HomeMy WebLinkAbout1508 .. '"" ..,J I: H ii ;! ;;..'~:,:j.l":. , ....._::,._... . .i<,,' :c,; "" ."~.d' ,;'. '0" ;,.~ ,;: . Legal Noti,^ Page ,..3- V o H H " :1 !I MInor SubdivIsion #22., bounded north by West Drt ve an d land of Lyons, east .by Great Pond, south by ~uffolk County (formerly Pi necrest Dunes, I nc'.) ,west by Uzniann. H t; 11 d d H il I' :1 Ii !i ~ j I' Ii 1 8:30 P.M. (E.S.r.Yupon appl iCc:ltionof Stuart E. " Ii d Staples, 35 N. Mon~gomery Avenue, Bayshore, New York, for a variance in accordance with the' Zoni!1g Ordinance, , 'I ,! ij II " !! Article IX, Section 900, Subsections 8 &12,and bulk schedule of Ordinance as to 10Tarea,front~ge,and side yards, for permission to construct private one family dweIII,ng and operate busIness from same on lOT with In,.. \ I " II II ,1 I \! Ii sufficient area, frontage, setback, and sideyardsln i "C-I" General Industrial District. Location of property: ;1 " I ~ II d !i :1 west side of Cox Lane, Cutch~gue, Ne~ York~ bounded north by F. J. McBride, east by Cox's Lane, south by L. B.Glover, " 11 U H t! " II 1; q !I !! H II !i il Jl j' 'i I: I; i' il II I Ii II " II il II II It d II il I, Jr., west by L. B.Glover,Jr., 8:40 P.M. (E.S.r.J upon application of Adam Chetel, 4240 c e a n A v e n u e ,M a I ve r n e, New Yo, r k, ,f 0 r a va r I an c e In accordance wLththe Zonl,ng Ordinance, Artle:!e' Ill:,: Section 301 (Art.ide TII,: SectIon30Tof old Ordinance), for per- mission to construct private one fami lydwel Ii,ng with Insufficient sideyard area. Location of property:' north sIde of private road - Aquaview Avenue ExtensIon, East Marlon, New Yo.rk, bo;un ded north byEa st Marion stars, Beach AssocIatIon, InC., east bY D. Hammerstrom, south by Aquaview Avenue Extension, west by East Marlon Stars Beach AssociatIon, Inc. 8:,50 F.M.(E.S.T.Y 'upon appTlcatlonofChar;le:s' Hal I I / c, Joseph Stepnos kI, ,Main Road , South old', New York, .for i! II a variance in accordance with"the'.Zoniflg Ord,tnance, ArtIcle II :1" Sect i on 300, 'Artie:! e V Ll:, :,Se'6t I on ,700,' Artlcl e' X II, Section ,12'0,4, Subsections' '{bT (& CC') "and Article XIII,: ! .' j I I.,.... j' \ I. '>':";."'0",,"; ',r <'i~ ~'- . . "::' ,)~ -:. ~ '.~ "\;~;:- ~:~<r.: . ' ;.t;~".. i' ":~':,"'" ,,~'..J::,,-,;.-r:~~:..~; 1 . , ..l .:".; i". ~,,; '" 'i ), i Ii " ,. t, :( Ii , iI If , i! , p I: It i! i \: i: " Ii ! !I II II I' I Ii I U \! :, !] i, I' ,I !: II !I II Ii il H 'I I, '[ I, 1\ Ii I' d Ii \1 q II I, I I I ;,,," J Legal NotIO P~ge ,..4- o Section 1301 H, for permission to expand exlstl~g non- conforming business use in excess of 50% of present capacity by er:ectl~g new buildi~g. Location of property: south sIde of MaIn Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by J. Nierodzlk, east by J. Nierodzrk, south by Main Road, west by J. Nlerodzlk. 9 : lOP. M. ( E. S . T.) u po nap p I Ic a t I on 0 f Pet e r T. Ney I and, 115 Broadway, RockvIlle Centre, New Yo.rk, for a variance In accordance wIth the ZonI~g Ordinance, Article Ill" Section 301, for permissIon to construct private one family dweIJI~g with insufficient lOT area, front~ge, sIdeyards, rear yard, etc. LocatIon of property: east side of Cedar Lane (private road), SubdIvisIon Map of Gardiners Bay Estates, SectIon II~ bounded north by Lot #I260f GardinersBay Sub., Sec. II" ,and Spri~g Pond, east by Spri~g Pond, south by Lot #I27.of Gardiners BayS u b . , Sec. 11, : ,and S p r I !l 9 Pond, west by Cedar Lane. 9:30 P.M. (E.S.T'.> upon applIcation of Bayview Development CorporatIon, Bayview Road,Southold, New Yo.rk, fora specialexceptioni n accordance with the Zoni.ng Ordinance, ArtIcIe V, Section 500, SubsectIon B- 3, for permissIon to construct multIple residence apartments (permanent occupancy). LocatIon of property: south side of Bayvlew Road,SouthoId, New Yo.rk, bounded north by Bayvlew Road, east by James Bltses~ $outh by Corey Creek; west by A. & 1;'. Koke. Any persondeslrI!lg to. be heard. on the above '1"( applications should appear atthettme an~'place specIfIed. ..,It DATED: FEBRUARY 17" 197.2,. .BY ORDER OF. THE' SOUTHOLD TOWN , 'BOARDOF APPEALS * *' * '-, , \'.;"'" . . . '.::.' ;":C'<,, -: ;' \ ','",.