HomeMy WebLinkAbout1543 e mee, i e III, Section 300 c~2, for a permit to . build a swimming pool in side yard. Location of property: north side Bay Avenue, Orient, New York, bounded north by Quilty; east by lands now or formerly of Petrucci; south by Bay Avenue; and west by land now or formerly of Kelly. . 7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Jack Driscoll, North Oakwood Drive, . Laurel, New York for a variance in ac- cordance withtlteZOhiDg Or- dinance, Article III, Section 301, for ~rmission to divide and use as separate lots lot numbers 1 and 2, Map of Saltaire Estates, Sound View Avenue, Saltaire Way, Matiituck, New York. 7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of Albert Garbade, IndiariNeck L:me,Peconic, New York:'for an application to off set an undersized lot and build a one family dwelling and a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, and Article II, Section 203, subd. 3. Location of property: west side of Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, bounded north by land now or formerly of A. Sacco; east by Indian Neck Lane; south by Vaitis; and west by land now or formerly of A. Sacco. 8:1{) P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of Philip O'Frias, Bay View Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance 'with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 305, to erect a fence over three feet high in the front yard area. Location of property: north side of Bay View Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by C. and P. Dickerson; east by J. :Jacques; south by Bay View Road; and west by Dickerson-Vanmater. 8:20 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon application of George Miller, Oak Drive, Reydon Shores, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301 to build an addition on existing building with insufficient side yard. Location of Property: Map of Reydon Shores, Lots 31, 32, and 33, Section D. Southold, New York. 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of LilliamlIuhnken, Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with. the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301 . to divide seven lots With exi~ting dwelling into three lots. Location of property: Track Avenue and Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, Map of M.S. Hand, Lots 46, 47, 48, 73, 74, 75, and 76, Cutchogue, New York. 8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Margaret Kat- zenberg, Town Harbor Lane, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to set off undersized lot with existing dwelling. Location of property: south side of Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, bounded north by Indian Neck Lane; east by land now or formerly of J. Dauth; south by Little Peconic Bay; and west .by land now or formerly of M.L. Wiles Estate. 9:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon . -".. .:::.- '7" application of Salvatore Loria, First and King Street, New Suffolk, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 and Article VII, Section 700 B- 3, for permission to use a private garage as commercial storage. Location of property: west side of First Street, New Suffolk, New York, bounded north by Benick; east by First Street; south by C. Avent; and west by Mary and Stan Victoria. 9:20P.M. (E.D.S.T.>, upon application of Thomas and Virginia Jemick, Shelter Island, New York, for a Special Ex- ception in accordance wiih .the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Section 800 B-3, to use premises and operate. a commercial storage building. Location of property: south side of Corwin Street, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Corwin Street; east by Seventh Street; south by Long Island Railroad; and west by Eighth Street; now or for- merly lots numbered 45,46,47, 48 and 49 on Map of S.B. Corwin, Greenport, New York. 9:30 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of Robert Van- derbeck, 2475 West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to build an ad!lition on existing dwelljng with insufficient side yard. Location of property: east side of West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by William May; east by E. Mott; south by G. Barning; and west by West Creek Avenue. 9:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon application of James Dean, New' Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance' in ac- cordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 300 C-3, for permission to build an accessory building in front yard area. Location of property: Lot number 9, Map of Downsview; south side of Dean Drive, Cut- chogue, New York. 9:55 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon application of Oysterponds Historical Society, Inc., Village Lane, Orient, New York, for a Special Exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,' Article III and XII, Sections 300 B-3 and 1204 a, b, and c, for permission to relocate a non- conforming use within the same property and. in a . different building. Location of property: east side of Village Lane, Orient, New York, bounded north by Mabel Richards; east by An- drade; south by Ledy; and west by Village Lane. 10:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon application of Marjorie Baker a-c Universalist Church Ladies League, Southold, New York, for a special permit in accordance with Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section B, s!lbd. 14, to con- duct a yard sale for the benefit of the Church Society. Location of property: premises of Marjorie Baker , Youngs A venue and Main Street, Southold, New York. Date of sale to be July 5, 1972. 10:20 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of Agatha Wilkinson, OakIawn Avenue, Southold, New York, for a special permit in accordance with Zoning Or- dinance Article III, Section B, subd. 14, to conduct a yard sale on premises east side of OakIawn Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded north by Ulrich; east by C. Grigonis; south by C. Neese; and west by Oaklawn A venue. Date of sale to be July 15, 1972; rain date July 16, 1972. -, , 10:30 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of Arthur Spurway, Sound View Avenue, Southold, New York, for ayariance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide property and set off lot with existing dwelling. Location of property: south side of Sound View Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded north by Sound View A venue; east.. by Bailey, Jacobi, Latham and others; south by Town of Southold and others; and west by Terp. 10:45 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon application of Barbara Haurus, Main Road,Cutchogue, New York, for a special permit in accordance with Zoning Or- dinance Article III, Section B, subd. 14, to conduct a yard sale on premises north side of Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by Coyne; east by Rowland; south by Main Road; and west by Coyne. Date of sale to be May 27, 1972; rain date May 29, 1972. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: May 12, 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS " LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pubUc hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on May 25. 1972, on the following appeal~: 7 :30 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Robert Parkin, Bay Avenue, Orient, New York, Ior a variance in accordance with tne Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 c-2, for a permit to build a swimming pool in side yard. Location of property: north side Bay Avenue, Orient, New York, bounded north by Quilty: east by lands now or formerly of Petrucci; south by Bay Ave- nue; and w~<;t by land now or formerly of Kelly. 7:40 P. M. IEDSTI, llpon ap- plication of Jack Driscoll, North Oakwood Drive, Laurel, New York for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for per- mission to divide and use as separate lots lot numbers 1 and .., Map of Saltaire' E~tatcs, eound View Avenue, Saltaire Way, Mattituck, New York. 7:50 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Albert Garbade, Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, for an application to off set an undersized lot and build a one family dwelling and a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, and Article II, Sec- tion 203, subd. 3. Location of property: west side of Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York. bounded north by land now or formerly of A. Sacco; eas: by Indian Neck Lane: south by Vaitis, and west by land now or formerly of A. Sacco. 8:10 P. M. mDST), upon ap- plication of Pi1ilip O'Frias. Bay View Road, Southold. New York. for a variance in aCCOrdallCP with the Zoning' Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 305. to erect a fence over three feet high in the front yard area. Location of property: north side of Bay View Road. Southold, New York. bounded north by C. and P. Dickel'son; east by J. Jacques: south by Bay View Road: and west by Dickerson-Vanmater. 8:20 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of George MQler, O'lk Drive, Reydon Shores, Southold. New York, for a variance in ac- cOl'dance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 301 to build an addition on existing building with insufficient side yard. Location of property: Map of Reydon Shores, Lots 31. 32, and 33, Section D, Southold, belg, Town Harbor Lane, South- olrl . New York, for a variance In a nce with the Zoning OlUludnce, Article III, Section 301, for permission to set off undersized lot with existing dwelling. Location oT property: SQuth side of Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NeVI' York. bounded north by Indian Neck Lane: east by land now or formerly of J. Dauth; south by Little Peeonic Bay; and west by land now or formerly of M. L. Wiles Estate. 