HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/1985 FOS P D LD T � Y S O1 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 Planning Board Minutes. The Southold Town Planning Board held a regular meeting on December . 2, 1985, Monday, at 7: 30 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. Present were: Chairman Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Member William F. Mullen, Jr. Member G. Ritchie Latham, Jr. Member Kenneth Edwards Member Richard Ward Town Planner David Emilita Executive Administrator Victor Lessard Planning .Board Secretary Diane 'M. Schultze 7: 30 p.m. Mr. David Ka ell was present tfeetsforsDuchanothe tlocated of . 11, 250 spore feet from 22,500 squarefeet before the Board at Greenport. An applicatiie was also pending of Appeals for the insufficient area DublinaRealtpell stalad.twho the property had been transferred to Wes would be proceeding with the s.lotsfinaanloldtsubdivisionaandlhetated that the lots were previously 1 was proposing to reseparatewould have anthem more yequal area formaly aoft11,250asquare . been subdivided. Each lot approval from feet. Mr. Kapell stated that they have wer for both obtained app The . the Village of Greenport for water and sehasservices from• the Village : house which is presently on the property ro erty to of Greenport. There will lse an easement ac serve reviewed withthe serve the other lot with the size of the surrounding Board the tax maps. of the area indicating the largest parcels. Mr.Kapell noted that ' out re 53 lots elltfelt rthat the therefore, Mr- Kap ell was 7 , 21 square feet,proposed would not create an impact pghborhood. creation of these lots as prop the on the environment e thatcthealots couldbesavailablegat ao�oewder Mr.Kapell also stated that rice of the prop cost. Mr. Mullen questioned the selling p lots. Mr.Kapell stated that no was set at this time. . s Planning Board Page 2 12/2/85 West Dublin Realty Cont. Mr. Kapell stated, however, that the price for the lots would be less than what an 80., 000 square foot lot would be sold for. Mr. Latham questioned the house and Mr. Kapell stated that the existing house will be restored. Mr.Latham had made an inspection of the premises, however, the other Boardmembers had not. Mr. Orlowski stated that the Board will make an inspection prior to any further action and will take everything brought up into consideration in anyrecommendation or action. Breakers At Island End -- Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. ,was present, as agent to discuss the site plan for Breakers at Island End located at Greenport. This proposal is for 350 condominimum units on 140 acres. Mr. Raynor stated that the present proposal reflects 3 2 years of work. Mr. . Raynor stated that a tentative contract is to be negotiated regarding furnishing water and sewer on -thesite which will. cost 12 million dollars for the upfront money for the contract. Mr. Raynor stated that he had brought a copy of the engineers layout for road profiles, drainage, sewage information which had been previously submitted to the Board for their review. Mr. Raynor noted that the plans reflected the changes as requested by the Planning Board and Suffolk County Planning Commission. Mr. Frank Ci.chanowicz ,Landscape Architect, was present to discuss the landscape plan he had drawn. Mr., Cichanowicz had drawn a bluff planting schedule and a typical unit landscape schedule. _Mr. Steve Hyman, Engineers was also present. Mr. Hyman and Mr. Cichanowicz came before the Board to explain the erosion controll on the bluff. The developers will also bond the project to insure that the bluff is preserved and stablized with minimal erosion. Mr. Cichanowicz explained that there ,is a 35% erosion on the bluff, and presented aerial photographs of the bluffs. He also presented a rendering of a typical cross section on the bluff. He pointed out the aea.s of the bluff that are stable and those that are crtical. Mr. Cichanowicz mentioned plantings which would. be brought in ie. black pines, small beach plums, spartina and rosa ragusa. Mr. Cichanowicz eestimated that it would cost between $75,000 and $90,000 to stabilize the slopes.Mr. Cichanowicz stated that most of these plants are on the site and they will be planted in the crevases and areas that are very heaviliy washed out.. Mr. Cichanowicz also noted that additional plantings will be required to inhibit pedestrian traffic .on the bluff. The slope will be l on 6 from the building units to the drainage areas. The pond areas will be planted with bayberry, briches, and beach plum to impede people from, going down to .the ponds and for aesthetics. Mr.Cichanowicz presented side and front elevations of the units. He explained that the fronts will have slight earth berms and the plantings will be set upto screen each unit. Mr. ward requested that a 50 scale drawing and planting plan be done for filing purposes as an overall plan. Mr. Cichanowicz stated that he will submit the supplemental plan and leave it for the Board to examine. Mr. Ward .stated that that plan could be a supplemental plan, however, another plan should be drawn for filing. Mr. Ward