tion w 6^. f .grtyij� rta� k vr �+g S ti t � yr�F 'S 01�8I1 �1ir'Tit b - qt ¢ ; {. r�r f'v�'t1Y�A.{C � > 5'Wq tF , K,t r hege�gor ='� Iovpns and;a e,gotngtvey } I � b, y� c p ti;hQ tiQn eC " tx dn��p I�nq .,, f Q r� o` a the r r �Nt#F� 1Ckr4Q7�C®� S�A7` �1E �FgF 3 t $ �� �n>�ithyr�sebrngr��nn�ou�v��f� irc�7 �anq €q,Y r ams�Srom'Aec�mbe� 23,';X953:,< Thi .ogvene* acZdj=agi>eeman� �ha11 M�s s°+x y arisythi ;af q,4 parte .and iter, cagy��orsP as y .fieat x}� hir.-�hlq 4e' $ agfgiYmgfie ;P 5oV � Ott OI 5 �Ai t U1191zt �,,iS1 - r },.€ f pp l+ 'P la ay Y ry TFf, l # ! "all r k ai tcri aY t S k St 5a 4 x. f�{s i' X5 jk� ttCi s.(t cI �� c Yr y Y Ill'�"�.- qI L •r t v f 33rAF li°NS'4L� `Z' .14 �14 v (tU YyE ti t fir¢ �9' ( td ¢R ����} AWN 4 1 � r y + r I ��ii� ri � kl r. issrs r r rr' k € yr is s'4 I, t' { '..L4i 5n q 4` d € €t Ct ;: (:d 5 ff 4,Ar r a tr 4 �re + �krfi "F f!t s I 8F ; at in a 3 , a; ar p �v?th,Kali tsBfit.-��€�aud i�it kz ;r 3a}th¢land 1Y3tlk;�Q tha streets agd made us.froe_t�E andr �Y�lF� F$ a ,' t E cbs6a seed T'rBtffi1 OI ' titt'�� i s €� 71 ' f U t ayt w> pgi� I' x, to apptlrtEnarices Grid y x ,:. 11 a L 5 €,. 1 ; 1 q�'`1 t° ar #tthe sG band do!Ml P r, ' o- it rlq€i1.M G rh3 3j t�,€R i ll r;1 ' k 11{ F 1 i(ptOs tilt iyy 0E xt€t 4 r # k yt r S i'p � Vj „ xp ttie a6ovt ted TIP Itf F? 1<r t ra yt 52a r Y 1 ii i � _- €. pr 133PT ts$x .� -,:y➢�c�r i?r1, �Rr . r_: 3 - J51 atFra Y ° I s � I �. F,r�• A�06 9 PAR 3 4 1 The;:pr;iesaf the first pert c nt that :they w[ll reee€vc the mnetderation Eot this conveyanhe a[id;will hold;then t.to receive:such tans[deratrt€n as'a trust fund to be sppited-first for thepurpose oE'rpaytn the cu5t of the;.unprove[nent an(� thtit of thearotal ' th4 same first t4 the payment of the st of the tat,before using any pa i for an other. rpo�e, h bE the sam� Y pn their z "{ its � tP8 .'Ah r€partiee `oE the first part have ti hereunto sex a t45 ka and seals ynde and year first above wntten 1 a ;` i litlPtlY!4th h 1 Iz�r I f t t -'•9 7i. is r:fT�t- eles.n �l:.�s rr� � 7J 't n t• s 1d+ l S 1ti [ dE�` k 1ttr}. '�' o-' Frt -,#!I r n t� �Irl aF fl11/ �a•i '�•,- }��iF� nl- i <a r 1' 1 r I a. s L t JFK r�-• - tl'. t tx S #r sr r } }(l t %J�� iEfay. s t °I yqq r 5 wy 9 1 } ' } •� dC { YrYY� '4,a S��'c` }I s� F�._`�#i,.�, ly.t� sf�_�5�r� r r j frl �� � � 3F''+ ff �� x-t}5� { #t j5'a��•gr $r�i! �r ��S r �� _+ ' 1--', �� •rM,i4 �l^ r 1 �yC a ,� -1 4 3 L q t k + T. A N � . F S-4 � 4, ] _ �gtxs g�1ry :,,� 4 19 ! T� .3 i43 E' x 1,I w C �i# S t :� �Y 9 f rsz .gFk s. C - 55 srxlt i ' lE�. ^ " ix Fy` c w- -} a. ll>f��e.�55� �'�f•,:.. ft�s ���r� is i.rf 1+��5'rir,�T t �•i�� i,r�-_ ���7!{atpw r q11 S._r� �.� ��:r-E�pt� �' i': �7 � .it_r� � �- { rct a �a -.'�1 t - { i 5 k fl... _ j� r `�_� I � L r'r ty 441 y_Yia�g P��,'lp ��i�5'���N3�'i xE a��t `z ,n� a�i• [r - r 1! J -�r� 1 � �B '}Ml L jf(' kryfe v {t i4rf' - r S € ro I L H� e ; tt°� 7 1°t !! ! e5 y; l •f typ1 I 1 it i R 3 J�' r� r_...- x it < ��{�e - �r k y 5-4 /' f x 1! J��.Y kdt -:� �T�1� ,$4 t.�.�Y � `�!t 'V�7-,�� xi t�it St/� f �•, �-� I ' �� _. ' ��a i " �rt�xfYS'43s � "1 S�• �� rd n'j r 1,� s ];", 1 �q�� ' I! �, �`R nth •x "+r r. � ��E ���'_ ���� ,','1�y� �' e��� �� i 1+ i x F�-, 1- '�5 #. :.� � i•#�� k1 �� �� 5 ��, � r..% �} 'tr'`�r{�,1 + .h _� �§ 51[ 3 s - � Y•- i .Y .� i "ii: :•,. r�. € sir` r, ,:1:�.,. rvx � l ' !E ;� Cdr vn �,r � ,`.� � If7latl�� i:r� � /r 5•�, `I Jn^.: a ac � ��:�R�1 r x} ,�-.: ',� q. ISr3,! 19"i_ •a M�, t��,�f;�g'41yy5 �]t8 'tr 3"P¢1 i e r-xt'E w1j. 4 t� - •} Y h r V � b 1' - Y �_ �� � y'1 2�I�L� 4`3 �i.� � a :. r � � A���,,ff��.,tM� -'X11 y •,} ' �f� 4 � � '' >'�r 1! ,�eF'P a�•1 ,'l`q.'��rit �* }}7'{ t,� ::MY� tr !1 b�r� !°;Str'trl ver �.>� `r�y...I,�G�S F�'e� i4 '��'��,� ��._ 1 a r 1� N� 9 �����• fk� >` rs daY '� .r' L �,'fs�' i ,; Nf''s t,q ��'11 �� �'r �x-4 h � r�4r' s €ur� §t �� f�!5y S r� fi �ta-.a a'd_€r t z�." �! - � ,ti, 1 ri ! '� #A tit•:,n'e Sb t,€"5:''I H�r>��. I �r f xk } ,wr,. § I` yrs y1+r 9riP j•`y°,! Z 4. '`z` n hitt ti b i. ��y-5 a x kJi., g�' - �{ir i�y, A S1r- "'�y Ak. L�f�i'S ftp', y�., Y .I� -k r au � i�•x.-. tr `�rt'`fgs; t>'h� a i T�, 2i• •G x aek, x t r Y rti 413 �+� 5 ) �, �5.. r € r f j } yy � � � 6` *� P£4�A• r - .. `F''4 t� Nr:�!A '�5 .:y' h q �"e- n � [ i I ;7 f Snodud N.Y.B.r.U.Fmm 8006.4.40.5M—Barpin and S.k Deed..whom C.,gow opomr[Granmr'.Den—Endi.id�rl o[Co[perr[ion: - _ CONSUL?YOUR,LAWYER 6EFORE SHININGINIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INS"UMENT SHOULD of USED BY LAWYERS ONRR u���4955 Pic 82 'r@asmi)gI4T RE,made the ist dayof March nineteen hundred and sixty-one ;BETWEEN pquAVTE.W REALTY CORPORATION, a domestio aorpora'tion hewing ' its principal office at 60 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Pau York f l i partyn#thcfl art,and WTLLARD 'J. DAME , .residing at 290 Hempstegtl Avenue, ` i r Rockville -Cent", New York {y � � k { �3 party of the second part, if r MESS BT[i..that!tie party of the,first part,in consideration of TEN:.( 10 OD): DOLTARS lawful mosey of the iTmted States and at ha r $a ad a nd v a1u ab le 'o one id®xA i4n�:P�d p� by t petty of the sernad-part,does hereby gFant and rele"e.unto the party o the aecaad pact the 1}ats Or y, .d , o a aacrxsSora and aaaigae of the party of the second part forever; ml, i A1.I.that certara p16t,piece or parcel of land,sltluRlixlnf►19e77�L !osxE9f ,acuate iyiaS rnd beipg t9tbrsL a Eagt Marion, Thwn ,of south.ld, doun y yof 3u�#'iolk 1 entate of Kew pork, trtore. partiaularl bounded and fed"cibed `as i y `f' l BECTNNXNO aG:a point on th§ no�+ther :line of the Sot right yy99 5b j of way, diatant,;NOrth $2 degrees 514;.minutgs 140iecondE�st, feat frori} the mbTaument'sat-'at the aornar :rortaed by the ii-tersegti on - lix4e�Of the 50 foot. right .of Way and the easzer�y a of the xdarxhelr3y.:.' lirie;:bf Apaky P43nt Hoad, and wbio�riolPaa exto "geA aC�guoPf t { the 'lartd?,a,onveye.d,by th4 darty. p p by this deed dated July �3r 1459, ,;:r # u; Running therice.�orth 7 dograps,.05 min4tea �}-,seaoads �T�ste`intrlstls� ' rdt " tYde$.easto'r3y 1�ne.;bf Rocky Paint Road, 267.14] f$e '`to ro P the':soutleast a{irner.Of,the..land. 'aotivey�d,,by the„party of the ,first } 1 lfiot pant :to touts Sanas arkd Gagrg ana Saves 6y.,.ths clsed dated ThericQ Iforth 7 degrees 05 Minutes 20 seconds W"a. 'i s3 Am& the r eaeterly'line of.-the`land eonyayed t;o Sanas and,Savas, gs afc�3�.I said,; ide- . or 'leas .tm. a„point on;the. s6dtharl9 li�na..:of C�lroie Drava, Qn;the arc' of a curve having a radius ,of l87 73 feet, ,3 Thence.northeasterly along the aro Of the curve, 36 feet`ptore o lege to .the. easterly and of the arc,, r Thanes {North 5a degreaa .32 tainutes,00 seconds Eaai, alongE the southerly' line- of 'OiMle Drive 340, feet .ta a pciint, i Thence,I3oxth 55 degrees 15 minute�..00 aecondfeetsto ap i jnLt" ' }. along the •so..utbarly.; 13ne:.oS,.Cira3e,priva. ; 13a.�5: Thence South 12 degrees 23 minutes 00 saaonda 4lest, 79.53 cast' i to e' point, .r „Thence $.oath fiA de4rrass 10�minute� 16 seconds East, 21� feat,to an iron pipe; z A um495 Pace 83 I ' Thence South 75 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds East,, 120.66 feet more or less to the northwest corner of the land conveyed by the r party of the first kart to Alice 3. King by the deed dated July 31, 1959; Thence South 10 degrees- 16 minutes 00 seconds East, parallel, with the westerly line of Cedar Drive and along the westerly .lines_ of,,the lands conveyed by the party of the fires: part to Alioe S, Xfnig,.as aforesaid, to Halon King by the deed dated September 1, 1960 and to William Holecek by the deed hearing even date harexith, -392;. .4. feot more or less to the northerly line of the land conveyed by the por.ty i of the first part to Albert Wolski by the 'deed dated July 7; 1960; j i Thence South 89.degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds West, paralle1.with the northerly line of the 50 foot right of way'and ;along the northerly lines of the lnnds conveyed by the party of the first part to,-Alberti Wolski, as .aforesaid, and to Thaddeus F'.ranci9 Centkowski gnd 3 phy 'A. Centkowski by the deed dated July 7, 1960, 300 feet-to -the, northwest corner of the land conveyed to Centkowski and Centkowdki, 'ss al6resaid;''. Thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes DD"aeconds East, paJral7e1:tidith therwesterly line of Cedar Drive and along the westerly 1"ine ot ,the , land conveyed to Centkowski and Centkowski,, as sforesaid; ;196 °feet to :: the northerly line of the 50 toot right of way;` ! Thence South 69 deRiees ;54 minutes 40 seconde.Wast,, along the ngrthsrly 11ne:of ,the 50 foot right of way, 4,64..89 .feet' to the pntnt or plane oi' BEGINHYNG. ' �, - i A 3D a right:of_way_;over a. strip of, land lying•,bet"en' tha northerT�r line. of Aquaview 'Avenue andiIong Island Sound more phrticu larly,' bounded and described as follows: F BE;GINNINO at the southwesterly corner of land now or formerli of ,: I�hrman' and'.running,thence westerly along..the- northerly line bf Aquae'i,ew Avenue, 45,feet,to land'now `or"formerly of'.Steia.9rt; r w Thence along said land of AtexaIt Forth 7"de ses lD ming. es 1D x 'seconds-:West:; .260,feet more: or less to. 09Island ,Sound, k ?, z Thence Easterly along said Long Island Sound 59"..teat,more o :less,.' I Thence along said land of Lehrman South'4 de'greaa 10 ming tea,:'1D � Si seoonds.East:, 280 ,i'eet more.or less to ..the polnt or place,of begs nin , P A150 a r�ght,.of way 'over. the fifty:foot,night :of i+ay.bietwo w!; Cedar brlveand Rocky Point Road', - s 1 y , i i - N' k• . 3 3 f 9 PAGE �4 uscff� i TOGETHER with all right,ale and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and,to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to thdcenter lines thereat, t.. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part is and to } said premises, " TO HAVE AND TO HOLD't6 premises herein granted'unto the party of the second part, the heirs or . x. successors and assigns of the party ofthe second part forever. I`l 4. 4 •L,Sn x ,q' r- l . d INp the party of the first•path,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of lfie Grit part for this.cohveyartcg.and.mill hold the right.to receive"such consio: i errtioti'as.a frust fund to be a lied fitst'for the u se'of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply PP P. P Yt g. P PP} thesame,Jim.to ehc�aymenx of the cost'of the improvement before using any part of the total=of the same for any other putpose... The word'.`part}"_shall be construedas if it read"parties"whenever the sense of thisindenturc so requires. lN.WITNESS WHEREQF,the.pdrty of the.first part hag duly executed this deed the day and year first above .lwritten. { �IN�PmENC6 GP': AQIIAVIEW REALTY CORP ATION " t i I By-�'ZTCil�+7 B i 5 STATE OM NEW YORK,COUNTY of sr STATE OF NEW TORR,COUNTY OF. tiBER4955 PACE .85 Uu the day of 19 before me On.die day of I9 ,before meE persona!!y Game personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who to me kn01Yn to-be the individual described in and who L-sCCnted-the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed Elie same, executed the same, E E STATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF New York - arSTATE OF kEW TORR,COUNTY Op On the 1 day of March 1961.,before me On the day of 19 before}ire personally Came::_ W1111agl-Holecisk, personahy,came to me knOTM W6;being-Gy ma duly sworn•did.depose and the'subscribing witness to the foteg:nn_g msEtument ryltl> f say that he resides at'NP.31{-.10' '75tb,AI8.at:,. whom I:am personally acilliamted who-being-by-.mig,duly Jac k4on.lie ts, N,Y. sworn,did;depose and say that 1tL'resrdes at:No that he is ilio: Tro'aiiureir: : of Aq�Yanle.w Re Q1;ty Corporation ". that ,helnowe r s the corporation descnhed is and avhteh ei<ecttted the`loregoing.instrument',that '.he t6 be the it davrdual, knoa.s th0 seal,n€ told toxpyrattpn; that the,''seal a :in,described and,'Wbo execµted the;Xgregourg arstilt4netrt:' to'said rr�strument ss such:corporate;sea!, that rt Was'rso that- 'he satd'.subsarabang w:tness',was !esprit ad - affixed by,6rder_':nf,the'board bE tiirectara.:o 'Said eorponi- txecutethe:wale,-and,thaF. ;ha,t'a a tvrtae8g,` tion, and that ,:he atgneil•h3ttrsame"thereto by llkt order. at the same ttme•sut)seribed h nAme as witness thereto. ! s .Nulpry Ppsslr.:S!in Itt`w Se - > 1 d yd 7441950.' � � '-' r7u11 R d is tlalrnz Ceunry - a + � R'o:nml tonpiler Alvich-30 196$ �:U V Y�' I l• F n A- ` 'fir Q}j '.tj m 0 bi I � a � � Az W O cl ., [� -tM'p V7 O .7 �i',...r t• C 3 � CS ° MAR.. 0 u N4RMAN .KLIPP { ,. !_:• psi P7 7 ! § I s ,11J„�NraFl+IwwewtA•i+1 1,,.w■.,i4N•IwF..i.tlwWrryl.liat1yY111e11 5 1 "' MI %?VolLAM1p11Ma11411146 Mll 11111"NI M No"UNWIVWNW"If tom onYfrox,mob dle e se do sf` e ,thetics him"i4i eighty-raven IL9I= Nancy 1411ann, residinq at 240 HatVArd ltv Uls llogkvllA_ Centre, Now York 11110 1 sa"am d gill to uma 41 Willard J. Davies ,i1N1i Rockville Centre, New York wtodkd oe the 4th day al November aim m hw*od mW eighty-five Wil ai*lll4m%Wt.od Ann S. Davis*, residl venue•, Rockville Centre, New York 11570 t11�11� ai' NOV.trtr d[C n111 Petty of tM W.W. !� IlFFD�R AX Mllf}I1W�'CII,that tnnI++rly nI t he!list pal.In Mhan klttlr! + Natlltrtlhay wore mm,%I Gy the huFfYwle'!l.Nul: Nae ly, 144W YOfit . ae March 3, 1986 aod.hy rlrtlu III the pawat 11nd maMnly liven in and by laid WM tela 'k utd uetulrent,elltiJur 4y.Anittr t:1 et 111e 1{uiler, lowers rtnl'1'ruete LA%&W in lonsWittun d being a partial distribution under the residuary clause of decedantk4 will. Ik11111r1, IKtd by Uti♦pltny al the weond pan,daft hereby Snot V rela,re until the p„rty ut tilr trcund prtt.Ott dtaLl"1641 or MKI11041A 11114 Uoiji s d thr party 91 00!MINI II part lureru, Au.that ceptor plot,pinta us laic.%ill land, w,th t11.Widjols and W1wovowts ultra.oreeled,Atualk hl"dbeinSWlillt at Fast Marion, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and describnd as followal ) a point on the northerly line of the SO toot right of way ' J�BZGINNING.at distant North 132 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds Last, 339.56 flat from 1l the monument set at the corner farmed by the intersection of the northerly line of the 50 foot right of way and. the easterly line of I' n Rocky Point Road and which point is the southeast corner. of the lend vetyed by the party of the first Part to Rose A. Caputo by the deed f/ Ilk, datod ,1uIy 23, 19591 1RUNNINc, 'l'NENCh North 7 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds wast, parallel with the easterly Lina of Rocky Point Road 267.41 feet to a paint at i, the sou ;t.+ast cornet of the land convoyed by the party of the first part to Louis lavas and Goorgiana Sava$ by the deed dated Jutte 1, 19601 TUNCK North 7 cictyreas 05 minutes 20 seconds west, along the easterly lino of the land conveyed to Savas and Sava@, as aforesaid, 220 fast 'morn or lose to a point on the southerly line of Circle Drive, on the arc or a curve having a radius of 81.73 fsstl THENCE northeasterly along the axc of the curve, 36 feet more or less to the easterly end of the arcl THENCE North 52 degross 32 minutee 00 4e OM# Lust, along the ■outhorly lana of Cirr.le drive 340 feet to a point? T%ENCE North 55 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East continuing ■long the southerly-line of Circle Drive, 130.65 toot to a pvintf IDeacription continued on Schedule A annexed hereto) rp[;It'i'I4:lt Wali WI right: 1111+'ami Initial, d any,al the gamy 9t the &%t latt In @Ad t4 my 0AVU tied 1urt6+lwltu+y;tIM al■Irs Iiaw l d,rd pi,'urue+lu tlu+eller It1.e I*w i TOU"I'll l.1i wNh 1111!►ppu1��A1s�M' end slut ill I tf 141.410 With 1+ 1110,i,d Ilrrnlrnl Melt1 al the linw a.deesde06 dulh in rd 1111 orae!� ,11ni des - Ihr IMF itwrrtu,wlu.h Ihr``�rly 4+I 11111 hrN MN Wt Of her``ulwel W roomy W duller! ,+ettethet'IA�11W �J 'nilly.ur 4r +,Irlw u% wok will ur ulllerwbl,�ti lFAV4ti AND 1%) Hi1LL1 the pretlisu penin tr11nld Y@Y n1111 ywlr a un tttln+nd part,tiw dlslrt4Weu w wuswxr,slid awytts IIA the pny d dw tatted pit Isr1m. ANI)the pity al the ftnl gen curelunls dill IIM Arty ul tha 6re1 part hu act.door u sula I saroft wfwro4y nH e.I.ddplattswu lr,ee ttrru nl,ulntlarrttln any way wlwleerr,MWP Y duel" Sublul w ltta burl htllti plurllHMq ul WKIMI third!!!W UN lean t;w, 'Tfa wed"punyt,0wi W eatwlrwd aw if w isW"pnip"w1wwot the mom of lith Mdeon r m9sim W W fIWM WHIMNIMP,IM pant of On Ann pit hu dWy AttWAW tIII116W 164 611&W 1w 60*Ne nilha. � IN Co 2 i xeeu r Or ar av e4, 1 DeceA ad T�G>r .j (I Ak "An M OW t}MI/SWAM N NASSAU e. $i s"M i!w"ok son 0 � A+r h:* by r ot;,rd94,t 1987 I Weee W .040 dw d u Waw 9MW1 viiisit 9olml1 Willa NANCY MILANO in on crawl.la Mdio WWW 60WHIOad in ad wlm to W bon it w th W W6W 41lW ed M tad Mil. W `� W aad �duwe:moi t1u mood k laoI w �i■wMi�M +W Notaryhe 1W iiim6 PuBlic No , cu 101 y1�61I '3� 1111 A"M low s MIy}I t y ;.STAII M Nm low ONW►M M' OR III W )11 11111 On.W 4by 01 "gyp r.�loewa, by 08 toy i do""Wid IM PAIIII flsnt w+lrm w 00 kn1*8 1nMnrlteal, S:WI u1 qIM r lwiir+K Nw when+ I am parmaallegwtaNd,w�1�, Mint hr FA 4WI t awetr,4W dapaaa e.d?yl Yrt 11e reefiei a 04" I 1lIM M i1 00 that tie WNW- SM eerpeldt�oa ANN" - be eM is ted ohm alta AW ON brwiM iaWlunanl; thil to ed ledtsAue3 sown V4 Mal N mW ec"MtWn; III the OW 6NJNed daeeribed Intnd who aaeeaud tM 41ifft Ir"ar ', M uid I0fW al Is Mich eeMP514 Melt II it WIN I* thu M, said lub ping witmu, wu prum. WI In '1iMty aari�dllat he 1ip1.i e1 LVA IN by jAW. es W IYM WN aiuWWA@d A 1�M M�;WW AWN* 9ROW N iWN Perim 21 MIMS 3 to is NANCY MILANO OaWret!oa 1M SUFFOLK MW AWWI . To Tj ANN S. DAVIS$ �.4 arwdel w ageea M AW*M tMal Iwnw Oeaeeae R*TUNII IV RAIU TOs 1�I ar M"a/a*we"M.ea M NTA WM M "" rA1MJAM1 II y/L• �� .�-!� /y^- �' C fa-�t1.�� a � 1 •n+>ilri4r+t'Iw N+NIc�eNr�N f � � , f*WIan M DIVI104 4 IMT w not rw+r+IM a*"*"{YMM�w i r� 3 y .. 10461 . 050 r SCHEDULE A TO DEED MADE By NANCY MILANO TO ANN E, DAVIES THENCE South 13 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds West, 79.53 feet to a .points THENCE South 69 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East, 215 feat to an iron pipe) THENCE South 75 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds East, 130,66 feet more or less to the northwest corner of the land conveyed by the party of the first part to Alice S King by dead da.tsd duly 31, 19591 THENCE South 10 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East, parallel with the westerly line of Cedar Drive and along the westerl line of the lands convoyed by the party of the dated first part ttao Alior ce S. King, as efbrusaid, to Halen King by the d ap Avid to William Holecok by the 'lead bnaring even data herewith, 392, 44 foot more or lct.vs to the northerly line of the land con- voyed by the party of the first part to Albert Wolski by the deed dated July 7, 19601 THP.N.CE South 99 degrveei 57 minutes 40 seconds West, parallel with the northerly line of the 50 foot right of way and along the northerly. lines of the lands conveyed by .the party of the first part to Albort Walski, as aforesaid, and the Thaddeus yrancis Centkowski and Sophy E. Canthc)vski by the dead dated duly 7, 1964, 300 feet to the. northwa.st corner of the land conveyed to Centkowski and Centkowski, as aforesaids THF,HCr South 10 4egreas 46 minutes 00 seconds Bast parallel with the westarl_y lino of Cada: Drlva an-4 tts.oris ':ht w-1yytv,1VVd W10 of I the land convoyed to Centkowski and Cantke-wRki , am � ;�!;'"•1�i11c1, 196 font to the no'thvrly lino (,f the 50 foot righ at wti s THEKIK South 99 dagreus 54 minutes 46 seconds Wi►at, AtIng the northerly line of the 30 foot right of way 464,1:9 feet t{i the point or plaice of DEOINHINQ4 cle same adjaid Cir oinsHER Withthe northerly�lineeofovrsthe promisesrive and fromethe TOUe+ach end same a � sof said northerly line to Aquavisw Avenue, { f �w� Cil 3 I 1llllllllllillillllillllillllllllllllllllllllllllll-Illi . illllllllllilllllllllllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 03/24/2005 1 Number of Pages: 4 At: 10:16:21 AM j Receipt Number : 05-0030713 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-34066 LIBER: D00012378 PAGE: 416 District: Section: Block: Lot: . 1000 021.00 03.00 015.000 I EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/.Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO I Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 3I TRANSFER TAX NUMBER- 04-34066 j THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL i Edward P,Romaine -� County Clerk, Suffolk County I 1 i j E2 3 t 'Numberofpages RECORDED TORRENS 2005 Mar,24 10.16,-21AN Eduard P,Roreaine Serial CLERK OF - SUFFOLK Ct1U14TY Certificate 9 L D00012378 P 416 Not Ctf.0 DT# 34-34066 Deed/Mortgage instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording P Filing Stamps d FEES Page 1 Filing Pee Mortgage Amt, Handling I.Basic Tax TP-5$4 2.Additional Tax i Notation 8uh Total EA-52-17(County) Sub Total Spec./Assn. EA-5217(State) Spec. Or /Add. R.P.T.S.A. ay@PA. 'COT.MTG.TAX 49 Dual Town Dual County Comm.of Ed. 5 OQ-- M held for Apportionment Affidavit �+• a Transfer Tax 4 Certified Copy Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or Reg.Copy will be improved by a one or two family Sub Total dwelling only. Other YES or NO GRAND TOTAL ` If NO,see appropriate tax clause on page R of ibis instrument. . S Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 6 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Aniount$ Stamp 05006271 2-000 02100 0300 015000 I CPF Tax Due Date (REmC °T S I Imp roved S AInitials FEB o Vacant land ��- J 3 Satisfac(ions/Discharges/Rateases List Property Owners Mailing Address TD RECORD&RETURN TO: TD TD E ue 61� .ri i&/dlsL a 60' s Title, R�Llrus Tr; AGENCY _239'.Filarna�oriec3cAvenue ,. - Co,Name White Plains,NY 10605 —(9.14)04S-000 - Title Of L Fax 1914)1348-4899 9 Suffolk'County Recording & Endorsement Pae Tl is page forms part of the attached e e-•C made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} The premises herein is situated in 0�-tZ L I&T- OF h-n4 6� b&1ZCS SUFFOLK COWry,NEW YORK // TO In the Township of SOU 1-h,0/c/ C(4)N /�I!4X)d In the VILLAGE �/� or HAMLET of J Alan an0:Q BOXES 5 TFIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, I (OVER) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORCSIGNINd THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD SE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE,made the 3} day of December 2003 BETWEEN - . Nancy Milano, residing at 670 Circle Drive, East Marion, NY .11939-U5fi3 as executor of the last wit}and testament of Ann E. Davies late of 290 Hempstead Avenue, Roukville Contra, NY 1157D deceased, 1 party of the first part,and Nancy Milano, residing at 670 Circle Orive., 6VSTMatzr0n, N� party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of,the first part,by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament,and inconsideration of partial distribution under decedent's Uill dollars, paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, { lying and being In the See Description annexmd I t I I I i TOGETHER with all right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part,in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center tines thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenances,and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises,and also the estate therein,which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of,whether individually, or by virtue of said will or olherwise;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants [hat the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the Said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid, AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cast of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties'whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHER£OF,'the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: f i Nanc Milano Executrix Siandafd N.Y.e.TA).Form 6065-Executors Deed-Uniform Acknowledgment f ,i Form 3307 TO BE USEn ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE M NEW Y RK STATE Slate of New York,Courtly of S u f f o i k ss: State of New York,County of ss: I On the 31 day of December in the year 2 0 0 3 On the da of be1%an c theMnri�resrked, ersonall a earetl y in the year y P y PP before me,the undersigned,personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me an the basis of personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of salisfaetory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s)is satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s)is (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to. (are)subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same In hislherllheir me that helshelthey executed the same in histherliheir capacily(ies), and that by hislhedtheir signature($) on the capacity(les), and that by hiatherHheir signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which instrument,the individuai(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individuals)acted,executed the instrument. the individuals)acted,executed the Instrument. {sl�gnature dfvidual taking acknowladgmenl) (si na LAuRIF A,AL69f 1" g lure end office of individual laking acknowledgment) NOTARY PUSLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK N0:01-HIBOW12 - - QUALIFIER IN SUFFOLK COUNTY W COMMISSION EXPIRES 00-24'20--0-5- TO 0.24.20Q5TO BE.USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NE YORK STATE Stale(or District of Columbia,Territory,or Foreign Country)of ss: On the day.of in the year before me,the undersigned,personalty appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same In histherllheir capacity(ies),and that by histherllheir signature(*)on the instrument,the individual($),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted, executed the instrument,and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the in (Insert the City or other political subdivision) (and Insert the Stale or Country or other place the acknowledgment was taken] (signature and otrice o1 individual tak' ment) RELIABLE TITLE AGENCY 235 MAMARONECK AVE WHITE PLAINS,NY 10605 (914)948.4900 /5T /OOd FAX-(914)948.4999 EXECUTOR'S-DEED SECTION . of 1 BLOCK 3 Title No. / -D,1-6'7( LOT ;r 6eUNTKOR-•TOWN Snutha1d Estate of Ahh E. Davies STREET ADDRESS TO 670 Circle Drive € Nancy Milano Recorded at Request Of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL O:- STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK HOARD OF TMEUNDERWRITERS H o m a r d Stern, Esq. Distributed by 3 Barker Avenue — Sui.ts 290 Commonwealth White. Plains, NY 10601 h Lnnwns vx Ic.r�tn.v+r i - I,.'UAlAp7NN'lydiTll LANn'I I I'I,li INSI IxhNi'le[:VAIPdN1' - � i . w U LL � I Z � I C) ti Q LL a w m a v. I w , a a 4 N N w ,4r hat crn.in plat tic or i . . ff iY' ndbein�b�q��{�at EastrsMarion witli Iltt htjjjiiig, 2"d u'VOVr��iaits li2c]"n- erected. bitu::e, SS_e"of,New York Town o'F Southold. County , ' HEGINNTNG at a more particularly bo f Suffolk and point on the northerly line ofHthe.�l50Lci. otdrightas oofGwa distant North 82 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds East, .33!x,56 feet fr �ithe monument set at the corner formed by the intersecti�;n of tile om�'j inortherly line of the 50 foot right of way and the cast.erly line of r. Rocky Point Road and which point is tlae southeast corner of the land conveyed by .the-.party of the first part to i�os dated July 23, .1959; e A. Cc' uto by the deed .i RUNNING THEkE North 7 degrees 05 minutes 2 with the easterly line of Rocky point Road 2ds Q the a Point at-' the southeast corner of the land conveyed b Parallel 3 fpart to Louis Savas and Georgiana Savas b y tl1? party rpt the first TFi-ENCE North'e7. degrees 05 minutes 20 secondshWest, duZofgCltheneusterJL0 dine of the land conveyed to Savas and + ly more or less to a point on the southetlyalin�; of CiOcla�7Dt�vc20rfeeta arc of'.a curve having a radius of 87.73 feet. �n the THENCE northeasterly along the arc of the curve, 36 feet more or less to the easterly -end of the arc; TMENCE North 52 'degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds Last, al.onq the souther.l i line of Circle Drive 340 feet to a point; ri THENCE North 55 -degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds Lasi: r.or,l'iriuing along the southerly Line of Circle Drive, 130.65 feet to a point; i THENCE South 12 .degrees 23 minutes. 00 seconds west, 79.53 to a point; HENCE South 69 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East, 215 fL,�t to an iron pipe; THENCE South 75, degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds East, 130.66 ic:et more or less to.the•' northwest corner of the land conveyed by the party of the first `part to Alice S. King by deed dated July 31, 1959; THENCE South 10 ,deg=ees 46 minutes 00 seconds East, para11c_1 with the westerly line of Cedar Drive and along the westerly line of the lands conveyed by the party of the first part to Alice S, King, as aforesaid, to Helen King by the deed dated September 1, 1960 and to William Holecek by the deed bearing even elate herewith, 392.44 feet more or less to the northerly line of the land con- veyed by the party of the first part to Albert wolski by the deed dated July 7, 19601' THENCE South 89 .degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds West, parallFl with the northerly ;line of the 50 foot right of way and along the northerly lines of the laztds- conveyed by the party of the first part to Albert Wolski, as aforesaid, and the Thaddeus Francis Centkowski and Sophy E. Centkowski, by the deed dated July 7; 1960, 300 feet . to the northwest corner of the land conveyed to Centkowski and Centkowski, as aforesaid; THENCE South 10:.degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with I the westerly line of Cedar Drive and along the westerly linin of the land conveyed to Centkowski and Centkowski, as aforesaid, 196 i feet to the northerly line of the 50 foot right of way; THENCE South 85-.degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West, along tale northerly 'line of the 50 foot right-of way 464.89 feet to the j point or glace of BEGINNING. TOGETHER lith aright of way over said Circle Drive where the same adjoins the northerly line of the premises and from each end of said northerly line to Aquaview Avenue. IfllIII�IIIIIIIII�llllllllllllllllllllllllllllf�llllllfi f Illll�lffll lull Illi II#I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC I RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE I . Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 05/16/'2006 Number of Pages: 3 At: 12:10:06 PN Receipt Number : 06-0048460 j TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-38709 LIBER: D00012450 PAGE: 380 District: section: Block: Lot: 1000 021.00 03.00 015.