9:00 P, M. mDST), upon ap- plication of Salvatore . Loria, First and King Street, New Suf- folk, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 and Article VII, Section 700 B-3, for permission to use a pri- vate garage as commercial stor- age. Location of property: west side of First Street, New Suffolk. New York, bounded north by Beriick; east by Fi.rst Street: south by C. Avent; and west by Mary and Stan Victoria. 9:20 P. M. mDST) , upon ap- plication of Thomas and Virginia Jel'llick, Shf;lter Island. New York, for a Special Exception in accordance with the Zoning Or- dinance. Article VIII, Section 800 B-3, to use premises and operate. . a commercial storage building. Location of property: south side ot Corwin Street. Greenport. New York. bounded north by Corwin Street; east by Seventh Street: south by Long Island Railroad; and west by Eighth Street; now or form- erly lots numbered 45, 46. 47. 48, and 49 on Map of S. B. Cor- win, Greenport. New York. . 9 :30 P. M. (EDST" upon ap- plication of Robert Vanderbl'ck, 2475 West Creek Avenue, Cut- chog'ue, New York, for a variance in a~cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to build an addition on existing dwelliag with insufficient side yard. Lo- ca tion of property: east sic;p of West Creek Avenue, CutChogllf'. New York. bounded north by William May: east by E. Mutt: south by G. Barning: and \\,pst by West Creek AVPlHll'. 9:45 P. M. IEDSTI, upon ap- plication of James Dean. Ne\\' Suffolk Avenue. Cutchogue. Nell' York. for a varj,Jnce in accurd- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Artic]p III. Section 300 C-3. for permission to build an acce~~ory bUilding in front Yard area. Lo- cation of property: Lot number 9, Map of Downsvie\\', south side of Dean Drive, Cutchogue. New York. 9:55 P. M. IEDST). upon ap- plication of O:Y'sterpond~ His- torical Society. Inc.. Village Lanp, Orient, New York, for a Special Except.ion in accOl'dance with tl1P Zoning Ordinance, Article III and XII, Section 300 B-3 and 1204 a, b. and c, for permi~sion property: premii'es of Marjone Baker, YOllY'o'., Avenue and Main Street, f \d. New York. Date of sa", oJ be July 5. 1972. 10:20 P. M. (EDST). upon ap- plication of Agatha Wilkinson. Oaklawn ~venue, Southold, Nl'W York, for a special permit III ac- cOt'dance with Zoning Ordinance Articll' III. Section B, subd. 14. to conduct a yard sale on prem- ises east side of Oaklawn Ave- nue, Southold, New York. bound- ed north by Ulrich; east by C. Grigonis: south by C. Neese: and west by Oaklawn Avenue Date of sale to be July 15. 1972: rain date July 16. 1972. - 10:30 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Arthur Spurway. Sound View Avenue, Southold, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning ,Or- dinance, Article III. Section 301. for permission to divide property and set off lot with existing dwelling'. Location of property. south side of Sound View A ve- nue, Southold. New York. bounded north by Sound View Avenue; ea~t by Bailey, Jacobi. Latham and others: south by Town of Southold and others: and west by Terp. - ~ 10 :45 P. M. IEDST). upon ap- plication of Barbara Haurus. Main Road. Cutchogue, Nl'W York, for a ~pecial permit in ac- cordance witlt Zoning Ordil)rlnCp Article III, Section B. subd. 14. to conduct a yard sale on prem- ises north side of Main Road. Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by Coyne; east by Ro\\'- land; south by Main Road: and west by Coyne. Date of saIl' to be May 27. 1972: rain date May 29. 1972. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applic?tions should appear at the timp and place above specified. Dated: May 12. 1972 BY ORDER OF THF: SOUTH OLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 1T-5-l8 sworn, says G ISLAND Jublic news- y; and that py, has been :uck Watch- - / .f.... week/ --u d:............... ~........ I I....... day of ! ~..... . ~... T-3068 o)~il> ~~ -'~-~ Standard N. Y. B. T.U. For~' 2.59.5M - Bargain and Sale Deed. with Covenanr IgainSoror's Acts -Individual or Corporation CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. ( UBER4650 PAGE 326 ; 11: S.l R.S.....J~:.~~I THIS INDENTURE, made the 3 0 ~ day of June , nineteen hundred and 1'lf'ty-nine, BETWEEN JOHN JOSEPHTERP and DOROTffiA M. TERP, his wife, both residing at Southold, SutfolkCounty, New York, ~~"~="",=:'~' , -'"" .1, I ~ J : \ ~ f party of the first part, and ..It ARTHUR N. SPURWAY and ANl\fE B. SPURWAY.. his wife, as tenants i: the entirety, both residing at 901 Avenue H., Brooklyn 30, ( New York, by i party of the second part, ~;~~ !WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ii:; .., .I! ," I. . ( Q~ ) :11';.,; k. '" --...----------------...