HomeMy WebLinkAbout244 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provlSions of the Amended Building Zone Ordin- ance of the Town of Southold, Suf- folk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the ZDn- ing Board of Appeals of the Town of South old, at the Town Olerk's Office, Main Road, Bouthold, New York, on Decembe,r 9, 1959, on the following appeals; 7;30 P. M. CE. S. T) upon ap-, plication of Gellli,aro Mane-ri, Pike I and Maple Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article ,III, Section 300, Subsection 7, for permission to locate private gar- age with reduced setback. Location of property; SQuth side Pike S~reet and west side Maple Avenue, Mat- titnck, New York, bounded north by Pike Street, east by Maplc Ave- nue, south by H. R. Reeve, and west by E. Pike. 7;40 P. M. CE. S. T.J, upon ap- plication of LeRoy Tuthill, Main, Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinanee, Artk1el IV, Section 408, and Artkle VllI'1 Section 703A, for permJ.s.sion to' erect three (3) portable ground I .signs on premises of ESSO Service I Station, corner of Main Road and I Wlcloham Avenue, Mattituck, NeW] York. 8;00 P. M. (E.8.T.), upon apPll-1 II plication of Floyd Houston, ale I Goldsmith and Tuthill, Youngs Av-I, enue, Southald, New York, for a 'variance in accordance with the I II Zoning OrdinaIliCe, Article V, Sec- i tion 503, for permission to reduce. I side yard sct-back on side of prop-I erty bounded by railroad right-of-I' way. Location of property; west' side Youngs Avenue, Southold, New'I'! York, bounded north by L. 1. Pro-, dace and Fertilize,r Co., east by I YoungS Avenue, south by Railroad'l and west by L. !, Produ.ce and Fer- tilizer Co. I 8;20 P. M. CE. S. T.), upon ap-I plication of Nelson AXien, Box 352, Peconic, New York, for a variance I in accordance with the Zoning 01'-1 'dinance, Article III, Section 303, I 'and Article X, Section lOODA, for permission to reduce frontage andl sell as a single lot. Variance is also requested due to lack of ac-I cess in accordance with State Of!!1 Ne\v York Town Law Section 280A. Loea tion of property; north side I Private Road, off Mill Road, Pe- conic, New York, bounded north by I Long Island Sound, ea.st by other i lands of the applicant, east by, right-of-\vay, and west by G. Hip- i well. I 8;40 P. M. CE. S. T.), upon ap-' pleation of Midgley and Horton, I a/c Fritz Kahn, Cutchogue, NC\v I, York, for a variance in accord-: I anee with the Zoning Ordinance,! Article III, Section 304, as re-fcrred I to in Article IV, Scction 400, Sub- section 1, for permission to reduce front yard setback for a ,residential I dwelling in a business district. Var- lance is also requested due to lack Of ac,cess in accordance with State i of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property; Private! Road, ea.st side Old Harbor Lane, I New Suffolk, New York, bounded north by H. E. Mason, east by Pri- i , vate Road, south by H. H. Tuthill, ani west by Canal. I 9;00 P. 1\'1". (E. S. 'r.), upon ap-: plication of Almet Latson, Private: Road, east side y.oungs Avenue, ~ South old, New YO,rk, for a variancei due to lack of access in accordance with State of t'ew York Town Law, i Seeton 280A. Property located on private road, east side Youngs Av enue, Southold, New York, bound- ed north by A. Dollinger and P Sawyer, east by K. Salmon and A. Latson, and others, south by Town I Creek, and west by C. Nissen, A. Downs, and others, Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications shaul[ appear at the time and place above specified, DA=; November 25, 1959. By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. 1 tD4 --_._'~-...,--- --~_. -- STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 f ss: J . -', .-...... .;..'...... ...~ ......::................................ .........., being duly Sworn, is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK says that 1_ TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ................................................. ,~ ......... week~ successively commencing on the ........... ......... 19 c..:,. day of .......,.. Sworn to before me this ....1 f day of ..................... ~..:,.. J. I Ii . .........."c.~~.~:...'...",...=.: .....~J,:,.. TOWN Oi= $OUTHOLD, N[W YOP,~( APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO.~,~/'~'- TO THE. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Almet L~tson " , '~ P~t Road, E/S Yom~gs Ave I, (W~) ...................................... : ........................... o~ ............................................................................ Name of Appellant Street and Number ....................................... SorT.thole, ...................................... ........................ N.Y. HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDtNG INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ......... .Z.....9..0.~ .................. DATED ........ ~!.o..v.?..m.~.e.~..~.7..,.....?.?.~ .......... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ALmet Latson Name of Applicant for permit of . ?. :Z: ................................................ Street and Number Municipality State ~r~ PERMIT TO USE and build ( ) PERMIT FOR .OCCUPANCY ( ) 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY...~..~..g.o. ma.~..~/.~...~P...~?.*g~...A.Y..e..:~ ...... ]!.~.~J~..&~.?.t.. ....................... Street Use District on Zoning Map ... :~.r..~o.e...r~:..9.f....] .z~...t.9.9..n. ............ .~.-~...~. :..~.. ................... Southold, N.Y. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) 280a Town Law - access. 3. TYPE OF APPEAL' Appeal is made herewith for ( ) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map (]C,~ A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 COns. Laws AFt. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the 'Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL A Varianoe to Section 280A Subsection 3 A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that: It is proposed to build a new cottage on a lot I00 x 200¢ located on a private road that has not as yet been approved for access. (Continue on other side) l~orm ZB~ REASON FC~R APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP because ~ ' .The private roadway has been in existance many years~ is partialy surfaced with blacktop, and serves as acces~ to oronerties of famitys, and has a~equa~e clearance for al! types of-emergency vehicles~ as ~eil as .~rivate vehicles. 2. The hardsh!p created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity! of this' lbroperty and in this use district because: ~ost of the area has dwellings already buil~ that are served by this road~ay. t 3. The Variance would obse~e the spirit of the Ordinance and wOU~D NOT CHANGE TH~ CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because: ?~is ~s a resident±~i area, served by ~th±s -~rivaCe road, the propo~ea eum!~zng is ~ residence that i~ ~o way will change the c~haricter of the neighborhood. The roadway is adequate for the p~pose requested° STATE OF NEW YORK, ) COUNTY OF~~ ss ~'~~~'"'~i~z~h""~--~'""~"'k~'"i'~S,gnture Sworn to this ................... ..~ ...................... day of ....................... 1~7 Notary Public ~,rot~rv Pub]!c. S~te o! New Yor~ .~. 52-8344983, Suffolk County ~mm,ssion Ex~r~ ~a.