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Iustrument Exempt Exert Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS 9RCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.0.0 NO EA-STATE $75.00. NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiss $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NEER: 05-38709 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMOT THIS IS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk: Suffolk Country E � 1 , .- 00 Number of poge13 RE:`ORGEO = TORRENS 2GC6 May 16 12:L(1:06 PM Judith A. Pascale Serial k CLERK OF SUFFOLK 'WITY t CCrtifie tte ff L 000012450 P 380 Prior Cif.4 � _ GT# 45-38709 Dv.ed f Mortgage Instrument Deed!Murtguge Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps , Page!Filing For, Mortgnge Amt. I]:mdliug 5. pp 1. B.1sic'IYtx _ 2. Additional Tax TP-594 --- Sub Total Nidation SpeclAssii. I or EA-53 17(County.)_�. __ Sub Total SPnc,/Add. ----�— _ C.1-5217(Srnte) Wr.MTCI.TAx 1 R.f',T.S.A. ryy, DnalTown DuulCounty�� Held fnrAppointment I _ Conon.t{'lint. _ S. M Trnnsfer'Ihx �_ AfCdavil • a Matrsion'f1.tx _ Ct:rdflcd Cc,Py The property cnvttred by this',61 tgttge is �- nr will be improved by a ane or two !SYS SuN11111h=e 15. 00 - family dwelling only. sub'Total^ YES_ or NO ' Orand'lhlal If NO,see appropriate lax cl.'liuse on Pago#_^ of this itistrumem. 63 I.nt 41r 5 Community Preservation Fund 0$p74745 ;<aoo 02100 0300 oisvoo i TaxPrvim T I Consideration Amount $ �Ux Service �5FL A �lgcncy Verification "'APS CPP Tax Due g _• II _ • �• .. Improved 1 _ Vacant t_;rrttl �__ Sa tsracdnlidoi.schargeAeleamS List Property Owners Mailing Address 1RECORD&l{R3'L11tN TO; TD i.. kor —fes-tdtnJ �IU [fOI�OLk 'fC. 7D Skf son '� N4 l�?7d 7 '!'rile Com rin ffiF61•111alion Co"Narno Sa '1'itie 11 3 x Snffolk Count Recording & Endorsement Pa' Lye E This 11,19e fonns purl of the attnclretl made by: (SPUCIFYTYPE OFIN."'ALIMF,NT) 11te premises lu rein is situated ht SUPPOLK COUN1'Y,NFW YORK. rn the Township of _13611D In1heVILLAOC /p c -----r�F1�L�i1L41.n[L�. nr1•IAA41.E'['nf_„`.��'Jt'1�fran. _. 1 __ - BOX li5 6'1'HRU R MUST BE.IrYPED OR PRIN'PCD IN BI-ACK 1NF:OM Y PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR PILING. _ (over) 5T3- qs � I'iv�tain®d5alelke�wit6Cavmim�ypinnil�maey/kirladrvtdedw4:arperatiants+npJa�Geeq THIS INDENTURE,made the 29th day of March,two thousand six BETWEEN NANCY MTLANO,residing at 670 Circle Drive,East.Marion,New York 11939, party of the first part,and HENRY J. MILANO and NANCY MILANO, his wife,residing at 670 Circle Drive,East Marion,New York 11939, parry of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of Trn Dollars and.other valuable consideration paid by the party ofthe second".does herebygrant and release unto the parry of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the pony of the secand part forever. AI,Lthosecetta[nlou,pfecrsarppaareelsofland, �" situate,lying and being at East Marion,Town of Southoid,County of Suffolk and•" e"Af Rw►YDrkr"Jmeia`riaaia4i'r1x bounded and k described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly Ilneof the 50 foot right of way distantNorth 82 duces 54 minutes 40 seconds East,339.56 feet from the monument set at the comer formed by the intersection ofthe northerly lint ofthe SO foot richt of way and the easterly line of Rocky Point Road and which paint is the southeast comer of the land conveyed by tit. party ofthe first part to Rose A.Caputo by deed dated July 23,1959; RUNNING THENCE North 7 degmes05 minutes 20 seconds West,parallel with the easterly line of Rocky Paint Road 267.41 feet to a point at the southeast corner ofthe land conveyed by the parry ofthe first pan to Louis Saves and Georgians Savas by the deed dated June 1,1960; 1600 THENCE North 7 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds West,along the easterly line ofthe land conveyed to Savas and Savas, w aforesaid,220 fees more or lass to a palm on the southerly line of Circle Drive,an the arc of a curve having a radius. 621 Df117.73 feet; fl3 THENCE Northeasterly along the arc of the curve,36 feet more or less to the easterly end of the arc; THENCE North 52 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East,along the southerly line of Circle Drive 340 feet to a point; THENCE North 55.degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds Carat continuing alongthe southerly line orcircle Drive.130.65 feet. to a point; THENCE South 12 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds West,79,53 feet to a point;' THENCE South 69 degrecs.10 minutes 10 seconds goat,215 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE South 75 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds East,120.66 Feet more or less to the northwest comer ofthe land conveyed by the ptttAy ofthe first part to Alice S.King by decd dated July 31,1959; THENCE South 10 degn.a 46 minutes 00 seconds East,parallel with the westerly line of Ccdar Drive and along the westerly line of thr lands conveyed by the party ofthe firstpart to Alice S,King,as aforesaid,to Helen King by the deed dated September I,1960 and to William Holecek by the deed bearing even date herewith,392A4 fRet more or less to the northerly line ofthe land conveyed by the party ofthe first part to Albert Wolski by the deed dated July 7,1960.- THENCE 960:THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds West,parallel with the northerly line of the 50 lbot right of way and , along the northerly linesofthe lands conveyed bythepanyofthe first parttoAlbert Wolski,asufaresatd,and the Taddeus Francis Centkowski and 5ophy Z Centkowski by the dccd dated July 1960,300 feet to the nurihw•est cornerofthe land conveyed to Centkowski an d Centkowski,as uforesaid; THENCE South 10 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with the westerly line of Cedar Drive and along the westerly line of the land conveyed to Centkowski and Centkowski,as aforaaid,196 feet to the northerly line ofthe 50 fact right ofway; THENCE South 89 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West,alongthe northerly line ofthe 50 foot right of way 464.89 feet to the point or place of BEGINNINGx TOGETHER with a right of way over said Circle Drive where the same adjoins the northerly line of the premises and from each end of said northerly line to Aquaview Avenue. BRING AiNDINMEND£D'TOBEthe some premises conveyed to the party ofthe first lxirtbydeed dated December 31, 2003 and recorded March 34,2005 in the uRlce afthe Clerk ofthe County of Sunotk In Liber D00012378 at page 416. TOGETHER with all right,tide and interest,if any,ofthe party ofthe first pan in and to any streets mad mads abutting theabove described premisesto the centerlines thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenanecsandall theestaieand rights of the party ofthe first part in and to said promises;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party ofthe second part the heirs or successors and assigns ofthe party ofthe second pan forever. ANB the ply of the first part covenants that the patty of the 11rst part has not done or suffaw anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in arty way whatever,except as afatesaid. A\D the party of the first pan in campllance with Secrian 13 of the 1,[en Law,covenants that the party of the first pan will reeeive Iho cansrderauon for this conveyance and will hold die right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied tirsr forth,purpose of paying the cost aft improvemin aad will apply the same first to the payment ofthe east of the improvement before using an pan Oft f the total of the same for any other pa r. The work"party"shad be construed as if it mad"parties"wheneverthe sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party ofthe first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. I Presence of: .� NANCYYIILANU s STA'rE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: STATE OF NEW YORK.COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: On the 191 day of March, in the year 1006 before me, the On the day of ,in the year before me,the undersigned, undersigned. personally appeared NANCY MILANO, personally appeared personally known to me personally known.to me or proved to me on the basis of or pproved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be tire satisractory evidence to be the individual(s) whmw munc(s) individuals) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the within is(ure)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to instrument and acknowledged to me that hdshe/they executed the me that helshe/they executed the same in hisfhedtheir same in hislherhhekr eapacity(ies), and that by hislhedtheir capackty(ies),.and that by his/hQAheir signatures)) an the signatttre(s)on the instrument.the individual(s)or the person In em,the individual(s)or the person upon behalt`of which upon.babalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the t al vldual(s)acted,executed the instrument. instrument. �y notary. MIN a.cogcic�uu+ K Publla Std*of Nttw Vatlt. N�.0,pt Q� STATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: 34.am On the day of ,before me personally came SPATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF SS.: to me personally known to be the person described and appointed attorney-in-fact in and by a certain power of attorney On the day of 19 ,before me personally came executed by day of and to me known,who being by me to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk duly sworn.did depose and say that he resides at No. ;that he is the. of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;that he knows the seal of said corporation:that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal,that It was so affixed by order ofthe board of directors orsaid corporation, nota and that he signod h name thereto by like order. notary notary District: 1040 MTwN 021.00 stoCK 03.00 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED with Covenant Against Grantor's Acts - em 015.000 Cooxrvoarownr Suffolk(Brookhaven NANCY MILANO i TO 1 HENRY J.MILANO and HENRY J.M111-ANO,his wife, RETURN BY MAIL TO; WINKLER,KURTZ&WINKLER,LLP PETER J.COSTIGAN,ESQUIRE 310 Hallock Avenue Pon Jefferson Station,N.Y. 11776, i i SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK � RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Tyke of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 03/09/2018 Neer of Pages : 4 At: 03 :28:41 PM Receipt Number : 1.8-0044$63 TRANSFER TAX NEER: 17-24680 LIBER: D00012953 PAGE : 414 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 021 .00 03. 00 015 .00{ EXAMINED AND CHARGER AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $1,325,000. 00 E f E Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20. 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15. 00 NO EA-CTY $5. 00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $125 .00 No $5 . 00 NO Notation $0. 00 NO Cert.Copies , 0. 00 NO RPT $200 .00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $23;500. 00 NO Fees Paid $23,895.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 17-24580 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL_ JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County I i l i i f . RECORDED 2018 Mar Cr3 03;28:41 Pm Number of pages TUDITH A. PASC:ALE CLERK OF SUFFOLK f,r3UkJT'7 _ This document will be pudic L DO0012953 record.Please remove all P 41-1 Social Security Numbers CST# 17-24660 prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES —— r Mortgage Amt. Page/Filing Fee ` ["3� 1.Basic Taxi Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 - SubTotai - Spec./Ass lt. Notation or �^ EA 52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. r` TOT.MTG.TAX EA-5217(State) I Dual Towtn. Ouai County� I R.P.T.S.A. — - Held#orA,��((Opfnint�m��ent- Transfer�ax'��`y-� 0 Comm.of Ed. S. 00 (3 P� Mansion lax - Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be Improved_by axone or two family dwelling only. NYS SurchargeSub Total 1S. OiJ YES arNO � other if No, see appropriate tax clause on Grand Total � �- page# of this instrumerst. 4 �7� 440 92300 0300 019040 15,000 S Community Preservation Fund 18006 Real S Consideration Amount$ Tagg (R�D TY A PF Tax Due Verii ",=R t improved_-� Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Propperty Owners Mailing Address b RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land DAVID PROKOP, ESQ. 131 RT. 25A, SUITE 2 TOIt ROCKY POINT,NY 11778 - TO ` TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name);,Wz11 wwwsuffolkeountyny.gov/clerk Title u a Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DEED made by. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTi NANCY MILANO The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. F f i TO In theTOWN of SOUTHOLD KATARINA PEDERSON In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of EAST MARION BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 70—ver I f � a i CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTE WMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY i THIS INDENTURE,made the z day of January ,201 I BETWEEN NANCY MILANO , as surviving tenant by the entirety, residing at 670 Circle.Drive, East Marion, NY 11039 party of the first part,and KATARINA PEDERSON,residing at 133 West 22`d Street,#10D,New York,NY party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN and no1100ths($10.00)dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, SEE SCHEDULE"A"ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF I BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed made by i Nancy Milano dated March 29, 2008 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 16, 2006 in i Liber 12450 Page 580, i. i s TOGETHER with all right,title and interest, if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party o€ the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose.The word "party" shall be construed as if i1 read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. I I I i I I I IN PRE NCE 0 NAN I ' NO i I f k I I. i I • TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York,County of Suffolk ss: State of New York,County of ss: On the 2"dday of January in the year 2018 On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared NANCY Before me,the undersigned,personally appeared MILANO personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s)is satisfactory evidence to be the individuat(s)whose name(s)is (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to (are)subscribed to the within instrument and ack6owledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in hislherlthe)r me that he/she/they executed the same in hislherltheir capacity(ies), and that by hislherltheir signatureis) on the capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which Instrument,the indlvidual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the indidi(}vidual(s)acted,executed the instrument, the individual(s)acted,executed the instrument. (signature a tl o e dtvI. t Ing acknowled meat) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) NOTARY PI3�L1C 7:: AGEN K`r[n� >1a5► Nesstlry Plifi :01 New ffolk YorkRaglaA83123t7 ifiled in roper 29 018 i TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT I5 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE I State for District of Columbia,Territory,or Foreign Country)of ss: On the day of in the year before me,the undersigned,personallyappeared personally known to me or proved to me on the,basis of satisfactory evidence to be the fndividuef(s)whose names) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislherlttieir capacity(ies),and that by hislherltheir signatures)on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted, executed the instrument,and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the in (insert the City or other political subdivision) (and insert the State or Country or other place the acknowledgment was taken) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) k i E l I BARGAIN AND SALE DEED DISTRICT SECTION 021.021.fl0 WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS BLOCK 03.00 I LOT 015.000 l Title No. COUNTY OR TOWN NANCY MILANO STREET ADDRESS TO KATARINA PEDERSON Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY � 13EJURtj BY AI STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS - Distributed by DAVID PROKOP;ESQ: 131 Rt.25 A,Suite 2 Commonweafth Rocky Point,NY 11778 A l�+n6,5 uFJUGC4amnN]' ,J. COMMONWEALTh LANu TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY l U E LL f i z z ' o i Lu o � I 0 U, N 7 K G k f � a ' m i Z f Ci#h 4 I Fidelity National Title Insurance Company TITLE NO. F17-7404- 106092-SUFF i SCHEDULE A-1 (Description) 3 j AMENDED f ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point formed by the Southwesterly corner'of the property herein described and the Northwest coiner of Lot 2 in the Subdivision Map known as"Aquaview Park" filed as Suffolk.County Map No.: 5621; RUNNING THENCE, along the lands now or formerly of Rose A. Caputo, Kestutis. Zapkus and Jerry Garnbons, and Donald Galaida, North 07 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 474.26 feet to a point on the Southerly side of Circle Drive,.on..the arc of a curve having a.radius of 87.73 feet THENCE Northeasterly along the arc of the curve,44.13 feet to the Easterly end of the arc; THENCE North 52 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East,along the Southerly line of Circle Drive 340 feet to a point; THENCE North 55 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East continuing along the Southerly line of Circle Drive, 130.31 feet to the lands now or formerly of Kalliope Menakis; THENCE, along said lands, South 12 degrees 28 minutes 32 seconds West, 79.33 feet to a point, THENCE South 69 degrees 04 minutes 38 seconds East, 215.00 feet to a point; THENCE South 75 degrees 10 minutes 18 seconds East 115.83 feet to a point; THENCE South 10 degrees 42 minutes 06 seconds East 396.97 feet to a point and the lands now or formerly of Zer Investments Inc; . f THENCE, along said lands and the lands now or formerly of Thaddeus F. Cajtkowski, South 89 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds West 300.00 feet; THENCE, continuing along the lands of Thaddeus F. Cajkowski, South 10 degrees 48 minutes 06 seconds East 195.36 feet to the northerly boundary line of Lot 5 in the Subdivision Map known as "Aquaview Park" filed as Suffolk County Map No.: 5621; THENCE, along the northerly boundary lines of Lots 2-5 of the above referenced map, North 89 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds West 464.54 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING i. i THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED under this commitment will insure the title to such buildings and improvements on the premises which by law constitute real property. j FOR CON VEYANCING ONL Y; Together with all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part, of in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. SCHEDULER-1 (Description) Rev.(03104) 1 S CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRIFFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK i 4,ii1;,,,g .dhess TEL: (631)369-8200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 April 17, 2019 E-mail: charlescuddy@optonline.net Ms. Erica Bufkins, Town Planner RECEIVED Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 APR 2 312019 .. Southold, New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson- Minor subdivision F`Ianning BWrd SCTM#1000-21-03-15 Dear Ms. Bufkins: Pursuant to your request, enclosed please find six (6) prints of the sketch plan and yield map for the above subdivision. Please proceed with further review of this matter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRCi'ik �ws. Enclosure Southold Town Planning Board Work Session —April 8­2019 — Page 2 Project Name- ; Duffy Standard Subdivision SCTM#: ] 1000-111-11-26.1 unneweta Road, Cutchogue Location. 3360W _ �. Descri tion: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 3.02 acre parcel into two lots, where Lot 1 is 1.69 acres and Lot 2 is 1.33 acres, located in the R- 40 Zoning District. Status: Conditional Sketch Approval �f Action: Review for Preliminary Plat t A pp roval „ { Attachments: Staff Report _ f Project name: ! North Fork Recycling (NF Sanitation) SCTM# 1000-83-3-4.7 Location', 475 C_ox Ln., in Cutchogue Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 1-story 960 sq. ft. building for office use attached to a 1 '/z-story 6,000 sq. ft. building for warehouse space and no basement with 16 parking stalls on 5 acres in theg _ g District. Light In ustna Zoning, Status Pending Action Update and Review for Determination Attachments* Staff Report m _ Gonzalez Standard Subdivision I SCTM#. 1000 27-1-9 Locat on Name: _ - 050 Platt Road, approxi11 mat ely 1 823' south of NYS Route 25, Orient Description: This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 4.29-acre parcel into two lots, where Lot 1 is 2.07 acres and Lot 2 is 2.22 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. This parcel is located on Platt Road, +/- 1,830' south of S.R. 25. _ h.., Status' Conditional Preliminary Approval ActionFinal Plat t Co mpleteness Attachments"- Report Project Name; Pederson Standard Subdivision SCTM#. 1000-21-3-15 � Location: 670 Circle Drive, East Marion Description: lots, whereLot1f is 5 1 acres, Lot 2uib p proposal division of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 s 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the e and Circle Drive in Eat Marion. .. _ intersection of Aquaview Avenue s ._ _ Marion ,-, Status:.. New Application Action. Review for Sketch Plan Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date April 8, 2019 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Project Title: PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION Applicant: Mark & Katarina Pederson Date of Submission: March 12, 2019 (Sketch Plan) Tax Map Number: 1000-21.-3-15 II. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This proposal is for the Standard Subdivision of a 9.2-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 is 5.1 acres, Lot 2 is 2.3 acres, and Lot 3 is 1.8 acres, in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located south of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive in East Marion. III: ACTION TO REVIEW New Application — Sketch Plan Completeness IV: ANALYSIS On March 12, 2019, the applicant submitted a Standard Subdivision application and fee in the amount of$2,500. The Yield Plan submitted during pre-submission meetings with the applicant shows a maximum yield of 8 lots on this parcel. This plan appears to meet the Town Code requirements in the R-40 Zoning District, but a full sized Yield Plan will be required for submission. Pursuant to X240-XI Cluster Qe�relo rArot: • "the Planning Board shall require cluster development of parcels seven acres or greater in size and not classified as a conservation subdivision." The subject parcel is a total of 9.2 acres in the R-40 Zoning District. As such, a cluster is required to develop this piece. The applicant has submitted a Sketch Plan that proposes to subdivide the parcel into 3 lots, which reduces the yield on the parcel by 62%. The applicant proposes to cluster the residential units near the front of the parcel with a cul-de-sac access from the private road Circle Drive. The applicant has deeded access over this private road. Southold Planning Department Staff Report The applicant proposes to provide the open space within each of the three lots rather than providing a single open space area attached to one lot. Given the large reduction in yield and the configuration of the parcel, locating the open space in each of the parcels is an option the Board may consider, similar to other reduced yield subdivisions in the past.. The map submitted on March 12 2019,--proposed the following dimensions: TOWN CODE REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-40 ZONING DISTRICT Pederson Standard Subdivision Proposal REQUIRED LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 Lot Size: 40,000 sq. ft. 222,603 sq. ft. 101,807 sq. ft. 76,726 sq. ft. Lot Depth: 175' -575' 414' 414' Lot Width: 150' -250' -230' -200' Open Space Area 68.7% of sq. ft. . 55.8%6,8 2 sq.at. 4132,0 8 sq. p p ea Per Lot 2 . ft. area ..�-.�..._.._ � _...... ... 69,718 s �. .... ..�...._.,. ww q. ft. 44,955 sq. ft. 44,628 sq. ft. Developable Area Per Lot 31.3% of Lot 1 area 44.2% of Lot 2 area 58.2% of Lot 3 area Open Space Re uirement— Tc taN Area: 401,136 sq � . ft. (401,136/241,835) X 100 Minimum 60%a Total Lot Area Open Space Area: 241,835 sq. ft. = 60.3% 1----- Developable Area Re uirement Total Areaft _401,136 sq. . (401,136/159,301)301) X 100 Minimum 40% Total Lot Area Opera Space Area: 159,301 sq. ft. = 39.7% Cul-de-sac ROW radius: 50' Promo osed Cul-de-sac shows a ROW radius of 60' Curb radius: 44' .. _ ��....... Right of Proposed...ROS"„ Way Width: 25' ROW Width: 25' Proposed Road Width: 16' Road Width: 16' Completeness Review Refer to the Sketch Plan Application Completeness table on the following page for the items that make this application incomplete. V: Items to Consider 1. Does the Board agree with finding the Sketch Plan application complete? 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report SKETCH PLAN COMPLETENESS._.._ T PLETENESS � ..�.. REQUIR.... -.-----------�, �.�_. -.- ... �...m.— ....... ED SUBMITTED NOTES Cover Letter&Subdivision Sketch Application Form Yes Authorization Letter&Transaction Disclosure F - � orm Yes Standard Subdivision Conservation Subdivision -- Yes--$2,500 Fees Fees • $1,000–flat fee • $500–flat fee • $750–per lot • $350–per lot Property Deed(s) &Certificates of Occupancy ncc Yes � p y(COs) Copies of Easements, C&Rs, and decisions from other Yes--access - Access over Circle agencies with conditions restricting this property Drive to be proved via deed FEAF or SEAF for SEAR...._ _...... . A(Part 1) Yes FEAF provided Required Cluster if 7 acres or greater Yes Cluster is mandated Lot Recognition ............................. ............................. .�.–...... Yes ERSAP (5 copies).... ..... _ .... .._ mm.. .. .........�. ........ Yes Yield Plan (5 copies)–STANDARD SUBDIVISION ONLY NO Full sized Yield Plan required ..W Yield Plan checked for compliance with Town Code Yes -- Full sized plan rexired 5 copies of the Primary and Secondary Found on Sketch Existing conditions ions Area plan & Field Survey map provided 5 copies of the Sketch Plan� � Yes RP Consistency Assessment Form Yes Table of buildable land area and open space areas as Y – ... es applicable Lot conforms with depth and width requirements Yes –� - Existing buildings conform with front, rear,and side Yes yard requirements ROW, flags, cul-de-sac radii inconformance Yes Proposed ROW W & cul-de-sac in conformance Application meets cluster de ign requirements s Yes ---vu+W Parcel over er 7 acres.. See calculations above. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex e tz P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov ' COUNTY, PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 10, 2019 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Proposed Pederson Standard Subdivision South of the intersection of Aquaview Avenue and Circle Drive, East Marion. SCTM#1000-21.-3-15 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their April 8, 2019 work session for completeness of the Sketch Plan application. In reviewing the materials submitted to the Planning Department on March 12, 2019, the Planning Board determined that the Sketch Plan application is complete. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the Planning Board Office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, C�a�01_v� Erica Bufkins ow Planner Trainee RECEIVE,Q CHARLESR. 10''FORNEY ATL AW 445GRI PING AVES UE.',, �m'l<�1]Lsl�ll�LA.D,NEW YORK 011�au�... Board 1,m➢:o,a � rl l� TEL: (631)369-8200 1'.O.Box 1-5474 FAX: (631)369-9080 Rived,,,;ad,NY 11907- March 11. 2019 E-mail: charlescuddyCoptonline.net Ms. Erica Bufkins, Town Planner Southold Town Planning Department PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 RE: Mark and Katarina Pederson-Minor subdivision SCTM#1000-21-03-15 ,'dear Ms. Bufkins: Based on your recommendation for this 9-acre parcel in East Marion, we now enclose the following: 1. Sketch Plan application 2. Authorization Form 3. Transactional Disclosures 4. LWRP Consistency Assessment Form 5. Full Environmental Assessment Form 6. Property Deed 7. Application fee in the sum of$2500.00 8. Five (5)prints of the subdivision map Please review it and advise us when we may further discuss it. Very truly yours, A Charles R. Cuddy CRC/ik Enclosure R ECit I SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD I � 011 Subdivision Application Form - Final Plat Approv � APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision Pederson Standard Subdivision 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 1000-021-03-15 3. Hamlet East Marion 4. Street Location South of intersection Aquaview Ave. & Circle Dr, 5. Zoning District R-40 6. Date of Submission February, 2021 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date August 5, 2019 8. Preliminary Approval Date September 14, 2020 9. Number of Lots Proposed 3 lots 10. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Area 245,471 sf 11. Affordable Housing Units Proposed N/A 12. Percentage of Affordable Housing N/A 13. If providing less than 20%Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units (MIFDU),please indicate how the property owner intends on satisfying theAffordable Housing requirement pursuant to §240-10 B(2)(c) of the Town Code. N/A 14, Does the Final Plat conform substantially to the approved Preliminary Plat? If not,please explain the differences. Final Plat conforms to the conditions set forth in th.enditi onal pr lirwn n a roval 15. Application prepared by [] owner [4 agent [] other Signature of Preparers ;, ate d Final Plat Application Form ...... R CE �jp Njffl ;,,;; 0C 12 4 e201chi I , r r SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subdivision Application :Form - Preliminary ?plat APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision Pederson Standard Subdivision 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 5 1 - _W-3.-1....... .... 