HomeMy WebLinkAboutA Plan for Conserving Grassland Birds in New York A Plan for Conserving Grassland Birds in New York Audubon New York May 2008 i' A Plan for Conserving Grassland Birds in New York: Final Report to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under contract#C005137 Michael Morgan and Michael Burger Audubon New York 8 May 2008 Audubon New York 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd. Ithaca,NY 14850 (607) 254-2487 or mmorgan(a),audubon.org I' Support The funding for the planning process and the creation of this document,which describes the foundation for grassland bird conservation in New York and provides direction for future efforts,has been provided by a contract from the Department of Environmental Conservation (C005137). Funds for the contract originated as a Tier 1 grant from the USFWS State Wildlife Grants Program. Many partnering agencies are contributing to the coordinated grassland bird conservation effort in New York, and are listed as partners in this plan. The following individuals have either contributed to the development of various components of the plan, or supported its development through review of draft materials or participation in discussions, and this support is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Jeff Bolsinger, Chris Dobony, Peter Gibbs, Mitch Hartley, Paul Hess, Sheila Hess,Tom Jasikoff,Heidi Kennedy, Chris Lajewski, Mike Murphy, Paul Novak, Dave Odell,Ray Perry, Tim Post,Marcelo del Puerto, Chris Reidy,Ron Rohrbaugh,Ken Rosenberg, Paul Salon, Carl Schwartz, Shanna Shaw, Gerry Smith, Bryan Swift,Mike Townsend, and Maiken Winter, among others. Our apologies to anyone that we've failed to mention. 2 Executive Summary • Grassland birds have been declining faster than any other habitat-species suite in the northeastern United States. The primary cause of these declines is abandonment of agricultural lands, causing habitat loss due to reversion to later successional stages or due to sprawl development. Remaining potential habitat is also being lost or severely degraded by intensification of agricultural practices, e.g., conversion to row crops or early and frequent mowing of hayfields. • Audubon New York is coordinating efforts of several conservation partners to achieve maximum results with the limited resources available. This version of a conservation plan describes these efforts, and provides the information needed to further align efforts. This plan also identifies upcoming planning and research priorities that are needed to fully implement a conservation plan. As these planning and information needs are met, the relevant information will need to be incorporated into future versions of this plan. • The key strategy for coordinating conservation efforts is the delineation and employment of"focus areas,"which are regions of the state that support key,residual populations of grassland birds. Because grassland birds are sensitive to landscape-level factors (such as availability of suitable habitat within the surrounding landscape) and funding for conservation activities is limited, the best opportunity for achieving success is to concentrate efforts within focus areas. Current lack of suitable landcover classification datasets prevents the incorporation of habitat availability into the delineation process,but efforts are underway to address this need. • Habitat managers often struggle with balancing the conservation priorities highlighted by various initiatives. Although grassland bird conservation is widely accepted as a top priority, managers occasionally fail to fully assess their capacity to provide the needed habitat characteristics of the targeted species before executing plantings or management projects. This plan provides the"recipe"for creating management plans for projects located within the focus areas,based upon a review of the grassland bird species most likely to be able to respond to the project, along with the ability to provide the various characteristics which define a suitable habitat patch for those species. • Although proper management of grassland habitat currently on public lands or targeted for acquisition within the focus areas is one important component of this effort,the vast 3 majority of remaining habitat is privately owned. Therefore,private lands incentive and educational programs will be a major component of the conservation effort. Protection of existing habitat for threatened and endangered species through enforcement of regulations pertaining to the taking of habitat in a critical component of the conservation effort for these species. • To complement existing,but under-funded incentive programs,the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is collaborating with Audubon New York to deliver funding from a US Fish and Wildlife Service Landowner Incentive Program grant to willing landowners throughout the focus areas. This new program is important in that selection and scoring factors have been identified that will ensure funding is delivered to protect high quality habitats that are most likely to provide significant habitat to grassland birds. Furthermore,this program requires careful monitoring of grassland bird use of the properties enrolled. • Land trusts are a key partner in conservation activities, either by facilitating the transfer of lands into public ownership, or by permanent acquisition and protection of critical habitats. However,their activities have traditionally focused on forested lands, wetlands, or open space in general,while avoiding grasslands with a few exceptions. The invaluable role that land trusts could play in grasslands conservation efforts warrants further exploration, including an assessment of existing properties that contain grasslands, as well as developing relationships with and providing technical assistance to active land trusts operating within the grassland focus areas. • The monitoring scheme being developed for the Landowner Incentive Program will be the basis for regional monitoring throughout the Northeast, and will facilitate meaningful assessment of grassland bird responses at several levels, including site-level response to management, along with regional response to conservation programs. • Further research is needed on: 1. Methods and data for modeling distributions and abundance of grassland landcover across the landscape. 2. Impacts of management on productivity of grassland birds, to amplify existing information on grassland bird abundances associated with management. 4 3. Potential benefits of native grass species as grassland habitat in contrast with demonstrated benefit of non-native cool season grasses. 5 Table of Contents 1 -Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 -New York's Grassland Birds............................................................................................ 14 1.2 - Overview of Plan Objective, Strategies, and Implementation.......................................... 15 2-Grassland Focus Areas.......................................................................................................... 16 2.1 -A Review of Available Landcover Data........................................................................... 17 2.2-Use of Bird Distribution Data to Identify Focus Areas.................................................... 18 2.3 -2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Survey..........................................................22 2.4 -2006 State Wildlife Grant Targeted Surveys for Uncommon Grassland Birds ...............27 2.5 -Principal Species within each Focus Area........................................................................29 2.6 -Predicting Grassland Bird Habitat using Landcover Data................................................ 31 3 -Habitat Management and Considerations ..........................................................................33 3.1 -Tailoring Management to the Targeted Breeding Species............................................... 34 Step 1. Assess local grassland bird community and identify reasonable targets. ...............35 Step 2. Determine if project site meets the minimum habitat size requirements for the targetedspecies..................................................................................................................... 36 Step 3. Identify habitat characteristics preferred by the targeted species........................... 37 Step 4. Determine capacity to implement management and conduct monitoring................44 3.2 -Management Options........................................................................................................44 3.2.1 -Mowing......................................................................................................................49 3.2.2 - Grazing...................................................................................................................... 50 3.2.3 -Burning...................................................................................................................... 51 3.2.4- Comparison of management techniques.................................................................... 52 3.2.5-Planting or "Restoring" Grassland Vegetation........................................................ 54 -Warm-season versus cool-season grasses........................................................... 54 Seed mixes.......................................................................................................... 55 3.3 -Management for Targeted Wintering Species.................................................................. 56 4-Implementation of Plan......................................................................................................... 58 4.1 - Conservation Objective and Targets (Habitat and Population)........................................ 58 4.2—Strategies.......................................................................................................................... 58 4.2.1 —Incentives and Easements (Private Lands)............................................................... 60 6 4.2.2—Purchases (Public Lands).........................................................................................67 4.2.3 -Land Trusts................................................................................................................ 69 4.2.4-Education...................................................................................................................70 4.2.5-Public Policy..............................................................................................................70 4.3 -Assessment/Monitoring..................................................................................................71 4.3.1 —Assessment of data collection techniques. ................................................................72 4.3.2 Tiers or "strata"of interest for evaluation/monitoring efforts. .................................74 5-Preliminary Research Needs.................................................................................................75 6-Next Steps...............................................................................................................................75 7-Additional Information and Related Planning Efforts......................................................75 Citations.......................................................................................................................................76 Appendices................................................................................................................................... 85 Appendix A-Grassland Bird Species targeted by the NY Grassland Bird Conservation Plan. ................................................................................................................................................... 85 Appendix B -Maps of Breeding Bird Atlas blocks with grassland birds documented as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (data collected from 2000-2005)........................... 86 Appendix C—Maps of the Corrected Relative Abundances observed for each species during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Survey............................................................99 Appendix D -Potential important areas for wintering Short-eared Owls. ............................. 109 Appendix E—Estimated and ranked relative abundances of each grassland bird species interpolated across each focus area using kriging................................................................... 111 Appendix F—Maps and keys of publicly-owned lands within the Grassland Focus Areas... 121 Appendix G—Land trusts operating locally, statewide, and nationally in New York(list maintained by the Land Trust Alliance at www.lta.org). ....................................................... 138 List of Tables Table 1. Grassland bird population trends at three scales from 1966 to 2005 (from Sauer et al. 2005). .................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 2. Members of the New York grassland bird conservation partnership (in alphabetical order)..................................................................................................................................... 13 7 Table 3. Grassland Focus Area capture rates of Breeding Bird Atlas Blocks that recorded possible breeding attempts by grassland birds from 2000-2005,where"Total#Blocks"is the total number of blocks in which a species was found across the state and"Targeted# Blocks"is the number of these blocks contained within the focus areas. ............................21 Table 4. Detection rates for each observer for each species during the 2005 focus area surveys. ...............................................................................................................................................24 Table 5. Number of points sampled and the corrected relative abundances for each species after adjusting for observer detection ability in each focus area......:............................................24 Table 6. Principal species within each focus area(from 2005 survey data, Lazazzero and Norment 2006, and Schneider 2006). ................................................................................... 31 Table 7. Area in each NLCD 2001 Land Cover Class that includes potential grassland bird habitat in New York and in the Grassland Focus Areas....................................................... 33 Table 8. Breeding habitat characteristics preferred by the grassland bird species. .....................41 Table 9. Approximate timing of stages in the breeding cycle of grassland breeding birds in New York. .....................................................................................................................................47 Table 10. Effects of management techniques on selected grassland bird habitat characteristics.53 Table 11. Private lands incentive and cost-sharing conservation programs................................ 66 Table 12. Proportion of focus areas in public ownership (from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). ........................................................... 68 Table 13. Differences in average relative abundances estimated using roadside (RS)versus in- field(INF)point counts during the 2005 grassland breeding bird focus area survey conducted by Audubon New York(significant differences in bold)....................................73 Tables 14-20. Keys for maps of public lands within each focus area................................. 123-137 List of Figures Figure 1. Trends in land use and ownership for agricultural land in New York(from Stanton and Bills1996)............................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 2. Grassland focus areas identified using data from the 2000 Breeding Bird Atlas.........20 Figure 3. Locations surveyed during the 2005 grassland breeding bird focus area survey.........23 Figure 4. Surfaces displaying the combined scores of the reclassification of the kriging interpolation of 2005 point count survey data. Darker shading indicates more important 8 areas, i.e. areas that generally support higher relative abundances,higher richness, and rarer species than areas with lighter shading.................................................................................26 Figure 5. Highest priority regions within the Focus Areas that scored in the highest of four geometric intervals of the combined diversity and abundance index...................................27 Figure 6. Locations surveyed during the NYSDEC 2006 Uncommon Grassland Bird Survey, along with symbols indicating the species identified at certain locations............................29 Figure 7. Example process for deciding between grassland and shrubland/early successional habitatprojects...................................................................................................................... 34 Figures 8a-f. Illustration of various percent cover categories...................................................... 38 Figure 9. Approximate timing of stages in the breeding cycle for grassland breeding birds in New York(adapted from the information provided in Table 9). Dashed line indicates the suggested window for avoiding management activities. ......................................................48 Figure 10. Over 100 acres of grassland habitat complex protected and managed through complementary conservation programs................................................................................ 60 Figure 11. Locations of applicants to the Landowner Incentive Program for Grassland Protection andManagement in 2006-2007. ...........................................................................................62 Figure 12. Project site locations for the NY Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program................. 65 Figure 13. Chart comparing proportions of each Focus Area that are publicly owned(from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006).............................. 69 Figures 14-26. Maps indicating the Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which each grassland bird species were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000-2005). ........87-97 Figures 27-35. Corrected relative abundances of each grassland bird species detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys.................................................... 100-107 Figure 36. Approximate locations of probable Short-eared Owl wintering areas based on observations from 1995 -2006 (Schneider 2004,2006)...................................................... 110 Figures 37-45. Ranked and scored estimates of relative abundances for each grassland bird species interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging..........................................112-120 Figures 46-52. Public lands within each focus area(from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). ...................................................................... 122-139 9 1 -Introduction Stabilizing the declines of populations of grassland birds has been identified as a conservation priority by virtually all of the bird conservation initiatives, groups, and agencies in the northeastern US, as well as across the continent(Vickery and Herkert 2001,Brennan and Kuvlesky 2005), due to concern over how precipitous their population declines have been across portions of their ranges (for the list of species of concern and their population trends, see Table 1). In New York, grassland bird population declines are linked strongly to the loss of agricultural grasslands,primarily hayfields and pastures (see Figure 1,below). Norment(2002) describes in some detail the reasons for, and summarizes some of the arguments against, grassland bird conservation in the Northeast. 10 Table 1. Grassland bird population trends at three scales from 1966 to 2005 (from Sauer et al. 2005). New York USFWS Region 5 Survey-wide population population population trend trend trend Species (%/year) (%/year) (%/year)remaining remaining remaining N N N Northern Harrier' . -3:4, 25.9, .° = 1..1' 153.2 -1.7- - 51.2 Upland Sandpiper -69 =6:2 ID -0.7. _ 7 :0 0.5 121.5 Short-eared Owl' -- -- -- -- A.6 15.9 Sedge Wren' . ,-1A1:5� 0.9 ,. 05'p a 1'21:5 1.8 200.5 Henslow's Sparrow -1a.:8 (}:3 =(2�6s ., ;xe0:5° tl -7.9 4.0 Grasshopper Sparrow' -9.4 2.1 =5:2, m, 12.5 ?.,".„ -3.8. 22.1 __ .. Bobolink' -0.5 82.2 -0.3 818.9 b -1.8 49.2 Loggerhead Shrike' -- -- -11.4 0.9 -3.7 = 23.0 Horned Lark2 -4:'1 ¢; 15,3 -2.1 43.7 =2.1 43.7 _ Vesper Sparrow --7.9 4.0 75.4 11.5 =1.0 Eastern Meadowlark2 -4.9' 14.1 -4.3, 18.0 -2.9 31.7 Savannah Sparrow2 -2:6"11. 35.8 Va. -2.3 40.4 -0.9 70.3 'Highest priority or 2High priority for conservation Note: Background colors correspond with"regional credibility measures" for the data as provided by the authors. Blue indicates no deficiencies, nolle,,-, (yellow) indicates a deficiency, and Red indicates an important deficiency. Bold indicates significant trends (P<0.05). l 11 300,000 25 250,000 , •• � 20 200,000 w ♦ 15 C,-+ 150,000 / 10 z 100,000 `N - - - -Farm Numbers 50,000 Land in Farms • , , • ' ' 5 — — Total Cropland 0 0 co So 00 �o �o �o �o �o �o ,�o ,�� I:b^ 6ti Year Figure 1. Trends in land use and ownership for agricultural land in New York(from Stanton and Bills 1996). Audubon New York, with support from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC), is coordinating a comprehensive grassland bird conservation effort in New York State. A significant portion of this initial effort will culminate with the drafting and implementation of this grassland bird conservation plan.A New York grassland bird partnership group has been formed to help determine the approach and strategies for this effort(Table 2). 