questioned if a sanitary layout had been drawn. Planning .Board Page 3 12/2/85 Breakers at Island End cont. - Mr. Hyman explained the plans show the drainage calculations and drainage profiles, however, no sanitary was shown because as of yesterday, .no one knew who would be doing the sewage the Village of Greenport of the developers. Mr. Ward questioned who would be doing it. Mr. Raynor stated that they were in a position to have the Village of Greenport approve the contracts. Mr. Orlowski stated that the Board was investigating the .possiblity of getting an engineer to review the plans and will know by tomorrow about hiring someone. Mr. Raynor requested that the Board refer the site plan to the. Building Department for certification since amendements had been made since the first certification. Mr. Raynor also requested that the Board determine a fee for the bond on the bluff erosion control program. Mr.. Raynor stated that the applicant is anxious to start a model on the site. Mr. Raynor also requested permission to let the developer start the rouggh cuts on the site for the model, however he did not think that they could beat the weather at this date. Mr. Ward stated that he wanted to see full site plans and full water and sewer plans prior to beginning any work Mr. Mullen questioned when the bond would be paid. Mr. Raynor stated that if it is a condition of approval, it will be paid .prior to getting a building permit.- Mr. ermit.Mr. Mullen stated that the problem .is the time frame since a bond runs for three years and the project will probably take any where from five to six years to complete. Then, the bond will have to be renewed. Mr. Mullen also noted that a fee of $5,000 would have to be put up in escrow for field inspections to' site. Mr. Emilita questioned the wells on. the site and Mr,. Raynor stated that there would be two wells. Mr. Emilita also questioned . if the drainage ponds will always have standing water. Mr. Hyman stated that they would always have about 3 ' of water in them. The Chairman advised the secretary to call the Suffolk County Planning Commission and advise them that the Board is in receipt of new plans. Mr. Emilita questioned if the ponds would be using potable drinking water because it would be a waste of good water. Mr. Hyman stated that the ponds will contain stormwater and if the Board has any ideas regarding this, they would take that into consideration. Mr. Emilita questioned if ,the roads would be maintained by an association. - Mr. Hyman stated that the roads will remain completely private. Mr. Hyman submitted six plans to the Board and the landscaping plans. Mr. Raynor will submit information on the cost of the bluff plantings so that the Board can determine the price for the bond. The Board will meet with Mr.John Raynor to review whether he can review the plans for the Board. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of Breakers at Lands End to the Building Department for re-certification. This site plan is for ocnstructio of 350 condominium units located at Route 25, Greenport. Plans dated November 1985 . Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Planning Board Page 4 12/2/85 On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, December 16 , 1985 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as the 'time and lace for the next regular PlanningBoard meetin . Vote of the Board: Ayes : Orlowski., Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Nicholas Schick Mr. William Ess eks, esq. was present for the , Board' s review of this proposal. This proposal is for a cluster subdivision of 20 lots on 47+ acres located at Orient. Mr. Emilita explained that the proposal had been through the SEQRA process and has had a public hearing on the preliminary maps and there was nothing stopping the Board from granting preliminary approval at this time. Mr. Emilita noted that there was no correspondence from the Countywith regard to approval of this parcel for water and this issue should be resolved, however it has nothing to do with the subdivision proposal before the Board. Mr. Emilita also stated that the applicant had 'fulfilled all the items requested to date. Also, with this proposal , the water and sewer cannot be addressed until the preliminary approval is granted since the County Health Department will not make a review until the proposal has preliminary status. Mr. Emilita cautioned the Board against accepting a final submission until the matter is resolved, with regard to approval of the water. Mr. Esseks stated that the water treatment and sewer must be approved prior to coming back for final approval. On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the preliminary map for the .ma 'or subdiv.isionof Nicholas Schick, located at Orient, for 20 lots on 47 . 