------TEN .wlO. -..;------------------------dollars :1E3 ,,'. . ' , -~.' ~. ....:', . . lawful money of the United States,and other good and valuable considerati~n, paid ft'~'AtJ,.IIINf'#.tklil1#IIfH##III#JIN{ MA' /#It1.11'#,tHllYrlf#>>~##HrI/i#i/vlbl#Hb//ffliim#lllfirl~fII ~_.c..c" liiJii~iIJiNJ# . . \. ~ ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at l Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of j New York, bounded and described as follows: ~I I ~ l~ ~ ~ 0", 't'"""\ 1--' +-" PI ..-4 G) C> Q . G) Jr.tC; by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs, or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line 01' Sound ViawAvenue (which point is South 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds Wast a dis- .tance 01' 90 feet from the wes:j:;erly line of a certain 50,foot right of way) (and which point is North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 357.7 feet from ,land of John A. Muir and George G. Muir, formerly of Howard. lVI. Terry etal); RUNNING THJ~CE South 44 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 250.33 feet to land of the Town of Southold; RUliNING THENCE South 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 Seconds West a of 90 feet to land owned by' John,. JosQph. Terp a:nd' ~osaph- .;p. Terp as tenants in common; RUNlrrNG THENCE North 44 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 250.33 feet to the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 90 feet along tho southeastorly line of Sound View Avenue to the point 'or place of beginning. ~ ',1 .J ,. " -" -- < ",:U j. '7..::i :;j' ., /' ,/. t I k~~ i~: ~ I:::, ~ ,. , . '-', -..-..., '\.> .~ \'r':'. ;: ' , . i ' \ : [; { :,," 1 ,,',~ ! i PAR CBLT~ro: ALL 'that tracto~ parcel of land sItuate, lying and being at Southo1d, In the Town of South old, County of Suffolk and. State of New York, bounded and des- crIbed as follows: _ BEG IN"rUNG at a poInt on the Southeasterly l1na of Sound VIew Avenue (Yhl ch point Is oouth4E degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds west a distance of 180 feet from the westerly line 'of a certain 00 foot right of way) ; (and which pOInt Is the north or 'northeasterly corner of the prenlses hereIn desc:rIbedand the west or northwesterly Une of land of Arthur M. Spurway and wife); RUNNING THENCR s:>uth 44 degrees 48 m1nutes 2} seconds east a dfstanceof 200.-33 feet to land of Town of Southold; , RUNNING THENCE south 42 degrees 14 rnlnutes 10 seconds west a. dIstance of 90 feet; . RUNNING THENCE north 44 degrees 48 minu.tes aD: seconds west a ~1stance of 2~.-33 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly lIne of SoWid VIew Avenue; . RUNNING THENCB along saId southeasterly,,'l'lne of Sound Vlew Aveme north 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds east a distance of 90Jfeetto the point orplaee of. beginning . '. TOGETHER \Vith all the r1&ht, tltlee.ntl interest, ifarw, ofthep8r~ of the . first part, 1n and to the r1gb.t to the Utse of th.G afOresaid EO root right of way, I in CODmlOn with others. extend1ng ~1,l.th~sterl,. from the80\lt~ee.stePIY line of Sound.. : .fiew AVenue, a distance of 2SOo~ feEt~ adjacent to thann~h........+-.....,.., ._~ _~ ...., ,.11 ..l.._.~ ..._____OL . , ~.. J ~, I ~'~ t . " .- .-" t 1.... .... . . , , . '. .,1 :~~~:L ~:~:~u;:<r;;;~'~;;;.;:~~~:'~~;;' 1:;;~:~~C;~<;:';~~:"S~~~:~;~~~~~::~~:D5BY2LA WYERS ONLY :; " " UBfP. 34 PAGE 171 SeptGmber, nineteen hundred and sixty-two .t i ~ ~. ','? ' \ . . \ I ''!;;' r ), I,. ~, l 7i ~, " -~; ~ 1< .' I ~ ,~ I j . +-> ~._-- t.... ~ c.. -\..-\ o II THIS INDENTURE, made the 'I Ii BETWEEN Julius ' ;1 '! IOthlayof Zcbroski,residingat Bay View Road; ~ '- ;t:; .1: -:.. :i . Ii . if party of the first part, and Arthur fr. .sPUJ:1(!2;}', residing at fkJuncl.ViEl'tv Ave; ;,: " 'f, I Ii ~ i 'i party of the second part, i: WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration ~f ten dollars and other valuahle consideration :1 paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs Ii or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, I! i ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ~, it!. the huilclingj an,1 impnHcflH:nb tfierWH ereet~, situate, i lying and being in the To',m of Sout!:olc1 ;SuffoF: COl1nty;T'TeH YorIt-bolJndecl and de- scr~be~ as follows: 3';~GrTnrG at a potnt on thesouthaesterly lineaf Sound ~n.ei'! Avenue at tho northerlycorn(~r of the laml of Terp; from saj,c1 Doint of ber;inntng running alol1r; saj,d southeasterly line of Sound ViCH, Avenue ,n.Lf.20Ilj.1IO"East 50.07 feet to the land of Axien; theDce along' .' said land ofAxien,aJ.onp: the land of the party of the firse po.:tt, c,long the land of Latham and along the land of Horris,S.Lf-4 Ll-8 I 20"East I080.51 feet to an iron pipe; thence ~longotherland of said Latham, S.Lf-7010I ~-Oll \veat 50.03 feet; thence alor~E said other, la,nd ofL.'-'l,tham, '1 , 1" d' f t' iT" f'" '.' 1 1, .:] 1 . d '1 1 f T T-T \ L 0 G.c.orlg ':1.n 0 ,ne.,- 01:1n 0, ;:)oU'(;[!O_Cl anU.a ong sal . anCl Q. erp, !'" LJ-'-t. 48120"~"est 1076.20 feet to the point or placGof beginning.' . Su~ject to the ri~hts of others to use the above described ~ ~ '* p ~ ,~. 