12 a i Table 2. Members of the New York grassland bird conservation partnership (in alphabetical order). Audubon New York(ANY) Colorado State University at Ft. Drum(CSU) Cornell Lab of Ornithology(CLO) Ducks Unlimited(DU) Finger Lakes Land Trust(FLLT) Fort Drum-US Department of Defense (Ft. Drum) Gerry Smith-Independent consultant New York Natural Heritage Program(NYNHP) New York State Parks,Recreation and Historical Preservation(NYSOPRHP) New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC)* State University of New York at Brockport(SUNY Brockport) The Nature Conservancy(TNC) Thousand Islands Land Trust(TILT) US Department of Agriculture-Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) US Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS) *The NYSDEC provided financial and intellectual support for the development of this plan. The primary objective for this effort is to stabilize or reverse the declining trends of New York's grassland birds—Northern Harrier(Circus cyaneus),Upland Sandpiper(Bartramia longicauda), Short-eared Owl(Asio flammeus), Sedge Wren(Cistothorus platensis), Henslow's Sparrow(Ammodramus henslowii), Grasshopper Sparrow(Ammodramus savannarum), Bobolink(Dolichonyx oryzivorus),Loggerhead Shrike(Lanius ludovicianus), Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris),Vesper Sparrow(Pooecetes gramineus), Eastern Meadowlark(Sturnella magna), and Savannah Sparrow(Passerculus sandwichensis), (for population trends for these species, see Table 1). Because the vast majority of grasslands in New York are privately owned hayfields and pastures, it would be impossibly expensive to protect all of them through conservation programs that focus on acquisition and management of public lands. Furthermore, the NY grassland group 13 determined that spreading existing grassland conservation resources over too broad an area was unlikely to result in landscapes sufficient to support viable grassland bird populations. Therefore,regions of the state where grassland birds are most likely to persist,i.e. focus areas, have been identified and will be targeted for surveys and monitoring and serve to focus conservation resources—particularly incentive programs that encourage proper management of private lands, although proper management of publicly-owned lands in these areas is also important to this effort. This plan describes the identification of these focus areas,techniques for habitat management, steps for creating site-specific habitat management plans, and summaries of the habitat requirements for the targeted species. In addition, this plan will identify strategies (and methods for evaluating their success) for implementing this plan. 1.1 -New York's Grassland Birds While a variety of wildlife and plants depend on grassland habitats, the targeted species in this effort(listed in Table 1) are the most specific in their habitat preferences and needs, and are the species most commonly designated as"grassland birds"in New York. While the natural habitats most commonly considered to be grasslands are the tall and short-grass prairies of the Midwest, some of the common landcover types in New York that provide habitat for these grassland birds include hayfields,pastures, fallow fields, and other agricultural lands, as well as recently abandoned agricultural lands, landfills, airports, and a variety of other land uses that maintain the land cover in very early successional stages. New York's grassland birds are not all the same priority for conservation. Some have experienced steeper declines than others, or have a smaller population size and/or distribution across the state or region. For the purpose of this plan, species included in the highest priority tier are those of greatest conservation need(as indicated by the priority rankings given to these species by a variety of conservation initiatives and regulatory rankings; see Appendix A). The highest priority tier includes ("alpha codes"in parentheses for abbreviation in certain tables and figures): Northern Harrier(NOHA),Upland Sandpiper(UPSA), Short-eared Owl(SEOW), Sedge Wren(SEWR),Henslow's Sparrow(HESP), Grasshopper Sparrow(GRSP),Bobolink (BOBO), and Loggerhead Shrike (LOSH). Species included in the high priority tier are those that have been given relatively lower priority by the conservation initiatives,but whose 14 populations are also declining and are in need of conservation. The high priority tier includes: Horned Lark(ROLA), Vesper Sparrow (VESP),Eastern Meadowlark(EAME), and Savannah Sparrow(SAVS). While these birds rely on grasslands in New York as breeding habitat(in general),two of these species (Northern Harrier and Short-eared Owl) and several other raptor species also rely on New York's grasslands for wintering habitat. For this reason, a third target group of birds are those species that rely on grassland habitats while they over-winter(or are year-round residents) in New York. For a list of the target species with their categorization by a variety of prioritization schemes and regulatory lists (that supported the ranking of theses species into tiers), see Appendix A. 1.2-Overview of Plan Objective, Strategies, and Implementation The primary objectives of the efforts outlined in this plan are to halt or even reverse the declining trends for populations of grassland birds in New York, and to sustain viable populations of them into the future. To accomplish those objectives, this plan outlines several strategies and provides information that will be helpful as the NY grassland bird conservation partners move forward on implementation. Those strategies/steps that are central to this plan for grassland bird conservation include: 1) identification of grassland bird focus areas where land use and habitat availability are such that continued support of grassland birds is more likely than in other parts of the state; 2) identification of target species of grassland birds within each focus area that habitat management in the areas will seek to support; 3)coordination and concentration of grassland bird conservation efforts on both public and private lands within the focus areas to achieve landscape characteristics that support grassland birds; 4) implementation of various management and restoration projects for target species within the focus areas; 5)monitoring to evaluate response of grassland birds on project sites and changes of grassland bird relative abundance within focus areas; and 6)revision of this plan upon consideration of monitoring results and evaluation of resources and scale of implementation required to achieve the objectives. The strategies and supporting information are covered in more detail in the remainder of this plan. Some of the components are in their final forms,while others are more dynamic and are expected to be modified after results of initial implementation and monitoring are completed. 15 2-Grassland Focus Areas New York contains diverse habitats (and associated species assemblages) including the three general categories of grasslands,wetlands, and forests. There are many regions of New York where few or no grasslands exist. In these areas grassland conservation would be imprudent, and may be detrimental to other populations of significant conservation concern by fragmenting critical habitat. However,there are many other regions of New York where grassland conservation would be much more practical, and where important populations of grassland birds currently breed. In several of these areas, grassland habitats cannot only coexist with other habitat types,but are ideal neighbors in a balanced landscape. For example,wetland associated grasslands are ideal nesting habitat for several waterfowl species. In addition, creating landscapes that contain relatively large amounts of grassland habitat would support conservation efforts by increasing grassland bird species richness throughout these regions (Hamer et al. 2006). To focus this conservation effort on regions of the state that have the highest likelihood for sustaining grassland bird populations on a long-term basis,we identified regions where we assumed conservation efforts would be most effective and that would help identify priorities for the comprehensive conservation planning that is occurring statewide. While certain regions of New York are easily eliminated as potential grassland bird conservation areas, such as the forests of the Adirondack Mountains and the Tug Hill Plateau,the remaining area still contains vast regions that either currently do not support large populations of grassland birds, or are otherwise lacking as potential grassland conservation areas. There are many additional conservation priorities beyond grassland birds and their habitat, and many regions of New York contain important landscapes dominated by early successional/shrubland and forest habitats. The development of these grassland focus areas facilitates land-use planning and simplifies decision making for managers and landowners that are considering which conservation priorities to address through their habitat management. Although one objective for creating these focus areas is to establish large expanses of suitable grassland habitat at a landscape level,this plan does not advocate capricious clearing of forests within the focus areas. In general,the landcover within the focus areas is less forested than other regions of the state,but even within the focus areas, conservation should be directed at 16 sites most suitable as grassland bird habitat, e.g.,those containing large, open expanses of grasslands, agricultural lands, or other open space. At the site level, consideration given to any particular land unit and its associated management objectives should include the values that any forest land cover within the focus areas may provide to other conservation priorities. 2.1 -A Review of Available Landcover Data The 1992 National Land Cover Dataset and the New York Gap Analysis (1998)provide landcover classifications based upon satellite imagery collected in 1992 by the Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite. Both of these classifications categorized grassland-type land covers with relatively poor accuracy. The 1992 NLCD provides the user with a 42% accuracy rate for land cover class 81-Pasture/Hay(Stehman et al. 2003), and the NY GAP provides an accuracy rate of 48 % (Laba et al. 2003). Furthermore,because of the dynamic nature of grassland habitats, many changes may have taken place since 1992 due to crop rotation,natural succession, and development. As a result,neither of these datasets was found to be of much use in attempting to identify grassland focus areas. Audubon New York attempted to combine the two classification datasets in an effort to improve their accuracies by evaluating discrepancies in their classifications. By limiting the predicted grassland habitat to only those areas that were classified as grasslands by both datasets, a marginal improvement in accuracy was realized(as evaluated by additional ground-truthing conducted by Audubon New York in 2004). However,the error rates (>50% for many categories associated with grassland and agricultural cover types)were still too great to rely on this hybrid classification scheme for identifying grassland focus areas. Note (added in Feb. 2008): In 1999, a second generation of the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium was formed to analyze Landsat 7 imagery to create an updated landcover dataset. This NLCD 2001 is nearly complete; however, data for New York was only recently made available. A preliminary assessment of Landsat 7 accuracy in the St. Lawrence Valley indicated some usefulness when predicting existing and potential grassland landcover, and further assessment across New York would be beneficial. To see this dataset using Ducks Unlimited's online mapping application, visit: http://glaro.ducks.org/website/HEN/Template/viewer.h tm?StLawren ce 17 A general assessment of all possible cover classes from the NLCD 2001 that may include habitat suitable for grassland birds was conducted with regard to the Focus Areas identified below, and the results are presented in section 2.6. 2.2 -Use of Bird Distribution Data to Identify Focus Areas To define the focus areas for this effort,Audubon New York examined available data to identify areas containing core populations of grassland birds. The New York portion of the North American Breeding Bird Survey(BBS; Sauer et al. 2005) includes more than one hundred roadside transects through all possible habitat types,but provides only a limited amount of information regarding grassland bird distributions. While the BBS is capable of determining population trends and general distributions at broad,regional levels for most species, it lacks the resolution needed to identify important grassland bird populations at a smaller scale. In addition, certain grassland bird species experience very low detection rates for this type of roadside survey, and the BBS lacks sufficient power to determine significant population trends in New York for these species. New York recently completed its second Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA;NYSDEC 2006), which attempted to document all bird species that breed in the state. This project involved hundreds of volunteer observers who classify breeding efforts for all possible species in 5 km by 5 km"blocks"across the entire state. While the BBA was useful for identifying grassland bird focus areas,there are two concerns to be aware of when using the data. First, since data were collected on a volunteer basis, effort level and observer ability likely varied considerably from block to block, so the absence of records for a species from a block should not be considered as definitive that the species was not present. Second, the BBA does not provide estimates of population sizes,breeding densities, or even relative abundances. Despite these drawbacks,the effort is sufficiently complete and adequate for identification of large regions within the state that support grassland birds. Therefore, focus areas were delineated using BBA data from 2000-2004. The general approach was to include in a focus area all blocks with high richness of breeding grassland birds, as well as contiguous blocks also supporting grassland species. These focus area boundaries were smoothed in an inclusive manner, such that some areas of low grassland bird richness were included in the focus areas. 18 This process has resulted in the identification of 8 focus areas that support New York's grassland breeding birds (see Figure 2). Following the completion of the atlasing effort in 2005, and review of the Focus Area maps and final BBA data by the New York grassland bird conservation partnership,three areas were identified that would have been included in the Focus Area boundaries during the previous delineation process (following the criteria of contiguity of adjacent blocks with high species richness). These areas include a portion of the lake plain west of Rochester(an extension of the northeastern border of Focus Area 1), a smaller extension of the southeastern border of Focus Area 4, and islands in eastern Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River overlooked when the initial shapefiles were created. These areas are highlighted in blue in Figure 2. Finally,the BBA blocks with which the Focus Areas were delineated are arranged so that every portion of New York is included in a standardized block. As a result,the blocks overlapping the borders of the state extend past the geographic boundary by varying distances (by several kilometers in many cases). Therefore, a simple modification to the Focus Area boundaries was to clip areas extending past the official boundaries of New York. 19 p I 7 Initial Focus Areas Triuuned areas Areas added 1J fi , 0 1.0 40 so 120 :60 Kilonxters kaduboaNe-A YbA CIS,iMacs,NY Figure 2. Grassland focus areas identified using data from the 2000 Breeding Bird Atlas. The target for the Focus Areas was to"capture"or include at least 50%of the BBA blocks where each of the grassland species was found to be breeding across the state. The Focus Areas were able to reach that target for all but the most ubiquitous species,while including only 21.78%of the total number of BBA blocks,or 2,797,445.5 ha(22.31 %of the area of New York State). The Focus Areas capture an average of 62.69%of the blocks in which all the grassland birds were reported and an average of 72.06%of the blocks for all but the most ubiquitous species(Bobolink, Savannah Sparrow,and Eastern Meadowlark). To see the capture rates of the Focus Areas for each species using the complete 2000-2005 BBA dataset, see Table 3,below (see Appendix B for maps of the distribution of blocks in NY in which each species was documented). 20 Although the BBA does not provide estimates of abundance or densities, one of the criteria for inclusion in a Focus Area was contiguity with adjacent blocks containing grassland birds, and recent analysis by Zuckerberg et al. (2006) indicates that such blocks contain significantly higher abundances of the target species than isolated blocks. Therefore, the actual capture rates of all individual grassland birds as proportions of population size are likely considerably higher than capture rates for simply the BBA blocks themselves. The Focus Areas provide wintering habitat for many species, and information on current and historical wintering sites for Short-eared Owls was provided by Kathy Schneider(2004, 2006; for a map of historic and current Short-eared Owl wintering areas, see Appendix D). Ten of 14 currently known wintering sites are included within the Focus Areas. Table 3. Grassland Focus Area capture rates of Breeding Bird Atlas Blocks that recorded possible breeding attempts by grassland birds from 2000-2005,where"Total#Blocks"is the total number of blocks in which a species was found across the state and"Targeted#Blocks"is the number of these blocks contained within the focus areas. Species Total#Blocks Targeted#Blocks % Captured Northern Harrier 917 502 54.74% Upland Sandpiper 165 116 70.30% Short-eared Owl 24 19 79.17% Sedge Wren 69 52 75.36% Henslow's Sparrow 70 57 81.43% Grasshopper Sparrow 477 285 59.75% Bobolink 3178 1031 32.44% Loggerhead Shrike 4 4 100.00% Horned Lark 698 443 63.47% Vesper Sparrow 564 363 64.36% Eastern Meadowlark 2635 968 36.74% Savannah Sparrow 3070 1060 34.53% Average for all 62.69% Average without EAME,BOBO, and SAVS 72.06% 21 While the focus areas are officially identified as Focus Areas 1 through 8, common names for the geographic regions of New York in which they are found are listed below: Focus Area 1 is found in Western New York Focus Area 2 is found in the Southern Tier Focus Area 3 is found in the Finger Lakes Region Focus Area 4 includes portions of both the Central Leatherstocking region and the Mohawk River Valley Focus Area 5 is found in the St. Lawrence River Valley Focus Area 6 includes the Ft. Edward Grasslands IBA Focus Area 7 includes the Shawangunk Grasslands Focus Area 8 is found in central Long Island and includes portions of the Long Island Pine Barrens 2.3 -2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Survey Audubon New York conducted surveys throughout the 8 focus areas during the 2005 breeding season(-15 May to 15 July)to collect distribution and abundance data to be used in combination with the BBA data when identifying targets for each focus area. Surveys were conducted using 5-minute point counts (both double and single-observer), and were randomly distributed across the focus areas. Survey effort was allocated according to the relative size of the focus area. Surveys were conducted at both roadside and in-field locations (when landowner permission was granted), in a variety of grassland habitats. A total of 487 different habitat patches were surveyed(see Figure 3). Although vegetation and habitat data were collected during this survey, of particular interest was determining the species composition within each focus area to guide conservation activities. In addition,the data were assessed to determine the value of various methods for collecting data in support of the planning and development of a monitoring system for grassland birds,which will be discussed in more detail in that section. Because a portion of the data was collected using double observer point counts (333 of 487 locations), detection abilities of the various observers were calculated and used to adjust the relative abundance estimates (see Table 4 for detection rates by the four observers). Because Northern Harrier,Vesper Sparrow,Upland Sandpiper, and Sedge Wren were rarely encountered, 22 the overall detection rates for each observer were used when calculating abundances for those species. Please see Table 5 for the average relative abundances of each species within each focus area; for maps depicting the corrected relative abundances for each species,please see Appendix C. *.or .S* o.+ ro- • 1 3 �6 ' •�.a, go i• : ��• •.• • �• l.• ..'U•2% 0*1• • • 2 Grassland Focus Areas %7 • 2005 Survey Points N 8 0 30 60 120 Kilometers Audubon New York GIS,Ithaca,NY Figure 3. Locations surveyed during the 2005 grassland breeding bird focus area survey. No Henslow's Sparrows, Short-eared Owls, or Loggerhead Shrikes were detected at any of the point count locations, and several other species had relatively low representation in the survey, as was expected based on the population trends for those species and the low numbers of BBA blocks in which those species were documented. Below is a table (Table 5) indicating the number of points sampled and the adjusted relative abundances for the detected species in each focus area as determined from 2005 survey data. 23 Table 4. Detection rates for each observer for each species during the 2005 focus area surveys (alpha codes listed here). Observer Category BOBO SAVS EAME GRSP HOLA NOHA VESP UPSA SEWR Total Observed 233 173 79 15 12 0 1 1 1 515 ED Missed 38 26 10 4 4 1 1 2 0 86 % Observed 0.860 0.869 0.888 0.789 0.750 0.000 0.500 0.333 1.000 0.857 Observed 160 153 72 16 16 1 3 3 1 425 GL Missed 41 16 9 4 4 1 1 2 0 78 % Observed 0.796 0.905 0.889 0.800 0.800 0.500 0.750 0.600 1.000 0.845 Observed 194 195 46 9 20 1 3 1 2 471 JM Missed 29 22 7 1 5 0 2 3 0 69 % Observed 0.870 0.899 0.868 0.900 0.800 1.000 0.600 0.250 1.000 0.872 Observed 293 208 56 9 31 1 8 7 2 615 MM Missed 45 20 12 0 8 1 0 0 0 86 % Observed 0.867 0.912 0.824 1.000 0.795 0.