HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/2019 Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall Annex Board Room February 11, 2019 Meeting Called to Order at 10:00 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich. Members Present Councilman Bill Ruland, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Planning Director Heather Lanza, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, Jim Baker, Frank Field, and Tom Fox. Also Present George Lomaga, Doris McGreevy and Peter McGreevy—Mattituck Park District. Jessica Frankel—Oysterponds Association. Approval of January 11, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to accept the minutes was made by Heather Lanza, was seconded by Jim Baker and was carried. East End Transportation Council - Update There was no EETC meeting. Town Supervisor, Board and Trustee Requests Pike Street Parking Lot & Dean Parkinq Lot Rules of Operation —Mattituck The draining basins at the Dean lot have been cleaned. The parking rules for both lots are still under review and discussion. New Suffolk Parkinq Councilman Ruland reported on a meeting with the New Suffolk Civic Association on November 28, 2018 at which a very detailed presentation was discussed concerning possible solutions to parking issues throughout that hamlet. The Commission discussed possible solutions: • Traffic study of the hamlet by consultants, with the scope to be determined by relevant Town departments, after consultation with local businesses and residents and subject to the Town Board's approval, • Reclaim Town property on King Street, as designated, • Realignment of parking spaces on 1St Street, • Designated zone on 1St Street for truck loading and discharging operations with specific hours during which no parking by cars would be permitted. Planning Board Requests Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of Town Comprehensive Plan It is expected that the Town Comprehensive Plan will be available soon for the Town Board's review. 1 Planning Board Request for Speed Limit Reduction on CR48 in the Area of Moores Lane. West to Chapel Lane The following issues, as requested by the Planning Board, were discussed: • Speed limit from the end of the four lane section of CR48 in Southold to Orient Point should be reduced to 40 MPH, except as mandated in way of firehouses and schools and as approved by NYSDOT and SCDPW. Neb will write a memo to the Town Board. • S92 service should be rerouted to travel on CR48 between Moores Lane and Chapel Lane to accommodate the new apartment complex, as well as San Simeon, Breezy Shores Condominiums, Sunset Motel, two campgrounds and a retirement community. That change would require approval by Suffolk County Transit and would provide a bus connection to downtown Greenport and other transit options. Neb will write a memo to the Town Board. • Bus shelter at Vineyard Vines-tabled. • Addition of a bike lane or shared road signs and pavement markings to improve bicycle safety along all of CR48, with connection to the SR25 bike route. This proposal requires SCDPW approval. Neb will write a memo to the Town Board. • Add pedestrian safety measures where possible. Current Transportation Issues - Updates Southold Bus Shelters-Update The bus shelter issue will removed from further consideration by the Commission, pending any new developments. Love Lane & SR25 New Proposed Contract Update- Mattituck Jamie Richter reported that NYSDOT Albany is reviewing the situation and that a roundabout seemed to be the likely result. The scope of the study is to cover New Suffolk Avenue to Wickham Avenue. Peconic Water Taxi Proposal There are no new developments. Tom Fox observed that a viable operation would likely require some level of public or commercial subsidy. Old Business Traffic Safety Concerns at Mattituck Library Councilman Ruland briefed the Town Board concerning parking issues on the south side of Route 25 associated with visitors to the DeFriest- Grattan Funeral Home on the north side of that roadway. The Library requested that"No Stopping at Anytime" signage should be placed as appropriate to alleviate sightline concerns regarding egress from the Library's parking lot. Three-Way Stop Sign Request—Great Pond Way & Private Road 26 -Greenport After further study of ownership of the right of way and a review of the Town Code by the Town Attorney, recommendations will be submitted to the Town Board. 2 r S Mattituck Park District Second Request for Roadside Signs Councilman Ruland reported that the Town Board agreed with the Commission's recommendations concerning signage and will move forward, subject to the Town Attorney's findings concerning previous authorization of signage. A public hearing will required for any adjustment of signage. New Business Town Hall Access from Horton Lane- Southold Jamie Richter reported on issues concerning the possible marking for the routing of vehicles entering or exiting the parking lot at the rear of Town Hall. Public Comment Speed Limit Issues-Oysterponds Association Jessica Frankel spoke on behalf of that association concerning the existing 30 MPH speed limits in way of Oysterponds School and the Fire Station. Trustee Phillips noted that NYSDOT analyzes several factors when considering speed limit changes. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town Hall. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fox cc: Town Clerk Town Government Liaison Officer 3 iw:Transportation Commision Advice https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/viewmessage?r=<request><mai... From: "Bill Ruland" <rulandfarm@yahoo.com> To: "Neb Braschich" <nrbl@optonline.net> Date: 02/26/2019 02:41:39 PM Subject: Fw: Transportation Commision Advice FYI, Regards, WPR William P. Ruland Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor Town Councilman E-mail:rulandfarm@yahoo.com Phone- C. 631-566-4107; H. 631-298-9159 ---Forwarded Message----- From: Bill Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com > To: sandeeshoes@verizon.net <sandeeshoes@verizon.net> Sent:Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 2:40:49 PM EST Subject: Re:Transportation Commision Advice I will forward your concern to the Chair of the transportation committee and have it put on the agenda for the next meeting, WPR William P. Ruland Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor Town Councilman E-mail:rulandfarm@yahoo.com Phone- C. 631-566-4107; H. 631-298-9159 On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 2:03:49 PM EST, sandeeshoes@verizon.net <sandeeshoes@verizon.net> wrote: Thought I might be able to ask you a quick Transportation Commission question this morning during a work session break, but alas no breaks- We have a considerable parking &garbage issue on Lighthouse Road which has continued for a long time. Vinny has helped with cleanups when he can. Disappearing No dumping signs have periodically been replaced. (Traffic Control has said -no signs-cant give tickets) It is also a nighttime"fishing" area with cars lining up on Lighthouse closer to Soundview-and resulting in continual garbage dumping We would like to suggest consideration of a change to Chapter 189-2-(A)-(19) regarding Parking by Permit on Lighthouse Road and I am not sure the best way to address this. The present code states: 189-2-A-19,Lighthouse Road,Long Island Sound,Southold, on both sides from the terminus south for a distance of 650 feet. [Amended 5-14-1996 by L.L.No. 6-19961 1 believe that if instead of 650 feet,the "No Parking without Permit" could be extended to Soundview 1 of 2 2/26/2019,4:02 PM �w:Transportation Commision Advice https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/viewmessage?r—<request><mai... d Avenue, it would be a considerable help and would also give Traffic Control the ability to ticket. I am not sure the best or most expedient way to suggest this.Any help would be appreciated. Thank you John Betsch Kenney's/McCabe's Beach Civic Association 2 of 2 2/26/2019,4:02 PM SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairmanc.�► SUBJECT: CR 48 Between Moore's and Chapel La es DATE: February 12, 2019 We received a memorandum dated 1/31/2029 from the Chairman of the Planning Board Donald Wilcencki requesting our review of several safety-related improvements along CR 48 in connection with the construction of 50 new apartments in the area. This was discussed extensively by the Commission during our monthly February 11 meeting. The decision reached was to present each request separately with our recommendation to the Town Board to pursue these improvements from Suffolk County. The Commission supports the call for reducing the speed limit to 40mph in view of the resulting increased activity along this road. Given the East Marion Community and Orient Associations' current efforts to achieve local speed reductions from Greenport to Orient, we hereby recommend that the 40mph be extended to where CR 48 four lanes end. Cc: Planning Board Chairman Donald J. Wilcenski SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman It cls , SUBJECT: CR 48 Between More's and Chapel Lanes DATE: February 12, 2019 Further to our previous memorandum, we support the Planning Board's request and recommend that the Town Board undertake efforts to have Suffolk County re-route the S92 bus in- this area. To re-route the S92 bus to travel CR 48 between Chapel and Moore's Lanes will effectively make public transit available to the dense development along these roads. In addition to the 50-unit apartment complex, there is also San Simeon, Breeze Shores Condominiums, Sunset Motel, two campgrounds, and a retirement community. This would also allow a bus connection to downtown Greenport and the railroad. Cc: Planning Board Chairman Donald J. Wilcenski SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION M COMMISSION " Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman c SUBJECT: CR 48 Between Moore's and Chapel Lanes DATE: February 12, 2019 Further to our previous memoranda on the subject,- we support the Planning Board's request and recommend that the Town Board raise the possibility with the Suffolk County of adding a bike lane or shared road signs and pavement marking to improve bicycle safety and connect subject area with the Route 25 bike route as well as adding pedestrian safety measures wherever possible. Cc: Planning Board Chairman Donald J. Wilcvenski SOUTHOILD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION :yu _ Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 TO: Supervisor Scott Russell Town Board FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman . SUBJECT: New Suffolk Parking DATE: February 12, 2019 At our monthly meeting on February 11, 2019, Councilman William Ruland shared with us a document that was used in a New Suffolk parking meeting on November 28, 2018, a copy of which is enclosed. He asked us to review it and to come up with a recommendation. Suffice it to say, the Commission has wrestled with this problem for quite a number of years and essentially coming up with isolated temporary fixes at best. The underlying problem we face is that we do not possess the required expertise to come up with a viable solution acceptable to the residents of New Suffolk. Given that fact, the Commission recommends that the Town Board undertake the development of a scope of work and scale for the whole grid of New Suffolk and seek funding for an experienced consultant to determine the best solution for this hamlet.