1 1 -f , ,'.,,' - ,'.'" .,", ,,' , .," ',. . " . ',".. ", " , , .~~~;~ ;i ~l:~~ ~;~;t, ~:~~~ Il~~~ !1:;(I'~~t, if all), 6f thG t'llrt) Bf the tir:ltflurt iHliHd to any strects and ffltlCbaBl1tting- the lies\'t: dc;crihed prcmi.;e.l to the eenter-lines-ther~f; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to saill premises; TO HAVE 1\ N j) TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. . AXD the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will recei\'e the consideration for this call veyance and will hold the right to receive such consicl- . eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the-same tlrst to the payment of the cast oi the improvement beforellsing any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. AXD the party of the first part covenants as follows; that said party of the first part is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and has good right to convey the same; that the party of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; that the said premises are free from incumbrances, except as aforesaid; that the party~f the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises ;and . that saId party of the first part will fore\'er warrant the title to said premises. ,j The \\'ord' "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whcncver the sense of this indenture so requires. IN, WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this,deed the day ancl year first above Ii. wntten. '. , , ,. ,'," ,""i' , ' . ,:I..i!,ftI,N,,'P, R~,S ENCE OF~ /d/;?~~~~~, 'i ,4c~' I - - / L-)-- ~ ;1'/ " , Ii I, II ,Ii ,.. . ~~-llOO \\ i i I , i I i' i ; I , j ! i I I I I ! ; 1 il ------ ::r.... '" ~'\ ;::J( ..--t " f') }''f II ~'andard N. Y. B. T. U. Form 8002. J-6I-70M-Bargail1 :and Sale Deed. with C"..elianr against Gramor's Acrs-Individual or Corporation (Sil1s1e Sheet) CO~S3UL~ Yo OUR ~;) BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-TONSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. S[:~), (} \ P.4G~ -~.~. J U. So I. R. S....~ /'.~ r:?.....,." THIS INDEN'IURE, made the 8th BE~ JOSEPH P. TE~P, New York, day of June , nineteen hWldred and sixty-three, residing at Sonthold, Suffolk County, party of the first part, and ARrrJITJP H. SPURwAY and ANNE B. SPUHlrJAY, his Hife, as tenan ts by the entirety, both l">esidinp: at 901 Avenue H., BrOOklyn 30, Ne1.J York, r-,. ; ~ ;:- ''''''''j..''''- "'J""'oi party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerati?n paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heIrs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, 'AU!.~.L.U ~ ~iJfJ...&I.u.N.!IdI,JhlJ.~J.;.A'bt.b<hJt1l1Lli"1i;(*h/;{1imHWrlbii i. ML i.mmd-Wm......fI<i? 'lhJi.tfI>tJnll ItrJidtAlV I. RittWP4 .;~~7.q;:: ". '\ilfilf7nt1NtYff!kirm~l' ,,!7n'tff'nil'r,'":'fr,,:. 11"rr'i'Prjjnrtnr"itfi',1 inttr1rr.. rt7inrtffnrrr'if"lf''''',7i~' ~" iI." ~ 'MI,,, ?\l ..-' ALJ..J that tract or pal'cel of land, situate, lying and beinR at Southold, in the TOi.Jn of Southold, County of Suffolk ami State of Hev.l York, bounded and described as folloHS:- BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue (which point- is South L!.2 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 270.0 feet fI'om the westerly line of a certain 50 foot ric;ht of WDY) (and \.,rhich point is the itlesterly or northwesterly corner of other land of Arthur H. Spurway and wife and the nortlierly or northeasterly corner of the premises herein described); running thence alon~said other land of Spurway, South 44 degrees 48 ~lnutes 20 seconds East, a ~istanceof 250.33 faet to land of the Town of Sauthold; l'unnin~ thence South 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 45.0 feet; running thence North L~4 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds \1est, a: distance of 250.33 feet to the southeasterl;y line of Sound Vie:rJ Av~nue; running thence along said southeasterly line of Sound VieH Avenue, North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 45.0 feet to the point or place of beginning. Being and intended to be a Dart of the premises described in Libel' 4718 of'Deetls at par;e 423. SUBJEC T to any s tate offac ts an accurate survey may shotv, provided the same does not render the title thereto unmarketable. SURJECT to zoning regulations and ordinances of the Tahln of Sou thold. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to roid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part hiasnot done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of ,the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust >fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above 'l-vritten. IN l'RESENCE OF: ~ (}4.C4h t? . '*'~ ~~/P. Terp) .' I' (L.S. ) A ./~ft.. ~I ':'(';IJU...U ~'. .i...u...i..U. i:U~iu uU"i1' ';'-/~-/v.\iJ.-,-,olllr.ki.drjjl't.