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.877 Table 5. Number of points sampled and the corrected relative abundances for each species after adjusting for observer detection ability in each focus area. Focus Number Relative Abundances Area points BOBO SAVS EAME GRSP HOLA NOHA VESP UPSA SEWR 1 105 1.176 1.434 0.220 0.053 0.172 0.000 0.044 0.044 0.000 2 68 2.146 1.522 0.735 0.143 0.000 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 76 0.968 1.500 0.211 0.080 0.417 0.000 0.046 0.030 0.000 4 81 1.971 1.075 0.200 0.016 0.000 0.029 0.000 0.014 0.000 5 130 2.151 1.095 0.704 0.064 0.000 0.026 0.000 0.018 0.054 6 8 2.740 0.548 0.607 0.000 0.000 0.285 0.142 0.000 0.000 7 9 6.939 0.511 0.915 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.127 0.000 8 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.477 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total 487 1.779 1.246 0.431 0.073 0.102 0.024 0.019 0.024 0.014 24 The results of the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Survey were assessed to determine if they supported any further prioritization within the Focus Area boundaries. The initial step in this assessment was to interpolate relative abundances across each focus area for each species using the ArcGIS Geospatial Analyst kriging function(Oliver and Webster 1990). This technique allows the graphical display of estimated relative abundances for each species across the Focus Areas as a surface based upon known values from the nearby sample sites. Values upon the surface are displayed using specified colors, and the values estimated using these surfaces ranged between the high and low counts provided for each species from the 2005 survey data. Once kriging was concluded,the results for each species were reclassified into 4 standardized classes or tiers (using geometric intervals). Zero relative abundance was scored a zero and the other groups were ranked low(given a score of 1),medium(given a score of 2), and high(given a score of 5). This allowed the results to be compiled and standardized among all the species,providing a comprehensive review of the relative importance to all grassland bird populations of all the areas included within the Focus Areas. In addition, due to the disparity in relative abundances of the various grassland bird species,the least common species were given twice as much weight in the final calculations. The final compilation of the ranked surfaces is displayed in the following figure (figure 4),which aggregates both species diversity and high relative abundances. The surfaces calculated for each species using the kriging technique, as well as surfaces that depict only high relative abundances and only diversity are provided in Appendix E. 25 5 1 3 � 6 f 2 97 N S 11 30 60 120 Kilometers ,✓ s x'. Audubon New York GIS,Ithaca,NY " Figure 4. Surfaces displaying the combined scores of the reclassification of the kriging interpolation of 2005 point count survey data. Darker shading indicates more important areas, i.e. areas that generally support higher relative abundances,higher richness,and rarer species than areas with lighter shading. The value of this analysis applies to those conservation efforts with the capacity to direct especially focused efforts at distinct regions of the state at scales finer than those provided by the focus areas. Other efforts with limited resources may also desire to target important areas with exceptional diversity or abundances of grassland birds. The following map(Figure 5)indicates the highest priority regions of the state that scored in the upper quartile of this combined index of abundance and diversity for breeding grassland birds. Locations important for wintering raptors, especially the Short-eared Owl,should also be considered as highest priority when directing 26 conservation towards highest priority areas(for a map of historic and current Short-eared Owl wintering areas, see Appendix D). 5 o, 6 3 4 � 7 Grassland Focus Areas N Highest Priority Regions _ g 0 30 W 120 Kilometers �,.. Audubon New York GIS,Ithaca,NY t Figure 5. Highest priority regions within the Focus Areas that scored in the highest of four geometric intervals of the combined diversity and abundance index. 2.4-2006 Pittman—Robertson funded Targeted Surveys for Uncommon Grassland Birds In 2006,the NYSDEC obtained Pittman-Robertson funding through to employ technicians to conduct targeted surveys for grassland bird species poorly represented(or not represented at all) in the 2005 survey. The primary species targeted were Short-eared Owl,Upland Sandpiper, Henslow's Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow,and Sedge Wren; however, all grassland birds detected during the survey effort were recorded. The target population contained all records for which the NYSDEC had received"notable species forms"during the 2000 BBA effort. These 27 forms documented specific locations where rare species or"species of management concern" were observed in the state. Birding listservs,the Natural Heritage Database, and other sources were also reviewed for additional locations. A particular goal of the 2006 survey was to determine locations that continue to support remnant populations of the least common grassland birds, as these populations are sufficiently small and isolated that they were rarely encountered through the fairly coarse scale of the 2005 survey effort. Unfortunately, data collected by one of the observers were not suitable for further analysis,because the geographic locations recorded for the surveys are suspect and do not allow detailed geo-referencing of the data. However, this observer's observations of Short-eared Owls, Henslow's Sparrows, Sedge Wrens, along with numbers of the more common grassland birds, indicate the value of the St. Lawrence River Valley and Ft. Edward Grassland Focus Areas in general(areas this observer surveyed and for which the coordinates were invalid). Observations of the target species (with valid coordinates)by other participants in this survey effort(see Figure 6) will be useful for targeting highest priority areas for conservation efforts in other focus areas. 28 1 .........� + 4 e 3' .. ........_ 'Y A ...�� 0 i . ...............A 2 Legend + Grasshopper Sparrow ■ Vesper Sparrow i Northern Harrier Surveyed Locations SS E X Upland Sandpiper (_]FocusAreas S ♦ Henslow's Sparrow 013.1, 21 S1 KLI—2 : i Audubon New Ya&GIS,ItLxa, Figure 6. Locations surveyed during the NYSDEC 2006 Uncommon Grassland Bird Survey, along with symbols indicating the species identified at certain locations. 2.5 -Principal Species within each Focus Area As the information in following sections will show,grassland birds vary in their preferences for the various habitat characteristics that distinguish different grasslands. To determine which focus areas are relatively more important for supporting each of the grassland bird species,the relative abundances for each species as determined by previous survey efforts should be considered(see Table 5). This information can be used as a preliminary review by managers and landowners to ensure that they provide the proper habitat characteristics needed by the important species in that area, although a thorough review must also include BBA data for the block in which the project is found, along with on-site monitoring and surveys. 29 As populations of Henslow's Sparrows and Short-eared Owls were not assessed effectively by the survey effort, additional information on the distributions of those species was solicited from researchers with pertinent data. Sarah Lazazzero provided a report given to the Biodiversity Research Institute about the results of her research on grassland birds (and particularly Henslow's Sparrows) in the St. Lawrence Valley(primarily in Jefferson County; Lazazzero and Norment 2006). Kathy Schneider provided information on Short-eared Owl wintering areas in New York collected from reports to birding listservs and surveys of important roosts (Schneider 2004,2006; for a map of historic and current Short-eared Owl wintering areas, see Appendix D). Ten of 14 currently known wintering areas are captured by the Focus Areas, including important sites such as the Washington County grasslands and several areas in Jefferson County. Eight of all 34 current and historic sites are included within the Focus Areas. Loggerhead Shrike is now likely extirpated from New York as a breeder, and therefore distribution data for that species were not collected. However, an occasional pair may attempt to breed in the St. Lawrence Valley in areas rarely visited by birders or other observers (Paul Novak,pers. comm.). The following table(Table 6) lists important species for each focus area based upon this information and the abundances calculated from 2005 survey data(Table 5). This list may be subject to revision based upon follow monitoring and surveys. 30 Table 6. Principal species within each focus area(from 2005 survey data, Lazazzero and Norment 2006, and Schneider 2006). Focus Area Targeted Species 1 Upland Sandpiper,Vesper Sparrow,Horned Lark, Savannah Sparrow, Short-eared Owl* 2 Northern Harrier, Grasshopper Sparrow,Eastern Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow 3 Vesper Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Horned Lark, Savannah Sparrow, Short- eared Owl* 4 Northern Harrier,Upland Sandpiper, Short-eared Owl* 5 Henslow's Sparrow,Upland Sandpiper, Sedge Wren,Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, Short-eared Owl* 6 Northern Harrier,Vesper Sparrow,Bobolink, Short-eared Owl* 7 Upland Sandpiper,Eastern Meadowlark,Bobolink, Short-eared Owl* 8 Grasshopper Sparrow, Short-eared Owl* *Wintering only 2.6 -Predicting Grassland Bird Habitat using Landcover Data As described above,in section 2.1,newer landcover data are available from the Multi- Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium as part of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD)2001. Although a full accuracy assessment is underway, it is unlikely that data collected 6 or more years ago will be sufficiently recent to address the issues of crop rotation, succession, and development that plague efforts to predict grassland habitat in New York. However,the general group of"potential grassland habitat,"which includes the NLCD 2001 land cover classes most likely to include suitable grassland bird habitat(listed below)may be useful when classifying certain habitat characteristics such as landscape level habitat fragmentation, or as a sampling frame for regional monitoring efforts. 31 36% of the area considered to be potential grassland bird habitat is captured by the Focus Areas (see Table 7),which in turn capture 22.3% of the geographic area of New York. Land characterized as class 71-Grassland/Herbaceous,in particular,is well represented within the Focus Areas, as 46%of the area included in that class is captured by the Focus Areas. The distribution of area of these classes within and outside of the Grassland Focus Areas supports the conclusion that the Focus Areas contain areas of New York characterized by relatively large amounts of open space, such as agricultural lands and other potential grassland bird habitat. The land cover classes of interest that may contain potential grassland bird habitat are: 21. Developed, Open Space-Includes areas with a mixture of some constructed materials,but mostly vegetation in the form of lawn grasses. Impervious surfaces account for less than 20 percent of total cover. These areas most commonly include large-lot single-family housing units,parks, golf courses, and vegetation planted in developed settings for recreation, erosion control, or aesthetic purposes 31. Barren Land(Rock/Sand/Clay) -Barren areas of bedrock, desert pavement, scarps, talus, slides,volcanic material, glacial debris, sand dunes, strip mines, gravel pits and other accumulations of earthen material. Generally,vegetation accounts for less than 15% of total cover. 52. Shrub/Scrub -Areas dominated by shrubs; less than 5 meters tall with shrub canopy typically greater than 20%of total vegetation. This class includes true shrubs,young trees in an early successional stage or trees stunted from environmental conditions. 71. Grassland/Herbaceous -Areas dominated by graminoid or herbaceous vegetation, generally greater than 80% of total vegetation. These areas are not subject to intensive management such as tilling,but can be utilized for grazing. 81. Pasture/Hay-Areas of grasses, legumes, or grass-legume mixtures planted for livestock grazing or the production of seed or hay crops,typically on a perennial cycle. Pasture/hay vegetation accounts for greater than 20 percent of total vegetation. 82. Cultivated Crops -Areas used for the production of annual crops, such as corn, soybeans,vegetables,tobacco, and cotton, and also perennial woody crops such as orchards and vineyards. Crop vegetation accounts for greater than 20 percent of total vegetation. This class also includes all land being actively tilled. 32 95. Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands -Areas where perennial herbaceous vegetation accounts for greater than 80 percent of vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered with water. Table 7. Area in each NLCD 2001 Land Cover Class that includes potential grassland bird habitat in New York and in the Grassland Focus Areas. New York Focus Areas Land Cover Class Area (ha) Area captured(ha) % captured 21 -Developed, Open Space 613,736 122,608 20.0% 31 -Barren Land 23,495 3,639 15.5% 52- Shrub/Scrub 383,466 124,319 32.4% 71 - Grassland/Herbaceous 124,525 53,719 43.1% 81 -Pasture/Hay 1,745,252 635,852 36.4% 82 -Cultivated Crops 1,071,545 492,919 46.0% 95 -Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands 78,442 21,013 26.8% All Potential Grassland Habitat 4,040,461 1,454,068 36.0% 3 -Habitat Management and Considerations Before deciding to implement grassland habitat projects,managers (defined as anyone considering implementing grassland habitat management, including private landowners) should consider the efficacy of the potential project and ensure that the parcel being considered can contribute to the conservation of grassland birds,while considering other conservation priorities. To facilitate this decision-making process,the flowchart in Figure 7 provides an example of the process for considering the viability of new grassland habitat projects when early successional habitat management is another option(adapted from the NY Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program planning process). It should be noted,however, that the presence of grassland birds actively using any existing habitat patch anywhere within New York supports the decision to continue maintenance of that habitat patch. If the general decision is made to move forward with a new project that will contribute to grassland conservation efforts,the following sections provide the 33 information needed to target appropriate species and habitat characteristics when developing a site management plan. Is site in a Orassland Bird Focus Area? Yes \o Cau>95%of the m oody vegetation Call>95%of the W oody vegetation be cleared by brush hog? be cleared by brush hog? Y" ; Yes leo Yes _.�'No I Project will competewith higher ttt-- priority projects within the Shru6laud P2o eel Project is>25,acre `Shrublaud Project j Cnassland Focus Areas? j Yes N'(5 •/ Yes iVo .,._. .... _.w...............w _�,N >50to of bordering habitat is 5hruhlantl Project ' Grassland Project j -- potential grassland habitat'. Yes Vo L Site is surrounded by adjacent,potential grassland habitat? /` . � Yes �{o Gra sslandPtoject ShrublandProject Projects>45 acres OR Ptnjects>25 acres AND All others -50%bordered by potential —" rGrasslaud Project grassland habitat LShrublaud Project Figure 7. Example process for deciding between grassland and shrubland/early successional habitat projects (adapted from the NY Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program planning process). 3.1 -Tailoring Management to the Targeted Breeding_Species Table 6 lists suggested important species for each focus area, and these species can be used as initial targets for the management and implementation of conservation strategies within each focus area. Because the grassland bird communities vary among the focus areas,using this approach can help to avoid unproductive efforts to provide habitat for a species not breeding in the general area, although these data should not supplant information provided by surveys and monitoring at the project site or from the local area. 34 When developing management strategies, it is tempting to simply implement the management that requires the simplest(or cheapest)techniques and readily-available equipment. This often results in a basic mowing rotation of 2 to 4 years to prevent encroachment by woody vegetation or invasive plants. Alternatively,management may be based primarily on maintaining the substantial investment made to plant and establish native grass species. However, the following is proposed as the optimal formulation for creating management plans for sites or complexes within the Focus Areas: Step 1. Assess local grassland bird community and identify reasonable targets. Those involved in habitat restoration and management often operate under the assumption "if you build it, they will come",which does not necessarily hold true for grassland species (Ahlering and Faaborg 2006). Site-specific factors are only a portion of the overall probability that a particular patch will be used by the targeted species. Of particular importance are landscape level characteristics (e.g.prevalence of the preferred habitat in the vicinity of the patch,Winter et al. 2006,Renfrew and Ribic 2008; and the amount of development,Lazazzero and Norment 2006), and perhaps most important is the role of conspecific attraction(Ahlering and Faaborg 2006). These considerations strongly support the concept of grassland"focus areas" delineated around the key populations of the grassland bird species, and bring into question the judiciousness of grassland conservation projects outside these focus areas. Therefore, it is important to review all available data on presence of grasslands birds within the focus areas at two scales. First,review the species present in the local area, and whose offspring may be most likely to colonize the site. Second,monitoring of the project site itself will indicate which species currently use the site (and targeted management may increase their productivity and thus benefit the local population). Recommended sources for these data are (in order of resolution, from coarse to fine): 1. The important species for each focus area listed in this plan in Table 6. 2. Data from the most recent NY Breeding Bird Atlas for the Atlas block in which the project site is found. It can also be useful to review adjacent blocks as a very rough indication of the relative abundance of the species in that area(Zuckerberg et al. 2006), and in case observer effort in that particular block was lacking. -Data and maps available at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/anitnaisn3l2.html. 35 3. Monitoring done at the project site (or local complex) and in the vicinity. This is probably the most important source for tailoring management guidance for existing grasslands, while the coarser datasets may be slightly more appropriate for new plantings. Monitoring is an important part of the management process, and feeds back into several stages of the conservation planning process. For details on coordination of grassland bird monitoring, see that section(or click here). These data should be used to select the highest priority species targets from the list of grassland birds, and those priority species are then used in the next steps to evaluate habitat characteristics. Step 2. Determine if project site meets the minimum habitat size requirements for the targeted species. While the area-sensitivity of grassland breeding birds is well-known, often the majority of the consideration regarding a patch's quality is given to vegetation characteristics within the patch. However,the importance of the size and landscape components cannot be emphasized enough. It is easy to define size as the total area bounded by a contrasting habitat type; however, grassland birds likely perceive size as a function of their requirements (e.g. able to view a long distance in all directions). This is supported by habitat models which indicate that the Perimeter- to-Area ratio of habitat patches accounts for more of the variation in grassland bird abundance and species richness than Area alone (Lazazzero and Norment 2006). This relationship between Perimeter-to-Area and bird response is inverse,with abundance and species richness increasing with a decrease in the Perimeter-to-Area ratio. Therefore, optimal habitat patches will be both large and of a shape that minimizes the perimeter(e.g. circular or square rather than elongated). However,thresholds for calculating probability of occurrences using this ratio have yet to be rigorously assessed, so Perimeter-to-Area should be considered along with the delineated size of the habitat patch. Thresholds of 50%probability of occurrence (Robbins et al. 1989) for the grassland birds within a range of patch sizes have been well documented, and have been summarized for each species and included in a following section describing the habitat needs of grassland birds in New York. 36 In addition to patch size and shape,the surrounding landscape should be considered. As mentioned above,the amount of potential habitat in the vicinity of the patch(along with the inverse, or amount of trees and other woody cover) also contributes to the likelihood that the patch will be occupied by the targeted species (Winter et al. 2006), and also affects productivity of the targeted species (Gates and Gysel 1978). The distances at which this effect has been demonstrated commonly range from 200 in to 1200 in(Ribic and Sample 2001,Fletcher and Koford 2002,Winter et al. 2006), although it may extend farther(Renfrew and Ribic 2008). If more than one priority species is selected(likely for most sites), and if the project site is sufficiently large, it may be recommended that the site be managed as subdivisions to provide multiple