} ':c... '", ..,~:',: -.; . j I I ! ' (Continued on page 17/ (Continued from page 16) Section 900, Subsections '8 & 12, and bulk schedule of Ordinance as to lot area, frontage, and side yards, for permission to con- struct private one family dwelling and operate business from same on lot with insufficient area, frontage, setback, and sideyards in "C-1" General In- dustrial District. Location of property: west side of Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by F.J.McBride, east by Cox's Lane, south by L.B. Glover, Jr., west by L.B. Glover. Jr. 8:40 P.M. (E.S.TJ upon ap- plication of Adam Chetel, 424 Ocean Avenue, Malverne, New York. for a variance in ac- cordance With the Zonmg Ur- dinance, Article III, Section 301 (Article III, Section 307 of old Ordinance), for permission to construct private one family dwelling with insufficient sideyard area. Location of _ property: north side of private road - Aquaview Avenue Ex- tension, East Marion, New York, bounded north by East Marion Stars Beach Association, Inc., east by D. Hammerstrom, south by Aquaview Avenue Extension, west by East Marion Stars Beach Association, Inc. 8:50 P.M. (E.S.T.) upon ap- plication of Charles Hall a / c Joseph Stepnoski, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Article VII, Section 700, Article XII, Section 1204, Subsections (b) & (c), and Article XIII, Section 1301 B, for per- mission to expand existing non- conforming business use in ex- cess of 50 per cent of present capacity by -erecting new building. Location of property: south side of Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by J. Nierodzik, east by J. Nierodzik, south by Main Road, west by J. Nierodzik. 9:10 P.M. (E.S.T,) upon ap- plication of Peter T. Neyland, 115 Broadway, Rockville Centre, New York, for a variance in ac'cordance 'w1th the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section- 301, for permission to construct private one family dwelling with insufficient lot area, frontage, sideyards, rear yard, etc. Location of property: east side of Cedar Lane (priVate road) , Subdivision Map of Gardiners Bay Estates, Section II, bounded north by Lot No. 126 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. II, and Spring Pond, east by Spring Pond, south by Lot No. 127 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. II, and Spring Pond, west by Cedar Lane. 9:30 P.M. (E.S.TJ upon ap- plication of Bayview Develop- ment Corporation, Bayview Road, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with Jhe Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section 500, Subsection B-3, for permission to construct multiple residence apartments (permanent occupancy). Location of property: south side of Bayview Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by Bayv Road, east by James Bit: south by Corey Creek, west b~ & E. Koke. Any person desiring to be he on the above aJJplications she appear at the time and pI specified. DATED:FEBRUARY 17, I' BY ORDER THE SOUTHOLD TO BOARD OF APPE.. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the amended BUilding Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old. Suffolk County.. New York. pUblic hearings will be held by the .Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office. Main Road. South- old. New York, on March 16. 1972 on the following apPeals: 7:30 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Jean Schneider, 72 Wil- low street. Brooklyn, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III. Section 301, for per- mission to divide property and set off lots with insufficient area. Location of property: private road off .South .side of Main Road, East Marion. New York. bounded north by I. M. Rogers- W. P. Merrill. east by private road. south by Marion Manor Subdivision. west by Marion Manor subdivision. 