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1000-35.-4-20 & 28.36
SURVEY OF PROPERTY RECEIVED SITUATE �- --- GREENPORT [_�EB 2 7 2019 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ma c, Out66 Town 7,, Planning Board S.C. TAX No. 1000-35-04-28.36 SCALE 1 ���wN P��R E ROAD) \\ 11• FEBRUARY 22, 2018 (PRIVA� �9'a4910 \\ i LOT COVERAGE OVER LOT AREA LANDWARD OF BULKHEAD TOTAL AREA = 20,120 sq. ft. yL" LOT AREA LANDWARD OF BULKHEAD = 12,982 '_L12 0.462 cc. o SPR i DESCRIPTION AREA Y. LOT COVERAGE X 1.1 x 1p GO ' 11.9 1 HOUSE W/PORCH 1,960 sq. ft. 15.1% Agro• DECK/PORCH 160 sq. ft. t.2X �O NOTES: � � / EN Y�n 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM \NO U` OUTSIDE SHOWER 25 sq. ft. 0.2% EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: XX.X l / 114 12Q n EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS:--- --)a-- -- - �J �� TOTAL 2,145 sq. ft. 16.5% F.FL.- FIRST FLOOR / YIP µ FLOOR T.B. - TOP OF BULKHEAD o J1 M _ ,5 \ �y \v> \0. /�' T W. - TOP OIF BOF ULKHEAD WALL �s \ 1 Nir \ B.W.- BOTTOM OF WALL C ���� \ xJ13 1L4 2. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: x FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO176 H ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED TONE\ ZONE X: AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.27 ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. n ,TEST HOL ' \ 3. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1,50D GALLONS. ~Q1L5 , '� 1 TANK; 5' LIQUID DEPTH, 8' DIA. oO e.' MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 400 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. 0 &4 TEST HOLE DATA 4 LEACHING GALLEYS; 8.5' LONG, 4.75' WIDE, 4' DEEP b PROVIDED BY OTHERS F PROPOSED FUTURE SOX EXPANSION GALLEY \ 35 = .4 ,� x CQ'�':.:.0'::::::: � 9 TOP SOIL PROPOSED 8.5' LONG x 4.75' WIDE x 4' DEEP LEACHING GALLEY ro o S \ .....:::•� °OCO.9f FANF ::::::� S�`.•::b:.'.'." '.,g..t;�.• e. � x 'lT1 0.5' SANDY LOAM & GRAVEL g° .... �......,. .... o::. . Z.. F x \ x 0..:•::.'::..... �'"� t:.:ii. o O PROPOSED 1,500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 4. ALL HOUSES WITHIN 150' ARE CONNECTED TO PUBLIC WATER. b CPQ � o �q( ..::. : °. ! Fp�oc� \ SAND & GRAVEL 5. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD o 90 ( :.. .. / GONG• \ N20 \ OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. d ------ HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER \ \ EL 2.6' -8.7' 1' ABOVE AVERAGE HIGH WATER MARK 6. ANY WETLAND BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION x i4. ;::;: NGE HIGH WATER ELEVATION 1.s' BY NEW YORK STATE AND/OR OTHER REGULATORY AGENCIES. p LIN A �9 �\�,F� A 2,LO � c,� EL -0.3' 11.8' o 03 C1 iC C - \�\ a WATER IN SAND & GRAVEL 14 pp C q;S• \ o ' /ip �� 01- 'f, '%Or�9.d b\ r02`yc^ \\ oyZ v�1 A 0 / o yc^ d� �� a \ X65 R r�°yF o' R PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DETAIL ',O� `a o. 't E� E .0. HOUSE (NOT TO SCALE) I 1 �� `' J 1`I S 1) �y�✓1T a b O Q LES $�`( � ELEV. 14.0' FINISHED GRADE FINISH GRADE � ro •S�, x. 6�0°� C ARANO Vg�G�PtE� °9��>G�°9 ELEV TnIRONCCOVERYTOEGRADE & INSECT PROOF ELEV. 11 5 BURIED 1RDIEEPRCED CONCRETE ma OVER \ S VSFc'P ���' TOP EL. 11.8' 1' MIN. TOP EL. 10.5' -1' MIN. <F O� t \ �Q SEPTIC B. MIN, 4" DIA. 6, p 1P O �� INV. EL. APPROVED PIPE TANK APPROVED PIPE LEACHING LEACHING T 3' CLEAN GALLEY GALLEY ? SAND G min. PITCH 1/4"/1' INV. n min. PITCH 1/8"/1' 0 0 COLLAR ��O 11.1 EL. 10.8' INV. EL. INV. EL. 9.7' o 8" 1t;:� 8' �ro 10.3 °. 8. I~;,8 � Z0 HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER --- �--- __---=------- -- -�ELEV. 2.6' G SEPTIC TANK C1 BOT. EL. 4.6' BOT. EL. 6.0' GROUND WATER ELEV. -0.3' I 1. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR A 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1,500 GALLONS. LEACHING GALLEYS C4) 1 TANK; 8' DIA., 6' HIGH (5' EFFECTIVE DEPTH) 2. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 psi AT 28 DAYS. 1. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 400 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. 3. WALL THICKNESS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3", A TOP THICKNESS OF 6" AND A BOTTOM THICKNESS OF 4". 4 GALLEYS; 4' DEEP, (8.5'x 4.75') ALL WALLS, BOTTOM AND TOP SHALL CONTAIN REINFORCING TO RESIST AN APPLIED FORCE OF 300 psf. 2. LEACHING GALLEYS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE (OR EQUAL) 4. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED SO THAT THE TANK IS WATERTIGHT. LEACHING STRUCTURES, SOLID DOMES AND/OR SLABS. 5. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEVEL IN ALL DIRECTIONS (WITH A MAX. TOLERANCE OF t1/4") 3. ALL COVERS SHALL BE OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE (OR EQUAL). ON A MINIMUM 3" THICK BED OF COMPACTED SAND OR PEA GRAVEL. 4. A 10' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN LEACHING GALLEYS AND WATER LINE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 6. A 10' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN SEPTIC TANK AND HOUSE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 5. AN 8' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL LEACHING GALLEYS AND SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE MAINTAINED. TYPICAL STORMWATER UNIT (TOPS TO BE TRAFFIC BEARING) (NOT TO SCALE) APPROVED BY CAST IRON INLET FRAME h COVER (FLOCKHART/E 518 TYPE 6840) FINISHED GRADE OR 6'THICK REINFORCED CONC. COVER 8•IRA C BEARING SLAB (max.) PLANNING BOARD El PIPE OM ROOF GUTTERS 6'-D• TOWN OF SOUTHOL PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED CRUSHED 3/4•- 1-1/2•STONEI BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED ALL ARD ND DATE I ' l q FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND f t _l TITLE ASSOCIATION. LEACHING RINGS /� REINFORCED PRECAST GONG. '^C 3,-0" 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS 3'_0• </"� y4".?�,,.,...M-.- 4• GROUND WATER t t > g DRAINAGE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: y N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 ROOF AREA: 1,960 sq. ft. 1,960 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 334 cu. ft. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION 334 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 7.9 vertical ft. of 8' die. leaching pool required TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF PROVIDE (2) 8' die. X 4' high STORM DRAIN POOLS SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE Nathan Taft Corwin EDUCATION LAW. DRIVEWAY AREA: 1,000 sq. ft. 1,000 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 170 cu. ft. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING 170 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 4.0 vertical ft. of 8' die. leaching pool required THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR Land Surveyor PROVIDE (1) 8' die. X 4' high STORM DRAIN POOL WITH OPEN GRATE EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 4' DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: (:::::::} ---- CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 4' DEEP DRYWELL WITH OPEN GRAT FOR DRIVEWAY ARE SHOWN THUS:1' y TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. TiSurveys Ss - Subdivisions - Site Plans - Construction Layout PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 38-042 OFFICE LOCATION: AIAILING ADDRESS: 01 Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �" �Q Southold, NY 11971 ti., (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY ; Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov . OUNT'1 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 8, 2019 Francis J. Yakaboski 1668 Sound Avenue Calverton, NY 11933 Re: Re-issue Final Plat Approval for 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, NY SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Yakaboski: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, November 4, 2019: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq, ft. parcel of upland,, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer.. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport; and . WHEREAS, on February 25, 2019, the Zoning Board of Appeals recognized the current configuration of this tax lot in their determination to grant an area variance in File #7242; and WHEREAS, on February 27, 2019, the applicant submitted a resubdivision application for review by the Southold Town Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 2019, the Planning Board granted Final Plat Approval upon the resubdivision application; WHEREAS,'the application has missed the 62-day period to file the deeds with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and the Planning Board Final Plat Approval expired; and WHEREAS, on October 21, 2019, the applicant requested by letter that the Planning Board re-issue a Final Plat Approval of the resubdivision application in order to file deeds and complete the transfer of land; and 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision [2] November 8, 2019 WHEREAS, on November 4, 2019, at their work session, the Planning Board agreed to re-issue a Final Plat Approval upon this application; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Final Plat Approval with one condition upon the plan entitled, "Survey of Property, Greenport," dated February 22, 2019, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Land Surveyor and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the map after the deeds are filed. A copy of the endorsed map will be kept on file at the Southold Town Planning Department. Condition: 1. Submit a copy of the recorded deed to the Southold Town Planning Department within 62 days of the date of this resolution or such approval shall expire and be null and void. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office at 631-765- 1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman CC' Assessors Building Department OFFICE LOCATION: f1JY'X' `�?a, MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1179 Town Hall Annex Oji �jr 54375 State Route 25t�� Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �" < • K Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold NY hi ' ?; '; Q �? www.southoldtownny-gov OW f9 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 2019 Francis J. Yakaboski 1668 Sound Avenue Calverton, NY 11933 Re: Final Approval, Waiver of Subdivision Provisions & SEQRA Classification 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport,NY SCTM#1000-35.4-28.36 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Yakaboski: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, April 8, 2019: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36, a 131789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +1- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2019, the Zoning Board of Appeals recognized the current configuration of this tax lot in their determination in File#7242; and WHEREAS, on February 27, 2019, the applicant submitted a resubdivision application for review by the Southold Town Planning Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the resubdivision Policy set by the Planning Board in February 2011, this application is eligible for decision from the Planning Board prior to receiving approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) as it meets the following criterion set forth in that policy: • Where no new development potential will,be created in the parcel to which the land is transferred; and WHEREAS, on March 25, 2019, at their Work Session, the Planning Board found the resubdivision application complete and determined that the proposed action meets all the necessary requirements of Town Code §240-57 for a resubdivision application; and 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision [2] April 9, 2019 v WHEREAS, pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions, the Southold Town Planning Board shall have the authority to modify or waive, subject to appropriate conditions, any provision of these subdivision regulations, if in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, except where such authority would be contrary to other ordinances or state law; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the following provisions of the Southold Town Code §240 Subdivision of Land are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, and therefore, are eligible for a waiver: a. Sketch Plat Review b. Existing Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP) c. Yield Plan d. Primary & Secondary Conservation Area Plan e. Preliminary Plat Review f. Preliminary and Final Public Hearings; and WHEREAS, this application is EXEMPT from review by the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program as no new development potential will come as a result of this re- subdivision; and WHEREAS, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(16) the granting of individual lot line adjustments are listed as a Type II Action; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type ll Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions, hereby waives the following provisions of subdivision a. Article V. Sketch Plat Review; b. §240-10 (A): Existing Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP); c. §240-10 (B): Yield Plan; d. §240-10 (C): Primary & Secondary Conservation Area Plan; e. Article VI: Preliminary Plat Review; f. §240-19 (C-2): Preliminary and Final Public Hearings; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby waives the requirement to receive approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services prior to approval of this re-subdivision by the Southold Town Planning Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Final Plat Approval upon the plan entitled, "Survey of Property, Greenport," dated and last revised February 22, 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision 131 April R, 2019, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Land Surveyor and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the map. Please Note: The-Southold Town Planning Board, in waiving the requirement for SCDHS approval prior to their own approval, is simply waiving a technical requirement of Final Plat Approval under the Town Code and makes no representations as to whether SCDHS approval is required. SCDHS approval of this re-subdivision may be necessary to be"in compliance with the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, and to be*eligible for future construction or renovations. Please submit a copy of the recorded deed to the Southold Town Planning Department within 62 days of the date of Final Approval, or such approval shall expire and be null and void. The statement below must be signed by the property owners to validate this approval resolution. I understand that Southold Town Planning Board approval of this Re-subdivision does not grant, guarantee or waive an approval, if required, from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). I understand that 1 will need to apply separately to the SCDHS for any applicable approvals. '10 A -7 110 an ignature o (Property Owner 1) Print Name ' Signa re of (Pro erty Owner 2) Print Name If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office at 765-1938. Respectfully, r Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl, Negative Declaration cc: Assessors w/ map Building Department w/ map CC# : C19-55180 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DEED recorded in my office on 12/09/2019 under Liber D00013039 and Page 244 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 12/09/2019 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK Q. 1101-� JUDITH A.PASCALE SEAL 1111_L II III ..111 1111 IIIA 11111 I.111 11111111 III 1II SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 12/09/2019 Number of Pages: 4 At: 01 :35 :54 PM Receipt Number : 19-0229992 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-13664 LIBER: D00013039 PAGE : 244 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 035.00 04 . 00 028 . 036 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $450,000 .00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $250.00 NO TP-584 $5 .00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $5 .00 NO RPT $200.00 NO Transfer tax $1,800 .00 NO Comm.Pres $7 ,500. 00 NO Fees Paid $9,825. 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 19-13664 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County RECORDED Number of pages 2019 Dec gp O1rt37,�,4 pIl JUDITH A. PPSCALE CLERK OF This document will be public SUFFOLK COUNTY record. Please remove all L 1,000)[3103.; Social Security Numbers P 244 prior to recording. DT# 19-1-z'664 Deed/Mortgage instrument Deed Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 1 FEES Page/Fil ng Fee l~J - Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2, Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A Held forAppointment Comm.of Ed. S. 00 Transfer Tax Affidavit Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be Improved by a one or two NYS Surc-targe 15. 00— family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other Grand Total J t W-NO see appropriate tax clause on a e f this instrument. F '— �A �Fo 4 Dist 19039309 1000 03500 0400 028036 W36 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Prop -0 pT S— Consideration Arnount$ -(451j0 Tax Servi( TY Y Agency D (� � � � �(�� � (��� � ����) Verifica6 CPF Tax Due $ -0 (09-13 Improved Satisf'actions/DischargesIReleases List Pro[rrty Owners Mailing Address 6 RECORD&RETURN 0. Vacant Land t--/ FRANCIS YAKABOSKi, ESQ. TO 1668 SOUND AVE. CALVERTON, NY 11933 TD V TD Mai to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 —Co.Name Peconic Abstract/First American Title www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 641-5-04306 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached deed made by: {SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Stephen J Fizpatrick and Renee Poncet The premises herein is situated in husband and wife SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Southold GCG Bayberry LLC In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Greenport BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over Bargain and Salc Deed with Covenants Against Grantor's Acts-Individual or Corporation CONSU--T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE„made the 6T1 day of December 2019 BETWEEN STEPEHEN J.FITZPATRICK&RENEE PONCET FITZPATRICK a/k/a RENEE PONCET,husband and wife,both residing at 415 Wiggins Lane,Greenport,NY 11944(as to the westerly part of the premises)and RENEE PONCET,residing at 415 Wiggins Lane,Greenport,NY 11944(as to the easterly portion of the premises) party of the first part, GCG EAYBERRY LLC,with offices at 206 Lincoln Street, Riverhead,NY 11901 1party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of ten dollars($10.00)and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, SEE SCHEDULE'A'ANNEXED HERETO Being and intended to be the same premises as described in the deed made by Peconic Holding Co.,Inc., recorded 12-20-1999 in Liber 12008 Page 374,as to the westerly part of the premises;and the same i premises as described in the deed made by Stephen J. Fitzpatrick and Renee Poncet Fitzpatrick,husband land wife,recorded 01/06/12 in Liber 12681 page 563,as to the easterly part of the premises. TOGETHER with all right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby 'the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part w II receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement,and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: 4 I rr STEPHEN J.FITZ ' Rid 142" L -e - .- RENEE P NCET Legal Description of 702 Wiggins Lane,Greenport,New York Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-35-04-28.36 ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,situate,lying and being at Greenport,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and The state of New York,more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a concrete monument at the northeast comer of land to be herein described,above said comer is formed by the intersection of the southerly side of a certain 50 foot wide Right of Way(know as Wiggins Lane)with the westerly side of above said Right of Way,above said point being also the following two(2)courses and distances from the comer formed by the intersection of Main Road(N.Y.S.Rte.25)with the westerly side of a certain 50 foot wide Right of Way(know as Wiggins Lane): (1) Southerly along the westerly side of above.said Right of Way, 1,107 feet more or less to a point along the northerly line of land to be herein described; (2) North 65 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East along above said line and the southerly side of above said Right of Way, 124.02 feet to the true point or place of BEGINNING; RUNNING thence South 20 degrees So minutes 10 seconds West along the westerly side of a certain Right of Way(known as Wiggins Lane), 103.23 feet to a point marked by a concrete monument at the northeast corner of land now or formerly of Charles Snyder and Jane Snyder; RUNNING thence South 63 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West along the northerly line of above said land,through a certain dredged canal(known as Fordham Canal)and through Lot 13 as shown on a certain map entitled'"Mal)of Section One,Fordham Estates" filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 7, 1962 as File No.3519, 178.20 fee;to a point; RUNNING thence North 30 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds West through above said canal and through Lots 12 and 13 as shown on above said map, 112.55 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 65 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East through above said canal, through Lot 12 as shown on above said map,along land now or formerly of John F.Costello Trust and the southerly side of a certain Right of Way(known as Wiggins Lane), 196.19 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. I i i STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)ss: On the (, day of December 2019, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Stephen J. FitzpEtrick, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the individual,or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted,executed the instrument. Notary Public i VICTORIA CHARCZUK Notary Public,State of New York No.48504813 Qua€hied in Sutio k county -Z'2— Commission Expires January 20,90_ STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)ss: On the 6 day of December, 2019, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Renee Poncet personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity and that by his/her signature on the instrument,the individual,or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted,executed the instrument. \ Notary Public VICTORIA CHARCZUK Notary Public,State of Now York No.4850488 flvaliteci in Suffolk County Commisslun Explrm January 20,20 2 2 1 l3 it --- - SEPTIC DETAIL PROPOSED UYF PROPERS not to Seale DWELLING i 51TUa EAST OF THE j VB LLA&E OF GRFEENPORT TONN OF SOUTHOLD grades m EL. £'a 5 existing grade ax;2' max 2, min f72nv FFOL G®UNTYy N tlmin i' inv.m cover11.5 ;;rleaching cover inv.= 40 eF _.�..._�.- == g A. ��o& SURVEYED 03-16-q8 pools - 10.6 —_�- -itch Y��oj� DWELLING AMENDED 06-30-q8 90D gal �� (2) -:--- _ septic man P ft (2) �ITII 6' deep;_--^t;>���-" min Pltcft'= tank i/4" Per ! �O•'� WATER PUBLIC Off—IAF—G8 ;'�-.�',:y_' .I 1/4• i sEizviGE 0-i-28-q8 8' daa Per 300 s.f 10-2-T-cib sldewall `--'-�-_- V' Y' 12-28-a8 man. 3' I separat-ion ' SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX # ground water c i.G �2 E 1000 — E35 — 4 — 20 10' wide• l\3�1 stone road CERTIFIED TO- X/ O:X STEPHEN J. FITZPATRICK \o6° a�� `ti \ RENEE PONGET FITZPATRIGK c0� at�� m ° `\ COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE Test Hole Yom' `\ " a e�\5�\�O� �)� I NSURANNGE GOMAPNY ' µ �\3. Z ° (not to scale) �,, ---� " \ \ TTaa� G o.o' ,... _ ,_._ .M•�u" ®� ti\t 9 i f '''' ? ® % t VACANT NOTE5: 0 MONUMENT FOUND 11'( f, "� �; ® O PIPE FOUND Loa \ ° Gravel FENCE 6 Y —o—°—o—o— e\ PEFERENGE DEED: L 11853 GP 548 AREA = 13,718q (0.52 AG) TO TIE LINE 43 v•, \0 % r' \ �<r \ ELEVATION5 REFEP TO M5L NGVD '2q Lot Coverages sand ���\ � � t� Q,os;;��y`�y � v \ `=���•.- � �,.--„ `\ '� Gravel ®� \ \ :' '�ieq0,c�`-`, p], ,✓°`'",,•�" '\� O Total Area = 13,78q sf -91: o. ` �\ �e,�5� Upland Area 12,378 5f 0. Proposed Dwellln = 1,180 sf or 14% Lo Coverage ®® \ \ \i 'S�oQ��es Groun Water 11.8' `� \\\\ Flood Zone Limits taken from X FIRM Flood Insurance Rate \\ \\ �N- 150 \ \"2-O ' � Map Panel # 170 of 1020 %% O Gravel \ \ �,rE O�j 5 4 O,("�•(\�'�. "UnautheriLad altarati-n or atlditl-n toe ourvey violotionao}aaactlen 72M a.0-divi-l-h$ -Pathe �d ,dj�\�� \ \G RECEIVED ree York stateigen.Education ur,ey 14.0' \,O Gr ,\O/r/�\y l �, 'only al i ashe free the considered thle survey r/ �l earkad uith en original of the land survoyor a �OC�' S FEB 2 2019 atae9atl easl ane31 be canaidaretl to be valid true c-pian' Obtained \ \� �!¢ -cartlfnootSons preparteded, hereon angel Py that thio V C� aurvoy de prepared in accordance-Sth the ax- 3-16-q8 9 ��(�G Southold Town netting Coas of Practice art Tar i.entl of Ervays adopted Lone eurvegarp�rk5aldtcertifScatlons ohal3frunnonly at High Tide ' Planning Board and an hSe Oahalf t rtneatnti®ec�eny1°eoI= n' tat agency antl 3-tiding Snat3tution lietod hereon, and £ o the aeaignsao of the landing lnatitutSon. Csrt3Tlca- ,ty ti-na ore net tren-for®ble to edditlonei SnatitutSana GRAPHIC SCALE I "= 30 ' Y- 111av'=rW REFERENCE # 98-0123 SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE N RECEIVED GREENPORT � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 7FEB 2 7 2019 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-35-04-28.36 9-, utr�old Town; nning Board SCALE 1"=30' �5�5 (PgIVA \\ i FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ?13 _ LOT COVERAGE OVER LOT AREA LANDWARD OF BULKHEAD SPH x 11.7 \' LOT AREA LANDWARD OF BULKHEAD = 12,982 TOTAL AREA 20 0,120 c, ft. X\ I DESCRIPTION AREA Y. LOT COVERAGE X11.7 1C•j 11.9 1 HOUSE W/PORCH 1,960 sq. ft. 15.1% -' / / �g6• '� DECK/PORCH 160 sq. ft. 1,2% NOTES: OKEa X 1 LB oN�Moa 1 1Jn 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM 12.0\O, ^` OUTSIDE SHOWER 25 sq. ft. 0.2% EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: XXX 11"4 Lf CC` EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS:--- ---XX-- -- - qr O„ TOTAL 2,145 sq. ft. 16.5% F.FL.