3. Hamlet East Marion 4. Street Address/ South of intersection A uaview Ave. & Circle Dr. Project Location 5. Zoning District -40 6. Date of Submission October 24, 2019 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date August 5, 2019 8. Acreage of Site 9.2088 ac. 9. Parcel Yield o 10. Number of Lots Proposed 3 lots a. Number of Affordable Lots Required:. N/A b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: N/A c. Alternative Method/Payment Proposed to Satisfy Affordable....... Housing Requirement: N11 „ PrelfminaryPlatflpplication Form 11. Acreage of Open Space ITIT 12. Percentage of Open Space 60.29 �..... ,, 13. Range of Lot Sizes (not including any required open space area) 69,718 sq.ft, ---.4�4-62 14, Average Lot Size 44, 955 sq.ft. 15. Private or Public Streets Private 16, Name of Road (s) Kat sCourt............. �..... .. _�. . 17. Length ofRoad(s) 300 feet 18, Acreage ofRoad(s) 19,257 sq.ft. 19, Water Availability(public or private) If private well, has water been tested and approved by Suffolk County Department of Health Services? Private well- CDH ; gL-L.....t? 20, Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the Sketch Plan previously approved by the Planning Board? Explain. .Thri potiminary map I c ud.- hl�_ .forth....Ln ConditiDnal,_S,1 etch Plan approval resolutioa as weU _as re uired by the Town Code reul tj . rel--,L�n � aha ,, 21. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other agencies?Please list other applications which are currently pending involving this project. If possible, please provide application reference numbers. 8'CDH —subs divis1 n al)proval__for w:aL.e.: --ancl-s-p-L .r...... .y tem 22. Application completed by [ ] owner k] agent [ ] other Signature of Preparei Date l 2 RE-QJ�EIIVEIP NWR 12 2019 SOUTHOLD � M�u�uu�omig i�¢::�u�� PLANNING '� � ^ __..... ..... .. ..... .. .......... ..,.,m.. DEPARTMENT Subdivision Application Form - Sketch Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision Subdivision of Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 1000-21-03-15 3. Type of Subdivision Standard [X] Conservation [ ] 4. Hamlet East Marion 5. Street Address/ Circle Drive near Aquaview Ave., East Marion Project Location 6. Acreage of Site 9.2088 ac. 7. Proposed Yield 3 lots 8. Number of Lots Proposed 3 lots 9. Zoning District R-40 10. Date of Submission February 2019 11. Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: Applicant: Mark Pederson and Katarina Pederson 133 West 22nd Street,Apt. 1 OD New York,NY 10011 Agent: Charles R. Cuddy 445 tariffing Ave. verhead,NY 11901 Sketch Plan Application Form 631-369-8200 Property Owner(s): Katarina Pederson 133 West 22nd Street,Apt. 10D New York, NY 10011 Surveyor: Young&Young 400 Ostrander Ave., Riverhead, NY 11901 631-727-2303 Engineer: Young&Young 400 Ostrander Ave., Riverhead, NY 11901 631-727-2303 Attorney: Charles R.Cuddy 445 Griffing Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 ------------ 631-369-8200 12. Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so, please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Board. To the best of applicants'knowledge-no prior filing 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the Planning Board? If so, provide date.Yes, December 2018,January 2019 14. Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? Yes X . No . If"yes", explain how. parcel is 9 ac. and has been in single and separate ownership 15. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation?If so, provide date. No 16. Is any part of the property in agricultural use?Nolf so, how many acres? N/A 17. Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? No 18. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so, please indicate the properties by SCTM#. No 19. Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? If yes, please provide permit number(s). 2 No 20.The site will be serviced by the following special districts or utility companies: Fire District East Marion Post Office East Marion School District Greenport Water Private 21. Has the relevant Electric Utility Company been notified of the proposed subdivision? If so, please provide proof that service will be provided. service exists 22. Please indicate the type of open space proposed and how it will be managed? lot owners will manage open space 23. Are there any existing structures on the property? If so, please indicate the type of structure and its use(s). Will these structures remain, be removed or altered? Existing dwelling will remain 24. Based on the parcel yield and the affordable housing requirement of the Town Code, how many Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units are proposed? If the number that will be built is less than 20%of the yield,please indicate how you intend on satisfying the requirement(see Town Code §240-10 B (2)(c) for options). 3 lots-no affordable housing requirement 25.Application completed by [] owner agent [ ] other Signature of Prelarr e'0' Date :, g r 3 Katarina Pederson 133 West 22"d Street, Apt. l OD New York,NY 10011 I, Katarina Pederson, hereby authorize Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. to act as my agent on the property of SCTM#1000-21-03-15 in East Marion, New York, and handle all necessary work involved in the subdivision process with the Southold Town Planning Board. o � Katarina Pederson Sworn to before me this 2 8 day rAr 9SURESH wwYork of re��u � 2019. Nagy j� �� O ,6146,72 Q�jajjz Nu County My CssrrjwTjj,.;s,jn C xptres Aug 6,2022. Notary Public Sout old Planning Department Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: Pederson Katarina Last Fir , first,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision x Site Plan_ Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes No X If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold _ ____.................._..,.., .�.—. Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her souse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C,an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: Submitted this day of ? f Signature...m ._._..... ....._. r Print Name TAR` H Disclosure Form Southold Planning : ' a artent Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: Pederson Mark Last,First,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision X Site Plan Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(ter through your company,spouse,NiNing,parent or child)have,a relationship with any of'licer or employce of the 1'inwn of Southold? "Relationship includcs by blood,rnwriage or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,,including a partnership:,in which the town officer or employce has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town.officer or employee owns more than 50/i of the shares. Yes No X 1f you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold __ �LL_ Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her souse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C in officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: ........._._.mm...._.. .... Submitted this`I ay p 20 l rl Signature—4, Print Name Disclosure Form Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS L All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A_ rho osed action will be evaluated as to-,,its significant beneficial ands adverse effects a ion the coastal area(which illdUdes all of Southold Town 3, If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be explained in detail listing both supporting and non- Supporting on-Support ng facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, ,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 21 - 03 - 15 PROJECT NAME Subdivision-Mark Pederson & Katarina Pederson The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ElPlanning Board(cBuilding Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital 0 construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: �X Nature and extent of action: Minor subdivision-3 residential lots Location of action: Circle Drive near Aquaview Ave.w, East Marion Site acreage:_ 92088 ac. Present land use: Residential Present zoning classification: R-ao 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Mark Pederson and Katarina Pederson (b) Mailing address:_ 133 West 22nd Street, Apt. 1 OD NewYork, NY 10011 (c) Telephone number: Area Code (d) Application number, if any. N/A Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No E If yes,which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST PO ICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. O Yes No ❑ Not Applicable subdivision retains si ni icant o ens ace This 3-lot .�_ p p ....._.. w...w_ .... ....� Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria 011 Yes El No 2 Not Applicable To the best of applicant's knowledge there are no historic or archaeological resources at this site. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria FXI Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable _. p ... — By preserving o en space the applicant will protect the visual„quality of the area. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes El No ®' Not Applicable This site is not near the coastline. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria Yes ❑ No 9,Not Applicable The addition of two 2 residence t ...._ ig quality or O s to this site will not have a significant effect on the Town's water qua it .....supply. _.— Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. 11 Yes No g Not Applicable This site will not have an impact on the Lon Island Sound and Peconic B ecosystems.. µµ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III – Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes D No EX Not Applicable This 3-lot residnetial subdivision will have minimal effect on emissions or air contaminants to the outdoors ...... ....... Attach additional sheets — � if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III–Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable _Any solid waste produced by the 3 residences will be deposited at the T li g mown Di posala end R cycCe t r in Cutch ague. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III–Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes❑ No© Not Applicable p t p s or u 1c resourceg"in e —own' al waters public land This subdivision is not connected to nor will it impact recreational use of coas_mmIT Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes [:] No X Not Applicable This subdivision is notrelatedto water dependent uses. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. I� Yes 1:1 No 1XI Not Applicable Again there is no connection between the subdivision and marine resources. _..... ._._.... _ —.�.._.. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through ugh 65 for evaluation criteria. hr�i L Yes ❑ No❑X Not Applicable This isWWnot an agricultural site. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No 1 Not Applicable Thisa d has no wo,(?) ) on e rat this mineral will not have any impent.upon the use or dev l'oprrm n ..._ gy .__.._. .�.. __. _.�.. �of ever and conn w,. PREPARED BY . I'ITI: I ''G'"t� DATE 36 , c' Amended on 8/1/05 ' Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project and Setting Instructions for Completing Part 1 Part 1 is to be completed by the applicant or project sponsor. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information;indicate whether missing information does not exist, or is not reasonably available to the sponsor;and,when possible,generally describe work or studies which would be necessary to update or fully develop that information. Applicants/sponsors must complete all items in Sections A&B. In Sections C,D&E,most items contain an initial question that must be answered either"Yes"or"No". If the answer to the initial question is"Yes",complete the sub-questions that follow. If the answer to the initial question is"No",proceed to the next question. Section F allows the project sponsor to identify and attach any additional information. Section G requires the name and signature of the project sponsor to verify that the information contained in Part lis accurate and complete. A.Project and Sponsor Information. ...Name of Action or........._ _......_.. .. ...._ ..�..�-.. .._w . Project: Subdivision of Mark Pederson&Katarina Pederson Project .._w� __a......�__...... ...... . .._�. j ct Location(describe,and attach a general location map): Circle Drive near Aquaview Ave.,East Marion (SCTM#1000-21-03-15) Brief Description of Proposed Action include purpose or need Minor subdivision-3 residential lots Name of Applicant/Sponsor: Telephone:646-295-9070 ......... Mark and Katarina Pederson E-Mail: mark.l.pederson@gmail.com Address: 133 West 22nd Street,__ ....._. ..... ........ _�.._......... ... Apt. 10D C _.... .....�. .... ...... .�.... City/PO: p /pO: State de: 10011 New York .. .......... ..�.........._. - .__ ........�NY Zi o...... Project Contact(if not same as sponsor;give name and title/role)M Telephone:631-369-8200 Charles R.Cuddy E-Mail:charlescuddy@optonline.net Address: PO Box 1547 City/PO: State: Zip Code: Riverhead NY 11901 Property if not same.._... a ... p riy Owner (' as sponsor): Telephone; Katarina Pederson E-Maii.—k'pe"deron@m"a'c.com Address 133 West 22nd Street,Apt.1 OD City/PO: New York State: NY Zip Code:10011 Page 1 of 13 RESE ,... T FORM B.Government Approvals B.Government Approvals Funding,or Sponsorship. ("Funding"includes grants,loans, _ _...._ ` ' ' tax relief,and any other forms of financial assistance.) Government Entity If Yes:Identify Agency and Approval(s) Application Date Required (Actual or projected) a.City Council,Town Board, ❑Yes❑No or Village Board of Trustees b.City,Town or Village ®Yes❑No Planning Board-subdivision approval Planning Board or Commission c.City Council,Town or ❑Yes❑No Village Zoning Board of Appeals d.Other local agencies ❑Yes❑No e.County agencies ®Yes❑No SCDHS-subdivision approval April 2019 £Regional agencies ❑Yes❑No I g.State agencies ❑Yes❑No h.Federal agencies ❑Yes❑No ................................ i. Coastal Resources i. Is the project site within a Coastal Area,or the waterfront area of a Designated Inland Waterway? ❑Yes®No If Yes, ii. Is the project site located in a community with an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program? ®Yes❑No iii. Is the project site within a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area? ❑Yes®No C.Planning and Zoning C.1.Planning and zoning actions. Will administrative or legislative adoption,or amendment of a plan,local law,ordinance,rule or regulation be the ❑Yes®No only approval(s)which must be granted to enable the proposed action to proceed? • If Yes,complete sections C,F and G. • If No,proceed to question C.2 and complete all remaining sections and questions in Part 1 C.2.Adopted land use plans. .._ww a.Do any municipally-adopted (city,town,village or county)comprehensive land use plan(s)include the site ❑Yes®No where the proposed action would be located? If Yes,does the comprehensive plan include specific recommendations for the site where the proposed action ❑Yes❑No would be located? b.Is the site of the proposed action within any local or regional special planning district(for example: Greenway ❑Yes®No Brownfield Opportunity Area(BOA);designated State or Federal heritage area;watershed management plan; or other?) If Yes,identify the plan(s): c. Is the proposed action located wholly or partially within an area listed in an adopted municipal open space plan, ❑Yes®No or an adopted municipal farmland protection plan? If Yes,identify the plan(s): Page 2 of 13 RESET FORM C.3. Coning a. Is the site of the proposed action located in a municipality with an adopted zoning law or ordinance. ®Yes❑No If Yes,what is the zoning classification(s)including any applicable overlay district? R-40 b. Is the use permitted or allowed by a special or conditional use permit? ®Yes❑No c.Is a zoning change requested as part of the proposed action? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i. What is the proposed new zoning for the site? CA.Existing community services. a.In what school district is the project site located? Greenport_ b.What police or other public protection forces serve the project site? Town of Southold ......� c.Which fire protection and emergency medical services serve the project site? East Marion d.What parks serve the project site? Orient Point State Park _ .. D.Project Details D.1.Proposed and Potential Development a.What is the general nature of the proposed action(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial,recreational;if mixed,include all components)? residential b.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 9.2 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 1...0 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 9.2 acres c.Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use? ❑Yes®No i. If Yes,what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units(e.g.,acres,miles,housing units, square feet)? % Units: d.Is the proposed action a subdivision,or does it include a subdivision? ®Yes❑No If Yes, i. Purpose or type of subdivision?(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial;if mixed,specify types) residential ii. Is a cluster/conservation lay m n layout proposed? ❑Yes®No iii. Number of lots proposed? _ 3 iv. Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes? Minimum 76_7� Maximum 222,603 e.Will proposed action be constructed in multiple phases? ®Yes❑No i. If No,anticipated period of construction: months ii. If Yes: Total number of phases anticipated 3. w Anticipated commencement date of phase 1 (including demolition) month year m Anticipated completion date of final phase month _year a Generally describe connections or relationships among phases,including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases: renovation o exis n home ..._ construction of two new homes Page 3 of 13 RESET FORM f Does the project include new residential uses? ®Yes❑No If Yes,show numbers of units proposed. One Family Two Family Three Family LJg!ji, lq Family four or more Initial Phase 2 At completion of all phases 2- g.Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction(including expansions)? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i.Total number of structures ii. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed structure: height; width; and length iii. Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled: square feet h.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any ❑Yes®No liquids,such as creation of a water supply,reservoir,pond,lake,waste lagoon or other storage? If Yes, i. Purpose of the impoundment: ii. If a water impoundment,the principal source of the water: ❑ Ground water❑Surface water streams ❑Other specify: iii. If other than water,identifythe type of i mpounded/contained liquids and their source. iv. Approximate size of the proposed impoundment. Volume: millionallons• surface rface area:. ............... acres v. Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure: height; length vi. Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure(e.g.,earth fill,rock,wood,concrete); D.2. Project Operations a.Does the proposed action include any excavation,mining,or dredging,during construction,operations,or both? ❑Yes®No (Not including general site preparation,grading or installation of utilities or foundations where all excavated materials will remain onsite) If Yes: i.What is the purpose of the excavation or dredging? ii. How much material(including rock,earth,sediments,etc.)is proposed to be removed from the site? • Volume(specify tons or cubic yards): o Over what duration of time? iii. Describe nature and characteristics of materials to be excavated or dredged,and plans to use,manage or dispose of them. iv. Will there be onsite dewatering or processing of excavated materials? ❑Yes❑No If yes,describe. . ..,e.,.,.,_ v. What is the total area to be dredged or excavated? acres vi. What is the maximum area to be worked at any one time? acres vii. What would be the maximum depth of excavation or dredging? ...................... feet viii. Will the excavation require blasting? ❑Yes❑No ix. Summarize site reclamation goals and plan:, m,,,,,,. ,.. ,,,,,......................................................................................,,,. ,. b.Would the proposed action cause or result in alteration of,increase or decrease in size of,or encroachment ❑Yes®No into any existing wetland,waterbody,shoreline,beach or adjacent area? If Yes: L Identify the wetland or waterbody which would be affected(by name,water index number,wetland map number or geographic description): _.� ............. Page 4 of 13 RESET FORM H. Describe how the proposed action would affect that waterbody or wetland,e.g.excavation,fill,placement of structures,or alteration of channels,banks and shorelines. Indicate extent of activities,alterations and additions in square feet or acres: iii. Will proposed action cause or result in disturbance to bottom sediments? ❑Yes❑No If Yes,describe: iv. Will proposed action cause or result in the destruction or removal of aquatic vegetation? ❑Yes❑No...._. If Yes: • acres of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed • expected acreage of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed • purpose of proposed removal(e.g.beach clearing,invasive species control,boat access): • proposed method of plant removal: • if chemical/herbicide treatment will be used,specify product(s): ........ ..............._. .................................... v. Describe any proposed reclamation/mitigation following disturbance:. C.Will the proposed action use,or create a new demand for water? ®Yes[]No If Yes: L Total anticipated water usage/demand per day: 600 gallons/day H. Will the proposed action obtain water from an existing public water supply? ❑Yes Olo If Yes: • Name of district or service area: • Does the existing public water supply have capacity to serve the proposal? Yes❑N o • Is the project site in the existing district? ❑Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes[--]No • Do existing lines serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No iii. Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to supply the project? ❑Yes[-]No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: .............................. • Sour ............. ce(s)of supply for the district: iv. Is a new water supply district or service area proposed to be formed to serve the project site? ❑YesONO If,Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: • Proposed source(s)of supply for new district: v. If a public water supply will not be used,describe plans to provide water supply for the project: pnvate well vi.If water supply will be from wells(public or private),maximum pumping capacity: 1 o gallons/minute. d.Will the proposed action generate liquid wastes? OYes❑No If Yes: i. Total anticipated liquid waste generation per day: 600 gallons/day ii. Nature of liquid wastes to be generated(e.g.,sanitary wastewater,industrial;if combination,describe all components and approximate volumes or proportions of each): sa„n„ita„ry wastewater iii. Will the proposed action use any existing public wastewater astewater treatment facilities? ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Name of wastewater treatment plant to be used: • Name of district: _ • Does the existing wastewater treatment plant have capacity. ty to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? ❑Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes❑No Page 5 of 13 RESET FORM •' Do existing sewer lines serve the project site? ❑Yes®No Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to serve the project? ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: iv. Will a new wastewater(sewage)treatment district be formed to serve the project site? E ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: mmm • Date application submitted or anticipated: _ What is the receiving water for the wastewater discharge? • g g v. If public facilities will not be used,describe plans to provide wastewater treatment for the project,including specifying proposed receiving water(name and classification if surface discharge,or describe subsurface disposal plans): .. ms.. ..,_ Vi. Describe any planor desi ns to ca ture recycle or r - e.Will the proposed action disturb more than one acre and create stormwater runoff,either from new point ❑Yes®No sources(i.e.ditches,pipes,swales,curbs,gutters or other concentrated flows of stormwater)or non-point source(i.e.sheet flow)during construction or post construction? If Yes: i. How much impervious surface will the project create in relation to total size of project parcel? Square feet or acres(impervious surface) Square feet or acres(parcel size) ii. Describe types of new point sources. iii. Where will the stormwater runoff be directed(i.e.on-site stormwater management facility/structures,adjacent properties, � groundwater,on-site surface water or off-site surface waters)? • If to surface waters identify receiving water bodies or wetlands:• .,,,,,, ill iv. Does proposed plan stormwater runoff flow to adjacent properties? materials or collect and re-use stormwater? ❑Yes❑N minimize impervious surfaces use pervious mater�^^^ P P p � P P ° f. Does the proposed action include,or will it use on-site,one or more sources of air emissions,including fuel ❑Yes®No combustion,waste incineration,or other processes or operations? If Yes,identify: i.Mobile sources during project operations(e.g.,heavy equipment,fleet or delivery vehicles) ii. Stationarysources during ( �..� ...�" � ..... .. .. ....... construction e .g.,power generation,structural heating,batch plant,crushers) iii. Stations sources during operations e.g. electric .....�- -� �m.Stationary � g p ( process emissions,large boilers,electric generation) �. u.-...................... -,. _. ........... g.Will any air emission sources named in D.2.f(above),require a NY State Air Registration,Air Facility Permit, ❑Yes®No or Federal Clean Air Act Title IV or Title V Permit? If Yes: L Is the project site located in an Air quality non-attainment area? (Area routinely or periodically fails to meet ❑Yes❑No ambient air quality standards for all or some parts of the year) ii. In addition to emissions as calculated in the application,the project will generate: • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) • Tons/year(short tons)of Nitrous Oxide(N20) • —Tons/yeat.(short tons)of Perfluorocarbons(PFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6) • Top�sOyeKYa (short tons)of Carbon Dioxide equivalent of Hydroflourocarbons(IVCs) • Tons/yeas,(short tons)of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Page 6 of 13 RESET FORM h.Will the proposed action generate or emit methane(including,but not limited to,sewage treatment plants, ❑Yes®No landfills,composting facilities)? If Yes: i. Estimate methane generation in tons/year(metric): ii.Describe any methane capture,control or elimination measures included in project design(e.g.,combustion to generate heat or electricity,flaring): i.Will the proposed action result in the release of air pollutants from open-air operations or processes,such as ❑Yes®No quarry or landfill operations? If Yes:Describe operations and nature of emissions(e.g.,diesel exhaust,rock particulates/dust): j.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels or generate substantial ❑Yes®No new demand for transportation facilities or services? If Yes: i. When is the peak traffic expected(Check all that apply): ❑Morning ❑Evening ❑Weekend ❑Randomly between hours of __ to ii.For commercial activities only,projected number of semi-trailer truck trips/day:_ iii. Parking spaces: Existing Proposed Net increase/decrease iv.Does the proposed action include any shared use parking? ❑Yes❑No v. If the proposed action includes any modification of existing roads,creation of new roads or change in existing access,describe: Vi. Are public/private transportation... service(s)......._.... .. 1/2 �,,,,,,... ........ or facilities available within mile of the proposed site. ❑Yes❑No vii Will the proposed action include access to public transportation or accommodations for use of hybrid,electric ❑Yes❑No or other alternative fueled vehicles? viii.Will the proposed action include plans for pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for connections to existing ❑Yes❑No pedestrian or bicycle routes? k.Will the proposed action(for commercial or industrial projects only)generate new or additional demand ❑Yes®No for energy? If Yes: L Estimate annual electricity demand during operation of the proposed action: ii. Antici�ated.............................�,,,,mm,_._.... p ources/suppliers of electricity for the project(e.g.,on-site combustion,on-site renewable,via grid/local utility,or other): rade to ? ........ iii. Will the proposed action require a new,or an upgrade ,an existing substation. ❑Yes❑No 1.Hours of operation. Answer all items which apply. L During Construction: ii. During Operations: • m Monday Monday-Friday:....................................................................................__..... Y-Friday:.. mm.................,.,...,........................................................ ..... 0 Saturday: 0 Saturday=... • Sunday: ........................................................................, ,,,.. _ • Sunday:______ • Holidays: - • Holidays: Page 7 of 13 RESET FORM m.Will the proposed action produce noise that will exceed existing ambient noise levels during construction, ❑Yes®No operation,or both? If yes: i. Provide details including sources,time of day and duration: ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a noise barrier or screen? ❑Yes❑No Describe: n Will the proposed action have outdoor lighting? ❑Yes®No If yes: i. Describe source(s),location(s),height of fixture(s),direction/aim,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a light barrier or screen? ❑ � Yes❑No Describe: o. Does the proposed action have the potential to produce odors for more than one hour per day? ❑Yes®No If Yes,describe possible sources,potential frequency and duration of odor emissions,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: p.Will the proposed action include any bulk storage of petroleum(combined capacity of over 1,100 gallons) ❑Yes®No or chemical products(185 gallons in above ground storage or an amount in underground storage)? If Yes: i. Product(s)to be stored H. Volumes per y ).... ..._ _ m ( ) p unit time (e.g.,month, ear iii. Generally describe proposed storage facilities: q Will the proposed p p sed action(commercial,industrial and recreational projects only)use pesticides(i.e.,herbicides, El Yes mNo insecticides)during construction or operation? If Yes: i. Describe proposed treatment(s): H. Will the ro osed action use Integrated Pest Management Practices? �E �o �_ tices? ❑ Yes ❑leo r.Will the proposed action(commercial or industrial projects only)involve or require the management or disposal ❑ Yes ®No of solid waste(excluding hazardous materials)? If Yes: i. Describe any solid waste(s)to be generated during construction or operation of the facility: • Construction: mmm_ tons per w w (unit of time) • Operation: tons per (unit of time) ........... H. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of materials to avoid disposal as solid waste: Construction: ... • Operation: _... . ........ iii. Proposed disposal methods/facilities for solid waste generated o n-site: • Construction: ............. . • Operation: Page 8 of 13 RESET FORM s.Does the proposed action include construction or modification of a solid waste management facility? ❑Yes® No If Yes: i. Type of management or handling of waste proposed for the site(e.g.,recycling or transfer station,composting,landfill,or other disposal activities): u. Anticipated rate of disposal/processing: �. • Tons/month,if transfer or other non-combustion/thermal treatment,or • Tons/hour,if combustion or thermal treatment iii. If landfill,anticipated site life: years t.Will proposed action at the site involve the commercial generation,treatment,storage,or disposal of hazardous ❑Yes®No waste? If Yes: i.Name(s)of all hazardous wastes or constituents to be generated,handled or managed at facility: H. Generally describe processes or activities involving hazardous wastes or constituents:� w iii. Specify amount to be handled or generated tons/month iv. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of hazardous constituents: v. Will any hazardous wastes be disposed at ammmmm g Wty� ........... .. No n existing offsite hazardous waste facility? Yes If Yes:provide name and location of facility: If No:describe proposed management of any hazardous wastes which will not be sent to a hazardous waste facility: E.Site and Setting of Proposed Action E.1.Land uses on and surrounding the project site a.Existing land uses. i. Check all uses that occur on,adjoining and near the project site. ❑ Urban ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial ® Residential(suburban) ® Rural(non-farm) ❑ Forest ❑ Agriculture ❑ Aquatic ❑ Other(specify): H. If mix of uses,generally describe: b.Land uses and covertypes on the project site. Land use or Current Acreage After Change Coverty e Acreage Project Completion (Acres+/-) • Roads pave other sd or impervious building ,and mmmmmmIT 0.2 0.6 +0.4 surfaces • Forested 8 6 -2 • Meadows,grasslands or brushlands(non- agricultural,including abandoned agricultural) 1 t 0 • Agricultural (includes active orchards,field,greenhouse etc.) • Surface water features (lakes,ponds,streams,rivers,etc.) • Wetlands(freshwater or tidal) • Non-vegetated(bare rock,earth or fill) • Other Describe: landscaped _ 1.6 1.6 Page 9 of 13 RESET FORM c.Is the project site presently used by members of the community for public recreation? ❑Yes❑✓ No L If Yes:explain: �......................... d.Are there a . ny facilities serving children,the elderly,people with disabilities(e.g.,schools,hospitals,licensed ❑YesONo day care centers,or group homes)within 1500 feet of the project site? If Yes, i. Identify Facilities: e.Does the project site contain an existing dam? ❑YesONo If Yes: i. Dimensions of the dam and impoundment: • Dam height: ----- feet • Dam length: feet • Surface area: acres • Volume impounded: w gallons OR acre-feet ii. Dam's existing hazard classification: ill. Provide date and summarize results of last inspection: f.Has the project site ever been used as a municipal,commercial or industrial solid waste management facility, ❑YesONo or does the project site adjoin property which is now,or was at one time,used as a solid waste management facility? If Yes: L Has the facility been formally closed? ❑Yes❑No • If yes,cite sources/documentation: mmmmmmmm .m,,,,, ii. Describe the location of the project site relative to the boundaries of the solid waste management facility: iiL Describe an development constraints due to th "' y p e prior solid waste activities: Have hazardous wastes been generated,treated and/or disposed of at the site,or does the project site adjoin Yes®.�.o g• g P _.. p j J ❑ No property which is now or was at one time used to commercially treat,store and/or dispose of hazardous waste? If Yes: L Describe waste(s)handled and waste management activities,including approximate time when activities occurred: m h. Potential contamination history. Has there been reported spill at the proposed project site, y ❑ or have an YesO No remedial actions been conducted at or adjacent to the proposed site? If Yes: i. Is any portion of the site listed on the NYSDEC Spills Incidents database or Environmental Site ❑Yes❑No Remediation database? Check all that apply: ❑ Yes—Spills Incidents database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Yes—Environmental Site Remediation database Provide DEC ID number(s): .m..... .m.................. .. ❑ Neither database ii. If site has been subject of RCRA corrective activities,describe control measures. W. Is the project within 2000 feet of any site in the NYSDEC Environmental Site Remediation database? —]Yes[Z]No If yes,provide DEC ID number(s): iv. If yes to(i),(ii)or(iii)above,describe current status of site(s): Page 10 of 13 RESET FORM v. Is the project site subject to an institutional control limiting property uses? ❑Yes®No • If yes,DEC site ID number: µ___µµµ...w • Describe the type of institutional control(e.g.,deed restriction or easement). mmm�w_wwwwwwww_ • Describe any use limitations: • Describe any engineering controls: • Will the project affect the institutional or engineering controls in place? ❑Yes❑No • Explain: _.... .. E.2. Natural Resources On or Near Project Site a.What is the average depth to bedrock on the project site? N/A.....feet b.Are there bedrock outcroppings on the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes,what proportion of the site is comprised of bedrock outcroppings? .._........... c.Predominant soil type(s)present on project site: Riverhead 50 % Plymouth 50 % d.What is the average depth to the water table on the project site? Average: 20+i_ feet e.Drainage status of project site soils:0 Well Drained: 70%of site ® Moderately Well Drained: 30%of site ❑ Poorly Drained %of site f.Approximate proportion of proposed action site with slopes: ❑ 0-10%: %of site ❑ 10-15%: %of site ® 15%or greater: 50 %of site 1;µµµ_w.. g.Are there any unique geologic features on the project site? ❑YesmNo If Yes,describe: h.Surface water features. L Does any portion of the project site contain wetlands or other waterbodies(including streams,rivers, ❑YesmNo ponds or lakes)? H. Do any wetlands or other waterbodies adjoin the project site? ❑Yes❑No If Yes to either i or ii,continue. If No,skip to E.2.i. iii. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies within or adjoining the project site regulated by any federal, ❑Yes❑No state or local agency? iv. For each identified regulated wetland and waterbody on the project site,provide the following information: • Streams: Name Classification • Lakes or Ponds: Name Classification • Wetlands: Name Approximate Size • Wetland No.(if regulated by DEC) v. Are any of the above water bodies listed in the most recent compilation of NYS water quality-impaired El yes❑No waterbodies? If yes,name of impaired water body/bodies and basis for listing as impaired: i.Is the project site in a designated Floodway? ❑Yes®No j.Is the project site in the 100 year Floodplain? ❑YesmNo k.Is the project site in the 500 year Floodplain? ❑Yes oNo 1.Is the project site located over,or immediately adjoining,a primary,principal or sole source aquifer? ®Yes❑No If Yes: q Island Aquifer i.Name o aquifer:er Long I _......�_....... _._ _._ _._._._....._._. Page 11 of 13 RESET FORM in. Identify the predominant wildlife species that occupy or use the project site: n.Does the project site contain a designated significant natural community? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. Describe the habitat/community(composition,function,and basis for designation): ii. Source(s)of description or evaluation: W. Extent of community/habitat: • Currently: —. w acres • Following completion of project as proposed: acres a Gain or loss(indicate+or-): m acres o.Does .. _...................... .. project site contain any species of plant o animal that is listed by the federal government or NYS as ❑Yes[Z]No endangered or threatened,or does it contain any areas identified as habitat for an endangered or threatened species? p• ... p y..... .. Does the project site contain an species of plant or animal that is listed by NYS as rare,or as a species of [Yes®No special concern? Is the project site or adjoining area currently ..........._... q, p � � g en y used for hunting,trapping,fishing or shell fishing? ❑Yes®No If yes,give a brief description of how the proposed action may affect that use:. E.3. Designated Public Resources On or Near Project Site a.Is the project site or any portion__........rt located in a designatedmmof' , agricultural district certified pursuant to ❑Yes®No Agriculture and Markets Law,Article 25-AA,Section 303 and 304? If Yes, provide county plus district name/number: b.Are agricultural lands consisting of highly productive soils resent? ❑Yes®IVo i. If Yes: acreage(s)on project site? „ H. Source(s)of soil rating(s): c. Does the project site contain all or part of,or is it substantially contiguous to,a registered National ❑Yes®No Natural Landmark? If Yes: i. Nature of the natural landmark: ❑Biological Community ❑ Geological Feature ii. Provide brief description of landmark,including values behind designation and approximate size/extent: d.Is the project site located in or d ti E]..� p � does it adjoin a state listed Critical Environmental Area. Yes[Z]No If Yes: i. CEA name:. ii. Basis for designation: W. Designating agency and date: Page 12 of 13 RESET FORM oes e,whichthe listed on site contain, nominated by the NYS Board of Historic Preservation for project in,or is it substantial) contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district ❑YesNo or has binclusion on,the State or National Register of Historic Places? If Yes: i.Nature of historic/archaeological resource: El Archaeological Site ❑Historic Building or District ii. Name: iii. Brief description of attributes on which listing is based: _.. ........ ............ -� - ...., _._......... ... �. f.Is the project site,or an portion of it,located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive fo........ ^� P j � Y P J gn r � ❑Yes®No Historic sites on the NY State Histoc Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory. Have additional archaeological or historic sites or resources been identified on the project site? des g. ., g O P J ❑� ®N0 If Yes: i_Describe possible resource(s): __ ii. Basis for identification: h.Is the project site within five miles of an official) designated and publicly accessible 1,state, ...EJ P J y y g p y le federal,state,or local ®Yes❑No scenic or aesthetic resource? If Yes: i. Identify ii. Nature f,or basis for,designation(e.g.,established highway overlook,state or local park,state historic trail or scenic byway, resource: Orient Harbor _ etc.): iia. Distance between project and resource: _....... miles. 'g ild,Scenic and Recreational Rivers Y _ ' within a designated aver corradctr under the Wild i. Is the protect site located ❑ csNo Program 6 NYCRR 666? If Yes: ntify name of the river its U. Is the act ivity rty ons stent with development restrictions contained '® wwww _...._ U. din bNYCRR Part 666? ❑Yes❑No F.Additional Information Attach any additional information which may be needed to clarify your project. If you have identified any adverse impacts which could be associated with your proposal,please describe those impacts plus any measures which you propose to avoid or minimize them. G. Verification I certify that the information provided'is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name w SigiIatur /Afov—� Ia PRINT FORM Page 13 of 13 RESET FORM 1! I IIIIII �IIII� IffL SUFFOLK COUNTY+ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 03/09/2018 Number of Pages: 4 At: 03:28: 41 Pini Receipt Number : 18-0044663 TRANSFER TAX . ER: 17-24680 LIBER: D00012953 PAGE : 414 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 021 .00 03. 00 015 .000 E 'KINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $1,325,000. 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20. 00 NO Hanaling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS: SRCHG $15 . 00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NOEA-STATE $125 . 00 NO TP-584 $5. 00 NO Not4ltion $0. 00 NO Cert.Copies $0 . 00 NO $200 . 00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $23;500. 00 NO Fees Paid $23,895. 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 17-24680 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILI JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County l �. ...�� RECORDED 1010 Mer 09 03;28:41 PM Number of pages JUDITH H. PHSCHLE- CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY _ This document will be public L D00012953 record.Please remove all P 414 Social Security Numbers DT# 17-24650. prior to recording. i Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortga�FEES mp Recording/Fling Stamps ` 3 a t Mortgage Arnt. Page/Filing Fee __ .. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax SubTotal TP-58'4 Spec./AsSit. Notation or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total _ Spec./Add. TOT,MTG.TAX .. EA-5217(State) Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. ,� ' � Held fort ent. 5. QO Transfer IJax �b Commit f Ed. Tax i � Mansion sry ed by this mortgage Affidavit Is Certified Copy or will be Improve d-by...a-one or two family dwelling only. NYS Surcharge .. 15` 0o Sub Total _ YES or NO Other � If NO, see appropriate tax clause on 2 ,I V Grand Total!t,,�, page il.... of.thls instrurnent. D415.000 Community Preservation Fund Consider-ation Amount$ - .�Real TaxE Ag R1'E Tax Due (2.,[)TY-4� 11111111111111111111111 �a - Verii -~ Improved— c% - 6 5atasfacLeons/Desch erg ReeleaseSR�h�t proURN�e y Owners Mailing Address Vacant Land DAVID PROKOP, ESQ. 131 RT.25A, SUITE 2 ID ROCKY POINT,N.Y. 11778 TD TD Mail to:Judith A.Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk Title Comparny Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name r ' r / www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Tutle i1 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached'DEED made' by, (SPECIFYTYPE OF INSTRUMENT) NANCY MILANO The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOU7HOLD KATARINA PEDERSON In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of EAST MARION BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over' r CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INS7BUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS.ONLY THIS INDENTURE,made the 21'day of January ,2019 BETWEEN NANCY MILANO , as surviving tenant by the entirety, residing at 670 Circle Drive, East Marion, NY 11939 party of the first part,and KATARINA PEDERSON,residing at 133 West 22"d Street,##10D,New York,NY party of the second partr WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN and no/100ths($10.00)dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, SEE SCHEDULE"'A"ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed made by Nancy Milano dated March 29, 2006 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 16, 2006 in Liber 12450 Page 380: TOGETHER with all right,title and interest, if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof;TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose.The word "party' shall be construed as if it read"'parties""whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRE :NCE OF: vA 1 TO ktE USt ONLY WtfEN ThIE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1S IhALIE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York,County of Suffolk ss: State of New York,County of ss: On the 2Addayof January in the year 2018 On theday of in the year before me, the undersigned, personalty appeared NANCY Before me,the undersigned,personally appeared MILANO personally known to true or proved to me on the basis of personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfackory evidence to be the individuat(s)whose names)is satisfactory evidence to be the individuals)whose name(s)is (are)subscribed to the wbthin instrument and acknowledged to (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelttuey executed the same in hls1herlth0 me that he/she/they executed the same in his/herltheir capacity(des), and that by hislherktheir signature(s) on the capacity(ies), and that by his1herltheir signature(s) on the knslnament,the tndiAdual(s),or the person upon behalf of which Instrument,the individual(s),,or the person upon behalf of which he knslrumont the individual(s)acted,executed the Instrument. - the t ideal s acted,executed the ---- -- (signature ... (signature a do a dividual thing ackanowrled mens) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) NOTARY PUBLIC (AREta d HAGEN 0oft4(�ren 1,tier ry.Publie. 181e of New York Registration 002HA15,3123117 eaualltie:1 In Suffolk Court tan r 23, oto TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW"YORK STATE State(or District of Columbia,Territory,or Foreign Country)of Ss: On the day of in the year before me,the undersigned,personally appeared personally,known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is(are-) suhsacrlbed to the within instrument and ackno'w'ledged to me that helshe/they execrated the shire in his/herltheir ca,padity(fes),and that by his/her/their signatures)on the instrument, the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted, executed the instrument,and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the in insert t e City Dr other political subdivision) (and insert the State or Country or other place the acknowledgment was taken) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) 00 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED DISTRICT 21.00 WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION 021.00 021. BLOCK 03.00 LOT 015.000 Title No. COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS NANCY MILANO TO KATARINA PEDERSON Recorded at Request COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Tit BY MAtt T , STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS Distributed by DAVID PROKOP;ESQ. 131 Rt.25 A,Suite 2 Commonweafth Rocky Point,NY 11778 .,fl- DA•.Ymch COWANY COMMoNWEALTH LAND TrrLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0 O a_. �a wG. v W ua ra w Il Y� 4 Fidelity National 'Title Insurance Company TITLE NO. 1717-7404-10b092-SUFF SCHEDULE A-1 (Description) AMENDED ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point formed by the Southwesterly comer'*of the property herein described and the Northwest corner of Lot 2 in the Subdivision Map known as".Aquaview Park" fled as Suffolk County Map No.: 5621; RUNNING THENCE, along the lands now or formerly of Rose A. Caputo, Kestutis. Zapkus and Jerry Gambons, and Donald Galaida, North 07 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 474.26 feet to a point on the Southerly side of Circle Drive, on.the arc of a curve having a radius.of 87.73 feet;. THENCE Northeasterly along the are of the curve,44.13 feet to the Easterly end of the arc; THENCE North 52 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East,along the Southerly line of Circle Drive 340 feet to a point; THENCE North 55 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East continuing along the Southerly line of Circle Drive, 130:31 feet to the lands now or formerly of Kalliope Menakis; THENCE, along said lands, South 12 degrees 28 minutes 32 seconds West, 79.33 feet to a point; THENCE South 69 degrees 04 minutes 38 seconds East, 215.00 feet to a point; THENCE South 75 degrees 10 minutes 18 seconds East 115.83 feet to a point; THENCE South 10 degrees 42 minutes 06 seconds East 396.97 feet to a point and the lands now or formerly of Zer Investments Inc; THENCE, along said lands and the lands now or formerly of Thaddeus F. Cajtkowski, South 89 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds West 300.00 feet; THENCE, continuing along the lands of Thaddeus F. Cajkowski, South 10 degrees 48 minutes 06 seconds East 195.36 feet to the northerly boundary line of Lot 5 in the Subdivision Map known as "Aquaview Park" filed as Suffolk County Map No.: 5621; THENCE, along the northerly boundary lines of Lots 2-5 of the above referenced map, North 89 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds West 464.54 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED under this commitment will insure the title4o such buildings and improvements on the premises which by law constitute real property. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: Together with all the right, title and interest of rhe parry of the first part, of in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. SCHEDULEA-1 (Description) Rev.(03104) OFFICE LOCATION• s STM, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,*0f Sol/ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 4„ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ��UNTY," PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: October 24, 2019 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Preliminary Plat Subdivision application not yet accepted by the_Planning Board. Thank you.. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number Pederson Standard 21-31-3-155 $1,000.00 9/23/19-#204 Subdivision: Preliminary Plat Katarina Pederson Ap cation fee JAM Att. 1-108/210 204 KATARINA PEDERSON DATEORDER(ill". HSBC 4D A<- �...... n Advance ':0 2 1 O O L 0 8 8W 6 9 7 0 5 5 4 8 5 ii" 0201, OFFICE LOCATION• �` MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 11 Town Hall Annex � � 54375 State Route 25 ° Southold, NY 111 971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ' Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.s outholdtownny.gov COUN PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: March 12, 2019 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for an ODA Sketch Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date &_..._. Number Pederson Standard Subdivision 1000-21-3-15 $2,500 3/6/19-#191 Sketch Plan A plication Katarina Pederson JAM 1-108/210 191 Aft. KATARINA PEDERSON DATE PATO �J V� •� CD4' afl 1ti, pf . �1 � A �.9.hk�8 ' �._._ HSBC - _ Adv rice --1:021001088':69 ?055485110 0191 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERAT.ON OR ADDITION 70 THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)•CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OT11CRS. N 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York IIg01 tel. 631.'727.2303 fax, 631.727.0144 admin®youngengineering.com 1 4 4 W ��' E N L �J a 1 Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer LONG ISLAND SOUND S Robert G. Tost, Architect Robert Stromski, Architect 4: 51TE DATA q TOTAL AREA c1.2088 AC. OR 401,135 Sr. �l o G Or `S APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON 8 KATARINA PEDER50N J° p w.. I $ * CURRENT ZONING R-40 o I (Dwelling) oN & o * VERTICAL DATUM = NC7VD 88 FRAME N GARAGE Z . oN L BOULEVARD I � auTH - - KATCOURTh� 'S (Privatece- Road)o 01� h .0 o'y _tr (Dwelling) `�� hb. ^ ti W '� / o Vo NA 1 F CO Ci 1 SANITARY SYSTEM ` V) SAL o y + I IN EXCESS OF 250' Cc S r 1 V cF� �' pl APPROX. LOC. OF EX. I / 'N \/; 10IQ,,,� 0 st,� AO g a qtr' now or formerly / / George Kaite & SANITARY SYSTEM_ (Vacont)11 / ;� Iz Z g rY PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION _ v 'e V Anthoula Kaitery ao 2 oaao-d-�n11y, �9°IQ JQo ' 15Q (Dwelling) ~ ... TIE IN �DOO I o 1" i�_.. 21 114 ,5011E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN Q 512°23'00"W 70.67' r (Dwelling) 03 O I H a �sO / �\ 02` `\� 2' / APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF 50UTHOLD. _\��2�� 25.51' 7 CU a \ J N N Vp s/ - p (V NATURAL OR �. Ao ODO Io ( ^ ,�'° "7 TED ED DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY--------------------- \' VEGETATED EY MAP 0 101 o I _ i i BUFFER rI \ CHAIRPERSON carp p 5GALE: I"=600' `-� -! ( I I ® to �N O (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) s �•�' t ~�I zD'I, �, Z '01 ��d ow or formerly � �, E WE J 25 ��`L ( 1 !�N (1 'r1) George S.Cambourakis N 3 6 ST y' / '� p� 1 W o (Dwelling) �/' pt3• � w o h `•` � ,S6go j8'�; �• • � / 2 ' OPEN SPACE 11` � \ U ' �o' '„ 4,g6i:\;\ PRESERVAT IONI I'. -1- - - i 1 / a ^ ' i' 4I F 2011]��,.JI' € EASEMENT I , _ , ENGINEER 5 CERTIFICATION no or ormery m fl T m Ij ;ST /o moo`' I i ' George S.Cambourakis Q 0p. .... 'tigSFNgGF�77/ ' 41, 111 (Vacant) > • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AND/OR 5EWACGE 1 O l MSN � 1, - - - - - - - DISPOSAL 5Y5TEM(5) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME 1 ED i i r / ��,( �' 1 CERTAIN AREA5 OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH �� // f l� �•` t,f 41 C7 -44-4 -Aa 5TUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL �! lot I. C ��^ GnT r 1' 1 /v BUFFER/ LOTS, AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK now or formerly N 1 / /, / rfj { / p 1 �"� LOT TOTAL AREA OPEN SPACE KAT'S COURT EASEMENT BUILDABLE DEPARTMENT CSF HEALTH SERVICES CONS OitT�TND;4 IN g Trust o �� l._ - - _ _ j�0 3 / �' \y s o t0 ` ? I 1 now or formerly C i 222,603 SF 152,885 SF 5,488 SF 64,230 SF EFFECT A5 OF THIS DATE. (.� Y 1 Jorge Pardo Livia E c' c (Dwelling) �''�' /—B� 13 /� - r r T 101.31' / �b \. I I r Niki Mangos c `f, I C• ? , , L._.-:-.-.-:3_.� g 2 101,806 SF 57,043 SF 3,464 SF N89057'4Q"E / `._. Q Nm O (Dwelling) 41,299 5E 1 i / tiR9�'S59 13096' / : msN ox 0 W 3 76,726 SF 32,332 Sr 5,238 SF 8,853 SF 30,303 SF 2 :OPEN SPACE N895740E a =,PRESERVATION I 11 � TOTAL 401,135 SF Z42,Z60 Sc 14,190 SF 8,853 SF 135,832 SF �' � ;ry «' I �I EASEMENT o P S RVATZpN ( VE ETATELX D 1 HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 458g3n HOPI N SPAC� tea, / ry�� r),(ruRALo P ,NTED \ EASEMENTI t E UFFER PERG-ENT OF OPEN SPACE THOMAS G. WOILPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 I o„Bn DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. SOSg7 P ai s 1 ' I 589057'40"W f 300. — - - - - - - - ° now or formerly v I r TOTAL OPEN SPACE=242,260 SF/401,135 SF =60.4/° ai llL(mongelll& I • $Carmea o vatore Gery°51 � O po Sal (Dwell;ng) 1 1 01 I/ SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION i I -� ; APPROX. LOC. OF EX.O C, — —_ — — / I I now or formerly 1 1 SANITARY SYSTEM 1 "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOT5 SHOWN ON THIS PLAT Helen Ntoraitis 1 O COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF FRAME € (Vacant) S SHED I / I Q 1 0 now or formerlyLIMITS OF CLEARING 5CHEDULE OF T�E N.Y.S. TOWN LAW 8 ARTICLE XVIIIUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED OF OF THESUANT O SEGTJO N 278TOWN \ Greg Pepe — a1-1- —1:1 OF 50UTHOLD,111 e rr i = or formerly i N I now (Dwelling) -- Marie Dal” g (Dwelling) 1 I i \ 1 u t"",��7 F (Dwelling) \ _. LOT LOT SIZE PERMITTED CLEARING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH15 MAP I 222,603 SF 1590 OR 33,3010 5F SURVEYS COMPLETED AN ��,,f4AT ALL G('�NGR1=T 58905j/'40"W 464.89 — 2 101,806 5F 25% OR 25,452 SrMONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY STAND THEIR POSITION I ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL D IONAL' AND 6EODET0 i I t I 3 76,726 5F 559. OR 26,5545F DETAILS ARE CORRECT." p ) � r" R - �t 11 0/ I I I now or formerlyI J / I Catherine Pa lannis, o now or formerly now or formerly Paul Misthos&Thalia P4Y I now or formerly i Jenny Kokleas& Pappas Misthos I Alvin Horing& t Beth Dzenkowski I y I I HOWARD W. YOUNG, N,Y . L.5. NO 5883 I (Dwelling) , Dimitrn Andreou Dwelli (Dwelling) Barbara E.Horing (Dwelling) I (Dwelling) I I I I I (Dwelling) (Dwelling) Lot 9 Lot 2 I I 1 I Lot 3 I Lot 4, AppROX. Lot 5 I Lot b Lot 7 I LOC, OF EX.0 I 1 I RY SYNSTFM O I Subdivisidn - "Aquaview Park" Suffolk County File N .5621 1 PEDER50N Lot 8 —� KKEIVED 5TANDARD SUBD I V 151 ON atEastEast Marion, Town of Southold is N I I I I I DEC 2022 Suffolk County, New York N I I I t t I _ _ Sout_hioid i awn Planning Board SINAL ROAD 4 DRAINAGE PLAN o I I I 1 I t County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 0 1 � o I MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD Record of Revisions REVISION DATE TOS PLANNINI52- SEP. 20 '7Q71 GENERAL OCT. 24, 2022 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 15, 2022 a w 100 O 50 100 200 300 CD Scale: I" = 100' JOB NO. 2018-oocI5 DWG. 2018-Oog5_finol_road_drain I OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION IF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDEPEO TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTinCATON INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITS COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF TIF LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONSOR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (S)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)d CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11401 STREET TREES tel. 631.'727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 /� (9) 'TILIA CORDATA' LITTLELEAF LINDEN TEST HOLE DATA admin®youngenglneering.com 2,5-3" CAL. PLANTED 60' O.C. �'' /()11 `■ /(j Lr�7 \ DARK 0.01Howard W. Young, 5ury e or Thomas G. Wol art, Professional Engineer WN - / LOAM Douglas E. Adams, Profasslonol Engineer HP \•// p (oU I.o Robert G. Tost, Architect x1 48 7> �.._ BRowN Y'' SANDY Robert Stromski, Architect I A�' a ✓ LT f " t BRO"I S SILTY C3 ., +r y SAND SITE DATA L BROWN TOTAL AREA = ci.2088 AG. OR 401,135 5F. so.o� FINE TO Q EI) MEDIUM APPLICANT = MARK FIEPER50N 8 KATARINA PEDER50N KATS COURTCUR�/ d PI I V`L/I e R`./ ad)rt s: 5 ) `Q * VERRTIICAL DATUM _ENT ZONING = R-40 NGVD 88 ,tr g 0vNT LjjV PL gT�RgL oR o ,c� m DRAINAGE DE516N CRITERIA � CALCULATIONS I : Sao 641/v SBCgNE ki? I . F C(�RB / UFFFR _ V A R G \ p 'V A = AREA OF TRIBUTARY (S.F.) HIGH POINT ELEV = 48.65 R = RAINFALL (FT.) :' 4 ga p , \ \ G = COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION H16H POINT 5TA = 0+14.42 PVI 5TA = 0+25 I _I - j; '1i s`. S I 3QT PVI ELEV = 49.00 ,f 40 !r A\Os \ THI5 IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN TRIBUTARY AREA APPROVED E3Y THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. K = ?.20°13 LOW POINT ELEV = 38.26 e - �1,.