~.' CONSULT YOUR LAORBEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIOTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. NOTE: FIRE LOSSES. This form of contract contains no express provision as to risk of loss by fire or other casualty before delivery of the deed, Unless express provision is made. the provisions of Section 5-1 311 of the General Obligations Law will apply. This section also places risk of loss upon purchaser if title or possession is transferred prior to closing. THIS AGREEMENT, made the II ~ day of May . nineteen hundred and seventy-two, BETWEEN ARTHUR 11. SPUm~AY and ANNE B. SPURWAY, his wife, both residing at Soundview Avenue in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, hereinafter described as the seller. and EUGENE P. SlUTH and LUC ILLE6. SMITH, his wife, both residing on Robins Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, hereinafter described as the purchaser. WITNESSETH, that the seller agrees to sell and convey, and the purchaser agrees to purchase, aU that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being Xoo.ke at Sou tho 1 d, in the Town of South old, COlmty of Suffolk and State of New Yor.k, l)ounded and described as follows: , BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line of Sound View A venue (which point is South ~.2 degrees U~ minutes lP seconds Hes t. a. distance of 90 feet from the westerly line of a cer~~in 50 foot rig~t of way) (and which point is North It2 degrees ll~ min'Utes 10 sec~hds East a distance of 357.7 feet from land now or formerly of Johp~A. f'1uir and George G. Buir, formerly of Howard M. Terry etal); RUNNING THENCE. South Lj.4 degrees 48 minutes 20 s~conds 'East a d;i.s-. tance of 250.33 feet to land of the Town of Southold; '. RU1'EHNG 'rHENCE South 1,.2 degrees l~.minutes 10 &econds Hest a dis- tance of 100 feet to other land of the party of/the first part; RUIJNTHG THENCE North 1~4 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West a dis- tance of 250.33 feet to the southeasterly line of SQund VietV' Avenue; RUl'f.NING THENCE North L~2 degrees l~. minutes .10 seconds East a dis- tance of 100 feet along thesou,theasterly line of Sound View Avenue to the point or place of BEGINNING. (continued on rider attached hereto and made a part hereof) ;; ., [~ .. . I. This sale includes all right, title and i~terest, if any. of the selier in an'd t~ a~y land lyin~ in the bed ~fa~y. ~tre~t, road or avenUe opene,d or proposed, in front of or adjoining said premises, to the center line thereof. and all right, title and interest of th~ seller m and to any award made o~ to be made in lieu thereof and in and to any unpaid award for damage to said wemlses by reason of change of grade of any street ; and the. seller will execute and deliver to the purchaser. on closing of litle, or thereafter. on demand. all proper instruments for the conveyance of such title and the assignment and collection of any such award. . . ~' ff. 1 -,,:;l.;',: ' . . .~:"f i,i; i iE': I '~... }Ii '~ ". ,,' 1..- ': ..:;. ~ i; f t M l , ;#.,{: o o ,"!;. V .:.' I I 1 I , I 'j 1. It is unders tood and agreed that this contrac t is 1 and shall be conditional upon the ability of the Sellers t~ obtain approval from the appropriate zoning board of the Town of ~outhold to set off and divide the premises herein described, from other ; property of the Sellers adjoining the within described: premlses cn both sides. The Sellers agree to make application to the Z6ningBoard of Appeals of said Town of Southoldfor such approv-[ al and to pay all expenses incident thereto. In the event said ! Zoning Board of Appeals denies the application of Sellers all sums paid hereunder shall be returned to the Purchasers~and this con- tract shall be deemed null and void and the parties thereafter released of any and all further liahilityhereunder. Sellers agree to make diligent effort to procure such approval. RIDER r.I'O CONTRACT OF SALE DATED MAY 1972, BET\-IEENAHTHURHZ SFUR\VAY.II.NDANNE B. SPUHHAY, AS SELLERS, AND EUGENE.P.. SHITHAHD LUCILLE e.Sr-rrrH,AS PURCHA.SERS.. 2. It isi'urther understood and agreed that this CON- " tract is and shall be conditional upon the ability of the pur':' chasers to obtEin a convential mOI'tgage loan covering the pre- mises in the amount of d~20, 000.00, for a period of 20 years, with i interest at the rate of 7~-''S per annum. That. theapplica tionfor such mortgage loan shall be made on or before the date.that pur- chasers are notified in writing (or within two~~ays thereafter) ~hattheapplication to the Zoning Bciardof App,alsas pro~ided for in paragraph 1. above, has been approved. Such written notice shall be given by the Sellers or theSel:).er's attorney directly to the Purchasers at the address set forth in this con- tract. Purchasers agree to make diligent eflf'ort to procure such mortgage.8nd to execute all instruments necessary therefor, and to pay allexpensAs incident thereto. i '~>L ~...,..,_. , e~ S;({{h {n , J~---' ... Lucille Anne B. Spurw9:'y { !. Ch~Zll}, ,. tvra Arthur N. ~~y ,-fiM~e'~~-;;lU~~~~. B l(:,. ", ' · UP:;;J;,ifl' Eu!. ne P. ;;;'.. . ~~{ie ~:' smit;:,A <. '~1 " j J.,.. ~ ;'~:; \1 :~ ~ ~ r. tl i ~ r~ ;c ~ ~ .