habitat conditions (Winter et al 2006). Once again, it is important to ensure that the "sub-patches" are of a sufficient size and shape to reflect the needs of the priority species. However, for some species (notably Savannah Sparrow and Vesper Sparrow, and others to a lesser extent) the size of the actual habitat patch matters less than the size of the overall"open area". For example, during Audubon New York's 2005 survey, the observers occasionally noted grassland birds using extremely small habitat patches (occasionally as small as 5 meters in diameter, or 1 meter wide strips at field transitions) surrounded by agricultural fields that were likely providing little additional useful habitat but extended the"apparent" size of the habitat patch. Quantifying this benefit requires additional study, although it may simply be an extreme effect demonstrating the importance of the amount of potential(or open)habitat in the surrounding landscape, as described above. Step 3. Identify habitat characteristics preferred by the targeted species. While the portion of the spectrum of early-successional habitat that is commonly described as "grasslands"has many characteristics in common, a considerable amount of variation exists in the preferences of grassland bird species for specific habitat attributes. In addition to the importance of size as a habitat characteristics (described above), several other habitat attributes, discussed below, come into play. The specific requirements for each species have been summarized in the following table(Table 8)using the best available and most geographically relevant sources. Shrub Tolerance 37 Grasslands are at the very beginning of the natural tendency of habitats in the Northeast to"succeed"to shrubland and then forest. As a result,management often includes control of the woody shrubs that attempt to colonize grasslands. The thresholds of shrub cover at which most grassland birds cease to find grasslands to be suitable are at relatively small percentages (less than 5% cover; Wheelwright and Rising 1993,Martin and Gavin 1995, Winter et al. 2006). However, quantifying the amount of woody vegetation within a grassland while in the field is very challenging due to issues associated with observer inconsistency and the different growth forms of various species of shrubs and saplings. Estimating percent cover is one possible alternative,but frequent review of a set of illustrations of percent cover (Figure 8) is very important to"calibrate"estimates both among different observers and even to maintain some level of consistency by a single observer. ■ a. 1% cover b. 2% cover c. 5% cover ■ ■ '1. ■ ■ •■ 7� M I I■ ■ ■ ■ L N 0. L i El d. 8% cover e. 10% cover f. 20% cover Figures 8a-f. Illustration of various percent cover categories. Another alternative for quantifying the distribution of woody vegetation is to measure the distance from the sampling point to the nearest woody stem(>0.5 m tall), or the number of stems within a relatively small, specified distance from the sampling point. Some variation may exist according the random location of sampling points within a field,particularly when the percent cover is low, so data should be collected from a number of points. Data 38 collected using these techniques would need to be adjusted to allow comparisons to be made to the indicated thresholds of tolerance for grassland birds in Table 8. Forb Component The distribution of forbs (broad-leaved herbaceous vegetation) is another site-specific characteristic that influences a habitat patch's suitability for various species. Some particular groups or species of forbs may even have a stronger influence than others, so percent cover of forbs could be expanded to a broader estimate of various cover of. live goldenrod, live legume, standing dead vegetation(include both grass and forb), and total cover(or the inverse—percent bare soil). These are typically estimated using a sampling frame (of pvc or other material)placed in pre-selected random locations, and multiple points are sampled to calculate within-patch variation. As with estimating percent cover of woody vegetation, frequent calibration by reviewing illustrations is helpful. The percent cover of grass should be the inverse of the percent cover of all forbs combined with other estimated cover categories (such as bare soil and standing dead vegetation), and may be useful to include on data sheets as an error checking mechanism(if the sums do not add to 1,then they were estimated incorrectly). Litter Depth Litter(used interchangeably with"thatch")results from either lodging of residual dead vegetation from the previous growing seasons, or from the layer of detritus formed when mowing. Some species prefer more litter as they build nests directly into or covered by the layer(e.g. Savannah Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark),while other prefer little to no litter (e.g. Grasshopper Sparrow,Horned Lark, and Vesper Sparrow). Litter depth alone (measured with a meter stick by carefully inserting it through the layer until the soil is reached, and without compressing the layer)may be a useful measure of habitat quality for grassland birds, although multiple measurements are necessary to account for the considerable variability for this measurement that exists in a relatively small area. Vegetation Height and Vegetation Density Vegetation height varies dramatically according to phenology,particularly after graminoid inflorescences develop. Vegetation height is linked to nesting success,but migratory grassland birds return and begin establishing territories while most vegetation is 39 still dormant, so their site selection may be based on characteristics other than vegetation height. Vegetation height does explain some variation in grassland bird distributions,but a measure (or an index)that combines measurements of both height and density is most useful(Robel et al. 1970). A"Robel"pole is a fast and simple approach to assess vegetation height and density. However, care must be used in its application to ensure that the individual/s applying the technique do not excessively trample the vegetation and alter the measurements as the observer circles the sampling point to collect measurement from four directions 90 degrees apart. For more information on this technique,review the article by Robel et al. (1970). Perches While territorial grassland birds sing and display both in flight and while stationary, some species have been reported to prefer sites with suitable perches (e.g. Eastern Meadowlark and Upland Sandpiper; Lanyon 1995, Houston and Bowen 2001). It is particularly difficult to reasonably quantify the availability of perches within a site. Reports of this characteristic may be attributable to the fact that the cryptic coloration of grassland birds makes observing the species on the ground fairly difficult and observers are most likely to detect the species when perched. Nevertheless, it may be an important characteristic and is easily modified(through the addition of fence posts or maintenance of limited amounts of woody vegetation), and thus the need for available perches is included as a category in Table 8. Data for each species' habitat preferences are included in the following table(Table 8) and are averaged from various sources; however, as habitat preferences vary by individuals within a species according to geographic region(e.g. Northeast vs. Midwest US; Sample and Mossman 1997), some sources were weighted according to geographic representation. Data collected in New York(when available) is probably more specific to habitat management in New York than data collected in other parts of the Northeast region, and Northeast regional data(when available) are probably somewhat more relevant than data collected throughout the ranges of the grassland breeding birds. Therefore,when characteristics reported from multiple studies and from multiple locations varied widely, studies from the Midwest were excluded from the averaged results. 40 Table 8. Breeding habitat characteristics preferred by the grassland bird species. Species' Northern Harrier Upland Sandpiper Short-eared Owl Sedge Wren Recommended 30+ 30+ Large (exact sizes not 10-20 Field Size (ha) available) Shrub Tolerance Medium to high(1-5%) Low 1% None indicated Medium to hi (3-8%) (% cover) g ( ) ( ) high( ) Forb Component Low(10%) Low(10 - 15%) Medium(20%) Very Low(0 - 10%) (% cover) Litter Depth (cm) No preference Low(1) No preference indicated Medium(1-4) indicated Vegetation Height Tall (60+) Mixed(<15 &40+) Medium(40 - 60) Tall(80+) (cm) Vegetation Density High Low High High Perches Important Yes Possible Notes Nest success may be Requires low, sparse Shares sites with Prefer wetter areas with higher in wetter sites. vegetation for loafing, Northern Harrier,but tall, dense vegetation--often Variable in vegetation feeding, and brood- avoids wetter areas. reed canarygrass, preferences. rearing. Maintenance of switchgrass, or sedges. perches beneficial. Descriptions: Recommended Field Size -based on estimates of 50%probability of occurrence for each species, commonly accepted as the standard for minimum size targets. Maximum Shrub Tolerance - estimates of the maximum percentage of total cover of a habitat patch that each species will tolerate as covered by woody vegetation. Preferred Forb Component-estimates of the percentage of total cover of a habitat patch that each species prefers as covered by herbaceous vegetation(non-grass). Preferred Litter Depth-estimates of the preferred litter depth(thatch)tolerated by each species. Continued in next section... 41 Speciesl Henslow's Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow Bobolink Loggerhead Shrike* Recommended 60+ 50 - 100+ 10 Field Size (ha) Shrub Tolerance High(3 -4%?) Medium(1-3%) Low(<1%) High(10%+) (% cover) Forb Component High(25%+) Medium High(50%+) No preference indicated (% cover) Litter Depth (cm) High(6+) Low(<1) Medium(3 -4) Low Vegetation Height Tall (60) Medium(30) Medium(30 -40) Low to medium(15 -40) (cm) Vegetation Density High Low Medium to Low Low Perches Important Yes Notes Requires undisturbed Prefers little or no litter Still fairly ubiquitous Prefer short,patchy grassy fields (often>10 and>20%bare soil across New York, and fields (pastures), clumps of years),with some (evenly distributed,not may be found in habitat woody vegetation for standing dead patchy). patches that are less than nesting and perches. vegetation. ideal. Descriptions (continued): Preferred Vegetation Height/Density-Estimates of the vegetation height and approximate density preferred by each species (generally early in breeding season when establishing territories). Perches - "Yes" when literature suggests that suitable perches may be an important habitat selection factor for that species. Data pooled from various sources but weighted according to geographic representation: New York>Northeastern US>Rangewide. 42 Speciesl Horned Lark Vesper Sparrow Eastern Meadowlark Savannah Sparrow Recommended 1 - 10 10 15 5- 10 Field Size (ha) Shrub Tolerance None (0%) Low(<1%) Medium(2-3%) Medium(2 - 3%) (% cover) Forb Component High** High** High(20 -30%) <40% (% cover) Litter Depth (cm) 0 Low(<1) Medium(2 - 6) 4 (+) Vegetation Height Very Short(0 - 10) Short(<20) Medium(20 -40) Medium(30 -40) (cm) Vegetation Density Minimal Low High Medium Perches Important Yes Yes Notes Prefer barren(or Prefer areas with exposed Accepts wide variety of May be found in small patchy) areas with soil and little litter, such habitat conditions. habitat patches,particularly exposed soil. Early as newly planted grass or when surrounded by open disturbances on portion seed crops. land. of habitat beneficial (before 15 March). *Likely extirpated. **When overall vegetation density is low. Sources: Audubon New York grassland bird survey 2005; Bent 1929, 1932, 1938, 1942, 1948, 1950, 1958; Birds of North America Online (Beason 1995; Herkert et al. 2001, 2002; Houston 2001; Jones and Comely 2002; Lanyon 1995; MacWhirter and Bildstein 1996; Martin and Gavin 1995; Temple 2002; Vickery 1996; Wheelwright and Rising 1993; Wiggins et al. 2006; and Yosef 1996); Lazazzero and Norment 2006; Mitchell et al. 2000; and unpublished data provided by Michael Morgan. 43 Step 4. Determine capacity to implement management and conduct monitoring. Following the identification of desirable habitat characteristics, and the techniques needed to make any changes (described in the following sections), a manager should assess the ability to provide these characteristics. This includes an assessment of the current conditions of the habitat under the manager's control, along with the ability to effect the desired changes. There are some site-specific factors that may influence the applicability of the various management techniques. These include: soil type,hydrology, and the length of the growing season(and their influence on vegetation within the site and the necessary frequency of management),proximity of housing or other development that may influence the ability to use prescribed fire, availability of personnel and equipment, and availability of farmers willing to provide either livestock for grazing or a market for hay and straw. Should the manager find that the necessary capacity is lacking, or find through monitoring that no individuals of the targeted species are utilizing the habitat(despite rigorous monitoring indicating that the recommended habitat conditions for the targeted priority species are being maintained), it may be necessary to revisit the species prioritization process. Additional research is needed on the amount of time necessary for the grassland bird species to encounter and "colonize"previously unoccupied sites in order to more fully inform such decisions to make a management change. In addition,prior to revising management plans should the managers be dissatisfied with the apparent lack of success of their habitat project, consideration should be given to the benefit"their"patch provides to the overall character of the landscape, and its effect on the suitability of neighboring patches. For an additional approach to improving the desirability of a newly converted habitat patch, Ahlering and Faaborg(2006) suggest considering the use of playbacks of recorded calls to simulate occupancy of a patch and encourage conspecifics to take up residency. 3.2 -Management Options Grasslands are one of the most ephemeral habitat conditions in the process of ecological succession in the Northeast. Quite rapidly, grasslands revert to shrublands and other early successional habitats. This process is expedited by the prevalence of invasive shrubs such as honeysuckle(Lonicera spp.),buckthorn(Rhamnus cathartica), and multiflora rose(Rosa mullora), among others. Invasive plants such as mugwort(common wormwood,Artemisia vulgaris) and swallowwort(Cynanchum spp.) can also alter natural successional processes, and can rapidly out-compete desirable grassland vegetation. Some native vegetation, such as goldenrod(Solidago sp.) and asters (various members of the Asteraceae family) can also rapidly alter the forb component and dominate a grassland,thereby reducing its suitability as habitat for grassland birds. To prevent degradation of grassland habitat due to succession or invasion by undesirable vegetation, a regular pattern of disturbance (i.e. management) is needed. While mowing or grazing of agricultural lands during the breeding season causes many grassland bird breeding attempts to fail (Perlut et al. 2006),this frequent disturbance also maintains vegetation in a condition attractive to grassland birds, causing those fields to function as ecological traps (Schlaepfer et al. 2002; Shochat et al. 2005). Potential management options and the tradeoffs between management and impacts to breeding bird communities are discussed in some detail in the following sections. The three general methods for maintaining grassland vegetation are mowing, grazing, and burning. Considerable variation exists in how each method can be applied, and the methods can also be applied inappropriately, thereby degrading habitat quality. The basic premise for each management technique is that they disturb (or remove) standing vegetation; however, their effect on ground litter(or thatch) and other habitat characteristics can vary depending on their application. Despite the potential variation in their application, some research indicates that grassland vegetation response (primarily controlling dominant invasive grasses and subordinate native vegetation) does not vary significantly among these different methods (MacDougall and Turkington 2007). However, site-specific factors such as soil moisture or the different growing periods of warm-season or cool-season grasses may lend themselves well to a particular method. Grassland habitats vary across several characteristics (for more information, see the section which describes the habitat characteristics preferred by grassland birds) and result from a variety of land uses (for example hayfields,pastures, conservation grasslands, landfills, airports,parks, and more). Different applications of the methods for maintaining grasslands can yield different habitat characteristics and are described in more detail in the following sections. Timing of management actions requires a delicate balance between selecting the optimal time to initiate the disturbance to select for the desired vegetation characteristics and avoiding potential impacts to the local population of grassland birds within the managed habitat patch. 45 Occasionally, if habitat conditions are severely degraded,it may become necessary to temporarily forgo attempting to provide undisturbed breeding sites in favor of bringing the conditions back to those more suitable as breeding habitat,under the assumption that the long- term benefits of the management actions outweigh the temporary loss of habitat. In addition, suitable monitoring of birds present in the habitat patch will indicate to managers whether or not any priority species are present that will be impacted by management during the breeding season. If habitat conditions are degraded to the point that the habitat patch is no longer being used by individuals of the target species,then aggressive management actions will have no impact on the local population. The timing of the various stages in the breeding cycle of New York's grassland birds is presented in Table 9 and Figure 9. The earliest date that grassland breeding birds return(for non-overwintering species) during spring migration is around 15 March. However,management may occur somewhat later as territorial boundaries and locations remain extremely dynamic well into April. The general rule-of-thumb date for ceasing management activities in the spring is suggested as 23 April (based on dates for initiation of nesting reported in Table 9). Mowing and harvesting of hay within grasslands has commonly been permitted following 15 July, and allows several grassland bird species sufficient opportunity to breed successfully. However, given the relatively high failure rate of nests and the need to renest later in the breeding season, along with the protracted breeding season of some grassland birds, a more suitable date is suggested as 15 August. As mentioned above, although is it tempting to simply postpone mowing as late as conditions permit,regular mowing is needed as soon as possible after the breeding season to maintain suitable vegetation conditions,by retarding the competition by forbs and shrubs. Should regular mowing after 15 August not be sufficiently early to control undesirable vegetation, a temporary shift to earlier dates may be warranted. However, spot mowing or treatment is preferable to complete mowing of a habitat patch during the breeding season(i.e.prior to 15 August). 46 Table 9. Approximate timing of stages in the breeding cycle of grassland breeding birds in New York. Dates (1 May=0) Double- Species' Arrival Nesting Hatching Fledging Flighted End of Cycle brooded* Northern Harrier -45** -7 37 63 77 105 No Upland Sandpiper -5 10 44 44-45 74 94 No Short-eared Owl N/A** -15 17 32 53 96 Possible Sedge Wren 10 25+ 48 61 Unk(+14?) 111+ Yes Henslow's Sparrow 8 15, 37 46 Unk(+14?) 109 Yes Grasshopper Sparrow 0 10 29 38 Unk(+14?) 91 Yes Bobolink 2 14 35 46 51 (+) 89 Occasionally Loggerhead Shrike -30 -13 15 33 47 62 Yes Horned Lark N/A** -15 (+) 7 17 35 105 Yes Vesper Sparrow -23 0 21 31 51 90 Yes Eastern Meadowlark -45** 7 31 43 51 80 Yes Savannah Sparrow -30** 5 34 43 63 96 Yes * All species may re-nest if disturbed sufficiently early in the cycle. ** May overwinter(Savannah Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark in limited numbers). Descriptions: Arrivals =Pooled early arrival date. Nesting=Pooled early initiation of nesting (site selection and construction). Hatching=Pooled early hatching date. Fledging=pooled early departure from nest. Flighted=Pooled early date when young capable of sustained flight (generally>1 min. or>200 m). End of Cycle=Latest date at which young may become flighted. 1 Unless otherwise noted, dates pooled from: Birds of North America Online (Beason 1995; Herkert et al. 2001, 2002; Houston 2001; Jones and Comely 2002; Lanyon 1995; MacWhirter and Bildstein 1996; Martin and Gavin 1995; Temple 2002; Vickery 1996; Wheelwright and Rising 1993; Wiggins et al. 2006; and Yosef 1996); Cayuga Bird Club's "Spring Arrival Dates", compiled by Matthew Medler(2004); Bent 1929, 1932, 1938, 1942, 1948, 1950, 1958; eBird.org; and unpublished nest data collected by Michael Morgan. 2 Likely extirpated as a breeder. Data provided from Paul Novak's thesis Breeding ecology and status of the Loggerhead Shrike in New York state(1989). 47 March April May June July August Species 1 22 1 22 1 15 27 1 10 27 1 15 27 1 15 29 NOHA* A I N H F W E UPSA JA N HF W E SEOW* N I H F W Possibly Double Brooded E SEWR I A N H F W Double Brooded I E HESP I A N F W Double Brooded IE GRSP I A N H F W Double Brooded E I BOBO I A N H F W Occasionally Double BroodedE LOSH A N H F W Double Bre E I HOLA* N I H F W Double Brooded E I I VESP A I N H F W Double Brooded E EAME A I N H F W Double Brooded E SAV S A I N H F W Double Brooded E I Key: A=Arrival Date; N=Nesting; H=Hatching; F=Fledging; W=Young capable of sustained flight; E=End of Breeding Cycle. * Present year-round(resident) Figure 9. Approximate timing of stages in the breeding cycle for grassland breeding birds in New York(adapted from the information provided in Table 9). Dashed line indicates the suggested window for avoiding management activities. 