- FIRST FLOOR O`� �� / 1 \ MSE \\ \ , \ T.B.G.F - TOP OF FLOOR B.B. - BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD �lop \ " 1� \ T.W. - TOP OF WALL �JPJ� B\ \\ \ ROK�aAa� p U x11.3 \LL B.W.- BOTTOM OF WALL \ p 6 a,�' �� 11.4x 2. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: a(ya co�� \ �::\".i FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO176 H cn \ s• . �':::'� ,<. - � 1 \ G CA ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED E r0 \p Tter, ZONE X: AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. ONE\ `V \ SiEPS \ , HOLE �2 ° '\ k'" EST EST ' 3. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1,500 GALLONS. O 1 TANK; 5' LIQUID DEPTH, 8' DIA. ++ o &g \ �1` O 1 "','\ MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 400 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. / x \ <• '' \ {" TEST HOLE DATA 4 LEACHING GALLEYS; 8.5' LONG, 4.75' WIDE, 4' DEEP PROVIDED BY OTHERS fp \� �Q �'"":'' •" �,(�;��,• G EL 1 s' L-_U PROPOSED FUTURE 50% EXPANSION GALLEY N \ °O! T 4 :iY S....b..... . ' 9 TOP SOIL , s'AOA- \ .... ,. .. ... ` �\' ,�, ® PROPOSED 8.5' LONG x 4.75' WIDE x 4' DEEP LEACHING GALLEY q .0-\' e� x t-1 0.5' SANDY LOAM & GRAVEL O PROPOSED 1,500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK FFCD O `* • 4. ALL HOUSES WITHIN 150' ARE CONNECTED TO PUBLIC WATER. M�PM � / c M �� 5. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD C)• 0 oa N2n \ SAND &GRAVEL OBSERVATIONS AND /OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER EL 2.6'.........._8.7' 1' ABOVE AVERAGE HIGH WATER MARK 6. ANY WETLAND BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION HIGH WATER ELEVATION 1.6' BY NEW YORK STATE AND/OR OTHER REGULATORY AGENCIES. V�..� W EL. -0.3' WATER IN SAND & GRAVEL J c y� PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DETAIL y ✓lf b \ ++ j1 5 S .;� lyscZ� HOUSE (NOT TO SCALE) o `O ."j\ g 5o AgLf,E s NG ��� 9Gs�2 ELEV. 14.0 FINISHED GRADE FINISH GRADE LnVA \Z ro rs, \ 6-J C& JA'D JP'N v+P �Q,GQ9 ELEV.24tla. LOCKING, WATERTIGHT & INSECT PROOF ELEV. 11 5 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER c CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE ,�\ O � S r' � BURIED 1' DEEP min. 2' DEEP max. <�°`� \ � r'sBi TOP EL. 11.8' 8"MIN. TOP EL. 10.5' f-1' MIN. o �G \ MIN. 4" DIA. 6" °vim SEPTIC LEACHING LEACHING LA T 11 1' APPROVED PIPE TANK APPROVED PIPE T COLLAR CLEAN INV. EL. GALLEY GALLEY -0. SAND min. PITCH 1/4"/1' INV. n min. PITCH 1/8"/1' 0 0 1\°< 8„ EL. 10.8' INV. EL. Q INV. EL. 9.7' LIP ^? 10.3' ° F8 " f.`;,8 'k Z` HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER �° 1 -------------------- ----�----------- -=- --- -_-_"_-=------- "-- - ELEV. 2.6' Gy I SEPTIC TANK (1) BOT. EL. 4.6 1307. EL. 6.0' GROUND WATER I ELEV. -0.3' 1. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR A 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1,500 GALLONS. LEACHING GALLEYS (4) 1 TANK; 8' DIA., 6' HIGH (5' EFFECTIVE DEPTH) 2. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 psi AT 28 DAYS. 1. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 400 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. 3. WALL THICKNESS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3", A TOP THICKNESS OF 6• AND A BOTTOM THICKNESS OF 4•. 4 GALLEYS; 4' DEEP, (8.5'x 4.75') ALL WALLS, BOTTOM AND TOP SHALL CONTAIN REINFORCING TO RESIST AN APPLIED FORCE OF 300 psf. 2• LEACHING GALLEYS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE (OR EQUAL) 4. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SEALED SO THAT THE TANK IS WATERTIGHT. LEACHING STRUCTURES, SOLID DOMES AND/OR SLABS. 5. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEVEL IN ALL DIRECTIONS (WITH A MAX. TOLERANCE OF 11/4") 3. ALL COVERS SHALL BE OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE (OR EQUAL). ON A MINIMUM 3' THICK BED OF COMPACTED SAND OR PEA GRAVEL. 4. A 10' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN LEACHING GALLEYS AND WATER UNE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. B. A 10' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN SEPTIC TANK AND HOUSE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 5. AN 8' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL LEACHING GALLEYS AND SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE MAINTAINED. TYPICAL STORMWATER UNIT (TOPS TO BE TRAFFIC BEARING) (NOT TO SCALE) CAST IRON INLET FRAME & COVER (FLOCKHART 163518 TYPE 6840) FINISHED GRADE OR 6'THICK REINFORCED CGNC. COVER 8" C BEARING SUB (max.) PIPE FROM ROOF GUTTERS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM CRUSHED 3/4'- 1-1/2'STONE STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED ALL AROUND BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND a LEACHING RINGS TITLE ASSOCIATION. , REINFORCED PRECAST CONC. 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS 3'-0• or (min.) 4• (min.) GROUND WATER 1 } k \ ` 1 DRAINAGE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: /N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 ROOF AREA: 1,960 sq. ft. 1,960 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 334 cu. ft. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION 334 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 7.9 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF PROVIDE (2) 8' dia. X 4' high STORM DRAIN POOLS SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE Nathan Taft Corwin ��� DRIVEWAY AREA: 1,000 sq. ft. EDUCATION LAW. 1,000 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 170 cu. ft. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING 170 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 4.0 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR PROVIDE (1) 8' dia. X 4' high STORM DRAIN POOL WITH OPEN GRATE EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED Land S u r v e y o r TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 4' DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: ---- CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 4' DEEP DRYWELL WITH OPEN GRATE FOR DRIVEWAY ARE SHOWN THUS:%: O':.' IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. Title Surveys - Subdivisions - Site Plans - Construction Layout CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. Y Y PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. JOmesport, New York 11947 Jannesport, New York 11947 38-042 r� t HL RECEI -t:IV-E-D 1 E Suhmission Without a Cover I ettct, nng Board Sender. Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - — Z4 Date: � ?—' tc) 1 l Comments: j� A 1 co©- 'A - Southold Town Planning Board Works Session — November 4 2019 — Page 3 ..... Project Name 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision , SCTM# 1000 35-4.-28.36 Location: +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport ......,.... .. _._,. n Description; ` This proposal is for the re-subdivision of SCTM: 1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to which 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal were added by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. .._ Status Approved p ...,. Acti Attachments: hments: Staff Reporton of Approval r Extensi _ Discussion: ❖ ZBA Request for Comments: Erin Streeter, 400 & 650 Town Creek Lane, Southold, SCTM#1000-64-1-14.5 & 14.6. (Comments Due: November 28, 2019) ❖ ZBA Request for Comments: Paul Pawlowski, 715 Pike Street, Mattituck, SCTM#1000- 140-2-22. (Comments Due: November 6, 2019) Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date November 4, 2019 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. Application Information Project Title: 702 WIGGINS LANE RESUBDIVISION Applicant: GCG Bayberry LLC Date of Submission: February 27, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-35.-4-28.36 Project Location: 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport Hamlet: Greenport Zoning District: R-40 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Resubdivision Acreage of Project Site: 20,120 sq. ft. # of Lots: 1 This proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM: 1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. III: Status Final Approval IV: Action to review Expiration of 62 Day V: Project Analysis This re-subdivision was approved by the Planning Board on April 9, 2019. The applicant has missed the 62-day filing period to file the deeds, as the landowner was required to resubmit the Wetlands Permit application. The Trustees issued a Wetlands Permit in file #4621. The applicant has a pending building permit to construct single-family dwelling as applied for per DEC Non-Jurisdiction letter, but must first receive resolution for the approval of the newly configured lot. Page 2 The contract vendee requests that the Planning Board re-approve the re- subdivision application so that the grantors of the property can transfer the land to the vendee through one deed, from the grantor to the vendee, which describes these two separate parcels as one tax lot, as approved of through this re- subdivision application. Alternately, the grantor would be required to transfer the land to themselves from themselves prior to transferring the one, merged lot to the vendee. The applicant seeks a re-approval of the re-subdivision to extend the timeframe to file the deeds so that the grantor can transfer the land to the vendee through one deed. VI. Planning Board Items for Consideration 1. Does the Planning Board agree to re-approve of this re-subdivision application at the Public Meeting scheduled for tonight, November 4, 2019, so that the applicant can file the deeds with the Suffolk County Clerk to complete the transfer of land? e FRANCIS J. YAKABOSKI ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 1668 SOUND AVENUE GALVERTON,N.Y. 11933 (631) 740-9707 FAX(631)740-9709 email:francisyakaboski@yahoo.com October 21, 2019 p Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179RECEIV —_ s 54375 State Rte. 25 {� Southold New York 11971 . Bald Tim-6 Erica Bufkins Planning Board Re: 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport,New York SCTM# 1000-35-04-28.36 Ms. Bufkins: I submit herewith Deed and related transfer documents from Stephen J. Fitzpatrick and Renee Poncet Fitzpatrick and Stephen J. Fitzpatrick and Renee Poncet. These transfer documents comprise a transfer of the upland area and the lands under water of the premises known as 702 Wiggins Lane. This Deed meets the requirements of the Board's determination that a Deed issue within 62 days of the Board's determination dated April 9, 2019. That did not happen, and I am now requesting that the Board either delete such requirement from its determination or extend it. Factually, this land has been under contract of Sale since February of 2018. 1 represent GCG Bayberry, LLC, the contract vendee. When the Board's Determination was first made, I felt that we could complete the closing within that time frame but that did not happen. There was a pending application before the Board of Trustees for a Wetlands permit but that Board determined that we had to submit a new application for its consideration. That we done and approval was issued. The Suffolk County Department of Health as your Board's Determination indicated might happen,did inject itself into the process which took a month or more to resolve. We are now ready to close �pE title. The Building Department has issued the Building Permit, but it is being held pending a resolution of this minor issue now before your Board. Candidly, I would like it if the Board eliminated the requirement of the recording of this Deed as it will be a$580.00 expense for filing with the County Clerk, and within a week or so a new Deed will issue from the same grantors to my client. Please give this some consideration. Thank you for your courtesies. Very truly, t FJY:kf FRANCIS J. Y ABOSKI 1 2 NiArnber of pages P, r, << t r l 1a tL 1 Oh w .. �r 1 PItY I'dl.fY'1'Ylr+,t.d fY94G:iY (C rrr{i,lryi�lfrt�;f;, Deed J Mortgage Instrument Deed j Morig age l ax Starr n.�.. p Rr coire.Jing/riling Stamps - __.... w� ......� E FEES Page/Filing Fee Mortgage/Amt. Handling 20 00 t..Basic Tar: _ _.......,.,., 2. Additional Tax fpr-58 ...... _w_. Stab`Yotdl Natation :Spec:./Assit., _ FA 52 27(Couinty) Sub I-otal or Spec,/Add, Fal-52'1>(state) TO I.Mi C.TAX L P i°.S.A. c111T a Dual Toiavrr t)ual County _ pp enT r ' Comm.of Ed. S, 00 c aAr l 'Transfer Tax Affidavitw y� � Mansion Tax CertifiedCc:apy � s lire property covered by this mortgage Is of will be Brnproved by ,a rima or tvrca NYS Surcharge 1500 faannHy aJhWdling only, Sub Total Offier ........._.. y g,S c r NO Grand 1"fatal If NO, see appropriate -Tax clause can Page#_......._.