~ t ! ~ . "5 , * .~~ ; .- '- ~:~.:;;, 5:/ ~r, ;~-~-:~-1'i:; ;.~ 1.~' =- H! :1-.. ...-l:', Cr , t~-: ~ : -.0 r ,0:. ".'i:',:~ _< ": 2. The price is ORTY TlIOUSA ND Oi;30 ,000.00 () - - - - - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars, payable as follows; THREE T'HOUSAND (;f)3,OOO.00) ;.. - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dollars, on the signing of this contractbby check subject to collection, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; and which .. said sum is to e held in escrow by Walter George Kapp, Esq., untlI.. T'tlENTY SEVEN THOUSAND (~;27,OOO.OO) - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ -Dollars, ;n cash or good certified check to the order of the seller on the deliv;ry of the deed as hereinafter provided; *the closing of title. Dslhm, by taking title subject to a mortgage now a lien on said premises in that amount, b rate of per cent per annum, the principal being due and payable by the purchaser or assigns executing, acknowledging and delivering to the seller a bond note secured by a purchase money mortgage on the above premises, in that Dollars, of the seller, a per annum payable per cent 3. Any bond or note and mortgage to be given hereunder s II be drawn on the standard forms of New York Board of Title Underwriters for mortgages of like lien; and shall be awn by the attorney for the seller at the expense of the purchaser, who shall also pay the mortgage recording tax and rec rding fees. 4. If such purchase money mortgage is to be a sub 8inate mortgage on the premises it shall provide that it shall be subject and subordinate to the lien of the existing mortgage of $ , any extensions thereof and to any mortgage or consolidated ortgage which may be placed on the premises in lieu thereof, and to any extensions thereof provided (a) that the inter t rate thereof shall not be greater than per cent per annum and (b) that, if the principal amount thereof shall xceed the amount of principal owing and unpaiq on said exist:ng mortgage at the time of placing such new mortgage consolidated mortgage, the excess be paid to the /lolder of such purcRase money mortgage in reduction of the principa hereof. Such purchase money mortgage shall also provide that sllch payment to the' holder thereof shall not alter or a ct the regular installments, if any, of principal payabl'l thereunder and shall further provide that the holder thereof w , on demand and without charge therefor, execute, ackno~ledge and deJiver:.any agree- . ment or agreements further to e ctuate such subordination. : j. I f there be a mortgage on e premises the seller agrees to deliver to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the deed a proper __ certificate executed and ac owledged by the holder of such mortgage and in form for recording, certifying as to the amount of the unpaid pril1(;ipal a interest thereon, date of maturity thereof and rate of interest thereon, and the seller shall pay the fees for recording suc certificate. Should the mortgagee be a bank or other institution as defined in Section 27 4-a, Real Property Law, the rtgagee may, in lieu of the said certificate, furnish a letter signed by a duly authorized officer, or em- ployee, or agent, ntaining the information required to be set forth in said certificate. Seller represents that sllch mortgage will not be in de ult at or as a result of the delivery of the deed hereunder and that neither said mortgage, nor any modification thereof contai any provision to accelerate payment, Or to change any of the other terms or provisions thereof by reason of the 6. Said premises are sold and are to be conveyed subject to: a. Zoning regulations and ordinances of the city, town or village in which the premises lie which are not violated by existing structures. b. Consents by the seller or any former owner of premises for the erection of any structure or structures on, under or above any street or streets on which said premises may abut. c. Encroachments of stoops. areas, cellar steps, trim and cornices, if any,. upon any street or highway. d. Any state of facts an accurate survey may show provided title thereto is not thereby rendered unmarketable. '! < ~t ) ,; 1 7. All notes or notices of violations of law or municipal ordinances, orders or requirements noted in or issued by the Depart. ments of Housing and Buildings, Fire, Labor. Health, or other State or Municipal Department having jurisdiction, ~lgainst or affecting the premises at the date hereof, shall be complied with by the seller and the premises shall be conveyed free of the same, and this provision of this contract shall survive delivery of the deed hereunder. The seller shall furnish the Plllchaser with an authorization to make the necessary searches therefor. -8. .