° j1 _ A = 44,150 5F •' d. R r - DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY__-- 50' VG LOW POINT STA = 2+60.58 r PVI STA = 2+50 I F 3` F�380 REQUIRED VOLUME CHAIRPERSON O 4 1 �' r PVI ELEV = 37.90 4. :_ . . O� ` (TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) O + r H I F., / PAVEMENT: 6,655 S.F. x 2/12 x 1.00 = 1,109 G.F. 0 p d A.D. = 6.9355 r ; 1�' (F �/ <� VEGETATION: 37,4°15 S.F. x 2/12 x 0.10 = 625 G.F. 0 ua EXI5TING K = "1.20°{3 9 , I j' 1 Q / NATURAL OR TOTAL VOLUME REQUIRED = 1,734 G.F. A O O O ' M' ,,i 1 ? j w GRADE 50' VG �68� �' 8' r�� �F �* ' ' PLANTED PROVIDED VOLUME (A(Q (u PROPOSED ( �l'1 �7 �► I i GRADE N ° , I 6 p GOA 00" VEGETATED D 1 7 8' DIA = ENGINEER 5 CERTIFICATION k �P USE LEACHING FIELD NO.I N m ry m ! t ( 15n �FP $ ^ / ( ) . x 6 DEEP POOLS 1,774 C. y�PFO ~ ! II • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AD/OR SEWAGE � � ��� Rl 1 D15PO5AL 5Y5TEM(5) FOR TH15 PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME w ROUGH % ° \ \ o \ GRA T�N'9G�cP ` STUDY OR THE DIRECTION. SO L, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ED UPON A CAREFUL AND ALL 2.00 E WELL I ! \ (sq�e F�36 O Z/DTj�, I LOT5, A5 PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK.. - ALL 'V DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GONSTRUG ON.vrA, DA� �ISN z cp & EST o \ \ \ �Verf/o �� '/°) OPEN SPACE EFFECT A5 OF THIS DATE. W PRESERVATION Q \ \ EASEMENT r„ 1 LU Q I HOWARD W. Y DUNG N.Y.S. L.S. 4 DATUM ELEV LU w L. . N 58g3n i THOMAS G. W(OLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 25.00 QST I O ' FOR INSPECTION POOLS USE DOUGLAS E. ADAMS N.Y.5. P.E. NO, 80897 �r�" " ~'` '"'✓ N A�`JvtL'•`• o� of H7r N� a� or �0 or co Q1 om n o �" CAMPBELL FOUNDRY$PAT. No. 'o Lo U) Ul t'; c14 U) n(n rn Q o L0 �p co(t1 rn- to ('() cv 't rn c N t Nfi m to dj M / F,qs �Gcc I 1 10070 OR APPROVED EQUAL. m m 641 < / I s j FN r l SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION o r T / �I / "1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 ' W( LP,` ` rt / / COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF > { I ( iH THE N.Y.S. TOWN LAW ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G - TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD," L °E "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI5 MAP WA�.f�t°iAD1+`sYT �I�lALr� ' N PRIVATE ROAD EXTENSION PROFILE PRIVATE ROAD GRADING DRAINAGE PLAN SURVEYS COMPLETED _ _` AND HAFj,4LL Z'.ONGRET>w' DRAINAGE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E S ANI7 THEIR,POSfTf,6N 0 0000 0 HORIZONTAL SCALE: I" = 50' � VERTICAL SCALE: I" = 10' SCALE, I" = 50' PIPE ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIME' tONALj1,AND.6EDDE�')G'r DETAILS ARE CORRECT. s _j rJ 0 FOR LGB#i.l SAFE OVERFLOW HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y. . L.S. NO. 45893 ~`- L i'D Hyl U5E CAST IRON FRAME 8 GRATE PRECAST CONCRETE CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB A5 3407 OR APPROVED EQUAL. MFG. BY SUFFOLK GEMENT OR APPROVED EQUAL. DO 1.��'') YQ C� I`t GRANITE BELGIAN BLOCK U ��" PE E' `✓ON 4 ��Ix71Ix �NN }, �- - - - STANDARD SUBDIVISION LEGEND FIN. GRADE - s DEC v 2 2022 �I 2 COMPACTED QNI - ' at East Marion Town of Southold N 50' ROW WEARING COARSE L (V PAVEMENT L— __ _-_ -- ' N EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3/4" 5TONEBLEND ,- 5URFAGE SoutP+ald l own y, EOPC; r =WOOD FENCE - Suffolk Count New York CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE ` _ —'11— I I_ GROUT AROUND ( Planning Board 25 O 25 O .0 ENTIRE PIPE 1� FINAL ROAD 4 DRAINA&E DETAIL57 WIF =WIRE FENCE 1 � D D o VLF =VINYL FENCE DI = DRAINAGE INLET 10'-O" 7'-O" 8'-O" 8'-O" 7'-O" 10'-O" � - PRECAS CONCRETE County Tax Marl District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 T RO =ROOF OVER I :."-- = X DRAIN RINGS A5 MFG. In Q MAP PREPARED SEP. 25, 2020 SBL =SETBACK LINE - Q BY SUFFOLK GEMENT SP =STONE PAVEMENT �_ �® OR APPROVED EG2UAL. Record of Revisions �Q� =UTILITY POLE SC IIS OD501L MOUNTABLE BELG AN i'/ %> /` �\• =�❑ REVISION �,. ,.. . ;. DATE CM5 =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET /;3 Op 311 GROWN : : `•: ` ' ` ' F BLOCK CURB ®�® TOS PLANNING P O 2021 CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND M9X, I \I I GENERAL OCT. 24,'2022 WSS =WOOD STAKE SET 1/4";I N I/4":I' V4" RECYCLED CONCRETE 12" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 13, 2022 WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND 5 BASE COURSE 2'MIN IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND 3 Opp 6" STABILIZED SOIL SASE 5500 P51 CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS > =LIGHT POLE M�4X ON BANK-RUN OR COMPACTED RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND SAND 4 GRAVEL GW EL W Q =BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION m Ds DB =DITCH BANK STONE BLEND ROADWAY SECTION STONE BLEND PAVEMENT SECTION MOUNTABLE BELGIAN BLOCK CURB LEACHING POOL 100 O 50 100 200 300 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION NT5 NT5 NT5 NT5 - + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION Scale: As Shown Q. - — -- =PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING CONTOUR OB 0. 20 -0095 DWG. 2018_0095_flnal_road_drain 2 OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TD THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION IF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY (4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONSOR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W).SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 50' 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11401 MIN. tel. 631.727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 EXISTING STONE PAVEMENT 2' EXI5TIN6 4\\ •�y admin®youngengineering.com GROUND S.� PAVEMENT STABILIZED ov GENERAL POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES k, a 1,E' IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE NYSDEG GCONSTRUCTION ENERAL '• ' � %;`ice%;�•��k�/�-+'ir�'"-�- `��•' �`�� ���" � �' ' STORMWATER PERMIT, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND F-RO51ON z MOUNTABLE BERM Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor ENTRANCE yp` ,Q��yy Thomas G. Woipert, Professional Engineer AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED FILTER CLOTH PROFILE (OPTIONAL) w ,�� E 011. 48 I ( �, / Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer TO, THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE EMPLOYED DURING GONSTRUGTION: ) I TEMPORARY l4 42.65 �,/ /"� Robert G. Tost Architect 1. EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED (BY `z STOCKPILE AREA ��/ Robert Stromski, Architect INSTALLATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCE OR OTHER APPROVED 50' - I "`°` I r, MEANS) AND SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED MIN. T I FRAME �f V 2. CLEARING AND GRADING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 50 AS TO WA5HRAGK N z J �N MINIMIZE THE EXTENT OF EXPOSED AREAS AND THE LENGTH OF (OPTIONAL) S GARAGE ' �, CONCRETE SITE DATA TIME THAT AREAS ARE EXPOSED. GRADED AND STRIPPED. I WA�.J}-I—OUT AREAS SHALL BE KEPT STABILIZED THROUGH THE USE OF I 1+ U TEMPORARY SEEDING AS REQUIRED. SEED MIXTURES SHALL BE IN \^,4 d.<,.• = =1=„ ':a 2`, ;: AREA ACCORDANCE WITH SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE �� '� KATS , TOTAL ARE�4 = x.2088 1�G. OR 401,135 SF. RECOMMENDATIONS. IN AREAS WHERE SOIL DISTURBANCE HAS " t :: MIN ::' EXISTING CoCURT PAVEMENT EXISTING N. Q . -. -=;F.{��.RaE- :.'-4`-:: :, . ..• . • a TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, TEMPORARY AND/OR GROUND . : >• :' .`�;uzi:::'. AGC ~GATE•..,:.:. e * APPLICANT = MARK PEDER50N 4 KATARINA PEDERSON PERMANENT 501L STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED L7, W AND/OR IMPLEMENTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. �; :_ . : -: .:: (Fr Ya t le, Road) SILT FENCE 3. THE LENGTH AND STEEPNESS OF CLEARED 5LOPE5 SHALL BE I I PLAN L". a CURRENT ZONING = R-40 MINIMIZED TO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITIES. RUNOFF SHALL BE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT�I I N BOO �'. M I * VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 DIVERTED AWAY FROM CLEARED SLOPES. TRAPPING DEVICE—11 SEE NOTES BF vNTq / PLATVRAL OR 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE TRAPPED ON THE 51TE AND NOT I/[� [GTq^I B[F V ANTEp PERMITTED TO ENTER ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR PUBLIC, ROADS i i / [O ,v EGET OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE I 2 CKG'(J,Q� / 1 BUFFER TES INSTALLED ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PRIOR TO THE 1 START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION N07E5 CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. I. STONE SIZE -USE 2" STONE,OR A RECYCLED CONCRETE- EQUIVALENT. 2. LENGTH -NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A 51N6LE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 50 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). 5. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED 5. T14I0KNF-55-NOT LESS THAN 6". TO PREVENT 501L AND LOOSE DEBRIS FROM BEING TRACKED 4. WIDTH - 12'MINIMUM BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE I146RE55 OR E6RE55 OCCURS. ONTO LOCAL ROADS. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE 6. `�9 40 5. W FILTER CLOTH -WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE. \ MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. SURFACE WATER-ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION I A�9 *2SGO ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 IMPRACTICAL,A \\ f MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 5LOPE5 WILL BE PERMITTED. 6. ALL RUNOFF SHALL BE RETAINED ON-SITE IN ACCORDANCE j -T. MAINTENANCE-THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL GRq 1 WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS AND APPROVALS. DRAINAGE INLETS PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWIN6 OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY.ALL SEDIMENT �G INSTALLED ON-51TE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED,OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED I TF 8 IMMEDIATELY. BUILDUP THROUGH THE USE OF APPROPRIATE INLET PROTECTION. 8. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED EVERY SEVEN(1) �� 00 •00 CALENDAR DAYS. H 7. THE FOLLOWING MEANS SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL DUST [F DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. WATER-DOWN ACCE55 WAYS, l NATURAL OR STOCKPILES, AND MATERIAL PRIOR TO LOADING; B. LIMIT ON-SITE 1 66' 8 F Tq[ L PLANTED VEHICULAR SPEEDS TO 5 MPH;G. PROPERLY COVER TRUGK5 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE O CARTING LOOSE MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. NTS I Ol'Q, k F�1�'p �' VEGETATED 8. SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER F-RO51ON CONTROL MEASURES \� 6 OF Off[$ a-,"° .-.,_ BUFFER ` t SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL UPLAND D15TURBED AREAS ARE ( I�Ff-/ FP I PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. FOLLOWING PERMANENT STABILIZATION, PAVED AREAS SHALL BE GLEANED OF 501L AND TqN ,. DEBRIS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE GLEANED AND o j \ GR qG FLUSHED AS NECESSARY. ION 3 SLOPE ("E WELL I 1 I O �� +fsq e TF�36 G4FpjpZ.N I 4. PROPER MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IS TO MAX. & ST 0z W Vit' : l \ b� 00 erfj0 �� 'P) OPEN SPACE BE PERFORMED AS INDICATED BY PERIODIC INSPECTION AND I \ ; AFTER HEAVY OR PROLONGED STORMS. MAINTENANCE MEASURES / WE L PRESERVATION ARE TO INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, GLEANING OF CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE ? I Q t PRES E RECHARGE BASINS, SEDIMENT TRAP5 AND DRYWELLS, GLEANINGAROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER / \ N AND REPAIR OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS, REPAIR OF BERMS ANDEASEMENT OF STOCKPILE RUNOFF DIVERTER5, AND GLEANING AND REPAIR OF INLET XQ PROTECTION DEVICES. i. 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY STOCKPILE — GRADE n ® I5'i- 1 1 WITH ALL LOCAL REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE DISPOSAL OFI 1 SOLID WA5TE AND DEBRIS AND TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS WA5TE, # OR I I AS WELL AS SANITARY SEWER AND SEPTIC SYSTEM REGULATIONS. \ \ ' O / 4z1 � /� l 11. CONCRETE WASH-OUT OF READY-MIX TRUCKS IS NOT \I Q / 64S & PERMITTED AT TH15 SITE. ! a / / ��&/v7- I Eo Nr l f 1 g UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE NECESSARY RECORDS OF I.PROTECTION OF STOCKPILES IS A YEAR-ROUND REQUIREMENT. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, PREPARATION OF INSPECTION 2.STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 50 FT.FROM LP; / SILT FENCE REPORTS, AND REPORTING RELEASE OF POLLUTANTS TO THE CONCENTRATED STORMwATER FLows,AND INLETS. II 1 / I '' ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 0 3.WIND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE USED ON ALL STOCKPILES PROPER AUTHORITIES AS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE AS APPROPRIATE. °D NY5DE0 GENERAL S70RMkNA7ER PERMIT. THE CONTRACTOR 4.REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE PERIMETER CONTROLS AS NEEDED,OR A5 "' 0 i SHALL REPORT ANY REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THE 5WPPP DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. I I NECESSITATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS OR CONSTRUCTION 5.SEDIMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION REACH5 I ONE-THIRD(1/5)OF THE BARRIER HEIGHT. / // I 1 �^ p ACTIVITIES TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVISION OF THE SWPPP ©e tC WHERE APPROPRIATE. CJ TEMPORARY STOCKPILE / I A 1i '� Q. HAY BALE `OPEN 5PAC BERM SAND BAG _ I / / THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO, 6148 COMPACTED \ / DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 80847 � BACKFILL WOOD FRAME I PRESERVATION SECURELY \ I EASEMENT PLASTIC FASTENED AROUND t WOVEN WIRE FENCE f LINER ENTIRE PERIMETER �I 1OPEN SPAC tTURAL OR � /� PANTED �' SUBDII�ISION FILTER CLOTH - ;, ,=P�ESERVATI N f` < VE ETATED 1 TBUFFER PDRSON O SECTION A-A SECTION B-B , EASEMENT ; R I I 5TANDARD 5UBD I Y 151 ON UNDISTURBED DISTURBED LATH AND FLAGGING ROUGH HEMLOCK : i AREA FLOW AREA ON THREE SIDES TOP OF BERM FIR FRAMEgx S / at East Marion, Town of Southold N SAND BAG Suffolk County, New York •0 SECTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROL PLAN o WOVEN WIRE j I o 1 County Tax Map District 1000 Section FENCE HAY BALE 21 Block 03 Lot IS J a f f f f 8.00' 4 I MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 PLASTIC I ! ` 1. L. E I f Record of Revisions f �, REVISION DATE A.:�, A A B B i 1 ✓ i` \ �, kC 2022 105 PLANNIN(S SF ' GENERAL2022 -A L_ )lithoid i own CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 13, 2022 — - PI nningBoardlfi R:.2 I - ''A-' .e.• y'• � � ri S ' 11 {,I ` 1'. \ 1. ELEVATION m "BELOW GRADE" PLAN "ABOVE GRADE" PLAN I ' 50 0 25 50 100 150 z I I r° I Scale: P = 50' SILT FENCE CONCRETE WASHOUT JOB NO. 2018-0045 NT5 NTS I DWG. 2018_0045—final—road_droln 3 OF 3 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'5 INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY I5 PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST) CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, Naw York IIQOI CERTA l N AREAS tel. 631.1212503 fax. 631.727.0144 N �n� nen admin®youngengineering.com — BUFFER/ LOT TOTAL AREA OPEN SPACE KAT'S COURT EASEMENT BUILDABLE 1 222,603 SF 152,885 SF 5,488 SF 64,230 SF LONG ISLAND SOUND N 2 101,806 SF 57,043 SF 3,464 SF 41,299 SF Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor 3 76,726 SF 32,332 SF 5ineer ,238 SF 8,853 SF 30,303 SF Thomas 0.Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer ^ ` TOTAL 1 401,135 SF 242,260 5F 14,190 SF 8,853 SF 135,832 SF Robert G. Tast, Architect 1 W Vii; s W 't'� ` '- E Robert 5tromski, Architect 4' PERCENT OF OPEN SPACE S TOTAL OPEN SPACE=242,260 SF/401,135 SF =60.4% SITE DATA m �hd-lrnu+a v o S LIMITS OF OLE�ARINS SCHEDULE *TOTAL AREA =9.20880 AC,or 401,135 SF. Qv� ZONING USE DISTRICT =R-40 LOT LOT 51ZE PERMITTED CLEARING S69°10, 11`/ 1 222,605 5F 15% OR 35,5Q0 5F 505510„^ �' V v SOUTHERN BOULEVARD W 2 101.506 SF 2595 OR 25,452 5F 3 7h,726 5F 55% OR 26054 5F FRAME N ti %a GARAGE - - KAT'S COURT otr ' F i a (Private Road) ��� ' ��°� N 3 I `� d �_ TEST HOLE DATA *OWNER/APPLICANT KATARINA PEDERSON _ I `t \\h ,g O�•, "`� �2,j�•N.45 #a. aO1N BY McDONALD GEOSCI ENCE — - -- NEW YORK,N.Y.133 WEST 22nd STREET#10D NARLDATE:02/01/2019 PL1NF0OR 1TIE IN S69° VEG&r. 0.0' 312°23'00"W 70.67' z u 14` o �-cnow or formerly DARK RECEIVED Z George Kaitery BROWN$ - - _ C3 ;r,i 0 S6 0 2 V Anthoula Kaitery LOAM \' II �„% N -� o i^ 91010„F h IS0O� , (OL) j DEC 2022 KEY MAP �,� m \�^t \ s 5�15,go�� BROWN O 'L DO ,�� IV,-1,901 o �;, j '/?1102' 114 gz F SANDY Southold Town a Planning Boa, SCALE: 1”=600' 03v , �b %91 S�' / _ SILT rd NOTES &U. \o -4\0 w i o $ 0 10. / NATURALOR� \� - (ML) _ *THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE ACCEPTANCE OF ,.-• ',. �p W- 4, I' I ^ ti• , /� PLANTED rso' �'i - � b, I8 VEGETATED 6.0' HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. 01 OD p -A I ^11, BUFFER now or former) BROWN *A DECLARATION OF COVE AND RESTRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE 151--a I--20'I 2 h 1 Y SILTY 25' L �i ~i �I�N George S.Cambourakis SAND SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN LIBER CP ° 1 o i i' 2 OPEN SPACE P (SM) *THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED,CANNOT BE ALTERED 8456- ^' PRESERVATION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD,AND LOTS MUST BE EASEMENT ' p (^'1 SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. I iti 50,E 1 V4 M 30.0' now or formerly M BROWN 1 M1 i ti� j/ pR ' FINE TO George S.Cambourakis Q MEDIUM RT '7 SAND ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION tcgs�41t GF / 2141 1 - - - - - - 70 (SP) Nr i cc, o SHED j j 2 i i q tiw 413 1 Q 37.0' "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL 0 -� / /0- g2. NO WATER SYSTEM(S)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY I + DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH ST Y` OIL, now or formerly Ni , o jjl 2 �i /., o , H ENCOUNTERED SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ALL LOTS, .P1�`OP9EbdN RM, Jorge Pardo Living Trust O_ rl R2 `' '` T0' `� y v THE DUFFOLK COUNTY DEP,4RTMENT OF HEALTH,$ RVI�ES171TeRUGTIbN �< 1------------_-- e'' 1p�1'��1 ^y o / �� 2 1 now or former) m T� STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE." T 101.31' Ny3 �- r so' Niki Mangos N89°57'40"E ` - , TYPICAL PLOT PLAN on,rndrcoanp '90 .9 N89°57'40"E OPEN SPACE POWER GAP COVER _ - c�s�y. PRESERVATION 5UPPLY EASEMENT 1 PR P R "�'c'`? ✓a"� �• z^p' ;.� 6) NATURALOk X 0 E TYLINE OPEN SPACE c'• PLANTED + c� _. - ry'") !j FU5ED PRESERVATION VEGETATED WELL WELL HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.N0.45893n C C D 15CONNECT FIN. GRADE BUFFER 5`« )qY EASEMENT - - - - - - z SWITCH THOMAS C WOLPERT,N.Y.S.P.E.NO 61483 'C'^ ""� •"" ` E STOP DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.S.P.E.NO,80897 • - :!`l; :,`t'=' _ formerly P BINS 589 57 40 W 300.00 ... i,....: I o HOUSE .$ HOUSE WELL r SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION CONTROL BOX c,:.:''. �' "-''I' Carmellal.imongelli& a (SFR) 3. (SFR) F :t ;: CASING 'o 0 PRESSURE , Salvatore Gervasi � � 01glat+a . TANK o w "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL L075 SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH UNDERGROUND now or formerly 1 �tj THE BUILDINIG ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,EXCEPT AS j' Helen Moraitis I SEPTIC SEPTIC DISCHARGE - m c 3. MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.S.TOWN LAW&ARTICLE " " COUPLING - - -- Y, TANK TANK XVIII OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. _ TO SERVICE ` t;" ;at:. :1 FRAME +� w n — — SHED 1 now or formerly FUTURE p p ,;,,;..:; (PITLE55 formerly (31 Greg Pee e, e' % EXP- tFuruRE c' 5 ADAPTER) now or form Y g P min .� f EXP. ff o I "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE B"ACTfJAL:�SURVS I Marie DaIIi I 5'min LEACHING POOLS LEACHING POOLS COMPLETED AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MWUMENTS,'SHO I THUS:■ ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITI©�15 Rl,CORRECTLY SH01NN DROP PIPE 1-""'fs, i�;'.`., 't i i....: ;.,.,,._• :' — — — _ — — — — — — — — — ROAD AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETA S REQ GORREC.T.""" -'��+ - + 589057'40"W I 464.89' + I C r�- RE1-TEF WIRING TO _ _� - - iy�► VALVE PUMP I + I I I _ _ •LOTS 2&3 WHEN DEVELOPED, USTINCLUDE (" Q / EN DE EL ED,M THE USE OF ( • �`� C;� ." . ,_2� � PRE55URE4' WATER TABLE PRESSURE I I I I now or former) I + INNOVAYIVE/ALTERNATIVE WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS 5WITGH GAUGE now or formerly I y I (I/A OWTS)AS PERMITTED UNDER SCHDS ARTICLE 19. HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.NO. �k� 'N, '✓ Paul Misthos&Thalia Catherine Papaylannis, -� now or formerly now or formerly I I Pappas Misthos I Alvin Haring& I y Jenny Kokleas& GHEGK VALVE g Beth Dzenkowski I e.".._.� Barbara E.Haring I Dimitra Andreou I , I Lot 9 PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION Lot 2 I + Lot'3 I Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 THIS I5 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY SUBDIVISION TYPICAL YVELL DETAIL C14I I I I I I THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. NT5 =;_''`z` SUBMERSIBLE , I I Subdivisidn - "Aquaview Park" Suffolk County File Nd.5621 - PEDERSON PUMP I I I DATE OF APPROVAL STANDARD SUBDIVISION I I I I I + I Lot 8 I I I I BY CHAIRPERSON(TOVI'N OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) at East Marion, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York N `;�.s•: SCREEN I I I I SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. FINAL PLAT II I I DATE County Tax Map District 1000 Section 021 Block 03 Lot 15 MAP PREPARED SEP.23,2020 I I + THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR PEOERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION IN THE Record of Revisions SOUTHERN BOULEVARD TOWN OF SOUTHOW WITH A TOTAL OF 3 LOTS WAS APPROVED ON THE REVISION DATE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST SCDHS NOIA#2 FEB.14 2022 CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF SCDHS NOIA#3 MAR.it 2022 CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO GENERAL OCT. 24,2022 THOSE STANDARDS.THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC. 13 2022 SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP 15 DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT 15 HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC W HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. 0 WALTER DAWYDIAK,JR.,P.E. 100 0 50 100 200 300 DIRECTOR,DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY o. Scale: V = 100' JOB NO.2018-0095 DWG. 2018-0095_final-plat 1 OF 1 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'5 INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)6 CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11401 CERTAIN AREA5 tel. 651.121.2305 fax. 631.727.0144 �T .�a•.�n�ry admin®youngengineering.com BUFFER/ 1'v LOT TOTAL AREA OPEN SPACE KAT'S COURT EASEMENT BUILDABLE }hr>7y 1 222,603 SF 152,885 SF 5,488 SF 64,230 SF LONG ISLAND SOUND N 2 101,806 SF 57,043 5F 3,464 SF 41,299 SF Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor 3 76,726 SF 32,332 5F 5,238 SF 8,853 SF 30,303 SF g F Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer � Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer ^ TOTAL 401,135.5F 242,260 SF 14,190 SF 8,8535F 135,832 SF Robert G. Tost, Architect 1 W C E W E Robert 5tromski, Architect PEPr ENT OF OPEN SPACE s LEGEND TOTAL OPEN SPACE=242,260 5F/401,135 SF =60.4% SITE DATA 0 A s EOP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT M /� WDF = WOOD FENCE LIMITS OP CLEARING SCHEDULE *TOTAL AREA =9.20880 AC,or 401,135 SF. a �v� CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE *ZONING USE DISTRICT =R-40 $ rr� WIF =WIRE FENCE LOT LUT 51ZE PERMITTED GLEARIN6 VLF =VINYL FENCE S ov 7 p,1o„� DI =DRAINAGE INLET 1 22:',603 SF 15% OR 35,340 SF / aUNERN BOULEVARD W 55' � V r, PO =ROOF OVER 2 101,506 5F 2590 OR 25,452 SF I SBL = SETBACK LINE 3 76,726 5F 55% OR 26,854 5F g a 3 SP =STONE PAVEMENT a`v _; ^ g C-0.) =UTILITY POLE FRAME " GARAGE (`Vnr r°'? CMS =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND - - KAT'S COURT 5) p a 1 F W55 =WOOD STAKE SET 13' p9 M M o` -'� I o`atr i h WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND TEST HOLE DATA (PrivAte Road) 4j� h$' N 3 "' ° 9 IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND *OWNER/APPLICANT KATARINA PEDERSON °ti �� "� oti ti •Ntr U' o` '-' ' w °.o BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE g o t;,= =LIGHT POLE 133 WEST 22nd STREET#lOD \� W O V Nq < < CO 00 DATE:02/01/2019 Lo / r PLAN a�;y 1 RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND NEW YORK,N.Y. TIE IN I Q 512°23'00"W 70.67' i �� Z v+ ~ S69°10, B�Fu 1F0 3 a I now or formerly Q = BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION DARK 0.0' gCc3> 10 0 George Kaite & _DB De =DITCH BANK BROWN I i oN t ;�, S69 21 Q Anthoula Kaitery 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION LOAM s KEY MAP _ I �" N "I 0 50 =EXISTING ELEVATION A :� „ N oo o ,.o �. Ipo 0' S ° + 38.50 (OL) R ,.r �TV�® I ,� p o ^',n F 75 1.0 �- - -it �,� ��`,,6 ni ,L^v i �.� h 2� \ 15'50„6 PROPOSED CONTOUR BROWN /^� =EXISTING CONTOUR NOTES om,otFi u— (9• �`�O �.�s. l�'� 102 14'82' SANDY DEC 2 2 2022 SCALE: 1 -600 t`,.- °3'L �O �bti �' �,_ a19� ° TRIBUTARY AREA SILT I z5.5T I y tt'' ? _ PRE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE - --- -- \N N I%O N _ ML aouth0id i own 3 0 10, 1 - ( ) THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE ACCEPTANCE OF - 0 -4%o - t, 10 r O 4 — D �—�►^ K3 �.�' \` Iq �Poo :0 i �n ^i i A . 6.0' Panning Board HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. 3 zi / , I O now or formerlyBROWN *A DECLARATION OF COVE AND RESTRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE 1 s ;�. 15'—! I�20'1 2 h i N SILTY ,,�� D's °' j 25' ��,, t, i O George S.Cambourakis SAND SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN LIBER CP S `l`18 �o i _ _ _ _ (SM) *THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED,CANNOT BE ALTERED N$ O 69�1�q1„ 456 i o WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD,AND LOTS MUST BE � ( s, F 201.11,�: -J M P 30.0' SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. ° BROWN now or formerly N� ` j, / FINE TO George S.Cambourakis MEDIUM F SAND ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION O SHED i FNr i — — — — — — (SP) 0 11 j/ it 2 D 37.0' "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL (31i ! NO WATER SYSTEM(5)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY now or formerly N I i a ,' jtT 1 ENCOUNTERED DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUg1;'OF—,SOIL, Pardo Living Trust i 2 ta�� SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ALL LOTS, 06POSEW N M Ll------------ 2 ��' Jorge �- _ now or formerly M TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 51��C� OIc1STRU N Niki Mangos STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE." j� L.-.-.-.-_- - TYPICAL PLOT PLAN - NELL 5EAL GAP COVER _ '4�-�_ POWER O` SUPPLY _ PROPERTY LINE /� FUSED FIN. GRADE WELL WELL HOWARD V � `� I , W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.LN0.45893n �, , DISCONNECT --- 5* c'� C r G SWITCH s_ ,t;._.,,, - - - - - - ._. ._ W m., THOMAS C W' P T � -• z OL ER ,NYS P.E.P E NO 61483 589°57'40"W 300.00' DOUGLAS A now or formerly E. DAMS,N.Y.S.P.E.N0.80897 CONTROL BOX =:`. •,i`_ `1', WELL elli& N HOUSE HOUSE • Garmella Limon9 PRESSURE '~;i!r.:-' `! Salvatore Gervasi ° „ Y„l - a (SFR) $� (SFR) ` SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION i TANK :- , .• i o w "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH 01 O THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,EXCEPT AS -~., _ now or former) z UNDERGROUND Y i D 15GHAR6E - - cc1 Helen Moraitis 1 SEPTIC sEPTtc N t�••"�:�' ' _ — �-'”' _ ° TANK TANK MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.S.TOW -LAW-4.A XVIII OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. TO SERVICE ::•,. COUPLING - - SHEDE �' 1 m� aw �' '.�.`-• (PITLE55 `� now or formerly , .f.� a bt FUTURE a m`n "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MAD BY A`CTUAL'SURV�ES/5 now or formerly I Greg Pepe 5- ADAPTER) s' a' EXP. EXP. Wi I Marie Dalli 5'min LEACHING POOLS LEACHING POOLS COMPLETED AND THAT ALL CONPETE MONUMENTS SHOUI!N S :.,t ,; :i t', DROP PIPE I _ ~ PRESSURE~ - - •'` - - - - - - - - - - - - - THUS:■ ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS A6E-:cORRE ^OWN cnY sH i - 1 589-57"40"W 464.89 ROAD AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAI S,ARE CORRECT. ; 1Y RELIEF WIRING TO VALVE PUMP LOTS 2&3,WHEN DEVELOPED,MUST INCLUDE THE USE OF -�- PRESSURE PRE55URE :Y '` WATER TABLE I I I I INNOVAYIVE/ALTERNATIVE WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS SWITCH GAUGE now or formerly I now or formerly I I Paul Misthos&Thalia I now or formerly I Catherine Papaylannis, I (I/A OWTS)AS PERA,ITTED UNDER SCHDS ARTICLE 19. HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S. .5.N0.45 3 C; = I I now or formerlyI Jenny Kakleas& I I +; CHECK VALVE Pappas Misthos I Alvin Horing& y I 1 I I Beth Dzenkowski I pimitra Andreou Barbara E.Horing I Lot 9 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION Lot 2 I THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY SUBDIVISION VI. N i I Lot 3 Lot 4 I TYPICAL WELL DETAIL 1 I THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. V NT5 5UBMER51BLE i 'I I Subdivisidn - "Aguaview Park" Suffolk County File N1.5621 PEDERsoN E I 1 I DATE OF APPROVAL` STANDARD SUBDIVISION 4i xt I I I I I I I Lot 8 BY CHAIRPERSON(TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) at East Marlon, Town of Southold Suffolk County New York N SCREEN I I I i I I I SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. FINAL PLAT (OPEN SPACE HIGHLIGHT) County Tax Mn District 1000 Section 021 Block 03 Lot 15 c I I I I 1 DATE tY P I MAP PREPARED OCT,24,2022 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR PEDERSON STANDARD SUBDIVISION IN THE Record of Revisions SOUTHERN BOULEVARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH A TOTAL OF 3 LOTS WAS APPROVED ON THE REVISION DATE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEC.13,2022 CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS.THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP 15 DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT 15 HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC 0 HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. r WALTER DAWYDIAK,JR.,P.E. 100 0 50 100 200 300 DIRECTOR,DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Scale: 1" = 100' JOB NO.2018-0095 DWG.2018-0095-final-plat 1 OF 1 (T)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(1)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPnC TANKS(ST)8 CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. N 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11101 tel. 631.12.7.