__.ofthis instrument, l lid r_k t. Aja of C� t. 3 a S Corrnrnunitay Preservation Fund Roil Prripaerty Tax Seyvlce C::crosidlci—al.ioriA nciLmt Agency . °;�'� '➢'ttax fur .,.. � ..... �ficaL'irdr $ _ Irnp2rove d L tartinrusJl:a� ahar,,aRJORD&RETURN (11, ^, tin kd,a,csLsTlar+star^rryCawners YrJ9ailinL,sdiErns.r Vacant Land 1668 SOUND AVE. TI.) CALiIE.R..I...ON, NY 11933 TD Mail to:Judith A, Pascale,Suffolk Count Clerk tl ...r � kCc�.Name 1itie Cxarrl�ar�tny Infor �otican 310 Center i.:)riiie, Riverhead, NY 1190.1wv w,suffoll<count n Pe�coi-lic AbstractJIFirst American i itle:Y y.gov/clerk m _m.,. .. CountySUffOlk nE'd`V S pJ*d3f7FJ RecordfinT n rmerit Pegs This f>ig e forms, psrirt of the attached deed rnade, (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS I'RUIV ENT) °t phen J P izpatric:k and Renee Poncet Fitzpatrick The premises herein is situated in hdasband and wile wid l epee 9"'a ncet _ _ SIJ(=FQLIC COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the FOWNI of Southold ,.:>kcrl7en J Fitzpatrick and Renee i'aracet,husband sand wipe _ aIn the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Greean]oij, BC)Xf..S 61 HRU 8 MUST BE'TYPED OR PRINaI I EU IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECd)RDING OR ALI3NC,. S I A I E (A" Iia EWYOR '' [\,I-I Y (-")r- 5 U[,-F()IV") A I&-I (J ay c)HD u o b e r 20 19, b e f o"; a) e u n d e r w q n e d, p in v o n aply a 1)p �'l r e d S l'e I c"n I womily krumn 1 d rw or prnved to me on the bads of AjAdury eviSence to he the indlidu#q whoo, is/are suMilhed to MU-Ihn iriv"ument and imknovdedged 1,o me tl-iai, lri,,/she ,addle 11.1 hlVlrn--nr ml that by—Th/her signme an the mukument the mlOdwah cirthe poson upm v"I-I lchl the' irardIVu d 0,T)I i)C 1,L'd, (.X Oc-L I ed I I I e I-)st 1,1"]iT-d(I I It j"''. N P u w 4 AMMWR I CORD 20 TA I E 0l PA E V,/ YO F,!,t(- ("0 [Al-Y -j On Ihin -19">ay of (DOWn, 201% befonn mo, the undusignel pumnalky appeared Henum Poi,cm p-'[ ""'nowl-I q() rn ra cw proved to me on the h aMs or satof Wry (.,'virdence to b(,,, t ivvfivi ii ia i(�,) vvhn (� nanne(b) is/are smbschbed to We vithin inArimneW and acknoodedged to ine that he/she rvecuipd IAi(,,-, in his/her capadty and WL by lAnAter Qnatum on the inskumeiv &e WTOW, orthe pe"un upm AM of which the individu..... "Icled, thc I'd, ("Om P �! VOW YA II I Peconic Abstract, Inc. Title No. 641-S-04306 Schedule A Description - amended i Legal Description of 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, New York Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-35-04-28.36 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and The State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows; BEGINNING at a point marked by a concrete monument at the northeast corner of land to be herein described, above said corner is formed by the intersection of the southerly side of a certain 50 foot wide Right of Way(know as Wiggins Lane) with the westerly side of above said Right of Way, above said point being also the following two (2) courses and distances from the corner formed by the intersection of Main Road (N.Y.S, Rte. 25) with the westerly side of a certain 50 foot wide Right of Way (know as Wiggins Lane): (1) Southerly along the westerly side of above said Right of Way, 1,107 feet more or less to a point along the northerly line of land to be herein described; (2) North 65 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East along above said line and the southerly side of above said Right of Way, 124.02 feet to the true point or place of BEGINNING; RUNNING thence South 20 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds West along the westerly side of a certain Right of Way (known as Wiggins Lane), 103.23 feet to a point marked by a concrete monument at the northeast corner of land now or formerly of Charles Snyder and Jane Snyder; RUNNING thence South 63 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West along the northerly line of above said land, through a certain dredged canal (known as Fordham Canal) and through Lot 13 as shown on a certain map entitled "Map of Section One, Fordham Estates", filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 7, 1962 as File No. 3519, 178.20 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 30 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds West through above said canal and through Lots 12 and 13 as shown on above said map, 112,55 feet to a point; RUNNING thence North 65 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East through above said canal, through Lot 12 as shown on above said map, along land now or formerly of John F. Costello Trust and the southerly side of a certain Right of Way(known as Wiggins Lane), 196.19 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. J84(7119) DE'.pr11-uo?e:oar of V,armhBdc oro and Rnaaraa:e Re"a;'e9d'd9r g office t6t3 e Stare ';TATE TransferTax Return, '2 Cr,edit Line Mortgage Certificate, and Certification of Exemption from the Payment of Estimated F"Iersonal Income r'ax "~ 'e, ff orrra ft"' to d P Ir btru tion for For ? f P-584 before a rrrdaffala+Vrrsr Mis fr+rrrr atI Pant car P;rpo e tte.�Uuo�a Nt�F ar°artnn reIatollit toc ro + rl Nae.ea _..... �.. . ... CYa(idrroYllrra�7 frt�'rtY" Tdrarne hl r"ddvrrdrsaa8•kma ' asr,r>aaa4,dde rr,f?ail mark an � Fitzpatrick, Stephen J & Fitzpatrick flaYe �arilt k .an..c.eN, Renee ,tc a14r,2aaul2yadta4y 6lV{ll3lY3f9?C h iW t;(dDDr iQl aflurwi address nPTyen. ".'. ... ........__._.._ j d arrtera Isi'go 415 4rloc�fftons t ane a ... :�.. t o3 43 11125 i d a ddrtass( ✓ ; Code E IN ( sirqplu r1lumber i...!,C; Greenport NY 11944 d....,� Yr�ana:,.. o(VSInglerncr t)e uta N 4an,,,�_—u ? �� �ouiaa�tlaa,nrnankrs Y B P...,_fs_aaa,rra drana:dr;era.) Single member lawi or __ �rk x,aatrut.k„ etc, ac.n ,f d I / ri�Gl I qV ri Vt �'� fl rOk.°1GP dAYCr�a W�Sr�d'Ad � rd➢%a d80Jd9Car�f3 dB➢d8ti Hsf t/"�� ®;a ECr4 4'FA7 fie'ifM D ba'a;R and P97{AA dQI'C C,JI0V8a�u3 � '�s�e.•�� 3325..� ....ate,_....,.n ,r 9 r?r,f°al � sarl9 r n arralar;r j li�elu�raraa ri t f and floncot Nte�rae a� 46 r�,�,al aai i�irtdt r attatlro�s ;aos,,taal�ta.aa,.ouiRy nuioviba�,u — I'rauliae i��aif�, 415 Wiggins Lane133..41 Q3 �4y XI c¢oata.. I ,7rsaal ur��uakr i t_I,ti;i �acarti �� 7 j d&rdad,r furore a:a rnerbabei arne If e rams...,is as soror Ila•r"raa,m �t"� r a � ua6ua,u'0 t.� :5aoa.ra;a8r<aa:a6¢dra.y .. adPm�lar,oroa.ovrot.aeY >r N0"l r,r,;� m _....— .w.., ...------ ..._--- _,.,..., as tion ira�t 60SCI-0tiiasrr(A p:au-cap er ty saarraveyed nar'p alwriJnation SWIS Code Street address d cBross a a,tia�i 1-dock ds Int (six digits) � CitY, town, or village County (inclaide,rdsr„and dashos) 4135.00..(t14.d)d)-028.3364y-3t_t.9 .._._�'_7 02Wiggins Greenport Ufffia-alk yafrrEYpy o � Yet (mark a+ Xaraaxb � aa &rhrae6rvrYkca�o5 yaAe >IacavoYar7or vecerkagraaf real _ E> opr,ity RPs¢anfla ceopeiahve 6 Apartment nidint — conveyed which is reirJ _ 'n/!t ResitlOffice anilclnra sondorninnrn 7 � 10Frerr and o� l _ _� � mfear Other .. a _..... y (raa rr,�,. �'dvria:fu2'�rnn of r t:,iava rroe:�e sll ttaaaa as r,or ) 9 r v f I I Coravu y mce which r on fiists of a i � Option assignment or,surrondei a ( C 0f'V>yaan ce,of fee interea ,t crua':arr„ r tr iaarpa., of iutsarrolaR^d tar farrura or OwlrfslYilr,��ar e�oalrr�af��dea�1i°,rrr ff,-.,wa h Owl r u o, 4 Ont,C l.4',a<l se$lofd rhe>;uVCtYrrtllent(n .'aU.urrena'aer d. I...j Acquis&orl o6'sa Confroifing in(erest(s'lea,,e, ya it n?tR�ayti afi°uaaora;al 9 I t,<aa°ra+r k' rnr.* fair u• hiia f i i rrsd'ot fear 1r,ly, i,ar;;u lr n, : s(-baud grant Caiviou ), ° ild VAII ar a lKiled ta y. ' rra,t? p of a euDnOrra]Jlaar���([1Rem9r 0 a SGt �a I, IT`v o l� a'frr"4 J a,l'arPaatirWr �Ith 77 �:{7Y'ivq.'P aaP�64:�of an �.,'��>eaXirral'lt tanrca>ralu.r9 to�rasfaare*ea.... h) r. u.....j Conveyance r�°freDag�ssa' tVv aarUrvrrat(,) tP,, Col)ve yrmcf.,(nar 'r°�Gr4ta @'Je tl'lap"�f4fada c, a Crani a yracre,e,� an Cooperative housing:q i. j ... ynaiie;mat'iraar Oi„u`ra traaraa Or��taax a;l�°akned gaorvpfi,•�ty e;adj�Gar„;ptEC9Vo a�,•ta:;^rttrl+aNr Pao.�^':,,1 j. ( � orwe y rrur o, tit'air ri frits O! C V ff;earav� ✓:aroe,o of property partly uRkiira .. (_i fears ��+,+asr+ puirrtr,ui wrul It)o in 4ic,,aa sual' la r ealofnrrr,r'�t rkjhts arae:p p�r artly cror.sR fr:d r theslate h t a�a,�aa t0 ..rra�r1,of hr.r::u c Elf It. C_..) t eantrart tris ignrrrent r, a....j Gonvoyr.inc'e puirsuar?t to divorce o�Psoq)arratlori o F tar rc.r. � w � r�y'rtlC& 9n" 8 az,lu Yder .— .._ ,.,.: j � C7Otherofficer"s use irP erP, t ruaaraui r:a'civa,,,rp .. Ca,oI>,�m,.r,.A�^iva.ci Tr�an�rarlican ni�.ar?hc:r.� .. cdar.c9sad [to Carat"I $ uri ic,JtJla. _.a " 2 m4 Tp-5e4 (7/19) Scheduie B -- Real estate transfer tax return -lax Law, Arficle 31),_ pad. 1 —CompulaUonofbaxdom 1 Entf'/ mmnunLofounsidaeUonfor the oonvmyanm* (it You are,vhlknmgo,vxalnxvmpmmfrom tax,memue exemption clailnudbox, anm/*»�sidua Imn a nd ti I ocef.sd to Pod 31) - -- ------ �Xj Exemoptiomo|aimed 2 Continuing lien doducUnn (svo inoouclionoJompmOy is taken sW)jecr mmorinnoep'xenY .. 3 |axaNcconsideration (sub(rau fine 2flom,mu 1) ... ...... ... —..... .... --- .... ----- —' ---- ----- | 4 Tax: G2for audh $5OO. mfrzimUona| palt theeof, of consideration on ||ne 3 --' ------' -----' ' . 5 Anvzunfofcredit da|nfed for tax provnus|y paid (sc.owom,mmmand ormcofonn rP-5ow,/. Scmvduc oy --_-- 6Tuta| tax (smtra*Hoe ofrom line 4) .--—. Pert,3—(.�omputaUonofmddihom*| kAx(IueondneconvmyaroeufresidenUe| rea| propedyfur$1ndU|onormnm I Enter amounl:o[considmrmhonfor conveyance Non p*rttfinmU — --- ---- ---' -- ------ 2 Tux blnonnoidermUon(�nuuiplyfim / poo)mm,irf Sohedok'A)., 2. / � To�( a�Uibona|hans�rWudue~ (nux��xne2uy/%(ntV----^^—~-----------~-------- ` Part 3—Explanation o(exempUmndm|medor) Part 1. Unw1 (nm' anyboxusthat appiy) � I he. Conveyance of real property is exempt from Me r(,',,ar estate,transfur tax loi the foHowirq reasom a Conveyance, ishzthe United Nations, the United States of Amar|ca, New YorkS[ate. of, any oftheir ineimmonta|Kiea. ogenu|*o. o,pp|uico| subdivisions (oreny public,oof-pmxmVon in�|u�|ng n pub|io corporation ��m�d pu,ouan� ^o a0nm�wmnLornmmpam ' [l vwh anomorutate,nrCanada) --. --- — --- —' -----' . -- — —' ----- ---------' --. .' — u �� b Cnnveyanocistosecu"eadebt cvmhurobligation...—...— ...... — ......... --- ... ----_—_..—.—_---_.-- ----_ b [l c Conveyanca(sWiUmuLeddiUonai oonmidei aUnn b`cnnDxn. conrec/. modify, ornupp|enenta prioxnmnveysnce-------' ` d, Conveyance of real pmpmAY is wihout oonokier'.bon and not in onnnwoUon widn a sa|e, indud|ng omn*ymncen conveying realty a« bonofide gifts ..........— ... --' ....... .....---- ..........' ....... ........... — .... .............. ----------- — d e Cmnveyencnisgiven in connection with a taxma)e- _............. ......^. ........ ... ---.........---' ........ i Cnnvmyanc,romeneohan8enfidonhtyof'form ofnw/ml ship mof gmnizationwhevs0 ieneionnchange inbonmficia| ownership (This exemption cannot bo claimed for a conveyance to a cooperative housing corporation of teat property comnn�|noihecooperative dwmUin8ordweUin8a)AUachFor mF584]. Schedule F—_----- .......... -- ........ ---....... [ �� g, Conveyance,Consists o[deed cfpauNon—...... -----_—_— ......... —._--------....----'—^~^^......... ...... ... ... Q [] h Cpnveyancoiugiven pucsuaottothe federal BankruPtcyAct— ....--- .... —_-------' -- --.' .. h [� iConveyance c'onsists of the, (.?.xecutkon of a contract to s(...,111 rcal i-,)mperty, wiffiout flmuso *r000uponcyofmuchPrOpe�y, or the granting of an option to burchase, a,,al propetty, withot.ft the use or occupanc'y Of Suuhpropeny——----------——. — i [1 / Conveyance o|anoption orcontract 0ovea| pmpehywd\hthe use oronc /pancyOfauchpmpet where the misideration is less (han $200,000 and such property was uised scl)iely by the grantor as ffie granim's pefsonal iesidenct',, � an�co nmiwtsof aone-. two or threu-famdy house, an imljvfdua| residential ccmdomirdum und, or 11fie, Sale of stock in a couporaUwo houoin0 cofporaUon in connection with the� grant nrk�,.insfero[a nmpMt'.�uery leamohoW covening an md|v|m/a| reoidmnUm| ccw»enalive. aparimen/—. — ------ ------ --- ---'—' ------------- — / �l k Conveyance isnot ac*nvayanoewiUkinthe momningcfTanLnw Arlio|e31 § 1401(e) �ti,,icl�r*xuxne,s [l o'w»vv*8mmocmmV ..... .... ....... . —, --- ....... ' —_----~------- -- —' — --_-- -----.,— � u ` Thetotal tax(fromPmrl1, line 8and pnn2. line 3abnva)isdue,within 15days from it iadate ofconvayanoe, Make oheck(s) pmyaNeua the c.oun|yclerk where the recording is to take place, Forconveyances o[real pmper/ywkhin New York City, use, FormTP-584'NYC, If recnrdingiancxn*qu|neg. mengUhisrrtumandyuurcheck(x) magapayab|otothnNYS Department ofTi-lxationa/,dFjoanrm. dincoUy/nU`r NY`-�Tax Dc|»xxmoo( RET] Ratum Pmouss|ng, P� Box 5045.A|b�znyNY 122(15-004 5, |fnot usinQ US MAi|. som Publication 55. Das�/a/oV Fx6Vmu* Dokve/yServices, Paafge yf 04 •ff,s.WY 84 (0n) C na) Ve t:cr h fo ll��av'ong Only �ff Me %west st��eing transferred is a ff�.e irr pg e write _. �._..._. � u�.�at 1 (wo certifythat. rrr��rk aura.X rrn th s.a aro raraates box 'l. �✓y`J f h ra �V g.,roI'x"rty Bae,"m Gc�allcf or in�r�isf� I J va � r�,ruorf Is aiaat°su.lNOc,l tar an r>uut9!aWrlagdaog r;re;.git AK) ru'ieartrt„affe;1. w. pro 2. J I hai:a i�ral fofaetiry b:,dlicaeav sokissor ragae:frred is;.;aik>j ct to an oulstaonding credit Ike or�rranlg ar,ge. F�dcaweve k torr exnsrnd�:uh'nn tam thetax .,� I Vim "N"A WW daraW ogy K a;a transkr of a be AiruNe irrtwss4:Lea as person cao.persons rvkiea fee za %e s'irt'ipa e iruWra M in he r, ad t>ropae;ity (raeha,tlIfie” no a jAnt tenant, a tenant in conunori ur otherarvose)iro'uviu;diaateiy befaal,,,th°i c,tr�..Insfer. b I 110ii,ar'arfa i +tt'r'a ul lrt,yPorls is I� � tae rrr�ad.y re 1 �9�rd by @.aVr;,+a��d r�r��ran•n rP r,,n�a�:rrlr.