3.2.1 -Mowing Mowing is likely the primary method by which grasslands are maintained in New York. Included in this category are haying(with removal of the cut vegetation) and"brush-hogging"or similar techniques that leave behind chopped vegetation. Mowing grassland habitat can be done in early spring or fall without concern of impacting nesting grassland birds (see Table 9 for breeding season dates). Spring mowing is intended to set back the development and growth of forbs (Mitchell et al. 2000)under the general premise that their growth buds, or meristematic tissue is concentrated in the tips of the plant,while the meristematic tissue of grasses is found closer to the ground(Fyne et al. 2004). Therefore mowing should be done with the mower deck set high above the ground. Shortly following the spring mowing, grass should begin growing rapidly(particularly cool season grass which grows most rapidly during the spring), and will have a slight competitive advantage over forbs,which should be reallocating growth resources due to the loss of their meristematic tissue. Fall mowing should be done after the breeding season has concluded for grassland birds (see Table 9 and Figure 9),but as early as possible if the objective is to maintain grasses as the dominant component of the vegetation. Grasses spread primarily via extensions of the rhizomes or tillers (Emoto and Ikeda 2005),while most forbs spread by seeds. Mowing prior the time at which seed of forbs become viable will help facilitate the dominance of grasses over forbs. However, mowing later in the fall can facilitate the spread of fully developed seeds, should a higher forb component be desired(Fyne et al. 2004). While mowing during the breeding season holds considerable potential to negatively impact grassland birds during their breeding cycle, doing so is occasionally necessary to maintain control over the spread of invasive species (particularly if the undesirable plants spread by seeds and mature early in the growing season). The impacts of mowing on breeding birds can be minimized by limiting mowing to the patches where the invasive species are present(spot mowing), or conducting surveys to determine whether or not any grassland species are in fact attempting to breed in a given patch or field. If grassland birds are avoiding a field that has been degraded by invasive species, intensive management can be conducted all season long with little or no impact to the targeted species. Simply mowing or"brush-hogging" (as opposed to haying)has one drawback,in that the cut vegetation is left to accumulate on the ground in the form of"thatch" (ground litter; Rudnicky et al. 1997). Grassland species vary in their preferences regarding thatch,and several prefer little or none(see Table 8–Grassland Bird Habitat Preferences). When species preferring little or no thatch are the targets for management, or when thatch has accumulated to the point of hindering the growth of desirable vegetation,haying may be recommended. Another alternative may be to use one of the two other general methods—grazing or burning. The frequency of mowing that should be prescribed varies according to soil types, moisture, and presence of invasive species or dominant vegetation that rapidly shifts habitat conditions to later successional stages. As a very general rule,maintenance mowing needs to be done only every two or three years (although Henslow's Sparrows may require a longer undisturbed period), as annual mowing may increase the depth of the thatch layer,reduce the amount of erect or partially erect vegetation(and perches), and therefore reduce the habitat's attractiveness. 3.2.2 - Grazing Grazing performs many of the same functions as mowing,with the added benefits of little or no accumulation of thatch, along with replacement of many nutrients in a form that may enhance the soil (i.e. manure and urine). In addition,the patchy nature of the vegetation removal by livestock can benefit species that prefer a mix of vegetation heights and densities (including Horned Larks and Upland Sandpipers; see Table 8-Habitat Preferences of New York's Grassland Birds). However,the quality of the habitat may be limited if grazing is done at too high a stocking rate (i.e. the number of animals grazed per acre), even if done in a rotational grazing scheme if it involves very high densities of animals that reduce vegetation characteristics (Adler et al. 2001) below the thresholds required by grassland birds. Often,high-density rotational grazing functions as repeated disturbances throughout the breeding season, and the rotations are scheduled to maximize use of peak vegetation growing rates,with periods between grazing too short to allow successful breeding attempts by grassland birds. Grazing at high densities can result in excessive trampling of the vegetation/soil(including trampling/ingestion of nests, eggs, and nestlings), as well as removal of nesting cover, leading to increased predation and exposure of nests (Ammon and Stacey 1997,Rohrbaugh et al. 1999). In addition, livestock(cows, sheep, 50 horses, etc.) can be selective, leading to the spread of undesirable plant species (such as invasive shrubs,thistle, etc.)that must be controlled by regular clipping (mowing) of the pastures. Grazing may be conducted within the project site during the breeding season and still provide opportunity for successful breeding, given that the minimum habitat requirements of the grassland birds are met(Jones and Vickery 1997). These requirements can be met by maintaining a low stocking rate and ensuring that only a small portion of the pasture(the areas being actively grazed at any given time) is impacted to the detriment of the habitat. Low density, continuous grazing may be preferable, and the impacts to the vegetation are diffuse across the season; however, if a rotational grazing scheme is employed, careful monitoring of pasture conditions will indicate the necessary timing to rotate livestock to the next pasture(Mitchell et al. 2000). Clipping of pastures to control invasives and woody vegetation should follow the guidelines listed for management by mowing. Grazing outside of the breeding season may function very similarly to mowing and haying, in that the disturbance reduces the amount of vegetation biomass of standing vegetation and prevents the accumulation of thatch. 3.2.3 -Burning While burning is occasionally considered to be the most ideal or"natural"method of maintaining a grassland, it is gradually becoming less practical for widespread application. Costs associated with personnel and training, equipment,and the trouble of coordinating all the resources and planning that must occur before a burn can be conducted combine to make burning unviable for many public land managers. Private landowners may or may not have the same problems;however, encouraging untrained,private landowners to conduct burning as management may have potential to become a public relations liability, should the burn injure someone or escape beyond the intended patch. In general,burning is conducted in early spring,to accomplish many of the same objectives described in the section on mowing. In particular, spring burning immediately prior to the rapid growth season of many warm season grasses is commonly employed, as it can greatly facilitate their establishment. Timing burning to occur in early spring often has the added benefit that potential fuels in adjacent habitats (e.g., dormant vegetation or compressed ground litter that take 51 longer to dry out than residual warm season grasses)may hold high moisture contents,which helps to limit the spread of out-of-control fires. Refer to section - Warm-season versus cool-season grasses for a brief description of a project to assess using summer burns to improve habitat conditions for grassland birds in a warm-season grassland. 3.2.4- Comparison of management techniques For a simplified comparison of the effects of mowing, grazing, and burning on the habitat characteristics preferred by grassland breeding birds,please see the following table (Table 10). 52 Table 10. Effects of management techniques on selected grassland bird habitat characteristics. Mowing Grazing Prescribed Fire Spring' Summer Fall Rotational Continuous Spring Summer Fall Field SizeCan Can increase Can increase No effect No effect No effect No effect No effect increase Slight Decrease to Slight Decrease to Shrubs decrease to increase to no change Slight decrease (% cover) Decrease slight slight slight Increase (varies with to no change No effect increase increase decrease species) Decrease Slight Slight increase (early fall increase to No change (in warm seasonDecrease Forbs grasses) or (% cover) Decrease Decrease mowing) to increase to slight Decrease decrease to no increase (late (especially increase change fall mowing) weeds) (aggressive late- flowering forbs) Increase Litter ( not Increase (if Increase (if Decrease Decrease Decrease Slight decrease Decrease hayed) Depth not hayed) not hayed) to no change Slight Increase Vegetation Slight Height Decrease No change increase to Decrease decrease (temporary No change Increase no change decrease) Vegetation Increase Increase (if Increase (if Decrease Increase Slight No change to Increase Density (if hayed) hayed) not hayed) decrease slight decrease Perches Removes Removes Removes Maintains Maintains May May remove May remove remove Sources: Higgins et al. 1989, Frawley and Best 1991, Mitchell et al. 2000,Lueders et al. 2006, Zuckerberg and Vickery 2006. 'In general, spring should be interpreted as prior to the grassland bird breeding season (1 May to 15 August), summer as during the breeding season, and fall as after the breeding season. 3.2.5-Planting or "Restoring" Grassland Vegetation In some instances, it may be desirable to convert a field or other piece of property into a new grassland habitat. While habitat conversion is not recommended for certain forests, wetlands, or other priority habitats, occasionally farmland is taken out of production, or patchy habitat may be consolidated into a single cover type. In addition,parks,municipal lands, or other greenspace may be suitable for establishing grassland bird habitat. In these instances, it may be beneficial to plant grasses and preferred forbs,rather than relying on"natural" succession and running the risk of invasion by exotic plant species. Planting land previously used as tillable agricultural land is often the simplest, as conditions have been maintained to facilitate planting of crops (e.g. access,relatively smooth surfaces, and active weed management). Otherwise, aggressive removal of existing vegetation is necessary, and can include various combinations of tree and shrub removal, application of herbicide, and intensive disking of the soil prior to preparing to plant. "No-till grass seed-drills" are becoming more readily available as they are acquired by conservation partners, and, if conditions allow,may ease the process of site preparation. Planting can occur in both spring and fall, although effort needed to prepare the site and specific seed varieties (and the method by which they are prepared for planting)may necessitate one or the other. The seed supplier can provide information on the preferred timing for planting for the specific seed mix selected. For more detailed information on the mechanics of planting and establishing grass, a useful source is Vegetation with Native Grasses in Northeastern North America by Dickerson and Wark (1998). -Warm-season versus cool-season grasses Most remaining grasslands in the Northeast consist of non-native cool-season grass species established by European colonists as forage and hay for livestock(Vickery and Dunwiddie 1997, Giuliano and Daves 2002). However, in keeping with commonly accepted principles of conservation,many"restored" grasslands are planted with native warm-season grass species (George et al. 1979). The distinction between the two is that cool-season grasses achieve maximum growth rates during early spring and late fall(during relatively cooler periods), and warm-season grasses achieve their peak growth rate during the summer(or during the warm- season). In addition,warm-season grasses generally grow more robustly and achieve much higher heights and densities than cool-season grasses. There are limited numbers of native cool- season species available, and they are only recently being evaluated for their value as grassland bird habitat(Paul Salon,pers. comm.). The motivation for planting warm-season grasslands originally came from three factors. First, from a general conservation biology perspective,they are desirable as native vegetation in contrast to the common,non-native cool-season species mentioned above(Jones and Vickery 1997). They also are fairly resistant to flattening(lodging)by snowpack over the winter and provide dense nesting cover for upland game birds and waterfowl in the spring until new growth begins (George et al. 1979). Finally,they also lend themselves well to management by burning (prescribed fire), since new growth primarily occurs after conditions have warmed and dried in the spring(Rorhbaugh 1999). This allows weeds and forbs to expend resources in germination and new growth early in the spring that are then unavailable following a well-timed burn as the undesirable vegetation attempts to compete with the warm-season grasses which shortly begin to rapidly grow. Unfortunately for our application in New York,the growth habitats of warm-season grasses (especially varieties of switchgrass,Panicum spp.)tends to create very tall, dense stands of grass, which receive limited use by grassland birds (Norment et al. 1999, McCoy et al. 2001). This especially holds true when a very high ratio of grass to forbs is achieved following intensive management. The disparity between the habitat quality of native warm-season and non-native cool-season grasses is large enough that Lazazzero and Norment(2006) strongly advocate the use of the non-native cool-season grasses when managing grassland bird habitat in New York. Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge conducted a prescribed fire in a portion of a warm- season grassland during the summer of 2007 (Paul Hess,pers. comm.). The purpose of this burn is counter to the traditional approach, in that the objective is to impede the growth of the warm- season grasses in an established stand, increase the vegetation diversity,lower the overall height and density, and improve conditions for grassland breeding birds. The results of this experiment will be followed closely in the event that it may prove useful for improving the grassland bird habitat value of existing warm-season grasslands. - Seed mixes. 4 55 The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Plant Materials Program in New York has been maintaining a list(Technical Guide NY-36: Plant Materials—Seeding Mixes for Wildlife) of recommended seed mixes for planting grassland vegetation(source for the list included below). The list includes four categories: non-native cool-season grasses and forbs, native warm-season grasses,native warm-season and cool-season grasses (mixed), and native cool-season grasses. In addition, a list is included of native forbs that can be added to the mixes to increase species diversity(and thus structural diversity), although colonization by forbs from the surrounding habitats often reduces the need to purchase large quantities of the relatively expensive forb seed. This list will periodically be refined as some mixes are still relatively experimental and as they are planted and evaluated, so it is best to access the most current list in PDF format at http:Hefota.nres.usda. ovg /efotg locator.aspx?map=NY. The list can be located by clicking on any county within the displayed map, and then following the menu tree to: Section I—>Reference lists4Technical Notes and References by Discipline/Plant Materials 4 TN3 6-Wildlife Seeding Rates. Alternatively,the lists can also be found by searching for"TN36"in the provided search box. For more information about these mixes, contact the NY Plant Materials Specialist Paul Salon at(315)477-6535 or Paul.Salon(@,,ny.usda.gov. 3.3 -Management for Targeted Wintering Species It is easy to focus on the breeding requirement of migratory birds, without considering the needs of overwintering species. Many of the targeted grassland bird species rely on New York's grassland habitats for breeding or as early staging areas for migration,but several species also rely on grassland habitats in New York during winter. Short-eared Owls overwinter in many locations throughout New York, and are often found with high numbers of Northern Harriers and many other raptors including Rough-legged Hawks,American Kestrels,Red-tailed Hawks, and even an occasional Snowy Owl (see Appendix D for Short-eared Owl wintering locations). Better management of these areas is needed to better meet the needs of this species, and other grassland species such as northern harrier. A critical component for Short-eared Owl habitat is that relatively large patches of standing grass cover be maintained into winter. Short- eared Owls have not been documented as breeding in New York since the first few years of the 56 2000-2005 Breeding Bird Atlas, and so the greatest contribution New York can provide for this species is to protect and maintain the critical habitat needed to sustain this wintering population. Eastern Meadowlarks and Savannah Sparrows may remain throughout the year, or leave only for a brief period of time during the coldest winter months. Horned Larks commonly overwinter in large numbers in crop fields throughout New York,particularly in fields windswept free of snow and in areas where manure or waste grain is spread. Although spreading manure on top of packed snow is commonly discouraged by various Soil and Water Conservation Districts due to water quality concerns during snowmelt, this practice provides important foraging areas for Horned Larks (Beason 1995). Since most habitat management activities will occur shortly after the breeding season for the grassland birds, and before most wintering individuals appear, it is challenging to predict which habitat patches will be utilized. Habitat management activities commonly occur as staggered occurrences from year to year;however, consideration of the needs of wintering grassland birds and particularly raptors should be considered. Some of the resources available to determine if a site may be important for wintering grassland birds include the map of Short-eared Owl wintering locations mentioned above, as well as the myriad of observations collected and reported by the bird watching community. These reports can be obtained from the various listservs used to report bird observations, and especially through eBird(www.ebird.org). The practice of dividing habitat patches into sections and managing a portion of each field in each year, or rotating management activities across a complex of habitat patches can provide the undisturbed habitat needed as roosting and foraging areas for wintering raptors. Short-eared Owls in New York particularly rely on voles (Microtus spp., Clark 1975), and rely on open expanses of grassland habitat for their aerial foraging. Short-eared Owls also commonly roost on the ground in low, dense,herbaceous vegetation, although they will tree roost if snowpack is particularly thick(Clark 1975,Beason 1995). While no specific minimum ratio of undisturbed to disturbed habitat is provided in the pertinent literature,various creative techniques can be explored to ensure that some habitat remains, such as maintaining wide grassy buffers along streams and field borders. In addition, if the management objective for mowing a field is to control woody vegetation, spot mowing of shrubs allows relatively large amounts of undisturbed herbaceous vegetation to persist through the winter. 57 4 -Implementation of Plan 4.1 - Conservation Objective and Targets (Habitat and Population) There have been several strategies identified for achieving success in the conservation of grassland birds in New York. The two discussed in detail in the previous sections of this plan include the focus area concept and efforts to provide guidance on how to provide optimal habitat conditions for the targeted grassland birds. In addition, establishing a partnership of the various entities concerned with conservation of grassland birds in New York could also be considered a strategy, and has already been a valuable part of the achievements to date. Prior to discussing additional strategies, it is important to establish the goals and objectives that this partnership is trying to reach by the implementation of this plan. One important part of objective setting when attempting to conserve populations of concern is to asses the current condition of the population(e.g. population size and trend). We are able to track population trends for the grassland bird species at various scales,but estimating population sizes requires the ability to accurately estimate the amount of potential habitat available to the species combined with estimates of population density. As was discussed in the section"The use of landcover to identify focus areas", current landcover classification datasets lack the accuracy needed to quantify the amount of potential habitat. While we now likely possess sufficient data to reasonably model the abundance of grassland birds associated with various grassland habitat types,the inability to model habitat distribution across the landscape is an important handicap, and warrants further study. Were we able to map grassland habitats accurately across the state,population conservation targets could be established, following the form of"X hectares of habitat A would support Y individuals of a particular species in focus area 4, and if established,would double the population of that species in the focus area." Nevertheless, as our concern for these species is founded upon their rapidly declining trends, we can establish the general objective of"improving the availability of suitable habitat to stabilize the rapidly declining trends of the grassland bird populations in the focus areas in which individuals of those species are found." 