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 admin@youngenglneering.Gom 2 W+E N !J paq Y� ° �e Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor 4< ��°� Thomas G. Wolpert, Professlonal Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professlonal Engineer S Robert G. Tast, Architect Robert Stromski, Architect E MATTITUGK \A iP GREEK 51 TE DATA Q' TOTAL AREA omTnd-nmmn = q ti� z 11.2088 AG. OR 401,135 51=. P\�� S6goIplp 1� S APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON KATARINA PEDERSON S ��j�A , I s * CURRENT ZONING = R-4O (Dwelling) E, � y�g) I �P PGF oTv g VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 TIE IN P°� I GPS oN r� Q 501°IT00"N 44.34' ^ �AP�� I / 'sj1 N � 2 543°1720"N 1110.42' / - - KAT'S COURT Q r ' ` Mhos; (Private Road) �� ' N 3 `� d 11'i ' -_= y I (Dwelling) V� 3 I m di KEY MAP 1 SANITARY SYSTEM ` Do 0041 I IN EXCESS OF 150' N , SCALE: I"=600' I / •`�' S6ga10 / 00 j o g �a 1 APPROX. LOC. OF EX. 03 now or formerly SANITARY SYSTEM_ (Vacant), / i / , d `C� 10"L _ George Kaitery& PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION o �,�' .56� C 2 'K qa Anthoula Kaitery oRl - 1 9°o, 15p w a s N o0 7p O I\ 1 ?011, ' / ' S (Dwelling) QOM ,� I a- ti��(V/�'� j1 �� II 0;. 114 2�OI!� THI5 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THI5 SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN �ISwelling) °3V QQ �' /I SO• / 2 . APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. !n H ` 25 5T NATURAL OR b~ W / PLANTED OF APPROVA -------- Bp DATE __ ___________A o UFFER� CHAIRPERSON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING qi �q \ sp `,�. 20' uil�,O AOW or formerly ( BOARD) � - - I �.� �`, E WELL' 25' ���� oT 0- N.4 (I �, GeoPge S.Cambourakis \ j ., W o (Dwelling) — r —Q�: wE �T ' o S6 ` PBF OPEN SPACE \I \�- - - 01 �9-1�4 456 ` ,, PRESERVATIONI l I / Jo K' N= �.� 601--/ ' EASEMENT 1 (� LSI; I . 1 I ,\ 1 I I , - m ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION \ ` SO o'! , \ I iI now or formerly - �m I 0®ST /q �° I / p w George S.Combourakis s T 111 r 7 I (Vacant) 0./ i E, F,gSFMFNF I y�I 1?41 I I I DISPOSSALL 5Y5TEM(5) FORBY CERTIFY THE VIATER THIS PROJECT WERESNDE-5G ED BY ME E APP R X. LOC. CERTAIN AREAS OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH LP J I SANITARY FR.SHED, j` O j/ I STUDY OF THF- :501L, SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL / / , 413 � � LOTS, A5 PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE 5UFFOL now or formerly 1v ' u / rc;� I r"i frust o eE�%112 „rG / t c,,\ /' ��q NO. LOT OPEN SPACE BUILDABLE DEPARTMENT CSF HEALTH SERVICES GONSTRU �,� A � ' IN Jorge Pardo Living - L_ JQ�, Dp. / I now or former) EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE. P(Dwelling) ' 1_ -._�_.-.".-I-✓ 13013 / Ny� c`mL�/ I I 3o Y �•,� 1 222,603 SF 152,885 SF 69,718 SF G� J C. �``. O I } 101.31' / �1b \. II 1 Niki Mangos 3 � 1 <xy 2 101,806 SF 57,043 SF 44,763 SF '57 _._.- O (Dwelling) �i O :F 0 W n-Np /- 1 S 9 N89 57;40'E w yip O 1 tr::P sv:,.<T,c 3 76,726 SF 35,543 SF 41,183 SF FV' 90 `OPENSPACE I (,-PRESERVATION 3 '' P �� n1 I I � TOTAL 401,135 SF 245,4715E 155,664 SF EASEMENT \ )OPEN SPACq HOWARD W. YOIUNG, N.-i-.5. L.S. NO. 458g3n O G^" ' - Pt2ESERVATIC�N ` I I �NAnoms A'O 61 JDOUGLA5 E. ADAMS, N Y.5. P.E. NO. 8081-1 A �SSIONP EASEMENT y OPEN SPACE = 245,4715E /401,135 SF =61.2% or formerly P STQUI t '. 589°57'40"W 300.0b' - - - - - - In e i N r` Carmello Limongell(& IO Salvatore GervasiCo �' I / ' SURVEYOR'5 CERTIFICATION a ? O` (Dwelling) APPROX. LOC- now or formerly I 1 SANITARY SYSTEM "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS 5HOWN ON THIS PLAT Helen Moraitis 1 0 0i - - FRAME I 1 (Vacant) COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF s - - SHED I / ' O now or formerly SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2?8 OF now or formerly I/ I i \ I Greg Pepe LIMITS OF GLER�aING SCHEDULE THE N.Y.5. TOWN LAW s ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G TOWN N I Marie Dalli \ I (Dwelling) cJ� i� l✓ `� LEGEND (Dwelling) I \ OF 50BY CERTIFY THAT THI5 MRP A� o I LOT LOT SIZE PERMITTED CLEARING Ii � `' ' p , (Dwelling) _ _ 5URVEY5 COMPLETED AND L�iGG�NGR 7 , W _ _ - - - - - - - - - 1 222,603 5P 15Yo OR 33,3°f 0 SF MONUMENTS 5HOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E 17�+THI1z, 'Q�9 I 5$9°5p'40"W 464.89' — 2 101,807 SF 2595 OR 25,452 SF ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIME L' g s EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT _ _ - - WDF =WOOD FENCE I I 3 76,726 5F 35% OR 26,854 5F �t3 ` -. CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE I I I I I I _ _ DETAILS ARE CORRECT. t( 0 now or formerlyformerly � WIFE =WIRE FENCE now or I VLF =VINYL FENCE I Paul Misthos&Thalia now or formerly Catherine Papaylannis, I 4 5 89 DI = DRAINAGE INLET Pappas Misthos I Alvin Horing& I now or formerly I Jenny Kakleas& I I I \) RO =ROOF OVER I I (Dwelling) I I Beth Dzenkowski I Dimitra Andreou (Dwelling) (Dwelling) HOWARD W. YOUNG, N. . L.S. N . 45813 Q A tJ SBL =SETBACK LINE Barbara E.Horing (Dwelling) I ( g I (Dwelling) I Lot 9 I I Lot 2 (Dwelling) I SP = STONE PAVEMENT IAPPOI Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 LOC. OF EX.O =UTILITY POLE I I SANITARY I I I I I CM5 =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET I SYSTEM O I I Subdivisidn - "Aquaview Park" Suffolk County File N .5621 _ _ _ _ _ _ 5UE3D 1\/151 ON CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND I I W55 =WOOD STAKE SET 1 I I I I I MARK PEDER50N 4 W5F =WOOD STAKE FOUND I 1 I I I IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND I I I APPROX. LOC. OF EX. I Lot 8 E I ( I I SANITARY SYSTEM I o =LIGHT POLE I i O ; TAR I NA PEDER50N RCF = REBAR&CAP FOUND I I I O I I ' at East Marion, Town of Southold Q = BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION I I I NDB DB = DITCH BANK I �I ; i I I I Suffolk County, New York 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION I 1 I I I I I f _ - �, + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION i I PROPOSED CONTOUR FINAL NAL ROAD 4 PRA I NAGE PLAN v -----------:'"---- ------ = I I I I a =EXISTING CONTOUR 21 Block 03 Lot 15 o =TRIBUTARY AREA County Tax HOP District 1000 Section PBE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE MAP PREPARED SEP. :25, :2020 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD RECEIVED REVISION Record of Revisions _ _ DATE IDS PLANNING 5FP- ?O x_021 SEP 2 7 2022 Sout of Town Planning Board N U 0 O J O C O m 100 O 50 100 200 300 Scale: I" = 100' o JOB NO. 2018-0015 DWG. 2018_OOaS_flnal_road_drain I OF 3 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FBVCFS.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)h CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 4g 43 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 4s. tel. 631.727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 N 49 se FOP TEST HOLE DATA admin®youngengineering.com 40 ' � x 4,9 Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor �y9 482° ¢85 DARK °O Thomas G. Wol ert, Profssional Engineer fi 48 43?, s ROAM Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer �, ` ■ (oU w Ox a 48 VVV BROM 1.0' Robert G. Tost, Architect Iq 42.68 55NDl' Robert Stromskl Architect 1 QA:: rn 45.98 6.0' 48.445IL BROWN SA HIGH POINT ELEV = 48.65 I �G�P� 47'1 o a 1� V) ND SITE DATA anlu.Fd--p :, HIGH POINT STA = 0+14.42 I S 47 82 .3� W N � BROWN 50.01 TOTAL AREA = ci.2055 AG. OR 401,155 5F. PVI STA = 0+25 � '�* 0 43.93 MEDIUM h a L tr •lam. L 48.34+ * APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON $ KATARINA PEDERSON PVI ELEV = 49.00 I / o w C FINE TO A.D. _ -6.9555 KATS COURT p r p SAND /' � CJ (5P) K = 7.2093 LOW POINT ELEV = 58.26 tS' - 0 3To 50' VG LOW POINT 5TA = 2+60.58 O CURRENT ZONING R-40 PVI STA 2+501m(Private, Road) N -�Q VERTICAL DATUM NGVD 8841.3 u0i r PVI ELEV = 57.90 '"" o/ + + r A.D. = 6.9555 �° L(J o 1 L m 4a Uj act W EXISTING K = 7.2093 > GRADE . ') DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 4 CALCULATIONS -- [A m w w 50' VGI I I 83 ! / 39.1 + 4,.69 1 PROPOSED U) m / I I i / 00 O r GRADE c� + i0 / I I I I / CF• �� U V = A R G N m N m 1 I / \ p A = AREA OF TRIBUTARY (S.F.) 6 v 6 w \ \l fi Z R = RAINFALL (FT) PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION > v / / vl / g , \ O Q G = COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF oogo U 2' b 39.03• J z I I / / / 1 .�' 40 / �\� THI5 I5 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN } I 1 ! 1 asp �\ \ 38.02 TRIBUTARY AREA APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. I CB' I1_ _ \ \ A = 44,150 5F N \ 6 cR� _ \ DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY--------------------- Q z I I I +4 9.81 <`� �38 0 ` \\ CHAIRPERSON \ 35.58 REQUIRE-D VOLUME .00 - I �� 3g.96 - PAVEMENT: 6,655 S.F. x 2/12 x 1.00 = 1,109 G.F. (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) 50.46 I L�icc _36' _ / 3>75+ 38. 4 VVI VEGETATION: 5.7,4�i5 5.F. x 2/12 x 0.10 = 625 G.F. u0i w / 1 "~• I } .~� `� �' 1 ' - 7 NATURAL OR / TOTAL VOLUME REQUIRED = 1,134 G.F. DA 25.00Vhf 0"t, a 8-drat OF ! - - - -34- - \\ PLANtED PROVIDED VOLUME 52.18 \ O -IP N I I ���• k �(Tjl �� VEGETATED / USE LEACHING FIELD NO.I ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION a w o r aD o(q m m o m o / ` / ! I I I I I I 6 �� apt$ / -32- \ \ BUFFER / / (7) 8' DIA. x 6' DEEP POOLS = 1,-114 0.17 o" In lIl II) .r 1- CN r(11 orn Q o l,J m 111 m- fh CN 1: rn � � "� I MIX t0 c0 1- .9 a ifl tt v n a- O „°i,M M M M - DD .5�� �r m m 14,.99 I I o � 1 1 y�pFC� l \\ 11 I I • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SEWAGE 2.36 / \ I 1 I I �lq )\ I I I ! D15P05AL 5Y5TEM(5) FOR THI5 PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME / OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 (E WE(/,L 58' 58.23 I 1 I I N \ \p \\ (S 3plplII / STUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL -1 C` \ LOTS, AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK 5 I �n I I I \42.so \\ \ Q"", e b� 6.ob NG I I I / I I e� w I o ( ' , oP�N sPAcE I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GON5TRUG 4�1; f�A1JiD IN I �VE L I / I I I \ \ � ) �, I RECEIVED EFFECT AS OF THI5 DATE. I 1 5 �0 57.591 I �\ ' / \ (C� G- ��Q "� I I 43.98\ I I I I PRESERV TION I \ I 5 <� SEP 2 7 2022 I \ Io456 I I I I I I II \ I I I EASEMENT I PRIVATE ROAD EXTEN51ON PROFILE II I\ Southold Town 59.35 45.48 Planning Board VERTICAL SHORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" 50' ALE: 1" 10' +s s7 +456 HOWA�RD N. YOUNG, G�, N..Y.S.�L.S. NO. 45893n5 /5 / $ ! I THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y61 n .5. P.E. NO. 61483`.�`� 4 - � � 0 / 50• 4x.14+ / I ! OQ f I I I I I FOR INSPECTION POOLS USE DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 80501.7 ��� Q� CAST IRON FRAME 4 COVER54.29 / / / �/v� I I I / 1 CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. 2 \ +53.84 /FR.S Ep / / / / ! ��7 I \� � \ \ / / /49.01 �' � / � / � / / I I / ! \ 1007G OR APPROVED EQUAL. \ \ APPR X. L6C. / /� // / // // ! 6N 7- / l // /l ! l SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION 1 ' I SANITAR)l S I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOT5 5HOWN ON THI5 PLAT COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.S. TOWN LAW 4 ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G TOWN 08 OF SOUTHOLD." QF NEW ), "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI5 MAP W '4 !FlA - 00 00000 1 ; PRIVATE ROAD GRADING DRAINAGE PLAN DRAINAGE o 000000 l MON5URUMENTS051+OWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY ED �'I TIfERMPLETED NN N1 ISN s PIPE ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIME J i SCALE: 1" = 50' _ LEGEND DETAILS ARE CORRECT.„ ��'9' ' ( of 0 ' � EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT (• 4 6 F' WDF =WOOD FENCE FOR LCB#l.l 4 SAFE OVERFLOW HOWARD W. YOUNGN5. L.S. 45893 , . . CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE USE CAST IRON FRAME 4 GRATE PRECAST CONCRETE CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. WIF =WIRE FENCE 3407 OR APPROVED EQUAL. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB A5 VLF =VINYL FENCE MFG. BY SUFFOLK GEMENT DI = DRAINAGE INLET OR APPROVED EQUAL. SUBD I�I 5I ON RO =ROOF OVER 00 SBL =SETBACK LINE ARK PF-DIER50N ¢ SP =STONE PAVEMENT 0 M J �h =UTILITY POLE EDGE I'-O" KATARI NA PEDER50N E CMS =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET' PAVEMENT NT CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND 4 TOPSO I L at East Marion, TOWn of Southold WSS =WOOD STAKE SET 2" RIN6 COARSE 4 SEED WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND 50' ROW WEARING IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND 5/4" 5TONEBLEND Suffolk County, New York N =LIGHT POLE �\ GROUT AROUND N RCF =REBAR 61 CAP FOUND �� 25'-0" 25'-0" ENTIRE PIPE =Fi BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION FINAL ROAD I$ DRA I NAGE DETAILS v DB DB =DITCH BANK 0a 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION ' " 7'-0" 1 8'-0" S'-0" 7'-O" 0 I0'-0" P P P P P P P P O P ( County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Bock 05 Lot 15 = EXISTING ELEVATION P � PRECAST CONCRETE + 38.50 DRAIN RINGS AS MFG. MAP PREPARED SEP. 2B, :2020 ----- t; -- - =PROPOSED CONTOUR = BY SUFFOLK GEMENT •" =EXISTING CONTOUR II 3" GROWN ;f� �`;` O D® OR APPROVED EG2UAL. Record of Revisions =TRIBUTARY AREA S�0 0Li❑ REVISION DATE PBE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE °B XtZ i I i ®�® TOS PLANNING SEP ?O 1/A N.I, _------------- , �4" RECYCLED CONCRETE AGGREGATE (NY5DOT T ►/4':I' /•� SPECIFICATIONS) COMPACTED BASE COARSE O 2'MIN. I 8-0" 4 TOPSOIL A H 4 SEED M,� 6" STABILIZED SOIL BASE GW EL J STONE BLEND ROADWAY SECTION STONE BLEND PAVEMENT 5ECTION NT5 NTS LEACHING POOL 100 O 50 100 200 500 NT5 Scale: As Shown JOB NO. 2018-0095 DWG. 2018-0095-final-road-drain 2 OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OFFENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HFR!ON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEWENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)k CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS 4858 Epp �.1eo' 50 4940 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 MIN. N 4 br tel. 631.727.2303 fax. 631.727.0144 admin®youngengineering.com EXISTING STONE PAVEMENT 21 EXISTING � 484j � RECEIVED GROUND S./ PAVEMENT 8. _ 4 4� GENERAL POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES 5TABILIZED , ;�5��` � Oyu 3 69 X 0 4848 SS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE NYSDEG GENERAL • - - • ,-z.T :' ,i? " •• %'' CONSTRUCTION as 2j SEP 7 2022 STORMWATER PERMIT, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION z MOUNTABLE BERM _ f. ENTRANCE Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED FILTER CLOTH (OPTIONAL) VV Sout o d Town Thomas G,E. Adam t, Professional Engineer PROFILE �1 "� E 0� 4$ Planning Board Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer TO, THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE EMPLOYED DURING CON5TRUGTION: y) 14 4 •65 ak"a 2 �'� I. EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED (BY I 45 96 A C Robert tr rm s i, Architect ��/ � Robert Stromskl, Architect INSTALLATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCE OR OTHER APPROVED 50' -I w I (Dwelling) PA'- 48.44 yv MEANS) AND SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED. MIN. �� P V C 47.1 O Cb 2. CLEARING AND GRADING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 50 AS TO WA5HRAGK N z G EG�P�'�` ♦ CON V MINIMIZE THE EXTENT OF EXPOSED AREA5 AND THE LENGTH OF (OPTIONAL) _ - S 47 ) �cwr t SITE DATA TIME THAT AREAS ARE EXPOSED. GRADED AND STRIPPED. ,` TEMPORARY 47.82 A c I CJ on,w4nTM� ARF-A5 SHALL BE KEPT STABILIZED THROUGH THE USE OF I 0 43.93 �A � .`� TEMPORARY SEEDING A5 REQUIRED. SEED MIXTURES SHALL BE IN ``» �`f O's SK ILE AREA - -48.34+ TOTAL AREA - cl.2088 AG. OR 401,1555F. AGGORDANGE WITH SOIL CONSERVATIONSERVICE ,..=F .,: :.= M4N; EX15TING _ K T S GpEXISTING , VRECOMMENDATIONS. IN AREA5 WHERE SOIL DISTURBANCE HASH ' • cv '4,.' GOAR�aE• = .. ; :,4-•;° _ PAVEMENT GROUND ;:',;; ,`-'�' -: �� - Z = L tr * APPLICANT = MARK PEDER50N d KATARINA PEDERSON TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, TEMPORARY AND/OR AGGREGATEr -;,Y.:a;:, ', ;,`- L PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION MEA5URE5 SHALL BE INSTALLED i�r ''" 'L' ' '' :' ':' " CO (Q '� N O Q AND/OR IMPLEMENTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. y�� ;` (Frivate, Road) ? � / � T-fE�G' �'Q � .� --s TT n��41.37 0 tr CURRENT ZONING = R-40 3. THE LENGTH AND 5TEEPNF-55 OF CLEARED SLOPES SHALL BE JAI I PLAN _ V - MINIMIZED TO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITIES. RUNOFF SHALL BE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT / 11 N (Dwelling) I I / ` / �"� M o 3 4� J 3 O p� ERTIGAL DATUM = NGVD 55 DIVERTED AWAY FROM CLEARED SLOPES. TRAPP�E DEVIE 1 95 SANITARY SYSTEM �" 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE TRAPPED ON THE SITE AND NOT 1 IN EXCESS OF 150' I I ( / 39.14 90 O o O , f PERMITTED TO ENTER ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR PUBLIC ROADS S6 OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE / LF, 1 Q I ` S now or for INSTALLED ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PRIOR TO THE GONSTRUGTION NOTES �C. OF EX. , / I I 1 / / 10 3 tr .U START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL RY SYSTEM (Vacant) � / / /'�/ / , � � 1011 George Kai CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. I. STONE SIZE-USE 2"STONE,OR A RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. L. 2 LENGTH-NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 50 I� /l s \ O Q A nt ho u I a k FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). l l II \ 5. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED 8. THICKNESS -NOT LE55 THAN 6". / / 39 22 39.61 TO PREVENT 501L AND LOOSE DEBRIS FROM BEING TRACKED 4. WIDTH- 12'MINIMUM BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR 1 / / 39.03• ` ` 0 ' (DWe EGRESS OCCURS. /// J _c ONTO LOCAL ROADS. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE 5. FILTER CLOTH-WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE. I 1 / / / I �? 40 ! V MAINTAINED UNTIL THE 51TE IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 6. SURFACE WATER- ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION / ` 1 ��` tL 1 `S0 r90 C \ 1 311 02 f� ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 IMPRACTICAL,A / \ I I / I V L /� �� MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. O F 6. ALL RUNOFF SHALL BE RETAINED ON-SITE IN ACCORDANCE 1. MAINTENANCE-THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL O 3 ll4 WITH LOCAL RE6ULATION5 AND APPROVALS. DRAINAGE INLETS PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY.ALL SEDIMENT ^ O ♦ 4 6 I INSTALLED ON-SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED,OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT5-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED l ,/V_ I I I F g 81 �/ ,Y C IMMEDIATELY. welling O O �_\ 35.5 BUILDUP THROUGH THE USE OF APPROPRIA'-E INLET PROTECTION. !c �� O \ o \ 4� O 38 _ 8. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED EVERY SEVEN(?) k4�• I "�. I Q g6 ` CALENDAR DAYS. O• 3 38 4 r \ 7. THE FOLLOWING MEANS SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL DUST / D( 50.49 C/� - 6- I �75+ DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. WATER-DOWN AGCE55 WAY5, / / 11b \ I I I \ I I ��1` `j i - _ _ _ _ y NATUkAL OR _� \ STOCKPILES, AND MATERIAL PRIOR TO LOADING; B. LIMIT ON-SITE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / / \ I I I I I I p dT,q J -34 \ PLANTED VEHICULAR SPEEDS TO 5 MPH; G. PROPERLY COVER TRUCKS i I 8 OF \ CARTING LOO5E MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. NTS 52.18 // \ o co a 41 N T , �1�1 \ \ VEGETATED D HER EROSION G TRO MEASURES 1s \ \ 1 l I ° A 6 I �O \ \ BUFFER ` / I I I M I I I I j5, CS /' 8. SEDIMENT BARRIERS AN OTCONTROL + 3 _ I GD \ 1 I \ SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL UPLAND DISTURBED AREAS ARE \ �� PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. FOLLOWING PERMANENT /�\�, 1 I I I 41.ss I 1 c I 1 QP�� \ I / \ \ 1 I I \ \no%A STABILIZATION, PAVED AREAS SHALL BE GLEANED OF SOIL AND 2.36 �Q / DEBRIS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL B= GLEANED AND / / 58.2�a \ I I I \ 1 \ 1 GR I T�Nq I 1 I I I / \ \ ��� Qc IE WE/!: 58.23 I o \ �� �� \FPrp I I I I /' G�tOI''gE FLUSHED AS NEGE55ARY. ION 3 SLOPE -A IL-L I I v \ \ \ p �sQ�e b�' c5 p� ZA 1, I I I I I a I \ 9. PROPER MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 15 TO MAX, , '/ // E L I 5 t II I I I \42.80 \ \ \ I�ehf/O o/� P I I OPIEN SP 1 1 BE PERFORMED AS INDICATED BY PERIODIC INSPECTION AND I I I 1 \ \ 1 W� \ I I \ 1 _ AFTER HEAVY OR PROLONGED STORMS. MAINTENANCE MEASURES / I 111 ( , 57 591 I / I I 43.98\ 1 \ I I \ I ARE ERV TION I - \ ARE TO INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, GLEANING OF CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE 1 I I ` 11 I RECHARGE BASINS, SEDIMENT TRAPS AND DRYWELL5, GLEANING AROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER / \ I I I I \ I AND REPAIR OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS, REPAIR OF BERMS AND OF STOCKPILE I I \ cv / I 45.$6 \ 1 I I 1 I I I E�SEM NT RUNOFF DIVERTER5, AND GLEANING AND REPAIR OF INLET Q \ I I i \ I \ I 59.35 I / 0 \ 45,48 PROTECTION DEVICES. \ \ \ \ 5s + // 5 I + I / I �P I I 6.67 45 6 I I I I 1 I 1 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY STOCKPILE \ / / / X5.61+ n WITH ALL LOCAL REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE DISPOSAL OF GRADE \ \ \ \ \ 34+ _ ��S/�S�a� / 46.14+ / / / / J 0 �.{} I I I I I I Geort SOLID WASTE AND DEBRIS AND TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS WASTE, \ \ \\ \ \ 'iq AS WELL AS SANITARY SEWER AND 5EP71C SYSTEM REGULATION5. \ \\ \ \ I \ 54.29 +� q /�s / / / // / / /V,q a I I. CONCRETE WASH-OUT OF READY-MIX TRUCKS I S NOT Z \\ \ \ \ \ / 53.84/ g of y+ED / / / / / S � PERMITTED AT THI5 SITE. \\ \ \ \ / 42.39 \ \ \ APPR X. L6C. 0 UNLE55 OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES - O 4218194 SA1 ITARYI S FR� HED/ 1 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE NEGE55ARY RECORDS OF I.PROTECTION OF STOCKPILES IS A YEAR ROUND REQUIREMENT. I / / / I / w CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, PREPARATION OF INSPECTION 2.5TOGKPILE5 SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5C FT. FROM ILP/ / / REPORTS, AND REPORTING RELEASE OF POLLUTANTS TO THE CONCENTRATED 5TORMWATER FLOw5,AND INLETS. I I II .II_ // / / I / Sl�f'/T 1=EDGE 0 5.WIND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE USED ON ALL STOCKPILES 01 I I I / / / / / \ ENGINEER 5 CERTIFICATION of PROPER AUTHORITIES AS NEGE55ARY TO COMPLY WITH THE AS APPROPRIATE. RID NY5DEC GENERAL 5TORMWATER PERMIT. T-IE CONTRACTOR 4.REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE PERIMETER CONTROLS AS NEEDED,OR A5 N n0i DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. O SHALL REPORT ANY REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THE SWPPP I I / 5.SEDIMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION REAGHS NECESSITATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS OR CONSTRUCTION ONE-THIRD(1/5)OF THE BARRIER HEIGHT. // // 01 ACTIVITIES TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVISION OF THE SWPPP I I / / D/ / / / / / i I I I / / I \ ,E0F 'N�Gl� 8 WHERE APPROPRIATE. TEMPORARY STOCKPILE I i I I I �- i o // n I I I I I I j / �� // / / / / / I I I I / \ .� P Q�/ �!;� T- I/ I I I I I \\ i. x�{., I �dlv{ I \ �k`' / / I I W i ��L'. Gas// I �-4. _: �:� N,,' I HAY BALE \ w � BERM SAND BAG 4498 1 1 \ I I I I I / / / / / , OPEN SP�(CE � I I � THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 I 1 / / / `r I DOUGLAS E, ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 80897 < COMPACTED \ \ I I I I J / / / I BACKFILL WOOD FRAME \ +44.77 / RESERVA ON I / / / \ •� C i \ 1 \ \ \ I 1 I I I I 1 I SECURELY / PLASTIC FASTENED AROUND \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I /+ A/ S WOVEN WIRE FENCE LINER ENTIRE PERIMETER IOPEN PAC \ \ \ \ I b 1 5UBD I V 151 ON FILTER CLOTH \\ \ \ \ 1 I P2E�Es.�IA II 1C�N I ;. .: .;, _. 1 / / N / 1 MARK fi�EDEfiZ50N 4 SECTION A-A 5EGTI ON B-B BLa+ \ \ 1 \1 I II I E�J C'r T E N T I / I j� / / / I I C cv 42.4 1 \ I I I I KATARINA fi'E0ERSON UNDISTURBED DISTURBED LATH AND FLAGGING C I I I 1 I I I I I I /589t7'40 II 1 5.14/ 43.25 AREA FLOW AREA ON THREE 51DE5 ROUGH HEMLOCK 42 STO I 1 I I 1 I I I I / S 8 9t7 40 W 1300.99 TOP OF BERM FIR FRAME at East Marion, Town of Southold N SAND BAG •.� I N I I I 1 I I I I / / N �l 1 I Suffolk County, New York +45.95 N I 11 II I ~' 41.20 \ I I I /\ I �0 O 1 I I I / 1 I I / SECTION po I I I I I / III I I I I j II // // / 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROL PLAN WOVEN WIRE - FENCE HAY BALE 1 II I I 1 1+55.28 I I I I I I I I I I I I // / / County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 05 Lot 15 a i I II I I I II � I I I i / / i o , -8.00 I I 1 / I I / J I i I 1 / I ( 1 MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 41.81 I APPRO PLASTIC I I I I /// / J I I I I I I I I // / now or formerly I\ \ 1 SANITP Record of Revisions _ A A LINER B B .- - 4o.ss / I / / / / I 1 I \ / / 1 \ REVISION DATE - All I I I \ / / / J l I ► \ Helen Moraitis \ 1 F AM / / I I I `� / I J I I \ / l \ \\ TOS PLANNING SEP- TO, ?_021 a I / / \ I _ - 38 � (vacant) ED co cD Y / I i i t o f + 8.841 L TION "BELOW GRADE" PLAN "ABOVE GRADE" PLAN / /i I I I I 1 \ I \ / / \ \\ \\ 1 50 O 25 50 100 150 48.16 I \ 1 1 \ Scale: 1' = 50' SILT FENCE CONCRETE WASHOUT I II 36.30 _ 37'61 - - -\ 47.50 _ _ 7­77 � - JOB NO. 2018-0095 NTS NT5 / ^ ^ I C 8 9 571,40 I I W \ 464.89'4.8 9' 1 35.97+ \\ \ _ DWG. 2018_0095_f Ino I_rood_drain 3 OF 3 J 7 Y � - - (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LIKES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITICNAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)A CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York IIcIOI tel. 631.'72?.2303 fax. 631.'127.0144 N. adm4en®youngenglneering.com GERTP�IN ,4REP�5 0" 4 LONG ISLAND SOUND q. �J N NO. LOT OPEN SPACE BUILDABLE Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor Nur 1 222,603 SF 152,885 SF 69,718 5F Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer A 2 101,806 SF 57,043 5F 44,763 SF l Robert G. Tost, Archltect W*1 w ",�Sr,-F,'� w `-�� E 3 76,726 5F 35,543 SF 41,183 SF Robert Stromskl, Architect e � ) TOTAL 401,135 SF 245,471 SF 155,664 SF S SITE DATA m OPEN SPACE = 245,471 SF /401,135 SF =61.2% 0 Y O P n A S *TOTAL AREA =9.20880 AC,or 401,135 SF. �Qvtl *ZONING USE DISTRICT =R-40 ° VTF�i C, S 501010rF V� A LIMITS OF GLEARI NG 501jEDULE OU RN BOU EVARD 55 - �//_ oun�� I-U 3 LOT LOT SIZE PERMITTED CLEARING EPSP (v %0 1 222,603 5P 15% OR 55,5010 SF �' ti • /� o g `cel 2 101,507 5F 25% OR 25,452 5f° 35% OR 26,554 5f= 1'3�p p a W, KAT'5 COURT kC) �, / o i �O, g�' M m N o y y *OWNER/APPLICANT KATARINE PEDERSON 'rivate Road) 4�°�b�� ( a a N o nom°, I '"•tr 133 WEST 22nd STREET#10D CD TIE IN REC -- �_ I NEW YORK,N.Y. 512*23'00"W 70.67' `"v S6 10 .r - - - -.. IV Z 9° � o`�o now or formerly � �l S $ \���3>2, 10"F o r George Kaitery& o 101 OD S6g O 21 00, Anthoula Kaitery f`IAR ® C 202, o �J ',.1-P o °° �'l� 'jO F 1 L O 8j5°1 KEY MAP ,.� ���a m tip; r 5 50 r,^ Southold Town 00 s 114 82' �+ Planning Board NOTES SCALE: 1"=600' °32 Op �b TH �' o; /�I o i 9 \ ,` _ *THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP GOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE ACCEPTANCE OF / \0 � I�O �. ' NATURAL PLANTED R� 3D• OV�pW IO �� �•�' `•� \0 4 b, io m 5' �� VEGETATED HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. FER L ' ^ O *A DECLARATION OF COVE AND RESTRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE 13 • $, �- 1s—! -20'i O �in 17. N now or formerly 1 O 25 a, a0-i u� - �NND� 3' \ ,,;� o\ !//10 N George S.Cambourakis SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN LIBER CP ne o Z OPEN SPACE �� a3 oil �.�'� o= O �� �6g�1�4 18456 ,n'', ori PRESERVATION °= - - - - THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED,CANNOT BE ALTERED 1 O WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD,AND LOTS MUST BE I old N i� so• l ` F, 20111, J� EASEMENT 1 O (�, SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. I N j'� ` ' j fC► now or formerly m 1 M6pRAlN ��-,•� George S.Cambourakis I` Zo nFR.S lel �l a 6�S6MFNT S1 , 21241 1 _ - - - - - �p ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION o .-1 I HED /%�b, 4135 I Q "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL O I /j O 2' SYSTEM(S)FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY N 'J� H DIRECTION.BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUQY 0PI SIL, now or formerly �l i y jjl < i ,,`r o '� SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS,ALL LOTS; PROPOSED,CON` M Pardo Living Trust -I i QgE��p qT c'2,-� 1 n� Jorge I i �....... 1e ati m 1 now or formerly i 3 h -� Qii 30• m TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHSEkVICES CONSTRU QN �T 101.31' -� Nb o13 i i �` Niki Mangos STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE." 1 N89057'40"E -------_-----_-�.J TYPICAL PLOT PLAN �F9as -----130.96' ` %D N89057'40"E OPEN SPACE a. PRESERVATION _ EASEMENT OPEN SPACE �� 1 PROPERTY LINE + TMf. ,,,J,. �• PRESERVATION WELL WELL HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.L.S.NO. EASEMENT - - - - - - z s THOMAS C.WOLPERT,N.Y.S.P.E.N0.61483 " now or formerly p ESTOP. 