+g,l�r�`a�i Gut 1ho ramsa°ypgo a:4A ,au'tri ht one ) f „w a. , I,ia,lareafts�r Gkorf tr�iou;�ar:,,a�na>adisrlSGgrgfiar nn�oa�t�)at�� 4�n paum�,i awrrtaiar e�fr�.ra, rt>i�.� ar o�rn,l,� sad`VBa,. ha.;^n'rt�lit.i;aa1 irrk�,.ia..�,;t�ir�i :rrid.f�+ ra��a��V OHM � or d I C4� . feu.aanw,ffl rrf r,t TIVIs.er or bPua.w fuwnfor 1le�a aatl�Issl��thCra�ruum dur�w�mW e.u�tlfG�h;r. taRaua�zf rum) ��r;'�rrsa.h u�a.rin U10 aea, n W�r1111,un�,fr,t lar to trr.�^.,fn:i;. of `I hd draan..fee ref MW PmPWty A sa tr ansfear 5 a:a true lee A h.seirrdupatcy, ao raccaive r assignee,e on'otheroffic0r of a court d .Pgfie maxiinurn farina yl a:amowA socu cd by e c;raaciit Nne modgage is 53§00000 or Imre"r and Me rorad farcaYeQy belting said or Imnsfa;mad is ncot print iiaasldy improved naar Will R be irttafaromd by as Banca- to six-Ornily owner--occupaicad residence or r:tanaWlidag. Nott?, Y4ai hDLVPI"aGD:;,as of k';ate "1KIing Wtil`9eTa,Y Ui C'"wxlrnivin PilrMI 81rr9OUnt S&;c0.,Ired 1 S,�,G)�)�1,ON or niare as 7�E�as�;r'I ed�l �_9��C�9've, t� o <:ar"K)LInl .pec umod key two car'of o;> ,, cre dit Hue or�onfgage may be cagcgrcry ate d under cer gin ckcunnst'aaoeae s See TSG`9..Gy 96(G) R for amore anfcau rgicun regarding thr:scl,aggregation r�a�cpi_iirc^ama ni,,. .......... fy1:Pror(a�:rtta.wl)aycutrrfdea:f exj..r/aar,nRa'r:n). 3 �i I�hr- r aaI paroperLy being 1i aiosferrad is pre sen Uy;riabled rW an on.it,°9Gm dAg c rcac9iit hr'uta rrac:rrtg,jg(-: f ie,wevet, no tax is due; Year be Wowing n ra;~or1: .-_-y P1it�tIr;.a Pa of cirscch argpe of We credit fine ru artga:apate ie; being all urx d at the tirr7e, ofr;;co ahng To,deed, na die enn drown prrwruaofe fear ti in: and ;�r�our 10 tie credit Ike vino tg<agoo gar his aag�ontfear the balance dues,and as if � fie s�1fi,la.aaafl m" ref mxh rmeart.cgMa will be mazrrrsla d M soon as A is aava,ihIble. Ud lis w+raaV prluat7,.a'ly laa.u�a";g t1 art la�.rra nl u t _ a1,11s)� u t Iu�a uiw unrfl^�:ak tnreVunu+a rwpa°�alir line nrcrr&a" ur e ra;t:aar+9d ck' n`"i _. —_ B ) f. �l Of ad 1A ear aalalipt,alr . ( 1 11 .de iitif�s stf�arw of Ilan rasrarGr,ar a 1 cue �n wxua'r'1nr1ro yriirls a ,at ur�iaz,�ea drug Il��r drreaaatr tai r,� � ed. c,as' nr1 , i'err�c;d& ImIng banal hrui'..aa,ahk daa�adura Wu r ar a:.._ t 9 ran rn"aillra r is %csa,a rnlal�rar� ham W u r,f in ul ni d "' tau: s11 MW� f sgaAits^lca a a°at(tr, kA anuJu�a rd. atr,,,¢,ae1 4^aaBP Pea; ro„e a errXe:rtp.,f 1r nature h.a. _J { d r rat m..._ �,.. . .._ ,., _... aw» a e r rancor s an... . � ���r��{�� must.Sl.T9_ __.._ .�..... _ ...... ...... RM ra;YIa M ur Wd Cul UN Ul at they, above irfornaa Hon Contained in schadules& B, and Q nod utVow�.. otl anymicnoni cc:*rlifieaatd¢aru SdWile, dor Y d , true ;And r,earx7falc to ° 1 rrithorize the Yes^negro(s�) sI.aBaaroittdng slosh fe.anrru on their 9.oa�:^h�,jl0Ic.i r�r re;;ivc; i i,.iu,,rrr,r rrr ��> �d,ea Clue best of Vii,lhr r knowledge, ri c as Yrau ,car rhea Wa Uf to r 0111iri9 Pia? r'o l rur'r.:alier hWu�laa�iasnl,:H ctincg Hie con;�e y�:nce, r p t ,a 0 J_ ” a T ��a II rola; ,. �... t raule�r ..e f er '' ... - ..... f ,...a a11r14b ("�, J'are; (8lf Y4;;.111"k'C di«Ir �acY t� Y car t W COMMA0 Stah�ra, Nlra� D? 11 yt.adr °r•�ie:Na.0 incl�d> i i roanf;da,ka,a-ilY<.,h htoa�.� re c cuuoa,,�I u�iYerrrraaa�ticaua irll ,,;hle Jule.^r�f� ky, �aorrtu In �c Pira Tule , t9�aa yc>s.i complete (tarn _d f ,raf4"y 1 levo_Yale ,:rtttiir:hrarr;d yorH r;lna:ucVr(Y e,V rnaaiN paaa,ya,rtr O te';0M reaa.lu�ty ma;,rk+w mr(�, 9idrgy uesVV rta_all<e dal,ar,e;7 If no re,e crtfong ar�eclr wed se tfrds retruan and your r.hockNy nntiars iaayrabdcs to the:, NYS o a,rfry,aer)t of f-au,aatfo,,r ��arae,tPUd>Idc 1�crirf�Ioaa t;a.HY tr ; 'gy+�r,rPN ff�°r�+ '�tnNfdfW nrog RE tta„� Ftr:>>lu n Pirad,t:�ssssong�, PO Egret 50 f,".a folt:>as�wy Pad" "I� Y'id"s 0045, If mart LIS, �r'icg It., dvls,adl, 4 of tl TP-584 {711 t)) r 9� d�N tS C_ertif_cocoon of exell .M.Mtionfthe_ppyment of estimated..��r����9 n�c� r� ��x�1�x_Law,,_Article 22, , . _. 663)_.. .. _ CompletL the foll only of a fee siniple interest or a cooperative unit is being transferred by an Individual or estate or trust. If the property is being conveyed by a referee ptarsoaant to a foreclosure proceedl proceed to 'Part 2, mark the second box under Exemptions foriyonre,sidenf trarasrferor(s)I,seller(s), and sign at bofton,. Part rl --Now Yoik State residents If you are, a New'Ycark Stab rusident tra�rl,.ala„rr�rr(�)dae,lVprN-t)listed in Forry TP584, Scheda.11e A(or an attachmornt to 1=orrrr TP-584), your rrrclst sign thr�coitificaal:ion belrnvv, If one or of ore 1rH.4al.,;da�„aatr lsaller:>of tho a+anal property or cooperativo snit is a resident of Now`YbIlk each residewil tre ai ahsrorlsa 4le!ur IVIU t ;,irlra in line Fpace provided, If rnorr, pac is needed, photoe rnp y this Celle dulea D sncJ .;u rulaul a�; Itlrs�arly sche(Julcs as n 0C,,,„s,aly to all resident tr aadaferorslsraicaa:rl, t”e r f cation of resicla n trare�htar rar 1 tfNNt i — �_ -- .ogle or transfer of fire real property or.cooperative unit, the trtijns n 9'lli Is ta, r[;rf.i$y t4u rt rwoP thc-� taroaau”of ifoc � � la ror(,)le�e��a�r(s)as�Igo�oocJ lra�icaw va<�,a fa resident nt of New York State, and therefore is not reapa.lorod to pay esflrnaate��,d personal in once tax aarse9er V-aaat l,.a w §663(�a)Upion the :rc<�.ale or rrcaI!ste,r of lhiie;rca_aI preoprelly or craopperraftdva; Uflit. da�rtlf 11 g tkrplaon�irc]Fitzpatrick rx a t,, '1 4 k r �"', o nkt yy i!lP 'c'odre4 PaiIV s9eou oa:o __.......� .....------- 9 ,-ItG Pur. i ....... Z Y. F:W. Persona iRtrpal ock aka Renee floncet � � N � N `'� -- _........... laa Print Pull nafrae, 94a: —_ I tl irerc _— _.. a .... _ _ .em....._ u�r rrIM rt AI rreas¢77 Noted A ua-.,:>ident of New York v3taiie may still be, reacpuire to f,aaay a. ,dn),.al,n�d taxa ndej lax i ream, §a t�815(a:;), bul: not as T deed s as ccaoadoloaDrs of re r orrdintp as Part 2--Ncmre..,;icicrots of New York St nate if YOU are as n ome ident of New York StaLe lastod a•as tr;zarea>fa rc,re/:aa Ula r ilr FoIrn Fill-84, S,drea::i-Ile A(or an atilachinent to Form`4-P 58 4) but are, thed 1 y a fp ause ool()of tile,(,,xerniotions he;lcaw aappie.s i.vi cf Tax Law, § 663(c), mark file box Of rapp4orpn e ex?nifttift("sn below. it as lyPoIre:aryrof fVrorer,D r:ratprdir;arc below aapi.flics to the traonsferor(sy'selier(s), thaO traansferor(s)lseller(;,) is not tfrea^ a r�,,sea?a„s,8 rc 4fusrod to l orry e tini"ate d personal income tsar to h+9rawv York ',,"Rate under Tax f aaw, §663. Each norueeside nil transfemOse ller who qualifies uaaae.a(,s r.-)ne of the exemptions below must sign in the ,apace provide(]. If mo¢e space is needled, Photocopy IhIs Schedule D and suakrmIt aas Inaany schedules as ncc;essary fo a s,Ae;a:Drnrraodate all nonresident tr,ansferors/sellears, If crone;of those a weemp,ation staawnle rat,a_appiy, you nIust conrop.>Voto Form I 1 �;?4aG�;4, Norwe:>r'dent Ro^M Propeiley t.:sfin� aate d Income7-ax Payment 2`9rd78, or i'e:brG'9'I I I . 664, Nonresident C DOP.(YarCtllte fad;lt Estimated IJJr,X:Drne AC.x Paayd'Y'DCMI”f�d.S1M. For moreinfor'n"*,0ion see Payment of estimadle d 4rr)G0u04e tax on Form TF 584 i, v' I _. _. t xeo�l�41ofa f aar c� nnr�srtie rtf tr°�ft�,i''r Cel Ealy fhzat at tie flnle of the same. Or U Msfer of lire roaall praafael..y or Cooperative_._. it, lhe w._ c ae N or c4e>o as iaativea unit wags a:a nonre2aidefaf of New York`•Dlale: btaA is canal requirecltruarylle,a tinualc�rJufaesre�ar,nalaeincorer e tax under his is to e: (grantor)ca( his real p p �� y i � �4e'9e r 4rax L.aalrr, § 4.63 rJue to C'Ra of the foaaowong e xarnpfionsp -p he real properly or cooperative unit being sold or transferred qualifies in lofal :res flue,tr ar sferor's sellar s principal rra,.oeae,oac.ea (1rrilhin ffie Oeaniiig(.ref lrartraar -oi Re eCIWLI Code s(,ofllorl 121)frona .... .. _.. .......- (See snsiraactions) uau� d;,ead: I he _ I10 �a Altsonaallac:ons demfoou-aortepaagcar. colroraW�yintJ Ilse ; acrl tp4fa,;.pr.rl p-opedy to a rno tgatgee In loo c,ios; .ro e, or In lieu of fora^clo':at.ure:, wl97 .I f Ir+_ hr Ili lere°+aa or l ansfl Pee in err, 1 .JIPat4 d Mates ofArne.�uica an argr;,,,,ocy r,r authority oil the st;;atrt of :ir,tir¢farcac�w 6a,::,:rc�ar. ,afa roll far Pa;utr,c tenpi y caa socimi,,,l eat o 1 I lo.rc,v i frl7, tf as Fr �4a av�tf l hr luaal-a ai (ad"e ort .�4 a�lc �s" or r ala,ral Gha 0 erl� re,;al t��itrcr9c, Loan �lorfc:q ages t,orarp�aol-Tataoua, thro Goves�u�lrraera4 pl<afloa:ar°us!ul f earraletage Insu ,:me e a-earrrla,ally. �rur<au,wt f, il�tl Prinl full narm, — .... I gat� ._... .,...,,_._ ... ...�,w_ ._ ytl,M rramo _._ [WO, a riiaa dartld rl atlr r _....-°",. I .- _j. ............ -------............ ........... -------- I�,oilea N RU:',-7101`,S(RP-52'1 7-PDF-I N,i)'www arps s'tMe ly us New York State Departincril of t'1.�Tolplls codc _J Taxation and Hnance C2.Date Dorld Roforcl Offico TA Ri,gl Property-lx lzt,,fviI:us C3.Brook IRP- 5217-.PDF j(34.Page T Rical Piropefly Ti,ansfw Report l8/10) Rl ER A I property L.ocafi— d.lax .......... .................... NA It A d d ("o' " flA y,pO,adkhe.opll bolt-1 Of Tun)) enR .l po,t of a (Onto if Poll of FI Chock o thI apply; poll p.r,,,,k;�,ansm,,,,� th, 4a6 rl.,cao OR 4A,'Innring Rld w1d,SllTdlOi%Ni ALiftorily Exiels P,opeirty x 0 /f 4R,SUNIIII Appm,ml,,,RpqrI tKf 1ran, in, AfP,.v.d i.i Sobdi,kl,on with,lal T-r-ol.d 6.SiAllar w, d estlipflo'l which aI,ost j,,,,nO,o,Iy d....ibes tho Chr,.k On+n as only apply: LISe Of thco prporly at fl,hl"y of bale: if Ownaoohlt,Typ',i,,,Condo mdrckurn NcIo("o"sk"ot"m an is Vl,cr.,,,T Lol cl 'IDA.Muperly wkhm an Aqicullifol f)jorjcd JOB,Huy"l"'wived a dirdbrlljr��,,Iicu ndicat,,p 0I j�,e pfpOny In in A 11 slil",c"Ililla"t 0,rq,a 9 alu, lxnwl,,m Rel alas)Cumpa,)llnl In Bu,lilets c on",e.f W,4,BI'v—,j,,als"a 3"'h4g '12[);lteW SO]oMontow 0 1 0 lki,r i (4,vol no rat A(n,c,/n,I l,,I d1[g In 0ir ijWn yl, not Al ty nj Bo"Ifan)"It'l SDI,Irlru,dy ""t Full'Saii,P".. I. ll,i,r I-1,1, I o Mww�d(Sp,olly OI�J—� .00 •hy JI j I,alric &A, Pull S,,I,Fl,",1,t)la j.ol"moor!plod par III pmphy ile"Juding poir-o'l Properly 11"011d,ld 1,�,,Ju Plau, 'Thi,D'y"Uml nl.y T11,In till,for of a P,q,,�,ly.1 or lh. I hill Ci Un,owm Foctro,Alf-ling Saj,j pr,c, "IlYa,ase,r. ",""d o,m,of7O,11tnlIj,q, J T room PonvnereIo)on Condition; 14,lodoilte till,—iuo of pe'soni'l prvperky 11"ludiI In th.*,ala flo T s T W77,50,,Tc��j ITZ,,77IJ5 rUIWI,r IhIP iusl, inIll ASs essrrieot Rol 16.Year of Atonol-olot III hom WInCo info,ol.tin,tahe,(yy) I or f1lop.ily c1lion 3 9.School Et.thot No,.) ll A lo-Iltifiet N(if on0ol,thW1 four,all shoo.1,with addfj.n,j id,otiff,ha)) 0 3 T, I cellity Rha;all.f the jhems offiff efe,"'Wood on thi.,III aro Nrrae and corrent(totfir,1—tot'lly kno,Ae.11ljoancl hnfli0f)'tic]I understand that the elaking Ofany wilful to"'"'tio"I of'Ile-11,11 fact thelell 5Ubjent me to the PTAYI16IMIrrf 6hru ppinnIllIA,loladvil,to file makinq antj jiling of fljso instrumohin,. �IiL"ER SIGNAI BIVir ER C01,41 0,(P I ll,l FDi"011A NO 14 o1j",hi,4ru, Yry j" $1,GVAI URE IM BUY EWS Aj-FOF;NF.Y If TO yy ills iops,. Past ps,. P"ast Hanipifflil OJ Pecorde Bay Region Rife w-heml W "heite) [nkmd 0? Corlununity Preservation Fuiinid S(I III h I P I d illit Pi'oceeds of this transfer l are disioursed to ilie aurora.mhips fi)as jjicja(11v II (alit es Phice for ate ul dcyalopment riglurj,�,wild orbs r iwrrefs in prol for emliservalim) purposes. Plea",immol lvpe Schedule A information Relating to Conveyance '�j aq,'Irft,rdddlh,int... NO...c, n SOCIal Security Number JR]individuol Fitzpatrick,Stephen J&Fbpafiick, Renee Porcet aka Renee Poncet I 122-4b-3325 J_1 Corporation Mallin( address SodalSewrlyNuml 415 Wiggins Lane C 133-4 8-1125 City I I P,lQnciship Other Greenport VP codi_ I odal empik"ye, doGreenport NY 1'194.1 G,antr., Nan {ill'divdull;lost,hol,tlid I flle liftial) Swimlu( _wilv l"dwidual FtzPJb_jC*, St(-1Ph6nn J. and Poncet, Renee 122 46-332,L, Lj C'm Porat.lon PA"lling F_1 Pmmer!hip 415,VVlggj1ns, 1-1.1ane 133-48-1125 Othor City state "o, 'Gree lliport P11 y o'-1 i fA i a 11 of Pi o oc rty c.c)nvP y e d I ax aw 1)d.signia I oi I Adch'..'ss Dist 3106, Lol 702 Wiggins Lane Vil I"g, Greel ('13!;1 r:0 fyP(�Of P1 OPQ11V s,Ijrwvycd(check ewl,lh ablo bux) Improved Date ol'Ccaw"o"y,Z�,i"we [Wal ffjww� iiiVacam land . ........... ....... Condition of r,,mveylrfce{rare r.A,ral7 Ow app/y) a Of fetu•ice.r'e5ti b. AuVl0,,,1tlofj of Tj 1. 0011aYance whirl r.ansists of do nwre Ccdni.rzAct assignmem wi,erfzst (Soate change.of IdenSfty w fmrr)0 rwjjej,t,ij) 0j, I Option assiarmla'R of 5u,relnd,=y e-,ehold assigmO,.afq(pr of a 0mirolling mlere"A(Vale Corwaylmco for wlijr.)o credi',:(car tax I mamirei re(i Pllllvdcallly piml will brt Ca"Vey'rnCe of '") V,ls,ment ul A)""I Vans,r: P Cl"Poration of—a-r�"iw-Pantuncmqs) convelvance scarvvi,lict) x,,,yjptiOjj 15, Pu'soxill,to Or in]let,of clairr)"I 8 hart 11) J C.fweyance of ail dghts or danmflolmlunl q. Convoyancc of r.gope,ty pawy wRj,ij,:tractfodowro of enforcement' of gl,Ts c,ray n lntellelA pcirfly Widsm,11 Lhe 1; rurnininiiiv t1riwrvm[,tn iUnd Palo I Computation of rax Dun allwmlu4 cal cowltdcutOon Jahr if)(,,conveynnce(see lj,j,VV) lino: I Ti;€t4 SwImiule B) 2 ''hoill 1) 4pj.,,,,j,Aori Fund{al hne eC,[.tjjjCd 3 Olcck ll to SUFFOLK(.