4.2—Strategies 58 i In addition to the focus area concept and partnership efforts,there are several additional strategies being implemented by partners in the NY grasslands conservation group. These strategies are best categorized into one of three sections—Incentives and Easements (generally on private lands),Purchases, and Education. Each of these is discussed in more detail in the following sections. However,the value of coordinating efforts within the Focus Areas cannot be overstated, as this cooperation provides the best opportunity for developing the habitat complexes most beneficial to grassland birds. In particular, leveraging several programs to complement each other can often take a habitat conservation project past the size limitations that can handicap their usefulness. For example,the following figure illustrates how potential enrollment in the Landowner Incentive Program can complement other conservation programs to manage large expanses of habitat. Also, although landowners may not be able to enroll their entire parcels into incentive programs,their newfound knowledge of grassland bird habitat management may affect operations on the remainder of the parcel, assuming that the program representatives fully communicate the objectives and need for grassland bird conservation. 59 T "�.TA f V � x9t '{h , Fo F Boundaries " «'etlands Reserve Program Q Landowner Incentive Program W_ E Q NVrlclllie Habitat Incentives Program Q Property boundary b Atuhibontiew tori:GIs,Ithaca,NY 0 62.5 125 250 375 500 Nk ns c:\GIS\GLIPTardcipants\ Figure 10. Over 100 acres of grassland habitat complex protected and managed through complementary conservation programs. 4.2.1 —Incentives and Easements (Private Lands) Grassland bird populations peaked in Northeast the latter portion of the 19ffi century(as was described in the Introduction)as a result of the widespread clearing of forests for agricultural land. While the amount of hayfield and pastures available as grassland habitat has drastically decreased since that historic peak,the majority of habitat currently available continues to be private lands that are or have recently been agricultural lands. While farmland abandonment and reversion to forest has been the leading cause of the decreases,other threats are becoming more prevalent. These include intensification of haying(early and frequent mowing of hay), development of rural land associated with sprawl growth,and conversion of hayfields and 60 pastures into tillable land(crop land). This last category is of particular concern as the demand (or perception of a demand) for corn and other biomass for the production of ethanol has dramatically raised the value of agricultural land. This has led to widespread conversion of land that was previously too unproductive to allow profitable production of rowcrops (and was often left as hayfields). Therefore,the most efficient approach to providing high quality grassland habitat will be to work closely with private landowners,rather than focusing all efforts on acquisition and management of public property. The various voluntary programs available to landowners in New York are listed below(and are summarized in Table 9). Landowner Incentive Program: Grasslands Protection and Management(GLIP) Coordinating Agency:NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Contact: Marcelo del Puerto (mjdelpue(a,gw.dec.state.ny.us) Website: http://www.dec.U.gov/animals/32722.htm1 Total Enrollment: —22 participants in 2008, contract review and signing is underway. Average Annual enrollment: $600,000 is available for this initial offering, and will fund approximately 2,100 acres (—$55/acre). Additional funding has not yet been determined. The newest incentive program is the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's Landowner Incentive Program for Grassland Management and Protection. New York received funding for this program through a$600,000 Tier 2 grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. There is a 25%landowner match requirement for the funds,which will fund the protection and management of approximately 2,100 acres of habitat for a period of 5 years at$55/acre/year ($60/acre/year near metropolitan areas). Applicants were required to be within or bordering the focus areas to be considered eligible, although focus area 8 (Long Island)was not included in the program as the program coordinator(with input from Audubon New York) decided that land values and the lack of suitable habitat on private lands negated any benefit LIP could provide to the area. Over 200 applications were received(Figure 6 shows the distribution of applicants), and were ranked and evaluated following a rigorous process to ensure that the highest quality habitat patches were selected for the program(to see the evaluation criteria,visit 61 http://www.dec.ny_.gov//pubs/32751.html). Final preparation of contracts with the selected participants is underway. 5 t; A 1 „ r 6 3 4 .> I—,-J-- "? e FT 2 N W GLIP applicants 7 t o 20 ao SO kilometers S I . , . I . j , I E `Y Grassland Focus Areas Awhthoa Nm York GIS.Ithaca,NY Figure 11. Locations of applicants to the Landowner Incentive Program for Grassland Protection and Management in 2006-2007. Conservation Reserve Program(CRP) Coordinating Agency: USDA Farm Service Agency/Natural Resource Conservation Service Contact: Virginia Green, Supervisory Program Specialist(Virginia.Greennca,n�usda.gov) Website: http://www.ny.nres.usda.gov/programs/index.html#crp Total Enrollment: 59,756 acres Average Annual Enrollment: 2,500 acres 62 The Conservation Reserve Program offers incentives and cost-sharing opportunities for a variety of actions targeting the conservation of soil,water,wildlife, and other natural resources. The Conservation Reserve Program in general controls the largest budget of any of the listed conservation programs; however, only some of its various components may be applicable to the conservation of grassland birds. Of particular interest are the practices CP-1, CP-2, and CP-10, which involve the planting and maintenance of grasslands. The Conservation Reserve Program incorporates incentive payments for enrollment that vary according to the duration of the agreement(easement), along with cost-share payments for management and restoration activities. This program is an important component of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (or 2002 Farm Bill), and the last General Signup was in Fiscal Year(FY) 2006. The next General Signup is expected in FY 2009 at the earliest, subject to funding through a revised Farm Bill. Most recently,New York submitted an application to the State Acres For wildlife Enhancement component of the Conservation Reserve Program(SAFE-CRP)to guide the allocation of 4,950 acres of funding towards habitat patches most valuable as grassland bird habitat. This allocation will be modeled after the ranking criteria developed by the NYSDEC LIP and in consultation with Audubon New York and the NYSDEC(and other partners). 63 Partners for Fish and Wildlife Pro ram Coordinating Agency: US Fish and Wildlife Service Contact: Carl Schwartz(carl schwartz(ccDfws.goy) Website: http://ecos.fws.gov/partners/viewContent.do?viewPage=home Total Enrollment: 675 participants (7,500 acres) Average Annual Enrollment: Between 500 and 1,000 acres The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provides financial(cost-sharing) and technical assistance to landowners for management and conservation targeting a variety of habitats. Some of the priority projects the Program participates in are wetland restoration, grassland restoration, in-stream restoration, stream bank stabilization and restoration, and restoration of riparian and floodplain areas (see Fig. 11 for a map of project site locations). The National priority ranking factors for the Partners Program are used to assign funding priority status to proposed projects that meet these conditions: -Improve habitat for Federal Trust Species,including migratory birds; threatened and endangered species; inter jurisdictional fish; marine mammals; and, other declining species. -Complement activities on National Wildlife Refuge System lands, or contribute to the resolution of problems on refuges that are caused by off-refuge practices. -Address species and habitat priorities that have been identified through Service planning teams (with our partners), or in collaboration with state fish and wildlife agencies. -Reduce habitat fragmentation or serve as buffers for other important Federal or state conservation lands. -Result in self-sustaining systems that are not dependent on artificial structures. If other considerations are generally equal,then priority is directed to those projects that link private lands to important Federal lands (such as Refuges),have cooperative agreements of longer duration,multiple partners, cost sharing, and the greatest cost effectiveness. 64 New York Partners for Fish & Wildlife Priority Areas i . •' *Is i yI * NY Partners Project Sites western Luke Ontario St- Lawrence"vaii-ey Upper Susquehanna Riser -- LL Oneida Labe Basin 0 25 50 1 E}i3 Finger Lakes Region Elides Figure 12. Project site locations for the NY Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program(WHIP) Coordinating Agency: USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Contact: Mike Townsend(michael.townsend@ny.usda.gov) Website: http://www.ny.nres.usda.gov/prow=s/#whip Total Enrollment: 559 contracts (16,500 acres,average cost of$175/acre) Average Annual Enrollment: 1,830(1,000 for 2007) The Wildlife and Habitat Incentives Program pays landowners as a cost share for seeding and/or management activities that are undertaken for grassland bird management. There is no rental payment or incentive as in CRP. 65 Table 11. Private lands incentive and cost-sharing conservation programs. Approximate Annual Enrollment Total Acres Landowner Program Name (acres) Enrolled Commitment Payment Type Conservation Reserve Program(CRP)1 2,500 59,756 10-15 years Incentive and Cost-share Landowner Incentive Program: Grassland N/A 2,100* 5 years Incentive Protection and Management Partners for Fish and Wildlife Programa 500-1,000 7,500 10+years Cost-share Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP)' 1,830 16,500 5-10 years Cost-share *Contracting with selected recipients is underway. Further funding for this program has not been confirmed. 1 USDA Farm Service Agency/Natural Resource Conservation Service 2 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation a US Fish and Wildlife Service 4.2.2—Purchases (Public Lands) While the primary strategy for reversing declining trends in populations of grassland breeding birds will be private lands conservation programs,proper management of public land remains an important component of the overall conservation effort. This management in particular likely has significant impacts on the suitability of landscape-level selection factors for grassland birds in the general vicinity of the public lands. For example,what is probably the largest remaining population of Henslow's Sparrows in New York is clustered around the Perch River Wildlife Management Area in the St. Lawrence River Valley(Focus Area 5). Although the rural, agricultural nature of the local community and soils that hinder vegetative succession are key factors in the maintenance of the population, the public grasslands managed by the NYSDEC undoubtedly play an important role in maintaining a suitable landscape. The proportion of the total area in each Focus Area that is publicly owned averages 5.8%, and varies from less than 1%in Focus Area 6, to more than 28% in Focus Area 8 (see Table 12 and Figure 13). In addition,the percentage of potential habitat identified using the 2001 NLCD (discussed in section 2.6)that occurs on public land is 6%. This indicates that the proportion of grassland habitat on public lands reflects its distribution in the landscape, and that past public land acquisition and management efforts may not have placed any particular emphasis on grassland habitats. One notable exception to this pattern is based on preliminary surveys,which found that practically all remaining grassland habitat in Focus Area 8 is currently in public ownership due to aggressive development on private lands, and indicates that proper management of these public lands will be critical for sustaining that region's populations of grassland birds. In particular, the largest habitat patch remaining occurs on the former Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant(also know as the Grumman plant or Calverton airport),now officially referred to as the Enterprise Park at Calverton(EPCAL). Unfortunately,the site has been proposed for development,but is also receiving much attention as various partners have been advocating for continued protection and management of its habitats. Additionally,the NYSDEC is exploring a comprehensive plan to work with various municipalities in Washington County to develop a habitat protection initiative involving acquisition and purchase of easements on several thousand acres of critical habitat in the Ft. Edward Grassland IBA portion of Focus Area 6. For maps of each Focus Area that identify all public lands and their locations within the Focus Areas,please view Appendix F. Table 12. Proportion of focus areas in public ownership (from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). Focus Areas Land Ownership 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Overall Category Federal 4,393 15 8,635 7 0 0 0 0 13,049 Recreational Federal Non- 10 256 4,302 417 38,282 0 257 2,432 45,955 recreational State 16,994 20,458 5,531 7,367 40,743 0 0 4,508 95,493 Recreational State Non- 95 0 174 517 1,469 0 213 34 2,502 Recreational State 41 0 96 10 257 0 0 19 422 Campgrounds County 2,729 0 0 1,741 118 0 0 1,371 5,362 Recreational Municipal 573 0 48 658 84 54 0 195 1,611 Recreational Totals(ha) 24,834 20,728 18,786 10,717 80,952 54 470 8,559 164,395 % of Focus Area 4.0 5.3 5.3 2.5 8.2 0.1 9.4 28.5 5.8 68 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% U 15.0% U U a 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Focus Area Figure 13. Chart comparing proportions of each Focus Area that are publicly owned(from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 4.2.3 -Land Trusts Land trusts (or not for profit organizations that acquire land in both fee title and easements) are not reflected in the categories described above, as they operate independently and many focus on easements (the proportion of which varies among land trusts), and are therefore a blend of public and private land conservation efforts. There area approximately 70 land trusts that operate on a local level in New York, 3 that operate statewide, and 9 that operate nationally(with varying levels of involvement in New York). For a list of New York's land trusts that are members of the Land Trust Alliance,please see Appendix F (from the Land Trust Alliance website at http://www.Ita.org/index.shtml). Specific land trusts that participate in the partnership effort to conserve grassland habitat in New York include The Nature Conservancy and the Thousand Islands Land Trust. Comprehensive data on land trust stewardship activities regarding grasslands in New York are not readily available,but this warrants further assessment, as land trusts hold potential for enrolling considerable amounts of habitat in the grassland conservation effort. Some land trust 69 stewardship activities are supported through the private lands conservation programs listed above. 4.2.4-Education Management of grassland habitat requires commitment and resources beyond those available to most private landowners. However, a minor subset of landowners in New York does maintain land voluntarily for wildlife habitat. Those landowners often are eager to implement management actions when given proper guidance, and they should not be ignored as partners in this effort. In addition,many agricultural landowners appreciate the ability of their land to provide wildlife habitat, and are able to voluntarily implement certain conservation activities when they do not interfere with the productivity of their operations. For example,knowledge of the timing of the breeding cycle and the need for undisturbed grasslands as nesting habitat for grassland birds can encourage farmers to maintain refuge"islands" of unmowed grass in hayfields, and to delay haying of poorer quality grass (which can be used as bedding material or forage for livestock that do not have the rigorous dietary requirements of dairy cattle). In addition to this plan, some of the resources available that should be provided to interested landowners include educations materials developed by MassAudubon and Cornell Cooperative Extension. Links to these resources can be found in the"Additional Resources" section of this document. In addition,Audubon New York is exploring opportunities for relationships with various farmland preservation efforts in New York,many of which are very interested in learning about the habitat value of carefully managed farmland, as wildlife habitat values can be used to further their farmland preservation agenda. 4.2.5-Public Policy While protection of threatened and endangered grassland bird species is provided by both the USFWS under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the NYSDEC under the Environmental Conservation Law,protection of habitats for these species has been less than adequate to prevent impacts to their populations. Further development and implementation of public policy pertaining to the protection of habitat for threatened and endangered species would alleviate 70 some portion of the threats associated with the loss or degradation of existing habitat. However, this process will require full participation by a wide variety of stakeholders, and must be carefully considered. 4.3 -Assessment/Monitoring Unfortunately,no existing monitoring program provides the information required for assessing population trends and responses to management actions within the grassland focus areas of New York,but this need has been identified as a priority by multiple planning efforts, including by the partnership supporting the development of this plan, and the NY State Wildlife Grants planning process. The Breeding Bird Survey(BBS) lacks the power needed to effectively meet these needs at anything less than a regional scale,because of its extremely coarse resolution; potential bias associated with roadside point counts; its"all habitat" approach,which limits the amount of possible grassland habitat that is surveyed; and the increasingly rare nature of Northeastern grassland birds that further limits the ability of the BBS to detect meaningful population trends. Indeed,it is challenging to develop a protocol for monitoring grassland birds that fills all the data collection needs to meet multiple objectives. When the objective of a protocol is to monitor population changes at a regional level, it may not be sufficiently precise to allow a habitat manager to determine if their actions are having a desirable effect on the local grassland bird community. Government agencies and conservation organizations in the Northeastern states are in the process of developing a unified bird monitoring framework that will facilitate monitoring grassland birds at various scales and for various purposes across the Northeast(along with other bird groups and habitat/species suites)through the Northeast Coordinated Bird Monitoring Partnership. Audubon New York has been selected to lead the grassland component of this effort,which will ensure that the program used to monitor grassland birds in New York will be fully aligned and coordinated with the regional program, and will facilitate comparisons and interpretation of New York trends in a broader context. This coordinated bird monitoring effort is coordinated by Dan Lambert(American Bird Conservancy) and materials supporting this effort can be found at www.nebirdmonitor.org. Efforts to expand and develop this regional grassland bird monitoring program will be supported by the broader NE CBM effort; however, 71 the foundation for this program and assessments of various survey techniques was developed through the creation of this plan, and is reported below. While conducting the 2005 grassland breeding bird focus area survey(described in section 2_3), additional data were evaluated to assess various techniques used to estimate grassland bird abundance. This effort is described in more detail in the following section. 4.3.1 —Assessment of data collection techniques. During the 2005 focus area surveys,Audubon New York employed four methods of collecting grassland bird abundance data: a. Single observer roadside point counts (SORS) b. Single observer infield point counts (SOIF) C. Double observer roadside point counts (DORS) d. Double observer infield point counts (DOIF). The use of these four techniques allowed comparisons to be made between single and double observer point counts, as well as in-field and roadside point counts. Since the value of double observer point counts was discussed in some detail in section 2.3,it will not be discussed here. The differences in relative abundances estimated using roadside and in-field point counts was simply compared using a 2-tailed T test, and significant differences were only found for two species (see Table 13). 