7:40 P. M. (EST). upon appli- 'cation of Michael Zuka$. Bay- berry Road.Southold, New York. . fora variance \n accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 301, for per- mifsion to divide property and set off lots with insufficient area, and for' approval of access over private right-of-wav In accordance with the State of New York Town Law. Section 280A. Location of property: north side of Main Bayview Road. Southold. New York. bounded north by West Creek, east by Goose NecJl; Subdivision. .muth by Main Bayview Road. west by West Creek Development Sub. 7:50 P. M. (EST). upon appli- cation of Lloyd Terry. Main Road, Orient, New York. for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article tII.Section 300. Subsec- tion B-8. for permission to re- new farm labor ca~p permi'; granted on April 1, 1971. Location of property: south side. of Main Road, Orient, New York. bound- ed north by Main Road. east by S. Koroleski-Latham Bros.. south by other land of Lloyd Terry. west by E Latham. ' 8:00 P. M. (EST). upon appli- cation of William & Evelyn Mof- fat, Oaklawn Avenue, Southold. New York. for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article III. Section 301, for permission to divide property and set off lots (with existing dwellings) with insufficient frontage and area. Location of property: east side of Boisseau Avenue, Southold. New York, bounded north by Simcik. east by Florence Moffat. south by Flor- ence Moffat, west by Boisseau Avenue. 8:10 P. M, (EST). upon appli- cation of Julius Juttner, West- mAn,. n,.h,A MAtt_ft.11~1r 'NPUT VnY'k' N. Montgomery Avenue, Bay- shore, .1ltew York. for a variance in ar ance with the Zoning Ordinb...:e, Article IX. Section 900, Subsection 8 & 12. and bulk schedule of Ordinance as to lot area. fromage. and side yards, for permission to construct pri- vate' one family dwelling and operate business from . same on lot with insufficient area. front- age. setback, and sideyards in "0-1" General Industrial Dis- trict. Location of property: west side of Cox Lane. cutchogue. New York. bounded north by F. J. McBride. east by Cox's Lane, south by L. B. Glover, Jr., west by L. B. Glover, Jr. 8:40 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Adam Chetel, 424 Ocean Avenue, Malverne, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 301 (Article III. Section 307 of old Ordi- nance) , for permifslon to con- struct private one family dwell- ing with Insufficient sideyard area. Location of property: north side of private road-Aqua view Avenue Extension. East Marion, New York, bounded north by East Marlon stars Beach Asso- ciation. Inc., east by D. Ham- ;mers1lrom. fOuth by Aquaview Avenue Extension, west by East Marlon Stars Beach Association. Inc. 8:50 P. M. (EST). upon appli- cation of Charles Hall alc Joseph! Stepnoski. Main Road, Southold, New York. for a vari- ance In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 300, Article VII, Section 700. Article XII. Section 1204, Subsections (b) & (c). and Ar- ticle XIII. Section 1301 B, for permifslon to expand existing non-conforming business use lil excess of 50% of present capaCity by erecting new building. Loca- tion of property: south side of Main Road, Southold. New York, bounded north by J. Nierodzik. east by J. Nierodzfk. south by Main Road. west by J. NierOd- zik. 9:10 P. M. (EST) upon ap 1- cation of Peter T. Neyland. 