�()i CLERK �,x (Sco 80mhIk" 4 D,f"ie,niw�d Iransaction'wimbr,f Ail,,Vq,jlr("r C )S(Hampton $25)0,00t20011nprovt-;tj SllVltQt lelarld $2,0t 000,001rrlproved southamptoll `x2S0,D00 Mini $100,M0,00Vacarit Land(Unimproved) lam"rhead $150,000,00 IM proved $75,000 00vacarhl I,and(unimpir"'Ved) Southold $150,000 00improved $75,000 00`Var�alil 1-3nd{Unimproved) SCPaC'dLI I e C: (ro rit i v I ue(1) ExemPtlCon Claimed in Part 1,line J.(check imy boxes that-apply) Explanation oi the cOnVeyance ofreal property is exempt front line real estate transler ta)l for the fnljMWIhR'roa,,I, a.C onvqance is la the United r4ji clinw, U ri ted Stale?,of ArnvirD,the state of Nevu Yolk or any of thsh insin ,l9cricles or loolsical (or ally oublic corporation, Including a publIc cropyratioll created rjursuant to apreement or b.Conveyonce is to SCUlle a JeUt ear Other obligation C,Cornteyance is without addidol"DI fonsjdcraition to conflini,correct,maclify tau seppls!njo ,111.as prior conveyr,jjcs d Conveyance of re,j propeity Is without consideration and riot in connection with a sale,inckidjnjI conveyances conveying roalty as bona fire jf[fts c.Conveyance is given in crinhLctj()rj with a tax azflf� f.Convvyanlrp is rnc.ro logintge of kl'lil6ty or for of ownership or iraf>aanixalian where there is Ila c.hange In iiorisFicial owIlers1lip. (`Jlrll�� exenipflon c�IninlA be Ulkilirmd to,- a coileyance to ;,l coninerative, housirlP, "O"POrati011 0( rent/ llel)PoTty carnprisIng i1w coopelaflvv rlvvellln�01 dvvellillf,'S.� fifi P"Conveyance torrsets of deed at Partition h.Convy"Y"Ance is given pursn;vIt to t1w fedoilAl biril(ruptcli act i Conveyance f.orsists oftle exr%wion ofa contract to sell real Pruperty INflihoul the;use or occupsincy of sort,property orthe glantirib,of,err optler,to purchase real property lo[trolit the Use or occupancy of such property Conveyance or plI ON&is si,iloject tc)Tr,-?atnctions which 1-wohibitt1w ucl,'oftne enfirn Propel tY for any purposes n e,'dLlon or conserw.'Ation, pul-rAlant to Secti0r) 1419-ei? ol lk) of Article 31-D of the las Law (.4r,fe'll-III-r-d ijv,,Il apljrovfl,below) ii COnvvVerice of real property for Open space,parka,or hisvyT[c pre5P.rvdtiun PIMMOSes lo any not for-profit ja)l exernipt ca rpora I.ion operated for cor),5ervaticn,Of i'Vil On rle I')U)J,or historif,prerervation purposes. OthM 111i oxPlinations in sis'oce br"Iow Ol.Conveyance of real picip'.'.irly a's a p6mory re"icelle",olfiere,the fli'linlee is a first-flnie homebuyer (atla,-heel approved applicatmirl) ri.COnvQYanceof ve,'Al property to;I Cax exenript,not-for-profit Corporiltion lot the pulpose of providing- .,aflordable housIng, 0.rim Convey'Is" ""apial oved for Fin OlAemption frorn the Conimunity Lran�ferrax,under section'1449 i.,,e of Ait1rJ,,,,31 D ol II 1,,3x]�jw�l5ee I in Sch,fill,('1 ------........ ...... Town Attorney Or other de-silifneted official ............... ...... ------ ......... 110#1aii and Intorlest pc ii,mill il Iritterefil Any glrDnlor or fimilee falling to file a rellull)or to pay any to)(witijill Daily c.ornpoundod lnt:rest will be chargod on the arnol.irjt of iJlll the finllt lOjj,lrerj sio,li keep subipict to ua penalty of 1(1%of the lrnooiq t7JX CILICI not paid within he-t[?rie required, of iax &0 plus tin interest penalty of )% of such amount of each month of delay or fiodi(nl thereof offer the expirahon of the first month after such r0win waS OCCIL111l'd to be fik',d or IN, tzx becarne ducl, laic inteIlest penalty shall nol, exceed 2.5% in the ngtlreg�lte' Signature (both the g ra nto I-(,;) and ,ranteel",) l)lust The undeisitinrd certify that that above ii iricludiny, any schedule oi attachrinent, is to t[in best of his/her knowledil",lrno and e�mlplrlr- j ... ... r --------------- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK � �""° . w' pE N 81 Nn0 i�i 1.3o&--d StevenBellone .........m ........ ... _ .mm........................................ SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE Theresa Ward Department of Deputy County Executive and Commissioner Economic Development and Planning April 10, 2019 Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 54375 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Attn: Erica Bufkins, Planner Trainee Re-Subdivision: "702 Wiggins Lane Re-subdivision" Suffolk County Tax Map No.: 1000 03500 0400 002836 Suffolk County Planning File No.: LS-G-2427 Dear Ms. Bufkins: Pursuant to the requirements of Section A14-24,Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code,the above captioned proposed final plat that has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Sincerely, Sarah Lansdale, AICP Director of Planning Theodore R. Klein, Principal Planner Division of Planning and Environment TRK/cd H.LEE DENNISON BLDG 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY,11th FI m P.O.BOX 6100 al HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 0 (631)853-5191 OFFICE LOCATION: ,, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Aµ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov ell- PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 2019 Francis J. Yakaboski 1668 Sound Avenue Calverton, NY 11933 Re: Final Approval, Waiver of Subdivision Provisions & SEQRA Classification 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, NY SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Yakaboski: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, April 8, 2019: WHEREAS, this proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2019, the Zoning Board of Appeals recognized the current configuration of this tax lot in their determination in File #7242; and WHEREAS, on February 27, 2019, the applicant submitted a resubdivision application for review by the Southold Town Planning Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the resubdivision Policy set by the Planning Board in February 2011, this application is eligible for decision from the Planning Board prior to receiving approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) as it meets the following criterion set forth in that policy: • Where no new development potential will be created in the parcel to which the land is transferred; and WHEREAS, on March 25, 2019, at their Work Session, the Planning Board found the resubdivision application complete and determined that the proposed action meets all the necessary requirements of Town Code §240-57 for a resubdivision application; and 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision [2] Aril 9 2019 WHEREAS, pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions, the Southold Town Planning Board shall have the authority to modify or waive, subject to appropriate conditions, any provision of these subdivision regulations, if in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, except where such authority would be contrary to other ordinances or state law; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the following provisions of the Southold Town Code §240 Subdivision of Land are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, and therefore, are eligible for a waiver: a. Sketch Plat Review b. Existing Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP) c. Yield Plan d. Primary & Secondary Conservation Area Plan e. Preliminary Plat Review f. Preliminary and Final Public Hearings; and WHEREAS, this application is EXEMPT from review by the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program as no new development potential will come as a result of this re- subdivision; and WHEREAS, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(16) the granting of individual lot line adjustments are listed as a Type II Action; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type II Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions, hereby waives the following provisions of subdivision a. Article V. Sketch Plat Review; b. §240-10 (A): Existing Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP); c. §240-10 (8): Yield Plan; d. §240-10 (C): Primary & Secondary Conservation Area Plan; e. Article VI: Preliminary Plat Review; f. §240-19 (C-2): Preliminary and Final Public Hearings; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby waives the requirement to receive approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services prior to approval of this re-subdivision by the Southold Town Planning Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Final Plat Approval upon the plan entitled, "Survey of Property, Greenport," dated and last revised February 22, 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision [3] Aril %� 2019 2019, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Land Surveyor and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the map. Please Note: The Southold Town Planning Board, in waiving the requirement for SCDHS approval prior to their own approval, is simply waiving a technical requirement of Final Plat Approval under the Town Code and makes no representations as to whether SCDHS approval is required. SCDHS approval of this re-subdivision may be necessary to be in compliance with the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, and to be eligible for future construction or renovations. Please submit a copy of the recorded deed to the Southold Town Planning Department within 62 days of the date of Final Approval, or such approval shall expire and be null and void. The statement below must be signed by the property owners to validate this approval resolution. I understand that Southold Town Planning Board approval of this Re-subdivision does not grant, guarantee or waive an approval, if required, from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). I understand that I will need to apply separately to the SCDHS for any applicable approvals. Signature of (Property Owner 1) Print Name Signature of(Property Owner 2) Print Name If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office at 765-1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. Negative Declaration cc: Assessors w/ map Building Department w/ map OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex so P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ► c ,r Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold,NY wwwsoutholdtownny.gov 0011 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 1, 2019 Francis J. Yakaboski 1668 Sound Avenue Calverton, NY 11933 Re: 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, NY SCTM#: 1000-35.-4-28.36 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Mr. Yakaboski, The Planning Board reviewed the above referenced application at their Work Session on March 25, 2019, and found the resubdivision application complete. This application will be classified as a Type II Action under SEQRA, and therefore is exempt from review. Due to the nature of this application, the Board agreed to waive the following items of subdivision review at their Public Meeting scheduled for April 8, 2019, as they are they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare: a. Sketch Plan - Article V b. Existing Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP) - §240-10 (A) c. Yield Plan - §240-10 (B) d. Primary & Secondary Conservation Area Plan - §240-10 (C) e. Preliminary Plat- Article VI f. Preliminary and Final Public Hearings - §240-19 (C-2) Given that this application seeks to retroactively approve the current configuration of this lot as created by deed transfer on November 30, 1999, the Planning Board has agreed to the following expedited review process: a. Resubdivision lication complete iess found crrfete ; 25119 b. Refer mmission Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 April 1, 2019 c. Referral review by Planning Board d. Letter to applicant with an reuired revisions e. A lication reviewed for compliance with Resubdivision requirements f. Resubdivision Determination If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, Erica Bufkins Planner Trainee OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex Zf S10101 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 '� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ou , PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Trainee Ole Date: April 1, 2019 Re: Resubdivision Application Review - Proposed 702 Wiggins Lane Re- subdivision Request for Comments pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code 16 Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements from the Suffolk County Planning Commission that the Southold Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated. The following contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Project Name: 702 Wiggins Lane Re-subdivision Address: 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, NY Tax Map #: 1000-35.