589057'40"W 300.00' DOUGLAS E.ADAMS,N.Y.S.P.E.NO.80897 2111& r Carmella Limong Ln LEGEND Salvatore G21,vnsi pD o HOUSE q, HOUSE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION a , OD cl C, O I o w "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH now or former) H THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,EXCEPT AS EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT _ p m Helen Moraitis � TANKc � sEPTIc MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.S.TOWN LAW&ARTICLE WDF =WOOD FENCE _ FRAME TANK w XVIII OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD." CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE -_ SHED I `- a � now or formerly o ,_..__. WIF =WIRE FENCE a' I 8 now or formerly O Greg Pepe 5' L o� VLF =VINYL FENCE I O DI =DRAINAGE INLET Marie Dalli LEACHING POOLS LEACHING POOLS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MAD BY ACTUAL-SURVEYS , I COMPLETED AND THAT ALL CON RETE,MONUMENTS`5H�N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THUS:g ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIO, $'-ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN ROAD AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC OETAIUS4ARE dORRECT.': m RO =R00 OVER N SBL =SETBACK LINE 589057'40"W 464.89' SP =STONE PAVEMENT =UTILITY POLE LOTS 2&3,WHEN DEVELOPED,MUST INCLUDE THE USE OF CMS =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET I I CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND ' ' I I I now or former) I I I INNOVAYIVE/ALTERNATIVE WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS now or formerly y (VA OWTS)AS PERMITTED UNDER SCHDS ARTICLE 19. HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y. . .5.NO.4 93 W55 =WOOD STAKE SET I Paul Misthos&Thalia Catherine Papaylannis, I I -" now or former) WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND Pappas Misthos y now or formerly I Jenny Kakleas& I -IL-444 � ' IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND PP Alvin Horing&Barbara E. I I Horing Beth Dzenkowski I Dimitra Andreou I I PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION =LIGHT POLE ' ; Lot 3 Lot 4 I I Lot 6 , Lot 7 I Lot 9 go RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND I Lot 2 Lot 5 THIS IS TO CERTIFY ThAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY SUBDIVISION =BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION I i I DITCH BANK I I I I Subdivisidn - "Aqunview Park" � Suffolk County File N .5621 I THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. = b DB I I I I - - - - - - MARK PEDERSON 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION I I I I I I I I + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION DATE OF APPROVAL & KATARINA PEDERSON ............................. =PROPOSED CONTOUR I 1 1 I I I Lot 8 M =EXISTING CONTOURI I I I I I BY CHAIRPERSON(TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) at East Marion, Town of Southold TRIBUTARY AREA Suffolk County, New York PBE =PRINCAL BUILDING ENVELOPE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF I I I HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. INAL PLAT a IoI I I I I DATE County Tax Map District 1000 Section 021 Block 03 Lot 15 I II I I I MAP PREPARED SEP.23,2020 THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR MARK PEDERSON & KATARINE PEDERSON Record of Revisions SOUTHERN BOULEVARD IN THE TOWN OF SOU THOLD WITH A TOTAL OF 3 LOTS WAS APPROVED REVISION DATE ON THE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS.THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP IS DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE ii FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC .2 HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. 0100 0 50 100 200 300 WALTER OAWYDIAK,JR.,P.E. DIRECTOR,DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 0. Scale. 1" = 100' JOB NO.2018-0095 DWG. 2018-0095_final_.plat 1 OF 1 ' (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)h CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. N 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York I1a01 L� I tel. 631.727,2303 Pox. geng 31ering. 144 �„ �m admin® oun en Ineer(n com f/lAR 2021 Mit4 wwt� L___gyW E ! Southold_1own Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor _ Planning Boars! Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer ` s S "xry0 ' Robert G. Tost, Architect yP� Robert Stromskl, Architect s � �b LoCAlls \\-�°N W MATTITUGK 51 TE DATA GREEK n,�i lUQ- nA;y. ih TOTAL AREA. = 01.2055 AC. OR 401,155 51=. O ,v S * APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON 8 KATARINA PEDER50N nT d 5 Vv * CURRENT ZONING = R-40 VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 TIE IN \N�°I,9 ZM ,// ` (�I 501°17'00"W 44.94' 02 543°12'20"W 190.42' / \ �� o tr r o KAT'S COURT ��a9 �oN o (Private Road) 1 / ,��G ° ti \ o\ry KEY MAP 1 I / a• / w >2, r c m 01`9 I wt � SCALE: I"=6001 // I I - / o~ S69°j I `��``' `c� Y 1 I r / o / ° 0, now or former) ./ o TDs 10" o o George Kaite & Sz X111 r No �-�� \ A 2j 0 z Anthoula Kaitery PANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION _ _ „ Q m �I,, "ve' 6 �`� 5750�5' THI5 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THI5 5UBDIVI510N PLAT HAS BEEN r O i i i i \ ,'1,/���. r seL 2t��` 11 50"F C1• __ ,,d r ��O ti° I I 1 \ p- + T C2' 4.82' APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. NATIJI�AL OR �\� r I \N N �1 ! __PLANTED rn a/ +\ ��/d +Ise�`•� ��vidii Io w \0 / �� VEGETATED-34_�y\ ��\ \� //� �� DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY--------------------- / \ h o R A flUFFER r \cu \ 1 �r \ \ CHAIRPERSON l I I I \ ( 150' l i 32— l� I I 1 \ 20' / o N 11 301 \ ?pow or former) (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) s9 .� 11 r l l is - 1 1 o 10 I I r \ \ Y 25' 1\ I \\ 1, 11 °'� Geo a S.Cambourakis r �'v 1 / + "� - � \/ \ r X56� SgL Q .., I I 1 0 — �� AI \ \1 I \ \ r I + ` \— �o.. hI�OPEN SPACE 15p� \ ; 12Cllf�l� 11 PKEASEM ITIONi I _ `-; m ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION _ v „ . a \ \\ / XI T' at \ i r i \� +1 now or formerly 1 \ \ \ \ 1 / r I I • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SEWAGE /lo r r 0 I r �- r I I + Georges.Cambourakis � �\ rn I\ \ �_�-- i , I l / .•4 / RAI I / I � I I \\ ZO �\\ `\ \\-�� \\ �� �' // / i�� saL sF,��N / r ?41'1 i 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ DISPOSAL 5Y5TEM(S) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME \ �I 2 /`° / I CERTAIN A�REArS OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH c \ \ \ r 1 \ ( 1 / / / // / ,/ // / r r l / / / / /41 I I� I! 1 , // //// , j/ nma d ry L C31 I IJIII- I 1 / now or formerly + i I r I, I j / / I /�� °� 1 NO. LOT OPEN SPACE BUILDABLE HEALTH SERVICES CONS TANf)A IN / / 1• �' --" oull� STUDY OF THE SOIL, SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, AL 1 I r �`�� j ✓ � � / 1 \ � LOTS, A5 PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK �v , I 1 .VI I I 1 1 r / / . /,/ / rra� / / // o N AL ORI \ ���.� .,� / I r ATUR Jorge Pardo Living Trust 1 �>=T_-- , / °1p�,�r/ �' `. / i `�/ I LANTE VEG&�7ATEDi- 1 or former m EFFECT AS OfF THI5 DATE. now formerly I 222 603 5F 152 885 SF 6g 718 SF DEPARTMENT OF HE TRUG ON'S j I 1735, a Tib / i i/ ^� saL / r j �UFFE¢� 30 Niki Mangos 1 i II I i P89°571"401'Er / / �� , / 1 I I 1 1 2 101,806 5F 57,043 5F 44,765 5F 130.96/­�} / i r PEN SPA E \ \, 5 76,726 SF 35,545 SF 41,185 5F ° / r Zo 0, 9g N$9 57 40 E / i PRESERVA ON _ a1 _ - L ?EAStMENI ` 401,135 SF 245,471 5F 155,664 5F HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.5. L.5, NO. 455g5n THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 61455 \\ \\ \\1 \ I I + I\ I I 1 OPEN SPACE �l i/ \� // / 250.00 I �� /so.00 OPEN SPACE = 245,471 SF / 401,135 5F = 61.290 DOUGLA5 E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 80887 aux BR 1 1 11 III 1 1 \\ 1 1 1 \ \ 1 1 + I 1 I PRE6ERVATON I i / ,/5899�7�40"W 1300.09'now or formerly p I \ 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 i / 9 ells& I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E�SEMEhbT I / r �/+'64° Carmella Lim g Salvatore Gervasi I 11 1 i rill it i i l r l i i I 1 i � now or former) � \\ 5UR\/EYOR� CERTIFICATION o - _- 1 1 j I r I /// / / I r 1 I r \ Q` Y \ \ "1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THI5 PLAT / I I I I r \�// / r 1 I I 1 1 I I \ , He li�oraitis \\ \ I COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF m an I 1 1 1 I / , r 1 1 1 I r I I a / \ \ s _- g / 1 / , \ , / / r r 1 I I / \ 1 SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF �, /� / \\ \ \ now or formerly LIMITS OF GLEA�RING SCHEDULE THE N.Y.5. TOWN LAW 4 ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G OF' OWN now or formerly - , / I i r I / GregPepe� ` \ \ p OF SOUTHOLD." I I I I 1 1 \ \ 1 ou �i LEGEND II \ I I I \ +\ 1 \\ 1/ \ \\ LOT LOT SIZE PERMITTED CLEARING "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WA ADS BY ,,k6TUAI�. w ro ie.e I I 1 1 x w n.el _ 7.eo f.., 5URVEY5 COMPLETED _ AND j If�7 LL GONGRE'T;E•• S89 5Tf 40 ((V \ 464.89 - , _ _ I 222,603 5F 15% OR 83580 5F — yr N _ P " �e ` MONUMENTS 5HOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E T I�D�THEIR.f'O51f1� S s EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT _ _� - -�- I I \ 2 101807 SF 2590 OR 25,452 SF ARE CORRECTLY 5HOWN AND ALL DIMEN (ON LT�AND"GEODETIC i - I + \ \ 3 76,726 5F 35% OR 26,854 SFCORRECT." WDF =WOOD FENCE , \ DETAILS ARE C ,- CLF =CNAIN LINK FENCE I I now or formerlyI \\ I �' � 1 I ` 4a.e4 _ _ r t, 1,. 10 WIF =WIRE FENCE Y I no or former) I ` • VLF =VINYL FENCE Paul isthos&Thalia I now or formerlyCatherineJenn Kaklensa& 1s \ (,�S �r I , 3 DI =DRAINAGE INLET Papas Misthos , Alvin Horing& I now or formerly I Dimit a Andreou I I I HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y,S. L.S. NO. 45893 11,41) LA PSD PO =ROOF OVER 1 , , Beth Dzenkowski I I Barbara E.Horing , SBL =SETBACK LINE I I Lot 2 Lot 3 I Lot 4 I I I + SP =STONE PAVEMENT Lot 5 UTILITY POLE I Subd[vision i "AcLyavlew Park -I Suffolk County File Np. 5621 CM5 =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET 5UBDIY1510N WS =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND MARK 1 RK PEDERSOi � 4 WSS =WOOD STAKE SET I"If� I� WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND E IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND , I I I I KATARI NA PEDMR50N l =LIGHT POLE I I RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND I I i I I of East Marion, Town of Southold ' Q =BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION I I I I I Suffolk County, New York Da De = DITCH BANK I I I I I N 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION - _ - > + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION I I -• =PROPOSED CONTOUR , F I NAL ROAD 4 DRAB I NAGE PLAN :... ....... ......•• =EXISTING CONTOUR I I + County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 =TRIBUTARY AREA I OL MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD Record of Revisions REVISION DATE V 0 J C O m • 100 O 50 100 200 300 Scale: I" = 100' eL JOB NO. 2018•-0095 DWG. 2018-000g5-final-road-drain I OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE.CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TIRE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)h CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREDN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. „�,.,m•„ 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 110101 ED 4858 r_.-- -_._ tel. 651.727.2505 fax. 631.-12'1.0144 4940 �Op _ I admin®youngengineering,com N or TEST HOLE DATA ?? MR 021 Southoid Town oil 4" Planning Board 1$ OP 48 4j \ Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor x g 48?7 � 48.4? �y9 x 4 .>0 4855 BROWN oo Douglas E.Thomas 0. Adams, Professional Enert, Professional gineer ineer 48- 4g?� LOAM w E HP a BRo) 1.0' Robert G. Tost, Architect 0*14 65 SANDY Robert Stromski, Architect ,,. SILT q (ML) a_ 45.98 6.0' 48.44 /016 . BROYVN HIGH POINT ELEV = 48.65 �1& p P (M) 511E DATA k 47.1 .' IP SAND HIGH POINT STA = 0+14.42 S F01 3 a F RCPCS 50.0' PVI 5TA = 0+25 47.sz GFy I 1t lRF F� BROWN TOTAL AREA = q.2088 ALG. OR 401,135 SF. PVI ELEV = 49.00 / o+ 43.93 FINE TO A.D. _ -6.01555 / 48'34+ s� * APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON 8 KATARINA PEDERSON K = 7.2093 1 (st') LOW POINT ELEV = 58.26 / 1 / 57.0' 50' VG LOW POINT STA = 2+60.58 KAT, S COURT d� / / / t ' / * CURRENT ZONING = R-40 PVI 5TA = 2+50 N � / / VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 o(� r PVI ELEV = 5"1.010 i ° ° � (Private Poad)-.,- o , 41.37 + 1.0 / \ + �0 O A.D. O�t EXISTING K = '1.20015 GRADE I 1 39/ I I DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 4 CALCULATIONS tu PROPOSED tr1 50' VG ° / I I �3 / / 39.1 1.69 / I 1n I I / 2 / 1 ` GRADE N m N m // / ' 1 f LF.y A AREA OF TRIBUTARY (S.F) _494 O O v v l� 11 l l v/ I 40 g' S 1 \\ \ G = RAIN F LL (FT) RUNOFF PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION W \ \ 39.61 Dong-elf 39.22 + \ :2.0096b 1 \ w 39.03 TH15 15 TO CERTIFY THAT TH15 5UBDIV1510N PLAT HAS BEEN LU z 40 Sd / �\ \ 38.02 TRIBUTARY AREA APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. Q w 0 z 1• _ A = 44,150 5F K N / I i 1 l 6 e G,pq 1 - \ DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY--------------------- z z �4 \� 6818�� NATURAL OR �\ 35.58 REQUIRED VOLUME CHAIRPERSON 'oo 38.96 _ PAVEMENT: 6,655 S.F. x 2/12 x 1.00 = 1,1001 G.F. (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) d / PLANTED- 38. 4 WI T� 50.49 I 1 , _3 - `/ VEGETATION: 57 4015 S.F. x 2/12 x 0.10 = 625 G.F. / 1 j a \ I T 1 _ - _ _ _ 7 3 \75+ / TOTAL VOLUME REQUIRED = 1,'134 G.F. DA 50ELEV / \ 1 I I I c 8�drq� o / // VEGEI�ATE�-34- \\\ 1 / / - PROVIDED VOLUME 52.18 / \ O' 1P N % I I �.k �l��I �\ \ I V / USE LEACHING FIELD NO.I ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION T- �rr m ° / u� d- oT I o B_U F FER / 1n U) �►- N 1n m m O o 000 1n 0)m w m N 1- m �� \ �, ° ( i 6 - -,32- OD \ \ I (7) 8' DIA. x 6' DEEP POOLS = 1,774 G.F l l I I / I 1 F p S / -32- OD v� �r LO\p 't ti) C N �- o° nm '% gyp 61� LA n \S� ro �U •t v m m �� / / I 14199 o- I 1 I H�,o� / 1 I I I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SENAGE 62.36 //\��' \ \ I I ( I I \ I ` d�lq I >\ I I I / DISPOSAL 5Y5TEM(5) FOR TH15 PROJECT WERE DE5IGNED BY ME / 581 nJ,q� ' I \ / OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 ( / 56.23 I o 1 qv'�� �prp I I I I / STUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL v \ \ \ o (SO�c `36 ,r/v I I l LOTS, A5 PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK `42,80 \ \ e beer 'od G� I I I I ` \ I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CONSTRUG ON°'5TAIACDA IN / 1 I 58.34 0 / I I I /0W�' EFFECT AS OF TH15 DATE. I1 � 57.591 I I 43.98 \ I 1 1 I OPEN SPACE / N� PP-E ERVATION ► PRIVATE ROAD EXTENSION PROFILE \ I / I 45$6 I I � 9 omlgly \ \ 59.35 ' 150 `'r�p17 45.48 1 I I I I 1 1 EASEME T I - HORIZONTAL SCALE: I" = 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 10' \ \ 56.67 J/ "`. RI 4516 HOWARD W. YiOUN(5N.Y.5. L.5. NO. 458013n . 56\47+ /� 5.81+ +45 THOMAS G. NOLPERT, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 61483 \ \ \ 5 4+ / /ky0a� / 46.14+ / / / / / O I / I I I I I 1 FOR INSPECTION POOLS USE DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO, 80897 CAST IRON FRAME 4 COVER \ I \ \ 1 54.29+ / / / / / / / / / / �''V/9 / I I I / f CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO.10070 OR APPROVED EQUAL. /+53.84/ 49 OR.S�IED / / / / / / I I / / �6N l l / l l 1 I l SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON TH15 PLAT COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF s SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT A5 MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.5. TOWN LAW k ARTICLE XVIII OF THE C. OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD." "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH15 MAP WA ADE�.BY"ACTUAL�,."ti sl 0 0 00 �:,;; . ` 5URVEY5 COMPLETED _ AND 5-4 PRIVATE ROAD GRADING 4 DRAINAGE PLAN DRAINAGE ga gpg MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E 5f`AND'THEIR P051TION� s .OnItA4 5-,q ARE CORRECTLY 5HOWN AND ALL DIMEN 16NAL AND_�G DE71,C, i SCALE: 1" = 50' " _�, t L DETAILS ARE CORRECT. ' . 1 LEGEND i - I s_ t i FOR LGB#I.I $ SAFE OVERFLOW EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT WDF -WOOD FENCE _. CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE USE CAST IRON FRAME GRATE PRECAST CONCRETE HOWARD W. YOUNG, N. L.S. N . 458013 P CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. WIF =WIRE FENCE 3407 OR APPROVED EQUAL. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB AS VLF =VINYL FENCE MFG. BY SUFFOLK GEMENT DI =DRAINAGE INLET OR APPROVED EQUAL. RO =ROOF OVER oo SUBD I V 1 S 1 ON SBL =SETBACK LINE MARK PEDMSON 4 SP =STONE PAVEMENT UTILITY POLE EDGE OF Ts.:a :•, e CMS =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET PAVEMENT KATARINA PEDERSON CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND 4' TOPSOIL at East Marion, Town of Southold WSS =WOOD STAKE SET 2 COMPACTED o WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND 50' ROW WEARING COARSE SEED I Suffolk Count New York N IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND 5/4" STONEBLEND y� =LIGHT POLE 1/4 i GROUT AROUND CF REBAR&CAP FOUND I 25-O" 5'-O" QENTIRE PIPE D FINAL ROAD 4 DRA I NAGE DETA I L5 BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION 0 DB Ds DITCH BANK _ .(/�) `O Count Tax Ma District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION 7-010'-O" ' " 8'-O" 8'-O" 7'-O" 10'-O° PY P P P Pv P P P P P P g PRECAST CONCRETE MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 D + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION _-_.fir:......._..............._..._ =PROPOSED CONTOUR BY SUFFOLK I 3" GROWN ;. > -„ OR APPROVED EQUAL. Record of Revisions .... ._. ._. _._. ___ =EXISTING CONTOUR ,. , , � ❑® =TRIBUTARY AREA SL >; ❑❑ REVISION DATE 13 E9 �4" RECYCLED CONCRETE AGGREGATE (NY5DOT i/4I `} 1 /.3`O / SPECIFICATIONS) COMPACTED BASE COARSE 2' IN. o 8.On 4" TOP501L 6 STABILIZED SOIL BASE C d SEED M4X GW EL 0 STONE BLEND ROADY4AY SECTION STONE BLEND PAVEMENT SECTION LEACHING POOL loo 0 50 loo 200 Soo in NTS NT5 NT5 p Scale: As Shown a JOB NO. 2018-0095 DWG. 20I8_00o95_fIna l_rood_droin 2 OF 5 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY 15 A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)k CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 50 4g 40 8 s8 FpP "- - - - - +® C _ 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York IIc101 Ntel. 631.'127.2303 fax. 631."12?.0144 STONE PAVEMENT MIN. 4922 6rr - 0 2021 admin®youngengineering.com EXI5TING F 8 LIAR GROUND 2 S.7 PAVEMENT Op 482j 4,�\'` 48 42 Y - GENERAL POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES °' '` ' --': n STABILIZED _ �y9 48.20 48S Planning board `V' y' / y `h�� /,,;�h� /� �;:.• �e �. CONSTRUCTION 4$ x 4e2� s Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE NYSDEG GENERAL �.�..•./�r�'y'� �� � }e:h�;�P. STORMWATER PERMIT, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION z_ MOUNTABLE BERM ENTRANCE w !-/p Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED FILTER CLOTH (OPTIONAL) l Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer TO, THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE EMPLOYED DURING CONSTRUCTION: PROFILE �7 j g 0*I4. 48 65 O 42 Robert G. Tost, Architect 2 �,rc Robert Stromski, Architect I. EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED (BY z, .�: 45.98 � /"` 'w , INSTALLATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCE OR OTHER APPROVED 50' _ I �:; 48.44 MEANS) AND SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED. MIN. r� b c 2. CLEARING AND GRADING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 50 A5 TO WASHRACK N z ���PE 471 CONCRETE SITE DATA MINIMIZE THE EXTENT OF EXPOSED AREAS AND THE LENGTH OF (OPTIONAL) GP 7 "I WASHOUT onRt4. , TIME THAT AREAS ARE EXPOSED. GRADED AND STRIPPED. S TEMPORARY 47.82 Gf ' AREAS SHALL BE KEPT 5TABILIZED THROUGH THE USE OF -;`; STOCKPILE AREA o� x r� 43.93 TEMPORARY SEEDING A5 REQUIRED. SEED MIXTURES SHALL BE IN �\ . `, ;' , ,:... : ' "::`: ;'::: �: ":,` h , AREA 48.34+ TOTAL AREA = 1.2088 AG. OR 401,135 5F. ACCORDANCE WITH 501E CONSERVATION SERVICE r� 1 ; MIn.,.i;. EXISTING RECOMMENDATIONS. IN AREAS WHERE 501L DISTURBANCE HAS EX15TING , p '. , - . •. - PAVEMENT * APPLICANT = MARK PEDER50N 8 KATARINA PEDERSON TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, TEMPORARY AND/OR GROUND �'"�; � {EPA`TE.;;i'=•p`;V.•"_s; ;;• " .; AT,S COURT co / PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED F �. -`_w K i cb I AND/OR IMPLEMENTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. / / SILT FENCE I (Private Road} / 4/7 + 0 / \ CURRENT ZONING - = R-40 3. THE LENGTH AND 5TEEPNE55 OF CLEARED SLOPES SHALL BE I PLAN z u� a VERTICAL DATUM - NGVD 88 MINIMIZED TO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITIES. RUNOFF SHALL BE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT 11 1 DIVERTED AWAY FROM CLEARED SLOPES. TRAPPIN 7 DEVICE SEE NOTE 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE TRAPPED ON THE SITE AND NOTX3974 1'69 I I PERMITTED TO ENTER ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR PUBLIC ROADS OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION NOTES START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. I. STONE 51zE-USE 2"STONE,OR A RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. 2. LENGTH-NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). I / / 1 / / \ 39.61 5. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED 3. THICKNE55-NOT LE55 THAN 6". 39.22 TO PREVENT 501L AND LOOSE DEBRIS FROM BEING TRACKED 4. WIDTH- I2'MINIMUM BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR 39.03 \ EGRESS OCCURS. ONTO LOCAL ROADS. THE CONSTRUCTION =NTRANGE SHALL BE 1 5. FILTER CLOTH-WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE. I / / I 1 3 �� \ MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE 15 PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 6. SURFACE WATER-ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTIONn� �\ 38.02 ENTRANCE SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING I5 IMPRACTICAL,A I I / I I -(J / zq \� MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:I SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. 38 6. ALL RUNOFF SHALL BE RETAINED ON-51TE IN ACCORDANCE 6 I• - 3 7. MAINTENANCE-THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL I � I I I I B GR 1_ „ _ WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS AND APPROVALS. DRAINAGE INLETS PREVENT T2ACKIN6 OR FLOWIN&OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY.ALL SEDIMENT q 6 __'800 _ INSTALLED ON-SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED,OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT5-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED 9 81 D \ \ IMMEDIATELY. k �4 3800 NATUR-AL OR �� 35.58 BUILDUP THROUGH THE USE OF APPROPRIATE INLET PROTECTION. 8. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED EVERY SEVEN(7) / 1 kA�Da I \ 'o0 �� 3g.96 - CALENDAR DAYS. / _ \\ -1. THE FOLLOWING MEANS SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL DUST 50.49 I 1 0 I ��#` PLANTED _3 3 75+ 36. 4 H/I \ DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. WATER-DOWN ACCESS WAYS, / 1 1 I 1 1 `� \ I �` 1 - - - \ / STOCKPILES, AND MATERIAL PRIOR TO LOADING; B. LIMIT ON-SITE / \ I I 1 I 1 I I dTq� // VEGETATED-34_ VEHICULAR SPEEDS TO 5 MPH; G. PROPERLY COVER TRUCKS STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 0 1 ° (9 QF \ CARTING LOOSE MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. NT5 52.16 // \ o OD N I �lq k �(7�1 Q BUFFER i 6 OF Qhs / -32- _ \ \ ► / I \ \ 8. SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES + 3.16 _ _ m I I5n L' �/� J I \ \ SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL UPLAND D15TURBEO AREAS ARE \ / `��j \ i I / I I I \ I 1 1/op6tl PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. FOLLOWING PERMANENT 52.36 // �'' \ I I I 14199 I ° l I I \\ \\ ,p I \ STABILIZATION, PAVED AREAS SHALL BE GLEANED OF 501L AND \ / 58 2�4 I I I \ 1 \ \ 1 GRgI, DEBRIS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE GLEANED AND / 58.23 1 FLUSHED AS NECESSARY. I __3 PIP I I I I I ON 3 SLOPE / / \ I W I I II I 1\42.80C14 \ \\ \ ° \ �sQ fe b6 pa lNG I I I I I 1 \\ ci. PROPER MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 15 TO MAX. 1 I r0 / I I I \ I er0 I ,�O/ 1 I I I I \ 1 1 \ BE PERFORMED AS INDICATED BY PERIODIC INSPECTION AND I / / I i 58.34 0$ 57 591 I I I i \ \ 1 w)I , AFTER HEAVY OR PROLONGED STORMS. MAINTENANCE MEASURES 1 / I I w \ \ I OPEN SPACE \ \ I I i 43.98 ARE TO INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, GLEANING OF CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE NQ 1 I RECHARGE BA51N5, 5EDIMENT TRAPS AND DRYWELL5, GLEANING AROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER 1 / \ I I I \ I 1 / PRE�ERVA\TION I AND REPAIR OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS, REPAIR OF BERMS AND OF STOCKPILE I I \ I I / I 456 \ 1 I I I RUNOFF DIVERTER5, AND GLEANING AND REPAIR OF INLET Q I I I \ I \ I 59.35 J / I vE�A`/ 45.48 I i 1 I I I I 1 EAISEMENT I PROTECTION DEVICES. < \ \ \ / 50 RI I 1 1 \ \ \S 56\47+ 56.67 T�T. +45.16 I I I I I I I I I 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY STOCKPILE c� \ \ O\ \ / /�X X5.81+ I I I J I 1 I 1 GRADE \ \ / / I WITH ALL LOCAL REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE DISPOSAL OF -n \ \ \ 5\6,,3,v _ J /kfp 46.14+ / SOLID WASTE AND DEBRIS AND TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS WASTE, \ \ \ \ \ - / / / / / / /�A``'// I I I I I I 1 AS WELL AS SANITARY SEWER AND SEPTIC 5Y5TEM REGULATIONS. \\ \\ \ I \ \ 54.29+/+/ / FR.s / �S �' 11. CONCRETE WASH-OUT OF READY-MIX TRUCKS IS NOT \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ / 53.84/ /49.01 S�IED // �/�A A o PERMITTED AT THIS SITE. a 42.39 \ \ \ \ \\ I / I - A/f UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION NOT�5 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE NECE55A�RY RECORDS OF I.PROTECTION OF STOCKPILES IS A YEAR-ROUND REQUIREMENT. 42.45 / C CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, PREPARATION OF INSPECTION 2.STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 50 FT.FROM I I I I I I I / / / / / / / / 1 / 5I T FENCE CONCENTRATED STORMWATER FLOW5,AND INLETS. / / / 1 / a, REPORTS, AND REPORTING RELEASE OF POLLUTANTS TO THE 3,WIND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE USED ON ALL STOCKPILES I I I I I I / / / I / / / \ ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION al PROPER AUTHORITIES A5 NEGE55ARY TO COMPLY WITH THE AS APPROPRIATE. NYSDEG GENERAL 5TORMWATER PERMIT. THE CONTRACTOR 4.REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE PERIMETER CONTROLS AS NEEDED,OR AS I I I I I / / / / \ DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. I I ' I I / / / / l I I NATUkAL ORI SHALL REPORT ANY REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THE SWPPP I rn 5.SEDIMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION REAGHS ACTIVITIES ITATEP TO TBHE EINGDEERNDOR REVISIONITIONS OR CONSTRUCTION TRHE SWPPP ONE-THIRD(I/3)OF THE BARRIER HEIGHT. LANTE VEGETATE I WHERE APPROPRIATE. TEMPORARY STOCKPILE I l l I I I ! seg , /l Il II , i I§UFFE \ R. o / o \ \ ��i6ZD�• HAY BALE OPEN SPA E BERM SAND BAG / 44 sa I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 / l / // / / / / / P�ESERVA ON I I ' THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 �.';' ,.r COMPACTED 1 \ \ 1 \ I I 1 I I I I l BACKFILL WOOD FRAME \ +44.77 \ \ I I I / / / / / / / / EAS�MENT \ SECURELY I PLASTIC FASTENED AROUND WOVEN WIRE FENCE j `3, 1i l LINER ENTIRE PERIMETER \ \ \ \ \ \J I I I I I I / / / i� / / / I 1 SUBDIVISION TMARKFILTER CLOTH PEDER50N 4 SECTION A-A SECTION B-B 42.44 \ \ 1 \ I 1 I \ I I I OPEN SPACE / I �<ATARINA fi'EDR50N LATH AND FLAGGING BLOCK BN 1 \I 1 1 1 I �' I / 43.25 � UNDISTURBED DISTURBED ROUGH HEMLOCK 1 I I 1 I I I I PRESERVA ON I / / / J �45.114/ AREA FLOW AREA ON THREE SIDES TOP OF BERM FIR FRAME 42 Os 1 I I I I I I I I I / / / // / at East Marion, Town of Southold SAND BAG I I i 1 I I / / N _ 1 1 I i I 1 II I I I I E'ASEMEfT I i / / // ( �/+45.95 Suffolk County, New York N T I 41.20 z SECTION ® 0 0 II 1 I I I / III II I I I I / /I 1 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROL PLAN WOVEN WIRE F FENCE HAY BALE I I I 1 1 1 1+55.28 1 I I I I I I I I I I // / I / County Tax 'Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 a 8.00' I I I Ill I1 I / I 0 ® ® (� I I l/ I I I I I I I I I I , I 1 MAP PREPARED SEP. 23, 2020 PLASTIC - - 4o.ss 41 sl I I I I I I // // \ / l l I 1\ \\ 1 REVISION Record of Revisions DATE A A B B FRAME / // // \ \ \ v. _ ''a. ® ® SHED Z ® ® / // I\ / 1 I I 411 0�� a ELEVATION 100 0 50 100 200 300 GO "BELOW R GRADE" PLAN "ABOVE GRADE" PLAN / /i I 1 / / \ \ \ 1 _ _ / 48.16 36.30 37.61 \ \ 47.50 Scale: As Shown SILT FENCE CONCRETE WASHOUT 77_ - - - - - - JOB No. 2018-00x5 NTS NT5 3s.s7 - WG + D . 2018_000ct5_finol_road_droin 5 OF 5 � I I I 11 \, I \ (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(A)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)8 CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. LONG ISLAND SOUND N NOTES 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, Naw York IIQOI • THE APPROVAL OF THI5 MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE tel. 631.727.2303 fax. 631.72?.0144 " E AGCEPTENCE OF HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. odm'in@youngengineering.com q q W • A DECLARATION OF GOVENANT5 AND RE5TRIGTION5 HAS 4 +y 4 +1 e » BEEN FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN 1 N LIBER_-__GP____ 0o Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor S • THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED, CANNOT BE Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer ALTERED WITHOUTPERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, AND Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer LOTS MUST BE SOLD AS 5HOWN ON THE 5UBDIV1510N MAP. Robert G. Tost, Architect o Robert 5trom5kl, Architect W � E GERTA I N AREAS 51TE DATA o NO. LOT OPEN SPACE BUILDABLE gof Qv I 222,603 SF 152,555 5F 69,718 5F. o 0 or TOTAL AREA = '1.2088 AC. OR 401,135 Sr. SOUTHE N BOOL YARD S 2 101,807 SF 56,852 517 44,955 SF. APPLICANT = MARK PEDER50N 8 KATARINA PEDERSON 3 76,726 SF 32,098 5F 44,628 5F. 401,135 5F. 241,835 5F 159,301 5F. CURRENT ZONING = R-40 VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 R d w 0 OPEN SPACE = 241,835 SF / 401,135 SF. = 60.2990 0 Fr TIE IN / Via£ _ ) �° o' v` / 1IL 0 0 / FOR PRIVATE ROAD O 512025'00"V4 70.67 ~� COURSES & DISTANCES ! _ ���\,�p 30 ry o l4x .P v L,6 ," KEY MAP SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 1 j Z �, o I t a r ( // i i f�; ni ►cFN6so°. �` SCALE: 1"=600' u / a N now or formerly LIMITS MI T5 OF GLEARI NG SCHEDULE lo1p.1 a George Kaitery d IDF o A PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION ny C1 t I t fr LOT LOT 51ZE PERMITTED CLEARING ' r' t 1.'0 00• •� 575 1 222,603 5F 15% OR 33 390 SF I / t' 0 , I J ` /.