^:1l8sligati8Rf afiel>tiRg tke flr@RliGea inl>HrreEl H~Eler tAe b~~rr;eIH:) Re~6i13 ~le.isienJ ~f ~.dffiiniatniti'..e Cde sf theCJty of New York (SectIons 564.18.0, etc.) prIor to the delivery of the deed shall and dIscharged by the seller upon the delivery of the deed. This provision shall survive the delivery, of . 9. If, at the time of the delivery of the deed, the premises or rt t ereof shall be or shall have been affected by an assess- ment or assessments which are or may become 111 annual installments, of which the first installment is then a charge or lien, or has been paid, then for t oses of this contract all the unpaid installments of any such assessment, including those which are to beco e and payable after the delivery of the deed, shall be deemed to be due and payable and ., ~~. .~ ~. :! " .~ ~~ I ~ I. , ~, j '.', ~ ~ .~ I ~ ~ 10. The following are to be apportioned: ( aXiOOH~~JGO.tx~,{OO~(;(dcx't.t:xIM.Ill:mC~ll!es. , " (c) Prpmillmfit nn ~v;d;nN ......."'..t'.....~~LL \. \ \ \ i \ JACOBI \ \ I \ \ ! I ! I ! t!i I ;:z I 1,.- r- I '-Z :rW ~~ -JW .' \ 0< \ I 01\ :::> Z lU > <tf'"" ~. \0.... \D to ~ W 0 ....... . >\~ ~:. ocn MOR.RIS > - <> ~ 01 50.03 0 I.C)' . r- .q- vi:. LAT~AM SAY LEV I. LAT~AM 1080.51 WAY S. 44- 48' 20" E. R t G ~T OF 1016.20 N. 44- 48' 20" W. ~\ :r 50.07 i -2 ,i , <t ~a.. 2,:2 00 -JU BZ5.81 ZSD.33 ~ 0 0 U1 J - 0 ('0 ~ t- O , ::J 0 . . (f) 3 :: 0 u.. 0 o;t . . .. t'I :z * 3 V) 0 ~ t- ,.OWN OF SOU1~OLD Z>ATSS OF' I'1C~cJls,n~,v - %_ .:ss"r4MISIt~ ~~" lq~').o. c .zr- ~AIlf&~ /7, ~94,Q .or - ,J""".. D, '''IS'll :IJZ - ~,.",eH ~ ~ ,~~c JZ'- j",,,,. .1 l.~ 3. t:r El - . .... - . ..~.~ ~ J:Jl .::> ,~j. r .\... N.44'48'ZO'\V.- Z50.33 rE~P \ \ MA'P Or: PROPERTY . 'MADE FOR · A RTl-J UR SPUR\VAV. AT S ~E ~~ t18kf? ~~":':'~,~,~,':"'" fit "~N 7209 Of nn N EDUCATION LAW, ,W YORJ( STAn MAP OF PROPERTY SURVEYED FOR EUG~N~ P.& LUCILLE C.St\t1 SITUATE AT SOUT~OLD TOW N OF 50UTUOLD. N.Y. UJ :J :z UJ :> <l ..w; 1 \ \ I l I \ i t ) (see 2~ e3-2 \ ?:: UJ - ::::> \ li:~:!~.t'GJ.lT or WAY' ~....~ S.44'48'::~:\~~YSO. 33 .. 1 ~ 46'---i~i~~+9H .0 ~! \ t1' ~ o~ \ WI \ ti... II ..., I . ... -a... UJ : -u. i :\ ~ h_~~_ t--!. -.i~T~P ~!-. --:L i J v.. " :;!!j ~ ~ . ..% ~'~T 8AYLtY o z :) o (f) N.+4"4S'ZOH \Y, - 250.33 S PU '1..\\/ AY ., "T HI I I i I . UN.tUJHOlIUD M1fl!~ GIl A/lIIIlIIIOft TO THIS SUF,VEY IS 10 ~ Of IECTlON nC9 Of lHi .... 'tall Sl~ EDUCATION LAW. COPIES Of THIS SURVEY MAf' MOT IEAR!NCJ THE LAi'O SU~V, nR'S INICO SEAL OR EMIO:5:0 S:A ,,.:ALL NOT &E CONS10D$ TO e: A VAliD L.UE COPY, Ct:A"A."n,s INDICATED HER<ON SHALL MIH OMY fO THE o'FSON FOR ,.muM THI WlWtt, IS FRHA;W, AND 0", H,S B.: ,AiF 10 Tift TITLE CCM:Ai'Y, u:)VERt;,.,lN,A, AGfHC' W llNDIl".G t, : r:TUHUN liST ,0 lJ[RtO~'. AI 0 TO THI ASS,GNHS OF r::e ,tt':;;,:" I;,t'" Tuno,/. GUARANHLS A~, ...... j~fillAllt TO AD::l.T10NAl lNSl1OIi.. ..-S 01 $L/tftO/llllf "v':. SCALE. 501= III 0 o~ ...J . 0 0 :r 0 ... I :;) 0 3 (f) & U. 0 0 ~ 'Z -- . ~ ~ 0 V1 .,,- h GUARANTEED TO T~E TITLE GUARbNTEE COMPAI\JY AND TO HiE t-JORTH rORK BAN~ AND T~UST COMPANY . SURVEYED. JUNE 12. lQ7Z VAN TUYL & SON fZ. V <'"...._ 't'~~~_Q UCENSED LAND SURVEYOlZS G~EENPOl2.T, NEW VO((;\( \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ i \ i \ \ w ::> Z UJ "';? 4:r- o (} ui~ \D t<\ 3 W 0 1\ :;~ ~~ o en' - \ \ -+ - . O~ Z-z ::> ~ o If) 50.07 BAYLEV ..... \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ i \ JACOBI () ~, 0 . \.0 - Cf) \) '() . ....... 3 s 0 - <t' . C"I l-:j -4" ,.. . ....\1) \ i \ \ \ \ o J o ::t t- :3 o tJl u.. o \ \ I. LATI-lAM <.!j :z -~ 1-2 :Iw '" ~- ~ ..Jw I 0, __~i ___ '250.33 ,'- ~ ;:.. '" ..... \. l\t Xi ~ "- ~>"'" -..1 .. .. ... fU\)):~ S: ).. '4 (\ MORRIS 50.03 ~ : <> .... . o N. 44. 48' 20"\V. - 250.33 i'eRP 1080.51 \vAY 5.44- 48' 20" E. OF R \ G ""'T 1016.20 N. 44- 48 120 It \V. iOWN OF SOU1~OLD ,.c .1)( (//,5/ ;:),J /i?'K.:? /?oS'= P - -;)G 1'/ c / t.. II'I r--' "2 ~ o t- e'Z5.87 -:z <( l5a. :z~ 00 -'u . I"- ~ vi LAT~AM ,.,.. MAP O~ .PROPERTY MADE FOR -ARTWUR SPUR\VAY AT SOUTl-lOLD NEW SCALE. 100l=l" TOTAL AREA - 132,673 SQ. FT. V Q,~RIlED ALTERAnON OR ADDmON TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INK"D SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT Ill: COl';SIDERED TO BE A VALID ThUE COPt. GUARANTEES iNDICAED :iLRWN SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE ~EI;SO: j FOR '(h:,OM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, Ai':D ON HiS BeHALF TO THE . TITLE COMPANY, ':;OVERN""~N'iAl AGENCY AND lENDING INSTITUTION LISTED H,REON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSJI. TO AoOlTIOI'/Al .I!'I$TlTUTlONS OR .wAS~QYElC P'ftN~ '--> . MAP COMPILED · MAY 9, 1972 VAN TUYL a SON e. V~'l--yQ L , liCENSED ,LANOSURVSY.... GREENPOQT .NE\V YOaK"