115 Broadway. Rockville Centre, New York. for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 301. for per- mission to construct private one family dwelling with insufficient lot area, frontage, sideyards. rear yard. etc. Location of property: east side of Cedar Lane (private road), Subdivision Map of Gardiners Bay Estates. Section n, bounded north by Lot No. 126 of Gardlners Bay Sub.. Sec. 11, and Spring Pond. east by Spring Pond, south by Lot No. 127 of Gardiners Bay Sub.. Sec. 11, and Spring Pond, west by Cedar Lane. 9:30 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Bayview Development Corporation. Bayview Road, Southold, New York, for a spe- cial exception In accordance with .. . / : SUFFOLK ~EW YORK } ss: Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND . MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- !d at Southold, ~n Suffolk County; and that which the annexed is a printed copy, has been said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- : () ach week for .....U.!.-4.-c.L..l.L./... wee~ , commencing on the ..................7:................. .....7.1!i'..CLf};....., 19.7;.? . ...................~~.................. rorn to before me this ......./d:....... day of ...)2'LaL..., 19./-2 [ ; a'fg' ,n I /" /' t....... .... ..t. /..,..td...../.a~pLL:... I Notary MUc I ADELE PAYNE Notary\u' k, S'"~8 of New York Resl:, ~l;~. ;~:12:~ir~ ~[~;(o~ounty Commission Expires March 30, 197 ;s' L, ;~ t7H " ';:"0. . . Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 April 19. 1972 Mr. Robert W. Gillispie. Jr. Chairman Town of Southold Zoning Bd. of Appeals Box 296 - Main Road East Marion. New York 11939 Dear Mr. Gillispie: Petitioner :. Hall & Stepnoski Mun. File No. S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-72 -10 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned apllication which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision of local determin- ation should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Comments:Said zoning proposal appears contrary to recent Town Board action in rezoning this area to a residential classification to limit the further perpetuation of commercial development. The granting of a "use variancell to allow a nonconforming use to become more non- conformin b buildin a new buildin for vacuum cleaner re air. appears to be circumventing a T.own Board function to grant t e necessary chane:e of zone and in doing so would tend to establish an undesirable precedent in improper procedures in not maintaining the effectiveness of the Town Zoning Ordinance. Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppelman Dyector of Planning /v.'. ,l/~).J <:y,. -- ..........".:.,.- ,---J. I/~ by CM.!!" "LANI~cl< I Maroh 30, '972 Suffolk County Planning Commisslon '.terans Hlghway HauppaUCe. 1.1. Attn. Oerald 'ewman Dear Slr, Inelosed is application or JOI Stepnoakl & Chas Ball . (son in law) to replace non- contol'l1U11 ele.trioal Shop whioh 1 spoke to you over the phone about last we.k. tbis 1s a rep1aeement of unA.raiS.d. 4elapidated bui1dtn. with a new one to bouse the same business ane h.... spa.e to repal. small electrioal appliancea. fhe ownarof pre.ent appliance repalr servi.e 11 11vlng lt up to beCome a minister. So Charle. la11 boulht the stook ot parts and good will to add to his existing electri..l business. there was quite a lot of sentiment tor this necessary servioe expressed at the public hearing _ it is the only small appliance repair servioe in the towa. Tbe AppealS board voted fa.vorably on the application at the hearing. Please let me know about this as 800n as possible as they are having building plans drawn now. Yours truly (I ~... I~~;'^ l~~p~t~rV-l TOWN CLERK 765.3783 Building Dept. } Planning Bd. 765.2660 Board of Appeals TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road South old, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-8, Sections 239-1 and m, the ............,..~.............. of the town of ..........,................. (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: <Check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance ............ Zoning changes ............ Special permits .....JI& Variances Location of affected land: ........ ........