~h 30~ ,-I ,. . . LEGAL HOTICE Rotice ot Heartnc PuJ'suant to Section 267 ot the Town Law and. the proY1dons or the AMnded Bulld1nc Zone 01'\\:I"Al'\Oe ot the Town ot Sou1;bold, Suitolk County, Hew York, public hear1!lls w1l1 be held by the Z~"11'\1 Board ot Appeals ot the Town ot Southold, at the Town Clerk's ottice, Main Read, Southold, New York, on December 9, 195'9, on the tollov1q appeals. "30 P.M. CE.S.T.),_ upon application ot Gennaro HaDer1, PUe and Maple Avenue, Hattituok, ltewYork, tor . varlanee in accordanoe ldth the Zoning Ordinance, ArUcle III, Section 300, Subsection 7, tor pe:rm1asion to locate private .arace ldth reduced setbaok. Location ot property. south side Pike Street and west side Maple Avenue, Matt1tuck, Rew York, bounded Rorth by Pike Street, East by Maple Avenue, South by H. R. Reeve, and West by E. Pike. ?ltO P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application ot IsRoy Tuthill, Ha1n Road, Mattituck1 New Yorkl tor a special exception in accordance nth the zon1nC Ord nance, Article IV, Section ItOS and Article VIII, Section 103A, tor permission to erect three (3) portable IJ:Ound signs on prell1se. at ESSO Service station, corner ot Main Road and Wickham Avenue, Mattltuck, New York. a.oo P.M. (B.S.T.), upon application ot .Floyd Hau8ton, ale Goldam1th and TuthUl, Younes Avenue, Soutbold, New York, tor a variance in accordanoe with the Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Sectlon 5'03, tor ptrm1sdon to reduce 8ide yard 8etback on dde ot property bounded by ra1lroad rlght-ot-way. Loeation ot propert7' vest side Youngs Avenue, Soutbold, Hew York, bounded north by L. I. P reduce and ft/rtllber Co., e..t by Youngs Avenue, south by Railroad, and West by Long Island Produce and ft/l'tiliaer Co. 1:1.20 P.M. (E.8.T.), upon application at Kelson Axlen, Box 3'-2, Peconic, Jiew York, tor a Tarlanee in aocordanoe With the Zo'l'''' Ordinanoe, Article III, Section 303t 8lld Article X, Sectlon lOOOA, tor pull1l1a1on to reduce rron~ac. and 8ell as a s1qle lot. Variance 18 also req.steel due to lack ot acces8 in accordance With State ot Ifew fork Town Law, Section 28Ol. Looation at property: north side PriTate Road, ott Mill Road, Peoon1o,_ Kew York, bounded north by' Long Island Sound, east b1' O1:!1er land8 ot the applicant, 80uth by right-of-way, and vest by G. Hlpwell. 8.~0 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon appllcation ot Midgley and Borton, alc Fritz K"Dbn, CutohOguel~w tork, tor a 'fl11':lanoe in accordance with the Zoning Ord ce, ArUcl. III, Section 30lt as reterred to in Article IV, Election ~OO, Sub.ection 1, tv pel'lll1ss1on to reduce front ;yard setback tor a reddenUal dwelling in a bua1ne1l8 district. Variance 18 also requested due to laok of acoess in acooriance vi th State ot HeW York Town Law, Seotion 2&oA. Location ot property. Private Boad east side Old Harbor Lane, Ifew Suftolk, Hew York, ~.d north by H. E. Mason, east by Private Road, South 'by H. B. Tuth1ll, and vest 'by Canal. ., . . Page .2 - Legal NotIce 9.00 P.H. (R.S.T.), upon applioation of Almet Latson, Private Road, east s1d e Youngs Avenue, Southold, New York, tor a varianoe due to laok ot access in acoordance with State of New York Tow Law, Section 280A. Property located on private rOad, east side Young$ Avenue, Southold, New :Cork, bounded north by A. Doltinger and P. SaW)'e1"1. east by K. Salmon and A. Lat$on, and others, south by Town Creek, and west b.Y c. Nlssen, A. Downs, and others. An7 person desiring to 'be heard on the above appllcat10ns should apJlft8.r tlt the tillle and place above spee1tled. DATED. November 2~, 195"9, B7 Qrdf:'r of the Southold Town Board ot Appeals. '" '" '" '" '" PLEASR FUIiLIBH OJICE J DECEMBER !f.L~9S9, aND FORWARD AFFIDAVIT 0.11' POBLIGATION IMMEDIATELY TO TliE BOARD CF APPEAL.'!l, c/o TOWN CLERK OFl"ICE t MAIN no!.]), SOtJ'l'HOLD, NE'.4 YORK. . '" '" '" 'II Copies mailed to the follOWing on November 27, 19"9. Gennaro Haneri LeBo;r Tuthill .Floytl Houston, ale Goldsmith and Tuthill Nelson Axien H1cl&l.,;r and Horton, aI c Fl'i tz Kobn Almet Latson r l l