72 Table 13. Differences in average relative abundances estimated using roadside (RS)versus in- field(INF)point counts during the 2005 grassland breeding bird focus area survey conducted by Audubon New York(significant differences in bold). Species Treatment N Mean SE Mean Difference T-Value P-Value 95%CI BOBO INF 182 2.16 0.38 0.601206 1.48 0.14(4197662, RS 341 1.56 0.14 1.400075) INF 182 1.31 0.13 0.086985 0.57 0.571 (-0.214785, SAVS RS 341 1.22 0.084 0.388754) INF 182 0.311 0.06 -0.15308 -2.03 0.043 (4301147, FAME RS 341 0.464 0.046 -0.005017) INF 182 0.094 0.029 0.027554 0.74 0.459 (4045557, GRSP RS 341 0.066 0.023 0.100665) INF 182 0.21 0.058 0.161421 2.67 0.008 (0.042458, HOLA RS 341 0.048 0.017 0.280384) INF 182 0.011 0.0077 -0.01834 -1.31 0.19 (-0.045807, NOHA RS 341 0.029 0.012 0.009134) INF 182 0.022 0.011 0.010248 0.79 0.433 (4015407, VESP RS 341 0.012 0.0072 0.035902) INF 182 0.027 0.012 0.01281 0.85 0.393 (-0.016661, UPSA RS 341 0.015 0.0088 0.042281) INF 182 0.022 0.013 0.016113 1.15 0.252 (4011525, SEWR RS 341 0.0059 0.0041 0.043751) Based upon these preliminary results, a protocol for estimating grassland bird populations should rely on using the double observer technique to collect at least a portion of the data. This allows for assessment of(and correction for) observer accuracy in the final estimates. In addition, due to few significant differences in relative abundance of grassland birds between roadside and infield point count locations (and contradicting"directions" of the two statistically significant differences), a survey protocol that includes roadside surveys likely would describe reasonably accurately the true relative abundance and distribution of New York's 73 grassland bird populations. In New York in particular,the vast majority of grassland habitat patches are adjacent to roads, and a survey based on roadside point counts would likely be able to sample most patches. In addition,by incorporating both roadside and infield point counts into the study plan, observers will be able to visit more points than if they were to conduct only in- field point counts, as roadside points are more easily located and require less travel time to reach and return from. However,because many land managers should be conducting in-field point counts (to assess vegetation characteristics and for rigorous site-level monitoring),it will likely be possible to combine the two techniques. An ideal monitoring scheme will be able to assess both local bird response and regional population changes to most effectively utilize the available observers. The monitoring scheme currently envisioned will likely make use of in-field point counts conducted by managers in a"fixed" set of habitat patches, along with roadside point counts conducted at randomly selected patched that are classified as "potential"grassland bird habitat. 4.3.2 Tiers or "strata"of interest for evaluation/monitoring efforts. A robust sampling design will allow comparisons at multiple levels including comparing grassland bird response as a result of habitat management to population changes throughout the region(both site-specific and programmatically),modeling the availability of suitable habitat across the regions (of concern due to inability to precisely model habitat using landcover datasets), and assessing vegetation response to management actions. The hierarchy of specific population inferences that are of interest are below, for the primary objective of indicating the effectiveness of coordinated conservation efforts at conserving the remaining populations of grassland birds: 1. Regional population trend for the Northeast(defined as USFWS Region 5,to align with BBS and other coordinated efforts). 2. State Level Trends (states within USFWS Region 5). 3. Trends for populations within Focus Areas. 4. Trends for specific conservation programs (or lack thereof) including private lands programs (LIP, CRP,WHIP,PFW, etc.) and public land efforts (refuges and wildlife management areas) contrasted with trends for populations occurring on private, intensive 74 agricultural lands such as active hayfields and pastures not enrolled in conservation programs. 5 -Preliminary Research Needs The following list describes research needs that will assist the development of future planning for the conservation of grassland birds. 1. Improved methods and data for modeling distributions and abundance of grassland landcover across the landscape. 2. Improved knowledge of impacts of management on productivity(production of viable young) of grassland birds,to amplify existing information on grassland bird abundances associated with management. 3. Further research into potential benefits of native grass species as grassland habitat in contrast with demonstrated benefit of non-native cool season grasses. 6-Next Steps 1. Finalize a comprehensive monitoring framework for grassland birds. 2. Collection of data on activities of Land Trusts to preserve/manage grassland habitat. 7-Additional Information and Related Planning Efforts For additional perspectives on grassland bird conservation,please see the following selected sources of information: 1. Ochterski, J. 2005. Cornell Cooperative Extension's guidelines for landowners on conserving grassland habitat. (http://scnyat.cce.comell.edu/grassland/) 2. Herkert, James R.,Robert E Szafoni,Vernon M. Kleen, and John E. Schwegman. 1993. Habitat establishment, enhancement and management for forest and grassland birds in Illinois. Division of Natural Heritage,Illinois Department of Conservation,Natural Heritage Technical Publication#1, Springfield,Illinois. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/birds/manbook/index.htm(Version 16JUL97). 75 a. Summarized version: bUp://www.benbirds.org/greenvapers—files/GPgrassland.html 3. Johnson,Douglas H.,Lawrence D. Igl, and Jill A. Dechant Shaffer(Series Coordinators). 2004. Effects of management practices on grassland birds. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown,ND. Jamestown,ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. http://www.npwre.usg`gov/resource/literatr/grasbird/index.htm(Version 12AUG2004). 4. MassAudubon(http://www.massaudubon.org/Birds & Beyond/grassland/indgx.php) 5. New Jersey Audubon(http://www.niaudubon.org/Conservation/Stewardship.htpil) 6. Sample,D. W. and Mossman, M. J. 1997. Managing habitat for grassland birds: a guide for Wisconsin. Bureau of Integrated Science Series. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Monona,Wisconsin. 154 pages. http://www..ppwrc.usgs.-gov/resource/birds/wiscbird/index.htm Citations Adler P.B., D. A. Raff, and W.K. Lauenroth. 2001. The effect of grazing on the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation. Oecologia 128:465-479. Ahlering M. A. and J. Faaborg. 2006. Avian Habitat Management meets conspecific attraction: if you build it,will they come?The Auk: Vol. 123,No. 2 pp. 301-312 Ammon,E. M. and P. B. Stacey. 1997. Avian nest success in relation to past grazing regimes in a montane riparian system. Condor 99:7-13. Beason,R. C. 1995. Horned Lark(Eremophila alpestris). In The Birds of North America,No. 195 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences,Philadelphia, and The American Ornithologists' Union,Washington,D.C. Bent,A. C.. 1929. Life histories of North American shorebirds. Vol. 2.Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 146. 76 Bent,A.C. 1932. Life histories of North American cardinals, grosbeaks,buntings,towhees, finches, sparrows, and allies (3 parts; Oliver L.Austin,Jr., ed.). U.S.Natl. Mus. Bull. 237. Bent,A. C.. 1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey. Pt. 2. U.S.Nat. Mus. Bull.No. 170. Bent,A. C.. 1942. Life histories of North American flycatchers, larks, swallows, and their allies. U.S.Natl. Mus. Bull. 179. Bent,A. C.. 1948. Life histories of North American nuthatches,wrens,thrashers, and their allies. U.S.Natl. Mus. Bull. 195. Bent,A. C.. 1950. Life histories of North American wagtails, shrikes,vireos, and their allies. U.S.Natl. Mus. Bull. 197. Bent,A.C. 1958. Life histories of North American blackbirds, orioles,tanagers, and allies. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 211: 549 p. Brennan, L. A. and W. P. Kuvlesky. 2005. Invited Paper:North American Grassland Birds: An Unfolding Conservation Crisis?Journal of Wildlife Management: Vol. 69,No. 1 pp. 1-13. Carter M. F.,W. C. Hunter, D.N. Pashley,K.V. Rosenberg. 2000. Setting conservation priorities for landbirds in the United States: the Partners in Flight approach. The Auk. 117::541- 548. Dickerson, J. D., and B. Wark. 1998. Vegetating with Native Grasses in Northeastern North America. A Manual published by U. S. Department of Agriculture,Natural Resources Conservation Service,Plant Materials Program, and Ducks Unlimited Canada. Emoto, T., and H. Ikeda. 2005. Appearance and development of tillers in herbage grass species 2. Timothy(Phleum pratense L.). Grassland Science 51:45-54. 77 Fletcher,R. J., and R.R. Koford. 2002. Habitat and Landscape Associations of Breeding Birds in Native and Restored Grasslands. The Journal of Wildlife Management 66:1011-1022. Frawley,B. J., and L. B. Best. 1991. Effects of Mowing on Breeding Bird Abundance and Species Composition in Alfalfa Fields. Wildlife Society Bulletin 19:135-142. Fynn, R. W. S., C. D. Morris, and T. J. Edwards. 2004. Effect of burning and mowing on grass and forb diversity in a long-term grassland experiment. Applied Vegetation Science 7:1-10. Gates J. E., and Gysel L. W. 1978.Avian nest dispersion and fledging success in field-forest ecotones. Ecology. 59:871-883. George, R. R.,A. L. Farris, C. C. Schwartz,D. D. Humburg, and J. C. Coffey. 1979. Native prairie grass pastures as nest cover for upland birds. Wildlife Society Bulletin 7(1):4-9. Giuliano,W. M., and S. E. Daves. 2002. Avian response to warm-season grass use in pasture and hayfield management. Biological Conservation 106 :1-9. Hamer, T., C. Flather, and;B.Noon. 2006. Factors Associated with Grassland Bird Species Richness: The Relative Roles of Grassland Area,Landscape Structure, and Prey. Landscape Ecology 21(4):569-583. Herkert, J. R.,D. E. Kroodsma, and J. P. Gibbs. 2001. Sedge Wren(Cistothorus platensis). In The Birds of North America,No. 582 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc.,Philadelphia,PA. Herkert, J. 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Species Partners in Flight Ranking(Carter et al. 2000) NE ConcernNY SGCN2 NY E,T,SC Tier Northern Harrier High Regional Priority/High Regional Threats Yes Yes T 1 Upland Sander High Continental Concern/High Regional Responsibility, High Yes Yes T 1 p Sandpiper Threats Short-eared Owl High Continental Concern/Low Regional Responsibility,High Yes Yes E 1 Regional Threats Sedge Wren High Regional Priority/High Regional Threats Yes Yes T 1 Henslow's Sparrow High Continental Concern/High Regional Priority; High Regional Yes Yes T 1 Priority/High Regional Concern, High Regional Threats Grasshopper Sparrow High Regional Priority/High Regional Threats - Yes Sc 1 Bobolink High Regional Priority/High Regional Concern, High Regional _ Yes - 1 Responsibility Loggerhead Shrike High Regional Priority/High Regional Threats Yes Yes E 1 Horned Lark - - Yes Sc 2 Vesper Sparrow - - Yes SC 2 Eastern Meadowlark High Regional Priority/High Regional Concern - - - 2 Savannah Sparrows - - - - 2 Wintering Raptors* N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Wildlife species of regional conservation concern by Northeast Endangered Species and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee (2001). 2 State Wildlife Grants "Species of Greatest Conservation Need" in NY(March 2003). 3 Species listed as Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern in NY(New York State 1979). * Including Northern Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Snowy Owl(Bubo scandiacus), Rough-legged Hawk(Buteo lagopus), Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis),American Kestrel(Falco sparverius), and Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor). 85 Appendix B-Maps of Breeding Bird Atlas blocks with grassland birds documented as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (data collected from 2000-2005). 86 5 z % oil 1A Ma a 6 3Ida 0 mom a � P_'0 n � r X3 3 2 7 N \Y Grassland Focus Areas W 'ELM Blocks containing Northern Harriers am ` S 8 r sw; n via 0 25 50 100 Kilometers Audubcm New York GIS.Ithaca-\Y Figure 14. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Northern Harriers were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000- 2005). 87 5 6 3 _ 4 ■ 2 7 N NY Grassland Focus Areas w E Blocks containing Uland Sandpipers ' S 8 ; 025 50 100 n1olneter5 I I I I I 1 1 I Auduubm:hew York GLS.Ithaca-NY Figure 15. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Upland Sandpipers were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000- 2005). 88 5 w 1 3, 4 2 7 0_ W+N Blocks containing Short-eared Owls E Q NY Grassland Focus Areas ',S 8 0 25 50 100 Kilometer Audubon New Ycrk GIS.Ithaca.NY Figure 16. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Short-eared Owls were recorded as possible, probable, or confirmed breeders (2000- 2005). 89 5 6 3 "W „4 7m N \-Grassland Focus Areas WE Blocks containing Sedge Wrens S 8 025 50 700 Kilometers i- i i I i i i Audubmi New Ymk-GFS,Ithaca.NY Figure 17. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Sedge Wrens were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders(2000- 2005). 90 5 1 6 3 4 2 7 N Q W+ENY Grassland Focus Areas R'-G�E Blocks containing Heuslow's Sparrows S 8 0 <S 50 100 Kilomelm Au&bon New Ycrk GIs.Ithaca,NY Figure 18. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Henslow's Sparrows were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000-2005). 91 4 5 M 1 u 6 R, .� q LIL A 2 7 +,. NY Grassland Focus Areas W+E Blocks coutaittiug Grasshopper Sparrows 5 � 0 25 50 I00lvbcmeters NRL 11 1 1 1 . 1 i I Audubon New York GIS,Ithaca,NY Figure 19. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Grasshopper Sparrows were recorded as possible, probable, or confirmed breeders (2000-2005). 92 1 5 € ® a 1 \\ �' \ r r z 2 NY Grassland Focus Areas W E Blocks containing Bobolinks 8 0 25 SQ her Itiilomesers Audubon'New York GIS_Ithaca,NY Figure 20. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Bobolinks were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000-2005). 93 i 1 6 3 � 4 2 7 \Y Grassland Focus Areas WE Blocks containiug Loggerhead Strikes S 8 G 25 50 100 Kilometers Audubmz New Y'xk GIS.Ithica.\'Y Figure 21. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Loggerhead Shrikes were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000-2005). 94 5 1 6 4 r W 2 7 N NI N Grassland Focus Areas W ' E Blocks containing Horned Larks S S 0 a 50 104 Kilometers Audubon New York C IS,Ithaca,NY Figure 22. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Horned Larks were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000- 2005). 95 96 '�SOOZ -0002) szapaazq pouuguoo zo `aigiagozd`aigissod se popzooa.z woo snno.utdS iodsan uoRm ut sxooiq sulIV png Suipaazg •£Z OMSTA W`03egil`SID-Ix,I�ata,nagnpnV sty tuo[sv.01 OS 5Z 0 o _ 8 S svo.MedS.ods kk nuninquoi sipojg Sp.JJ,V SH3021 puUIssu.I_ 3\ L WP 9 eD Z r a # � �E wn rj \ �. l 1 n 4 y 2 7 NY Grassland Focus Areas WE ;..,. Blocks containing Eastern Meadowlarks S 8 Q 25 50 100 Kilometers Audubm New Marl;GIS,Ithaca NY Figure 24. Breeding Bird Atlas blocks in which Eastern Meadowlarks were recorded as possible,probable, or confirmed breeders (2000-2005). 97 . � . . . « m . . . . . f . � � ? \ ■ m , ; � , 2 . . m N NY Grassland Focus A's Blocks cont, my Savannah S n-o s « 5 ® < % 8 : a us »a__ z Audubon'.Neiv GIS,lfliamNY , yN� � Figure 25. Breeding Bird Atlas bokinwhicSaanhSarrowsw2c2creapos6bGpoalcocn£rmebed3 (2000-2005). 98 Appendix C—Maps of the Corrected Relative Abundances observed for each species during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Survey. 99 5 -F Northern Harrier Abundance 0.000 0 0.00.1 - 1.900 1.901 -4..000 1 6 3 ° 4 2 7 -NY Grassland Fonts Areas S 8 5 I'll CO Mometen Audubon New lan#GIS.Ivnana 3Y Figure 26. Corrected relative abundance of Northern Harriers detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 100 5 , 'Upland.Sandpiper Abundance 0.000 la 0.001-1.900 1 6 3 s 4 2 7 'Y Grasstwd Focus Teas S g ! iii 1 _'C£Ka metes_ I i t i I t i i I AU':kzbcn`nen;i'ea.l GIs,Iia,N-17 Figure 27. Corrected relative abundance of Upland Sandpipers detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 101 pow Sedge Wren Abundance 0.000 0 0.001-1.900 0 1.901-4.000 1 3 4 2 7 N 4 ` l E NN Grassland racus Areas S Y 0 5'D lila _'�O KJ=ete_ i i I I Audnixi4 New Yatk GIS_Iduca.N Figure 28. Corrected relative abundance of Sedge Wrens detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 102 5 Grasshopper SparrawAhundancg 0.000 fd 0.001- 1..900, 1.901-4.000 l 6 3 4 2 7 a NY Grassland Foclts Areas 0 25 50 13)Kilometm Au&Am,NLnti YWk C-1:':..Rana.`NZY Figure 29. Corrected relative abundance of Grasshopper Sparrows detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 103 s ' •C:e Bobolink Mbundauce 5 # � 0.000 • 0.001- 1000 2.001 -4.000 x' 4.001 -5.000 I 5.001 -42.653 � 1 6 • 3 ° 4 0 00 r, 2 5 4V E: \'1 Grassland Focus areas s 8 Aui b=N'v%v'iaa GIB:Ithma.N Figure 30. Corrected relative abundance of Bobolinks detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 104 5 Horned LarkAbundance 0.000 0.001-2.000 2.001-4.000 4.001-8.000 • Is1 6 •03 106 �► 2 7 NY Grassland Foes Areas g, 0 25 100 Kficane'en. t°uSmbo^:Nese'saga$:GIS,Itham,NT ' Figure 31. Corrected relative abundance of Horned Larks detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 105 5 Vesper Sparrow Abundance 0.000 r 0.001-1.900 0 1.901-4.000 1 � 6 �r 03 4 2 7 N ��'-�• F NY Grassland Focus Ares S 8 U 25 51 100 KLIa`e*PA-a wksbNew e� Ymk GIS,I&aea, ti'Y w z ''i' •• Figure 32. Corrected relative abundance of Vesper Sparrows detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 106 • r 5 � £astern lleaclowlarkAbundance 0.000 • 0.001- 2.000 2.001-4.000 0 4.001-3,000 • 1 6 3 o o 4` s &0 2 7 ' -NY Grassland FocusAreas S g ?x zbc--N vYak GIS,I aaca,v'Y Figure 33. Corrected relative abundance of Eastern Meadowlarks detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 107 A 5 (-Poo (go Savannah Sparroiz Abundance OT 0.000iM 0.001-2.000 x.001-4.000 4.001-8.000 1 6 3 „i 60 2 7 1: -N3'Grassland Focus Areas S 8 025 5-1 L � i I i Amiubrn New Yak GIS,Ifawa.,\Y Figure 34. Corrected relative abundance of Savannah Sparrows detected during the 2005 Grassland Breeding Bird Focus Area Surveys. 108 Appendix D -Potential important areas for wintering Short-eared Owls. 109 5 Op 1 � 6 3 4 • • 2 Short-eared Owl Wintering Areas 7 • Historical • Current Grassland Focus Areas • a N • 8 030 60 120 Kilometers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Audubon New York GIS,Ithaca,NY Figure 35. Approximate locations of probable Short-eared Owl wintering areas based on observations from 1995 -2006 (Schneider 2004, 2006). 110 Appendix E—Estimated and ranked relative abundances of each grassland bird species interpolated across each focus area using kriging. 111 5 l 6 3 4 ,5 Scored Relative Abundances 7' Northern Harrier 0 0 W+E l s 2 8 0 30 60 120 Kilometers S Audubon\en,York GLS.Ithaca NY Figure 36. Ranked and scored estimates of Northern Harrier relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 112 5 ` 3 4 6 2 Scored Relative Abundances 7 N UpLand'.sandpiper wE C_ S _ fff1ll 8 i D 30 50 120 f;.ilnuietrrs Audubon Nm Ymk GLS,Ithaca,NY Figure 37. Ranked and scored estimates of Upland Sandpiper relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 113 5 'i 1 6 3 4 "D 2 Scored Relative Abundances 7 N Sedge Wren w E M 1 S r77 2 88 0 30 60 120 KAouieteas Audubon-Few York G15,ltbara.NY Figure 38. Ranked and scored estimates of Sedge Wren relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 114 5 1 3 4 6 Vol 2 Scored Relative Abundances 7 N Grasshopper Sparrow 0 0 w+E 1 s a g 030 60 1'0 Kilometers ` I i i i I i i t I .kU&.j art Vette York GI&Ithaca,w Figure 39. Ranked and scored estimates of Grasshopper Sparrow relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 115 n 3 Amok- m, Scored IelaRt e Abundances Bobolink I� 0 W+E 1 2 030 60 120 Kdonleters S Aeuhibon New York GIS.Ithaca,NY Figure 40. Ranked and scored estimates of Bobolink relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 116 5 1 3 4 6 2 Scored Relative Abundances 7 N Horned Lark W+E I S Z 8 430 S6 I20 Kilometers Audabon New York GLS,Ithaca,\Y Figure 41. Ranked and scored estimates of Horned Lark relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 117 1 6 3 4 2 Scored ReIg five Abundances Q 7 Vesper Sparrow w+E u S 002 8 0 30 60 120 Kilometers { Auduban New Yak GIS,Ithaca'vY Figure 42. Ranked and scored estimates of Vesper Sparrow relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 118 1 6 —� 3 f: E 2 Scored Relative Abundances 7 N Eastern Meadowlark t 0 W+E i S z 8 n 030 60 I?Q Kelometers I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ', Audubon New Yak GIS.Ithaca.N g ' Figure 43. Ranked and scored estimates of Eastern Meadowlark relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 119 �, rr 5 6 _ 3 � 4 2 Scored Relative Abundances 7 N Sivannah Sparrow WE S 2 C 30 631 t?OlCilameteas l i r i l r r r l Audubon New York GIS,Ithaca,NY Figure 44. Ranked and scored estimates of Savannah Sparrow relative abundances interpolated across the Focus Areas using kriging. 120 Appendix F—Maps and keys of publicly-owned lands within the Grassland Focus Areas. 121 SR i6_ Public Land Categories Sf{11�_ . N5�20 State Recreation(SR) ®Grassland Focus Areas Sz�i 17 : State Non-Recirafiou(SNR) SR li7 . State Campground(SC) NL�23 'Municipal Recreation(SIR) 91 SN47 Federal Recreation(FR) XZ28 ND�27 FederalNou-Recreation(FNR) 0 CIrI3 ]County Recreation((:'R) S1Y 3 FR.a �< 'sx8a. _.,_ NIR C�6 4 t9 cp ji, 105 - ti .8 b N1R¢tA6 \�i8280 Z6 T C 18 . � - r 31.. 4 : sR a v>it 4z SR,342 qui 3° a1�43 0 SR?9 MXas S� 1 M)t�ti NLS as -�„ z. siL-ajo=t s�22 �r si�st 41E110 Nifi 1 NR 46 NIta7 • SR 196 90 NIK P2. 