(...,).....IatIIDl4......x............................. within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line II .... ............ State or r 1I1_'.~~~ ~ 1 ~~"~."y State or county park or recreation area Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated Comments: ... ..... ., Appea1a-"1II1P tbU fA . -oaau. ...., _ .... eat.,.... .., Sa "U ... Sa ..... ~U, ... ... 1up .Vp I. .....' -. 1M ,..,el. ... '*114, .IDI.' ',WUl" _. =. rJ1:-' .... VW ......ate tM ""Pi ... p1y.a v. ....... ' , to .. ...... to tbla 1eMU.. !hi......... .... ... be.., ...... pl_ to tile ef,..tl.. ..-. or "hi "'iMaM ........". .. ... VU Date: ............."..t.,........ ......,..... -.01' M .. .. ~.. it . ......, ..'...'iDI ...... b1 I'M!' of ,"lllq _. . .. . . ... . . " . . .. . . .. ./. . . ........... . ........ ... .. ... .............. .... . ... '" .. . "'the.. Ulen... publU atIp~ (signed) f ,'. ,. tbl. ..... Mns... .~ of hard ., A"..s.a Title ................................................................................. Date received by' Suffolk County Planning Commission ........................................................................ File No. ................................ ... .~ - '\.:,' i. .... i j j i i I / \ ~ ,(~ r: \t; .x.Ul'K, ~UtJJ~U v uV V', side ,n * iE- ~ PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1508 - 8:50 P.M. (E.S.T~~d upon '\ application of Charles Hall a/c JOS~Ph step~oski'w~~~nt~e Z~ning Southold, New York, for a variancoo nA~~~~~ea~~~ Section 700, ~~~i~~~c~iI~r;;~~~o~Ii204:0;~~~e~~i~ns (b) & (0): and Artiole XIII, ,/ Southold Town Board of Appeals -14- March 16, 1972 Section 1301 B, tor permission to expand existing non-oonforming business use in excesS of 50% of present capacity by erecting new building. Location of property: south side of Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by J. Nierodzik, east by J. Nierodzki,Beat~by Main Road, west by J. Nierodzik. Fee paid $15.00. Norlh -, L.- The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application tor a variance, legal notioe of hearing, affidavit attesting to its pUblication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIRMAN: The application is accompanied by a sketch showing that the applicant has 190 teet on the northerly side, and the present existing electrical business is in a small shop on the westerly side of the premises. The depth of the property is 135 feet and the existing house is occupied by Joseph Stepnoski. The proposal is to build a building 30' x 40' on the easterly side , or the premises, 15 feet from the side line, in which the old electrical shop will be incorporated with a similar business which is repairl~g. The inventory for this business was bought from Mr. Vincent Kumjlan. At the time the applicant made these negotiations the property was zoned Business. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? MR. CHARLES HALL: I am here to speak for the application. We need the building and we have bought the electrical service inventory from Mr. KUmjian. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? MRS. JEAN TIEDKE: I have read this Zoning Ordinance through and through. In the advertising for this hearing it says "in excess of present capacity.' and in the Ordinance it says "50% of fair value of building, etc." THE CHAIRMAN: It is supposed to relate to existing facilities. I don't believe there is any intent under the Ordinance to control how muoh business there is. Somebody slipped up on that but I don't think it changes the basic meaning of the legal notice. MRS. SHIRLEY BACHRACH: Is this the Nassau Renewal Parts business? THE CHAIRMAN: Yes. The applicant bought the inventory. MISS VIRGINIA MOORE: I am wondering about the parking facilities in front. If this business is expanded it would cut down tremendously on parking facilities. All I want to know is will there be enough room to get in there from fast traffic? ..... .