___ ' ll4.8�$$O"� 2 101807 5F 2590 OR 25,452 5F TH15 15 TO APPROVED BYTIFY THAT THE PLANNING BOARD OF HIS SOUTHOLD N FLAT HAS BEEN o ( % PROPOSED 1� _ 3 76,726 5F 35% OR 26,854 5F 0 HO1SEA--ill ,\ / ! ,•�{ 3 l� '( 25 I DRIVEWAY i \ / M ��\�" - ------------------- t DATE OF APPROVAL _ BY '\ 11 I i \ (TOWCHA1N OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) SON 50' / ~I S, „�• � � ;• ; I ts' / Z � n�w or formerly �A-�0 s f { 15' !� h i 1 /� OPEN SPACE { O George S. Gambouokis EASEMENT I o \ 111 I � �/ l��' ( N4 I, ( � 1 / ! \ t '�.? ! �•�' 1-/ I i { { I � Q I.. 1 1VEis°"'`il ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 5l s } EXI T. �� r i ' r ti nor( or formerly Georges. Combourakls °N . r I I I I f TEST HOLE DANA, 1 , / f •, / , • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AND/OR 5EWAGE PRPOSEO l i l / 1 r / 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ DISPOSAL. 5Y5TEM(5) FOR THI5 PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME HOUSO& l i 16RA63:N6& OR UNDER: MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH DRIVEWAY/i iDRAINAGE o.o// I STUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION5, ALL j 11 I ! SBL / /, { DARK LOTS, A5 IPROPO5ED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK U� °; { I II! I i / ire/ / / O /i� I EASEMENT 1 formerly or Living Trust t OAMN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GONSTRU ON'STANDA. IN JorFordoII a ge �f f J (OL) EFFECT A!5 OF TH15 DATE. I� ' 1I t � now BOWOPEN SPACEI' A'=R�,. L, $ Niki Manos SILT iy SEMENTIor formerly SANDY = EA � 6.01 It BROWN A SILTY SAND HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45843n q^s,* ti It I / / r \ / j THOMAS G. WOLPERT N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 BLOCK BIN \ 1 I I ; ) _ _ _ _ _ _ DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N,Y.5. P.E. NO. 80897 CONC. { I s' f /250.00' 1 .-, 6.00' sa.,,^,�'"•t �;t`' �,'' I I OPEN SPAG�E forome I0 1i .. �` { i i 'I 1 11{ { i I EASEMENT I / /SSq°57'40"W X00 O' /` BRowN ao.o now or y_ 3Cr ellaor i Geg asi — { I /i ! { { { FINE TO Garm �l ! � / r / 5a1vot ' MEDIUM o Q ix { I I r l I I I i I a I I / j f J / / 1 I SAND { I I l l i // ' / I t r I I I { f /_ t O / i 1 (�) 37.01SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION i I { I 1 / j ? f / 1 S� now or formerl \ I now or formerly g _ -- / ' ' f j ; / I / Helen tuloraltls 1 Gre Pope "1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT m - - FRAM / I g p COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF - - SHE o / / t I / / / +� t I I I O O \ 1 TYPICAL PLOT PLAIN 5OUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO SECTION 278 OF THE N.Y.S. TOWN LAW 4 ARTICLE XVIII OF THE G -OFY r.4TOWN or formerly a /l / no Mar1e Dalli I { /l I \ 1 t.- OF SOUTHOLD. oI LEGEND "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WA 1�fAF�E$Y��GI''UA'`•,. s °"" + _ _ I I t I - - - - - - - - - - - SURVEYS COMPLETED AND THA ALL''GONGRETE O - - �8ci° x'40;W 464.8g' 1—'� - PROPERTY uNEMIN T ' MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY 1= ST.At�D'THEIR:POSIT�ONS ► s EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT�14 - - - t I .` WELL Z WELL ARE CORRECTLY 5HOWN AND ALL DIMEN IONAL-'ANI7 6EODETIG;.�. WDF = WOOD FENCE - I I DETAILS ARE CORRECT." CLF =CHAIN LINK FENCE VLF = VINYL FENCE I I now or formerly WIF =WIRE FENCE I I I or 4. a I no or formerly now or formerly Papaylannls, I �'' •. w ., HOUSE �. HOUSE \ DI = DRAINAGE INLET Paul 4sthos 8 Thalia I Alvin Horing $ I now or formerly I Jenny Kokleas 8 I HOWARD W. YOUNG, 5. L.S. 45893 '' PO =ROOF OVER I Pa as Misthos I Beth D=enkowski I ti 4 D - pp I Barbara E. Horing Dlmltra Andreou I 1 SBL =SETBACK LINE I I I I o z SP STONE PAVEMENT Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 = o. =UTILITY POLE 5ubdivi5l n - "Acpovloo Park" - Suffolk County File 'No. 5621 I I y SEPTIC a CMS =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET I I I I I I 1 — — — — — _ �' TANK (,LI SUED IV151 ON CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND I I I I s WSS =WOOD STAKE SET I MIN. = LEACHING POOL MARK PEDERSON 4 WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND I I I I I IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND I I I I KATARINA PEDERSON I =LIGHT POLE I I I I I I ' ROAD RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND I I I I I at East Marion, Town of Southold 0 0 = BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION I I I I I I I Suffolk County, New York I I I _ - I I I I I PREL I M I NARY PLAT I C3 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF 21 Block 03 Lot 15 I HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. County Tax Map District 1000 Section MAP PREPARED AUG. 20, 201 el SOUTHERN FOUL-\\/ARDRecord of Revisions DATE _________ R7=VISION DATE SETBACKS $ CLEARING OCT. 14, 2019 THI5 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROP05ED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR MARK PEDERSON&KATARINA PEDERSON IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH A TOTAL OF LOTS WA5 APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND 5EWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO CON5TRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE — TIME OF CON5TRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE / ® STANDARDS.THI5 APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION OR RECEIDEVELOPMENT MAP 15 DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THI5 - ---- ---------- DATE.CONSENT IS HEREBY 61VEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH 0 C T 2 4 2019 PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC.HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. m 100 O 50 100 200 300 Southold Town __-_____`-�_ —__WALTER DAWDIAK,JR.,P.E. - Scale: I" - 100' Planning Board DIRECTOR,DIV15ION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY JOB N0. 2018-0095 DWG. 2018-00095-preplat I OF 2 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EASTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)k CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, Naw York 11101 tel. 631.121.2303 fax. 631.121.0144 admin®youngengineering.com TEST HOLE DATA 4 � �0"� 01 Howard W, Young, Land Surveyor NDARK Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer LOAM Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer FOP (OL) 1.0' Robert G. Tost, Architect \ br A� Robert Stromskl, Architect r1 >Mr SILT (ML) 6.0' Bi20WN SILTY HIGH POINT ELEV = 41.11 LOW POINT ELEV = 38.34 ) 48— SAND 51TE DATA HIGH POINT STA = 0+35.41 LOW POINT 5TA = 2+56.26 0 « -:.41 PVI STA = 0+50 PVI 5TA = 2+12.50 HP �5 a� O PVI ELEV = 41.50 PVI ELEV = 37.15 O v g 49 IA 30.01 TOTAL AREA = 01.2055 AG. OR 401,135 5F. A.D. _ -1.60 A.D. = 1.60 ") O% 4t PINE To MEIA�I '�DI �V �i APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON $ KATARINA PEDERSON K = 5.21 K = 15.62 r N � •9 �- �� (� S 50' VG 150' VG Z [y \0 'V ,� O FG��� LAb �4, OoN * CURRENT ZONING N = R-40 VERTICAL DATUM = NGVD 88 tn O r 1 L 6 N 6 LG 00 DRA I NAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 4 CALCULATIONS %t4 m > } I j N 1 i / 1 ' 2.00 [u w v PROPOSED GRADE TRIBUTARY / % �`Q O O -� N 0 / V = A R C 6 o O O N cn >i: A - AREA OF TRIBUTARY (S.F.) � � EXISTING GRADE ry m BOUNDARY � / o � r, M � � � � � ,� m m °/�1 9 ^ 0(\I �, 6 , o 1 I �,� 1 R = RAINFALL (FT.) iPLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION U) w p GjN - o 1 G = COEFFICIENT OF RUNOFF } CV 0C) N O , a w — 2.009° w ao (J) M z I I I / / d Q 1 THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN 6 I TRIBUTARY AREA APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. < z 1 1 I l 10 / ; 0 0 A = 44,150 5F LU l N -� v� 342 _ LP;3 ►�` t I DATE OF APPROVAL -------- BY--------------------- $3 a U 1 Q z p �.. �1 / W S �2� 4 O CHAIRPERSON C C: Z 1 REQUIRED VOLUME (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) R60' PAVEMENT: 6,655 S.F. x 2/12 x 1.00 = 1,101 G.F. Q 0 Q I G� �� / 3 1 VEGETATION: 51,415 S.F. x 2/12 x 0.10 = 625 G.F. DA TUM ELEV 11.1-11 w I 1 / / / \ s� LS, 3S0 `� \ \ TOTAL VOLUME REQUIRED = 17134 G.F. 25,00 � �� �LCB#1.1 3 \ � � — —38— PROVIDED VOLUME ENGINEER'S GERTIFIGATION -f—GRATEl3-8:00- O USE LEACHING FIELD NO.I 00 F.� 170 N� a0 0� t11 Do o� Do o w o O� I I u1 O N� r o:c0 ZO m oT Q � N m I I I ,„ (7) 8 DIA. x 6 DEEP POOL5 = 1,7"14 0.F 00 to Q Lr) �1f1 On o ly °;� OD 0) ''QQ '� IE=34.00 v v th M m M M M / T�}�` ` \ 1 °"®� I I _ I \\ _ • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AND/OR SEWAGE - 60 OO LF#11 _ -36- �\ \ WIF /- _ DISPOSAL. 5Y5TEM(5) FOR THI5 PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME / \ TA �� 1 �'�'7 . 15 I I TOTAL OF (7) POOLS — _ — _ \ / OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 / I I — -34_ / \ STUDY OF THE SOIL 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL 8' DIA, x 6' DEP LOTS, AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK I DEPARTMiENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GONSTRU ON A IN 0 co 15' I o I-- 15" HDPE DRI{ANAGE 32— — I\\ \\ / / EFFECT A5 OF THI5 DATE. *'. ` 25' I PIPING (TYP) i I 50GRATE=3 .PRIVATE ROAD EXTENSION PROFILE i \ / Ole.overflow) IOPEN SPACE ird HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 10' o (EASEMENT I / 45513n',, w I I I \ \ \ I HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.5. L.S. NO. p/ / I I \ THOMAS C. Y401-PERT, N.Y.5. P.E. NO. 61483 °" ,'"`' °._ : `• v I I I I \ I I \ I I I I 1 \ \ FOR INSPECTION P001-5 USE DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 80817 I I \ \ I 11 I I CAST IRON FRAME d COVER I / I I \ w� I I I I / I I 11 I CAMPBELL FOUNDRY, PAT. NO. 10070 OR APPROVED EQUAL. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION E \\\\ \so\\ i �\ \\ / / I / / I GRADING & DRAINAGE EASEMENT "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT (MAIPTAIN POSITIVE GRADE TO / I I I I I COMPLY ,WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED PURSUANT TO 5ECT40W275-OF "OP EN 5PA�E EA5EMENT') I / I I I I ' THE N.Y.S. TOWN LAW $ ARTICLE XVIII OF THE r- 3,�oj= t01^1N. FR.SPED / / / / / / I / I � / I � OF SOUTHOLD." VV C, I HEREBY CERTIFY s MAP \ \ \ \ I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / `'' ; SURVEYS COMPLETED THAT TH 1 AND THAA ALL D OG RETi 1,Ah , Z� / / I DRAINAGE ° o o MONUMENTS 5HOWN THUS: ■ ACTUALLY E 5T AND THEIR-POSITION PIPE ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMEN 10`NALtAND,6EODE,TI0 LEGEND DETAIL ARE CORRECT. t F PRIVATE ROAD GRADING 0$ DRAINAGE PLAN J n EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT mnw yWua SCALE: 1" = 50' Cn1 ,. WDF =WOOD FENCE FOR LCB#I.I 8 SAFE OVERFLOW ARD HOWW. YOUNG, N.Y.5. L.5. NO. 45813 ND CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE USE CAST IRON FRAME 4 GRATE PRECAST CONCRETE = L CAMMPBELFOUNDRY, PAT. NO. WIF =WIRE FENCE 3LL APPROVED EQUAL. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB AS VLF =VINYL FENCE MFG. BY SUFFOLK GEMENT DI = DRAINAGE INLET OR APPROVED EQUAL. SUED I I S I ON RIO =ROOF OVER bo SP =STONE PAVEMENT UTILITY POLE MARK PEDER50N 4 T J� �I p y�� CMS =CONCRETE MONUMENT SET EDGE OF KA I hRl ISA 1-�D�RSOI� E CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND PAVEMENT WSS =WOOD STAKE SET I 2" COMPACTED 4' TOPSOIL WSF WOOD STAKE FOUND at East Marion, Town of Southold = B SEED IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND 50' ROW WEARING COARSE N =LIGHT POLE I 3/4" 5TONEBLEND Suffolk County, New York RCF =REBAR&CAP FOUND I GROUT AROUND PREL I M I NARY ROAD 4 DRA I NAGE PLAT o (D BOUNDARY CHANGE IN DIRECTION 25'-0" 25'-0" - i ENTIRE PIPE —"•�•—••—••—P.— = DITCH BANK o 38.50 =PROPOSED ELEVATION I '' I IO'_O" -�'_01I 8,_011 81_0u -tl_OII 101_011_^ County TQX MOP District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 + 38.50 =EXISTING ELEVATION PRECAST CONCRETE 36 =PROPOSED CONTOUR I I o 0 o P P v o 0 o P o ------36------ =EXISTING CONTOUR I DRAIN RINGS A5 MFG. MAP PREPARED AU ` Q BY SUFFOLK GEMENT G. 20, 2011 - ,' OR APPROVED EQUAL. Record of Revisions TA =TRIBUTARY AREA 3" GROWN % ,, •`, ,.::,. D® (i REVISION E:30 0 DATE SETBACKS, If CLEARING OCT. 14, 2011 /y 4X I ®❑ , �4" COMPACTED BASE COARSE I/4„:i CRU5HED CONCRETE S`pp� 2'MIN. 8-0 4” TOPSOIL /°3 /y b" STABILIZED SOIL BASE d SEED qX GW EL STONE BLEND ROADWAY SECTION STONE BLEND PAVEMENT SECTION RECE-Wff� LEACHING POOL m 100 0 50 too 200 300 NTS NT5 OCT 2 4 2 019 NT5 Scale: As Shown SouJOB NO. 018-0015 Planning Boaold r 2 Board DWG. 2018-00015-pre-road-drain 2 OF 2 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(3)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY.(4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. LONG ISLAND SOUND N NOTES 1*- E �I -ng 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 • THE APPROVAL OF THI5 MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE tel. 631.'72'!.2303 fax. 631121.0144 AGGEPTENGE OF HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. admin®youngengineering.com W A DECLARATION OF GOVT=NANTS AND RESTRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE 5UFFOLK COUNTY CLERK5 OFFICE IN \,� 1 LIBER----GP---- Howard K Young, Land Surveyor �o s THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED, CANNOT BE Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer c\ ALTERED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, AND Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer „ LOTS MUST BE SOLD AS 5HOWN ON THE 5UBDIV1510N MAP. Robert G. Tost, Architect m Robert Stromski, Architect o v a o T 5 TE DATA O omtcFe{-nnmtg TEST HOLE DATA o_ ,D TOTAL AREA = 01.25x6 AG t SOUTHE N BOIL YARD DATE S * APPLICANT = MARK PEDER50N 8 KATARINA PEDERSON 16, QU!'4 * CURRENT ZONING = R-40 V 6 00 O U V (3- * VERTICAL DATUM = NGYD 88 TIE INmanp 6 I. 512023'00"E •70.6?' �� l / 2 °y >4x V) I G 4� �'c=� KEY MAP I / + �Z o 1 , iE v 6 , �o � Lmmi 50ALE: 1"=600' now or formerly S0 0�os.o , lO o o George Kaitery 8 /'Y �/ 6 Anthoula Kaitery 71 o'• �� A00 ��4 O 0 "ro�� X38, f \ i I i \ II M 10 —34-I i I I I tP 3 114V �'� � rnl6I \ _ —3— ENGINEERS CERTIFICATIONrn77,745 5F\ 1noor formerly roS. GGeambourakis\ice LC 50' TYPICAL PLOT PLAN • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SEWAGE DISPSAL, SY5TEM(S) FOP, THISr �o I \ \ I i\ BY ME l �^ « OR UNDER, MY DIRECTION. BASED PON A CARED L AND ESIONEDTHOR UGH I / "LL I I \ I I I II I I J W d 1 O 1 •1 0{ N I 1 i I no or former) STUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL m "X. � \ \ \ / I I /n !I -I I J- I I-_-- I Geor e S. Combouyakis PROPERTY LINE LOTS, AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK 1 z �" I g \ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GONSTRUG ON_'STANDA IN w EFFECT A5 OF THI5 DATE. .._ c `'•. a< <. HED now or f°t '^r I O° o \1I Trust O W i -OUSE HOUSE ge rdo C .or a %� ti� / \ \\ I 63, 5115F I 1 / !1 N 2 i i _ HOWARD N. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 458g3n'. / ( \ \ now or formerly W �0 / \ / / / I I I t \! N W Ntki Mangos TA K° s ' THOMAS G. P401-PERT, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 ST i0 « DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 8089 a \ �— — '•' `/ `O a LEACHING I , _ — II 1 1 \ \ I I I I I I l � / / •� / y\ � /l / JI l I �1� � � \` 10'MIN. I� '�\ FUTURE � �l1 \�'7 „c1, 4/ ! W 1 9 ` l•---�13 }POOL 13 x / ,.G M .P 1 L MIN. (y_L I i I 5.3377 2E FE ! LEACHING i a CONC. �! \ \ \ \ l 1 :2'3:2,51 / /_ _ / I ! POOL \ I I I I III 232 511/5F I / \ / - ...... ------l-._.� BLOCK BIN \ / l /250.00' L 5 .00' e'� \ \ \ 11 I I 1 I I I I 1 i / / / - - - - - - _.._.._.._.._.._.._-._.._.._.._.._..�.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._-._.._.._.._.._.;................... SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION now or formerly II I II I 1 II o I I III \ I 11 I i1 /589 57 40 1NOIO.Ob WATER MAIN N 1/ ROAD Corm imOn ells — l d l /\ I I ' / J 11 "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THI5 PLAT COMPLY est L bervasl O� i I I I I 1 y / / Salvatore I l i I / I 1 i I I I I 1 I o l " 1 WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD." II 1 1111 / I I I IIII I I I / !� — 0 41 now or f/ormerlt 1 now or formerly "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED UTILIZING - - /! / I 1 Helen hlioraitis \ \ 1 Greg Pepe BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS MADE BY US AND/OR FRAM N - ' / I / I I� / // //Ii I // I l /'i UNDER OUR DIRECTION." SHE -1 or form y o / 7._ I + �.. II- 1 now palls \ / I D Trg........... _ _ _ �_ _ _ _ Morle / i N PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION /` { 464.8q' _ o THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. I \ now or formerly I I I Catherine a no or formerly I now or formerly I \ Papaylannis, n w or former) I DATE OF APPROVAL ---____- BY--------------------- Paul i�isthos 4 Thalia I Alvin Horing 8 1 y Jenny Kakleas 8 I I HOWARD N. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45893 ..,_..._ I Pappas Misthos I Beth Dzenkowski I CHAIRPERSON pP (Barbara E. Horing Dtmitra Andreou I i I I I I Lot 2 I Lot 3 I Lot 4 Lot 5 I I (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) Subdivision -I "A uoviciN Park" - 5uffiolk Gounty File No. 5621 I � I I I 5UBDIN/1510N i I I REC.EII _ - VED MARK PEDERSoN 4 I I 1 I I I �- E I I I , I APR 2 3 2019 KATARINA PEDER50N I Southold Town at East Marion, Town of Southold s I I I I i i I I Planning Board Suffolk County, New York SKETCH PLAN I I ' 1 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF 1 I I I County Tax Map District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot IS I HEALTH SERV I CE5 GREAT RIVER, N.Y. —$°"""�" � MAP PREPARED JULY 10, 2018 5OUTHERN i30U1-EVARD Record of Revisions DATE -------------- REVISION DATE THI5 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE FIROP05ED REALTY 5UB12IVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR MARK PEDERSON&KATARINA PEDERSON IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH A TOTAL OF LOTS WAS APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE 0151105AL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CON5TRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS.THI5 APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVI5ION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP 15 DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT 15 HEREBY SIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THI5 MAP ON WHICH THI5 ENDOR5EMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. 100 O 50 100 200 300 Do 0 DAWScale: I" = 100' YDIAK,JR.,P.E. a DIRECTOR,DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY JOB NO. 2018-0095 DWG. 2015_00095-sketch-A I OF 2 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USm TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(7)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY.(A)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(OP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. LONG ISLAND SOUND N NOTES 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, Naw York 11101 • THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE tel. 631.'72'7.2303 fax. 631.?27.0144 ACGEPTENGE OF HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. .121.2odmin0o3 fox. 631. 2"T.01om W 4 4 A q u + • A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN J LIBER----OF---- Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor S THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED, CANNOT BE Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer ALTERED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, AND Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer c nn LOTS MUST BE 5OLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. Robert G. Tost, Architect Robert 5tromskl, Architect W >> E m v. SITE DATA 0 TEST HOLE DATA SOUTNE N BOUL VARD DATE J01pW TOTAL AREA = 11.25116A C t S * APPLICANT = MARK PEPER50N 4 KATARINA PEDER50N rFR QU�4 • CURRENT ZONING = R-40 ! I w ' �, � � VERTIOAL DATUM = NGVD 88 TIE IN �O\� �� m ry o N� �a v 1. 512023'00"E 70.67' U! £°j / 0 uT r 2 0 1 L N / , O Q =6 KEY MAP �o. As ° , , m` SCALE: I"=600' i sod ^ IV6C7G/O, c U % `�=� •' now or formerly osoo lO% p p I George Kaitery ff �� a I ✓ /115, \ �l$O az Anthoula Kaitery nn >>o O 5-75 8 , s 01 z _ 43,280 SF. • 01 n64 or formerly ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 6 7S- Q Geor6e S. Gambourakis 1 ° req- -rolmn I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(S) AND/OR 5EWA&E con_ (� 43,634 sF \ N —1^ — — TYP I CAL PLOT PLAN • � 9 I � �-� DISPOSAL 51(5TEM(5) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME 11 ` '/ OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH \ ` '° �� 1 now or formerly STUDY OF THE 501L, SITE AND 6ROUNDWAT7=R CONDITIONS, ALL m � -.\\. 1 I 6eor a S. Gambourakis LOTS, AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK Z 1 ! 0 �- V? g PROPERTY LINE - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CONS TRUG ON STANDA IN rJ FRA E i 15,E / A - _ �; EFFECT .A5 OF THI5 DATE. n Z 7' _ _ / � ' 20 4 2 N _ SH o 42,187 5F / i no or formerly st O w /.\ wardo Living Tru ° i 1 - HOUSE HOUSE Jorge f N i I j / �._ - I i f _ L4. H WARP W. YOUNG, N.Y.5. L.5. NO. 45813n N ' ( / / 1 now or formerly .0 b i i I 3 i 6 6 SEPnC THOMAS G. WOLPERT N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 61483 i ,� 64• S 1 i P Niki Mangos is TANK is DOUGLAS E. ADAMS, N.Y.S. P.E. NO. 80817 311 (0 'PIP,o' i 47,1158 Si l 1 �^ ST ! FUTURE I / li ``� \V EUATOL G MIN. 13 t ING LP i i _ `t� / LEACH , ` CO C. �11' <N� �l L.—•---•—•---•------- POOL BLOCK BIN• �a 66 250.00' ` 50.00' ` J._.— 1 1 o I I — — — — — — WATER MAIN —.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..J....._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.1...... _.._.._.._.._ now or formerly r I �\ I�� `.,-� 5811 57 T40"IN 3(OO.Ob SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION Garmella Umongelli I _ 1 ( 1 ROAD "1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS 5HOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY O 1 d 1 \ o // 15�� / WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD." Salvatore berva5l 1 , Q o _ _ �� — — N_ j !1 r 4 ' \ ` , L--•/ / 1.1 Q now or formeri�j 1 now or formerly "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED UTILIZING 44,766 5F I- I 15' 43180 SF ! Helen Moraitis \ 1 Greg Pepe BOUNDARY AND TOP06RAPHIGAL SURVEYS MADE BY US AND/OR .0 _ _ FRAME i \ N SHED \ UNDER OUR DIRECTION." ^ �-� — � 1 / ' j— j 1 �O >to OUR4; 3 formerly Q L.L._ L.—.-._.-.-._._._--._.- 1 now or o ` j/--------_.?.�---- } m \ 1 �` , _ ,•.,_ s 222' 243' _ _ _ _ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION , - _ - - Sea-5(7'40"N 464.811' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN I I I I APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. I now or formerly I I Catherine ` no or formerly `<; a 9 Paul Isthos d Thlia I now or formerly I now or formerly ( Papaylannis, I DATE OF APPROVAL -------_ BY_________ 1. } I I Alvin Horing Beth Dzenkowski I Jenny Kakleas 8 I I I ------------ HOWARD W. YOUNG, NYS. L.S. NO. 458x3 1 Pappas Misthos (Barbara E. Horing I Dimitra Andreou I I CHAIRPERSON I I I I Lot 2 I auavieiv ParkSufLot 5 I Lot 4 Lot 5k County I I (TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) 5ubdivisibn - "A " - WFilo I I 1 1e Flo. 5621 I I 5LIBDIVIVON 1 I I I I I RECEIVED I MARK PEDER50N 4 APR 2 3 2019 KATARINA PEDER50N 1 I I I I I Sout of Town Planning Board at East Marion, Town 0f Southold C) I ; I I I Suffolk County, New York I 1 I I I YIELD MAP I — ' ; SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF Count Tax Ma District 1000 Section 21 Block 03 Lot 15 ' I ' HEALTH SERV I CEREAT RI VER, N.Y.G y p MAP PREPARED JULY 10, 2015 V 5O' THERN 50 uLE\/A`� Record of Revisions 1 DATE -------------- REVISIOhI DATE THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROP05ED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR MARK PEDERSON&KATARINA PEDERSON IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH A TOTAL OF LOTS WAS APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWA(SE DISP05AL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO 00145TRUCTION STANDARD5 IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRIJGTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS.THI5 APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP 15 DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT 15 HEREBY 61VEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THI5 c ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. m 100 0 50 100 200 300 a WALTER DA r(DIAK,JR.,P.E. SGa1e: I" = 100' DIRECTOR,DIVISION OF EWIRONMENTAL QUALITY JOB NO. 2018-0015 DWG. 2018_00015_yleld 2 OF 2 (1)UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS AVIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.(2)DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR FOR ERECTION OF FENCES.(J)COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY (4)CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. (5)THE LOCATION OF WELLS(W).SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS(CP)SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. LONG ISLAND SOUND N NOTES 1 --/fopttLT�(-IfoNla • THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York II901 AGGEPTENGE OF HIGHWAYtel. 631.727.2303 fax. 651.'72-7.0144S SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. admin®youngengineering.com • A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS HAS 4 4 A A W �)' e N BEEN FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE IN Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor o S THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED, CANNOT BE Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer ALTERED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, AND Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer m nrLOTS MUST BE SOLD AS 5HOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. Robert G. Tost, Architect o 5 Robert Stromski, Architect fi £ W � � E � J CERTA I N AREAS vt_ ,a01Ma 51 TE DATA o NO. LOT OPEN SPACE BUILDABLEarys I 222,603 SF 152,555 5F 601,718 SF. TOTAL AREA = 1.2088 AC. OR 401,135 SF. SOUTHE N BOUL YARD 2 101,807 5F 56,852 5F 44,0155 5F. S 3 76,726 SF 32,0018 SF 44,628 SF. APPLICANT = MARK PEDERSON d KATARINA PEDERSON P9 401,135 SF. 241,855 5F 15°11301 5F. 16 CURRENT ZONING = R-40 VERTICAL DATUM = N6VD 88 OPEN SPACE - 241,835 SF / 401,135 5F. = 60.241% TIE IN Q 512°25'00"W 70.67' U l V c KEY MAP �z a t SCALE: I"=600' �p1�JP 'C / %,/ I U t t- III) now or formerly O p o I George Kaitery 8 V Anthoulo Kaitery ��(� /70.00' c .n 57jrO�Jt-'rr n PIP °)� 0 Y I I rr 0 /� � �00 1 ,I ` - V� { L 25' , ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION i, t5' ab'y SBL rt t t i ,nn\bw or formerly OPEN SPAG ° 6eorc S. Gambourakis }� `F EASEMENT o o ! �' i l _ _ _ _ • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AND/OR 5EWA6E I I !` '� ! ' N �-� TYPICAL PLOT PLAN t 1! i ; I W DISPOSAL SY5TEM(S) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME -noWXa�uRKs I I II N� OR UNDER 1w1Y DIRECTION, BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SOIL, 51TE AND 6ROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL v noxi or formerly LOTS, AS PROPOSED CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK 40, � t I � 6eor a�5. Gambovrakis 4 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GON5TRUG ON STANDA IN /FR:Sp / f / / \ I �� I I I I PROPERTY LINE EFFECT A5 OF TH15 DATE. 1r / - - S - - - - 5' MIN , WELL � WELL a, Il --$'Yu now or formerly w Living Trust "OUSE HOUSE go Pardo Jor ' � v � SBL, ' , r i i / r _ _ r'" OPEN SPAGi HOWARD W., YOUNG, N.Y.5. L.5. NO. 45893n _ r ` now or formerly EA5EMENT _ w o Z THOMAS G. WOLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. h0. 61483 - ' I °� Niki Mangos DOUGLAS E`.. ADAMS, N.1-.5. P.E. NO. 80801TI SEPTI7 i66 y TANKC , I MIN. CONC. L 1 LEACHING POOL BLOCK BIN /250.00' 6.00' 1 - - - - - - 1 1€ I 1 ' `:l �58q°s�'4o°w 300 0' ,' ROAD SURVEYORS GERTIFIGATION now or formerly OFE�l SPACE inion t ; o i AS�MENT Garmella L 6e90agi O I ' I i j / "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THI5 PLAT COMPLY Salvatore / I ` i t I WITH THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD." I tl I it , now or ,formerly now or former) "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI5 MAP WA5 PREPARED UTILIZING ° - /t ' r i / 6` Helen Moraitis \ y _ _ _ - - j / j f / Greg Pepe BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS MADE BY US AND/OR s - - FRAM / I / / 1 I f UNDER OUR DIRECTION." rn f I t t 3 w or formerly 1 ! ` 11) noDa Ili Marie = I PLANNING BOARD CERTIFICATION 5801°5F7'40'TN 464.81' i I THI5 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD. '`�`"��. I I now or formerly I i Catherine \ o no or formerly I now or former) I Pa a Jannis, � I Paul T [ethos $ Thalia y I ndry or formerly I p y I I I DATE OF APPROVAL -_______ BY_____________________ I Alvin Horing 8 Jenny Kokleas $ I HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45893 1 Pa as Misthos i Beth Dzenkowski I CHAIRPERSON pp (Barbara E. Horing Dimitra Andreou I I I I I I Lot 2 Lot 3 I Lot 4 Lot 5 I I (TOWN OF 50UTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) I5ubdivisi n - "Aquavicr Park" - Suffiolk County File No. 5621 I I 5UBDIV1510N I I I I REC-EIVV MARK FEDEfiZ50N 4 TEST THOLE DATA MM 12 2019 KATARINA PEDERSON 00 Soutlrola Town I I I I Planning at East Marion, Town of Southold I I i i 9 Board Suffolk County, New York I I - 5KETGH PLAN AA I I ' ; I 51JIFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF 21 Block 03 Lot 15 s HEALTH 5ERVICE5 GREAT RIVER, N.Y. County Tom Map District IOOO Section MAP PREPARED OCT. 31, 2018 Record of Revisions SOUTHERN 13OULEVARD DATE -------------- REVISION DATE GENERAL NOV. ?8 LOIS THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR GLEAN UP NOV_ 3nLOIS MARK PEDERSON&KATARINA PEDERSON IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH A TOTAL OF GLEAN UP JAN- 30 '1Olci LOTS WAS APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE.WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS.THI5 APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT MAP 15 DULY FILED WITH THE COUNT'(CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE.CONSENT 15 HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH v PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. } 100 O 50 100 200 300 m ^� DIRECTOR,DIV151ON OF ENVIRONMENTAL-QUALITY Scale: 1" - 100' JOB NO. 20)18-0095 DWG. 2018_00095-sketch-AA I OF I