950 acres in the cluster concept, map dated January 31, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Ward, Edwards Nay: Latham North Fork Country Club-w The Board reviewed this site plan located at Moore' s Lane (Linden Avenue) and Main Road, Cutchogue for re construction . of a Country Club to service an existing golf course. This application was also pending before the Board of Appeals for a special exception and a variance on the parking. The Board of Appeals requested the Planning Board' s recommendation with regard to the site plan. Mr. Mullen felt that the circulation was good because the access was off the site street. Mr. Ward stated that he had no objection to the parking layout and the applicant will be submitting a landscape plan. The Board did not have any objections to this proposal. The Board referred the following comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the site plan of North Fork Country Club: 1) The Board has no objection to the proposed parking alyout, since the ingress and egress will be on moor' s Lane. It was noted that the Board has Planning Board Page 5 12/2./85 North Fork Country Club, cont. - requested a :landscape schedule and to date has not received one. It was felt that proper landscaping would buffer the. parking. Sebastian' s Cove - The Board reviewed the report from Lawrence Tuthill, Town Engineer regarding the work on the road within this subdivision. The Chairman read the report as follows, to wit: "Gentlemen: I have made an inspection of the pavement and the Belgian Block curbing. The Belgian block curbs, the 212 " base course and the Iz" wearing course have been installed. It is noted that for some unknown reason that the 6" soil stablized base was not installed. It is noted that the timber guard rail at the circle has not been installed. It is also noted that there are excess side slopes on the east side of the road between Station l+ and 3+00 and about 70 ' on .the circle. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence Tuthill" On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded byMr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that. the Southold Town Planning Board accept the Town Engineers report regarding the road work within the major subdivision of Sebastian' s Cove, located at Mattituck, dated November 13, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards (It was noted that the acceptance of the report is not an acceptance of the road. ) Woodbine Manor - The Board will hold action on this proposal until they have made a field inspection to determine whether the roads have been constructed satisfactorily, and all other improvements. . The time on the action expires on December 10, 1985, therfore,. Mr. Fellinger-Ihar will have to request an extension or the Board may have to take unfavorable action. Estate of John. Simon - The Board reviewed this proposal which had previously received approval with conditions for a 4 lot subdivision on 81 acres at CountyRoute 48, Peconic. In the motion of approval the Board had requested that provision be made for a 50 ' wide right-of-way to be reserved for future dedication to the Town for a possible Town road. The Town Board has also reviewed this and has made it known that they are not infavorof this east/west road. Mr. Simon had expressed concern that if the road is developed he will be .left with a parcel that will not conform to the zoning and then have a lot on the sound which he can not build on. The Planning Board felt that the road would be a good idea for the future and covenants and restrictions had been submitting indicating. that any future lot created as a result of the road being built would be considered a building lot. It was also noted that the Town Attorney had explained that if a dedication is made Planning Board Page 6 12/2/85 Estate of John Simon, cont. and nothing improved within seven years, it reverts back to the owner. Mr. Emilita stated that previously the Town has accepted a floating area for dedication of the right-of-way and no specific deeded area. It was the consensus of the Board that this could not be required if the applicant would not agree to it and since the Town board was not in favor of it. On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board amend the final resolution of January 21, 1985 to delete conditions 2 and 3 for the minor subdivision entitled "John Simon Estate" . and authorize the Chairman to endorse the survey map dated Janaury 21, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes : Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Walter and Marilyn Gatz - Mr. HenryE. Raynor, Jr. was present as agent to discuss this minor subdivision of 4 'lots. on 24 acres at Sound Avenue, Mattituck. It was noted that. the Suffolk County Planning Commission had denied this proposal. Mr. Raynor stated that he felt that the Suffolk County Planning Commission does not understand that the Town of Southold has the power to restrict large lots with covenants from future subdivison. Mr. Ward suggested that the proposal be clustered. Mr Raynor stated that at this juncture he did not that it would be fair. This proposal was in order for a final hearingand it would not be fair to change it at this time. Also, Mr. Raynor stated that all of the lots were to be transerred to family members. Mr. Orlowski stated that the Board would review the covenants and restrictions in the file and did not have to take action with regard to the Suffolk County Planning Commission at this time, the file was in order, however, to set a public hearing. On a motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set December 16, 1985 at 7: 30 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of approval of the minor subdivision of Walter-and Marilyn Gatz located at Mattituck, 4 lots on 24 acres. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Breezy Shores - The Board reviewed this cluster proposal for 23 lots on 53 acres at Sage Blvd. , Greenport. Mr. Ward stated that he felt that the cluster was a good concept, however, it could be better by clustering tighter. He felt that this is a short coming in the code not to have tighter clustering, with same density and smaller lots. Mr. Orlowski stated that they would have to get the county health department to go along with� it because they require 40, 000 square feet minimum lot area for water and sewer approval. 'Mr. Orlowski felt that -- Planning Board Page 7 12/2/85 Breezy Shores, cont. -- the County may reconsider this and may be willing to discuss this. Mr. Raynor .stated that he would like to the Board to issue a ' .negative declaration on this proposal. Mr. Emilita stated that under the previous application for this property, the Health '! Department and Department of Environmental Conservation did not comment under the SEQRA review. Therefore, he would like' to openthat up again to .allow these agencies to comment. Mr.'! Raynor stated that the DEC is very backlogged and it would take some time to get comments. Mr. Emilita stated that because this is a revised project it will require a new Environmental Review. Mr. Orlowski stated that the Baord will review the Long Environmental Assessment Form and make a decision on the Lead Agency at the next meeting of the Board (December 16, 1 ,85) . On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it 'was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the sketch map for the subdivision to be known as "Breezy Shores" to the Town Board for their approval of the locateion of this proposed cluster. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Nick 'Ippolito - The Planing Board reviewed this set off of 5,500 square feet from22, 500 square feet located off. a private . road, Southold. The Board had previously denied this proposal and at the previous Board meeting the attorney for the applicant submitted more information to the Board. One item submitted was correspondence from a previous Building Inspector indicating that the lots were two separate lots. The Board noted that the right-of-way runs through the property and there is a house on both parcels. It was the consensus of the Board to refer ,the matter to the Town Attorney for a recommendation. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards John Zuhoski - The Chairman abstained from any ,discussion with regard tothis proposal since the applicant is a relative of his. It was- noted that the Board members are not in favor of the . ', surveys submitted, therefore, they will call the applicant in to discuss their recommendations. This proposal is for : a set-off of 8 acres from 41 acres at Oregon Road, Cutchouge. Norman McCullough and another - The Board reviewed this minor subdivision of 3 lots on 5 . 9 acres with insufficient depth located at Cox' s Lane, Cutchogue. This proposal was pending before the Board of Appeals and they were requesting comments from the Planning Board. An inspection of the premises had been made. It was noted that the lots conform to the minimum requirements in all other aspects. ,Tlsl Planning Board Page 8 12/2/85 On a motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the following comments to the Board of Appeals regarding the application for Norman McCullough and Antone Berko.ski, located at cox' s Lane and Oregon Road, Cutchogue: The Planning Board has no objection to the layout of this proposed minor subdivision and noted that the lots are conforming to the minimum requirements for lot width and lot size. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot- line change for Watsie Stepnoski located at Main. Road, Cutchogue map dated October 2, 1985 . Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Gretchen Heigl. - The -Board reviewed this proposal .to set-off 65,00 square feet from 3 acres at Sound View Avenue, Southold. This proposal was pending before the Board of Appeals, and they were requesting recommendations from the Planning Board. Mr. Michael Hall, esq. was present. Mr. Hall stated that they have applied to the Department of Environmental Conservation and were waiting for approval from them, although, he felt that they would probably have no jurisdiction. Mr. Hall also explained that the parcel is exclusive of a right-of-way, however., they have a deeded right to use the access. The access to :the_new dwelling would be along the right-of-way. Mrs. Heigl.. was in her fifties and planned to live on the new lot and her will live in the house. The Chairman questioned .the areas of the surrounding lots. Mr. Hall stated that he can get that information for the Board, however recalled that the lots inthe area are long and