-4-28.36 Southold Referral April 1, 2019 Requested Action: This proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham. Canal, as created by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Erica Bufkins, Planner Trainee (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) SCPC Referral Submission Cover Sheet 2 Appendix A - County Referral For Appendix A—Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook • me OWN / Municipality: _S2gthold Hamlet: Gen ort Local Case Number: District: 1000 Section: 35 Block:4 Lot: 28.36 Local Meeting Date: Application/Action Name: 702 Wiggins Lan Resubdi i 'o Public Hearing: Yes No 'rr e f?LReferra,l: SEQRA Action: Roferriug I cELP wce Draft EIS Positive Declaration New EAF Final EIS Negative Declaration Planning Expansion Lead Agency Findings Board or Modification Draft Scope g Commission Zoning Board of Appeals Town Board/Village Board of Trustees Brief description of application or proposed action: This proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. Type of Action Please check appropriate box below if action is located within the Suffolk County Pine Barrens Zone, within one mile of a nuclear power plant or airport or within 500 feet of: A municipal boundary; The boundary of any existing or proposed county,state,or federal park or other recreation area; The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state road; An existing or proposed county drainage channel line; The Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water, The boundary of county,state, or federally owned land held or to be held for governmental use; The boundary of a farm located in an agricultural district. Comprehensive Plan (Adoption or Amendment) Subdivision Zoning Ordinance or Map(Adoption or Amendment) Use Variance Code Amendment Area Variance Official Map Special Use Permit/Exception/Conditional Use Moratorium Site Plan Note:The above represents a summary of the required actions subject to referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission,. The provisions of GML and Laws of Suffolk County must be used to verify which actions are subject to referral and the related procedural requirements. Additional Application Information Action Previously Referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Yes No (If yes, Date ) Adjacent Municipality Notified (see NYS GML 239 nn) Yes No N/A Located Within Long Island Pine Barrens Zone Yes No Workforce/Affordable Housing Yes No N/A Energy Efficiency Yes No N/A Zoning Board of Appeals Approval Yes No N/A Suffolk County Department of Health Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State Dept.of Environmental Conservation Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State/Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Approval/Comments Yes No N/A Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6,Groundwater Management Zone- 1 II III IV V VI VII VIII Contact Information Municipality Southold Contact Name: Erica Ffs.afl rrt F d si r�r Tr aGt@t Department/Agency:PGat7iaratt[t¢raryrGn, rY. Phone Number: (631)765-193P Email Address:ericab@southtown.ny gov Alicant: pp (,G by f'rrX.„...., .C_ ............. - ,Contact Name: Francis J Yakaboski Applicant Address: 206 Lincoln StreetRiverhead NY OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex Zf S10101 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 '� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ou , PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission From: Erica Bufkins, Planner Trainee Ole Date: April 1, 2019 Re: Resubdivision Application Review - Proposed 702 Wiggins Lane Re- subdivision Request for Comments pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code 16 Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements from the Suffolk County Planning Commission that the Southold Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated. The following contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Project Name: 702 Wiggins Lane Re-subdivision Address: 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, NY Tax Map #: 1000-35.-4-28.36 Southold Referral April 1, 2019 Requested Action: This proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham. Canal, as created by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Erica Bufkins, Planner Trainee (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) SCPC Referral Submission Cover Sheet 2 Appendix A - County Referral For Appendix A—Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook • me OWN / Municipality: _S2gthold Hamlet: Gen ort Local Case Number: District: 1000 Section: 35 Block:4 Lot: 28.36 Local Meeting Date: Application/Action Name: 702 Wiggins Lan Resubdi i 'o Public Hearing: Yes No 'rr e f?LReferra,l: SEQRA Action: Roferriug I cELP wce Draft EIS Positive Declaration New EAF Final EIS Negative Declaration Planning Expansion Lead Agency Findings Board or Modification Draft Scope g Commission Zoning Board of Appeals Town Board/Village Board of Trustees Brief description of application or proposed action: This proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM#1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. Type of Action Please check appropriate box below if action is located within the Suffolk County Pine Barrens Zone, within one mile of a nuclear power plant or airport or within 500 feet of: A municipal boundary; The boundary of any existing or proposed county,state,or federal park or other recreation area; The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state road; An existing or proposed county drainage channel line; The Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water, The boundary of county,state, or federally owned land held or to be held for governmental use; The boundary of a farm located in an agricultural district. Comprehensive Plan (Adoption or Amendment) Subdivision Zoning Ordinance or Map(Adoption or Amendment) Use Variance Code Amendment Area Variance Official Map Special Use Permit/Exception/Conditional Use Moratorium Site Plan Note:The above represents a summary of the required actions subject to referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission,. The provisions of GML and Laws of Suffolk County must be used to verify which actions are subject to referral and the related procedural requirements. Additional Application Information Action Previously Referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Yes No (If yes, Date ) Adjacent Municipality Notified (see NYS GML 239 nn) Yes No N/A Located Within Long Island Pine Barrens Zone Yes No Workforce/Affordable Housing Yes No N/A Energy Efficiency Yes No N/A Zoning Board of Appeals Approval Yes No N/A Suffolk County Department of Health Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State Dept.of Environmental Conservation Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State/Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Approval/Comments Yes No N/A Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6,Groundwater Management Zone- 1 II III IV V VI VII VIII Contact Information Municipality Southold Contact Name: Erica Ffs.afl rrt F d si r�r Tr aGt@t Department/Agency:PGat7iaratt[t¢raryrGn, rY. Phone Number: (631)765-193P Email Address:ericab@southtown.ny gov Alicant: pp (,G by f'rrX.„...., .C_ ............. - ,Contact Name: Francis J Yakaboski Applicant Address: 206 Lincoln StreetRiverhead NY Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — March 25 2019 — Page 2 Location: On the southeast corner of the intersection of S.R Project Name: , Ovsianik Re-subdivision SCTM# 1000-97.-2-15 & 16.5 1 . 25 and Eugene's Lane, Cutchoue Description: This proposed Lot Line Modification transfers 0.4 acres from SCTM#1000-97-2-16.5 to SCTM#1000-97-2-15. Lot 15 will increase in size from 0.3 acres to 0.7 acres and Lot 16.5 will decrease from 1.5 acres to 1.1 acres located in the R-80 and B Zones. Action: Conditional Final Approval tat n Review Revised Map ... Attachment. e ... . .. e...... Report chments: Staff R .. _.. _ Pro-iof the intersection of SR 25 and Name: 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision SCTM#: 1000-35-4.-28.36 Location: +/- 1000' southeast Wiggins Lane, ort I reenp Description: This proposal is for the re-subdivision of SCTM: 1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to which 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal were added by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, �. .. _. Status 1 N n ® _ ew App kation 1 I Action: Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Pro ect Name Bin" a Conservation uiviso S..0 . TM#: 1000-95.-1-7.2 & 8.3 Location 6795 & 7755 Oregon Road, Cut ho ue _. Description. This proposal is for a 75/75 split clustered Conservation Subdivision of 84.72 acres, currently existing as two adjacent parcels, SCTM 1000-95- 1-8.3 (54.24 acres) and SCTM 1000-95-1-7.2 (30.49 acres), into 8 residential lots ranging in size from 2.1 to 3.9 acres, a right of way of 2.2 acres, and 2 agricultural lots totaling 60+/- acres from which development rights are proposed to be sold to Suffolk County, in the AC and R-80 .. zoning„districts. _ Status: Cond itional Sketch Plan Action: Completeness Final Plat l .......... Attachments; Staff Report . _ m,. . ..... _ Discussion: ❖ Introduction — Request for Comments to ZBA re: SV Greenport, LLC SCTM#1000-44-2-23, 59725 CR 48, Greenport (DUE April 30) ❖ Change of Zone: Rich's Quality Auto Repair SCTM#1000-102-3-1, 29950 Route 25 Cutchogue Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date March 25, 2019 Prepared By: Erica Bufkins I. Application Information Project Title: 702 Wiggins Lane Resubdivision Applicant: GCG Bayberry LLC Date of Submission: February 27, 2019 Tax Map Number: 1000-35.-4-28.36 Project Location: 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport Hamlet: Greenport Zoning District: R-40 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Resubdivision Acreage of Project Site: 20,120 sq. ft. # of Lots: 1 This proposal is for the resubdivision of SCTM: 1000-35.-4-28.36, a 13,789 sq. ft. parcel of upland, to add 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater lands of Fordham Canal, as created by deed transfer. This application received a variance from the ZBA in file 7242. This parcel is located in the R-40 Zoning District, +/- 1000' southeast of the intersection of SR 25 and Wiggins Lane, Greenport. III: Status New Application IV: Action to review Completeness Waivers of Requirements SEQRA Classification V: Project Analysis The Fordham Acres Section 1 was completed and filed with the County in 1962. Originally, the subject parcel existed as SCTM#:1000-35.-4-20. When Fordham Canal was dredged as a part of the Fordham Acres subdivision, part of the two parcels located adjacently to the west of the subject parcel, SCTM#:1000-35.-4-8 & 9, were incorporated in the canal. Page 2 On November 30, 1999, the applicant transferred the underwater area of Fordham Canal to the subject upland parcel by deed. The area transferred by deed totaled 6,331 sq. ft. of underwater land to the parcel, making the total acreage of the site 20,120 sq. ft. In a letter to the Planning Board dated September 2, 1988, the Town Attorney addressed the uniqueness of this situation, and how to proceed given the desire of adjacent property owners to purchase portions of the underwater land. "If a property owner with uplands abutting Fordham Canal a manmade water source ur°chased the ad'acent underwater land that ro erk owner should seek approval for a lot line change from the Planning Board to create a recognized lot as per Town Code. Currently, the parcel exists as SCTM#:1000-35.-4-28.36 in the configuration created by deed transfer in 1999. The Zoning Board of Appeals recognized the current configuration of this tax lot in their determination on File #7242 on February 25, 2019. Re-subdivision Application - Completeness Required Submitted Cover Letter _ _ Yes Re-Subdivision Alication Form Yes s Authorization Letters Yes Transaction Disclosure Form Yes Property Deed Yes — 3 � ,... .... filed deeds included ...,,. ... m . _Copies of Easements, C&Rs N/A Proof on Yes —Previous lot configuration g � ation proved via deed the arcel meets Lot Reco mmnitim . .. �.. Certificates of Occupancy N/A— seeking lot recognition for constructing a residential structure Part I of theEnv. Assessment Form Yes .�.� ..... �� ..._. ....�. es ._..�. es — all submitted bin .. g how Application Fee division Plan Y proposedand existing conditions s� 19 6 Co ies of the Re-sub p p non inclusive of the following: Resubdivision Map and existing conditions survey • Existing and proposed acreage for each lot; • Existing and proposed lot configuration for each lot; • Existing lot lines shown with dashed lines and p l' solid lines. proposed lot lines with .. ...m.. .. .....m __ _ .._ ..._ ........... Draft Deeds inclusive of the statement: N/A • "The Southold Town Planning Board approved of In this case, the deeds have been filed already. this re-subdivision by resolution on (insert approval date), as shown in Exhibit A, the PlanningBoard s Final res.oluti.on". _ ............ ........ .