~,. \ I 'i '''-.. " Southold Town Board of Appeals -15- March 16, 1972 MR. HOWARD TERRY, Building Inspector: It meets requirements. TEE CHAIRMAN: Do you propose to take the old building down? MR. HALL: No. On motion by Mr. Hulse, seconded by Mr. Doyen, it was ..- -.-.. RESOLVED, Charles Hall a/c Joseph Stepnoski, Main Road, Southo1d, New York, be GRANTED permission to expand existing non-conforming business use on excess of 50% ot present capacity by erecting new building on property located on the &o~th side ot Main Road, Southold, New York, as applied tor. . Noa/# \ boo~15- ~-\'-+ Vote ot the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Hulse, Doyen. * * * LIC BEARING: Appeal No. 1500 9:10 P.M. . .T.), upon applicat ot Peter T. Neyland, 115 Broadway ckville Centre, New York, fo variance in accordance wit he Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sect 01, for permissi to construct private one family dwelling 'with ins 1cient area, frontage, sideyards, rear yard, etc. Location ot erty: east side of Cedar Lane (private road), Subdivisi ap 0 diners Bay Estates, Section II, bounded north # 126 ot Gard s Bay Sub., S~c. II, , and Spring Pon east by Spring Pond, soutti Lot # 127 of Gardiners B Sub., Sec. II, and Spring Pond, by Cedar Lane. Fee paid 5.00. Print Key Output 5738SS1 V2R3MO 931217 SOUTHOLD Display Device User . . . DSP15 LINDAK PL110-41 W5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD *INQ* _____-------------------:eA~L MASTER FILE INQUIRY ./-- ~ Add~~~~ii~'PE ~5 '1~25 ~) Transaction Type: PMT 2 Exception: Eff Date: 4/28/72 Exp Date: 9~ Description: ~#_--5841 B.P.#5841 ft ) J&^v' U' .l/ (yv , I" I' {\ ". 'vi (YJ'....n (,IU .' r 00)J) jJt\.tr Page 1 10/26/95 14:07:13 Parcel ID: 10/26/95 14.06.38 8897 ~ FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Z,829...... Date ............. ~:r~A .. . ~5 .., 19..7.'+ THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at . 'K/S. Main. Road. ...... .. ... Street Map No. '~,"""" Block No. .xx...... .Lot Noxxx. . . S.Qutho.ld. . I..Y,. . . . . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated .......... March. .3. " 19.72. pursuant to which Building Permit No. S841Z . . dated ........ April. . .28. . . ., 1972.., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is i,ssued is .BO... .Business. .Building. .(eleotrical. .repairs~~ .sal~.s .St.~) . Ap.lll"oved br - - .J . Bd Appeals) The certificate is issued to .Chas. .Hall.(Soutkold .Vaccum.C:J.eaner. .Center,). :reranant- Jose~h stepnosk1 owner of land (owner, le~see or tenant) of the aforesaia building. ; Suffolk County Department of Health Approval .use. .ex1s.t1ng: .system. . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. .B12~31...... Pet.3:t..1973................ ii:...., HOUSE NUMBER . ..4~92,. . ... Street.. Main. Road. .. .,. {..... .. .. ......... ..... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ,'.-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .....)~~~~... .. ,-- .- ;0 , ...............~"'"'_. ~~ _....:c::;; " ~1'-"'EW"'i " , '. <: ~ ',.,'\. 3: <- .> '> -'I' l z..~.:::.-._ a.t 01 ...Q 0_ !t I' 'r<:; C ).,j ~ tf\ N \) ~ ('/ '1\ :J"' ~ ~ t Jr ';t'*" ,1-- ,..~~ ,:" (....... ...'" lA -' r );) "" i " , ....;'., ~. f/{ Put s ~'J-',f'1'~J'''''''J.,~.,\ ; \ ,/ ) <It....- '" -', ;;:> , : t ~,..,. \, l' .... ~q ~." '\' " t-~ ,~ {', ~ \'\f!.i. \)~ ~.. 0 ~ ~ "'" t. ] r.~ w o / - - f'\~(J\,j.4 '( ---'~>'-""_.~.~-....-~~.. ':) \ GO OlS-?J \ ('J , , , I \- 3 .,$". T ~ I c,., v, I .~ liE 'If I ':>;1 ,.,c. ~O>"l ~E ~ lS-~ II 4> -t) .., '^' C ;0 .... 0 2> .i J...... " -t ? \"" ?' ~ ;; If,. 0 o .'" ,l4l If '. - - -' ,~ ---r---~'-"'" ." - pI< ,,, f""" fl "'I ' ~ t ...'!Jl>. ''"::Ji, ?,~\O;:),:oij\ N r__ ...-...", -----~&_--_.....,..- .I~--_- ..... ..... _~m. o ~ V)m I ..;. \, f - . \l'!l j- ~ c ""V -"~I ~l ..... () 'f"> ~i " ~ .~ ":t)" 1i:~' ." "'f~ ,;~ .. E'.' '~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~