narrow. Mr. Orlowski requested a copy ofthe tax map for the area and Mr. Hall said that he will submit one for the Board. Upon receipt of same, the matter will be rescheduled on the next regular agenda. FIDCO To Schwerin and Franss.on- The Board reviewed these .lot line changes located at Fishers Island. Mr. Edwards made a field inspection of the premises. Mr. Edwards stated that he was in favor of the proposals since a building lot would be eliminated and the right-of-way would be to the center for easier access. Mr. Hall, esq. ws present for this -review and discussion. Mr. Hall requested the Board' s assurance that with' the Master Plan, the lots will not loose their status for building lots. The Board noted that these lots were on the FIDCO map accepted by the Town and would be considered as legal lots. - - _, __ Planning Board Page 9 12/2/85 FIDCO to Schwerin and Franss-on - Mr. Matheson who was also present stated that there is no right-of-way it is a paper road which is in held in title by FIDCO. This will stay in the FIDCO name and will be part of the road system to serve two more lots. Mr. Orlowski stated that . this road will have to be improved. On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded. by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot line change for Karl Franssonlocated at Fishers Island, subject to . 45 acres from land of FIDCO being deed and merged to land of Karl Franson.. Map dated May 29, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr.Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot line change for Thomas . Schwerin located at Fishers Island subject to . 63 acres from land of FIDCO being deeded and merged to land of Thomas R. Schwerin. Map dated May 29, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Howard Hoey - The Board reviewed this subdivision with one. lot having an insufficient area of 61,000 square feet located. at Main Road, Orient. This proposal was held over from the previous meeting since Boardmember G.Ritchie Latham was not present. It was noted that the Board of Appeals had. approved an area variance for the lot with- insufficient area.. However, the Planning Board felt that since there was 36 .6 acres .of farm remaining, there .was enough area to provide for a conforming lot. Mr. Latham requested that the parcel be amended to include two acres of land. It was also noted that there is a small house on the proposed lot. 'Mr. Ward noted that there was also a variance on the width of the proposed. lot. On a .motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board deny, without. prejudice, the sketch map for ,the minor subdivision of Howard Hoey located at Orient, Lot No. 1 with 61, 000 square feet and Lot No 2 with 36. 6 acres. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Cecil Young - The Board reviewed this set-off of two acres from 21. 971 acres at Main Road, Laurel. This proposal has insufficient depth of 2.48 . 71 .feet, 250 feet is required . on a two -acre lot. An application was pending before the Board of Appeals for the insufficient depth and they were requesting Y Planning Board Page 10 :12/2/85 Cecil Young, cont. - comments from .the Planning Board. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham., it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board forward . the following comments to the Board of Appeals regarding the set-off application of Cecil Young: The Board recommends moving the rear yard _line back 1. 29 ` to meet the required 250 ` lot depth and a variance. would not be required. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards The Board set the following new proposals for`.. a field inspection: 1. Leander Glover - 3 lots on 15. 6 acres in a C1 zone located at Cox Lane and Oregon Road, Cutchogue. This has received a waiver from the Town Board on the business moratorium. 2. Bertha Kurczewski - 2 lots on 1. 5 acres at Depot Lane, Cutchogue. Local Law on Accessory Apartments - The Town Board was proposing a Local Law. on Accessory Apartments and had forwarded same to the Planning Board for comments. David Emilita stated that he had reviewed the proposal and objects to Article O because it eliminates the Planning Board. The Chairman agreed with Mr. Emilita stating that the Planning Board should be able to review these. Mr. Mullen questioned Paragraph K because it was not known how the certificate of occupancy requirement would be policed and who would verify the situation. Mr. Lessard stated that a new certificate of occupancy would have to be applied for every year and they would know if there was a change of ownership through the assessors or if the Town acquired a computer. Mr. Lessard .stated that alot of history is slipping through the cracks because no one can remember as far back as is needed and- a computor is essential. Mr. Mullen stated that it is hard for the Building Department to keep up with the existing work and enforcement may be a problem, and he suggested setting up an enforcement office to help the Town with this. Mr. Edwards agreed and stated that the Town is loosing alot of money because they can not keep up with the assessements , etc. Mr. Ward stated that unles there is enforcements no one will have encouragement to come in because there are lot of illegal accessory apartments already in existence. On a motionmade by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board forward the following comments to the Town Board regarding the proposed Local ,Law on Accessory Apartments: -i - 3 Planning Board Page 11 12/2/85 Accessory Apartments cont. : The Planning Board has no objection to the proposal, however, they recommend that paragraph 0, which states that site plan . approval is not required, be deleted. ' It was also noted, that paragraph K, regarding the termination of a certificate of occupancy would be hard to enforce, since it is difficult to police deed transers or elimination of owner occupancy. The Board recommends that an enforcement officer be set up to aid in this matter. The Planing Board feels that with proper enforcement, this local law will be beneficial. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham., Ward, Edwards Land Use Plan of the Master Plan Map - On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board adopt and authorize the Chairman to endorse the Land Use Plan of the proposed Master Plan dated November 27, 1985 , in accordance with Section 272-a of Town Law. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards This resolution will be transmitted to the Southold Town Clerk and the Southold Town Highway. Superintendent along with an endorsed map, pursuant to Section 272-a of the Town Law, for filing in their offices. Harbor View - The Board was to grant an extension on the filing of the final map for this major subdivision located at Mattituck. The Board will take action .on this at a special meeting to be held on Friday, December 6, 1985. Costello re-zoning and Draft Environmental Impact Statement - In coordinating the Costello re-zoning from A Agricultural/ Residential .to M Light Multiple under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the Planning Board would like to go on record and comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The Town Planner, David Emilita, had submitted comments to the Planning Board and the Board concurred with the comments. The Chairman read the report as follows, to wit: Planning Board Page 12 12/2/85 Costello Draft Environmental Impact Statement cont. : "The Planning Board should go on record with regard to he Costello Rezoning DEIS. The Deis is basically very similar to the one prepared for the former annexation effort and so much o its project, however, . has potentially significant and different. impacts from the annexation and these need to be .addres ed. These are as follows: 1) "M" Zone vs "HD" District The M zone will not entirely accomplish the applicants stated ' desire, that is to produce affordable single family lots. Nor will . it in itself accomplish sffordable housing of any kind. It is thus recommended that the "HD" District be applied to this site as soon as feasible. Inthe interim, covenants and restrictions s should be utilized or a rezoning conditioned on the provision of affordablehousing as defined by the Town. 2) Impact on on-site well It has not been clearly demonstrated what effect that 1 0 dweliings on 48 acres will have on an on-site well in trms of recharge quality. Input from the Village water system a d the County Health Department wold seem necessary in this regard. Existing water quality in the test well is acceptable, but there will be a loss of recharge due to consumptive use and wastewater collection, and there will be an introduction of lawn fertilizers and other household contaminants into the recharged groundwater. The impact on groundwater, (and the on-site well) has not been stated. Input from the Village of Greenport' s water system and from the Suffolk County Deprtment of Health would also seem necessary in the event that one or both public utilities would prove to be unavailable. (A letter from the Health Deprtment on the annexation alternative is included in this DEIS. We don't feet this is acceptable as a review of this project under SEQRA) . In conclusion, we agree with the stated merits of the rezoning proposed, but some conditions need to be placed on it to assure the Town that the stated purpose will be achieved. " On a motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr.Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold .Town Planning Board accept the report of David Emilita dated November 25, 1985 and forwards these comments to the Town Boord to go on record with regard tothe Costello Rezoning Draft Environmental Im act Statement . Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards The"Planning Board introduced .Councilman/Justice Raymond Edwards, who .was in the audience. The Board was pleased to have Mr. Edwards sit in on the meeting. - _, Planning Board Page 13 12/2/85 Being no further business to come before the Board, on a motion made by Mr. . Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9 : 35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , airman RECEMED AND FILED BY cSOU LD TOWN CLERX DATK' /00j/P Houli own Clerk,--�001 SO d