�....._. —_ Schedule with legal description of Lot Line Modification Included with filed deed N/A— Exempt from LWRP review LWRP ConsistencyForm __. m.... Page 3 Waivers Pursuant to Town Code §240-56 Waivers of Certain Provisions, the Planning Board may waive certain elements of the subdivision review §240-56 Waivers of certain provisions. "The Planning Board shall have the authority to modify or waive, subject to appropriate conditions, any provision of these subdivision regulations, if in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, except where such authority would be contrary to other ordinances or state law." After reviewing the information submitted for this application, it is recommended that the Planning Board waive the following requirements and steps of the subdivision review process, as they are they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare: a. Sketch Plan - Article V b. Existing Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP) - §240-10 (A) c. Yield Plan - §240-10 (B) d. Primary & Secondary Conservation Area Plan - §240-10 (C) e. Preliminary Plat - Article VI f. Preliminary and Final Public Hearings - §240-19 (C-2) The recommendation to waive the above listed provisions of subdivision is justified by the reasons listed below: 1. The lots surrounding the subject lot are already developed, and affirming this lot line change will not affect the character of the community 2. In a letter to the Planning Board dated September 2, 1988, the Town Attorney addressed the uniqueness of this situation, and how to proceed given the desire of adjacent property owners to purchase portions of the underwater land. 3. The Zoning Board of Appeals recognized the current configuration of this tax lot in their determination on File #7242 on February 25, 2019. SEQRA Pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(16), the proposed action is a Type 11 Action under SEQRA. Page 4 Suffolk County Planning Commission The application must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for comment. Items to Consider 1. Does the Board find this Resubdivision application complete? 2. Does the Board agree with classifying this action as a Type II Action under SEQRA? 3. Does the Board agree with waiving requirements of a Standard Subdivision pursuant to §240-56 Waivers of Certain Provisions for the reasons stated above at the public meeting scheduled for April 8th; 4. Does the Board find the following expedited review process satisfacto ? a. Resubdivision a lication completeness to be viewed as Final Plat as per the Planning Board's policy fog,.Resubdivision b. Refer application to the Suffolk Count Planning Commission c. Referral review by Planning Board d. Letter to applicant with any required revisions e, ApPlication reviewed for compliance with Resubdivision reuirements f. Resubdivision Determination BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall ' f o 53095 Main Road •P.O.Box 1179 Leslie banes Weisman,Chairperson .�� ," <'� Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora I Office-Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ` u Southold,NY 11971 1 http://southoldtownny.gov y ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVE A � � .V:�"�°e3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD & �� J'00)4V111 i ion --� Tel.(631) 765-1809•Fax (631) 765-9064 F B 2019 g _ b Ba�uneir� t3o n Clerk Tow __l 7 FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATIO So �wol' MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21,2019 ZBA FILE# 7242 NAME OF APPLICANT: Renee Poncet and Stephen Fitzpatrick PROPERTY LOCATION: 702 Wiggins Lane, Greenport,NY SCTM No. 1000-35-4-28.36 SEIRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated October 30, 2018 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: The relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. PROPERTY FACTSIDFSCR RTIQN: The subject of this application is a non-conforming 20,120 square foot consisting of what was originally identified as Suffolk County Tax waterfront parcel located at 702 Wiggins Lane Map Parcel numbers 1000-35-4-8 and 1000-35-4-9 (hereinafter referred to as "the underwater portion") and parcel identified as Suffolk County Tax Map Parcel number 1000-35-4-28.34 (Collectively referred to as "the subject property"), The subject property was improperly created by a deed transfer in 2008 when the underwater portion and the upland portion were transferred to the same owner in the same deed. The subject property runs 112.55 feet along Gull Pond Inlet, 103.23 feet along Wiggins Lane, 196.19 feet on the north side and 178.20 feet on the south side. The parcel is improved with a wood bulkhead and metal ramp with floating dock. All is shown on a survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III, LLS, dated February 22, 2018. TOWN OF SOC:Y,2`II tLI PLANNIN+ BOARD:: This application was referred to the Planning Board for their comments. In a memorandum, dated January 16, 2019, the Planning Board indicated their support for the granting of the necessary variances, and noted that, although this application is unique,the underwater portion of the subject property is located in a privately owned manmade canal and the that upland parcel is non-conforming in size and will be made less nonconforming if the variances granted and re-subdivision approved. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variances from Sections 280-18 and the building inspector's August 28, 2018 Notice of Disapproval based on a determination for lot recognition at 1) at less than the code required Page 2, February 21, 2019 #7242, Po ncet-Fitzpatrick SUM No. 1000-4-28.36 minimum lot size of 40,000 square feet and 2) less than the code required minimum lot width of 150 feet located at: 702 Wiggins Lane, (AdJ to Gull Pond Inlet) Greenport,NY SCTM# 1000-35-4-28.36. RELLE1 �-,, 'UE5,:['U I I rwater portion of 1.2; The applicant requests variances to legalize the conveyance of the tnde the Subject property, This conveyance will not change the buildable area used, to calculate lot coverage and the newly formed lot will be less nonconforming than the original lot that consisted of only the upland portion of the subject property. The applicant originally made art application for "lot recognition"; which if granted, would mean that this Board would be overruling,the determination by the Building Department that the lot was not a recognized lot Larder the Town Code. In reviewing the history of this application, and in discussions with the applicant's representative at the public hearing, the Board determined that the correct process for legalizing the subject parcel is to grant area variances for the non-conforming lot size of 20,120 square feet where tile code requires a mininium 40,000 square feet, and a lot width of 103 feet where code requires a minimum of 150 feet. Tberealler, the Planning Board may proceed with applicant's re-subdivision application which, if granted, would result in a legally created,recognized lot under the Town Code. ADDf[JONAL 1N1 OR.., On Januar-y 27, 1999, the applicant received a variance on the upland portion of the subject property for a proposed new dwelling with a front yard setback of 24.4 feet from tile northerly property line abutting the private Right of Way, where the code requires a minimum front yard setback of 35 feet. (Appeal No. 4621). At the time of the decision, the upland portion of tile subject property was particularly known at SCTM No. 1000-35-4-20. The subdivision reference of"Map of Fordham Acres, Section One" upon survey prepared by Nathan'Faft Corwin, 111, LS, does not identify the subject lot, but refers to the lots from which underwater portions, subdivision lot nos. 12 & 13 (particularly known as SCTM Nos. 35-4-8 & 9), were conveyed. FLNL)INUS FCT/AE SQNSEc)R OARD ACTION: _ _:_QLA _ �A D_The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on February 7, 2019 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board, finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. . own Grant of the variance will not produce any change in the character of the 207-bL3Kb 11. L )L neighborhood or a detrinient to nearby properties. 'Tile neighborhood consists of dwellings of various sizes on generally irregularly shaped lots off of a private, Undeveloped road. The subject property would be a building lot with the same buildable area as the original upland portion of the subject Property. 2. 7rown 1,,aw 20�7-b ,3' �1) 2 . The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pt,irsue, other than area variances. Even with the additional lands proposed to be merged, the resultant lot width and size will rernain non-confonning\and variances must be obtained before the Planning Board can grant a re-subdivision which will create a legally recognizable lot. 3. The variances granted are math einatic ally SUbstantial, representing 49.7% -relief from the code for lot size and 313% relief fi-oin the code for lot width. However, the granting of the requested variances and the approval of the aforementioned re-subdivision by the Planning Board will result in a lot that has the same lot width as the previously recognized upland portion of the subject property and a lot that has an area that Page 3, February 21, 2019 #7242, Po ncet-Fitzpatrick SUM No. 1000-4-28.36 is less nonconforming than the previously recognized upland portion of the subject property,while at the same time not increasing the buildable area.. 4. Town Law 267-b 3 b 4 . No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential conujlu�riity will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood and based upon the Board's inspection of the properly the Board has concluded that the granting of the variances will not have an adverse impact on the physical or envirotu-nental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. 5. Town Law '267-b 3 b - . The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant ptu-chased the subject property and accepted a deed purporting to join the upland portion and underwater portion without benefit of Planning Board approval after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the subject property under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 6. Town Law '§267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a larger building lot while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering, all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under ffered by Member Mantes, seconded, by Member Weisman New York Town Law 267-8, motion was o (Chairperson), and duly carried,to GRANT the variances to allow for less than the required lot size and width, as shown on the survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III,LLS, dated February 22,2018. SLJB QNS. _LL�C-['fQ THL, IQLL0WJNQ-Q--QNQITL—, 1) Conveyance of the underwater land with the subject lot will not charige the building area calculations; therefore, ZoningBowd of Appeals decision No.4621 which granted relief for an insufficient front yard setback for a proposed new dwelling, dated Janufuy 2 1, 1999,will still rernain in effect. 2) The applicant must receive Planning Board approval For a re-subdivision application for the subject property as shown on the survey prepared by Nathan 'Ti Corwin, 111, LLS, dated February 22, 2018 within two(2) years of the date of this determination. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued -architectural dj,ynvi�,igs cited in this decision will result in delays Any ticviationfi,om the survey, site plan (,incilm andlor a possible denial by the Building Department of a building peralit, and may require a nein application and public hearing be .1bre the Zoning Board QfAPPWIS. ,4ny deviationfromthe variance(s) granted herein as shown on the architedural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when i?11,011,ing nonconformilies under the zoning code. This action does,not authorize or condone wla),current or,/'inure use, setback or other feature of the subiect property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, z, in the event that an (7ppl-ovell is gr4unted sel,backs and olher,features as are uxpressIV addressed in this actioi subject to conditionsc,f, the approval shall not be deemed fective until the required conditions have been triel; and fiodure to cotnply therewith will render this approval null and void. Page 4,February 21,2019 #7242, Poncet SCTM No. 1000-35-4-28.36 The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three (3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1)year terms. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson),Dantes,Planamento and Lehnert. This Resolution was duly adopted(4-0). (Member Acampora was absent) r y � Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing A /d,,, /2019 i II" I _ ' I o w � � .�mp •L y�, o I- lei 4 E a„ � � L'��Yr O O a7 m o x3 oW o x 'G v / Lt ` p ti O o N o o w UI H O= owz ll a� : WIN ,_, II ✓ V y b ZO � w �nwOO ¢� - gj - 611 - €e� � � ^o= pp=6 Rif iota ;uglyi� 1 z a.kn oQ�� a�� - R ply m6 oOa o also, Ell 0 1119 IN W r CNC3' 3 c G mog iia! 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