5C 7 SR 97 3 sR 126 0 4, 86 N 101 1,%94* S103 SRt95 *� SR,)16� r r X33 W; N �{ F—T-7-7--j SR 0 8 16 Kilomefeas � J € - Audubeat New York GIS,Ithaca;I`Y ��SR Figure 45. Public lands within focus area 1 (key in Table 12; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 122 Table 14. Key for map of public lands within focus area 1. Key Site Name Key Site Name Key Site Name SNR 7 Albion State Correctional Facility MR 3 Joseph E Kibler Park MR 80 MacArthur Park SNR 11 Attica State Correctional Facility MR 6 Chili Heights Nature Trail MR 81 Town Place Park SR 21-22 State Boat Launch MR 7 Hickory Park MR 82 Kiwanis Mini Park SR 31 Ganondagan State Historic Site MR 9 Elroy Parkins Memorial Town Park MR 84 Austin Park SR 33 Genesee Valley Canal Historic Site MR 20 Somerset Town Park MR 85 Williams Park SR 36 Cedar Springs State Fish Hatchery MR 21 Calvin E Krueger Park MR 86 Castile Village Park SR 37 Caledonia State Fish Hatchery MR 23 Hartland Town Park MR 89 Centennial Park SR 78 Onondaga Escarpment Unique Area MR 25 Gulf Street Park MR 90 Francis Bellamy Memorial Park SR 79 Oak Openings State Unique Area MR 26 State Street Park MR 91 Lake Street Park SR 88 Tonawanda State WMA MR 27 John E Butts Memorial Park MR 92 Ricky Greene Memorial Park SR 89 Oak Orchard State WMA MR 28 Royalton Veterans Park MR 94 Silver Springs Municipal Park SR 91 Honeoye Creek State WMA MR 29 Clarence Town Park MR 95 Gainesville Village Park SR 114 Carlton Hill State Multiple Use Area MR 30 Fishers Park MR 101 Veterans Park SR 115 Golden Hill State Park MR 31 Parker Commons MR 105 Town Park SR 116 Lakeside Beach State Park MR 32 Thompson Road Park MR 106 Town Park SR 117 Wilson Tuscarora State Park MR 33 Kibbe Park MR 109 Veterans Memorial Park SR 118 Letchworth State Park MR 35 Emery Park MR 110 Highland Park SR 126 Silver Lake State Park(undeveloped) MR 38 Harris Hill Park FR 4 Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge SR 142 Genesee Valley Greenway State Trail MR 39 Stonybrook Park FNR 6 Reservation(US Army Corps of Engineers) SR 179-181 State Reforestation Area MR 40 Harlan Fisher Park FNR 18 VA Medical Center SR 196 Silver Lake Outlet State WMA MR 41 Tenant Park CR 0,7, 10-11 County Forest SR 197 Conesus Inlet State WMA MR 42 Washburn Park CR 12 Krull County Park SR 200 John White Memorial Game Farm MR 43 Semmel Road Sports Facility CR 13 Royalton Ravine County Park SR 203 State Reforestation Area MR 44 Monroe Street Village Park CR 14 Genesee Valley County Park SR 206-208 State Reforestation Area MR 45 Boughton Park CR 15 Black Creek County Park SR 216 Tillman Road Swamp State WMA MR 46 Boyd Parker Park CR 16 Beeman Creek County Park SR 248 Mudville State WMA MR 47 Warsaw Village Park CR 17 Akron Falls County Park SR 249 Rattlesnake Hill State WMA MR 48 Mark Tubbs Memorial Park CR 18 Mendon Ponds County Park SR 250 Keaney Swamp State WMA MR 51 Attica Memorial Park CR 19 Oatka Creek County Park SR 257 Hartland Swamp State Wetlands MR 61 Levi Corser Memorial Park CR 22 Genesee County Park and Forest SC 19 Golden Hill SPC MR 62 Sandy Bottom Park CR 23 Livingston County Park SC 26 Letchworth SPC MR 75 Meadowlakes Park CR 29 DeWitt County Recreational Facility MR 0 Dolan Park MR 76 Clarence Soccer Center MR 1 Upson Park MR 78 Riverbend Park WMA stands for Wildlife Management Area;SPC stands for State Park Campground. 123 SR,93 SR 220 R _ F1k118 SR 22' SR 231 wa z : SREin `. r SRr'S f✓ SR C9 SR ;'::SR iI i SR 246 SR--roS�#4 SR 260 'S Si S" S.yl � S$-iia _SR23S _T 14STU61 X2235 SR2�i3 . SR2 ) FAA CR 1.35SR241 Public Land Categories State Recreation(SR) Grassland FocusAreas State Non-Recreation(SNR) State Campground(SC) "' M Municipal Recreation(MR) � �1 E F—T-7-7--i Federal Rectration(FR) 4r 0 6 12 Kilonseters S Federal Non-Recreation(FNR) - Audubon Nev.,York GIS_Ithaca,NY !County Recrration(CR) Figure 46. Public lands within focus area 2 (key in Table 13; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 124 Table 15. Key for map of public lands within focus area 2. Key Site Name SR 82 State Wetland SR 93 Bath State Fish Hatchery SR 134 Mark Twain State Park SR 135 Pinnacle State Park SR 209-213 State Reforestation Area SR 226-247 State Reforestation Area SR 251-256 State Reforestation Area SR 259 Connecticut Hill State WMA SR 260 West Cameron State WMA SR 261 Rathbone State WMA SR 262 Erwin State WMA FR 2 Almond Lake(US Army Corps of Engineers) FNR 7 Big Flats Plant Material Center(US Dept of Agriculture) FNR 16 Bath National Cemetery FNR 18 VA Medical Center WMA stands for Wildlife Management Area 125 Public Land Categories 7_4k State Recreation(SR) Grassland Focus areas iState\on-Recreation SN`R ..... State Campground(SC) —�\)unicipal Recreation(MR) .;. NM 37 Federal Recreation(FR) FR3 Federal Nan-Recreation(FIN (�J County Recreation(CR) SRgW*I; SR 121 SR Z59 as E• Sd�Fl�ft l_ 6R t l 1 SR:ZS 3 JRJ 12 fl SIJk 3, :.5 rL cla c.T S g33 h 88 WE 0 i t3 Kilonnezers S °'25 259 — , S Audubon New York GIS Ithaca,NY f_� •i S1 t Figure 47. Public lands within focus area 3 (key in Table 14; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 126 Table 16. Key for map of public lands within focus area 3. Key Site Name Key Site Name SNR 2 State Agricultural Experiment Station SR 259 Connecticut Hill State WMA SR 23 State Boat Launch SC 23 Cayuga Lake SPC SR 102 Keuka Lake State Park SC 25 Sampson SPC SR 111 Deans Cove State Marine Park SC 27 Keuka Lake SPC SR 112 Lodi Point State Marine Park SC 28 Taughannock Falls SPC SR 121 Cayuga Lake State Park MR 37 Montezuma Memorial Park SR 122 Seneca Lake State Park MR 52 Charters Playground SR 124 Sampson State Park MR 53 Gulvin Park SR 125 Long Point State Park MR 54 Brook Street Park SR 133 Taughannock Falls State Park MR 55 Mc Donough Park SR 143 Bonavista State Golf Course MR 56 Ridgewood Park SR 195 State Reforestation Area MR 57 Lakefront Park SR 198 Willard State WMA MR 87 Ludlowville Park SR 202 Howland Island State WMA MR 88 Myers Park SR 204-205 State Reforestation Area MR 93 Potter Town Park SR 214 Northern Montezuma Wetlands State WMA FR 0 Finger Lakes National Forest SR 217 Cayuga Lake State WMA FR 3 Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge SR 225 State Reforestation Area FNR 1 Seneca Army Depot Activity SR 258 Canoga Marsh State Wetlands WMA stands for Wildlife Management Area; SPC stands for State Park Campground. 127 it MR 2 T FW12.%R1IMR p}q SR 26 v 8 § 99 SIv 4 v f, F�fR 13 F?r'R i+ 24 1-T, LS " N8 SR pl 6ti N,M,6 St2'•187 SR Jw -- SX231 0 3II�33 Ci Zit b2,34 NA 36 .l; S3+0 a C1,21 00 Sl-32 a cj�_ S 1S9 S& CR4 SR Ii G' "_ C�6 w 61) F( t0 114 1?3 N%98 SRAk Public Land Categories State Recreation(SR) Grassland Focus Areas ) State Non-Recreation(S-NR) § , [�State Campground(SC) r' .Municipal Recreation(MR) WE ( .':Federal Recreation(FR) , Q 7.5 15 Kiloaurters Federali\ou-RectYatiov(FNR) Au&A..Nrty Y.&-GIS,Ithaca,rl� Conntp Recerafiou(CR) 'f Figure 48. Public lands within focus area 4 (key in Table 15; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 128 Table 17. Key for map of public lands within focus area 4. Key Site Name Key Site Name SNR 4 Central New York State Psychiatric Center MR 34 Kirkland Town Park SNR 5 Mohawk Valley State Psychiatric Center MR 36 Donovan Memorial Park SNR 8 Oneida State Correctional Facility MR 49 Lakeland Park SNR 9 Midstate State Correctional Facility MR 50 Gypsy Bay Park SNR 10 Marcy State Correctional Facility MR 58 Tuscarora Nature Park SR 24 Lock 20 State Canal Park MR 59 John D Carey Park SR 25 Erie Canal State Park MR 60 Richfield Springs Municipal Park SR 26 Old Erie Canal State Park MR 63 Veterans Memorial Playfield SR 27 Canastota Cazenovia State Trailway MR 64 Sconondoa Playground SR 29 Oriskany Battlefield State Historic Site MR 65 Pietryka Park SR 30 Herkimer Home State Historic Site MR 66 Harmon Field SR 32 Lorenzo State Historic Site MR 67 F T Proctor Park SR 80 Nelson Swamp State Unique Area MR 68 Maxwell Field SR 87 Rome State WMA MR 69 Roscoe Conkling Park SR 90 Tioughnioga State WMA MR 70 Du Ross Conservancy SR 92 Van Hornesville State Fish Hatchery MR 71-73 T R Proctor Park SR 119 Verona Beach State Park MR 74 Oneida Castle Village Park SR 120 Chittenango Falls State Park MR 77 Sherrill Brook Park SR 123 Glimmerglass State Park MR 79 Mount Hope Park SR 184-194 State Reforestation Area MR 83 Washington Mills Athletic Park SR 199 Oriskany Flats State WMA MR 96 Schuyler Town Park SR 201 Utica Marsh State WMA MR 98 Village Park SR 215 Lock 18 State WMA MR 100 Lakeside Park SC 21 Verona Beach SPC MR 108 Allen Park SC 22 Chittenango Falls SPC FR 1 Fort Stanwix National Monument SC 24 Glimmerglass SPC FNR 0 USAF Stockbridge Test Annex MR 2 Floyd Town Park FNR 11 USAF Rome Research Site(Laboratory) Continued on next page 129 Continued from previous page MR 4 Pinti Field FNR 12 USA Floyd Test Site MR 5 Toby Road Park FNR 13 USAF Verona Test Site MR 8 Whitestown Town Park FNR 14 USAF Newport Test Annex MR 10 Frank J Robak Park CR 0,2-6,8-9 County Forest MR 11 Link Park CR 20 Oxbow County Park MR 12 Wilderness Park CR 21 Nichols Pond County Park MR 13 Little League Park CR 24 Highland County Forest WMA stands for Wildlife Management Area; SPC stands for State Park Campground. 130 _r. - R S -3fi3 SR iSR# SRS± &4 SR173� 7$ SP,34 � Silt Sjl(+ SR 14 SRI7SSR43SR44 S�s3 *' 46 A���17s a 4*13 SR _ 6 S m 5 S_ 45 S 49 S SRt_.95 615 145 110 5$ 51S i SR,1LX &\T3 SR S SPti SNR FILAR SR tu7SR 108SR 6-3 i SR 162 ' S"5 S, 09 &IU"0 � � SR 73 R' 66 ROU °5�f =t ',R 14, z P l c SR 113 � 5R'1SS3 lir ;pfd SR.b aR 1,1 SR4S2 SR 17i`_. .s \ :in 5R U 7NR_0 SFASi SR.' 22 SRss Public Land Categories -, �� Sl 4 State Recreation(SR) Grassland Focus Areas" I�State Non-Recreation(S\R) [ State Campground(SC) - '+. (_]Municipal Recreation(MR) � X1—J--E rTTT_1 [ Federal Recivation(FR) G to 20 Kilonietefs Federal Non-Recreation(F\R) _ Count-Recreation(CR) Atulubon Xnv fork GIS,Ithaca.N x ; Figure 49. Public lands within focus area 5 (key in Table 16; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 131 Table 18. Key for map of public lands within focus area 5. Key Site Name Key Site Name Key Site Name SNR 1 State Land(Restricted) SR 100 Dewolf Point State Park SC 1 Burnham Point SPC SNR 3 St Lawrence State Psychiatric Center SR 101 Keewaydin State Park SC 2 Long Point SPC SNR 6 Cape Vincent State Correctional Facility SR 103 Coles Creek State Park SC 3 Westcott Beach SPC SR 1-14 State Forest Preserve SR 104 Point Au Roche State Park SC 4 Robert Moses SPC SR 15-20 State Boat Launch SR 105 Galop Island State Park SC 5 Coles Creek SPC SR 28 Sackets Harbor Battlefield Historic Site SR 106 Cumberland Bay State Park SC 6 Cumberland Bay SPC SR 34 Chateaugay State Fish Hatchery SR 107 St Lawrence State Park SC 7 Eel Weir SPC SR 35 Cape Vincent Fisheries Research Station SR 108 Eel Weir State Park SC 8 Macomb Reservation SPC SR 42 Robert Moses State Park SR 109 Macomb Reservation State Park SC 9 Ausable Point SPC SR 43-65 State Reforestation Area SR 110 Jacques Cartier State Park SC 10 Jacques Cartier SPC SR 68 Imperial Dam Fish Ladder(State) SR 113 Yellow Lake State Multiple Use Area SC 11 Cedar Island SPC SR 69 Montys Bay State WMA SR 125 Long Point State Park SC 12 Kring Point SPC SR 70 Ausable Marsh State WMA SR 127 Wellesley Island State Park SC 13 Mary Island SPC SR 71 Upper and Lower Lakes State WMA SR 128 Canoe and Picnic Point State Park SC 14 Dewolf Point SPC SR 72 Wickham Marsh State WMA SR 129 Grass Point St Park SC 15 Keewaydin SPC SR 73 Fish Creek Marsh State WMA SR 130 Cedar Point State Park SC 16 Wellesley Island SPC SR 74 Cranberry Creek State WMA SR 131 Burnham Point State Park SC 17 Canoe and Picnic Point SPC SR 75 Collins Landing State WMA SR 132 Westcott Beach State Park SC 18 Grass Point St Park Cmpgrd SR 76 The Gulf State Unique Area SR 136-141 State Land MR 14 Gordon D Cerow Recreation Park SR 77 Gull Island State Unique Area SR 144-178 State Reforestation Area MR 15 Santaway Village Park SR 81 State Wetland SR 178 State Reforestation Area MR 16 Jack Williams Community Park SR 83 Kings Bay State WMA SR 182-183 State Reforestation Area MR 17 Maple Street Park SR 84 Wilson Hill State WMA SR 218 Indian River State WMA MR 18 Dexter Memorial Field SR 85 Lake Alice State WMA SR 219 French Creek State WMA MR 19 Carthage Recreation Park SR 86 Lewis Preservation State WMA SR 220 Ashland Flats State WMA MR 104 Town Park SR 95 Croil Island State Park SR 221 Perch River State WMA FNR 3 US DOT St Lawrence Seaway Continued on next page 132 Continued from previous page SR 96 Cedar Island State Park SR 222 Dexter Marsh State WMA FNR 5 US Coast Guard Station SR 97 Kring Point State Park SR 223 Point Peninsula State WMA FNR 9 Plattsburgh USAF Base(Closed) SR 98 Mary Island State Park SR 224 Black Pond State WMA FNR 10 Fort Drum(US Army) SR 99 Waterson Point State Park SC 0 Cedar Point SPC CR 0-1 County Forest WMA stands for Wildlife Management Area; SPC stands for State Park Campground. 133 Public Land Categories State Recreation(SR) Grassland Focus Areas State Non-Recreation(SAB) M) State Campground(SC) AlUnicipal Recs tatiun(MR) Federal Recreation(FR) Federal Non-Recreation(FNR) _!CounryRecreation(CR) iNR 2 tR 24 "4 N +E F—T­F—� 0 6 12 Kilometers S Audubou N.'-%v York GIS.Ithaca,NY Figure 50. Public lands within focus areas 6 and 7(key in Table 17; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 134 Table 19. Key for map of public lands within focus areas 6 and 7. Focus Area 7 Focus Area 6 Key Site Name Key Site Name SNR 12 Wallkill State Correctional Facility MR 22 East Field Park FNR 2 Ganiff Training Complex(US Army) MR 24 Town Of Moreau Recreation Park 135 SF.7 r 7 < SR94 SR ag g, � .xsn �55 aCRIT f' 4 FNM l> Si4€) N 10_-, N4103 � �.... Public Land Categories ' c State Recreation(SR) Grassland Focus zeas State Nou-Recreation(SNR) State Campground(,SC) =Municipal Municipal Recreation(NIR) 'r,., � W _ Federal Rearatiou(FR) ' 0 3 ti Kilometers Federal Non-Recreation(F\R) S AudubonNew York GIS,Ittkxa,\Y 1 ..::_ County Recreation(CR) Figure 51. Public lands within focus area 8 (key in Table 18; from NYS Accident Location Information System-Public Land Boundaries 2006). 136 Table 20. Key for map of public lands within focus area 8 Key Site Name SNR 0 New York Air National Guard SC 20 Wildwood SPC SR 0 Middle Island State Environmental Education Center SR 38 Rocky Point State Pine Barrens Preserve SR 39 State Pine Barrens Preserve SR 40 Manorville State Pine Barrens Preserve SR 41 Long Island State Pine Barrens Preserve SR 66 Brookhaven State Park(undeveloped) SR 67 Wildwood State Park SR 94 Rocky Point State Natural Resource Management Area MR 97 Stotzky Memorial Park MR 99 Town Recreational Center MR 102 Hampton West Park MR 103 Quogue Wildlife Refuge MR 107 Firemens Memorial Park FNR 4 US Dept Of Transportation(FAA) FNR 8 Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant FNR 15 US Reservation(Brookhaven National Laboratory) FNR 17 Calverton National Cemetery CR 25 Peconic Bog County Park CR 26 Peconic Hills County Park CR 27 Robert Cushman Murphy County Park CR 28 RC Murphy County Park SC 20 Wildwood SPC SPC stands for State Park Campground. 137 Appendix G—Land trusts operating locally, statewide, and nationally in New York(list maintained by the Land Trust Alliance at www.lta.org). Land Trust Alliance Member Land Trusts Operating Locally Name Main Office Location Adirondack Land Trust/Nature Conservancy *S&P Keene Valley,NY Agricultural Stewardship Association *S&P Greenwich,NY Avalonia Land Conservancy *S&P Old Mystic,CT Bergen Swamp Preservation Society *S&P Bergen,NY Bronx Land Trust *S&P Bronx,NY Brooklyn Queens Land Trust *S&P Brooklyn,NY Cape Vincent Village Green, Inc. *S&P Cape Vincent,NY Cazenovia Preservation Foundation *S&P Cazenovia,NY Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy *S&P Jamestown,NY Chenango Land Trust *S&P Norwich,NY Columbia Land Conservancy *S&P Chatham,NY Cragsmoor Conservancy,Inc. *S&P Cragsmoor,NY Delaware Highlands Conservancy *S&P Hawley,PA Dutchess Land Conservancy *S&P Millbrook,NY Eddy Foundation *S&P Essex,NY Esopus Creek Conservancy *S&P Saugerties,NY Finger Lakes Land Trust *S&P Ithaca,NY Friends of the Outlet *S&P Dresden,NY Genesee Land Trust *S&P Rochester,NY Genesee Valley Conservancy *S&P Geneseo,NY Greene Land Trust *S&P Cairo,NY Harlem Valley Rail Trail *S&P Millerton,NY Heritage Conservancy *S&P Doylestown, PA Hudson Highlands Land Trust *S&P Garrison,NY Indian River Lakes Conservancy *S&P Redwood,NY Keep Conservation Foundation *S&P New York,NY Lake Champlain Land Trust *S&P Burlington,VT Lake George Land Conservancy *S&P Bolton Landing,NY Manhattan Land Trust *S&P New York,NY Mendon Foundation,Inc. *S&P Mendon,NY Mianus River Gorge Preserve,Inc. *S&P Bedford,NY Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy *S&P Slingerlands,NY Mohonk Preserve *S&P New Paltz,NY Mount Sinai Heritage Trust,Inc. *S&P Mount Sinai,NY Nassau Land Trust *S&P East Norwich,NY Natural Lands Trust *S&P Media, PA North Elba Land Conservancy *S&P Lake Placid,NY North Salem Open Land Foundation *S&P North Salem,NY North Shore Land Alliance *S&P Old Westbury,NY 138 Oblong Land Conservancy,Inc. *S&P Pawling,NY Ontario Bays Initiative *S&P Chaumont,NY Open Space Institute *S&P New York,NY Orange County Land Trust *S&P Middletown,NY Otsego Land Trust, Inc. *S&P Cooperstown,NY Peconic Land Trust *S&P Southampton,NY Placid Lake Foundation *S&P Lake Placid,NY Post-Morrow Foundation *S&P Brookhaven,NY Pound Ridge Land Conservancy *S&P Pound Ridge,NY Putnam Counly Land Trust *S&P Brewster,NY Queensbury Land Conservancy *S&P Queensbury,NY Rensselaer-Taconic Land Conservancy *S&P Troy,NY Rev. Linnette C. Williamson Memorial Park Association *S&P New York,NY Rondout-Esopus Land Conservancy *S&P High Falls,NY Saratoga P.L.A.N. *S&P Saratoga Springs,NY Save the County Land Trust *S&P Syracuse,NY Scenic Hudson,Inc. *S&P Poughkeepsie,NY Schodack Area Land Trust *S&P East Schodack,NY Schoharie Land Trust,Inc. *S&P Cobleskill,NY Serpentine Art and Nature Commons,Inc. *S&P Staten Island,NY Shawangunk Conservancy *S&P Accord,NY Somers Land Trust *S&P Somers,NY Southern Madison Heritage Trust *S&P Hamilton,NY St. Lawrence Land Trust *S&P Canton,NY Teatown Lake Reservation,Inc. *S&P Ossining,NY The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development *S&P Arkville,NY The Trust for Public Land, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office *S&P New York,NY Thousand Islands Land Trust *S&P Clayton,NY Three Village Community Trust,Inc. *S&P Setauket,NY Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust *S&P Watertown,NY Wallkill Valley Land Trust,Inc. *S&P New Paltz,NY Westchester Land Trust *S&P Bedford Hills,NY Western New York Land Conservancy *S&P East Aurora,NY Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation *S&P Williamstown, MA Wilton Wildlife Preserve&Park *S&P Gansevoort,NY Winnakee Land Trust *S&P Rhinebeck,NY Woodstock Land Conservancy *S&P Woodstock,NY Yorktown Land Trust *S&P Yorktown Heights,NY Land Trust Alliance Member Land Trusts Operating Statewide North American Land Trust *S&P Chadds Ford,PA Northeast Wilderness Trust *S&P Boston,MA The Nature Conservancy,New York State Office *S&P Albany,NY Land Trust Alliance Member Land Trusts Operate Nationally 139 American Farmland Trust*S&P American Land Conservancy *S&P The Conservation Fund The Great Outdoors Conservancy *S&P The Humane Society of the United States Wildlife Land Trust *S&P National Park Trust *S&P The Nature Conservancy *S&P Trust for Public Land *S&P Wilderness Land Trust *S&P *S&P indicates adoption of Land Trust Standards&Practices, guidelines for responsible and ethical operation of a land trust. 140 State of the Birds Page 1 of 2 About Audubon Take Action Contact Us Home 'Audubon Give Now States,Centers&Chapters Birds&Science Issues&Action Education Audubon At Home News r State of the Birds > DOnateGrasslands State of the Birds More than a quarter of the land in the continental United States is grasslands, primarily consisting of Grassland birds hayfields, pastures, and rangelands but also natural grasslands, such as short, mixed, and tallgrass prairies. Almost half of Alaska is a mix of grass, shrubs, and wetlands called tundra; because dry, Shrubland birds grassy tundra is the most dominant type, it is also included here. Grasslands are threatened by Woodland birds overgrazing, conversion to croplands, frequent haying,field abandonment and a lack of fire(both of which encourage woody growth), invasive plants, resource extraction,and urbanization. Water birds Urban birds •Eastern Meadowlark The rarest birds r Characteristic of grassy fields and prairies,the population of Eastern Meadowlarks has declined by Birds with the smallest 66%to about 10 million individuals. range •Bobolink Birds with declining The population of the Bobolink,which nests in populations hayfields and other northern U.S. grasslands, has Birds with serious threats fallen to about 11 million birds—half its earlier numbers. Birds&Climate Change Common Birds in Decline Short-eared Owl Habitats&Birds 2004 This owl no longer nests in many of the grasslands where it used to breed, and its population has Audubon Watchlist decreased by 69 percent,to about 2.4 million birds. •Greater Prairie-Chicken E e 1.Of the.47 grassland bird species,3i are green The Greater Prairie-Chicken has disappeared es,six are yellow Watchlist,and ten are red completely from many states; in only a few of them hList.This is the highest proportion of red Watchl..ist are the 700,000 birds left stable or increasing in es for any of the major habitat types. population. 20 l8 16 Id W Sig.Incr. 10 ■Incrcas.e -----._...._...................................... Si .Decr. 4 : 0 Grassland Figure 2.According to the Breeding Bird Survey data from 1966 to 2003,23 of 27 grassland species are declining,and there is no trend information for 20 species. Additional Yellow Watchlist Species in grassland habitats: Ferruginous Hawk American Golden-Plover http://www.audubon.org/bird/stateofthebirds/grasslands.html 9/11/2009 State of the Birds Page 2 of 2 Pacific Golden-Plover Botteri's Sparrow Dickcissel Additional Red Watchlist Species in grassland habitats: Mountain Plover Eskimo Curlew Long-billed Curlew Buff-breasted Sandpiper Sprague's Pipit Baird's Sparrow Henslow's Sparrow McCown's Lonaspur McKay's Bunting Home I States,Centers&Chapters I Birds&Science I Issues&Action I Education I Audubon At Home I News Employment I About Audubon I Support Audubon I Take Action I Contact Us I Privacy Policy Copyright 2009 by National Audubon Society, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.audubon.org/bird/stateofthebirds/grasslands.html 9/11/2009